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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
3 BURNING SHIP GOES i Ofl WITHOUT HELP NEWLYWEDS AND FEW OF OTHER PASSENGERS WHO STARTED FOR SAN FRANCISCO ON BEAVER YESTERDAY. La Touraine Fire Is Not as Bad as at First Thought, Says Report to Owner. TITE MORNING OREGONTAN, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915. i I IT .s ..." . - - b . ! I ANOTHER ACTS AS ESCORT Liner. Under Own Steam. Is Ex pected to Keach Havre, France Tonight Cause of Blaze Is Not Vet Determined. PARIS. March 7. Fire which threat encd the French steamship La Touraine his been brought under control and all her pasac ncers are safe on board, ac- rordins to a formal announcement is- rued today by the Compagnie Generate Trans-Atlantique. owner of the liner. La Touraine is proceeding: under her own steam to Havre, her destina tion, and is expected to arrive there tomorrow night. Only the Rotterdam, of the fleet which responded to Cap tain Caussin's wireless call for aid, is tending by as a measure of precau tion to give assistance should any be required. Fnrthrr Aid Xot Xeeded. Commanders of other vessels which speeded to the rescue have been in formed that their services will not be required. The statement (riven out by the tmship company paid: "The firo which broke out aboard 1a Touraine was lest serious than was at- first thousrht. The fire la under control and all passengers are safe. "La Touraine has resumed her voy asre to Havre under her own steam, hut nevertheless for further security she is belns escorted by the Rotter dam and probably will arrive at Havre Monday night." Spies Softpectrd hy Press. According' to officials of the com pany, they have not been Informed what caused the fire. They assert, however, that the flames were con fined to one of the compartments in the hole. It was feared for a time that it might be necessarv to transfer the passengers to another ship to avoid danger, but thld plan evidently was abandoned when it was seen the blaze was betnj? mastered. Grave fears for the safety of La Touraine were felt in this city until the positive announcement was made that she was In no dancer. Several newspapers suggested that the fire might have been started by spies who had concealed themselves on board. IirRXrXG LLYETl NEAUIXG POUT La Touraine Is Convoyed by Steamer , Rotterdam, Reports Captain. HAVRE, via Paris. March 7. The agent here of the French line today re ceived the following wireless dispatch from 1 aptain Caussin. of I .a Touraine: "Sunday. March 7. 3:45 I SI. La Tou raine. having a Are in one of Its holds. asked for help, but Is continuing her voyage to Havre, escorted by the steamer Rotterdam. I hope to get con trol of the Are. There is no Immediate danger. The weather la good, but foggy. "I hope to dock Monday evening. If vcrything goes well." 4 f 3J K"-- I r CUPIO IS PASSENGER illlffi OFF TO SEE FAIR V;f F-f 1 I'aatsenxers Cinthcrrd About HIIufhouMe as Braver Left Dock-, 9Ir. and Mrs. E. C. Qulna, One Pair of ewly-Wcd on Honeymoon Vojnwre 3 Mr. and Mr. AV. W. Tarn, of Portland AIno evIy-Ved, U bo Embarked on Hare March Day. i Love God Accompanies Two Couples on Beaver. MANY Seventy IVr lout of TIkc on Ves sel Are Through Passengers From Kat Who Want Columbia River and Ocean Trip in West. MAXWELL, THE TAILOR importer of Jforetgn Woolens 246 WASHINGTON STREET Portland, Oregon,- March 8, 1915 To My Friends and Patrons: My stock of imported woolens for Spring is now complete. Business is rather slow on account of the unfavor able weather and to induce immediate buying and to keep my full force of help together, I will not only give you a great reduction on your spring suit but will also give you, most elegant Imported Blue Serge goods for a ladies suit, free. Just think of this opportunity of not only getting your Spring Suit at a reduced price but goods for a Spring Suit for your wife, mother or sister, free. This unprecedented offer is for one week only; starting this morning. $35 Suits to Order.... 27.50 $40 Suits to Order.... 30.00 $45 Suit3 to Order.... 32.50 You can pick your choice from my immense stock, including my celebrated English Blue Serge. This is a splendid opportunity to secure your Easter Suit at nearly one-third off regular prices, also enough English Blue Serge free for your wife a suit. With such strong inducements I expect to take enough orders to keep my men at wxrk. I only use the highest grade of linings. MY GUARANTEE: I have been established in the tailoring business over 20 years and the thousands of suits I have made testify to my ability and integrity. All garments are cut by me personally and aLl are made under my personal supervisisn. Very truly yours, 246 Washington Street, Between Second and Third. 