14 ' - - " THE MORVING OREGOXIAy. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915. 1 1 I HKI.P UAXTEU-MALK. I HELP WANTED 1'r.MALK. AMUSEMENTS. . - REAL EaTATK. 5. AutomoUUefc HEILIG Rroadtvar. t Taylor Main 1. A 1 LIZ TONIGHT 8:15 AM. THIS WEEK BARGAIN PRICK MAT. TODAY SOc Balcony. r.0c- 35c ;llr... -'tc FA VOn ITE MC-slCAI, Ft. A V. CHOCOLATE SOLDIER Eve. Prices: l.on. T"-, 50c. S.V. '-5c BAKER 1 II KATKR S, - 0360. 1 Bakers Mgr. TonichL A!l week. Mats. Wed.. Sat. Return of all the old-time slick "'"'' .-..... Packed house to nee the Baker Play-rs with Dorothy Shoemaker and Ldmund tlton It Margaret Anslins famous success THE AWAKENING OK HELENA KM HIE" ' A tremendous bit. Evening price: 2oC. ..no. T3c: box seats Sat. Mat.. 2oe. ouc: box. 75c. wed. bargain Mat. All ' ""''' Voil. 25 Next week "Tea of the storm Country." Main . A 10-t. Broadway, at Mark. BLANCHE KING AND HEK COMPANY, laaiiiberti. Master Musician Bon i in. the Equine Detective UuroVlls Patteron, I'osingit Barahaa and Groh. Alf and Dainty GladJ" Looming Moore and Jenkins San rrniriini Einoition in Picture. MATINEE KA EKV DAY. Vf KTEOX DAET 230 THE MA WO TWINS. THE HE AllMCAL NOSfcS. 4 OTHER. Hlti-EEATl KE ACVS 1 Boxes and firt row balcony reserved by phone Main 4B56. A 22:.6. Matinee 2:30 P. M. Night 2 Shows 7::;0. 9:10 JAMES J. MORTON The Original . S OTHE1C HEADLINE ACTS 5 Choire eals for Fir.t-Niiut Shuwe Reserved pntprc Afternoon 10c, 15c rlvlCtO i Nights Ijc. -oe llth Street Playhouse Morrison and 1Kb t. (Old Baker.) Burk Again ! The Kingpin Motion - Picture of them all! TILUE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE WITH Marie Dressier i1iar..e Chaplin. Mabel Normnnd. Positively the arrati'st cometlv hit ever treated. Over 1 i hours of hiUrity. The bis three Star K cvs tone. tee it. Pee it attain. ALL THIS WEEK Continuous I I'. M. till II P. 11.. every day. Admission TO rents all seats. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on nirROVF.n bisinej-s properties Residence loans 6 and 7 per cent, ac cording to location, Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWTNG 207-S Northwestern Bank Bid. VG WILL BUILD AND FINANCE HOMES Flats and Apartments In any part of the c-itv costing; from 12000 to $20,000: pay ments like rent. i'hII and see us. K.. I ' 1)11 11' Vt 4 V Jt- 11 Iloom , fommfrclal J'-h Hulldlna. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Moiicj at ut-rent Kates. UUNK1PAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM ANI CITY l.'pifis. a Fourth -V- Board of Trade Bldr. BUSINESS PPOPFBTYANOCLOSEIN RESIDENCES EDWARD E.G0UDEY7 NORTHWESTERN BANrv BUILDING 12 Per Cent Net Income Flat building, good location, all rented; income $130tt. value $15.0io. Will sacrifice for lio.aou. half cash. Hurry! Get full par ticulars, c 4o. oregonian. CTT AND FA H M LOANS On Improved Properties in Any Amount at Current Kates. liAKT.AIAN A THOMPSW, BANKERS, Uraer Ksurtk and stark street. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOUN H. CKO.NAN. IMKi S paid lax Bids. Pert! a ad. Or. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. rAI.MiiK-JOMiS CO., H. i". Wilcox bids. ' JiiXK. William P.. 015-:il- railing bldg. )ti:NKL'lCT HltuS.. tJl llawtliorne ava. HAiliiTT BHUri.. au2 Board of Trade. REAL EVTTE. t or fcale Lota. R. S. V. r. I am looking for a man who is tired of renting aud wiio wnuld like a real home of bis own on easy terms. 1 have a choice lot in choice close-In restricted district on which I will finance the building of your home bv your own contractor; no agents J. DELAHU.NTI, SI Vs Stark St. Mala A lbli. ROSE C1TT PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the ortr rr.al platters of this beautiful part o. Portland. Call on our Realty Department, cor. 4th and Stark. H Alt X MAN A THOMPSON WESTOVER TERRACE SNAP, lrge lot, near car, magnificent view; sscrifice pric-: small payment, baiancs ea!c. Main 17" KOItrLAND HEiOHTS EXCLUKIVELT. 1 nandle most of the property fur sale In this district, and all the bargalna Marshall 4S-J7. BROOKE. A SS39. I.OTS. Multnomah station. u0: Bull Run water; $10 down. 0 per month. O Don nHI & Warner, o'U Corbett bldg. l or sale House. leoxiuo FEET. : blocks from approach of laterstate bridge, oor the main St.. hotel on the ground, steam heat, well fumlsheU. J0.5lH. J. .V Webber. Vancouver. Waih. MR. IIUMB SEEKER. 01V a your time to get a $3S0o home for Ho; roms, all modern Improve menis. See owner about terms for this sump. 407 E 3Stn St. .ortiu ' r TTr. . ..... ul-ihts nrvi: u n w Cosy 6 rooms. 2 desirable lots, nicely wooded: -io; lt00 casli. balance easy terms Owner. !SH Morgsn bldg. ... . i t-e f.'.OO cafll lor l-oO equity in o-r-in odcrn how. lf intg. l.ucdde niann Company. 013 Chamber of com merce. iTiio t;-U'KM liouso to trade for stock of second-hand furniture. Address X. P. Grlb- bl". 17s E ltn si. Iiivs si BCNUAbOW PLAN BOOK 10c -R0 Alnsworth se. Phone Woodlswn 294. k-RuOM modern cottage on choice sightly lot near good car. Price 10.-K. payments like rent. Full particulars. 612 Piatt bldg. c ,rE KSo: buy from owner; never oc-"cunled- modern, resdy to move Into home. Broadway car. ,TrnP. wanted Buyers' choice of 6 or R-room houses. Rose City Park district. Owner. All ". Oregon i an. TTFvv- modern 12-rooin house, la lrvtntoa. I ror eH-nuc. j TWENTY -FIVE DOLUARtf A MONTH FOR A il-ltUUll BLAUAbUrt located in good restricted district, handy to canine, only 25 minutes from Postof fice; house has built-in buffet, fireplace, wash trays. Hunt fixtures. Dutch kitchen, large attic and sleeping porch; will sell for reasonable down payment and $23 a ruon:h, which Includes interest, call Tabor 3'JSi. BUNGALOW SNAP, $100 CASH. Sweil' new o-room bungalow, all large, iirv rooms, strictly mooern; fireplace, hardwood iloors. built-in effects, fine fix tures, shad's, etc.; ready to move into: price only $2S00; lt)0 cash and $15 per month; only lo minutes' ride from Front, Madison sts. GRL'SSI & BOLDS. r.;6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7453. ' ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal direct witn the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part ot Portland, call on our Really Department, cur. 4th sod Stark. HAKTMAN THOMPSOX THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN' INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THU VONUY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OK ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARB RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUK CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CON At. At- 11AU AXlkUi TtC'IS. 324 ABIXGTON BLDG. FRESH NEW BUDS On the trees and bushes make you dis satisfied witu your stutfy apartment or old-fashioned house. Want to get out? I'll help you into the most beautiful new, well-built California bungalow for a small payment down and balance like rent. Cut tins out quick and phone J. W. CROSS LEY. 270U-Stark St. Main 1503. A 151a, MUST sell one of theae make offer: Six- room bungalow, one block to car; iwu fruit and berries: value J200K. i nin. iimbi-rert modern dwelling, restrict ed district: full lot. six rooms (three more for HH) additional): value 12io; mort gage 17Gt, renewable. Call evenings. 