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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
13 j 7Z J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. USAXvlH. 1 . rknt. I FOK BEST. . i! Moxier to Loan op It. I Estate. HELP WASTED MALE. . DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL. OF PORTLAND. EAST 33D AND MORKIsO.V A complete coum of automobile in struction. Including machine shop or, oy expert instructor. , , , , i LOOK US IP BEFORE ENROLLINO EUEWIIERi. Take Mt. Tabor or "SS' car to .la t MAN and wire tor a ranch; must have ex-noUnc-- with horses and cattle; wile to S cooking Vor or s .rVTrade"" ferred. Call room 210 Hoard of Trade. HELP WASTED t E M A LE. HLV.CIWI. Bureau ror Protection of Wo men is now cnrf at room 301 . P; l.c HeaUqLailcia. Information. protection .r assistance given to women and girl lntm ies coiitldentlaL WANTED Girl for gen-rat housework four In family: must te .-rood. Mam cook ref erences. Call between a and 11 morning. lol5 Clackamas at.. Roae taty ar to ITM st and board Y o.YI A N cr.rin can ....e - r ,d ...lid. cull Monday or address 1 21,1 UUoit tp..f Take SI. Jonns cur i --' " - - ANTED Good, r.-ilable girl who under atindaookinsond general housework two in family: good wage, for competent girL tjt f.;.st R-irnslde at., cor. E. a. W YNTKD Mtddle-a-sed woman for house keeping wuh child not over 6 years Old. YVora .m da.ry ranch. Address Geo. Ho ops::!. Deer island, or. WANTED Woman aoout 50 years old to for eider;y invalid woman and 1 help with housework In amall town. Addreaa 1 Rji:ser. Chinook. Wash. , WANTLD-A young girl to . light hjwMk lor rom. boa rd and amall . Applv between JO and 1- i-,- Mil iv fti w ANTE D G i r i between IS and to Hern p..,.r calculating machine; position when course completed. 333 Mor gan mat, second n musi have reference; good wages. Cat 722 Park ave. corner feu Clair, morning u"o 12. eteninys 6 to H. WANTEH A girl t assist In general house, work: 15 a month. Call 615 East ttbtli at. WANTED Girl for housework; must know hiV.ork; 3 In family. 1364 A'amod. drive. Rose City Park car to 4i)tn. WKNTED By Kcntleman :14, services of shrewd lady about '.. with some means, vnmethlnir special. J 04. Oreeonian. M if REWORK. !- t . Lu''lf: dies- Alncy, Main street, opposite courthouse. A 717.V Main g"..l'. uKKMAN soprano, rehearse one evenlns. sing tiuntiay morning; state terms. A. 611. Ore gonian. "WANTED r.lrl for general housework for 1 month. 40o S. lUth. Take Portland Heiirnis car. 1-KOGREaSIVB BUSINESS -V0,,,.," modern business courses ..mB,:an' when compefnt. ')! N. W. Bankblg. iTrTTTTv reTiable woman, not under -o. for poMflo.". wi't. l.r,.e-ale hnuae; permanent if wMsfartory. E -L Orcgonlan. . tMED Refined. capabU woman for re aVonslb.. position. VlaT Company. 4iJ Pittock blook. Hi Washington. V ivTt'D ud ' to demonstrate; rcsiden- UM woTkT W to t Per day. Call ivi Co- lumi'la nio. 4IK MATTIXGLY'S SCHOOL Shorllsan'l. c;lKl. anted to assist lth ceneral liouse- aorK: n. c-,ihib. " - - - - UDJ soiicitor wanted at 4 t. Ui -..- ary aim viiuuiMt.,.. ivTs'TFD .Kperler;ced cook, smail family. . vfTiT i k k.i,ir. I or niter 4. Apply ilVb glria to jearn oeauty cultuxa. ill Dekum bldg. sanitary Parlors. IV TE1 l-ariy as representative ajs.nt in .city, ti'vo Phone. AX HI, Oregonian. WMTKK-S. Cottaso Restaurant. 411 tSlark si. Ik. not apply until A. M. pnona HIU W AS TEt M ISCE I.LA X EOUS. uuiuS HAKBEIl COLLEliE wanta maa and women to U.m tn barber traa. In aaeks' positions guaranteed; tools free, "aid wbSilea-nint. sca.p aua faco maa HLZ a specialty, modern method toacuii.g .?.. . ,. Madison St. UlfU . iuiuvu iiuLt-i. BARliiiR UOLLEtiK wants men ULtu . i ... ... ,im in h weeas: XLT'SX. P.Td wh.:. iearn Ing. tools free scaip and lace massaga a nd for rree catalogue. 4s .s. .o. ka.lL.WA V mail clerk. P. O. cle.fcs, car nals.eiaiu. s-.ou. i-arcel post aemands many more clerks; act at once, x-acuw "!V ei. noois. Mcuay bldg.. city. .Tc- '..iiiu.val. corre.pouuenca bcuoo.a 1 furVli-U t.vpe-r.tcr commercia. courses; -So otuar.; free catalogue. -!-McKay tldg. PORTLAND covernmeut clerk examinations April .-;; common education sLt.K-lent; sample questions free. -PP'y 'mmedlately. AV .. Oregoalan. ii.ti lii.S-DALL-S UUMNtlSS SCHOOU iW impress bldu. I ersonal Instruction; po sitions when eompeteiiL MTfATIOSi VASTEt MALE. Ilookkeevera and Clerks. li. i V .IT WANT A BOOKKEEPER PART TIME? Will call a few hours each week or day and k-ep vour books; get our statements, etc Work guaranteed; high-clasa reler eiiccs Experienced accountant 10 yeara. P. o. lox JM EXPERIENCED slenosrapher and office clerk; aiso bookkeeper. Any salary. Main bo-.t EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and lleiioS rapiier desires permanent position, r mi. oreoiiian. Miseeliuoecilla. OARDKNER and florist on private slnclr. oli lite experience in growing flowers, fruits, vegetables in greenhouse and outside, planting and caring lor hrubs: honest and alriclly sober; expect gool wages; best of references Please particulars in first letter. AN boo. Ore- JANITOK, rcUnble and understands a'l branches of the v'.rk. solr and steady: an give best of references and not ul.-a.d of overalls or hard work. AddreVs Merrill Mackey. Browriavu:e. Or. P. O. bo7. BUTTER MAKER wants position; 8 ieBr? experience In rre:nry work: best of ret ernces. Write posloffice box 4-'. Inde pendence. Cr IN c-ntleman's country place. Am experi enced pmlte'nHn nd gitrdcncr; car or flowers and iru.t trees. s.otli-American, reference. AJ H4Q. oregonian. THREE men want to make cordwood; hav to furnish cabin and if possible a small place to grow vegetables; long job. AL .'.. Orept. titan. BAKER All-around man. wanta Job, city or country. Win. Trout, SOU Jefferaon. Main tWo". CHAUFFEUR, competent, experienced, good r,.frences, wants position. 471 Chapman Main 51t. RELIABLE jourg Japanese who speakl English well, socks position in a famitj as houseworker. Home phone A 2778. n l embaimer. undertaker, first-clasa fur niture man. married, wants work. A V 616, 1 tregonian. JPANESE. first-class paslrjt baker, good 'experience, wanta position. R S4t, Orego- W A NT ED Situation on fr-rm; first-class Ir rigator and stockman. 241 E. 4th at, Ih. POSITION watchman in town, by man 3. g. od habits; can ive bonds; 60 month. A4.1ifs C. A.. 4Jth ate. S. E. HOVEsT Jap general house boy wants po st Uoriirifarri Vol'Ml man wants to work on farm. H iW.I. Oreieonlaii. SITUATIONS "WASTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT experienced stenographer de tires p sition: legal work preferred; some - know ledo of bookkeeping; best refer- e.ices. labor bTE.NOGKAl'HER. bill clerk, aasistaut book keeper, a yeara experience. Main ttioi. A 755 a. J O K stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone ' .... . , . nan. nl or euaatituta worn M. 2817. CASHIKK r cierk; work at once; exper lenced ; references. Marshall 4771. lire makers. DRESM.VKING, plain sewlna, children's clothes- price reasonable. Room u, 23 13th i! Phone Marshall 301". 