Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 08, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Catered t Portland. Oregon, Postotflca as
aetonil-elass matter.
Subscription Kate, Invariably la advance:
' (By Mall.)
Tal!T. Sunday Included. on year $8. "0
Itally. Sunday Included, six month!
Mily. Sunday Included, thre months... . ''-''
lmli Huntliv Included, one month 75
Xally. without Sunday, one year......... "-u
I tally, without Sunday, six month li.'
Iatly. without Sunday, three month,.... l.'o
laliy. without Sunday, one month. .... .. -y1'
Weekly, one y ear.
Funday. one vear. ....... ...... ........
fcunuay and .Weekly, one year. - -w
(By Carrier.)
Ia!!y. Funday Ineluded. one year 19!?9
Lally. Sunday Included, one month ..... .'3
Hew le Kemlt Send Postofflce. money or
tier, express order or personal check on your
Wal hunb tiiimDi. ruin or eurre.ncv are at
,-nder, risk. Clve pot.WTice address in full.
Including county anu state.
K t -f r n iH nira 1 rent: 1
to SJ patce. 2 cent,: 34 to 48 paj", cents
bit to to'J paces. renin; M to io
rent,; 78 to Z pages, centa. Foreign poet
axe. double ralea.
tslra Rndsna Office Veree Jc Conk'
Jin. .Sew York. Wrunawick buildlnl; Chicago,
fctensr building.
San Iruirixra Office R. J. Sidwell Com
pany. 14'- Market street.
jn experiment of this kind would have I kets and will open the north bank
been anv more successful if made by i of the Columbia as a place of
the United States than it was when I suburban residence.
made ' by the Commonwealth
Australia, the Republic of Brazil
the Counfy of London.
Britain and Germany have done as
to their navies. Germany provided
adequate land forces and is holding
her own against great odds. Britain
did not, and is only now beginning
to send an adequate army to aid her
allies. For the United States to un
is puzzling on what ground
The drama committee of the JsTew
York Parents' League has been trying jertake maintenance of the Monroe
its hand at censoring the drama for I doctrine, protection of the Panama
children. By strange good luck the Canal and naval control of the Pacific
court assumes that it is a better judge committee has set its seal of approval Ocean without providing- the force
of the emereencv of a. Ieeislative act I on Bernard Shaw's "Androcles and
.v.-., i,,,i,in kii. rr th (us. I the Lion." which is said to be
H .1 - ,. n 1 . 1 1 en vara B ouuuiiuiufi
a o.,etion or iw it mitrht be readily mance anJ imaginative splendor in
-wvwx. " " " - 0 - I (i O t n AVt nV.f
a superior ability to determine whether 13 .l"
an emergency exists. But it is a ques-
in ro-
necessary to uphold our position is
to Invite attack, defeat and humilia
Growth of the policy of road con
struction known as "state aid" is il
lustrated by statistics taken from the
Good Roads Year Book, soon to be
issued by the American Highway
Association. Up to January 1, 1915,
according to the Year Book, J20u,u00.
001) of state appropriations had been
expended and 31,000 miles of sur
faced highways constructed under
state supervision. In the last two
years 11.000 miles of these roads have
been built and the total in tne united
states exceeds by 6000 miles the
famous National road system of
Oregon is one of the forty-one states
that have some form of state high
- way department, but its work under
the direction of that Institution has
' been recent, the funds available
have been small and the quantity of
work done Is therefore not much to
brag about. In comparison with the
neighboring states of Washington and
; California, Oregon is backward In this
particular. Possibly we shall soon
bestir ourselves to greater effort in
state road work, but, even so, that is
no reason why Multnomah County
should be dilatory.
Multnomah County Is so situated
that any enlargement of "state aid in
road construction would not likely dl
1-ectly aid road construction within
this county's borders. The county
iavs one-third of the taxes of the
state and it would be extremely for
tunate if in any one year it received
back for road work within the county
as much as It contributed to the state
road fund.
Multnomah County must therefore,
In the long run, look out for its own
road improvements. It might as well
begin now on a more elaborate scale.
Some notable highways have been
laid out and partially completed.
They will not produce a reasonable
return on the investment until they
have been surfaced.
It is proposed to issue $1,250,000 in
bonds for the purpose of hard-surfacing
seventy-one miles of trunk roads
In Multnomah County. In an ad
dress Saturday afternoon Road Mas
ter Yeon mentioned some of the finan
cial benefits that would accrue from
expenditure of that sum In finishing
the county highways. It Is his eetf-
xnate that the completion of tne
Columbia Highway alone would bring
to Portland an additional Income of
$1,500,000 annually.
Mr. Yeon is a shrewd Investor one
who has been unusually successful in
private enterprise. He Is supported by
a large group of Portland business
men who have also shown sound
judgment in their own affairs. Each
of them pays sufficient taxes to
cause him to oppose an expenditure
of public money which would not
yield a financial return to the public
Broadly speaking, good roads are
always an asset to any community.
Even so it Is conceivable that road
building may be overdone. But
Indorsement by Mr. Yeon and Mr.
Benson and many other substan
tial and farseeinjr men of the
community removes the proposed bond
Issue from the category of Ill-advlse4
enterprises. It offers a way for Ore
gon to catch up with other states for
which no satisfactory substitute may
be expected through waiting for state
tion of- fact.
The Justices of the supreme bench
are not better judges of the existence
of such facts than the Legislature.
