Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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furks Damage Warships
and Seaplanes French
Cruiser Disabled.
.Allied Fleet Subjects Dardanelles
lortificatious to Flank l'irc,
One Squadron Sending Shells
Across Gallipoli Peninsula.
LONDON". March 8. Three more
atrong forts in the inner rtraits of the
Dardanelles have been silenced by the
Anglo-French, fleet after terrific bom
bardment, according- to an official com
munication given out tonisht by' the
British Admiralty-.
It is admitted in the official report
that, a majority of the war vessels
engaging the forts by entering the
etraits have been hit. some of them I
numerous times. Serious damage is de-
The Turkish official report declares
that one British battleship has been
badly damaged and that a French I
armored cruiser has been put out ofl
action. None of the batteries has been!
tiamaged. says this report.
Maay Ptaaea Bruxht lo.
Damaze by the forts which have
been replying vigorously to the assaults
of the fleet has not been confined to
the vessels, as several seaplanes, act
ing as scouts for the Anglo-French
fleet, have been brought down. The
Admiralty describes the damage to this
arm of the service In detail, saying
one aviator was hit :S times by shots
from the forts. Xo death has resulted
in the aerial suuadron. however, ac
cording to the report.
The warships are now engaged in
reducing the forts in the Narrows, j
which Is considered the most difficult i
suction of the Dardanelles, from tn
point of view of an attacking force.
Mil pa Fire at ; Rasise.
The r.riti.h Admiralty's report says:
The operation- against the Dar
danelles nro progressing in fine
weather. Nice-Admiral Sack villa H.
Carden reports that on March t the
battlcwhip Qacn Elizabeth, supported
by the battleships Agamemnon and
Ocean, began an attack on Forts Mami
dieh One Tabla and llamidleh Three,
which are marked on the Admiralty
map as Forts V and V. by indirect fire
across the tlallipoli Peninsula, filing
at ?1.0(u 3-ard.
"These forts are armed as follows:
"Fort t. two 14-lnrh cuns and seven
t.4 fruns; Fort A, two 14-ineh. one 9.4,
en S.5 and four 4.!-ineh cuns.
"The Queen Kiizabeth was replied to
by howitzers and field guns, and three
shells from the field puns struck her,
without, however, causing any dam-
four-rales ('una Hit Sblpa-
'.Meanwhile, insiiie the strait., the
Vengeance. Albion. Majestic and Prince
Veorge and the Frencii battleship t-uf-fren
fired on fouaindere and Mount
I'ardanus batteries marked F and E on
the Admiralty map and were fired on'
by a number of concealed guns.
"Fort Rumili Medjidieh Tabta.
marked J on the Admiralty map. which
had been attacked on the previous day,
opened fire and was engaged and hit
by i;-lnch shells.
"A majority of the ships In the
straits were struck by sheila, but there
was no serious damage done and no
casualties resulted.
"March 7. the . weather continuing
ralm and fine, four French battleships
the Oaulois, Chariemange. Itouvet
and Snffren entered the straits to
cover tho direct bombardment of the
defenses of the Narrows by the
Agamemnon and Lord Nelson.
Part Dardasios la Silrnred.
"French ships engaged the .Mount
Pardanus batteries and various con
cealed guns, silencing the former.
The Agamemnon and Lord Nelson then
advanced and engaged the forts at the
Narrows at from 14.000 down to 1J.000
yards by direct fire.
"Forts Itumill Medjidieh Tabla.
marked J, and Hamidieii One Tabla,
marKed U, both were silenced after a
heavy bombardment. Kxplosions oc
curred in both forts.' Fort I, has not
f'rrd since the explosion on the Dth.
"The Gauiois. Agamemnon and Lord
Nelson were each struck three times,
but the damage done was not serious.
The Lord Nelson had three men
slightly wounded.
"While these operations were In
progress the British light crui.ser Dub
lin continued to watch the Bulalr
isthmus. She was fired at by four-Inch
guns and struck three or four times.
I'laae Falls lata .c.
