Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 13, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Buy Clothes for Active Boys f
at Our Boys Shop- ,
Husband and Son in Florida;
Daughters, Too, Absent,
When End Comes.
ratal Change Comes In Early Morn
ing Hours and Physician, After
Fast Thirty-Mile Auto Trip,
Cannot Avert End.
TARKTTOWN. N. Y, March 12. Mrs.
John D. Rockefeller, wife of the richest
man In the world, died suddenly today
In her 76th year at the Rockefeller
rountry home in Pocantlco Hills. She
had been an invalid for a year, but
during the last few montns ner ntaam
had so Improved that the rapid turn
for the worse which her illness took
early today was not expected by her
For this reason It happened that the
only relative at her bedside when she
died at li):20 A. M. was her aister. Miss
Lucy M. i-pelman.
Flaaband and So la Florida.
Her husband and her son. John V.
Rockefeller. Jr.. were at Ormond. i"la-.
where they went Mr. Rockefeller. Sr,
on February 18 and his son last Friday,
.cromDanied bv his wife believinis that
Mrs. Rockefeller was growing better.
Informed over the long-distance tele
phone earlv today of the critical change
In her condition, they left at once for
Jacksonville, where arrangements were
quickly made for a special train to
bring them to New York. They were
expected to arrive here some time to
morrow night.
Mrs. E. I'armalee Prentice, one or
Mrs. Rockefeller's two daughters, was
summoned from New York, but failed
to arrive before her mother died. The
other daughter. Mrs. Harold Fowler
McCormlck. of Chicago, is in Switzer
land, recuperating from an illness. Her
husband was about to sail to join her.
but canceled his passage and came here
a,t once.
nineu Dates Bark to 1912.
tt;i th arrival of Mr. Rockefeller
funeral arrangements will be held in
abeyance, but it was thought at the
Rockefeller house today that burial un
doubtedly would take plare in Cleve
land, where the Rockefeller family plot
is situated. It was thought probable
that funeral services would be held at
Pocantico Hills on Sunday and the body
at once taken to Cleveland.
Mrs. Rockefeller's illness dates back
to the Fall of 1912. when she was
stricken with pneumonia. She virtually
recovered from this at Hot Springs. Va.,
but on returning to Cleveland In June,
1913, Bhe again became ill. due largely
to her weakened condition and advanced
years. She remained in Cleveland until I II J J
February. 1914. when her physician de- nlu
dried that she was well enougn to De
taken to New York, going to the Rocke
feller mansion there. She was brought
here last November.
hanse Conies Suddenly.
Mrs. Rockefeller had during this in
terim become an invalid and was con
fined to a wheel chair most of the time.
Her rooms in the greaf4L.rr antico Hills
mansion opened out onto a large, sunny
balcony, and here on fair days she spent
many hours in the open air. She was
described at the Rockefeller home today
as having been lately in the best of
sDirits. only yesterday sending a cheery
message to her son. telling of her im
proved health.
The fatal change in her condition
came in the early morning hours. Her
nurses immediately summoned Dr. Paul
Allen, of New York, her physician. He
made the 30-mile trip here at top speed
I V I : .,':.-. v.s . .' X.- V- I I I
One Man Put Ballot in Nearly
Every Precinct in Terre
Haute, He Says.
Enlisted by Executive on
Portland Visit.
Democrats Criticised for Failure to
Grant Franchise Clubs Asked
to Assist In All of State's
Public Enterprises.
Rev. Air. Olson, pastor of the Immanuel
Lutheran Church and chaplain of the
Oregon Militia, gave a stereoptlcon
lecture on "The Paradise of the Pa
cific." Rev. Mr. Olson is well informed
about his subject, having cruised the
Pacific with the United States fleet as
recently as last Summer. The princi
pal point brought out in his talk was
the marvelous improvement wrought in
the islands since they came under the
dominion of the United States.
Governor Wlthycombe Is going
in a hiuh-powered automobile, and al- I Dut the women of Oregon to work.
though he arrived some time before her I A. l.g.t he has invited them to lend
death, he could do nothing to avert the I . . . . , of DUDilc affairs, and
end. She had been unconscious tori
several hours and remained so. to the!
at a meeting of the Portland Women";
cluba vesterday at Women of Wood
RL.r.lIrr TS Year. Old. craft Hall the invitation was accepicu
Mrs. Rockefeller, who was Laura In an enthusiastic way. Decause wer.
Cclestia Spelman. was born in Wads- were more than 12a women present ana
worth, O., September 9. 1839, and was ajj seemed to concur.