Furthermore, they are bound by no
more solemn pledge to support the
constitution than are the lawmakers.-
Yet in Washington a bare majority of
the court fails, to discover an emer
gency in a particular which two-thirds
of the membership of the Legislature
discerned. Therefore, five men no bet
ter qualified to speak than the men in
another branch of government over
throw the judgment of ninety-three.
Clearly, if the Legislature
final judge as to the emergency of its
own work, the power to attach an
emergency clause is a useless one. It
is merely an incidental expression of
opinion which may or may not be up
held by superior authority, and the
immediate operation of an emergency
law is left in doubt.
Under such circumstances it would
be just r.s well to dispense with the
injured by mere theological aberra
tions" as long as the plays set, before
him are correct morally and imagi
natively. We should suppose that the
work of the Parents' Loygue commit
tee would consist mainly of exclusion.
The number of plays which are suit
able for children to see has grown so
small and the number of those they
Again Is it necessary for The Orego-
nian to advise subscribers that it can
not supply material for debates. The
Oregonian does not accumulate, formal
literature on any subject for popular
distribution. It has its own library of
books and documents for its own per
manent reference. Nothing more.
In this connection The Oregonian
also desire to inform those who have
' mi rrlit lllll ,a I-11 11 jef BA 1 '1 T (1 0 flint 11 TIT
effective censorship must confine Lortvarueu ra "
Itself to naoklne- and slashing. The "e oregonian to a.iawer i.. i wv.
plays written expressly for the young
are either silly or sentimentally sloppy,
for the. most part. Too many of them
are weakened Imitations of foolish
io 4V.o plays for mature persons just as the
rasmonaDie costume ior mtio ouj
inanely imitates that of their fathers
with silk hat, walking stick and
starched collar.
umns that the number of such ques
tions is so large that The Oregonian
must use its own Judgment as to
which are of most interest and give
them preference. i
Nor can every question of interest
be answered immediately. Sometimes
the information is not available in
Portland and must be obtained else-
Twenty-five Years Ago
The old
masters were admirably where,
able to paint saints and Madonnas, but
Seekers after miscellaneous infor-
i .riii ln wlfh -hilrtron mauon WHO Jive til i-oruH.uu miu -
Their boys and girls are old men and cinity are also reminded that a com-
' - . . .. nAfanf nni4 rirtllirlnp- rAfprTlnft denftrt-
women squeezed Into small patterns, i . . , t,Ku ri
m thn JL . our authors of nlays ent is maintained at the Publ c Li-
. .v.- I brarv. Persons may there be referred
legislative power to declare an emer- ( I to works likely to give the information
gency and permit the courts to decide ' fact is T how- desired. The superior permanence of
which laws shall become effective im- fr their elders. The fact is how know e acqulr.ed by personal effort
mediately and which snail await i .nnn ond over that which comes simply for the
expiration of ninety days. .
rri.. k mmr,fi!hi girls are quite as ready, we believe, to
tendency of late among' courts to appreciate a good full-sized play as
eschew assumption of new legislative " ..... .
It IS UlliUt LUXlctLCS Liltk JUUIig VCVF'
are not more frequently taken to per
formances of Shakespeare. The com-
mnn nntlnn Is of roiirse. that the DlaVS
are hevonrt them, but that is nonsense. Cisco Exposition, is quoted in the
FORMER RAIDS OX BRITISH SHIP. m- .., f "Mnnhpth" or VOthello" Marshfleld Record as much disap-
Germany's creation of a war zone they might not understand, but the pointed witn tne uregon exniDit, wuu.n
in n,-irih uittn i nut thn first time .iAr with u dramatic nower and by his tell is mostly irom loos Bay,
, Minin', nivoi ennromafv Vin I ..ninrtnw nnnM anneal tn with a showlner from, tne vaiiey. it
1IIU. . 1 IW.I1I . . 1. u . . " ( . J ' 1 UCUUU 1 11V1 1.1 11. . . ..... l 1- I- I
hn lemircrl nn hr own cniis s. The I thAm r,mfnnrflu "MMaiim m r NiErhfs 1 was to DC eXUECietl lliat LUC B'"l c
damage done by German submarines Dream," just as Shakespeare wrote it, sources of the Coos country wouia in
nr) mln tn British KrilnninE- In !-,, 11 mi famnns snectacle for inemseives De it gnum uiatuuu, au
some waters is so far small compared children, and there are few bright in the case of Mr. McLain it is possi-
Die t.IlU.1. lUCLt ftJIlUU UllUUCU litiix .v ai'
else. However, the fair is young and
much is on the way to fill the building
ere many moons pass. On his next
visit he will see more.
- . ..... ...
powers. It is to be regretted tnai tne
Supreme Court of Washington has
taken a backward step.
asking cannot be disputed. It is to
one's own advantage if he uses a llttlo
initiative and individual research.
Hugh McLain, who has just been
appointed postmaster at Marshfleld
I and concluded a visit to the San Fran
with that done by daring American j boys of ten years who would not de-
sklppers in the Revolutionary War light in "The Tempest."
and the War of 1812.