"Owing to the importance of locat
ing concealed guns the seaplanes had
to fly low at times. On the th a
seaplane. Tilot Flight Lieutenant Gar
net and Observer Lieutenant-Commander
Williamson, became unstable
and fell into the sea. Both ot fleers
were Injured. r light Lieutenant Doug
las, reconnoitring at close quarters In
another seaplane, was wounded, but re
tin the itn seaplane No. 172. Pilot
Flight Broniet. with Lieutenant lirown.
was hit :S times, and seaplane No. 7
Pnot J light Lieutenant llershaw. with
Petty Ofiicer Merchant, was struck
eight times in locating concealed posi
"The Ark Royal, the mother ship for
seaplanes, is equipped with every ap
rlimcr necessary for the repair and
maintenance of the numerous aircraft
which she carries.'
Mils Itrclarrd Disabled.
A dlspat.-h from Amsterdam to
Reuters Tclecram Company says the
following official statement was given
out lodtty In Constantinople:
-The Uriti.-h ships Majestic and Irre
sistible have reinforced the enemy's
fleet. The fire of our batteries out a
French armored cruiser out of action
ao'l damaged a British armored cruiser.
"Owing to our bombardment the hos-
ine snips retreated and ceased their
rtre. our batteries suffered no dam
, 2i ...
-1 : ,. 1
tit.irsfTl tJ v -V: : ;
Making a good impression
A well-fitting, stylish suit puts you at ease
keeps you at ease. Your clothes really share
in your personality a good reason for careful
choice of fabric and pattern.
Young Mens Spring Suits
$10 to $30
Second Floor
Morrison at Fourth
McCargar, Bates & Lively, General Agents
301 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon
Aetna Life Insurance Company
of Hartford, In the State of Connecticut, on
the 3tet day of December. 1814. made to the
Insurance Commissioner of the State of Ore
gon, pursuant. to law: .
, Capital.
Amount of capital paid up f -4.000,000.00
Net premiums received durlilf
tho year 2:.021,;.S;
Interest, rllvidenda and rents
roceived during- the year.... .3,568,443.06
Income from otl'.er sources re
ceived durir.f the year 030,854. 06
Tptal Income
I iMMDursrineniB.
Net losses paid during the
year i
Dividends paid to policyhold
ers during the year
Dividends paid -during the year
on capital stock '
Commissions and salaries paid
during the year
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the -year
Amount of all other expenditures
Total expenditures
Value of real estate owned
(market value) $
Value of atocks and bonds
owned (market value)
I Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc.
Premiums, notes and policy
Cash In banks and on hand.
Net uncollected and deferred
premiums and rents due
Other assets nt)
' Total e.ssets '
Le&s special deposits in
state (if any-there by).
. .$ 24.48tf.7s5.71
1,104. 143.3-
SS. 815.443.01
11.43S.374. 60
4. 1U0. 158. 13
f 119,51 6.736. 48
Total assets admitted In
Oregon .J119.207.067 28
Net reserve and special re
serves $
Ilarrr Kendall Thaw, on llln Return to
Tomb. January- .4 l.aat (Photo Copy
rlarht hy Vnderwood A 1 nilemood.l
llelonr Mra. William Thaw (Photo
topvrlcht by Bain Service).
Secretirj- Daniel and the President it
was learned on hlsrh authority that two
or more battleships would be ordered
from Guantanamo to Vera Cruz prob
ably tomorrow. ;
Threata Cause Action.
Asked whether there was actual suf
fering at presenl by foreigners. Secre
tary Bryan xaid that it was "the fear
of future rather than of the effect of
the present" that had caused the se
rious state of affairs and that this
was "due to the things Obresott- had
proposed, such as the cutting off of
all communication. '
"The effect also of the language used
by Obregon," said Mr. Bryan, "has ben
to emphasize the danger from mobs
because of utterances calculated to stir
up feeling against foreigners.", lie
added that within the last few days no
word had come directly from Carranza
to indicate any change in conditions.
