14 ' THE MOTIVING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 191 j. . , . . . 1 Knit SAI.F- I UEI.P WANTMJ PP. . I A I B. " aVTKn REAL EHTATE. I r u AX D-l I PORTLAND ABoTBACTS OK TlTl-iv. FkomPT saUlVlc'E at riwMJi price. Pacific Title Tru.i Co.. ch. com. ACCORDION PIATlNi. CCuKHuX, knit, and box J"iu- Ing. nerxialilciilug. bieia.1,. embroidering. 1. intra Novelty lalg. Co.. SiSt ,u Meil orders pronipni " IV. STUAX HtuuuicDIUf and calloplng. accord. .!- pleai, button cohered. '." ponced, mail oruer. t3 Aider. M. AsaA VERS A.NU ASAlAaT HuMA.NA AaoAl cia-FlCE. liiy, 2d- luld. ATTORNEYS. UW16K, conemliua - a . editing Plug. HALL FUEDNEi:. lawyeis; conultaUo tree. ;na-l) Flieer bid. Mar, aw. 1'AKftt WkAVtSU. 2-.c.kthvi Ea r lad Lu.-ii"i 'I'T pets, rat rugs. " East Bom P"""- CELLULOID UtTION. MAUOUt. TUB 1KIH.X-HU1 V' Ota l. P bone M TUB lRWl.N-HODON COSll'ASV, t HIKOPODLNTS. William. E-lUie and l.ii.m. Jl, Deveoy. iii only scieutinc chiopwaieia m ma city. Prlor 302. tierliuger bld.. s. . Corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main laul. A-i.. a'l'ua A. aAl'UV, painless chiropodist. iaj Panama bids- f -Q" Mam wtt. Hll)iulnbV ai.d pedicuring. ilrs. il. D. bill. OUKe r lieduer mug Mam A. OIlADL'.Vlt; loot pecia;lat. wianicurUl. -'- Mciea. Uo Waaumato" l- il''. 3'.'d. I itl-KO-l'ICACTH' rHVMCLAN. PH. MMAUo.N is thorough. Chronic cases, taking time. 11 uunntsilj. -t h iyr -ouiaou. IPK.1.IX tu paraiyais, nervous, vhronic oiscota. -'U I'iitoen i-ik. il. 4A. " L1-.AM.NO A1 ".K.?tti. l;K.ii bl. lT6 tr rnu " preaa una e-il ucu ea tor $l.ou per month. LMQLJ. TAlLoKl.Nli CO.. 4u5 etaj tel. otn aad otn. Main bl-t. " tOLiXt "l'H AOt-Ta. tAiila oX any uecnpilon cotiectea od perwutsge anywhere. Ai;utst class rcrer cjcc. l"he Uarucu ilicaulile Agency. 4jtf Henry Plug. r'noue ilarsuall 4ao. Accounts, notes, judgments collected. ''Adopt rh'jrl Meinod. ' Short Adjutrneat N W. Bank bids. Fhone Main via. AITO ANO BtGUY TOW. plBRILLt: Hf'juY TOP CO. -OO iA St. BAGGAGE CULChvEU AT HOME. ggge at omi.lbue . mnaier. para AJaeis. BkhAU UAakEUa. JAoja! Faker a; ionl.. mc.lltu and Lvera-U BREHLUb ANU 80TTLEBS. y r s I'.i iuumiaIi U. i3th and A.urniga CAM.AKA UAKK ANU G1A-H. MJOl. Kaiin liioa.. 1st Front t. lUla.T. LAMs ANU PLAsTfcH. y. T. .ttoE t CO.. 4 FourtB aC liUV 1.IU1I1M TLElSCH.VEit. jl.i.H t CO.. :07 Ash at. ELECT K1CAL ftPPLLtS. rktubbe KL.trical V.O.. t)th and Pin :. ltr Bros, iiuai.g Co.. Front and Ma.-eaaiL ii. M llOttfclH. tioarq of Trade bldg NEW TODAt. A1T1 AND FARM LO.AAS On Improved properties In Any Amount at Current Hates. HmIA aV THOMPSON, UA.VKEHS, Coracr Isurlk s Mark Street. CITY AND FARM LOANS An Amount at Current Hates. JOHN K. C HON A.N. u - waaldlaaT Ulda. Portlaad. Or. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. 1-ALMr.lt-JM.Nt.S CO., 11. P. H4-IUi-40 WtLvv blrtg. , j:iv7K. wi lum G, :il.'-"l-j Falling bldg. ;',:si:iiict nuw., imihorm avs. liAKKil'T HKOB.. 3oi Board of Trade. RF.AI. ESTATE. Per bale Lota. R. S. V. P. I am looking for a man who ia tired of rentlne and who would like a rial home of bis on on easy terms. I have a choica lot In choice close-in restricted district on which I will finance the building of your home by vour own contractor; no agent J. UELAilCNTY, 2T0 i Stark St. Maia liOZ. A lili. HOSE CITT PARK LOTS, Pea: direct with the owners, the orig inal Platter of this beautiful part of Portini call on our Realty Department tur. 4th and Stark. HARTMA.N" A THOMPSON- TWO beautiful view .:.xl"M p.owtrrj. r,a,r lor (rarrtt n. waler and Hinewalk on street- only $4"" for both; i ea-li. '0 per mo. f-nap you ran'l beat. Buy bi:e lumber is cheap. 7'.';. N. W. Hank BARGAIN : .-.'J.tlOO a)tit!v corner on 4ilh St.. near Beaumont snd Ros.- iliy carTln; small pamcu;, bal ance monthlv. M. A. l.rwhr. at II ART. MAN THOMPSON 41h and Stark. k LtHGK beautiful view horm'Sitc. fine Soil, citr water, the best value in the city for tl down. $i per month. If ou are lookint: for a location with a big future this will suit you. M. E. Lee. io Corbetl VCg. LOT .-.0 Rose City Park district r.Cth and Schuy- ler. bloks fiom carllne. Ail streets paved paid excepting I IPO. i7j Pine st. nd Da Main 172L POltrUAND HEIGHTS EX'.'LUSI VELY. 1 dandle most or the property for sal In this dltri-t, and all the bargain. Marshall 4--J7. BROOKE. A J39. UI; eacrifica in I'nlon avenue corner lot. oiriluo. onlF lioO- Carlson Uros. Broad- wsy Hotel. . LOTS. Multnomah siatl.m. I2U; Bull Run water; Jl'i uop. p'r month, o Uon- nel! A '.Varnir, .'.Ol r'orbett bide. "W FaTOVKR Terrace. UOvOO corner, near Cor nell roail: u-rms or caslc Owner. AE 4tl-. Orconi.in. SualdO LOT. east front, ready for building. Phnf Fas'. .M78 For Sale llooses. SOITI1 PORTLANO. SSJ Flrat Street. New T-rtom Iinmr, everything the best; 1-iipioverneuis and lixfn paid; largo lot. .-autlfui view. 3 cars, t; minutes out, cost glil"1; nc.'d money; gite me an otter. S;T Railway Kxchar.fre. STOP: LOOlv! Absolutely b-at-biiill bungalow in Rose City Park;6 f iti- ro.nis, larK attic, fire place, furnace; clcuanl fixture!", sightly lot paved street; barcain; must have tno'ney. Owner ZZ Mohawk bldg. jqjSj.; CITY New O-roonr buueaiow. never "been oeeirpic.l. lull rernent basement, hard. wchI floors. fireplae.. Irulch kitchen, buffet and lot r.l3L I :; change In Incatlon of work conipelw me ioiell at sacrifice; frmr. twner. Tabor r.'e3. lilij va'.ue. little mone. fine .".-room modem bungalow, re.-trt. ted district worth more than I nsk. If you are serious, price and terms to uit you. Call Woodlavvn "MOO. inorrtlncs and evenlnirs. MR. HOME SEEKER. Now Is your time to get a ?5500 home for 420- 8 rooms, all mouern improve ments. See owner about terms for this map. 47 E 29th st. North. "WHY pav rent when you can buy a 2-rooin house for e". tM down, Jll per month? TNi la located on the West Side; best value In the city; Oc fare. M. E. Lee, illi Corbett bldg. "l5sE 4-r..m bunpalow. 4 big lots, beautiful vie.. Li-niinute car ride; only l,"00; terms to rijcht iarrv. Yon can t beat It; s-'c it TOO N. W". Bank bldg. FOR SALE The finest home In Irvlngton. y.,3 F"ji!"t 21th st. North. Cull and see It. 1 p;. Bow-msn A- ro PLANS 3 Bt-N5.LOW PLAN HOOK. 10c A. H. FAHER. ARCHITECT. So Alnsworth sve. IMrone Woodiawn SH4. J-ROOM modern eottaice on choice sightly lot near good car. Price 1I0.".'. payments like rent. Full particulars. .'.12 Piatt bldif. gjjVE Sll.Vk; buy from owner; never oc "tipiei; modern, ra(iy to move Into home. uroaqway car, tenns.. t(-Aj1;jfc;D Buyers choice of fl or 8-rooin houses. Rose City l"ark district. Owner. AR oiiS. Qregoniwn. I HA"E ft gool homes in Irvlngton. one third lefs than cost; one mansion, fine East f?3. W. H. llerdman. VEW, rooderu 1 2-room house, in Irvlsgton. R. B. Rice. East 1'48J. rC'R SAL.I5 B-room houe. comer lot OOilOO. 