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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
TIIE MOnVTNG OREGOXTATT. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915, 12 PORTLAND BUSINESS ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. FKOilPT SEHVic'i: at ransonabl. price. Pacific Tliie at Tmt Co.. 7 Ch. ot Com. ACCOKUION" PI :AT1SQ. ACCOKUlu.S, kail and box plaallns. plcot ln. henuMtcalng. braiding, .inbroidsrlnl. Eastern Novelty ai. Co.. ti Si jm L Mall order promptly attended to. X. tTEFUAN HeraUtcnln and scUopln. accord, aids pleat, button covered, goods tpongrd. maj order. SB3 Alder, at. tf3. AAtKs AU ANALYSTS. MONTANA Ail oti'iCK, lAiV, 2d. Gold, liver and p;atlnum bougat. J-AYYVi-K: cousuiiauun In., iiam ua fellln bldg. Ji ALL. FLIEDNfclK. lawyer; consultations tree. 20tt-l r'lidner bid-, aiar. goOT. CAKi'fcT WEAVING. JvOHTHW ST hl'G CO. Hugs trom old ear pets. rag rugs, lej East bin. Both phones. CELLlLOlu BUTTONS. BADGES. THE liiWIN-HOOBON COMi-ANY, 92 Jtn st. fhone Main S12 aud A 154. ctimoroDisT. William. fculle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in ths city. Parlors 3u Gerllnger bid.. & W. corner Ud and Aider. Fnum Main 1301. 1U. KTHEL. A. SACK IT, painless chiropodist. SOU Panama bids, l'bone Main UVosV. CHlKui'uDlf and pedicuring, sirs. M. D. Mill. Oirice riledner bids'. Main 37. OltAllL'ATE foot specialist, manicurist. -04 Maclcay. Washington st. Mar. 3UM. C HI-KO-I"K-CTIC PHYSlCtA X. DR. U'atAHON is thorough. Chronic cases, taking time. 21 treatments tl. 121 4th. ttr. Pouison, .psciniia. In par ai. sis, nervous, chronic diseases, ii.0 Pittock bik.J4.b4 14. CLEANING AND TBESalNG. IjhESS SUliS lor rent We pre on. suit taca week for sl.6o per month. LMQLE TAILOKLNG CO- 8O0 Stark St.. bet. 5th and oth. Main 81. COLLECTION AGENTS. CLAIMS of any description collected on percentage anywhere. Highest class refer, tnic. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 46 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4e0. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected "Adopt sh irt Methods." Short Adjustment Co a2 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main . ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. WBR1LLE UlUOf TOP CO. itOU 2d St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Bsggage e omnibus iruiier. Para st Dana. BREAD B.VKEBY. Boyal Bakery at ConL. Inc.iltn and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. H e XP.i v EINliAttD. 13th and Hurnajga. CAMAKA BARK AND GRAPE tUOI. K.'.HN ill. US.. 1K1 Front st- CEMswNT, T. CUuUL LIME AND I'LAsTEB. c to. 4& Fourth at. DRY GOODS. PI.ElfCHNER. HAIKU St CO.. 207 Asa St. ELECTRICAL SIPPUES. Hutu Electrical Co.. 6th and Pins eta, GRAIN MERCHANTS. Arbers Bros. Milling Co., Front and MarshaiL i. M. liOl SEIt. H"ard of Trade bldg. HONOLULU JJTKEY PLAN VASfOIVF.R IOMPAXV FI.A.CES rnojKc r kou aito lines. Artwork of Cars to Bt Built Vp (or Ksitlrr l.tlasiil and Kranehiae for Mrrctn Promised. VAXCOL'VER, Wash.. March 7. (Special.) Thirteen residents of Van couver will leave here Wednesday for Honolulu, tthrre they will establish a jitney fervice and autobus service be tween Honolulu and Schortcld Harracks. Fort ghafter and other populous points in Hawaii. Those interested in the company who will RO from here Wednesday include lUlph r. Avery. It .It. Grow. If. E. AI l.'n. i:. McCune. J. K. Zelins. H. C. Van T'orn. A. 5. Conquest. Jerome Avery, harl'ea II. Cox. U. L. Sprlnfter, Jake Nelson and A. W. Maxim. In Honolulu a, company will be incorporated under the laws of Hawaii with a capital stock of $10,000. Two buses will be taken with the men as they bo and a number of auto trucks. The bodies will be built at Honolulu. Mr. McCtine has Just returned from a two months' visit to Honolulu, where he says there are but 14 streetcars run ning and these take in about 2o00 a Hay, but unsatisfactory service is being Kiven. Tho street railway -franchise In Honolulu will expiro in about seven months, and if the jitney service proves Bticcessful the incorporators have been assured by the Governor they may have a franchise. There are jibout 3000 soldiers In Schofield Barracks. More machines will be added as they are needed, and it is the ultimate object of the com pany to have a network of autobuses mpr the Island of Hawaii. The men will leave Wednesday for San Francisco, where they will take In the Panama-Pacific Exposition until March 1. when they will sail on the steamer Sierra for Honolulu with their autobuses and autotrucks. In about two months their families will follow them. WILBUR HAS $7000 FIRE ticncrnl Store and Two Dwellings r.nrii in AVintl-I'annetl Blaze. ROSKBURG. Or.. .March 7. (Special.) l--nllin from a defective electric wire, tire today destroyed McReynokis' general store and the dwellings of Mr. Mattie Keed and O. C. Brown, at Wilbur, cicht miles north of Koscbura: A breeze was blowing and it was with difficulty that adjoining buildings were save.1. The loss is estimated at $7000, i.artlv covered by Insurance. This is the second disastrous Are that has vis ited Wilbur within the past three weeks. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily aael smday. rr lane One tlsne ' Kerne 1 cero resieeeutlTe times . . Its lie slne sd loree reneiullTS lunee ...... e bauie ad si r Him eensecutlie times.. Me Ibe above rates applr te ade-teasa(s ' ssder "New Tm1" wm.I all otber cuwUK. Uene esrepC tbe followlitBi MlimlkuDe i anted Male. p-ituatiuB aaied emmle. or Meat. Koaais, Private ami lee. Iosird and siooms. Private miuiUes. rlasersefplnc-hooaiB, Private 1 amities. Hate en me above claseUsration A I cMit a line each Insertion. On "ciiarge" advrrtiaements charge will be eased s tne nuiuoer of liues apkiearkng la toe poller, regardless of tne somber of nenss In rata line. Minimum cna'ge. two lines, Tbe Orcaunlan will accept classified ad veruement oner tne telrpr-one. provided gno advertiser is sv subecrioer to euaer utione. No priees 111 bo quoted over toe phone but bill will bo rendered tne folloaj. u. day. Mhetber stibeeviueot ndvertiso anvnta will be nccepted over too piieoe do usito noon the promptnese of pajment at leiepboue advertUMrmenta. eiitnatiuna aranl ed nnd Personal no vertftments will not be accepted over tbe trlepbone. orders lor oaa looertion only will be accepted fur Forsu tare lor sale." "JMsuireo Wpportnnltiee,'' vooauug-ttoueV and "wsnieS to stent. 