The Secretary declined to discuss
the contents of tho latest representa
.Vote. In ICffect, lltlmatum
From other sources familiar with
Railroads Say Higher Wages
Make Increase Needed.
More Requirements of Efficiency
and Increased Taxes Put Forth
as rteasons Wby Commissions
Should Grant Kcquest.
CHICAGO, March 8. The hearing to
day of the 41 "Western railroads' peti
tion to the Interstate Commerce Com
mission for increased freight rates vn
certain commodities was devoted ei -tirely
to the presentation of statistics.
These purported to show that be-
what the American Government has or mg"er.H If. . 'V"-'!
requirements oi eiiit:ient: auu iu".cu
to 75 pounds. One man made a
yesterday that weighed S pounds.
Old Official at Hermlston Dies.
PEXDLETOX, Or.. March S. (Spe
cial.) Douglass Phay, City Marshal of
Hermiston for ten years, died at St.
Anthony's Hospital yesterday morn
ing. He was taken to the hospital 11
months aso to be treated for rheu
matism. Death resulted from a com
plication of troubles. He was 54 years
old and had lived in Eastern Oregon
for 25 years.
Gross claims for otsea unpaid .
Dividends set apart or pre
viously ascertained and div
idends left at Interest
Taxes ana fees due or ac
crued i...
All other liabilities
Unearned interest and rents.
1. (69.348. S9
The Aetna Accident and
Liability Company
of, Hartford, In the State of Connecticut, o.i
th 31st day of December, 191 4. made to
tho Insurance Commissioner of the State o:
Orcjon pursuant to law:
... Capital.
Amount of capital paid up j:.u.Ct.(i.
Net premiums sritlen durtr.e U.e
jwr ,
Interest, dividends and rents re
ceived during tile year
Income from other sources re-
eelved during- the rear
Total Income
Pisbursements. paid durln the i ear. In
cluding; adjustment expense;,
etc. ,
Dividends paid durlr.-t the ear
on capital stock
Commissions and aalarles paid
during- the year. Including
traveling expenses
Taxes, licenses and fees pa.d
during the ear
Amount of ail other expenditures
100.000 0.
Total expenditures
Value of stocks and bones
owned (market value i
tll.lli I:
65.115 fl
:,:!, ti.o o
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc a&t.
t'ush in banks and on hand...... 1,14
I'rem lum 1u course of
tiou written slnco Septein-
ber 3d, 1914 ;4J,
Interest and rents due and ac
crued 31. !&(.'
Equity in funds of ths Xt
York Kxclso ile-Insuranc As
sociation 11.4i4 Ij
Total assets $:i.i9r,tw0.4ii
Le-s special deposits in any state
if an there bci
Total assets admitted in Ore-
It Certainly Will Cure a Cold
There Is no -doubt whatever about the
beneficial effects of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy in cases of colds and
coughs. It has been in use for many
years and has received the approval, If
not the praise, of people everywhere
who have used it. It is equally valu
able for children and adults.
Total liabilities exclusive of
capital stock of 1104,013.(107.0(1
Life SS0,TU8.40S.OO
Total premiums In force De
cember SI. 1014. accidents,
health and liability 414.4ja.70O.OV
Busiaefts In Oregon for the Year.
Life g 47O.4S-.-.O0
Tola! risks written during the
year, acctaent, neaitn ana
Lire . .
Qrooi premiums recalved dur
ing: the year. accident,
health and liability
Premiums returned during the
3-car, life, accident, health
and liability
Lorsea paid during the year.
accident, health and lia
bility Lite
Losses Incurred during the
year, accident, health and
. .S,SO.74 :
171. 87.C!l
Illegal Detention at Time of
Flight Is Defense's Stand.
Jury Is C'IhM!ii and lticli Young
JK-fendnnt, Who Appears to Re
Glowing With Health, .ajs He
Is Satisfied With Men.
(Continued From First Taire.l
said to Carranza, however, it was
learned that the note, while not In
the nature of an ultimatum, was prac
tically of. the same effect. -It made
no reference to specific difficulties, as
these have been the subject of sepa
rate and numerous communications
heretofore, but summed up in an in
sistent tone, the entire situation in the
rrltory controlled by Carranza.
