Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 08, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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OREOOMAN .telephones.
fanmcinc Editor
"liv KUHor
undav Editor
Alvertllnr nprtmnt
1'ltr circulation
omposlnicroom .......
fcuptirinlenueut building
. .Main 7""0. A 0!3
. .Main 707U. A SOWS
..Main 7"7U. A 1V:,
. . Main 7'Tl. A "
..Main 7I70, A BO!-.",
u.ln 7i70 A "5
.".'.Main 707). A 0!S
. . Main 7070. A 0UU5
IIEII.IO (Pr"idW and Taylor) J'""'""
com-dy. "The Chocolate Soldier." Tonight
at 8:10 o'clock.
J5AKER Broadway and Sixth. t w -or A 1 -dr
and Morrison "The Awakening
of Helena IMchie." Tonight at 8:1j.
Fourth and Stark ) Moving picture and
vaudeville. Continuous till 11 o clock.
OnPHErM (Broadway at Stark) This aft
ernoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15 o clock.
FANTAGES (Proadway at Alder) Per
formances 1:30 to 11 P. M.. continuous
and Yamhill) Contlnuoua performances
'rora 1:00 to 11 P. M.
Moving Picture Theaters.
Js'ATIOSAU Park. Weal Park, near Wh.
FEOPI.KS West Tark nearAlder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
OT STAR Park and Washington.
ei'NSET THEATER Washington and
and Morrison) Moving pictures of TllUe s
Punctured Komance." Continuous. 1 P. ai.
t. 11 P. M.
Missionary Convention Closes. The
missionary convention, which has been
In. progress in the Central Free Meth
odist Church. East Flanders and Kast
Fifty-fifth streets, closed yesterday
evening with a general meeting. Serv
ices began at 11 A. M. and continued
through the day till 10 P. JL Sunday
school was addressed at 11 A. M. by
Mrs. Rachael Briscoe. A song, "Is
Your All on the Altar?" was given by
the Central young people. At 11:20
A. M. Rev. M. C. Clarke spoke on the
topic. "Our Heritage in India," and In
the afternoon Mr. Clarke again spoke,
liis topic being "India's Greatest Need
Illustrated From Experiences." Mr.
Clarke has spent many years as a mis
sionary in India and spoke from per
sonal experiences. Last night a gen
eral missionary service was held, with
several addresses.
James McGcirb Dies. James McGuire,
7 years old. died in Portland last week
and was buried in Greenwood Ceme
tery Saturday. He leaves a wife, one
son and five daughters. Mr. McGuire
was taken sick at his home across the
Columbia River from Fairview with
pneumonia following a trip he made
to Portland. He was brought to Fair
view and from there was taken to
Tortland. Mr. McGuire was well known
along the Columbia River between Van
couver and the Cascade Locks, where
lie served as Deputy Fish Warden. He
cwned his Island home.'where he had
lived for a number of years.
Stcdt Clcb to Meet. The Tuesday
Ftudy Club, of Gresham. will meet to
morrow night in the Gresham Library.
Mrs. George F. Honey will be the
hostess. The names of native animals
with some characteristics will be given
at the roll call. Miss Bessie Osborne
will give a reading on "Myths and
legends of the Pacific Coast." Mrs. W.
E. Bates will present a paper on "Hall
- J. Kelly and Nathaniel Wyth." Mrs.
Maxwell Schneider will read a paper
on "The Wilkes" Expedition." Discus
sions will follow each paper. All in
terested will be welcome.
Obsequies for Mrs. Mi lis Bell Held.
The funeral of Mrs. Miles Bell, who
was killed in the recent tragic auto
mobile accident in Hawaii, was held
Saturday at fit- David's Episcopal
Church before a large throng of sor
rowing friends. Rev. II. R. Talbot,
rector of the church, officiated. The
coffin was almost hidden beneath the
huge bank of beautiful floral offer
ings. The body was taken to Salem
for interment. The pallbearers were
Bruce Rowan, II. C. Wortman. Rich
ard Adams. John Keating. E. W.
