Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 13, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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Liquidation of That Nationally-Known Firm of Shirt
Sold Here Only!
Moreover, no shirtmaker ever
put into his product such
qualit3 style and distinctive
ness, with such painstaking
care for the little details, as
did the Gotham factory.
Extra Salesmen!
Extra Space!
On Sale in
Annex Main Floor
Makers Results in a Purchase by Meier & Frank of
See Windows!
Our entire Fifth-street windows will be devoted
to the display of these Shirts. See them today!
In AD the History of Shirt Sales in Portland Never One Like This !
Every Shirt was made for Spring selling, but the unexpected happened. The famous "Gotham" business decided to liquidate under the present
arrangement. Meier & Frank bought 10,000 Shirts. This, then, is the purchase which we present and the more you know about Shirts the more
you will appreciate the positively astonishing values this sale offers. Wearers of this famous brand will undoubtedly lay in a supply at this sale.
$1.50 to $2 Shirts 95c
Narrow and medium pleats. Plain negligee, with stiff or French soft turnback
cuffs. Fancy tucks, with stiff cuffs. Some with one soft collar of same material.
Quite a few white and striped Shirts, with attached collar.
Woven madras, fine mercerized cloths. French percales of high grade.
White, with stripes in a wide diversity of widths, colors and color combinations.
All white in self-stripes and cords. Figures in many colors. Light, medium and
darker effects.
$2.50, $3.50 Shirts $1
Plain negligee, with stiff or soft cuffs. Pleated bosoms; the pleats in various
widths. Stripes, both perpendicular and across the bosom. All the very latest
styles in vogue with the custom shirtmakers.
Scotch crepes, woven Russian cords, silk madras, fine woven mercerized cloths;
fine woven madras. Satin-stripe Oxfords, woven corded stripes, French silk madras
and satin broches.
Practically all those in demand, including the neatest single and combined colorings.
$5.00 to $6.50 Pure Silk Shirts for $3.85
In the newest colorings, both individual and combined in artistic harmony. Patterns of really exquisite beaut y, such, in fact, as are only on rarest occasions seen out
side the most exclusive specialty shops. Here the most critical men will find Shirts which will call forth gen uine delight. Early purchasers will have the best choice.
$4.00 Flannel Shirts, Only $1.95
French flannel, beautiful quality, plain, striped or fancy silk striped effects, some
with collars to match. These Shirts are exceptional values at the price quoted.
$5 to $7.50 Flannel Shirts, $3.35
Heavy Viyellas and taffeta flannels, in wide striped patterns in beautiful color
combinations. These Shirts are some of the niftiest shown anywhere this season.
AH sizes Wi-Wi inclusive, in the Silk Shirts, and nearly all sleeve lengths, 33 to 36 inclusive. Shirts of unequaled value at prices offered.
Loiver Than Before-the-War Prices
Genuine Amber is one of the scarcest articles of the day. We made a
fortunate purchase the entire stock of a large importer a cash consid
eration enabling us to secure the lot at a fraction of its actual worth.
Amber Beads,
Amber Beads, sold before OC QC
advance at $7.50 now P0.70
Amber Beads, sold before dT qC
advance at $10.50 now P
were (1 A nc
sold at $15.00 now pxsj.VJ
Amber Beads, were C QC
sold at $25.00 now p xOm&D
First Floor, Slxth-St. Bldgr.
JlSm ifi;
IM. It
New Top Coats
for Women Are
Specially Priced Today
Sale Toilet
50c Sempre Giovine on sale at 290
50c Stillman's Freckle Cream at 290
50c Bourjois' Madeline Rice Powder
on special sale today at only 390
50c Veda Rose Rouge on sale at 290
25c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum 110
25c Williams Carnation or Violet Tal
cum Powder on special sale at 100
25c Lehn & Fink's Riveris Talc. 190
50c Palm Olive Shampoo now at 390
10c J erven's Old-Fashioned Soap 70
10c La Primera Castile Soap now 70
JOc Jap Rose Glycerine Soap now 70
25c Rubifoam on sale today at 130.
25c Riker's Tooth Powder, 2 for 250
10c Face Chamois, sealed in sanitary
envelopes, on sale today at" only 70
$1.00 Sal Hepatica on sale now at 690
25c Bell's Pine Tar and Honey Cough
Syrup on special sale today at 100
$2.00 Hair - Brushes, genuine ebony
backs, pure bristles, warranted not
to come out, on sale today at $1.39
Scissors, straight or bent, six to 8
inch, guaranteed, on sale now at 390
First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Out-of -T own
Mail Orders
Filled From This
and All Our Ads
If Received Within Three Days of
Date of Publication
AVc give our out-of-town
customers the same privileRe of
buying from our daily advertlHe
ments as thOHe who live in the
city. Moreover, our method is not
a "mail-order system," it is,
rather, a systematized shopping
service which gives the personal
attention of a trained shopper to
the filing of every mall order.
