THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. 16 MTC.TH WANTED MAtK MiiH-elluroui. WELI.-ED-CATED. capabte young man; ; Mrictlv temperate; good character; in ;. duatrioua and reliable; good draftsman. . capable of taking lull charne or residence plana: experienced carpenter foreman; su- perintendenl; good it taking off qu an il titles; op-rates typewriter: want position with contractor or architect or anything. ' will go anywhere. I. O. boxtt. DESIRES CHANGE; EXPERIENCED TCCHXIfAL EDUCATION: LlcNe.i i.nni) PLANT AND SALARY ONLY ; COXiilDEKEU. AV :, ORKGONIAN. : JANITOR reliable and understand all ; brn.he. of the work. sober and ""dy: ran rive best ..f reference and not alraid . f overalls or hard work. Address Merrill ; i-.-w.rMrnaYille. or. P. O. box i. t cilAUFFEUR. li'W Japanese, wants po sition in private family; ha long pcrienr with repair., any automobile. ; iXFEKIKNCED cashier, familiar with uin ; in- service. also understand checking I system; good reference. 1J bio. oregu I man. MTlTIO"SlVrei5MAI.E: Bookkeeper and Stenographers. COMFETENT experienced stenographer de- rm position: legal - H 1 - ,,. riowledi-c of bookkeeping; hest refer- kn ent-ea. Tabor 4213. '.loCNG lady. Just out of buslnesa college. 1 .nccs. Tall East 4747. '. K. stenographer, b. k. and '"P""" operator want permanent or substitute - work M. 2S17. ; 1 fcTENOGKAPHFtl desire position wine ex perience: small salary to atari, refer perten ences. East I)r eniakera. . -. . ... , v- ' 1 1 t ,iMmnkn2 reasonable. : ln st. Main 1 kii.ds of ewii.g. price r-afnaol. worn ; FIRST-CLASS dressmaker fKae mtnu at home or out. Phone . I LBBStfllAKIXfi at home or by day work ' guaranteed. Main 3t;o. , . KKAT. quick dressmaking ti oay. East 324. Nurse. PRVCTICVL nurse with Irvington nome wes convalescent or maternity cases. Phone E. ." lllXPERIENCED nurse wants more cases; : urslcit Chronic, etc. Term, reasonable. ; ' Mam 7'j23. PRACTICAL nurse wlshea case. Main 24JL A 2'Jst. from a vq - JiELI VBLE lady wants cntia w r . her own home. 1515 East Uth North. PRACTICAL NX'RSE-By day or week; doc tor reference. Call Tabor 601J. COMPETENT hous keeper, on farm, for men only. Tel. M. ulso. room51: Housekeeper. vinril.E-AGED woman desire pos nou housekeeper, 2S or W per mon'- " -r.-..,-,t: want Dlace w here there are no children. Main 7US1, A 151 POSITION as housekeeper Dy p"" . praciil nurse In refined wkl-r-. J ily; good cook; references. Phone W. 3t4i. STARRlEb lady will ejohanse services or intake charge of .mail -'u??-T''r " I pleasanthouskeeping roonis. Mar. O CS E KEE P E R desire position w can take hrr little S-year-old girl. Main ! ;ik,l, A 1517- , . Uomeetic TOL-NO woman deairea position houe I work; plain cook; wage. W per month It she can take her little fgl' -o per month without child. Main 70ol. TOLVG cirl. J. Hungarian, who Pk good English, desires work a. assistant to housekeeper; wages 14. Mala .01. A i:.i7. GIRL wishes second work or will affiaJ with housework; references. AN 61. Ore- unlan. is EAT. capable girl desires housework; city references. A 7175. Maln!M. Miscellaneous. " E..T-APPEARING young woman, with .i et work: is thor ouThly-wpernced with electric power machine, but willing to do anything. Main I. A lol lrsson. desires position; Al refer experienced in chamber work and nt work desire position where go home nights. Main 701. A WOM AN restauran she can so 1517. ,,. with child 4 years, want goou i.Ai!s llsht work and small wages. Marshall 3407 T- X PFRIENCED nurse will assist with llgnt housework Tor room and board and small Mlary. I. oregonian. . enr- uniiiilr work, by a nice, '",red foreign girl: speak, three tanruage. 23 Halsey. Eaft ooO. 4. .i ,,i.-., woman want cook or day work or chamber work, come home at ; night: first-class papers. Wood. 4"-'. . . -nru rhamhermaid or : h.a'-clMninE. M r. Bendlx. Phone Tabor "WANTED By competent woman house cleamng or day wok of any kind or will do housework by the halt dayjalnS08. REMABl-E young woman will rare for chil dren by day or hour. Marshall 4 400. Miss lalton; mornings. EXPERIENCED woman, day wora. warn ing, ironing, cleaning, city references. A ; 71 7.'