1. A-illON" BLE dressmaking. reasonable. r.iv..i. .1;'h St.. near Clay. Marshall T.14V. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, home or day. !.-. Lane su M.ln 0513. i.-t--- u ;.v.. maternity, chronic or any case, reasonable; references. Sell wood TWO ladies wish any kind of work by the dav; practical nure: best of references. Teiep-one Columbia 218. COMPETENT child's nurse or nursery gov erness wishes position in private home. Call Sellwood 121. nvnrinrvrrn e-oonor woman wishes posl- "tlon. second work, or nurse to children. Phone Woodlawn 3132 RELIABLE lady wants child to board In 'MTCATIOSS WASTED FEMALE. Houoekeeuera. COMPETENT mlddle-ag.Hl housekeeper de sires position In small family. Phpna Wood- lawn i.c WOULD keep house, care for elderly per son: aood rheumatic nurae; go any- where. H M4. Oregonian. MIUliI.K-ACKU widow, housekeeper wid ow. -rs home. Main St. Mnln .013. Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl desires housework. city referetices; good wages. A mo. Main -U i:. WOMAN wants light housework or assistant In home. Marshall r.Q4fi. JAPANESE woman, competent cook, or housework In .llv. C l34. Oregonian. uiwcellanecua- GU.1D, reliable laundress goes out working, dally or by hour: steady preferred. East 130. 1TRST-CT.ASS chocolate dipper wanta work. B C 643. Oregonian. NEAT apr-earimr girl would like work of auj kind. Mar. r.:i... ask for Miss I'otter. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work In flrst-clafs places. Main m. COLORED woman wants work by day or week Marshall S047. 5 Northrup at DINNERS, teaa parties planned,- PrPr?i1 , . , . ,u. UaIIotooH ISMS. or aervea. cases mrmancu. LACE CURTAINS, draperies, line" hand launaerea, -c up- oen.. . TWO women nam work instltiiii'"! pre- ferred. Main !-. TWO experienced girls wool ,mi-ihI house- worK. woooiawn WOMAN wishes p.lli. for elderly iBfly in plain linn. DAY work wanted i,; s 1 t.oinan. need work. Tabor 272. FIRST-CLASS dermaii washlns and clennitiB. sundress wishes Main 22?!). WASTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED, to rent ll-roonl house, bungalow stvle preferred: I.aurelliurst or Rose city Park district. AK .'.. Oregonian. Konnu With Bourd. TOI'NO man wants room and l.nunl strictly private family in vicinity of East 40th and Belmont sts. Phone 'rubor :,'. FOR REST. Furnished Rooina. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Tamhlll. Cars direct from depots; desirably located and reapectabio; ciean. warm and coxy rooms with every modern convenlencs. Rates: land 1.30; weekly. j and HOTEL ROWLAND, -07V. TH ST. 100 ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice clean rooms; hot and coid water; raies &0c, 7ic and 1 per day; 3 p wees: ana up. Corner 11th and Stark; S3 week and up. elevator hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection In eaca room; no extra cnargea for two in a room; room and bath 1 day; transient ao.lcited. , r. .- O 1 VT 1. C 1 H fi O O D' LIVE AT THE FRANKLIN." WASHINGTON ST. AT ITH. !4 HRS. SERVICE. MODERN. 5ftc DAY UP. WEEK ..o0 UP. " HOTEL FORD. 73 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and pbone tn every room; rooma without Data. 10 up; wnn oam. ew 'a OUIET PLACE FOR" QUIET PEOPLE. W HOTEL CLIFFORD. . i Ct Vaur .rvi nti ivt. rieaiiiinesa and comfort. $3 per week up. .....-- iv i j a vr inih Waiih mtM new fireproof brick, select, quiet location, all oitame. clean rooms, with every mod ?LiurL H i wk. up. Rates to tourists. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and K. Bel-mon-Rooms 1U month. J u with private bath; large pleasant lobby, cats lu eoiiuectlon. Phone East iZi. HOTEL CORDOVA. S 11th at. 6trlctl "moSernr private balhj en .ulte; room. is up. -. . -... . 1 . r - 11 i4(1XPTt. .J.VA WASHINGTON ST., OFF laTH. F-7ont rooms, aleam heat, free phones and bath; 2 week. i per month up. .mTl'l. TPKV MS. Northwest Corner Stark and 11th Modem .""'d,rf1im'r,or TobbV.' "nJ ... 1 ?. e i- "j i utck up; individual gas plate; fml "cire tSken of rooms. Hotel Cadillac, ad. near jenw ;., fTn furnished sleeping rooms, 1.2i wee;' also housekeeping rooms. Jl.oO wk. ulxWELL HALL. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. s,i.hd rooma and apts.. ateam beat. ;'HU AloerB ot and coid water. 207 14th u HOTEL NORRIS. O-oi, Alder; modern out side rooms. p. "vnft RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms, cioso w.. xr..n.l.hH Rooms in I"rivale Familiea. ' 37 SIXTH, exceptionally large, attractive front room; 7 windows; fireplace book-cases- use piano; modern residence. Also single roomu. ri e. . v newly furnished apartment and "n'Vle rooms; attractive grounds. free il"ht7 heat. bath, phone; rent reasonable. 4-1 .N or L Jl .mi ELEGANTLY furnished room In a swell pri- ' , .,.hia for 2 young men. il vale iwu'd - - t rinity r in. . LARGE. pleasanL front room, modern home, short walk; gentlemen preferred. East 1553. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful home. runnlriB water and shower bath. 6..5 Ever- ett st. DANDY room in cozy flat; walking dis tance, flione aia'Q vc-i.-i 1 furnished large room for one or two yn mejTone Main 673S. 263 13th. room with double closets, walking dis tance. " losa in. 745 Hoyt. Mar. 47.,3. ... K..i k...., -i;a 2 W EEK, very piem ....., . V2in st, CHEERFUL, light, airy room for gentleman, e 1?. a 1 .-,.-,. 7,4 Lucretia. Wash., nr. 2.ld. FURNISHED rooms JI.Oo week and up. 1M .Vest rill " f. BRIGHT sunny rooms 13 up; heat, bath phone; walking distance. 32o 12th. Booms With Boan- 1IOTET. CAMPBELL A modem, FIREPROOF, residence hotel- American plan; on carline. 10 mlo ites from business center: price, in ac-"oT-d wUh general business condl'lous. 231 and Hoyt Sts. Marshall SbL MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL. Washington at 2Jd St. A charming family and transient hotel of l WghUf order; excellent arate tables; extremely reasonable rates, worth Investigating. Phone Main 7o4. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and jeiiersou ssis. An excellent realdential hotel; attractive . . .....i.nt nr ttermanent auests. Phone Main 23. A 8828. ALEXANDRA CO U RT. 63 ECCA O 1 xcc x. An American Plan Residence Hotel. 6u- Sing-'. - Ex"',f'nt4 Iff1 tup WEAVER. 31st and Washington At tractive residential hotel: special rates for "ansients: home cooking; private bath 111 eacn ioqw. x GOOlx irxac c x v . w . The Whitehall. 353 'h st.. has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor, a 1 ....,,.: reasonable rates. . . -... rwsl T ll'L' lINESS women and ; jd Kyi.d Women's Uuion. Slt Fland.ra. "CASA KO?A-30f JF.FERSON. "hoow. With Board In Private FamlUes. . . u.