There was a clear indication in It
that the United States Government
had made repeated representations In
vain with respect to Carmnza'a treat
ment of foreigners and that a point
had been reached when it was neces
sary for the first chief to take into
consideration the serious steps which
tho Uiiited States might feel com
pelled to take to obtain an improve
ment of affairs.
In the diplomatic corps here today
and tonight there was activity over
the Mexican situation. The Brazilian
and Spanish ministers were in constant
touch with the State Department and
the British Ambassador also made in
reductions jn rates, they were unable
to maintain the roads at the standard
demanded by the public and still pay
adequate returns on investment.
The statistics were submitted ay
E. Wettling. an expert for the roads.
and were largely taken from Inter
state commerce reports. Clifford
Thorne. chairman of the Iowa Rail
road Commission, objected on behalf
of all the shippers to the admittance
of the figures on the ground that tney
failed to show certain facts asked for
by the attorneys.
"A waate-basket of figures with any
thing thrown in," was what he called
them. . ' .
Tho railroad attorneys agreed to.
turn over to tho shippers all the orig
inal material from which the compila
tion was made.
Today's hearing concluded the gen
eral argument offered by trie roans.
Tomorrow tho various commodities
upon -which increases are asked are to
be taken in detail.
Indigestion Permanently
After spending: hundreds of
dollars for medicine and treat
ment for indigestion and consti
pation with only temporary re
lief, C. H. Hines, of Whitlow,
Ark. ,says he was permanently
cured by Chamberlain's Tablets
143. 34. U0
Total amount of risks out
standing in Oregon Decem
ber SI. 1914 i 3,7S. 700.00
' By J. L. English. Vice-President.
Statutory resident general agent and at
torney ior service:
C. A. M'CARG Alt, Tortland. Or.
General Agts., S01 Teon Bldg., Portland, Or.
Gross claims for losses unpaid..! ;0.1,;
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding rlKa FK.lO.jt
Due for commlsHlon and broker
age HI ro.:
All other liabilities 103. Mo. -.t
Total liabilities 1,S(7,0 i.1.1
Total premiums In force Decem
ber 51, 1914 1,7;,50 :'
Business In Oregoa fr tho Year.
Gross premiums received dur.
ing the year t 53,:.".J.7
Premiums returned during the
ear .i4i.C4
Lesres paid durlrc the car.... 11,
Loies incurred during tho ;car. I.Jtl.s
By J. S. HOWE, becrclar;.
Statutory resident scner&l agent and at
torney for service:
PAUL IS. BATES, Portland, Or.
McCargar. Hates & Lively. General AfitP .
301-S08 Veon Bldg., Portland, Or.
The Automobile Ins. Co. of
Hartford, Conn.
of Hartford, in th State of Connecticut, on
the Slat day of December. 1914. made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the state of
Oregon pursuant to law:
. Capital.
Amount of capital paid up fUOO.OOO.OO
Net premiums written during the
'ar fiiiS.rsa.iO j
Interest, dividends and rents re
ceived during the year r2,324.u:
Income from other tources re
ceived during- the year 75.00
National Fire
of 17 Custom Houite street, Pro iden:e, :n
the State of Khode It.:nd, on the 3 Tat u
of December, 191-1. ma-ie to the Imuranc.'
Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pur
suant to law :
Amount of capita: paid up.....J 703.
Net premiums received du.-irj
Hie jcr t JTi,;.J.j
Intcrt'dt, dividends and rfiui re
ceived during the -ar. ......
Income from other sources re
ceived during the year
Total Income
. 001,04. 4v
Vet load pId during- the yrar.$ 1 7 4 4 . 4
Corn miw linn and .salaries paid
during the ear 93,2I4.0
Tn-xet", lk"Miss and paid
during" tho ear 9,553.17
Amount of all other expendi
tures :o, Tin.
