I ... - - I 160 ACR 1,443,000 Feet Yellow Pine Timber 7 miles from railroad. MUST BE SOLD $6.50 Per Acre See owners, 310 Board of Trade Main 5782 REAL ESTATE UEAMSR8. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P. 4V1-405-404 Wilcox blag. 1.K..K. Wi'liam G., ,;15-31ti Falling bids;. y E N EDICT MRUS., 3o Hawthorne ave. BARRETT BROS.. 301! Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE. For sale I-ots. THE ONLY INVESTMENT! B-e-a-u-t-l-f-u-l siihtly lot command Jog unobstructed view of Laurelhtirst Tark fT sale at an extremely close fig ure. This sit" will be worth three times its present value in five years. CAN 1U" FIND A BETTER 1NVF.STMENTT F. E. CLEMENTS. 270!, Stark St. Main 1J03, A IMS. . ROEE CITT PARS LOTS. Te! direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our Realty department. "r- H AKT M AXA THOMPSON- BESUTTFUL view lioinesite on the West Bide In a district with a big future, on y i: minutes' car ride. Be fare; price only .-..".. $1.) down. $.1 per month. M. E. Lee, ..do coroen pios liEST corner lot. Rose City Park; Improve ments I" and paid; cast front: one-half block from car; $1250-. Ab 626. Ore gonian. rOBTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I nandle most of the property for sal In this district, and sll the bargains. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A8S39. leoo CA!H takrs warranty deed clear to 5 seres near Ras Line road, worth J1S0O. r II,, n IIUIS HM WILL buy Broadway lot or will trad equity. 4IO ' nampcr oi ti'iiimn. UNION svc.. corner lot at big sacrifice. Carl son, rtroaowa? no.e. illvl.VGTON lot. iViilli", sacrifice at $1000. Owner. A L tH2, Orctollian. For Sale Beach Property. FOR PALE Lot at Saltalr. Oregon 300 ft to railway station, very desirable for Hum mer home; 1 will sell for less than mar ket value. $150 casn or $178 term, $23 dona. $10 a month. AL 1, Oregoniaa. For tale Homae. SACRIFICE. SALE Brand new magnificent eight -room house with sleeping porch, located In heart of exclusive restricted district, one block to car. Hardwood floors throughout. In side finished In solid mahorany. priced heretofore at MH. Must roll to satisfy creditors $t.IHH) takes It on easy terms, j. v. rrossiey, -"IO'.j Stark sc Mala 1.-.0S. A -IS 15. HOSE CITT PARK HOMES. Peal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on oar Realty Department, cor. 4th and Mark. HARTMAN as THOMPSON THAT VACANT LOT. W11T NOT TURN A Bl'KDEN INTO INCOME! WB WILL FURNISH THB MONET, BUILD AFARJMENTS. RESl DENC8 OK ANYTHINtl; PLANS FR8S. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WB KNOW HOW. TALK. WITH OUR CLIENTS. bES OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. K. P-AILKY s CO., CONTRACTING ARCHi TKCIS. S24 ABINGTON BUG, $2350 Bin 8 A SMALT, FARM IN THE CITY. i acre and 5-room house and barn. Bear Mt. Scott car. at Flrland; young bearing fruit, good garden plot; a place to live and make a largo part of your living: $'.; down and 1 15 month, including interest. SELL REAL EPTATE CO., 31 Railway Exchange. FORECLOSURE SALE Will sell for Incumbrances new, modern 7-room houstt on choice lot in best resi dence district In city: one block from beautiful park, clnse to car and school; lot alone worth Jn- house cost I3S0O; make nu an offer. X A Oregonian. WE have a client who omus a splendid home In Holladay's Addiliou, valued at ft:;l.ooO: he will sell It and take as part payment a smaller home or other property; here la sn opportunity to get one of the best homes In the district lor little CSSh. a. D. VINCENT CO.. Chamber of Commerce. SCNNVdlDE BUNGALOW SNAP. Nne, ueariy new 5-room bungalow, with fireplace, built-in effects, etc.; city liens all paid:- cost me .".:'.hi; will sacrifice for JJoOo, lu!0 c:iah. bslunce long time. On E. uoih. near viariison. A dandy location. OWNER. S' Board of Trade hlilg. Main 74.12. BEAUTIFUL HOME IUW.-l.MEKE, I.HXM). Extra tino T-room house on E. 37th St., Sear Sandy hlvd.; hot water heat, hard wood floors, fireplace, expensive light flx tni'; full lot: a ceuulno snap, as owner wants to leave city. (HiDDAKD WIEliRIfK. Htsrk Ft. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. Practically new tt-room bunitalow. large attic, f'lll bas-mcnl. panel dining-room, heain-rellinjr. fireplace, nn V W car, near Reed College: price 17.v. See picture 1218 Northwestern Rank bids. JIT. TABOR Htrl.liy modern, nearly new S-moni. -story residsnce; furnished or unfurnished: large corner lot. facing east . and south; lots of fruit, shrubs and flow ers; flno view; big bargain for Quick sale. Write owner. 1 O. Box S7i. WEJJT SIPK HOME HAPRIFICEd! Owner offers his pleasant home of li rooms at so per cent of income value; beautiful view: attractive grounds; sub stantial income besides own home; psy to investigate. Owner, 503 Corb-tt blrig. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $tj0; -nfice offnr of bungalow site, between lth and :oth St., West Side: delightful location. Jesse Hobson. 503 Corbert bldg. e"-o XONTfl. which includes Interest. 5-rm. mod th bungalow, bath, fireplace, cement basement, built-in conveniences, cement sirtowalk In and paid, restricted district. Woodiawn L"TI2. LARGE, benutlfol viw lot with a three room house. West Side; .V fare, for only l.V; $' down, tlu per month; this is the best buy in the city. M. E. Lee, 00u Corhett bldg. OWNe:K of new home in Irvlngton on qurler block and on Broadway car; will cipt 1HI4 or liM. autti as part payment, hslnnee terms. P WJ. Oreeonlaii. W ANTED A smaller home as first payment on a Lsdd Add. home, beautifully fur nished and consisting of n rooms, sleeping porch, gsrase. Main ::nu,. FOR SALE 'o.v. large a-room houa and lot AoxKH: electric lights and gas, or will trade equity for smsiler house or acreage. Taoor OiJC'J. iOfl SALE The finest home In Irvlngton, .-.:; East :4th st. North. Call and see lt F: K. Rowman A Co. CASH, &ixl0t lot and a-room tent house In Kenton; balance like rent. Inquire oil Overton SC PLANS o BUNGALOW PLAN BOOK loc. A. H. FABER, A Rl'HITEtXT. T,W Alnsworth ave. Phone Wodlawn 54. 