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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
OREGON PERVADES Al SAN FRANCISCO State Prominent at Exposi tion, Where Appeal for More Roses Is Heard. CHANCE IS BEING MISSED Hint Thrown Out Also to Sweet Tea Growers and Dahlia Kings. Bnlldin? I Attractive, but It "eeds Decorations. BT ANN'S SHANNON- MONROE. rntERAN BUUJMNO. Exposition Grounds. San Francisco. March S. Ore- -nn' all-rjervasiveness at this expo sition la getting in my way. Every time I try to "do" eome of the wholly national affairs or exhibits I run plumb Into some one or something from Ore- Kon. and the thins takes an uresuu slant in spite of me. I wanted to Bive the National Young Women's Christian Association neau n.ri.r credit for their beautiful, com modlous and practical building, their nH readine-rooms. their excellent meals on the cafeteria plan and their convenient locaUon Just with- cnr-tret eates. and who .t.,,iH T run onto In the Information booth but a happy, rosy-cheeked Ore gon girl. Florence Cleveland, toe was k m Gresham. was graduated at Eu- gen In 1913. took secretarial training in Portland, had a little practical ex- n.rinr In Seattle as Junior secretary of the T. W. C. A, and now Is giving the, world at large Information from the information booth at the Exposition Y. W. C. A. Great Rac Coatest on. Then browsing around tho south gar dens of the horticultural exhibit, watch ing the busy gardeners putting in their plants and bulbs, and speculating on h -inrr at a-reen and blossom that will crown their efforts under this Cali fornia sun before we know iu i camo on another touch of Oregon. It seems .h.f th exoosiUon a year ago offered an award of J1000 for the best unnamed rose to be grown In the horticultural gardens during the fair. The award aroused world-wide interest among rose-growers. They all went to work. Now, competing for this priie. already on the grounds and being Imbedded by the careful exposition gardeners, are rose-groups from such noteworthy contestants as Hugh Ulckson. of the Koyal Nurseries, of Belfast. Ireland; Samuel McOredy. of the Royal Rose Gardens, of Porta Down. Ireland, whose finest rose Is to be christened the Denl son. In honor of .Chief Denison. of the Horticultural building: Pernet-Ducher. of Lyons. France, the bisgest rose grower In France: Sonpert & Nutting, of Luxembourg: Brant-Heintz. of Madi son. N. J.: Charles H. Totty, of Madi son. N. J.; E. J. Hill, of Richmond. Ind.. and Rev. George Schoener. of Brooks, Or. Rev. Mr. Schoener apparently is the only Oregon contestant, and he is out against the world. His roses have Just arrived. 50 or 75 thrltty pianis, uu they are being planted today In a bed Just south of the entrance oi me wo- gon horticultural exhibit. Beds Are Kept Secret. No one Is to know the exact location of any of these contesting rose-beds that Is to remain a secret to all but the contestant and the head gardener. But I have the Oregon rose-bed spotted and I am going to keep my eye on It pretty steadily and It will be exciting to see how It thrives compared with all these royal visitors from over-seas. One of these foreign beds contains 200 varie ties of roses. While I am on the subject of roses: Almost everybody officially or semi officially connected with the Oregon building and people Just Interested are getting excited over the lack of any roses about the great Oregon structure. No building on the grounds attracts so much attention, no building Is so fully a living advertisement for Its state. It should be surrounded, lapped up. Imbedded with rose trees from Ore gon. They should be planted now, they should be getting Teady to send forth a Portland wealth of fragrance and beauty at rose time. Cannot the Rosarlans concentrate on this problem and start roses to us now that will make Oregon's fame ring around, the whole wold in a few months? It woifld keep Oregon more consistently talked about than anything .else that could possibly be done; and then If Captain Pope would get busy on the sweet pea idea and send down sweet peas to bloom a little later, and If the dahlia kings would remember that In the early Fall the building will need burnishing and brightening with the glory-faces from their gardens why. It will all add tremendously. Painting f Mount Hoed Needed. lira Robert G. Hailey. hostess for Oregon, Is regretting the lack of a really fine paintaing of Mount Hood for the reception-room and there are no photographs 'so far of Oregon roses to light up the walls of this popular and always occupied spot. "Joel." the porter, for many years porter at the Portland Hotel, past master in artistic effects In decoration, shook his head sadly over the shortage in Oregon dec orations, greens, etc. he is used to them in such abundance but he said, comforting himself: "Well, anyhow, everybody from Portland knows what right decoration is." We all