Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Beaver Recruit Has Good Arm,
Tops Batting List and
Covers Lot of Ground.
Coveleskie Only Portluml Player on
J Ant of Missing McCredie Sees
jlis 23 Men Practice and
Openly Expresses Pride.
tern-tr-vr. -! March 9. f Special.)
With one exception, the entire squad
of McCredie's 1915 Beavers were out
for training this morning. There were
23 of them in uniform and they rep
Trent thA ntrk Of baseball material.
MrCredia openly expressed his pride
when he viewed 25 men scatter oui
uvfr the park.
Those who are now In camp are:
T'itt-hers Lush. Martinoni. Krause.
Hiccinbotham. Riecer. Evans. Ix-onard,
Callahan. Barnes. Bishop and Willing-
Catchers Fisher, Carlsch. Holman.
lntlelders Derrick. Coltrin, Hall.
Stumpf. Murphy and Davis.
outfielders Speas. Doane, Lober,
Kirchcr and Naughton.
Xauchton Is an inflelder by all the
laws of precedent, but McCredie knows
no precedent and so Naughton has been
transferred to centerfield and made the
head of the battinjr order in all prac
tice frames so far. In the outfield
Naughton has been worthy of his trust.
H. covers lots of ground and has a good
throwing arm. ,
Cavrle-sLle Still Mi Mi nit.
Pitcher Coveleskie. late of the Port
land Northwestern, is the only man
that has failed to arrive. Coveleskie
is not a holdout, he Just has not ap
peared. McCredie has been expecting
lum for the past three or four days
and thinks that every train will bring
the pitcher. His absence Is accounted
for by the fact that he has a long
way to come, although JlcCredie Is be
ginning to think that he had better
arrive, as the training: season is ad
vancing. Bobby Davis grot his first good work
out today. The report come on good
authority that Davis would be on third
when the season opens, and. barring
accidents to himself, will remain there
until the season closes. BobBy is not
needed in other portions of the infield,
as all the holes are filled. Davis was
a little late in petting into camp, but
he Is working well and will be in con
dition within a week or so.
Murphy to Be I.rt Go.
A decision has been reached by Mc
Credie that Murphy, who comes from
the Philadelphia Nationals, will not
do. Murphy has a bad throw to first
nd has allowed a run or two to score
in practice games. Murphy does not
seem to be able to gather the bunts in
and get them over to first base In good
style. His manner of standing up to
the plate is objectionable. Mac be
lieves that if the opposition once
started bunting them down Murphy's
way it would be a lost ball game.
Carlsch. Kircher and Derrick were
the center of interest this morning in
practice, the two former because they
are new to the club and the latter be
cause of his difficulty of getting sat
isfactory negotiations through.
w Men Are Impressive
Carlsch and Kircher are both Im
pressive men. especially the catcher.
He is not as large as some of the new
men.' but his shoulders are especially
Attractive, the breadth of them assur
ing an effective throwing power. Car
lsch handles himself well and he
stands up to the plate and takes an
easy swing at the ball. Today he
confined his workout to catching a
few fast ones from the regular pitchers.
He also worked for a few minutes be
hind the bat to become accustomed to
the stick by degrees.
Kircher is the probable utility man
for the Beavers. He has been playing
this position with the Atlanta club in
the Southern League and has learned
the art in most every position. He
plays the infield as well as the out
field. In practice today Kircher pulled
down several high flies and otherwise
demonstrated his 'worth. He seems
fast on the bases and used good judg
ment in hitting.
Men in l-'air Shape, but They Xeed
Two Weeks of Good Weather.
n.EAPAXTOX. Cal.. March 9. (Spe
cial.) Manager Christian had the Oaks
out in the morning for batting and
sliding practice, but in the afternoon,
after one inning of the regular-yannl-gan
game had been played, it started
raining and practice was called off.
The Oaks need about two weeks of
JL-ood weather and they will be ready
to to. . rieveral pitchers and most of
the regular men are in pretty fair
shape and everybody Is "cussing" the
Mannasch. the Oakland boy trying
for position as catcher, lost a finger
nail, which was torn off by a wild
pitch this afternoon, and it will be at
least two weeks before he is able to
lay again.
Manager Christian has decided to'
take Catchers Klliott and Trice. Pitch
ers Klanitter. Le Claire. Abies and
Christian. Infielders Ness, Manda,
.Meock. Litschi and Lindsay, and Out
fielders Daniels. Middleton, Watson
and Koerner to Oakland for the game
Thursday with the White Sox and he
intends sending Klawitter for seven
Innings or the whole route if he feels
Men Out of Position. Make Boots,
but Show Lot of Versatility.