'Ann Orrawnian will not guaxanleo accur acy er swHuw reeponsibiJitr for errors oc earring In telephone stlvrruveoieBU. Advertisements to receive prompt class, fleatioo nul bo In The Orrgonlau effico bo fare o'clock at night, except baturday. Sayalng bour for Xbe Minday vjregonlaa oal bo 7 :id o'clock Hatnrtuur night, aba of'lco will bo epea ontll 1 o'clock P. M-, as nsaal. nnd nil nds received too late lor proper claaetlk-atioo will be run under tits heading -loo Late to tlaalfy." Ino Oregoolan will not bo responsible for snore tban one Incorrect insertion of any ndvertisoment ofiered for mora time. feleoueae Main 7070. A NM. COLLECTION AGEJfCY. NETH A CO. Wcrcester bids'. Main 171)6 M collection no cbarce. Established 1S0O. DANCING. PHOP. WAL WILSON Waltz, hesitation, one-step, fox trot, etc morning, afternoon and evening; lessonj 2oc; guarantee to teach anyone who walka how to dance; private leaaons and clasaes. S;;; classes Thursday and Saturday evening. 7 to 8:3t. S-'i S 6th. bet. Btark and Oak. Main 76.17. BEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily; classes Tiu. Friday kvcdIdil 8 to 1U. 109 2d St., bet. Washington and Stark. Lessons c EYE, EAR. NOSB AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. r. Casseday, oil lekum oidg.. aq ee w a. ELECTB1C MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; ail wont guarantees xi. 31 H. Electric Co. VI First au Nortu. Phone Main MillO. 1'OCNDKY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOK.S'iX Iron Works, at Sd and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE fc MArtb. MAM CO.. 843 Waamngton at. MAClllNLKV. Engines, boiler, sawmills, bought, soid and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Oo.. Portlauu. MKC'IIANIC'AL ENGINEERING. MEsriENGEB KtKVIC,. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles ani bicycles. Phone Main oo. A lo4. slLBlCAi. Emu Thlelhoro, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 416U. Marsnail loi. NATlltOPATHIC FliVSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIAN S. 00 x . yo A FIGHT on high price. Why pay to lu for classes when 1 can dl your eyes with,. Ity lenses, gold-filled frames, as low asi.i.T Goodman, ZOIt Morrison, near bridge. MaU orders promptly tilled. Write fur particulars. OSTEOPATHIC PHVS1C1ANS. BR. R B. NORTH RL.P, SOS Morgan bldg.. cor Broadway and Wellington street, of fice phone. Main 34u; residence. East 102J WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERS. Co., vj-iit Fourth st. WADHAMB & UAXS AND CAPS. THANH ACS EK HAT CO.. oa-og Front HIDES. PELTS. WOOL AND ill'KS. KAMA jjtos, lui Front st. IKON It ORKS. PACliAC IRON WORKS, PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STErlL PLANT. ruuaiiiii. Portland Iron Work, nth and Northrap. LEA 1 HER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MA a HO At CO., 74 Front; lealh . sr of every description; taps, mfg. findings. ML.VS AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, COLLMRIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. a Filth st. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW Blt'JS., Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire Iron wks.. 2d and Columbia AUCTION SALES TOI1AY.. Pord Auction House. 211 1st. carpets, etc Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, st furniture. 186-8 First st. Furniture. 10 A. at. 31KKT1X; OTlCKS. harmony iolm;i;, ao. 12, a. F. A.NP A. M. Stated communi cation thi (Mnnday) eve. at 7:I0 o'clock. An illustrated lecture by worshipful Brother Gorne II. 1.1ms. on tli "Kariy Oregon Ma sonic History." VlfMtlnR brethren W M. Uli LIN. Sec. 4( welcome. WJLLAMETTK LODGE. NO. 2, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday! even ins at 7-10 o'clock. Work In E. A. degree. Visiting brethren wel come, w. s. WEEKS. i?ec. MARTHA WASHINGTON" C1IAP TEK NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated meet ing this (Mondavi evening. East Mh and liurnslde. Decree. Order W. M. P.EI.LB RICHMOND. Sec. ITXERAI. NOTICES. LEWEI.I-FX The funeral sen-ices of the Into William .1. Iellen will oe neia at the familv residence. iS'Xl Seventy-seventh street Southeast, today (Monday) st II A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Cemelorj'. CHRTSTENSEN" The funeral services of the late Martin Uennett christensen, who passed away lu San Francisco on March o. will he held al noiraan s cnnpei iwdi (Monday I. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited, Interment Uose City Cemetery. FFXERAT. DIRECTORS r5iii. ' Ta oulv resiuence unuertaKiiis establish ment la Portland sits pii.aie driveway. Main a. A lorn J. P. FINLET SON. Montgomery at Filth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral ulrictor. 22v Third street, corner Ealmon. ijtdy assistant. A 1211, Main o- F. S. DUNNING, INC East Side Funeral JLlirector, 4 J der st.-tet. East i2. B VaTa. I East Al A. K. ZELLL'R CO., 62 WILLIAMS A VS. East l(te6, C ltMis. Laay attendant. Day and night service. DUNNING 4i M'ENTEE, funeral directors, broad a ay ana Puis, pnoae Main 3o. A lain. Jtdy altciKlaut. BHttZH, Sunnyside Funeral Parlora. Auto hearse. luJti rtelmont st. labor 1 :o, a izi. K. T. BYK.VEo. Williams ave. and Knott. Eat lili. C 1W4J. Lady attenuaut. P. I LEKCU. East 11th and Clay strseta Lady assistant. a.ast iftl. KKESVES UNDESTAKI.NQ COMPANY. 3d and Clay, slain 41a, A mL. ijiuy attendant. FLORISTS. MAKVIN FORBES CO.. florists, 347 Wash ington. Main 2uli. A iiiu. Flowers for all oca-ior.s artistically arranged. CLAItKE BROia.. designers and decorators; ttesh cut flowers, great variety. Morrison, between 4th and Oth. Main or A 1SOS. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 'Jd and Alder. Deslis-na and -prays. Marshall hi)Z2. MAX M. bMlTrJ, building. Main 7--10. A fielllag A. C. F. BLT.KHARDT. 120 N. 23d Funeral designs and cut tlowers. Mam l.tai. A 78vlL Reached by Mount Scott and Caxadero lira, Uoih Telephones. S- : '4 -VST Mount Scott Park Cemetery and Crematorium Moat Modern Id America. OrlsTlnatora nnd Lenders of IliKh-Clasa Cemetery Service In Portland. Inder I'erpetnnl Care. Ideally located on picturesque Mount Scott, "where nature's peaceful quietude lends an influence to soften sorrow." LARGE, FEHMAXEM, PARKLIKK. do: DIRECTORY PATENT ATTOBNEY. R. c WRIGHT 22 years' practice. U. 8. and foreign patents. 