! m m at mj i'a w GRAIN TO 8E HURRIED Several Ships in. Harbor to Carry Foreign Cargoes. GEZINA READY TO LEAVE fno Japanese steamers Here, One or 'Which Will Take Flour and Lumber to Tar East Oriental Bnyin of Wlicat Noticed. Ten to 15 crews of longshoremen will be employed on-wheat ships in the h". bor this morninsr and there will be a cleanup of considerable tonnase by the end of the week. -,lc- Fortunately for the waterfront ork ers the bis movement of grain this ,.on has provided jobs for a number though the lack of offshore I-jmber ar:oe has been felt to an extent that prevent all setting time. Unlike Borne ther seasuns. wheat crews have been K.ven reasonably steady work, and for much of the time the payroll of steve dores has not been slim by any The Geiina will be the next carrier to leave She was cleared yesterday for Cape Town with a wheat cargo .mounting to U?.7TS bushels, valued at J169 16T. The French barks Francois and Touraine were both started load ?n wheat yesterday. The Belgian bark Katansa should finish loading: this niornln at Irving dock, and as soon as possible the Italian ship b" mcie will be shifted from a ballast berth to Irvine:, and she may be fin ished this week. The two 1- renchmen and the Hay of Biscay will finish by Saturday. - . . The Japanese steamer Senju aiaru Bhifted from St. Johns to Alber dock vf-trrdav to unload corn broufrht from the Far East. On the way she grounded at ti e foot of Swan Island because of the fox but was floated with slight delay and unaided. She soes to Alblna dock later, and when unloaded will be ;rin to ork flour and lumber for the Orient. . . The Kenkon Maru. which arrived last nieht. is to be lined at the Eastern & Western mill and will be hurried so a, to start receiving carco at the Crown tlour mill for the United Kingdom. The vessel ia not equipped with sufficient waLer ballast tanks, so was dispatched from Japan with "SO tons of ballast, which was disposed of at sea as she urared the American Coast. As one Oriental liner will be sent away this month, the Glonjryle. the flour export column will show more life than durins the past few months. Tlierr was talk in srrain circles yr-terdav- that Japanese buyers are in the market for wheat, and there are possi bilities that a. cargo will move from here. One lias been sold already on Put Sound. Firms across the Pacific have refused to contract for wheat or flour when the market was hijrh, and tli rroent decline is thought to havo attracted them, stocks meanwhile hav ing become low. LACK OF TOXXAGK SERIOUS llig Freights Fail to Attract Mcam crs to Lumber Trade. tillions of feet of lumber could be shipped to the United Klncdom if steamers were to be had, is declared to be the raac by exporters who have been in touch with InterostB abroad durinsr the past few months, and while Jlatterinu offers have been mado for tonnage, lumber engagements are not being sought. It i3 reported that as Men as 115 shillings was offered a mo i) tli ago and at present that rate is being paid on parcels . of lumber jnoving from I'uget Sound to England. r.eg.-irding conditions in the Oriental trade, George K. Anderson, American Consul-General at Hongkong, fays in the latest commerce reports: The shortace of tonnire for freight both across tlis Pacific from HonsWonB and ln t'.i ul!ni trade of Southeast Asia is tierominir a serious factor in the seneral trade situation. As business In most lines I. eomnieneina; to revive. the difficulty is lner-vsiii rather than diminishing. Thou sands of tons of frelrht are piling up in lloucrkonr awaiting spare in ths ships now running, and reports from Shanghai and orth China generally and from Japan In dicate similar conditions in other parts of t:ie Far Kast. The demand for tonnage in Indo-Chlna for moving the new rice crop 1 becoming unusually brisk, and the in fluence this new crop Is to have upon the arer.eral situation, including transpacific traue, is likely to be very material. TEMPORARY SCHEDULE Ol"T American' Hawaiian Eliminates Philadelphia and Includes Norfolk. Following the American-Hawaiian liner Ohioan. due here Sunday with New York cargo, will be the Montanan. which Is to get away March 25 for Nw Tork. Boston and probably Charleston. The Oregonian will be the next carrier and is scheduled to sail from Portland April 4 for New Tork and Boston only. A permanent schedule will be arranged later. Announcement haa been made that the"line no longer will include Phila delphia as a port of call because of difficulties encountered in thd dispatch of vessels, but instead Norfolk will be leached by about every other steamer castbound. On the Iowan there were Tortland shipments totalling about two carloads for Norfolk, consisting of canned salmon. Gradually the field for Pacific Coast products Is being en larged along the East Coast and as business grows sufficient inducements are offered for the big steamer lines to depart from the beaten paths to land goods. KF. ROV MARL" IS I.V HARBOR GlenroT Arrives at Vladivostok and Glengyle Is Close to Coast. Completing a voyage that she began February 7. when she put out of Shl monoseki. the Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru No. 8. formerly the Ger man steamer Verona, reached the river yesterday and proceeded here. The tramp is under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. for the United Kingdom and in addition to loading wheat and flour is to take on general cargo being