TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, 3L1ITC1T 13, 1915. 13 HONOR TO PAID EVERYWHERE Portland Observes Day and Fish Occupies Place at Head of All Tables. TRADE'S GROWTH PICTURED day by Judge A. E. Rice In the Lewis County Superior Court the stockhold ers of the defunct Union Loan & Trust Company are directed, to appear before him on May 24 and show causo why they should not be assessed, the full nt of their liabilities, amounting 000. Several of the stockholders outside the state and are entitled to 60 days notice, otherwise the hear ing could be held in 20 days. Receiver Galvln will file suit against the receiver of the United States Na tional Bank for J1000. Mrs. Galvin says that the latter Institution is indebted to the Union Loan Company for ?17. 998. while Receiver Titlow, of the Na tional Bank, contends the debt is only Jl 6.998. Receiver Galvin will declare another dividend of 10 per cent within the next few davs. as several of the heaviest debtors of the bank are beginning to pay up. Judge Munly Kecites Development of Indu-trv and Speaks of Wealth Vet Untouched JIart for Goods Is Mentioned. OATS ARE WANTED Inquiry in North for Shipment to Australia. th contract market, "but grower are hold- ins back. Advance In Sugar Today. . There was a 16-cent advance in the East ern sugar market yesterday and prices on the Coast will have a similar rise this morn Ins. The new cane granulated quotation will bo SS. 45. But for unsettled local con ditions tbe market would stand at 16.60. MOTOR SHARES LOSE LOCAL MARKET IS STEADY SS."::.:::i::.::::.::.:: "SI Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as loliows: Clearings. Balances. Portland S1.HH1.T83 118.1:'.0 Seattle Z,272,T3 345,170 !ltj3 Advances Scored Early Are Not Maintained. MARKET LEFT TO ITSELF Wheat Prices Firm With Ilg-ht Trad ing California Buyers Are In terested, but Quotations Are Too High for Orientals. PORILA.M MARKJET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour. Feed, Etc Merchants' Kxchange, noon session. .Prompt delivery: Wheat Bid I Bluestem $ 1.41 rtyfold 1.40 Club l.SU Red Russian i.;in RECEIPTS ARE LIBKRAL FOR THIS TIME OF WEEK. tied file Oats No. 1 white feed Barley No. 1 feed ...... Bran Beat Light Hon Are Readily Disposed f at S7.25 Cattle Sell Wlth la Former Range. The market was steady in all lines at the stockyards yesterday. Receipts amounted to 11 loads and were larger than usual at The A Portland save fitting attention yes terday, as did all of the other leading cities of the United States, to the -.nnH ,mnn which represent an lr.di.strv involving about $20,000,000 an Northwest, for yester day was the official National canned this time of week. lalmon day I There wore no changes in prices. The principal observance was at thel steers offered brought fi.io to $7 mectins of the Portland Transporta-I few calves sold at 16.75 to ts.50. tion club which was held at the Mult- AH the choice light hogs on sale were nomah Hotel at 12 o'clock. Transporta-I taken at .7.25. No sheep were on hand. tion clubs of the entire country have Receipts were 113 cattle, & caives and 601 made a point in the past few years to hogs. Shippers were rive special observance to canned sal- With cattie stlllwell & Proffltt, Baker. mon day and this year the Portland 3 CBrs. y,r 0 -welch. North Powder, 1 car Club, like the cluba ot oilier cities iuk w. H. Mockler, Ontario. 1 car. did not happen to nave tneir oay i with hogs Tim Lydston, Weiaer, 1 car: meeting on Friday, postponed its Grover Bros., Ontario. 1 car; Joe Hantak, lnr -until yesterday, so that the ceie-1 Beatty, 1 car; J. D. Iinsmorel bration could be held in fitting manner. Industry's Growth Recited Jude M. G. Munly. the speaker of the day. outlined the history oi m salmon canning industry on the Pacific Coast from its beginning, showing that the industrv on the Columbia. Puget Snnnri and in Alaska since it was be run has amounted to more than o50.- 00.000. In little more than two decades. The industrv in 1913 alone dishursea iTnnnnna to fishermen, is.ooo.oou to cunerv workers. J3.500.000 to trans portatlon. J2.640.000 to tin plate manu r.Mur.ra Sl.8g0.000 to box manufac turers, and amounts ranging from J900,- 000 to S350.000 amonn farmers, pro ducers of metals, netting, oil. canning machinery, shipbuilding and label print- ins- "flrnt Is the industry. ne ne- unoice cows elared. "it is still, one may say. only l "" in its Deginnmg. jhh. iiuwh v. i nulls Pacific Ocean inclosed between me staggs .. .;-. - A.I- mnA America and lV-I lloas- Ing north of a line from the mouth or the Columbia to Japan, called some-1 K1,r times the Gulf of Alaska. Is the richest I Wethers Kwes . Lambs West Sclo 1 car. With mixed loads C. E. Lucke, Molalla, 1 car cattle and hogs; t. G. Koplin, Plain view, 1 car cattle, calves and hogs. Tbe Gay s saies were as xouows: 1 bull . Zo steers 1 steer 2 steers I steers 1 steer 2 steers b steers S steers 1 cow . 1 cow . 1 cow . 1 Etas ' lcalf . 4 hogs . Wt Prlee.l ..2110 5.S5i ..1160 ..looo ..1411 ...1190 ..1103 ..114:: .. 891 . .1210 . ..1020 ...i:oo . .149) .. 170 20 2 hogs .. . 4 hugs. . . 85 hogs . . 1 hog . . . 1 hog ... 36 hogs . . 38 hogs .. . 1 hog . . . 0 hogs . . &2 hogs . . llOKH . . . 