At Benjamin Franklin's suggestion
Paul Jones was sent with the Ranger,
Alliance and Bonhomme Richard, and
Conyngham was sent with the Re
venge to cruise the Irish Sea, the
Secretary of the Navy Daniels con
gratulates the country on what he
calls the liberality of Congress in ap-
the alarm that the great fair at Ches
ter was abandoned, insurance rates
were raised, merchants feared to ship
goods in British vessels and linen ships
sailed from Ireland to Liverpool un-
er armed convoy. Jones spread
panic by firing the chips at White-
Receiver Lusk, of the 'Frisco road;
hit the nail on the head at the rate in
English Channel and . North Sea and propriations for the Navy. His praise crease hearing when he said
n, nnn RrlHh shins Thev were ia natural, for Congress adopted his I They say certain roaas have been looted
J ' " I . I . ( ) .I..... T'Vi n I i . 1, ..a,. nAmmled(nna
. i . i . I . I TlTIll'lJ. rri IJIf allllUSL 1JI 1L3 CllUiCUi A 11 I 1L 11 11 lllO nLi v.... il. i.i"
Biaea oy a swarm oi privmceis uu- i--- - - .. ..... DUI1ishmer.t.
der letters of marque. Such was cnanges were pruvi.u.. c hurt, yo hear of any ,ooten, being
sea-going aim euttccu tuos.-ucici ,urt you never see any looters going to jaii.
submarines instead of one sea-going I The innocent one, are hurt, the employes
or,4 .mn AAort.HAfAnaa Rlihmar nes Lare aio on aim mo nuunuiwi,
and the omission of a gunboat. The
recommendations of the General
Board, which knows the needs of our
Navy, were ignored, and we shall
' " '0 ........ I , , , , 1 m I VYCLK
haven, by his raid on the Earl ol c"u" ' orup otmtm ... - thereis4nywater? Because railroad
Selkirk's castle, by his victory over w " '""5
th. rti-oVa vhlh ho cantiirt off unues to iu.tuw Lite auTit, Hi
Carrickfergus and by his memorable clans In preference to that of naval
victory over the Serapis. There were orncers. e ocl;u.,.o buying the Copper River
mnnn 4 nn ... more deficient in the number of cruis- ,.. , ,,., rijin
V,VWV 1111-11 O-V KF v a. - - " I , , lUUUUAU UW.AU3C W 1 J' HUl"! ylVJllull.
teers and they captured or destroyed era, gu..uua, against the Guggenheims is not credit
able to President Wilson. The road is
needed in the Government's Alaska
railroad system, and should be bought
at a fair price, regardless of who owns
It. This injection of politics into a
purely business transaction Is one of
the many good reasons why the Gov
ernment should keep out of business.
Peculiar conditions, justify an excep
tion in the case of Alaska, but the rule
applies everywhere else.
Why not send the looters to jail and
let the roads earn fair dividends on
their actual investment, eliminating
the water from the calculation, where
baiters like Clifford Thome would then
be without an occupation.
more than a thousand British ships Planes, as other nations add to their
in the course of the war,
In the War of 1812 the United
States had only twenty-three ships in
the Navy, but 500 privateers were
given letters of marque and ravaged
strength in these respects and as our
existing ships become obsolete. Yet
Mr. Daniels calls the Navy bill "most
The present war has proved that
From The Orogonian March 8, 1S90.
At a meeting of the Woodstock School
District the following board of direc
tors was chosen: John Duncan. Frank
Kerns, Christian Heilman, Earl E.
Howes was elected clerk.
Washington Mrs. Harrison is to be
summoned as a witness in a criminal
court case. The case I that of sa
woman accused of obtaining money
under false pretenses.
S. R. Fairchild, while returning from
Vancouver Thursday night, was hit by
a train as he was standing on an ex
tending bent of the trestle, and his left
arm was mangled.
Mrs. R. Crawford, who has been suf
fering from heart trouble is recovering.
One of the most exciting glove con
tests witnessed in this city for some
time took place at the Standard Thea
tre last night when Zaroni, an all
around athlete of Milwaukee, knocked
out a man named Reed.
There is no such thing as failure for
the Astoria South Coast Railway," said
E. T. Thompson, one of the directors.
The road must be finished by Septem
ber 1891.
There is a lively demand for brick
now but the "trust" is managing to
supply us. Mr. Versteeg is working
away turning out brick all the time.
H. W. Corbett has 300,000 brick on
hand for his new block.
At the regular monthly meeting of
the directors of the Library Associa
tion, of Portland, the following officers
were elected: President, Matthew p.
Deady; vice-president, Henry Failing
treasurer, Milton W. Smith; corre
sponding secretary. C. E. S. Wood; re
cording secretary, H. A. Oxer.
Hon. L. P. Barin was installed as
United States marshal for this district
yesterday. The oath of office was ad
ministered by Judge Sabin. The party
were then invited by Marshal Barin to
a,nother apartment where a bountiful
supply of champagne and cigars was
provided. Among those present were
J. E. Bean, of Pendleton; W. R. Ellis,
S. P. Mays, J. C. Carson, C. B. Bellinger,
Mayor Do Lashmutt.
Last week the committee of the Rose
burg and Coos Bay Railroad issued an
open letter to the citizens of Douglas,
Coos and Curry counties, requesting
them to co-operate in organizing
company to build said road.
The fourth quarterly meeting of the
First Evangelical Church, Stephens Ad
dition, will begin Saturday evening.
