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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 1915, IS sTTTATIOXS WAMEP-MALE. Miscellaneous. UAMED Position as house mechanic In hotel, office building or apartm ent--..- r:,at fan reoair or adjust bourne. tny- ti.inr that i-an be done by hand; no OD- Ject:on to some janitor work. AI an pearance, spca.s s-,uS'- " work aa Janitor; unuentind oil bu v . . Knv riinhwa. ts to irner asher, make ocu, V J ty. . . . . . . . . r. nUftinit lau;ni rilL reno- vattd. all kinds of garden work, shrub and free tree, pruning. iu'"e. . 7 r.7. Address F. H. Ptumbley, Hotel Qu ilmby. SINGLE man wishes position as ci I Ark In country general mercuui T- k iwi if re- quired. Address C. F. Truett, Cfaeh ills. v. asningivu MAN and wife wish employment In lumber .. . a-Amnn ! EOOU COOK. ramp or uu , - - . Address C. A. S.. 70Vi -ortb lh St., I'oi-tland, t'r. liN'OW th lite in tha mountains have plnt of nerve, know on. -- ix-ea.i; references. How can use me? AO tXPERIEXCED farmer and wife want rbare. of ranch, house lurnlahad. pjr- benoenperger. no ioCNij lad 16. desires position as delivery or -errand boy only support of ""her and youneer sisters; references. Main 10ol, A 1517. srrrATiQNs wanted fkmale. Bookfceepera ana Bwmawt li a w FRY clerk. 10 years' experience, wishes U1.U?on;.m keep '"J!j llrm In connection "n clerking. B b.u. ijreh-uumu. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, , ed B u?ated desires position; of Spanish; city references. B kol. Ore gon lKO. - . KOOKKEi.FEIl. thoroughly experienced, ej. u?ad woman desires position; knoi-i of Spsnisa; city reterences. D Co.. Ore- ijretronisu. Soniau. BEFINBD girl wishes position as book- gOOU rii.'Jiiiii"-"t op'erat':rn,;Raf,,t,f"rperbm.uenrnor substitute Dree makers. TAILOFlttU suits my specialty; evening -owns fancy -aists; work guaranteed; your home or shop. SOI Northwest olag. .Main u.ij-. .AIUJRED suite, gowns and alterat Ions by competent dressmaker. 203 Fliedner bldg. Mam LADY wishes engagements, house dresaes, waists, children's or plain sewing. Wood- lawn VS.i. API. J- vlRrtT-:i.ASS dressmaking, tailoring, alter ations, bv the day; work guaranteed. Tabor Uj. fTrst'-CLASS dressmaker and 'ft-'1"" wishes engagement, by day. Marshall Mi I . iTEVr. fashionable dressmaking by day or nt home, r'none .wain o"- FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable. -?"'UJ.j.r iini H.ii-hnnun bd. Malnl513. BltESSJIAKING. all kinds of sewing; price reasonable; work guaranteed. Main Nursea. liNDIiKiiKADUATE nurse wishes day or hour nursing. Will do some housework. W:ices reasonable. Phone Marshall ojll. lOUNG lady, trained nurse, wouiu hkc w sition as governess or nursery governess. X 667. OregoniaiK . .. PRIVATE rooms, sleeping Prc.h. t',?,? i nurse, reasonable. Invalids, helpless, city refs. Tabor 'J13. . i IRST-CXASS practical nurse; ready now. 341S, a losi- PKAi'TIl'AL nurne wants work; best of ref erences. Tel. i.oiumoia -ao. HXPKP.IENCSD ecneral nurse wishes work. Terms moderate. East li o use keepe ra. illDDLE-AtiED widow wishes charge of widow's home and children. Marshall --. Domestlce. GENERAL, housework, young woman, 35, wants position; good plain cook and laundress; wages isi. Apply Mr. E., i8 r.asi. gni at- VOt-NU woman with 3-year-old girl desires housework; can sew and is practical nurse. ' .. , a aln Tll.,1 A Ul I. Kxcenent reu-nii.,n. - -- loLNU girl, J5. nU appearing, wwits place lo assist In housework and care of chil dren., vlajn 71'&1. A 1517. " jrTwEGIAN' girl wants general house work; small family. Miss Peterson, Z04J A G1RI wants housework. S28 Missouri ave. (between Failing and Shaver sts.). NEAT, capable woman desires housework; city references. A 7175, Main at'3J. TOLNG married lady , would like position doctoral previous 'experience. AR 6il, Ore- MIDDLE-AGED lady with 6-year-old boy wants housework on farm; will accept ; U or $15 per month; references. Main U1. A . - CAPABLE laundress wishes engagement to day and Saturday; also sweeping and cleaning. -E. 7115. . . YOCN-i lady would like position Pl'nE piano .or moving picture show. Main WllA, care for Infants and children in my home by day or week. Mrs. Quinn. 86 V. 14 th. KNPEKlEXrED woman, day work wash Intr. ironing, cleaning; references. A il7i. Main U3l. . . COMPETENT woman wants day work; thoroughly experienced as laundress, etc Mar. !&&?. COM P E TEN T woman must have position as chambermaid; must come home nights. Main . WOMAN wants washing. housecleaning, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, day or hour. East 61. THL'ST WORTHY laundress wishes laundry to take home; will call. Please call W od- i.i wa oi.i. TRUSTWORTHY woman wishes work by the ii ;, y or hour. Please call Wood lawn 31-M. WOMAN, with sick husband. ulVB woi k : canning ana cict. "J- GIRL want t;t;neral housework. Good cook. Tabor tilX' ' , SWEDISH woman wants work by day or h o u r. Kriday and Saturday. Mar. 39S4. WIDOW wants day work Ly hour, fane J laundry done at home. A S'-M. KX PERIENCED woman In need wants work by day or hour. East I-J97. Mabel. STRONG, experienced woman wants house clean 1 n g.w a s h injt:Rpom9:Min2 333 i. EXPERIENVED laundress and house cleaner want s ork b y th e day. Phone Main 43li . CAPABLE young woman wants day work, houf ecit-etning ; roferences. Marshall atwU. HOUSEWORK wanted for young woman, pood ref"renrep. Main 7l'01, A 151. YOI'Nii :tuy wants work aa clerk. Tabor S02. WOMAN wants curtains t launder. A 3580. WANTED TO REST. Houses. WANTED To rent niouern i or O-room nouse or bungalow on Sunnyside or Mt. Tabor carllne; give full particulars. AM 6tk. Ortgonian. t WANTED Furnished flat. or 4 rooms, in wood neight orhOLd. 3 in family. 1 girl tf. S e.llsh. AE ti7l. Oreconlan. 7 OR S-room furnished house, modern, walk ing diy lance. East C431. Room With Board. WILL lad-' with private home who an swered ad to board couple with 2 giris rail Ea?t 3T1& again? FOR RENT, Furmlatied Boom. CAN MARCO HOTEL, 11th and Washington. Strictly modern, newly renovated rooms; $10 month up. Choice corner room JiTU month: free phones. Come and see. liOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and K. Bel mont Rooms $10 month. $-0 up with private tain; )arre pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Thone Eawt S23. 1IOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms up. Mam A HOTEL. TREVES. Northwest Corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms. $3 weekly and tip. Large ground-floor lobby. - liOTEL AXTOS. HoKaday Elegant furntshed outside rooms, steam heat. Phone: walking distance. $S and $10 mq. ROOMS for voung men In Y. M. C. A. fire proof building. shower baths, vacuum c'.. sned- cluh facilities, moderate prices. HOTEL NORRIrt. S3'i Alder; modern out ;if rooms. $2 per week up- FOR KENT Nlcelv furnished modern rooms, close In. -60 Broadway. $1 :0 WEEK Neat steam-heated rooms. The Randolph. 