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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
A THE srcmXTKG ORtfOOXTAK. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915. CELILO FESTIVITIES TENTATIVELY LAID Celebration Will Last Entire Week, Including Cities on Main Rivers. . CANAL OPENING DUE MAY 5 .Main Feature Is Water Parade From I.Cttiston to Astoria, 'Willi Stops at All Principal Towns Dis tinguished Guests Due. The celebration committee In charge of th observance of the opening of the Celilo Canal in the first week of Mar has completed a tentative pro gramme for the celebration, which will extend through a full week and In clude all of the principal cities of the Columbia and Snake River basin. A formal Invitation has been Issued to officials of the United States Gov ernment and representatives of the various states of the Union and cities of the Northwest and replies coming to the headquarters in Portland indi cate that the attendance will be of wide representation. OpenlaK to Be la l.tnlto. Following is the tentative pro gramme of celebration features Issued by the committee: Lewiston. Idaho, May 8. Historical parade at 10 A. M.. showing the de velopment of the fctate of Idaho and the J-nake River country; addresses at 2 P. M-; automobile trips to orchards and other sections at 4 P. M.; river maneuvers and fireworks at 3 P. il.; treet dancing at S P. M. Following: the Lewiston celebration, a fleet of river steamers, under com mand of "Admiral" Gray, president of the Columbia and Snalie River Water ways Association, will start on a voy age to the mouth of the river, partici pating in celebrations at all points. Fasco and Ki-nnewick, Wash, May j 4. 10 A. M., monster paraue. par ticipated in by all the towns of the Upper Columbia, the Yakima Valley, the Bis Bend and countries; 11 A. JI.. addresses of welcome, etc.. by Uovernor Lister, or some other official, and others representing the state's commercial organizations; 11 :3V. spec-t.o-ular illustration of the slogan. -Where Rail Meets Pail": 12 M.. alle gorical weddinir symbolizing the union f the Columbia and Snake rivers; Ji:30 r. M.. barbecue and basket din ner; 1:30 1 M.. departure of flotilla. Gm1 Roads Meet &ehedmle. Wallula. Wash., May 4. The citi ren of Walla Walla. Dayton, Waits bur?. Miltun. Freewater. Dixie and other points will centralize at Wallula at 14 A. M-. at which hour a rousing KO"d roads meeini; will be held, with addresses by good roads experts and nthusiasts of the state. At 1! o'clock there will be an old-fashioned picnic dinner with barbecue features; 2 P. M., on arrival of down-river fleet, throw Ins of first gangplank of the fleet by four survivors of Colonel Steptoe'a command. United States Dragoons; ad dress by Professor Lyman, of Blalock Memorial; speeches, songs, band mu sic, land and marine sports, etc. Spe cial honors to the memories of Dr. D. P Baker and Dr. N. G. Blalock. of Walla Walla, pioneer open-river advo cates. ber of Commerce, assisted by Portland I Commercial Club and other business and civic organizations; speaking by Drominent visitors: fireworks on the waterfront. The Mayor of Fortiano. will be asked to declare a half holiday the afternoon of May ti. Kalama, Wash.. May 7. The down river fleet will arrive at Kalama wa terfront about 10 A. M. Reception of visitors by citizens of Kalama. assisted by repreesntattves of the Cowlitz River Vallevr short nrosrramnie. including r.," m Concluding Article, nallze the Cowlitz River in its relation APOLOGY IS DUE AMERICA" WELLS to the Columbia. Towns on the Oregon side, such as St. Helens. Goble and Rai nier, etc.. will be invited to participate with Washington towns at Kalama in the celebration features. Luncheon will be served at 12, after which the fleet will depart for Astoria. Finish Set for Astoria. Astoria, Or- May 7 and S. On ar rival at Astoria harbor, the fleet will be met by local boats and escorted to the landing. Escort of visitors to hotel for supper. 7:30 P. M., first session of the sixth annual convention of the Columbia and Snake River Wa terways Association. May 8 Auto trip for delegates and visitors, starting I from hotel, seeing the city park, wa terfront. Port of Astoria docks. Great Northern and Northern Pacific termi nals at Flavel, Fort Stevens, and re turn to Astoria for lunch. 2 P. M., ex cursion on lighthouse tender to the mouth of the river, lightship, north Jetty and return to Astoria in time for dinner. 