-ir attractive rooms; steam heat, hot LARUfc. -". .....i-- aultahle for two or inore; 7w n bed.;; separate dressers: ttJw modern convenience: excellent board; Slso tarV roSm with alcove and porch. ...7 7:'.-ii r.iit Harrison at., near 14;h. BOOMS ith board In privte ..miiy. East'uoth and Morrison. Will care for in- valid or old people irr: vTrn 2 young ladles or gentlemen for W ANTE! . ,A -.r . . ,, f?nresIrbaVdrng-hou; 'in the city. 3.8 10th, corner axoi"-a". aTTRACTIVE roonis in beautifully fur A I 1 RACl 1 xa lD t hot water. n shed nome, - u - -iVnoT .iL,in Histance. Main i20o. o35 11th. rA-L- i.rae airy, front room, with all modern ONt. large, ai. j, . . h without conveiuences. .-,. ., hoard. Marsnau - .-i.v.-KNI vl voung man wishes roommate; tUM.b.MAl. .-si Harrison IL good boara. ximu rear hui ti -rn T " large, warm, well-furnished 3u tjfH SI- - '"" , . PoMoffiee: rooms, o minutes " , t ' good Doara. iorm.. - - RO'J.M with booro: mouero. nines. TiJ l-ianoeip. 5.2r. UP. nleasant rooms, good board walk ini; distance, congenial. 33 North LARGE comfortable front room, suitable for tvo, German cooking. 331 c, Muntgomery. ROOM and board In private family, home privileges; reasonable-. o34 Flanders. ROOM with nr without bos rd. reasonable. 102 Lownsdale. Marshall 216i. THE MOUNTING 1 MIH KfiAl. I . I i . . . ' . . I . . .- i : in.Hm.nla I xtOUBes. c x V S-RANCISCO SALVU.i " : I - THE WHEELDON ANNEX (Apartment Hotel). Tenth and Salmon streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. -Rates day. week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 in and Taylor. Most modem apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. ONLY $18 to $-5 per month or 5 to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping 2-room apts.. Including electric lights. brick bldg., 14 minutes- from P. O. Lincoln Apia.. 4th & Lincoln. Main 1S77 or A 41aZ. TO SUBLET, light corner apartment, new building, two rooms, spacious closet and bath. Beautifully and completely fur nished, including linen and silver, w est Side, walking distance. On carline. Main r.inu. CARLOTTA COURT." Everett and l'th New. modem; ateam heat, private baths, laundry; completely furnished 2 and o room apts.; 10 min. 1'om business center; save carfare; rates moderate; references. THE CROMWELL. Resident Filth and Columbia Transient o-mlnute walk to Postofflce. Fjrnished Z and a-room apartments. Marshall 519M. References. A 3328. THE DENVER a and 3-room apartments: outside rooms, comfortably furnished; aiso unturnlshed: private bath, phone, steam heat; rent, reasonable; references. 274 21st tt North. Take "W" car. Marshall 380. WESTFAL, 410 5th 3 and 4-r. apts.. turn. and unfurn. ; week or mo. ; concrete bldg.. elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner free; steam-heated; 22 UP; best in town lor money; easy waiieuia "".""' WASHINGTON GRAND 2-room turnished apts ; 12 per mo. up; Just reouilt, modern, ciaii; very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 444M. CLARK ETON Nicely - furnished 3 - room apts.. all modern conveniences; rent S20.50, S27.50. including heat, water, phone ser vice. itO East Ankeny, Phone Last .721. NOKOM1S APTS.. nicely furnished front apt. with piano, $2o; also apartments SIS and 2i; all outside apts. Mar. 4U4j. lith and Marshall. GLEN COURT APT. Cor Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished. 2. i. 4-rooni; beat service; reason- aote. atam . " COMPI.ETt.Cl luillioneu. .-loom heated apartment; easy wm.tiis . in.. i. .. H.hia h.ih nhnile. alo per mo., o... -a . r -- , janitor service. 187 17th, near Yamhill. HISLOP HALLs cor. East ttlh and Haw thorne a and 3-room apts.; private batha and phone; also single rooms; t.eil lur nlshed; 12.50 up. Phone East 882. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished three-room apts.; private phone and bath; walkini; distance; prices moderate, phone Kast 20o. MADISON PARK APTS.. Park u. at Madison. Modern :l and 4-.oom furnished apart ments; close in; by week or month. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 2 and 3-rooiit apartments, furnished; first class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. eTrMINGHAM. 3K0 12tti St. Marshall 4b4. Noithanipton. 407 Hall St., Main 41M1, A-40oo: walking diatance: ' and 3-rooms; reasonable; summer rates. JACKSON BUNGALOW, 4S4 11th Newly furnished apartment, within walking dis tance. i-ROO.M apartment. East Side, completely furnished outside rooms, private bath ana phone. t20. B UC5. T 6o"5. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett two rooms, newly turnished. hardwood floors, talking distance, 22.oU. Main 124o. FA1RMOUNT APTS., 2 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments. 922.50 up; close lu. Main 228o. THREE and four-room furnished or onfur nished. The DJelland, A Db7. Main lstil. A 1075 THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. S41 14th St., at Market New 2 and 8 rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main 173a AVALON. Three and fuur-room furnished apts., trictly modern. r-nono n.ast am. DRICKSTON, 44S 11th, modern 2 and 3-room apts., excellent service, walking distance. Aiarshall uli, A S4U8. New Hart, automatic elevator, 1-2-nn.. bath, 13 50 to 6.0 wk., gas, phones, lights, steam free. 170Vs 2d, 4tli flT. nr. Morrls'n. MOST reasonable close-in 2-room . apt., all ronveniences. 28tl loth st. THE ELMS. 191 14th St., 2 and I outside rooms, 15 to 132.60; walking distance.. KEYSTONE, 11th and Jefferson, t rooms, modern; rent reasonable. ROSENF1ELD Furnisnod or unfurnished 3 and 4-rooni ... w.w .... NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room stear " heated apts.. rates f!4 to 22, 334 Stli. GOING away, will rent five rooms and potcn reasonable. East S47. C 3 6HS. 4-ROOM furnished arartmenl. hot water and heat. l K. "in. NEW, furnished apartments, concrete block. xiu. Sia. inin i"""1 - UnfumlbOrel Apartments. KING HILL APTS., 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class. 4, S and 8-room un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent service; walking distance; reasona-uio jeuw t 111- . uCDli-i V 21st and Johnson High-grade 8, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenant. who appreciate service; prices reasonable Phone Marshall 3360 or A 2u7ti. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 0 and ts rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will nnd In the city, rhone Main 75H". A 2t76. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway So., six blocks from business center, 1 four-room .,01 nil outside rooms: eastern exposure; splendid view, overlooking city; 130. Main 2o!. WALDORF COURT, IRVINOTON. mil and Schuvle-. Five rooms and porch; everything mod em. O loots, tafli i. vfvtrxa xi'ARTMENTS Six. light, sunny, outside rooms, uses, iroui auu eieeiooe porch, heat, not water, leiepuoue. iiihk entrance. iut Kurnimji at. FOR RENT 7 2-room apartments and two s.ngle rooina, reasonable to responsible parties. See Chas. Jenning. of H. Jen- ning & Sons. 2d and Morrison sib. LUCRETIA COURT. 