n BUYING IS URGENT TTK MORNING OnEGONIA. TUESDAY, MARCH 1913. Wheat Soars Over Eight Cents in Chicago Pit. CASH TRADING IS HEAVY Market Incited Over Prospeci ol Italy and Greece Becoming- In volved in Kuropcan AVar. JFnrm TIcscrvcs Reduced. CHICAGO. M.trch S. V1icat jumped up Sc In Miuo today, owing lo urgent buy ing ascribed to the war crisis regarding Italy and Urecce, and to wcll-Cpunded belief t?iat domestic farm reserve would prove small. The market closed nervous, S'Ac to ltc above, Saturday night. Other net ad ;cu arerc: Corn, Sc to c: oats. 1C lo 11c, and provisions, ISc to 30c. The" crrat of Jlay wheat was Sl.4ni,. The finish was slightly under the top level of tha suasion and 17 He down as compared with February 3. the highest record of the war July, the option In which speculative busi ness was most active, bulged 4 lie before tho greater upward swing of the earner montn wan stopped. Hi cash salei since Saturday, firm rabto ouotations and unfavorable weather in Argentina, ld to a decided advance at the opening. Bullish scntlmrnt was further Increased by estimates that domestic siocks were r.ow 21.000.000 fcushela leis than at the orcpondins; time a year sso. Note was alsa taken of tho complete suspension of the Import duty In Spain. Large purchasing of flour by ;recco helped bring about a rur ther jump in the market. Besides primary receipts and the vtsinie supply snowca an unusual falltne; off and there were bullish predictions regarding the uovernment . re t.ort as lo farrn reserves. Mowm-ss of cash demand as compared with immense stocks on hand prevented rorn from responding freely to tho strength of wheat. Farm reserves turned out to be smaller than expected, but this circumstance did not develop In time to influence today's prices. Data showed pronounced firmness, not withstanding lessened call from the sea board. Miilllsh help came from a decrease In tho visible supply and from a consequent fcvjlef that farm rrserve figures would De mall. Provisions rose with hiss and grain. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High- Low. Close. May $1-43'.3 ?1.49S $1.4314 $1.4i July 1.16 1.13", 1.1S 1.19 CORN". Mir' ZZ'i .74 .73VJ .73?4 Juiy 70 .7o:ii -' 0 r, OATS. Mv ..'.'? .57 w July o."- .o: .:.". .iz MESS I'OKK. May 17. 7" July ls.lo 17.92 1S.SJ LARD. 10..". 10.93 17.70 1S.1U 17.92 1S.3S 10..17 lu.io 19.13 10.13 103 10.O 10.22 10.30 May in.SO Juiy 10. SO SHORT RIBS. Jlay 18.15 lO.rl July 10.42 1D.J0 I'acb prices were: Wheat No. 2 red, SI. 40$ LSI; No. 2 hard l.47i-trl..-.l. corn No. 2 yellow, 74c; No. 4 yellow, 71c: No. 4 white, :oW71c. live Nominal. Barley 7l5 3?c. ' . Timothv Ji. ..".j 6.60. Clover i0.il) I4. Primary re.-eipis W'hat. 694,000 vs. l.n22,M0 bushels: corn, it7,0oo vs. 1.4.79,000 bushels: oats. 771.000 vs. 1. 074.0O0 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 616,000 vs. 433,000 bushels: corn. 6r. S 000 vs. 909.000 bushels: oars. IS.'i.flw vs. 784.000 bushels. i Jearances Wheat. 338, ooo bushels; corn, II9.O11O bushels; cats, 13,000 bushels; flour. S,00O barrels. FA KM KKSLKVES BELOW ESTIMATES, blocks of Wheat, Oats, Barley and Corn Left in First Hands. WASHINGTON. .March 8. Despite the much-discussed effect of grain exports to Europe on the home supply, today's official report by the Department of Agriculture on the percentage of the 1914 wheat, corn, oats and barley crops remaining on farms March 1. shows only alight decreases when com pared with the percentages of last year. Wheat remaining on farms March 1 amounted to K.-tMM,000 bushels, or 17.2 per cent of tl-e 1114 crop, the Department in nounced. About 60.7 per cent of the 1914 crop will bo shipped out of counties where grown. Present reserves compare with 151. "0.000 bushels or 19.9 per cent of the 1913 crop remaining in 1014: loa,43.000 bushels or 21.4 per cent of the 1912 crop remaining In 1913, and 122.02.'