7:30 P. M.. final business meet ing of the Columbia and Snake River Waterways Association. All who can remain until Sunday May 9. will be guests of Astorlans on an auto excursion to Cannon Beach, with lunch at Warren's Hotel, stopping at Elk Creek and Seaside on return trip and at Gearhart for dinner. Shows How Peace World Can Be Made. of WORLD ALLIANCE NEEDED English Author Says War lias Pro gressed Sufficiently to Prove 2S'o Possibility for Overwhelming Victory for Germany. JUDGE HUNT IS CHOSEN KV HAVE CASES TO BE HEARD BY YAXB MAN, ' Former Governor of Porto Rico Named After William Rockefeller Pleads Not Guilty to Charge. NEW TORK, March 7 The crim inal case against the 21 present or former officers and directors of the New York. New Haven & Hartford Railroad, who have been Indicted un der the Sherman law. will bo tried by Judge William IL Hunt, of the United States Circuit Court. This announce ment was made after counsel for Will- lam Rockefeller, the last of the de fendants to plead to the superseding indictment. returned last J-rmay, asked that a tentative plea of not guilty be entered. Judge Neterer, be fore whom the Dlea was entered, an nounced that Judge Hunt had been as signed to try the case by Judge La combe, senior United States Circuit Umatilla. Or.. May 4. An all-Uma tilla County celebration will begin at 1 P. M. by reception for special train and autc parties; inspection of Government reclamation projects, dams and canals; display of historical relics, with addresses by pioneers; visiting 1'ioneer landmarks: road and transpor tation exhibits and features by towns of the county; county school exercises. On arrival of down-river fleet there will be a concert and short programme on the beach; historical tableaux; illu minated marine pageant; fireworks and general entertainment; illumina tion of city and waterfront. Mile Trips Arranged. Maryhill. Wash., May 5. Assem bly of Central Washington, Cen tral Oregon. Pacific and Columbia highway officials and enthusiasts on arrival of downriver fleet at a A. M.; automobile trip to Goldendale and Klickitat Valley over the famous high way built by Samuel Hill, president Pa cific Highway Association, in automo biles provided by courtesy of citizens of Goldendale and Klickitat County; re turning to Maryhill and transferring across the Columbia on ferryboat Gov ernor West to Biggs, Or., thence by automobile to Wasco, Or., over Central Oregon highway. -Visitors desiring to do so can continue in automobiles from .Wasco to Big Eddy. Or. Big Eddy, Or., May 5. Formal open ing of The Dalles-Celilo Canal at 2 1'. M.. under direction of United States Government Engineers, representatives tf United States Government, state of ficials of Northwestern states and other organizations. Speeches by Federal of ficials. Governors of states and promi nent visitors: historical address by T.aC. Elliott, or Walla Walla, Wash. Great assembly of river craft in canal basin. Music by combined bands of the expe dition. Prior to opening exercises visitors will have opportunity to in spect the canal. Big Programme at The Dalles. The Dalles. Or.. May 5. In the morn ing assembly of Lower Columbia and Willamette rivers fleet at The Dalies waterfront; reception for special train, automobile parties and other visttois from all points: auto trips to fruit dis tricts; historical and industrial parade: motorboat races and other water sports: 12 M., luncheon; 1 P. M.. depar ture of boats, trains and conveyances to Big Eddy to participate In formal canal opening exercises. Following the programme at Big Eddy the uprlver fleet and all visitors will assemble at The Dalles, where they will be greeted by blowing of whistles by all locomo tives in railway yards, steamboats on waterfront. The Dalles industries, etc.; parade of marching clubs, visitors and citizens. At night a public reception will be given to prominent visitors by The Dalles celebration committee. Il lumination of the city and waterfront Fireworks. Vancouver, Wash., May t. Arrival of combined river fleet at 10 A. M. Salute from guns of Department of the Colum bia, United States Army; reception of excursionists, and street parade, par ticipated in by citizens of Clarke Coun ty, the Lewis River district, the sol diers of Vancouver Barracks and oth ers: outdoor luncheon with music and speeches at City Park: salute in honor of the departure of the fleet for Port land. Psrtlaad Hold Keceptlom. Portland. May t. Arrival of fleet in Portland harbor 2:30 P. M. Salute by vessels in the harbor and industries of Portland: blowing of whistles, ringing of bells and firing of cannon; reception at tfte Portland waterfront: escort of visitors and street parade with com Itiercial bodies, fraternal and public or ganization, marching clubs, school children and bands participating: spe cial decoration and illumination of the city and waterfront. Evening, recep tion in honor of visitors from all points under auspices Portland Cham- Judge. , . Juucre ITunt was born in New Or leans. He entered Yaio in the class of 1878. but ill health prevented his irrp rtimt ion. He has served as Attor ney-Cenerat for the Territory of Mon- This is a thing as little for the good tana; a delegate to the constitutional I of the saner German people as it is for BT H. O. WELLS. (Copyright. 