feel, from "Joel" on through, that Oregon roses, sweet peas, dahlias, Oregon grape, all should be here in abundance to do our state credit. Rev. Mr. Schoener has started right. May the state live up to his standard! Mrs. Celinda Drury Roberts, from TamhUl County and later from Port land, who crossed the plains in 1S52, has been an interested visitor at the Oregon building the past few days. She was particularly Interested in the school exhibits and examined with minute attention every smallest article. he is the mother of "Spud" Darling, famous at the Oregon Agricultural Col lege for his basketball exploits. Mrs. A. A. Sanborn, teacher of sewing in the Portland High tchol and Trade School, has finished Installing her domestic science exhibit and is leaving for Portland- This exhibit Is a noteworthy one. BImmw Time Is Demonstrated. "Blossom time in Santa Clara Valley" tiled the exposition grounds today with "THE $1,000,000,000 MYSTERY" VOL. 1. IHS MONDAY CRAWFISH. "It Nsvsr Crabs." .Monday, March 8, 1813. 1KAN COLLINS, Editor. EDITORIAL The Crawfish is pleased to learn that the goVt al nsh lDfton has forwarded Tie snarpest representations ever . .. n t t n onv invarnnieDt or fac was down tion In Mexico" to ueo. . jyuifene. roceiiuj. ransa. ana leels tost. In connec- u. Stewart, the w. k. press tlon with our w. K. watchful scent for Vancouver, was over waiting, this should bring aooui for anotner results In our little playmate to )(y of the throat Rst. evening. Carrol have made extensive inl ine south. : ho sava that tho people of Van- provements in their papers ana The crawfish is not jet .pre , d t BeJ ,h, new our egt. aftemoon contemps. In Pred to predict what tnera re Columbla the past wk. ulti. will he. but feels almost certain that thoro will lo re sulta . . Advices received from Mexico, we understand, admit t"t something should be done, and it is further admitted that the administration leaders are per plexed. Tho Crawfish heart y indorses all of this and admits that it Is, too. . Gn. Villa has been informed bv the U. 8. Gov't that a mas sacre of the foreigners In Mex ..i . wish it It will not after next ico wouia no y The Crawfish feela that at lat It and the govt at Washington have "two souls with but a sin gle thought: two hearts that beat as one" for The Crawfish also feela that a massacre ot the foreigners at this tuna would be unfortunate, not to say deplorable and regrettable. t fkct. The Crawfish feeU leading that It can heartily inaorso expense, practically all of the rePresen- who flr,t fallen. iTiue vu - the mystery, iA ,,f f-ov"t. and em- . ".'iVinv' feel, that we should ' c-on.Vnu. to persevere in our vlgl- "n or later' there must be some bldg. kind of results . Episode one. Eramus G. Altogether felt in " his vest pocket feverishly as he irw-f ivn PTrR!OV KIm atepped Into the Jitney, and a LOCAL AMJ rt.Itsu.iAi ook Qf am(ll!Cnient dread an1 There has been some rain In horror spread over his face. m. vicinity lately. The tl.000.000.000 that his The flowers are beginning to rmpjoyt.rt bloom and glad Spring appeara i. i .-.,. to have corue again. Mr. McCredles baseball boys went to California, last wk. and are getting ready to entertain our local fans with many a fast game the coming Summer. Mr. Oswald West, of Salem, was In our midst the other day. George Palmer Putnam. Gov. Wlthyrombe's rluht arm and "aid Be kong." was in our midst Sat. When we asked him about the situation, he looked serious, but said that he believes tho country to be safe. O. M. Clark came caca ironi San Francisco tho other aay. after helping Geo. lis land to get the Oregon bldg. started ram Mr. Clark corroborated the re ports that much Interest is shown In the exposition iu that city. "Doc" Emerson's lltt.e orotner was singing at the Orpheum last k. and we went and saw the show. Both "Doc" and his iu tls brother sing well, a wo told them afterward, and "Doc" ad mitted it D. M. Koth, the w. k. memory expert, vindicated his system mis wk. bv remembering to send us some Luke McLuke stuff that he had been promising, we thank you. Dave. Fred maimer ana v in ir m. who are sojourning In Kurope, wrote to the editor of our est. contemp.. The oregonian. fay ing that considerable Interert 1 felt in the hostilities going on In those partn. Pat McArthur was tho recipi ent Thursday of the toga of A. Walter Laffcrty. the Congress man, wbo Is going Into Indefi nite retirement. When inter viewed by the reporter from The Crawfish. Pat said that he felt the government was In safe hands, and we gather from that that the editor will continue to the fragrance of thousands of fruit tree blossoms, until one wondered if Santa Clara Valley visitors had left enoutrn at home to grow into fruit this Summer. They came in an Immense delegation, several tralnloads, and forming a long procession, with the exposition band leading, marched, carrying sprays of cherry