.. 000 bushels or lu.o per cent or tne isii crop in lvi. Corn About 9IO.8U4.000 bushels or 34.1 per cent of the 1914 crop remained on farms larcli 1. 1013, compared with 8Hd,392.04l0 bushels or :i..4 per cent of the 1913 crop in 1914. and 1.2ff.rtO.".,ooO bushels or iu per cent oi tne im- crop in Jtfu. Oats About r.79.369.600 bushels, or 33.2 per cent of the 1914 crop remained on farms March 1. 1915, compared with 419.47U.000 bushels, or 37.4 per cent of the 1913 crop in 3914: and tio4.2Itt.OOO bushels, or 42.0 per cent or the ltn - crop in into. Barley About 42.SS9.000 bushels, or 22.0 per cent of the 1914 crop remained on farms March 1. 1915, compared with 44,120,000 bushels, or 24.8 p-r cent of the 1913 crop in 1914. and H2.2s3.00O bushels, or 27.0 per cent of the 1912 crop in 1913. European Grain Market. LONDON, March 8. Cargoes on passage firmer, lid to 9d higher. LIVERPOOL. March 8. Corn d higher. PARIS. March 8. Wheat iid lower; flour, lad lower. BUENOS ATRES, March 8. Wheat 1H to ; Vid higher. Corn and oats unchanged. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 8. Wbeat May, 1.40; July. SL3&H: No. 1 hard. $1.40; No. 1 Northern, $ 1.41 6 1.45 H ; -No. 2 Northern. $1.374 lL43tt. Barley t.6 & 75c Flax (LSI !i el.85. Other Eastern Grain Market. ST. LOUIS, March 8. Wheat Close, May $1.4i. July S1.47i bid. KANSAS CITY. March 8. Wheat Closed. Mi' SL4H bid, July 1.1 2 14 asked. WINNIPEG. March S. Wheat Closed, May $L47 bid, July $1.47 bid. Corn May 3c asked. July S3 He bid. PILUTH. March s. Wheat Closed, May $1.4?,. July l.40i asked. Uraa at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 8. Spot quota tions nominal; Walla. 2.40( a42-: red Rus sian. 2-40r 2.42H : tturkey red, $2.45?2.50; biuestem. S2.5oj2.55; feed barley. S1.S7S white oats. SI. 7711. SO: bran. $23.54 28.50; middlings, $32.00033.00; shorts, S30.008 31.00. Call board Wheat, steady. No trading. Barley, firm; December. 31.3SU; May, L37. Statement of the Condition of The Northwestern National Bank Of Portland At the Close of Business March 4, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $1,908,711.32 United States Bonds 50,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 11,500.00 Other Bonds and Securities 577,965.57 Furniture and Fixtures" 74,966.68 Cash on Hand and Due from Banks 1,347,980.72 $3,971,124.29 LIABILITIES. Capitol Stock paid in $ 500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 111,108.68 Circulation 148,750.00 Deposits 3,211,265.61 $3,971,124.29 Statement of the Condition of Portland Trust Havings Bank At the Close of Business March 4, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .'. $ 743,539.73 Bonds and Stocks 135,078.49 Real Etate and Furniture and Fixtures. . . .V 249,316.94 ' Cash On Hand and Due From Banks 452,873.63 $1,580,808.79 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock '.. 300,000.00 ' Surplus and Undivided Profits 53,350.13 Deposits 1,227,458.66 $1,580,808.79 DIRECTORS OF BOTH INSTITUTIONS: II. L. Pittock, Chairman of the Board; L. B. Menefee, John Twoliy, A. D. Charlton, George H. Kelly, A. S. Nichols,. O. L. Price, J. D. Farrell, F. W. Leadbetter, Emery Olmstead. Combined Deposits, $4,438,724.27 TRADE REPORTS BRIGHT SEWS OF GENERAL IMPROVEMENT HELPS STOCK MARKET. Steel Corporation lncrcae lt Ontpnt to 75 Per Cent of Capacity Vn . filled Tonnage Greater. -t iv- -vowv March fi. Stocks made further decided progress towards higher inu An a fuiriv larco volume of business, some of which was believed to rep resent investment inquiry. The new week bctan with numerous re w.