75 years old. She was two months her I Governor Wlthycombe was the guest
husband s Junior. ue nrsi met r. Qf nonor at the session and after he Had
Rockefeller in a grammar school in I pald hlg courtesy to them for the aid
Cleveland when both were 15 years old. I thev eave in electing him Governor
Young Rockefeller was then a rarmer s he BEked them to give their first at
bov and she the daughter of one of I ,,:, ,x. vionnun" week, which hi
Cleveland's leading citizens. Soon after has prociaimecl for May at the request
young nocm:iicr imu wuiuii.u i 0 the Federated women s liuds oi ure
lf in his first place aa Bookkeeper The Governor complimented the
at J300 a year she left Cleveland to women of the state on their initiative
complete her education at Worcester. ,n promoting modern public work and
Mass. She returned when she waa 20 thfl energy wth which they pursued it
years old and taught in Cleveland's pub- Mrs G j Frankel. president of the
lie schoola. Their friendship waa re- w.m Clubs of Portland, introduced
aewed. I Governor Wlthycombe as "the first
Misa Spelman became assistant prln- I ,-.--, Orccron elected by the
cipaj in ion., -ui. nuteiciicr uiw"- i Women
Political Hone Cleaning Proposed,
In his response Governor Withy-
rombe said:
"At the request of the Federated
Women's Clubs of Oregon I yesterday
Issued a proclamation setting aside a
week in May as a state cleanup week
1864. on the eve of her 25th birthday. "
They began keeping house in a litUe c."r UB """" 1. 'I" .... .r..rr
while was rising in business. They be
came mutually interested in churcW
work. She was a Congregationalism he
a Baptist. Neither ever attended a
dance or a theater.
Couple Wedded la 1884.
Mr. Rockefeller continued to prosper
and tbey were married September 8,
two-story brick residence on one
ot I that you plan to extend your influence
i;ieveiana s siae sireeis. upon ner .. . hi.,... rlMninr and
r.age she becamea Baptist, and to her ';.n f ou chyslca, surround
ings Is highly desirable and you are
t-. 1 1 . . i to oe compumeaieu upwu jruu
j i ,. ,v,, I tlve in developing the Idea.
lucuuuucu .u "But why stop at physical house
cleaning? Why confine your efforts to
from your homes to the entire com
their first home for a residence remark
able only for its unoatentatiousness on
Kuclld avenue. Cleveland's "mile of mil
lions." Here Mrs. Rockefeller reared
her four children; a fifth died in in
fancy. The training given the Rockefeller
children by their mother is declared to
have been almost Spartan. Although
the Rockefeller wealth increased by
the Improvement of your physical sur
roundings? Why not carry the scheme
a step further and undertake some po
litical house cleaning?
Blame Placed on Democrats,
"You women of Oregon now have
half of our political powers I might
say our better half. It is your duty
carriage and a horse, cared for by
man who acted as both coachman and
hostler. These were used mostly Sun
days on the trip to church. Mrs. Rocke
feller employed two maids, but still in
sisted on doing much of the work her
self. She also supervised every detail
leaps and bounds, there was only one I as.wen as your privilege to exert your
political influence in proper cnanneis,
and I am glad Indeed to say that your
interest and your ability in your new
tasks are most evident. But why not
carrv vour influence further?
"The women of the East are seeking
Armnl.lajmAnt ThA XatlnnB.1 woman
of the care and training of her chil- suffraKe constitutional amendment was
aren. particularly seeaing to instill m place(j b efore Congress In January. It
their minds the lesson of thrift. . ,,,,, there. Whv? Because
It Is related that on one occasion the party In power at Washington does
she averaged up the gas bills for a year not care to have the sisters of Ore-
and promised as spending money to her gon's women endowed with the political
eldest daughter any sum she might save rights yoc women of Oregon have won.
eaen monin ay waicning inai no ugnis I Most of you know the story oi tne vote
which killed, for tne time Deing, me
were left burning needlessly.
Portland Man's Father and Mrs.
ItockrfFller First Cousins.
.Mrs. Rockefeller was a first cousin
of the father of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe,
of Portland.
Dr. Coe's father was Dr. Samuel Buel
Coe. Mrs. Rockefeller's father waa
Harvey Kuel Spelman. both descend
ants of Samuel Buel Spelman. a pio
neer In Northern Ohio, and himself
descended from a family of consider
able prominence in England.
While lr. Coe never was personally
Republicans Vote for Fraachlae.
"Thirty-one per cent of the Demo
crats voted for the Mondell resolution.