91i E. Kelly St. Phone Seiiwood bul. NEW modern 0-room nouse in good resi dence section, two blocks from Alberta car; full basement, built-in buffet and other conveniences: large rooms, which will be sacrificed for $2200. This is an ex ceptional bargain and if you can use prop el iy OI iniS Kinil IOU Jl uii imiunii.aij' Caii at 512 Piatt bldg. 30 MONTH, which includes interest. rooms, sleeping puicn, uhwi, uici,lc, cement basenienr. all built-in conveniences, hot and cold water in bedrooms; restrict ed district, fine view, near beautiful park, schools and churches; hard-finished street, 20 minutes out on good carline. D tJ3$, oregonian. 4 ' 5-ROOM COTTAGE. S1600. Wnrlv new 5-room cottage on full lot r0xl00; cement sidewalk, curb and sewer paid: paved street, partly paid: on E. l:iih St.. near Prescott; price $1600, haif cash, balance to suit. GRUSS1 BOLD?, 326 Board of Trade Bldg. Main T4S2. SOUTH PORTLAND. 8S9 First Street. New 7-rooru home, everything the best; improvements and taxes paid; large lot, beautiful view, 3 tiars, minutes out, cost S47oo; need money; give me an oiler. Z-o Railway Exchange CLOSE-IN corner, &0xt3, with good 7-room house, 34 Clifton St., cor. 10th; garage; will sell for $70e0; convenient terms; this is within easy walking distance and near park blocks. Oregon Investment & Mort gage 111., alOCK lHCIIl.11 j,e. .1 mm . mm.. BIG value, little money, fine 5-room modern bungalow, restricted district worth more than I ask. If you are serious, price and terms to suit you. Call Woodlawn Soo6, moriimica mm For sale Business Property. FIVE stores with upstairs apartments, all rented; rents over $1500 year; net income over f 1200 yearly; modern corner building, situated on good carline; sacrifice price SU.OvJO, terms. Stanley S. Thompson Co., Kothcriild mug-. waDiiiinwu 1 H WE 3 good homes in Irvlngtou, one third less than cost; one mansion. fine East 273. W. H. Herd man. NEW' modern 6-room house, income iZO a month: terms. Woodlawn 322s. Suburban Home Property. 64 ACRES, J275. S miles to Columbia Rier and R. R., on macadam road, close to school; easy terms. F. B. HOLBKOOK CO, 214 Lur. Ex. Bldg. (15 PER MONTH, 1 acre with partially fur nished a-rooin modern house, electric lights, runing water, bath, toilet, etc., on Oregon Electric Ry.. near Garden Home. Address J oso, uregonian .IDJf.V LI. I W- A I ft CSt Good soli, good water; close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Seiiwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. Xj MONTHLY, Sx200. new house, $050. A. C. -Marsters. 202 Wilcox hldg. Main 3517. 60 IMPERIAL M ACRES. l or Sale Acreage. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS H-mile electric station. $75 to $150 pax acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms lor Sale All Sizes. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY" CO 3011 leon tsias., r'ortiana. or. lO MILES FROM MORRISON-ST. BRIDGE. Will sell at $225 per acre 15 acres of perfectly choice land, very sightly, nearly all in cultivation, on rock road. Owner, 4'5 Northwestern Bank hldg. 14 A.'KES only 6 miles from Portland, on electric l!i.?1 "near section-line road, nearly hnlf beaveroam; price oniy S25U0; this Is the .biggest bargain in Multnomah County. W. 11. Hogs, lttl :;d si., room 212. o IMPERIAL U ACRES. Homesteads. HOMESTEAD If you want a goofl home stead in Central Ore., see D. 7.. Roblnetl at St. Charles, between a and b Wed., Mareh 1". room 22. 110 IMPERIAL i ACR For !nlr Fruit landn. 60 IMPFPIAT, ACRES. For sale Farms. 640 ACRES. 5 mile S. E. of Goldendale. Wash.; 5iH) acres in high state of culti vation, 240 acres in Fall wheat that will yield 3t bushels per acre; splendid 7 room house, fine burn, windmill, good or chard and small fruits; S head bf horses, ti mules. 5 head cattle. 50 hogs, wheat to fatten 30 hops, 3 tons oats. 2o tons hay, 1 combine harvester. 2 drills. gang plows. 1 3-bottom tlisk plow, 2 6-horse harrows. 1 4-horse rultvator. 1 corru gated roller, 1 fanning mill, 3 wagons. 1 hrk cream separator, hlacksmit h shop and tools and all small farm implements. To settle up the estate this splendid farm, with crop, tock and farm imple ments $45 per acre, which Is less than naked land adjoining Is selling for; $7000 cash, hal. terms. Northwestern Clearance i'o.. 1211 N. w. nana bias. GET OFF THE MAIN LINES AND BUT CHEAPER "The best land in Oregon." 110 acres; price $CSO0. one-half cash, bal ance terms, lis acres level valley land. M acres cultivated, more can be, 35 acres brusn, timber and pasture, balance open pasture; rich black soil, good 7-room house, barn, sheds, chicken-houses; family orchard, fenced and cross fenced; school house on land; good road, cream route, telephone. C H. Burkholder. Lebanon. Or. SCAPPOOSE W-acre blocks, right by rail road. under 3") miles from Portland, $IOoo; red shot soli 10 feet deep; great dairying land; has been logged otf and burnt over; with first 4 blocks sold we will give a land-clearing ma chine that cuts clearing cost In two. Terms $200 -cash, balance spread over 5 years. G. Wynn Wilson At Co., il"3 Chamber of Csmmerce. Portland. IMPROVED etoek ranch. 10O acres under the Tumalo irrigation project. Crook t'ountv; 1:15 acres under cultivation and irrigation: 75 head cattle. 6 horses. 20 hogn. farm machinery. 3-room house, small born, ideal alfalfa ranch; $15,000. - In unincumbered real estate or stock of goods. D. M. Smith. McMinnville, Or. FOR SALE by owner, 40 A., 3 miles from Csrrolis, Wash., 1 A. in cultivation, 2 slashed, rest second growth timber, un der fence. R. F. D. and telephone line, on county road; price for quick sale $700. Write or come. Portland and return via str.. $1. 8. C. saner. THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY. 1 HE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you Interested? If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 103 Phe lan bids., San Francisco. C M. WOODSTER. Pre. $1S00 Ten acres, about three cleared, with good, new 7-room hoime, on good roud close to Vancouver: $5o0 cash, balance to sulu Taggari, 41t! Chamber of Cora mert e. 10 ACRES, cultivated farm, house, barn, orchard. A-l soil, near Portland: good for g-trden, dalrvlng. chickens, low price, part cash. McKariand. SOU Y'eon bldg., Port land. ' SUMMER LAKE. N W. H sec. 16. two. 3D S.. R. 1 7 Hast. Anna River running through it; make an offer for '- or all of lu D. M. Smith, McMinnville. Or. 10 ACRES, ;l-room house, barn. 3 good cows, cl-ared bottom land, fine soil, big local market, convenient to Portland; fin.' terms to reliable party. 