49 Lucretia st. ilnest unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts.; references. Mgr., Mar. 1518; Janitor. Mar. 15 00. PDRTNOMAH, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, narawoou iioors, icmuuxuio. E. 13th st. THE OHMONDK Nice front 4-room apart ment, also uanuy o-room zurnisnea. 000 Flaiiders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. LIGHT rooms; bath. 2 closets; phone, water and laundry. 551 East Yamhill su Phone East 1710. 7-ROOM Duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms 2 baths; in Exejiioo. uu"u.". Davis st. . ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, rirst-class service. Private phone. Ret. LOVELY 4-room modern, all outside, cor ner, very reasonable. East 88. THE LEON ARD Three-room apartments; steam nein. i.none. o.i.. o.,o m.ov ....,... KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st- 1 and 4 rooms: high -class; references. Main 2058. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. 7-ROOM apt., furnished or unfurnished, with 2 sleeping porches, all outside rooms, very desirable. Mar. 1101. Trinity Place Apts. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders. 3. 3 and 4-room, furnished and unfurnished apartments IIS ana up. THE WINDSOR 2. 3 and beautiful rooma furnlsh'ea or noc Corner Last 14ttt and Yamhill. THE DEZENDORF "OS loth St., near Taylor; .Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unfurn. apt. TWO 4-room flats, modem and clean: new building, hji "!-, " lower. 115.40. boi'x Upshur st. 1 6-ROOM upper corner flat, all outside rooms. 033 East Madison. East 234. Rent reasonable. n-ue- enoTHiMPTOX. 407 Hall st New unfurnished apartments; most elaborate In in the city. Main jnt a qqp. MEREDITH 3 aud 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 wasn., opp. -ju. main 11m KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room uniurnisiieu . ieicin.-w STRICTLY modern 7-room fiat, 187 'n 16th. Apply xsx XPm. glX ROOMS, lower, modem, choicest loca tion. West Side, inquire 175 10th st. FLAT ot C roomB and bath, 733 Hoyt El. Inquire 100 qui at. x-ooq ..,. 4-ROOM modem flat, 171) Green ave.. near ?3d and ashlngton. Main 3883. A 3678. CLEAN, cosy, modern a-room flat 116. 207 McMilien. near pniBunaj 01 MODERN lower 5-room flat.' 103 E. 17th St., near Belmont; 118. Marshall 4317. 5-ROuM, new, 1 month free. Marshall 3107. OREOO - STAN. MONDAY, MORGAN, FLIEDNEH BOTCH, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sixes and price. Our free auto- aobile at your service in ."" our apartments. Ham xt'io. A 2015. THE BARKER, comer of 21st and Irving-- ... -1 . 1 S . . InhnH talSlB-t TTI Af! f M 111 I- umisnea nnu uuuio.oc 2 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick, elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beus, built-in bullets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. HIGHLAND CCURT APTS.. 22D AND UlyiSAJM. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. In city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance MARSHALL 8249 KINGSBURY, 186 Vista ave.. off Washington st. 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh, borhood. best of service; reasonable rates by montli . WELLESLET COURT, QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST liTii AND EELMONT STS. BTELWYN APTS. High-clas. elegantly furnlsnea apt., iuu.uuo.b i"-"-- -"h sleeping porch; will unfumlsh: also bach elors ape 160 6L Clair, cor. Washington. Marshall z-sou. TR-1N" ITY PLACE APARTMENTS, 1 tl 1 1 ' 1 o c. vi r xw.-w 40-57 TRINITY PLACE, MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL LUCILLE COURT Three and 4-room apts., 120 -to 130; gooa service, zui x auo joy sts. ' Flat. WK HAVE a modern, five-room flat on the last b;js, Close 10, easy . for a very low rental. It will pay you to look Into this matter. Inquire PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO.. I0 Second Stret. FOR RENT West Side corner flat, 5 rooms, maid's room, furnace, fireplace, gas range, water heater, drying - room, har.lwood floors, beam ceiling. 254 North 2".th. corner of Northrup. NEW MODERN IRVINGTON FLATS, o rooms, up to date, 3 blocks Broadway car. walking distance, 118.60 and 21. Gor don E 6th and Broadway. E. 356, C 203o. E. 6570. . CORNER flat 6 good, modem rooms, on West Side near nigh scnooi; lumacu. iu 2715. 24SV4 Stark St. 4-ROOW flat, fireplace, newly tinted, phone, $ 1 Kast 1711). Famished Hats. BONNIE BRAE. One lovelv. newly furnished apt., 3 rooms, dressing-room and bath. 2 cjosets and phone. inn anu nmM. LOWER floor. 5 rooms, very pleasant neigh- bornooa. origin. ' . B iT- pnone iree; piny m. - NEW modern 4-room furnlsnea tiat, jioreh. walking distance, V bloca. from I j cnapmaii cur. 000 an" CLEAN, neatly furnished 4-room flat; pri vate bath, sleeping porch, large grounds. walking distance; reasonaoie. c. ama. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room flat; fire place and furnace. 222 N. lSlh. Adults. x,,,r.i.-wv- r. or f.-room furnished flat 8 b,ast j. 111 .orin. jmi 0..0. ,. ..i.ii TOT X Tlf.1 git 5-ROOM completely furnished; phone, v,, , ..... ,,aii. Hta.anee PTst 331U. llgnts. wact. 115 PER month. 3-room upper flat, nicely furnished. 3 N. 20tli. vnmi.:R v 4 rooms, walking distance. 268 Ross St.; t20. Phone Woodlawn 1809. Housekeeping Rooms. 83 '.O WEEK up, completely furnished house iieeDinir suites, absolutely cleanest In town. Baths 'ights hot water, every conven ience 'free: large corner room, disappear ing gas plate. 12.75; smaller single. 2 up Save carfare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near jeirerson. 81 no TO 12 75 week: clean, furnished house- hlS?, "Sundry, bath. yard. Pbone East 003a. 406 ...v" " 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room boucekeeplng apartments; rea sonable THE SOUTHERN. 64714 1st, nicely fur, H. re. suites, ex.uo . " " FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d. cor. Morlson. OILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder FumlHitil ittmsJ-keeuinir rooma cheap. 11.50 week up. 1 AND 2-room apts., 11.50 and 14 week; . . . . l-n.l, .till l.lfarwn. light, neat, pnooe-, on.... CLOSE-IN housekeeping roonis, $1.00 and tip. 3US Main, near 010. Housekeeping Buoina In Private Family. TWO or three elegantly furnished front housekeeping rooms; sink, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms, electricity, fur nace heat, laundry; beautllul yard. 1-3 . JOQ SI. PRIVATE entrance, lower floor, 3 connect ing rooms, furnished H. K.. 110 mo.; cooking gas included. 731 Rodney, neat Fremont. Williams or Union ave. car. f 1 ; 1 j . . 