00 Dekum bldg. PAINTING AND KALSOMIN1NG. WE kalsomln. rooms at $2.60 and paint hjuses at your price. East 502. B 6134. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, iio NORTH OTH ST. ELBT CO. separate department for ladles. 120 Lumber Ekchange, 2d and Stark sts. PIPJL PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 248. KUBBKK STAMPS, PEALS, BttASS bIGN'S. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORjCS 2H w afa. st. Phone Main 1 10 and A 271s. SHOE BLPAIKLt.G. SHOES HALF SOLSD in lu minutes - whU you wait. 46. New York Shoe Repair Co. 24dtt Aider St. b 1 OKdu E AND IRAN Si-Eli. C O PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office nil commodious 4-story buck warenouae. aeuarate jron room and fireproof vaults lorvaluablea. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine at. ui.n, anil furniture moved and packed Xr shipment, special ratea maoe on good in ..iir tnrouith cars to an uuiuwiu. and foieian urt. Mam 6l. A mUN-Kun TRANSFEB CU. New fireproof warannuse with separate rooms. Wo move and pac hounenold foods and pianos and snip at reuueed fates. Auto vans and teams to.- moving, forwarding and distributing agent. r. trackage. Otlice and wareuouoe, lath and HoYl sts. Main 547, A 224?. OREGON TRANSFER CO., ( , ,V" cur. ism. niui We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In city. MANNING WAREHOUSE at TRANSFER CO. VW location, u " Moving, packing, shipping, storaga Main 703, A 2214 MAD1SON-ST. DOCK, and W ARDUOUS. Office les aaauison. utuc.., u..buaUu,v and forwarding agents. Phone Main HH. WOOD. OREK.N and dry slabwood, blockwood. Paa ama Fuel Co.. Mala .720. A it. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. W. P. fuller dc CO., 12th and Davis, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUsoEN Ai CO.. 2d and Taylor eta PIPE. PIPE pll'llNGS AND VALVES, M. L. KLINE. 4-60 Front SL PLC.HU1NG AND STEAM SUPPLIES. L. KLINE. 64-60 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W. Bali to 4c CO., 1st and C ak ata PRODI CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Evaitli.(i Az FARRELL, 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northnip. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12til and Davla WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPEH CO.. 280 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS & OPTICIAN UlTTblllELD HROS.. MOHAWK BLU. DIED. FEOAX In this city. March 7. at her lat residence. 1072 Macadam St.. Catherln .Fegan. as-ed si years. The remains at the residence establishment of J. Unley A Son, Monlitomery at Fifth. No lice or funeral hereafter. FUNERAI. NOTICES. SEI.LWOOD In this city. March 0. IJ Frank f. Sellwood, ai;ed 41 vears, late or ligard. Or. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. March U. at 12:30 o'clock 1 M. at St. David's Episcopal v nurcu, corner rjasL '1 wellth and Bel niont streets. Friends invited. Inter men; at Rlvervley cemetery, private. Th remains ar at the residence establish mem ot j. r. Flnley t Son. KOGERS In this .city. March 7. Tturnes Roiiers, aged OH years, wife of J. w. Hon era. mother of Mrs. 11. K. Owens, of nrcntwood. Tenn.; Edna and Eva Holers. of this city. The funeral services will . be held at the F. ?. Dunning. Inc., East !-lil Funeral Directors. 414 East Aide today (.Monday! at 2 P. M. Friends In vltej. interment Rose city Cemetery REESE In this city. March S, at i Fourth street, Elsie Mav Reese, aced year, wife of F. A. Reese, of 1160 Kerbv etireei. t re tunerai services will be held tooay ( Aionnayi at 'j:;io o clock at th residence establishment of J. J Finlcy hon. MontKomery at Fifth. Friends in vileo. interment Rose City Cemetery. liKAAi- in tnia city. March 7, Jul.", at tne family residence, imo Wasco street Augtist F.( aged 5 years 2 months C days. n5ovca son ot .ir. flna .virs. t red tiraap. r uui-rui services win oe neid trom th aoove residence today (Man'h b) at 1". M. Friends invited. Interment Ross v-ity t.;eineiery. i A H LK E Roscoe o.. ased 27 years, onl son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bahlke. lS'.i I'ortsmojth avenue, died at Belltngliam ivasn., juarcn runerai services at th nome ot nis parents Monday, March 8. P. M. Friends invited. Interment Hose city cemetery. SHARP Mrs. Sarah, beloved wife of p. J, fnarn. uiei al their home, 1017 Ports mouth avenue. Sunday. March 7. aged 70 year3 (i months. Funeral services at tne residence Tuesday, March 9. at 2 P. .u. interment Kose City Cemetery. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 on And avis., n. ftetween Davla nnd Everett. Pbonen Iaut 1423, B 2515. Open Day and Nliilit. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Jethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone aesirins a pet may communicate witn ua. NEW TODAY. 24-Acre Snap OJICJfi per acre. Close to Baseline WiOU road. West of Auto C 1 n h. Must have cash. bacrifice. Telephone .Sell wood 47H. LOVELY OMAHA HOME to trade for Willamette Valley fai Value 7500. No incumbrance. Two Swell Bungalows No. J 206 East Olisaii st., Laurelhurst. rvo. i-bi r.ast Harrison st., ilaw- tnorne uistrict. liach 1500 cash and terms like rent. Warehouse and Factory Site 200x100, half block on Kast First and t.ast becona. laces on both S. P. R. It and O.-W. It. & N. tracks. Easy terms, Truck Garden Land Ten acres on electric line near Port land Golf Links for J250 per acre. Less tnan naif its worth and what ad oin. lus j alio, is Belling ivr. Hood River Orchard Ten acres within walkine- distance ot iiuou j.iver, seven acres in young, full-bearing Ortley apples. ?500 cash win eive you a lovely nome place. Irrigated Farms Two 160-acre farms, sincrlv or In. sretner; lencea, partly cleared, per petual water rights; to trade for equity in flats or bungalow. VVHITMER-KELLY CO. Tit PITTOCK BLOCK. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 6 Of IARGE? LOANS OX fQf lO DI SI.VKSS PROPERTIES O iO A. H. BIRRELL CO. Z17-Z1U Kortbsveatern Bnnlc Bulldinar. Marshall 4114, A 41 IS. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Hates. JOU.M li. CltO.A,, SpaldlnS Uld. Portland, Or. NEW TODAY MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Residence loans 6 and 7 per cent, ac cording; to location. Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWTNG i07-S Northwestern Hnnk Bldgr. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Monej at current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY I'jJ.VS. 80 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bids. BUSINESS PROPERTY AN0 CLOSE IN RESIDENCES S-EDWARD E.G0UDEY7 NORTHWESTERN BUllDINJ3 CITV AND FARM LOAAS On Improved Properties in Any Amount at Current Ratea. HAKTMAIV fi THOMPSO.N, BAMvERS, Corner Foartn and Sarlt btrectn. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONKii Wilcox bldg. CO., H, 41-405-408 BECK, Wiiliam S15-316 Failing blUg. BKXKOICT BROS, 630 Hawthorns ava. BARRETT BROS.. 30i Board of Trada. BEAL ESTATE. h'or Sale Lots. ROSE CITT PARK LOTS. Airmft with thn HMMI. th OrlK' Inal Blatters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our Realty Uepartment, cor. -It 11 and Stark. HAKTMAX & THOMPSON T.Ann's AnnlTIOV. Will sacrifice what 1 put in If you will assume the equity In my beautiful ot, which actually cost ino $'J200. for $1000. Make me best bid. John llartOB, at HAKTMAN & THOMPSON (4th & Stark. LOT ?0.-0. Rose City Park district, 36th and Schuy ler, J blocks from carline. All streets paved and paid excepting $100. -73 Pine St. Main 171. POlirLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY;, 1 nandle moat of the property for sals In this district, and all the bargains. Marshall BROOKE. A 8S89. Blti sacrifice in Union avenue corner lot. 00x100, only JlaOO. Carlson Bros, isroaa way Hotel. LOTS, Multnomah station. -0; Buil Kun water; 5lO uown o per inoniii. o Bun nell .V Warner, 501 Corbett bldg. 00x100 LOT, eaat front. ready lor building. Phone. Kast 51 16. I'or Sale Uracil Property. SEASIDE COTTAG E One ot Seaside's modern homes, with hath -toilet lavatory. sleeDina porch. beautiful electric fixtures, on paved street, offered at a low price for immediate sale. II. P. I'ALMHR-JOXIiS CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. BEACH lots facing ocean at Saltalr. Til lamook Beach. tiO ft. from It. R. station. Owner will sacrifice: needs money. M 6t. Oregonian. Por bale Honacs. fZhOU BUNGALOW I'OR -7i0. Classiest bungaiow in Alberta district, embracing all the latest built-in effects, p. ate glass windows, hardwood floor, dining and living rooms fronting on street, all rooms except two front rooms In white enamel with nickel hardware; 5 large li ;ht rooms, lot 60x100. it you want to make your money buy the very best to .A f..inl call at not rj. -sin st. rihimi. Woodlawn Auto will show you NO MORTGAGE STREETS PAID. Classy o-room bungalow on 3-d St., near Alberta: bedrooms, bath, Dutch kitchen and closets In WHITE ENAMEL; every room beautifully tinted; all Moors linished; buftet, shades, lixtures. etc., cement base nieni ami walks, full plumbing, lawn seod- ed roses set out; without a doubt the most ,.,,mi,iftci and attractive property in city at -2MJ, offered at $-3 tolal a month. Owner and builder, 10-0 Yeon bldg. CLOSE IN". TERMS. 6 PER CENT INTEREST. NO MORTGAGE TO ASSUME. Ktrictlv modern bungalow. built for home; doubly constructed throughout; every modern convenience, inverted light ing eystem, Boynton furnaco, fine collec tion of choicest; new Wilton velvet camet and linoleum. Make an offer. Look at this. Tabor SOSi). Ttlir-rTV HOMK KOR SS.'iO. ri a-i-nom house. '2 lots. 10 minutes' walk to electric car at Oswego, 100 yards Irom beautiful Oswego Lake, tine auto road into city; electric cars 2o minutes to Portland business aistrict; goou. juuw school close, olectric light, telephone, store i blocks, pretty home both Summer and Winter, in district where great devclop in electric car service are under way ml value sure to advance. 602 Title- fc Trust bldg. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH FOR A i-ROOM BUNGALOW located in good restricted district, handy to carline, only 5 minutes from Postof-flce- house has built-in buffet, fireplace, wash iravs, light fixtures, Dutch kitchen, large attic and sleeping porch; will sell for reasonable down payment and a month, which Includes interest. Call Tabor 3:tw. ; ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Dell direct with tho owners, the orig inal platters o( this beautiful part of Portland, call on our Realty Department, cor. 4th and stark. .. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WB WILL FURNISH THB MONKV, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE A-RE RESPONSIBLE: WB KNOW HOW TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 34 ABINGTON BLDG. NEW modern 6-room house in good resi dence section, two diocks irom aioEii. car; full basement, built-in buffet and other conveniences; largo rooms, which will be sacrificed for $2200. This is an ex ceptional bargain and if you can uso prop erty of this kind look it up immediately. Call at 512 Piatt bldg. I30 MONTH, which includes interest, 6 'i V. n-.nn1..a full rooms, oiefJiuis pui t. n " p" cement baiaement. all bullt-ln conveniences, hot and cold water In bedrooms; restrict ed district, fine view, near beautiful park, schools and churches; hard-linished street, .'u minutes out on good carline, D 038, Oregon tan. BIG SACRIFICE on Irvington bungalow, in restricted dis trict; 6 rooms, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, fine fixtures. Come out and see this. 8G3 Tillamook fit,; Broadway r. MX. TABOR fcitrlctiy modern, nearly new 9-mnm. 2-storv residence: lurnisneo unfurnished: larse corner lot. facing- east nH Umirh lots of fruit, shrubs and now ers; fine view; bif bargain for Quick sale. Write owner. P. O. Box 0.0. BIG value, little money, fine 5-room modem buntralow. restricted a 1st net worm moie than I ask. If you are serious, price and terms to eult you. Call Woodlawn jou, mornings and evenings. MR. HOME SEEKER. Now Is your time to get a $5500 home for S4uo s rooms, an mouern improve ments. See owner about terms for this Bnap. 407 K. 39th St. North A BIG BARGAIN. My 7-room bungralow at cost. S2G0O. I will make interest at 6 per cent on bal ance. Phone Woodlawn 3240. No agents. PLANS $5 BLNGALOW PLAN BOOK 10c A. Ji. 1'Ane.n, Attni-si 1,1, 1, 360 Alnsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 204. ROOM modern cottage on choice sightly lot near good car. Price $10.0, payments like rent. Full particulars, 012 Piatt bldg. WANTED Buyers choice of 6 or 8-rooiu houses, itose city .rant aistnci. owner, AR 638, Oregonian. HAVE 3 good homes in Irvington, one third less than cost; one mansion, fine. East 273. W. H. Herdman. MODERN 5-room cottage. $3500 cash, $12.."0 per montn. Worcester piag. NEW. modern 12-room house, in Irvington. R. U. Kice. ir,ast z-is OR SALE G-room house, corner lot 50x100. 