Rev. C. C. Poling, of Lafayette, will of
the British seas, where they captured the only vessels which really count in
1500 prizes. Sir Walter Scott narrowly
escaped capture by one of them. A
great meeting of merchants was held
at Glasgow in 1814 and deplored
"that in the short space of less than
twenty-four- months above 800 ves-
a naval battle are dreadnought battle
ships and battle-cruisers, and that bat
tles are won , by superior speed
and gunpower. The battle-cruiser
particularly has come to the
front, for it was "able, by the
sels have been captured by that power Qualities named, to run down and
whose maritime strength we have pouno. xo pieces mo ve. ...... .
hith-rtn Imnnliticallv held in con- both at the Falkland Islands and in
t.m( the North Sea.
Thn Tnprrhants
ihAnoh thA ooo, nuvinr lor fnr ship available to pursue
slower xsriatui. .muiu. e iij
and speed, the Bluecher was over
The Dresden escaped
complained that, "1 tne former Dame Decause me oit.y
Judge Morrow Is crowding Judge
McGinn off Solomon's throne in de-
lding a man has no right to inter
fere ia the rule of the kitchen and giv
ing the wife the decree for which she
" prayed. It is time the husband real-
ucr wj .uu I
From how serious a danger of for
i eign complications the United States
has escaped by the defeat of the ship-
? purchase bill may be Judged from the
t-omment of British newspapers. The
London Spectator speaks of "the great
" danger of complications which may
arise if a neutral government sud-
a denly plunges into the shipping bus!
ness and uses newly acquired enemy
vessels for general commercial pur
J poses, including the carrying of seml-
contraband goods to enemy ports.
7 Turning to the events of the Civil
J War for analogy, the Spectator asks:
r What would Americana have called our
" action If. when we could not get cotton for
J atarving Lancashire, the Brltlah government
J ltau bought a fleet of Confederate or other
vessels and sent them under the Union Jack
to break down the blockade of the Southern
ports and bring back cotton?
It is clear that if the bill had been
V passed and German ships had been
bought Britain would have disre
'i garded the fiction of their being owned
by a corporation wherein the United
" 6tates Government was merely a stock
" holder and would have- treated our
action as unneutral. No neutral ships
are available for purchase except at
exorbitant prices and new ships could
not be built in time enough to meet
the emergency. Hence the only prac
ticable way to procure ships for the
Government line would involve us in
a serious dispute with one party to
the war.
The proposed experiment of a Gov-'
rnment merchant marine is not un
tried. A shipowner writes to the
. Spectator stating that two and one
half years ago the government of
Australia bought a steamer for 10,400
and spent 5900 in refitting her. In
two years she earned 2381 and was
sold last Summer for 6200, the loss
of about 10.000 "falling on the shoul
ders of the electorate." The Western
Australia was bought by the state of
that name for 39.500 and altogether
cost about 73.000. Last August the
government was trying to sell her for
45,000. The Lloyd Braziliero fleet
was practically owned by the Brazilian
government, which put it up for sale
last year without finding a purchaser.
The Spectator recalls that the Lon
don County. Council attempted to run
a fleet of passenger steamers on the
Thames and remarks: "The result is
never mentioned in progressive circles
in the metropolis." The progressives
evidently were responsible for the
We have no cause to believe that,
convoys. It Is equally distressing ana
mortifying that our ships cannot with
safety traverse our own channels, that
insurance cannot be effected but at an
excessive premium, and that a horde
of American cruisers should be al
lowed, unresisted and unmolested, to
take, burn or sink our own vessels
in pur own inlets and almost in sight
of our own harbors." s
Although the American ships were
taken in a stern chase and sunk in
the North Sea, while their speed
saved the Moltke, Doerfflinger and
Seydlitz from a like fate.
Congress has profited by the les
sons of the war only to the point of
providing more submarines, though
the'final summing up may prove that
the submarine's earlier exploits have
lzed the limits of his bounds, to pro
vide the money, rustle the wood, clean
he fish and use the proper language
with the delinquent garbage man. -
Ue w.w J
.mall onH woro, nvermntrhpH hv the causeu It lu uc i.m
n i. i, ,, I Losses from this cause have made
vented them from rescuing non
combatants and sending them home at
the first opportunity.
If the German and Austrian sub
marines which were headed for the
Aegean Sea at last reports should
reach the vicinity of the allied fleet, we
shall see whether they are as effective
in the Dardanelles as in the open
North Sea.
the British navy so careful that none
have been suffered for some time, and
tne inerc.Bu. ou.po "3 I ior n j tk. nnl.
have almost invariably been ''""' .,. xf ,-- at 'WM
One of the heaviest expenses' of the
war is the shrinkage in foreign trade.
which for Great Britain alone was
small and slow,
since the German submarine raids be
gan, several vessels of this type have
war material for early destruction.
Great constructive work is under
way In the development of Oregon. I been sunk, one having been rammed
MUitnoman ana jiarKe counties nave oy a mere...... o...u. wlu not be periodic changes in the per
oegun erection 01 tne interstate x .. . Ucu.,r.u . ... , Has he
Really, now. Mayor Albee cannot
be in earnest when he asserts there
bridge across the Columbia River aeroplanes have become of equal im
onlv a few weeks before Multnomah portance with submarines. They are
County is to vote on the issue of the scouts for a fleet, they are the best
$1,250,000 in bonds for paving the means of -spying out submarines and
. i i i -. , . 1 A I : .. n J hnv hmra XtnA m Act 1 , 1
main nignways. in aiay ins ciitue i...cs, o...u n.w - . th. wr Vlro-inln
Pacific Northwest will celebrate com- able service in directing the fire of V e" ,ndarknelf nilety-" x
nletion of the Celilo Canal and locks, the allied fleets on the forts in the mine who sat in darkness nmetj-s x
which open 400 miles of the Columbia I Dardanelles. The General Board said,
River to continuous navigation. The concerning air service, "our present
channel of the Lower Columbia has situation can be regarded as nothing
been deepened to thirty feet. By the less than deplorable." It asked that
extjenditure of millions of dollars the J5. 000.000 be "made available im-
Government has deepened the channel mediately," but Congress allows one-
over the Columbia bar to thirty-two tenth of that sum.
feet and is huildinsf a 1ettv and ODerat- Congress seems to have learned
insr a dredcre for the Durpose of in- I nothing from the ex
no consideration of the feelings of the
wives of the chosen men ?
