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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1915)
' THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY " MARCH' 18, 1915. 13 JEW TODAY. 3 MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Comprising 335 Acres. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CREMATORIUM Containing Four Incinerators. Chapel and Columbarium, MOST MODEK.V IS AMERICA. Originators and Leaders of Higrh-Class Cemeterv and Crematorium Kerv "ice in Portland. Perpetual Care Without Kxtra Charge. Ideallv Located on Picturesque Mount Scott. "Where Nature Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influ ence to Soften Sorrow." Beached by Mount Scott and Cazadero Cars. Auto Bus Meets Cars by Appointment. Both Telephones. MRCE. PEHMA5EXT. PAHKHKR f land. 20 Years to Pay! ftt YMfrmHom f . (In CaadU Pacific. Most productive mdi! good Uunte ready nurkcts s tmuportation all the comforts and ways of m-king money tamntaff that you lu- ia the best Una g -caioat cTdjrwbete. Low Prices and $2,C0O Loan This rich Uod only 511 o JTO per a irrigated fine Irotn S. Twenty near to pcj- think ot rt. 1 on. bet - your Aim! payincot ts due por fcinn will y puid for Use It. We lend you up to $, to Urn imprutrnf nf on cerUin conditions, with no aecurit- but the land itself. Twenty years to repay it. I nTtf5t ft per cent. If you want a hem tiofne ail ready tortepiato, getoeeoionr Ready MeFiH$. D-rrytna;. Hog m Uvoatoek Make V InctWHl Hare. Lands ideal fo these purposes. Present conditions In Hurope -ui highe-t prtcas known for everything raised. These Offers Based on Good Land finest on cut! for mixed farming and rain growing. The b-st Und will be taken first, bo lime's precious to you. Writ OT oU todayorre Aa&too axtijnll particular. Excursion prty Icaviue fceattle March 23. I j. K. THORNTON. IHst. Rep.. 271 Pine st. Multnomah Hotel mug. PORTLAND. OR. ff MORTGAGE LOANS n improved city and farm property at eurrent rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. CaU today. 6 Of LARGE LOANS OV COL iO Bl'SIXESS PROPERTIES 10 A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-21K AortbVfeatera 11 Male BuildlaJC. MORTGAGE LOANS 655 ON IMPROVED BIS1SES8 PROPF.RTIES Residence loans 6 and t per cent, ac cording to location. Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWTNG 2t7-8 Mortaweatern Bank Bids. Mortgage Loans Two items or 10.000 for city loans. 15000 and $000 for gxjod farm loans. Other Items to suit. GEORGE II. THOMAS. 87 Oak St., Room S, Ainsnortb Bldg:. MORTGAGE LOANS Made en City Nearby Perm Property Interest 7 and 8 Per Cent. Ho Overcharges. No red tape. Straight Loans on Straight Propositions. OREliO.S IXV, St MORTG. CO, Stack Ixcbaa;te Bnildlnic. Third and Yamklll streets. U5INCSS PROPERTY AN0 CLOSE IN RESIDENCES EDWARD E.G00DEY7 NORTHWESTERN BANK. QUIUDING Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Mouci at current Hates. fcJCNlCirl. AM) iOKPOKATlOV BONDS. FA KM A' CITY 1M.S8. SO Fourth Hoard of Trade aids. REAL ESTATE 1EA1.KRS. JALMER-J'NKd CO., H. P. Oi-iOi-404 Wilcox bldg. i BECK. William P., :Uo-;tl0 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS.. W3t Hawthorne ava J1ARRETT BROS.. 3ua Hoaid of Trntde REAL ESTATE- For hale Lota. IT LEADS. A bargain is what you nt for your money not what you pay. I hare a choice lot bnrdorins on a beau tiful ark in one of the best cloee-in rp irit'teil tracts In city whu-h 1 am forced to Sttcrifite. This means biT money to you if you arc looking for a. home site. J EL. HL'NTY, -7ii Stark at. Main 1.-.03. A l.M"- KOSS CITT FARC LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal rlattera of this beautiful part of PorilanX Call on our Realty Department, cor. tb and Stark. HABTMA.V A THOMPSON HAWTHORNE AVE. CORNER. $7.M. Hard-?unare street and cement sidewalk in on Hawthorne and paid In full. Lot is KH) ;u S. . corm-r K. Mth, Total price onlv S7"'t cash worth 1500). See FRANK L. MGUIRE. 411 Anington Bldg- Main 1??. ROS E "c 1 T Y PAKK BUSINESS PROPERTY. The bet in the citj ; can be made to pay big interest uii amount invested; fine corner, the most popular location in the district: in heart of Rue City Park; price right; terms. AJ 66?. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. 1 handle most of the property for sale in ihs district and all the bargain. Marshall 43Ji. BROOKE. A 3S39. 1,018. Multnomah Station. J0; Bull Run water; $10 down, $3 per month. O'Donnell A Warner. 5t-l Corbett bldg. y owevr. ha!f price for cash, lots iu Fla vel. A OAS OrOi-'onian. li CASH, choi'-e iOslOrt. near Bioadway car. Owner. Ma'n 934. tXt'AV.'.l I". H. suitaMe for fine or apt- ?it, r-'ar car. Tabor 5tV4'.. lor ale Learh rroKTt. 'HVEU 25 acres with orein front, plat till; 3 miles oi:th of FlavpJ. for Quick turn JiwO per acre. It. G. Hofer. Wood in 1-. ror sale -UOUM. ft-ROOM house. plasl. red. elc -trir- lights, modern plumbing; east front; $1100, part down. E 70. Ori:onian. FOR SALE New modern 6 -room bunjralew , in Irvington. Unlqua In design and com plete in every detail. Thone E. 445. 1 HAi'Ii 3 po.d homi In Irvtngton, one third If -s tan cost; one mansion, fine Kat 23 W. H. llrrdman. COOING to lotir, must 'II my home at jarrtfc 7 rooms and bath ; all modern. llain 4 7.S. VoR SALE Modern cottase, T block norta of rr barr. Write or inquire. .113 Wash. M.. Virco'ivrr. Wash. PIV.OMONT bungalow, fiirnished Of mi f umUhM. irnrer. Cooper. Ka rSQB. "kw mo'irii e-rrvom hou'e. parage- Income $o a month; terms. Wood lawn a-V. BEAT. ESTATE. I-or sale Houses. A REAL BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. 5-room that is in a class in itself: double constructed, elegant electric fixtures, tuc nace and fireplace, comrlete Dutch kitch en pr,,Jn enamel finish: 70x100 comer high and aiphtly. This will make some one a real home. Have been asking $o.o0 on good unni Let me snow it to ju if you like it, make an offer. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 110 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. BIG BARGAIN. S-room strictly modern l1.. -story home located on Broadway; fire place, furnace, very line electrical fixtures, all built-in effects, sleep ins porch, in fact all conveniences, with lawn, shrubbery, etc Com pletely equipped garage; if sold thin week. $-00. Call East 2070. o0 MONTH, which includes interest, buys G-room house, with sieeping porch, bath, fireplace, all buiit-in conveniences, full cement basement, hot and cold water in bedrovma, hard-finished street; 20 minutes out on good carline, close to beautiful park, schools ana cnurcnes; uno view vi mountains, Columbia River and Vancou ver. Visit Peninsula Park today, go one block north to 1428 Albina ave 1 have key and will show this beautiful home. wooaiawn 0112. S-ROOM BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. This cosy place is ready to move into; llvin.rnnm verv larce. with a dandy fire place; walls nicely tinted. 