Total Income fSSS.Sii
Vet losses paid during- the year. $183, ?S7.19
jjiviaenas paid during the year
on capital stock SO. 000.00
Commissions and salaries pa.d
during1 the year fti,C6J.P3
Taxes, licenses ana rces paid dur
inr the year
Amount of all other expenditures
6.4?. t
mittins suth dispatches as had reached WOK.KEKS SAy RO US x
him from the British legation in ilex
tions. These men are Richard J. But
Irr. formerly State Assemblyman
Roger Thompson, alleged to have been
the driver of the machine in whie
Thaw fled: Michael O'Keefer, Kugen
Duffy and Thomas Flood.
Thaw Retains Smile.
TVWn ths adlournment was taken
on the completion of the Jury. Thaw,
.till smiling-, was escorted to the
Sheriffs office on the floor above, the
iirirnm There ho ereeted his
mother, who. with Mrs. Gcorce Carne
cie, his siter. and Joseph Thaw, hi
half brother, were in court all day.
Th:iw threw his arms around his
mother and kissed her; then the two
sat facing each other and held a brief
whispered conference. That over,
Thaw stepped into a corridor and posed
for more than a score of newspaper
Photographers. Before he crossed the
Bridgojof Sighs on his way back to his
cell in the Tombs, he said he was per
fectly satisfied with the jury.
Thaw appeared to have taken on
weicht since his return from Xew
Hapnishire. His face was ruddy and
he seemed to be in good physlclal con
(Concluded on Pas
Turkish IWack ca Coa-t Positions
Arc Bombarded.
l-ONf-ON". March S. On behalf of the
Ku&vian naval General Staff the of
ficial press bureau tonight made the
followinsr announcement:
"On Sunday our fleet bombarded
XungMldtiik. Kozlon ant Kilimli (ports
on ttie IWack Sear, destroying all
structures and plants fop tho shipment
of coal. The bombardment was fol
lowed by a terrific explosion and tire.
Four batteries were silenced and eight
iiteumers destroyed. Our casualties
were threo men wounded."
a compliance with its requests. Secre
tary Bryan replied that "nothing had
been decided upon yet beyond represen
tations" and that it was best to meet
situations "as they arose"
KorelicaerM la Grave Position.
Latest reports from Mexico City indi
cate a menacing condition of affairs for
the 23,000 foreianers there, of whom
2500 are - Americans. The - Carranza
authorities have commandeered all the
medicines and medical supplies in the
chief hospital and sent them to Vera
C'rus. An appeal has been made to the
United States to dispatch a hospital
ship to Vera Cruz to send medical sup
plies to Mexico City, and the Mexican
Red Cross has sent an urgent petition
through the American Red Cross for
protection against the Carranza authori
ties and permission to co-operate with
the international relief committee in
handling the starving population.
Typhus fever and smallpox have
broken out in the capital as well as at
ico City.
Many Think Change Will Result.
Many of the diplomatic representa
tives here cabled their governments
that steps of a most important char
acter had been taken by the United
States which probably would cause
C arranza to change his attitude toward
Specifically the United States has
Returns on Investment .vinpie to
Grant Wage Increase, Is llcport.
CHICAGO, March 8. "Ability of the
rnllrnnH. tfl naV' OCCUPlCd lOUaj S. sua
sion of the board of arbitration in the
Western railroad wage hearing Deing
held here. ,
W. J. Lauck, a statistician empiuj
by the engineers ana Bremen wuo
been making separate representations seeking higher wages on the Western
to obtain the following things from railroads" Involved, analyzed reports ot
the railroads since laou ana orew ut
conclusion that abundant returns na
been paid on investments, ana avtu
for improvements, besides leaving sur
plus from which wage advances micui
I'ermission for the international re
lief committee, composed of wealthy
residents of Mexico City to use the
funds they have collected for supplies
to succor the starving and destitute. h naid without materially affecting re'
and tho placing at their disposal of turns to stockholders. Railroad attor
transportation facilities to bring food neys said vital factors had been omit
Into the capital. ted from Mr. Lauck's calculations and
The guarantee of a line of com- that besides he took into consideration
munication between Mexico City and conditions which asstimedly had been
Vera Cruz so that foreigners might
have access to the sea and communica
tion be kept open for foreign govern
Tho ordering of a sufficient garri
son to stay in. Mexico City in case
of an evacuation so that riots and
demonstrations of the mobs might be
prevented and foreigners protected
against violence.