Let the scoffer read the story of the
hours awaiting rescue. They put their
trust in the Lord, with unshaken faith,
and today they are alive.
Score one for - the jitney, whose
driver avoided injuring a number of
children by jamming his machine on
to the sidewalk. That is something
ololts of the the motorman cannot do with his trol-
creasing the depth to forty feet. Emden, Karlsruhe and other uerman -"
. ...i, , r i. i I ..... . J 4 . l,a- li,nn,a tha floTl. I
Astoria, llllitmuuh, uuus xsay ti.iu v-i ,u.i IUi . l .p,.... . , , . . . -
other Oregon ports are improving eral Board's recommendation that Pe trograd reports of flight of the
harbors in co-operation with the four scout cruisers be provided, Austrians will readily find belief J lor
Government. These cities and Port- though we have jnade no additions that army is held PPlarly to be a
tan r ht.iin modprn dork in to that arm of the Navy since 1904. Joke. Germany is doing the real fight-
rosirHn:s for thft' irrnwinc fom mprnfl. Notwithstanding the General Board's ing.
Tk. ... AvnunHiti.rao a'htnh fnco I aIaoa t 11 (1 V Af thA ! fl VV S H Pfifl 3 ft f! CI, ...i, ... I it A.imir roannnprf conclusions. Con- What is the use or an emergency
of optimism which gives the lie to gress persists in ignoring its advice, clause if the Supreme Court must de
the croakers. The community profits The result is that, comparing- navies cide whether it is allowable before a
h thom tmmortiatoiv ouon whiiA mn. Hi thev existed when the war Degan, ia-" ti. ucvu.wo
. f . . . Mapmgnv t a A BAvpntpn canltal nhins
M.UI.UVU 19 III liiufiicso, lu. mo Bicai j . .. . . ' p
K.,li t. mnnov ia nalrl fnr lahnr hnllf and eleven building, a total 01
J " V " - ' I . . " w innnollll man must
and material, thus diminishing the twenty-eight, while the united btates ucrmn... .uc u.v-,w
number of unemployed. It will profit had eight built and four building, a be considered as including hopes,
nermanentlv. for roads, bridsres. river total of twelve. France naa tour "",KI
1.nKn. Imn.nruninnta gll dIU-i, I VlTltl- O H rt Alpht nillldlnST. SO She WOUld
rrf,,oA the rost and increase the faril- soon Ue us: Japan, four built and six Speaking of salmon day next Friday,
ities of doing business, and thereby building, and Russia had none built. White Salmon, up the Columbia, ought
mrrM the volume. but eleven building. We are not supe- to be a great place in which to discuss
The Panama Canal has opened a rior to other nations in the skill or our tne pina pruuuiu
v.n, .. in L. ..if .'Agar rnmn, are I Aipa't ann runnera. anu uur .we vtj
n hAin it win h npmK)rv to out shim, aeainst Germany's twenty-eight The allied fleets in the Dardanelles
every possible cent from cost of pro- would be simply knocked to pieces, need a commander who can "damn
duction and transportation in order We have not enough tramea men Dy me turycuu 6
to compete with other sections. All several thousand to man au our snips
Several Newspapers Excel Quality of
Book and MasjraElne Output.
(The following: excerpts are taken from
talk on "Militant Journalism: Its Mis
sion and Its Ideals," by William J. Black,
. of the editorial- staff of the Detroit
I speak now feebly to an audience
of three hundred. I speak tomorrow
through the instrument of print to
three thousand yes, to half a million,
readers of the printed page. A. news
paper that would lend me its multiple
columns to appeal to the cupidity, to
the hypocrisy, to the prejudices, to
the low passions and to the ignorance
of the public would be an agency for
evil worse than a hundred debased
pulpits or perverted forums.
The sole test of any newspaper pol
icy should be its humanity. Show me
a newspaper that feels the warm cur
rent of human life in its veins, cham
pioning ever the fundamental liberties
of the people as against extortion, po
litical fraud, industrial oppression.
vice,- knavery and the assumptions of
superior rights .by any class, and I
will show you a newspaper that can
not go very far wrong in its policies.
The rule of the people, the rights of
he common man to labor and to the
products of his labor, his right to jus
tice in the courts, his right to justice
In the prison, his right for an equal
opportunity, his right to a clean en
vironment, his right to a place in the
sun, and the rights of his posterity
here Is a simple policy for a news
paper. e , e
The vigorous newspaper must, how
ever, not be directed towards the weak
est intelligence. The notion that a
newspaper must be written down to the
level of the ignorant can only be enter
tained by an ignorant editor who is
delighted to discover some portion of
the public as ignorant as himself.
