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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915. l'RICE rivi: CENTS. VOL. L.V. XO. 16.942. AMERICAN IS SLAIN BI ZTOS IN Murder Committed as Capital Is Occupied. REPARATION IS DEMANDED Washington Disturbed by New Serious Development. MAN KILLED BY VOLLEY fhootiii; Occurs in J Ionic Over MTiich Stars and. Mrlpes Are Fly ins (ieneral Salazar Prom ises to Make Amends. ' WASHINGTON. March 12. Encour- azina advices telling of the relief of the food famine in Mexico City through the evacuation of the capital by the forces of General Obrcgon, the Carranza commander, were beclouded today by the news that on the entry of the Zapata troops. John B. McManus, an American citizen, was murdered shot down in his home, the door of which had been sealed with the coat of arms of the United Ftates, and over which flew the Stars and Stripes. Instant demand was made by the Brazilian Minister on behalf of the United States Government for the pun ishment of those guilty of the crime. Reparation la Demanded. After a conference between Presi dent Wilson and his Cabinet. Secretary Bryan telegraphed the Brazilian Min ister approving of the action he had taken and adding a demand for rep aration to the family of the victim. The Minister was instructed to insist on the early punishment of the offenders and to impress on the post commander at Mexico City General Falazar the seriousness with which the American Government viewed the occurrence. The General who is not related to tint Independent chief who has been conducting a revolutionary movement in Northern Mexico since escape from American custody last year promised that the demands of the United States would be met promptly. Revenge Motive of Murder. The occupation of the city by the Zapatistas, which was greeted with enthusiasm by the people, was marred by a fevr cases of looting. Officials aid no 'other disorders occurred, and the city was quiet when the last dis patch, dated 4 P. M. yesterday, was filed. The Brazilian Minister reported at length in several dispatches on the mur der. The motive for the crime, he ex plained, was undoubtedly one of re venge for the alleged killing of two Zapata soldiers by McManus when their forces last left Mexico City. The Minister said that when the Zapatistas withdrew several weeks ago after the departure of General Gutier rez, some of them attempted to loot the home of JlcManus. The latter stood on his doorstep and, though it was never made certain who fired the first shot, when the attackers fled because of the arrival of Carranza forces, two were left behind dead. Home I'ndcr American Flag. Apprehensive of what might be his fate on the return of the Zapata forces, McManus induced the Brazilian Min ister to seal his door with the coat of arms of the United States and hoisted an American flag over his home. Ap parently, the Minister reported, Mc Manus was killed by a simultaneous volley of shots, which were fired at a short distance, and bis hat was filled with bullet holes. Previously the American had taken precautions to send his wife and family to the home of friends, and no one, so far as known, witnessed the shooting. The killing of McManus, coming after the serious developments of the situa tion in Mexico City of the last week, increased apprehension here in official quarters for the safety of foreigners. Looting In Suburbs Reported. At the time of Obregon's occupation of the city a Swedish subject and four Spaniards were killed. Before leaving Mexico City Obregon gave the Brazilian Minister a certificate confirming the fact that the Swede' was killed by his soldiers. The certificate was given to afford the man's family a basis for a claim. The Carranza commander is understood to have expressed his regret over the occurrence and paid 1000 pesos toward the funeral expenses of the victim. Several of the embassies and lega tions received word of the occupation of the city by the Zapatistas. Three cases of looting in the suburbs of the capital were reported as having oc curred, with a German, a British and a French subject as victims. Unoffi cial reports that 2000 Mexicans had tried to release the priests imprisoned by Ohregon and that a riot had result ed were unconfirmed. Ohrrcon Leave Im Good Order. General Obregon's troops, according to the official dispatches, left in good order and the Brazilian Minister re marked that evidently the Carranza