Carranza. Authorities Arrest Captain
of Wyrlsbrook and Loek Him Vp.
NEW" ORI.KANS. March 8. The Brit
ish steamer YVyvisbrook has been seized
uj i i i mi -i" ii.u, int., l Lain revile I . . .
and her commander. Captain Muir, has Jumpe.a '
. , j i.ii j, .. I nesred the n
Deen piacea in jail, acc-oraing 10 mail
advices reaching here tonight from
Hood River Man Draws Money Trora
Dank to ray Debts; All Gone Now.
HOOD RIVER, Or., March 8. (Spe
cial.) Karl Kautz, whoso home was
destroyed by fire Saturday night
while ho was away with his family In
Portland, is bewailing the loss of
$100 in greenbacks, which, he says, he
had drawn out of the bank last week
to pay a debt and which had been left
locked in the house. The fire In the
Kauts home, which is an old frame
house and isolated from other resl-
enccs, was not discovered until after
he fire had gutted it. Members of
he volunteer fire department re-
ponded and soon had the ftames
hecked, despite their headway.
With the news that the house con
tained a largo sumo of money parties
disposed of in the award of 1910.
Two Children inrown i-rom car
riage Slightly Injured.
BAKER. Or.. March S. (Special.)
Speeding up his taxlcab John Cavlness
stopped an exciting runaway on Main
street, but not quick enough to pre
vent the two little daughters of Paul
Kasterwood. 626 Valley avenue, from
hcin-r thrown out of the buggy. The
children were driving in the busy part
of the city when the animal became
frightened and dashed north. Caviness
Jumped into his taxicab and as he
neared the fleeing animal it quickly
ir thn corner at Campbell street.
The buggy wheels caught on the curb
and the girls were thrown to the grass
parkway. . ,
Tho imnaet threw the frightened
horse to Its knees and Caviness jumped
n th animal before it could arise.
The girls were only, slightly injured.
Gulls Prey on Third Run That Is
Weakened by Swift Current.
Kansas City, Mo. "My husband had
a rash all over his body, and soon the
WHOLE FAMILY was in the same con.
dition. It looked scaly and raised up
on tho arms and body in big bumps.
This trouble burned and itched so that
it wouia nearly drive one crazy, it was
always worse at night, so we could
not sleep.
"We all had this trouble for about
two or three years, and during that
time tried many remedies and prescrlp
tions with no results. Wo tried Resinol
Ointment and Resinol Soap and it HE-
L-IKV1SD AT ONCU, and before the
third jar of ointment had been used
we were all completely cured. It has
been four months since we were cured,
and there are no traces of the trouble."
tSigned) Mrs. S. A. Clarkson, 1520
Lawn ave., Oct. 24. 1914. Every druz-
gist sells Resinol Ointment and Resinol
Soap. For trial free, write to Dept.
13-R. Resinol, Baltimore. Adv.
Total expenditures ' ?8:, 516.23
Vaiue ot stocks and bonds owned
Imarkflt value) fOOO.OOO.OO
Loans on inorig-acca and collat- -
' eral, etc 89,000.00
Cash In banks and on hand ldO.&SS.wS
Premiums in course of collection
written slnco September 20, 1914 4,5i2.1'l
Intoreet and rents duo and ac
crued 6.27S.90
Tonight! Clean Your Bowels
and Stop Headache, Colds,
Sour Stomach.
passed today searching the ruins for
fragments of the bills that are alleged
After the conference tonight between to have been destroyed.