1 cow . . . , '- cslves . '1 calves . Wt. Price 173 J7.25 lii 7 L'OO 7 4S0 6. SO ..r0 10l 6.50 187 7.2 480 S.75 It) 1.32 34.00 23.50 20.OU 2 50 There was not much doing In the local I Shorts . wheat market yesterday, but the market was I April bluestem 1.42 firm throughout and prices were on a higher May bluestem 1.4414 May rortytoia 1.4 basis. Merchants' Exchange sales were as n.. I APrll dub 1.4W I May club ml" April red Russian 1.3:1 May red Russian l.JtO 5000 bushels prompt Russian 1.30 1 April red fife 1.34 . . , . May rod fife 1.H7 viud ior pronipi. ui.y '-' - Aprjl oatg 2-cent advance and the April delivery was May oats 31.00 a cent higher. Prompt red Russian was W.W imhan nih.p IcImHk rannd from the FLOUR Patents. t737.'20 . . . .. hi-h... .,,. I stralgnts, o.ou; wnoie wneat, si.zu; granam, i oteei ae iron preivrreu. Thursday to 1V4 cents higher, with In point of fact today's market was left Ask. 1.44 1.44 1.40 1.31 1.37 34.50 2S.00 20. UO 24. u 1.45 1.48 1.44 1.4B 1.42 1.43 "4 1.34 1.37 1.38 1.40 35.00 oti.00 2H.00 ;io.m barrel; I Feature of Foreign Kxchangc Is Break In Italian Llres Iarge Loan Believed to Be Impend ing Banks Gain in Cash. NEW YORK, March 12. The market for securities displayed less resistance to selling pressure today, some of the speculative fa vorites declining over a point on moderate offerings. Heaviness was most pronounced In the afternoon, the motor shares yielding practically all the ground gained during the morning session. General unsettlement occurred In the final dealings, when it became known that the directors of the Southern Railway had de cided to pass the dividend on the preferred stock, which broke five points to 4j. two points above ts minimum. At the same ifin. n n in, ti r-i.tn on t was made of the sun- pension of the dividend on Sloss-Shetfield same as bluestem, next to club, showing the most I MILLPEED Spot prices: Bran, J2T.50 eajn i zs.ov per ton; snorts, tv.ov; roiiea Dariey, Tho steady condition of the European mar- I rXti ' kets was shown by the sale or tne ciud cargo i per ton. of the Swedish ship Svlthold, now loading on I HAY Eastern Oregon timothy. $141 -Whole, $35 per ton; cracked, $36 valley timothy, J 12 'a la. .'H; grain hay, ClOgf ix; aitana, fiz.uu 13.au. . 160 441) , S-n ISO 145 ;.50 7.25 .2 6.00 6.75 T.60 Prices current at fishing ground In tbe world- Part of 'Wealth In touched. "We have developed our salmon can ning industry to a large degree, it is true, but we have not yet more than touched the cod fishing and halibut industry, and these. I believe, are des tined to become enormous wealth-producing factors in the industry of the Pacific Coast. "A greatly as we have developed our salmon canntnir Industry, there re mains an enormous amount to be donel la 83. in developing the market. The sale of canned salmon today is confined almost wholly to America, Great Britain and the British colonies. At this time there i9 not a pound of canned salmon sold on the Continent of Europe. Movements auch aa this canned salmon day cele bration have an advertising value of immeasurable imoortance. Mr. Munly paid deep tribute to R. D. Hume, the pioneer In the canning In dustry and the Inventor of much of the labor-saving machinery now used in salmon canneries, and H. K. McGowan, who. with Mr. Hume, has been one of the most important workers in the held of Interesting the Government In sal- men propagation and protection. Hotels aad Cluba Serve. George Nlelson was chairman of the day and representatives of all of the commercial organisations of the city .S0 T.HOj 7.00 ..-0; 7.10 7.10 6.50 6.2i 3.75 6.00 6.501 Sill 7.25 tno local stockyards on the various classes OI stock Prime steers J7.50eT.75 Choice steers T.25wT.vO Medium steers 8.7jJ 21 D.WOD.W ii.wa.2S B.OOfilT.OO 3.506.00 4.50 6.00 8.259T.2I 6.UO4J6.50 6.00T.60 6.0(1 . 40 l.OUJJ'S.oO Omaha Uvestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., March II. Hogs Receipts, 16.000; higher. Heavy, J6.6&9 tt.75; llj-'ht. .65ffl:6.7.-: pigs, Ju.5"tm.o0 bu k of sa es. .H7 Ci ti.72 V.. Cattle Receipts. 2ouo; strong. .Native, $C.0'Ti S.40: cows and heifers. $5.25 G7; western steers, S6gn7.6.; Texas steers, J.87.80; cows and hellers, $4.756.50 calves, !7.50e10.50. Sheep Receipts. 1UOO0; strong. Year lings, JS.50SS; wethers, J7.60; lambs. Chicago nvestork Market. CHICAGO. March 12. Hogs .Receipts, 19,000; strong; mostly 10c above yester day's average. Bulk. JS.7OmS.S0; light, $6. 55&6.8S; mixed, JS.56 4c6.S71i; Heavy, J6.25&6.S214; rough, J6.25fit.40; pigs, J5.60 66.75. cattle Receipts, touo; steaay. rvative steers, J5.70'8.75; western. Jj7.!fi; cows and helters. J3.3e7.0; caives, xs.2aw.,o. Sheep Receipts. 6000; slow, sneep, 7V 1.10; yearlings, 7.76i'; lambs, S7.6910. WATER POWER TALK GIVEN Senator Tells Jovians That Bills Meant Prohibition in West. "Tbe various bills presented in the recent session of Congress lor the attended and participated in the pro-1 regulation of the use of water power gramme, utner speaaers Desioes mr. djj not taIKi toward conservation, put llunly were I R. Alderman and J. H. rather toward prohibition," was the Dundore. I oninion exnressed by Senator Huston The Portland Commercial Club ob- vesterdav in his address on "Hydro- served Salmon day by serving a Bpecial Electric Measures" at the luncheon of salmon menu, and so persistent was the Portland Jovian League at the Ben tne aemana ior tne saimon aeucacies son Hotel. offered that it was necessary for the jjr. Huston showed that the East was staward to send out twice for additional I lnteretsed in preventing the develop- suppnes ox tne royal cninooK saimon. ment of water power with its ac More than 175 orders of salmpn were companying manufacturing industries ervea in tne oining-room ot ine ciuu j ln