commander was impressed by the tone of tho American note. In view of this report, the American Government, it was said, probably would make no representations to the Carranza gov ernment. Secretary Bryan is preparing to in sist that the railway between Miexico iCoaciudtd on Tag 8- PORTLAND STREET AMERICA'S BUSIEST HAWTHORNE BRIOGE TRAFFIC HEAVIER THAN" BROOKLYN'S. Larger Cities Show Less Travel on Highways, Engineer's Report to Council Says. Washington street in Portland has as much traffic as any of the busiest streets in the largest Eastern cities. At certain times the Hawthorno-avenue h.iT. r.i.. mnr tnnnaare per foot of roadway than the Brooklyn bridge in New York. These arc facts shown by a traffic report which has been prepared by Municipal Traffic Engineer ivirK Datrick. , The report shows that In ten hours of an average day 117,044 pedestrians pass ih. inKrwriinn of Fifth and Wash ington streets. In an hour 1125 vehicles, not Including streetcars, pass the inter, sretion. In Boston 112,000 pedestrians pass by the busiest corner in a ten-hour day 5044 less than In Portland. In an hour 6r2 vehicles pass by the Boston busy corner. Portland shows nearly double that number. In Titthburg 96,000 pedestrians are recorded in ten hours. This Is 21,000 less than go by the Portland corner in the same time. The report has been prepared to show that there is actually something to the oft-made statement that Portland streets arc badly congested and that thorn is occasion for better traffic regulation. TWO GENERALS WOUNDED French Army and Corps Command ers Hit While Inspecting Foe. PARIS, March 13. An official state ment Issued by the War Office says: "In the course of an inspection of an enemy first-line . trench 30 meters (about SO feet) away, General Mandary, commander of one of our armies, and General de Villaret. commander of one of the corps of his army, were wound ed by bullets. They were examining the German line through an embrasure. The doctors have not yet given an opinion on the gravity of their wounds." General Michael Joseph Maunoury, ex-Military Governor of Taris, was in command of the allies' center last Sep tember and is reported to have com manded the French in the battle at Solssons in January. The army list shows two Generals Devillaret E. G. T. Devillaret and A. M. . Devillaret. BLOOD GIFT SAVES LIFE Transfusion to Albert Johnson From D. M. Horn Successful. A quart of blood was transfused rrom the body of D. M. Horn, of Hornbrook, Cal.. at St. Vincent's Hospital yester day, and the life of Albert Johnson, of Pprtland, thereby was savea. Mr. Johnson is the husband of Sir, Horn's sister. He is a civil engineer and for several years has been suffer ing from anemia. The flow was continued for more than an hour. At the end of the ordeal Mr. Horn showed no signs of weak ness. Mr. Johnson was resting com fortably last night. Mrs. Johnson and a few other rela tives witnessed the operation, whicii was performed by Dr. E. A. Sommer. Mr. Johnson is a brother of Frank S. Johnson, of 30 East Twenty-fourth street, at whose home both he and Mrs. Johnson have been living recently. SARAH WILL ACT AGAIN Roles Already Chosen for Early Tour of United States. BORDEAUX, March 12. (Special.) Sarah Bernhardt, recovering here from the amputation of her right leg. expects to tour America next Fall. Despite her 70-odd years and the fact that she must wear an artificial leg, the great French tragedienne is making active prepara tions to return to the United States. Her future is all planned, she told her friends today. Bertrand in Ros tand's "The Faraway Princess" ' is the first role she will enact when she leaves the hospital, and after that "Phedre." These two plays she will put on merely for the sake of old associations and to prove that an artificial limb will not impair her acting. Then, with the public convinced, she will turn to new roles. FINNS MAY BE DRAFTED German Suggests Reason for Visit of Czar Nicholas. BERLIN. March 12. (By wireless, via Sayvllle, N. T.) The Stockholm Dag bladet reports that the visit of Em peror Nicholas to Helsingfors probably is intended to prepare the people for a proclamation of conscription. Up to the present the people of Finland have been free from military service. The frontier Is being watched to prevent the people from crossing into Sweden. The most prominent Finnish Senators have been summoned to St. Petersburg. Several Russian provincial Governors have