527 Corbett bldg. s WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon ; 160 acres for $1600. Call 515 Dekum Bldg. 0 IMPERIAL ACREiS. Irrigated Lands. 00 IMPERIAL i ACRES. 00 IMPERIAL ACRES. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT income property, here or In some good nearby town, tlats, business, houses or apartments, in exchange for a beautiful Jtfu.000 farm near Grants Pass. John Bar tog. 2HARTMAX THOMPSON 4th and ttarK. CLIENT wants vacant. Portland lots to value of HDuut J5U00: must be free of in cumbrance and worth the money at to day's prices; give complete details in first ' letter. Al oil. Qregonian. - CASH for "the best resident lot lor the least monev; must be In city limits; give de scription and price In first letter. Ii46 E. i:ty sr.. ror.iaim WANTED Address firm that sells South Portland properties; submit Instances. AV trj. uregonian. WANTED 5-room bungalow: will pay )u to J100 cash and -' per month; give lo cation and price. AG t54, Qregonian. GOOD city property for my 3,10-acre farm. "20 X. W. Bank b!dsrJ fSOOO TO Invest for client, Portland land or lots. Ellzey. JOOH 4th. FOR KENT FARMS. RANCH, on hills near United R. R., 15 miles north of "oruanu, auoui part in hay, orchard; you can pay the rent and buv team of horses, harness, plow. narrow, toots, ujr cicw.uk Ing fences and Improvements on the place. G 652, Oregonian. 12 ACRE.4 of land at Clackamas, all in cultivation, no buildings. 4 acres, all in cultivation, some fruit, no buildings, at Milwaukie. 512 Gerlinger oiog. RENT, trade, sell 15 acres Hood River bearing orchard, berries, hay, bldgs., cash, experience, references required. AV 609, oregonian. 13v ACRES, nenr city. 23 cultivated, good house, barn, fruit: also 250 near Salem. 72" N. w. BanK uiag FOR RENT Hi acres, near Metzger, rent reasonable, rnone e.oi. M IMPERIAL ACRES. FOB SALE TIMBER LAXPB. TIVtnlTT T.AVnS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J M'CRAKEN, 304 M'KAY BLD8. FARMS WANTED. 00 IMPERIAL i ACRES. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. CASH rent for 30 to 80-acre improved farm; will take stock on shares, If desired; 20 acres must be suitable for potatoes; some frujt preferred; send full particulars. M 614, Oregonian WANTED 'To rent dairy farm with stock .and tools on shares in the Willamette Valley by experienced dairyman. Address AV 6IO, uregonian. WANT to lease a stock farm for a term of vears- must have water and grass. Write ine what vou have. AP 631. oregonian. CO IMPERIAL U ACRES. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. r,,..tj-' cn-i f.-T pvru A vi;f:s Four very choice parcels of real estate with normal cash value of $27,000, clear, and $10,000 in cash for Portland income. 100x100 corner. Improved with two good douole flats and a 22-room well furnished hotel with lobby and equipped lunch and dining-room on ground floor. Price $J0, 000. Want a good farm. One of best gO-acro alfalfa ranches at Hermiston; good buildings, excellent stock and equipment; a real money-maker; price $12,500; clear; take Income to $15. 000 or houses to equal value. Might be able to arrange a deal for a Valley farm of euual value. 125x130, improved with modern 7-room house; over $350 worth of coverings on floor, also includes $15(H pipe organ; proDerty sold for $17,0oo; straight loan of $7i00; take anv property for equity oil which can borrow $2500, or sell at great sacrifice. A rare opportunity. 3rtl-r.02 Railway Exchange l.ldg. FOR EXCHANGE. 100 ACRES FINK TIMBER. 40 MILES FROM PORTLAND. NEAR -R R. AND RIVER; 4 MILLION FEET, ALL FINE. TILLABLE SOIL; 4 ACRES . CLEARED, 3 SF'KINGS. W ELL. ETC.; WILL AC CEPT CLEAR HOME IN PORT LAND FOR SAME: VALUE $4500. 1H3RR K. KEASEY CO., 2D FLOOR C. OF C. BLDG. INCOME FOR FARM. A grain warehouse equipped with chop ping and other machinery, combined with fuel and flout business; located In a good, live Willamette Valley town: no compe tition; gross Income $50,000; will exchange for a farm to full value, but it must be good: price $12,000, clear; will put in res idence on a farm. l.l'EDDEMANN COMPANY, . 1113 Chamber of commerce. llll-ACKR FARM. Adjoining Klickitat, Wash.; good land, lies well. 40 acres in eultlv., bal. pasture. 4-rm house, water piped into it, barn, other outbldgs., school at door; $4i00 clear, exchange for Portland ree, ; valuation ot $3001, t al. cash. See S. Hewey. 200 Stark St., near 4th, at itA RTM AN THOMPSON FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 59 acres. 4 miles from city limits, all under cultivation and nearly all In crop; good buildings: value $18,000; will take as part payment residence to value $5000, balance 6 or 7 years al 5 per cent. In nuire F. S. Forest. 808 X. W. Bank bldg. STORE In good town, cost $1800. Will ex change for income Portland. Fine oppor tunity for geu'l. mdse., as It is virtually the only sturo in that locaity. John liar tog, at HARTMAN 4 THOMPSON (4th & Stark). FOR SALE OR TRADE. 2 u. -acre tract. 7-room house, big wood shed and cellar, small barn, chicken-house, wire fencing, 60 young bearing fruit trees: price $1500; take Portland property not over $2000 equity. Victor Callice, S72 10th street. Hillsboro. Or. i 1:. -i j- - - " . 1 k h 1 y improved 30-acro farm, 2 miles from good valley tow ft; splendid house and barn; want Portland residence. Ad dress F. S. Forest. 80 Northwestern Bank bldg., or 'lelepnone .wain GENERAL store, stock, fixtures, store bldg.. new bungalow barn, warehouse, on two acres, right at electric station in nearby town," $12,000 clear: want stock ranch. R. G. Barton 20!' Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON SO ACRES good land, 33 in I. east of Port laud on good road, to exchange for Port land' residence ;' will assume $1000 or $15O0 in the right kind of property. See S. Hewey. 260 Stark St., near 4th. at HARTMAN THOMPSON $MH0 EQUITY in $14,000 Improved prop ertv. located on West Side, renting for 100 per month, to trade for small farm or unincumbered city property. Pearson, S2S Morgan blclg. I HAVE a 160-acre wheat ranch in Doug las County. Washington, worth $4000. with a loan mortgage of $1000; will trade my equity for anything of value. K 04S, Ore gonian. HAVE iot 1 block from carline that I re fused $90O for year ago: will trade for new Ford, 5-passenger car. Robert Athon. Hotel Treves, llth and Stark. Phona Main 7S69. WANTS auto or team of horses for 125ti equity in 0-room modern house, newjy constructed and In good condition; $1250 intg. Lueddemann Company, 1)13 Chamber of Commerce. 