.. Main 20-H. DR MAT1C reader de.lrea engagementa; reasonable. Mrt Blowers, 11S0 E. Harrl son. Tabor 312. , iKF'ERIEN'CED and reliable woman desires day work: practical nursing, washing or Ironing. Reference. Main .Pal. A lolT. EXPERIENCED waitress and laundress de lre. oositlon. Main 7051, A 1517. LADT would like chamber worn or" help: experienced. AN 644. Oregonlan. DINNERS, tea, partie hP'anned Vrepartd or served, cake furnished. Sellwood 1. C PA BLE laundress, fine lroncr. wishes em . 'ploymentJydaohourEast J- IldrsEcleanin!r or taking care of children by the hour. Phone Main -143. FIRST-CLASS laundrcs. wants day work. also cleaning, r.. ooog. m.., , COOKING and ,'ervlng tea. luncheon, names, or ironlnir by hour. Tabor 317. LACE CURTAINS, draperies, "n?11 hn, laundered, .c up. p"""-"" DAY vVT.K. washinr. hoiiseclraiilng etc, Vxnericnced. Room 19, Main 2:'.33. WAITRESS In loggirs camp or sawmill, v-an Main 51S. room HIS. EXPERIENCED waitress for table counter. 'd 44. Oregonian. WANT general work Dy experienced colored woman. Main 556ft. LADY wants washing to do; leave it at 14 N. 6th t. . WANTED Day work. Call Tabor f.01 9. WANTED TO RENT. House. IF YOU have a modern house, flat or busi . noU. location, vacant, why not list wltn me? 1 can and do get results, otherwise " ch"Se.N R COLEMAN, CIO Stock Exchange. Mar. 1S6S. COMPLETELY furnished home, on Be car line large lot, with fruit tree and chick-to-hons-. O 641. Oregonian. .KOOM furnished bungalow house: 4 adults. Call Kant or modern 00D cottage, pay first moiitn Dy pauiinis, tinting, etc. K 641. Oregonlan. TWO uiusiiials (man and wild, want one or two furnished rooms for studio. West Side, close in. Main 3&71 after lu A. M. Room With Boarq. ROOM or store in good location, about In m,r nt citr. for tailoring business. N ' 644. Oregonlan. FOB RENT. Fnrnlahed Rooms. HOTEL EDWARDS, Orand ave. and E. Bel mont Room 10 mou'h. S20 up with private bath; large pleasant lobby, cafe lu connection. Phone East 323. HOTEL TREVES, northeast Corner Stark and 11th. Ifodcrn outside room. 3 weekly and op. Large ground-floor lobby. HOTEL CORDOVA. 21 11th St. Strictl modern; private bath en suite; rooms ; up. Main S472. A 4783. -A UU1KT PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. Near Grand Ave. Cleanliness una comfort. $3 per week op. STANDISH HOTEL. , 14SV WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1TH. Front room. team heat, free phone and bath: 12 week. per month up. few MIKCO HOTEL, Uth and Washington, "strictly mo-iern. clean rooms. 1 mo up. Come and see. Transients ollcited. ROOMS far young men in I. H. C A.; flre . proof building, shower bath, vacuum cleaned; club facilltle. moderate pricea MAXWELL HALL, RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, Furnished room and apt.. team heat, - hot and cold water. 207 14la at. "-HOTEL NORRIS. 533 Alder; modern out Bid rooms 12 per weeli up. , FOB BEST. furnished lioonia. HOIUL EATON. West Park and Morrison St. At modest price. Centrally located; large, attractive rooms, aitigle or en suite. wil and witn- uut private Datn. aiam biiv. HOTEL. ROWLAND. 201, -TH ST. 1UU UUUaa. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, cieau ruorua; hot and cold water; ratea Cue, 75o and (1 per day; 13 per week and up. - HOTEL BLACK-TONE. Corner lilh and Stark; 3 week and op; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection In each room; no extra charges for two-In a room; room and bath 1 day; transient aohclted. HOTEL. ARTHUR. Eleventh, bctweeu Morrison and Yamhill. Cars direct from depots; -desirably located and respectable; clean, warm and cozy room, with every modern convenience. Rate: SI and fliO; weekly, a and to. HOTEL FORD. 7?-. U'a.hlnfftiin Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room; room without bath, ...u 'k.,h cir. in HOTEL FRANKLIN REDUCED RATES, -uhiiiniin st. at loth: 50c day up; week ly IJ.iu up; running water, phones, steam heat, fireproof building, grouno-nour by, ail nignt service, nuamraa " imTi-i. Mi:rKlNilHAM. 20th. Wash., sta., new fireproof brick, select, quiet location. all outside, clean rooms, wnu ej ern coratort, J.o0 wk. up. Rates to tourists, vnR mkxt Klcely furnished modern rooms, close in. 2tu Broadway. 1 urnislied Rooma In Private ramllle. BEAL'l IFUL. new, well-fumlshcd room. In a modern, rerinea nome, iw vi in,n. Wnndlawn 142S. before u A. M. or after 4 P. M. ONE or two nice rooms In a beautiful home, newly furnished, heat, bath and phone; very desirable location: cloee walking dis tance. 