2EW, moneru I','-roim house. In Irvlngton. R B. Rica. East '.'131'. MT. TABOR HOME. PHONE OWNER. TABOR Bhll. FROM owner to buyer. S-rooin residence. modern, aiceiy loeaira. i-none j I'lUPMONT, 5-room bungalow, very reason - able; owner. Cooper, East 03, E I l.cT -r c 1 RKAL L 1.1 J L. I . : For Sale Business Property. It PER CENT N"ET INCOME. Flat building, good location, all ranted; Income $1500; value $15,0Ot); will sac rifice for 10.JOO, half cash. Hurry! Get full particulars. B (12, Oregonian. W EST SIDE CORNER. PAY'S 12 PER CENT. Fractional lot, fronts on :l streets; in come $50 month; price $5000, mortgage $20o0: want unincumbered house tor OODDARD WlEDRlCKf 243 Stark St. FIVE stores Willi upstairs apartments, all rented: rents over $15no year; net Income over $13oo yearly; modern corner building, situated on good carline; sacrifice price 1 11. DUO. terms. Stanley S. Thompson Co., Kothohlld bids., 2S.71. Washington at. FINE brick apartment-house, West hide, for sale at a bargain for cash. For particulars see M. E. Lee. 505 Corbet bids. Suburban Home Property. A SUBURBAN PLACE WITH FINE VIEW OF THE WILLAMETTE. Two acres, mostly in bearing fruits, rherrles. pears, walnuts, grapes; very ncti soil: 7-room cottage-house; 2 fireplaces, bath, etc.: barn, chicken-house, city water, electric lights: 5c carfare: mortgage snw, which can run; will sacrifice at $oJ0. J. B. RILEY CO., '.US Cham, of Com. timi.-l'i; 1 nT Lots $175 to aoo. Now is ths time to buv. down, balance time. Houses ready to move Into, also on teAlaplewood (on Oregon Electric), one mile and a quarter B. W. of Council U"c R. CIREISEN. MAIV B590. . . .'IfT? 1 ITT1 IT 1111V1K. Two acres, i blocks to depot. In Sood business town. miles from Portland; all in cultivation, mostly in berries; new 5 rooni bungalow, new barn, outbuildings: 3 good cows. 5 pigs. 0 acres crop, . - worth of household goods; ALL for lS't'j easy terms. Hostetlcr & Anderson, 7-o Chamber of commerce. .in.-.,,: u a i f a r-w rrs Good soil, good water; close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phono Marshall IBS J or Sellwood 478. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. I. a. 3 and 10-acre tracts, 30 min utes out. NEW BIG RED STf:EL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare, very best or soil, water and community conveni ences, $l2i to fuuo per acre, on in stallments. THE 6HAW-FEAR CO.. Main U 102 4th su A 3300. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS i:-mile eloctrlu station. 173 to 13t per acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for Sale All Sizes. FRANK MFAKLAND REALTY CO- ...... IIMllaiiil tt ova a run gius.. v - jk,-,0 i, ACRE, all cultivation. 0-r. house, celled; woodshed, good well, a-ycar-oid trees, strawberries, horse, bugs.v. wagon, harness, kitchen cabinet, range, sideboard, dining table. 2 good rugs, dresser, house hold goods, 3 mi. Oregon City, on V II lamelta Southern. Wash. St., room ;o. Main 4St. 0 ACRES NEAR BASE LINE ROAD, leuit cash will take deed, clear of In cumbrance; owner forced to raise money this week; worth 1MI0; level and near school. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Arlington Bldg. M. 1);S. 5 ACRES. LUTHER STATION. ' Close to city line; fronts to Johnson Creek; good 7?room house, chicken houses: belongs to an estate; price to - close out V'OU". , OODDARD & WIEPRICK, St.1 tark Ft. o, ACRES. F-73. 3 miles to Columbia Hiver and R. R , on macadam road, close to school: easy terms. F B. HOLBKOOK CO.. 014 i. nr. t.x. ting. TWO fine two-third acre tracts, beaverdam soil, electricity, gas: li00 each: also tract, 4-room house, well, smalt frulls, et; close Oregon City line. Owner, F 644, Ore gonian 4 ACRES Richest soil, modern ."i-room bun galow. OUIOUIIUIHS". Jll' 'IJ Hubbard; sacrifice; positively no trade. Particulars Tabor oils.. . 3 ACRES AT LENTS. All in cultivation and oil re car; will sell this at about otic on Hi; doilur It taken at once, price iwi main i--. l-ROOM house and t acre, on electric line; close In; S50; easy terms; this is the place to live. Ar n, cji-csqiumq. 3-ROO.M house. 3 acres, all cleared; $1500: very easy terms; this place will make you living. J Hi n-gwii." 5 MONTHLY; SOxll'iO; new house. Sttiu. A. C Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg.. Main 3517. Tabor 3 770. ACRE. E. 72D ST. OODDARD - WIEDRICK. -'3 Ftnrk St. TEN acres apples, near car, at Sprlngbrook ; IllieSL SOU, lOr l raiurm J-w , w.. . Homes! eadK. FOR choice vacant Government land see Laughlln & Foster. Hilz Hotel, Portland. For bale Farms. "CANADIAN FARM LANDS." OVER i50 FARMS WHICH ARB IN THE HANDS OF VARIOUS TRUST COM PANIES AND ADMINISTRATORS HAViS BEEN TURNED OVER TO THE UNDER SIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF RE CEIVING APPLICATIONS TO PUR ' CHASE. THE MAJORITY OF THESE FARM8 ARB IMPROVED AND ARE CLOSE TO SHIPPING POINTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE OF AL BERTA. AND IN SOME CASES OVER 100 ACRES OF SUMJaEK FALLOW ARB READY FOR CROP PRICES RANGE FROM 7 PER ACRE UPWARD ON TERMS ARRANGED TO KU1T 'ALL PURCHASERS. BEING FROM A QUARTER TO ONE-TENTH CASH. AND THE BALANCE SPREAD OVER A KUMBER OF YEARS. A DEPOSIT OF -"c OR PER ACR 13 (ACCORDING- TO PRICB OF LAND) IS HE'JUIKED WITH EACH APPLICATION. WHICH IS APPLIED ON FIRST PAY MENT WHEN APPLICATION 19 AC CEPTED, AND IF FOR A"NY REASON APPLICATION CANNOT BE ACCEPTED DEPOSIT WILL BE. REFUNDED. SAMUEL E. WHITING. GENERAL COL. ONIZATION AGENT, DEPARTMENT OF ACR CULTURE. GOVERNM KNT OF AL BERTA, i0 CENTER STREET, CAL- GAKY, AI.tft.Hlil, v .vf rUl.-VD JilAf'm. I.' A n 1 , ' t ' . .- - - Improved farm 30 miles fi-om Port land, 4i miles from good Ry. town: 2u acres In cultivation, lo acres tine slashed 'Pasture, cleared) lirst-cluss soil through out' there Is a fine spring and a family orcfiard, 6-room house, bnrn and other outbuildings, leum, 7 good cows. 2 heifers, a calf. 30 chickens, hay and feed, mower, rake cream separator, plows, cultivators, wagon, harness: all for S40un. terms. D. MCI nesner. j lur oc i i uoi-iuii, . r, t.- k coiivTir , n 0 acres. 10 miles north from Vancou ver on county road; 15 acres In cultiva tion, of w hich I Ns acres is in mixed or chard, balance of cultivated laud seeded to oats. 7 vetch, remainder slushed: land ll-s nearlv level; black loam soil, now 7 room house, large new barn and other new buildings: fenced and cross-fenced: a verv attractive home; price only 7IW)0. IIODDA RD & WIEDRICK. 24:: Stark St. ... ..,, v-i v cnrvTV i.-Ai 60 acres 18 miles west of Portland and near Hlllsboro; all in cultivation; good buildings? all the best of soil nd with all rural conveniences; this is the best farm buy nesr Pnrtlund; price svmo. terms. H'ISTKTI.KR & ANIlEHSON. 725 Chamber of I'ommerce. M'JLALLA DISTRICT. R4,! ' acrts. 2 miles from electric Ry. station: all good land, fine soil, surrounded with well-improved farms held much higher: thts tract for $5000 on easy terms is a fine chance for a young man; small buildings. D. McCheaney. Title & Trust bldg FOR SALE At Clackamas ststlon on Southern Pacific R. R., 10 miles from Portland. seres all in cultivation, good house and bam. some fruit on place: price $'J5uo; $100i down, balance to suit pur chaser. J. A. lliucu, i,invn.iii.B, ur. 0 VCRES. 