blossoms, to the California build ing. The beautiful weather, the music and the gala air of the flower-laden visitors added to the festival effect that Is perpetual on the grounds. Mrs. Hailey, hostess for Oregon, is learning to receive many people in many tongues without embarrassment. Alle gation from the Glacier National Park paid their respects yesterday, including Medicine Owl. Chief Eagle Calf. Chief Two - Guns. White - Calf, Many - Tail Feathers. Fish-Wolf Robe and Paul Many-White-Horses, with William Blon der, Indian agent. All were in the glory of full Indian dress war paint, feath ers and beads. Mrs. Hailey remembered to say "bow," and all went well. INFANTRY MAY GO SOUTH TwentT-first Regiment Expects Or der to Go to California This Week. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., March 7. ispeclal.) Though no for mal orders have been issued for the Removal of the Twenty-first Infantry to the Panama Exposition, at Fan Fran cisco there is a general feeling in the poA that such orders will be received this week and the troops will be In California before the end of ten dajs at the outside. , Colonel George S. Young, commander of the regiment and of the post has received a personal letter from division headquarters stating that the appropri ation bill providing for transportation of troops had passed Congress. The post will be guarded and policed by Company F, Engineers, when the Twenty.-lirst departs, but there is now a report that the engineers will be re turned to California some time in April. THREE PASS SCOUT TEST Vancouver Sergeants May Go to Philippines for Promotion. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash, March 7.(SpeciaL)-hree Sergeants in this post have successfully passed the examinations and have been placed on the eligible list for appointment as Philippine scouts. Sergeant McDonald, of Company U etanda first on the eligible list, and Sereeant Earl Landreth. of Company E, Is second. They are likely to be sent to the Philippines within the next few weeks. Sergeant Febiger, of Company A, Twenty-first Infantry, is sixth on the eligible list. A Philippine scout receives the same nay as a Second Lieutenant, and his duties are drilling troops. A scout may be promoted to the rank of a Captain in the regular Army. Oregon City Elks Elect. OREGON CITT, March 7. (Special.) B. T. McBatn was eiectea vai ruler of the Oregon City loage ;-wo. iiw. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elk- at. a meeting Friday night. Other officers chosen were: H. F. Tschirgi. esteemed leading knight; H. U vey. Jr. esteemed loyal knight; H. I Martin, esteemed lecturing knight; George E. Swafford. secretary; w. u. Mulvev. treasurer: r. -a- nines, uw, M. P. Charrnan. trustee for three years; W. R. Logus. representative to the grand lodge: Henry O'Malley, alternate to grand lodge. The installation of officers will feo held. Friday, Apr! 2. "IT NEVE rB CRABS" PORTLAND. OREG.. MULT. CO. MAR. 8. 1915. receive his annual installment of the driver. She didn't look like garden seeds. she knew, either. J. T. llinkle. the popular law. At that moment the bus maker and Irrigatlonist of Her- jumped over the railing of mis ton. was in our midst the Hawthorne bridge and splasnea other day. Into the water. As he came up Bob Stanfield, the w. k. solon. he saw the young woman loal.: Lvcurgus and woolgrower, ot ng a short distance away ana Stanfield, visited these parts re- was obout to as-k her If sne cently. anything about tho si.000,000.- C. V. Dyment, who Is prepar- 000. but at that moment ho was Ins our youth of the land for picked up by a gravel cow. successful careers as Journalists. (Passed by the National -Boara from the TJ. of J., in of Censorship.; Est. Contemps. Improved. Rnth Sam Jackson and John treatment for arid k and M.. 1 a mil 1 h&S was already finished, as new building and purchased con- be of so much value sidcrable new type January. equipment, and wlllnot ent, we unuemwno. Mr. Jackson has counteracted this move of his contemp. by getting Clark Leitcr to help him manipulate the helm of his newspaper. The Crawfish congratulates both of Its est. contemps. and believes that they have great futures In front of them. With Mr. Letter at the helm. THE $1,000,000,000 MYSTERY. INTRODUCTION. This great film drama is cal culated to contain more thrills to the lineal foot than any that has yet been produced, and will be run exclusively In all of the we feel that Mr. JacKsons pa- motion P -- - - . tain the only authentic Install- Lampman. -raenta of the story each week. - and we have arranged, at great 0ar weekly Sermonette. to reward the person -i-iT(hinn ,he ,olutio o The Bev Co rtathl w in inn joo on our - - j Jj Hoouently. in part, """" -The Lord is my "Tt Lbrm'n's but the fact that case doesn't constitute for me lying down THE $1,000,000,000 10 Pt Hed Author of Three Countries On another page will be found In..r.,tn, nrtlrlA telllnff Of Theophlle H. Wimpua, boyhood days In France, him .. ). whi.h t.A n i.nipv and v.neland. out end buy a controlling Inter- Mr. H. DeJersey, formerly of est In the Bronze Metallic Cof- this city, is the author. Co- fln Company, was no longer qullle Valley Sentinel, there. , He looked dumbly at the ,. . . landscape, as If asking It where ' 00 uo' the S 1.000. 