1915, by fhe New York Times company. Copyrighted in Great Britain and Iretana.; CONCLUDING ARTICLE. IV EN a permanent world congress I developed out of the congress of settlement between the belliger ents, a world alliance, with as a last resort a call upon the forces of the associated powers, for dealing with re calcitrants, then a great number of pos sibilities open out to humanity that must otherwise remain inaccessible. But before we go on to consider these It may be wise to point out how much more likely a world congress is to ef fect a satisfactory settlement at the end of this war than a congress con fined to the belligerents. The war has progressed sufficiently to convince every one that there is now" no possibility of an overwhelming vic tory for Germany. It must end In . a more or less complete defeat of th German and Turkish alliance, and in a considerable readjustment of Austrian and Turkish boundaries. Assisted by the generosity of the doomed Austrians and Turks, the Ger mans are fighting now to secure a voice as large as possible in the final settlement, and it is conceivable that in ine end that settlement may be made quite an attractive one for Germany proper by the crowning sacrifice of sui cide on the part of her two subordtn ated allies. 1 Russia to Gain Sen, There can be little doubt that Russi will gain the enormous advantage of free opening into the Mediterranea and that the battle of the Marne turned the fortunes of France from disaster to expansion. But the rest of the settle ment is still vague and uncertain, and uerman imperialism, at least, is al ready working hard and intelligently for a favorable situation at the climax, a situation that will enable this mill tarist empire to emerge still strong, stiu capable 01 recuperation and of renewal at no very remote date of th struggle for European predominance, convention which in 1884 framed tne constitution of the state: a member of th I.ea-islature: a District Judge and a Justice of the Supreme Court of M nntana. Soon after the war with Spain he became Secretary to Torto Rico, and In 1901 was made Governor of Porto Rico. In 1904 he was appointed United States Judge for the District of Mon tana and subsequently was made a member of the United States Court of Customs Appeals. In 1910 he was made an additional United States Circuit Judge and was designated by President Taft to serve three years as one of the Judges of the then newly-created but now de funct Interstate Commerce Court. GERMANS REGRET ERROR HOSPITAL SHIP, ITNILLUMINATED, MISTAKEN FOR TRANSPORT. Expression of Sorrow Gives Out by Ambassador Attack Gives Ip Wheat Truth la Learned. WASHINGTON, March 7. The Gerr man embassy issued tonight the fol lowing in explanation of the recent at tack on the British hospital ship As-turlas: Government sorry to admit British hospital ship Astunas was attacked on February 1. 5:05 P. M.. coming up in twilight carrying lights as prescribed for ordinary steamers, the ship was taken for transport conveying troops. Distinctive marks showing character of ship not being Illuminated were only recognized after a shot had been urea Fortunately the torpedo failed to ex plode. The moment the ship was rec ognized as a hospital ship every at tempt at further attack immediately was aiven up" The statement, signed by the Am bassador, Count Bernstorff, and in quo tation marks as shown, has the ap pearance of a cablegram which had not been filled out on translation from code. No comment on the statement was obtainable. The Asturias was about 15 miles northeast of Havre, France, when she was attacked on February 1. Press re ports said her commander observed the torpedo fired by a submarine and suc ceeded in evading it. OFFICIALS HAVE TO PAY Lien Collections to Hit Them First, City Attorney Tells Them. OREGON CITY, March 7. (Special.) The South Fork Water Commission was clothed with authority last night, when the Council went through the formality of canvassing the vote of Wednesday and declared the amend ment to the city charter, authorizing the $375,000 bond issue to build the 25. mile steel line, passed. The commis sion will meet Tuesday and organize. The Council instructed City Attorney Schuebel to take steps at once to col lect unpaid liens under the Bancroft act amounting