1328 Bast Star, st. fnone u 1 For Sale Business Property. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soli, good water; close to carline; easy terms; will build to suft purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. 00x100 FEET. 2 blocks from approach of Interstate bridge, on the main at., hotel on the ground, steam heat, well furnished, J3O.500. J. A. Webber, Vancouver, Wash. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Butrinettt. Property. FIVE stores with upstairs apartments, all rented; rents over $1500 year; net Income over $1300 yearly; modern corner building, situated on good carline; sacrifice price SH.jOO, terms. Stanley d. Thompson Co., koihchild bids.. XSlhz Washington st. $15 PER MONTH. 1 acre with partially fur nished 5-room modern house, electric lights, runlng wattr, bath, toilet, etc., on Oregon Eiectrlc Ry.. near Garden Home. Addrecs J 635, Oregonian. Suh urban Home I'roperty. lo0 CASH. S acres on electric car, extra fine, level land, with creek; 1 H miles b. E. of Greaham. Pay balance $10 per month, per cent. Security .Development Co., cor. 4th and Pine sts. &14 ACRES, $275. 3 miles to Columbia River and R. R-, on macadam road, cloae to school; easy terms. F. B. HOLBHOOK CO.. 214 Lbr. Ex. Bldg. TWO fine two-third acre tracts, beaverdam soil, electricity, gas; $U'00 each; also tract, 4 -room house, well, small fruits, etc.; close Oregon City line. Owner. F 644, Ore gonian. WHEAT LANJJ. . Wheat farm in Central Oregon; 160 acres for $1000. Call 315 Dekum Bldg. $0 MONTHLY, SOxJOO, new house, $050. A. C. Marsters. 2U2 Wilcox t'ldjg. Main aj!7. l?or Sale Acreage. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS -mlle electric station, $75 to $15o per acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for fcJale All Sizes. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO.. ;;0J Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. ili ACRES of choice ground, on macadam ized street, witn nun rtuu waier, eiectnc lights and telephones. Close to good car, which I will sell for J2000 to first comer. This is a bargain wblcb invites your im mediate investigation. See attorney, 512 Piatt bldg. FOP. choice vacant Government Laughlin & Foster, Hits Hotel. land sec Portland. Por tale farms. "risinnv FARM LANDS." OVER 200 FARMS WHICH ARB IN THE HANDS OF VARIOUS TRUST COM PANIES AMI AUMIAiSlKAiui.a nava BEEN TURNED OVER TO THE UNDER SIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF KB I'vii'ivu APPLICATION.'! TO PUR CHASE. THE MAJORITY OF THESE FARMS ARE IMPROVED AND ARE CLOSE TO SHIPPING POINTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE OF AL BERTA. AND IX SOME CASES OVER 100 ACRES OF SUMMER FALLOW ARB P.EAD V FOR CROP PRICES RANGE FROM 7 PErt ACRE UPWARD ON TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT ALL PURCHASERS. BEING FROM A QUARTER TO ONE-TENTH CASH. AND THE BALANCE SPREAD OVER A NUMBER OF YEARS. A DEPOSIT OF a."c OR SOr PER ACRH (ACCORDING TO PRICE OF LAND) 13 REQUIRED WITH EACH APPLICATION", WHICH IS APPLIED ON FIKST PAY MENT WHEN APPLICATION IS AC CEPTED, AND IF FOR ANY REASON APPLICATION CANNOT BE ACCEPTED DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED. SAMUEL E. WHITING. GENERAL COL ONIZATION AGENT, DEPARTMENT OF A OR I CULTURE. GOVERNMENT OF AL BERTA, 809 CENTER STREET. CAL GAKV. ALbEP.TA. CANADA. GET OFf THE MAIN LINES AND BUT CHEAPER "The best land lit Oregon." 120 acres; price J6SO0, one-half cash, bal ance terms. 119 acres level valley land, CpO acres cultivated, more can be. 33 acres brusn. timber and pasture, balance open pasture; rich black soil, good 7-room house, barn, sheds, chicken-houses; family orchard, fenced and cross fenced; school house on land; good road, cream route, telephone. C. JI. Buikholder. Lebanon, Or. GET OFF THE MAIN Li.M'.a s.u alJ CHEAPER lao acres, pric wv, nan cah 2i acres cultivated. 90 acres level valley, logged off. 33 acres rolling hills; large house, barn, orchard, etc.; im provements cost anklng price: act quick, mortgage foreclosure; school, Ftatlon, post office cloee; immense outrange. C. H. BURKHOI.DER, Lebanon. Or. FOR SALE-81 A. oid place, graveled coun - I)., 2 telephone lines in ;e about 1 A. in orchard. ty road, it. front of hou bearing, good variety; some good tlmbi i. n ace nart easn or traue. k, terms: nrcfer something cast ot Cascades. S. L. Adams, Douglas County. Oregon. Myrtlo Creek, HAVE tin", t lose In; want slmio to go in with me and arty with raise hogs and chickens: fine oyenin lor a reliable man: den t waste ray time unless you can ...v.'horo nf same, willing to work and v,..,,. .lie money. To the proper person have a fine proposition. mM-.lal t.ldg. Todd, 300 Com- KOR SALE bv owner, 40 A., 3 miles from Carrolls, Wash., 1 A. In cultivation. 2 slashed rest second growth timber, un der fence. R. F. D. and telephone line, on county road; price for quick sale $.0p. Write or come. Portland and return via sir.. 1. e. tJ. s-eanei ri acres partly beaverdam, all cleared. l milles" from Portland, two electric lines. ho,.T" bar"" cow. machinery; will sell all or part at nbout 30 per cel. of what land In neighborhood sells for. Address S OoJ, tregonian. FOR SALE At Clackamas station on Southern Pacific R. R.. 10, miles from Portland. 