BOYKS SPRINGS. Cal.. 'March 9.
(Special.) Manager Woiverton's new
langled idea of the infield out and the
infield in was duly tried today and had
a tendency to prove that the San Fran
cisco club boasts of quite a versatile
aggregation of players. With Bodie,
Jichaller. Fitzgerald and Mundorff
guarding the inner works for the regu
lars and Tobin. Meloan. Baerwald and
Coy, on the opposite side, then were
two of the infields that held their own
remarkably well. It is true that errors
were made, but plays were executed
that were out of the ordinary.
The infielders, with the possible ex
ception of Downs and Hetlmann, did not
Fhino so brilliantly. Corhan and Jones
lid not even have the opportunity of
grabbing a fly ball, but Bill Leard was
running in circles In left field. It was
a novelty, at any rate, to watch the
bovs out of position and it will un
doubtedly be put down as a routine
training stunt. The game itself was
not much of an exhibition, the regu
lars being swamped under a 12-to-4
Aberdeen Meets Arranged.
ABERDEEN, Wash, March 9. (Spe-
cial.) Rules governing a boxing and
wrestling tournament to be held here
April 9 under the auspices of Company
(i were announced today. There will
be three wrestling and six boxing
events. The organization entering the
best team will win a silver loving cup
while Individual winners will receive
bronze medals.
Chech Refuses to Estend Himself it-
Practice Game With Easterners
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. March 9. (S
,;0i i t rt iniFia wna walloped
its first clash with the Indianapolis
bunch this afternoon, 4 to 2. principally
Decause cnariey unecn reuiscu
. l hlmsal, havnnft what h thOU
j utm Tn tha seventh
WB3 UUU 1 U I i j i . i . . . .....
irinlA hv Butcher, singles by Mitchell
Roiiiv and Metzsrer's error gave
h Tritons three runs and the game.
. . i w a t i r-i h the came be-
vuevu AJW J u - t-
tween them. Slim getting by with one
run against him.
The Indians are a likely, team, but
would not. accoraing to wieir
showing today, make much of a fuss
in the Coast League. In Rellly they
have a star outfielder and good hitter,
l ; t - -?.,,. ffliphinc is excellent.
Otherwise the team compares favor-
blv with any oi mis itasuc. .
..,1 ..v.( r.A Autfiolrierl the Indian!
i . (Ha luck mrt McMullei
UUl iuni v i. - - . .
looks good at second and so does Terry
BL PI1UI i ' ' "
n-nr. oomA tpfliiis nlav tomorrow
. . v. nni it a a i it n ijua iiiiKici
won t miss Bill Tage or Johnson this
Score: TI
Tt H. E l K. H.
Indlanap'Iis 4 7 3,'Los Angeles. 2 8
Honan-s Men Lose to Chicago, 3 to 0,
With Hitt, West and "White on Slab,
r.,, r-i march 9. The Chi'
, .H I ' 1 1. VIV'. I .
. i HorooroH the enice Pa
ca5o"'c'j , ":.;r toduv. 3 to
cine tjoast
0. Score: .
It H rJ -
-.. t. . 1 ft niVpr.ii 0 4
. : TnVinann JaSPPr Alia
Mayer; Hitt, West, White and Spencer,
System Ised br National Association
- to Be Kollowe-I to Prepare Coast
Team for Title Serie.
t . . PArtlnnll followers Of
JU91 l " " " " ' "
ice hockey the differepce between the
Eastern game and the Pacific Coast
hockey, we are going to play Eastern
hockev in the Portland Ice Hippodrome
next Monday and Wednesday nights,
said Manager Pete Muldoon yesterday
afternoon, while speaking about ine
All-Stars-Vancouver, n. -
Portland next week. "But six men
. .Am at flT1 T I III". IITS ..'
ire u 1 1 ci.u
inued. "and we are going to give the-
Northerners all the practice iii-
coming to them.
"The world s cnamMi"'i' " "
lettled at Vancouver and both systems
of plav will be used. The first game
will be Pacific Coast hockey and the
second match Eastern, and so on until
the title Is settled. Six players must
. .v.- ia aii Tho time, according to
Eastern rules, regardless of whether a
... . II I ... .3 ,nt If f.
penalty has Deen inumoi ..v.. -mnn
is thrown out of the contest for
three minutes or so. another player
must take his place on mo ice
..a.,.- -11 -.a. ..rt.t that will battle
against the champions of the Paci"c
Coast will oe in a pusiuiun i
...... 1 - i 1 Kattia Twn frames
ailllionairea a. ui a,v .
will be played here, one next Monday
, . . . 1 ,Ka WoilnnqHaV follOW-
ana ids wmr
ing." . .
m -
Tnhnsnn. CaDtain Oatman
and" Tobin left for Vancouver, B. C,
where they played wun ieaier jrwiv-.
nd his Victoria Ansiucmia h
. aa.h lost nie-ht. Everything
possible is being done to have the Van-
1 in th hast of condition
when the title games are started. Three
stlrt games are on m n.ncu. - -
Last night they piayea ine
id next week they Btage two contests
1 the local Ice Hippodrome. Lester Pat
rick. Dunderdale. Kerr and possibly a
fourth will come here to piay wnu
Manager Muldoon's aggregation.