6-room house, large barn, mill, " house and outbuildings: mostly bottom land- excellent soli, berries, fruit trees running water, on county road: will fur nish cows and hogs to reliable party; very easy terms. r.27 Corhett bldg. THE NEW wax, "i.' ..a. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you Interested? If so. writ to "MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. 303 Pa. lan bids.. San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER. Pres. - ,nn CM A S Tract 28 acres between Southern Pa cific and Oregon Electrio railroads, near Woodburn; terms. xyooDRUFF. Owner, St, Paul. Or. FARM BARGAIN. ino acres, well impreved. 116 In cultiva tion: o miles of city limits; far below surrounding prices; easy terms. O. W. Brvan 50'J Chamber of t ommerce. NICE LITTLE FARM. Have a nice l!-acre farm 12 miles from Portland, best of soil, price $3000, $1000 .... Kiunc.e rood terms at 6 per cent. F. FUCHS. 42Q Chamber of Commerce. CTOOD wheat ranch near R. R. station, bj t., ull,. Kir! f Xtaln 117" THE MORXiyG OREGOXIAK, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1915. t 1 " itlR SALE. f HEM' HAMM I M Al K. For Sale Farms. rHP.lp WHtcAT FARM. 100 acres. Morrow County, all In wheat; price $300O. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 213 Stark St WASTED KEAIi ESTATE. WANT Irvlngton home, valued from ttOOO to $12,000; have home In Holladay Addi tion, valued at $21,000; will take the smaller noma as luai yajuieut. Oregon lan. FOR BENT FARMS. FOR RENT li00-acre fine stock and alfal fa nln,'. fnllv entiinned: stock for sale. place for lease tor , term of years. For particulars see ft. a. uuimei, uw b!dg. FClt KENT Best ranch in Olarke County, Wash.; all stock, tools, horses, etc.; see this lor a bargain. Otto Helfrlcht, Or chards, Wash. K. F. D. 1. FINEST river bottom beaverdam land, near . city, long lease, or sell; easy terms. 730 N. vv. Hank oiag. FOB BALE TLMBF.B LANP8. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRAKEN, 304 M KAI BLDQ. - WANTED TO RENT FABM8. . W NTE D To rerTt on shares, a complete, stocked dairy ranch, with about 25 to 30 covvi, in Oregon or Washington, by a good experienced Swiss dairyman, B. C, um.'i HhIm 23S Front. Portland. EXPERIENCED farmer wants to rent ::0 to 40 a res A-l soil only, wholly or partially equipped; would do some clearing for rent; uairy preierreu. vimwci icv.c. vo., ---Treves Hotel, city. TO EXCHANGE BJSAJL E8TATB. EXCHANG4S OR SALE. SUNNY CALIFORNIA. DO YOU WANT TO GET THERE? We have splendid properties that will raise oranges, alfalfa, lemons, walnuis. olives, grapes, or anything that flourishes in California. Flue for chickens, turkeys and hogs. Ex cellent dalrv proposition. We are In position to take some first-class Ore gon properties either city or coun ter. , In part payment on these prop erties. Your holdings must be free of Incumbrance. Some cash neees ar. . I Three lines of transportation, river ami rail. Fine markets and cheap freight ratea. Deep, rich soil, ready for the plow. The price is only ?1 10 per acre. Plenty of water. We guarantee the land to be as repre sented. The property is In the best part of the Sacramento Valley. Only ei limited amount of property can be taken In exchange. The price will soon advance to 1135 per acre. Don t dCla"DORR E. KEASEY ft CO.. Scond Floor Chamber of Commerce, Huildins, Portland, Oregon. ROSE CITY PARK, WANTED. In exchange for five acres of good land adjoining Corvallis. All in cut livaliou: good buildings, bearing fruit and berries, every convenience of oftv life and pood market. Price SoOno clear. Will pay difference for bungalow in Rose City Park up to tltiifu. N DORR E. KEASEY A- CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of commerce. HOUSE FOR TWO-KT.AT BUILDING. We have an unincumbered modern six room house in Sunnyslde, valued at $35is. lo trade for a Ivvo-flnt building: will pal a lillle cash and assume mortgage. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. K5 Fourth St. $5200 BUYS Irtn-acre slock farm, Columbia I'nunty. 1 mile from Mist, on county road: house hurticd. barn insured for S400; 30 acre In cull., about i could be cull.; rome creek bottom ; trout stream runs through; owner formerly refused S4tW0 for timber: would take clear house up to $l7isi. balance mortgage. Godilard &. Wicd tick. 24:: Stark slreet. CLOVER FARM. On" mile from Yamhill: 30 acres, all In clover; fine soil; woven-wlre fence; price only $!( an acre, no Incumbrance; $rtM cah ; long time on balance, t per cent, see s. Hewey, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON ' Corner 4th and Stark. $10 AN -ACRE FO R 4011 ACRES. Short distance from Kalama.. Wash.: railroad touches the land and can be cold In three separate tra"ts: 7.500,000 feet of fine saw timber and about half of land suiiHble for cultivation when cleared. Sec S. Hewev. 20ll Slack St., at HARTMAN X- THOMPSON- GOOD LITTLE FARM FOR TRADE, lil-acre verv productive farm 12 miles from Portland; trice ::00; will take small city pronerlty, some cash and bal ance easy terms; a real good proposition for someone who knows. F. FUCHS 420 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade 2 good vacant lots, also house and lot, acreage and good mortgage, total value 112,500, for good business property not to exceed S16,000; above property is 'free from any incumbrance; AI In every respect. L 40, Oregonian. WANT city home or close-in acreage to value of $2jU0 to 13500; unincumbered; to apply on SO-acre farm purchase at value of $4500. Jesso Hobson, 603 Gor- bett bldg. WILL sccept unimproved residence or busi ness property.. clear of illcumb., to $10,000, balance cash, for residence clear of incum brance. CALLAN KASER. 7'-"-" Yeon Bldg. 4Ti ACRES of highly productive irrigated , i ..ii Haili fiflallv fenced -lear of incumbrance; 175 per acre; will ex change for city property. R. F. Bryan, M chamber of commerce. WILL trade Canadian patent worth $20,000 for real estate valued at $2500; would take auto or diamond part payment. P. O. Box 20. Montavilla. Or. WILL exchange 100 acres In Harney County, valued about $1000 to $1200, for unin cumbered lot or lots In Portland. AG 627. Oregonian HOLLADAY HOME, $21,000 One oif tHi best In the district; will take as first pay ment a home valued from $7000 to $12,000. AJ 631, Oregonian. EXCHANGE 5-room house and 3 lots in Kenton, value J500. for to 10 acres with buildings: owners only. Phone Wood lawn 10S7 or write 288 W. Hallock It. WANTED Two lots, or small house and lot, for $2000 equity in $.it00. mjodern. 