3d snd Columbia ml. H OTEL GRANT. 431 H Wash. Modern clean rocms, all conveniences, $3 and up. FOB BXT. JPumisbed Rooms. fiLION COURT, 11TH AND YAMHI1-U UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Our dining-room service le the best u the city, we make a SPECIALTY of a 6"c Sundav dinner from 5 to 7:.J0 P. M., this Is under the supervision of an expert lady cook. Nicely furnished rooms, Sl-up; hot and cold water, elevator and phone service; transient solicited. Main 6003. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill. Cars direct from depots; desirably located and respectable; clean, warm and cozy rooms with every modern convenience. Rates: $1 and $1.50; weekly. $o aud $b. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 i 4TH ST. 1UO ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; rates 50c, 7oc and 1 per day; 3 per wees ana uy. HOTEL fiiiAV,taiuiv. Comer lith and Stark; $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charges for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. ..r t- c i xt i.' a a ic nrr r LIVE AT THE FRANKLIN. . WASHINGTON ST. AT 13TH. 24 HRS. SERVICE. MODERN. 50c DAY UP. WEEK J.r0 UP. HOTEL FORD. 73o Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room; rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath. S15 up. STAN DISH HOTEL. o4S'i WASHINGTON ST., OFF 18TH. Front rooois. steam heat, free phones and bath: $2 week, $S per montn up. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St., Near Grand Ave. Cleanliness and comfort, 33 per week up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th. Wash, sts. new fireproof brlcK, select, quiet location, all outside, clean rooms, with every mod em comfort, $2.50 wk. up. Rates to tourists. Famished Rooms In private Family. NICELY furnished room, modem conveni ences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. ON E OR TWO nice rooms in beautiful home, running water, shower natn. t$o Everett si, LARGE front room, modem, walking dis tance. Laud s Addition; reasonaoie. rnone Sellwood 173. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, walking distance, 3LW per weeK. ttn at. LIGHT, airy front room, large closet, sec ond floor. 74o Hoyt. Marshall 4753. 3 NICE rooms, pantry, basement, on mam Tloor. io4 ivon, cor. r... jam. CLEAN, light room, heat, phone, bath, hot water, very quiet. ;:tB, FURNISHED rooms $1,50 week and up. 1S9 West Park st. . SMALL, furnished room $1.50 week, walking distance, tine location. -. w fai. rm. NICE corner room in nice home, reasonable; walking distance, uai unsan. CHEERFUL, light, airy room for gentlemen. J1Q. A lSfou. &4 lucretia. w asn., nr. Rooms With Board. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL, Washington at 23d St. charming family and transient hotel of the nighest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating. Phones Main 75S4. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern. FIREPROOF, residence ho tel; American plan; on carllne; 10 min utes from business center; prices In ac cord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt Sts. Marshall 8aX THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent guests. ALEXANDRA COURT. b4 bLLA BJnn-l. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single Rooms. Excellent Table. 62iv Main 4bll. THE WEAVER, 21st and Washington At- . i . i l kMI- eiuclul ralPI for transients; home cooking; private bath in eacn room. --.-r- t- t . rr irn I TVK The Whitehall. 253 6th st.. has fine 4able board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a BUSINESS women and "tudenta will find irood board ana room, -n- 1' sirt Flanders. rortiau u v mmu , - - - ROBERTA Room and board, home cook ing. so.oU ana up. oi uti Main zowu. CA3A KOSA 300 JEFFERSON, ROOM AND tiyjAXXU. "Rooms With Board In Private Families." LARGE, attractive rooms; cteam heat, hot ana com ruuiiiuE vi.- , . - Sr more; twin beds;; aeparate dresser.; every modern convenience; excellent board, also large room with alcove and Pcn- Main t&si. ooi TWO newly furnished rooms. 10 minutes' walk irom ncari 01 cn. all modern conveniences. 117 N. litfl. Main 21 ONE neatly furnished room In private fam- per month; also one small room, Sto per mo. 1 n. COMFORTABLY furnished .nSle. lTO room, very ceninu, w"11 --- surroundings, gentlemen only; reterences ONE large, airy, front room, with ail modern conveniences, cioao . " boara. Maranan n' '- ' " " NICE comfortably furnished room; excel lent meais. une or ko juuiB - Js1 A NICE home for two business men; music, v.nmA rnrnforLs. conKenlal people; reasonable. East 48th. Phone Tabor 0U02. CONGENIAL young mar. w r"-. v. xiftin aaSL Sul Harrison iU T. 1 A . K mt LARGI, pleasant front room, attractive, vv,..m Ti-vini-ton. Hoard optional. C 16W7. LARGE, pleasant furnished room in private -f h.irri if desired: references. 338 ' V rri ot C(U ATTRACTIVE large roorn, with or without ROOM, with board. - furnace heat, electric lights, an nome pn.iict,. w.. ROOM with board; modern: walking dis tance. 71J Flanders. Main otl. TO BOARD end room a young lady. Piano on, all nomu wiuiwua .. UP. pleasant rooms, good board, walk ing aisiance, Kwmtuiq'. ROOM and board. 4.00 per week; nice. clean place, wm FurniiJled Apart mentn. GLSX COURT APT. Cor Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 3, 4-room; best service; reason- a'jle. Main lt HISEOP UALU cor. East 6th and Haw- tnorne s auu , , - ana phone: auio single rooms; well lur- ORA.VDESIA, East Stark and Grand aye. C icely lurnisiiei hicb-.. . . - phone and bath; walking distance; prices moderate, rnuu. COilPEEXELY 'furnished 2-rooia steam heated apartment, e.i : . SIO per mo., mcludins lights, bath, phone, T.nltnr service. JS7 17th, near lamhill. MADISON PARK . APIS. Park bt. at ainui.uu. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart m ente; close In; by week or month. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14tn ana toium. 3 and 3-room apartments, furnlsneffj first-class; reasonable ratesMalnj 337 BIRMINGHAM, 390 lith St. iiarsn.ll .sj. Northampton, iui - A 40i6; walking distance; i and i rooms; reasonaoie: oumw. ; -iitu c-r UADUbn ii.ii.". it- . . Furnished and unfurnUhed apartments, brass beds, desk phones, balconies, week or month. TTT . ..-i. 11, K st . nemlv fUL .L vok Aria., n . " " nished apts.. reasonable rent, single rooms. hot and coin running y. New Hart, automatic elevator, l-J-rm., bath. iteara free! 170H -d. 4th fl'r. nr. Mornea. 