Unlike Pacific Coast hockey, there Is
neutral territory on the Eastern
hockey rinks. Two-man combination
the main thing ana many mm u
kes the game raster man ine weai
. 1 tHa Thprp urn three
defense men and three forwards on a
National Hockey Association squaa,
while the seventh man on a local team
is the rover. .
A portion of the Western rink is
marked off where the player can shoot
the puck ahead of him to a teammate,
but such is not the case among the
Easterners. Such an action puts the
player off side and aTface off is palled
for by the referee.
Hockey playing among the younger
set of Portland is taking a hold and
each day finds the fair devotees on
the Portland Ice Hippodrome rink with
the regular hockey sticks and pucks.
Manager Pete Muldoon. of the Portland
professionals, has lent all available
hockey sticks and goal nets to the fem
inine players.
Wapato Gun Club Elects.
WAPATO. Wash March 9. (Special.)
The Wapato Gun Club at Its annual
meeting elected officers for the year
and other business was transacted. The
new officers are: President, Dr. C. B.
Whitney: vice-president. A. L. Morton;
secretary, B. A. Bannister: captain. C.
H. Castor; treasurer, u. . j.ayior, ex
ecutive board. Dr. C. K. Duncan and A.
E. McCredy. together with the presi
dent, secretary and captain.
Cubs Outhlt Athletics.
TiiiPA 'Fin . March 9. Bv superior
hitting the Chicago Nationals defeated
the Philadelphia Americans t to 2 to
day. The score:
R. H. E.f K. rl. JS.
Chicago... 6 8 3Phil'delph'a. 2 4 1
Batteries Cheney, vaugnn, Hum
phries and Archer.- Bresnahan: Bress
ler. Reed, Wyckoff and Schang, Mc-
Sox Seconds Defeat Stanford.
9. The Chicago American No. 2 team
defeated the Stanford University nine
today 11 to 1. Score:
R. H. E.i R. H. E.
Chicago.. 11 13 UStanford... 14 8
Batteries Lathrop and Daly; Hayes
and Dent. '
New- Jersey House Passes Boxing Bill
TRENTON, N. J.. March 9. A bill de
signed to permit ten-round boxing con
tests in New Jersey, under a commis
sion, passed the lower house .of the
Legislature today. Tho measure goes
to the Senate.
Delighted Tbcn.
(Birmingham Age-Herald.)
"I fear Mis3 Gadders Is hard to
"I know a time when she Isn't hard
to please."
"Name It."
"When she stands before her mirror."
Star Guard Tosses Basket 10
Seconds Before Play Ends
in Columbia Game.
West Side Team by Victory iu Final
Contest . Takes Third Place in
Interscholastic League Jeffer
son to Play Vancouver.
1915 Inlet-scholastic Basketball Finala.
"IV T. Ta 1
J-ff-rson HiRh. .
Wlrh'lon H'igh.R
Lincoln HiKh....t
Columbia l:niv..B
Port. Academy ..
Hill Military 6
Franklin High. ..6
To Hans Schildknecht goes ine nonor
and distinction of scoring the winning
basket which not only defeated the
Columbia University. 22 to 20, in the
Y. M. C. A. yesterday afternoon, but
1. 1 i iL. t 1haa1h T I ! rT Ji c,.hnn halt.
ruaiicu Ktt" j.i m.u i ii l ti L ' j v
ketball team to finish the season in
third place in the Portland Interschol
astic League standings. The stellar
A...AV.4 .noii-lnrni) Ilia two nnlnts W ll PT1
a,ua.,u . p. . - . ...w .- - ' - '
only ten seconds remained to be played.
