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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1915)
s. ' TIIE 31011X1X0 OREOOXIAS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1015. ta ' , .'.r-r I 1 BUSINESS OrrO-TTTNITIES. j BOOMrNOrSt. . jlTitl .... " MTU-TIONS WANED-WAL'- Ilreearuaier. y Wol LD like, MTlnit. m broidery . crochet w.Tk; work guaranteed, pnone aiem LXPERIKNCLD dre--naker and Jalloress: atifactlon guarantied. East 43JIA. Ask fur dressmaker. TAILORED-suTts, ,im gown at home or shop work; guaranteed. 202 rlledner bid.. lo.thandrYaiington its. Main liKI.nBLE woman wikkt sewing, ironing, work bv hour or iav. Enst 22 i. Dressmaking i hosi" or by day; work guaranteed. Main I-39. SunM. K.MPERILNCKD French nuw. thoroughly competent to take charge of Intent, wishes engagcmnt; host references. -Main 173. i .M::r.i;iiAUfAlt; nurse, mo hos piial work, .iiai-rniit or, reason able. Main ::?79. I'ilACl'ICAI, nt-e will do some housework; terms ressocablc; references. Tel. East f.r.74. Cd'iD pran.Ml nurse; doctor's references. -Main Vo."7. . Hoileeeper. WDOIVKB. with 3 children, wanta a housekeeper 30 or 40 years old: srnail wages. Arthur B!"3er, box 54. Giirjieic.. v.. ti.I'Vi; -vr n. S2 cxper-ensed in cm work, icsirca position; A 1 retennitJ. imbo- Maln Vol N'5 woman, hnusek I'C. ,-oui.try. Mrs. Dean. rtov ... v. i'ncj - nosltion as itox .1. Route 1. cuy. CAI'AHI.E woman wants position as he t - r, rirn'nn tilV. Of. T AMKIi To keep house for elderly m hv exnerlenced woman. A .".'S'. i r.v w!i!. i bo housekeeper for elderly man. C Oresoman. Ilonieetic. Cim.k giving rflircncej as to ability w inir. menr In private family. AF ishes reiroiitan. LADV wishes position. okin and gen icral I country. Mars iliall VJ I J. GERMAN' girl want . -eneral housework- ysitlon as cook 653. Oregonian. I-ADY with child vra- housework of i.i i ... C j-.ti, i o ft iny Jllrelunecu. T'H'N'iJ woman, colored, experienced and re Ilab'e wants w..rk where she can go home n.hie cot chamber work, or waitress. Aiam i"ji. mi,,. 11 1 DLLK-.t:EL 7er:nan woman wlio speaks eo.h1 Enillsb and has family to support wants oficee to clean; At rcreren uea. Mam iv.'i, a rl- TorMf woman i rvm .io... - - eneed h.nlfekeeper. desires position wh r U'.n.c.ill eVO 1 hoiu-eKeeper. urar ',";" , V can take her 6-year-ld daogn 7f-.1t. A 1317. iere she iter. Main CFKMAN woman. eiperienced washer, .roi'i'r. e!eancr. wants day work. Puoae Main 4 !-' SWKDIsil woman. 4n, exierlenced and re liable, wants day work; reierexicea. Main 7C11. A 1.-.I7. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash ing. Ironing cleaning; references. A 71. a, Mnin :i'3. EXPERIENCED, reliable man. Swexiish. -penter by trade, uanls work; will take anything. Main 7Q1. -1 'j Sf-OTCH woman wants washing or cleaning Wed., Friday. Sat.; good references. Tabor ,sli PINNERS, teas, parties planned, vavmni OT aerved. cakee furnished. Sellwood ltl. LACE CURTAINS, draperies. lne"a hand laundered. -' c up. o"-"w TWO experienced mrls want hotel or of-fi.- work Main 6S(k. room 4;. 1'USITION hv youn Inly to care lor or two children, reasonable. Main one WOMAN wants work Wed. Thurs. Frl.. was-hlnc. house cleaning, etc. East S6i. I woman wants day work; A I references. Main 7051, A 1517. WOMAN-with Kood references want work by day. wwnllawn a.J KELIABI.E woman would like serving din ners, also other day work. Marshall kNV kind or domestic work, small wages, "middle-need woman. Phone A L'.H'S. fTUOVG experienced woman wants house cleaning, washing-. Boom It. Main -33. ;IRI. wants general housework. Tabor 3B-4. WANTED TO KENT. 4Oor houses and bunslo in Uurel hursl. Irvlngton and Kw City lark. More calls that we can suPf'j;-, ,uK ?,'""' Therke;s-n i o., 3 Spalding bldg. Main 7.".?;. A J TO rooms, second floor; no children; permanent. K. Oregonlan. Rooms. PRIVVTK family, two or three furnished roomt. (will, or wilhout board i, by couple; referenc: permanent. K ciregonian. R.w.lll-, With Board. ToUN'O ladv d.-sires sleeping porch with home comforia: consider boarding. AD tiil, Orcgonian. KOK KKNT. I-'urnisbed 1 looms. HOTEL. ARTHUR. Elsvenlh. between Morrison and Tamhlll. lars u I reel lrom depots; desirably located and respectable; c.ean. warm and cosy rooms with every modern convenience. '"land cg'y. " HOTEL ROWLAND. 207, 4TH ST. lt0 ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice clean rooms: hut and cold water; rates 6uc. 7&c and U per day; S per week ana up. uuimj rii-A. aoiv.ou. Corner Uth and Stark; U week and up; elevator, hot and coiu water, steam neat, telephone connection in each room: no txtri charges for two In a room: room and bain 1 day; tranaient aolloteu. 1.1VB AT THE fRANKUX." WASHIXOTON ST. AT 13TH II MRS. SERVICE. MODERN. c DAY IP. VSEEK ii.iD LP. UHTKI. FORD. ai Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room; rooms without bain, tip up: with bath. 113 up. A OL1ET Pf.VCE FOR (JLIIET PEOPLK. W HOTEL CLlFKuKft Kast Morrisou at., . Cleaiilinegj and comfort, ji per week up. LiOTi-L JJUt-lviNuri'Vji, .. new fireproof brick, select, quiet location, all outside, clean rooms, wita every moo err comlort. wk. u p. Rates to tourists. HOTEL EPWAP.DS. Grand ave. and E. Bel-Dicnl-Koopu 10 month. : up wun private bath: large pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone Eaet 111. ilOTEL CORDOVA. 26 lltn St. StliOtls modern; private baths en suite; room 12 uo. Main 472. A 4783. si A.M'in no x ttgy, WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 11TH. Front rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath; 1 week. Is per month up. l.l. ...... Northwest iui m Modern outside rooms J weeKly and up. Trse ground-floor lobby. nioiN for vounz men In Y. M. C. A.; fire proof buiidms. shower baths, tacuum .leaned; club facllmeg, moderate prices. HOTEL NflKBIS, oSr; Alder; modern out line rooms. per week up. OR RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms, close in. 20 Broadway. f urnished. Ko-ma in Private Family. 4io MOllRIH'N, newly renovated and fur nished, single or largo front room; con veniences. ' LVRtiE front room, modern home, short "walking distance; gentleman preferred. Ka.-t loir. NH'KI.Y ftirnlehed room, modern conveni tnees. central, very reasonable. 4U4 Clay, near 1 c. 1 1, . ji; !"; liiht room for gentleman I0 per month; hat. phone, always hot water for bath. Everett t. 1; E l"TI FT' LI. V furnished room for gentle man, only $io month. Phone Main S:'G. 17u N. st. Fl EG VNTLY furnished room in a swell pri vate home suitaolo for 2 young men. 71 Trinity Place. or two nice rooms In beautiful home, "running water and shower bath. o3 Ever ett st. KE A I'TIKl'l'LY furnished rooms In good home- references; Nob Hill. 738 John son st 111: !;MT front parlor, furnace heat, piano. ;'; week: upper room, t.