4SJ Jeliersou, on ui -1 NICK front room, o windows, running hot and cold water, f urnace heat, newly lur nished and very clean. v fcuft st. NEATLY furnished room. 2 windows, nice vinw verv clean, ail conveniences, iciiwi. for one. sli month. 50 Ella St. i.-r ki.-v-t in Piedmont, pleasant room, ono or two gentlemen; price reasonable. L'09 Jeseup. Woodlawn iUI. PRIVATE home. West Side, walking dis tance, large room, Deauniuiiy iwuwuw every convenience. Main a91l. jiL'lTE and single room, running water, sleenina- north. 743 Hoyt. Marshall 4m3 NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, phone, il.60 per week. 431 6th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home. Nob Hill; references. 738 Johnson NICE, cozy front room, "; room $4 per month. Main W21). HHP 12th. PLEASANT, comfortable room; might have light housekeeping; moaerate. oa i-itn si.. CHEERFUL, light, airy room for gentleman, 12. A 1055. 54 Lucretia. Wash., nr. 23d, WELL furnished large room for one or two vouiift men. Fhone Main bija. ts torn. NICELY furnished front room, h. k. if re uuired; all conveniences. 265 13th St. NICE sleeping porch for one or two gentle men. 414 tialmon. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance. 24 S Jorlli uin at. FURNISHED rooms, board. 5211 E Mill. Boom With Board. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKK , THE HILL. ff Washington at 23d St. A charming family and transient hotel of the hlgnest oraer; excellent cuisiue. sep arate tables; extremely reasonable rates; worth Investigating, yuone Main aa4. HOTEL CAMPBELL, A modern. FIREPROOF, residence ho tel; American plan; on carllne. 10 min utes from business center; prices In ac cord with general business conditions. 23a and Hoyt sts. . juarsnau THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson St. An excellent residential hotel: attractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Phone Main A bsza. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American plan Residence Hotel. Suite. Single Rooms. Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 461L THE WEAVER. 21st and Washington At tractive residential hotel; special rate, for transients; noma cookings private oam In each room. , a noon PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 6th st.. has fine table board, modern room, sun parlor, real home; reasonable rates. ni:ilESS women and students will find good board and room. $4 and $.4.50 week. fOriiana Women a umwu, Room With Board In Private Fumllle. LARGE, attractive rooms; steam heat, hot and cold running water; suitable for two or more; twin beds;; separate dressers; every modern convenience; excellent board; also larise room with alcove and porch. Main t!3l. 501 Harrison St., near 14th. unitrn un.l hrcp room: hot. and cold water; every comfort and convenience, for two gentlemen or ladies employed: walking distance. Marshall 5464. 341 11th st. i'nil.-iiHTAR.Y furnished front room, modern home surroundings: private, best of board: very central. Main U&37. 2111 West Park. CONNECTING living-room and bedroom; real house for two young .ladies; 10 month; will board. Tabor l02. xhiki.y furnished front room, best of board, close In, furnace heat, fine bath, pleasant locality; reasonable. Main JJbO. NICE furnished room, board if desired. In private home, all modern conveniences. Phone East tilM. 338 Monroe .t. CONGENIAL young mun wishes roommate; good board. Main Gobi. 501 Harrison aU near 14th St. ATTRACTIVE room in beautifully fur nished home, 2 meals, plenty of hot water, walking distance. Main 72tia. 335 11th. FRONT room, with board, for 2 gentlemen; also single room. E. nio-'. ofc'J ti. uroauway. ROOM and board in private family 322.50 per month. Phone iaoor iisa. ROOM with board; modern; walking dis tance. 713 Flanders. Main io4. NICELY furnished rooms, and board,. $20 and up. 3oo otli ?u FINE homo for young lady: walking dis tance; young people. Phone East 5605. Furnished Apartment. .jhamifsta. Kttst Stark and Grand ave.- Nicely furnished three-room apts.; private Idioue and bath; walking distance; price THE FLORENCE 3SS 11th St., under new munagement : 3-room apts, completely furnisned; root garden, play-yards, sand box; reasonable rates; walking distance. MADISON PARK APTS-. Park SU, at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; close in; by week or month. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 3 and 3-room apartments, furnished; first class; reasonable rates. Main 7.137. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, mo :-! cor. Kearney Modern 3 and 4- room apartments; private bath; complete ly furnished; 0 up. aiaranau io. BIRMINGHAM. SfMI 12th St. Marshall 484. Northampton, 407 Hall st.. Main 42a. A-4056; walking distance; a and 3-rooins; reasonable: summer rateSj $lti UP Furnished modern steam heated apartments. Harrison Court. 5th and Har rison. . ONE room. H. K. apt., including heat, bath, phone, etc.. $!t per mo.; easy walking dis tance. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. NICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping suites at -44": hn unssw orm v.. iuh rcut. Phone Woodlawn tifeO, C 13S7. JACKSON BUNGALOW, 454 11th Newly furnished apartment, within walking dis tance. BUCK HARTFORD APTS., 107 N. 21st St., 3 and 4-rooms. furnished or unfurnished; walking distance; reasonable rent. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room apt., hot and cold water, steam heat; reasonable. 492 Union ave. N. Phone East 7114. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett two rooms, newiy iurmnea, narawooa floors, talking distance, S22.50. Main 1245. FA I RMOl'NT APTS.. 2t)B 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartment, jjii.o up; close in. Main 2260. THE LETA High-class, 5 large rooms, piano, beautifully furnished- like a pri vate home. Mar. 3207. 400 Broadway. THREE and four-room furnished or unfur nished. The Bjelland, A lbo7. Main 18ti7. A 1S75. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS, 41 14th St.. at Market New 2 and 8 rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main 173U. AVALON. Three and four-room furnished apt., st rlctly modern. Phone East 8172. DR1CKSTON, 44S 11th, modem 2 and 3-room apts.. excellent service, walking distance. Marshall 60, A 5408. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build ing; 2, 8 room apt.. 18 to S.10. Mar. 2917. MOST reasonable close-in. conveniences. 2S0 10th st. -room apt., all COMPLETELY furnished apartmenta In con crete block. $12. 1102H Union ave. North THE ELM?. 191 14th St., S and 3 outside rooms, 15 to $23.50; walking distance. KEYSTONE, 11th and Jefferson, 2 rooms, modern; rent reasonable, , FOR RENT. l-"urnisned Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX (Apartment Hotel), Tenth and tialmon Streets. ' APARTMENTS OK ROOMS. Rates day. week, month .or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden iu cuunectlon. Walking distance. References. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient 6-minute walk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and It-room apartments. Marshall S1U8. References. A .3829. 'CARLOTTA COURT,' Everett and 17th New, modern; steam heat, private baths, laundry; completely furnished 2 and 3 room apts.; ly min. from business center; save carfare; rates moderate; references. THE DENVER 2 and 3-room apartments; outside rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished; private bath, phone, steam heat; rent reasonable; references. 274 21st st. North. Take "W" car. Marshall 380. WASHINGTON GRAND 2-room furnished apts., $12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, clean; very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washinston st. Phone East 444a CAMBRIAN. 12TH AND COLUMBIA. Large 2 and 3-room modern furnished aota.. price very reasonable; close in. Marshall 2b3. GLEN COURT APT. Cor. Park and Taylor. Completely fur nished 2, 3, 4-room; best service; reason able. Main 1961. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room steam heated apartment; easy walking distance, 17 per mo., including lights, bath, phone. Janitor service. 187 17th, near Yamhill. HISLOP HALL, cor. East Uth and Haw thorne a and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone; also single rooms; v.ell fur nished: $12.50 up. phone East K82. ROSEN FIELD Furnished or unfurnished 3 and 4-room apts. ; modern. 575 E. Stark. Uufurnlnned Apartment. KING HILL APTS., 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class, 4, 5 and 6-room un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent service; walking distance; reasonable renL THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class teuant who appreciate service; pricea reasonable phone Marshall 3300 or A 2870. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will tind in the city. Phone Main 7510. A 2070. WALDORF COURT, IRVINGXON. East lith and Schuyler Five rooms and porch; eve-y thing mod ern. C 1008. East 647. FOR RENT 7 2-room apartments and two single rooms, reasonable to responsible parties. See Chas. Jenning, of IL ning & Sods. 2d and Morrison Bta. Jen- SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway South. 6 blocks to business center: splendid four room apartments, all outside, southern and eastern exposure; $27.50. Main 2500. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six light, sunny, outside rooms, uactt, trout tuiu sicciuus porch, heat, hot water, telephone, .private entrance. 701 Northrup st. 7-ROOM Duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; in fireproof building. Apply 705 Davis at. 3 LIGHT rooms; bath, 3 closets; phone, water and laundry. 551 East Yamhill st. Phone East 17 10. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant uniumisnea apartments, nrst-class service. Private phone. Kef. thk ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart ment. also uanoy o-roum lurmsiieu. 000 Flanders, Nob 11111. Main 8251. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. New unfurnished apartments; most eiaoorate ui in the city. Main 4200, A 405t. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea- sonablo. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. KEELER APTS., UTH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room unfurnished ; references. LOVELY 4-rocm modern, all outside, cor ner, very reasonable. East 83j Furnished or L'nturnlshed Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNEK & BOYCE, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any ot our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unrurnisnea apartment in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, Luilt-ln buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room ; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2061. HIGHLAND COURT APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. Largest. nist homelike, hih-class apts. In city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance MARSHALL 3240. KINGSBURY, 180 Vista ave., off Washington st 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh borhood, best of service; reasonable rates by months WELLESLEY COURT, QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STd. STELWYN APTS. High-class, elegantly furnished apt., including piano, nioaern, sleeping porch; will uufurnish; also bach elor's apL ICS St. Clair, cor. Washington. Marshall 2bS0. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE. 40-57 TRINITY PLACE, MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms. furnished or not. corner Last 14tn ana YamhllL THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st, near Taylor; Marshall 2324; fine 5-room furnished and unfurn. apt. Mats. IRVINGTON. 10th and Hancock. All White Enamel. 0 rooms, screened sleeping porch, pri vate front porch, hardwood floors, lire place, tile bath, all white enamel; new paper; rent $37.50. F. E- BOWMAN & CO., Com. Club Bldg. Main S02B. A 1251. FOR RENT West Side corner flat, i rooms, maid s room, furnace, fireplace, gaa range, water heater, drying-room, hardwood floors, beam ceiling. 254 Nortii 25th. corner of Northrup NEW MODERN IRVINGTON FLATS. 5 rooms, up to date, 2 blocks Broadway car, walking distance, $13.50 and $21. Gor don, E. 6th and Broadway. E. 356, C 2025, E. 557a 6-ROOM flat, close In; furnace, llieplaee and in gooa conuition : rem n.vj t news stand, cor. Washington and 16th sts. Phono Marshall 3540. 693 EVERETT ST., near 21st., 8-room, upper flat, newly tinted throughout; nrepiace, furnace, gas range and hot-water heater. Phone East 8. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 room, close . - , , ,1 in? J ). r- lO SCUOOl UUU UtlilMC lucu, .iv, uww. Woodlawn 202. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, 1S71, 16th. Apply 181 16th, corner yamntll. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern choicest loca 16th St. tlon. West Mtie. inquire 11 FLAT of ti rooms and bath. i33 Hoyt U Inquire 130 stn st. r-none .-wain ojiq. 4-ROOM modern flat, 170 Green ave.. near 23d and vvasnington. main aaaa, a ibii. MODERN lower 5-room flat, 103 E.17th St., near rseimoni, ainui'p" tj - . CLEAN, modern 4-room flat. $12. S50 Ivon St., near E.ast iweinp. 7-ROOM modern flat, all outside rooms. 