to about $20,000. I want to tell you that some of you city officials will be the first to suffer by your own action, for on the lists I have, I have found the names of several." said Mr. Schuebel when the action had been taken without a dis senting vote. BRITAIN'S TRADE SHRINKS Imports for February Increase but Exports Show Heavy Decrease. LONDON. March 7. The figures of the Board of Trade for February show that during this month Great Britain's Imports increased 818,075,000, while ex ports decreased $75,425,000. The principal increase In imports was in food, amounting to $35,000,000. This was offset by a decrease in the importa tion of manufactured articles of $17, 500.000. In exports, the decrease was mainly In manufactured articles and of this $17,500,000 was in cotton textiles. the rest of the world, but It is the only way In which militant imperialism can survive at all. The alternative of an imperialism shorn of the glamour of aggression, be coming constitutional and democratic the alternative, that is to say. of great liberal Germany is one that will be as distasteful almost to the people who control the destinies of Germany today, and who will speak and act fo Germany in the final settlement, as complete submission to a Serbian con queror would be. At the final conference of settlemen Germany will not be really represented t ali. The Prussian militarist empire will still be In existence, and It will sit at the council, working primarily for its own survival. Unless the allie insist upon the presence of represents tives of Saxony, Bavaria and so forth, and demand the evidence of popular sanctions a thing they are very un likely to demand that is what "Ger many" will signify at the conference. And what is true of Germany will be true, more of less, of several other of the allied powers. Peep at Conference Taken. A conference confined purely to the belligerents will be, in fact, a confer ence not even representative of the belligerents. And it will be tainted with all the traditional policies, ag gressions, suspicions and subterfuges that led up to the war. It will not be the end of the old game, but the read justment of the old game, the old game which is such an abominable nuisance to the development of modern civiliza tion. The idealism of the great alliance will certainly be subjected to enormous strains, and the whole energy of the Central European diplomatists will be directed to developing and utilizing these stresses. This, I think, must be manifest even to the foreign offices most concerned. They must see already ahead of them a terrible puzzle of arrangement, a puz zle their own bad traditions will cer tainly never permit them to solve. "God save us," they may very well pray, "from our own cleverness and sharp dealing," and they may even welcome the promise of an enlarged outlook that the entry of the neutral powers would bring with It. Every foreign office has its ugly, evil elements, and probably every for eign office dreads those elements. There are certainly Russians fools who dream about India, German fools who dream about Canada and South America. Brit tsh fools who dream about Africa and the East: aggressionlsts in the blood. people who can no more let nations live in peace than kleptomaniacs can keep their hands in their own pockets. But quite conceivably there are honest monarchs and sane foreign ministers very ready to snatch at the chance of swamping the evil in their own Chan cellories. It is just here that the value of neu tral participation will come Jn. What ever ambitions the neutral powers may have of their own. It may be said gen erally that they are keenly interested In preventing the settlement from de genrating into a deal in points of van tage for any further aggressions In any direction. Both the United States of America and China are trattonaily and incurably pacific powers, professing and practic ing an unaggressive policy, and the chief outstanding minor states are equally concerned in securing & settle ment that shall settle. And, moreover, so wide reaching now are all International agreements that they have not only a claim to intervene juridically, but they have the much more pressing claim to participate on the ground that no sort of readjust ment of Europe, Western Asia and Af rica can leave their own future unaf fected. They are wanted not only in the interests of the belligerent peoples, but for their own sakes and the welfare of the world all together. Now a world conference, once it is assembled, can take up certain ques tions that no partial treatment can ever hope to meet. The first of the ques tions is disarmament. No one who has watched the politics of the