- week; choice locallte. short wti. -i--p,q DANDY room In coay flat; walking dla- tance. Phone Main 5440. FURNISHED room for rent IS per month. s . . inn St.. ..... CHEERFUL. light, mry room Tor gentleman, j 1 a lfoS. fet l.ucretia. Wash., nr. IMd. mTLV furnished front bedroom, walking dis'ance: sU" per week. 4lli wtli st. LARi'.K rooma for one or two; every con- . . . . I - O - 1 1 1 " I ll Bt vcnience. -.... - , 'fnfurnlsheel Room. "vR RENT 2 unfurnished roomt with sink. s.l per mqniii. sow -" Rnorns With Board. CASA ROSA 3K JKK E KSON. ROOM AND BOARD. "" Boom Willi Boar. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern, FIREPROOF, residence ho- ! A mHMn iiiitn: on C Arl 1 116. 10 miH ules from business center; prices in ac cord with general business conai'.oo 23J and Hoyt Sts. Marshall SSL MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL-L.lK.iS. THE HILL. Wahinirtnn at Ft. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables; extremely reasonaoie ratea worth investigating. Phone Alain 7584. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson fits. An excellent rcaidenlial hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Phone Main 23. A 6828. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Resilience Hotel. Suttee Single Room. Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 4811 SAN MARCO HOTEL, llih and Washington Strangers, when arriving in Portland, come and look at our rooms; strictly modern, attractive; $10 momh up; right in heart of city; you'll like them. THE WEAVER. 21at and Washington At tractive residential hotel; special rates for transient: home cooking; private oath in each room. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, nil th st.. has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home; reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room. 14 and S4.50 week. Portland Women's Union. oli Fiandera. Rooms With board in Private Families. LARGE, attractive rooms; steam heal, hot and cold runninsr water; suitable ror -wo or more; twin beds;; separaie dressers: every modern convenience: excellent board; also larse room with alcove and porch. Mtln U3M Sl Harrison st.. near 14 ih. LARGE comfortable rooms, beautifully fur nished, ftum heat, running water. pa rate bed and dressers, really excellent board, close in. o'.4 li'th SU Phono ..lar. M45. ON E neatly furnished room; everything clean and homelike; modern: good home rooking: board and room 122. 50 month; also small loom U per month. ot7 II til st. A I7S7. . COM KOHTA BL1" furnished single front room, very central, excellent board, home sur roundings: gentlemen only; references re quired. -'M West rarK GOOD care given to little girl under 5, rea sonable, for company to girl of 2; will hoard parent if employed. Woodlawn 20JS. Fult RENT J nice, large rooms with good hoard: everything modern; use of piano if desired; price very reasunablc. Call 7..n Lovejoy. Main 6066. ATTRACTIVE rooms in beautifully fur nished Home,. men is, plenty oi iioi naier, walking distance. Main 7o3. .13 j 11th. ONE iarge, airy, front room, with all modem conveniences, close In, with or without board Marshall 441". 47 Salmon st. TWO very pleasant, well furnished rooms, excellent board, close in. West side; fur nace heat; fine bath. Main 3280. . IF you wish a pleasant home where our aim is to make- you comfortable, phone Marshall 577. NICELY turnUned single rooms, with good board: home privileges: 41' per month. 4."4 Salmon. CONGENIAL young man wiohes roommate; good board. Main 6SS1 501 HarrLuou sl near I4th st. LARGE pleasant front room, attractive modern house: Irvlngton. Board optional. C 1097 ROoil with board: modern; walking dis tance. 71- Flanders. Main l ,47. ROOM and board In private family, home privileges: reasonable. t34 Flanders. UP, nleasant rooms, good board.wiilk- ln distance., LOIIgeniai. oa .oi lii qui. lffXV furnished room suitable for two, ej.cellent board. Cail Marshall 1029. FRONT room with 2 meals in strictly pri vate fumlly. Phone H :tl IS. 1 uraioued Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX (Apartment Hotel). Tenth and salmuu Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day. week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, llh and Taylor. Most mo-lem apartments on the Paclllo Coab,t; furnished complete. Hoof gardeu iu connection. Walking distance. Reference ONLY $18 to 2i per mouth or 36 to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping 2-room apts.. including electric lighta. heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick birig., lit minutes' from P. o. Lincoln A pus., 41 h Lincoln. Main 1377 or A 4152, 'CAHLOTTA COURT." Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heal, private baths, lHiindiy; completely furnished 2 and 3 room apis.; 10 nilu. from business center; save carl'.ire; rales moderate; references. THE CROMWELU Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient 6-iuuiule walk to Postuifice. FjrmsneU 2 auil 3-room apartmenta Marshall 51'.' References. A .".326. THE L'ENVER 2 and 3-room apartments; outside rooms, comlortably furnished; a. so unturiushed: private bath, phone, steam heat; rent reasonable; references. 274 21st st. North. Take "W" car. Marshall S80. WESTFAU 410 5th 3 and 4-r. apts.. turn. bad unlurn. ; woca or 1110. ; concrete oius... cievalor; thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner free; ateam-heateil; $22 up; beat in town tor mouey; easy walan.g uistance. A.--111NG ION GRAND 2-room furnished apis.; S12 per mu. up; Just rebuilt, uiouern. oeau; vciy desirable; hot and cold water, ileal, light, bath furuisneu. Grand ave. and E. Washington t. Phone East 4441). COMPLETELY furnished 2-room steam- heated apartment; easy walking aistance, $16 per mo., including lighLs. bath, phone, jaritor service. 17 17m, near Yamhill. GLEN COURT APT. Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 2, i, 4-room; best aervice; reason able. Main 1461. Ui.-LoP HALL, cor. East 6lh and Haw thorne J and 3-room apts.; private balhs and phone; also single rooms; veil fur nished: $12.5t up. Phone East 8S' GRANDEST A, East stark and Grand ave. cicely lurnisnea tnree-rooiii npi., iroii phone and bath; walking uistance, prices mouerate. phone East 2oe. MADISON PARK API'S.. Park SL, at adlson. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; close in; by week or montb. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. X and 3-room apariinenia, furnished; first clea8; reasonable rates. Main 7337. BIRMINGHAM, olH) 12th t. Marshall 484. .Northampton, 4Ui jiaii si. .aiu A-405t; walking distance: a aua 3-roou . reasonable; summer rates. 3-l;oo.M apartment. East Side, completely furnished outsiae rooms, promo imiu suu phone. t-'O. H 1035, T HU65. NICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping suites at -- - jvii,iiij,boh. renu phone Woodlawn 6M, C 3367. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett two rooms, newiy lurniaued, hardwood floors, walking distance, $22.50. Main 124a. FAIKMOUNT APTS.. 26 Iliii. Modem furnished two-room apartments. $22.50 up; close 111. Main 266. THREE and four-room furnished or unfur- Ulsned. iua jtiiiauu, owi, ..u aow. A 1675. THE WINSTON APARTM-NTS. 841 14th st.. at Market New 2 and rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main 173a DRICKSTON, 443 11th, modern 2 and 3-room apts.. excellent service, walking distance. Marshall ots A 04ua. New Hari. automatic elevator, 1-2-rm., bath, - r ... L ii mlr.. su. DD llB-ht. steam free. iiOVi 3d. th fi r, nr. Morria-n. MOST reasonable, close-in 2-rooio apt., all couvenleuced. 