-.. nf rrn.mi trade improvement, par n.,,i.,.iv in the steel and allied Industries . eMm ih. MiririlA West pointed to ..j the Kniied States Steel Cor poration was reported to have increased its A.,n a T.. ner cent oz capacity, rum r .Ha St.l rnrDnratian'B untllled ton nDa vh rh will be issued OH .weunesuaj., suggest a gain of not less than 200,000 tons over February, which in turn showed an increase of 412,000 tons over December. United States Steel, with several of the .. , A imil.ttmitM leaains railway w" -o Copper. led the movement throughout the session. iteunztns iw llJ"" ' " minor recessions in the later dealings, but . : ... . nn1nt. w.rn the rue. nefc gaius w..w .. :oppers ana tne usual ihihcciwucou. . t - ..... f.rni. frl ul nflll ot specialties B 1'" w. .. - intervals, the rise in the metal shares being .lienaea ujr iuhui l" . ( vausnna apftniniinlli the rise Of certain stocks, noiaoiy which was strong in London, and New vi , VAn which -howed a Dronounced decrease in its delicit for January. Stocks and Donas ot tne several ilii i ue. comprising the Gould group were active at nigner prices, iiimui. . Iavoraoie oeTeiupiiiciii. l iUi... " ing OL IHO , .1 . . . . -. - - The Government crop report showed a de- . r . i . . Aa In uvm .pmrvpo nf crease ui ..vi L ."v .,. grain. Total sales of stocks for the day were -os.ouu snares. UDBUB v . I IT Biimih , " " sive selling tor foreign Interests. Total sales, par value, were J2,ol5.0o0. Panama cou pon SS advanced "k per cent on can. Closing Sales. High Low. Bid Alaska Gold ... 3."oo :;0't 30 Son Amal Copper .. loo .u7i 544 &.ti Am Beet Sugar 1.700 40H 304 3Vi American Can . . 3.300 27- 28 Am Smel & Ret 3.J00 4 6.t'i 6ST4 do preferred.. 300.103 102 1 103 Am Sugar Kef.. 600 102 102 102 Am Tel & Tel.. 4jo ISO 120 120 Am Tobacco ... -mo 224 223 V 224 Anaconda Min.. 1.S00 264 204 2H Atchison 2.400 tleOs I"'5- '5. Bait & Ohio ... 2,000 69 614 i"A Brook R Tran.. 2,000 88T4 b8 88 Cal Petroleum.. 2,200 18 17V 17 Canadian Pac. 6.000 161 l0i Central Leather 500 34 H :(4H 341. Chu a Ohio ... 00 43'i 41 4'4 Chi Gt West... 200 10 10 30 C. M & St Paul 210 S8 87 87 Chicago N W 123 Chino Copper .. 900 36 36 36 Col Fuel & Iron 400 25. 24 24 Col & Southern 24 Jj 4 R Grande 6 do preferred 10 Distillers" Secur TOO 8 8 8 Erie -.300 22 22 22 General Elec .. 5W 140 13B 140 Gt North nf... 1.2O0 116 113, 115 Gt North Ore.. 2,100 32 32 .12 Guggenheim Ex COO 51 51 50 Illinois Central 103 Interbor Met pf 2,00 60 39 09 Inspiration Cop 2,700 20 20 20 Inter Harvester t3 K C Southern 22 Lehigh Valley.. 2.000 136 135 135 Louis Nash 112 Jlex Petroleum. .6.100 6S 66 67, Miami Copper.. 700 20 20 20 1 Mo. Km A- Tcr ' 10 Hibernia Savings Bank of Portland, Oregon. Statement at Close of Business March 4, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $1,993,706.45 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures , 41,145.15 Stocks and Securities Bonds and Warrants U. S. Government 4 Bonds $ 54,500.00 City of Portland Impvt. Bonds.. . 291,440.37 Other Bonds and Warrants 12,745.64 24,657.31 358,686.01 Cash on Hand and Due From Banks. 675,936.62 $3,094,131.54 LIABILITIES. Capital Sfock $ 200,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 113,165.49 Dividends Unpaid 1,312.00 Savings and Time Deposits $1,861,914.83 Demand Deposits 917,739.22 Total Deposits 2,779,654.05 $3,094,131.54 The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon, At Close ( Business MaruJ . IIM3. RESOIRCKS. Loans and discounts 1 2.1 0 T. I ." 7.7 V. S. Bonds at Far 1. soo.ooo.no Other Bonds, etc , Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Bank Premises and Real Estate Customers' Liability Under Letters of Credit Due From U. S. Treasurer Cash or, Hand and in Banks 1.SNT.4 7.1.IK SO. OOil.OO i2t.t:i:..::i "li.4!t.Ml 76.P0tl.fl" i.Oii7,4l 4 i.ti i::.js;.s;;. LIABILITIES Capital Stock 2.i0,iioo no Surplus and Undivided Profits l.osn.s:) I Circulation l.vtil.r.ns.on Letters of Credit 40.MH..M1 Deposits 1 7,fi6S.S7 8". .:,557.7:.30 Condensed Statement " Security Savings and Trust Company "75 ' Portland. Oregon at Close of Business on March 4, 1915. RESOURCES Loans ....