5OX100 lot; about 3-foot terrace, one block to the car; -o0 will buy this, an xurnisneu; mcnt down and the balance like rent. C. M. Derr, 1100 X. W. Bank bldg. M. 9Zi. ROSE CITY PARK - HOMES. ueai uirec. w 1 m iuo v w - inal platters of this beautiful part of corner 4th and Stark. H ART-MA N - THOMPSON THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN" INTO INCOM E ? WE WILL KIRN I S H THE MONEY BUILD APARTMENTS, RESl DKNCE'OR ANYTHING ; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK.: WlJii onji xvjsub. BAILEY & tO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDO. LOOK HERE! EVERYBODY I tTar-A TioH tn fnrMloRt on a new 7-room lH-atory house located in the heart of one of the best restricted tracts in city. You can buy same for the amount of the incumbrances. Mignt taae a gooa ciear lot or firat mortgage as first payment. No agents. F. E. CLEMENTS, -70 V Stark st. Main 1503, A 3o3&. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME THAT YOU CAN BUY FOR WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING RENT. "We hav it a 5 -room bungalow on a larcre 50x100 lot. lias rireplaoe. biuret, .area attic. sleeDlner norch. street work in and paid for; small payment and $23 a month, which Includes interest, will buy it. Call Tabor 3?So mornings and even- in sb. KTU ST. COTTAGE SNAP. Nice 6 -room cottage, lot 30x30, paved street and all city liens paid, on 6th st., near Sherman : few minutes' walk down town; price $3250 on eaty terms, 6 per cent. ORCSSI & BOLDS, S26 Board of Trade Bld. Main 7453. IK.V1NGTON HOME. Targe 10-room house, finished in white enamel; all rooms paperca; large ttvins rnnm dinlntf-room and den. billiard-room Karate; this house has many attractive features; may De seen oy appoiimuuuu H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. HALF-ACRE HOME. $15 down and $13 monthly buys this nice little house and Kod outbuilding, located at Jennings I-odge, on Ore. city car. All cultivated, lawn, guruen, tisieui, Buildings nicely painted. Price $ltfo0. Owner, 5Q6 Hpaldlng bldg. Main aS07. MODERN 6room house, $o00; cloe in, no incumbrance, nara-suriace aireei, oie iiirtv v r-iir- hasemt'iit stationary tubs. yard, garden, berries, $aOO down, $20 per month, including 6 per cent interest. 710 Cleveland ove. FOR SALE Improved Roseburg -residence property, two noiises. uninuumoerea; win sacrifice for cash; may consider trade for clear Portland property. B 668, Ore gon ia n. 5-ROOM and sleeplus perch, Wtastmereland, o blocks Horn &euwooa car, new, wun $2500. M. A. Lehr, at HABTMAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) IF you have a fw hundred dollars and wish to commence the building of a nrrw home this mjnth. come in, talk it over. E. A Cnrtts. Ifti7 Oak st. EQUITY In house and lot; favorably lo cated: easy - payments: will discount amount of equity for cash. Address room 618. ureconian piay. LARUE, West Side, choice view lot, near , ...Dhl,nPhn,u nf final r. nnioii- u-lll take acreage. R. F. Bryan, 500 Cham, ol Coin. NOTH ING DOWN. $10 per month, including interest; 4 room furnished house, near Tremont sta tioix Wall Main S8S7. Mr. Guthrie. $11.000 dOxIOO. 18th and Lovejoy. very de sirable, modern duplex building, 11 rooms. For terms pnons cast ag. NEW, modern Ill-room houue. in Irvington. R. B. Hire. East -132. . For Sale Business Property. FOR PALE Owd nw. modern apartmenr- houste, 12 3-room Bparimpiiis; siam ntrai ed. that will pay about 15 per 'ent net on Investment; terms. Address BD 6&S, Ore- TH REE-story brick building, full basement, on terminal traik. Marshall 236a. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. . Good soil, fiood water; clobo to carline; easv terms: will build to cult purchaser. Phone Marshall or Pellwood 47U. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER For 8le Acreage. ACREAGE. 1, 3. 3 and 10-acre tracts, SO min utes out. NEW BIO RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commutera" tare, very best of soil, water and community conveni ences, $15 to $000 per acre, oo in stallment. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 10 4th sU A 3500. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 1 acres, Courtney Station, on Oregon City carline. all in cultivation ; set to 15 fruit trees now In bearing: lots of log an, l.awton, raspberries, goose be rriea and cur rant, grapes; fino strawberry bed, set last Sprimr; 3-room house 14x40 ieet, large woodshed; 2 chicken -houses and wire fences: tree and berries ali pruned and cleaned out ready for the plow. Must dispose of this immediately and will make a price of $2700 to a purchaser with 1000 cash. Owner, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg-. Main 937. 6 IMPERIAL U -ACRES $200. Get in and gt one of these while they are poins. REMEMBER they are all on the north lde of Division st.. between an auto factory and canning factory in opera tion. One or more will produce sufficient returns to pay for themselves; for details SMITH & HOUCK. 301 Henry Bids. Marshall 2Z?. SHEEP MEN. Graslng rauges. 15.000 to 20.0O acre. Columbia River watershed. Washington. Railroad transportation and close to For est Reserve. Running water and springs year around. $3 to $5 per acre. K. A. PLUMMER. 429 Perkins bldg. Tacoma, Wash. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. Gresham district. "UNSUINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACT3 u-mile electric station, $73 to $150 pa? acre: easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for Sale All Siaea. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO- 9 ND a fraction acres In Sec 12, 1 feouth and 2 east, -nicely located, on fine road, between ik Line and Foster road: am coinc to leave city and will sell at a bargain; price $2150; $1500 cash, bal. rea sonable time. Call from d to 11. room 2oJ Hotel Oregon, or write box , Woodburn, or. ;EF. us about acreage on easy payments within 10-mlle circle center of Portland; with or without buildings. Handy Bros., 2t'& Stock F.xch. bldg. Marshall 20. fo MONTHLY. 8Ax2MO, new house. $(o0. A. C. Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. TEN ACRES or more in Yamhill Co. F. S. FVrent. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 23$. Homesteads. CANADIAN HOMESTEADS, J. N. Grieve, Canadian Immiirratlon atrent. will be at HoiW Perkins Friday and Saturday this week, to mfft all iar;ies in- terxstea in western vnac;. WANTED Homestead relinquish mcnt. sme Improvements, soma cleared. W 66T, Ore Ionian. BSAL ESTATE ar Sale Farms. M MINNVILLE DISTRICT Yamhill County. One of the most successful clover, dairy and hos sections In the entire Willamette aney; gooa roaas ana ecnoois. 50 acres, mile to station; 47 cultivated, rivirl hnilriine-R 74 acres, a miles to station; highly im proved and stocked; $10,000. - 127 acres. 7 miles out. fine stock ranch, Improved; $37.a0 per acre. ItfO acres, fine clover land, 2 mllea ata tlon. nearly all in crop; buildings; I- I.ihral i.rm nn nil TTor full Informa tion nn thPM anri mnnv other Yamhill County farms see D. McChesney, 6oi Title & Trust loiag. A RRAT. SVAP ( RT OWNER). 22 acres No. 1 black soil. ALL IN CHOP nnt wheat and vetch. New house, barn and garage, 2 horses, fresh Jersey cow with calf, 7 pigs, 00 laying hens 7 ducks, h arness and rig, small too Is. 2 Vt miles from Oregon Electric station, on county roaa ana vvuiam.ei.te jvc Uu R. F. D. Price. $3000, W cash, balanca 3 years, come or write, iirs, n. u"ui MarriSDurg-, ur. - . A CHANCE FOR A POOR MAN to own a fine little 10-aere farm,' 34 miles T.tanH ft tn KhnriVOnd: lieS Well. best of oil, no rock, near mill "da snap at $75 per acre; $150 cash, bal. $100 W. H. SEITZ & CO.. 310 Spalding bldg. Main 6584 FOR SALE 20 acres, 15 acres under cultt- vstlnn 1 arrA In n(-fhflT-d. al ffOOd hOUSO and barn and other outbuildings, running water on the place, all under good fence; miles from Vancouver, on the main street road. 1 miles west Manor; price $2800, and privilege of 80 acres if wanted. J. J. Wilson, Vancouver, Wash. Route o. box JDIA 1 1 a xi apr Tr: irnFe ano Af7RES.' Mhnrt (KiinnrA from Kalama. Wash.. R R. touches the land, and can be sold in 3 separate tracts. -74 million feet of fine saw timber and about half of land suitable for cultivation when ciearea. see a. iewe 269 Stark st.. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON rtAO ACRTTS CtV LAD FOR SALE. It ranges from $45 to J200 per acre, in traits from 7 acres to 300: reasonable terms. For further information, P. A. Marquam, real estate agent, Marquam, Or. ' WHEAT LAND, i Aft nrrM. 5 miles from R. R. statlon; in Morrow County, only $2400, $500 cash. balance 0 per cent- a. a. ioenr, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4tn ana starK. ) tiitt: vk-yc WAY. THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAI WAY of buying land. Are you miereaicu : ji ou, yiiu to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., 303 -Phelan bio g an x ran Cisco. C. M. WOODSTKR. Pres. farm for SALE: Situated 40 miles south of The Dalles, containing1 240 acres, over 100 acres tillable, level, price $20 per acre, half down, balance on time on easy terms. Apply to Mary J. awut. wamnic. yr. tit at arrps. with four-room house, barn. outhouses, part set berries and fruit; one mile from carline; will lease. Apply 171 3d t. ' zz. irRRN. rrank bottom, all under cultl vation, soil no richer In Valley except beaverdam ; sicicness reason xor aeiijog. x- 67, Oregonian. . WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm lu Central Oregon; 160 acres for $1000. Call 515 JJettum .mag. FORCED SACRIFICE Willamette 80, some im pro vem en is, 9 jlbuu. u w sr, miium-w ti a rney. ore son -i ij FOR bargains in ranches address D. W. Olilett, isasnvilie, jr.t j-umjom wuut;. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Good building lot in Rosa City Park; give price for cash or terms; must e cheap. AW oo, uregwmaa. FARMS WANTED. WAiNi. 10 usi a iew goou, ioiib.w farms thai can be had for part cash and part trade in order to satisfy clients who reaiiy wauv 1203 Northwestern Bank Building. WANT direct from owner, a large wheat ranch in Eastern Oregon, for Portland property and some cash. R. F. Bryan, 500 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. ti'iv'TKTi Tn rnt h. dairy farm with stoc and tools by a young man acquainted with the retail trade of Portland, having been in the milk business for ti yeara end Ins March 1: would rent or operate for owner, call main ouui. WANTED To rent onion land on shares. In quire Woodford, Cot. JJb. WANTED to rent about i acres furnished FOR SAT.E TTMBER LANDS. I WILL take $800 for my timber claim if taken in the next lew cays, rnono wuou lawn 1429. TIMBER LANDS urtr-iMJ'l' A X" r COT T C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. WANTED Timber for cordwood. within 3 mile-, of the R. R. J? 0o, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. T L ALA 1 1 iS Vi-A c M p, Ji JM iu. New 5-room house new barn, 2 new chicken-houses, new woven-wire ieuwa, family orchard, 6 acres fine onion land, 2 ., t 1. tiu.l onH A. i' -A r nf tnnniirA nut Oil last Fall, balance of land good for clover, dairy and hogs, nine irom eitwinc na tion; price $10O0, exchange for clear $4000 pnriiiinii ras!rlanic. hftlance terma. iee H. 1 1 ouo (iiaplr at at HARTMAN & THOMPSON ir... Ai'iir4 FOR SMALL PLACE. 15U acres, ail In growing gram, In East em Oregon, near railroad and town; lies on Main county road and fenced; price jOOO. clear of Incumbrance: will trade for email piece of iana near i-oruaua. 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED IRRIGATED FARM WITH STOCK TO EXCHANGE FOR APARTMENT OR INCOME PROPERTY. Alfalfa farm, well improved, irrigated, stock and machinery, in Umatilla Gov ernment irrigation project; 160 acres $16,- 00v. Your property must show values. CIS Dekum bid., r'ortiana. FOR SALE OK ISAfnAiNUb. 9 acres, on Foster road, 7 miles from citv limits. Ail- unaer cumvaiion ana nearlv all in crop. Good buildings. Value Sts.OoO. Will take residence to value of e -juici huin nA 1: nr 7 vptir at f ner rent. Actdress F. S. Forest, 308 X. W. Bank bldg. INDIANAPOLIS. rsnr-r- nf HQ acres, near GresTiam. im proved, an ideal country home, will take OiamonUS Ul iuuiouokuho f ' kj. 'a. Loehr, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4th and Stark) -'uwat path of 4S0 acres. 12 miles from lone Morrow t:ount.v. ur. ; gooa soil, no incumbrance; will sell for $10,000 or take city property for all or part in exchange if suitable and price right. Apply Oregon Ihv. & Mortgage Co., Stock JExch. biag :;d ar.d Yamhill sts SO ACRES good land, 35 miles east Of Port land, on qooa roaa, 10 eicaans lor run land residence; will assume $10K or $1500 in trie rient Kina oi property, oew o. Hcwey. 