VANCOUVER. Wash., March 8. (Spe
cial.) The third run of smelt in the
Lewis River at Woodland is beginning
to wane and tne price nas oroppea. i no
smelt, which are said not to eat after
they leave salt water, are dying by
thousands, and may be seen floating
down stream. Many are weak and can
not swim against tne current.
Seagulls by the thousands hover over
the Columbia River and follow the
smelt from tho time the smelt enter the
mouth of the Columbia River. They re
fuse to eat the dead smelt. So thick
are the smelt In the Lewis River that
they are dipped out io bunches from 50
Get a 10-cent box.
Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse I
your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and
you will surely, feci great by morning.
You men and women who have head
ache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are
bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have backache and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Cascarets or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with salts.
cathartic pills or castor oil?
Cascarets Immediately cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food and foul
gases; take the excess bile from the
liver and carry off the constipated waste
matter and poison from the bowels.
Remember, a Cascaret tonight will
straighten you out by morning. A
10-cent box from your druggist means
healthy bowel action; a clear head and
cheerfulness for months. Don't forget
the children. Adv.
Total assets :si.4').oj
Total assets admitted In Oregon. 1791, 440.03
Gross claims for losses unpaid... ?6,71b.!6
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding risks 164, 573. ft
All other liabilities 7.oii.78
Total expenditures r3,L'01 j
Value of stocks and bonds owned
(market value! $
Miscellaneous assets
t'ash in banks and on hand...
I'reinluins In couifM of collection
written since September SC.
interest and rents duo ana accrued
Total ass-ets . . .'
Less special deposits In
state uf any tiiere be)..
. . (M.tOo Ct
10 M4.-.S
Total assets
admitted In Ore-
. 0,0-0 I
o :m ii
Total liabilities exclusive of
capita atock I10M47.S1
Totnl premiums in force Decem
ber 31, J914 3V5.194.Ct
Business la Oregon for the Year.
Total risks written during the
year ; 4M11.00
Gross premiums received during
year I.S44.:
Premiums returned during thai-ear
losses paid during- the year 44.70
lioases incurred during the ear.. P7O.70
Total amount of riks outstand
ing; in Oreion December 31,
1914 4K.411.00
Py J. S. HOWE, Secretary.
Statutory resident general agent and at
torney for service:
PALT, C. BATES. Tortland. Or.
MeCarxar. Bates i- Lively, General Afents,
Teon Bide, Portland, Or.
G.-oss claim for Tnisc unpaid. .4
Amount of unearned premiums
on nil outHcumlinjr rinks
Due for commission and broker
age All other labilities
Llalances duo reinsuring com
pany under treaty
T.iia' lluhllttles exclusive of
canltal stoi-k of 9
Trttul nin nmi In ror.'O Decern.
ber 31. 1914 393,liJ.0
Kuslnrss la Oregon for the sear.
Total riaks aritttn during the
year $l,3l.44 ou
Gross premiums received dur.
lug the ear
rrenilnnis returned during t
ear: ltaturntil premiums.
u734."4; Ro-lnsuranco pre
miums, s.-404. &4
Ixuisi-s lialrt during th year....
Losses Incurred during th yr
Total amount of risks outstand
ing In Oregon December 31.
I' 1.31 S?
ir.4l 1(
5 731 r
Vnited Mates Slg .
By EM IL G. VlKrEll, Snpt of Agencies.
ftatufory realtient genera! agent and at
torney for serWce.
Mcfargsr. Bates A Lively, General Agenta,
SOI Veon Bldg., rortland. Or.
Phone Your Want
Ads to
The Oregonian
Main 7070, A 6095
Ev ery bit of dandruff disappears after
one or .two applications of Lianderine
rubbed weil into the scalp with the
finger tips. (Jet a 25-cent bottle of
Danderine at any drug store and save
your hair. After a few applications you
can't find a particle of dandruff or any
falling hair, and the scalp will never
itch. Adv.
Store for Rent!
Store 25x75, centrally located, fireproof building,
water, heat and light included in rental. If you want
to change locations and secure a first-class store in
the best, retail center, this is your opportunity.
L 569, Oregonian.