$ 504,007.11 Bonds, Stocks 362,204.77 Real Estate None. Customers' Liability Under Letters of Credit. . . :;8,824..r.O Cash on Hand and in Banks 118,118.72 $1,023,155.1(1 LIABILITIES. Capital 250,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 202,399.6s Letters of Credit 39,154.50 . Deposits &31.600.92 $1,023,155.10 Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit National Lead.. Nevada Cop. . . . N Y Central... N V. N H & H Norfolk & West Northern Pac. Pacific Mail... Pac Tel & Tel.. . Pennsylvania ' . . Pull Pal Car Ray Con Copper Reading Repub I & ,S. . . Rock Island Co do preferred. . St L & S F 2 pf Southern Pac. Southern Ry,.. Tenn Copper Texas Company Union Pacific. do preferred.. XJ S Steel do preterred. . Utah Copper. . . . Wabash pf .... Western Union Westing Elec. . Total sates xor 6,200 2,400 2,400 400 3.800 0.100 1.100 5.600 2,500 200 1.900 24l 500 3.200 1.900 2,700 500 1.800 12 5.-1 55 13 84 51 102 104 103 151 1T 146 20 85 16 27 135 120 300 48 1.000 105 3,900 53 12 54 54 13 83 49 101 103 105 151 17 143 20 84 15 27 134 118 '44 104 52 11 64 54 13 83 53 102 103 20 25 105 J. 'Ii 17 14,i 20"- 1 3 84 15 27 1S4 120 70 4 104 53 600 63 63 63 1.10O u es tf the day, 260,900 shares. BONDS. V S Ref 2s, reg. S do coupon.... 98 U S 3s, reg 101 do coupon .... lot U S N 4s, reg..i0 do coupon. .. .iios N Y C G 3s, b SO' Nor Pac Ss 64 do 4s 91 union pao 4S... vo So Pac Con 5s. . 98 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, March 8. Mercantile paper. sti ft 31 Der cent. Sterling exchange barely steady; 60-day bills, $4.7950; for cables, S4.S135; for de mand, J4.S1. Bar silver 50 C. Mexican dollars SSc. Government and railroad bonds strong. Time loans steady; 60 days, 22 per rent: ! days. ?Hf3 per cent; six months, Puget tMuad Grain Markets. SEATTLE, March 8. Wheat Blucstem, L: forty-fold. S1.33; club. 1.S; fife, Sl.:s: red Russian, J1.35. Barley -...! per ton. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 47, oats 1.. Daney , nay 12, flour IL TACOMA. March 8. Wheat Biuestem, fl. 35; forty-fold. tL321.33; club. 1L30; red fife, ILii. Car receipts Wheat 3. corn 1, oats S. bay 8. BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET rrires Current in Bay City on Fruit. Veg etables, Etc SAX FRANCISCO, March 8. Butter Creamery. SSc: firsts. 24 c: seconds, a 2c. Eirg Fancy ranch, 20 c; pullets. 18 c Cheese New, 819 12c; Young America, 13tlc: Oregons, 14c. Vegetables Bell peppers, 725c; hothouse cucumbers. 0c$l.lO; eggplant, 4-3 ic; peas, nlle; asparagus, 13'i:c Onions yellow, 14j S5c. Fruit Lemons, $1-6002.50; bananas, Ha waiian, $l.ie3: pineapples, do.. $1.25t2; California apples. Pippins. C5S0c: Bclle f!eur, 25ric: other varieties, 5075e: do. Oregon Pippins. 81 1.25: Spltsenbergs. 11.54 451.50: Baldwins, 7-ctr$l; Wincsaps, $5o 11.10. Potatoes Burbanks, Oregon, $1.40$ 1.50; delta. fl.10ftl.2i: Northern. $1.101.25; Lompocks. $l.irl.S0; Idaho, ct$l.S3: sweets. $2.2iKi2.75; new, 6c per pound. Receipts Flour, 6352 quarter sacks; bar ley, l'.:o centals; potatoes, 617S sacks; hay, 1077 tons. Iluloth Unseed Market. PCLUTH. March 8. l.lnsced Cash, 1.SI; May, LSS; July, $1.87. x ItEPORT OP THE CONDITIO' OF Merchants National Bank WASHINGTON' AND FOURTH STS., PORTLAND, ORKGON. At the Cloae of Business March 4, 1015. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .., J2.193, t'nited States Bonds 433, Premium on Bonds ' 7. Other Bonds, Stocks and Warrants S60, Real Estate and Mortgages 57, Furniture and Fixtures.. 