Mathews and A. N. Derby.
Mr. A ins worth Favors Merger. J.
C. Ainsworth yesterday telegraphed
to C. C. Colt, from San Fran
cisco, indorsing the consolidation of
the Chamber of Commerce and Com
mercial Club. Mr. Ainsworth author
ized Mr. Colt to announce he favored
the movement and that if Mr. Alns
worth's signature was required In any
of the details Mr. Colt was authorized
to sign for him.
Dr. Chapman to Close Series. Dr.
C. If. Chapman will deliver the
last lecture In his course on modern
literature at the Young Men's Chris
tian Association at 8 o'clock to
night. He will speak on "A Great Con
structive World, Force." Dr. Chapman's
course has extended through the Win
ter and has attracted large audiences
each Monday night.
"Deestrik Skule" to Be Repro
dcced. So successful was the pro
duction of the "Deestrik Skule" given
by the Richmond Parent-Teacher Asso
ciation on Thursday and Friday nights
of last week that the organization
will repeat the play tonight when the
several hundred who were turned
away on Friday will have opportunity
to witness the performance.
Reed Lectures Scheduled. In Reed
College extension course 23. the devel
opment of the drama, H. G. Merriam
will give the next lecture of the se-
ries. entitled "The Growth of the
- Drama in the Latin Countries." tonight
at 8 o'clock in room A of the Central
Library. Course 24. normal class in
physical education, will meet in the
college gymnasium tonight at 8 o'clock.
Memory Expert to Speak at Lunch-
bos. David Roth, the memory expert.
. will be speaker at the noon-day lunch
eon of the East Side Business Men's
Club today at Hotel Edwards. Grand
avenue. Also report of those who will
attend the excursion to Flavel, March
IS. will be received. Names of all
who will attend are wanted at this
meeting. M. B. McFaul will preside.
Chicago Pastor Is Called. At a con.
jrregational meeting Thursday evening
' the members of Piedmont Presbyterian
Church issued a call to Rev. F. L.
Selden, of Ravenswood Presbyterian
Church. Chicago, to become their pas
tor. The vacancy has been caused by
Rev. J. M. Snyder's moving to Pendle
ton. x, - . ntiii-rvn Af.r.KriEn Fmind
I.E.V Bt-t,.-.. ....... -
j . l 1 : . . n nKila In an nllecpd
griVIUS Ill luiNuu.iw "
reckless manner. Charles H. Brown was
' arrested at uroaoway anu mauisuu
street early yesterday morning by
Patrolman Helms. He will have to
answer in the Municipal Court this
mnrr in f
Reception to Be Held. Albina
- "ii- - -... phvlarlan TAmnemnCA ITnion
' will give a reception to the Parent-,
i . .. .. .1 tnn nki.m r t
i eacner asulibuuh hu "i. " -
the Eliot School Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. w. t . unurcn, .99 rargo
.-in r M-
Owner has splendid store for rent.
j j , o ieet in size, ngni in m ei
. v. Kn.lti... district T.lcrht hMt
and water Included in rental. Splendid
1 . . I .1 n - M 1. A n. .
opportunity i .
T. &70 Oreeonian. .Adv.
Mr. Nash A. Peert. late assistant
U. S. Attorney at Nome. Alaska, has re
turned to Portland and resumed the
practice of the law at his old offices,
rooms 626-7 Chamber of Coramerc or Music, direction Mrs.
Thomas C BUTKe. ueueii oaivauon
Lincoln High School Audito-
rinm.' tomorrow. 8:1S P. M. Prices
' 60 cents and SI. Sale at leading music
- lilv "
. UUUaro. " -
r - -i jtlflrtwnnrl anitnhlit Tor
uunr, uij "
cooking, 4 ft- 2-cord loads. 3.0 per
' cord: one cord. 2 cuts for $4.25. First
j.n..r district. Holman Fuel Co 83
r.,h .t A 3253. Main 353. Adv.