6-room house, lot 41x100, paved st. Hawthorne disc N t!3S. Oregonian. OWNER will exchango 60 acres, 10 or 12 cleared, house, barn, etc., orchard, run ning water, good soil, mile from town, for income properly. AB 811, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, two sections of good wheat land In Sask., Canada., will trado for horses, sheep or cattle. Thos. Moftelt. Millican, Oi WILL trade for Portland property or sell for cash at sacrifice. 20 acres land, fertile soil, all tillable, near Portland: running watpr on same all year Owner, Main 7570. W.V.NT Dairy fam for $10oO mortgage and city property. Lonhart At Kelly. 723 Cham ber of i.ommerce. Main 5121X 30 ACRES and I lots free and clear, Florida, to trade Portland and assume up to $600. SI 3 Lewis bldg. Xi ooo 4-FAMILY apt., Los Angeles, Inc. $soo. to trade for Portland or vicinity. SI 3 Lewis bldg. SOUTHERN CALIF, to trade for large ranch in Oregon or Washington $10,000 to $73,vco; owners, sid iewis omg. BRICK apartment building for $35.0011; V cash, balance 7 per cent; or would trade for farm. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. 20n ACRESBeautlful stream, cheap, for Portland property. Dubois. 723 Chamber or commerce. $7iK) EQUITY In modern 5-room bungalow in Hawthorne district, rented, to exchange . .n V MRI nM,n,i,n 300 ACRES, beautiful stream, cheap, for Portland property. Dubois, 723 Chamber of Cummerce. . BEAUTIFUL view lot, near car and neigh borhood of fine homes, for home or acre age R F. Brvan. 509 Cham, of Com. I'D ACRES. Wheeler County, $530 Incum brance, for lot or equity In home. SIS Corbett bldg. 10-ROOM house, value $;.".O0: $2000 mort gage: want California property. Owner, S15 E. 21SI St., uasiaim, lii. TO EXCHANGE Laurelhurst buugalow 7 rooms and sleoplng porch for vacant residence lot In choice district. Tabor 1207. HIGH-CLASS Laurelhurst lot or lot In Bay ocean Park for Rose City Park lot. B 6 4 3, Oregonian. ' WILL exchange equity of $1300 In Irvlng ton 30x100 lot for automobile or unincum bered lot. AF 628. Oregonian. GOOD home, unincumbered, for timber claim, value $3000. 603 Oregonian bldg. IRVINGTON home for exchange. R. M. Lombard. 250t 3d. Main 5'I2, A 2yH2. I WANT to borrow $1000 to $2000 on best security- rt pip, im-so"'"" VI ,, exchange clear lots for suhstanl ial cgfulty in modern home, Marshall 1303. WANTED Prooertv ud to J50UO In Wiscon sin, Michigan, Ohio or New York, in ex chango for 31 acres in orchard In Bentun County. Will sacrifice at $22. OOO, In cluding equipment and team of horses; $tk00 incumbrance, S-rro. house. Also good property in Indiana in exchange for oil acres near Gresham at $7500. S acres cleared, most beautltul scenery Imagin able. John H. Hartog, at HARTMAN &. THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Star!:.) TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL trade new 401 S. L. Winchester, extra magazine, 100 shells, 3A kodak, case, tripod, for Victrola, typewriter or speed lens for 3A. AO 643, Oregonian. VICTOR-Talking machine, new records and cabinet; worth $125; for diamond and pay some cash. A 3047. WANTED Late model auto; will give pigs and good brood sows In trade. AG 'tUti, Oregonicn. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc THE UNION TRANSFER CO. has replaced some of its teams with auto trucks, and offer for sale tiie following teams, wagons and harness at prices that are far below the value; team low, blocky-built mares, 2600 lbs., are kind and gentle, for boy or lady to feed or handle, very steady veorkers, so useful lor orchard work. Price $210. Team mares, 2550 lbs., bay and sor rel, good age and true to pull, suitable for raucn, or, in fact, any work; are fat, shod, grain fed. Price $18o. Team seal browns, 2700 lbs., are 6 years old, true to work single or double; have no tricks nor vices in or out of stable. Price $190. Team of mares, both Belgian stock, and are as grand a team of marea, as have been offered for eale In this city for many a day: are 6 years old, and are true to work, easy keepers, weigh close to 27O0 lbs.; have no tricks nor vices In or ut of stable, gentle for anyone to feed or handle. Price only $265. One camelback single express wagon, one top delivery wagon (light), one dou ble mounted seat wagon ttliree-ton), two heavy five-ton wagons, two farm wagous, one lot of heavy work harness, single and double, one siocs. eauuic. Any of the mares will be hitched, tried and tested to vour entire satisfaction. De livered free to any boat or freight house in Portland. Inspection invited. Union Transfer Co., 11th, at Hoyt st. Farm outfit, team mares. 2550 lbs., good, honest workers, true to pull, fast walkers, gentle and kind, set good heavy harness and a new low-wheel wide-tire farm wagon, steel skein, with large box and spring seat, all complete at low price $245 Trial allowed. Union Transfer Co., 11 th, at Hoyt st. TEAM, big, 260O lbs., block marea, )0 and 13 years old, no oldor; true to pull; rnaks good cheap ranch team; price with new heavy harness, all complete, fl.o. l- -11th st. Delivery rig. brown horse. fat and handsome, gentle for anyone to drive, set good hand-made harness and a new top delivery wagon; first-class rig; avcry low price 125. Call 12 -N. 11th St. Heavy express rig. big S-year-old horse. 13".o lbs good worker, easy keeper, set hand-made harness and a first-class camel back wagon, with tup. all complete, at low price 145. Call 12S "N. 11th st. Phone and free sfand goes with this; chance. to invest small amount and make good nv I tig. ROAN MARE, gray horse, weight 2700, both sound anu true to pull. ?ua walkers, suitable for ranch or general teaming, for immediate sale 160. Pair ,-hcstnut mares. 6 and , weigm 26W sound, true to pull single and dou ble; come hitch and try them; low nrh-e '"Pair iw-sot. chunky mares, weight 2-so the kind tor your orchard tr" pul fers and the snappiest pair batchers In r-o,dU,cUe.U. weight 1300; Tr."; TJiir; "n:c: o; works "."5x1-BARJf 3. 9ih and naiiuri" T1.-AM black mares. 5 ami U years old. lU 2 lbs , ebcyeam broken SEE'-' team" marl's: vVcilnt 2000 lb,., well Si-ice $100: team horses, bay and sorrel. Sl it'.';, heavy v breeching, barncsj. 1- prico. $100. Anderson Bros, stables, -it JclTcrson st. SINGLE mares and horees good big mare. ir.ee Ui- -'Vood " orS 2200 lbs., good worker $.0 one small mare, good, active Stables. 4i4 Hoyt st. ?A,r vrs?:-i 7!Vnr.d 's8S corPEastnrv,n8lland.on avenue AUtl onus. Trinr vehicles and haiaen at Colum bfa .ta"is ol.J Front, every Thursday at p M W ell on a commission basts. Ltisfac'tlon buarauteed both buyer and feller - If vo T want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If to 'W, . . . . v -v vr CAT .TO attend tnis saie. SPAN of blocky-built l'crclicron seUlings, 4 years old, weighing 1M; span of da k iron i rv 4-year-old mares, weighing JI00 be" gb mirt and black .gelding very blocky built, heavy bone. 240O lbs. 