hipped by others. News of another steam carrier re ceived yesterday related to the P.oyal Mail liner Glenroy. which reached Vladivostok with cargo she loaded here the latter part of January and finished on Puget Sound, sailing Feb ruary 7. At the Russian port the liner takes on beans and other cargo for London direct. The new Royal Mail liner Glengyle. next of the fleet due here, ia nearing Victoria from London by way of the customary Oriental ports. She has a larger cargo than usual for this harbor. DREDGES HERE FOR REPAIRS Cliinook Goes on Drydoek and Michie Takes Her Berth. When the big bar dredge Chinook leaves the) dock of the Northwest Steel Company, in South Portland, at 7 o'clock this morning, her place will be taken by the- dredge Col. Michie, which has arrived from Humboldt J?ay. where she dug inside the bar for over thre months. Ths, Chinook will be shifted by steamers Cascades and r,, .1 .,X1 1 JnHni'lf tit St. LUUU IV IIIO . Johns, where she Is to be lifted to have the hull chipped ana repaintea buu tailshafts drawn. The Michie will have her boiler ca pacity increased and overhauled, while other work is being provided for that will necessitate bids being opened Monday. The vessel will bo in port about six weeks and then return to Coos Bav for the entire season. Work on the Chinook will be hurried so that she may be placed in operation at the h rniiunhii River as soon as weather conditions warrant. There are plans afoot to increase me ciew the vessel so she can be worked con tinuously on the bar. The former sys tem has been to operate 16 hours and then proceed inside to an anchorage. NORTHERN PACIFIC TRIAL FAST Xew Steamer Makes 2 4.16 Knots on Test in Heavy Sea. A speed of 14. ?6 knots per hour was attained by tne steamer .-vi j i t.;n. r.ff the coast CHIC in ncr "' " " . , of Maine recently, according to ad vices received Dy a. v...." . sistant general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific. The ship will be de livered March 16 for sailing March -o. The speed indicated by this message Is more than a full knot in excess ol the contract requirement. It is a little . .w . - 1 Bnp0H n r the Great Northern, but the Northern Pacific was put through a heavier sea " - To.-ifi nill be Dlaced In regular service between San Fran- cisco and navel'ai tne uiuuui -Columbia, early in April. Marine Notes. Captain E. R. Works, assistant to ..r- t . . .1 ,1 fstmrnnrinre of I. lie vainai" O -W R- & X. fresh-water packets, re turned yesterday from the Snake River region and says there should not be .... 1 ; i-1 . ...nrohptiqinii of a big Summer freshet, because there is little snow on the high levels as "'i'-''--with past years. He reports that weather on the Snake during the past week was warm and bright. Cartaln F. B. Jones, head of The 1.1.. lino rharlt9 tteel- uaiies-wiuiuwf" 1 " smith, superintendent, and Sam Shaver, ... 1 .i.nirtH int nisrht for cmei enKiucu, - Celilo to look after steamers held there and ascertain what repairs r before they are piaceu iu In tow of the tu, John McCiaken, of the Tort of Portland dredging plant, o.s.s.h nnnrr navid Evans left up from Astoria yesterday. The steam- er Ocklanama was Km. ...w- . .1... i, rnoid hrinir the brans hcre.'while the McCraken goes to West- port for fuel oarges m " ". " C j 1 r.iiim).i:i at Astoriiu The Evans proceeds to Inman-Poulsen s to load lumber for Japan that will be pro vided by Ralfour, Guthrie & Co. Carrying a good cargo and average patsenger liat the North Pacific steam er Yucatan sailed last night. lor Cali fornia ports. Leaving Linnton last evening the vnl-.n nrneeeried to St. Helens Bliaiii"i ' " 1 " " 1-' " to load the last of her lumber cargo for raliiornia. j ne ni shifted to Westport to finish and sails today. United Slates Inspectors bdwaras and Fuller will visit the Grace liner Santa Catalina Monday to make their last inspection. They have kept in touch witn repairs niu ship. To have minor repairs made to ner u:t -tnAf ltuilev ( : u 1 7. r r t was UUIIll IIIO P l' ' 1 j shifted from her Winter moorings to the plant or tne vt uiainciie jiuh . -rw- t. . . . . - TVni I'ncvrl will relieve the Dalles City when the latter Is given her annual inspection, om not exDected to resume regular service until about May 15. On the steamer Georgia Burton being , 1 j . . .1 . v tltA Annie ComlnMTS lIU U V jro.ti'. ...w - - was placed in commission to handle towing ror mat ncei. . . - . .-. A the rpinmntinn of I I Jlll UlUI J W ...w " " " ' operations on the Portland-Astoria route the steamer oeorgiana, wiucn . i.Attniiiii inKt season, was shifted to Supplo's yard yesterday and will be given a minor overnauims. t.