The great intelligent public doesn't
want to know about Julia Marlowe's
black hair, but it does want to know
what industrial baron rides abroad to
day on the earnings of what factory
slave to collect his rents from what de
cayed tenements that he may contrib
ute to what church plate, and espe
cially wants to know what steps are
being taken by the champions of the
people to circumvent his smug exploi
Many, who themselves could not
write a paragraph that would pass
muster, indict modern journalism for its
lack of literary merit. In the. editorial
pages of newspapers like the Chicago
Tribune, the New York Tribune, Times,
Sun and Evening- Post, the Louisville
Courier-Journal, the St. Louis- Post-
Dispatch, The Kansas City Star and the
Portland Oregonian one finds daily a
body of matter with full literary flavor,
courageous, sparkling, informing, con
cise, brilliant, a literature which In
point of style, intellectual merit and
vigor has the magazines and the book
output at a decided disadvantage.
Many writers who have fulled at
newspaper work have made good their
vapid illiteracies in the popular maga
zines, or have gushed forth among the
six best sellers, where literary merit
and originality of idea are less in de
U. S. Will Ultimately Need It for Ex
pansion of Our Population.
PORTLAND. March 7. (To the Kdi
tor.) Mexico has not had a stable
government since the Spanish arrived
in that country in 1521, unless the mil
itary rule of Diaz may be called stable.
Revolution and counter-revolution
nave been almost continuous. Condi
tions now existing in that country are
probably producing more actual sur
fering and distress than ever occurred
before, and the end is far from being
In sleht.
Growing out of the secession of
Texas in IS 36. and the subsequent
Mexican War of 1S46-47. this country
acquired from Mexico nearly 1.000,000
square miles of territory, covering all
of Texas part of Colorado, part of
Kansas, all of New Mexico, part of
Oklahoma, all of Arizona, all of Call
fornia, all of Nevada, Utah and part of
Wyoming, being more than one-half of
the - territory formerly belonging to
that country. All of said territory was
annexed except about 45,000 square
miles, purchased under the treaty ne-
arotiated by James Gadsden in 1&J.
The writer believes that the United
States must ultimately own all the ter
ritory between its present South boun
dary and the Panama Canal. In the
Interests of humanity the annexation
of Mexico by this country should be no
longer delayed. This should have been
done with the ending of the Mexican
Mexican War. and there were men then
in the American Congress who were
broad enough to advocate this action.
Take it over now and establish an ad
ministration thai? will insure perpetual
peace, encourage development in all
lines of industry and fix a tenure of
land holdings so that the common peo
ple will be insured proper homes.
The men who formed this Govern
ment in 1776 were big enough to fore
see its rapid development and hence to
lay a deep and broad foundation wnicn
they hoped would long endure with
little change. From that time to this
th novernmcnt as a rule has been ad
ministered by men large enough to
continue the original plans. Along this
linn was developed the policy of expan
sion advocated by the Republican
nartv an,t develoDinr its greatest en-
the administration of
President 'Harrispn. who hoisted the
American flag in the Sandwich Islands.
Thereafter came President McKinley,
whose administration demolished Span
ish tyranny in the West Indies and the
Philippines and began a system of
educational development in the Phil
ippines which would eventually make
those islands American. But the Dem
ocratic party, feeling that it must al
ways go counter to things advocated
by the Republican party, hauled down
the flag in the Sandwich Islands un
der President Cleveland, and is now
undertaking to abandon the Philip
On the next Fourth of July this Gov
ernment will be 13 years oiu. a
nin.i in the life of a nation. Let us
look forward to the year 2054. which
will add another 139 years to our Na
tional aire. At that time we will prob
ably have a population of from 300.000.-
000 to 500,000,000 ana our
and industries will dominate the
world: and the great city of the world
will be upon the Pacific Coast of the
Ktates. We will be like
Ul CSCUb 1., . 1 1 . . i. . , .
one tremendous hive of bees, and the
swarming process will be necessary
many times. Where will our P'oPje
EO' The natural movement will he
south and we will need all of Mexico,
the Philippines, and probably then
v.- smith of the Panama
Canal. Before that time all of Canada
will be part of the unueo ftai, v.
solidation coming naturally
reciprocity and community of inter-
Half a Century Ago
and we have no naval reserve. We Old Boreas nas pressing worn eise
are miserably deficient in cruisers, I where, which accounts for this glorl-
gun-boats and aircraft and in very I ous weather in March
necessary auxiliary.
We need, above all things, a naval Nature seems to have cnosen wampa
of the improvements we have enum
erated the Interstate bridge, paved
roads, the open river, the deep ship
channel and modern docks -contribute
tn thia end Thev heln lumber
men to meet the competition of policy to which Congress will adhere for the Spring opening in the Gem
Canadian and Southern rivals in continuously without regard to the state
Atlantic Coast and foreign markets, mutations Of politics. Congress
and they add to the net price farm- should decide on the general lines Idaho solons must stop the clock
ers obtain for grain. The interstate of a foreign policy and then follow this morning if anything is to be done.
bridge in particular will swell the sup- I the advice of military and naval ex
plv of farm, fruit and dalrv produce I perts as to what force is necessary
which will pour into Portland mar-1 to uphold mat poucj.
is necessary The skids are being greased under
That is what Warden Lawson.