1 1 . . w j.u . Furnished housekeeping rooms for 1 or two men: all conveniences. 481 L. aitn North. Tabor doao. 250 N. HTH 1 to 2-room housekeeping suites; all conveniences; walking distance; very reasonauie. miioicm - ONE unfurnished room in modern house, housekeeping privileges: lady alone; near in; lauy ciuiij . . . . NICE housekeeping and sleeping rooms 11.50 and up; free bath, phono, heat. 208 li lo cal! Main 7923. MODERN' clean 2 or 3 h. k. rooms, reason able, near 23d st. ; also sleeping rooma 787 Gllsan. Marsnau 101. ONE two and three large, uicely furnished, suiiny, front, housekeeping rooms, with ail conveniences. 214 33th st. NEATLY furnished Housekeeping rooms; free phone, bath. heat, light; all light rooms; large yard. 301 Broadway s. UPPER flat. 3 large rooms with bath, mod ern, eastern and southern exposure, fine luwn. reasouaoie. ci-i TWO nice housekeeping rooms, ciobe in; neat, ngut, ua.. v ..... near Burnsiae, 10 PER month and up, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite. 03 N. 20th St. Ataiu chjv. - . . ft . ..In.. 11 1? mnmm and 812.00 1 WU lll.l-viiwo ---- sleeping porch; light, water, bath, nice yard, 20 mm. cai i.oe. .aov. THREE or f-ur furnished II. K. rooms, walk ing distance, very reasonable rent, 21 E. l.nh st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. free light, baths, phone. . ... r,u E-aal 1x71. gio MCLDERN cottage, cor. Union ave and w ......v.u..B leiuln T."HI7. FURNISHED 6-room house, J18. 761 Will iams ave. y ooo.--" NICELY furnished front room, II. K. if re quired: all conveniences. -o ... MODERN 6-room house tl7 Everett sc. West Side. waianiK uo,......". -. MODERN 8-room house, 1 U blocks from canine, sv xo t liOrsGKERPING suites, everytning xur- ntsliert, 8S to NEWLY furnished 2-room front suite. 12 BO a-room eune. s- - TWO-ROOM housekeeping, suite pn llrst Tl"r: all conveniences. 450 Market st. House. FOR RENT 5-room cottage 075 Broadway cor. Grant xiiqune " - Main 4-o C-ROOM modern house, corner Cleveland and o-"V. . i ,ui low rent. A Skldmore, goou . , or Mam -iox. j.qj KENT 5-room cottage. 356 Lincoln St. inquire o- ....v." HOUSES and flats, an pao w md. "civ Pxehance. Mar. 1868. 5-ROOM HOUSE o ana. sc. .o. aey at Jj.-; Ella. Marshall 4338. A 3..6. A, nsE in West Side, 8-room, modern cor C? house good location. Main 2556. FURNISHED hoUBe, West Side. 742 Irving at.; oo 8-ROOM house, turnished, 450 10th st. In- oulre 4oo ' "- -- - ---- 7 ROOM modern cottage. 607 Northrup st. O"1 . ... .. in.i.lrs 571 LoveloV St. iar J - - DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of city. Stout Investment Co. Main ol8. riXoOM house. 712 Lovejoy. near 23d. In- quire 1 0 " - - vTnnKRN' cottage, nicely located, very ear. F. J. StelnmeU. Main 8301. MODERN 7 rooms fireplace, furnace, atilc. yaia, ciopc ," ROOM modern house, furnace, fireplace; $22 848 Clackamas. Tabor 2044. rVoTixi cottage, newly tinted, painted, vard: 115. 350 Ivy st East 44. a. 5TKOOM cottage. 670 Taggart st; 11. W-W car. aisiaiia" . ' . ROOMS, modern cottage. j ca. iu si. i 113 W-W car. Marshall 4317. reixi L 6-room house, garage, sleeping porch. Jth l" and roses, 118. 719 E. Ankeny. .... -n v i.- " T,e-ir river. 8-room house, 3 .,'erertrujt.henhouse. 120 mo, 335 Taylor. rTEN 7-room house. 317 Hancock: kitchen. lliiolenm. steel range; rent reasonable. sTroom modern house for rent. 628 4th st MARCII 8, 1915 LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR nt.M , , . We have some new. strictly rnodem houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, will build Just what you want on the easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co.. .iu starK at. Main 1000. a xu.q. .. . . . . . . . . riD vvrHlM'.B Fine Piedmont home. 7 rooms, hot wa ter heat, near cars, high school and PJk. will rent, sell or exchange for Los An geles property; great place for childien. FOR RENT 0-room house, completely fur nished thTet bedrooms, 40x100 ''.Vt'ow ers. chicken-yard and chickens, o0 rent, insiniilnv water and telephone. Alberta district. Phone Woodlawn 030. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, S. W corner 53d and Sherman, 116 per month, with garage 1S.oO; key next door; will be at homo between 2 and 0 Sunday alter, noon. Take Hawthorne or Mt. Scott cars. 5-ROOM cottage. 413 11th St., splendid loca tion. easy walking distance, rent reason- ble'FARR'isH. W ATKINS CO.. 1UO cnvuuu u. APARTMENT NO. 6 at 864 Flanders St. for rent, furniture and carpets for sale. Ap ply between 10 and 12 A. M.. r U'er Phone Main 2063. Lllllo Hexter. almin- istratrix. FOR RENT IN PIEDMONT Modern 6-room house and garage. 1314 Garfield ave.. 2o per month; will lease for a long term; can be seen aitcrnoona x to NEW BUNGALOW Modern, 5 rooms, large attic sleeping porch, lull basement, with or without garage. iSS Overton, near 4tn. 5-ROOM cottage, rent $9, in fine ""dRjon; also 2 iargo upstairs rooms ., Per "10"th' 2rtth and Thurman sts. Phone mornings Aiarsnau j.o 4-ROOM modern bungalow electric lights, gas. lot 50X135: 12 bearing fruit trees small bushes: nicely equipped for raising cnicKens. i-nouo ...c... 65 EAST 20th, near E. Davis. 8 rooms and garag; entirely muuem. .m.j built-in conveniences throughout; nearly 'new; low rent; owner; phone Maln101 J. TfZ MONTH 8-room house, 2 fine Jots, garden and fruit, at 740 Oregon st. E. J. (ietser, 11 cnauioei o. ....... . 8-ROC1M modern house, on 19th and Mar- shall sts.; rent rcMwiwuw. - Main 2474. nt XJ . 1 . ...... CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main 423. irnR RENT New modern 5-room bungalow. .t. Kev at Blackstone Ho- J Vt ViBiumv.. tel. 17 LARGE modern 5-room bungalow. near Peninsula Park: half block to car. Owner 1020 Yeon bldg. Main 2'- HOUSE Nob Hill district, hot water heat, electricity, suitable for rooming. Mam 91 do. MODERN 10-room house, suilablo for 2 faniL iies. in Sunnyside. $20 per mouth, lull particulars, oia Piatt mag. LAURELHURST Eight rooms and sleep ing porch, new. mode-n house rent 130 month. Call before 10 A. M. T abor I),i8. Famished Houses. NOTICE Would you buy an 18-room house. all H. K.. all newiy mrnisncu, vobl 11000 to furnish? Rooms all rented l.j.o waiting list. Rent very cheap. Clearing S75 month above expenses, price for ail $550. 1- cash, can 00 xutii. near LAURELHURST, beautifully furnished 7 room home, new furniture, piano, lawn, roses; Floral ave and Glisan. Phone Main 92 8 5 MODERN U-room house iu Laurelhurst for rent to desirable tenants at 127.50. Also large 10-room house In lrvlngton, rent 13o. Full particulars. 612 Piatt bldg. FULLY furnished 6-room house on Broad way, near 2oth. Get key at 944 Broad wav or call lor particulars at 512 Piatt OlOg. CKSlltABLE small cottage. neatly iiu nished, clean. 14. 