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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
14 TITE MOTINIXG OREGONIAN. MONDAY, MARCH S. 1015. BLANGHERINGWfNS IN SPARKLING PLAY Orpheum Audience Keeps Four Laughs Behind Musical Comedy Favorite. OTHER ACTS GOOD ALSO GIRL HIKERS WHO START ON 800 MILE WALKING TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO. impersonator of Musical Masters, . "Equine Detective,"' Posing, Duncing and Other J-Vatures Make Ip Pleasing Kill. Blanche Ring in vaudeville on the Pacific Coast for the first time reached out acrass the footlights at the Orphe um when the new bill opened yester day and gathered In the hearts of her ' audience, as she had done times before when Fortland went to hear her in musical comedy. "Oh Papa," the sketch in which she appears. Is something' that sparkles in itself, but when Blanche Ring begins to put the lines over with the speed and effectiveness of a rapid-fire gun. the little playlet develops sparkles that one wouldn t ordinarily notice there. The audience was always about four laughs behind Blanche King, but com ing strong, and quite willing to stop the rest of the show and turn the aft ernoon over entirely to their favorite. Charles J. Winninger, who, next to Miss King, had the principal part in the 'sketch, became good friends with the audience also, and lugged off a fair proportion of the applause that was tossed up over the footlights with such prodigality. Miss Ring's entire com pany puts over the sketch with a fin ish that acts It in a class of its own. Impernonator Makes lilt. Lambert!, the famous musical imper sonator. Is a great hit. as he was when he appeared here a season ago. He presents excellent character sketches of LlSzt, Strauss, Paderewski and other famous musicians and closes with a dramatic representation of the death of Svengali in the last concert of Trilby. The audience cannot help falling in love with Gladys Goulding. nor ran it help being tremendously delighted with the pleasant idiocies of Alf Goulding, who sings and dances and imperson ates and. when he vanishes from the rtage, leaves one with the impression that he hasn't done half the clever things that he might do if he had more time. FonitH. the "equine detective." a pretty white pony with pink eyes, per forms all the time-honored stunts of spelling words, picking out colors, fetching and carrying for her master and playing "The Last Rose of Sum mer" most dolorously on a set of bells. She closes her act, however, with a wild burglar scene and a dive out of the window to get away after shootin the burKlar dead. Burdella Patterson, of beautiful face and figure, closes the bill before the motion pictures with a series of ar tistic poses, in which various pictures are projected upon her by a streopti con. making her the central figure In a long list of beautiful and varying scenes. Oaaeera Take One's Breath. The graceful dances presented by Ponia Baraban and Charles C. Grohs. et the opening of the bill are much above the average in stage presenta tions of modern dances and the Whirlwind Trot" with which they ilose takes the breath away. Moore and Jenkins, colored dancers and singers, are up to the average in their line. Frank Harwood. musical director, offers the usual pleasing programme .f music at the beginning of the enter tainment. The motion pictures with which the bill closes, feature events t the opening of the Tanama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. 5f -lf f . rliJ t-t&3 S. ,r" LEADING LADY BACK Dorothy Shoemaker Seen Baker as Helena Richie. at MR. ELTON'S BOW IS MADE Left to Right Miss Kitty Beherlz, Miss June Shea, With Revolver any lawrlcome Intruder, and 311ss Kaye Shea. to Greet GIRL HIKERS START Three Will Leave Portland To day Bound for San Francisco. EXPENSES TO BE EARNED Misses Fay and June Shea a ad Kit tic Bcbertit Will Go Leisurely, Visiting Places of Interest and Showing at Theaters. a charge of larceny by bailee. Koste Christ swore to the complaint. He says Sullivan solicited pictures for enlarge ment and took a photograph and 11.25 from him. Christ has not seen the photograph nor his money since. ' The studio he said he represented, declared Sullivan, had no authority to take the money. Play Serves as Excellent Medium for Leading Man's Introduction 4 and Supplies Perfect Role for Miss Shoemaker. CAST OF "THE AWAKENING OF HELENA RICHIE." Dr. Lavendar ...Edmund Elton Dr. William King Will E. Lloyd Benjamin Wright. F. Keenan Wallace Sam Wright Clark Silvernail Lloyd Pryor William H. Powell. Mayo Methot .Mary Edgett Baker Florence Roberts . .Dorothy Shoemaker Mud Deadly Missile When "Armies" Meet on Lot. "Allies" and "Germans' Evacuate Trenches, Desert Hockey