'ne above horses' are sound and free of b lem Ishes, guaranteed to bo well bioken. At 5th una i-iavis sia. THE entire outfit of the Model Stables, at 5th and Davis, will bc-sold at once at a sacrifice price consisting of v) horse. W sets of harness, ! buggies. 10 delivery vvalons. 7 saddles and two buses; you can one or any portion of thts stock. FOR' SALE or "change for C wagous. 1 heavy" bunker wagon without box. Phone Wood lawn ,.113, ot C 21 or call Miller .Wood Co., S.2 Garfield ave. GOOD light delivery team weighing ISO" Ibi" list travelers, well city broke free of blemishes, very stylish, with good har ness. $75; bay gelding, weighing 1 '00 lbs good worker, single or double, $40. Model Stables, otn ana chw. . i ..-i-cir - Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, -every Monday and Friday. 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables In the city ; i consign ment solicited. Til McClelland HJl sa Mule Co., -4' i'." wo JUST in from the ranch, coal black mare :nwidow,C-havc no use for them it, town. Call at once. h car south to Sherman it?; walk two tilocks east to Hood, two south lo No. l"Q FOR SALI5 CHEAP 1 farm horso weighing 1250 lbs., soro tnim pavtmml; 1 small delivery horse, weighing 11 to-. 1 ,-year-old horse, weighing 1J0O lbs. J26 Russell si " t. i , i.- i .1 ic- ITTWVTlnN Belgian mare, wllhout fault or blemish, 9 yea's old. weighs 1550 and is a beauty: will be sold reasonably. Inuulr Mr. Goodman, jsl i. BROWN team, mare and gelding, weighing 2ioo ids., cn ooiw-u. rr.;r r: single, harness and farm wagon, $Uj. bl rc llth st. CARLOAD horses, mares. 1200. 1600, all Droke ana --- i" . on approscn w u.gv. m HALF of fireproof stable, room for IS to 20 horses; low rent. Phone East 1200 after J f. XL . OT uc.m P o GRAY inaro, 7 years old, weight 1100. strong ana souou, wim int i, apneas. Address 7933 50th ave. Si E. tit v m of good, true horees, weight about XJ''. -11 Coll A-H TABU.-. 22UV IDS. , iiiuoi . tliorne ave. WAGONS and horBes by day, $1.15. L Cohen, " , U.ln VIIS Main SBSa. DEAD horees and animals hauled away fre. woomawi av. . w. DEAD horses and cattle taken away fre V. U 1 1 unj j HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 East 7lU t isoriii. HORSES for sale All kinds. Apply south- nunor,o i Hllh Main 5U. east cornel -mi. - : STRONG buggy and harness, alsosniall wagon. Buitaoie tor THREE-TON gooseneck wagou with top. in good oroer. eioo. .hho'" WANT work team for keep; good feed, light . . i i. n . ..r aid work; rficrciiLca. im..p WILL lake team for its keep; small farm; liest references, lau vvoouiaoii --t. WANTED Excavating ancl Dasement worn. Phone East 4SO. u nil. TEAM for sale cheap. 1020 E. Yamhill st. 29O0-LB. TEAM with harness. 233 N. 14th. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. WILL pay cash for pianos and orgtiiis If - ,i t. ti. rarlKitn Rro(1wav Hotel. price in i in WANTED Piano cheap, in any condition, ; for cash. F 609, Oregonian. , Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Player piano, mahogany case, as good as hew; an excellent piano at a very reasonable price. Room Hu3 Benson Hotel or pnone Aiam a t o. 6TEINWAY player piano and music rolls worth $650; will trade for lot and pay some cash. A 3047. , EXPERT player piano tuning, regulating and rebuilding. V. Kremar, piano repair shop. 504 4th st. CRAMER piano, $75; music, metronome and cover mciuaeu. i-ji .rjc.inoiii.. BEAUTIFUL oak case Milton piano, like rlew, $125. '594 4th St. Dogs. Birds. Pet Block. COLLIE puppies; a grand collection; now is the best time to get one; price list free. bhadeland Farms, Amity, ur. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOO. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA, OR. Foultry. WHITE Leghorn baby chix, heavy laying strain; March delivery, $t).50 per 100; April fo. We guarantee safe delivery. The Pion eer Hatchery, Petalunia, Cal. Furniture for Bale. ONE large birdseye mapie dresser, like new. cheap. Inquire at grocery. 272 Wil liams ae. FOR SALE 2 new Brussels rugs 9x12; oak folding bed. 265 13th. Livestock. FINE little Jersey cow, 4 years old, worth $150, will sell for $00; a little beauty; gives 5 gallons rich milk a day. Phone D lot- iur pariicuiaio. FOR SALE Good grade Jersey cow and seme h. h. goods; 4 blocks north Mt. hood depot. H209 Hassalost BREWERY malt grain'for sale. Phone Main 70S, A 6325, or call at Portland Brewing Co. FINE dairy cow, with or without calf. Call 1 Missouri ave. 65 PIGS, brood sows and boar for sale. J U Ql, VS"" FOR SALE, good cow. Inquire 300 N. 25d Automobile. USED AUTO SNAP. T lnk'.uil. TERMS GIVEN. tv'b hnve the following cars on hand to select from: Hllo Hupmobile, 5-passenger. 1010 Chalmers, 5-pajsseliger. 1012 Michigan. 5-passenger. 1014 Paige. 5-pessenger. unit i'.1., !1 tsi vcen t All In good condition. We ftiso give you free service on all used cars, inves tigate. voiUnm-ccT AtT-rr ri"l BROADWAY; AND COUCH ST. WOODS electric stanhope, all In first-class condition ana nas juai uctih i 1.1 FAnailL- , for new: runs oO miles at one charge and cost of upkeep ... . . ,.(... l...u crtllH OrAS amuunts to most iiuioio, , ,.i lihl: f ha for a Klin leavuer vio -w ..Q , lady; no car Tor a town car can compare with an electric; no smell, no oil, no work, except turn the button and away. Price only $350; ono-half down and balance to suit or would trado for horses. Iu storage .1 I lllnn TMIWIPr I.O.. Hill, Kb 11UJ , h Alain All. ' IMPROVED PORTABLE! TAKE-DOWN . - . . . .,..!.!, .. n .1 ororlc manshift erected on your lot complete $o4; non-port. ab e, 52. uium unb vjm,j.ww - -r B. T. Allyn, 1101 E. Salmon st. Phont about p. si. laoui- in Take-down garages, built of , th bt materials, aiiuu ".r ', ' . . ,7 ' erected complete, with lock and key. Im mediate delivery; also portable houses. Foot of Harrison St, Main lli. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices $200 to i80. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., L.,..ii.i.ab. Rlriir Corner Chapman and Aider Sta. FORD chassis, Including Bosch magneto Al """ u.o,?- Z -BuiClt roadster; want oiler. Inquire 25 N. 14tli St.. near Bui side . .. .". 1 .. ,.,liH . i . . . .SlillO l'j i-;ki e.-AiA.u v , oi.