1 . . , - r -T- V.v. TTTh Uarrltnn It HARRISON LUCIH, l,a x. room aptruueuu-, cniences. ELLINGTON ANNEX, loth and Everett Two rooms, nenly turnlthed, hardwood floors, walking distance; Sr0. Main 12 Ao. Modern iuraished two-room apartments; so tin: close in. Main 22S0, THREE and four-room luraisnea or unaur- rished. m - 1807. A 1S.0. AN MAKv U, casi em ."uv-" "' comfortable, well furnished 3-room apt., $:. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. S41 14th St.. at Market New 2 and I , rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main 1739. GRAY Gables. 2S 10th st.. 2-room front apt., moaern. ciosw m. iio city fur tr.e moutj. CAMAR, "04 Lovejoy Modern brick build ing; -i. o-room apia fia w a'. "',. HEILMENIA, 10th and Hall, one a-room apt.,; one --room apt., io- THE ELMS. 11 14th St.. - and S outside rooms. ia to w.ims uwm'i 69 V. BROADWAY, near Madison, 4 rooms, Bictly turnlshed apt., rent $2i. I FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel). Tenth and Salmon streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, lith and Taylor, Most modern apartmenu on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. -References. ' THE ALTAMONT, Fltth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments very cheap. Also bachelor apartments. Heat, water, phone and Janitor servlc mciuaea. B-KUUll tunianau 1.. $40 K large rooms, besides bath and hall, all outside rooms. King- Hill dis trict, near King and Wash., steam heat ed, all modern conveniences. Adults only. Keferences. Sinith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. . THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart menu; linen, silverware, private phone and bath sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depo't of East Side apartments. 285 Rosa st. Phone East 3173. ONLY $18 to $35 per month or $o to 47 per week, completely furnished housekeeping 2-room apts.. Including electric lights. brick bldg . lo minutes Irom P. O. Uncom Apts.. 4tii Ai Lincoln, Main 137i or A 41nJ. "CARLOTTA COURT," Everett and 17th New. moaern; steam heat, private baths, laundry; completely furnished J end - . in min from business center; save carfare; rates moderate; references. WECTFAL, 410 0th S and 4-r. apts.. turn, and unfurn.; week or mo.; concrete bldg., elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner free; steam heated; i-2 up; best In town for money; easy WASHINGTON-GRAND J-room furnlsned apts.- 1J per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, clean: very desirable; not and cold water, h.t llcht. bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 444t). THE DE.WErt i ana b-iuuih o..i,mv. outside rooms, comfortably furnisned; also unfurnished; private bath, phone, steam heat: rent reasonable; references. 374 31st st. North. Take "W" car. Marshall ago. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 6-minute walk to Poatoftice. . Furnished 3 and 3-room aparunent, Unmhuil References. A 3336. DR1CKSTON. 44S 11th, modern 2 and 3-room apts., excellent etinw, o juaranaii ... t. NEW. furnished apartments; concrete olock. S1U. .1 1 - Cnfurnlslied Apartments. KING HIL.L, APTS.. 171 King St., Near Washington. Modern, high-class. 4, 6 and li-M"i un furnished apartments; choice neihbi hood- excellent service; walking distance, reasonaoie icn. THUi . .11 r.itiv.i-,. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 6 rooms, with porches; high -class tenants who appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 11360 or A 'Jbio. THE MAKL,DUfwui,tJii. 21st and Flanders 3 and rooms, large and homelike; more service and onveni ence for the price than you will find in ..... LihnnA Xfn.ln 7nl o. A JbtO. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six light, sunny, ax:JrS hack, rront and sleeping porch, heat, hot water, telephone, private . fill Vrtrlhmn ML Ciina.iica. i n i- FOR RENT 3-room strictly modern apart- . K..i,.in nTivrnii.nt:e walking distance West Side. 3i5 Chapman st. cor ner mill. SHEFFIELD APTS 270 Broadway So ... six biocKs irom uuDuitoa apt., all outside rooms; eastern exposure. spienQia view. m..""B ONE and two-room apartments for bouse- a r-r-,,..Y. f in r- im furnished : onauio ip Bc. LUCRETI A COURT, 49 Lucretla St. Finest unfurn-hed -Yi janitor. Mar. IS w. THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart- tient; aio - . 'landers, Nob Hill. Main 8Jol. r , ti iw a nflT-immni A had rooms. 'baths; in fireproof building. Apply 70o Davis St. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st New unfurnished apartments; most elaborate in the city. Main iiu, --v"" ROE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service. Private phone. Ref. KEE1.ER APTS, 14TH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room uniurnigiicp , iciinvm 5-ROOM apt., all ouulde rooms; hot-water neat. jso x.. mm " THE. I.AUKETTE 3-room unfurnlshea apts.. private Dai" nu KING-DAVIS APTS., 04 King St. 3 and rooms; nign-ciaas; rciicm-c.. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts very rea- .. , -. H!..h rtnn M"rt Main I 1 .,4. SOna Die, 11- .,...., "yy. Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE. 813-S21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, slses and price. Our free auto mobile at your service In visiting any of our apartments. Main olo. A -!- THE BARKER, corner of Hist and Irving Furnished ana uniuniisutu . 2 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffeta and writing desks, plenty of closet room: vacuum cleaner iree. Phone Marsnail -not 3-ROOM apartmenu, modern in every re- . . i.,,a ahuiimalv ti.wt each spect; minium, --. - apartment has private balcony; unfur nished apartments thoroughly renovated, spick and span, like new; walking dis tance. Hantnorn Apartmenu, 2ol 1-th st. HIGHLAND COURT APTS.. ,.!! AU lilJl.'ii... Largest, most homelike high-class apts. In city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 31141). KINGSBURY, 186 Vista ave., olf Washington st. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high-class neighborhood, best of service; reasonable rates by month. WELI.ESLEY COURT. QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STS. BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern apartments, Ideal lo cation, all ouulde rooms, walking distance; reference. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. iTillCf AO T"iVr'C MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms iurnisnea or iwi. vui - an. Yamhill. THE DEZENDORF. "03 16th St., near Taylor; Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unfurn. apt. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; : and 3 rooms, reasonaoic; mouern serweo. THE CHETOPA, iSth and Flanders, 2, 3 and 4-room apartmciiio, ""-,'"-u. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close tO ScnoOl ana curiiue , uroiiauic iui,atiuu. oiro4n lo? Shaver. Woodlawn 202. MODERN 5-room fiat; has a nice porch, fireplace, walking distance and reasonable rent, uan -a ej9 PETTYGROVE Unusually pleasant G- i fiat siioriin p-.rvnrrh. f irnlafe. l...v.i- l.. 11 nftur A Mnln 31 7. reaaunouic. vua a-. $18 50 AND $-1 Iivington flata, 5 rooms. j T- nth m rH Tlrnarluav. East 3i6. C 203J, East aoi'J. 7 MILL ST., 6 rooms, sleeping porch. SC2.50, Including water. John Bain, '60 7 Spalding bldg. 4-ROOM modem flat, 177 H Green ave near ija ana naiin'btuii. - FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. i33 Hoyt sL InaUlre 130 Otn St. X-noue iu v-ia. 6-ROOM, pew. I month free. Marshall 31T. Furnished Hats. ONLY $18 ;well-furnished first-class flat, four large rooms, clean, well-lighted, gas, bath large basement, two ca. lines, best jitney service in city. 772 E. Taylor. rnone ra5t u-w. MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance 26S ROSS St.; $-V. rnonn ywmp.w ws. -,n CLE N. well-tumlshed 5-room mod- . i less ' 4SMFini.-iHe TahAP 1 79M ern nL. I Cr1""-'-- Houfx-itgeplnx Koonu. NEATLY furnished 5-room apartments, free pn ione. heat. light, water, beautiful yarn. r 4oT EAST MORRISON, furnished 1 and "2- reasoname. an ogi prwjwn... nOUSP Keeping au-, iciviLv.-. 330 MILL st.. 2 and 3 rooms, light, airy. wa THE iihtib distance, an cuuu atf cnr-TUFRV. 647 It 1st Nicely fur. H. K. suites. $1.0 up; running water. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. .-. " i t "A fnr WorrtSftn. rr mi. 77 C $-BOOi apartment, $C5 month.. .O.i, 4th. Lamornigc umg,.. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. $1.50 TO $2.7& week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 3 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath. yard. Phone East 603W. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 ft Killmgsworth ave.; low rent. Phone Woodlawn 6&0. FURNISHED front room with kitchen for housekeeping; gas, light and phone; $10 month; walking distance. 6U4 E. Morrison. GTLMAN'ilOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.50 week up. KOYCREST. 175 12th 1, 2 and 3-room H. K. suites; all conveniences. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. THREE front rooms, beautifully furnished, leather furniture, piano, sewing machine, sleeping porch, two beds, regular kitchen, hot water, furnace heat, electricity, laun dry, range, yard, fireplace, first floor. 123 N. 2d. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, heat, lights, hot water, superior location, walking dis tance, W car from Union depot, $2, $3, $4 week; monthly rates. 675 Couch, cor. 18. 2 AND 3 nice housekeeping rooms, running water, laundry, one front sleeping room; 3 blocks from Washington. b94 N. 17tu Main 6520. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, also 2 single rooms, very reasonable; walk- in g UietttUtOWIVTa 2 NEWLY furnished modern housekeeping rooms; light and heat; $15. 4S9 Clay st. Marsnail zuf. ISTH ST. 4 clean rooms, entire first floor, completely furnished ; lawn. Tabor 1196, Main 8672. F. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, ciuew m, iiu usu No. 0 Eas; 7th st. East 1874. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, phone and hath. 70 N. 15th st.. near jjavis BEA'TIFULLT furnished 3-room apt., heat. pilOHD, UBbu, Accaauu,u,. vv.v. 700 Flanders, HOUSEKEEPING rooms 12 up, sleeping room $1, electric light, gas, bath, phone. 840 12th.. NICE housekeeping; and sleeping rooms $1.50 and up: free bath, phone, heat. 2U8 17th. Call Main 7023. HOUSEKEEPING suites, one single room; desirable. 690 E. Buraslde st. . NEWLY furnished 2-room front' suite, $13; also 2-room suiLe, $10. 35Q 14th. TWO small rooms, gas range, sink, etc. $10 per montn. &vz tjoiumoia. FRONT furnished rooms, bath, light, phone, running water. 267 Knott st. NEAT front suite, ground floor, close in, $o week or $13 per month; adults. 21 N. 11th. TWO rooms, partly furnished, $o. 010 E. 2tith st., noar Keily. W W car. TWO nicely-furnished h.k. rooms, central, convenient; $2.50 per week. 309 Jefferson. TWO large newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 402'js Clayslu HITTING THE MARK! Listen! Rent money pays no dividends except to the landlord. NoVs the time to BUY a home. If you have a little money I will finance the building of your home on my lot located in best close-In restricted residence tract in city. Balance like rent. DO IT NOW while material is on bedrock basis. No agents. J. W. Crossley, -7u Stark st. Main lu03, A 1515. LAUKELHURST HOUSES FOR KENT. We have dome now, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, will build just what you want on the easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270 & Stark st. Main 1503, A 1515. BEAUTIFUL 10-room stone residence, cor ner Holladay ave. and 7th tit.; liaudsome grounds and shrubbery ; 5 fireplaces and lurnace, fireproof garage; 15 minutes' walk from P. O., one block from car. In quire executive office, North Pacific Col lege. Phone East U74 or C 2256. WEST SIDE Nice 7-room house and cor ner lot, 4 Clifton st., cor. 10th, walking distance; garage; $-7.&0 with garage, $ without. Apply room 202 Stock Exca. bldg., 3d ua Yamhill. Phone, Homo A iU22, A 414, Main 4892, Marshall 200. MODERN S-room house in Laurelhurst, in first-class condition, at low rental to de sirable tenants. See trustee, 012 Piatt bldg. $6 o-ROOM cottage and K block. 8 7-room modern house. $12 5-room mod. 836 E. 27th St. si 'i fill .Woorn mod. 5207 27Ul ave. S. E. FRANK L. M'GUIKE. Main 1U6. li-ROOM modtrn house, freshly tinted, floors &3d at., north of Helmont; $15 per month. t-ROOM house, full basement, newly tinted, " electric lights, gas; in nice condition; $12.51) per month; owner. 110i Northwest- rn jans. oiug. juaiu go i . 7-ROOM thoroughly modern dwelling, E. 42d st., full cement basement and built-in conveniences, $-5 per month. Owner, lloo Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 937. FOR RENT IN PIEDMONT Modern 0-rooiu no use ana, ja.t per month; will lease for a long term; can be Seen atiernouiin j. iu v. aiam s.vju. 5-ROOM modern cottage, bath, gas, elec tricity, OLC. , Ac... street; rent $20; key at 400 11th st. Par ticulars, WatKlIlaS Oi IO., lUO DBU'WiU at. 7-ROOM house, Last Ankeny, near 17th , full lot, gooa surrouiiujuso, iwuubuio. Van Duyn 4e Walton, 615 Chamber of Com merce FOR RENT or lease, 2 or IVi acres, with fruit trees, berries, 5-room house ana barn, at 1215 East Charleston st, St. FOR RENT Large, modern, finely finished house, partly furnished; located in Laurel hurst, near the park; reasonable rent. Ap Dlv Wm. McClure, 414 Failing bldg. NEW, modern, 7-room house and sleeping and Hancock; 25. Marshall 24bl. 8-ROOM unfurnished house, cheerful, light. airy rooms. suil.ui iui ic""e. way, cor. Harrison-; rent cheap. MODERN HOUSES. TITLE t TRUST BLDG. Main '5423. 