Stick 'Weapons and Declare Armistice When Popcorn Wagon Appears. LACK OF BERTJj MAY FREE Ernest Mills, Exiled for Arson, Still Xot Wanted by Shippers. If a berth on a European-bound ship Is not found for Ernest Mills soon, he can obtain his release from the County Jail on a writ of habeas corpus, in the opinion of County Jailer Hurlburt. Mills was sentenced to a term of five to seven and one-half years in the Penitentiary for arson, and was paroled on the con dition that he take the first possible chip for England, his native country, lie has been waiting for a berth since January 20. "The commitment doesn't give me au thority to hold him. nor authority to release him. in my opinion." said County Jailer Hurlburt. He has asked the as sistance of the British Consul In finding a berth on an outgoing ship for Mills, but none of the skippers want the man as a sailor because of his reputation as a "tlrcbug. "I'm willing to go bark to England ril right, said Mills yesterday, -but I'm not particularly keen about going. It's up to them to find a berth, and if they can't I'm going to try to get out or nere. Mills has been made a kitchen trusty an tne jau. With $3 in tlieir wallets, but with an inexhaustible fund of pluck, the three girl hikers. Misses Fay and June Shea, of 861 East Main street, and Miss Kit tle Bebertz, recently from Saginaw, Mich., will start this morning at 8:35 o'clock from the corner of Fifth and Morrison streets for their walking trip to Ban Francisco. They will travel light, taking only bare necessities, and plan to be about two months or two months and a half on the way. visit ing all the scenic points on their 800 mile tramp, including Crater Lake, which they plan to make on a side trip. The girls expect to defray the ex penses of their trip by showing at various playhouses on the way and will begin with an engagement Tues day night at one of the theaters in Oregon City. They will give a sketch and also sing. They have an engage ment with the Pantages Theater in San Francisco on their arrival there. They also plan to sell pictures on the way south. A moving picture operator will record their start this morning. When the weather is good the girls plan to spend their nights rolled in Navajo blankets under the stars, but during rainy or cold weather they will put up at cities along the way. Miss Bebertz is a hiker of some ex perience, having made a trip at one time from Saginaw to San Francisco. The three have been practicing recent ly, taking hikes in various directions In the vicinity of Portland. They made one extensive trip down the Columbia Hlsrhway. They have a letter of introduction from Mayor Albee and plan to visit Governor Withycombe and other state officials when they arrive in Salem. They probably also will visit the Gov ernor of California on reaching Sacramento. 0 FFICIAIi dispatches from the south- MILK PURITY ASSERTED rORTI.A.VD DAIRYME.V WIS PRAISE FROM CITV CHEMIST. the Ilellig Theater, announce one of the most exciting and sanguinary con flicts of the great international war. when the combined forces of the "allies' were engaged with the "German army" the greater part of Saturday afternoon The extreme youthfulness of the sol dieis in the ranks of both armies most of them being under 12 years of ag,e seems, in the opinion of experts to indicate that the war departments of each side have called out their last line of reserves. The battle began early- in the after noon, only a limited number of divis ions being engaged at the first. But reserves hurried in on roller skates and coasting devices from all parts of the neighborhood and in a short time both sides were at it full force. So absorbing was the conflict that there was no attempt made on the part of either of the commanders to prevent the appearance of spectators or war correspondents at the front, and soon the sidewalk about the battlefield was packed with excited onlookers. Inside the vacant lot the boys dug trenches, advanced, retreated and exe cuted turning movements that filled the "eyewitnesses" on the sidewalk with enthusiasm. The 42-centimeter mud-ball, one of the new and dreadful implements of modern warfare, was used by both sides with telling effect. Shinny sticks were employed with a zeal that soon dotted the field with millions of im aginary corpses, but although the bet ting was lively among the military ob servers, the conflict closed with things about on an even balance. It is rumored that some kind of a secret armistice must have been ar rived at. for after the end of the bat-j tie "allies" and "Germans" were seen mingling freely after the- left the trenches, and on some occasions the view. Wash., are staying at the Sew ard. B; F. Dunn, of Seattle, is