tne w est because of the fact that at luncheon alone. nresent the large manufacturing All of the hotels of the city made centers of that section were furnish- pecial note of the day and Issued spe- jns tne West. W. S. Turner, president clal salmon menus. Many of them put 0f tne Oregon. Society of Engineers, up the menus in the form of souvenir was present. Arrangements were made posicaras. so mat tneir patrons couia for tne members ot the Oregon Society end thera to friends in other cities to meet with the Jovian League at ana thus spread the advertisement or their luncheons in the future. in e saimon as a table delicacy. i DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. March 12. Maximum tem perature, 58 degrees; minimum, 4n degrees. River reading. S A. M.. 2.8 feet; change ln last 24 hours, .2 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to a P. M.). .11 Inch; total since Sep tember 1. 1114. 22.35 inches: normal, 33.06 in.hM Deficiency. 11. 81 Inches. Total sun shine. 3 hours, 43 minutes: possible, 11 hours. 43 minutes. .Barometer treuueea to sea level), 5 1 . M.. 3U.U1 incnea. THE WEATHER, 500 ACRES TO GET TREES Fanttam Forest Supervisor An nounces Planting of Fir. ALBANY, Or.. March 12. ( Special. )- A tract of 600 acres in Linn County will be planted with fir trees by the United States Forest Service this Spring, according to r: 11. Brundage. su pervisor of the Pantiam National Forest, with headquarters in this city. The district is located south of the middle fork of the Santiam River in the vicin ity of Seven-Mile Hill on the Willam ette Valley and Cascade Mountain wagon road. Two-year-old Douglas fir seedlings. which have been raised in the Forest Service nursery at Carson, Wash., will be used. The work will begin about April 1 and it is expected that five or six weeks will be occupied on the project. A crew of about 2o men will be employed. STATIONS, 2 Wind HIGHWAY ACT IS SIGNED Governor Alexander to Name Soon Members of Commission. BOISE. Idaho, March 12. (Special.) Idaho soon will have a State Highway Commission, composed of two members appointed by the Governor, with the Secretary of State an ex-offlcio member. for Governor Alexander signed the act among nine others today. The new highway law changes the system of col lecting automobile licenses. Instead of being received by the Secretary of I State they are to be collected ln eacn county by the Tax Collector. Chauf feurs are required to take out a t: license. Other acts signed by the Governor in- Baker Boise Boston Calgary ....... Chicago Denver ........ Dea Moines .... Duluth Eureka ....... Calveston ..... Helena Jacksonville ... Kansas City ... I.os Angeles ... Murshlteld Meiiford -. Mlnnespolis ... Montreal New Orleans .. New York North Head . . North Yakima Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg Hacramento ... St. Louis ...... Salt Lake tjiin Francisco . Seattle pokane Tacoma Tatoosh Tsland WaMa Walla .. Washington ... Winnipeg 52 0.00 52 0.U0 32 0. VO 40 o.oo 42O.t0 f0 0.UOJ S'w 4'W 12 NWj 6 SE 4 K 6 N 34 O.Otlf 4 SW 44 0.01) 12' w os:o.i 04 0.00 4S 0.001 ei; o.oo K S SE 4KB 4 NE .".ii'o.no o i-: 60 0.00: 8 SW 56 0. OS! 4 SW ns'O.oo! 4 sw 34.0. U SW State ot Weather Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Rain Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear IMio.on 20 NW'Clear 64 0. 01( XjSK Cloudy 40 0.00 ?,0 NW Clear 48 0.221KS Cloudy PH O.ooi SB Clear 700.00 4!NW,Clear CO'O.Ol'lOiE Cloudy r.no.ll BW Iciourty 60 0. OR R'SW ICloudy 2 0.Oo 9HW PI. cloudy 500. on 4,s ciouay the Sound, at 62s 3d. There are also Can fornla Inquiries for wheat. The demand trom tne uneoi .. ou ..... .... Fruits and vegetables. rise in wneat prices nero. i Local jobbing quotations: Farmers are not trying to sell and bull TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, little wheat Is coming from the country. I J2fe2.r,i per box; lemons, J2.2ft3.50 per Th. iiniin,ral Dnartnvit estimates 9.-lox; Dananas, io per pound; grapeiruit, baa aaa . .1111 I YimnAm in I T , uuumw , .nu- " .... . . I gerlnej, J1.251.,i per box. the North-west, nut grain aeaiers nere uo ot VEGETABLES Cucumbers, hothouse agree with these figures and believe that I Jl.25tol.50 dozen; peppers, 30fi35o pound; u wheat left in the country will una I artlcnjkes, 75c per dosen: tomatoes. J4.ou v ,.r.. tv j.rnr i avaliahle The I Per crate; cabbage, lHQZo per pound; ....... . wa.v.v " - I a p.. , '! T 1 - ....... ......Mr"!,.... .- nA crate; sprouts, tyigiuc per pouna; nesa let- Government's estimate of farm reserves in the Pacific Northwest on March 1 follows: 1916. 1814. 5-yr. av. .1,800,000 1.700,000 2.100.000 .5,000.000 6,400.000 6,300,000 .2,400.000 a.700,0u 2,000,000 Oregon . . . Washington Idaho .... Total 9,400,000 10,800.000 11,800,000 There Is inquiry on the Bound for white oats, to be shipped to Australia via Van couver, B. C The local oats market was quiet Bids ranged from S5 cents above to 75 cents below those of Thursday. Barley trade was dull. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland 8 4 2 3 4 Ver eo In I 11 4 SAnxnn tdate1K144 1S3S 16.94 1823 1837 21112 2162 141s .110 .14504 Year ago. Tacoma Thursday 14 Year ago 13 Season to date. "426 Year ago 7887 Seattle Wednesday ... 42 Year ago 17 Season to date. 684 Year ago 6059 10 482 658 2 1 1015 1)32 2162 1418 .... 1 .... 6 .... 569 .... 