The contest was a naro-mufni
4u.A..A.i.A..t aa whAn thA first half
ended the score stood 13 to 0 in favor
of the collegians. It was not long aner
tka Bjuinnil T1A rinrt started that the Rail-
splitters tied the match. For the first
time this season Carl uaeaar. an-stai
AAlAAtlnn rAp fnpmarH was himseif. He
shot four out of five fouls in the first
half and came back in the second canto
with two field baskets and two fouls
out of three attempts. '
Schildknecht registered nc.u
i ah ii nvort a. sensai u lui
iia- o-oniA McAllister, who an
nexed a field basket soon after the
match started, was put out oi i
m .Iuni, with RInrll. of Columb
for mixing. No damage resulted, but
Referee jnacKie tnougni. n.
eliminate both from further duty. Cap
tain Schmltt and Williams featured for
Coach Callicrate's organization.
Following are tne lineups,
t.lnroln (2S Position. Columbia (20)
McAllister 2) g'---Captw1fi. K
Caesar (10) P "i'SiTi! o
X rlcrln (41 .-C Bloch (J(
?,S;h Vr,rlV... ..G Murphy (!)
Sclumnecht 6) . . .G. . .... n'ee
Officials: j. . Hutu. '
versltv. and Howard McKay, formerly of
i.L. .;- tjia .imAVAAAn.r: Charles Mackio.
referee- H. K. Critchlow, scorer.
r .fr.-.....-A. n.rln for McAllister.
Waltz for Block. Allen for McEntee.
r- 1. T n m i an n will 1 If h I S J C f f & t SO n
V Uill 1 1 o ruin, uii ..... .
High School champions to Vancouver,
u .aaa tho two ouintets ' will
meet 'tonight. The full squad will be
taken along, so as not to ia.c
chances of having the winning streak
broken. This is the last match the
Jefferson High team will play, accord
ing to Manager "Mao" Maurice, al
though one more game remains on the
tt-: t. . iia furtnln rung down on the
1915 basketball season, all eyes are
turning to baseball and track work
. - ia., 'i U inn damo to permit oi
any playing out of doors and real ac
tive workouts are nut wpc't"
A fi,t of next, week in the Inter
scholastic League circles.
j tv. a AAnsnn. Manager
Trumble. of the Sellwood Swastikas,
is anxious to oDtain a oasnauai.
j .inht him at Sen
ior Daiuiui?
wood 2184 after 6:30 o'clock at night.
The Swastikas have a record m
out of 26 games so iar tnia ccaam.
Barort Munchausen at Train
ing Camp.
POK1'LA.-u x......,
no, Cal., March 9. (Special.) Lest
I aDuear to exaggerate let me state"
- . -. . mi-, A iVTWn A M r V.oo.
here that I am absolutely neutral in this
Coast League hall race. Do not, how
ever, misinterpret that to mean that I
am a passive spectator to stirring
events that transpire in my presence;
but rather bear in mind that I am an
Impartial participant with every club
in working out its
Thus when l am
with the Portland
team I feel in hon
or bound to help
the McCredie bunch
to victory, no mat
ter what sacrifice
my action might
entail upon myself.
When 1 find myself
with the Venice Ti
gers, with Woiver
ton's Seals or with
Los Angeles I al
ways act in accord
ance with the old
proverb: "When in
Rome Eat Spakhet-
Baron' Munchausen.
ti." When I find myself in bait Lake
City well, my natural sympathies are
Immediately aroused for those poor
Mormon souls, and let It never be said
to my discredit that I ever refused suc
cor to their cause.
When I arrived in my armored aero
plane this mprning I found the Port-
and camp all astir, waiter Mcurecue
did a lot of road work tt)is morning.
riding out to the country ball parK
in a jitney bus. He was panting a lit
tle at the finish and will need con
siderable more conditioning, as Bob
Cronin, who accompanied him, scarcely
was panting and Mr. Cronin is not in
good golfing form yet.
Other prominent visitors at tne camp
today were Gus Fisher, who achieved
considerable fame a few years ago by
shaking his pipe ashes onto a fellow
flatwoman s laundry In the yard be
low; Doctor Frank Schmieder, of Held.
ethers- University, and xtuoe Jb.vans,
who called with three little ones and
found a full house present. It was a
good game.
Concerning details oi tne dauy grma
here, Lou Kennedy received word of a
rumored plot at Los Angeles to- put
poison in Mr. Tub Spencer's tea, but
this was indignantly denied in San
Francisco, as it developed that Mr.
Spencer does not drink tea.
Thus far the boys have done little
batting, but Coveleskie and Tiny Leon
and are expected to be in shape tomor
row or the day following. George
Naughton, who wants a Job at second
base, requested me to ask William
Stumpf to be sure and wear goloshes
in wet weather and avoid drafts so as
to preserve his health.
More valentines were received by
Walter McCredie from Arthur Kores, of
Marlin, Tex. W. W. Metzger wrote me
today 'from Portland .announcing the
purchase by outright release of a 1915
Bull Moose ham slicer and he will meet
all comers at 10 cents a sandwich on
April 13.