000. 000 could have Monday afternoon when Will gone. It didn't know. Bush was plowing he looked up He looked at the mysterious in his field and there stood a woman, who was Just digging deer. Pedes items. Polk Co. In her handbag for a Jitney for Itemlzer. MOO.V TWICE FULL 8PHIXG HEME. is ' 3a V---ivSI FOOD PROBLEM STUDIED GERMANS TOLD HOW TO AVOID ECONOMIC DISTRESS. Lack of Agricultural Labor to Be la Part Atoned for by Prisoners and Workmen Now in Cities. BERLIN. Feb. 14. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) A pamphlet. giving in brief form the result of four months' study of the food supply prob lem by a group of distinguished Ger man scientists, has just appeared here. The chief editor is Dr. Paul Eltzbacher, head of the Berlin High School. Tho cover announcement says that the book "is intended to show the seri ousness of the situation and the means to assure our food supply, and the whole is the result of four months' work in which, after Initial differences of opinion, all tho writers were finally united on all essential points, in the common aim that the success of our weapons shall not be spoiled by eco nomic mistakes." Dr. Eltzbacher's in troduction urges that "the food prob lem of Germany is only to be solved by a combination of the politician, farmer, national economist, satistlcian, physiologist, geologist and housewife." Three chapters are devoted to the agricultural position in Germany. In creased consumption of sugar, of which Germany possesses a great reserve supply, is recommended to make up for the shortage of fatty foods. Anxiety Is expressed concerning the adequacy of the supply of foodstuffs which sup ply the nitrogenous tissue-repairing essentials, such as meat and fish. It is insisted that the number of domestic beasts must be reduced in an effort to conserve grain and fodder, the calcula tion being made that 1.000.000 milch cows and 9,000,000 pigs should be slaughtered. Lack of agricultural labor. It is said, has been felt less than was expected. Moreover, "superfluous industrial lab orers will rapidly drift into agricultural channels, while the great number of prisoners of war, already more than 500.000, will provide many well-trained farm laborers." Sermon Thought From Portland Churches, ifC AFETY is in the Lord" was the O text from which the Rev. L. K. Richardson preached his "Safety First" sermon yesterday morning In Kenil worth Presbyterian Church. In part Dr. Richardson said: "Our officials have done a splendid service in placing the 'Safety First' signs all over the city. Safety devices are almost innumerable. 'Safety First' nhould also be applied to the moral and religious welfare of mankind. Jesus came to bring "Safety First' to a man's soul, 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God.' Social service makes for 'Safety First' environment, and a safe envi ronment is a tremendous help in preaching the gospel. "The family life is endangered from the vicious vaudeville, the dance and uncensored movies. When the home is safe, society will be safe, too." "God does not do violence to the free will he gave man." said Father Daley, of St. Mary's Catholic Church. In his sermon Sunday morning. He further stated that "God did not institute the sacrament of pennanca for tho torture 1st INSTALLMENT THIS WEEK No. 44. RABBITVILLE NEWS Nobody recognised Hank Stef fel when he cum doun toun Sat terday. He has lost his luxyou riant wriskers. Accident, He went home tired the night be four and sot down befront the open saje brush fire an on hooked his woodden legg and stood it beside him. The kids cum iu as Hank dozed and kicked up a racket. Hank awoko suddent and Jumped for a kid. not having but 1 legg, he tumbled Into the fire and cum out minus bis luxyourlous whis kers. ... If SI Babcock Is the honorabel galoot we have tooken him to be he will buy a new pair of hlnjes and put cm on Hen Scatterwood's front gait for SI has worod the old hlnjes out hanging over the gait saying sweet nothings to that freckled faced Kcatterwood girl, the one with a pimple on tho off side of her pug nose. . . . Ole Man Bunco Is cummlng along fine weaning his brindle cow's caff; ho can now feed it without say ing tho Lord's Prayer while holding the new fangled sugar tit intwo its mouth Spring is ghuro approaching with quick and eager strides, as the poet says, or words to that ef feek. You can see It hear on everv hand. First, by myrtds Knrf. into & and other use pat brignt future. nf tefattsv. weensy little rah