170 A.. ON R. R. and Deschutes R. R-, part cleared, house, barn and orchard; trade for town property anywhere, value $1000. T 652, Oregonian EXCHANGE 5-room house and 3 lots m Kenton, value $2500, for 6 to 10 acres with buildings; owners only. Phone Wood lawn 1087 or write 2S8 W. Hallock st. I" BUSINESS lota, Central Oregon town, "for house equity; trade 3 lots for some furniture, restaurant or motorcycle. AE 630. Oregonian. $6000 IN good clear Portland nroperiy to trade for stock of hardware In good live town. Northwestern Clearance Co., 121U N. W. Bana oiug 10 ACRES near Tigardville, good buildings electric lighted, a real country home $1".00 Want clear lot in N. E. district ai part payment i-an v- ...e. WILL trade $7100 equity in fine $1500 home In Vancouver. B. C. for city or ranch property. a b.itt. uregoman. CASH and clear outside, for lot. small h'.use. acreage. Anthes. 1004 E. Lincoln. Tabor 4346. TO EXCHANGE, laluable acreage, close in. for a modern bungalow. Phone East 2403, room 200. WILL exchange my modern bungalow for farm In Wallamette Valley. 7 Chamber of Commerce Diug. WANTED A farm -or a stock of groceries in exchange for city property. Address 4".18 62d st S. E. Phone Tabor 242. WILL trade vacant lots for o-rooro house. H 651. Qi-egonlan. ' 1EVINGTON home for exchange. B. M. Lombard, 230 H; 3d. Main 5602. A 2892. , CO IMPERIAL M ACRES. THE Union Transfer to. have replaced several of their teams with auto trucks and w-lil offer them to the buying public at a very low value. They are mostly mares. All are good, honest workers ana grain fed and shod. Will be delivered to any boat or railroad-yard in Portland free of charge. Team of heavy drafters, SOOO pounds, horse and mare, u years old, are good, true pullers, gentle and kind for anyone to handle: ready for work, price, including their almost new harness, $235. Mares Team of mares, bay and sorrel, weigh close to 2550 pounds; are in fine conuftion, and will suit anyone wanting a good, honest team of gentle mares for farm or other purpose; price, including their harness, $225. . Mares Shire stock team. low. heavy, blocky. so very fine for orchard work; are tat and handsome, true to worit single 01 double, gentle for most timid person to drive, 'feed or handle in or out of stable: set good, heavy harness at low price, $100. Mares Team bay mares. '2400 pounds, are 0 and 9 years old, and are good work ers single or double, and will ride; are in good condition; set good, heavy harness; all at low price, $150. . Mares Bay mare. G years old, 1150 lbs., little street sore, good true workers, $05; Brown mare 13uo lbs., good true puller, $00; brown horse, 1350 lbs., true puller, suitable for any purpose, $75; 1 bay, 1150 ltm., mare, $80; 1 black, o-year-olti horse, 1000 lbs., vo0; sorrel mare. 1050 lbs., $45. Any of the above will be hitched, tiled and tested. Union Transfer Stables, llth at Hoyt st., delivered free 10 boat or freightyards. Set heavy sewed trace double harness, in fine condition. $22.50: set new express harness, $15; stock saddle and bridle, $15. 3 20 N. llth st. UNITED GLASS AND GLAZING STABLES, 103 N. 11TH ST. Must be soli: One pair of mares. 7 and 9 years old, weight 2J50 lbs., low built, good workers, single and double; $155. Also one pair dapple gray horses, weight 2-iOO, chunky builx; $5. Almost new harness with them. one pair horses, weight 2350, H and-7 years old. almost new harness, all complete, for $210. $S5 takes a sorrel horse, weight 1250, sound and work single and double. $0o takes a bay driving mare, gentie for lady or boy to lrive. 45 takes a gray horse, weight 1100, work single or double. Also have a few second-hand dourle and single harness. Will be sold for the best offer. Must be sold by the 1st of the month. Will give trial on all stock. ONE pair chestnut mares, 6 and S years, old, weight 2700, heavy bone, good, fast walkers, suitable for farm work, and breeching harness, nearly new. $200. One roan mare and gray horse, weight 2600, good,, true workers and sound, work single and double; the cheapest team in Portland; price $160. . t STAR SAND BARN NO. 3, 0th and East Flanders. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia stab'es. 302 Front, every Thursday at S P. M. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction buaranteed both buyer and seller. If vou want to sell, bring your horses to our auction.- If you want to buy, attend this sale. MATCHED fpan of sorrels, mare and geld ing. 5 and 0 years old, weighing 2550, well broken, single or double Also, span of dark iron gray mares, weighing 2750. heavy bono and very blocky built, 4 years old, well broken.- 3th pnd Davis. G. K. Howitt. AUCTION. - Horses, mules, vohicle. harness, every Monday and Friday. 10 A. M. ; only strictly ' 'commission stabtsa in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co., 240 East 4Hh at. East 6313. SPAN of dark iron grays, mare and gelding, weighing 2600 lbs., well broken, Iree 01 blemishes. $240. Also, three ponies, weighing 850 each, well broke to rkle or drive, young and sound. $25 each, at 205 Davis st. FOR SALE or exchange lor wood, two teams, 2 sets of harness, 3 short-wood dump wagons, 1 fceavy bunker wagon without box. Phone Woodlawn 3113, or O 2130, or call Miller Wood Co., 872 Gar field ave. NOW that we have got the Rose City Stables in shape, we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also will rent a few stalls, reasonable.. Williamson & Son, &U5 Alder St. ' HALF of fireproof stable, room for 15 to 20 horses; low rent, phone East 1200 after 2 P. M or betcre a A. js. WAGONS aud horses b day, $1.25. 1. Cohen, no. 1-..UF at Mali, 9V1IH Unfn fiQQn DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. WOOOiawu AO. j 11 .mnv, ..-a NICE lo.".0-!b. driving mare. 7 years old, $tiL 151 Grand avo. North. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 East 710. st North, HOUSES for sale All kinds. Apply south- east comer jmn im no,,,,.. " WANTED Excavating and basement work. i'lione cast v- m i. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Lull uay 01 man- jm"i -.-' GRAY mare. 7 ye-us old. weight 14O0 lb.. sound, strong ami true. r.iJ ootn ave. Furniture for Sale. AT 300 Oak St., opp. Commercial Club, quantity of office and store furniture; 2 tiat top desks, Shaw-Walker filing cab inet bookcase and secretary combined, showcases, cash registers, chairs, etc., cheap for cash; also quantity canned fruit. SOLID oak pedestal, extension table, wax finish, worth $17. for :l.50; equal values in beds. nis. ranges, etc. Phone and iu ulr. East 04 IT. M. U. Calf, furniture, 34S Williams ave. Dogs, Birds. Pet Stuck. WANT to buy pedigreed fox terrier male pup of the very small, smooth-haired type, imiier 2 months. Box 385, Baker, or. stale a.e, markings and price. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby cnix, heavy laying strain- March delivery, $0.50 per 100; -frU $8 We guarantee safe delivery. The 1 ion eer Hatchery, yelaluma. Cal. a Livestock. SMA1J, diry, 5 cows, and milk route; will rent plaoe if wanted; terms if desired. A n;t!i. oregonian TILLAMOOK, calves for sale cheap; from pure-bred stock. Write E. M. Clark, Alohler. or FOR SALE Fresh cow; very reasonable. Phone Tabor 4077. i Automobiles. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS hill FOIill, 5-iass., $.:".l.,. 1013 FOKD. 5-pass., i:;.iO. , loll R'KD, 5-pass., $425. 1012 FOKU roadster, 829. 1013 FORD roadster, x;;50. 1914 FORD. 5-pass . $425. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., -E 11 nil E. 13th anil Haw thorne ave. ... hit . i j I IT. I i .i 11 1 11 W Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artlstlo designs, 10x16. $3t up, erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery: also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO. Toot of Harrison SL Main 1167. AM tearing a I'ierce-Arrow Racine auto down to sell It in parts. This is practi cally the same car as the Case 3u. rear axle front axle, transmission tire, wheels, body etc. Fred Lister, 1 iO Union ave. We also have several second-hand cars for sale. OVERLAND. 1912, 5-passenger, full equip ment including Rohrbacher pump, pres to chains, toois, etc.; tires 95 per cent new extra tubes: this car is in use daiiy and 'is in the best of condition. For quick sale $4oo: this is a snap lor someone.. 369 Hawthorne ave. WE have for sale an American roadster in excellent condition every way, w uich cost $ '5tm and is as good as the day it was purchased and is thoroughly equipped. This is an unusual buy for $1000. Covey Motorcar Co. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16 best materials, erected on your lot, complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Allyn Garage Specialist, 1191 E. Salmon su laDor iy BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILE Large stock. Prices $200 to $150. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. ' studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. FOR SALE. Rco 4-cylinder touring car In good con dition; only $-75. LENTS GARAGE. Tabor 3429. 2-Pass roadster, best running condition, new tires; bargain. Acme Auto Co., 531 Alder. AUTMOB1LE. late model, for Iot in Ladd's Add. near Hawthorne ave.. worth 3io0. Sluoti incumbrance. Answer B Hotel t arnou. 1911 CADILLAC, fully equipped, extra tires, seat covers; will trade for land or mort gage. BCJ Q.l-1. oi esoiim... WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market pries ana iuoia,ia. c i-.i11hi-. Main paia. a. i-c a- , PASSENGER Chalmers, fine running or der? on easy terms; $500. See car at 414 Washington sc. ovf 7 1 5-passenger car, just overhauled, fine condition for jltne. , cash and terms. L)wner, ot. iu-iv. FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1014 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. 5-PASSENGER auto, just overhauled, $325; do (or jiiney. 43 !4 N. 6th, , - TRUCK BUYERS. -One 3-ton Gramm truck, two bodies, platform and gravel dump; in f""st ciass condition $1000 Pierre-Arrow one-ton delivery wagon, just overhauled; good tire equip ment 350 Apperson. a powerful five-passenger touring car ...4. J0 Regal 5-passenger, overhauled SoO Cadillac 1913 five-passenger, electric lights and starter repainted o0 WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY, OLD OR NEW; TERMS. HOWARD AUTO CO.. Buick Distributors, llth and Davis Streets, Main 455o, A 2530. AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Free service given on all used cars. Hupp 5-paas.. 32- h. p. coie 5-paes., 30-h. p. interstate 4-pafcS., 50-h. p. R. C. H., 5-pass 25-h. p. Atienigali o-pass., S3-h. p. .......1. u-iih Hnrtv In first class condition; will sacrifice for quick " Several other curs to select from; prices ranging from s.i.10 ana up. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Alain KSS7. A 4900. AutumubLcs I anteo. WILL exchange fine unincumbered lot, 60x 100. worth $U0O and some cash for late model llgnt 4 or o-paaaen&er .'. ii """i Ul CgUlllMU HAVE interest in garage and need autos; ...in -...I., i cn a nn R u for 2 or 3 3 cheaD autos. first payment; bal any time. 6 per cent. E 652, Oregonian WANTED A late model 5 or 7-passeuger car in gooo. cononivui , ...n " y e--- difference. Address AV 624, Oregonian iiiis on cannon oral ii, ioiu- ujv.,. ..... WANTED To buy late modal Ford road ster; must be in good condition and i oargam. inquire 2. .ortn itiu FOR auto. Model T; must be good one and cheap. 4 73 E. 4!nli St. N. Motorcycles. 7-H. P. EXCELSIOR motorcycle whape; $100 cash. Kast 82. good Auto Tires, and Accessories. two new casincs. 36x4 U. 37x5. run 5 miles 4 tubes 36x4 and 4. Call 285 Holladay ave., city. Machinery. ONE 3x24-in. stroke Figure 448 artesian well cylinder with a Meyers working head, casing, rods and couplings tor 182-t'ool well. One 2-horsepower Witte Jr. gasoline engine. All of this machinery or any part of which can be picked up at your own figure. I am dismantling an old pumping ' station and can give you a bargain. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. Typewriters. WE save you from 60 to 76 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our lllus- tratea loiucr. ui.-i.ii, uti.i u.,ci. .. SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months for i and up: o montns ieu. apyiicu uu pui chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 86 Broadway. Portland. Or. NEW model Oliver No. 9, now on market. Typewriters rented 3 months for $4. 244 Stark 6'-. Main 6273. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 tu $5. Th Northwest Typewriter Co., 26a Stark L Main 5528. ' NEW reDullt second-han-1 rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 stark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, driv ing on uu-to-date cars; electrical, civil en gineering, surveying; methods most prac tical; room and board while learning; many positions secured; satisfaction guar anteed; catalogue) free. National School of Engineering. -110 W. 7th. Los Angelos. 11 - 1 AK Ll inilieu'i o.ioiii ........ -. good as new: will sell for $3o0 each, cash or time, inquire M 11ARDE & SONS, ' THE HOUSE OF A M11.L10N BARGAINS. 210-244 FRONT ST. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up. with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d. near Taylor. IAM TIRED OF THE RIVER. Will sell my launch cheap for caslu Call owner, Alain an, iiviii",. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastlg mat lenses and view cameras bougut, soid. and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want- . .i..,.i , - n ...... u h-inlifliiv. Kn HO at CO. jlOCll.cn a .nin. " IV l.LHlSlllili to un a. .--.-, " ..... Chester 22 automatic r.fle; will trade. Call buiiday and evenings, 430 Bryan su, Wood lawn. ' Foil" SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys ami accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Rallte-Collender Co.. 46-48 0th. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; mads in Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100. FOR SALE t 6-Ioot wall cases. 1 8-foot floor case io. a. tiuuuuau. w Washington st GOOD GRADE CORDWOOD, sawed and de livered. $5.50 cord. Eclipse Fuel Co.. 3o0 East lOtll at. I'lione nasi on MANURE, rotted or creen. delivered any place to tne city Call C 1720. FOR SALE CHEA1'. sectional bookcase and I'urceil safe; East 1H32. $110 DI'KB1"lL on Benson Hotel for sale at a liberal discount. BF 65J, Oregonian. I'OltTABI.E house, suitable for beach or 1-ltV. I'JJ SU41U1HS ...... ........ ....... SAFES New and second-hand bargains. rh. Mosier Safe Co.. 261 Stark St. 1-l.UMBlNG SUPPLIES at wholesale prlcsa Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d at. Main 77. Ryder Pig. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison cash registers. National, slightly used Typewr.'er Exchange. 31.1 is Waanington si USE Basselt s Native Herbs for rheuiua.uiu. 00 tablets 1T ..jc. fin va.Maa..- 3-WHEEL scrapers lor sale cheap; all as l H-.-. llrai.',iniflll. eoou us iicm. u - INVALID CHAIR for sale. 629 E. Ankeny. Call East 2801. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in tns hardware line, call the Levin Hardwar. Ac Furniture Co.. 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Maiu 0iZ. TO LEASE or buy job press or presses and OUtrilS; mUSt OB 111 llloi-i.liaa w.....- Answer quick, stating terms and equip ment In detail, first letter. Address Box 782, Eugene, or. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHLNO. BICYCLES AND EVERYTHING; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. 285 FIRST ST. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION; ALSO von MUSE. EAST 7169. 87 GRAND o. y MEYERS, the tailor, pays best price. $o and up for second-hand clothing; shoes bought; reliable Juyer. 247 Madison, call Slain ool-iii . . ... . . ....... 1. 1 i , c-: Li.llV FOR HOUSEHOLD. GOODS OF EVERY UrlSCKlt '1 IUA. C.1I.L. m.i...-.....w NATIONAL cash registers lor world's fair at San Francisco, hignest. prices, s. Goldstein, 120 UUttery si., c-an r i an.o". . 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give It away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co.. 182 1st. Main 4n. DON'T sell your furniture, clothing or otn..r merchandise before seeing me. I need It; highest prices. Main 4317. DO NOT eell or give away any of your fur niture before jflu call the Bell Auction House, 104 2d st. aiarsnau CASH paid for diamonds, separate apai t metit for ladles. Elay Co.. 320-20 Luoioer Exc, 2d ana otara sis. WANTED A large refrigerator, 6x6x6; also a showcase for meats udoui 6x4x4. BD Ool, i n-oimnin n. ' WANTED Some 3x5 card-tiling cabinets, 5 , . . .it.... 1-1 I i IreemiiHn. ara w eis m utihu... v..-, . - --o WANT to buy furniture and piano; must be cheap, iiainjij. WANTED Excavating and basement work. Phone East 4804. C 1477. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 400 Dekum blag. HELP WANTED MALE. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer.. Mult- t. Win.lin mil liekum bide. M1DDLJ0-AGED man, run auto, care for in valid and chore, private home. 14 N. 2d st. FIRST-CLASS cleaner and spotter wanted. AN 031, oregonian. DVERT1SING solicitors, commission. Clyde Agency. -Ul icn -r.J.enaiiFe ..-ici. TAILOR on repairing and pressing WTiUed. 171 H. ilst St, . . HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. -A. C A. Record 1914 Calls for men irom employers 1792 Positions filled 1314 The service of this Department is fres to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership is issued, costing 5 per annum, giving the service ot the Department lor a ear, two mouths full privneues and a retund of the membership fee if satis factory employment la not secured. Ail- youuu men seeking eiuplov ment In Clerical. Technical or Commercial lines or uesiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult ite Advisory and Employ, mem Secretary. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and mgnt instruction In repairing, driving, selling and machine work. Mod erate charges. Fair dealing aud expert training. . Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational otficc, 1. M. C. A. bldg.. and se cure pass eutitlinti ou to inspect our shop and methods A MAN desirous ot attaining position that has :i big lutuie, with large automobile concern, operating branch houses on the Coast. Personality and education essentia! requisite, preter man ot prominence, of good family. Preference will be given those who can invest from $2300 to sonoo and arc willing to learn. iteply, F 602, Oregonian. DON'T pass this opportunity, investigate. A little money will start ou in the "busi ness of the hour." Experience not neces sary. Wanted Man to operate and own ins own bus; to those purchasing we will put in a position to secure contract paying approximately $15 a day. It you mean business let us show jou. Sea Air. Hayes, 094 Washington St. PACIFIC AUTO it AlAS ENGINE SCHOOL. 