894 ft 3 1816 1588 J044 1071 8 l: 2B82 1U35 S 14 .4669 4046 IMPORTS INCREASE WOOL STOCKS South American Steamers Add 41,600,000 Pounds to New Kngland Supplies. The slowing down of the demand for new wool in the West is attributed to the in crease in stocks by importations on the Atlantic seaboard. Eastern trade papers declare that manufacturers are ln a position somewhat more independent than that of dealers, since so much of the wool arriving has been from South America and a sub stantlal proportion of this on mill account. Australian merinos necessarily have beet. restricted in arrivals, but the receipt of more than 2,000,000 pounds by the Colonlan from London the other day Is enough to in dicate that New England Is ln no danger of a wool famine. Since the first of Feb ruary seven steamers have reached Boston from Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, bring. lng upwards of 21.500,000 pounds of wool. It is understood that dealers are proceed ing to make arrangements to Import wools under the agreement whereby the Textile Alliance has supervision of such business. Orders are said to have been cabled to agents and buyers in London and Austra- tuce, $2 per crate; hothouse lettuce. Too per box; squasn, lc per pouna; splnacn, 7ociq SI per box; hothouse rhubarb, 10$'12o per pound; asparagus. 17g)lSc per pound; egg-. plant, 3uc per pound; peas, 1&&20C. GREEN FRUITS Apples, 50cfe1.50 per box: cranberries, $11(3)12 per barrel. potatoes Oregon, siaru.io per sack; Yakima. 11.10; Idaho, f.ijyl.lO; new potatoes. 10c per pound; sweet potatoes, 34 BiiJVro per pouna. ONIONS Oregon, selling price, si per sack, country points. BACK VEGETABLES Carrots, tl.25 per sacs:; oeets, si.ou per saca; parsnips, s 1.20 per sack; turnips, si. 75 per sack. Dairy and Cooatry Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. I9c; candled, 20a21c. POULTRY Hens, large, 14t415e; hens. ordinary, 13H14c; broilers, li20c; tur keys, dressed, 20c; live, lc; ducks, 103pl4c; geese. 8frl0c. BUTTER Creamery, prints, extras, 34io per pound In case lots; ic more in less than case lots; cubes, 2dav2Sc. CHEKKis orecon triplets, jobbers- buying price, loc per pouna, r. o. aocK, 1'ort- lana; young Americas, loo per pouna. VEAL, .fancy. liitiiEpiac per pouna. PORK Block, Sft&lOc per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1014 crop, 13lBc; 1913 crop, 13 & 14c per pound. HIDES Salted hides. 15c; salted bulls, 10c; salted kip, 15c; salted calf, 19c; green hides, lttc; green bulls, 9c; green kip, 15c; green calf, 19c; dry hides, 26c; dry calf. 28c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, coarse, iM-j,)0; Eastern Oregon, fine, 18 20c; Valley, 2uC, nominal. MOHAIR New clip, 2627o per pound. CA8CARA BARK Old and new, 4iic per pound. PELTS Dry Iong-wooled pelts. 13c: dry short-wooled pelts, 10c; dry shearings, each, 10stl5c: salted shearings, each. !5w2oc; dry goats, long hair, each, 12 12c; dry goat shearings, each, 1020o; salted sheep pelts, February, $1(1.50 each. Provisions. HAMS All siaes, 17i4lSl4c; skinned. 17 18c; picnic, 12c; cottage roll, liStto; broiled. 19&28c. BACON Fancy. 37a2Sc: stanaara, 23a 24c: choice. 17?422c: strips. 17V4C DRY SALT-snort clear backs, iosj)ioc; exnorts. 100)170; plates, liuc LARD Tierce basis: Kettle rendered, 12Vto: standard. 12c; compound, 8c. BARREL GOODS Mess Deer, sxa; piate picaiea largely to its own devices, actual leadership still being lacking. Foreign exchange again was variable, the feature being Italian Hres, which were about 25 points under rates quoted a week ago. The break in lires wss assumed to represent something more important than mere buying of supplies, rumor persisting In the belief that a large loan to Italian IntereMlM in imnendine. Bank clearings conlirm reoent advices of a halt in trade at leaaing centers, tne on crease in New York being almost 20 per cent compared with the previous week. l,ocat banks appear to have gained some cash on the weekly movement, 'lime money was freely quoted at recent low rates and commercial oaDer was on a parity who long time maturities. Total sales of stocks amnuntart to 231.500 shares. Investment bonds were irregular, with more steadiness In some of the cheaper is sues. Total sales, par value, were si.wu,- 000. Panama coupon 3s were per cent lower on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing LADD & TILT ON BANK Established ISM. Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 Commercial and Savings Deposits blood combing. 7072c; three-clghths-blood combing, 65&itf7c. Pulled extra. 70T2c: AA. 63.SJ67C; rme A, 62j)3c; A supers, 606 62c. Naval Stores, SAVANNAH, Ga., March 12. Turpentine Firm. 42c: sales. 21 barrels; receipts, 4; shipments, 203; stocks, 31,020. Rosin Klrm: sales. !4 Darren; receipia. 235; shipments, 210; storks, 112.257. Quote: A. B. 2.!0; C, D. :i.03M!: K. F. G. II. $3.07 tt; I. $3.12Vi: K. $3.2St; M. $4.00; N. $5.00; WO. S5.4."-; ww. ...-. EUROPE AGAIN BUYING DEMAND FOR WHEAT IX EASTERN MARKETS URGENT. Sales. 4,600 9,100 4,6110 700 3.10U Alaska Gold . .. Amal Copper . . Am Beet Sugar. American Can .. Am mel & Ref do preferred. . Am Suitar Ref .. 500 Am Tel & Tel.. 900 Am Tobacco . .. Anaconda Afin.. 200 Atchison 1.7iM Bait & Ohio ... 1.800 Brok R Tran.. (00 Cal Petroleum .. 1,200 Canadian Pac .. 12,100 Central Leather. 1,3011 dies & Ohio . . . 700 Chi Gt West .. . C, M St Paul. Chicago & N W . Chlno Copper . . . Col Fuel & Iron . Col & Southern. . D A R Grande.. do preferred.. . Distillers' Secur . Erie General Elec . . . Ot North pf . . . Gt North Ore . . Guggenheim Ex Illinois Central.. . Interbor Met pf Inspiration Cop. Inter Harvester . K C Southern. . . Lehigh Valley .. Louis & Nash. . . Mex Petroleum. Miami Copper .. Mo, Kan & Tex. Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit .... Nat Lead Nevada Copper.. N Y Central . . . N Y. N H & H.. Norfolk & West . Northern Pac .. Pacific Mail Pac Tel & Tel Pennsvlvanla ... 700 Pull Pal Car . .. 4u0 Ray Con Copper 400 Reading 26,100 Reuoblic I & S Rock Island Co do Dreierred.. 11.000 St L & S F 2 pr High. 3214 55 H 40 27 i 019 120 !4 9 67 4 8714 17'i IHOVn S3, 42 Vi Low. 31 i 53 " :iiji 27 la 63 302' " 120 '26 Hi '. S7 17'i 35i 33 '4 41 900 STti 8H "466 "'6k' 3,700 "2:iii 2aii 200 159i l.'.H 400 116 iir.- .".00 31 30-Ti 2U0 50 40 V 3,4QO 'hi" 6ii 2.000 20i 19T "66 133 134 hi s.noo 'oi 'ob" Mill 21 20 2,500 11 lOtj 9,400 11 10V "360 "iiii i2H tiOO 84 83 3,800 52 51U "600 103 102 200 1 8v 18is Bid. 31 39 Zl Hi! 102 102 320 22: 66 Is 87 17' 15H :i3' 41H 10 V, 86 !i 12. 354 a4H in 8 22fc 139 31514 30 4 ! 'A 103 r.8 20 92 21 Vj 134 1 3 5 20 ll'-H 10 118Vi 54 12 V. 82 H Purchases for Day Estimated at 1,400,- 0OO Bushels of Cash Grain May Wheat Also Taken. CHICAGO. March IS. Urgent European demand for both the cash delivery and the May option kept the wheat market today to a higher level than was reached yester day, mainly as a result of the Government report showing a falling oil of 20.000.000 bushels in the supply held by interior mill and country elevators. Prices at the close were strong, lift cents to li cents above last night. Corn scored a net gain of V cent to cent, oats of H cent to Vs cent and provisions a shade to 5 cents. Export sales of wheat for spot cash amounted in Chicago alone today to 400.000 bushels and there were salu to have been l.Ooo.OOO bushels disposed of to trans- Atlantic buyers at the seaboard. Cash wheat premiums were the tallest of the year. Corn was helped upward by the lightness of rural offerings to arrive. On the other hand. Improved demand southwest was urT set to some extent by the shipping call from tils East. Oats were strengthened on reports that the Argentine surplus would be far leas than had been supposed. Higher prices for hoirs and grain gave an upward list to provisions. On the bulge packers sold, particularly July ribs. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. May July May July May July May July May July May July Cash prices were: Wheat No. S red, $1.58 Vi la 1.6 Vi ; No. 3 hard, 1.5S1.60h. Corn No. 2 yellow. 134 W7e; .-so. yel low, 70 Via 71a. Kye No. 2, si. 13ft. Barley 70Siic. Timothy 14. 50 8.50. Clover $u.5o 13.50. Primary receipts Wheat, 646.000 vs. 53,- 000 bushels; corn. 355.O0O vs. 7s.00U Dusn mission h'.'mfl the situation and Is still carryinjyut IU relief work. ROAD BOND PLAN INDORSED St. Johns Commercial Club Act Af ter llcurlnjr Aldree. PT. JOHN'S. Or., March 12. (Special. ) The St. Johns Commercial Club, at its meeting last nlftlit. pave lt unani mous indorsement of the proposition to hond Alultnoinnh County in the sum of $1,250,000 to liard-otirfare the trunk county roads. A. S. Benson explained tho plan to construct hsrd-surfate trunk roads the Base I, Ine. Sandy. Powell Valley and Section I,lnc. on the East Side; the Canyon, Slavin and the Ijlnnton, on the Wept Side and to complete the Columbia Highway. S. C. Ijtncuster, engineer of the Co lumbia Highway, delivered an illus trated address. He also spoke of the plan to construct a trHll to the sum mit of T.aroh Mountain. Open. High. Low. Close. 11.53 $1.5,-,?, $1.53 1.51i 1.20 1.21 1.20 - l.lil CORN. 72 .735, .72 .73 74 .763, .14 .is OATS. 57j .59 .57',, .r.STj 63 .63 7 .ii 51 MESS PORK. 17.70 17.82 17.7U 17.70 18.1J 18.22 18.12 U.12 LARD. 10 67 10. R 10.67 10 0 10.82 10.82 111.80 10.12 SHORT RIBS. 10 35 10.17 10.12 10.12 10.45 10.47 10.45 10.45 1,1 " els: oats, 548,000 vs. 640,000 bushels. 22i Shipments Wheat. ittO.OOO vs. S,00O iSv bushels; corn, 540,000 vs. S47.OO0 bushels; 2?ii oata. 1.1J1.00O vs. 777.000 bushels. 10514 15014 17 145 1 105 14 160 14 17 145 huf I'M Rll hrlKlref nnrk tlAZn- lis to make necessary arrangements on I pIgs.' feet, $12.50; tripe, $9.60 11.80; tongues, tneir cuus. xan&ing lacmties nave oeen 1 $5)30. provided to nuance any deals negotiated. Southern Pac Southern Ry ... Tenn Copper . .. Texas Company. Union Pacihc. U S Steel do preferred. . Utah Copper . . . western union.. Westing Eiec 25W 105 V 160 17 14S4 1 !)', 1 8 83 14 Those who have a large volume of cheap wool already bought are anxious to get it to America on the best terms possible. Pro vided this can be accomplished at an early date, they will not quibble about the 1 per cent demanded by the Textile Alliance. 52'O.On IN 5S'0.12 4,S 56 O.OO 12 SW 54 0.001 4 NE US 0.02 4 SW Mi0. 0230 E .10(0.00! 4 PE B2:0.00!32;NW 3iO.OOie.SE Cloudy Kain Pt.. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Rain Cloudy Clear Rain WEATHER CONDITIONS. High atmospheric pressure obtains over practically the entire country, with cen tr Me "htH" nvee the Ohio Vallry and elude three irrigation . bills, two edu-1 Central California, respectively, Light pre- cational. Senate bills Noa. 1S3 and 1C3, cipitstion has oecurrea in "" r ani hill No 104 Dravldlnr th I th TacHlo Slope and In British Columbia, ana Mnjte Bill lo. ltM. providing; thNorth Dketa. Oklahoma and Louisiana, manner by which foreign executors and administrators may satisfy mortgaires In any county In the state. BANK BACKERS SUMMONED Stockholders of Defunct Institution e Csillrd to Ontralla Hearing, Ct-'tfTflAUA. TVae-h . March IX. (Special.) By. an prder Jiau4 jeoter- The weather Is 10 degrees or mere warmer In North Central Montana, new nienine, Kansas and Tennessee) it In eerrespsndingly roelr In bsskatehewan. Western North Da- aota una iwortnaastern r-iona, -j empera. ture rnnilnue below normal in Nebraska, Iva, Western Mlse-irt, Oklghoma, Texas, Florida and the Middle Ailemtn slates. The conditions are faveratolo fee leral showere rialurday la this district, with light, variable winds. FeRBCABTd, Portland and vicinity Showers; variattie winds. Oregsa, Wsefctagton sad Idaho Local shevera; light, variable winds. THWDORF, F. WKB. - AcUB Jvistrtti Isrwaai'r. UfPROVEMENT IN LOCAL APPLE TRADE Prices Are Firm and Higher at Shipping Points Surplus Will Clean Up. The apple market Is In better condition and prices are Arm and o to 10 cento higher at shipping points. The cheaper grades are closely cleaned up, while the better sorts. especially Spltsenberga, Newtowns and Wlnesaps, are nearly all in dealers hands. Low prices have stimulated home consump tion and there la now no doubt that the en tire surplus will be disposed of. A chest of Florida strawberries was re ceived and sold at 60 cents a quart. It was tho best yet received. Another shipment of strawberries Is due In the early part of the coming week. Oranges are coming forward In better shape and the market Is firm. Seven cars of bananas arrived yes terday in good condition. Vegetable receipts included one car of lettuce, one car of cauliflower and two cars of mixed sack vegetables from Sacramento and San Francisco. A car each of celery and lettuce are due today. Celery is firm ln sympathy with stronger markets south. Some local cauliflower Is coming on tbe market, but much of it shows the effect of frost. Volunteer local radishes have ap peared and some local rhubarb. The next California steamer will have a large ship ment' of 8an Leandro rhubarb, which will sell at $1.75 2.50 a box. A car of Florida tomatoes Is due the middle of next week, also a part car of Florida new potatoes. LARGER QUARTERS FOR EXCHANGE Rapidly Growing Membership Makes Change Necessary. The rapid growth In the membership of tho Merchants' Exchange has made It nec essary for the association to obtain larger quarters. E. w. Wright, manager of the exchange, yesterday signed a three-year lease with the representative of Gay Lombard for the large room now unoccupied on the ground floor of tho Board of Trade building. The new quarters will rive about twice as much floor space as the room now occu pied and will furnish abundant wall space for the grain and statistical boards. A committee-room will be provided and an addl- Staple Groceries. Local lobbing Quotations: SALMON Columbia River one - pound talis, $2.30 per dozen; hair-pound xiats. $l.i0; one-pound flats, $2.50; Alaska pink, one-po-jnd talis, gi.oo. HONffiY Choice. 43.25 ner case. NUTS walnuts. 15 024c per nound: Bra zil nuts, 15c; filberts, 1524c; almonds, 23 6'24c; peanuts, eftc; cocoanuts, si.uv per dozen: pecans. 10 to 20c; chestnuts, loc BEANS Small white. tsc; large wnue. 6c; Lima, Oc; pink, B6c; Mexican, ezc; bayou, ew;C. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, isgi33iic BUOAR Fruit and berry, $3.45; beet. $6.Zo: extra C, $5.85; powdered, ln bar rels. 70: cube, barrels. $6.S5. SALT Granulated, $15.50 per ton; half ground. 100s, $10.75 per ton; .50s, $11.50 per ton; dairy, ll per ton. RICIS Southern head, ec; broken, 4c per pound; Japan style, u5c. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 00 per pouna; snrlcots. 13015c: peaches, go; prunes, Ital ians. &99c: raisins, loose Muscatels, 8c; un bleached sultanas, TnCl seeaea, sipiHc; aatea. Persian, 100 per pouna; iara, si.oo per oox; currants, 8 12c. Oils. KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels or tank wagons, 100: special arums or Der- rls. 13M.c: cases. 17 Vi (azO'e. GASOLINE Bulk. 12c: cases. 10c; engine distillate, drums, 714c; cases, 1414c; naptha, drums, 11c; cases, isc. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 71c; raw. cases, 76c; boiled, barrels, 73c; boiled, cases. 73c. TURFENTIKB in tanKS. ovc; in cases. 67c; 10-caso lots, 10 less. KAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current In Bay Ctty en Fruit. Veg etables, Etc SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Butter Creamery, 24c; firsts, 334o; seconds. Kffirs Kancv ranch, zic: punets. .inc. Cheese New, 1912c; Young America, is i, 15 'Ac: Oregon. 14Hc. V'eir,.tahris Bell peppers. 7l??8c: hothouse cucumbers. 90c$1.10; eggplant, 4 5c; peas. 7&llc; asparagus, lopic. onionB xeuow. bvuvjdc. Fruit Lemons, ll.504ja.50: bananas, Ha waiian, $1.50O'2; pineapples, do . $1.602.u0; c.llf nrnla apples. Pippins. 656 S jc; Bell fleur 2550c; other varieties, 6075c; do. nrnn Fionins. al&ti.Ku: bpitzenoergs. $1.75411.25: Baldwins. ,75c$l: Wlnesaps, 85ril.0. - Patatoea Buroanas. uregon. ei.v a i.pv; delta. $1.10(51.20; Northern, $1.10191 1.25; Lompocs, $1.6591.80; Idaho, $ii.4o; Sweets. IJ.ZOCPS. 10; new, oc per puuuu. Recelpts f lour, llliu quarcer tnii ueii - li? 44 304 Blii e Kg SI ttj 3,200 84 S3 1.1O0 35 3434. 