Shob Repairing While You Wait.
Best work at least cosu Mnwjuu,
West Park, near Morrison. Adv.
Low Prices on Printing of all kinds.
' f. w. BaJtea Co. Main 1S&. A Ilia. Ad.
Missionary Meeting Set. The Wom
an's Home Missionary Society of
Gresham will meet Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Benjamin Cameron, with
Mrs. R. H. Todd as leader.. The main
topic will be "The Red Man and His
White Neighbor." Members will re
spond to roll call by giving names of
Indian tribes. Mrs. J. E. Stubbs will
review the chapter for the month and
Mrs. U L. Kidder will present a paper
on "Missionary Work Among the In
dians." Mrs. "C. M. Oliphant will re
port on the Indian schools and Mrs.
Hevel will read a story. A vocal solo
will be rendered by Mrs. E. W. Ayles
worth. accompanied by Mrs. Fred Todd.
A social hour and luncheon will follow
the programme. Mrs. Cameron will be
assisted by Mrs. O. A. Eastman and
Mrs. J. N. Clanahan.
Friends Clohe Well-Attended Meet
ing. The' quarterly meeting of the
Friends' Portland churches, held in the
West Piedmont Church Saturday and
yesterday, was attended by Portland
members and delegates from Salem and
Newbergr. Yesterday afternoon Mrs.
Phoebe Hammar delivered " address
on "War and Its Moral Influence." At
night Walter Wilson spoke on "Sys
tematic Giving." In the afternoon a
missionary exhibiton was held in the
form of an internatonal mothers con
ference on child welfare work in dif
ferent lands, presented by the women
of Lents Church.
Htgienb Meeting Arranged. A mass
meeting of men of Gresham and 'Port
land will be held in the Commercla.
Club hall f Gresham Wednesday even
ing to consider hygiene topics. Earl
J. Cummings, state field secretary of
the Oregon Social Hygiene Society, has
completed arrangements for this meet
ing. Mavor Stapleton will be chairman.
Dr. J. M. Short, of Portland; W. F.
Woodward, of Portland; J. K. Stubbs.
of the Gresham High School, and
Theodore Brugger. of Gresham, will be
the speakers. Karl A. Miller, Arthur
Dowsett and J. E. Stubbs are the local
committee of arrangements.
-. rmimitn. When.
rKurAMii vp " ' -
according to carmen, they refused to
stop cursing and maKing a
ance in a Williams-avenue car at 12:40
. j... rmll A. Snranrer
jesieiud., uiui uiue, ------- ,
and John Riley were arrested and
taken to jail by Patrolman wnneneau.
The arrest was made at the east end
i. ,.,i Hfiricru after the motor-
man and conductor found remon
strances futile. The two are charged
with being drunK ana Qisoraenj
thoie rase will come up this morning
in Municipal Court,
Alumni to Elect President. A meet
ing of the Lincoln High School Alumni
Association has beer, called for to
morrow night in room B of the Central
Library. The election of a new pres-
i . . t . V. main nrHer of business.
although several Important matters are
to come up for consideration, vtrnnaro
Krause. president, has resigned because
he could not devote enough time to
the office.
Storms Delay Trains. Storms in the
Middle West have caused delays to
eAm ihA Pact Murine the last
36 hours. Train 17 on the O.-W. R.
& N., due last night at T.ia o ciock.
was reported five hours late yesterday
i ill ft,nKiktir arrivA Aflrlv this
anu win . . - . .
morning. The same train on Saturday
was less than nair an nour iaie. nimis
made up several hours in running time
between Pocatello and Portland.
vTA-n...,w-nivtau PnvrFHifvrr. Closes.
The conference of 14 districts of the
Norwegian-Danish Metnoaist tnurcn, in
session in the Vancouver-Avenue
Church, closed yesterday. Rev. F. A.
Scarvie. of Seattle, Wash., preached
yesterday morning, and Rev. F.