269 10th sL THE ELMS, 181 14th at.. 2 and 3 outside rooms, $15 tu $22.60; walking d is lance. NICELY furnished 2 and .:-rooiil steam heated apts.. rates en m e . ..t om. GOING away, will rent live rooms aua puicn reasonable. ast mi, e. qow?. KEARNEY' APTS. 4 rms., nicely furnished. cheap. Apply anagcr. oi- ivearney. VW furnished apartments, concrete block, ,o i- nail- tTnion ave. North. fnftirni..lied Apartmente. 7-ROOM Duplex apartments. 4 bedrooms 2 baths; in fireproof building. Apply i05 Davis at- ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, tirst-class service. Private piione. Hef. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall L New unfurnished apartments; most elaborate In In the city. Main 42WH, a 4000. LOVELY 4-room modern, all outside, cor ner, very reasonable. East 89. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts.. very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134 KEELER APTS.. 11TH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room unfurnished; references, LOVELY 4-room modern, all outside, cor ner, very reasonable. Eaat S3. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 54 King at 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. Unf urnisnrd Apartments. KING HILL APTS., 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class, 4. 5 and 6-roorn un furnished apartmenta; ohoice neighbor hood;, excellent aervice; walking distance; reasonable rent. n, . j i .. .. nt'n-L'radn R 4 and a L? iiih r,orch(: hlah-claas tenant who appreciate service; prices reasonable Phone Marshall 160 or A 2tt7&, tuv tm x Hi.HOROUGH. :.i n.i Fiandera 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will find in the city. Phone Main 7516. A goto. FOR RENT 7 2-room apartmenta and two sinele rooma. reasonable to responsible parties. See Chas. Jeniiing, of ti. J- mng & Sons. 2d and Morrison sts. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six light, sunny, outside rooma. back, front and sleeping porch, heat, hot water, telephone, private entrance. 711 Northrup at. SHEFFIELD API'S.. 270 Hroadway So., six blocks from business center. 1 4-room apt., all outside roums; eastern exposure splendid view, overlooking city; SoO- SNAP. -Ot T.rere. lieilt. 3-fOOm front OPt phone, baili. excellent service, quiet neigh borhood, fireproof biug. Jiar. oo. LUCRF.TIA COURT, 49 Lucretia'st. Finest unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts. ; reierences. Mgr.. Mar. 1013: Janitor. Mar. 100. THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart meut. also dandy 5-room furnished. boS Flanders, Nob Hill. Ala In S2ol. 3 LIGHT rooms; hath. 3 closets; phone, water and laundry. 551 East Yamhill St. phone East 1710 . Fu rnlnhed or tntnrnmneil Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNEK BOYCB, S13-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments . ... . i. rrent variety of locations, sixes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service In visiting any of our apartments. -oik Main .Mi:, A 3016, THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnithed and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beda. built-in outlets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner Ires. phone Marshall 2961 HIGHLAND COURT APTS- 22D AJND uun. Largest, most homelike high-class apts. In city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance MARSHALL 8249 KINGSBURY, ISC Vista ave., off Washington st 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh borhood, best ot service; reasonable rales by month. WEI-LESLEY COURT, CUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TH AND LELMONT Sid. STELWYN APTS. High-class, elegantly furnished apt., inciuumg piano, ,uuu. sleeping porch; will unfurulsh; also bach elor's apt. 10 St. Clair, cor. Washington. .arsnaii TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, 4tt-o7 TRINITY PLACE, MANAGER. PlloNK MARSHALL 1101. Ll'iTLLE COURT Three and 4-room apts., $20 to $30; good service. 20ta acd Love Joy rts. , THE CHETOPA. IStli and Fiandera, 2, 3 and 4-room. furnished and unfurnished apartments $18 and up. 'I HE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms, turnieheu or not. Coiner East 14th and Yamhill. THE DEZENDORF 208 16th St.. near Taylor; Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unlurnj apt. tiata. A SNAP Only $12.50 for a neatly furnished O-room Ul'pei ii., .,o o.eo-e, e and Xrult trees. 3til Fremont st. Woodlawn $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carllne; deairable location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 1 6-liOOM upper corner Hat, ail outside rooms. 6'13 East Madison. East 234. Kent reasonable. FLAT of 6 rooms and Lath, 733 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 tilli st. Phone Main 6276. FOR RENT J and 0-room Hut. Inquire 426b Sixth. MODEM.N lower 6-room flat. 103 E. 17th, St., near Helmolit; $1S. Marshall 4317 BEAUTIFULLY situated, fine view, 6-room modern flat; very choice. 9 Savler. 6-ROOM modern flaTTelo. 488 vi E. 12th and Division. Phone Marshall 4352. HIGH-CLASS, 5 ROOMS. East 1315. CLOSE IN. 4-ROOM modern flat. 177',s Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Mailt SS32. A 267S. 5-ROOM. new. 1 month free. Marshall alai Furi!itel Flats. LOWER lloor. 5 rooms, very pleasant neigh borhood, bright, sunny rooms, gas. tele phone freejonly$18;13J2ltstLl. $2o NEW modern 4-room furnished flat, porch, walking distance. block from f J Chapman crr. 5it9 Market St. CLEAN, neatly furnished 4-room flat: pri vate bath, sleeping porch, largo grounds, w alking distance: reasonable. E. 5043. FOR SALE Furniture of 5-room flat; flat for rent; walking distance; newly tinted. Call .Marshall itl. A 1571; party leaving. MoLEKN 5 or 6-room furnished flat. 3 E.isl 12,h North. Marshall 797. A 7131. MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance. 268 Ross St.; $20. Phone Woodlawn 1M59. Housekeeping Rooms. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping renins, suitable for 3 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard. Phone ITast 603'j. 4o6 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. DKSIKAB1.E housekeeping and single rooms, heat, liht and both phones, centrally lo cated; rates reasonable; under new man agement. ;;."') ',. Alder st. 1-KOOM h. k. apt., including heat, bath, phone, etc., $S per month; easy walking distance. 137 17th, near Yamhill. Itil EAST MORRISON, furnished 1 and 2-room housekeeping apartments reason able. THE SOUTHERN, 647 H 1st. nicely fur. H. K. suites, $1.50 up; running water. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cneap. Cambridge bldg., 3d. cor. Motiaon. G1LM4.N HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished hous-keeplng rooma cheap. $1.5Q week up. 1 AND 2-room apUl., $1.50 and $4 week; lighu heat, phoue. bath. 410 Jefferson. Housekeeping Rooms in Private family. 2 ELEGANTLY furnished front housekeep ing rooms; itik. phone, hot and coid water in rooms, electricity, furnace heat, laundo, gas range, beautiful yard. 123 N. 23d. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, heat, lights. hot water, superior location, walking lis tance, W car from Union depot, $2, $3 and $4 wk.; monthly rates. 5i5 Couch, cor. 16th. FRONT room, bedroom and kitchen for housekeeping; phone, light, bath and wood, walking .distance, $14 a month. 253 Chapman. Marshall 3938. TWO elegantly furnished front housekeeping rooms, sink, hot and cold water, phono in room, electricity, furnace heat, laundry. Kas range, beautiful yard. l'-M N. 23J. ROOM and board, J5 per week, with bath, phone, modern, best of board, walking dis tance. 5.-i4 E. Madison anil 13th t., Haw thorne car Pnone East SSftl. DELIGHTFUL, suite h. k. rooms, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, oak floors, phone, bath. 5n Ui st. Main S275. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, close In, free light, baths, phone- E. 7th st. East lfci4. NICE housekeeping and sleeping rooms $1.50 and up; free baih, phone, beat. 208 17th. . ... Ll J 1 ,. TU".1. can ... . ONE two and three large, nicely furnished, "suiinv. front, housekeeping rooms, with all con venienccs. 214 13th su NEATLY lurnlshed housekeeping rooms: free phone, bath. heat. Ilgnt, all light rooms- Urge yard. 891 Broadway S. pleasant' rooms, completely fornlshcd: free phone, cam, UKnis. water. .Main 3072. McFarland, 309 1 eon 1 bldg MODERN o origin, ouinu .uu.,. ci tric lights, running water, gas range, phone. Only $15 month. 306 Hancock at. "U" care, TWO furnished H K. rooms, 2 single rooms, 3d floor rent very reasonable; garage, ...i!,!.... .tlstonce. 3S7 College. ftousEKEEPING suites, one single room; ..'!..-,.. too Ic TturnsidA St. ueseoaoie. vv . - uo. -i-iKEEfiNG suites, everything fur--IVheH SS to sin. 226 12th st. Vli'EST and ciiPaP" H. K. rooms, modern; ' suite $12. single $5 mo. 455 Hall. NEWLY furnished 2-room front suite, $12 .iti suite. $10. 350 l-th. two fnrnuihed housekecpins rooms, ail con- . . nl wcok 450 Markot t. 'eniene-es. -.yj i'- - "V SAI MON two desirable rooms, furnished f,.- housekeeping. Single II. K. rooms. XWl light clean housekeeping rooms In basemeni nirnr. , iiE in lovely fingle rooms, gas, bath. ' ph'o n e. electric lights. 329 Salmon. il 75 HOUSEKEEPING room for 1 person; VlXi,. hn.h nhona free. 208 13th. neat, iis'q, . ... r . NICFLY furnished front room, H. K. It re quired, all conveniences. 205 13th st, MEIER FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list ot all vacant houses, flats, apartmenta and bungalows In the cltv. Make- use of this service when you desire. This does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers la Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, flats and housea at Meier Frank's Free Rental Bureau. DON'T HIDE BEHIND A BUNDLE OF MUSTY" OLD RENT RECEIPTS. Don't hold a bundle o rent receipts so close to your nose that you can't peek over them and see what a valuable asset you might have had for your money in the way of a home of your own inatead of this bundle of worthless paper. I'll help you out of the rut and into an ideal new well-built home on terms liks rent. F. E. CLEMENTS, SiliVs Stark st. Main 1503. A 1515. LAUHELHURST HOUSES r Orl It 1 We have some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, will build Just what you want on the easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co- 2704 StarK st. Main 1503, A 1515. FOR RENT. SALE OR EXCHANGE Fine Piedmont home. T rooms, hot wa ter heat, near cars, high school and park; will rent sell or exchange for Los An geles property; great place for children. A' 646. Oregonlan. 5-KOOM cottage. 413 llih st.. splendid loca tion, easy walking distance, rent reason able. Inquire PAHKISH. W ATKINS & CO, 106 Second St. FOR RENT Beautiful 6-room, modern res idence, S. W. corner 63d st. and E. Sher man, if taken at once, $15 month, with garage $17.50; key next door. Phone Main 303. Take Hawthorne orMt, Scott car. APARTMENT NO. 6 at" 664 Flanders St. for rent, furniture and carpets for saie. Ap ply between 10 and 12 A- M., or later phone Main 2005. Ullle Hexter. almtn istratrlx. MODERN 9-room house in Laurelhurst for rent to desirable tenants at $27.60. Also large 10-room house in lrvingtou. rent $35. Full particulars, 512 Piatt bldg. 65 EAST 29th, near E Davis. 9 rooms and garage; entirely modern; finely finished; built-in conveniences throughout; nearly new; low rent; owner; phone Main 1013. FOR RENT IN PIEDMONT Modern S-room house and garage. 1314 Garfield ave., $25 per month; will lease for a long term; can be seen afternoons 1 to 6. Main 2015. Kli: 6-room house, gas, cement basement, wash trays, yard, roses, good neighbor hood. MJ rronu jiniBiiKii -,, FOR RENT New, modern 6-room house: furnace, lireplac,.', hardwood floors. 33d and Hancock sts; $27.5U. Marshall 2432. MODEllN bungalow. 3S8 E. 46th N near Sandy, $25. C. D'; YOUNG CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce. ' $12 5-ROOM house, 75x100 lot, fruit, ber ries, nice garden. SOS E. 2sth st. Phone H 1949. FOR SALE Good 2-room houseboat, !Sx30. ground rent $2.5(1; Fulton. Main 7051, A 1517. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch. 242 E. 40th, near Main. Rent $-n. 6-ROOM modern house, corner Cleveland and Skidmore, good car service, low rent. A or Main 2151. S-ROOM house. E. 39th St.; acre of ground, barn, chicken-house, all kinds of berries and fruit. Main 27. Collins. 8-ROOiI modern house, on 19th and Mar shall sts.; rent reasonable. Phone A ox Main 2474. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE TRUST BLDG. Main $423. MoDERN 6-room house, 697 Everett St., West Side, walking distance. Phone E 6. ONE modern 6-room house, u Lovejoy. Phone A jni, .Main joi. MODERN 6-room house. 697 Everett at.. West Side, walking distance. Phone E. i. GOOD 7-room house for rent at 92 N. 16th, l et ween Flanders and Everett. MODERN 6-room house. 697 Everett st-. West Side, walking distance. Phone E. 3. 6-ROOM Toitage. newiy tinted, painted, yard: cheap. 350 Ivy st. East 44 , 3. MODERN 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, attic, yard, close in. 722 E. Main. MOUSE for rent, K. 11th st.. splendid 3-room cottage, first-class condition. Call Eaat 1S17 or Main 2131. HOUSES and flu is, all part, ot city. 210 StorS Exchange. Mar. 1868. DESIRABLE houses and flata, all parts ot city. Stout Investment Co Matn6129. xTkOOM-house7712 Lovejoy. near a2d. -,r lao bth. Main 6378. MODERN 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, attic, yard, close In. 722 E. Main. 5-ROOM cottage. 670 TagS" st; $11. W-W car. .uaiooeo .- 5 ROOMS, modern cottage, 546 E. 18th at.; a $Ta W-W car. Marshall 4317. COURTNEY, near river, s-room house. 