registered at the Carlton. J. S. Gibson, of Lebanon, is a guest at the . Perkins. W. C. Washburn, of Junction City, is at the Imperial. Edith Gray, of New Orleans, is a guest at the Eaton. W. H. Adams, of Oakland, Cal., is a guest at the Oregon. H. W. Russell, of Corvallis, is a guest at the Nortonia. Mr. and Mrs. A. Danielson, of As toria, are at the Oregon. F. W. Walsh, of Florence, registered at the Seward yesterday. Fred F. McRae, of Monroe, registered at the Cornelius yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mann, of Baker, are guests at the Imperial. W. D. Plue, a manufacturer of Rainier, is at the Imperial. A. W. Stone, a Hood River apple grower, is at the Nortonia. ilr. and Mrs. C. B. Mann, of St. Helens, are at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil, of Fasco. Wash., are at the Multnomah. C. E. Tomlinson, of Eugene, regis tered at the Carlton yesterday. A. C. Moore, of Independence, reg istered at the Oregon yesterday. J. E. Robertson, of Hood River, reg istered at the Imperial yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Holly, of Omaha, 1 Neb., are guests at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. W. Houch, of McMinn ville, are registered at the Eaton. E. H. Babcock, of Maryhill, Wash., i arrived at the Cornelius yesterday W. F. Drager, of Salem, "was among yesterday's arrivals at the Seward. P. L. McKay, a Eugene merchant, registered at the Perkins yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Russell, of Marsh field, are registered" at the Nortonia. W. A. Gellatley, Corvallis, Sheriff of Benton County, is staying at the Perkins. W. J. Stuart-Woodley, of McMinn ville". is among yesterday's arrivals at the Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clement, of Seat tle, -are passing a quiet honeymoon at the Portland. Charles A. Beck , and Elmer New quist. of Astoria, registered at the Seward yesterday. Benza Mitcui. a Japanese merchant of Tokio with large shipping Interests, is registered at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Evrutt. of Moose Jaw, Canada, are at the Portland en route to the Fanama-Paciric exposition. Mrs. M. Gearin and daughter have returned to their apartments at the Multnomah after an extended trip South. W. R. Ianigan. R. E. Larmour, G. B. Perse and J. H. Cnrad, officials of the Canadian Pacific Railway, with head She interprets the woman quarters at Winnipeg, are guests at tne Helena Richie with delicacy Multnomah. CHICAGO. March 7. (Special.) Oregon persons at Chicago hotels to- dav were: From Portland K. J. cook at the Auditorium. From Medford . Kent, at the Great Northern. - UL-U Jui ,O07 4-9 ISIS Tm& Quality' Store or Portland David Allison... Martha King. . . . Sarah Helena Richie. Every Yard of Dress Goods Reduced Wool and silk and wool our entire stocks This is just one of the many offers our Rebuilding Sale presents to you today. WALTER S. BRANDE IS HURT I.c nroken Wlirn Team Bolts N'car Porlng and Trip Home Is Tedious. Walter S. Brande. a credit man liv in at 1 1 OS East Alder street sustained a broken right leg yesterday morning when the team of horyes attached to a livery vehicle in which be was riding ran away and upet it. The accident happened cast of Bor-J lug wnile Mr. Brande was on his way to Bull Run on business. Tho horses had becomo frightened at an object in the road and th" driver stepped out to oothe them. This served to frighten tiiem ttll more and they bolted, upset ting the carriage and throwing Mr. Brande. He was brought to Portland by laborious stsges in wagons and on tiie train and taken to the Good Samar itan Ho.-pital. W.R.VINCENT PASSES AWAY Carriage Builder. Here 23 Years, Is Survived by Three Children. Warren R. Vincent, for 23 years in the carriage-building business on See vnd and Salmon streets, died February i'2 at the home of his daughter. Mrs. W. E. Wright. 461 East Forty-first street, at 76 years, of age. Mr. Vincent was born In Waterloo. X. V. He came to California In 1860 ind to Oregon In 1SS0. For 31 years he had been a reader of The Oregonlan. Ho la survived by his widow and three dnnghters. Mrs. W. E. Wright. Mrs Oeorge Haley and Mra. Frank Brown. Services were held at the Portland Crematorium on February SI. Speaking at C-range Mr. Calloway Ue rlorea Deslers Should Br Sup ported sanl 'Encouraged. "Portland lias the purest and best milk in the country, produced through the efficiency of tha dairymen, who have co-operated and are co-operating with the authorities in bringing about this result: and Portland has the repu tation of having the best, the cleanest and most sanitary dairies on th Coast." declared E. C Calloway, city chemist, in his talk before Evening Star Grange Saturday on "Portland e Milk