Engebretsen preached last night. The
ministers quartet renaerea biiwih
music at all the services of the day.
concivn- Hiiit iv Ftr.HT. Sergeant
Peter Cooney, of the Vancouver Bar
racks, and A. T. Deverell were treated
at the Emergency Hospital yesterday
.. "in n'finrU for ruts re
ceived In a fight in the corridors of
the Everett Hotel, Broadway ana
f,..-n .it9. Neither was seriously
hurt and later returned to the post.
Dr. Chapman to Closb series. ine
i i.i.... in rti c T I Phanman's
course will be given at 8 o'clock to
night at the Young -Mens tnriniian
Association oi "A Great Constructive
World Force." The lecture closes the
series on modern literature that Dr.
i-honman has iriven In the association
auditorium during the Winter.
Runawat Girl in Detention home.
Eleven-year-old Mollie Cioffane, a stu-
. tn 1, fifth err-ntlA if thA Wood-
stock School, who had been missing
four days, was iouna yesieruay iu
: v .. vA narMita at the detention
home, where she had wandered. The
girl had previously Been Kept in tne
borne for a time.
Alevia Alexander, principal of the
Lownsdale scnooi, win aaaress me
Woman's Political Science Club tomor
row at 3 o'clock in room II, Central
Library, on "The Girls' Trades School
of Portland." The meeting is public.
Bullet Wound Treated. T, N. Faw
cett of Tigard, Or., was taken to the
Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday
morning xor me ircm-iucm. oi s"
.. v, ..mmd in hln law. Fawcett was
injured by an accidental discharge of
shotgun, but nis wouno is not serious.
iiri"p Pnmnlclplv furnished
v u .utinvA at !earhart for Easter
LCAl U Wlwcw
or Spring or Summer months. Main
9326. Adv.
before: electors.
Bond Issue to Purchase Water Plant,
Censorship Ordinance and Amend
ment on Ballot.
St, Johns electors will be called on
to vote April 5 on several important
measures. First is the question of
merging with Portland. It is believed
that annexation will be carried, al-
K,,rrK thAt-A Is R H m ft H P t T Til 1 Tl P fl O D I) O -
sition. The St. Johns Merger Club,
headed by vwuiam . nine, wm tmu
n. l.m frr annovfltinn and will
meet tonight at the St. Johns Library.
The next important ineusuro wiii. irn
a bond issue of 113.000 with which to
purchase the St, Johns water plant and
its franchise, which has 14 years more
to run.
Electors also will vote on amend
ments to the St, Johns city charter pro
... . . . , . , . D.n,pjA, ritw
vicing mat ine mayvt, 'vu, i.t. , v,.ij
Attorney, the three Councilmen at
large, one Councilman from the First
and one Councilman from the Second
ward shall be elected to serve two
years and one Councilman from each
ward to serve four years. At present
all officers are elected every year.
Ordinance No. 617, providing for a
local board of censors on moving pic
tures, was referred to the people. These
measures and the election of all offi
cers will be set aside if annexation
carries. If the merger carries in St.
Johne it will be voted on in Portland
in June.
Mrs. J. F. Davis Jlember or Party
of Witch Two Were Killed.
Mrs. J. F. Davis, 573 East Morrison
street.' returned Friday night from the
excursion to Hawaii on the steamer
Great Northern, having been aTnember
of the same party as Mrs. Miles Bell
and Mrs. M. F. Rule, the two Portland
women who were killed In an auto ac
cident on the way to visit the crater of
Mrs. Davis said that a case of ton
sllitis. which she had developed, was
T''f, . mi. Mill... Wf?3ll
n mz
a ;
S S ii
j-Tj6iiai;U 1
i-,8S il 1:3
fUsiH!1 s r
r? tvxii y si
The modern conception of a
bank is the one that empha
sizes the spirit of friendly in
terest in the progress of its
onn.itnm Thin hank strives
to enter heartily into this
spirit of co-operation ana to
assure its depositors of some
thing more in their associa
tion here than in a convenient
way of taking care of money.