The newspaper has been inflicted be
cause it feeds the minds of the young
with knowledge of crime and stimu
lates wrongdoing. This notion does
not even attain the dignity of a popu
lar fallacy. Scientific inquiry has
shown that not a single case of Juve
nile crime has been traced to the read
ing of newspapers. Criminals do not
habitually read newspapers; if they
did they would learn something to their
advantage. For there the criminal is
nearly always found In a bad plight.
The Juvenile offender finds newspaper
readine: a stupid pore. A course in
newspaper reading would be the very
best cure for juvenile crime, for in its
columns the youth will find his coun
terpart hunted and haunted.
Old Style and JTrw Style Calendar.
MILWAUKIE, Or., March 6. (To the
Editor.) Since we are told George
Washington was born February 11. 1732
Cold stvle). some or us wouia nite to
know the year the old style changed
to the new. And also, lr under the old
style the calendar was the Julian calen
dar and under the new style the Gre
gorian calendar, and is that the same
as today? Did the change make 11 days'
difference in time, for we now claim
Washington's birthday February 22?
KNOWLblXiU S.tiK.H,ltS.
The Gregorian or new style calendar
was promulgated by Pope Gregory XIII
in 1582, but was not adopted by Great
Britain and the American colonies until
1752. By act of Parliament 11 days of
the calendar were then suppressed. The
old style calendar is known as the
Julian calendar. More extended infor
mation may be obtained from any un
abridged dictionary or any encyclopedia.
t I'.nnv Crosby Author of Appeal
In Behalf Aited Psitorn.
u-annv Prnshv. the blind poet an
writer who recently oiea wrui
o om -neclallv for the retired mln
isters,. and in senaing mo .iiauu....
t rav .inae.nh B. Hingeley, secretary
of the board of conierence ci.hiii
.he wrnte the lOllOWing imei cm...
r vaii win allow me to nun
timtA o nnem for the song 1 promised
you. It seemea to me, i.
rnmnns the words or a song, mat
could better present a plea in a poem
h. rciri than in a song. I have
the name and enclose It.
Could I voice my inmost inousuis m
t am aure the appeal wuu.u
....,, evev member of the church. I
-. . . ,ua. whnt 1 have written will
touch many."
The following is the poem:
(An Appeal to the Member, of tha Metho
dlst Episcopal Ohtirch In Behalf of .im
Superannuated Ministers.
There is a work of love and duty
That devolves upon us all.
There is a tender, pleading message.
And its tones like music fall:
Help our weary veteran preachers,
scatter rosea o'er their way;
Rally round them, hasten quickly
Not tomorrow, but today.
cwm th well of deen affection
Now their hearts with gladness fill
Do not wait their names to honor,
Till the pulse of life is still.
Break the box of alabaster,
Pnnr Its oil upon them now.
Make their dwelling bright and happy
Wreathe in smiles each furrowed brow
They have borne the royal standard.
Of our Master and our Lord,
From the time of early manhood
They have preached His Holy Word,
But their strength has lost its vigor.
And their cheek its youthful glow
For the frost of age has touched them
And their locks are wnue as snuw,
From The Oreaonlan March S, 1M'.V
On Saturday lust at noon u salute of
100 kuiis was fired at Fort Vancouver
In celebration of the recent great vic
tories of our arms and In coinint-niora-tlon
of another anniversary of tho In
auguration of tile chief officer of out
Republic. It has been previously i.n
nounced that there would be a meet
ing of the tfanltury Society embracing
the officers of tho garrison, their lurife-H
and the citizens of Vancouver. It hml
also been announced that General
Alvord, Rev. Mr. Mines and Hon.
Wyche would address the people, n
the occasion and at an hour the
Methodist Episcopal Church was
crowded. At the rlose of tho meMInc
collection of 1132 in leg..! t. n1. r
was collected.
Victoria Tho election is over: th
Colonist Is Jubilant: the Chronicle I"
not. Free trade was voted down nnrl
protection in thn persons of ' Messrs.
De Cosmos and McClure, the success
ful candidates, was dcclured by a large
The day for receiving proposals for
the erection of thu new Courthouse,
expires today. We understand there
are a number of bids In.
The Library of this city has been
presented with a very lnterestlnT relic
in the shape of a Boston Gazette of
Alurch 12. 1770. The paper rontalns
an account of the collision between the
soldiery und the "townsfolk" on March
1770, which Is believed by many to
have been the beginning of the revo
lutionary movement.
The fourth annual ball of the Port
land Hibernian Henevolettt Horlrty will
be held March 17 at Turn Vereln Hall.
The committee on arrangement con
sists of: A. M. Sharkey, T. Hoaera, .1.
Ward. M. Gleason, M. O'Connor, F.
Gatet.s, 11. F. O'Kcllly and 1'. B. Slnnott.
We have had the lileasura of a rail
from Hon. Samuel toll, who returned
from California by the last steamer.
Mr. Colt goes soon to Baker Counly to
prosecute his mining operations In the
Humboldt Basin.
In response to a request and peti
tion signed by a larne number of
Union voters of Clarke County, Wash
ington Territory, Hon. Leander Holmes
has assented to allow his name to be
used as a candidate for Deli gate to
Congress, subject to the Union nom
inating convention to bo held at Cla-
quato, April 4.
Company B, known as the WaKhlns-
ton Guards, of this city, have elected
he following- officers: Captain,
"harles S. Mills: First Lieutenant.
William Young; Second Lieutenant.