328 14TH ST. $27.50 Including water; sult- aOie IOr UUUaCbccyiUQ auuaus. w JSam, ovi apaiumg mug. 5-ltOOM cottage, near Park St.. electric light, new Data, eic, newijr papcicu, i 12. Main 1055j MODERN 6-room house, built-in conveni ences, furnace. 242 East 46th. Phone East 500. FOR RENT 14-room house on block, 1&3 21st st,, cor. Taylor. Call MUJshall 2155. FOR RENT 7-room house, 331 Wasco at.. cor. fc.ast ist. ruuiio aat. DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parLe of City. &tOUt IIItCDUUCI-I, a.... S-ROOM HOUSE 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire io "m- JUST think! Modern. 5-room house, $11, in- ClUUing" V q-Li . v y e s t Siae. waiKing u"- a. lent neigim"'uuuu' . IRVINGTON 7-room house, freshly tinted; 1 loors ireaieu. r-nvjp 508 GL1SAN Inquire Washington Pharm- G-ROOM modern house, three lots, two blocks cars. xauur iou7. ON E modern 6-room house. 623 Lovejoy. rnone a jooi, ji-h mm. 6-ROOM house, walking distance, low rent. Call Marshall 0U7. -ROOM modem cottage, 007 Northrup sL, near 10th. Inquire o,l iovejoy at. HOUSES and f'.ats. all parts of city. 210 L... I. TT- I i v t CC41 ft-ROOM modern house, your own price and terms. Woodlawn 1799. 8-ROOM modern house, 771 Hoyt st.. near 23d. Main 6317. m S-ROOM house. 403 Clay St.. $16. Main 9304. Fu mi shed House. i COMFORTABLY furnished, clean 4 or 5 room apartment in modern home, all con veniences, bath, phone, gas, electricity and heat furnished; reasonable: close in. W4 N. 16th st., corner Flanders. MODERN 6-rm. furn. bungalow, 2 sleeping porches, player piano, library, vacuum cleaner. Haviland china, cut glass, sew ing machine, electric iron, etc, 10o5 Vaughn St., Willamette Hgts. FOR one year if desired, home In Irvington, one block from Broadway car; completely furnished, seven rooms, piano, lawn, roses. 680 Schuyler st. East 2y8. INQUIRE CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Title & Trust Bldg. Main 5423. MY home for rent furnished to responsible party; abundance of fruit and roses; good garden spot. Phone Woodlawn 216. FOR RENT Nicely furnished modem house in Irvington, near carline; everything practically new. East 1932. COMPLETELY furnished home, 7 rooms, piano and sewing machine. 505. East iiOth st. Richmond car. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, located 3-5 Ma son st. Phone Main 3315. WELL furnished modem 3-room house. 549 East I7th. one block TVR car. Rent $18. MODERN 7-room house, paved street, nice lawn, f 20. rnorc aeuwooa NICELY furnished cottage, i rooms and iaih. Call 414 College st- .... FOR RENT. Furnished House. FOR RENT To couple without children, a furnished house, including; one acre, all clear, with all kinds of Lerries, chicken house and barn if desired. Widow re serving 2 rooms. Call forenoons. Mrs. G. Clark. 3602: 72d St. S. E. Stores. OWNER has splendid store for rent. 25x75 feet in size, right in the heart of the busi ness district; light, heat and water in cluded in rental; splendid opportunity for a wide-awake merchant. L 570, Oregonian. 3 DESIRABLE stores, cor. East Burnside and East Sth sts.; good location; moderate rent. Page Investment Co.. 120 Front st. Phone Main 80 SO. SALESROOM FOR RENT. Salesroom of the Cotillion garage for rent; corner of 14th and Burnside. STORES, 275 Hawthorne ave., 17x40. near bridge; fine light, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. DEPARTMENT store room, heart of busi ness district, Sellwood, 1 Phone Sell wood 140. PRIVATE furnished office, with phone, $10 for a few months. Agent Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. WELL furnished private office; also desk room, $0 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. DESK room In large, lifcht office In Morgan bldg. Apply manager, S 18-21 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION! If you want to reduce stock, cell out, retire, consult us. We are expert special sales pro moters; business confidential. Merchants' Adjusting Company, Hotel Athens, Port land, Or GROCERY STORE FOR SALE. Established, good paying business; owners disagree; will eel! at invoice; do ing S16U0 month i.ow. 519 Lumber Ex change bldg. PICTURE SHOW. located in one of Port land's best suburban districts, doing a net business of $35 weekly; a good buy; owner must leave city. Call 317 Railway Ex change. . WANTED A live man to take an interest in a manufacturing business, an article every farmer needs,' will require $00 to 10i0 to handle it, will bear investigation, a snap. AE QTjS. Oregonian. MAN handy with tools wanted as partner in a solid manufacturing business; good pay to active man; only a small amount of cash, which Is fully secured. Call 317 Railway Exchange. . PICTURE SHOW Plays to full houses; splendidly equipped, 2 motor-run" ma chines, grand piano, vaudeville stage, etc; other interests compel sale ; part cash, balance easy. 319 Lumber Exchange AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop op portunity for an active man as partner in this solid business to keep plain accounts and sell gasoline. Call 317 Railway Ex change. , THE oldest and one of the best equipped, also one of the best located, billiard parlors in the city lor aule at a bargain. Inquire at box J 057, Oregonian, and get full par ticulars. . PARTNER wanted, age between 22 and 30, to invest $175 with me with services. We can bank J300 every month. Call today, 932 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE Complete mechanical baseball machine, bargain for quick sale, account owners going East. F 069, Oregonian, or call imz otn st. SMALL grocery store, clean stock and fix tures, living rooms, rent $10 month; fine place for man and wife; prlc $30. Room Alt imnwnv uAwiittiibi. CIGAR STAND, fine fixtures, good stock, established business on well traveled street, cheap rent; price $350. 317 Rail way rxenange uius GUM VENDING MACHINES; lor small In vestment this is your chance; no chance to loose your money. Call 317 Railway Exchange. NEWSPAPER, for sale, Willamette Valley; money-maker; best buy in state; $1000 cash first payment; no particulars by mail; come and see. AV 05S. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE business; partner wanted, either a mechanic or salesman; a good chance; only $300 required. Call 317 Rail way Exchange. NEED reliable, live man as partner in es tablished, reputable office business, mak ing good money; easy hours; $25u invest ment required. 