warned against an extended con scription of Russian peasants, declar ing that the number of men required for agricultural work already is In sufficient. Austria Releases Russian Violinist. VENICE, via London. March 12. Through the efforts of Frederick C. Penfield, the American Ambassador to Austria, the Austrian government has released Dr. Adolph Brodsky, an emi nent violinist, who had been interned in Hungary for several months. Dr. Brodsky is a Russian subject. r i BIG SHIPS' SHELLS CREATE INFERNO Allies' Gunnery Good in Dardanelles. BOMBARDMENT IS UNCEASING Death and Destruction Dealt at Distance of Ten Miles. OBSERVER TELLS STORY British u nd French A'escls Sent In to Draw- Fire of Forts Succeed In Purpose and Escape Without Damage. BY GEORGK RENWTCK. (Correspondent of the London chronicle. By cable to the Chicaeo Trlhun. Published by arrangement with the Tribune.) ATHENS, March 7. The first real eyewitness story describing the bom bardment of the Dardanelles ports by the allied fleet was brought here by a man from Tenedos Island, 'who from Mount Ilios saw the battleships pour their fire into the strongholds. "The sight was a most magnificent one," he said. "At first tne neet rangea in a semi-circle some miles out to sea from the entrance to the straits. It afforded an inspiring spectacle as It came along and took up Its position and the picture became most awe-inspiring when the guns began to boom. Bombardment Slow at First. "The bombardment at first was slow. the shells from the various ships screaming through the air at the rate of about one every two minutes. The gunners' markmanship was excellent. and with strong glasses I could see huge masses of earth and stone work thrown high up Into the air. The din even at that distance was terrific, and when the largest ship with the biggest guns in the world joined the martial chorus the air was filled with the car- splitting noise. 'The Turkish batteries, however, were not to be drawn, and, realizing this, the British Admiral sent one Brit ish ship and ono French ship close In shore towards the Slddul Bahr forts. Enemy Drawn, Gunnery Poor. "It was a pretty sight to see the two battleships swing rapiuiy away toward the northern cape, spitting fire and smoke as they rode along, iney obscured the pure atmosphere with clouds of smoke from their funnels and guns. "Through it all I could see they were getting home with their shots. They fired as they went in. They sped right under the guns of the shore batteries, which could no longer resist the temptation to see what they could do. Puffs of white smoke dotted the landscape on the far shore and dull booms echoed over the placid waters. (Concluded on 1jhkc 2.) ; 1 . - - . ........ ...I j INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 68 degrees; minimum. 4ti degrees. TODAY'S Showers; variable winds. War. Observer of bombardment of Dardanelles tells story. . Page 1. British auxiliary and part of crew loet, tor- pedo being suspected. X'age i. Russians meet reverse in North Poland and West Gallcia. Page 2. British reported to have taken another vil lage in Xorthcrn France. Pago 2. Great Britain surprises Washington by add ing to contraband list. Page S. German auxiliary- cruiser will Intern in America, says captain of Frye. Page 1. Mexico. American killed by Zapata's men in Mexico City; Washington demands reparation. Pate I. Domestic. Wife of John D. Rockefeller dies suddenly, her sister only relative at her bedside. Page 5. C F. Baxmyer. formerly of Portland, may have been murdered; doubt cast on sui cide theory. Page 3. Terre Haute repeaters tell of thriving by voting at $1 a vote. Page o. . Thaw case in hands of jury. Page 1. Sports. McCrcdio eager to win games today and Sunday from Indianapolis Page 6. Lincoln High wrestlers defeat Washington High in meet decided by last fall of last bout. Page 6. Tactfic Northwest. Washington Legislature regarded as ceo nomical. Page i. Commercial and Marine. Inquiry for Northwestern oata for shipment to Australia. Page Id. Ursrent European demand for wheat lifts Eastern markets. Page Jih Motor shares are weak feature of stock market. Page 15. Longshoremen put embargo on ship using non-union labor. Page Portland and Vicinity. Washington street busiest In country. City Engineer says. Page 1. Jitney ordinance aa revised Is sent to Coun cil. Pago 9. Cost regarded as principal barrier to ref erendum election. Pago II. Tribute paid to salmon everywhere. Page 15. Road bond election assured, with 2S04 sig natures, t Pago 11. Noted English militant suffragette welcomed to Portland. Page S. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 13. AMERICAN SHIP WATCHED German Submarine Rises Xear lie- turning Vessel, Iater Disappearing. NEW YORK,' March 12. Officers . of the American-Hawaiian line steamship Nevadan, arriving here today from Bre men, where sne aenverea a cargo oi cotton, reported that on February 26, while in the North Sea homeward bound, they were closely inspected by n large German submarine. They first sighted the periscope and then the dark, gray body of the under sea fighter came close alongside the Nevadan. remained on the surface about five minutes, traveling . -along with them, and then sank from sight. STATE MAY AIDNEW-BORN 4 BUI tn California Legislature Would Give Mother of Quadruplets $5000. SACRAMENTO, March 12. A bill for a legislative appropriation of $5000 for the support of quadruplets born recent ly to Mrs. C. O. McKnlght,. wife of a Shasta County farmer, was introduced today in the Senate. It is set forth that the fund is to be paid Mrs. McKnight "in recognition of the great boon which she has conferred on the State of California," and that the father of tho babies, duo to the sudden Increase of his family from 10 to 14, has not adequate funds "to sup port so numerous a progeny." IT'S GETTING PRETTY WARM FOR OUR E1TEL WILL INTERNE, SAYS F German Says J Will Go XvJl aoon. WAGE DURING CAPTIVITY ASKED American Crew Then Send Beer to Destroyer of Ship. CIGARS GO FOR OFFICERS United States Vessel Sunk Because Papers Revealed Fortified Port as Destination, Is Reported as Intended Explanation. NEWPORT NEWS. Va., March 12. "I can say positively that the Prlna Eitel Friedrich never will leave this port until the end of the European war." This declaration was made tonight by Captain II. II. Kiehne, master of the American sailing ship William P. Frve. which the German raider de stroyed in the South Atlantic Ocean January 28 last. Captain Kiehne had just bade farewell to Commander Thierichens. of the German cruiser. He had paid off his crew and was leav ing for Washington to reveal the de tails of his ship's destruction directly to heads of the Government. Basis of Assertion la Secret. "Why do you make such a positive statement?" the American skipper was asked. "That I will not say," he replied, "but I know sie has come here to stay until the war is over." Notwithstanding this the commander of the Eitel Friedrich tonight reiter ated that It was his purpose to leave American waters as soon as possible, According to reports here tonight the German officers, in explaining the sink ing of the Frye, will contend that they found in the American vessel's papers ar record that the ship, with its cargo of wheat, was bound for Queenetown, Falmouth or Plymouth for orders, and that since Plymouth is a fortified port the wheat was contraband. Crew to Ask Pay of Germany. Two of the Frye's crew refused to accept payment today because of a de cision, based on statutory law, that they were entitled to wages only until Jan uary 2S, the day the Frye was sunk. All other members of the crew accepted payment under protest and urged that the German government should pay them for 43 days spent en board the raider. Despite their dissatisfaction over their pay, the crew of the Frye tonight sent "with compliments' to tne Ger man cruiser eight kegs of beer for the crew and cigars for the officers mess. Late today a naval board of three. (Concluded on Page 2.) UNCLE. RYE CAPTAIN 200 GO DOWN ON BRITISH AUXILIARY WRECKAGE AXD BODIES INDI CATE TORPEDO IS CAUSE. Rescue Vessel Is Cliased From Vi cinity by German Submarine. Tart of Crew Is Saved. LONDON, March 13. The Admiralty announces the loss of the auxiliary cruiser Bayano while the vessel was engaged in patrol duty. In its state ment of the disaster, the Admiralty says: "On March 11 wreckage of the Bayano and bodies were discovered, and circumstances point to her having been sunk by an enemy torpedo. "Eight officers and IS men were rescued, but it is feared the remainder of the crew were lost. "The captain of tho Belfast steamer Castlereagh reports passing Thursday morning a quantity of wreckage and dead bodies floating in life belts. He attempted to search for possible sur vivors, but was prevented by the pres ence of an enemy submarine, which gave chase for 20 minutes." The