- ."v jon Anliinn. newly palmed t 4O0 Hupmobile. runabout v .VVV V.;-: " D V I. M A G E -M A N LY A U fO CO. 46 anil 45 ionii AUTMOB1LE. lata model, for lot in Ladd 1 Add., near Hawthoruo ave.. worth ..i .o $1000 iiicutnbrance. Answer It., note Carlton. .,rn, t -A n ir 11 wni;R 5-passenger 1? Ford; rates for trip, or day worit; aJS or Kast " ; - t,..Ht fnr Kord Varlce reasonatde; new utsen. ui'uiiit.v.L LATE model louring car i""""'?;: acar to be protld of;" will sacrifice. AG 6 I t, Oregonian. 7 htboxb. vi ell-constructed 5-passenger Bllio; fine ri.lltiing oond tion; quick sa.c $300. t all 4QO OH Cv uma. FOR SALE 191V Bulck 40. model 17; Just overhauled. East Side Auto Repair Co., 661 Hawthorne ave. WANTED To buy all grade scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market pric. paid. J. Leeve, 186 Columbia. Malnolj. FORD 5-passenger touring car in excellent condition, $375. New Market Garage. 2d and Ankeny FOR hh by the hour. 0-pasa. Ford touring car. Inquire at restaurant loi btn st. Main ;.:o. FOR HIRE. $1.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1014 Ford, fnone wooinc-.. WILL exchange piano lessouh for a sec- Oliu-hana roaoei-vi. WANTED Portable garage; must be right price, i'lione ivtam oji. WANT goiid aulo, have pro. rl. securities and casn. 4-tr Antouaubt;e WanieO. . . I r..evlin,lc. BlltO w ANTED A D-Mafa:oe,c. " (Packard preferred); must be in gMi condition; siaio pn. -- ---.-r scribe fully in first letter. AG lo. Ore gonian. FOR an automobile I v. Ill trade 150 acre. In Lake counij. ' " B2P. Oregonian. . ,.T..oouii la ll AKTKb. fooo" Al first mortgage on 10 acres, worth $5000; Texas. 613 Ore. Hotel. WILL trade my cigar Bland for auto, Ford preferred. A K. 01, c" """ WANTED Bulck roadster. B 21, late model. A. 01-1. io'-s'"f". SMALL AUTO wanted. 215' Grand ave. Call atteruooiin. Motorcycle. 1 ... .. . i.-,..l.l..rM Jef- IND1ANS. iiarie.v?, wiviRoo. , - INfVi.S.; ten good .elections racing from KAO lO e1"". ' U" " " " - . - -ing. Jefferson Cycle Co., 2S7 3rd St. Typewriters. WE save you from B0 to 75 pr cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our lllus UaTed tolder" Retail department WHOLE BALE TYPEWRITER CO.. B21 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS for lent; 8 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com- pany, bo diuu.. REMINGTON NO. W visible, -first-class shape, ii wRtu - ' L, 04, UICB""'" NEW model Oliver No. 9. now on market. Typewriters rented months for $4. .44 TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $B5 Ths Northwest Typewriter Co.. ItW Stark st. Main oos RENT visible typewriters three montUs for A 4. Z4 Btars su 1 " - NEW, rebuilt aecond-hanl rentals at cut ratea P. a. v "i a1 0, - GOOD second-hand L. C. Smith t.ipewriter for sale cheap. W 026. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains. $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented aud rent applied on purchase price, Phoni for rat... Main fi31. w'M r M- chine Emporium, xv . i r kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastlg t lenses and view cameras bought, sold fnd exchanged; rifles and shotguns want :,i nhteld'i Camera Exchange. 86 d at. BIG bicycle sale now going on; t ra des icon- f.xperAenc?U Nutf said. JcHerson Cycle t;o., ;ai oiubm ITok SALE New and secona-hand carom aud pocket Dllliard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments The r,,;,wick-Bai;;e-CoHenricr Co..- 4b-4S oth. iinrsfHOAT 2 rooms, $75 cash; worm HOLSEByA a . ...,,'. Rlver. opdo- iiie TAilsonville. Phone Main uoi'J OFFICE FIXTURES Containing roll-top . . . . ,r ..f. mani etc. desk, cnair. UK"""1"' cheD 563 E. llth St. S. DIAMOND. lOusepalnustrictYpur.: Paint Co., 230 Front at. Marshall 100 cr.H SALE 2 6-fool wall cases, 1 S-foot lloor c.llB I. Holsman. jeweler. 315 Washington St. FOR SALE-$50 cash J?r a!?'',!,1"0.: fcjee ruiier si imiinu. address c poi. v-i SAFES New and second-hand bargains, n-k. u..l.r Kfe Co.. 264 Stark St. PLLMB1NG SUPPLIES at wholesale prloes. Stark-uavis vo.. MANURE, rotted or green, delivered any place in city. -" , .-oti7cj nuns si on Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison - . x--tlnBl aliirhtIV used LAH.reft..-..-.i.. lil'tt Washington SL XyPOWriitsi j3.av;uu, im Miscellauec-un, CRESCENT ELECTRIC WORKS. 166 STARK ST. MAIN 6544. Vibrators, hair dryers, electric Irons, beating appliances, motors, storag bat teries, charging sfels, bought, sold, rented, repaired. Electric wiring of all aescno tlons promptly taken care of. MOTORBOAT CHEAP FOR CASH. Top. side curtains.' cork linoleum, 5 folding chairs, electric hoi 11; no reason able cash ofl'er refused. AC 611, Orego- ni.n h-.nini.il a i 11 8570. DIAMOND ring tor sale to dealers onb , also sheets and pillow cases, aecond-usna, sacritice. Call Marshall 1U46. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FUR a thoroughly reliable house lo buy or sell household gooos or anything In the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware ii Furniture Co.. 221 Front. phone A Till, Main huiz. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, BICYCLES AND EVER Y THING ; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 20S0; GLOBE STORE, 2S5 FIRST Si. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THS HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION , ALSO FOR MDSE. EAST litis. 7 GRAND S. Y. MEYERS, the tailor, pays best price. '$ and up for second-hand clothing; shoe, bought; reliable buyer. 247 Madison. Call Main 3505. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL MARSHALL 23111 MUST have second-hand iurniliire; phone East 0417; new given lor old, M. II. Caicf, 54$ Williams am 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC.. WANTED. Don't give it avvay. Get our flgul. first. Standard Fur. Co., 12 1st. Main 4i73. DON'T sell your turnituW; clothing or otn.-r merchandise before seeing nie, 1 nseo It; highest prices. Alain 4317. Ti 1 MiT ,.11 or iiiva avvav any of your lur niture before ou call the Bell Auction House. l'J4 2U St. Marsnau 4I6J. WANTED Diamond; will exchange up-to- date motorboat lor same; owner. ax iiv, Oregonian. ....... .ii........... aeimrum a oar t nie-.it for ladles. EILiy Co.. 330-20 Lumber exc, u anu Biariv aia. WANTED Bxcavaiing aud basement work. Phone East 4504, c' Hii. WANTED C)pera chairs; also moving pic Hire uulfit. Alt 642, Oregonian. WANTED Counter showcase, 2x21-3 feet cheap. T 031, Oregonian. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty uariors, w Aenum om. WANTED A setting hen. 720 East Davis st HFXP WANTED MAI.B. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT X. M. C. Record 1D14: v aus mr men -1 - , ,, . , vnliitlnn. filled 1.H14 The service of this Department Is free lo an roenioei ui oowv.v.... -non-members a special Employment Mem , .. i.enri ...Miinar sr. tier annum giving- tho service ot the Department for a year, two iuonvn iun pioi.B " refund of tho membership fee If satis factory employment la not secured. All vUMtlto ov-. b .. Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or limn "-"'":?', vited to ciuvsull the Advisory and s-mploy nient Secretary I WANT 20 men, no hobos, lo work lor iu mouths or longer; also 2'i teams; want to pay in unincumbered lots or securities, vsjlt furnish provisions and feed: also want to buv in teams, or any kind of slock or ma.'hinerv I can use on a lariu. i' -the tamo way. Mr. Hcdin, 4.10 Worcester bldg. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST 23D AND MUKI1 lJi. A complete course of automobile In struction, including machine shoy -'urk, by exDcrt Instructors. LOOK US UP ItGFORK ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take Alt. Tabor or "SS" car to 23d st. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE ..l- .i-o Itil. M, P,rliind Or Tho LITTLE SCHOOL Where Jou obtain BIG K65Lt.lI), t all or write for TRUTH ABOUT AU TOMOBILE SCHOOLS. ,......ui ,.,.0oOitr.i cHiMtililinieiit inde pendent mail order business; energy, good ,i.u w.aooiI linlement more Imporiant than capital. Sparc time first. Paril.-ulara Jiec. opportuniiics xjAciiaiis N. Y. .. Hrvi ik I, l.:i.-.ll-:R and all-around office man who can make an investment and take an aetivo Interest in good and legitimate busilus; vou are taking uo chances. Al) 61::, Oregonian. WANTED Live elevator man; must be A 1 ....... i.. .... i.,,. sol.er and ultentlv to business. Applv' 7:30 A. M. to chid engineer, commercial i.ino. WANTED FOR DAIRY LUNCH, First-class pantry baker; state experi ence and salary expected. H 640, Oicgo niatl. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGF. Expert instructor to teach you the barber trado In 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed. pal d while learning. -u. ei W 1NTEU--Live wile .-hIcsiiihii for n sure seller; i-ells on sighl ; ladies or gentle men msv applv Thursday forenoon at 1 il III II 1 1 1 SI ., room e CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock: excellent terrt toiy hustlers make money. Washington N in scry Co.. loppeoiso. W ANTED Clean, respectable, experienced boy for housework; country; $10 per nioulh and board; must bo 17 years or OVer. lv 611, lM-cgoiuii V NTED Two men to learn moving-picture operating In theater; small Ice re quired. 22B seconu Bl WANTED Sign painter; must be first class man aud hav $1500 to iuvesu R 611. urogonian W ASTMD At once, man lo learn aulo re wahiiig and driving, call at Hawthorn Gamse. 445 ilawthornc ave.. cor, ith. F P F R f E V t -E I ) canvassers; easy selling 'plan. 413 Buchanan bldg., 3 lo 0 alter noons. WANTED,-A1 dairy luncli man, state ex iiciicn.e. AD 611. Oregonian. TWO-TH I HDER in printing business. G 643, cregoii lan PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult- noma n .-'unnu. ju. pi 1 1 T li ,11 A I'll coiipmi, best in city. Elite , .,.!.. itir ooeninir. 122 -Oh st. WANTED Boy lo learn auto repairing; no salary. ;o i naw mm STRONG HOY wanted, vvltli wheel. Apply Norl livt. Drug o too e,. PHOTO coupon cg'-nts, salary. vorthrup StllUlO, O I II S1H1 llleu.. p.p. DENTIST Good operslor; licensed; good salary. AG SiZ. y'X'JJl'StlL VANTED A" c.vpcrieiiced lisker's helper; $14) a month.Apply41l9Markcll. BOYr 16 living al home to learn good traoc. L'.u r-iariv. WANTED Man lo prune small orchard. Tabor 1 1 u GOOD barber wanted. 28 -d N. 6th st. LAHHKR wanted. 11)3 Morrison. Ilrlu Wanted Agents. BIll.Y SUNDAY'S MESSAGE. Authorized. Wc will uuv $120 to distribute your neigh borhood: 00 days' work; great opoor luuity for man or woman; spars time inuv be used. Particulars, samplo free. I'uivcrsal Bible House, Philadelphia. GOOD live agcnls wanted to Introduce Oxol for tuuercuiosis. can io,o bldg. T. H. BerthelBon, Vancouver, Wash. AGENTS $8 to $10 a day selling "JI5 Spe cial, van i "T " Help AVaBted Salesmen. WANTED A young, unmarried man to travef and learn good psyiuc business. Call 312 Royal bldg. from 10 to 13 I'. M. today only. HELP o'ANTKl) FEMALE. WANTED Ten young ladles for string or chestra, good singers. Appiy bi ooec. it son Theatrical Booking Agency, 223 Mor gan bldg. NEAT middle-aged woman housekeeper for llwaCO. ASH JlOiei .wiiiufctu.. " -. wi and 10, Inquire Air, w ise. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; day and evening classes, uwo .w uio, lug uia oiug. TNISHER wanted: experienced. New York Cloak & Suit Mfg. Co.. rooms 3 and 4. Majestic -i ncaieiuioi EXPERIENCED laundress, with city refer ences; none otuvr ho i'i.'. 813. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. viavi coiuyauy, . Pittock block, 385 Washington. EXPERIENCED, competent saleswoman. lames coats auu un. . l, uu-,-nian. EXPERIKNCED alteration help wanted. C. E. Holllday to., .(jiiaiultjii. MISS MATTINGLYS SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting, ass Aim, nr. jcu. aa ii. .11.. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and dleta- pnone operator. v. pao oi COMl'ETIiNT tilRL for general housework. t-envooo jmi. SCHOOL girl to assist with housework. mono taoor mi-i. "lA'E girls to learn oeauty culture. Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. All KLl-'lAKD ountf lady lo assist In liollio of small lamil, no wasliinit or heavy iweep ln; tun niukc neat gowns; good home, small salary, one of temi'.i ; r.icieuccs exchinged. VO'J lv. 2Qth si. N. SINGLE man with meaus, age about 5'. wants single ludy about sauio age. wltlt some means, to writ me. 1 wulit to stsit in business slid want lady palmer. O 4J. Oregonian. WOMEN Becotno Government clerks, (oil month. Portland examination. April .a, eampio question, freu. Frauklln Institute. Dept. 7u3 B. Rochester. N. '. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLLGE. All modern business courses $5 mo. Positions when competent. 3ul N. W. Hsnk biu. WANTED Girl to assist with liousewoik. Grace Apts., No. 2, 21th snd Northup. GIRL for general house oik ; lct'vivucca. 331 (th st. HFI.P WANTED MALE O It Ft MAI. F. MAN and wile, no cliildrcii, woman lo hip In house, man must be an uxpei icncvd dairy man lo drive wagon and tiik. charge of route; a good cnancc to ntlit parly. Cull early. 70S llciaid ave., sea wood car. M L S L i : publishing company wants fiuaio-i.il member with bustllcks ability. L 035. Ui'--gonlan. II K U W A NT F I M I SI ' V. I . LA N I CO U M. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, driv ing on uo-to-uate cars; electricai. civil en gineering, surveying; method most prac tical; room and board while learning; many positions secured; satisfsctioti guar anteed, catalogue tree. National School of Engineering. 