1 MAIL GOES THIS WEEK S K.T S WI.ING FOR KNGL.V D AFTER .MARCH 1 TO BE MARCH 17. Mriku li for niitlsh I'orta and Demands Tranaporta Are Blamed for Situation. XUW TOniC, Slarch 7. After the dc- Tartur today of the steamships New York and Camoronia. for Liverpool the only opportunity to send letters to tircat Britain during the coming: week will be ty tne steamship Northland, which will leave Portland. Me., March 15 for Liverpool. This will be the only mail for England next week. The next vessel listed to sail from New York for Kntrland Is the Arabic, on March 17. Strikes in I'.nclisli ports, tho conges tion of freight in the Mersey and the Thames and the extraordinary demands maae ny ine Admiralty upon the Brit ish trans-Atlantic lines for transports nave caused tne situation. It was said. The brunt of the shortage has fallen on New lork. Sis steamships sail next week for the Mediterranean. Franco and Holland. TOLSTOY BUYS FRFFnnM in the East. The flagship Beaver, of the Big Three Line, had a precious cargo when she pulled away from the dock for San Francisco yesterday afternoon, two brides and two bridegrooms re among those who made up the full passenger list. They were Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Quinn, of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. William V. Tara, of Portland, and their honeymoon will be an interesting one. as all the passongers on the Bea ver were privately informed. Old shoes and placards were placed on stateroom door No. 18. but were quickly removed by tho blushing Mr. Quinn. From there they were taken to Mr. Tara's quarters and artistically arranged. When found by the second- bridegroom they were given to the sea gulls, but sank in the river, as sea gulls don't wear old shoes. The California expositions undoubted ly have lured many of the travelers. Seventy per cent are through passen gers, routed out of Eastern cities, who are anxious to enjoy a view of the Co lumbia Itiver and a voyage on the Pa cific Ocean while visiting the West. As the Beaver gradually drew out of ght sighs were heard from those left on the Ainsworth dock. "I want to go to San Francisco, myself," everybody seemed to be saying as they put away their white handkerchiefs, which they had been waving wildly in a fond, e vious farewell. Captain Mason, who commands the Beaver, said that the Tower of Jewels alone is worth a trip to the exposition. The tower, more than 400 feet high, is lighted by searchlights at night, as is the top of the Washington Monument arrives tomorrow she will bring 14 carloads of oranges, the largest cargo of oranges brought north this year. MINESWEEPER DESTROYED (Continued From First Page.) Grandson of Author Makes Escape I'rora Aujstrians. PKTROGRAP, Feb. 13. (Corrcrpond riice of the Associated Press.) Count Michael Tolstoy, grandson of the author. tins succeeded in escaping from an Aui trian camp, where lie had been held prisoner. Because of his frequent threats to escape, the Austrians had rosted a special guard over him, but l:c succeeded in gaining the confidence and friendship of his guard, who, in return for a gift of some Russian coins worth about a dollar, let him walk off priy one evening. The Count was made prisoner during some of the early lighting in the Car-j pathians. Pedestrians on Broadway bridge lined the rails as the Beaver cast off her lines and seemed to enter In the spirit of the occasion, waving their handker chiefs and hats to those passing under the draw on the hurricane deck of the steamer. When the Rose City, of the same line. 4 KANSAS CITY STAR EDITOR, O.V 74TH BIRTHDAY, STILL. SERIOUSLY ILL. r n 5! It MINERS' SCALE ACCEPTED Break Comes in llanks of Coal Opcr alors in Ohio Field. WHEELING. W. Va.. March 7. Ar thur J. Morgan, owner of the Edge Hill oal mine, north of Bellaire. O.. an nounced tonight he would accept the union scale of 47 cents and posted a no tice calling on the 125 miners employed at the mine to return to work. Mor gan's action is regarded by the miners, who have been on strike 11 months, as the first break in the ranks of oper ators. Fifteen thousand miners went out l'ecause the operators refused to pay tne 47-cent rate. Indian- Hear Lectures. GATEWAY, Or.. March 7. (Special.) A farmers' institute was held at the Warm Spring Indian Agency last week, with Superintendent G. I Hall In charge. Many Indian farmers were present. A- P. Clark, of the Gateway Com mercial Club, was one of those who gave Interesting talks. D. C. Free man, publicity agent of the Oregon Trunk Line, showed a number of Oregon industrial and scenic views. belli, posted in the Gulf of Saros, bom barded by indirect fire two big works on the Asiatic side alongside of Chanak and defending the straits (Forts Ilaml- dieh and Hamidleh