319 Lumber Exchange. WANT Controlling interest in small country bank; will give in exchange first-class irrigated farm; alfalfa and stock; welt improved. D 646, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady as partner; in terest In good business, to take charge of stand; 250 required, to be put into busi ness. East 7S6. 2.88 Weldler PARTNER wantedfor a small cash busi ness' owner is responsible and will guar antee you $2.50 day. Call room 320 Mor gan bldg. I ( DOCTOR If you want a good location, with drug store, and no opposition. In small town, address AV 643, Oregonian. ' No trade. OWNER of busy garage wants a man to help him as partner; this is a big money maker; stand full investigation; $850 re- qulred. Particulars star st, SOLID cash business; have opening for en ergetic man; pay you $50 week and you can try tho business before you buy. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. PICTURE theater, suburban location, brick building, fully equipped; rent S25; you can't beat it for 375. 303 Lumber Ex change. FOR PALE; Good second-hand furniture business; good reasons; would consider acreage. 642 Williams ave. Phona East 2229. THE right man with $300; this is your business chance. AF 034, Oregonian. LIGHT groceries, butter, eggs, etc. owner wants a steady partner to help him in his strictly cash store; pay $100 month. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. OFFICE partner wanted; only man with good references considered; this requires a moderate investment; salary and profits. Call 248 Vz Stark st. WNT to go back to the land? Owner of apartment-house will trade for clear farm and stock to value of $5000. 619 Lum ber Exchange. . POOL HALL, suburban town, near Port land; dandy little place, away from com petition: other interests put this on mar ket at $400. 319 Lumber Exchange GROCERY clearing $80 monthly above ex penses. West Side, no soliciting, living rooms furnished, $1200. AE 671, Orego nian. a i -'i"" With living rooms; fine place for man ana wife; cash every day; $."-00 takes it. Call 619 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. Good location, owner leaving city, will sacrifice ; a good chance for the right warty: some terms. 220 Second st. NICE little grocery store in good business district, with living rooms, place for man and wife; invoice proposition, about $400. 319 Lumper it.xcnanse. HALF Interest in old established import ing company ior saie; ui. unuauu T-rofitsi $6000. half cash. A 670. Orego nian. V500 FINE hotel, 29 rooms, completely furnished, in a small town near Portland, In a modern brick building; doing a line business. W. J. Davie, 505 Corbett bldg. W NTED City property to exchange for acreage and farms. W. J. Davie, 505 Cor bett bidff. mm AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants a re liable partner; will guarantee good pay. Call room 320 Morgan biag. FOR SALE Best butter and egg stand in city; doing good business; price $27o. 433 Cham, ox Lota. HONEST man. handy with tools, wanted as partner in paying mfg. business; this takes only $175. Call 248 fe. Stark st. DELICATESSEN and restaurant; selling at big sacrifice; rent $20; price $300. 303 Lumber Exchange. LADY wants woman partner for .restaurant in good location. Good business. BD 607, Oregonian. EAST SIDE pool hall and cigar business in fine location; has good trade, fine flx tures and la a bargain. Call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Cleaning, dyeing and pressing business, well equipped, place on East Side ; cood business. BF 069. Oregonian, REPAIR shop; have opening for steady man- pay vou $S0 month now and can be i n creased Room 329 Morgan bldg. EXPERIENCED picture show man wants nartner. experience not necessary, $500 re- qcirea. x-i u'" " BILLIARD ROOM, 1 billiard and 5 pool tables, cigars, confectionery and soft d rin ks. phone Tabor 5002. BARBERS Beat-paying ahop In Coos Bay for sale. Particulars, Write XL Busby, Marshfield, Or. EST VBLISHED transfer business, good team and wagon for $2QQ. Call Tabor 24e9. A DANDY grocery for sale; no fixture buy; cheap rent. Woodlawn 1863. RESTAURANT, cheap, good trade, cheap rent, gooa lorauon , must em. -t j BY owner, grocery store, cheap; $550 cash takes It. 846 Sandy blvd. RESTAURANT, old-established, good loca tion, 4600, Y 660 .Oregonian, BUSINESS OrPOHTVNITtBg. LIST OF SPECIAL BUYS. Confectionery doing $1 S to $21 dally, real cash, and a big moiiey-inak,T; cheap n cr lease; small pa; n.nt, bal ance monthly. Thoroughly investigated and guaranteed by us. C&5. Gasoline filling station; elegant loca tion, $4o0. Half-Interest in mnfg. establishment; big profits, no competition; sells for 6 cents; $1000 required. s Grocery doing ?25 dallr; entire monthly running expense $40; a snap at $1000; easy terms. CVfw ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 018-11 Yeon bids. PARTNEK WANTED. A live young man can secure half In terest In cleaning and pressing business with a good young man who understands the business; only $125 required; fine lo cation; investigate. Room 5u6, Oregonian bldg. f MOVING picture ahow with fine eiectric piano, lamps, Edison kiuetoscope. chairs and full equipment, which 1 will sell at a bargain or trade for real estate. 1 am not In a position to operate a show myself, so I will give someone a bargain. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. COMMISSION, sale and boarding barn; best location In town; long lease, low rent; this is a good paying business right now and can be increased 100 per cent ; snap if taken quick ; trade considered. Call 601 Swetland bldg. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND ANYWHERE, SEE Business Chance Dept. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Fluor Multnomah HoteL Cor. 4th and Pine Sts. FOR SALE Country weekly and job of fice, well established, electric powsr plant, live Willamette Valley city on S. P R. R. ; half interest or alt for $2500; terms. Write AV 6i5, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, cigars, to bacco, fruit and magazines; country town; ideal location; low rent; fine busi ness; bargain for cash; get la now for a good Summer's business. AV 629, Orego nian. . CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Really Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 632 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. AUTO STAGE LINE; partner wanted In this solid business; owner has other businuss to attend to and the money you invest is fully secured. 317 Railway Exchange. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. HAVE some cash and real estate to In vest in small manufacturing business where services of experienced business man and office man required. No wildcat propo sitions wanted, v. u. pox aa. WANT to buy from ownr a Mnau 1 i--tionery or groceay store-; glvo n2' tails, sales, expenses, etc. O OiO. uie- Kuuittu. MERCHANDISE and stock of all kinds bought; apot cash. Bee us. Merchandise Clearing House Co., 404 Mancheaterbidg. WANTED TO BUY Delicatessen and gro cery store; state price, location and rent goniun HAVE few hundred dollars to invest with my services in any business paying gooa living. M1J Ui-'. urruuiiittiu NOTICE Will pay rot cash for merchan dise. S. Weston, 462 park st BOOMING-HOCfES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, LEASE AND FURNITURE. , 60-room family hotel, fine location, heart of the city; large dining-room in connec tion; everything first-class and P date; will take CLEAR HOME IS PORT LAND OR RANCH and some csh; this is a money-maker, clearing now over $-fo per month; rent very reasonable- line lo cation for TOURISTS; roome alt rented; this is a snap; reason for selling, party oing to California. tV DORR E KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. HERE'S A BIG SPECIAL-. Classy 1 3-room house on 23d street, nonr Washington; rent only $30; paying over $00 clear every month in the year; fur nished with best furniture for private home; sleeping porches and plenty of fruit trees; we have special price for tni wenk and some terms. Inquire at 618 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE. A NEW 17-ROOM HOTEL, IN A GOOD, GROWING TOWN ON THE. NEW RAIL ROAD: BEST LOCATION ON 1 kit. RIVER. A FINE HOME AND MONEY MAKER. ADDRESS RIVERSIDE HOlEU GLENADA. OR. . APARTMENT-HOUSE. 23 3 and 4-room apartments, in a first-class location; own er must sell; doing $i0 a month net profit; will consider some trade. Call 31 Railway Exchange MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent, lloth Buyer and Seller protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 508-0 N. W. Hank bid;;., Oth and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSES to trad for farms: On hnvinir 77 rooms, one navin a. " . What have you? 519 Lumber Exchange, and StarK FOR SALE Rooming-house in Astoria, Or., 24 rooms, centrally located. Particulars D. H. weicn. Aiionivwr, FOR SALE Modern hotel and rooming house, good-paying proposition. Call Main 6779. .. LOST AND FOCXP. THE following articles were found n the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co and owners thereof may claim eame at the First and Alder-street station: March 10: Marshall 5100. A 6131 4 um brellas, a gloves. 2 suitcases. 3 lunch boxes, 1 baby shoe, 1 bottle liquor. 1 oil hat 1 watch fob. 1 hand ax. 1 bdl. clothes 1 package, 1 brooch, 1 book car tickets, j valise,' 1 pkg. collars, 1 box laundry, 1 re ceipt book. 1 tax statement, 1 purse. LOST Lady's gold watch, Tus. morning, between Union ave. and Faro st. and 4th and Wash. Name in buck of watch. Return to 129 4th at.. 2d floor. Reward. LOST In West s"lde shopping district, last Saturday afternoon, gold badge about V. Inch diameter, set with pearls and diamonds. Reward. F 60S. Oregonian. LOST A Boston bull terrier, license num ber 2929. Return to Dr. Connell, 028 Sal mon st. Reward . LOST A pocketbook In Postofflce. Phone Main 2568; noerai rewaru LOST Small black purse, 3 vault keys; one has no. ov:i; . ooi LOST Red pocketbook containing two dla- mona earrings, uiucmi r n. . LOST Mole-skin collar. Reward. Main 2169. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. DEPOT Quartermaster's Office, 1086 North Point st., San Francisco. Cal.. March 15, 1915 Sealed proposals will be received until 10 A. M., April 15, 1915, for supplies and services required here during fiscal year commencing July 1. 1915, as follow; Coal for Army transports. National Ceme tery and Recruiting Office; drayage. gas, rating chronometers, laundering for Army transports, scavenger service. Information on application. W. H. HART. D. Q. M. FINANCIAL. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no dc.'ays; principals only. Robertson & Ewing, 207-2U8 North. western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second)), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 90 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumhermens bliig. We buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson & Ewing. 207-S N. W. Bank bldg. Money to Loan on Real Kwtate. to 77 Money on. business apartments, dwellings and farms. R. H. Blossom. 316 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE ON HAND TO LOAN, asooo at 7'.i $5000 at 7 3000 at 7',e 2500 at tU M KENZ1E & CO. . 515 Gerlin ger bid g $1250 Any time during next 40 days, 8 P cent and commission, three years, Last 37th bungalow, value 4:o0. Could pay i .i,i,r nuvmnii Tahor 2037 . SOO0. $30OO, $4000 AND $10,000 to loan St current rates on Improved city property. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO.. 1UO hwonu dl $1-00.000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ins; loans; lowest rates. W. G, Beck. 313- .US ramus $10,000, SUMS TO SUIT. AC On KiLiON ia.'i I WILL loan $500 to $7K on city or farm property. AK 43. Oregonian. $50(H to $15,000 PRIVATE MONEY. B 42. Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 aud 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 22! STARK ST MORTGAGE LOAN'S, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomnic. ."2-"0 Morgan bldg. STATE FUNDS. 6 per tent. W. E. Thomas. a tent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Coin. $37,0, SOQ0, $00. $1200, $100. Fred W. German Co.. 01 Chamber of Commerce. $5u00 TO LOAN. 7 P-r cent, on inside real stAW no brokerage, J CCD. OrcganJaa. FINANCIAL. Money to I -oaw vB Kel T.Mat. MORTOVGE LOAN.". Anv amount, low rl. promptly elasM. Attractive reiamnt prtvtlrgvs. A. It. P.IRRKI.L CO.. TIT Northwestern Bank Hldg. Marshall 4114. A 411". MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE TOR BUILDING PI K POSES; KKY 1BLK CONTRACTS; NO X M M TSKloN. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO.. PIO SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR Po BUILDING PURPOSES; LlHmAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AO VAMFO AS BUILDING PROGRESSED THE EynTAbl.E SAVINGS V LOAN ASSOCIATION. 2-iO 1ST ARK ST. WE PURCHASE mort coairacts sad equities at right figur. bubmlt ail mat ters by niall No phone Inf ormatloa. OREGON IXV MORTGAGE CO- ISC Stock Exch. bldg.. 3d and Yamhill 8ta MONEY TO LOAN. On Portland city rol estate; fsrm loans at lowest current rates MALL VON BOI1STKU 104 fc-eeond St., nesr Wafhlugto". $500, SI0O0 and upward on unproved real estate; favorably terms; no dlas; n brokerage. John Pain. au7 palOlng pib. MORTGAGE loans, city or farm; promt, service. N. iu. Coisiuan, 210 tttock -changa. . TO LOAN H0.00O OK LESS. FARRtNGTO.N. SO 4TII ST., BOAKO OF TRADE "PT.PG SEE us today for loans on Improved city propertv. 