13;S East Stark t. 1'bons D 1741. BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLLECTION AGENCY. NETd CO. Worcester bid. Main 1796 N- collection no charge. Established lwft PANC1NG. pixotr. HAli iac.x n u. ' . . one-step, fox trot, etc.. rooming, afternoon . teach anyone who walke how to dance; 4 private lessons and classea. 2 classes Thursday and Saturday evening. to e.ov. Wlj 5th. bet, Stark and Oak. Main itVli. e l- . -el, -.3 I ( "I I ...nn. Hal'V f 1 Tuee.. Friday evenings. 8 to la 10 2d at.. Del. Weahington and Stark. Lessons EYE. EAK. NOSE AND THBOAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses ntted. Dr. F. K. Casseday. 17 Dekuin oldg.. d s wn. ELECTRIC MOTUKs. MOTORS, generator bought, sold, rented and required. We do all kinds or repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M H. E.ectnc Cu 31 Firm u Nortu. Phone Main 9210. l-O l UMV AM) MACHLXE WOHK8. fUoiir.lX iion Works. i.aat 3d and Ha tboine. tleneral macnine and tounury work. kUDAkS. KODAKS and ALL oUffLliib; oeveloplnj. pr.ntius and en.arins. FiH MAKJi tlAil U.. iu Sanlnt;ton st. .U.AC11I.M.KV. i:iiaiuea, boiler, awmiili. bought, sold and e-ctiangeo. The J. H. Mjrun Co.. forLiaad. iM-K-ilvOEU feLMVlCK. UAiTV Mfcaoii.Nlil.lt CO. Motorcjc.es anj oicycle.. Fhone Main Oo. A .ilJii. ' AlLSlCAJL. fcnui i bielhorn, vloilu teacher; pupil Bevcik. av7 Fiiediier plug. A 41bu. iiaranj.l loatf. Mil IIOI'AI 1IIC flllliKLLNa. I., K. PHIa-LI:. speclalUt lu paraiysie, nerv out, chronic dloeasoa. iu4 tirewoman b.ng. Q1T1CLAX3. , A f 1 (ID V Jr VV. V g,.e-e when ur eyes ii A FIGHT (to high prices. so to flu lor en 1 can Ul ih hrst'uua.. Goodmin. ?5a Morriaoi near briuge. Mail .er. pron.pt'.y hlled. Write tor partlcu.ai, onTKorATiiic ymsitiAAa. STli B. NORTUKLP. 308 Morgan bldg.. cor ilroadaay and Washington atreet. of Ac phone. Main 4U; reiacDce. East 10J.. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROttJiS. WAIHAM3 & Co.. oj-o fourth t. i MAIS ANU CAPS. THAN HACSb.it "A'l CO.. i-q Front nUlu, 1-U.la, HUUb ANU ILkl KArx-N HfUa. ltft Front at. IRON V UKkS. PACil-IC IKuj MURKi fUtL'1'LA.NP, OKEOO.N. 6THLC1LHAL bTEEL fbAST. FOLNOR1'. Portland iron Vorka. 14th and Northrop. LtA 1 HtU VN Li BilOE IswAoE i-LPPLifcli. ClAAs. L. MABilC et CO., 14 Front; leath er of every description, taps, mtg. findings. MEN'b ANU 01LtN"S NECJaVVKAH. CuLtgDU .Neckwear Mfg. Co.. Co Fifth st. " millinery! rJRADSHAW Blf-b.. Morrleon and Tin t. OK.NAAlt.N I AL IRON ;VNU WiKET" Portland Wire & Iron .Vks.. ad and Columbia. REAL ESTATE. For Sal: Houses. NO MORTGAGE STREETS PAID. Clarsy B-room bungalow on Z'21 St.. near Aloerta; bedrooms, bath, Uutc kitchen and closets in WHITE ENAMEL: every room beautifully tinted; all floors hnished; bullet, shades, hxtures. etc., cement base ment and a'ks. full plumbing, lawn seed ed rosea set out: without a doubt llio most coinp eto and attractive property In city at ?JJJO. offered at 1'3 total a montii. Owner and builder. lOjn Y'eon bldg. CLOSE I.N. TERMS. 6 PER CENT INTEREST. NO MORTGAGE TO ASSUME. Strictly modern bungalow, built for a home; doubly constructed throughout; every modern convenience, inverted light ing syatcm. Boynlon furnace, fine collec tion of choicest loses; new Wllloii velvet carpet and linoleum. Make an oKcr. Look at this. 'labor iiOU. TWENTY -FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH FOR A 3-ROOM BUNGALOW located lu good restricted district, handy to canine, onlv L'i minutes from Postof flce; house has built-in buffet, fireplace. Klih trays, light futures. Dutch kitchen, i ..... nn.l .In., mirph: will sell lor reasonable down payment and a month, which Includes Interest. Call Tabor flits::. ROSE CITT PARK HOMES. Pesl direct with the owners, tha orig inal platter of this beautiful part of Portland, call on our Realty Department, cor. 4th and nlark. iiAKTMA.N A THOMPSON THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME' WE WILL FURNlall THS MONSV, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE: WB KNOW HOW. TALK. WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY ft CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHi TKCTS, fl-.-t ABINGTON BLDG. FURNISIIED BUNGALOW. How would you like a 5-room bungalow, furnished, reauy to move into, dandy large ilvins-room. with fireplace. largo lot, right on the carline? K has your apart ment bat 40 wavs. Come in and Investl cate Mr Terr. 1 10 N. W. Bank bldg. J1S00 4-ROOM BUNGALOW S1S00. 4-room bungalow, hardwood floor. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, electric fix tures and shades, full cement basement: .".5xlo0 lot. two blork-s to car; terms Ilk renc C. M. Derr. J HH N. W. Bank bldg. MUST sell one of these make offer: six room bungalow, one block to cor; two lots, fruit and berries: value S'JiKKi. Unin cumbered modern dwelling, restricted dls trlef full lot. six rooms (three more for l."H" additional i ; value tl-jO; mortgage 17..u. renewable. r ail evenings, 913 E. Kelly st. Phone Sellwood rH'l. FRESH NEW BUDS On the trees and bushes make you dis satisfied with your stuffy apartment or old-fashioned house. Want to get out ? 111 b-lir you Into the mora beautiful new, well-built Cullfornia bungalow for a email pavment down and balance like rent. Cut this out quick ami plmne J. W. CROSS LKY. ff'OVs Stark St. Main 1'0S. A 15IS. I S7 " T K 1 1 M S i 1 s7 1S75BR.NI NEW HUNi:.I.OW ?1S73 !:Ui EAST 1.VTH NORTH. .", laree rooms, built-in conveniences, 7 foot concrete basement, rvoxlnn lot, sewer, ! earlines; restricted district; a snap; term". OWXETl. " EAST 1TII ST. N". IRVINGTON CAR TO PRKSCoTT ST. NEW modern ll-rocim nouso In good resi dence section, two blocks from Aiberta ear; full basement, built-in buffet and ether conveniences: large rooms, which will bw sacrificed for $'J-30. This Is an ex ceptional bargain and if you can use prop erly of this kind look it up Immediately. Ca.l at .".l-' Piatt bldg. ejii MuNTH, which includes interest. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, fireplace, full cement basement, all built-in conveniences, hot and cold water in bedrooms; restrict ed district, line view, near beautiful park, schools and churches: hard-finished street, minuta9 out ou good carllue. D 03S, Oregonian. LAURELHIRST. Mutt sacrifice a very fine bungalow which I built for a home at a cost of S.'6u: nothing like It in this residential section: ran show cancelled checks for my investment: no fake; will sell for $62d0: siooo cash, balance straight mortgage Main CS". PORTLVNO HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Cosy, ri rooms. 