The Northwestern
National Bank
Sixth and Morrison Sts.
the only thing which prevented her
from being a member of the auto party
which met with the fatal accident.
The return trip . to Portland was
made by steamer to San Francisco and
by rail the remaining distance.
Committee on Arrangements Chosen at
Meeting; of Board of Directors
Held Saturday.
Tkn At A annual r.linimi flf t h ft Ore
gon Pioneer Association will be held
in Portland Thursday, June 17. At the
meeting of the board of directors of
the organization Saturday, Judge J.
C. Fullerton, of Roseburg, a pioneer of
1852, was chosen as the orator of the
A committee on arrangements was
selected consisting of George H. Himes,
t t fioM unA Charlps R. Moores and
a committee oh finance composed of
. . . T rH m ''' ...... ... J flanycrt
JOSepn xj. ojcc, . x. unci anu .v.e
i t it: . i .... Tnhn KMtnn wna a n-
pointed chaplain and Nathan H. Bird,
marshal, with power to elect his own
Plans for the celebration of the 72d
anniversary of the organization of the
tlrst Americaa unii uuvciumsii. " -
a . L. I) l,.. Mnnnlaina U'h 1 Ph took
U L L11D iuilhj .1. u . . ...... ..
place at Champoeg, were also discussed.
Owing to the fact that May 2. the an
niversary day, rails on ounaay, wy a
was chosen as the day for the cele
bration at Champoeg. Judge P. H.
D'Arcy, 1857, of Salem, an ex-presldent
. . 1 ...l.llnn WO a (-1 (' t f (1 AS
chairman of the committee on arrange
ments for tne atiair wun pumci
ih mambers to the committee as he
may think expedient.
The board ot directors cunsmua
T Geer, 1851, president; Charles B.
Moores. 1852, vice-president; George
H Himes, 1853. secretary; Henry L. Pit
tock. 1853; John W. Minto, 1848, and
Nathan H. Bird. 1846.
Jnry, However, Advises Leniency to
Aged Man Who Gets Day In Jail.
. 1 1 nnA pnin in treated
11 a pencuuy
with a solution so that it will pass as
a piece of money of higher denomina
tion, has there been a violation of the
counterfeiting law? A Jury in the
United States District Court Saturday
decided in the affirmative when it con
victed Hugh O'Neil, an umbrella mend-
ere, 64 years oia.
Tr...u n-iven Khowinz that
O'Neil had treated four pennies wltn
.. . . .... j onj anpnuRRf UllV
a sliver oiu"" " ,
passed them In a Portland saloon as
10-cent pieces. On account of the ad-
a - on nhvjical condition of
vanuea e3 i' . - . .
O'Neil, both the jury and Deputy At-
torney jonnson rctuiuim:"-"-.
leniency. Judge Rudkin. of Spokane,
who is helping to clear the docket and
who heard the case, promptly compiled
by sentencing O'Neil to one day in jail.
General Committee Is to Hold Meet
ing This Afternoon.
The general committee on public
safety will hold a meeting at the office
of B F. Boynton, claim agent for tne
V. j n... r.ifht & Power
x'ortianii n'111 " - , , , .
Company, today at 4 o'clock, on call of
. . , t . . . 1 I . rr n fntll 1 ' TT1
the chairman ot me jiuum- -
.... i ir r rrffn
Illicisiu, . w -- . .
The purpose of the meeting is to
... i -... i r f aHtipa.
outline a general ;i.i.6 " ,
. . v. ..fn(., nrRt movement, r Ire
nun lit me - - -
Chief Stevens, who has returned re
cently from a trip in the East, during
which he made special study of this
subject, will be one of the speakers at
the meeting. Police Captain Moore,
n i A Wormo n nr1 Other
representatives of various departments
oi tne ciiy win o vi v
First United Brethren Church Has
Address by College President.