-in uimn ki-niirht the flarrshlD Beaver into port shortly before 6 o'clock last evening from I-os Angeles i -,n v-aneiKin with 190 Dassengers and several hundred tons of cargo. Northwest weatner on me i.ui it tarded the progress of the ship some what. She sails on the return Sunday. News From Oregon- Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. March 3. (Special.) The Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru, which arrivud last evening irom japan, left this morning for Portland, -where she will load general cargo for London. The steam schooner Willamette sailed this morning for San Francisco with a. cargo of lumber from et. Helens. The steam schooner Cricket sailed this morning for Bclllngham. Wash., where she will load lumber for the At lantic Coast. The steamer Bear sailed curing tne night for San Francisco and San Pedro with freight and passengers from Port land and" Astoria and the steamer Bea ver arrived today from the California ports. The British steamer David Evans started this morning for Portland, where she will load lumber for Japan ese points. The Government dredge Colonel P. S. Michie. Captain John Heed, arrived this morning from Eureka, where she has dug abou.t 300.000 cubic yards of sand to improve the harbor. She left this afternoon for Portland, where additional .boilers are to be Installed. The craft is expected to leave for Coos Bay in about six weeks to resume work on that ban COOS BAY. Or.. March 3. (Special.) The steam schooner Yellowstone ar rived from San Francisco this aiter noon at 2:30. The gasoline schooner Koamer is in port from the Siuslaw River, where she delivered freight for the trades people. FLORENCE. Or.. March 3. (Special.) The gas schooner Tillamook arrived from Portland today. Notice to Mariners. The following affects aids to naviga tion in the Seventeenth Lighthouse District: . eAi..mv.u vivir Martin Tsland to Willam ette River. Kales' landing light moved. March 1. about 43 yards 342 degrees from former posllon: without other change. Keeuer i:rossinB ouvy o .wuwu position March 1 was replaced eame date. Admiralty Inlet Tala Point buoy 1, Bpar, reported ln damaged condition and visible only at low water, it win ue kiiiuccu ow". Puget bound Kagie Maruor, lyee onuai buoy US, can. found out of position. Feb ruary 5 was replaced the same date. Skagit Bay Skagit River Channel light, structure carried away and light extin guished February 10. It Kill be replaced. AD CLUB AFTER TOURISTS Co-opcratioit "With Automobile Trades Association Pledged. H. J. Banter, representing' the Auto mobile Trades Association, urged be fore the Ad Club at its meeting at the Multnomah Hotel yesterday, the need of a powerful campaign by every or ganization in the city to attract tour ists to Portland this Summer. Presi dent Baker will appoint a committee to co-operate with the Automobile Trades Association in the movement. Yesterday's was an automobile pro gramme. The speakers were: S. C Carkhuff. C. H. Williams. P. L. Match ette, F. B. Norman, of the Ford Com pany, and representatives of the Riggs company and other automobile con cerns. A. H. Brown was chairman of the day. CHURCH SESSIONS BEGIN CENTRAL FREE METHODIST MIS. SIOXARY CONVENTION IS OPEN. Big Programme Is Arranged for Meet ing That Will Continue on East Side Until Sunday. tu i-entrai Free Methodist Church, East Fifty-fifth and East Flanders streets, will be the scene ot a mission ary convention beginning today and continuing until Sunday night. This gathering will be under the auspices of the Women's ioreign Missionary Society of the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist Church. The complete programme follows: Thursday night 7:30. devotionals. begin ning with song, "Send Gospel Light y Cen tml Quartet. Rev. J. G. Hessler; . :4j. sons The Story Must Be Told." Central aet S. -The Political Unrest in India and Its Relation to Missionary Work,' Rev. M. L. Clarke. . .. .., Friday morning Ju. muuu -Charlotte Johnson; 10:15, "Home MlsslOTS and W. F. M. S.." Mrs. Neva DuBol: -4y. "The Abnormal Girl." Miss Emma Lovett. Friday afternoon '-'. devotionals, Rev. W Hlghf 2:13, address. "India's Claimant Appeal," ilrs. Ethel H. Clarke. Fridax- night 7:30. devotionals. Rev. JE. I. Harrington; 7:43. duet, "Out on the Street " Mrs. Clara Herald and Miss Abbie Herald, with response. "Though Tour bins T. . .. .. f... rUiirft Ouflrtet: 8. ad dress, "India Famine Revival," Rev. M. Clark. Saturday morninn J", oevoiioni, . . -tn-lK mtaainn RtudV ClaSS, Central W. F. M. S.: 10:45. "How to Make a Regular Meeting Interesting," Rachael Bris coe, followed by discussion: 11 :! j. Hint! s to Secretaries." airs, cuioi " '.' i-.7. .... . - 1".-.... ..iriir, '. Vt T H.lSa "suggestions io , !.. . Boddy; 11:43, "How to Interest Juniors, Mrs. Clara I pton. satnrdav afternoon 2. Junior rally, led by Mrs. Clara I'pton. Saturday night 7:30. devotionals. Rev. s. .,. ..Can r.nt the fitorv Of Jesus." Mrs. Clara Herald and Miss Lthei Wells; 8, address. -i-rotesiaiiiii n Charles H. Foster; 8:30. song, "Jesus Saver ; S-4II address. "Reminiscences of Missionary Lira In India." Mrs. Ethel H. Clarke. Sunday morning n. aeoii-ii-i-. . . ii. 1-. .Anr. "! Vnur All l.acnaei nrimuc, , on the Altar" Central young people;; 11 :-. .HHr... -niir Missionary Heritage ln In dia." Rev. M. C. Clarke. Kundav afternoon 3, devotionals; 3.10, solo. "Iord Send Me." Miss Elhel Wells; 3:30. "India's Great Need Illustrated From Experiences." Rev. M. c. i larse. c- i ;.. rlfVAtinnfiln! 7:4.1. OUllUUj' iiibi'i " " ' ong "To the Rescue,"; H, address. Curios from India and Thibet -will be on exhibition illustrating tne Tensions cuaumi- -.-lands. Sor.ss In Maratlil will be sung. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DVB Name. Beaver Geo. W.Elder TO ARRIVB. From Date. ...In port ...Mar. S . . Mar. 1 ... Mar. 7 ..Mar. 7 ...Mar. ...Mar. 13 .Los Angeles... ..Eureka. ...... . San Diego. .. . . . Coos Bay . .San Diego ..los Angeles... , .Los Angeles. .. TO DEPART. For . .San Diego. ... . S. F. to U. A... . A F. to It. A.. . . .San Francisco. ..Los Angeles... ..Eureka ..Los Angeles. . . . .San Diego . Coos Bay . San Diego .Xos Angeles... , .fcan Diego , .ixs Angeles. .. ..San Diego. ... , . an Diego. ... . ,8an Diego. .... . .San DlCffO. ... Roanoke. ... Breakwater...... YucatAn Rose City -. Bear DUE Name. Ssnta Barbara. .. Vale Harvard. .... San Kamon Beaver Geo. W. Elder.... Northland Yucatan Data, . . Ma.r. 4 ...Mar. ...Mar. ...Mar. . . .'Mar. ...Mar. . . .Mar. .. Mar. , Mur. .. Mar. ...Mar. ...Mar. ...Mar. .. Mar. .. Mar. . . . Mar. Breakwater Roanoke. . . Rose City... Yosemlte... Bear Willamette., Celilo Klamath. ... Multnomah. EUROPEAN AN D OKIffi.NTAL SSRVIOBL Data. ...Mar. t.. April X Data ...Mar. 15 ...April It Name. Glengyle Ulenlochy....... Name. GlenKJle Glenlochy From ,. London. ...... . .London. ...... For , . London. ...... . . London Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, March 3. Sailed Steamer Yucatan, for San Dlcgo and ay pori, Solano, for San Pedro via t. Helens: Break water for .Coos Bay. Arrived Steamer Beaver from San Pedro and San Francisco: Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru, from Shimoneski- British schooner David Evans, from Kobe! t Astoria. March 3. Sailed at S A. M Steamer Willamette., for San Diego. Sailed at --30 A. M. Steamer Bear, for San wnVisA a nrl San Pedro: itcamer Celilo. for San Francisco. Sailed jit fl A. M Steamer Cricket, for Bellingham. Arrived at in and left up at 11:15 A. M. Steamer Beaver for San Pedro and San Francisco. Left u'p at 10:10 A. M. British schooner David livens. i .iv.i.i uh.. Kenkon Maru. Sailed at 6 P. M. Steamer Breakwater, for .Coos Bay. c. tv.nfi. March 3. Sailed at mid night Steamer Northland, for Portland. San Pedro. March 3. Arrived Steamer Rose City, from Portland Eureka, Marrh 3 Sailed at 11 A. M. Steamer Geo. W. EKier. lor t-ortiana. (in.Mii Rend. March 2. Arrived Steamer Olson & ftiahonv. fm Portland Vladivostok. March 2. Arrived British steamer Glenroy, from Portland for London. New York, Aiarcn oaneo le-Liucf Casfrta. for Naples; steamer S. V. Lucken bach tor San Francisco. San Francisco. March 3. Arrived Steam ers Henry T Scott, barge Arapulco. from Nanaimo; Admiral Dewey, from Seattle; Ventura, from Sydney; Falcon. Helen P. Drw from Port Angeles: Ohioan, from cw 'york Sailed Steamers Maital (Brit ish!, for Svdney; I.". S. S. Raleigh, for Mexico; Rainier, for Gamble; Queen, for Seattle. . Seattle. Wash.. March 3. Arrived Steam ers Admiral Evans. from Southwestern Alaska; Jefferson, from Southeastern Alaskm. Sailed Steamers Admiral Schley, for San Francisco; Movune (British), for Liverpool; Cordova, for Southwestern Alaska, Vancouver. B. C, March 3. Sailed Steamer Colonel E. L. Drake, for San Francisco. ,, , . Port Gamble. March 3. Sailed schooner Gamble, for Honolulu. Genoa Bav. B. C, March 3. Sailed Steamer Atlantic, for New York. Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, March 3. Condition of th i.r at s P. 11. Sea, smooth; wind. south, 20 miles. Tides at Astoria Thursday. T J t TilV 2:53 P. M....7.8 feet; 8 :.-! P. M 1.3 feet :I A. M.....V.- leetiw.v. A, ji... .v.. Marconi 'Wireless .Report. (All portions reported at S T. M. March 3, Paraiso. San Francisco ror Seattle, 22 miles north of Taquina Head. Breakwater, Portland for Coos Bay. off Tillamook. I-ansing. Hilo for Port San Luis, lobO miles out, March 2. " . F.nterprise. Honolulu for San Francisco, iwi milDc mil March 2 Manchuria, San Francisco for Orient 1120 miles out, Marcn Manoa. Honolulu for San Francisco, 2040 miles out. March 2. Kilburn. San Francisco for Eureka, 22 miles south Bl Point Aren. Chanslor, San Francisco for Seattle. 3 mllM nnrth of Point Bonita. Queen. San Francisco for Seattle, 5 miles south ot rolnt Arena. Hanlfy. San" Francisco for Honolulu, 2S0 miles out. Nann Smith. Coos Bay for San Francisco, CO miles north ot San Francisco. Speed well. San Franciscu for Coos, Bay, 163 miles north of San Francisco. Northland. San Francisco for Portland. 163 miles north of San Francisco. Lurline. San Francisco for Honolulu, o4J miles out. . . . Lucas, with barge 83, Richmond for Bal boa. 222 miles south of San Francisco, March 2. . Dakotan, New York for San Pedro, 2ol miles south of Ssn Pedro. San Ramon, San Pedro for San Francisco, 13 miles west of Point Firmln. Klamath: Ran Pedro for Guaymas, 30 miles south of San Pedro. Santa Clara. San Francisco for San Pedro, eight miles east of Tolnt Concepclon. . Yosemke San Francisco for San Pedro, -.ft mii.a south of Point Coneeoelon Multnomah. San Pedro for San Diego, 25 miles south of San J'eoro. Newport. Balboa for San Jranclsco, 185 mflcs south of San Francisco. El Segundo, Point Well for Richmond, off T.. ....... t. Col. brake, Vancouver for Richmond, 3 miles south or iape r lauerj . Admiral Schley, Seattle for San Francisco, off Marrowstone Point. Buck. Point. Wells for San Francisco, 5oi miles from Point Wells. Asuncion. Richmond for Seattle, 214 miles north of San Francisco. Elder. Eureka for Coos Bay, off Rogue Farragut. San Francisco for Seattle, off Cape Sebastian. Celilo. Astoria for San Francisco, 20 miles north of Blanco. Willamette. Astoria for San Francisco, IS ... 1 1.. ,.ih nf Rlanco Richmond, with barge 03, San Francisco OREGONIAJf. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1913. PORTLAND AltaTRACTa OF TITUS. r-Dv-., .t remmable prices. -"'vnr.....r; i rh. of Com. racuic xiiie ACCORDION TLEATLNG. ACCORDION, knife and box pleating, plcot lng, hemstitching, braiding, embroidering. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., S5V4 6th su Mail orders promptly attended to. K. 6IBPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, B00" sponged, mail orders. BiS3 Alder. M. U3i3. ASSA11CRS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY. OFF1C1S, lit ad. Gold, sliver ana piaunum puufcm. ATTOKNiita. LAWYER; consultation free. Mala a3. 7" selling Plug. HALL & FLIEDNER, lawyers- consultations free. 2U8-U Flieuner blog- Mar. Sol) l. CAliFfc-T WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car- . iuu i...... .in Hnin nhones. peta, rag i njo. i .)j ...t ...... . ; CELLULOID BLTTONS. BADGES. n ......... i i. itwi 'fiU V M. M V 1 11 11. lKlVli-Ilwwow 2 6lh st. Phone Main 812 and A lii. CEKTI HEP FLBL10 ACCOUNTANTS. GEO. R1DOUT Marshall IWSo. ioo St. MooenuBcoanjtB. tUlKorODXSTS. William. Estelle and WiUUni, Jr.. Deveny. the only scientific chlropouists in the cltj. Parlors 302 Gcrllnger bldg.. S. W. cornsr a ana Aioer. rnwi -" GRADUATE foot specialist, manicurist. 204 Macieay bids. 2ui Wastainstoa su Mar- snau ?0u. DK ETHEL A. SACltY. painless chiropodist. -I. . . t.i Dh.... Main .I04LK. uott ranauiii muy. u". CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Fliedner blUg. Mam 4ia. CHl-KO-PH.V( 11C l'HVblCl.N. Dr. iicMalion surprises all. Chronic cases, ol treatments. S15. Others less. 121 4th U Dr Poulson, specialist la paralysis, nervous, chrouic diseases. S-'.O Pitlock llk. -M. t414. CLEANING AND PKEfiBlNG. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press ana suit taca week for Sl.So per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., soft stark St.. bet. 3lh and Bth. Main 614. COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes, judgments collected, "Adopt tain aiemuuo. 'J ' . J . . . fc2B N w. Bank bldg. Phone Main 874. LADi collector, honest methods, money re- . , ' ........ v-,tliwn.larn I I'T" ante Co.. 121D N. W. Bank bldg. Main soo. NETH & CO, Wcrcesier bldg Main 17 mllteo aay. cQ coneciion no tutufcc .o uvs " a.iti-n ivn nnr.r.V TOPS. DCBRILLE BUGGY TOP CO. 200 id t. Baggaso He. Omrjlbua i ranaier, IVarR At Pavu. Royal Bakery & Cont- lac.llth and Everett. . unTTl.KRfl. HENRY WELSH A HP. 13th and Hurnslde. . -.r. . r. uiiti; AMI GRAPE hUOl. KA11N HKOS.. lx j rout - p. T. CROWE & CO.. 46 Fourth SU FLKISCHNEIT. MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash at. ........ . . wi-tit I vH Stubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and I ha t. After. ?,;.MIlllng Co Front and MarahalL H. M- r.UUBE-i ",J" ' ,j - for Near Tork, 2102 miles south of Sen FCo?orlUdoM."nhFncisco for Gravs Harbor, six mUes south of ?" p.ord1.i!;, .,,. -vis Bear. I'urtiann ior . .. . miles north of E"n Francisco. Betty Falmqtiist Is Dead. r..i.nniiiMi riiorf a.t the family nblLJ a n.ii ...u 1.1 'mi fnnp street. Tuesday, JIarch 2. 1915. asred 59. She was born In Sweden. November 8. 18;i;. hho is survived by her son. Carl Palmqinst, and a sister. Wisa Annie i.r.cu,., of Portland. The funeral will lie held Fridav; March 5, at i! P. M.. from Pearson's c hapel on Russell street. In terment will be in tne Cemetery. The top or ft new gas range Is equipped .lth p p?s through which water circulate, .mi p'p" ,.,i,n iii. burners are being 1U IS iiea .. .... Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil. v. vmif Pnti't Rtrafsrhten up :n a, a n anHrlPTI TiH intB. SbaTD WllUUUl lt)CiiB - " , aches and twinges? Now listen! That 3 lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you u gei reuei mo ..i.u-.- s. ho.'ir with not hine. DCKU- VUU r LI 17 joui aj ta,- . - - tratin "BL Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lameaasa aa ' i 1 Vnu almtllv rub It OY1 your back and out comes the pain. 11 Is harmless and doean t burn the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a 11 hAifi. nf niri honest St. annul Li i4 v . - " . Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and after using it Just once, you i mis," . - karltarhe. lUmbaRO III H L yuu -' ' - . or sciatica, because your back will never l.urt or cause any iuuic "). It never disappoints and has been rec ommended for bo years. au v. Quickly Relieves Without Distress Th congestion of wast and refuse from the stomach, fer menting in the bowels, generates poisonous gases that occasion distress and invite serious ill ness. Health and comfort de mand that this congestion be speedily relieved and the foul mass expelled. The well-founded objection most people have to the violence of cathartic and purgative agents Is overcome by using the combi nation of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that Is sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A dose at night brings relief next morn ing without discomfort or incon venience. A free trial bottle can v. i o.l Kw writine- to Dr. W. street, Montlcello, 111. AMUSEMENTS. Matinee S:S0 P. M Xisjht : show 1-.H0, 9:19 S3 ELSIK GILBERT e ni'ilIDIV1 niBl.S fi AND COLLIIJS WITH EUPPY. 5 OTHER HEADLINE ACTS 5 . BEST SHOW IN TOWN. Choice Seats for Firat-Mtrht tsbovr Reserved TRICES Afternoons 10c, 13e. Mglils loo, 2oe STAGES Dirert from Kastrrn triumphs. "tnwriMen Law" bv Willard Maeii. with Ijanders fetev- 1 'ens. iieorsria (WP Co. OTIIKK BHi-FEAflKE ACTS Boxes and firt row balcony reserved by phoue. Main A 2-ati. OUCH! LUIV1BAG0! RUB PAINS FROM SORE. LIE BACK BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLLECTION . (CLAIMS of any description collected on Micantass anywne. riigue.i i - The Harden Mercantile 4J6 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4o. DANCING. mn WAL WILSON Waltz, hesitation, P2f'stePfox trotf etc.. morning, afternoon 2nd: evjnlnf; lessow 25c; guarantee to ach anyone who wa!ks how to dance; 4 private lessons and classes, K. 