6 acres all in cultivation, good .muse and barn, some fruit on place; price i"Ml0- 1000 down, balance to suit pur- . iM.r. ml . A. JOIOCV. V. . . THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land Are you Interested? If so, write to VODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 30S Phe- laa bldg.. San Francisco. C M. WOODSTER. Pres. CHEAP country home w t.t g"oo - apart DHment. AM K. OroKonian, YATE1 REAL gPTATK LARGK tract tillable. logRea-oir jana b miles or loruauu, ft -1 7, Oregon. nn CLOSIMN Kast Hido lot. Tor Duuuinp pui- poses, part casn. fcottiuu, nivnhDo ance. J ttOl, Oresonian. FOB KENT FARMS. tj . v-,Mi hills near United K. K.. i- niiifs north of rortiann, avyu. v . . ?.art In hay, orchard; you cnu pay the rent and buy team of horses ImrnesF, p o, harrow, tools, by rlearmK land and niak Jng fences and improvementa on the place. G Go', OreKonlan. mr' .w.rov. with rour-rooin iiour-. barn. outhouses, pare iichh-- i' 1 , mile from carline: will lease. Apply Third farce.. rno 171 Ri;.NT. trade, sell 15 acres Jtooa jtier bearing orcnara. oerrieB, , experience, references required. AV 609. Oregonian 8 ACRKS, f:iii buildings, orchard, near 'jXi "Worcester bld. I'orriann. FOR SALE TLMEEB 1A1VD9, TIMBER LAND9 BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRAKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDO. C. J. WANTED TO RENTFARMS. CASH rent for 30 to S0-aere Improved farm; will take stock on shares, if desired; 0 acres must be suitable for potatoes; some fruit preferred; send full particulars. M 61 I, Oregonian. WANTED To rent dairy farm with stock and tools on share in the Willamette Vallev by experienced dairyman. Address AV 610. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL TTATE. ALFALFA RANCH. 120 acres, near Stanfield; 100 acrea fine alfaifa land, UO acres in alfalfa now; fenced and cross-fenced and all necessary bulldlncs: price $75 per acre and clear of incumbrance; wants small place in th valley. Hostetler & Anderson, 7ii5 Cham ber of Commerce. FINEST apartment building, in Washington, D C. Spot cash value $00.nM. Leased on net rental basis. Will take unincum bered land or timber or any first-class Western proposition up to $80,000, bal ance easy terms from rents. For full par ticulars, inquire W. B. Roberson, 702 Title & Trust bldg. STORE in good town, cost $1S00. Will ex change for income Portland. Fine oppor tunity for gen'I. mdse.. as It Is virtually tho o'nly store in that locajty. John ilar tog, at HAKTMAN & THOMPSON (4th & Stark). READ AND CONSIDER. Highly Improved 30-acre farm, 2 mtles from good valley town ; splendid house and barn; want Portland residence. Ad dress F. S. Forest, $08 Northwestern Bank bldg.. or Telephone Main U'.lXiK TWO lots. 00xl.'0 each, value $1000, clear of Indebtedness, in the center of fcpirit Lake, Idaho, on Idaho & Northern Rail road, about CO miles from Spokane; will trade for equity in Portland property. Address Apt. i4, 215 N. 20th. WANTED To trade lot 50x150 feet. In Ridgemont Addition, on n-ast iae, ror automobile In good condition; prefer Ford. Maxwell or Buirk. Address AV tio, cart The Oregonian. I HAVE a 100-acre wheat ranch in Doug las County, wasmngion, worm $ouu, witn a loan mortgage of $1000; will trade my equity for anything of value. K 64S, Ore gouian. EXCHANGE 5-room house and 3 lots In Kenton, value oO0, tor 6 to 10 acres with buildings; owners only. Phone Wood lawn 10S7 or write W. HaUoclc at. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD income property in E. Oregon to trade for something of value, 351 E. Burn side Bt. CASH and clear outside, for lot. small house, acreage. Authes, 1004 E. Lincoln. Tubor 4.i4ti. IRVINGTON borne for exchange. B. M. loinbard. 2." 0 4 3d. Main .'til-'. A 1UJ. V ILL. exchange clear lots tor substantial equity in modern home. Marshall 1 '.W'i. V1 LL excharnje my modf rn bungaUtw for farm in Walla met to Valley. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1'00 MORTGAGE for auto; will discount for cash. AN t48, Oregonian. FOR SALE. llorw, V elm-let. HarnfMi, Etc. TEAM black mares, 5 and 0 ettra old, weight S50 lbs.; well broke; team broken horses. 4 years old, weight -!00 lbs., well broke ; team mares, weight L.'t;ito lbs., vt:il ma Lulled and bntke; team horses, Uonu lbs good workers and true to pull, cheap, one buy horse, weight lli-4 llw., low price, $ltK); team liorse;, bay and sorrel, vvitii new heavy breeching harness, low price, $lti. Anderson Lros.' stables, 11 Jettersoit st. NOTICE Six head of good work uorat-s. must bj sold; team, weight about -i.o, ages U and lu, price $l'.U; team, weight about liiuO. ases 10 and 11; price xi,o; team, weight HIUO, ages 7 and if, price lou. This stock is sound and true to work any place; welt mated and no hlem lshes; will, give trial on any team or horse. -117 K. Mh St. AUCTION SALS of horses, vehicles and nsrness at Colum bia stab'es. 302 Flout, every Thursday at 2 p. M. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction buaranteed both buyer and seller. if vuu want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy. attend this sale. WE have 20 head of homes and marcs, ail sizes, in fact, we can suit anyone irom a saddle pony to a draft horse, uc alr-o have surreys, buggies, wagons and hacks of all descripttulld. 2,"i sets of heavy and light harness, 7 stock saddles. Your price is mine, as 1 am closing out. Nobby Stables, 460 Flanders. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strict.y commission stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland lioiho & Muie Co.. 240 East Hh St. last ; 1 ... FOR SALE or fxclianse for wood, two - teams, 2 sets of harness, 3 short. wood dump wagons, I heavy blinker wagun without box. Phone Wdodlawn "1 i;l, or C 21i. or call Miller Wood CO., M2 Gar field ave. TEAM mart, black and bay. about 110 each, gentle, work doublo aud single, 'sound; I'm a widow and don't need lliem. "S" car south to Shermun st.. walk H blocks east to Hood, two blocks south to Chester St., ISO. von stl.E CHEAP. 1 team, young, well matched, horse and mare, weighing 30U0 pounds; ono small delivery horjie. weigh ing 1100 pounds; one .cheap farm uoi weigh lng 12J0. Russell st. vii w that we have got trie Hose City Stables in shape, we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to hoard; we also will rent a few stalls, reasonable. Williamson si. Sou, ,105 Alder st. GOOD work team weighing 2HK1. harnesi and farm wagon. 100; good work horse harness and spring wagun, $M. kl lu 11th st. ONE young horsi weight llii'O; also ono young horse, Call Marshall -iglit lion, li ur sale cheap, sa', A 19j'i. HALF of fireproof stable, room for IS to SO horses; low rent. Phone East 1200 after i p. M or before 8 A. M. THIRTEEN hundred lb. hoc: good, single or double, wagon. 