Harry Krause breezed in with some
left-handed handkerchiefs after break
fast this morning.- My investigations
revealed that Harry paid $6 a dozen
for them, which is considerable money
to blow in. r' '
This afternoon while watching some
"W. I.. Prt. For. Ast.
o s.:o to
r l Hi-' )"
2 .BT 2
3 3 IfS
j 4 ,;;:i3 !:; 20
1 R .1H7 -'8 7o
0 6 .000 S5 301
of the young recruit Infielders gambol
ing on the infield I observed a remark
able phenomenon. Although I knew
Bill Rodgers. Bancroft and Kores had
gone to the big leagues, a peculiar mir
age so distorted the scene of action
that instead of a flock of tyros there
appeared, to be three or four .300 hit
ters. That the newspapermen were
equally deceived by this mirage is
amply proved by. the fact that some
of the newspapers this morning pub
lished an interview from Manager Mc
Credie admitting that the former stars
would missed.
Of course, to say that Manager Mc
Credie made this statement to fit the
popular demand for favorable news,
per the system in vogue 'in Germany,
England and other war zones, would be
an easy explanation. waving, now
ever, seen the effect of this atmo
spheric aberration (a condition which
is not unusual in spring ball camps. I
am told 1 I am able to vouch for the
perfect good faith of Manager McCre
die and sincerely hope that neitner ne
Photo by K. IC. Ogasawara.
Stellar Guard Who Threw the Winning
Banket Against Columbia University
hA war Ani.i.Aannnri'pnts in camp
will be wrongfully accused of dissem
inating false impressions.
Trap Shoot at Gun Club Grounds to
Be Held Sunday.
. . .- all nver the
iteprebeiuaLnca . .. -state
are expected to be on hand "e3t
Sunday at the Portland Gun Club
grounds. The first big shoot of the
year has been arranged for by Manager
Matthews and several new stunts will
be addfld to the programme.
Already a merchandise shoot, Fred
Gilbert trophy shoot, Imeprial Hotel
diamond metal shoot and Fishermen's
shoot have been scheduled. President
Everding has offered handsome and
suitable prizes to the winners invthe
G'iEhmwon'e tran shootinar events, such
as fishing poles and reels.
Shooting will De aone iroui o tivi-
in the morning until lat at night.
Soccer Men to Go to Eugene.
Final arrangements for the Multno
mah Club-University of Oreggn soccer
game at Eugene Saturday afternoon
will be made today. The winged "M",
aggregation headed by Captain Mac
kenzie will leave Portland Saturday
morning and play in Eugene on the
same afternoon. A special form of en.
tertainment is said to have been ar
ranged for the Portlanders. Eleven
players will make the trip.
Football Star Is Visitor.
r upmnoai Mnnw si 1 -North west
selection for guard on the 1915 confer
ence football team., is a ronmnn vis
itor. "Prunes' played for four years
thA rirocrnn A srrioultural College
..I Ann loot COQUTI 0 11 H P H Vl j 9 S f1 TV
ice as a conference moleskin artist.
Mooro will remain in Portland several
days before leaving for Corvallis.
EI ma Bowlers Win.
rT VS Waeh . kfarch 9 fSDecial.)
The bowlers from Cosmopolis played
the Elma bowlers sunaay at me jmm
alleys for the Chehalis 'County cham
pionship, the Elma team winning two
games out of three. Elma's scores
were 845, 911 and 774 and Cocmopolis
scored 714, 630 and 782.
Telegraphic Sport Briefs
SAN FRANCISCO. Polo play for tne
International championship will
start at the Fair March 20.
TinHnn Th stewards of the Jockey
Club have called a meeting for March
16 to consider the question of continu
ing horse racing during the war.
Phiiortfinhla. Edward W. Gard
ner, of New York, the title holder, de
feated Corwin Huston, Detroit, 00, to
91 e In the 14th same of the class A
amateur billiard tournament for the Na
tional championship Tuesday. Average
and nlgli runs: uaraner ni-o.
Huston, 8, 64.
Los Angeles. George Buck Weaver,
shortstop for the Chicago Americans,
was taken to a hospital Tuesday suffer
ing from tonsilitis. Weaver was taken
ill several days ago. The trouble be
came acute Tuesday and his tehipera-
ture rose to 104 degrees.
vAn, -Vrtrlr TToutprn trvouts for the
Panama-Pacific International Exposi
tion wrestling championships will be
held under the auspices of the Amateur
Athletic Union at Madison Square Gar
den, March 20. N-.