last 40 years can doubt the very great snare the business and finance of armament man ufacture has played in bringing about the present horrible killing, and no one who has read accounts of the fighting can doubt how much this industry has enhanced the torment, cruelty and mon strosity of war. The increased dreadfulness of war due to modern weapons is, however, only one consequence of their develop ment. Modern war is entirely dependent .upon equipment of the most costly and elaborate sort. A general agreement to reduce that equipment would not only greatly minimize the evil of any war that did break out, but it would go a long way toward the abolition of war. Tine to Offer Apologies." There has been much in America, much said and much done, sinoe the war broke out that has surprised the world. - I may confess for myself, and I believe that I shall speak for many other Europeans in this matter, that what we feared most in the United States was levity. We expected more excitement, violent fluctuations of opin ion, a confused irresponsibility, and possibly mischievous and disastrous in terventions. It is no good hiding an open secret. We judged America by the peace headline. It is time we be gan to offer our apologies to America and democracy. The result of reading j endless various American newspapers, and articles, of following the actions of the American Government, of talking to representative Americans, is to real ize the existence of a very clear, strong national mentality, a firm, self-con trolled, collective will, far more consid erable in its totality than the world has ever seen before. We thought the United States would be sentimentally patriotic and irrespon sible, that they would behave as though the New World was, indeed, a separate planet, and as though they had neither duties nor brotherhood in Europe. It is quite clear, on the con trary, that the people of the United States consider this war as their affair also, and that they have the keenest sense cf their responsibility for the general welfare of mankind. So that as a second chance, after the possibility of a broad handling of the settlement by the Czar, and as a very much bigger probability, is the insist ence by America upon her right to a voice in the ultimate settlement and an Initiative from the Western Hemisphere that will lead to a world congress. There are the two most hopeful sources of that great proposal. It is the tradi tion of British national conduct to be commonDlace to the pitch of dullness, and all the stifled Intelligence of Great Britain will beat in vain against the national passion for the ordinary. Brit ain, in the guise of Sir Edward iirey, will come to the congress like a lam ily solicitor among the Gods. What is the good of shamming about this least heroic of Fatherlands? But Britain would follow a lead: the family solici tor is honest and well-meaning. -France and Belgium and Italy are too deeply in the affair, or without sufficient moral prestige, for a revolutionary initiative in international relationship. There is, however, a possible third source from which the proposal for a world conerress might come, with the suDOort of both neutrals and belliger ents. and that is The Hague. Were there a man of force and genius at The Hacue now. a man speaking with au thority and not as the scribes, he might thrust enormous benefits upon me world. It is from these three sources that I most hope for leading now. Of the new Pope and his influence I know nothing. But in the present situation of the world's affairs it behooves us 111 to wait idle until leaders clear the way for us. Every man wno realizes the broad conditions of the situation, everyone who can talk or write or ecno, can do his utmost to spread his realiza iun nf th nnaflihilities of a world con gress and the estabfishment of world law and world peace that lie behind the monstrous agonies and cruelties and confusions of this catastrepnic year. Given an immense body of opinion in itiatives may break out effectively any where; failing it, they will be fruitless everywhere. 