Seventy per cent of the Republicans
voted for It. Out of a total or zsz
Democratic members 170 voted against
the amendment. In short, the defeat
of the measure was due to the over
whelming majority of the Democratic
"If Congress were overwhelmingly
Republican and If a Republican Admin
istration were In the saddle would you
win your fight? It Is safe to assume
that you would. The point is. I think.
apparent. You women are going to
acquainted with Mrs. Rockefeller, he I co-operate In an Oregon house-cleaning
knew many members of her family, and I week In May. Why not undertake a
frequently visited Portage iounty ana I National house cleaning In November.
Summit County. Ohio, In wnicn her 1 1916?
lamily wa reared. L .After .a, ahoii musical firograguoa.
More Than Half Ton of Articles Broua-ht
From Indianapolis for Uae Against
Schmidt and Caplaa.
LOS ANGELES, March 12. Word was
received here today that A. H. Van Cott,
a deputy District Attorney of Los Ange
les County, had left Indianapolis with
evidence adduced in the dynamite con
spiracy trial there, to be used In con
nection with the cases here against
David Caplan and Matthew Schmidt, al
leged confederates of the McNamaras.
Schmidt and Caplan will be taken
Into court March 16 to plead to an In
dictment charging them with the mur
der of. Charles Hagerty, one of the
Times' employes killed when the news
paper building was dynamited, October
1. 1910.
Half a ton of exhibits, comprising
every scrap of written evidence to be
obtained at Indianapolis concerning the
dynamite cases will be brought back by
Van Cott and Malcolm MacLaren, a de
tective who figured in the trials. These
include hotel registers from various
parts of the country, said to contain
the signatures of Schmidt. Caplan. the
jicnamara orotners ana otners.
Verdict In Stat Auditor's Trial Is
Not Reached.
BOISE, Idaho. March 12. (Special.)
The jury in the embezzlement case in
volvlng State Auditor Fred L. Huston
and his brother. Robert C. Huston,
deputy in the Auditor's office, failed to
agree on a verdict and so reported
to the court tonight. Eight voted for
conviction and four for acquittal.
The defendants were charged with
embezzling state mileage used by R. C.
Huston, to go to California last Sum
mer. They alleged in defense that
Huston Investigated a filing system
while away. He was married while in
The selection of a jury to try State
Examiner A. a. vannuys, charged with
perjury before the grand Jury, was
taken up this afternoon. He is alleged
to have testified that Fred Coleman, ex
Deputy Treasurer, was not in the
Treasury Department when he made his
examination last July. The state al
leges Coleman was.
Memory Experts Form Organization
Along Xovel Lines.
Memory experts of Portland, number
ing about 45, announced yesterday the
organization of a Memory Experts' As
sociation. A constitution and by-laws
have been adopted and officers elected.
The organization is one of the results
of the campaign for memory training
conducted by David Roth.
Memory is to be counted upon In the
association for the keeping of all ac
counts and records. There will be no
The officers of the organization are:
Paul A. Cowgill. president; Paul Dick,
vice-president; W. P. Jones, secretary-
All Hla Entries Made at Same Place
In Hour and Half, Coat and Hat
Being Change to Disguise Him
self, Testifies Canadian.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 12. One dol
lar for every time a "repeater" voted
at the Terre Haute election last Fall
appeared to be the regular scale of
nv. and a profitable one, accoraing to
witnesses testifying here today. The
evidence was given in the trial of
Mnvnr Roberts, of Terre Haute, and 27
others for conspiracy to corrupt a Fed
ern.1 election.
Rffti Tucker, a witness, said ne votea
rivn times and each time received Jl
from Dennis Shea. Sheriff, one or tne
HafAnrinnts. Lester Hull, who has
pleaded guilty, testified that he voted
in nearly eery precinct in town. So
did Josh Hawkins, indicted but never
arrested. Previous witnesses have tes
tified to "repeating" at the rate of $1 a
Ex-Policeman Tells of Frame-up."
Robert Lloyd, an ex-policeman, one
of the men who pleaded guilty, testified
that Mayor Roberts thanked him "for
the work" he did last election day in
Terre Haute. Lloyd previously had told
about driving a city automobile and
carrying negroes from saloons to the
"Bagdad" precinct. The night before
election, Lloyd said. Hilton Redman, a
defendant, and John Nugent, night chief
of police, who has pleaded guilty,
"planned a frame-up to get rid of some
election workers."
Lloyd told about building two special
detention cells at police headquarters,
which he said were filled on election
day and the night before.