2.10 Russi sound ami light farm WAGONS and horses by day, 91 Water su Main 220(4, Jl S3. Main I. Cobsa, t90. DEAD horees and animals hauled away frs( Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 Est Jul st North. HORSES for sale All nines. .-ppiy .out.i- east corner ictii aim umci.ii. ,umu WANTED Excavating and basement worn. Phone f:ast iaui, c mi. DED horses ami caltle hauled aay Call day or night. Tabor 42H.L free. 29O0-LB. TEAM with harness. 233 N. Hlh. 1 urnllure for Sale. EIGHT well-furnlsh.'d rooms. fine business G blocks from proposition or cicKaoi. moo center of the city West Side. Call Suiol-iy 1 to fi P. M.. 2110 loth and Monday froi sr. This is too 0S K large birdseye maple tire9r new, cheap. Inquire at grocery, 7 lianis ave. line "NVU PinvATK Ditrty H1 sell new np-tu-Uaie I..,., fnr four rooms hi bulk or ry piu.-L- at let than half original ohU. h: K IHh t. N. Aibfrta car to Maf-on il. I'ianoH, Orsann vaul inwn-Hl InMtruiufnta. CIKAKINCl SAI-K OK CS11 AM wnu v I'l NOS All of thCK" hav fllol ho put iii tho finest condition and ully guar entf 'd. . Fine mah. case, llko new, regular 5- . 0 I .... C I ...V.iiior- .ink cusp, used vry Ifltlo. ?l"7. Anothtr oak case, aplcndtd tutu. ttu in .ri-uiid. num. ciiM1. nhr iSoo nlaver. latest iinprovciuni fully An,.th- 'nlaver. :00 value, new, but nhnnwoni, tomorrow, s.iit.'. Fine fSS-noto player, best of condition. latest model, t'.'So ., . A number of uprights. iJilOu na tip terms. Call early and nmkr elerllon. K. Jl. liorl' PIANO COMPANY, 3oJ M orr isou tS t . , North went-Tii Hank Itloek. JJLKTP.K; riANO. new and condition, cost 7."0, will aa figure or trade for good lot. lapslble chalrH. Sea uwner. C In first -chifca rifli nt low Also 75 ol I'J Piatt bUU. b'l NK uprlKbt piar- for room aiS lark HotL sale cli'-ap. Call C.Onu-A.S-NKW Konian. ViLtrola. AM 0t4, Orv- 1okh. Itlrdw, Prt htock. V NTED Male ternary bird; nnii 1m linger and .-heap. Addresw, vtlh pric A. Miller, aSt. Klmo Hotel, unco Wash. rt.l.l.IK Duuoies: a Kiaud collation; now 1 the best tmi to get one; price lift ires, ahadjland Far nis. Amily, Or. A GOOD AIRKl'A l.E IS A GOOD UOO LADDIX KENNELS. lTACADA, OR. Poultry. Tt KKEVri ;ourbon lied. White vimnn.ih Hiin'k and new Itltie (Sun iar.iv ..riv n.aiuriu nooular ariti': li wirer-overel yards; lan"' Hiierna m $."1 per dozen; tock to flj. Mi Hocking. Guasti, Cal. Winner of n-ly first prizes past 1 1 e years. WHITE Leghorn baby chix. heavy iaylnK pi rain; March delivery, $lt...O pr HiO; M rd $8. We guarantee bate delivery. i Us l ion eer Hatchery, I'etaluina, t aL Automobile. JMPROVEI PUKTAP.LB TAK.1-.-DOWN GARAGE 10x16. best materials and work:nannlp, erected on your lot complete $ H, ron-P"rt. able $2. Order one tomorrow it's done. B. T. Allyn, E. Satiuun si I'hoa about 6 P. M. Tabor 304. PORTABLE UARAGE3. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artiatiu uealgns, 10x16. ys u, erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery ; also portable houses. TAK.E-DO WiS MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Mala 1167. BARGAINS IN I'SED A UTOMOU I -fc-H. Large stock. Prices $0 to StOU. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studeoaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and A. der Sts. FEDEltAL l-toli for sale, in good onior. Hoe tnis I w ill Kive demonstration ; responsible partiei; will 111 car. Address N ;;(.", Orept n ire bod truck buy ; H'l ore terms n 1 v c n to kti good Jitney nian. CALL at Oregon Motor Chapman and Aldr su., truck that is for sain; . Ask for Gilbert truck; Monday and Tuesday. Car Co., ak to , jjood buy wiil be in ormT Federal offered. garage FOi SALE One 114 Ford, in perfect con dition, nt $:;s5; we also have several other & and 7-pasenger tars, alt-o one roadster, all at bargain prices. Acme Auto Co., wJl Aider. Main 877". lyiJ OVERLAND, electric lights and sell starter, only run -t miles; will sacrilicc, Car in perfect condition. BECKER ACTO CO.. 14th and Buri-dde. FOR SALE Delivery automobile, with ex press wagon top, suitable tor butcher, ba ker, grocery nuui, laundry or any general delivery purpose. Inquire 44a Hawthorne ave.. or phone Main l.i7 or A 1..7. AL'TMOBILE. late model, for lot In Ladd's Add., near Hawthorne ave., worth $... u. $1000 incumbrance. Answer li.. Hole! Carlton. FOR SALE cheap f cash. 134-ton capac Inaulre it v delivery truck In good order. Modern Confectionery Flanders, Co., 11th and FOR HIRE, SI. 50 PER HOUR. S-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 6Sj. 1U13 ROADSTER, good as new; tins in a snao for cash ; no tranes, kuhi anieeu. Becker Auto Co . 14th and Burnsldc WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leeve, ltttf Columbia. Mala &18i. FOLD, liiLJ o.t-h only. good chape, j ust overhauled; Call Vain PJ7-V 11T. Front M FOR HIRE, $LL'."i per hour, a -passenger 1114 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. FUK WALK. Antuoiuultcs ants ONE clly lot ill Ht. Cluuil, 1' 'm.( also u-acio !a Co.. Fla., lo A-l condition; triict In oraiiKe nell, L; tr;iiio lr autotnohllo lulo model preterred. roaster or o-u.i- tyn( r; no ju barkers .Mil' junk wanted. Address M. A. -., WANTKP-I! model, Hun laiiner k 'rri bianilard rnsl.". mil; cue fuil infonna Dinaii. WILL, trade 4U icres near salt Last Tool. H.W'IC 40 acres near Poit:and lor uutoino- bile. AC t--'J. Ureaonian. . .Mot vre.vcl". t M KKK i:i.. fu.-t-i -Ur c. .11. 1 i 1 Ion. e. u .mci. 1 . Stoll dream tandem. Warner icoio;in-i"r Marco whistle, horn. IikIiI. lank and lail liuht. baiiiain. Kasl Il.'m. Iloun.y ave. T"-". Machinery'. ON E G'.21-in. slro Like I-'IK IIS arl. otkltih 1 well llnuer w i: li M. caiing, rods and coll p ; i n lor l'--tool well. One 2-hoiMpnr Wilt .lr., engine. All of this machinery or .my pan of which ran bo picked up a' your oiv n figure. 1 am di.-luanllins an old .oniing station and can g:e wu a bai k'. "eti owner, ;.!'-' I'lutt blni,.' Lavetoca. 3 FRESH price $."..".. slock, die V sts., li Phone M'li KitrTsiT;. is OtV 4. Inmcccd. mil- yiiuntf ;c.i:n and i . . Wash. sc.". and ':. ip. .1. s.-lniiaadc at- cat bu ll. V am' H...M. in . ' writers. W save you from w0 to per c; s 1 makes ot typcwtllcr., liu lor en u.u. Ualt'd 'older t.ep 1 1 ui i nl IVi'lLfc. SAi.E TYPEWRITER CO...' I TY PEWIUTLUS for li'ti:, 4 months tor I and up; 0 month' rent upp.ied ou pur cuajo price. n Tjpewrlter Cum pany, ioi llroadway. 