T. B. Borst: Sergeants, V . O. Mackav.
C. C. Phillips. L. C. Henrlchkson. H.
Cooke, W. T. Patterson; Corporals.
ames Bothwell. Richard Henschuch.
'. T. Minor. E. F. Albright. The civil
officers chosen are: E. F. Albrlnht.
secretary, and Frank Dckum. treasurer.
nr,tliman nn thft walls of Zion
Though their feet no more will stand,
Fropi the top of Pjsgan s mountain
Faith beholds the promised land.
Soon triumphant like ar army
Marching through tne realms aoovo.
They will shout the grand old story,
Robed in white and crownea witn tove.
Fanny Crosby.
Sarcastic Contributor Saya saa-e oi
Lebanon Is Tamlnc; Down.
PORTLAND. March 7. (To the Edi
tor.) We note that in an Interview
with Hon. Milt Miller which The Ore
gonian published he pronounces Wil
son "the greatest President since Lin
coln." Why does he except Lincoln?
This is not high praise, for while Lin
coln was active the Democratic party
could find no language sufficiently
strong to express its hatred and con
tempt for him.
He also tells us that we have had
more constructive legislation during
the two years since Wilson Became
President than had taken place In the
United States Jrom the Civil War
down to his time." Why does he stop
at the Civil War? Why not go clear
back to 1776? Time was when our
friend Milt could be depended on
really to say something good and
strong In commendation ot tne peer
less" Bryan and the Democratic party.
His laudation of Wilson Is tame in
In view of the tact mat tne wnson
Administration is keeping him in a
good, comfortable Job while it is fir
ing our poorly paid postmen to sup
plement the war tax ana to mane up
for some of the Underwood tariff law
deficiency it is hard to account for his
ultra-conservative commendation of
Administration. INQUIRER.
On Monday evening the quartern f
Captain Hopkins at Fort Vancouver
was destroyed by fire, the second time
within tho last f ew.jnontlia.
In his second inaugural address,
which has Just been received by tele
graph. Tresldent Lincoln touched
pointedly upon the war situation. Some
of his striking sentences. In his re
markably brief address, are:
"Neither party expected for the war
tho magnitude or duration which It has
already attained. . . . Both read
the same Bible and pray to the same
Uod; each Invokes his aid against the
other. It may seem stranee that any
man should dare to claim the lust
rirt.fa nuclntnnce lii wrltic-lliir their
J bread from the sweat of the other
men s faces, out let us junks iiui mm
we mav not be Judced. The prayer of
both could not be answered and neither
has been answered fully. The Al
mighty has his own purpose. Woe to
the world because of offense, but It
must needs be thMt offenses must eonie,
but woe to that man by whom offenso
"I shall suppose that American slav
ery is one of the offenses. . . . He
levies war as a woo due to those by
whom the offense came.
"As God gives us to see tho rlRht
let us strive to finish the work wt
are In; bind up the material and care
for him who shall have borne the bat
tle and for his widow nnd his orphan
and do all that we may bo able to
achieve and cherish a Just and a Inst
ing peare among ourselves and with
all nations." '
Representatives la Congreaa.
TURNER. Or., March . (To the Edi
tor ) (1) Who are tne --
from this state and from which district
Is each? .
L2 What counties are inciirara
each Congressional district?
m Hv whom anu now was t.-s....
divided In these districts?
(4) If they are not too lonu, .. .-;
print in full the 16th and 17th amend
ments to the United States Constltu-
S. E.
(1) First district. W. C. Hawley ;
second, N. J. Slnnott; third. C N. He-
Arthur. ,
(2) First district, all of Western
Oregon except Multnoman; aeeono. an
of Eastern Oregon; third. Multnomah
(3) By the Legislature by enact
ment of law In 1911.
(1) The lfith amendment authorizes
Congress to lay and collect Income taxes
without state apportionment or regara
to census.
The 17th amendment provide for
election of IT. S. Senator by direct vote
of the people.
KnlRhta of Colomhna.
HUBBARD. Or.. March (To the
Editor.) Please state In The Dally
Oregonian th nature, ohject ani
purpose of tho order or it.iifnts oi
Columbus, and Is any good moral citi
zen ellgime IO mein.er3iiiJ.
hen what qualifications are re
quired? A. 1-. iuur.K.
Address your inquiry to Joseph
Jacobbergcr, Knights or t-oiumoun
Clubhouse, Park and Taylor st'reoti.
Yea, ia Doth Questions.
PORTLAND March 7. (To the Kdl-
or.) 1. In a game of pinochle dia
monds are trumps. I have melded
kings and then draw the other king
and the two queens of diamonds. Caji
then meld double royal mamas.
which counts S00 points?
2. I have melded 0 queens ami men
raw the other queen of spadri and
he two jacks or tiiamonoa. tin i
meld double pinochle, wnicn. count
300 points? W. 11-
Housekeeping; and a Flat.
Baltimore American.
"My dear, what do you think of giv
ing up housekeeping and taking a flat?"
"I think it a suite idea."
War Cannot
Destroy Fashion
Half of France may be In arms,
but wonderful, fascinating Paris Is
still creating styles.
Her artists have already deter
mined the modes for Spring and tha
stores are spreading the message to
American women.
The new gowns, the new mil
linery, the new lingerie, lu on show.
The advertising In The Oregonian
is telling the story day by day.
It Is an education In "what's
what" to read the newspaper adver
tising In this before-Easier season.