702 East 2Sth St. v WE fumigate for bedbugs and germs. The ir-,,ir & Disinfecting Co. Work guaranteed. Phone Marshall 1444, A U48. IRVINGTON MJOern o-room nou. eo.... 22d and Clackamas. Call between 10 and I o'clock. 6-ROOM. modem, corner house, 705 E. 21sx St.. on Brooklyn carline; very nicely fur- nished. piano, cneap leu. VICELY furnished 6-room house, with yard and rose bushes. Corner E. 18th and Washington SMALL house and garden, 11 a mo.; 3-room nousa. garden, furnished and water, o mo. Main 707; SUNNYSIDE. 5-room. clean, completely and we'll furnished cottage; piano. 108 East lath. Tabor 3326. INQUIRE . , eW D.'T1 f SCTRVIfTK. . . xA cexv ..u... - - . Title & Trust Bldg. Main o423. s-i-, 6-ROOM. aen anu siccpiiig jwiiiu, -o r vw ;. tci u- Xi.ueov Kl . corner . ' . 1 .. , ... 1. nlsnea. piaj'o. "' V eV v. ' 4th. can 10 a. -" " FURNISHED bungalow on carline. Tabor is-. it ROOMS furnished at 1st and Hancock, 120 0 per month. Inquire 521 AbHigtun bids. weot i uE Nicely furnished house, 8 rooms. 160. Phone Main 3085. NICELY furnished cottage. 5 rooms and bath, can 01 7-ROOM house, good location; lawn, gar den; paved street, 123.50. Sellwood 13. Stores. STORE with 4 furnished llvlnc-rooms for rent rood location for shoe repairing shop or hardware slore, also sood for tailoring or repair shop; store contains fixtures, shelving and counters 2 bedrooms, living- room, batn -ana - --. nished : rent 115. Main 151 1. LS2 Qlhbs st. FOR REST or sale, building, 50x100. 3 floors and basement, modern, for factory or warehouse, equipped with fire "rln--s system. American Chicle Co. Main oobS. 4tn an-j J0III13OO. " OWNER has splendid store for rent, 2oxii feet In sixe. right in the heart of the busi ness district; light, heat and water In cluded iu rental; splendid opportunity for r ..vL-.,.lc merchant. L 570. Oregonian. -rrrz 774T ... . . x,-a. T-t.irnslria aud East 8th sts.; good location: moderate rent Page Investment Co., 120 Front st Phone Main 8080. Offices. OFFICES 110 up; furnished offices and desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest comer. 303 Swetland bldg. WK1.L furnished private office, also desk room. and I7T Hi Chamber of Com merce c-TORE. 275 Hawthorne ate., 17x10. near " bridge: tine light, good basement Apply ii uivl noniw l."i . WFST SIDE STORES 17 to 125; 3d and wi:.mi.ia ADDly Hotel Cadillac. C 0 1 u inula. e v DESK room In large, light office In Morgan bldg. Apply manager, 818-21 Morgan tldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. L. . r tv ,-id td x nir.. In one of the best cities In the Wil lamette Vallev general merchandise store, wlTh 1 60 stock, doing a monthly busi ness of 16500; wil. consider farm land to ?alu of ItiOOO. This stock can be reduced to 110,000. Inquire or write C A. AUfiTIN. 750 East 72d St.. North. HAVE country store and bulldlnss, with other property, amounting to 120,000. Good country trade, mostly cash. 4 u miles from i H V only 11000 Indebtedness; near Boisefwant a good fann in Western ore gon. C. C. Grigson. Boise. Idaho. 301 Son na. tin I r ar D P4.RLOR. soda fountain, cigars, tobacco, candles, good going business In the best business city In Rogue River Val lev will sacrifice on account of oiher business: price 13000. cash, bal out of business; 515 North Bth. Grants Pass. ' Or. ' THE right man with 1300. This is your business chance. AF 634. Oregonian. SHOE and harness repair shop in At suburb of Portland; rent only 18 per month. A small outfit for sale If desired. Full In formation at oi- ri" "' POOLROOM 3 pool tables, cigars, tpb, con fec.; fine location, doing good business Price 8270. oo xmnwuj niiiR tob- confec. store, good location. dolitB good business: if sold Monday price 11 IO. .,11 inn- ..... - ...IfiD live feed business ana reea barn; buildings and lease at a bargain: Invoice jtoclt. AV 636, Oregonian. FOR SALE Small restaurant In good lo cation; selling on account of other busi ness. AO ma, cnegoo ". SALE t4 or all flourishing auto re pair builnes?; centrally located. AL 643. Oregonian; ; aTo BARGAIN Restaurant. In good loca B t?-n- completely furnishel; 1150 cash. Call. between lO and 1. 20 1 14 Surnslde. i7?TrRANT cheap, must sell; good busi ness, good location. 225 Madison St. Port land. Sv-STAURANT, cheap; good business, cheap rent? big trade, busy corner. 264 1st. m" I I I ARD-l.OOM, 6 tables, tobaccos, con .LL'JB" ..i . j, rlnli. Tabor 5002. fectionery aim pv... FOR SALE Pantorium Dyeworks. Apply 0. j acobson, ftiBr-. u"e........ x CHAIK barber shop; swen xvoaeu tures; Dest, iuwiwui --. BARBERS! Good two-chair business for sale. -- ivxaiiiusiu,. ... I own a first-ealss saloon on Mrke' street lu San Francisco. 1 block from the Oakland Ferry. This place cost to equ p b years ago about llo.oo-). I am only asking 7o00 for It. Doing dIbIu"-n" at present and with low ren t I do not run the place myself, and owing to con tinued sickness I want to sell. The first bona fide offer that is rea sonablc will take this snap L ilMrTi to 12000 to 13000 cash and will be wllllj ng to cany the balance for purchaser lor two or three years if desired. Address "Owner," 072 Folsom It. San Francisco. Cal. 70-ROOM modern hotel, with Urge lobby, freshly kalsomined and tinted, ail in first class condition; located on prominent su Inquire 10 chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 1585. t'OR SALE Well paying bakery, cash ' busi ness, growing seaport town, large payroll, little opposition, stands closest investiga tion: price 12200. Stock extra. Address AV 621. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted. 1 2.1O needed. 10 per 1 ri t per month or mora guaranteed: "side work; lady or gent. J 656. Oregonian ROOMISC.-IIOUSES. MRS. M. E. X.ENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent Both Buver and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 508-9 N. W. Bank blag.. 0th and Morrison. I ROOMS for h. k.. rent 25: near Cth and Clay must sell at once; uest offer taken; account sickness. Address F 642. Orego nian. V PARTM F-NT-HOl'f? K. 51 rooms. Nob Hill, rant S'J .U UK I loo.... -. . full- tell cheap, cash, terms or owner, J S9 N. 2 trade. KOOMING-HOUSE worth 800O: will sac 1 r?L f eonsider trade. Call at 10 3d st nf ice . N., room 11 ROOMS: must sell qul-k for cash; world 1150; our price today 1!0 for all. Ca 88 10th, near Stark. . X -?OOM. ingle H. K. apts.. newly papered ana paioee-.., proposition; Bee owner. all rented; 181 13lh st. good LOST Al FOUSD. NICELY furnished 3-room house, newly tint ed lurnished comple.e 'or housekeeping. 