The DOliceman also torn or wugenis
leading Lloyd and two other patrolmen
to the city crematory ana arresting
three men who had been placed there to
guard" voting machines. These men were
assaulted and placed in the detention
cell, Lloyd said.
Democratic Ticket Voted Straight,
Seven others, Frank Graney, Charles
Harris. Jesse Powell. Hy Hickman, Rob
ert Stoueh. Frank Green and William
Taylor, all of whom have pleaded guuty,
told how they had made luegai regis
trations and cast ballots on election
day, for which most of them received
Green said he registered five times
in about an hour and a half in the
Tuvlorville precinct. He said he changed
his coat and hat sometimes to aiaguise
Taylor asserted he was a Canadian,
never had Deen naturalized, ana was
under 21 years old at the time of the
last election, but had voted eight or 10
times, receiving a dollar for each vote.
He said he voted the straight Demo
cratic ticket each time.
Czar Starts for Finland.
PETROGRAD, March 9. Emperor
Nicholas left Petrograd today lor
Helsinpfors, Finland.
1 P
The "wear and tear" which boys give their
clothes is, after, all,, the true test of their
economy. A poorly made suit of a good
fabric or a well made suit of a poor fabric
fail to satisfy. We have found the ideal
combination of good fabric and superlative
tailoring plus an element of style which has
no equal.
See our fine lines of Boys' Norfolk Suits in
new Spring patterns, priced from $4.95 up
wards. Second Floor
Saturday Only!
A big lot of Boys' Felt Hats in gray, green,
brown and black, sizes 6V to 7.
Regularly priced from $1.50 to $3.00
Saturday only, o0
Second Floor
Saturday Only!
Boys' famous K & E brand in a full range of j
sizes from 7 to 16 years.
Regularly priced $1 each, j
Saturday only 50 I
Seeend Floor
Morrison at Fourth
St. Patrick Day to Be Occasion for
Bigger Programme, Headlined
by Mrs. E. M. Hogan.
The Portland Press Club is to have
another of those Jinks for which the
newspaper men have made tnemseives
Jolly old St. Patrick has been chosen
this time as the particular personage
to be honored and the atrair win De
held in the'Press Club rooms in the
w.iua' hnlldinar next Wednesday, nt-
TJatHrk'H dav. March 17.
Everyone is expected to wear a vivid
green tie and smoking a viciousiy-oaor-ous
clav DiDe will rather be encouraged
The affair will be of a "stag" nature
so far as the newspaper men and their
guests are concerned, aitnougn, oi
course, for the stars who will appear
it Is ouite another matter.
Chairman Frank McGettigan called
the entertainment committee together
last night and outlined preliminary
There's one act we must have, re-
marked "Jimmy" McCool, who keeps
unwelcome visitors away from Com
missioner Daly.
"I know a great one, too," spoke up
Clark Williams.
"But I've got a big one up my
sleeve," insisted "Charlie" Myers.
They got together. The common se
cret was Airs. K. M. Hogan, the hit of
two other "jinks," the success of a
week's show at the Orpheum and the
delight of the Press Club men.
Someone hustled to a telephone.
Yes, Mrs. Hogan would consent to
tell tales, sing "Tipperary" and all
those other songs. ,
Miss Letha McBride has promised to
lend her services, but then she is the
"pet of the Press Club," and that is to
be expected. Miss McBride will play
and accompany other acts.
Other acts are now being arrangea
and Chairman MnOettigan is keeping
his plans frightfully dark for fear Mr.
Conlon, Mr. Johnson or Mr. IMerong
might steal his acts and his thunder.
W. F. Arant Will Seek Reinstatement
at National Turk With Ruck Pay,
(Special.) About two years ago while
W. Frank Arant, of this city, was su
perintendent of Crater Lake National
Park, he was requested by the Secre
tary of the Interior to resign in favor
of Will G. Steel. Mr. Arant, asserting
he held office under the classified civil
service, refused to resign, as no
charges had been filed against him,
The matter was then presented to the
Civil Service Commission and they
ruled in Mr. Arant's favor.
However, Attorney-General McRey
nclds held differently, and Mr. Arant
was removed from office by a United
States Marshal. Since then Mr. Arant's
attorneys have been busy In the mat
ter, and it is said suit will be filed
soon in the United States Court of
Claims for Mr. Arant's reinstatement
and for back pay.
March 12 as cleanup tiny here. The '
idea was suggested by Inonanl Hoy-.;
Ian. the youngest member of tho Co-,
lumhlan Literary Society, who recently
read a paper on the subject hiforo the
H0B0 KING' GETS $250000
James Eads How Inherits Fart of
Mother's Fortune.