bits: 2d by the blooming saje brush. Let the editor of Tho Crawfish and other allejea Snrlnc noets write sum verses n Thu Saie Brush Abloom. Talk T Kett. about roses! Gee, for eroma of the rose ain't In It with o t?at)rn firefiron sale brush. follows lis lonown. shepherd, r-niiam for hosses. collars for that m.n collars for wimmtn, col IS Hit) ira' for ladles and collars for an excuse dogs at the city drug store. Allso coff sirup. Addison Bennet, spec. cor. on tne jod. MYSTERY When Toa Can't Sell Autos. While weather conditions have not been ideal for the sale of automobiles during the past few days, we understand that G. L. Halvorsen sold two Fords Mon day. He also received a ship ment of six machines the same day. which ho has placed upon display. Sllverton Appeal. Fire Laddies Indorsed. The genial agent of the South ern Pacific, R. J. Welton. was in Portland over Sunday, attend ing a meeting of the craft. He saw the big conflagration on the corner of Sixth and Washington and he was delighted with the way the fire laddies of Portland handle a fire. Mt. Angel Times. the Isle OI wnicn May Alter Statistics. . Til Taylor, the gonial Sheriff of Umatilla Co., was In our midst the other day. on his way to Salem. He was acting as chaperone to Mile. Stella Will iams, the popular belle of the I'matllla Reservation, who will sojourn for a year In that great institution rendered so Justly fa mous by Mr. O. West, when he was Governor. Til says that the popular hello will be missed, but that he feels that her absence will ma terially affect the statistics for i'matllla county on the per cap ita consumption of spirituous beverages. POET'S CORNER. T. Arnsley Botts has come ba-k with a Spring pome, which The Crawfish takes pleasure In presenting herewith. T. Arnsley, If he keeps up this pace, will soon have Ed Markham and Ait. Noise running to keep from falling. Spring. gentle Spring, puts flowers In all the hills, valleys, dales and ravines, " And man passes the sunny hours Tuning his liver up with sar- saparllla and greens. of man, but for his peace and happi ness." Rev. S. M. Connor, pastor of the First Christian Church, in his sermon on "Tainted Money," said: "Money of itself Is not bad, but in the way one gets it or in the way one spends it. If one gets it in a sinful way or it causes one to live a sinful life, then it is 'tainted money." " "Ye shall know your sin, which shall find you out," Is the literal meaning of Numbers xxxii:23. Men are not through with sin when they are through with the act of sinning. Sin is the great est detective in the world. It trails men, dogs their footsteps, follows them through every experience of life, nnal ly overtakes them and finds them out.' This statement, made yesterday evening in tho Waverly Heights Con gregational Church, was "part of the sermon delivered by the pastor, Rev. A. C. Moses. "We cannot escape from sin by re pentance alone. The consequences of a sinful life are inevitable. David, in his old age. suffered, on account of his sins. "We need salvation from sin itself, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ." PHYSIOLOGY TESTS NEEDED School Head Explains Requirements for One-Year Certificates. SALEM, Or., March 7 (Special.) Recent changes ' in requirements for teuchers' certificates are not well un derstood, according to a statement made today by State Superintendent of Tub lie Instruction Churchill. He has received numerous letters asking information and has answered that teachers who write for one-year certificates now will be examined in physiology, but not in physical geo graphy as formerly. Physical geography is not required for any kind of a cer tificate. Many teachers have exemp tion grades of 90 per cent or more in that subject, but the standing will not relieve them of an examination in physiology when applying for one-year certificates based on examination. Idaho College .Wins Debates. CALDWELL, Idaho, March 7. (Spe cial.) The College of Idaho debating team won both contests in the South ern Idaho Triangular League Febru ary 26. The affirmative team of the College of Idaho defeated the Academy of Idaho at Pocatello 2 to 1, and the College of Idaho negative team won at Caldwell against the Albion State Nor mal affirmative by a unanimous deci sion. The Academy of Idaho affirma tive was defeated by the Albion State Normal at Albion by 2 to 1. Vancouver School District Elects. VANCOUVER, Wash- March 7. (Special.) A. Burnham was elected di rector of School District No. 6, which Includes Vancouver, Saturday, and will succeed W. J. Kinney, who was not a candidate for re-election. The vote in today's election follows: A. Burnham, 364; E. M. Munford, 163.; William E. Ca5S, 85; Mrs. Laura Squires, 49. White Salmon Has School Election. WHITE SALMON. Wash., March 7. (Special.) At the annual school elec tion here yesterday Mrs. Jennie Jewett was re-elected director for the three year term. Mrs. Jewett is the wife of Mayor Jewett, a White Salmon Valley pioneer. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Jewett deeded this school district five acres of ground for a new hiKh school. IS Y. M. C. A. Plans for Assimila tion of 1085 New Members. RELATIVE STAND UNKNOWN Arrangements Cnder Way for State Convention at Jfewberg and -for Entertainment of J. Campbell White, Due Here Friday. Assimilation of the 10S3 members gathered In by the week's membership campaign that closed March 2 is the problem now confronting officials of tho Portland Young Men's Christian Association. That these new members may be brought into touch with the varied activities bf the association and assume their share of the life of the in stitution, two rallies will be held Tues day, one at luncheon and the other at 6:15 o'clock. Invitations have been sent out to each of the men signed during the campaign arrtl the officials will arrange to make them active par lirimnts in associational affairs. Portland s campaign wim ncmuo . membership was but one oi aozens mat have taken place over the country during the last few weeks. The Na tional association is making an effort to add 1,000,000 young men during the year and strenuous membership cam paigns are a feature in every associa tion of consequence. Portland ranks seventh in associa tional standing in North America. H. W. Stone, general secretary, expects little change as a result of the cam paign, since the other associations likewise have added to their enroll ment. He believes, however, that Portland will hold its rating, but re turns on all of the campaigns will not be forthcoming for several weeks. Special trains are to take Portland Y. M. C. A. delegates to the state con vention at Newberg March 13-14. The special will leave Portland at 5:30 P. M. Friday and return immediately after the Sunday night services. J. Campbell White, of New York, leader of the Layman's Missionary Movement, will be in Portland Friday and representative laymen and clergy men will-be invited to meet htm at luncheon at the Y. M. C. A. Mr. White is planning a series of conferences on the Pacific Coast some timo during the MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. From Data Ban Dleio In port Coos Bay In port .......San Diego ...Mar. 7 .......Lob b Eureka Mar. 1'J LoADle Mar. I J Name. Roanoke. ... Breakwater. Yucatan-.... Rose City Geo.W. Elder Bear leaver Lo Angtles Mar. li DUB TO DEPART. Nam. For Date. Pan Kamon........San Francisco In port Y?e. 7.7 .- S. F. to L. A Mar. 6 Harvard J3. F. to U A Mar. 10 Northland ...Los Angeles Mar. 10 I'ucatan San Diego. Alar. 10 Breakwater Coos Bay Mar. 10 Roanoke San Diego Mar. IU Rose City lxs Angeles Mar. li Geo. W. Elder. ... .-Eureka Mar. 14 Yosemite Ban Diego Mar. 14 Bear .lxs Angeles Mar. 17 Willamette. ....... San Diego Mar. 17 Celllo san Diego Mar. 18 Klamath.... Kan Diego Mar. XV Beaver. ......... ..Dos Angeles. .... .Mar. Multnomah San Diego EUROPEAN AND ORIE.NIAL SERVICE. Name. From Dats. Glengyle London Mar. 10 Glenlochy . ........ lndon April Name.. For Date. Glengyle Londott er. 13 Glenlochy. London April 10 Mirene Iieaves Toledo. TOLEDO, Or., March 7. (Special.) The gas schooner Mirene arrived from Portland Wednesday with a good cargo of freight for Toledo and Siletz. She will arrive in Toledo about every eight days. She returned to Portland with a cargo of household goods. News From Oregon Ports. COOS BAT, Or.. March 7. (Special.) The steamer Adeline Smith, which left Marshfield yesterday afternoon, sailed at 3:30 A. M. The steamer Acme is loaded at North Bend ready to sail for San Francisco and will cross the bar tnis evening or tomorrow. Tho steamer Speedwell is due this evening from Bandon to complete her cargo of railroad ties at North Bend. The gasoline schooner Rustler ar rived at midnight from Rogue River, where she carried freight. She made the trip here in eight hours. ASTORIA. Or.. March i. (Special.) The steamer Breakwater arrived this morning from Coos Bay with trelSht and passengers for Astoria and Pprt iDr.H nnrt the steamer Geo. W. Elder iii this evenlnz for Eureka and Tho steam schooner Shasta, with a part cargo of lumber from Rainier and Astoria, sailed today for Grays Harbor to finish loading. .... Tho etonm schooner Solano sailed to day for San Pedro with lumber from St. Helens. ' xvi tank steamer William F. Herrin orrivod this morning from California with crude oil for Portland and the tank steamer Washtenaw sailed today for California after discharging oil at Portland. With a cargo of lumber from Port land for Shanghai, the Japanese steam er Koju Maru sailed early this morn The steamer Roanoke arrived today from San Francisco with freight and nsRsensrers for Astoria ana r-ortiana. The American-Hawaiian line steamer Ohioan. from New York, via Ban e ran with Dart cargo for Portland, will arrive off the mouth of the