602 Everett, iaoor .evj. 5-ROOM. new. 1 month free. Marshall 3197. Furnished Flats. CLEAN, well furnished upper flat. 5 rooms, gas, electricity, fireplace. 914 14 East Mor rison; Sunnyside car one block, owner, so East 37th. Tabor 1798. Cheap. LOWER 4-rooin furnished flat, bath, lire- place, large porcn, 101 auuns, residence district. 351 W. Park. Mar. 421-. FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, tiled batn. sleeping porcn; nun location., oiaouaii 6366. LOWER floor, 5 rooms, very pleasant neigh borhood, prigni, sunuy 1UUIUB, Ren, w- phone free; only $18. 42 21st st. N. 1" MONTH Modern, clean furnished 4- room nit, tn-L., . - . - v . - 2S46. , MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat, 1 East uui portn. jttipiiii o. sir 5-ROOM completely furnished; phone, lights, wai'-i. -"'""'a "' 4-ROOM. moder.i, private bath. 3X3 Ross St., 2 DIOCKS tiroaiiwnj miusc, m irui. $15 PER month. 3-room upper flat, nicely rurnineii. Housekeeping; Rooms. THE SOUTHERN. 64714 1st. nicely fur. , 1 - ....I..,, tl r.fl nt.- i-niiiiinir wAtnr. XX OU1MM T-.'"" " FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. $3 A WEEK up, completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely cleanest in town; hot water, baths, lighta, every con venience free; save carfare. Hotel Cadil lac, 3d, near Jefferson. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 3 or 4: free heat, laundry, bath, yard. Phone East 4otl Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. ONE and 2-room apts.. $1.50 and $4 per week; light, heat, phone, bath. 410 Jef- ferjon. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments; rea sonable. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Mori son. G1LMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping room cheap. $1.50 week up. Honaekeenlna- Rooms In Private Family THREE clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms, light, bath, phone. Call 481 W. Park. TWO partly furnished front rooms; also completely furnished h. k. rooms. 490 Ciay $1 WEEK AND $2.50 Furnished house keeping rooms; walking distance. 448 Columbia st. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; free phone, bath, heat, light; all light rooms: large yard. 3P1 Broadway S $10 PER montii and up. nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite. 3 N. 20th St. Main 8050. $12.50 TWO first-class H. K. rooms and sleeping porch; light, water, bath, nice yard. 25 mln. car riae. taoor 250 N. 19TH 1 to 2-room housekeeping iltes; all conveniences; walking distance; very reasonable. Marshall 428'- $10 TWO nice, clean, furnished housekeep lng rooms, close in. light, bath. 30 E. 11th North, near Burnsiae. LARGE room facing street, newly papered. gas plate, heat, phone; $11 month. 41 Ella st. $2 WEEK, large h. k. room, stove, gaa. sink. 651 East M'rrlson. East D34. FURNISHED hovjsekeeping rooms, $1.50 week: fine location. 308 Main st., near 5th, LIGHT clean -room 'suite. $13; also 2-room front suites $12. 35Q lttn. Kit-.!.: two H K. room, hot and cold water, electric lights, bath, phone, gas. 410 4th. 2 HOUSEKEEPING suites, one single room; desirable. 690 E. Burnside St. TWO large housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 312 Main st. 2 beds. House. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, luth Floor. TemDorarv Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the citv. Make use of this service when you desire. This does not obligate you In any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help you in locating. iewcomer in x-ortiaiiu will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank s Dree .Rental .Bureau. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR HKN'T. New Hi -story house. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, located on sightly lot, two blocks from car, $30; you won't often get a chance to rent a house finished as this is. Nine-room 2-story house, located on choice corner in very heart of Leurelhurst, $35. Paul C. Murphy, 2701i Stark at. Main 1503. A 1515. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT We have sume new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, will build just what you want on the easiest o terms. Laureinursi uo., .lutti Stark st. Main 150.1, A 1515. FOR RENT Beautiful S. W. corner of 53d and E. Sherman, modern 6-room house, if taken at once. $17, with garage $20: key- next door. Take Hawthorne or Mt. Scott cars. Phone Main 303 days; night. Tabor 25U0. APARTMENT NO. 6 at 004 Flanders St. for rent, furniture and carpets for sale. Ap ply between 10 and 12 A. M., or later phone Main 2005. Llllle Hexter. aimm istratrix. 