. . i . . -iu Aav wna relebrat-
niuuiiiai'i "'"-n"
ed yesterday morning at the First
United Brethren Church, East Fifteenth
, t.. ifnrrinn afreets, with appro
priate exercises by the Sunday school
and an address Dy rresiaem. nVi"j
The auditorium was profusely deco-
. j i.u DkiiAmiith College banners.
and each child In the Sunday school
and adult ir. the congregation wore
Philomath College banners.
"Christian Education" was the sub
ject of President Epperly's address. He
spoke of the neeas oi rmraouiui
i nnj its niatnrv reaching back 4i
years. He said it needs a building for
music and an enlargea gymnasium.
i I
iH 1
v. y. i - i
sin s
I COM lit
f r
Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
Best for Ore gonians
Home Office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison, Portland
L. Mills,
L. Samuel,
General Manager
We use
Edir. W. Wheeler,
Eight Years' Practice
In Portland,
Our Specials (Every Day in the Week)
Flat lenses, in gold-filled spectacle or eye-
glass mountings "'Snn
Toric lenses, same mountings if&.uu
Kryptok and Ultex Lenses at, Lowest Prices
Wheeler Optical Co.
Fifth Floor
Oregonian Bldg.
We Guarantee
Our Work
Please Send
Then I will ship you prepaid to Portland one lull Box oi aei ci
ous, sun-ripened, sweet Navel Oranges (12 to 14 dozen) $5 value
for $.-50- very choicest eating fruit; fresh from the Groves of
California- Papei Wrapped. Will keep for weeks. Great for .
Marmalade. Packer to consumer means 3 profits saved. One
trial will convince you. Or one Full Box (half Navels, half Lem
ons), $3.00 Prepaid. Send money order or draft to
References: Merchants
Nat'l Banfc of San
liloiro. (Capital and
Surplus, 50,000.00.)
Attachment of Dr. Harry B. Moore and
Miss Marie Elisabeth Rice ot
Suspected by Friends.
That Cupid lurks at .times in the
medicine case carried by young physi
cians and that while the good doctor
is administering his healing remedies
the little god of love is sending his
- . . . . . i,tt huiirt of the pa
tient was revealed Saturday in the an
nouncement or tne eni6oij '
ui. viiwiherh Rice and Dr. Harry a.
Moore, of Portland.
The news or tne Deiroumi f
complete surprise to the friends of the
bride-elect, who assembled for a game
- . , . .. . l. ,. hnmn nf. Mrs. ll,lia
OI onus " " .
Dunne Klce. mother of the prospective
bride, 443 East Thirty-seventh street
The announcement was made on
unique betrothal caro we-
gilded wishoones. ivirs.
r. , . . . i . . .i tan ami were
Airs. . "unci iuu f
assisted by the following cjub bs of
the brlde-eiect: irs. v.. .
Howard Word, Miss Erma Rice, Miss
Florence Hill, and Miss Ruth Walter.
About 30 were present.
Miss Rice and Dr. Moore really met
formally at a dinner party some time
ago and last Christmas he was one or
' . ii i -anH a nnn fill her at
tne pnysiciana m aii--. -- -
a serious illness and operation. Miss
Rice biusningiy miuui"" "V.
that it was not until after she recov
ered that the engagement came to pass.
The marriage will take place early in
May. .1 u ona-
Little had Miss nice s iwc.
.h.n rir- vrnnre had been
peciea uini . -
attending her on the occasion of a re
cent illness ne naa i r " Til,
an engagement had been the result.
But such was the case.
Dr. Moore is the son oi ur. m'u
. i.r n-ns s-mduated from
the Jefferson Medical College of Phila
delphia, and is prominent in profes
sion and in rraternny in - ,
was graduated from Washington High
School-, sne is an
cian and is socially popular among the
younger set.
45 iddedIoThUuCH
Sermon on "Sunshine and Shadows
Converts Man Past Prime at
End of Morning Service.