river this evening. The steam schooner Daisy Putnam, from San Francisco, via Coos Bay. with cargo for Portland, is due to arrive to night . . . , .... The Russian bark Port Stanley, with grain for the United Kingdom, arrived from Portland this morning and will go to sea tomorrow morning. Marine Notes. When the Rose City, of the Big three fleet, arrives today Captain Ran kin the youngest skipper of the fleet, will be congratulated on his seaman ship at San Francisco Friday, when, by careful maneuvering, he brought the Rose City to a stop within 12 feet of the ferrvboat Transit The Rose City was in from San Pedro and en route to the China basin to dock, when the Transit left her slip ana proceeaea across the bow of the Rose City. Quick Judgment and skillful maneuvering on the Dart or uapiani ivnn disastrous collision. Still there is no word from tne Amer ican sailing ship Ethel Zane. a four mat.ri cchooner. which is out lo4 days from Puget Sound for Guayaquil, a voy age usually requiring 45 days. T. P. Dorris is master of the vessel and is c !h tn ha nart owner. The craft was built 25 years ago at Eureka, Cal., and Is 165 feet long ana 4vs oeam. The Breakwater arrived at 4:30 P. m. yesterday, after an uneventrui voyage from Coos Bay, there being 1000 tons of freight and 26 passengers on board. The "Suicide Club" Is wnat nugn Brady, the city grappler. terms canoe WELCOME READY Two World Expositions Now Open Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop overs at all points in either direction, to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco, and to the Panama-California Exposi tion, San Diego, on sale every day to Nov. .10 Via the Scenic Shasta Route Three Fine Trains Daily Shasta Limited-San Francisco Express-California Express Stop-Overs on One-Way Tickets Ten days' stop-over will be allowed at San Fran cisco and Los Angeles on one-way tickets sold to Eastern cities when routed via the Southern Pacific. ' The Exposition Line. 1013 ists who enjoy a flnr afternoon on the Willamette River. Seeing some new canoes on the river yesieruuy m...- noon. the veteran waterironi onicer re claimed: "Darn, if there ain t more members in the Suicide CluD tins ear. The coaster Geo. W. Kklor made an unusuallv tine trip down the river yes terday. The Elder left at 9 o'clock and arrived in Astoria at 3:50 P. M. On , . - for fOOS BaV uuaru w ci o ... . - - - and Eureka and a big cargo of freight. The North Pacific steamship Roanoke arrived in Astoria at 2:30 P. M. yester day and should arrive in Portland early this morning. The Roanoke brings passengers and freight from San Dieso and other California ports. It was quite easy yesterday to see that a little 7-year-old slrl Is the ret of the crew on the Belgian bark Ka tanga As the vessel lay In the stream laden for Europe the young miss could be seen sending the sailors up the rigging and even out on the bowsprit for her amusement, and rivalry was Intense to win favor. The waterfront was quiet yesterday, notwithstanding the fine weather. Ex cept for the arrival and departure ot a few steamers and work on tho Santa Catalina no work was done in port. Taking advantage of the sunshine, many visitors inspected the W. R. Grace & Co.'s liner, Santa Catalina. at the Willamette Iron Works yesterday. The steamer will be inspected today and loading at the EaBtern & Western Lum ber Company's dock will begin Wednes day. Sunday is Monday for sailing ship sailors, at least tnat s wnen wash their clothes and hang them out to dry. The oil tanker W. F. Horrin arrived from California and docked at Linn ton last night. Sailors painted a new nameplate on the coasting steamer Northland as she lay at Mersey dock yesterday. BOASTFUL DIARY EVIDENCE (Continued From First Page.) holiday. I am unable to do any bank ing, but tomorrow morning I shall at tempt to get five hundred on an A. T. Co check through the indorsement of the Laemmle Film Service here, the company of which my friend. Flecklos is vice-president. "Saw Laemmle but failed to negoti ate He gave me an introductory let ter, however, to his manager at Uni versal City, Hollywood, Bernstein by name." . ... The following entry is an account oi his operations in Omaha, on which charge he is being held here: "Omaha, Feb. 2b. Arriveu neic .... mornlog at o'clock and .I'l1'" tered at Hotel Rome, room B 6. Dulce. Called on Mr. Van Hausan. local agent for the Laemmle Film Service, and had no particular difficulty in setting his indorsement on my 5c0 A. T. Co check on New Orleans, cashing same here at First National Bank. My cordial let ter of Introduction makes an excellent passport and shall try It out again In Salt Lake City. Am going west tomor row morning at 8 on Overland Limited. Shall stop off one or two days in halt Lake, then on to Oakland. Dunkirk Grows- Cautious. "Shall stop at Oakland this tl.ue In stead of San Fran and at that must be pretty