266-2CS llth st., Portland, Or. THE LITTLE SCilOOL WHERE YOU OBTAIN BIG RESULTS. Call or write for TRUTH ABOUT AUTO SCHOOLS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND. EAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile In etruction, including machine shop work, by expert Instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take Mt. Tabor or "SS" car to :3d st. WANTED Live salesmen for growing con cern, stock salesmen preferred; stionnwst proposition on market. Indorsed by tann ers and commercial belles, good " money for hustlers, city and country work: per manent position and opportunity for ad vancement. Call 9 to 12 A. M 1O0 5th St., cor. Flanders. COMMODITY HOUSE, wholesale and re tali, well established, has opening tor tirsl-ctass bookkeeper and otriee man. w no can take an interest oi -papou. icscnut assets, as we .may consider cash or Joca. residence property and shall consider no Incomplete applications. HP 038 Oregonian HAVE several openings, establishment inde pendent mail order business; energy, good habits, sound judgment more Important than capital. Spuro time first. Particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Bulla. o N. Y. WANTED Young. unmarried. to take charge of act and travel on road: no ex perience needed; whole or halt nucrosl; act consists of two ladies and one man: good paying busilitss: sinail I lives! nielli. particulars call 319 Lumber Ex e ban DRUGGIST WANTED Must be registered In Oregon; position now open; hours 8 A. M. to o P. M., Saturday 8 A. M. to 9 P. M No Sunday work. Give relercncc and slate salary. Stanley s, 910-910 Willamette st., Eugene, Or. LEARN AUTOMOBILE repniring and driv ing 111 the BEST EyUlPI'ED. most I P- TO-DATE and ONLY PRACTICAL AUTO. MOBILE SCHOOL In Portland. L. ic L AUTO REPAIR CO.. :HMI Hawthorne nv WANTED Working paitne.r with small capital for very attractive teal estate proposition; good salesman preferred; give experience or qualifications, lx. 6a0, Ore gonian. WANTED Man who call sell ready-rut garages, city or countr ; good proposition to right man; strictly commission. Cal! 1323 Northwestern Bank bldg., between ! and 9 A. M. WOODWORK KRS. nlso unskilled help , tteadv emplovmenl : best waiies; small investment In factorv required; gilt-edge security. G opt, oregonian. FRUIT and chicken farmers, etc., wanted by middle-ageil woman to put in slmrcs or help work on farm; good reference,. Ad dress A V 6L"o. oregonian PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Instructor to teacli you tne oaroer nauw m 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning, -a- .u. ueai ..i..m. RODMAN, chalnman, levclman, prepare tor Alaska uovei nuieui xv. i"o .. that's not overrun. Practical Engineering. BoO East Everett. EN'F.Ki'.KTIC man of ability for advertising "business Willi established office; invest ment of $300 required. 4:',3 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE, r-ulonioMlu owners- Wo can Ml all limes supp'v vou vv 1 1 h competent ehnuf-fem--, mechanics. Employment Dept. Mar. 4060. Pacific Auto School. 200-208 llth. VwA-N'TED An all-around man for coun try hotel, lake rare also of cow. chick ens garden. Inquire prop.. Hat Box. 2d and Morrison sis. Good home, sinull wagc.1. WA N'T ED Good, industrious limn to work la mfg plant' no lost time; run make $-0 per wk.: small investment required. Room 3l:t Lumber Uxrliongo SMALL capital will purchase established, well-paving htiomess; reason for sale, owner leaving city. 4.13 Chamber of Coiu- CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock: excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlfh. Wash. WANTED An e-tpert automobile it pair man: don't apply ufler 8 A. M. 429 Bel mont, near 6lh st. MAN' who will work 8 bonis day can make $35 week; $ino required. .'IKS Chamber of Commerce. WA NTED First-class counter iiihii for dairy lunch; state experience. AG 654. utt.iinuu. EXPERIMENT, iimnt, develop. .loin our evening club, inventors- ass u. i-nono :t i r.a. WASH Eli for !iuiioli ; none but first-, lass ail around man need apply. AV 030, Oto conia!!. PiiOTOGl'A I'll coupon agents, new. win ning offer. ilHguerte studio Just opening. 214 l'lttock blk. BOY' or man to wash dlslies in a coun.r hotel; wages l.i per in n, iio.no in." room. Address box 87, Stella, Wash. HALF interest In business pajiti-; X'lo per wet k ; $150 required. t'13 t'liambiT of Commerce. WANTED A man to help witli housework and do Utile work on a small family faun Tabor I'll. ESTAHI.ISHKD business; g ua in n t.-i-.i s.iles additional small capital of $5no icquircd 433 Chamber or c merer. aiAXand team; work at once: must load and unload ins own scii'ei , ,iiv F, 65 4, Oregonian. V A N'T C D At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave., cor. 7th. CABINET-MAKERS and mill hands familial- with table work: wages 52.511 to $3 a da V. Klopstock Bros., San FTancl-.ro. CANVASSERS, free advertising, tremendous proll'.s. 413 nucnanuu mug., o io . . -, -noons. EXPERIENCED presser wanted on cloaks and suits. Rooms 3 and 4 Majestic The ater bldg ' BOY wanted, 16 years or over. Ooltz., 142 li 2d. DENTIST Good operator; licensed; good saiai.. ftu ot. vi ' ft, i" Help Wsvnteil Agents. AGENTS $8 to $10 a day selling '915 Spa .ini v-. ri.-lrA Krinllo. 4114 Wash St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Trained nurse for steady pos. tion; references. Apply 804 Bruaiiway bldg. bet. 4 and 5 I'. M. WANTED Experienced collar machine op erator. Call between a auu v. iwiu cuj Mfg. Co., 607 Washington St. HOUSEWORK, $15 to $35. St. Louis Ladles Agency, 28S Main St., opposite vom mouse. A 7175, Main 2o::il. GIRL wanted lor general housework. Call 759 Halscy, near 22d. urt'uuwi) a 1'h one Kast 2707. WANT Kb Ux perieneed woman cook for fanillv and several nireu men. om. ui Wage's :ni. AD 033, oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl lor grneiai housework; svveoisn or cerman itiihitu, good wages, .viairi MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorlbsc-v, Typewriting. 269 14th. nr. Jeff. Ma. BOOKKEEPERS. stenographers and tllcta- nhnne oDeralors. .v.'i in. i,,..a 1VE girls to icarn beauty culture. Dekum bldg sanitary Psr'ors. Vl'HKENTK-'K. do ill essmaklny, $1 Room 201. 209 llih St. GIRL wanted for .-en.r.l! isewnl-K. in quire 5'9 l-.as. -' "' WANTED Young lady f ir d :-a ma t fc slock; amateur eonsiuereo. ....... i - ia n. LADY with $l!Oi, lulte Vj intervst In a good. live business, .viarsr.a.i .m.i. GIRL to assist houa-wo! i aues. ipin'..e . GIRL v Apply 74 E- WANTED Go: . crul llousew Ol'ii. v in . E WANTED Experienced f"'t filters. Give full partie-ilara about ablllt.v In reply. Ad dress C 63.:, oregonian. UIKI. to do billing and handle lc pl.ui swltehb.iKi-d one with aulomohlln exp.ii enc preterm!; give a and reference. Answer ill own hatldw ruing. 1 ii.il, A"re g.'inan. t , WANTED Girls between 18 and 25 to learn comptometer calculating ina-liiue; si.ul piislilon wheu course completed. Moi nan bldg. WOMEN Become Government el'iks. t , i month. Portland examination April ... ample questions free. Franklin iLallluli, Dept. "o.", B, Rochester, .N. T. RKI lN KD. expenen. e.l v woman l-r family conk and houew.irk out of l' n. no wHshlng; $i0; ie:.irence. AV .'$. ore ininn. . PROGRESSIVE HbSI.NF.8S COLLEGE. A.I modem business curses $. mo. r.