26i Stark St., at HARTMAN fr THOMPSON $1000 EQUITY in S-room modern home, built ov owner, M"i hrpnicfast-rooin. sleeping norch. cheap at $0000; will take auto, lot or acreage. AO 074. orejronian. WANTED. Small improved ranches within 35 miles Portland in exchange for Portland resi dences.- Address t. a. jjorest. sv i. w. Bank bldg, ONE acre 2& miles east city limits. 9 In house, on Gresham auto road. Sell cheap or trade lor lots. i-ia .Mriiiweieru Bank bldg. HIGHLY-IMPROVED White Salmon ranch. Can be sold easy terms or miKut i-kb resi dence in part payment. F. S. Forest, So6 N. W. Bank hjtlg. STOCK of goods, store bids;., 7-room house on East Side, worth $6o0&, mtg $150; want a farm, fearson, s . 5 morgan oiog. FOUR S-room flats, on Everett st. (West Side; price $14,000: equity of $8000 for other property. Pearson g;s Morgan bldg. EwUITY of $1500 In $2700 cottage, now rented; will trade for land or good clear lots." AK 630. Oregonian. IMPROVED SO. substantial Improvements. $6000; want residence. Owner, Cbauneey Barney. Oregon City. 10 ACRES at station near in. for modern home; value $S.".0O. mortgage $ir0: wlil assume like amount. A J 687. Oregonian. WHAT have vou to trade for a fine 7-pas-Fenirer, -cyiinder automobile? P 668, Ore-gonian- . i 6 AND 9 -room modem houses to exchange for acreage. Owner. Main S201. CLEAR lots for modern 5 or (-room bun galow. Marshall 6560, owner; no agents.- 6 FINE Seattle lots for Portland or vicin ity. Tabor51S5. 6-ROOM plastered houe, M on ta villa, $1450, for lot- or acresce Tabor 3$g3. WILL trade 10 acrre. close in, for house and lot. N $70. Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOMTC for exchange. R. M. Lombard, SZQ ei Main S02, A 233. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GENTLEMAN S COUNTRY PLACE. Highly profitable dairy, stock and fruit farm in wonderful White Salmon Valley. Immediate market on premises for all produce at high prices. Fine house, barn, grounds, electric lights, water system, modern plumbing: church, school, store, postoffice on premises. Fine wheat crp? now coming up fast. Big chance to ob tain something with all conditions abso lutely ideal; will exchange for $12,000 worth of Portland property at fair valua tions. See owner, 819 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SAX B. Horaea. Vehicle. Harness, Et. THE UNION TRANSFER CO., at 11th at Hoyt St., have several mares and horses, wagons and some harness that they will sell very cheap. Team bay mares. S300 lbs.. 6 ana 6 years old, sound and true, gentle. Team bay mares. 2SS0 lbs., are 6 years old, sound and true. Team seal brown geldings, 2300 lbs., full brothers, 6 and 7 years old. Team blacks, horse and mare, gentle, young and good workers, 2700. lbs. Team matched sorrel mares, 2850 Ibav, are both proven brood mares; young. Team matched creams, sound ana young; 900 lbs. each. 1 Team blocky mares, harness and farm wagon, all for $225. Three farm wagons, narrow and wide tires, two- laundry wagons and one top camel-back express wagon; your choice iT mares and 'horses will be hitched, tried and tested and delivered free to any boat or freight yard; feed three days xree. union xrauaicr ou.uico, - - BLACK mare and gelding. 5 years old, weigh 2740, are both true pullers, fast walkers and extra good farm pair, for quick sale $250. Black gelding, low-set. weighs 1300, sound and true as steel. Pair gray chunks, mare and gelding, 5 and 7. weigh" 2500, are the right type lor your ranch- $210. Pair big slaves, weigh 2S0t, are sound and gentle, can pull 3 tons any place, black and gray. 160. Roan mar a and gray gelding, weigh 2540 7 and S, low-set, right on the ground, have been in harness all Winter, can't beat this pair In Oregon, $225. Bay horse, 7 years old. blocky built, good bone, .works every place, good old man, kind, weighs Itw, $115- gray mare, nicely broke, single, rides. 7 years old, weighs 1125. $70. Every horse sold with guarantee. Come and hitch, pun and test to your satisfaction. Star Sand barn 3, 9th and E.FIanders sts. 30 H E AI)" h orscs and mares from 1100 to 1600 lbs., all well broke, young and sound. All of this stock is priced way below its real value. We must rush them, as we fcave no work for them. If you are look ing for araii or pn , , oVk n.n.,.t this int. Star Sand Barn 3, 9th and ci. r lanuci a "to. of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia mables, ou2 rruui, r-r..." a P M we sell on a commission basis, satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and Bailer; If ' you want to sell, bring your horse, to our aucuuu; 11. ju ....... buy, attend tniB fcaie. r " i . .c of JUST received; a wiipmeiit u, u. , v. larm chunks, mares with foal, some de ., . i anH nln VI1UD iivery una " i,,"" - 150O-Ib. draft horses. The above norse. wnlrt with a guarantee, w. Model Stables, Bth and Davl. PAIR bay chunky geldinga 8 years old, weigh 3240, are heavy boned, good feet and can pull S tons any place; thia Is the kind always fat; with them heavy breeching harness: for low price -u. Star Sand barn 3. th and h.. nanders. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday. 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Hors. It Mule CO.. zu j.aa. win bu rHFSTVI'T gelding gray mare, weight l-if"?.11-- . ,ind work ers, 'have nothing for, them to do; come tOflaV Willi 0l ttllU vnu - ran?h horses. Star Sand barn 3. Sth and E. Flanders, WANT good, young farm team, at least 2400 pounnas, wagon, harness, implements, e, for S4U0 equity in modern cottage, casn difference If required J C. Mitcheltree, 40tn ave.tranu rwici jw-.. FOR SALE one team young. e":m lbs.; 1 small delivery horse weighing 1100 lbs. szu KUFsen si . . t,, .-0irht nhmi UUUU EerTlWauiO ma.i..o, ",.0 --- ----- 1050 each. Must sell at once. Private parties own them. J'J.' - 'aiiumi aw DEAD horses and cattle taken away free wail oay m "'ut- WAGONS and horses by day $1.23. I. Cohen, mi water ov- DEAD horses and animals hauled away free, v ooa lawn j. WANTED Excavating and basement work. HORSES for sale: all kinds Apply soutn- east corn r j uh ...- -0 --- - WANTED Good grading team for cash. W. ROLLER, lumber and farm wagons. 13S3 Division st. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 83 E. 7Lh st. North. TWO teams for . sale at 1431 Grand ave. North. Pianos, Organs and Musicsn Instruments. HIGH-GRADE piano at a big bargain. a2ti jjunmer n.x. oms.. mm Doss, Birds. Pet Slock. PIT bull pup and other dogs for sale; all .. ... t, v. Pniic i rArnur peaigreeu union ChTr. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT 6TUD. LADUlA jy A n.La, aoiAUAua, va. Furniture for Bale. GOOD, nearly new. complete furnishing! for Bale any part or whole; house for rent. Call bet. B and 8 P. M. 42U Braxee St. MftKe Pay tppwilinituu aam. a... FOR SALE Baby's bed, high chair, nursery ctiair, coiiapaiuiw uub&j uw " - way, A SNAP Furniture of 11-room house. steady tenants, win p " ... count of leaving city. tm N- 14th. jpoultry. WHITE L.ghorababy chlx. 1J; t8rwe guarantee safe' delivery. Tn. Plon- eer xiaimt:' j. v.... . LIGHT Ernhmas; a few high-class hena and cocks for sale. B. Whalley, 4.0 Flint Bt. East 22;il. . - TWO clear lots to trade fer chickens and COWS. O b il, vrcgonian. Liveatoca. AUCTION SALE. Woodland. Wash.. March 26: 45 cows ("5 fresh). 93 1 and 2-yr.-oId heifers, jnotly Holstein, 5 yearling grade Holstein bulls 2 largo teams, etc W. S. Wood, auctioneer. nc.rt f o-n--.,i ,iairv cows. 15 high-grade Jensevs and Guernseys, 8 to 6 gal. of milk p!r large Durham, 4 to b gal Take Woodstock car to ttOth ave., walk 4 blocks west, one north. EQUITY" 6 lots in Portlajid; trade for horses. cow ana nugn. j- " v-p". Automobiles. tviVTOV SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and ":l7..,: a .. A.1 T-TiHs tnnlfi. Cars are fully eaulpp&d and carry standard -guarantee of the Wlnton Co. for one year. Be sure and see us before you buy a used car. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO. REO TRUCK 1500 pounds; oougni met nay irom v.-. j-. l-uou, . j , come and see it or write us at once; irtce 3j0; terms. Address Mr. Gilbert. P OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Chapman and Alder. 1B14 OVE and one-half ton Federal truck in frated only a short time for light deliver-EI- BMd aB new. Terms cash. Address G 658, OregoniiUh 7-PASS. taarioi u, uiuih0".' v : I a. . . unrl rrtornv and i is ideal for jitney or stage work. Call ua UD and arrange xor uvinuu.(..uW. P WINTON MOTOR CAR CO. VOR SALE $950. six-cylinder, 1314, 7-pas- SSw5 Cand in first-class condition. Terms to responsible party Ko trades considered. pnone jar.x at""1-"- "rirGALNS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. la?se ?ock. Prices $200 to $7,00.. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.,. Studebaker Bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts, FOR HIKJi. $i.iiu ftn nwtxv. B-oassenger 1014 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 Cr Labi QCJV. , UTMOBILK. late model, for lot In Ladd's Add near Hawthorne ave., worth. $3750, w..'A ir,imhrant:B. Answer B.. Hotai canton. LOOK Will take party of 4 anywhere an time. Wl.iio per uuu. - - boo. SEE us about buying or selling second-hand cars; repair 1 " a Frea libto-. 1 v - . GOOD opportunity for a man looking lor mail garape iQUire 5 isortn tti FOR HIRE, $1-25 per hour 5-pasaenger 11$ t pro. f"" " FORD roadster, with bed, prioo $350 cash. Inquire 1 itodw VPASSENGER Stearns-Knight in fine run ning order, $11:50. AH 665. Oregonian. ONE Flanders "20" roadster for sale. $2)0; easy terms, aw FOR SLK 7-passer.Rer nuio, In fine chape. This "is a real bargain. 175 21st. GOOD T-passenger car cheap. 21: is 1st st. FOE SALE. Automobile. USED AUTO SNAP. Liberal terms given. Free service given on all used cars. We offer you the following list to select from: Hupp, 5-pasa., S2-h. p. Cole, 5-pass, 30-h. p. Chalmers, 5-pass., 30-h. p. R. C H 5-pass., 25-ta. p. Cole, 4 -pa 38., 40-b. p. Lozier, 7-pass.. 40-h. p.. nearly new. Michigan, 5-pass, 83-h. p. Interstate, 4-pass.. 40-h. p. Chevrolet, 2-pasa, 24-h. p., nearly new. Apperson, 5-pase., 40-h. p. Studebaker, 4-pass.. 40-h. p. Overland, 5-pass., 40-h. p. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. Main 8SS7. A 4059. ' FEDERAL 1-TON TRUCK Was guaran teed by Federal agents for 1H tons; has body and curtains; this truck is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us for fur ther information; terms if desired. Ad dress Mr. Gilbert, . OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Chapman and Alder Sts. TRUCKS, TERMS GTVEN. Reo 2-ton truck, with body. Federal Ift-ton truck, with body, good aa new. " , Several others to select from; price $3o0 and up. .- NORTHWEST AUTO CO .tsroaaway aua wuuu ou SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! One Bulck. 3914. 750; on. Ford. 1913, Wlnton. 191, JBS; one Studebaker, lail, rail passenger, one Bulck road ster, l'J12, one Kegal roadster. Jjio. Look us up. Maiu 1157. Chapman Repair Co., 188, l'JO Chapman and Eighteenth si. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs. 10x16, $6 up. " erected complete, with lock and key: im mediate delivery; also portable house.. TAKE-DOWN Mi'U. CO.. Foot of Harrison St. Main 118T. IMPROVED PORTABLE C A RAGE. 10x16. best material.,, erected on your lot. complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Alljn. Garage Specialist. 1191 K. fcalmon st. Tabor liM. WHITE "40" In flue mechanical condition, new tlree, fully- equipped, nlckl. -plated and newly painted. Arrange Xor a demon stration. CAW. MAIN 424-4. FOR SALE $275, 1912, 5-pa&senger Chal mers automobile, in good condition: am leaving city, maut sclj. quick. Wuodlawn 102. 5-FAtiS. titudebaker CO. first-class condition, jitney or family; bargain; some cash, bal ance time. 117 E. 22tL at. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber ami metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leve, lsts coiumpia. jiain oiva. 114 MAXWELL, 6-paasenger, cheap. Main 6771. A 4560. for sale FOR SALE Delivery car, almost new; will gell cheap. 412 E. Burnslde. Eaat 7130. lttJ4 FORD, firat-class condition, $375. Ep ton. 432 Chamber of Commerce. Automobiles Wanted. WILL trade 5-room modern house, all fur nished, free of incumbrance, for 3-ton truck. Apply 1317 Division st. J. H., Nash. WANT late model touring car in A-l condi tion ; must be snap for cash ; give full particulars and price. AK 667. Oregonian. A li13 or '14 Ford S-pass.: have a $:50 mtg. on 50xloo lot and some cash. A 07, Oregonian. WANTED Auto engine and clutch, 26 to 40 H. P.; must be cheap and in good shape. Address u tt l, uregonnn. WANTED Good "roadster; must be cheap; lu good shape. B 65, Oregonian. WANT to buy 5-passenger automobile or roadster; will pay caah. 53t Alder. Auto Tires and Accessories. LIVINGSTON radiators and Bosch magnetos for Ford cars for sale. Inquire 25 North 14th. . Typewriters. We save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus- - trated folder. Retail department WHOLE S ALE TYPEWRITER CO., :t21 Wash, at. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, ?o uroaaway, -ornmm, vji. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 162 Stark .it. Main 5528. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REMINGTON typewriter for sale cheap. Ap ply 3023 67th fit. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium, lt0 3d, near Taylor. FOR SALE or trade, one 6x8 air compressor with 300-gallon receiving tank; . one 20 H. P. FalrbAUKS-Morse gasoline enismw. n Pcnimmv weldine machine, machine generates Its own gase. Address Peters JMacnine worm, ts-eiao, warm. MAKE ME AN OFFER. Up-to-date motorboat. Owner. 218 Ore gonian bldg.; 3 2 to 1. DIAMOND, 2 3-S-K. Blue white, large sur face, looks like 8-K. stone; worth $65') easy; must have money at once, $450 takes It. BF OtlU. oregomun. LOOK! Sawed lumber $3.50 a load, cord wood $5 a cord, 4 ft., and $5.50 a cord stove lenstii. jcciipse r uei wo., eov tu. 10th st. Phone East 319. a kinds of hlxh-erade kodaks. Anastle mat lensps and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged: rifles and shotguns want ed. Ilochfeld's Camera Exchange, So 3d st. FOR 6 ALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The JJrunswicg-Jiat:ce-JOiicDaer to., jo-r atu. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood lines, for sate or exchange. Address C. W. Ait man, R.iute 1, Portland, or phone Wood- lawn' 2f il. FOR office furniture, $125 lot in Warren ton, Or., clear of incumbrance. Phone Main 4131. POOL TABLE In first-class condition, $50 if taken at once. 5o3 Hoyt st. Marshall DIAMOND house paints, strfctjy puro; made in urexon ; ir kiluou, a.u.. ui nouu Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marshall 100. PIANO boxes for feed boxes, usual price $5, at J2.50 each if you call for them. Schwan Piano Co.. 131 4th St. PIANO BOXES, usual price $4 to $5, at $i50 per box if called for now. Suhwan Piano Co., ill 4tn Bt. $ix) buys a beautiful dinner ring; 38 dia monds. Bet in platnum. 320 Lumber Hx- oltlg., 2fl & MtafK sts. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for s. aeuverea. is duw Main 6273. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. iarK-LaVIS Al Bt,. .nam mi. SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co.. 264 Stark street. I X- I-c-i- I'M DHi! i rtf. Ryder ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange. 'Mil Washington et. FOR SALE -00 cords dry wood. R. W. lienneman, 1118 Board of Trade bldg. Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged, im? ai.j&i. mt'u" tu.. ruumuu. CREAM s.-uarator, practically new, for 4 to 8 cows, $2... i ator TWIN baby carriage of brown wicker; good as new. East 41$. 60-EGG incubator; Ideal; good as new; 4.60. 73o Inaley ave. Sellwood car. iS-FOOT motorboat. in good condition, for saie cnoap. jnqunc v- "" RUUD heater for sale. 204 Macleay bldg 2S6 Washington st. Marshall 3i'u0. PBOTECTOORAPH, like new, $10. Phone East 2107. OLD session laws of Oregon Territory com plete. If Interested, AG 665, Oregonian. WANTED MISCKlaLAyEOtTS. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; ALSO FOR MDcE. EAfcl JW. si o. v iikvkps. the tailor, pays best price, S and up for second-hand clothing; shoes bought; reliable buyer. 247 Madison. Call Main 3595. WANTED A -ft. walled tent 26 ft, by 36 ft.; must be cheap for cash. Room 308 T. M. C A. NATIONAL cash register for world's fair at stein. 120 Battery st., San Francisco. CbI. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before yon call the Bell Auction House, iu u CASH paid for diamonds; separate a part meat for ladies. Elby Co.. 320-2 Lumber BIC, za ana ot' WANTED FURNITURE. COOK STOVES. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary WA NTED Excavatlnu and basement work. nione cam i t: ; i REDWOOD tanks, 101 to 15,000 gallons. hi... LVirmi Amtiv. Or. SIMUClBUIt A n..a--i w , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FOR a thoroughly reliable bouse to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 trout. rnone a 7174. Main 9072. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. BICYCLES AND EVERYTHING; HIGH EST C AinH PRICED PAID. CALL MAIN 2080. GLOBE STOKE. o. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC.. WANTED. Don't irive It away. Get our figures first. ci. J -a .. i 1 w- -fat Vain 4Vi .X. WANT to buy furniture and piano; must be cheap. Main &4. HEI-P W ANTED MALB. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A. Record 1914: Calls for men from employers i' Positions filled ...1314 The service of this Department Is free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Hm- oersnip is issuea, cuami f giving the service of the Department for a year, two months' full privileges and a f . m .1.- k.Kln fan if Ja.tla- reiuna tti mo iiicmun a...., " factory employment Is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical, Technical or Commercial Hne or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and Employ- V f A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night Instruction in "pairing, driving, selling and machine work. Mod erate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. . Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office. Y. M. C. A. bldg., and se cure pass entitling you to Inspect ur enop ma ummyua, WANTED Young man for demonstrating, no selling: $05 per month snd all ex penses; must have $200 to pay for ma chine taken out, money returned when machine Is returned to company. Call at 102 Vista ave., between 8 o'clock A. i. and 5 P. M. Don't answer unless you can be ready to go to work Monday. MM ooo. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced drapery wer ;.,. ' , .nniv Anuiv superintend- enfs office. A. M.. 6th floor, Oth-st. building. Meier & Frank co. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST 23D AND . MORRISON. A complete course - of automobile in struction, including machine shop work, by expert Instructors. , Ty LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWH ERE. Take Mt. Tabor or "as" c ar to 1 3d at. WANTED Gentlen;! to handle one of the best selling auto accessories ever brought to the Pacifio Coast; can give) you sep arate territory to start you to earning $b0 to $75 a week; it you ara m at B03-4 Corbett bldK.. U to 12 A. M. ln- veatlgate. J. E. Maaon. yoyua salary of $100 a month; $000 cash deposit requireo. .mi-h , for o davs. aft.T which time It will be refunded It jou have shown bllity experience not nmnsiry. Partic ulars 932 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE several openings, establishment Inde pendent mall order buslnea.; energy, good habits, sound judgment more 'POn than capital. Spare time first. Particulars free Opportunities Kxehang.. Buffalo, Y. WANTED at once, several good harness makers, machine men and "Uttera. (od wages paid, chance for overtime work. Great West Saddlery Co. Limited, Cal- gary, Aipernt WANTED Man to work; short hours. es Job: experience not required; must be en ergetic and buy my V, 1'itere.t; :"d. SL'UO Call 619 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d ana tiara. W4.NTED A competent restaurant man, able to take full charge; must understand cafeteria w,rk; strict references are re quired: sta.e length of Ji,rlcnt'..and w here last employed. X 660. Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teuch you the barber trade in weeks: tools free; position guaranteed; . . .-. , ,! moitr Main. paid wmie ir.iiiui.. . UNMARRIED man on suburban Place m dcrstandliw care of garden, lawn and gen era? work. Call at 1410 Yeon bldg., b.twe.n 7 ana a iaur?uay e.p,i,..B RODMAN, levelman. prepare for Alaska Government R.v. The profession that's not overrun. Practical Engineering, CASH advanced you weekly "lng hardy guaranteed stock; eeliiU terri -tory; hustlers make money. Washington vnrnArv r?o.. ToDnenlsh. "Wash. WVXTED Solicitors to sell and advertise clothing for local firm; commission only; city references required. Apply to man- iF ion are a salesman and want to mitke $5 per day, s me at one. ,CItv work. Itve phono ana auuiw. gonian. BLACKSMITH and horseshoer willing to do farm work when not needed in shop; pre fer man with family. 512 Royal bldg.. Broadway and Morrison st. , WANTED First-class milker, Swiss or Scandinavian. Call at Btr. America, foot of Alder st.. Saturday, bet. 10:30 and 11:30 A. M. WANTED MAN TO LEARN AUTO RE PAIRING AND DRIVING. CALL RE PAIR SHOP. 571 11 AW 1 tiyji.- r- SEVERAL experienced' railroad clerks i with division office experience. Address AV 6oJ, Oregonian, IF you want a steady position and ran In vest $325 and get $125 salary, cali 618 Lumber Exchange. FLUENT speaker, having automobile, want ed immediately; demonstration proposi tion. Telephone "Doctor." Marshall WANTED Tailor and coatmsker. steady. Apply Maxwell, the Tailor, 246 Washing ton st. PHOTOGRAPH, agents, best studio just started. Daguerre. 214 Plttock DlOCK. GOOl proposition for Jitney man living near 1Uh and Jefferson; for particulars rail pacific Garage, 1 lth and Jefferson. WANT honest, reliable man to take '4 ln- small Investment. 303 Lumbor Exchange. ,'. . , ...... rr-xr L...'.a kin. DrODOSI- ""t ion to willing workers. 306 couch bldg.. bt. :'.-. p. fti W A.NTED Stead v, sober, reliable man to work. Clean job; $H0 required; money fully secured. 33S Chamber or oommerce PHOTO agents, something new; extra om- mlssion paiu. e-runj, JANITOR and house man. small wages and board. Hotel Portola, 3d and Burnslde. CITY salesman, new hnuse canvassing propo sition. Apply ruiDLH ui"--- PHOTO coupon agoiiu. splendid offer. Mult- noman muuio, v- ucnum ADVERTISING solicitors, commission. Clyde Agency. 207 mqi'iap FARM HAND, one who can paint; 75c dav and board. R W7, Oregonian. I HAVE wood opening for man who will In vest 12i. Call at clfiar stand, 90 N. th two voun men of ability, -10 Moftgau bldic.. 0 to 1 A. M. FIRST-CLASS marker for laundry. T 46( Oregonian. . SOLICITORS Extra Inducement to Kood live man. Varsar Studio. Ablngton piag. LADY'S tailor wanted. 147 fOth. Help Wanted- Agents. r 1 t 1- wi:vniVM MKSSAOK. Authorised. Will pav you $120 to distribute It your neighborhood. 00 days work. Great op. nortunity. man or woman, .--pare time may he 11-ed. Particular, sample free, iup verbal Bible House. Phllacielphl WANTED First-class solicitor, male and female: salary and commission. 1024 Hawthorne ave. AGENTS $S to $10 a day selling 1913 fcpe clal. Van Dyke Studio. 404 Wash, si. Ilelp Wanted Salesmen. WE have an opening for a specialty t1 man who is cspoi -'i "-..ia -moro yearly; a man poseesscd of an n-gagin- personality and energy; to such can offer a permanent position presenting creat possibilities. Write, giving exper ience end references. National Engraving Company, 154 Nassau street. New lork City. WANTED Experienced salesman who thor oughly understaods the milk business. AX 670, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE- FIVE girls to earn beauty culture. 411 Delcum Piag. eamiary r NORTHWEST TEACHERS AGENCY. T B. Hanna. A M-. manager. 1118 Icon bldg. WANTED Girl for housework. 2i4 K. 4Sth and Broadway. Tabor Pff7. WANTED Competent girl for general house work: must be good cook. 2W N. 25th et. GIRL wanted to assist with general work. 636 Everett st , W ANTED Good girl for geoeial housework. twi Kearney. WANTED Girl for general Housework, in rmalt family. -nori .nno wt. COMPETENT girl for second work ar iwlnir !0 Flanders st.; references. WOMAN to assist with light housework for room ana ooera. -l H GIRL for general housework. 8!0 East Main. Sunnj'siao or rmi-inoro- twi. WANTED Girl to nmst with housework. are ot crmaren. nionw ii;im wvi. WANTED I-'xperieneed millinery inakeis. Apply at 344 Alder st. HELP WANTED FEM ALB. WANTED K-uerioiu-ed ror.-t fitters by. large estaMlwiiim nt : gl v full particulars in reply. Address K 6t. Oregonian. WANTED Educated wom-n or 25 10 4 ef fine personality and social polM, capable of earning $rS a week, for special work with old eetabliahed business housa. Ap ply In person for appointment toay 10:i0 to li A. M. only. W. H. Lyon, Uoti Lenox. , WANTED A single lady of mrans to Join expedition to make motion pl.-tures; three years trip. No e-perienoe nvcessary. Must enjoy outdoor hie. 01 phone No. and previous occupat Ion. A P 617, Oregonian. MOTHER and daughter to do chamber work and hlp in kitchen: reasonable wages, with room and board. 141 N. $Mi st. Phone A 2377. Mam 3755. GOVERNMENT Jobs fcr women, $70 mouth; list positions obtainable, free. Write Im mediately. Franklin ln-tltuto. Dept. 703 C. Rochester. N. Y. WOMAN to take charge of small house for use of 2 rooms. Call after 9 A. M. J5 Salmon st. GIRL for country home, a-stat with ho via--work and care of children. Call 4 h 15th St. North. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Main 7582. 