815 a mouth, without children. USt Mis- sisslppl ave. DOST Saturday aflernoon In Norlh 1 ort land. small platlnrni pendant with pearl drop. Phone l.abbe. Mar. 17. Reward. L.OST 0.1 Mt. Tabor, Sunday afteruoou. broocn. gold, moss ugate. licward. Mis. V. eivei . ir.UM o- 1 j.OST A bunch of keys, north of E1nerHq.11 st. Return to 254 East Buffalo. LOST Sundav, auto tail light and license 71I65. Return 5004 33d aeltcird. LOST Gold looket. Monday; Initials X. It. I'loHSC tail laoor i-oo. ie , - SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE. Sale of Hotel Elysium. Vancouver. B. C. , e... nr.lur ..1 the court. I Pursuant to an order of the Honorable the finer justice 01 " - tenders are invited for the purchase of the , h,.i.l uii.l nremlses known as the Hotel Eljsium, situate at 1112 Pander street, Vancouver, u. c. as a going eo.. -rh ..mnertv. inclualllg and. bulla ings and furniture, is reputed to have cost about 30ii.JO, and is specially adapted Mr tourist trafflce. The lenders should state the amount ortereo lor ta) tne reul estate tincluding iuIIU 1., .. , . ibj' the furniture, furnishings, fixtures and gooa win, no, . . ,i.a ii.. nor license. The leal estate is subject to a first mortgage Mr lu .0. earning interest at 71, per cent, ptvable quarterly. inis mortgage is 10 i.e assunico oj- ... .11 i.i.rira must tC In Oil Or be fore the 22d day of March next. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted Particulars und conditions of sale may be obtained on application to any , ,,.u .n:, i,r nfiiees wherein this ad vertisement appears. Tenders should be addressed to En win B. Ross, Rogers build ing. Vancouver, E. C. solicitor for the plaintltl. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United S-ates for the Oistrict of Oregon In Ins matter of Balldon Dry Goods Co.. bank rupt Request for bids: 1 will receive staled bios for the loilowing properly of the bankrupt, situated at Bandon, Or.. In the store room formerly occupied by said bankrupt, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday. March 15, at my office. I4V-747 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or.: Stock of goods, ware aud merchandise consisting of dry goods, notions, ladies' and children's suits and cloaks, furs, mens and boys' furnishing goods, etc.. of the inventoried value o.' 3al7.12, together with fixtures per i i.. nog 10 the same of the inventoried ...ue of 62i.u3. Certified cheek for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to tlla approval of lbs "inventory of the property may be seen at my office and also at Bandon. Or, at the latter of which places the property inav be Inspected. may do iu v u SAB1X. Trustee. BILLIARD and pool hall and cigar stand In Aberdeen. Wash.. centrally located, known as "Chubs Place." a thriving busi ness under operation at the present time, will be sold in the bankruptcy courts at the office of the Honorable W. H. Tucker, referee at Aberdeen. Friday. March 12. -I p M to the highest bidder. All bids" must be accompanied by 10 per cent of the amount offered, the trustee re serving the right to reject any offer not ot sufficient amount. This place is open for inspection und under operation at the present lime. OEPOT Quartermasters Office. 106 Norlh Point st.. San Francisco. Cal., Feb. lx. I'M". proposals will be reretved here un. til 10 A M , March 1". 1015. for lurnish linr at cither the Boston. New York, Phila delphia. Cblc-ago. St. Louis or San I; run Cisco depots of 1 lie Uuui terniaster orps. rubber boots, blue dunlin. Jean draer. shirting flannel, cotton gloves, legglns, , eins and cotton undershirts. Information on appilcallun. W. H. Hart, r. . 1 marliTMIJHlrr. NOTlcr, i O eu.iin.iv.wno. Bids w'U be received by the State Highway Commission at Hie Capitol build iua T Salem. Or., on March IJ. 115. 2 P. M ' for the construction of the Mitchell Point section ol oie Columbia Highway in Hood River County. Plans and specifi cations may be obtained at the office ot toe Slate Highway Engineer Salem, Or., by depositing L L BOWlby. celv l,..n serial Uer Ce Paored'wav and Means Committee." Seaside. Oregon. IISASCLAL. iooo first m:t; Roseburg Ho'ne ' orchard l""-" h sold at once; make an oifer. Main 4.l Ji ...ii rum Stock Exchange. vj oa improved insiao properly; plsiity "of money; "."w rates, no delays; principals only. Robertson & Ewlng. 207-208 Norm- western xi om. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages llSst ana second), equities pur- a s . .. ,, , x. i-n X IIU b df. cliasea. r. rx. e " - - WE BUY mortgages, bonds and note. W est.. o "o"- - - ml 4tn St.. ooix q - FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers interest In contracts purchased; Oregon o iiv . ..- vt.i. I iiiiinerniena bide. wasn. rx. a . - - WE buy notes, botids and mortgages, jtob ertson & Ewlng, 2Q7-8 N. w. bank bldg. Mock and Bunds, X1300 SHARES Oregon Home Builders stock for sale at 25o per share, company is no. selling same stock at 3c per share. Ad- dress box o, ciq.q. .-. .. oTi s ock for sale, 20 shares Calgary, Al Uitrff Wtv. CO. J er.2, Oregonian. Money toLoap un Heal Lslatc. unvEv to loan Improved city, farms, pri vate party, no commission. AB 636. Ore gonian. ITc-i.- fieckeudorf todsy: no delay, city and "Efarm Toais at current mtea. 313-1. Slock Kxchange u:u.- -- " ' uieTG JE LOANS IN AX I AMOL XI. ""'OREGON :NV. MORTGAGE CO.. INC.. stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. mi if "GAGE loans, city or iaiui; prompt service. N. E- Coleman. Vlo Stock change. sTnno TO LOAN on PorUaud real estate. i0HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. ,24 chamber of Commerce. 01l. ...,....- j - -' ' - ' ss-ACKD PROPOSALS. In triplicate, will be received by the .juartormaster-General o the Army. Wasliiiigton, l-. C. until 2 o'clock P. M.. Eastein time. April 7, 191.V for furnishing cordage, rope and twine for delr-ery during the fiscal year 11MB at depots of the Quartermaster Corps list, ed in schedule. Schedules furnished upon aDOllcatlon to Quartermaster-General. L. S Army Washington, D. ( .. or by yuar termastei'. Portlund. Oregon. BONUS roil a.i.c. The City of Seaside. Oregon, will ro- m sealed bids lor x-lo.oou muuieipai rf mi to March SO. ll15. bonus to o f-om 5 to 2o years. Interest at e ni. pas able semi-annually. Certified ..r :, ner cent ot cm must at-eoiu- xiOlilUAuS x.u.o. Anv amount, low lates. promptly closed. Attractive repayment prlt ilexes. A. 11. B1URLLP LU. 217 Norihw ewtei 11 Ral.k Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. ... . . v -I-. . 1 1 1 x v; ON IMPROVED IlKAL l.s T ATE , FJ 'R Rl'M-DlNG PLRPOSES; VERY H.KV 1EI.E CONTRACTS: N' COMMISSION. COLLML1A LIFE - TKlsT CO. 010 SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED PRO PERT. OR FOB BUILDING PURPO.-LS; LIULRAL PAY MENT PKIVll.EGLS. MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING l ltouREssl. THE F.yUTABLE SAVINGS LOA ASSOCIATION. 110 STAKE ST. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Mouey on business property. apartiuc'lila, and frm"; R H. IliossolO, 116 CUambsr of Cominero. SU.M.1 XO x-e, On Portland city real cxiaiu; taltn Joans at lowest current rales. MALL ai VON tlOricTM, 114 Sccolid St., lo-sr aii.liton. TO i-uAN 810,000 olt Uaa FARKl.NG I ON. 80 4TH ST., BOAItU t':-' VKAl'E lil.D'i. xooo. xiooo and upward on Improied real estate, lavonble terms: 110 ilelavs: no brokerage. John Halii, .."7 Spalding I'Mt. bEE us wd tor louiis 011 improved city piop.