-ra'laa when conipeteiiL 8"! N. W. Hank bios. WANTED Refined, lapaole woman for rs- sponsib.s position. Viavl Cuuipao, 4;I Pittock block. s Washington YOUNG '.aily wants respeetable oung eom?anloii for two months' travel in Immediately. AD 6..:. QregoniHii. i,1 j W NTED Kxpei ieneed SI enoi: ra pher sol 1,1 ' lor. Apply In person al Costal Laun dry. 2!"l and satniv road. W ANTKD-- Experienced girl for s-neia, housework. Call niornlmts. Mninoiio. HELP WANTKD MA1.K OK I F.MAI F.. MEN and women wanted iMrywherc to -ail hich-elass goods inMiiufai nirril In Ot euot.. Experience unnecessary. Sells on sis-n. Big commission. tall or write to Sir KifTle. 275 l ine st., cor. of 4th. MEN or women with anility, $30 month. i" Morgan bldg.. 9 to 12 A. M. HELP WANTED M ISC' El .LAN FOt'S. OREGON BARLER COLLEGE wants tni and women to learn the barber trade In a weeks- positions guaranteed; tools flee, paid while learning. alp and lies n sage a specially; modem method leaching used : tuition reauced. 233 Madison st. MOLER HAKl.Eit COLLEGE watita Hon and women to learn tne trade In 8 works; clean work, lierv'rtilage paid while learning- tools free; scalp and f-c-e lmis4 a specialty; send for freu catalogue. 48 .v 21. RAILWAY mail clerk, P. O. clsiks. nr. rlers exam, soon; parcel post aervistio many more clerks; act at once. Pacilio State Schools, mcl-ay bldg . city. IM'lil'NATlONAli c onrspaliucuvs S. Iloe.s furnl.:-. typewriter with coinmsrciei courses; 28o others; free catalogue. 2e McKay bldg. I'OUTUMI t.overniiient clerk examination April 22; $70 nulith; common eaucaw-il eiillielent; sample question tree. ..ppi immediately. AV 6.3. Orsgonlao MRS HINSDALE'S Ll slNLSS tc'HOOU Empresj bldg. lersonal lustruciloa , po sitions when competeut. S I T I A T I O NS W A N lt I l Al t'.. Bookkeepers aud Clerka. tut X I ill W A N I A 111 oK K KUI'llR PART TIME ; Will call a few hours eu'-ll week or dvy nt d keep yuur books; gel our stu trmeiit etc. Work gunranlced. hlk'h-cliiiw r.in euces. Evperiellccd uccuutitallt lo eal;. 1'. . box 3S4. WANTKI) by a young man, poiuon " I kkeepei-, timekeeper or sealer in lo-- i;iiig camp, 8 years' experience 111 vvoiaii.. S.ila.'J IIO Ol'ivt lllilll I h:lo ftlllv e-tl. Iisla d my iiliillty; can lurni.-h rrler. nces. Ah' i:33, tlri goula n. STENOGRAPHER and bookk.ip.r. Iu.' man for lumber ottice, give phone No. a i-; ;.-', oicgoiiiuii. L.N PKRIE N'i'i:i rlrtt.i i ' i 1 r It , a Iso bookk -epi i.iPli. r and fill , liny s.ilaiy. Ma EX I'LI! 1 IvN' 'El bookkeeper and ..(lice man desires p.-rinaneiit position, goovl rilei- nes. Phone Wooillawn :'-.'. .Mikrellanroll. v-i.v. ..lil.o-lv 'man. " ol v ernir . single; l.-inperate, sli ad v . holiest, r llalilf ; all-aiouti.l ilie.-li.illi-. pru. ti.-ill gardi-nn. eir wants .l.a.ly omplov ment : n.lt rate wag. s; home place, best rc-onimcndu -lions. Al" ..:;. oregonian. EM'i:n71:l'l:i'. r.-llabln and sober ml. 1.1. e ag.d man of good M.ldr.-s would liko le fiiid iiosinon Janitor, porter or lious man. or work of some kind; b. l ids. Address I-A. FIsehcr. gen. d. ., Portland. SALESMAN "f HbilHv.Y'll iiequalnl-.l "Ith wholesale and lelall trad-. I.ol h dp' "'! ro.ol. salary or vv.-'ktv ,1 1 a ,v I i.g e. o .oil and roinmtrsloii only e..n-1,1. i e.l. J. Mj.l. 4.: : -In, ni !' r of I o. i in. I 'IIIRF.I.; II want to make ...idwood. bats " lirnuh eal.n. and II possO'le a place to sro.t veit. Iiinlcs, long J"h. Al. tr.4. lii.g.misii. M V N and Wlfo w ant ri.Ierenei s. A.l.lr- SS ivork. litem pr Ion R. 1. l. I. b"X VaMconv. r, ash. Cll AiT'PeT 11. , omp. "I. I. r.-' '"I. e.l. o"d referel . wanl. po.ltlon. 1.1 Chapman. Main 3 1 I'M. WAVIF.P Iv voulitt mail. e.l man. p.sltion. auto ex pei irn'. e. win .1" anv Ibma. mul luiv-e wotk. I'lione .Ma n !?, 1 . . ........ . Oi . i .....in- CI mi: I. it Inline a V p. ring aiid'w hilewasiiliis. I us. noil. I. -. M CHEESE and bull, r-niaker. IS pt t 1. nee, wants position; ret. I . . - .lu lIes I, oils""'"". Cll AI'FFF.l II. bom st nr.! to drive hi nev l w houi i ll. L 6 .", (.ItesoliiSII. RE LI MiTTe inan wanl work d-iving I ro k and touting -'"; an At m-.-liai.ic. wnn g to work. A'l So". Oleuonniti. EI il'CATED .liipunesM wniits po and house vv oi k lit laiuily. AE on g" inaa. RELIABLE chauffeur w qilaiiil-.l Willi cllj 1 I' V t .recoil in ii. Ms posi I Ion . ul homo. D I V PAN ESE I.. VV IslWS help In siiiialion n kin In II ni- or st aura lit. work A I-' ' lo. us Oretj. vol' Nil in an wants lo drive jii -" ste.l.lv tlrlv. r ami meeun. Or. Itonian. RELI Xltl.l'l young Japanese who speaks English well. seek, position In a.Imi. hs housewoi k.-r. Homo pi. one A -nv TTi' NG f.tivlaner. exp.-i ien. . .1 In n,m: vvanis j"'o on farm willl small wag. s. I kOl'N'G liermun experteneeed i Origotnali. U.sit.s position any k.inl. l.stHUiunt woik. K 1, IIAl FFlU n and Al lion: 7 years' evpero n. . vv a n i s p-'. I i'lione .Mai ,10... room -.1. vTn'TKIJ I'.y m" ami wife, position a" janitor apt. bou-.e: experienced; best rel -ereiices. Main 777 1. W V NTED---I.OIS i nd acres to pi.tw, ai-o fc-- ....mire for sale. I'lione .tiaiil e.-ov. for Mr. Seley. SHIPPING clerk. 3 years- exn.. i-"" - - to .". P. M.; tun mi" " - goulnn. NTEIV-Ointrart to make cMw..oa. 1o.ili.r,o) cords. Marsha. 1 414.. it YOUNG, strong Austrian, iprak. Kood L".-j- llsh. wauts woik oi a.. - A 1017. EXPERIENCED carpenter and pantr "' work; willing ft w . - ,r.nr Main 70. .1, A 1..17. - .. ,,.7C. ."n uanti nosltion m chauffeur; m,Vaf..iid of wotk around lions, ami : .f - den; .It V relerelie.s ,Mllliu..L A t. . M tx and wife. fM.e r o-n eed f a rme -a. waist Mpcu.Mo... references. Main 70al. A rWANT work on a farm: can milk. I ru I 1 smak very' good En g ll.hJ. J SN,..h. 8TNGLEiniTn wnnus farm work; cxpr rl, ,,. ,. . K It. No. I. bix :' Vancouver. Vtasli. :., .-VNl' experienced, good cook, wants Viaiill" 1-1 N- ir.Hi. Phone A LO. v M N wislies Job as porter or In kiicbeu; ,.,' Ii.ve work. H ':. Orssonlan. TI1V expert palntera for T1.i... oot.e. THbor 4HIS.-1. ehunge. V o don I M N AND WIFE would like work on gain.. win Ineela. 170 E. J5th-t. Jl.lt jobs grass culling, lawns tared for. Sell wood 12. SITl'ATIONS WANTUI I-EM A I B. Itttokkrepers and Hlenogtaphera TKX.Kiil A PHER. bookkeeper rxp'rlenoe.1. .lesireK permaitcnt or temporary position. Kood references. Knal r..'.t.i 5 K. stenogrsphsr. b. k. and dletaphoae operator w.nts permanent or substitute wo rk M. r7. FIRE insuranee stenographer. 4 T1'. ' I" rlence. desire, position. Ah. fcl. Oreso- tiian. llrra.mi.Hsl, ill it D s. iiisire. either bv Hie nay 'r a 1 home 82 per day. 549 Yamhill at. Phone A - . - FNPFRIENCF.D diessniM k er and tallore-a "do w.ik by clay; work guaranteed, la bor no.:. DRFS-mVk ING. .l kinds of sewlns, HiA r. i.-onal.le; work gunranteed. Main .:::l.'. . --, -llV Itl.E dressn.nk'ng. home or day. 1 -it l.nno t. Main 0.13. ;!;'. I v .'.I 'C "ill. ou.ill -US). .iiMkini by the day. Mar- EXI'ERIK.Ni.ED book!,, .pel . M. noisiapl.. i, any oltne work. C l.-.j. QieC'.n'nii. .Miaeellanrolla. lU