Phoenix, Ariz. A bill to permit
horse racing in Arizona under the pari
mutuel system of betting was acted
upon favorably by the lower house of
the Legislature Tuesday, sitting in . a
committee of the whole. The vote was
20 to 8. The bill already has passed
the Senate.
Two French naval officers have per
fected apparatus with which wireless
telephony has been carried on lor dis
tances up to 150 miles.
State Fair Board Decides to
Make 1915 Futurities Last.
Salem Day and Portland Day to Have
Big Purse Events Advent or
Jfotors Said to Have Killed
Breeding oi Good Stock.
SALEM, Or., March 9. (Special.) At
a meeting today the State Fair Bdard
decided to discontinue after 1915 the
oi fiitni-itv rams at the State Fair.
Reason for the decision is that the
breeding of fast horses in Oregon ana
the Pacific Northwest is on the wane
since the automobile has come into gen
eral use.
The board named opening day, Sep
tAmiiA,. 07 a a "hililren's day. Wednes
day will be Salem day: Thursday, Port
land day; Friday, i-ress ana uregun
Manufacturers' day, and Saturday.
Shriners' day. Nothing was arranged
for Tuesday.
Eighteen Events on Card.
i.. .. i. .1. ov ftf raclnsr the bojird
will offer a card of 18 events with cash
prizes of J16.400. The big aays or tne
t..a; f.nm tliA Mniinfir stnndnoint will be
Salem day and Portland day. There will
be a 3-year-old pace, a luturity evcui.,
;n. a n.inuA ..f sir.nil Salem day.
d...... r,.r- tiiia nfn will co to the win
ners of the best two in three heats. The
2:08 pace, for a ?000 -purse, also win oe
run Wednesday. It will be run in five
heats. The 2:30 trot is scheduled for
Salem day.
The board has allotted tne b:ij trot,
i . . i in fivn IiodIb anH Tins hlln!T
up a, purse of $1!000 for the winners for
Portland day. The 2:20 pace for a J600
purse and the 2:15 pace for a $700
purse, also will be run Thursday..
Tuesday's - card will include the
,,aa,a1 m ffiitnrirvl for a $2000
purse. All races are early-closing events
excepting the futurities.
Programme Is. Arranged.
The racing card as planned is as fol
Monday Two-year-old trot, two in
three, $300; one mile handicap dash,
$500; 2:10 pace, every heat a race. $700;
2:25 trot, every heat a race, $600.
Tuesday 2:15 trot, every heat a race,
heat a race. $700;
3-year-old trot (futurity), two in three,
Wednesday Three-year-old pace, two
in three (futurity), $1500; 2:30 trot,
every heat a race, $500; 2:08 pace, three
a five, $L'00O.
rpt.....iidir 9-fft nnce. everv heat a
-oao Knn- 5-12 trot, three in five. $2000;
2:15 pace, every heat a race, $700.
Friday Free-for-all pace, every heat
a race. $700; 2:20 trot, every heat a
race, $700; 2-year-old pace, two in three,
$300. v
Saturday 2:12 pace, every neat a race,
7nft. ?-nl imt. everv heat a race, $700;
2:25 pace, every heat a race, $500.
The futurities are open for colts bred
and owned in Oapgon. Washington,
Idaho. Montana, Utah, and British Co
lumbia. .
It was decided io spend at least tuuv
for free entertainment features.
Amateur Boxing Events to Be Staged
for Vancouver Fans on Ferry Isle.
rtAcntta tho tart that amateur boxing
bouts are at present under tho ban in
v.,,., wsh.. the fans of that city
will have a chance to see some amateur
goes close to home.
mi, a -irirAT.A-T.AAn a thlpt if club, of Van
couver, is planning on staging an inter
club meet with the Mohawk. Oiympia
and Imperial Amateur ciuds, or jr-ori.-land,
on Hayden Island. The island Is
i . a tv.A rtrpirnii side of the river
at the end of the Vancouver electric
line. '
There is a large ball on the island
owned by the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Company, and it is saia an ei-
fort-will be made to secure tnis ror me
occasion. The Evergreen Club numbers
on its roster some of the best amateur
boxers across the Columbia. The best
known of the lot is J. 1-reaericK jviea
gher, the deaf mute.
..... .i . tin. Vt licpn aat for the go.
neither has a card been arranged, but
the tip that the show is to be put on in
the near future is from an authentic
source. . ,
Charley Jost. the Imperial Club
matchmaker, announced yesterday that
the Imperial Club would stage its next
show Friday, March 19. Some of the
boys that make good at the Mohawk
Club's show Friday evening will be
Hexathlon to Start Xext Week With
Competition All Oer Country.