2,400 27 !00 133 13214 8,100 120-4 11814 18,000 45 44 400 105 104 300 53 52 1,800 6414 64 700 68 In 68 4i Total sales for the day, 231,700 shares. BONDS. U S ref 2s, reg. 9814IN T C G 3ls... 70 do coupon.... no1 Nor rac ob a-- U S 3s. reg 1011411 do 4s do coupon. .. .101 Me lUnlon pac 4s. . U S N 4s. reg.. 10914 do coupon. .. .lioisi MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS BIGGER Jobbing; Trade Still Confined to Small Lot Buying. NEW YORK, March 1. Bradstreet's to morrow will Hill" Poor roads, unsettled weather, or small lot buvinfr in larg-er lines are probably re sponsible for the feeling of disappointment visible ln many . markets. These features contrast with Increased operations in heavy manufacturing, dlminlshea laieness, activity n shipbuilding, a sllgut improvement Sorine- retail trade at some few centers, some expansion in mall order business, ex cellent w inter wneat crop conaiuons, neavy investment "demand tor bonas, a sngniiy mora cheerful stock market tone, ana ir- regular hAttermcnt in collections. The ten dency to buy oiten ana m smaii iuis indi cates conservatism. There are some evidences or tiettermeni in demand for lumber, textile mills are taking raw cotton more freely, silk factories in some centero me wolfing iuu muo, am munition concerns are rushed and at the leading center automobile manufacturers are doing better than was expected. On the Otner nana, coal mining is reiarueu. onuri time in anthracite regions is tne rule ana building, tliougli showing signs 01 improve, ment is nulet. Bank clearings for the week aggregate $2,8t0,772,,O00, a loss of 19 per cent from last week and 11.9 from the corresponding week last year. Business failures for the week number 3R.Y '.nmnfired with 274 in the like week last 1 eentrif usa centrllugai ciosea Clearances Wheat, 90,ouu ousneis; corn. 108,000 bushels; oats, 82,000 bushels; flour, 18,000 barrels. Foreign Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL, March 1-. Corn opened Hd lower, closed 14d lower. Lann v ucai un changed to Id lower; corn, !za lower, oats, unchanged. BUENOS AYRES, March 12. Wheat, corn and oats unchanged. Clearances 01 w neat were 100.000 buslieis. ARCKNTINE. March 12. Shipments, n aftn oimi hitflhels- last week. 5.193,000; last year, 1.1 m.uuu. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 12. WheatMay, $1.46 asked; July, 1.40; No 1 S1.&4; NO. 1 .-Norinerii, ti.n i.uiti Northern. 11.44 r 1.4V. Barley. Flax. $1.91 it 1.94 . Other Eastern Grain Markets. DTTLUTH. March 12. Wheat closed: May, $1.49; July, $L14l5: WINNIPEG, March 12. Wheat closed: M.v 41.52 asked: July, ai.aa uia; iy oats, 64Hc bid; July. 64 c. KANSAS CITY. March 12. Wheat Closed: May, $1.4614; July, $1.14 1.14. ST. LOUI3. March 12. Wheat ciosea: May, il.61 asked No pavement will give bet ter results and prove cheaper in the end to the property owner than BITULITHIC TRAVKI Kits' t.l'IUK. FRENCH LINE Compaicnlf iirntli 1'niniMilIanllqu, Sailings for HAVRE ROCHAMBEAU Mar. 20, 3 P. M. ,. Mar. 27, 3 P.M. ..Apr. 3,3P.M. ..Apr. 10. 3P.M. LA TOUR A INK CHICAGO NIAGARA I'Oll lXtX)lt.M ATION AI'I'LY C. W. atlnger. SO Mh st.t A. 1, I harltoa, 255 M rrl.n at.: K. M. Tlnr. '. M. M. I. R.; lfnev It. Multh. IIS Sd St. A. Mieldoa, lull Srt II. IlliUen, S4S Weah- Instun St.; North Hank Road. AtJl and Mark sla.) P. e. M 1 arlan.l, 3d and HhlDgVoa ts.; K. H. Duffy. 124 Xd .. I'wrtlanil. hard, No. 2 66(ft78c. Juiy, $1.16. year. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, March 12. Mercantile pa per 8 per cent. Sterling exchange, easy 60-day bills. S4.78.75; for cables. $4.80.65; for demand, $4.80.15. Bar silver, 511c. Mexican dollars. 88 c. Government bonds, heavy; railroad bonds. irreaular. Time loans, steaay; oo-aay bins, zv4 per cent; 00 days, 2&B per cent; six months, 3 per cent. Call money, steady; highest, 2 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Sterling, 60 davs. 14.78; demand, $4.80; cable. $4.8114. Grain at San Franelwo. SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Spot quo tations nominal. Walla wans, sj.ibi 2.42V-; red Russian, .-.4u : irJ red i2,452.50; blueBtem, $2.50u2.35; feed barley. $1.3714 iff 1.40; white oats, $1.7714 W 1.80; bran, $2 28.50; middlings, $31J3; shorts. $30 31. Call board Barley May, $1.S4H: Decem ber, $1.36. Puget Sound Grain Markets. SEATTLE, March 12. Wheat Bluestem, $1.41; fortyfold. $1.4u; ciud. si.otf; me. $1 4: red Russian, $1.31. Barley, $27 per ton. Yesterday's car receipts V heat, 56; oats 8; barley, 5; corn, 1; rye, 1; hay, 4; flour, 6. TACOMA, March 12. Wheat Bluestem, SI 35: fortyfold. $1.32; club, Sl.iiO; reu fife, $1-28. Car receipts Wheat, 14; corn, 1; oats, 1; hay. 8. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. March 12. Raw sugar firm; ntrifugal, 4.i7c; molasses sugar, 4.00c. firm, 4.83c; molasses sugar. 4. Otic, bales, ii..,wv dhro. AUSTRALIA JkSk Honolulu and South Seas 'VENTURA"-SONOMA"-;;SIERRAw Mum-ton IIFKIIIS Hte.wier-tlUl Llojds $110 Honolulu frdJii: 5jfy. 5337i0 For Honolulu March IS. Varrh $0, April 13, April 27. Msv II, June Julv a For Sydney March 1, April It. May II. June 8. Julv . Aug. J, Aug 31, Sept. It. OCEANIC P.ThMIIir to. 7S Market M.. Imu Sramlsro. San Francisco LOS ANGKIJS4 AMI HA DIKGO S. S. YUCATAN Sails Wednewlay, Mar. 17, at I. M. NORTH TAlIlrlC BTKAMNH1P CO. Ticket Offir 121A Sd St Main 1314, A 111 .1 freight Office Foot ISortbrup Ht. Main u2u3, A 54. J COOSBAY AND XCRF.KA S. S. ELDER BAILS SIN DAY. MAR. 14, A. M. AND KVEKY SUNDAY HIKItKArrtH NORTH l'A CltlC blK-VMSllU CO. Ticket Office .1 Freight Office lit A Sd St. II Foot Northrup St. MAIN 1314. A 114. U Mala 62U3, A 64iX Refined firm. 15 points higher; cut inar. iu.no: crushed. 0.70c: mouio -i, 0....0. cubes. 6.15c; XXXX powdered, powdered, 6.00c; fine granulated, diamond A. 0.00c; confectioners' A, No. 1, 5.65c. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. March 12. Butter U creamery. 