1'ort.mid. or. ,tW model O.iv 1' y pc write is ten Mark '. Main r Ni. 9, now on marksL. ed J uionths lor si. -l 1 Vl't: Will ililiS, all makes, H lu li'i. XL Northwest 'l pearlier Co, 1'W aiark - Mum u-K. NEW, rebuilt seculid-hai: 1 lenls s at cut rales. P. D. c. -.11 Mark t. Main 14u;. FOR w rlt s.Vl.l' tiiillh-l'n r. :;.-.. ai. Hoi. .Ml rllunHu. &WlNO M ATHIN K.s of all mak. nw and aev-ond-hanci Darttain. j up. witn m wru ten Kuaranlc i pcrf t)ct! , mtt hin. rented inU rent appllU m purcha i n-. hono tor ratf. idam 9131. s-in Ma chine Knipoiitiiii. .t) near I ior. ALT klndn ct! Mgh-sradfi kotlnka, Anii!) mat ifii1 ami vi-v onn..H Ut'Ljiiu, & arid rii'iiin"vi; rifl and 'kikuh want ed. Hoclilo.d I'miu ii J-isCliaiik. u m TlTl I L iT l-Tt-. i - -fc u Ui'iui. Wi" tlichirr aiitt.Tii.t ; r.f if . WlH' nl finiiuy and tuiunn. Wiiud- fiiirsiaHOAT. run wilr-onville. DIAMOND lioue .nta. atrirlly pui-; mm In Oregon ; per km ilun. 1 (i j. I'ort uud Taint Co., Ju Fruiit jiU Marahail luu. WII.I, r ll Milit at H unt . n l w jhK iHiill I 4.t iil.S a da'.'ly d.ain-.n.i I'm:, ,.-11,1,4 iali -t tlC'KH. -" l-'"H't r J-xi Ji.4iii;. lihl , I'd it nil SiHrk mT 7i ; k .rm ; 1 a no r a it k ; i . KXCKl'TloN.M. 'll.NK. it-'1 l.i Ml ; r 1 ; !; 1 j 1 am; iu . I" i.. -i am t i :k k 1 -:. KA Lk . ti-Ti-ot wail CsiSMH, 1 h-Iuit noor case 1. llu.sumn., u Riiit.t;ton U v,ooi ;:;aik coi;lvkh. ..vod ;.n-i i. - livoiod. .01.1. IN-hpKC Ku l i."u., i;,i.-t 1 ot u -.-i. rii'ino K.iij WAM'KI'- '"'s pl.v nnd h 1 iii.oil mainiri) f-r bait'. J'liutic .Ma alai ,sk fr Mr tirU-y. tUksNr ant ccufldllan(1 bargaiu. Tho Mofcltr bate Co.,, -!4 ttark at. I l. AVIil 0 M I'l'l-I I'.S Hi holsal pr.c. tStark-Uavla Co.. -li Sd at. Main tVi. liM0 JUUMNKsSS CAKUa l.l-. Kder lJtn. i'o., b. W. cur, ad ami 'vI'',,5'a CASH TeriiiTr, .National. aMglttly ed. Xypt wruer KxchiinKL3..l ,,llit,n L6w Tliasacit a .SaiUo llnin for rli:uui.Uu, o tabtniti r -."'C. A.l iii uiiM. yr KI M ISC K I. LAN r.Ol M. FOU a lhorou:liv ffliatda ImiiM lo buy or ell houuliuid gooda or an. t litng in the hardware line, call tho Luvlu llardwai A: Furniture Co ;Ji FroiiU ill one A 1 I 74, Mam 102. WANTED iilC'.'UMl HA.NU CLOTHING, 1.1C VC I. La AND E Lit I'll 1 N i . II 1- ill 1T CAS,i I KI' KS PAID. CALL M M.N 2iSU. G LO U hl'JIl i JJ --T J t UN I T I 1 U-f" V A N 1 f. O WE PA TiliC Hl-iHEoi I III' E- roil IK'I GOODS OF A I'L tJlXiiil'l K'.N. AL.Mf FOK MDM5. KA.JT 7 H.. v.KAND r. . ME. "110 lalioi, pHja h. M I'll-"'. and up i(r .tuiid ha ml . lot h 1 n ; ahocs h-mi; 11 1 . 1 1 1 1 j Li I l; Jiiur, -It M i-t". .... M.un j:.:r nn;iii:-1 I'Kicks paid fou inn sKiun.K t.ouDs r i: i t 1 iKS'lvl l' N. I'AI.I. M i:sh W.L NATIONAL cawh t Iht'-l 8 ..U.-.t p lur wotld s fair at l-'ran i-U.-. id.t--IM 1- ltiii t. .N.I II I "Til Cl. Ml ST mt i t'Uii - 'i.'tu f ; new clvs'ii fo 11 haniM aQ. .it.OHt Ai. it. r u.d. L'D-li AND 1- CLM'l LKiC. E V WAN I KD. limi t fine it away, i.rt our fiKUies fin . btautlui l t ur. Co., In; lt Maui 4a DON T S--II our, trierchandiMi bcl"i' n lihin or nil. -r H luu. 1 ue?d 11, liiKi.'"l prl-ea. -i" DO NOT r nivo away any of our tor- nlt ui e b tore ou cat 1 the I - U AucH jJ llotihe, 114 d r-t, MarhMil 4 t.t. CAM in E I -ir d in iMUtiijn , I la i i' . 11. -y Co., 1 , pal M 1 11 par t t r r li.imf id nml Murk ts. "l Pair , muni be (A!l W A N T ;int.Ml l M. L. tu tUV IlllllltlilC stUd p'tflK . Mji.I1 1M... WANTED MxciiMiUig h ml baciiicnL wmk. IMiulic Ea.nt 4 SO 1, H 4 1 . CASH paid for h-nr -"iMhi'ii:-. H-aiUy I arior. 'ju I'rMim HELP U AN I.h D MALIC, LMl'Lol.MI NT V. M. lie curd 11114: rail f"r men in.iu tinpu-icii 1.'. 1 V Dili. iks (Hied Li 14 The fruiu of mi DvrurttiiMUt t tr to all members of h A.o. iti'.n. 1 lion-iiiL-niut i,itclul lini'lo 111. 111 Mn- hor.hin ia lud. l'r annul' Kiving the rvl. e of lor a car. nO IlliiliLM-' lull pilviHKil lid K'lund of the int-mb rsiilp tr facu ry employment la not secured. All yvuiiri m ie'Kiiii iiitpio in tlf Clt-inal. 'Icclii.lial tr ( il. siring rounoel or adv.. p aru M:d to .oi.uit Uiu Adv;suiy iiifirt i-eci tJi. r. idialiv In- ud Lmpio) o.i Modi TV I' ' laiJ. w. il fim lu ;t ci 1 j boukk , whole .1. ll.H - . ud : L 1.. r ilh I'f-p. cttii lakii n inii-i a.-Mc, as w tn.iy r.Miicin pro; 1 1 ty 1. nd M1.1M 1.1 1 In. iinpn t.- ;ij'ili t ; , .r. k n(n liAVL Ffrl tip i 5lllhil.l'llirill It" p-m1.'iit 1114 . 1 vi.. r 1. u." 1. ''" 'k. iiahiis. souutl Judt,ini-nt more Import art than capita., s-paie lim- Pa: m- u,ar fie. portui.i:lt Liv-haiiiic, liutiaia N. V. . I'l. II da your fin (too w :'); eis, 1 i u fo la iOIiTH, li KlLlI-- pl , J.:d. i my to I ml, i"i ill: witii il-, r Dtrolt; full tl ImoU rwr eitcli, Alliiii), particular" w rittcn, only 10 c.ut. 1 Lc Pi,!;TI.A I ) 1C I. liDI. H LLL L - - F.M'ei t instructor to tt-ach oil the l h week.-; toolM ino, poitioi p.iltl while learning. -d, rber triui.) in Kii.-mi nieed , if ir Alum. , pri i're fcr l:oDI AN. chaiiinrin, 1 .:Ima Aiiislia ' ioci ruiii UiaL's n -il ov-i run. (,i Last Lvcictt. ity. 1 lie pt iircrv-ioii l'rac Ileal Lui tietriiifc. A I : Li ; L il LI ' ti. pr.-paro fr 1 li :n n. brakcmeii. high : pofttlons iiituinod lre. Stale ago. ltaiiay Association, c,tir Oivgotuan. CAs-H advanced you weekly soiling my hardy guarante d stock: excellent tern toi y ; h ubLl.i s make uioi.ey. W aiiUlnton N i:rpry 1.0., Toppt-msii. Wish LAT EST A heaUehS troum-r prt-ss, paietited Oct. 0, UU4 ; He lling pi 0 0 M ; nam pic ui iigeuts .rOc, delicifd. A. WilM-li, 1-1 od ave., -Seattle. W a.h. I ii TOO :A I'll coiip.u niit nffer. D:gucrr. jt pittock .ik. FlUdlO Jllt olicliiltg. WANTED Two men to learn tnovlng-plc-tore operating In theaU-r; small ! in quired. J hecond st. DENTIST tlooil lu f i.istd, good salary. A U42 4 irogri PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer, Mult nomah Studio, fcOl Dvkum bldg. WANTED c mlf-'tor by Oregonian. in lti)riii'. Ad- dress J C.r. WAN r taihirnig fr denial wotk. A; t'fV.'l, regon ian. HA K H It, w anted; steady job. 2m Morrl- n st. Ilelu W antetl Afenta. GKNTi- to 10 a da i"i!.f t . bps claU Van fyke tiudlo, 404 U'aiU st. l.m ii. m "0 li iA li- N' vv iti "'-ml - hai J .1 i,n a..d p" Ut t hi tl.trd talie mi l Mirf ul.r.ii an.l acc-n'-'iir' ; .. 'u I i.a ic n-Hall -' oll''in'rr " 2 iiiiinm, $.. .n. fth rimiif M.itn ;.nit.