Bayano was a comparatively new steamer. Sho was built at Glasgow in l'J13 and was owned by Elder & Fyfteu before she was taken over by the Brit ish government and fitted out aa an auxiliary cruiser. The Bayano was of S.'jOO tons dis placement and 416 feet long. Tho Belfast correspondent of the Dally Telegraph says the Bayano was torpedoed Thursday morning at 3 o'clock off Corsewall Toint, Wigtown shire, Scotland, and that nearly 200 lives were lost, as the cruiser sank almost immediately. The vessel had a crew of about 216 men on board. Wigtownshire is the southwestern most county In Scotland. It lies on the North Channel, which leads into the Irish Sea from the Atlantic. French Call on 1916 Recruits. PARIS. March 12. The Chamber of Deputies passed a bill today calling the 1916 class of recruits. These re cruits will not bo sent to tho front, however, until after the men of the older classes are utilized. Friday's War Moves JUST as tho French attackeed the Germans In the western campaign when Field Marshal von Hlndeuburg made his big rush from East Prussia last month, so the British army oper ating in Flanders has undertaken the task of relieving tho pressure on its Russian ally now that the Russians again are being attacked in North Po land. This is part of tho general plan of the allied Generals. When one Is at tackeed the other attacks, so as to compel the Germans and Austrlans to keep strong forces at every point and endeavor to prevent them from sending new troops where they could do most good. .At preseent tho Germans are occu pied in an attempt to crush the Rus sians. For this purpose they are re ported to have an army estimated a nearly a half million men marching along the roads to Przasnysz. To pre vent this army from being further strengthened tho British aro thrusting at the German line north of La Bassee, and besides reporting the capture of tho village of Ncuve Chapelle, It Is as serted that they have advanced beyond that town. The battle taking place on tho east ern front, experts say. Is the biggest pitched battle of the war. no fewer than 1,000,000 men being engaged in it The Germans, in their official report, say they have muiic some advance, while Petrograd considers It likely that the Russians will have to fall back beyond Frzasnysz. as they did last month, before making their stand. It probably will be days before a defi nite result is attained In this battle, as with the frozen roads the Russians can push forward reinforcements and choose their battleground. Meanwhile another German army has appeared, on the Pilica River front south of the Vistula, probably, military observers say, with the idea of induc ing Grand Duke Nicholas to withdraw men from the north, where the real blow Is being struck. Farther south, along the foothills of the Carpathians, fighting between the Austrlans and Russians continues amid Wintry conditions. Each side declares that the other is doing the attacking, but It is believed that, as the Austrlans initiated the battle, they probably are still the aggressors. Interesting developments are prom ised in the political field. Prince von Buelow, the German Ambassador to Italy, accordiing to dispatches received from Rome and Berlin, at last has of ficially raised the question of terri torial concessions to Italy as the price of Italy's friendship. Germany, It is declared, is doing the negotiating on behalf of her ally. Austria, whose ter ritory is Involved. It is said that Germany is trying to Induce Austria to cede to Italy both Trent and Trieste. Baron Stephan von Burian, the Austrian Foreign Minister, according to report, does not oppose the cession of Trent, but strongly ob jects to parting with Trieste, while the aged Austrian Emperor refuses to con sent to the loss of any part of his do minions. It is reported that Germany desires to have the matter settled now, in fear that, should the Dardanelles be forced. Italy would be more than ever inclined to throw In her lot with the allies, so as to insure the safety of her Interests In the Eastern Mediterranean, depending on her army to recover her lost prov inces nearer home. German emissaries, according to dis patches to the British newspapers, also are busy in Bucharest and Sofia endeavoring to point out to RoumRnla and Bulgaria why these countries should, remain neutral. THAW'S FATE AGAIN IN HANDS OF JURY Asylum Attendants Arc Awaiting Outcome. LAWYERS READY WITH WRIT i Matteawan Is Possibility, Re gardless of Verdict. AGREEMENT IS DELAYED Jurors Once Return In Court l Hear Part of I ii!