2110 W. ith, l.o. Aneloa: Ulti-.Gt.iN BARLER COLLEGE wuuls men aud wonien to learn the oaiuer traue in s weeks; positions guuiaulccd; toots tie. paid while lea;liinb; sialp una lace mas sjge a specialty: uiodciii nieiOod tisxcliing used; tuition reduciu. 2.1.1 Aiaoiwon MoLEit It.ARLEIt CtH.LI-C.l-: wanU men aud women to Icaru tiie trsda in s wekn; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing; tools free; scalp and f.ice uiassass a soe-laltv: send for live catalogue. 4s N. 2l. CENTRA t. COMM KKCIAl. i Ul.Llidli, I IlliroilBll, llscioai, i.rnawin. "A poslliou for every graduate.' Central bldg., loth and Aoier. RAILWAY mall clerk. P. O. clc.ks. Hi. rieis. exam. s-on; parcel post demands many more clerks; avl at one. A'av-iliu stale Schools. McKsy bldg.. el'y. INTERN Ai ION A I. Coriespom,cUL Si liools turnisii lv pew riter wuli comumrcisi courses; 2ho others; free caiaiuguw. 2'. AIcKsy Dldg. POR'l'LAND tloveriimeiit clerk cAeiitlnailout April 22; $ii in ah t It ; common education smilclcnl; sample questions nee. ..pyly immediately, AV $;, Oregonian. MRS lil.NMi.M.l. S ln'ctlNESS .- IIOUU, if Empress bldg.- Personal liiblrucliou; o slliou. when competeut. fill I ATIONS AV IM Fl M.VI.F. Bookkeeper and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS stenographei--bookkcetcr aud thorough office assistant, iinlio.ul and comineiclal experience; good eorresponile u t anil penman; a hustler; icfcrciicca. Mao shall 4461. BOOKKUKI'I- K ik -is liosilioii. can op- -a olio expel i - cure; call furnish local fell IK-CB. C 64, Ul'egon isn LXl'KHIKNl'Hil 1 kl eepcr and ! li"k rapher dcidivs periiiaucnt potiicn. I' bio AM'efionian. YOUNG mairicd man want w .o k ; cl'rn.l pcefcried ; best iclcrcncvs. N 6-y. Oicao niau. BOOKS kept or audited, shall Zfe65. 266 12th St. G. ItlJuut, sl.r- A!ircllHn-nil. WEIL-EDI -CAT ED. cspsbl ,n n a- man: strictly lempcrBle: goo, .-1ii acier : m tliislrioiis and reliable, ..od d rut I .mail. capable of laklnc toil chaise of iimOc plaiwi; expcncined cHrpioici- foicoian; s,i pei lutendeiii ; good at lal.lng oit qiian titlos; operalcs np.wril'i. waul positnoi with eonlinetor or urchin -t or au.i til ill : will go anywhere. I, ci. box :;:5. I'liSI'l'ION ot cotniio n oil n;iltire v.ltli n .i I future vilorc luli ai'ii-. pels, v eraneo and common sense count; s-ven ?ers In engtneerlliK , made t I; '"m rundoVcl, reared m.o .-.lu.n ! ! in Chi. ago: ao -. married : have fnmtl.v; own our I want niiin n'- .I"'.- lolilal s.ilai) an iintliiry. s l.l... ij-'Otil.i'i. $" TO-an i one who will it ' I mo a Mtedv tob where llieie is a chon.-e to advance; prefer ma. li no r , but vill .-oiisld. r hii tliing reasonable; c-.p.-i icnc.-d at suio ililvlus; I am. :- ud have no bud loiliin. Alt si::. ii'.-gon in ii KI.Ei TltH-Al, AND slLAM KV.l U I.I-.SIKKS CIIAN.iK; KNl'lli N'l,... Tl.i'HNH'Al. EDUCATION; I . I . IvN Ml . . GOOD ll.AN'T AND SAI.MIY ON-lf COVSIDEKKD. AV h:3. QliEGOMAN. JVNIT.ll": reil.ihle nod u ...I . ri .1 nd "b'raiiches oi th- wok. s..t-r mid st.d. hill give best of l. l i.'S and ll of overalls or loud w.ok. Ad. Ires .M.n... Mackcv. It.ow nsv ihe. .r. I'. I l'"v !. iTl "UFFEUH, IMIng ' Japan' ' P" eitlon in privale laoin; lis Inn rv perlence with repairs, any automobile. .Address - : I nuiiisoie. til Ml l-'i:t It w Ishe. dining J"b on Ji' or private car; I i s. sliop. -I .M. dlivlufc Phone Woodlawn ::6. I o. Flit KM AN - - I lioron n ! I V , ..oil. lent. w 1 7,.., rill. I sl.;i.l, ..ill l;o It ii vv lie I o. , lv I'.L'II. I ll eiroiilnil. HAVE you a ouso l.i l-oild.' n to, is I up Alooic. price .HOI cok..,. ..hip tho besl . r.-lercne. s. I'hoi.e UiiU .'--'-. RELIABLE vounii .lspaii'-e couple waul posllion. man as do I', wile as cook. ...Hi evnciieioed. T .'. 'l.vi so. WVN'l' posllion as aulo rr- inbi liu.k diiv.-i. can do own rvpaliiug; ...iiuliv or town. 1'Mll Main 79 1, r n I.:... 1-USI'flON' wal.-hniMii In lowo. g, o.l hahlls; can civ. bonus. d.ir. ss -. A.. '.-; CHi nv--. I..- iiisii ::, S..O niotltli. I-;. GUADUATK ileleetlv". Sf ;:l. v islo -s po.l- lion; Investigate nod shadow; win irai tow n. Write A iv '" '. vo' .... l.ArKRII AN.'.UH. Sillier nml lstos wollt bv ! or I" oil Jell. son .st. Main Ijl i ll'-tT i'l.A.-S Japanese I'S'tl) bak'i. I ixperielicc. wains posllion. 1 :. oico litao , Young m.u. uussim. hiwiuicI '" maker, desires plllon; IS sli-o Iilst-ca oaliil.-r. Main 70-1. A l.l.. .vEvi-Ai-i'EARiN'i. i "!'kj,.i ,-nced cook desires position; '.V I . P ( lu. s. M am 7 O .l. .- i - 1 ; - t v- ,..H wife WU'll Wotk and helper: best of ref. l v lo . ..I, A 1 .. I T. - - Mv' evpej-lciiced and rclhil.lc want, work; Mdf IHW1IS. SlirSV lOS-S. HI... HCe,. I. . Main 7."il. A l..li v.1 -EUIEM I' ll larin-r wauls " " Vhcre be can tsk- l.vs wife ,,,,.1 II old hsbv; referenc. Mai.i." wiPOttl'lll Oesire. po-l loo. I'' wages S-5 or .. ....- A 1 r. 17. . . . MECHANIC wants to hull, tin .10 IJ 0 12 llinhlle or auto liu.iv. r...... 1 II i-boii A1AV anil wife want l-e apt. house, ovprricnccu It .ot. btt ian . I o r of letcr- fill 0.. St 11 . II VoliNti cTilnose. first-class. sii-ihouiia lvoK want P'ti. ul hotel. Call A 7J'.-'. I"""i I. FUSITloN waul s .li.mici b man, 4... :.. to. g.dniin. rcferen. i s. -' JAPAN ESK bov wants dtuatloii. coli or Ii i; lo, tircgoii'Sti. V..I.M-U or k " WILL clear biu.l I.) "ill t , Addic-i. 1 K40. (IrenotilHO BAI'.HKI'. WANT! A r I. H loe' JAPANESE compel ."t cook wauls Plat, m family. 121 N. I...... . - MTIATK INS WANTF.lt--I F M A I K. iTTuLeeuers and Menogiaphera. t'-APABl E VM-ll-lralnert business wooisll CAPAivi.1.. ..eooarnpher ami bookkeeper; university ol...".lo... ex,.. -i mined law. umber and con inci In I w ot i . ,i, ! re'ferenc.s. A L 1.4 1, OP: goll I., n. COMPETENT experienced stenographer .ie LU. ...i work t.rci. rred; some knowledge oi bo okkp,i... bv.t refer ......on Tabor ETeRI ENCED rashler. f..m'r wit h ;li- system: good reference.. 0 O.es.- nisn. V .ipnograph.r. b. k. and dicta piona operator11 want, permanent or .ubstltut. work. it. :i'. young i.iv.with "---'' ,, ,;,;;: Wood lawn 4MV IS T K N RAPH ICR artyr p up r- porlfncr: unan NBA T. c. P.bl. atno.a .nrr :.T. sltion at once, o"""""'" lawn lt..'. TstlDE stenograph, mmeogrspti copMli .-.- reasonable; circular ispecialll. M:o OI S667. Dreaenmkers. ESSMAKINU. nil kn.i1. ot scwlt.s; -ul-- .nrli I'lilliatlh'ol. Mill Till-...B'-i- " -" s..i i. iv Plain scwina and children a WA d -..making Call Woo.lll.wn 10211. NA1. tUK Urc-.tuiklng l u- Lt ENI'l-MHI-.N. Isn .-i.shl.-r. f.iioi'i.ir v. ii Ii .lin ing ..rle. ..l.o tin-1. i.iMl.d elo-. .H4 s.vsrem; fcood r.lciem.S. I ' t""" nian. . ..