Dr. Frank L. Loveland, pastor of
the First Methodist i,pi8cuiii
. . . . i ri- ....t-,.- .trcotii. received
the second -surprise of his life since
coming to Portland at the morning
service yesterday. He had just fin
ished one of his strongest sermons on
"Sunshine and Shadows," when the
Kev Henry T. Greene, assistant pas
tor announced that there were a num
ber who desired to unite with the
church and read the names. Forty
five circled the altar, making a total
. i -; ir i t- r'burch since the
oi idu 10 jwm w
activities were removed to Twelftn
and Taylor streets last
225 since Dr. Loveland came to this
..J. . . j i v, .Hv et snrnrises.
ronittnu ia t.i - - -
,j T-. t An.ianH This is the best
Kit 111 Ul. v . ,
anniversary present I have ever had.
I had expected nothing of this sort.
.... . m-,. nnt T f U 1 i V.t. it. bUt
jjaany 1 " j
it was just a little more than a year
ago when I arrivea in mis tuj.
know something of what I have had
to contend with, but every cloud has a
silver lining, every ram i i"iu
1. 1 itAta stand 45 men.
Dy suiioiiiiic -- -
women and children. How proud I
am to receive mem inm m
ra Insurance
C. S. Samuel,
Assistant Manager
'HY PAY two fees one
to the oculist and an
t.hp ootician?
We examine eyes and furnish
spectacles or eyegiasseb il
no "drops" or dangerous
One examination is
Me S2.501
Cornell Fruit Co.,
1229 Tenth St,
San Diego, California!
.nrH hsek here last Octo-
S111UU ji.w . .
ber I have had the rare pleasure ol
weloming 160 into the church and 22d
In my year's ministry here. I hope to
double this number during. the next
e.At least one conversion resulted
from the sermon at the morning serv
ice. A middle-aged man, with his
cheeks bathed in tears, left the audi
torium. A few moments later he re
turned, sought Dr. Doveland, told him
he had fought against returning, but
that a change had to come in his life.
With Dr. JLoveland and one or two
others, he went into a side room and
when he came out, the tears had dis
appeared and he declared he "had
found God."
Judge Gatens Speaks ot Current
Events Club of Church.
That parents are largely responsible
for delinquent boys and can keep them
under control and at home by making
them comrades, was the contention of
Judge Gatens in his address yesterday
at the "meeting of the Current Events
Club of the Spokane-avenue Presbyte-
. , . i t. u;D Innlo wnn "Bova."
nan iiurun. jx.o -
Judge Gatens emphasized parental au
thority and parental responsibility as
deterrent influences in shaping a boy's
"The father should become a ram-
, i nf his children."
declared Judge Gatens. "and join in
their sports and go wun mem. j, uc.
a father and son are comrades there is
..i- thot thA bOV Will gO
IILLIO Utilise. " . , -
wrong and land in the juvenile court.
The home should De maae
a- .u. i onri iri Thpv should have
lO LUC UUJ iiva ' ' -
the best and most attractive rooms in
the house.
. . . . nillciratAii his conten-
juage vju.t.e! i.. .... -
tion by references to the Juvenile
Court, where many dojs anu
irn,,ht he said, largely through the
neglect ot their parents.
Mrs. Julia Pauline Addison Makes
Address at Library.
In the interests of universal peace
-. 1,1 xaor.& A riip1 Ation met in
tne v unu " -
room A of the Central Library Satur
day night. ,.. ,Mki,
Mrs. Julia I'auiine i"! "i"-"
on "T'te Development of Peace Through
the Child." laid stress on the funda
mental need, of the elimination of
prejudice in religion, patriotism, eco
nomics and social and racial associations-
. . .i,.
. i. ....i,i.h thA HAvelonment oi tne
peace ideal through essays, songs and
lectures in tne scnuois an"
peace song, the adoption of which Is
being urged in the schools throughout
the United States.
Mrs. Florence Crawford spoke on
"Peace Through the Understanding."
She likened the coming of peace to
sunrise. She declared its- coming is
preceded by the utmost darkness.
Dr. Nina Evallne Wood, organizer of
the Peace Society, presided.
State lieader in Teaching or Domes
tic Science, Says Dr. Kerr.