damn cautious. Wont stay there but a day or two. Dangerous is right. Have appointments with two different lady friends, otherwise I nhould never take this chance of re appearing so near San Fran. ot' Dunkirk passed two checks previously in San Francisco, one for $120 and the other for 5125, on a Mr. Leslie .of the Mining and Engineering World with the fictitious indorsement of the Amer ican Smelting & Refining Company, according to his confession yesterday.) The diary continues: "My cash balance this evening after buying my ticket to the Coast is $758.70 and " hope to augment It by some $300 at can. 1f Omitting an item written In Salt Lake City and going on to the Oak land entry under date of March 3. tne diary reads: "I succeeded in securing the $32o on Mr. Steam's indorsement of my check ; r.-.i t ntt-v hut inter In the day in DSll i... u vi.j. he met me at my hotel with the news that his bank bad pnoneo mm i-j must either make good the amount of the check at once or get the cash back . Thia news naturally scarea L rU III inc. . . , seven kinds of hell out of me and I at ih.nrht the merry Jig was up. Upon calmer consideration, however, determined to go with Stearns to the bank, put up a line of talk held in readiness for Just such an emergency demand my cnec. ua. t o-nt awav with the bluff. received my check and handed back the coin. "Fearing that the nank mignt nave wired Nashville, I thought It best to beat it at once, so left for Ogden. spending the night of March 1 there onH leaving the next morning on Over land Limited. Arrived here at 9:40 this morning ana am rrjuirrcu Room 24 Hotel Oakland. "Shall leave here on Friday after noon, the 5th. for Portland and thence . a .tA.i, Arornn at which nlnce I 6hail have some much needed dental work attenaea to oy my ,uio ineno. R. G. Moss. Must change my name "California and Its Two World Expositions' A new booklet describing the trip from Portland to an Pinto Including the two Expositions, the oenlc boau tles of Oregon, the Slnklyous and .Shasta Mountains, Sar Franolnro. the beach and outing reports of Califor nia, the yan Joaquin V 1 1 o y and Yosemite National 1'nrk. Kre on p pllmtlon t City Ttrkrt Offlc. xft .Sixth rtrft. Cor. Oak, or Union Dpot. Southern Pacific John M. Prott. fieaeral raae"r tltrnl, I'ortlaad. Or. after leaving here as I feel positive that Memphis and OmalRi authorities, are pottinK busy. "After six years dodcinir these gum shoes it sure would be hell to be nahhrd at this particular time. Shall (to lnt retirement for a protracted period In an effort to eviide capture by theno lynx-eyed sleuths." Dunkirk was trced to Portland by hacRnge that he had forwarded from Salt Lake City, containing laundry he had left there. It was sent to a local hotel and then removed from that to another downtown hostelry by Dun kirk when he arrived In this city Sat urday niRht. He was arrested by De tectives Taekaberry and Hellyer when he went for his breakfast yesterday morning. He Is being held for Omaha on teleKraphed advices from Chief of Follee H W. 1'iilin of that eltv. AM I'SF.M F.NTS. BAKER TiiK.vrrR Main t. A 3G. i tala- l str JMa'irV: .eV,rn et houses ycsl-ddiy ! see H'e l,k"'fl".7. in Margaret. AnKll..'s A tremendous hit. Kvenlrg jr S"'. 7.V-- box teats 1. Si"- M--. r,oc- bo' 7;.c.' VVed. harKatn Mat All -al. te'r'H i.V Next n-cek "Tes of the hltrm Country." l.ln . A ll)0. Broaawsy, si Plant. - - . . . n t .. .( . Htia rk . BLANC II K KlNtl AM UKR OMPA. I miibertl. Miiter Miiirlai llouils. the tqulne Deleetlve Uur.l.lls PattertMin. I'oslngs Jiarahsn and ;rohs Alt and Dainty tiladvs ionlllng Moore and Jenkins Kan Franrlseo Lpolll"" In Pictures. M TIMKB M KKV l4V. st s ssscBaasf 4? ?V,.sir-e MTTV O-IA THK M.IW'II TWINS. THF MVK .Ml 'Ml Al. NOSaKS. 4 OTIIKK Blfi-rKAIl BK AC1 4 Boxes and flrl row hli oo jr reserved phone. Main 4i:. A t!.th. JAMES J. MORTON THE ORIGINAL NUT 5 Other Headline Acts 5 BEST SHOW IN TOWN tholre Krsls for I1rt-Nlht Mlr Rf'TfJ: DDirCC 1 Al'lernoons ,,r, rKltto ; Mhi, iv. tv -EXTRA- GREATEST BARGAIN Ker Presented Tbester-t.oers. IN THIS CITY TOWN TALK TOIIAY. HEILIG Brnadwsy. Taylor Main 1, A lift TONIGHT 8:15 Vfv" FAVORITE COMIC OPfcllA THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER rvf pi T.KVT CAST AND CHORVS. AUCMIiNTKD OKCHaSTRA. rOPlLAR EVENING PKICKH. Entire lower floor, l bsleony, B rrs. ?icj rear 1 rows, Mcj (alien. -BAKU AIN PRICK MATINEE WEDNESDAY llth-Street Playhouse Morrison and lltb Ms. (Old Baker.) Ilak Again! The Klrirnln M.ilon-l"cture ef them an. TII IJF'S I I NCTI RKB ROM M E With Mario Drh!r. Chsrlls Chaplin, M4MI Norniand. 0er 4"0 peools Ullthsd them selves sick jcterda. Positively ths freai cst comedy hit ever created. Over 1 1 hours of hUarttv. Tim h K thrse Ftar Ksysiins. See It. See It assln. AI.t THIS WSlk. Continuous 1 P. M. till 11 P. M. every d. Admission 10 cents all scats. I f,lJkM m1 f i II I li 1 ;,:!