Portland Young Men's Christian As
sociation next week will get into the
National hexathlon, which in many as
sociations started yesterday, with a rep
resentative entry in each of the track
events. Twenty thousand Y. M. C. A.
men of the country will compete. The
contests will be staged on the local
floor, the returns compiled and for
warded to the New York association
headquarters. The associations of the
Pacific Northwest are competing for a
trophy cup offered by I. Aronson, of
The non-conference colleges of the
state, under the direction of the Physi
cal Education Council, have staged a
meet on their own floors, and returns
have been sent to A. M. Grilley, phy
sical director of the Y. M. C. A. and
council president. McMinnville College,
however, will not have its meet until
March 19, when the returns will be
tabulated and the Jaeger trophy cup
awarded to the winner.
Former Chehalis Manager Captain
of "West Portland Team.
Perle Murray will be captain of the
West Portland Monarchs. of the City
a a aVi oil Loae-ue. the coming season.
This announcement was made yesterday
by the president or the ciud, ijiyae
Rupert. Rupert says that Murray Is
one of the brainiest semi-pro players
in this neck of the woods. Last season
he managed the Chehalis squad and
boosted It into a championship. He has
had varied experiences as manager of
minor league clubs. Three seasons ago
he piloted a club in the California State
Billy Mascott, one of the local sand
lot's classiest infielders. has been signed
to play short for the Monarchs. He is
also an amateur boxer of note.
Speaker of House Rules Governor
Vetoed Act Too Late.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., March 9. Gov
ernor Hays last night sent a message to
the House announcing that he had
vetoed the racing bill passed last week
by both houses of the Legislature. The
point of order was raised that the time
I,.h'thA r.nvprnnp mlErht veto the
bill expired at 4:10 this afternoon.
Speaker Sawyer sustained the point of
order and declared the bill a law. The
state constitution provides that it the
Governor takes no action on a bill
within five days from the date of its
passage, excluding Sunday, it auto
matically becomes law.
The bill passed the House at 4:10
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. At 6:11
o'clock this afternoon Harry Stewart,
the Governor's private secretary, an
nounced that the Governor had signed
the racing bill. A few minutes later a
denial .was issued from the Governor's
Successful Season Brought to Close
Hi' Four-Team League.
LA GRANDE. Or., March 9. (Spe
cal.) Successful season in basketball
has just come to a close here with the
M. I. A. team, contenders for champion
ship of club and high school teams In
Eastern Oregon, winning the pennant
hung up by a local drugstore to the
winner of a four-team league.
The games continued for six weeks
on a once-a-week basis. The high
school took second place. The clerks
took the third place and the O.-W.
team last. The concluding game de
cided the cellar championship, but th
M. I. A. Club -team didn't lose a pa mo
during the whole season.
Acceptance of Terms by ' Telesraph Is
Same as Sinning, Contract I Opin
ion of Walter's I ncle.
Although Milton Reed, one of the
players the Beavers were to get from
tho rhlllips in the deal for Dave Ban
croft, never signed his name to a Port
land contract and ia reported as hav
ing jumped to the Feds, he may yet be
seen in a Beaver uniform.
Judge McCredie said yesterday that
n hni several letters and a leiegram
from Reed stating that he was satisfied
with his Portland contract. In one let
ter he asked McCredie to send him his
contract to sign. Later he wrote, saj
inr- ho would not sign.
Arcordiner to late decisions handed
down by the courts in similar cases this
gives us a hold on Keed. saia juage
McCredie yesterday. "We have his cor
respondence saying he accepted our
terms and would join us. inis maae
the Rlsrninir of the contract merely a
secondary matter in the eyes of the
law." the Judge continued.
"However. I do not think we will
bother him. Our infield looks well now
and if he drawn down a fat con
tract from the Federals we will lot him
jump to them. Later, If we need him,
we will start suit to secure his serv
Judge McCredie thinks the placing
of the Kansas City Federal League
franchise in Jersey City instead of New
York was a step toward the outlaws
comma- into tho organized fold.
-It seems to me that the I-edcrai.s see
that there is not room for three majors
and are changing their circuit so that
they will be taken into organized base,
ball as an AA league," said McCredie.
Basketball Championship in 135-
Pound Division Settled
Trotter condition nroved the stum
bling block to the Portland Newsboys'
hasketball team against the Sellwood
Swastikas in the Y. M. C. A. Monday
night. The Swastikas won tne 1.10
pound championship of the city by the
score of 26 to 9.