Sultanieh). "At the same time cruisers inside the Dardanelles continued direct fire against the works at Iardanus, on th Asiatic side, and Souain Dere, on th European side." The Overseas News Agency, of Ber lin, gave out today the following: "In the aosenco of any particular de velopmonts on the western or eastern war fronts, the newspapers continue to devote their principal attention to the bombardment of the Dardanelles by the allied fleet. "The latest reports received in Ber lin from Constantinople are td the ef fect that no damage has been dono to the forts or Turkish garrisons and that the ships are now shooting from longer range. British ships twice have been struck fair. The reports say that an attempt by the allies to land troops was repelled by the Turkish batteries. THAWS TRIAL NEAR Conspiracy Charge Taken Up in Court to Be Today. V William Rockhlll Nelson. KANSAS CITY. March 7. The condition of William Rockhlll Nelson, editor of the Kansas City Star, was unchanged today. Mr. Nelson has been confined to his home for several months and yesterday his condition be came so serious that members of his family were summoned to his bedside. Today was Mr. Nelson's 74lh birthday anniversary. SULTAN KEFXSJBS TO IXEE Defense of Constantinople Is Left to German Troops. LONDON. March 8. "According to the latest advices received here." says a Router dispatch from Sofia, "the Sultan and the government are still Constantinople. The government is prepared to cross to Asia Minor at any moment, but the Sultan is in la vor of remaining in the capital. It Is understood that it has been decided to entrust the defense of Con stantinople exclusively to the Germans under command of General Liman von Sanders, the Instructor of the Turkish army, while Bedri Bey, the prefect of police, will be invested with the gen eral control of the city, with powers equivalent to those of a viceroy. 'Measures of precaution already have been adopted to prevent the cap ture of the city. It is reported that all the troops at Adrlanople and Demotica have been hurriedly dis patched to the Gallipoli Peninsula." Douglas KTuit Inspector Named. ROSEBURG. Or., March 7. (Special.) Fred Strang, of Medford, Saturday was appointed county fruit inspector for Douglas to succeed Dr. C. H. Bailey, of Deer Creek, who recently resigned the office. Mr. Strang is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural College and was recommended highly to the County Court. Until a few months ago he was employed in horticultural work by the Canadian government. He will enter upon his new duties Monday. PRISONER KEEPS SILENCE Defense "Will Contend State Cannot Ask for Conviction of Person Held as Insane Five -Others Also to Be Tried. NEW YORK. March 7. Harry K. Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, will be placed on trial tomorrow in the Supreme Court on the charge of con spiracy, growing: out of his escape from the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane at Matteawan in August, 1913. Thaw spent today quietly in the Tombs. He read and smoked, but re fused to seo any -one excepting his counsel. Ever since he was brought back to the Tombs, six weeks ago today. Thaw has declined to see news, paper men. In this respect, it is said, he has obeyed instructions from his counsel not to discuss his case as he was formerly wont to do. Thaw has been prisoner or fugitive since the night of June 25, 1906, when he shot and killed Stanford White on the Madison Square Garden roof. After two trials, the first of which resulted in a disagreement. Thaw was acquitted on the ground of insanity and was sent to Matteawan. Then began his fight for liberty. Writs of habeas corpus were obtained at various times, requiring his ap pearance in court to establish his san ity. These proceedings invariably re suited unfavorably to him. Thaw escaped in an automobile August 17. 1913, eluded capture for two days and was finally arrested at Coati cook, Canada. He was subsequently released by the Canadian authorities and sent to Vermont. He fled to Cole brook, N. H-, where he obtained conn sel and prepared to fight against re turning to Matteawan. A writ of habeas corpus was oo tained from a federal Judge at Con cord and Thaw automatically became a Government charge. Argument on the writ was delayed until Governor Felk er, of New Hampshire, should decide to grant or deny the fugitives extradition. The Governor finally decided that Thaw should be extradited and then the case went back to the United States Supreme Court on the broad issue that Thaw's rights under the Constitution were bring violated; that .New York, holding him legally insane, sought his extradition on a charge of conspiracy Thaw was kept in custody, although wide privileges were allowed him, but