-l ructions Re peatedCourt Takes Re ces I'ntil Toda. NEW TOHK, March 12 The rliarpo of conspiracy, on which Harry K. Thaw and four arsociates are belli tried here, went to the J'iry at .":-': 1'. M. today. The Jury was onlclnlly rui to bed at 11:20 r. M . and a recess of court was taken tint 11 10 A. M. to morrow. Closing arguments were completed early In the afternoon. Mr. Stamh field, of counsel for Thaw, laid cpc clal emphasis upon the contention that Thaw never saw tho other defendant i before he escaped and Hint the grtn'l Jury of Duchess County, wherein Is it uated Matteawan, had refused to re turn any indictments against the de fendant. orarnlxKlnn of Crime Healed. Mr. Stan.'hlield argued that no crime had been committed and that therefor the defendants could not be held ill an,' way responsible for tho esrapn. Frank K. Cook, deputy Atlornev General, began Ills closing address leu the slate by saying that neither he nor Mr. Konnedy "were here to persecute or hound Harry K. Thaw. "It Is our contention." said Mr. 'o"l'. "that Thaw was linane hen he went to Matteawan and whwn ho .-scaped, and we believe him Insane now. lie a anno enough, how cvrr, the evlin'-o shows, to know that ho was commit. ting a crime and an Intention to do so. Inaane Criminal umrrou. "There are Q Insane prisoner In Matteawan who have committed homi cides. Are we to allow them to walk out? They probably would If lliey had (7000 and Butler around outaide. When Mr. Cook concluded his uddren to the Jury, Justice Page had the fore man determine whether his Hasoclate" preferred to go on with tho case or whether they desired a ro-ess until to morrow. The Jury elected to continue and Justice Page nccordinKly besan his charge. He said that it was not nr-fssar for the people of the State of New ork to prove thut the parties to an alleged conspiracy had come together in o:lr to prove the conspiracy. Concerted Action suf flrirot. "If they act in concert." said JuMne Page, "that is sufficient to establish their participation. Previous acquaint, anee Is unnecessary. If you find thai the actions of the co-defendants here were so timed tiiat lliey acted In con cert with tho defendant. Thaw, then there was a conspiracy and their aeti can bo considered as designed to ob struct Justice and the proper adminis tration of tho law. 'Under the 'commitment orisinaTy signed by Justice Dowllng, Thaw cotiM have been taken to Matteawan had be been apprehended anywhere within the boundaries of the state. The partici pants In a conspiracy should be con sidered guilty if they aided the de fendant. Thaw, out of tho Mute in an illegal manner. "The question of sanity Is an i. su.; In this cate only Insofar as Thaw may have been shown to have the cupaclt to Intend to do the nets charged :saln."; him. The defense concedes that he had at least this much mental capac ity." Matteavrao AMrndaata Ready. Two attendants from tho Matteawari Hospital were in court toduy. It was said in the courtroom that, no matter what tho verdict of the Jury, Thaw would be rushed to Muttcawau tn an automobile by these two attendants Immediately after somu decision hau been reached or a disagreement re ported. Thaw'a attorneys said, however, that a writ or huoeas corpus was awamng the signature of a Supremo Court Jus tice. They said they planned to havi the writ algned immediately upon thn return of tho Jury with a verdict oi a disagreement. The writ. It was Raid, would ser to keep Thaw within the Jurisdiction of the courta of this county. If Thaw was taken bacji to' Mattcawan hi would be under the Jurisdiction of the courts of Westchester County, another judicial district. At 9:30 the foreman sent out word that the Jury desired to ask a few question of the court. rarta of Cbarare Read Al. Thaw waa brought to the courtroom. The Jury wanted to hear that part cf the chargo which related to Thaw's In tentions at the time of the escape anil also the part that had to do with Jus tice Dowllng'R commitment and what, bearing the commitment had upon Thaw's status at the time l;c was fler. ing out of the atnte. Thc.o p.irls of the carge were read. On the request of Deputy Attorney - General Cook, Justice Page then modi fied slightly a charge lie had m:ole diet ing tne afternoon Instructing the .l.irv to acnult Thaw If they found that Im iCor.oudc'i on l a. - I