2 desirable lots, nicely wooded: $4l0; S1000 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, oL'8 Morgan bldg. A BIU BARGAIN. My 7-room bungalow at cost. $2000. I will'make interest at 6 per cent on bal ance. Phone Woodiawn 3-40. No agents. For Sale. Business Property. FIVE stores with upstairs apartments, all rented: rents over loOO year; net income over 13oo yearly; modern corner building, situated on good carilne; sacrifice prlcu $11,500. terms. Stanley s. Thompson Co., Rothehlid bid;.. S7 H "iVashiugton st. lOOslOO FEET. 2 blocks from approach of Interstate bridge, on tho main st,. hotel on the ground, steam heat, well furnished, $30,500. J. A Webber. Vancouver, Wash. Suburban Homo Property . t ACHES. $75. v 8 miles to Columbia River and R. II., on macadam road, cioxe lo school: easy terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 214 Lbr. Ex. Bldg. TW'O fina two-third acre tracts, beaverdam anil, electricity, gas: $1200 each: also tract, 4-room house, well, small fruits, etc.; close Oregon City line. Owner, F 614, Oregonian. PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WRIGHT 2. years" practice. U. 8. and Eoreign pajeuia. "ww ajchw PAINTING AX1) KALrjQ.MlNlNU. WE kalsoinine room at $2.0 and paint h tuaea at your once. w, " PAWNIiKOKLBS. STE1-N"8 LOAN OFFICE. M KOKTH OTH ST. EiBX CO., separate aepartment lor ladles. dmjtt -1 . vvuon P1P13 CO. Factory an office near 24th and York la. Main 34. BlBUtH blAMfb, pEAXJi. ItRAWa rjIG.N.S. ,v-aut kiaMP Wukai Ul Wash, st. Phone Main Ilu and A 171. UUOK BLPAIRI'.G. baulia HALF &QL.EB m lu txunutea wmla you wait. w 3Cork Snue Repair Co. 24Ji Alder st. BlQttAGK AM) TKAASJi.lt. o. PlCt Traualer at Storage Co. OIIlc and coiumouiooa i j . separate iron loom anu Ilieproot vauits tor vamablea. N. W. cor. .d and Pine su. Pianoa aoa iunmw J)r anipmcnt, special rates inauc on gootta ..... ..-r i.k Mil dunieatlc and in our ui.ooa- r ,.. foreign .ufr " New ureurool wa.-i.fiiea with aeparat rcoma. We move and raca; huu.euoid m..i nianua and snip at reuueed vllll, i. ii Leama tor uovmjf. Forwaruiug and di.mbuuu agents Free uackaae. Oluce and wureuuu.e, talk and tloj t at. ORliGO.N IRA.NbrER CO., 474 Gllaaa su, ..... itii 'i i.;cLbuutf Main fc or A llbi. w own and operate two large claas "A ... -..ul tru.Mm 1 waienuuees ou Itsui Alice rates m cm. MA.N.NA.NG WAKtUOUSE i. XRA.NliFER CO Moving, packing, shipping, storage. Mam 7U3. A .i!14. MAUlSON-aT. DOCK, and WAREHOUSE 1 if 1 ICC IsV .si A ta i c u. u arid lorwardlng agenta. Phone Alain 7L WOOD. OKEE.v and dry .iabwood. blockwood. Pa. ama Fuel Co. Mam siao. A .. i-AlNTS ANU MALL PAPEB. W. P. HLL1.K 6c CO.. lth and 1avla PALM a, OiLa ANU bLASS. HASMUaaEN 6i CO., id and Taylor sta. lli'b. 1'tl'E 111'1'LNGS ANU VALE. M. L.. avLINE. 64-ad Front St. PLLMUING ANU MLA11 at Pl'LlES. M. a.. KLLVO. b4-ti Front st, Ph.lNit.li ANU PlULlMiEKcl. F. W. BALl ca a; CO., 1st and . ak t. rUUllllb COMallaalON .VltKCHA.N TS, Evt.nui.Slj & FAKKELL. 14U Front t. HOIK ANU KLNU1NG TWINE. Portland coroaue Co.. 14tn and rorthrup. SAall, DOORS ANU GLASS. W. P. FLLLa'H & cO.. J2th and Uavl MALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 280 2d St. WHOLESALE: JEWELERS at OPTICIANS. DL'TTBitfTELD BROS.. MOHAWK BLUU, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home Property. Jl.'.O CAS1L B acres on electric car, extra fine, level land, with creek; 1 mile ti. IS. of Greshaut. Pay balance $10 per month, tf per cent. Security Development Co., cor. 4th and Pine sts. 15 PER MONTH, 1 acre with partially fur nished o-ioum modern house, electric lights, runing water, bath, toilet, etc., on Oregon Electric Ry., near Garden Home. Address J i35, Oregonian. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soil, good water; close to carilne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall las., or Sellwood 473. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon: 160 acres for $IG"li. Call M-" Dekum Bldg. ." MONTHLY, SUA-'Oll. new house. eCiU. A. ,'. Marsters. 2'Q Wilcox bldg. .Main 3517. tor pale Acreage. GARDEN HOME. Two Improveu acres, only 10 minutes' walk from station at Garden Home; im proved with ordinary ti-toom house, barn, chicken-house, city water and fruit; aii under cultivation; value of the two acres with improvements Is $3U0y, but owners will sat i nice for $1.MI0. halt cash. Call illMi Geriinger bldg. Main u!20. S.13 ACRES. REAL BARGAIN. 3 acres of rich bottom land. 3 acres ideal for fruit and berries, has cedar for fencing and fir for firewood. Several good springs, aii in timothy pasture, on graveled road. 1-J mile to station, erood neighborhood and close lo Portland. Prico $ouu. Easy terms. Sec this real bargain. LI EDD bMA.NN COMPANY, Ul;t chamber of Commerce. CHlt'KK.N". FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. Grcsltam district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS 4-mlle electric station, $73 to 13o per acre; ca-sy terms;- best soil; free wood. Furms tor Sale All Sizes. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO., :',(rj Yeori Bldg.. Portland. Or. i Ac'iiE. street graded, water piped to It; bea-itiiul view, level, fine soil, no rocks, ::n-miiiute ride; right size for home; $:.70: J-5 cash, $3 per mo. 703 N. W. Bank bldg. ls ACRE;-, 4-mile circle, joins electric line, water piped to it: it's a snap for someone; onlv $1300; terms lo right party. 705 N. W. Bank bldg. Homesteads. FOR choice vacant Government land see Laughlin & Foster, Kits Hotel, Portland. Kor Sale Farm. "CANADIAN FARM LANDS." OVER '-." FARMS WHICH ARB IN THE HANDS OF VARIOUS TRUST COM PANIES AND ADMINISTRATORS 11AVS BEEN TURNED OVER TO THE UNDER SIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF RE CEIVING APPLICATIONS TO FUR-" CHASE. THE MAJORITY OF THESE? FARMS ARE IMPROVED AND ARE CLOSE TO SHIPPING POINTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE OF AL BERTA. AND IN SOME CASES OVER JOO ACHES OF SUMMER FALLOW ARS READY' FOR CROP PRICES RANGE FROM $7 PER ACRE UPWARD ON TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT ALL PURCHASERS. BEING FROM A QUARTER TO ONE-TENTH CASH. AND THE BALANCE SPREAD OVER A NUMBER OF YEARS. A DEPOSIT OK 25c OR 30e PER ACRE ACCORDING TO PRICK OF LAND) 13 REQUIRED WITH EACH APPLICATION. WHICH IS APPLIED ON FIRST PAY MENT WHEN APPLICATION' IS AC CEPTED. AND IF FOR ANY REASON APPLICATION CANNOT BE ACCEPTED DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED. SAMUEL E. WHITING. GENERAL COL ONIZATION AGENT. DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTURE. GOVERNMENT OF AL BEIiTA, 808 CENTER STREET, CAL GARY. ALBERTA, CANADA A GREAT SNAP: 20,000 Acres WHEAT LAND. Dirt cheap! No trade. About $1.50 rash per acre, balance terms. John Har tog, 200 Stark St.. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON GET OFF THE MAIN LINES AND BUY CHEAPER "The best land In Oregon." 120 acres; price $6800, one-half cash, bal anco terms. 119 acre level valley land, 50 acres cultivated, more can be, 35 acres brtisn, timber and pasture, balance open pasture; rich black soil, good 7-roora house, barn, sheds, chicken-houses; family orchard, fenced and cross fenced; sehool horrse on land; good marl, cream route, telephone. C. H. Burkholder. Lebanon, Or. SMALL farms from 10 to 40 acres, cleared, rich bottom land: some places with houses and barns: fine dairying district, conven ient to Portland; good roads, etc.; big local market;, we will furnish good cows Immediately to settlers. Prico $00 and up per acre, easy terms. 527 Corbett IrUJg. FOR SALE bya owner, 40 A., 3 miles from Carrolls. Wash., 1 A. In cultivation, 2 slashed, rest second growth timber, un der fence. R. F. D. and telephone line, on county road; price for quick sale $700. Write or come. Portland and return via sir. $1. S. C. Salter. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you interested? If ao. write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 30$ Phe lan bldg., San Francisco.- C M. WOODSTER. Pres. CHEAP country home Willi good house, 3 a-rres. small orchard: take 0-pass machine as part payment. AM 654, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGE tract tillable, logged-off land within i miles of Portland; must be cheap. B 647, Oregonian MODERN 5 or 6-room bungalow or house, $J600 to $3400. Rose City Park preferred; have deed to beach lot near Gearhart golf links, value $275.- for payment; will pay $20 monthlv until September next, after wards $40 monthly. AP 052. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class apartment bldg. In ex. for a splendid $30,000 farm in beau tiful Southern Oregon. John Hartog. at , HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4thand Jtark. WANTED 2 lots with bungalow of 6 or 6 rooms on ground floor, not over $3000 and not more than 17 minutes' ride; $500 cash, balance monthly: has to be a bargain. F FUCHS. 4 20 Chamber of Commerce, FOB KENT-eFABHS. RANCH ou hills near United R. R.. lo miles north or Portland, about 20 acres cleared, part in hay, orchard; you can pay the rent and buy team of horses, harness, plow, harrow, tools, by clearing land and mak ing fences and improvements on the place. G t52, oregonian. RENT, trade, sell lb acres Hood River bearing orchard, berries, hay, bldgs., cash, experience, references required. AV 609, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'CRAKEN. 304 M KAY BLDO. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. CASH rent for 30 to SO-acre Improved farm; will take stock on shares. If desired; 20 acres must be suitable for potatoes; some fruit preferred; send full particulars. M 614. Oregonian. WANTED To rent dairy farm with stock and tools on shares in the Willamette Valley by experienced dairyman. Address AV 610. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FINEST apartment building in Washington, D. C. Spot cash value $200.00tX Leased on net rental basis. Will take unincum bered land or timber or any first-class Western proposition up to ssu.ouo, Dai mice ea.v terms from rents. For full par ticulars, 'inquire W. B. Roberson, 702 Title & Trust bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. C9 acres, 4 miles from city limits, all under cultivation and nearly all in crop; good buildings; value $18,000; will take as part payment residence to value $5000, balance 6 or 7 years at o per cent. In quire F. S. Forest, 808 N. W. Bank bids. STORE In good town, cust $1800. Will ex change for income Portland, fine oppor tunity for gen'l. mdse., as it Is virtually the only store in that locaity. John Har tog, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th & Stark). 10- A., CLOSE to Clackamas station, 6-room plastered house, a A, in cult.. i .-move nearly ready to plow; Carver electric In frout of place; price $4500; will take clear home to $2500, bal. 7 per cent, E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. READ AND CONSIDER. Highly improved 30-acre farm, 2 miles from good valley town: splendid house and barn; want Portland residence. Ad dress F. S. Forest. 80 Northwestern Bank bldg.. or Telephone Main 2389. TWO lots. 50x150 each, value $1600, clear of indebtedness, in me center ui eprni Lake Idaho, on Idaho A Northern Rail road, about 50 miles from Spokane; will trade for equity in Portland property. Address Apt. 24. 215 N. 20th. I HAVE a 160-aere wheat ranch in Doug las Countv. wasnington, worr-n eiooo, wmi a loan mortgage of $1000; will trade my equity for anything of value. K 618, Oro gonian. EXCHANGE 5-room house and 3 lots in Kenton, value s.'ow. ior e to ao acre with buildings; owners only. Phone Wood lawn 1087 or write 2S8 W. Haliock St. 10 ACRES near Tigardville, good buildings. electric lighted, a real country nome, $1500. Want clear lot in N. E. district aa part pavment Call 202 Wilcox bldg. WILL trade $7100 equity In fine $1500 home in Vancouver, r. c, ior city or wiivh property. S 050, Oregonian, WILL exchange Irvlngton Income flats for clear lots. n . tu. Aiowman as co.. com. Club bldg. CASH snd clear oulidde. for lot, small house, acreage. Antnes, iuu c. j.ihcoiu. Tabor 4340. WILL exchange my modern bungalow for larm in vvuiiainciit i micj- of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON home for exchange. B. M. Lombard, 250Vj fid, .lain et'-. a .-: WILL exchange clear lots for substantial equity in modern home, aiarshall 1363. I HAVE lots in Tacoma, will trade. C. J. Fox. PI til-ana avo. WILL trade $150 equity in player piano for beach lot or diamond. Ar o.o. crregonian. $1200 MORTGAGE for auto; will discount lor casn. An o. cregoruau. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles Harness, Etc. TEAM black mares, o and 6 years old, weight 28oU los.; wen oroae; renin uiuneu horse. 4 years old, weight 2800 lbs., well broke; team mares, weight 2000 lbs., well matched and broke; team horses, 25O0 lbs good workers and true to pull, cheap, $200; one bay horse, .weight 14oo lbs., low price, $100; team horses, bay and sorrel, with new heavy breeching harness, low price, $100. Andersou Bros." Stables, 241 J eflersoil st. OT1CE Six head o good work horses, must bo sold; team, weight about 2750, ages 9 and 10, price $250; team, weight about 2500. ages 10 and 11; price $150; team, weight 2100, ages 7 and lo, price $100. This stock is sound and true to work any place; well mated and no blem ishes; will give trial on any team or horse. 207 E. Sth St. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia stab'es, 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 PM. We aell on a commission basis. Satisfaction buaranteed both buyer and seller. If vou want to aelL bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale, AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables lu the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co., 240 Kast )th st. East 6310. FOR SALE or exchange for wood, two teams, 2 sets OI narness, snon-woou dump wagons, 1 heavy bunker wagon without box. Phono Woodiawn 3113, or C 2151), or call Miller Wood Co., 872 Gar field ave. TEAM mares, black and bay, about 1100 each, gentle, $su, wots: aouoro arm single, sound; I'm a widow and don't need them. "S" car south to Sherman St., walk IS blocks east to Hood, two blocks south to Chester St.. 180. NOW that we have got the Rose City Stables In shapu, we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to noaru; we aiso ,iu iriu a few stalls, reasonable. W'liUamson & Son, 303 Alder st. . HALF of fireproof stable, room for 15 to 20 horses; low rent. Phone East 1200 after $ p. M. or before 8 AM. THIRTEEN hundred lb. horse, sound and good, single or double. $05; light farm wagon 239 Russell. TEAM males, weighs 2400 lbs., good work ers, with harness and farm wagon, ull $lbo. 781 Insley ave. Seiivvood car. WAGONsViid horses by day, $1.M. I. Cohen, $81 Water st. Main 2208, Main 6995. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodiawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 East 7 st North. HORSES for sale All kinds. Apply south east corner 16th and Raleigh. Main 394'). WANTED Excavating and basement work. Phone Aj,asr. ou. c u. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. Phone East 4u. c mi. 19O0-LB. TEAM with harness. 233 N. 14th. Pianos, Organ? and Musical Instrument. CLEARING SALE OF USED AND SHOP WORN PIANOS All of these have been put In tho finest condition and fully guar anteed. , .,- Fine malt, case, like new, regular $32o value, $105. Another oak case, used very little, $107. Another oak case, splendid tone, $140. Baby grand, mali. case, like new. $575. $800 player, latest improvements, fully guaranteed, $425. - Another player, $500 value, new, out shopworn, tomorrow, $395. Fine 88-note player, best of condition, latest model, $285 A number of uprights, $105 and up; terms. Call early and make selection. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 Morrison St., Northwestern Bank Block. ELECTRIC PIANO, new and In first-class condition, cost $750, will sacrifice at low figure or trade for good lot. Also 75 col lapsible chairs. See owner, 512 Plait bldg. Furniture for Sale. AT 300 Oak st., opp. Commercial Club, quantity of office and store furniture; 2 flat top desks, Slmw-Walker filing cab inet, bookcase and secretary combined, showcases, cash registers, chairs, etc., cheap for cash: also quantity canned fr,ulc EIGHT-ROOM house, for rent, furniture for sale. Call between 1 and u P. M. only. 412 Main St. v ONE large blrdseye maple dresser, like new. cheap. Inquire at grocery, 72 Wil liams ave. , ' MUST sell furniture for Tabor 2339, a G-room house. Does, Birds. Pet Stock. WA.NI to buy pedigreed fox terrier male pup of the very small, smooth-haired typo, under 2 months. Box 3S5. Baker, Or. State age, markings and price. COLLIE puppies; a grand collection; now is the best time to get one; price list Ire. Sbadeland Farms, Amity. Or. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADDIX KENNELS, EST ACAD A. OR. Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby chix, heavy laying strain- March delivery, $0.50 per 100; April $s. We guarantee safe delivery. The Plon- eer Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. Livestock. - 3 FRESH cows, calf by side. Inspected, price $33, $65 and $75; also some young stock,- cheap. J. Schmander, 30th and V sts., near carbarn, Vancouver, Wash Phone S9a-R. . SMALL dairy, 5 cows, and milk route; will rent place if wanted; terms if desired. A 0311. Oregonian. TILLAMOOK, calves for sale cheap; from pure-bred stock. Write E. M. Clark, Mohler, Or. ' BREWERY wet grain for sale, excellent feed for cows or hogs. Inquire Main 708 or Portland Brewing Co. FRESH 3 gal. Holstein cow. $05. East 3543. Automobile. USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Hupo, 5-passenger, 22 h. p. Interstate, 4-passenger, 40 h. p. Cole, 5-passenger, 30 h. p. Cadillac, 5-passenger, 28 h. p. Reo 2-ton truck, good as new; will sac rifice for quick sale. .,., SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. NORTliVVi-bT auu cu., Broadway and Couch Sts. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of tb beet materials, artistic designs, 10x16, $36 up. erected complete, with lock and key, im mediate delivery; also portable bouse. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St, Main 117. WE have for sale an American roadster in e-reellent eOnditton eVd'y Way, Wllicil COSt $2500, and Is as good as the day it was purchased and is tnorougniy equippeu. This is an unusual buy for $1000. Covey Motorcar Co. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAOE. 10x10. best materials, erected on your lot, complete $32 up. Any oilier stylo you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Allvn. Garage Specialist, 1191 E. Salmon st. Tabor 194, BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Price $2H) to $150. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Sta, fKriKRAl. Hi-ton for sale, nice body, truck in irood order. See this before you buy; ein sivi demonstration: terms given responsible parties: will make good jitney- car. Address N 63o, oregonian. CALL at Oregon Motor Car Co., corner Chapman and Alder sts., ask to see Federal truck that is for sale; a good buy oftered. Ask for Gilbert truck; wilt be in garage Monday and Tuesday. FOR SALE One 1914 Ford. In perfect con ditlon, at $385: we also have several other o and 7-passetlger cara, also one roausver, all at bargain prices. Acme Auto Co., 531 Alder. Main 8773. FOR SALE; Delivery automobile, with ex press wagou top. suitable for butcher, ba ker, groceryman, laundry or any general delivery purpose. Inquire 445 Hawthorne ave.. or phone Main bloi or .v isol. 2-Pass roadster, best running condition, new tires; bargain. Acine Auto Co., 531 Alder. FOR SALE 1314 5-passenger Hupmoblle in perfect condition, new in fact, and guar anteed for 1 year; less than factory cost. tJ 661, Oregonian. AUTMOBILE. iate model, for lot in l.add's Add., near Hawthorne ave., worth $3750. $1000 incumbrance. Answer B. Hotel Carlton. FOR SALE cheap for cash. 1-ton capac ity delivery truck in good order. Inquire Modern Confectionery Co., E. 11th and Flanders. 1914 CADILLAC, fully equipped, extra tires, seat covers; will trade for land or mort gage. BC 051, Oregonian. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leeve. 