1- v 0 9 " 01 Double Stamps All Day Today C. V. GALLOWAY STAYS IN Board Agrees on Reappointment of Tax Commissioner. SALEM, Or., March 7. (Special.) That Charles V. Galloway will be' re appointed tax commissioner at the next meeting of the commission is as sured by the agreement on his reten tion by all members of the board hav ing the appointment power. The board la composed of the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer and two appointive members, who do the actual work of the department. Under the law the two appointive members must be of different political affiliation. Mr Gal loway is a Democrat, and J. is. Eaton, his associate, is a Republican. The State Tax Commission was cre ated in 1909, and Mr. Galloway has served upon It since that time. Mr. Eaton's term does not expire ior two vears. The salaries of the appointive commissioners are $2400 a year each. SUBMARINESCARE ABATES Passenger Boats From England to Holland to Extend Service. LONDON. March 7. A dispatch to Reuter's Teiegram Company from Flushing, Holland, says an easier feel ing with regard to the German sub marine blockade is indicated by the announcement that beginning March 9 passenger service to England by tne ners of the Zealand company win oe considerably extended. At present the British authorities permit only 200 pas sengers to leave England dally. The rush of passengers in flushing bound for England Is enormous, nou- sands are awaiting accommodations. All available cabins have been booked up to March 17. le If f YouH really enjoy a "Wood-Lark" Lunch. Try it today. Take a dish of Real Ceylon Tea. Our Tea Room is open all day, 8 A. M. till 9 P.M. NEW BATHING CAPS Fetching Styles, Pure Rubber. Every one a beauty. NEW "VALLANT" ANTISEPTIC SKIN SOAP Best for toilet, nursery and bath. 3 cakes for 25c CUT GLASS BOWLS Val ues up to $7.00 Special to close $3.50 "DY-IT" will col or your straw hat any shade. Ready to use 25c 'MAKE UP" We have 'Wamerson" Cele brated Specialties. Also Stein, Hess, May er, Leishner. Take a cup of G. WASHINGTON COFFEE. Free demonstration. No headache; no lic avake. You'll not be urged to buy. MONDAY SPECIALS $1.00 Fitch Hair Tonic 85c 50c Phillips Milk Magnesia .40c $1.00 Lane's Liver and Kidney Regulator 85c $1.00 Zemo Eczema Remedy 85c 50c Canthrox Shampoo 39c 50c Cooper's Bitterless Cascara 40c V4 off on all Umbrellas this week. Spring and Flies will soon be at hand, and kitchen scraps should be kept un der cover. Our "Justrite" receptacles are designed fflr this purpose. Simple, sani tary, Kane $1.35 $1.50 $1.75 "THERMOS" Bottles, have been reduced in price. A new stock is here. Get one now. Thermos bottles make for health. Don't let your good man or the children go on cold lunches. M .f .-t -II T ' ,j l I 1 '!'! f; iW If PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST For March Closes March 31. First Prize $7.50 cash Second Prize $5.00 cah Third Prize $2.50 cash Also additional prizes of certificates of merit. Bring in your best picture regard less of class or subject. Open to all ama teurs except those who have already taken prizes in competitions. Full instructions given in our Photographic Bulletin. Ask for one at the Thoto Dept. Wbodard, Clarke & Co, Alder at West Park LIGHT BABY BORN Mrs. Merle Heard Finds Period of Unconsciousness. ORDEAL WITHOUT SHOCK Woman and Little Daughter Happy . Two Days Alter Great Event and Doctor Says Tliat Case Was Extremely Obstinate. Margaret Gail. 2-day-old daughter ot Mrs. Merle Heard, stretched out her chubby clutching fists luxuriously after her batn early last night In the way that babies have and snuggled contentedly down to sleep In her bas ket, as good-natured a child as one would see in many a day. Perhaps she was the more contented because in giving her life her mother did not face death by slow torture; for Margaret Gail is a "twilight sleep" baby. SHe first saw the light of day in the home of Mrs. TV. E. Buckley.. 676 East Ankeny street, on Thursday. Her mother, too, was in a contented mood last night and talked of her great adventure into the land of dreams when her baby came. She not only did not suffer patn, she said, but she did not know anything of what happened. Mother Long Unconscious. "From midnight Wednesday until late afternoon of the following day, for almost 15 hours, she was mercifully unconscious. Yet the case was one of the most obstinate that has come to the professional attention of Mrs. Buckley, a trained nurse of experi ence. The physician, a well-known woman doctor of the city, said: "The case is interesting because labor was difficult and on that account I regard it as an especially good test of the treatment. Mrs. Heard suf fered no shock,' showing the absence of pain, and there was no exhaustion afterward, as is usual in cases of this kind, where the "twilight sleep" method is not used. "f ler chart shows a temperature rang ing from SS to 98.4 and a pulse of from 80 to 88 throughout the whole case. The injection of scopolamin and nar cotine, used in twilight sleep' cases, began at midnight Wednesday and a lesser quantity than is ordinarily recommended was administered. An ordinary anaesthetic usually follows.' "I don't remember anything about it," said Mrs. Heard. "The last I remember was about midnight Wednesday