"Oregon stands among the three
states ranking highest for efficiency in
Washcleaned and repaired by native
weavers. Prices moderate. Phone
Main 3433.
Importers of Oriental Rugs.
173 Wailiineton, Bet. 13th and 14th.
A Social. Fraternal. Beneficial
Society for men and women. Four
plans of Insurance based upon
adequate rates, and backed by a
surplus of nearly one million dol
lars. 20 lodges in Portland. Over
11 000 members In Oregon. Let us
teil you about it. Phone Main
Supreme Secretary.
V 521 Beck BldB Portland, Ore.
x ri oi" BK ' CTDFFT
Afternoons at
The Hazelwood
Music & Refreshments
3 to 5:30 T. M.
No. 51 20c
Dry or Buttered Toast.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 53 25c .
Dry or Buttered Toast.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate.
Ice Cream.
No. 56 20c
Ham, Tongue, Lettuce or
Cheese Sandwich.
Ripe Olives.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 58 25c
Apple Pie a la Mode.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 61 15c
Layer Cake or Wafers.
Tea. Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 63 10c
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate and
No. 66 15c
Layer Cake or Assorted
Ice Cream.
On specials where ice cream forms a part, a c"t"eV"mV.
a choice of chocolate, st.awberry, vanilla, caramel. Neapolitan,
princess, pineapple or orange ice.
Hazelwood Orchestra, J. F. N. Colburn, Director
Week Days: 5 to 5. 6 to 8. 9:30 to 11:30. Sunday: 6 to 8:30 P. M.
The Hazelwood
Confectionery and Restaurant
388 Washington St.
387 y2 Alder St.
the teaching of domestic science. It
: i. nn.jtnln atnonc the
occupies moil i'w- . ,
states that are accomplishing splendid
work in their agricultural fiR;
, T 1.- npautHATit. of the Ore-
saiu w. j. -i-cii, r .
gon Agricultural College, yesterday In
his address betore tne i,un cui
class of the First Presbyterian Church.
Dr Kerr's subject was "The Develop
ment of the Land-Grant College and Its
Place in the School System of the
United States."
Dr Kerr said that in the Oregon Ag
ricultural College there are students
. - -.-t, avaw atnte of the
regisiereu 1 w 1,1
Union and many from foreign coun
n v. . . -1 . o a rrttk who can
x enimiiii i.
show record of success. Excellent op
portunity of bettering conaiuun omio
oaini-v Brnected. present position
and' full references first letter. AL
650. Oregonian. Aav.
. .i.i - .nnnlallnn nf 5 -
r.nn niio of whoma -0 are Johnsons and
8.12H Smiths.
'Has won many a race.
The race of life is no
exception. A proper
start would be a Sav
ings Account with
Third and Oak, Portland, Or.
Store for Rent!
Store 25x75, centrally located, fireproof building
water, heat and light included in rental. If you want
to change locations and secure a first-class store in
the best retail center, this is your opportunity.
L 569, Oregonian. .
Phone Your Want Ads to
The Oregonian
Main 7070, A 6095
No. 52 20c
Choice of
Whipped Cresm Cafco.
Cup Cakes. Chocolate kiclair
or Cream Puff.
Tea Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 54 30c
Chicken Sandwich.
Klpe Olives.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolati
No. 57 50c
Chicken, Shrimp or Fruit
Brrad and Kutter.
Tea, Cotfee or Chocolate.
No. 59 25c
Baked Apple.
Tea. Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 62 15c
(After 4 o'Clock.
Hot Tea Biscuits snd Butter.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate,
No. 64 20c
(After 4 o'Clock.)
Hot Tea Biscuits and Honey.
Tea, Coffee or Chocolate.
No. 67 25c
Sliced Pineapple or Lemon
Cling Peaches.
Tea, Cofft-e or Chocolate
FOR a fine club
luncheon served
a la carte, with
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friends and asso
ciates at
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Served every week
day from 12 to 2
Geo. C. Ober, Mgr.