186 Columbia, Main 5198. ONE 7, 1 5-passenger car, Just oerhauled, fine condition for Jitney, cayh and terms. Owner, M. 1910. FORD, 1913, good shape, cash only. Call .Main 12 Just overhauled; 15. 125 Front St. FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1914 Ford. Phone Woudlawu 140. FORD touring car, 1913, $275. 3 7th St., morning or evening. Call lo3 N. -I'ASSENGRR auto, do tor jitney. 43! just overhauled, N. Oth. Automobile W anion. ONE city lot in St. Cloud. Fla., also 5-acre tract in orange belt, Osceola Co.; Fla., to trade for automobile in A-l condition; late model preferred, roadster or 5-passenger; no junk wanted. Address M. A. X., Parkers Mill, Or. WILL exchange fine unincumbered lot, 50x 100, worth $600 and some cash for late model light 4 or 5-passcngcr car. 1 boil, Oregonian. WANTED Roadster, standard make, late model, Bub'k preferred; gio Cull Informa tion. G 630, Oregonian. GOOD 6-room house to trade for late model auto; Font preferred. Owner, S44 N". Jer sey St., St. Johns car. WANTED IU14 5-passenger automobile In exchange 5-room house, 65x125 lot, clear. 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. SHOW" us your i ised car, suitable for lilit best cash price. Phone delivery, with Tabor 2102. LARGE lot at Bremerton, A ash., value $1.0 ami $lno cash, lo trade lor auto, pnone Main 8213. FOR auto. Model T; must be good one and cheap. 473 E. 49th at. N. Motorcycles. WANTED Motorcycle, must be good, cheap and equipped. 053, Oregonian. Auto Tires and Accessories. TWO new casings, 3Cx4Vi, 37x5, run 5 miies; 4 tubes 36x4 and 4H. Call 285 Holladay ave., city. Machinery. ONE 33ix24-!n. stroke Figure 448 arlealun well cylinder with a Meyers working head, casing, rods and couplings lor 182-foot well. One 2-horsepower Wltte Jr. gasoline engine. All of this machinery or any pari of which can be picked up at your own figure. I am dismantling an old pumping station and can give you a bargain. See owner. D12 Piatt bldg. Typewriters. WE save you from 60 to 76 per oent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS for tent; 3 months for $3 and up; 0 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 80 Broadway, Portland, Or. NEW model Oliver No. 9, now on market. Typewriter rented Z month for $4. 244 fclark SU Main 6273, TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. Th Northwest Typewriter Co., 2621 Stark st. Main 5528. - NEW, rebuilt second-hand rental at cut rate. P. D. C, 231 Stark St. Main 1497. FOR SALE writer. $3' -Smith-Premier, No. 10, type AL 651, Oregonian. Miscellaneous, I AM TIRED OP THE RIVER. Will sell my launch cheap for cash. Call owner. Main SS76 evening. ONE Tacoma donkey 1911 Mandel almost new. 9(4x10 size, on led. witlr lines; will sell for jlliO cash. S. P. Studebaker, Bux ton, Or., care Standard Box Co. WINCHESTER, 12 gauge pump, also Win chester 22 automatic rifle; will trade. Call Sunday and evenings, 430 Bryan St., Wood lawn. FOR SAL15 New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys anl accessories; easy payments. The Bruiiswick-Ballte-Collender Cu.. 46-48 5th. FOR SALE 45 H. P., 2 lOxlo-Cyllndcr gas tractor in best of shape; run one season only; price lees than half; terms. Owner, 844 N. Jersey St., St. Johns, Or. HOUSEBOAT. 3 rooms, $75 cash: worth $200; located on Willamette River, oppo site Wilsonvllle. Phone Main 5579. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure: made In Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front at, Marahall 100. HIGH-GRADE PIANO AT A BARGAIN: EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE. 320 LUMBER EXC'II ANGE BLDG.. 2D AND STARK STS. FOR EALE tt-foot wall case. 1 8-foot floor case $75. L Holsman. Jeweler. 315 Washington st. GOOD GRADE CORDWOOD, sawed and de livered. $5.00 cord. Eclipse Fuel Co., 350 East 10th st. Phone Eaat 319. PORTABLE house, suitable for beach or c 1 t.y . 7r)3 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2485. SAFES; New and second-hand bargains. The Mosler Safe Co., 264 Stark at. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 21$ 3d st. Main 797. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrlaon CASH register. National, slightly used Typewriter Exchange. SI V, Washington at- USK Bassetf Native Herbs for rheumatism. UM tablsis Xcr 25c. All drugglsta, Miscellauieoua. SEWING MACHINES of all make, new and nnH.hand baraains. 5 UD. with a writ ten auarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 1431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 d. near Taylor. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks. Anastlg. mat lenses and view cameras bought, aoid and exobanged; rifles and shotgun want ed. Hochfeld s Camera Exchange, ti id st, INVALID CHAIR for sale. 629 E. Aukeny. Call East 2SC1. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything lo the hardware Hue, call the Levlu Hardware & Furniture Co.. 221 Front- Phun A 7174, Main D0T2. TO LEASE or buy Job press or presses mid outfits; must be in tirst-clasa condition. Answer quick, stating terms and equip ment in detail, first letter. Address Box 7o2, Eugene, Of WANTED bECOND-HAND CLOTHI.NO. BICYCLES AND EVER T THING ; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 2U80. GLOBE STORE. 2e5 FIRST ST. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION; ALSO FOR MDSE. EAST 7109. 87 GRAND S. Y. MEYERS, the tailor, pay oest price, $5 and up lor second-hand clothing; shoes . bought; reliable buyer. 247 Madison. Call Main 3593. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL .MARSHALL 23it NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at San Francisco, hlgnest prices. S. Goldstein, 120 lialtery sl San Francisco. Cal. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figure first. Standard Fur. Co.. 1S2 1st. Main 4773. DON'T sell your furniture, clothing or o'.aer merchandise before seeing me. I need it; highest prices. Main 4317. DO NOT oell or give away any of your fur. ntture before you call the Bell Auction House. 