LOS ANGELES. March 12 James
Eads How. "millionaire hobo king," In
herited property here today worm
$125,000 and the income from a trust
fund of equal size. The bequest Is In
the will of his mother, Mrs. Eliza A.
How, filed here today, dividing her es
tate between her sons, James and Louis,
A "hobo." according to How, Is
man who wants to work and cannot
get it.
Catblumet to Clean Up Today.
CATHLAMET. Wash., March 12.
CPpeclal.) Mayor Gorman hn declared
Kiuhlom for Fair Made r Mump.
CKNTltALIA. Wnfh.. March 13.
(Special.) Mrs. Sarah Krlcksnn, of
Grand Mound, toitay sent to the San
Francisco Fair an Amerifin cap;le and
shield, made of cancelled postage
stamp. The rmUleni is three feet lv
two feet and Is the result of neurly a
year's work.
Little hurts often cause ser
ious ailments sometimes
Blood foinon. Germ infection is
a danger alwayi prcteot.
Oafety FirM ! Kill the (Jermi
prevent Infection by uiiog
The Great AnthcptU.
Good for cuti, torei, tore throat,
bruitci, iwellinfit, (cratches and
bites of animali.
Jiuf a botflt to-day.
At all Jaalen. Price lSc SOc A 1 1.00
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc Phil j. & StUaij
Mrs. 1- M. Leonard Dies at Seattle.
TACOMA. Wash.. March 12. (Spe-
lal.) For 67 years a resident of Ta-
coma and Stellacoom, having lived In
the garrison' at Fort Stellacoom in the
Indian war, Mrs. Eva M. Leonard died
at her home here yesterday. She was
widely known in Southwest Washing
ton, having been bora at Vancouver
A Practically Perfect Preparation.
VEAES 0f experience have enabled Mr. Fletcher to make Castoria a practically
perfect preparation. These years of labor : the amount of money required to
introduce its merits to the public : the investment in its manufacture, including
the most modern machinery, mean a vast amount of invested capital. It follows
that the greatest care is exercised in the selection of each ingredient, and the
greatest attention is paid to every detail of its preparation. The result is the
practically perfect preparation in the finished product j Fletcher's Castoria.
Herein lies the guarantee of the absolute safety in the use of Fletcher's
Castoria for the baby, and the warning against irresponsible makers of imitations
and counterfeits. The signature of Chas. EL Fletcher that is printed in black on
the wrapper and red on the bottle is the mother's safeguard.
55555 Children Cry For
t . 1
Promotes Digestlonflwdli-
It5S aim tK3txuutua iKiun
Not Narcotic.
Ancrferi Remedy forOxKfip ;
tfoh , Sour Stomach.iJtarnKi.
y&cSioSc snjnarareui
Thb CwrrAtra CombabS
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Extracts from Letters by Grateful
Parents to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Mrs. John W. Derrick, of Lexington, S. C, Bays : "My children cry
for Castoria, I could not do without it."
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gaines, of Ripley, Term., say : "We enclose oar
baby's picture hoping it will induce some poor tired mother to give your
Castoria a trial. We have used it since baby waa two weeks old."
Mrs. J. G. Parman, of Nashville, Tenn., says : "The perfect health of
my baby is due to your Castoria the first and only medicine he has taken.
He ia never satisfied with one dose, he always cries for more."
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson, of Stevens Point, Wis., say : "When mr
baby was two weeks old be cried so much we dideverything for him, then
got some Castoria and he is now strong and fat. We would not be without
it, and are very thankful to you."
We Have Been to
the Expositions
at San Francisco and San
Diego, and are in posi
tion to give the public
reliable and helpful in
formation. If you are contemplat
ing: going East, we will
arrange an enjoyable
trip through California,
with stopovers to see
the Fairs.
Two routes: Via El
Paso and GOLDEN
Colorado and ROCKY
Low Fares Fast Time
Rail or Steamer
Tickets, reservation,
etc., etc.,
Gen'l Agent, Pass. Dept.
Ill Third Street
Portland, Or.
Main 331, A 2666
Rub Omega Oil gently over the plae
that hurts. Then toak a piece of flan
nel with the Oil, liy it on the p.inful
part and cover with a piece of dry
flannel. This simple treatment usually
gives quick relief. Trial bottle toe
m . W t' T" w-. I
A toiit prwftftrmtica of nt,
Fm R r.i- j 4
BsMtitr oGr.T or