Supply." Mr. Calloway gave an account of the new method of taking care of milk, remarking that milk had become one of the most Impdrtant foods used. Port land alone using 16.000 gallons of milk a day, and the whole country using 6.360,000 gallons a day. which Mr. Cal loway declared was but part of the uses milk is put to. "A new era has come in the handling of milk." said Mr. Calloway, "and we have now clean methods in place of the unclean methods that were cm ployed formerly. I can remember and you can remember when we milked cowh with unHean band, and when ail sorts of filth went into the milk. and when the milk dealer made up any shortage tliero might be in hlj supply by taking water from a slough or from any source: but there is noth- ng of that sort now. Milk comes to the homes of Portland clean, pure and wholesome. This has not been due to prosecutions as much as to the hearty co-operation of dairymen, who in this county welcome the inspector and are glad to do everything that will im prove the quality of the output, and I want to give tho dairymen credit for this efficiency, of which we should be proud." Mr. Calloway closed by saying that pure milk costs the dairyman much money and effort, and that he must be paid or he cannot provide the pure product demanded. He referred to the demand for cheaper milk in Portland as wrong, and declared that the efforts of the dairymen to supply a pure prod uct should be supported and encour aged in every way possible. PIoto;rrpl Swindle Is Charged. Charged with operating a new photo graph swindle, Fred Sullivan was ar rested Saturday by deputy sheriffs on SEW LEADIVR PLAYERS WHO OPEXED AT Il lKKR THEATER YESTERDAY. I,, 7!.,. 1 1 1 jim, I 'I i y ' 1 ,1 rl If BY LEONE CASS BAER, Dorothy Shoemaker came back to the Baker playhouse yesterday, and Ed mund Elton made his bow, too, ii "The Awakening of Helena Richie." There is human nature In the story of Helena Richie, and its underlyng motives are sincere. As a stage story, it possesses cohesion, too, although, of course, it cannot hold all the lines in Margaret Deland's book. Its best has been culled, however, and its most tell ing situations, have been kept in the stage version given it by Charlotte Thompson. It serves beautifully as an introductory medium for the delight ful and straight-from-the-shoulder ar tlstry of Mr. Elton, who is new to us on the Coast. Better still, it affords a perfect role for Dorothy Shoemaker. Actress Seems to Think Lines. This young leading woman plays with unquestioned power and vigor. She displays a mental force in her art. It would appear that she actually thinks her lines. She has youth, flattering, joyous youth, and she has beauty. Better than either, she has dramatic understanding and fine interpretative powers, soul of and great singleness of purpose. She awakens realization of the real beauty and the regeneration that takes place in Helenas soul. Helena is the interesting central figure in this strong and vigorously told story of the people in Old Ches ter. Pa. From library shelves snd from other visits of the play to Portland its story in detail has become known, but nothing can ever make one moment of it dull or uninteresting. The Baker Players make it not only command an exceptional charm, but it is color ful and realistic. Its story, that of a woman regenerated through her love for a little adopted waif, is made all the more attractive for Baker patrons because Mayo Methot, a natural and unspoiled little girl, plays the child, David. The work of Edmund Elton as the Iova"ble, quaint old Dr. Lavender stands out with clearly developed force. Mr. Elton's work is quiet and dignified. Mr. Sllver.iatl Gets Ovation- Clarke Silvernail, as the poetic Sam Wright, who seeks death when he finds his golden idol is but dross, re ceived an unusual demonstration at yesterday's matinee, when the audience absolutely refused to settle into quiet until he had been brought from his dressing-room half out of his make up. His playing of the role is marked with tenderness and sympathy William Powell, as the unlikable Lloyd Pry or, plays smoothly and with grace: Will E. Lloyd is the kindly, if interfering. Dr. King, and Keenan Wallace scored immensely as the sneer ing, snooping old Benjamin Wright. Mary Edgett Baker, as the vinegary Martha King, and Florence Roberts, as Sarah, a voluble maid-servant, look and portray in- detail their amusing roles. The staging, as a picture. Is faith ful in its detail and the second scene, a garden, received applause all by itself when the curtain first dis closed it "The Awakening of Helena Richie" will run all week, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday. BUSINESS REVIVAL SEEN C. PIER GIVES MESSAGE