3 acl'C3 fruit, henhouse, $20 mo. 235 Taylor. $10 MODERN cottage, cor. Uniou ave. and Stephens. Aiaiu MODERN S-room house, 1 Vi blocks from canine. -u -. 6-ROOM house, walking distance. West Side llitl low niiii. oi, .u,.,.. ...... Furnished Houses. FOR RENT For six months or a year, beautifully furnished 10-room modern house: baby grand piano, Victrola, Turk ish rugs, mahogany furniture, connected with Portland Central Healing Company for heat and hot water; best location on Nob Hill, with fine view and beautiful grounds. Phone .ain ooa. Fl KNiShED .".-room bungalow wun piano lit Ever-reen Station, Oregon i-nj line $16 a month. Inquire J. T. Shaw, Lak'ewoud Station. Telephone 52-W., Mll waukie. " LAURELHURST Flegant. new home, piano, fireplace, lpwii rotes, low rent to right parties, no small children. 114 Floral ave.. East Glisan, on car. Main 926o. FULLY furnished 6-room house on Broad- ,nt o ilnr kev at 944 Broad way", or call for particulars at 512 Piatt bldg". ; NICELY furnished 3-room house, newly tint ed, lurnistlea complete tor $15 a month, without children. 961 Mis sissippi a ve. NICELY furnished S-room house, with yard and rose buahea. Corner E. 18th and W ashlngton. . INQUIRE CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Title Trust Bldg. Main 5423. WELL furnished 6-room modern house, fire place, lawn, roses, fruit, lease. East 6411, mornings, lor appointment LRVINGTON Modern 6-room house, fur nished complete. Call between lo and 4. K. 22d and Clackamas. FURNISHED house, desirable location. 742 jrving si. ; o" " " FURNISHED 6-room house. $18. 761 Will- iams ave. woom S-ROOM house, furnished, 450 10th st In- ouire 468 Para. -none -ooi. WEST SIDE Nicely furnished" house, 8 rooms. r-none .wan NICELY furnished cottage. 5 rooms and bath. Call 411 coiiesej". 7-ROOM house, good location; lawn, gar dan uaved street $22 60. Sellwood 129. MY 6-room modern home, furnished com plete. 1-1-1 rrescun rt. j 1,1,13 1011 e-t. -tore. DRUGS OR CONFECTIONERY: the best cs- tabllSUeU COl lie. 110.0-...-.,.. . - choice store room, cement basement, cheap rent. Call on S. L. Jones, 672 Alberta at. Phone woouiawn j. OWNER nas splendid store for rent. 25x75 feet In sise. right in the heart of the busi. r.ess district; light, heat and water In cluded in rental; splendid.opportunity for a w le-awake merchant. . 570, Oregonian. 2 dESIRABl. stores, cor. East Burnsld and East sih sts.: good location; moderate rent Page Investment Co.. 120 Front st Phone aiain ouou. STORE, 275 Hawthorne ave., 17x40, near bridge; tine liht, good basement Apply H aw l iiornc woes, STORE for rent, close in, cheap rent; liv ing rooms back, tine business block. Call E. 454L WET SIDE STORES $7 to $25; 3d and Columbia. Apply Hotel Cadillac Offices. OFFICES S10 up: furnished offices and desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port lands busiest corner, aua DESK room modern office, well lighted, cool Summer time, with use phone. AV 638. Oregonian. WELL furnished private office, also desk roo, $6 and 7T 13 Chamber ot Com merce. . DESK room In large, light office In Morgan bldg. Apply manager. 818-21 Morgan bldg. business orpoRTfyrriEM. FOR SALE Meat market doing good busi ness; cheap rent Phone Woodlawn 845. 4-1 A 1 1 1 barber-shop for sale: owner going liuo other business. 43 ! N. 6th. 70-ROOM modern hotel, with Urge lobby, freshly kaleomined and tinted, all In r class condition; located on prominent St. Inquire 911) Chamber of Coiomerco bldg. Marshall 15S5. LOOK If you want to get into h, "'-'" paying confectionery store In Fortianq. now is the time. I am on a fine corner, where thousands of people pass on sum mer days; sales average better than u per day now and will be better from now on; 1 have other business and must sell by April 1; $3500 cash will handle; bal can be Paid from business. It you are looking for something extra good, look tnis up. AE 657. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. In one of the best cities in the Wil lamette Valley, general merchandise store . with $10,000 stock, doing a monthly busi ness of 665O0; will consider farm land to valuu of $SU0l. This stock can be reduced to $10,000. Inquire or write C A. AUSTIN, 750 East 72d st.. North. l MAN desirous of attaining position that has a big future, with large automobile concern, operating branch houses on the Coast. Personality and education essen-,i-i ,a.,iitn nrerer man of prominence. of good fami'lv. Preference will be given those who can invest from $254H to $0000 an dare willing 10 ieam. - - Oregonian. DON'T pass this opportunity, investigate. A little money will start you in the busi ness of the hour." Experience uot neces rary. Wanted Man to operate and own his own bus; to those purchasing we will put in a position to secure contract pay ing approximately $15 a day. If you mean business let us show you. See Mr. Hayes, 694 Washington St. FOR THE MAN WHO SEEKS A BARGAIN IN A GROCERY, I have, by far, one ot the best-equipped storea on the West side, stock and fixtures invoice; will invoice about $4500; to a man who wamts a gio ceiy to run, I'll take $2500. Call owner, Marshall 590. BILLIARD PARLOR, soda fountain, cigars, tobacco, candies, good going business In the best business city ill Rogue River Val ley; will sacrifice on account of other business; price $:.00O. cash, bal. out of business. 513 North 6th. Giants Pass, Or. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND. ANYWHERE, SEE Business Chafiee Dei'artment SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Corner of 4th and Pine sts. ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager; high-claes article; should pay $W.uoo annually; $500 to $1000 capital; pav expenses to Chicago if you are the man; references. Leary. 406 Fisher bldg.. Chicago. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for ao-called Interest In established real estate business gel ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 522 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PROMOTER wanted, competent man that can take hold of .1 $50,000 Issue high-class stock of an Oregon corporation, place same on the market; good commission. AL 652, oregonian. CONFECTIONERY and rruil suna on o of best transfer corners. sacrifice $1000 less than invoice and would trade city lots or anything good. $2000. 1'. V. Per fsels, 261 Stark at., near 4th. MAN handy with tools, wanted as partner in a solid manufacturing business; good pay to active man; only 350 required, which is fully secured. Call 317 Railway Exchange. . AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop; opportunity for an active man as partner in this solid business, to keep plain ac counts and sell gasoline. Call at 51 1 Kan- way Exchange. LIGHT groceries, butter, eggs. etc.. u"e. wants a partner to help him in his strictly cash store; pay jou $100 month. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. GROCERY store bargain, on good West side corner $35 daily sales; living-rooms, rent $30; price $1300. Room 303 Lumber Ex change. CONFECTIONERY', bakery goods, etc.. Just the. store for man and wife; all cash trade and you can clear over $100 month. Room 329 Morgan bldg. $bi BARGAIN Confectionery. fruits, cigars, etc.; nicely equipped, with foun tain; ice cream season near at hand: get In now. 31 Lumber Exchange. HIGH-CLASS planlng-mill man 20 years cxp as all around mechanic to lake charge, desires position in or out of city. F 65. Oregonian. WANTED Steady man to work 111 a small cash business as partner; must be satis fied to make $H0 month now. Call room 3'-".l Morgan bldg. PARTNER in established laundry. Incor porated, own ground, building and equipment- big teriitory custom; investigation invitod. 319 Lumber Exchange. MON EY-M X.K1NG, old-established restau " rant In live district; has good business, low rent: priced to sell. $600. 303 Lumber Exchange. . AUTO slage line; partner wanted in this soiid business; owner has oilier business to Hltcnd to and the money you invest is fully secured. 317 Railway Exchange. OWING to ill health and increase of my cosiness, will sell the best ice cream and confectionery siore Wct Side, See my agent. 2 IX . Ktark st. LIVE picture show, full equipment. 2 mo tor driven machines, vau'levlllo stage, ca pacity audiences everv performance ; part cash, balance easy. Kill Lumber Exchange. . , c ..ft chon satuhlisheil "rk v.til 1 Un oaukj toi. oe, - ill a good town in boutliern Idaho, and Interest in part of tools. Inquire of AV 60 2, oregonian. WANT controlling interest in small country bank. Will give in exchange first-class irrigated farm: alfalfa and stock; well mproveo. u mo, 'leaomau BEST little store on Washington St.; will sell at a, nave omei ouoi ii.-ao , cheap rent; $-'50 will handle It. AD 653, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair business; owner wants reliable, active man as part ner: will pay $160 month to each partner; Investment secured. Cull 24S Stark st AUTOMOBILE business. partner wanted, either a mechanic or salesman; a good chance: only $300 required. Call 3JV Railway Exchange. FOR SALE iJood second-hand furniture business; good reasons; would consider acreage. 542 Williams ave. Phone East MTOVIOB1LE ilUfclNEFS Have opening for energeile man; owner will guarantee large profits and your money fully secured. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. THE right man with $300. This ! your business chance. AF 634. Oregonian. GOOD live feed business and feed bam; buildings and lease at a bargain; invoice slock. AV 0.10. Oregonian PARTNER wanted in a workingmon'a sa loon; no experience required; small amount of money. 14 N. 6th St. 1 AUTO-FILLING station, nice tittle business pays $25 weekly:, only $350 required. Call 317 Railway Exchange. GASLJ grocery business, partner wanted; caiF muke $125 month; this is right down town. Call 248V, Stark st. w AV-T man with $500 to handle state ari'ency for newly patented article; gui a'ntecd money-maker. BF li."'4. Oregon!; ar- an. SEVERAL small manufacturing businesses; good monev-niakers; come in, see us. 519 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. BUTTER, egg.s etc., a strictly cash store for sale clnap; von can dear $100 to $140 month, " all room 329 Morgan bldg. LIGHT grocery, ronfec. Ice cream store, 00 Wash st.: living rooms: rent $20; pric $3511. 317 Railway Exchange bldg. MIC AT MARKET, good stand, cheap rent " for sale at Firland Station. Take Mt. Scott car. . FOR SAI.E-r-H or all flourishing auto re pair business; centrally located. AL $43, Oregonian POOLROOM and cigar stand, down-town location: estab. business; lease; price $26U 317 Railway Exchange bldg. WANT to talk with reliable partner; have standard brasa goods to manufacture; little capital needed. BF 653, Oregonian. $"110 AND services will secure half interest "in a safe cash business; can make good wages. Call 24S Stark St. CIGAR, tobacco, confec. store on corner; slock and fixtures included; if sold today. price $125. 317 Hallway Exchange bldg. " CO IMPERIAL i,4 ACRES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED. WE have several parties looking for small grocery stores and confectionery, bakeries: if you want to sell, see us at once. 317 Rallwav Exchange. Phone Marshall 1319. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent Both Buyer and Sellor Protected. 508-9 N W. Bank bldg.. Bth and Morrison. 60 ROOMS newly papered, hotel newly painted, furnishings good; expense Inciud. int rent $8 per day. Sacrifice. BC 652. c re H o 11 1 ii 1 , ROOMING-HOUSE worth $8000: will sac rifice, consider trade. Call at JOVi 3d at N., room 4. MARY . LENT. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENT. 508 N. W. BANK BLDG., TH AND MORRISON. If you want to buy or sell, don t fall to come to the right place BOTH BUYER AND SELLER PRO TECTED. The following are only sample or the places. It you don't see what you want, come In and ask about others. 70-ROOM HOTEL. . HERE is a corner brick bunding, nicely furnished, very clean and ideally located, rent only $1 per room: owner wants to sell and has reduced the price for quick sale to -300U. You better see this quick if you want a bargain. .."-. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS 4" ROO.MS. brick building, rent $-00. including steam heat, hot and co.d ater and Janitor Bervice; this place is Pay'bS and one of the best in the city: If uu have $S0O cash you can pay the baianco as you make It HERF. IS A WINNER. 40-ROOM BRICK. H. and C. water in rooms, S private bsths. elevator; this house cleared $250 last month, and is easy to manage; will sell for prl e reasons for IJOOO; will tako half cash, balance monthly payments. 34 ROOMS PRICE 2p00 Here is a bargain In a brick build. ng, 4 private baths. H. and C. water In rooms rent $125, nicely furnished, will sell with small cash payment. ,.o 24 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. On two floors, brick building, easy place to manage: prite $900: terms half cash. 16 ROOMS PRICE $500. Residential, housekeeping rooms, rent $35; will take half cash, balance easy terms. 29 APARTMENTS. ,, .. . 1 k.ih corner Mostly ail a-rooin 01. "",'.-."": brick, south of Jefferson rent $20, own or away, will sell for $300: this Is Jurt half price and is a snap for someone. 3J APARTMENTS RENT $300 Arranged in two rooms, each with pri vate bath and dresslns-room. located In S blocks of Washington Btreel; price $, about S2500 cash required. TRADE FOR ACREAGE. near 11th end Jefferson, price I-?." IncumDrance. preier ---. near roriian--- -- . . - . tt., !-- ' a anA A-r.tom ftMrrmmti YrSY-cf.- location; owner must sell; doing $200 . month net prom, , will consider some trade. all 317 Rail way Exchange, . . 7T,-c-d- in'TH $00 36 rooms, well turnished, alwiys rull; tine west Mne coion "' hart & Kelly. 723 Chamber tj1"mr: IX) ST AND FOUND. , 1 tt -..,n flr.MlnC IF woman wno won uu - - - room Orpheum Saturday will send the bag anu otner ai tieico ... change bldg. she may- keep money . no questions askea. LEFT on sidewalk. 