For the Swastikas Proppo and L'an
iels featured. Aurbach did the best
work for the Newsboys, followed by
"Ickv" Rchllt. ex-Llncoln High athlete.
and Goldstone. Following are the line
Swastikas (20) T . Newsboys (fl
Proppe UO) Goiasionei.ii
Kickson . "J
Daniels (S) C Cantor t)
,.. a-.ii..... .C5 cpt. Auroacn
Htpintifliinr (. u
Officials Clair McDougal, referee; Nuts
Colin, umpire: Mike Kloch, Nsthan Lake
fish and Ira Vose, scorers. .
Gil more Says Power to Dispose of
Franchise Was Delegated.
r-iTTf'irjn March 9. Power to dis
pose of the Kansas City Federal League
f..n.hie. wau oftnociallv delegated to
an executive committee by the league
the meeting in New lorn, uoiouer ....
14 .Tames A. Gilmore. president of the
league, testified today in the injunc-
i. nr-AAAAA HITS tl 'OUC II I) V I 11 U .rvttll-
19 Citv club to restrain the league
d.iiinrr it franchise to iNewarK.
Counsel for the club had argued that
it executive committee nun ccccueu
,s powers.
The hearing will be resumed tomor
Letter to Brother Says Fight in
Philadelphia or Baltimore Is Due.
Ttnlnh Oruman. the Portland lieht-
wniE-ht now solourning in New York,
is scheduled to battle in Philadelphia
or Baltimore within the next lew
weeks, according to a letter received
here yesterday by his brother Sher-
The hattler did not state who he was
to meet. Gruman also displayed a let
ter that Willie Ritchie had written
Ralnh. askincr him to act as one of his
sparring partners in his preparation
for the Welsh bout rnursaay.
Frank Ervin Ttesigns as Deputy Un
der Mr. Finley.
i.. i. vrnin ii h n for the past four
years has been a Deputy State Game
Warden, has resignea to """i"- i"
tion in the police bureau. Ervin'a res
ignation took effect last night and he
is slated to appear for an assignment
at police headquarters today.
State Game Warden t iniey is
ford. Or., in connection with the trial
Nickel Cigar
witn len-v-ecin i mvui
Yep! ten-cent flavor. It's hard to believe, but a nickel will
produce the goods as proof. Just tell your cigar man you re
going IUK'
kept fresh
try one
f .f -T.---.-,.-Tt-JfAj-
m a
4 - lVY?v
1 Dc x
?nPAINT platform
or promises that
make a great party,
it's the men who
carry out those
promises. Everything
is carried out by
the biggest tobacco
hotise in tho world.
The experience , unA re
source of the world's
larceet tobacco producer
are behind VELVET, The
Smoothest Smoking Tobac
co. Two years' patient
en ring is behind that aged-in-thc-wood
that is VELVET'S own.
10-eent tins
and 5-cent
metal -lined
of nn alleged poacher who killed A. S.
Hubbard last Decern her.
Alleii-Soiiiiiicrvlllo Affair nt Armory
l-'iistol on Card.
Monday night's Intrr-pompaiiy boxing
and wrestling mod at tho Armory drew
a small crowd, nnd tho bonis, with llm
exception of the one between .lack Allen
and Jim Snmnirrvtllc, were nt s fust"
as some that have horn st-igcd In Port
land. The results follow:
1."S pounds ieome Hunnon defealeil Jen
votil; BlrHldht falls.
143 pounds lii-orgo Clarke defeated I.o
renz; straight falls.
14." pounds Om-ar I arlsou, Ihrce-roun l
deelslnn over Itarrv llannen.
K pounds Al yoriimeis, three-round de
clKlon over tjodnn.
iar. pounds .Sonimervllle, lhree-runl ii -elslon
over .lsik Allen.
115 pounds Shea, two-round dei-IMon ovrr
Bernhardt Continue to Improve.
BORDEAUX. March 9. via Paris.
Continued Improvement In the condi
tion of Ssrsh Pernhardt was reported
tndnv by her phvsi'-lsns
The tilt
of your hat
is correct
if it's a Gordon
286 Washington. St.
Macleay Bldg. ear 4th
nlforms. sho.-s, alove.. etc. 1'on't
fail to look this Stoek over, people.
It's all Wright and Hiison make.
oak Wtreet. corner Mxth.
One hour at bowling the easy plaa
To make the world a aeaHhy mm a.
Largest on tha Coast.
Broadway and Oak Ht., t'patalra.
Phone Marshall 1.
J. Warren Ulaaer. Proa.
- -
7aBI--a k MATTER sl J
CL1WUP Cigar
a try-out. You hand him a nickel and he'll slip
you the best five-cent cigar you ever put in your
4-oaa Mario of a rhnir orflde of tobacco, then
and clean by a tin-foil and tissue
You can t Deal n, orouicr,
Northwestern Distributors,
Portland. J