2028c. EgKS lower. iteceipta. '-"7 mark, cases Includea, l6!aiilc, firsts, 161614c: firsts, 1714c. Dried Fruit St New Tors., miTTtr -rORK. March 12. Evaporated ap ples, quiet; prunes, steady: peaches, quiet. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March IS. spot quiet; 6.05c ; 5.B0C 5.80c at ordinary mid-uplands, S.SOc; sales, none. tional entrance cut on the Oak-street side. .n. r,nt demand, the continued steadl 1 ness of the primary markets, reports of fur- SPECULATOR BITTING EGGS FREELY & Market I. Firm at l.-Cent Basis for Our- 1 cTWV IXJNDON. March 12. Br silver, 24 8-ld ner ounce. Money, 1 POL' cent. Discount rates Short bills, l!s per cent; three ley, 2690 centals: potatoes, 2615 sacks; hay, j months, H4l?4 per cent. (31 tons. I Americans linn at London. Coffee Futures. LONDON. March 12. American securities v-s-.nr YORK. March 12. JThe market Tor on the stock market today attracted more ...... -mer antlv tnrlsv and I Attention Erie. Missouri. Kansas &. Texas prices ruled higher on reports of an Im- and Canadian Pacific ",?"f Commission Says Clothins Collected late trading, but the rest ot the list closed firm. Hops at New York. NEW YORK, March 12. Hops, quiet. FOOD NOW BELGIANS' NEED Is Sufficient for Some Tlmo. PRIMARY WOOL MARKETS QCFETER I Food alone is now needed for the rent Receipts. l:"lZ hirher Sales: 13.600. March, Trading- at Boston Is Also Lee, Active, relief of the Belgians, enouirn Clothing The egg market was Arm yesterday at lHs.7$c; April, a.Slcj May. B.88c; Jun 0.90c; Foreign Values Strong. having- benn collected to serve for some cents case count. Most of the larger local egg firms are now storing and there Is a steady demand en shipping account. The poultry market was poorly supplied July, 6.94c; August, T.Ole; September T.07c; Commercial t)me whUe tha need for provisions BOSTON, March 32. The unetin win y . w . 1 , . , T.i4e January, 7.29c, 1 The wool marKet nas Deen in a waiungi enu Spot firm, no, , la; Dimw o. , nuiiuufl uuiHifi itis ,r C. h w I being dlStriDUtea vy liie uiiiiiiiBeiun little business haB been accomplished day by 1 .,,v . . a .. .u. "".' ... i...t.-. whit. th. day. the total volume of business has been tor rteuet ot .i.u.... "t " wz:szrz i;toMZi ... r.nd iy . wr. price. ... wi. h.v. b... omotB at 7i Broadway. New Tom cuy. demand was good. 14 14 9 Iff cents. Other kinds of poultry were slow. Dressed perk wss scares ant firm, but veal was weak. No changes were reported ln the dairy produce markets. Tygi) Valley Hops Are Bold, T4 smaii lets pf hops, aggregatis It bales, were bought is TysH Valley by Hal V. Bolaat at It seats. ? ysra (he ealy transactions reported fa this state for 75 rels higher at Rio. Metal Market, aaaln. nsw -fORlf, Marsh Tin, nemlnal; purchasing ln the West liss been rather fra-tsn lets, 4T4"( ?6-fO lots, 47e, bill, 1 desultory punng too w una aoout 011 mi fEr.4 Th" r'.S" A band book tslimr of tho work of at rejig m.na ino isnaeney nui oean upwtra in orfanissiLion huu mo jhoblhv vi Oepeer, firms sleetrelytle, 14.'ST14 15ei jlwrao level of pries, named lt cssting, is,j,, M LS'ii' ar Inn nrtV M H fl HHasHfin fla. I " " V. ...... , ... 1 ... . Lead, staany, B,B4s, Speitar et qustad. puiulft f.insredl Market, m't.HTff. March 13. r-r Linseed -a- cek fitt. Som iatret is displaced ieil,Hai May, 01,i(4 i.Jyiy, LW. California - Northern, 68(1ei middle eountv. rtOsrauei weutnem. Dbiaasa. OfSrfeaEastam .tsple, TUfeTasj BMtern eiathing, e546ei valfey Ne, 1. 670600, Territory . PiH9 staple, Ta7Sn fine fash. I medium staple Of iB-TOej fine cleMiing. as 1701 liav mvuium divining, viivvwi naii- oollontlon and distribution of r' lief supplies has been Issued and it Is being mailed, tciwetlisr with an address on the Belgian situation de livered on February 10 by Llndon W, Bates, vice-president of tha Commis sion, These pamphlets give an adequate Idea of the arrest need of tho Belgian peopleor Aid and tha wax th Com- Bh LAM PC RTV H 0 LT LI NEg And all Armilu I'orts Frtqunt swilinga lroiu .w KuK by new and fast ton) pa-'ntftr itcumri. 17 DAI'S TO UIO JAMCIKO, S.t DAYS TO HLKNOH AYRKH. Busk & Tt-Knlrl., , n. AkIn., m H wr. N.Y. lurie H. Miiilh. 3d n-l nhinstua sis.. ir any Iim-hI wKrnt. AUSTRALIA NEW ZKAL.W1) AM) Mltl'H fF.A Itegular throUKll sailing tor Mydney vf Tahiti and Wellington fiom ban Francisco. Mar. 31, April May S, and svsry II daya Send for pamphlet. Union Mtramtliln of New Zealand, l.trt. Office 41 Market trret. baa UraacUce, er loral . H. and K. K. acrnta. STEAMSHIP (talis Direct For SAN rKANtlM O nil ANULLE AD SAN D1KOO. Today, 2:30 P. JM., March 13 SAN FRANriWO, PORTLAND LOS ANt.l.Lf.S HTKA.HNI11P CO. FKANK. MOLLAM, Ageat. 134 Tllird btreet. A 4..MS, Mala IS. S. H. BKAK fMIJ P. M.. M AK( H I. SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES The Kaa KrswcLc A I'ertlssd X. a. e. Third aad Washiaatoa Ms. nllh 0.-. K. A N. I II.) Tel. .Marshall A SI2I. COOS BAY LINE Steamer Breakwater alls from Alnavtortk Dork. Portlaad, 8 A. M. Friday. Krrlgkt aad Ticket Office, Alnsworth Tlex-k. Phnaeei Malsi SHOO, A-Kt.tV. Itr Ticket Of fire. Ml Slk !t. Phoaea Msrshsll 4.MKI. A-SI3I. PORTI.JtMT A COM II y n. M. .J 9TKAMF.R anivirsj gtesmor "H IKIIM VII K- leaves Ash-sireet Duck dally et cept PaturC av. s P. M. for As toria and way points. Heturalns. leaves Astnrta. dally eac.pt aw Sa. f A M- Thk.ta and rservauons at C-VT. R. A M. City Ticket Office. Third snd Wsahlng-UM. tre.ta, or st A.n-street imcs raae. laiaaau suu A - ....... .