Your order is studied and
promptly filled with as much "In
telligent interest" as if you were
here yourself. Should you come
in person we will be glad, upon re
quest, to have one of our experi
enced shoppers assist and conduct
you to as many of the 75 differ
ent departments as you choose.
There is no charge.
For Men.
Reg. $1
1200 of Them! And All New!
You will do well to buy at least six of these
for these Ties are all NEW and made of
four-in-hands in plain and fancy colors,
stripes and figures smart and fashionable,
such as any man could wish for. See them !
Temporary Annri, First Floor.
There are handsome white chinchillas
with self or black velvet collars, made m
belted style; covert coats made on severe
lines, well tailored; novelty materials and
black and white checks with silk and
moire collars, made in stylish flared
styles, with and without belts. Balma
caan models, too. In all wanted sizes.
Coats for Spring, in dozens of models
and late styles, priced $S.50 to $37.50
Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
These Kid Gloves
$1.50-$1.75 Grades
Trefousse and Dent's
Make Now on Sale at
Sizes 5'2 to 7, but not every color in each size. Trefousse Real French Kid Gloves,
in black, white, brown, mode and gray, 2 clasps and overseam sewn. Dent's glace
and suede in black, white, gray, tans, mode and brown. Several styles to choose.
aenshadl Kid Gloves $1.50
The newest and smartest of Gloves guaranteed washable very good
quality skins; three rows fancy embroidery on backs. 1-clasp, pique sewn.
$1 "M. & F. Special" Stationery 100
sheets of paper, 25 gilt-edge CQ
cards, 125 envelopes, complete 5 C
35c Irish Lawn Stationery, 50 sheets
paper, 50 envelopes, special, box, 21
1915 Diaries and Date Books xi price
15c Dennison's Plain White Paper
Napkins on sale now at 100 for 100
5c Rolls Wax Paper, 3 rolls for 100
"500" Score Cards, 100, 230; doz 40
25c Narrow Whist and Bridge Play
ing Cards, special, the package, 190
St. Patrick Party Favors
50c Dennison's St. Patrick Lunch Sets,
complete, on special sale today at 410
25c Dennison's St. Patrick Lunch Sets
on special sale today priced at 190
10c Package Shamrocks and Seals 80
25c St. Patrick Garlands today 190
$1.00 dozen Dinner Favors on sale
today priced, each, 80; dozen, 800
First Floor. Slxth-St. Hide.
It's Wonderful How Good
And every Suit is made of selected fabrics and patterns, in models
to suit all tastes and sizes to tit men of everv build. Great values
PORTLAND MEN find that Invincible Suits meet their needs
and demands.
PORTLAND MEN always have taken pride in
wpflnno" rhpsp pplphrnrpn " nvinpih P Suits
PORTLAND MEN appreciate the economy of;J
buying "Invincible" Suits at $1U.5U. I:-f-&
Other Men's New Spring Suits, $20, $25, $30 and $35. IffiV-issS
First Floor, Slxtb-St. Bids-
1857 Wm- "TTs
3 Dozen 25c
No Phone Orders
Probably the last offering at. this low
price. Thin-skinned, juicy, tree
ripened, seedless Oranges; 252 to 288
to case size. Generally 12 c dozen.
Deliveries only with other groceries.
20c Navel Oranges, 216 QlU
size, case $2.19; dozen l-w2C
Tomatoes, solid pack, No. 24
cans, now three cans for on
Mincemeat, No. 3 jars, regu- OQ
larly 55c, the jar, now onlyJ'C
Butter, Jersey, well - known f Q
brand, on sale today, the roll OOC
Fine Hams, sugar cured, "I ZA
the pound now for only AO y5C
Cleaned Currants, Bon l OJA.
Ton, No. 1 cartons, now 1 C
Sliced Beef, Gold Coin 1 OJCj,,
Brand, glass jars, only W st-C
Pure Food Grocery, Basement
tfjji '
I WPIP-8 on
At $
ii r
tittt t'v
to $35
Suits $14.85
Portland weights, all sizes,
models and patterns. 200
Suits to choose from.
$15 to $20
Suits at $9.85
Portland weights, nearly
all sizes and colors. 100
Suits to be sold S9.S5.
Boys' High School Suits
Priced $10, $12.50, $15, $20
Snappy English models, Norfolk and box-back styles,
shown in all the new shades of gray, blue, brown
and green, in Tartan checks, Glenarket plaids, E
stripes and mixtures. Carefully tailored, perfectly
fitting suits, in sizes 32 to 38. The best suits ever
offered at the money are these for the boys putting
their first long trousers, and priced at $10.00,
? 12.50, $15.00 and $20.00.
Temporary Annex, Sernnd Moor.
; ."v.M!,"