was taken in charge by New York State officers about seven weeks ago, when the Supreme Court, in passing on the extradition proceedings, ruled that Thaw could be brought back to this state on an Indictment for conspiracy. With Thaw were indicted Richard Butter, Thomas Flood. Michael O'Keefe, Roger Thompson and Eugene Dutfy, who are alleged to have aided him in his escape from Matteawan. and who will be tried with him. Thaw's counsel is expected to con tend that Thaw cannot be convicted of the conspiracy charge while still held to be an insane person, or that the state, in pressing a conspiracy charge, virtually has admitted his sanity; while the state, on the other hand, it is understood, will maintain that Thaw might conspire to commit an unlawful act, but still be legally in the custody of the state as an insane charge. SINGING ADVISED IN RAID BRITONS UV.T OFFICIAL INSTItlf- tio.vs iii':;.itoi; noiiBS. Morrow County Work Rushed. lONE, Or., March 7. (Special.) Ac tive work on the improvement of the roads has started and will be rapidly pushed to completion, to take advan tage of the weather. The work is to cost about $3000. The Morrow County officials were in the lone Saturday looking over the scene of the road work. A fOI-l cspiWHl tliHt iiKisinii st rikes I w Ire safest thing nt icminil.-- his render-, ii as lisiiltitns never in the siiine phu-e. tho ouM he to run ant and in a hole tnuilo by an rxploMon, One Man Would Hide in Hole of l:i.l. ! blott on Theory "Lightning Strikes but Onre In Same JMiicc. " LONDON. Feb. J C ( Correspondence of the Associated l'ress.) Queer sug gestions continue to come t'ortli as to what to do in case of a bomb attack on Ix)ndon. In the House of Lords the past week ono of the noble members said he had received an official com munication informing him that If h shell were to explode at his front door, he would do well to leave the house by the back doer. No advii-o was given in regard to a bomb dropping at tho back door. The members of St. Mark's parish church. New Rartict, have received these directions: "In the event of an air raid tho con gregation will sing a hymn, while the sidesmen conduct thein In an orderly manner out of the church, those on the north side out of tho north door, those on the south side out of the side door. No one to leave his place until asked to do so by the sidesmen in charge or his aisle. The sidesmen will be in charge of the section from which they collect the offering. Writing to one of flic lxmHon piiper.-. Koiimanhi May Have Mnrtlul Law. IJ-'NTMiN". March S. A dispatch to the l:iily Telegraph fimn I3uclmrct says the KoimiHtiiaik Parliament h.'i:i passed a law empowering the gov ernment to proclaim a slate of sietf-: until the end of the war. If such a ste;- should he deemeil necesH v TWO HEIGHTS IN THE MOST POPULAR AR.R.OW COLLAR DUDLEY 2i inch. NORMAN 2;i inche 2 fr za ct. cwt. r,.Mj a r., i. i,i. An Optimist is a man who says, "Everything is all right so long as I hare a policy in the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.' Best for Seventy Years. HORACE MECKLEM Gen. Agt., Northwestern Bank Bids. 14 1 I in mai i urn - r ARAILRQiwD PLAY An Open Letter To Every Railroad Man CONCERNING "RULE C," Gentlemen : The Peoples Theater will run next Thursday, Friday and Saturday the most spectacular film ever screened "RULE G." You all know "Rule G" the liquor rule. Well, the picture is founded on the story in the Saturday Evening Post: "Keeping John Barleycorn Off the Trains." It was all taken on the Espee. Many parts are played by Southern Pacific men, who were granted special leave to appear in the pictures. The Espee men pulled off a head-on collision between two giant locos nothing phony the real thing. The cars, locomotives and equipment were all loaned by the Espee heads. Railroad presidents all over the country have indorsed "Rule G" they want YOU to see it. You will see the wrecking of a clubhouse by a wild engine, shop accidents involving a journal lathe and a six-ton triphammer, the demolition at a crossing of a wagon containing a farmer and his wife, the saving of two passenger trains by the automatic action of the block signal, the mob scene, in which hundreds of men are driven out by four determined men on a locomotive and the terrific bare handed fight between Ned and Spike. Yes, "Rule G" has enough punch by itself to satisfy any railroad n. The late E. H. Harriman is played by a man YOU know, who was often mistaken for "the wizard." Most of the scenes were taken in the West Oakland yards of the Southern Pacific. Every railroad man in Portland is invited to see "Rule G" at the Peoples Theater next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Very faithfully yours, General Manager, Peoples Amusement Company.