OF TI.MIS.H TO TRAVELERS. Op- Commercial Men Hear Prophecy of Un precedented Activity as Result of Opening of Canal. WAGON OF SHOES GIVE'J CHARITIES' PLEA FOR HELP MY GIFTS OF SUPPLIES. Woman With TulierculoHis nnd Family Needs Aid If Home, Partially Paid For, Is to Be Saved. It was a message of optimism which S. C. Pier brought in his address at the gathering of the Oregon and Washing ton members of the Travelers' Protec tive Association of America held Satur day night at the Portland Hotel. "We have every reason to rejoice and look hopeful," he said, "for I believe we are looking Into the doorway of a great improvement in business condi tions. I believe that in a few months Oregon will enjoy business activity such as has not been experienced here for months." The sneaker gave as his reasons for his belief the opening of the Panama Canal, which he predicted would open new markets for the lumber industry. He said that the newly established Federal reserve banks will assist in the revival of trade. Postmaster Myers also said that the outlook in some respects for a revival in business was good. He offered as a remedy for the present conditions the bringing about of greater activity on the part of the farmers, particularly in the clearing up of land and the planting of a greater acreage to wheat and other farm products. Music was interspersed between the other numbers on the programme of the evening. Miss Howland and Miss Iva Lyons gave solos and several ducts. The cabaret girls from one of the grills also gave a number of selections. A. U. Clark read an amusing paper pretending to be a history of the life of Paul C. Morton, president of the or ganization. Readings were given by R. P. Thompson and Charles Ringle Mr. Casey sang two solos, "The End of Perfect Day" and When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, being accompanied on the piano by Mr. Fishburn. About 150 members were present from all parts of Oregon and Wash ngton. Paul C. Morton, president, pre sided. I l!niilii iliiiiiiiii; llliiil III B fllf oj ; lnwHj iij if mm Third Floor. Slith-l. IIMu. Just 261 Sacks Snow White Flour at .:li $1 .59 Because of limited storage room, and near arrival of flour now in transit, we arc making an offer for Monday only of this established brand of highest grade Patent Flour, made from the choicest Eastern Oregon wheat. Makes bread of fine texture, rich in gluten, wiiich is the nutritious part of the wheat. No telephone orders taken at this price. Pure Food Grocery, Haaemrnl, Mxth-M. Hid. at 129 Fourth street Saturday night un- rial.) The Walville Lumber Company der the auspices of the Oregon Chiro practic Association nine physicians were selected as prospective candidates tor members of the State Board of Chiro practic Examiners. The list of names will be submitted to Governor Withy combe. Out of this number the Gov ernor will appoint three members to constitute the board. The names of the following will be submitted: Drs. J. E. Laval ley, W. E. Slater. D. T. Browne. H. S. Stone. A. .1. Poulsen and A. B. Calder, of Portland; George Hocye, of Oregon City, and J. A. Goode, of St. Johns. Incline Planned lor Walville Mill. CENTRALTA. Wash.. March 7. (Spe- 1s building an incline to reach located at an rlevation of 10' let back of the mill. The grading Uu been (started and steel will he laid ready for operation by April I. 'l i e total- length of the lncllni. which m the first to be constructed In Soull -west Washington, in 2000 feet, Willi practically a uniform grade of ;7 per cent. It will be a single-track halt way up and double-track the reM ef tho way. An engine has been ordered provided with liberal . brakes mid speeded up so as to operate 60 ruth h day. Snnv of the newer nutom powerful enoush to kill a i distant. tie piioj.- iuii loot! wr-l" Upper -Dorothy Shoemaker. Edmund Elton. commanders of the opposing armies were seen amicably sharing the Tiup- plies "seized from a popcorn wagon that drove up during the progress of the battle. An appeal published by the, Asso- PLEA elated Charities in The Oregonian a few days ago, asking for shoes and clothing and supplies for tho grocery department, met with a response that went far toward the replenishing of these departments, which had run low in supplies since the season of Christ mas donations. Mrs. John MeGee, of the Wheeldon Annex, sent in a wagonload of shoes that had accumulated from the dis cards of tenants and the cobbler who works for the Associated Charities finds himself in a job again sufficient to keep him busy for some time. Anna Sf. Sorenson. Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Aldrich, j Mrs. Walter Yeriam and Mrs. F. M. Vance are also on the list of those wno donated shoes to the department. A live chicken was sent in from the city pound as a donation to the gro cery department and other supplies of staple groceries were received. The Charities has. obtained lodging places for several homeless families in tents or temporary houses on vacant lots in different parts of the city and Saturday Charles Lilly. J. .1. Butzer and the Routledge Heed Company do nated more than 525 ill seeds, so that these families may have gardens. Ono of the families that is in sore need of aid at this time, according to announcement of Secretary Manning, of the Associated Charities, is a woman who has been deserted by her husband and who, although suffering from tuberculosis, is obliged to support her family of three children. Several pay ments have been made on a home, but these must lapse and the home will be lost unless the woman Is helped. Food and clothing are also needed. FOR ALIEN MADE William V. Sliriver Argues at V. C. A. fop Aid. for Immigrant. M, Eijjlit Hurt in Auto Collision. Eight persons were shaken severely in a collision between a Gresham jitney bus and another automobile at Broad way and Oak street Saturday night- Axel Anderson, 708 Missouri avenue, and P. W. Wyvel. of Milwaukie, the two drivers, were taken to the police sta tion for investigation by H. P. Coffin, of the Public Safety Commission. Both machines were damaged. Immigration Forces and the New Democracy" was tho subject of the ad dress by William P. Shriver, of New York City, at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday afternoon. Ha discussed the Immigra tion problem of the United States and made an appeal for greater sympathy and understanding for the immigrant- Democracy is a great co-operative plan of government," he said. "We cannot have the necessary co-operation to make it a success when people are estranged, when we have capital on one side and labor on the other. We must build up a great brotherhood of effort." He said there are 4000 Italians in Portland who have no opportunity to learn English. Chiropractors Select List. At a meeting of chiropractors hold PERSONALJVIENTION. J. H. Sherlock, of Newberg, is at the Perkins. G. P. Winans, of Walla Walla,, is at the Carlton. Mrs. H. B. Woods, of Springfield, is at the Oregon. ' J. E. Gratke, of Astoria, is a guest at the Carlton. Sam Weil, a Hillsboro merchant, is at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hulden, of Sea- The Canadian Bank of Commence HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Commercial letters of Credit iMDed. Exchange on London, England. Bought and Sold. PORTLAND BRANCH. Corner Second and Stark Sts. F. 0. HALF AS, Manager. The First National Bank FIFTH and MORRISON STREETS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - $3,500,000 Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - 100,000 MORTGAGE LOANS INDIVIDUAL SERVICE It is the constant endeavor of our officers to extend to every customer a banking service suited to the individual's require ments. They are always plad to confer with those requcstinir counsel and will be pleased to meet you at any time at their desks, or call upon you at your place of business. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded 1886. TB.lVHt.RS' l-CIOK. San Francisco I.OS ANGELES AMI SAS VIKUO S. S. ROANOKE SaUs Wednesday. Mar. 10, at 6 P. M. NORTH PACIFIC STICAMSHir CO. Ticket Office a IlTiBiit umce I22A 3d tt. A loot Nnrlhniii rt; Main loU. A 131 I "- "-- Fourth and Washington Sts. TIM F I. MIS' (, ll)K. COOS BAY AND ECHFKA S. S. ELDER SAILS M:M.V. M Ml. II, A. M. AM-!.VI.KY 61.M1.V IIIKHKAHtK NOKTII 1-AtUIC OTtAMMIlr CO. Ticket Ofric u Kraicht orfu 122 A Hd at. n foot KortluuD St !HA1 tat. A 111. U Aiaill w.Ud, COOS BAY LINE Steamer Breakwater SttllM Iront Alniiworlli Ilook, Portland, 8 A. M. Wednesday, freight and Ticket Office AluxMortli Dork. I'honea Main 3OU, A-JStnS. tty Ticket Office, KO nth St. Phonea Marshall 4.-.0O, A 41131. I'UKI'I.A.VU & COOS BAV S. S. l.I.VK ItAlXES-COLl'MBIA LISt Steamer J. N. Teal leaves Taylor-st. dock Mon., Wed.. Fri day at 11 H M. for The Dallea and all way landings, carrying freiuht and passengers. Returning, leaves The Dallea Pundav, Wed., l-'ri., 7 A. M. TeL Maiu til J. l''aro $1, UtrtUa bite. American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. "The Panama Canal Line" EXPRESS I Kt.K.IIT M.KVW K Detween Portland. w York. HoMon, Norfolk. ., and f harlotou. For Information, a to l:i-.. Saiiinxa Etc.. Call on or C. I. KKKOY. Aaenl 0 Mark street. Portland, -. s. ti. rtosK citv h.wi.s a p. m.. mri h ij SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES The Kan Kranclaro A Portland V 94. r Third and nhlnat Ma. 4 n Ith 4I..W . U. A. A. tO.J Tel. Maraball 4oW. A 4U2U