29, Han Vino- Premises 78 Cash and Due From Banks T 1,115, 643.39 300.00 1S6.39 .8S4.13 760.69 750.00 500.00 767.34 $4,776,761.94 t LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Surplus antk Undivided Profits....... National Bank Notes Outstanding Dividends Unpaid Bonds Borrowed Deposits 500,000.00 109.839.67 490,000.00 448.75 125,000.00 3,551,473.52 $4.77,761.9 33 per cent. Call money steady; blgb, 2 per cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent: clos ing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, March S. Silver bars Slc Mexican dolllars 40c. Drafts Sight 2c, telegraph 5c. Sterling 60 days, $4.79; demand, $4.81; cable, $4.81. LONDON, March 8. Bar sllver 23 d pet ounce. Money 1. per cent. Discount rates Short ami three months, 1 per cent. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, March 8. Hops at London, Paeific roast, f.1 10sWi4 l.'s. - Charter No. 4514. CONDENSED REPORT OF The United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon. Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business March 4, 1915. I RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 5,597,251.70 .United States Bonds at Par 1,116,000.00 Municipal and Railway Bonds 1,559,078.22 Bank Building 125,000.00 Customers' Liability on Letters' of Credit 12,883.60 Cash in Vaults $2,579,752.52 Due from Banks : 1,072,787.65 S.652,540.17 Total .$12,062,753.69 LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Letters of Credit. . Deposits 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 220,393.64 1,150,000.00 12,863.60 8,679,476.45 Total :'. T $12,062,753.69 Statement of Condition Lumbermens National Bank of Portland V At the Close of Business March 4, 1915. J RESOURCES. " " - Loans and Discounts . . . $3,375,342.55 U. S. Bonds and Other Securities to Secure Circu lation 5l!),06b87 U. S. Bonds to Secure Government Deposits 75,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 22,100.00 Municipal Bonds and Premiums $8U9,444.73 Other Bonds.. 44,532.59 013,977.32 Furniture and Fixtures 53,850.00 Redemption Fund With U. S. Treasurer 18,770.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer.- 8,730.00 Cash on Hand and in Banks 1,468,532.94 Totaf i .$6,485,369.68 LIABILITIES. Capital ,....$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits . 236,041.02 Circulation 375,400.00 Deposits 4.873,928.66 Total M85.3W.B8 Iteport of the Condition of The Scandinavian American Bank Portland, Oregon, At the Close of Business March 4, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts. ....... Stocks and Bonds Ileal Estate Furniture, and Fixtures. Cash and Due From Banks.. Total Amount of Kesources. ..$1,044,959.88 .. 170.379.35 30,936.18 16.135.50 450,804.13 -$1,713,215.04 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In Surplus and Profits Deposits '. Total Amount of Liabilities. .$ ioo,ooo.po 23.905.61 . 1,589.309.43 -$1,713,215.04 Statement of Condition of LADD & TILTON BANK At the Close of Business March 4, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ' $ 7,806,586.43 Bonds and Stocks ' 3,375,446.44. Customers' Liability on Letters of Credit 71,994.09 Real Estate : 60.000.00 Cash on Hand and Due From Banks 3,406,007.77 $14,780,031.73 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Fully Paid. $ 1,000.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 1,315,940.52 Letters of Credit 82,064.34 Reserved for Interest and Taxes 47,000.00 Deposits 12,335,029.87 $14,780,034.73 Condensed Report of THE CITIZENS BANK Portland, OrrKon, At the Close of Business .March 4, 191. HESOlllCES Cash and Due from Banks... Loans Cltv of Portland Bonds Ke.1 Estate and Fixtures... Capital Paid In Surplus and Profits.... Deposits LIABILITIES. $rl I. .M.. :'.H,K7r. :'n lil."..4lo l.O 2S.O60.O0 $7:6, 931. fi 9 $ 1 00.000. All jXiioh.04 6H4.P:! !. $7 2ti.931.H9 7H