6 to 8 per cent.. I-VO and up. Cellars-Murton Co.. 82ft Yeon bldg. MORTG AtiK loans on city and suburban reM estate at 7 und 8 per cent. W. II. Nunn, 44K Sherlock bld. SEE Sei kendorf today; no dsl, city and farm loans at current rate!., 315-16 St'Hik Exchange bldg. Main 6974. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOl NT. OP.IKXJON INV. A MOBTOAOB CO., INC., Slock Exchange bl1g.. 3d and Yainhlll. $Htoi T( 1 A) A N on Portland real rata in. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANV. 124 ChamM r uf I'mrnm rc. $0,uO0 TO loan on Improved Portland property; might divide; principals only. AP Oregunian. CITY and I arm loans', low eft istva. C. D. Stmomt!. rnrbett bldg. MONEY, any amount. 0 to 8 per cent. 11. Seltz fc Co., 1. 10 Spalding bldg. FARM and cny mottfliiRfi lotm. A. 11. Hardin. .113 i'haniir of Commerce. ESTATIC MONEY - 2 0 to .'o,ti. H. 7. FREF.DM AN, t:t. Cham, of Com. Monry to I.oasi 4'hatleU and Nalarleo. " 1MMELMAT E LO N S ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We hsve one of the flnrnt retail Jowe.rr stores In the city. A loan department U conducted In connection with tianie, mak intr business STRICTLY CON Kl Dl-;1 I A L. absolutelv no rtgn d.Hir atmg loan buJ nesa displayed in front of our store. A 11 merchandise pledged is held tor period or oven months, whether or not interest M paid when due. We are llransed and have been established since lstt. No con nection with any ether loan cstsbllahmcnt in this city, A. st M. DELOVAGtt. JF.WBLKRS, "..4 Washington t. LOANS $IU to floo ijCK'KLY. STATE HKOi HlTY CO., 9 LIcKNSL'.iV IsOANA ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET UH EXPLAIN OCR EAHY-PA YMKNT PLAN. BUSINESS SIRICTLY t ONFI OKNTI At. STATE SECURITY CO., LOANS IN 6 HOCKS' TIMS at less) rates on diamonds, aiitna, pianos, household gnoda nd livestock. PORTLAND LO.N CO., t.lcennfd bv Mate. H3 Roihchtld bldgJ MONEY AT ONCE. Diamond, watchen, musical lnntriimnia. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELK Y COM PANT ( Mcrnnt-d , 320 Lumber Exchange bldg , Second and Stark Street. WE loan ii-ney on diamondH and J.liv at half t he rate charged by brokers. Marx & Hloi k, 74 3d t MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on real oat ate, diamonds, and J-" -elry. Wm. tl oil, room S . Washington bids Loans Waatrd, WANTED ON A-l SE"UIMTY. $UUMM nt value 4.imt) at ', value J2oiMi. 2 (too st S' r, ml ne ,V"ot. l.;if at value .Wn. 000 at 8'. vJu 2.0ni. i.MM at 10'i, 1 jear. vain $2,;.0V M' K EV.IR A CO.. M5 tierllnk-er bldg $s25 H' fs25 $.25 hf.e 5-room modsrn bouse, corner lot, nlrs location, value sisno. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham o Corn. $S50 WANTED TODAY. House and lot Junt off ilnwtheni. 3 years at H per cent; value $.'40tl( (Imur an re $!0Hi. Smith-Waggoner Co., Stock Exchange. FOR SALE $16,000 morts-i on real es tate worth $ 75,000; pas 7 per cant, wl 1 discount $1000. Address AH 612, Urrjo nian. WANTED $250O for 3 or A yearn, 1 per cent interest: no brokerage; inrnme "' Ing property; value $5ooO. I'hon Ta bor l:.ot MONEY WANTED Se.ral deetrsbla loans, $4000 IM. $IHOO. $15m, $li'X, $70U and $150. Improved city property. Principals only. Henry C. Prudhomme. Morgan hldg. $J5.000 FIRST mortgage on finely de veloped farm, 7 per cent; run S year; will discount. Address AH $13. Oregonian. WANTED $2700 from private party on farm at Molalla, value $9000. AE 6. Oregonian. WANTED $2b00, 3 yeara, aecurlty $:HiO; first mortgage, real estate. AN 06L Oia gonlan. I WANT a loan of $3000 on a well im proved farm. Phone Woodlawn 149. WANT $1300 on Sellwood residence. 210 Stock Ex. Mar. 1f0S. A $;(5 first rmg. on a $7oo building lot, big discount fur cam, AO 72, OreKonlan. PERSONAL. WE SELL HAIR, HAIR. 1IA1U. 2G-inch real first-qualitv switchers. .. .$4.s 20-inch real first-quality gray 4.b5 BRING THIS AD Good for Be on Face massage, ,25c Phampoo 25c Manicure 25c Hirdresa 2..C Superfluous hair removed by eloctrleit . Guaranteed. Cut hair, any shade, b itches anv length. Prices half Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. My collar ued to be No. 22-. now I am using No. 17." stated a prominent Port land business man (name on requeat t. and that after only 2 weeks of treatment at The Swedish Institute, 12th it., cor. Al der. Other ailments treated with success. FEB VET & HANERIT Leading wig and toupe makers; finest to k humn hair goods; awttchei from 5c P; hairdresHlng manicuring, fsec snd scalp treatment, combings made up to order. 147 Broadway, near Mnrrlwon. Main Mt. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.. niasnga and baths 462 Salmon st-, cor. 13th. Mar shall 6UU3. . SCI ENTI FIC niSMeufe. genuine tub bathe, alcoholic electric treatments, chiropodist, manicurist. 20. Macieay bldg., 2b Wash Ington at. I HAVE some good second mortgages, from $1000 to $1200. at a good discount. IM t?, Oregonian. MARIE NEVINS, electric baths and treat -menta daily, ladles only. Main 619R for sp polntment. 25 Montgomery at., flat C. SPIRITUALISM Rev. ;ary A. Price. Cirri Tuesday 2. Wed. and bun. 8 P. M. ; read ings dallv. t03 Dth st. Marshall 5HtO. MKS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of "Palmistry Made Easy." 2IH u Morrison. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for rheumatism. neuralgia, facial and scalp treat men t, reasonable. Phone Marshall CO. UMBRELJ-AS All colors and stvlas; Isrgeat stock : recovering; new handles put on. Meredith's 829 Washington . NOR W EG1 AN trained nure and ni.e-e. electric bianxet ireiuiitiu; nuuia to 8:30 P. M. 20 '? 3d at. Rooms 2 snd . Sol'HlE ii. SE1P. mental and spiritual sc. nliat, 318-ai'j AMiky hldg. Wuestlon mt in-r Wednesday. P. M. Main V-'-.t. Switches 95c, curls and puffs .s- sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4 D kum blrig. MOLES, superfltmua hair remo. rd. Mri.Tt. D. Bill. 4211 Fltedner bldg. Main .4.g c. TLKMEN A flrat-i.las motn'-ui tor r. 7'7 Hothchlld bldg., 27 's Wash, si. ti i i yi of FIGS compound. Uos st Tonic Tablets 5U4 lmvll it I'hon Mlti 2.;..t. LESSONS in Trencto and Ital an given at boms; trasonsbie. B 4 " m a n icu r i no "i . . .rir; y i: rl , M bldg. Mips E I n t : i ru'r. Chiropractic explained ; palnles Ju?Jf ments Dkaslng ;g1tratni'n im $ I 5. Kl 'h. LESSONS In pirenolrcv snd . aid rssdioga 235 ith st. Phone Msn 74H. i-wl- i'mlhii n Na:n li 'VJ tuultts Swr 25c Atl dmtist.