3S3 N. 32d St.. Willamette Height. COM HtSTKXT girl fur general Iioujiowoi k ; references required. Mul help with rare of child. Portland Heights. Main 7"o. PROGRESSIVE Bt'SINESS COLLEGE. Ail modern business couws $' nio. Positions when competent 201 N. W. Rank bidg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Company, iJt Plttock block, 8S3 W ashfngton. WANTED Practical nurse for saultArium work. Slate experience, age, etc, G 602, Oregonian. ; LADI Kfl to retail the Krance Amorican hysionlo toilet requisite. Mar shall 1217. GIRLS between 18 and 25 to learn comptn. meter calculating machine; good position when course completed. Morgan bins. WANTED An elderly laly to look ftr house and csre for little boy. Call after 6. 2K N. -8d. Main 4011. UOUHKWORK, 15 to St. Loula Ladies' Agency, 2SS Muin strr-i. opposite Court -house. A 7175. Main 2030 MPS. HINSDALE'S Rl fcUNKS S" IIOOL. ..oj Empress bldg. Personal in ti ruction; p wit Ions wlien comprtiit. MISS M ATTINOLY'S teCHOOL Hii tliand. Typewriting. 2i 14th, nr. Jrff. Mn. nit. BOOKKEEPERS, itiiOrtpl)ri aid dicta phone operators. 301 N. W. Hank bldg. H KLP WAT ED MALE O V I: M A I.E. MEN AND WOM KN to lean u Oi bai ber trade, earn from 115 to $-5 pr wek; tuition reduced, paid while Icarnina:' po sitions secured, write for free catalog u. The Moier byitcm of CoUv'. A. 4 N. 2d st. WANTED Good H ap-drutnnier wlili com plete set of trap for picture and vaudfr vllle house:. Eastern Orrgon; al-o UM or 1lXf goovl second-hand opera clalr S"J I'owers No. 6 machine. fall J. U. L., Broadws.' Hotel, until Frlla. W NTKD Canvassers. Uidle or grti t lenioa, commission only. Call at 133 Flr-l st., after v A. M. II K LP W TV IV M I s r. 1 .1 . K K OI H. OREGON JJARBKU COLLfcHiK wama 11n.11 and women t l-arn the Lather tiuds In M wewks; ions ituamnliftl; tool, lien; paid while learning; .-calp and fa e riaa sago a specialty; mud urn method ta-hiug used ; tuition reduced. 233 Msdton st. RAILWAY mail clerks. I. O. clerk, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel pout U.Muanus many more clerks; act at once. l'acli 10 43 rate He h o Is, Mc K y b 1 d k . , 1 i 1 y. GOVERNMENT wants vletks, $7 tuontli; Portland e.camination soon; coil m 01 eU il eal Ion sufficient , particulars f roe. Apply imintdlatoly. AV 6-7. Qicgunian. INTERNATIONAL t orref pondencn Bchoola furnish tvpewriler ennun-n courses; 2.S5 olhcis; fro culalogu. 202 McKay tldg. . PORTLAND Government clerk 1-.a111inai.10ns April 22 ; $70 month ; romtnon education uffleifiit: sample qucaitons rrro. Apply immediately. AV 5l8. oregonian. SITUATION WASTE! MAI.. Bookkeeper and Clerks. DO V Oil WANT A BOOKKEEPER PART TIMI? Will call a few hour each wek r day and keep your book-, get out statement, etc. Work guaranteed; hlgh-cl rt'fwr enccs. Kxpet le-uctd accouuiaut. 10 jvara. P. Q. box 3S4. VOUNG man 10 y tsars expericuce as book keeper, atouogiapher, oilue manager, seek conueotiou with firm where ability snc enicienuy are requisite: salnry nut main Ohject. ti. li.. io) JMorri-un. STE NOG R A PH E It AN l BOO K K EKPK It. Experieuce, referucB und high s. h-vt education; desires work; quiilllld for any Office position; age 'JH. UH ir.ast ISTIUNOGRAPHKR AND HOOK KEEPKTl. Expertuiic', rciVrencfS mikI liUh school cdu.atlon; (U'Wlrcs work. OiuilitJed for n 01 1 Ice position. Age 2. 'all Knst 2 1 S. KTKNOORAPHER-BOOKKEEPER ; ncal. vt-ry rapid, compeiunt; any uaiaxy BOOKS checked or audlied, correct bsliis installed, rcHsonaMu charge. G. Itldout. Marshall 2S5. -66 12th at. M livce 1 1 an ruu . A-l HKU.ABI.K, comiel'"t niiin prlval'i place, experienced in auloniobilitig and gardening; references from piomUiviit peo ple. Ali rt'l. Otegoiiiun. SITUATION wanted by experienced man as manager or buywr for dry good a or .live In country dept. store; rvfureuvea. BF b 70. Oregonian. CH Al KFIil;R snd Al michiUiic want posi tion; 7 years' experience. Phone Mar shall .MU.'t. room 2t- tXFliBlEM'Elt farm hand wants work ; cn do any kind of farm worl.. Address Alien Long. It. 1. box r. Creaham. Or. MAN and wife want work n ranch; n take charge; no children. Address 0 O reg o nlan. . BELGI AN chauffeur and mor-wainc. fl ri envied, reNrence-, wants position, Michel. 471 Chapman. .Main Mlh, COOK A-l ull-round man. hotei 01 ics t au ra nt; neat, clean worker. phone Wain H 15, OivBDiiiwn. 1 OING Jspant-ae wants a Job, day r night, txt'-pt 7 3f to 10 A. M. No -00k-Ing. B '. Ongnnian. WANTED Situation mm iiia,ht WHtdh , ac -auhtiif .1 with ft earn. i. l-h. Tabor U01 R F l. No. 2. Mllwaukl", Oregon. Or.NO man. five ears xioinw col lector and aalesman, want position. Ad dress .",22 E. IHh st. BAKER 011 bread or vik- watilf w o 1 k In or out of city. A. Kleiner. 421 Uuro tde st. YOUNG man tudent, good relet encs. wain work for board and room, S i, ore gonian. ALFRED MKLtiRAN. th old millwright. If in town; if you want him, take It I in or lesv him; references. 310. Alder at. MAN and wife want a poaiilou on a ran. .1 lia-e lifetime experience, no children. AM iW, OregotuatK - AN experienced Filipino young man wishes a position as Janitor. busoy or elevator boy. Call Main room 7. KN P E Rl E .nTED t rea inei y ma n wants poa -lion aa buttermaker or hlp''r; tlrst-elusi references. Add '-ess A.l JITO. oregonian A JAPANESE wants a pT-sltion " Prv' family, unuerstanda wailing on table A n ti7, oregonian. MAN and wifo with boy. Hwia want ork on farm; board thomaelvea. li Baro ide. . , , . t& FOR Ught, tedy Job. pant muldl aic. reasonabie; anQail wages. AO 6.1, Or-- liLDERLY man with large family w aula any kind of work bdl. Main i0J, A 1517. . , STRONG young Spaniard desires t'Smlits. rough carpenter work or common luhorlng work of any kind. Main 7u51. A LM7. A-l FLORIST and gnrdnu r. single, dclrei po I Hon. Main 7"51. A 1517. FIRST-CLAS baker wauts work iu or sul of town. Koom lit, . -. CA ItPlCNTKH, flrl-clnss. want 01k I kind. -To Mh st. phone Main "2... A-l JANITOR, married, wants position ; leal of city ref'-rcnc"- Mam 7'.M. A 1517. WANTRD Lots to clear; wlil lako wotni for pay. Pl "'tn. fre.oninn. JAPANESE, capable cook, w nt w ork good family. O 071. Oregonian. RESIDRXCE window cianiug ty 25c per hour. Phone Main -7. BOY wants farm work. H. Johnson, Win- lock. Wash.. R. D. No. 2. MAN and wife will work 011 farm; i;e w age. r 00 1, ir-cnni.n. )'OUI1 g t( M 70, want Job woikins in bouse. Or'Koi'lan. J A PANKSE boy want poltion a. scliou boy or nous m . . w . ... YOUNG ma thlt.g; mu wishes po-ltmn doing an hae work, fall M. '.-. J AIA I ;s li tok tsitc position in Ltmt.. . A.M n ur'?"T'iii". WANT garden work or anything u have l- M.iH