-rty. 0 to 8 per cent, 8201 aud up. C ellais-Murton (.", a.'5 Yeon hlug. imoo TO LOAN on real estate In the city of Portland, r-uouiit xoui vent.. v w.w . 512 I'lult bldg. xloKTGAGE loans oil cii aud uliui r a. . .. . - ... - u...l tf ...1 VV. II NliUIL 4I Sn.TliHK puis. Money to Ixian linltcln and sialarles. IMMCCIliH eeni.o OS DIAMONDS AND JUWLLRY AT EAslEUN KAILS. We have on of the finexl i.iall j-aelly stores III Ihti city. A loan uspariiiient is couductil l.i coiiiieclion voth ame. mak-lliL- business ftlltlCll.Y t " M' U'LN 1 1 A 1.. ll"oluulv 110 ln dels: alius loan busi ness disl-layed 111 Irunt ot our store. A', mcrchaualse lm'U'e.1 is held lor liloa ol seven mouths, v. nether or not ImiiMl is paid w.ieu due. Me are litiis.i and have been estaUl.shed nno 1VJ. No con. uecllou with any oilier loau extabllsUrusat lnAtu.s l.OAOK JEWELERS, lMMEUlAli. LOANS LOANS 'U to tlim eji. U'KLY. STATE sU'l 1.1TY CO.. LUEXSCD. LOANo ON .-..LAl.lES ONL7. BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND CALL ANU LEI IS EXPLAIN OUR LAsV-PAi siENT I LAN. BUSINESS SIKH ii.Y l 11.SFIDENTIAL STAT E i-Lc'l. Ill I'Y l O.. 3011 I' iN.x Hl.Dii. LOANS IX u HOURS' TIME at lefcal rates on iliaii.oiix, autoS. DlailOS. hour, hold go.ijs Slid IIVClO, . Pol' il. AND LOAN CO.. x.leNei h sixte. '.e.i R .tliclilld Holf MOX'LY A I OM E. Diun-.oinis, aa.c.o-s. inslrumsnta 'El'AKATE Dl.P'l. FOR LAIlIE. L.!.fclY' co-dfANY iluenred, 320 Cuii..e-r Cxcuaiise lilo.l.. Second ana a sueeis. WANT SMALL JloHlGAGE lAJAN. 1100 to 350. or will buj small niorl,,s. 3 1. . ve . .....i.-r to., s-ock LxlIisiiss. LOANS on diamonds confidential. 1 money loaxi-.i' 01. o S. V. Kini;. 1001. 1 I., in. .1111 srd jewelry. 1. XM.I.lJtlo! bltlg. X.0AN0 on -cal cute, uiuiuo.ids and Ja elr. W mljill.roo.ii . oiiigtunJiidg, l-ooooo To LOAN hi on. is 10 suit; build ing ui- i . o. Deck, -la- i o l-aliliiy bldg. MORTGAGE" 1-.iA.xc. t. am. . Pl.K CKXI. COLTS sALe.Jio. 10.. .. riih. ol iToUTGAGE LOA.Xs. .."i u.... J.n. no d.. Utury C. 1' '"'' "itta, tTTx Y MOlli ti.vei .. L.O.V.. x A I i".... FitLU s. illi.xjus. r ij.' 820O. 35o. ooe., ..uo. i-i liM'it 1- led . ..1 c'ol-imerca. tlermau - r.,.. e una luil.i lean.. iot late, c D. annelids, toiii. MONEY, any amount. 0 seiiz co.. 3lo .-paid 8 p-T cant tilog. U. VIOXLY luallee. oil leal esiale. coll I ra. ts aud in t siJMLlo l ,, 2"1 C ' run tier bids. i-1'ATE FUND, 0 P r cetil. YV. L. Tnomas. again Multnoiiiali counQ- loo CH. I Com. xltl 0"0, SI Mb 1 O CLI1, AC 5l7. 01.EGO.XI YN. jTooo TO 115.C00 I'll I Y Alt MOXLY il 4U2, Oregonian .'T.r.- ui ,eii-Y l.".-.o To 8..0.OOO. n; vitll-UH.W. t'HAM. OK I UII. ii. $5CUO TO loan m T p eelil oil r al eslatc. S tijx, oi cm-.' '-.n ."vil L loan lino to 7mio on city or farm xk 426. Oiegonian. WK loan money - - ""- T ' s rr, at liai: me " 1 ' - -- j Marx d. Mioch. ii 3d t. Loans YY allied. vTvNT Slootl, l'25 a"" i5-" t " Pr '. V..i - ,.,-n, mi B,,.,d rrf deiii Ur.l..Vt IMMiil ai .- lor cut and - i. , per ce., t on g 1 M" l"d; .".' at ti per cent mi K 1 propniy. E. A. t'urtis, 2'm Q-i't ' " e-i ui -e I.A.-s mh l. t-ldtf. iii ex. f-.r a o'ein'lid XJU.OOO Iaiui In oeau.llul South ern Oregon. John ll .rtog. i IIAKTMYN A THOMPSON. 4lh & Siaik. YY AXT'ED- SI'"" " 8 I" r l,r"1" onto secured oy luik; gi.e pnone liuiiiotr. Y u..'i, on- nirfii. 13.0. WAXll-t. , " . . . . -. ui tit i in o ......... at 6 per out. oaner liltnly,. "orU.'i.l business man. A bl.l. or ex-oni. n. w A 'T E D to borrow .nii") ulie.'l fim I- vat. party ou stolo bldg. AL 03X. oi.- gooiaiu WAXTELl To bonow uire. I fiom prixale party 2iko on modern rid neu. An, t,.ii, Orn oil ln. W ANTED Loan of 10ll, f.rsl In'.., oa real e.tat.; prltat panics. F orxgo- Ii la ii. lot lor MBit. - ox cirei; 81,'Ov WANTED" on modern l.mnfl tn good ..... -,..i f. of C. blda. Mam ll. l'F.RMISAL. WB SECC 1 1 All t HAIR. HAIR. "6-lllen real J irsl-qualll y BWitchea. ... io-liich real llist-.jiia.ll .. . blllNG THIS All t.oo.l lor c oa Face mass". --" fcoampod ...a Juanlcuie - ' IMirorew . . . . . .- -oifellluous hall lellio.e.i o electrl. Il. Owr.i "V OH hair, .uy .ha.:-, ow.t .r.s iuC eiitlii. Prices naif, s-miary Uvuiy r-arlm-i. 400-412 Dekum . l.lug.. d YY as . 1 1 g t M ri M i nil I iU 2. PYRTY-passing through Portland is d.sir ous "f finding lady, maiden name, c-org-licx S Brow", lato ot Michigan, recent. widowed; should this adv't bs rn by anyone knowing this lady present d uresa kindly cuinmunlcato sains to As 401 Oregonian. liiquned Mr by her coa- s;l. from Scotland t-EliVl.T HANEBCr 1 radl'i" lg ami loupe inai.. is. rlnest sto k I .T.iai. hair goods, switcues from 85c up, a'i "I " laco and .ram "eomtmi.s t.p to oruei. 147 Bruadwuy. i.eai Mo.-i i-on. Mam "46 Ji-i e-NT'l FIG inasiuusc. geiiun.u luo Oxi. .s. alcoholic electric ircllmi.t. chiropodist. ml.,cur.l. -01 JUui.) i0 VY a.n lllgloii st. . rTllYI YN i U YlXcD M KsL Trealiuenis loi- rheuiliaiini. etc.: massage iud bat"- - o-li.ioi. .t., col. 13U.. Mr shall Oeo. MARIE N.JVLXS, elecliic batlis and treat metits daily, ladles ou y. Main ULSIorap "nitmeut. 2o oilgolilcjri c, CTiTtWEGlAN tiliied liurso und uius; electric o.aukel uealiiieiit; houis 2 P M. tu Ts :Vo P. M. 2"V u t Rooms 3 nd .. i ir IT SlTiI . moiial and spiritual aeie-lUst. ".1S-3P.I AII--U bid. CJUestlod fnit? , Wednesday. 8 P. M. Main 822-.. sTiTnTTALlSM-R.v. Mary A. Prlca. Circle Ks d'aW JW3 511. st M's-fsh .11 oi'OU. hiVENS. 21 ai Portlands re nowned paliu.-t and clan vo . in. aui.ior of ,rnlMaduEasy.;- 2UI V, Morrison. rvlMltELLAS All colors and styles; largs-t stock- recovering; new iiauu.s Put ou. II eredltlis 320 YV allimy toll st ' JfYUE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Ruliehes 95c, curls and puns ioc. Seal. , uv Beauty parlors. 4ou Dekum b.dg. "" LeiTIHc' Y'llilt.YToll for rlieuni.insiii. ,,i i.ila. ia.-ii " n. -. reioolli ole phone Marshall 20. v -XTt D 83..0O loan oil Valley laliu, al ,,'iised st 1:mkio; will pay 8 per cent. k Moore. 317 Board of Trade. vTiTlL;'; superfluous nair isinov.u. airs. i. Mo liill I2'- Flledller bldg. .Vlln S4i3. iTTTTj oiT FIGS compound, Royal lonlo lahlfts. 6"4 Davis si. Phone Main 23l'.l. ,""-VT0ss lu phrenology and card reading. 235 i.i sthoiie Jt1ci: mIss UEORA BURKETT. far. and scalp M.?tment..CallM.isl,all2.;. fiTlROPRACTlO sptciallsl. Chronic Cases taking tnue. 31 treatinenl 815 UI llli ,"Tlr YT E maseuse gives tri-a linen dully. 03 N -Olh t. "car YyasliliiKton. M. 80-.Q MYMCURtNG and electric treatment Mis Ethel Burke, 313-314 Northwest bid. IjEX'TLEM EN Uti a manicure for S.ic. io; Rothchild blda.. :7Vi YYsshlngton st Her own nome. rwvm tvowi-m . c