194 2d St. Marshall 4.83. WANTED For cash, second-hand concen trating table, assayer's outfit and analgon plate. A 03, Oregonian. CASH paid for diamonds; separate apart-me-.it for ladies. Eliiy Co., J20-20 Lumber Exc, 2d and Stark sts. WANTED A large refrigerator, 60x6; also a showcase for meats about 6x1x4. BD 051, Oregonian. WANTED Some 3x3 card-filing cabinets, 3 d rawers to section. BD 652. Oregonian. CASH registers wanted for Frisco Fair. Pay cash. 88 11th st. E. Doblns. WANT to rent Marshall 1SS6. good piano; no children. WANT to buy furniture and piano; must be cheap. Main 945. NEARLY new wood rant,-e. Iteliablo gas raitKc, L 031, Oregonian. trade for WANTED Excavating and basement work. Phone East 4804, C 1477. CASH paid for hair combings. Beamy Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A. Record 1914: Calls for men from employers 1792 Positions filled 1314 The service of tills Department Is free to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership is issued. cotlng $5 per annum, giving the service ot the Department for a year, two months- full privileges and a refund of the membership fee If satis factory employment as not secured. All young men tee-iug employ ment In Clerical, 'i cchi.Ical oi Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially In vited to consult me Advisory and Employ, nrent Secretary. A MAN desirous of attaining position thai has ix big future, Willi largo automobile concern, operating branch bouses on the Coast. Personality and education essential requisite, preler man ot prominence, oi good family. Preference will bo given those who can invest from $2500 lo 5eiu and arc willing lo learn. Reply, F 6.-2. oregonian. DON'T pass this opportunlly, lnvesl isare. A little money will start sou in tho "busi ness of the hour." Experience not neces sary. Wanted Man to operate and own liis own bus; to those purchasing we will put in a position to secure contract payliiK approximately $15 a djy. if you mean business let us show you. See Mr. Hayes. 691 Wnshlngtbn St. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OK PORTLAND. EAST 2D AND MORRISON. A complete course, of automobile In struction, including machine nop work, by expert instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take Mt. Tailor or "SS" car to 23d t. WANTED Live salesmen for growing con cern slock salesmen preferred; strongest proposition on market. Indorsed by tann ers and commercial bodies, good money for hustlers, city und country work; per manent position and opportunity for ad vancement. Call 9 to 12 A. M.. 100 5th St.. cor. Flanders. COMMODITY HOUSE, wholesale and re tail, well established, has opening for tirst-ciass bookkeeper and office man. wllu tan take an Interest of ;iouii. Descrloe assets, aa we may consider cash or local residence property and shall consider no incomplete applications, hit 038 oregunian liAVK several openini,!., esta bllsumeti t inde pendent mall order business; energy, goo.i habits, sound Judgment more iinporisr.t than capital. Spare time first. I'arl icula rs tree. opportunities Exchange, Buliaio N. Y. PHYSICIAN WANTED. Will gie half Interest in well estab lished practico to right party pru Ule.l he bins half Interest In mo-lem hospital re ceutlv opened in Washington. Adrire.-s Doctor, AG I'll, oregonian. WANTED Young man who uini-i-stanus caring lor auto, knowledge of narilt iiiug ami to do geneial work ar-uind house. Re plying stale experience and reference. F 051. Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Instructor to teacli you lito oaruer ntico in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 22. 2d. near Mam, RODMAN, chalnman, levelman, pic;. ate tor Alaska Government ity. irto iiuii-miuh that's not overrun. Practical Euginevriua. 550 East Everett, ABLE-BODIED men, prepare lor firemen, brakemen. hit:ii wages; posmoos ou, ,. free. State age. Railway Association, caro Oregonian. CASH advanced you weekly ssrimg my hardy guaranteed siocw; eA.cen-.ni tory; hustlers inako money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppcnlsli, Wash. WANTED Two reliable, men who can han dle agents; A ior scant'-, r nn r- .i", . small investment required; money -making proposition. .":::; Chamber of .uinniciv-, LATEST A heatless trouser press, patented Oct. O. Ion; t-eiiriig pri'e T . ortiiii--.' i". n gents 50c, delivered. A. Wilson, I2IS 3d ave.. Seattle, Wash. PiIOTOGRAPH coupon agents, new. wm ' ning offer. Dngucrro studio just opening. 2 14 PI 't nek hlk. WANTED At once, mart to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorns Garage, 4 15 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 7tli. BOY" between age of 12 and 16 years to tils, tribute circulars; pay $1 per S-liour day. - 1 1 K. 3531 or H 3 1 SS about A. M. CABINET-MAKERS and mill hands fi.uitl iar with lablo wont: waves 2.ao in a day. Kiel-stock Bros.. Sun Francisco. CANVASSERS, free al verl Ising. treiiienrlous profits. 413 Buchanan bldg., 3 to 5. alter noons. EXPERIENCED Janitor for wanted. 4'."2''i Washington. and 10 A. M. steam plant Call between 'LUMBING. plastering. excavating-. con crete work to let. Call afternoon, o: Commercial bids- WANTED Two men to learn moving-picture operating In theater; small foe re quired. 226 Second st. FIVE plasterers wanted, st. J. H . Nash. Apply 1217 Division TWO messenger boys willl after 9 A. M.. 15 N. 12th. Apply BOY'S to sell candy In theater. Empress bldg., 1:30 P. M. DENTIST Good salary. AG 042 operator Oregon! good PHOTO coupon i nornah Studio. igents, splendid offer. Mult 801 Dekum bids- Fl i:ST-ClA SS cleaner and spolle AN '-:7, Oregonian. WANTED Roy to learn auto repairing; no srilary. 501 Hawthorne ave. WANT tailoring; for denial work. Al. 6..S, Oregonian. Help anted Agent. BILLY SUNDAYS ME SS AGE. AUTHOR- IZED. will nav vou $120 to distribute It your ..i.hhnrhud- 00 days- work; great or portunily for man or woman: spare may be used. Particulars, sanipm TTnlversal Bible House. Phllnrlelplna. time free. .. . . t..cii.-v .MlellorK that can sell make' good money. Phono Woodiawn 4O03 AGENTS $8 to $10 a day selling '915 eial Van l'vke Slmiio 404 Wash st. Help Wauled salesmen. AGENTS for Filr.-l.'r-l'ot 1 save money by phoning v - ereolHlors r nd IS IV 1 1 4O05 UEI.P WASTED FEMALE. WANTED Woman house. H47 S 1st to work in rooiniiiK near SleTidau. represents! ive nt,--nt In AN 617, Oicgouian. WANTED Lady as city. Cilve phoue. ue t a . ther need apply, appo -m. v.. ... Hotel Benson, this week. Wed.. Tnur Friday afternoons from 1 to 4, Thurs. and Frl. morning. 0 lo 1-'. rren. , and ami GIRL to do billing snd handle telephone switchboard, one with automobile experi ence preferred; give ago and references Ans-.er lu own handwiitlng. F ool, ore gonian. WANTED Woman about 60 year old lo care for elderly invalid woman and I Lelp with housework In small town. Aadre.s G. Raiser. Chinook. Wsh. W ANTED Girls between IS and 2-i to learn comptometer calculating machine; good position when course completed. aioi- gan bldg. t EXPERIENCED second girl, small faiull. must have reference; good wages, la.. 722 Park ave., corner St. Clair, morning.. 9 to 12. evenings 6 to 8. WOMEN Become Government clerks $'( mouth. Portland examination April 2.. sampie question free. Fraukiln Institute. Kepi. 70:; H. Rochester, N. Y. REFINED" experienced young woman fur family cook unit housework out oi town. no washing; $30; rclc:ci:ces. A -., Orc iniall. . WANTED Responsible young girl to a.l with light housework and care for rhl. drm in small family; can stay home nights. Tel. E. 6-i"S. LADIES. Pupils requiring any H.formallot please address Allied Croaker Hsuttli leis. 015 Steincr. otf Hayes St., San I van CISCO. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS OlM.Ll-.rt IS. A" mod. Til business courses $5 im. I oslllons When competent. $01 N. W. Usnk IS STEADr, reliable woman, not under 25. l-t pusitio III wnoies.iiu ni-u.. . ;--v. i: tl::3, OregntilAli, if euttsfa-- WANTED Refilled, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Company. 4.4 i'lttock block. 3. Washington. I Exl-lfKlKTicHD ladies, leslilmllal oem ouslratlng ami solleltln. GeliKu oppur tuntty. Hi: i' 1, Uf goni.in. WANTED -Expel i.: iced stenographer su bliier. Apply in person at Crystal Laun dry. 2' si aii-1 sanilv i-o.id MILLINERY' saleswomen with nt Icn-t years- recent selling experience. 1 rally, a.'iil Morrison. . WA NTED Young l,l w hil-- ovv ner is oul. $- b-r i:chanc--. lo lool per w . WANTED Lades I.. i tlal work. $2 to $4 p. luniMu bill. r oa II HOUHEWORK. $15 to :;:.. St. Loins l.i.ll.s Agency, 2SS Main St., opposite Courthouse. A 7173, Main 2l'".9, WANTED A g'rl lu do genital h-u.-ew ut k. Call ut 541 2il St. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Kliorlnas'k Typewriting. 29 14lh. ut, Jelf. Ma. 194 ll-l-T-:n l-'.x ucrlenced CO'VK. small fail -Experienced Apply 11 N. K'th !-, BOoKKUKPERS. stenographers and ;llci phot.e operators. 3nl N. W Hsi.k bll. t ivi: Rirls to Dekum bldg. learn beauty culture, r-anltary Parlors MARRIED lady ' care of lo room- ha. 422 ' frot't room loi Washington EXPERIENCED fa Howe's 1 .1-1 i. s' A U.y- I- -li. $211 to ..). ;u ' , v ashitiRton ei-i;:;iem unit c k i i .1 1 iioilruw oi etc lit i WANTED lw. makers. Ulti- CASHIER wanted; must tin del si a ml re writing, e-it A loer st., cor . mik. ANTED llri to do gcncri.l housewors Cnll 2H0 Halsey st. . NURSE for siinilai massage pr fern , K. II lecti' WANTED Expel -leiiced g-l'l housework. Call inoi nlm.-. ELDERLY woman wanted for liousekcepci u a farm; gootl nome. r none ...i-u. ..... 14: l.P W A VI I : I I " I : I .LAN EOL . Olti'.GON llAR'iCi; COI.CU...I. wai.is and women lo learn tin barber trade In S we. ks- positions guuraule. d ; tools lr . Paid while r. a; iilnt. scalp and lac mas larie a specialty; modem method leai-limf mert: tuition 1.1-icc.i. -311 Mailiseu st. Mol.-ll HARDER Cul.LE.ii: '" ' and won..-,, W learn Hi. ';" clean work, pern mag $-' '" ''' ing; tool, ins-; scalp ami lace mass.g. a st.e.-ialty ; ren d for I e-- rstnl -gue. 4w N. ,u. RAILWAY mail clerk.. P. O. cle:fcs, rr Yleis. exam, soon; parcel post dem.nrts many more clerks; a, l at or..-. 1 aci.ia Main Schools. V'cl.ai bldg. cl'JT. l.NTEP N A 1 l"N A I. I on es -m,c m e S.-lio..,l lur.ilsh typewriter .-ill- comm.rc;., courses; 2v7 others; five catalogue. .V. McKay bldg . PORT I AND Government clerk examination April 2.; $7" milith; common education sufficient; sample questions tree, -ppl immediately AV &.. or.gon.aic MRS. HlNiA'AI.L'S ll- SINUs.; SCHOOL, ibi Empress bldg. 1 eisoual iuslruclloa. vo sitlous when competent. SITUATIONS W ANTl.n MAI l' IlooUkeeiiers and C lerk. DO Ye T VAN l A IIOCJKKICI-II'KII PART TIME Will call a few bouts each nrik or oa aid keep your books, gel our Mulenon'-. etc Work guaralilv d . h igh - la r'fei i uces. Expo i lem ed accountant JO . P. . box :i-4. .Vlieccllrinrotlft. GvRl'ENER and ll-rl-t en ptn.no aciaie. silicic 5" lil" experience In grow Int. Lowers fi tilts. v.selabl-N In gre. nhoii- in. I outside, planting wed erring lo. shrubs; l.oiieM and ,i..-l- s.-her; -P'"'l good wages, b.-t "f r-f p.ir'lrill.ns in H''l Ivtfr. AN I.-".. Ore gonian. VIGOROUS. vhr; lean. "tl olv . line." Ingle; tempei t-. strauy. honrst, relloli.e. a I inuml mechanic. practical tar.fn.l etc wants otraily -in ploy m n t : inoders i wages; hoiii" place; best rei ooi uiemlw tli.ns. Al- ':-. tT.-goniM- JlMTt'R, rll 'Me and rind, rst-nds. al. branches of ".he work, soot r an. I ai- in. ran k-iM- best of reference and not sfraiil of overalls or hard work. Aililttvs Mrrr: , Maek. y. Brownsville, or. P. '. box 7. ix'griillrmnii-s country place. Am experi enced poultrymari ninl gardener; cure or flowers mid lrmt trees. H.-oleh. American. 45: reference. A I "lo. On gonlaic ill M'l-I- El'K. iiuipelenl, experlr n ed. good r.'-r- ten...-, wanu- uorillon. 471 Chapman. Main Mil I'll UK. Si: and butler looker. 15 yrais' -pi 1 1. nee, wants position, iclei c nee. Ad it 6.'--'. Orr goni.iu. ITLI lil.l-' eliaiirfeur wauls piiMlli'ii. .iuiiinled with city ; H"-3 i l' r r;-eg'Milali. Rl.l.IVUI.E young Jspsnefe who strhs English well, recks pusitliin In a famii) as housewot ker. Iloinn phone A 2771. yTTT NG foreigner, xperiene, d In 1 .1 1 nil ' e wants Job on 1hi.ii with small wages. n ;..:., cni gonia'i- . tHM FFEUR and Al mechanic wimi poet lion: 7 years' e.p. rielice. Phone M.ir shall :.l'-3. loom 20. WANTED By man mid wile, position ' Janitor apt.' house; c xprb net d ; best tel ciriiees. .Mam 7774 WA NT i: L 1 -els mi'l In ft s to pl". a miiniir.- tin- sale. Phone Main M'a M sk lor Mr. Si ley. SHIPPING clerk. s'yeaiV ex P., wlshe, work to 3 1". M.; can drl'-c arlie. K Oal. on- Koliian- WANiED Contract to make eerdwood. Htbo-rsHs) cords. Matshall 4112. H 6o-. Oregon In n. 1-"X Pl-'Rl l-:.Oi:ir German conk wants pos.- flon. hotel, restaurant or behind counter. Main svii.i SO. 1 embalmcr. under taker ''"V'"J. nlture mini, married, want work. A V is. Oregonian. w VTI-'li Situation on linn; first -rles Ir rigator and Slockman. 241 I--. 04111 '. N. l'ul.,.i- -.".Ml. l MAN wishes Job as porter or lu kitchen; must bate work. II .'.2. Oreconlan. MAN NI WIPE won hi like i Win: Ingcls. 17SQ K. 131 b f w ork ou fa i in. STUDENT want w et k al noons and after s.-hool hours. F 33. Oregonian. LAWN and cardi n work. $5 up. Marshall .".noti. Mr. Norton. Y i I N -1 man wants to work on ..larni. 11 .,!. t iregiiiimu. SITUATIO NS WANT l-.U TF M ALVrT, Hook keeper and hlenograpbera. COMPETENT experienced nlenogrspnr sires position: Igal work preferred; some knowledge of hiokkecping; bct rfr-en-rs Tabor 4343. ill M il W.lM IN wants sewing by the Hro. $1 and enrfare. 72" Mississippi. Nasarene .rm. Wo-Mllaw-n Mil. YOUNG LADY wishes office position, shorl baird, i x new r. ting; small salary. Woou - lawn 414S. 0 Z stenographer, b. k. and dlctapho operator want permanent or substitute work M. 2SI7. I irrssmnlisrs. .'ASIIIONAl:i.K ori .-m il.lnc. rerisonai.le. ;t, i ;,ili -i.. n.-.-r Clay. Mnrshnll 1 : 1 ( f . FASHION ln.E dressriwiklng, home or dsy. 1.-.0 Lane st. Main "M3 REiTnTHl.E dieesmakinc by lb day. Mai- SUAlU 219. THOROUGHLY' competent girl for ge housework: must be good cook; no o