'ss . Thursday and Saturday evening. 7 to h.30. Lhi 5th, bet. Stark and Oak. Main 763.. dij.tu'S SCHOOL Lesson dally; classes aTue Frtuay1. veulng 8 to 1 Jd bet. Washington and btark. Lessons EYB, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses flue. Dr. f7 F. Casseday, ill Dekuai uldg., od & Wn. ELECTRIC MOTOB3. xiriTORS generators bought, sold, rented M2nd Vepafred! Wo do all kinds of repairing "d rwinduig; ail wrVr St. ortt M H. Electric Co., 81 U.rst SI. Phone Main 0210. . rOLNPHY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Hw thorne. General inacniae and tuundry woik. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES: o.lPh printing and enlarging. PUvb. HAM CO.. K43 Wasnington su MACUINEKY. Engines, boiler, -sawmills, bought, fold an elchanged. Tne J. E. Martin Co.. i orLlauo. MESSENGER SERVICE. Hi! STY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle and Dlcycles. Phone Main S3. A 21S3. MOVING F1CTLBKS. F1LM6, machines. supplies, as 2-o 2d st. oulttls. rfcntea. una gum. AILSICAL. Einii Thlelhorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevcllt. U7 I'lieQlier mus. n. .uvi VH OREGON MARCH ON SALE AT EtLERS AND GRAVES MUSIC UEPTs. NATtlltOl'ATHIC PHVMC1ANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic aiseases. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICL4NS. A FIGHT on high prices. wny pay o to eiw w glasses when I can ht ..mip av uith lirst-ouai- lty )en.. to'l-J" ZUlTbrtiaT. " Mall '"pVomptly UHed, Write for particulars. . . aM l.,w H.tl M ' Established ISKMX I oruer. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERS, a-imuna ft Co., B'J-io Fourth it. 1IA1I3 ..... . THANHAUSKK HAT CO.. 63-8 Front r. !.- VIHkI. AMI X-'UKM. nuiiA. " - aJDV . ... PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. I ... IVJIUL'S Portland Iron Works, 14th snd Northrnp. i.EATllEll AND SHOE TRADE L U PP LIES. CHAS. L. MASTIC c CO.. 74 Front; le.tt.- er or every oen;ii mh-j. "- TT7l a w v a 1,-sx: 4i XT t'C UiTKAR. roiAiMfctlA Ncchwear Mfg. Co.. M FUtH t. 311 URAHSTTAW BHO.,. Murriaoo and 7tn I IVfllV - . ..-- a w w us-kw 1 vn WIRK r-or"fnd Wir4 &Iron Wks"2d snd Columbl. AMCSE5IENT8. w w a w I Jtroadnay, at Taj lor Hll.lJLlCMuinl,Ali:S TONIGHT 8:15 (TgIS BARU.IIS I'BIL- I MAT. TOMORROW I l, 7-e. B'e. SI'Erl.M, I'KirE MAT. HATCRPAY. K. V. Winter Uarden Musical ltcvuo WHIRL a. WORLD HOWARD wiixie EXCELLENT PAST K) COMPANY At rCMENTED UKCHESTKA. Eve. e'J, SI . ID. l. T5c. .'.oc. Special Sal. Mat.. $1.00. $1, TSc. .0e SIVTS NOW SELLING. 75eui ixgNEXT SUNDAY THE FAVORITE COMIC OPERA "THE" CHOCOLATE SOLDIER POPULAR PRICES. Evenings l. 73c, 60c. S.1c. 25c. Bar train Wed. and Sat. Mats. 50e, 3oc, -oc. PEAT SALE OPENS TOUA.Y. BAKER Tirtt A JCRfiA. I RnLr. Mir. Tonight. All week. Mat. Sat. The Brest c,us Hill (New York) Company in the big.eji iaushins hit on record, "URINULNO IT l ATHEIC" Founded on the famous JtcMan,,. ","ns1' Fun at top speed. A whirlwind hit. f'" and best slnBin? and dancing 'horns . Ejea Ings. :.c, 50c. 7r.-. ; box l.o0. bat. Mat-. 25c, 00c; box, 70c Week Nlartinr Snnday Matinee. The Bato Way" ' " i.h Dorothy Shoemaker and Edmund Elton, ln THE AWAKENING OF HELENA RITCHIE Pr.imatlzed from the famous novel ' "j Itaret Deland. Strongest stock org anlsat on hi ever known. One ol me greatest of modern problem dramas. Main 6. Broadway. t Mark- A l Joseph K. Howard and Mabel McCauae, 'Girl From Milwaukee. Young & Jacobs, assisted by Ethyl McFarland. Kineston Kbner. Prelle's Dogs. Blc City Four. Billv Dooley and Evelyn. . ViATIVEK EVERY lAY. 11th STREET PLAYHOUSE Corner 11th and Morrison Sts. (Formerly the Baker) CotinnouAliromTiliP.AvMiiro U r. M. The first and only authentic films sane tioned by the Kaiser and approved by Oer- man war board censors. TILE GERMAN SII'K OF THE WAR. The Talk of the Town. PRICES 15 AND So CENTS. -COMING TO ELtWNTH-SIREET PLAYHOCSE Next Week. Starting asunday, March .tn. See it this time last chance. TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE Greatest hit in motion pictures, with Marie Dressier "has. Chaplin and .Mabel Normand Th? Keystone masterpiece. The feature of features. AdmNslon Hie. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, 180-168 Park St. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A M. MEETING NOTICES. NOTICE of annual meetiner of the stock holders of the Investor's Building- Company. To the stockholders of the Investors Bully ing Company: You are hereby notitied that the annual meetlnc of the Investors Build n Company will be held in the off ces of thl company. 308-309 Lewis bids'.. In the Cltv of Portland. State of Oregon, on the fsth day or Aprli. 1915. at 3 P. M.. for the ri ,hat .wsiT:e By order of the Board of Directors. PEACE. LOVE. UNITY People of stood character, consider this a personal Invlta flon Dance cards. -500." Refreshments, -ood time in general. Chrlstensen's big U. Uth and Yamhill st s. Chlstensens orchestra will play. Admission he'P deXray nme of the expenses R:oO to 1J. some oi me A HEIHO, Chairman. OREGON COMMANDER Y, jC T. Special, Thursday evening. March 4. at 7:30. Drill. You will like it; better come. C. F. "WIEOAND, Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. r . ' i- ' ' ' v mvinictition this (Thursday) even ing at 8 o'clock, Masonic Temple, V1S11JMH Ult".. j "--- - By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sec MARTHA WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLL'B meets this (Thursday) nlg-ht. Election of officers. Cards, prizes, refreshments. Eastern Star members and lriends invited. MKS. E. ELLER, Sec'y. 5T OSTEOPATHIC PHYS1CLNS. I - vTHR,- .nm M.n bldg "", i.roadway and Washington street. Ol cor. Broadway and Washington atreet. Of fice pnone. wain qiq. .um..-. PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice. U. S. and foreign patents, vvv w PA 1NTING AND KALSO.MIXtXG. W'E kalsomine rooms hjuees at your price. at $2.50 and paint East 00 C, B Mi. PAVYN11UOKERS. STEIN'3 LOAN OFFICK, SS North sth SU K-iDv CO separate department lor ladies. tilt Lumber j.xonauge, za and mark sts. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near ia " M V UBER STAMPS, &EALS, BK-S8 SIGNS. : TT7TT7n u-r a I Wit U . 2B1 Waali. St. Plione MauJ 10 and A 2710. SHOE KEPAlRlf-G. SHOES HALF SOLED ia lo minutes wails you v.iL 4dC New York Shoe Repair Co. 24ui Aider S uuiulili AND TRANS EH. f n PICK. Transfer &. Stoiago Co. Office aid commodious 4-story bncK warehouse Luaiate irou room aua tucpioot vau.u Tor v! Sables. N- VV'. cor. 2d and Vlu. .Is. Pianos aud furniture moved aud paced forwuptueat, special rates inauu on S fn oJr tntough car. tu ail aaaia.ua and loieign joi ta. w - ... l.- iru i vireu i:o. UljbU.-lva ....... New iiieproul war-'i.:usca with sepaiatt roomZ We move aud pack, housenold aoooV and pianos and snip at reuuc.a faJeT "uto vans and teauia to.- luoviug. Lorwardlug and dimb"tiu agents. ire frackiS Ottice sua vareuou.e, l.lh ana Holt sis. Jiaiu thT,iiaiu-i; . wL' own and operate to large class - A wareuoSsc. outerniiuai track. Low.sl liinurance ta' " MANNING WAREHOUSE 4i 1 UANa EM. V.O. New location, utu and lioyt ts. Moving, packiufi. shipping, storage. Matu - Office 1 Madison. General njerchauuis. and "orwaraing agents. Pl.oos M.ia i.st. HOOD. TTk-i.-M and dry slabwood, biockwood. Pan GREEN na oxy " . . . am r uei w. . I'AIN'TS AND WALL rArER. W. P. FULLER a CO.. 1-ih auu' Davis. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUaSE.N & CO.. lid and Taylor sts. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 4-ttt Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM. SLl'PLUiS. M. L. KLINE. S4-tf Front St. PKINTEKS AND PUIJI.ISHEBS. F. W. BAL.TKS t CO., 1st aud Cak sis. ' PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVgRDINQ & FARRELL. 140 Front st. " HOPE AND MINDING TWINE. Portland Curdage Co.. 14th and Nortttrup. SASH, DOORS AND 4.LASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. l'-tii and Davis. YVAI-I. P1'EK. unir.lv WALL. PAPER CO., t'80 d st. WHOLF.SAI.K JtHfcl.KIB ""'Vf.V,? BUTTE It VIE LP PROS.. MOHAWK BLU'l. . MEETING NOTICES. GOLDEN RI LE ESCAMTMENT. N'. I O O K. Meets this iThurS'laji cvcnins st Arlet llall. E. Cih ami Alder s's. at h o'clock. 1'alriarch degree. All rairlsrehs w-lcome. C. Slnr yeril.e. Dirr. BOPI.KT-At tho residrncn "C his psrnti". 1S30 Williams nve., C'harl Edwin Bnd lev. foii ( Watson T. and Mnrsorla Walts Hod lev. broilier of Mrs. K. li. Lounsbury. Mrs j. C Herlsche. .leaimelto 1. Bodley, of tli ia city; Ralph"';. BimIIcv, of i'ams. Wash., and Arihiir tv. Boriley, of JSprius ville, Cal. Funcrsl notice Inter. M'LEMOP.E At Astoria, March !. Homer Mcl.emorc, aged I'S yars. husband of Mrs. Jesse McLciuore, of this cit. Tim re mains are at the Conservatory Chapel of the V S. Dunning East Slilo Funeral Di rectors, 414 East Alder. Funeral notice later. BURELI!A'H In this city, March 2, .Toh.m nah Burelbach, used S' years, beloved wife of Frank Burelbach. Remains iiil at Hotman's funeral parlors. Announce ment of funeral later. BR XN.N' March 3. al the family resi dence. -Mli K. Hist. Mrs. Marcaret M Brannan. aged 71 years. months and 1.' lavs. Funeral nollce laler. rCMiK.lt NOTICES. SIHTHOLM Feb. '-'S. at family resilience. l3 Hacr.imento St., Lars Uutaf Hhulinlin. aire 43 years. Deceased Is survived by lilt widow Lena Fhuhollll, and three chil dren. Harolii, Clarence and Evelyn; four brothers and three sisters. Mnfrinis Shu holm, of Hasllnss, Minn.; Olof tlmholiii. of Ureshani. Or.; Dan IShuholm. of this city; Mrs. Olof Peterson, of this city; Mrs. Nels Johnson. Oreson City, nr.; one sister. Mrs. M. Anderson, and one brother. Jnhan Shuholnl, reside in Sweden. FunTa! services will be conducted from the abofl Trsldence today IThursdyl. Mari-h 4. at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment family plot. Rose City Cemetery. BRAKKL In this city, March :, Eva Brake, aged 23 years, wife of Leslie Hrakcl. of 1131 Minnesota an. The fun eral services will be held today (Thurs day) at 1 o'clock T. M., st the resi dence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at River View Cemetery. HILTON' In this city. March 3, at his late residence, 3S Obcrlln St., Ueorgo O. I". Hilton, aged 87 years. The funeral rv ices will be held Friday. March ft. at 1 o'clock P. M., at the residence establish ment of .1. P. Finley - Son, Montgomery at oth. Interment t Rose City Cemetery. KELLAR The funeral services of the laic Leo Kellar will be held at the conserv atory chapel of the F. S. Dunning East Side Funeral Directors. 4 14 East Alder, at 2 P. M. Friday. March 5. Friends In vited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. FUNERAL PIWECTORS Ttie only resluellce unuei lading estaollsll. roent ia Portlaud witu private arivway. Main D. A 15a' . ., J. P. FINLEY SON. Montgomery at friith. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leadinf funeral ulrector. MO Third street, oornar Saluiou. Lady assistant. A lull. Main ooi. P. S. DUNNING. INC., East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Last Al Ser street. East 03. B XjH. A IL Z ELLER CO., uiKi WILLIAMS AVK. Bast 108. -C 1IHI8. Laay attendant. Day and night service. ...... i . i. ... t- vt L-1." f.m.ral illreelor. Broaoway ana Pine. Phone Malu 4-o. A 43jS. l-aqy aimiwittpi. BKEEZfc.. tiunnysiae uancrai t J' ,', , V hearau. IQ'M Belmont st. Tabor 1J.1S. B l.oa. . t.v-Eivi.- 11'iiii.iind av. and Kliutt. East llio, v- iina. iu; n . . T.-r.u ,.-.. i 1 1 1. and uliV atreata IT. X. 1 . - laay aaimiii. .o. . TTT. . . , 'YT ... . ....... . -. . 7 r X" V il and Clay. Main 41J2. A 2321. t-aay attendant. FLORISTS. MARVIN 4c FORBES CO., florists, o47 VVash ln"ton. Main aili, A 12ti. Flowers for all Ofcaslons arvibvicaiij CLARKE BROS, designers and decorators; ffesh cat flower, great variety. Morrison, between 4th and tith. Main or A 1803. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP 2d and Aldar. DesignB snd prays. Marshall oJ. MAX M. SMITH. Main 1215. A 2121. Selling buliaing. i. C. F. BURKUARBT, 120 N. 23d Funeral design and cut flower. Main Uog. A "V OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 Git AND AVK.I N. Betwceia Davlsi and liverett. Phone. L-t 1S. m' aasid lNlitbt. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice, lethal chamber for small animals, riorse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment s notice. Anyone desiring a pet may comaiunicitle with, ua. iSi!iiisi!r arrHlP.TriTw fit lr- Try, 's- CLASSIFIED AD. RATES DU, Ud ff Um One lima HZ same avd two awasecotlve JT baune ad three conMMullv IIjws tuuuie ad ix or SOTen consecuU; time -. " J be avbove r.ie. apply to avdv.rtlaaa-4 under "New T.isf" d all oiner a;taMlM.av Uons escept the Iollowi'ja Mtuatiou Wanted ll toil ual ion. anted teinal Vor Kent, Rooms, I'rlTte 1 SmlliM. Board and Rooms. I'rtviate Imlue. llousekeepinat-Rooni, 4'rivt I ainlli. Hale ob Ihe above claMlllcallons la 1 carats line eaach insertion. On cuarge" advertlseraeat ebars will b based on tne number of line iierl In til lPr, reaardlcMi sf Ibe number f word La each line. Minimum charge, twa Hum. Ibe Oreouln will accept classified ad vertisement over that telephone, prvaldtal the advertiser I a uucr!ber la liber puone. No price wlU b tiu.ted over tn uuoue. but bill will be reudered the f..llw lui day. Whether ubeUeut adirnua turnt will be accepted over Hi phon e pends upon the proiuptneaw ol pnyiuent of lelcplione dverlisciurui.. skualli want ed and I'ei'MioMi ndverlieonts will noi b accepted over tne telephone. Order lor on insertion only villi be ncrepled for "1 urui ture tor Kale," "Bualuria Optwrtunllle, Komin-lloui.e" and "Wanted la Kent." Ibe Oirsoniau will not suarnate avcux cy or nsMiuiie responaiblllty lor erraa s lurrlng In lelephone ndvertiiMPmenl. Advenbienienl to revel prompt rlasal. (Walton inut be ip The Orrnoulau oTfle lure o'clock at nighl. racrpt Salurday. lloailiK hour (or The Miudsy Orrfonlava will be ": o'clock Saturday night, lb will be olen until 10 o'clock '. al.. ususvi, nil all d received too lat for proper a-iakilli'ation will be run under lit bualial loo l.alo lo llnsidfy." 1 lie Uregoulan vv ill not bi resnnnftibl rr more lbn one Incorrect Insertion ( naiy dvrrtiscment ulloied tor auurn tbaaa aui una. lelephone Mnln 1070. A 05. TOO LATE TO Cl.ASMIKY. EX!'I'II1KN"1:l insn eonfectlolierv store. fnr fruit, claar nd i;t n. nth st. NEW TODAY. LOOK 320 Acres 2 Miles to Postoffice Good, level land, grass and sage brush; will grow most anything. Price Only Per Acre It's Worth $20 Must raise cash at once. Sec owner, 310 Board of Trade Main 57S2 LARGE LOANS On Central Hetiiil ritislness Property M;iy He Obtained at Edward E. Goudey rhwrern Hank llnllrllnsr. MORTGAGE LOANS on iinifiTi.n bimmi rRorr.BTir.! Kesldence loans and 7 per cent, ac--ordlng to location, l'lctity of money. ROBERTSON & EWTNG il7-s ortbTeerat Bank llal. Mortgage loans on improved city and farm pmprrtv at current rates. Attractive repayment prlvllcii'e.i. 1-oiins quickly closed, tall today. 6,y 1. 4iii. i: i.tuvi 10' lO nlMMo I'FIITIBK VI ,C A. II. BIRRELL CO. 217.1'IU ,rlknralrra Bank, DullallaiC. Marahsll ASM. 411s- MORTGAGE LOANS Made an City d Nearby Knrm Prarty latercnt 1 and t Per Cent. No Overcharge. No red tpe. tra!shl Loans on btralubt Proioltion. (II1CI.O V I.W. MOKTti. CO, Mock Uxchascr nnlldlnK. Tklrai aaa) Vnniblll streetn. BUSINrSS PPOTRTVANOc'LOSriN BFCIOf MCCS EDWARD E.G0UDEY7 NORThWSTRN BANrv tJUIUDKxa Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own vjoiilj al current Kate. MTJMC1PAI. AMI ( OHVORATION 1IONDS. FA KM AMI H I V LOANS. 80 Fourth S.. Bimrd of Trd Bids;. 12 PER CENT NET INCOME. Flut building. (rood location, nil rented; income $lf.n: value $li,000; will sacrifice for $10,.r.0. half cash. Hurry. Get full particulars, 11 ifi, ore ironinn. Mortgage Loans Loans Made Front ,200 to -''i.00. City und Farm I'ropcrtlos. JF.O. II. THOMAS. 287 Oak SI., Icon in 2, Alnnworlh Fld. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Hate. JOH li. CRO-N AV, 90S Mialdlnx Hldg. Pnrtlnnd. Or. t'lTV An Klt I.OAX9 Un Improved Properties In Auy Amount ut Current Halca. 1IAHTMAK THOMPSON. tHt-.IH, Corner 1 ovirtla anal stark Stxctv, SP2o