and 1 didn't wake up until almost 4-o'clock Thursday." yhe said she felt well and her ap pearance bore out her statement. Mrs. Heard lives at East Plxth and tavi Why Am I Offered This "Ground Floor" Opportunity Instead of the Wealthy Capitalist? This question has been asked our representatives. There are many reasons why it is better to have many small investors instead of a few very large. We might say here, however, that a few wealthy men are shareholders with us. Also that there has never been any promotion stock issued. Every share subscribed has been or is being paid for. The capitalist has opportunity thrust upon him. He is offered splendid propositions without number. Un fortunately many times he is presented with stock in enter prices 6imply to secure his name upon the books. Just the fact that he has money brings him money. That it takes money to make money is the fundamental back of The Oregon Home Builders. But it is far more satisfac tory to- have a large number of shareholders than a few who could control and manipulate stock. The greatest organizations and the greatest successes in the world have been built upon this basis. Some institutions have tens of thousands shareholders. 10,000 shares is all one per son can own in this enterprise. That is only $2600 (at present price.) It protects the small investor. This elim ination of the control feature is not pleasing to capitalist. It makes him share both earnings and power with small investor. It is'nt that that The Oregon Home Build ers does not offer a safe investment and good return that keeps the capitalist from crowding in. It is that he can use his own money (and yours if you will loan it at small interest) and earn original profits without letting you in. It takes volume, and by investing with us your money has as large earning power as the largest capitalist. In vestigate our Home Building, architectural plan, and other profit sources. THE OREGON H03IE BUILDERS, Northwestern Bank Bldg. Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. streets and Margaret Gall Is her first baby. She is 34 years old. The method known as the "twilight sleep," explained the physician, has come Into prominence through magazine articles telling of its successful use at Freiberg, Germany. It was not origin ated by the Freiberg doctors, however, but has been used before, she said. She herself has had two cases in this city, but as they were not such difficult ones as her last, she does not regard them as being so valuable as a test of the merits of the method. She said that quiet Is essential while the mother Is under the influence of the drugs, or she will awaken. The patient must be kept on the border line of consciousness. It is on this account that the home of Mrs. chosen by the doctor. Buckley w. Auto Tlicft reported to Toller. R. W. Anderson, 1227 Albins avenua. reported to the police lat nlg-ht thMt his automobile had been tol-n from West Park and Morrison tret. A Particular Cook. tKancas City Journal.) "How about the new rook'.'" "She .ays she wants throe nights out week, a beefstek at every mea; and room with southern exposure." "Has she any references?" "No: all she hn Is pre fen-m-e"." MUSICALE for the Salvation Army of Portland Direction Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke Lincoln High School Tomorrow Evening March 9 with the J- -- ? - .v. - . : ' ; A 1 : . . J-. '-:!- ' "V - . 1 ! J? 3 . - V X Urn tfcum .at. MRS. THOMAS CAKItlCK BIKIiK. Hi PIANO 3 The Mason & Hamlin is the most costly piano in the world today. It is the Stradivarius of pianos, and its conquest of the artistic musical world has been watched with wonder and increasing admiration by the highest musical authori ties in both Europe and America. Music lovers are invited to hear these superb pianos at our warerooms. All styles are shown and are sold on terms when so desired. Other makes accepted in exchange. General Western Representatives V?T-.-. ifa Mlfr1aaaaaifc mK MM1 tl I -T Ag-, frgll aC- r Tlayer Pianos, Music Rolls Victrolas and Records Morrison Street at Broadway Other stores: San Francisco, Oakland. Kresno, San Joe, I.os Angi lt ,San Diego and Other Coast Cities. PlSHIliiilffi (M at the "GriUe"?aG-f X-i!?ytlfc' n.JJ; I'l The entertainment feature this week is the singing of this ever-popular song by Miss Eugene Barlow and Girls. The Italian costumes and effects lend at traction and atmosphere to the singing. Sig. Pietro Marino Continues to satisfy the ultra-critical with his instru mental selections. ye Oregon Grille OREGON HOTEL. BROADWAV AT STARK. Chas. Wright, Pres. M. C. Dickinson, Managing Director. When in Seattle stop at Hotel Seattle We Own It. SJ (OT .