6th and Morrison, pair auto gloves, iiceua .,0. WaldoiT Billiard Parlor and receive re ward. LOST Two I.acid & Tllion pass books. Finder leave at T.add & Tlltori's Bank or telephone Marshall '.'". w. r ...... LOST Embroidered waist and lace to trim in Meier & Frank's, Saturday. Phone East HIST A 3-row coral pin on Saturday, be tween 1th and 5th. on Morilsou. Return to C!'0 Overton. Rewarn FOUND One pistol; owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for ads. 1 an up di""i " - THE party who found a reference on the Hurnside hrlilge kindly return 44 1st NOrtll. rnOlllHS i.ainoeii. LOST Gold watch charm. German Inscription- valued keepsake. ' Reward. Marshall 4261- . LOST Gold watch and fob. between 1st, Washington. Glenn ave. and E. Harrison, Saturday. Reward. Tabor 4892. LOST A ring of keys uniiay evening Finder please can .ihiiii-i FOUND Watch ; pUase leave description U s.,,. oreijuiiiaii, i'j LOST M ink neck piece between 1 and 3 1'. M. Monday. Phone Sellwood 16,0. Reward. LOST Airedale pup. female, 0 months old. license 155. Phone Fast l."'.'I. LOST March 4. eyeglasses In green case. Reward. Leave Oregonian. SPLCLVL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THR DISTRICT COURT of the United States for thu District of Oregon In the manor of Bandon Dry Goods Co.. bank rupt Request for bids: 1 will receive fcealed bids fur the following property of the bankrupt aitualed at Bandon, or.. Is. tne store room formerly occupied by said bankrupt, up to and until 12 o'clock' noon on Monday. March 13, 1915, at my office. 740-74J Morgan bldg., Portland. Or.: Stock of goods, ware and merchandise consisting of dry goous, notions, ladies' and children's suits aud cloaks, furs, niun s and boys' furnishing good, etc, of Ihe inventoried value of J5i:.12. togolher Willi fixture pertaining to tne same of the Inventoried value of $u3L05. Certified cluck lor 10 per cent of the amount ottered must accompany each Sid. Sale subject to the approval ot the court. . Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and also at Banuon, or., at the latter of which places the property may be Inspected. R. L, SAB1N. Trustee. SEALED BIDS will be received, by the Board of County Commissioners, room 200 I'ouiiliouse, Poitlund, Oregon, mini 11 m March 21, 1915. for 1 only . K- s ' Kilowatt X-lla.v Transformer and Equipment as per list 011 lite al loom 200 i'ouiiliouse. No proposals will bo consid ered unless accompanied by a eneck pay ubla to the order ot the Board of Couiily Commissioners of Multnomah, ' ounly, cci titied by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent 01 the unjrn Bate proposal. The right is expressly re served I" reject any and all bids. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, by W L I.lohtner, chairman; linlo Hoi. brook , County commissioner; Ruius C. Ilolman. County Commissioner. Dated at Portland, Oregon. Mulch 10. 1 !'!. WILL receive sealed blda at my office. No 740 Morgan bld.. up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, .March 13. 1915, for a stock of merchandise of Inventory valuation ol $'07 19. together with llxtures. $i3U.50, comprising a bakery outfit located at Sa lem, Or. Terms cash. Cash deposit 01 Jo per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my oftlce and stock may be Inspected on March 11 and 13 at Salem, Or between hours ot 1"0 A. M. and 3 P. M. Dated, Portland, Or, March S, I'J'-. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Bids w-.ll be received by tho State Highway Commission at the Capitol build ing Salem Or., on March 17, 1S15. Z P. M ' lor the construction of the Mitcheil Point secllon of the Columbia Highway in Hood River County. Plans and specifi cations may be obtained at the oil id ot the State Highway Eiiglneer. Salem Or., by depositing $0. H. L. UOiVUil, ' state Highway Lngnieer. CL-iivn PROPOSALS, in triplicate, will be received by the yuartcrniasier-Gencral of the Army. Washington. D. C until 2 o clock V. M.. Sasteru time. April 1. i9l5, for furnishing cordage, rope and twine for deli-ery during the fiscal lalu at depots ot the tauartermasier Corps list ed In schedule. Schedules turnlshod upou aDDlicatlon to Quartermaster-General. U. g Army Washington, D. C, or by wuar termaster, Portland, Oregon. Miscellaneous. THIS Is to notify all persons that the un dersigned will from this uato on not be responsible for any Hills or obligations of any nature whatsoever contracted for by my wife. Mrs. Eiitabeth De Vaney. ' M. J. DE VANEY. 1LNANCIAU LOANS oa unproved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delays, principals only. Robertson Ewlng. 2u7-2u f.unu western Banic bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages turst and second), equllios pur chased. F. H. Lewis n Co. 4 Lewis bldg. Wi. BUY mortgages, bonds and noiea, Western Bond at Mortgage (.'Os, hi) 4lh St. Board ot Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers Interest in 'contract purchased, Oregon or Wash, H. K. iNObie, Lumbermen mag. wk buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob-er-on - Ewlfg. 2o7-8 N. W. bauk bldg. Stock and Bonos, $1300 SHARES Oregon Home Builders rrock . - o-. rw-r xhare. colnuanv 1 UO selling same stock at 30c per share. Ad dress box zv, t-iiepi".. Money to Loan on Re I state. ,,, $ioo. $ttoo. U00, $1200. $1S0I. rredW. ' T ... . . uii Chanihar of I Oram-r. -a. German c q.. CiliY -d farm loanii. luweet rale. U IX. bimoiiaa, t-omqt MONEY any amount 8 to 8 per cant. H. Seitx - Co.. 510 Spalding bldg. to loaned on leal estate; contracts and nitgs. bought. H. M Hey. 204 Gerlinger bldg. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent W. E. Tliomaa, axeut Multnomah County- 4Uo Ch. of Coin, tlO.OoO. SUMS TO SUIT. AC 5S7. OREGONIAN. $5000 TO $13,000 PRIVATE. MONEY. B 402, Oregonian. . "ESTATE MONEY $250- TO $50,000. L Y. FREE DM AN. 930 CHAM. OF COM. $1500 ON city properly; will divide. Smith Houck, "01 Henry bldg. I WILL loan $51)0 to $7000 on city or farm property. AK. 4.6, Oregonian, Vli 111 l'll.V.'.b: LUA.. Any amount, .ow, i.iwiuptly I Attractive rcrayiu.-ni prmmicj. A. ll. UIKKl.l CO. 217 Northwestern ilanK Li idg Mat Mm 11 41 14. A 4116. MONEY 'IO LOAN ON l.MPROVrlD REAL 1. STATIC FOR BUILDING PI Rfosl-.n; iUil rt.FX 1ULE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. COLLIIHIA LIFE TlilfT CO., Ulil SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED PUoIkHTY OK rot BUILDING PURPOSES; LIBERAL I'AT- MENT PRIVIGE.-., MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES! THE EO.UTADLE SAVINGS) - LOAN ASSOCIATION. -40 sTARK ST. IO LOAN. Lowest Rale Mouey 011 business property. apartment, dwellings and farois. It. H. liiossoui. I 111 t number l Commerce. MONU.Y TO LOAN On Portland cuy real e.iuiu, farut lar ai lowest current rates. .MALI. VON unnsTKU 104 Second St., near H sslmiKlnn. PRIVATE ON HAND To LOAN. JnOiiii at 7 per vein. $.r"Mi at 7 per coin. $3ooo al 7 per c lit. 25o al 7 per i .mi. 7i0 at S per cent, 5uo at 6 per e-ioi. M'kEN.IE .v- CO.. 515 Uei Iiiik"'' bldg. TO LoX.N $411,000 OR LESS FAR RING TON, 1-0 4TU ST., board of .i;adb hi. ph. $uOO. 61O00 and upward on improved r. al estate; favorable terms, no tl-lays; 00 brokerage. John nam, .107 spKl-lin Mflh. SEE ua today for loans on impioied city property. U to 8 per cent, $2"ii and up. Ccllars-Miiriou Co.. 625 Yeon bldg, $1000 TO LOAN on roal estate in the cily of Portland, submit yuur sclunty to iu ai 51J Piatt bldg. M01.TGAGE loans 011 cuy and toui .,ua re, eslale at 7 aud 6 per clil. U. Ii. Nu 41. Sherlock bldg. bhi Suckcndorf today; no delay, cily and Iarm loans at curi-eut i.iie. elo-lr siw Exchange bldg. M am ti4. ui.ii.AJE LOANS IN A.N Y AMOUNT. OREGON IN'. MORTGAGE CO.. INC. Slock Exchange bhi-.. 3d an, I YaoiiillL $1000 TO LOAN on I'oi t and il cattle. 424 t ill nibcr ot c. 0111 rue. rco. WANT SMALL MORTGAGE' LOAN. $100 to $55.J. or will buy sinail moiigages. Sill llll-Wagoner Co., Stock t ;' f ; $"200,000 'To LOAN in sums to suit; bund ing; louusl rals. W. G. Buck, ,ii$ 316 Failing bKLj. MOU'I'lAGE LuANs. i and 7 TK CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 2 '.1 ST Ait K a T. MORTGAGE Lli.VNS. au aiuuji.i. no uriay. licary C. I'ruuiioiiiino, 32.S-3. .v.nruii blug. CITY MORTGAGE lojANS Fit E D s. WILLI A.MS, P- ' i 7.. I ol. Money lt Loan haltem and Salaiie. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND Jl.WULVr AT LA.-.1E1!. RATES. We hate o of uu fuitsi nutll J-w,ry store in the city. A loan tlimni is conductel iu con 'icciioti with allll!, mak ing business Sii'.iCiLV cu.rtD-NllA-, .0 olultiy no isii Uti-.giiating loan busi ness dii-ilayed m floul of our ture. Ait inerchaauise plvdi.ea 1 held lor lift lod vt evt 11 molilh. wuellitr or not luiereat is paid w.icn due. vv aro 11. enseu and liatu bec-u cttabaslicd nue 163U. No cou. uection wllh any otucr loan vlaoli.liluiit '"a."'- m'." DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, U24 aslui.atcu t LOANS $.0 to IH'O vtlCKLY. STATE SECT 111 TY CO.. LRt.otU. LOANS ON .-Al.Ai.lLS ONLY. BES T I ROI'i 'Si'TioN IN l'i ill I I.A ND. CALL AND LET Is L.M'LAIN G L It EA.-.Y-l'AillM PLAN. UUSTN1-SS si'Ul'.'T'Lti 1 uM.iUi.MTA STATE .-1.1 Lilll'V tt), 309 Failing hldg. LOANS IN b not RS' il al It gal rati a on diau.01.4, autoa, pianos, housi nolo good iiiiil livestock. Portland loan Co.. LIcutiMtd by ciale. 'il'5 RotllChlid lliOg. MONLt Al ONcW. Dlunioiois. waic.ies, hh,fi al instriimanta S El' A It A l DEI'T. OR L.MIIa. l-.LIiV COell'ANY tlltelisedl. 020 LUIhb' I Lxtillllt, b.o.i.. Second ai.d duetts. LOAN ol. olioiids aliu 14 1 5.1 l Jt-H.); alilclll 11 -r Aldar. conlldcntial. Money, loanld s. W. Itini;, ion 1 tiiMHuiiiiJ and JcweiiJ. 45 v hs:iimioii bleg. loans ' Mi i-utiito. Ulutn, nda and Je .(,,111 .m b.dg. elr). Wm. II 11, room 11 L W E loan money 011 uiaiiionua and Jeweir at half the rate rusrged L biokaia Marx 'iioih. i'4 3d at. I.nali, Wanted. A -I "c.Ei'1. It IT . WANTl'D OS $ ni, 000 st s' , ...tMHl Ml 6'r, 4.IIOO at 2,o..O ,i S',. 1. M il at s , I. .'.00 at S ,, va loo 1 ullle ..liio A IIO val'.t: A 1 II I a 1110 yi . " 51., G, I ,ooi al I ' r It' II At e',. .VIO al 'l. $500 at l'. 1 M'KKN.IK CO., ;i im-'i 2.00.1. 1 .Mill. Ill" 2.,oO 1 .in:- r UU1 WANT $10011, $1250 alio 1 Mild $2nl'0 at J per i- nl iironeiiv: $40'l0 at 7 p at h pur t 011 1, good resirt -n- . 1 1 c.,l and i :ar.n land. $ bl.'JO'l at 6 10-1- cent tin good at 6 per cent on E. A. curlls, 2h I billllt propsri. Osk si. CHOICE V.L LOAN' API'LICA and per TloNS k irsl-cla security. cent OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO. I.M., block Lxch. Illug., 3d and kainhlll Ol. Marshall 20.1. A 4144. fjooo WANTED from b runic panics on 1st mortgage rea.t - , high rat-i of nitircl If can g'-i sailio at once. Atltiraa A ,m. Oregoninn. WANTED -.; pialsed at o L. K. Moon oil 10 er $' 317 $17o s PER CENT nroved pro!"' rt y. Milu A. K. 1 1 I 1 . 1 W ANTED from pci $i;.ii.i on die party $ WANTED mill cd at V WANTED 10 boil or 2 years. AV ell I III 1 1 iw $2oil Oil rt".s. Ol'.'go rl.USONAI- WE SEEL HAIR. llAllt. HAUL 26-ineli leal fit t-qiiallly a w Itchca . . . . $4 K 2U-lii-tli real in l-quaiil fci'a 4.6, BRING THIS AD Good lor 50 on Face massage. .2.10 enaiiipoo .....,.2..e Mautcuie 251 llairuiess '-''o auperiluoua hair reiuoted by electricity. Guaralit, t-l Cut hair, any 'iuO. Swii-.-res any length. Prices half. Military lieamy 1-arlor- 400-412 Dekum bhla., Jd and ashlnglun- Marslull I 7o2. sTiTfi new Sprint coals and sill:.. I jat purchased a sample line ot luo garments, buy now. iio one-tb nd. $l.i coals, sale price $lflM $22.5'i coals or eiiit 1 i. HI $211.0" coala or suils $19 L "CRANKS." Ill Broadway, near Wash ing ton. FEHVKT 11ANEHUT. Leading w ig and toupe inakvis ; lineat stock human bail iooos; ewltciita from 6-e up. hwiruresaing. maiuculiag, tace and sca.p lreatnlut comblnga made up to orue.-. 147 lirosdway. uear Morrison. Main 54 bClENTH-TC musieuse, genuiliu tub bal ha, alcohoilu eloclrlc trealnienia, cbnopodiat, nianicurisl. 204 Macieay biUg.. 2ill Waaa lugtou at. ANYONE knowing whore I.r. Kellog,;. Iltli.g 111 I'. H mau.t i -' rth II. 1 ai-mi tear SKo can b- M'oi ured. pnone dl-ess Ml' "'" et L. 23-2. A.l- GF.R51AN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, eic; mg and balhs. 4a2 Salmon St.. cur. Uth. ilai- Bhail none- "WAN TED- I'Jiing man lo .iaro mv room. must be Mini mki.c-ui.:, hs I ji- e r- nll ret, exciumgol. Hi' ll.'.!-. Oey..,iti. NOIU-VEGIAN trained nurve and maaa.-us. elecirio b.ankel ireatiueiil; hour I P. M. to 8-30 P. M. 20' $d at Rooms 3 atid a. .oiiiii. "-,. .:, ., ; ,, .. aclehllel, oic-oi." ,ti,-nj .. -ut.oo nieetil.g Wednestloy, s P. M. Main 6.. SPIUUIUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. C'h It lngs aaliy. BQ.i uih t. Ma--shll 39-'y0 RS STEVEN'S. 21 years Portland a re nowned palmist and clalrtoyanl, author ot Palm try Made Eary." 2l'lVa Morf ion. LMHRELLAS All colors and atyirs; largest slock' recovering: new handles Put oa. MeieJlth's 329 asnliigton i-t " MADE OF YOUR I'OMBI NO. twitches 95c, curls and pun lac. ba&l tary Heauty i'srlois, 400 li.-kutn 1-lig. EiECTRIG 'ltGAi'oil for rheiiiua! isip, neiirslKii. facial and a. alp trcal'iici.t., ressoliHole. l-hono Marshall 2'i. uLi- -i superfluous lislr reinoted. Mr, it. D ill'l. 429 lilcdner bliig. Maui 34 i.I. BALM OF KIGS compound. Royal I01110. 'Tablets. 5(,4 liavt tt. phona -lain -.1..;. Lm-ON'S In phrenology and crl teadin 255 Bth at. Phone Main 7i,l. ciTlR OPRACT1C specialist. Chroma vases taking tune, ill trealmcnta tLV i:t th. i; DUATE mascue slve trealmont dsttv. 03 N. 2'llll St., nt:T Wsthliiglon. M. s i.,u M.AJMCURING and elrctrlo treatmanla. Ethel D'lrhe. 313-314 Notthweel bldg GENTLEMEN -Gtt Rotlichibl bids.. '. ui.iniciir.' ASTRol .iC.ICAL So, icly niecls (TOIay. P. M. 7lW Morgan bldg. isitots welcome. t, on alley larili, ep '0; will pay 6 per ceul. loaid of ii.nie. tin ;l . closc-lli Inl f l-too. 19 !! cry llltl.- motiern cily 1 .'.oilcat W -.i. 1 ri finiMii. ipiowd piopeity 6Tiii lot for 1 I11MII. i-, n