172 N. 18TH ST.. fine residential district. easy walking distance business center, i rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key Janitor Ionian .Apts., istn ana t-oucn. Main 2010. FOR- RENT to responsible tenant. 6-rooin cottage, nico yard, gas range; 150 East 17th, bet. Morrison and Belmont; $18 per month. Inquire above address. - 65 EAST 29th, near E. Davis. 9 rooms and garage: entirely modern; finely finished; built-in conveniences throughout; nearly new; low rent, owner; phone Main 1013. $12 CLEAN cottage, modern, steel and gas ranges, electricity. 2 lots. Mam 3t,2, 'ia, bor 1196. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main E42X S-ROOM modern house, on loth and Mar shall sts. ; rent reasonable. Phone A or Main 2474. FOR RENT New modern 5-room bungalow, 1042 Caruthers St. Key at Blackstone Ho tel. ATTRACTIVE, clean, modern fi-room house, tinted, furnace, nice yard, near car; $22. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. 2 MODERN COTTAGES, 1 furnished, 1 un furnished; cheap. J. D, Morris, Main 6976. 6-ROOM modern house, corner Cleveland and Skidmore, good car service, low rent. A or Mam 2isi. 9-RCOM house, 310 10th st., near Clay, $30. Call 326 Board of rraae Diag. Main linz. NICE ti-room house, large yard and fruit . U.nnnl, I4nt 1-ftw Park 8-ROOM house for rent, $20. 405 Clay. Phont Main 930 DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of city. Stout Investment Co, Main 5129. 5 ROOMS, modern cottage, 546 E. lSth L, $13. W-W car. Marshall 4317. 8-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d.. In tiulre 130 6th. Main 6378. j-HOOM cottage, 070 Taggart at-; $1L W-W. car. Marshall 4317. MODERN cottage, nicely located, very cheap. F. J. StelnmeUi. Main 8201. $10 5-ROOM modern cottage. Union ave., 4 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. MODERN 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, attic, yard, close in. iz . .viain. $10.50 MODERN 5-room cottage, thoroughly cleaned, West Side. 569 Marshall st. 6-ROOM modern house, furnace, fireplace; 22. N4S Clackamas. Tabor 2044. 0-ROOM cottage, newly tinted, painted, yard; $15. 350 Ivy st. East 4475. 5 ROOMii, modern, Rose City Park. V blk. S. of car; $20 mo. 605 E. 61st st- X-urnlshed House. FOR lease while owner Is away 6 mo. to 1 year, modern y rooms, billiard room, sleeping porch, large attic, double garage, fine location- Phone East 24, or even ings Tabor 778. 549 TAYLOR st., near 17th 4-room nicely furnished apartment; fumed oak furniture Upholstered - In Spanish leather; walking distance; rent $25. 271 Broadway, near Madison, 5-room apart ment; finely furnished. Circassian walnut and fumed oak furniture; arranged to sub let part If desired; sleeping porch; rent $35 COMPLETELY furnished modern home In Irvington, 7 rooms, piano, lawn and rose; will lease for year If desired; $40. Call mornings. Last Za59. HANDSOMELY furnished modern home on Willamette Heights, six rooms and dressing-room, large porch: beautiful view. FOR $17; 4-room furnished house for rent at 326 East 6th St. N. ; Including piano, sewing machine; a nice large yard. Call up x,asi o-Lud, LAURELHURST. beautifully furnished 7 room home, new furniture, piano, lawn, roses; Floral ave and GUsan. Phone Main 9285. . .-, (i BOOMS; newly furnished; piano. walking distance; 683 E. Stark. Wood lawn 129. NICELY furnished fl-room house, with yard and rose bushes. Corner E. 18th and vvasnington. SUNNYSIDE, 5-room, clean, completely and well furnished cottage; piano. 10S East rr , ti r - DPVTII. RITT3VTOP:. Title & Trust Bldg. Main 5423. MY 6-room home for rent completely fur nished; everything new and clean; would give lease, bti rienyun st. . inmsM HOUSE with 6 rooms, furnished for two housekeepers. 305 Main St.; rent $20. A 5037, Main amp, OVK of the best homes In Irvington, fur nfshed; low rate to right party. AO 630, Oregonlan, FIVE-ROOM bungalow. Hawthorne district, 1117 East Grant (87th), $20. Call any lime. 1- A roMPLETELY furnished 7-room home, vard. Tabor 290J. time. O" B UllaU J -- " 7-ROOM house, good location; lawn, gar denT paved street. Phone Pellwood 129. uen, jo.c -' - . - -- -.-ROOM well-furnished flat, modern; yard u . ', run wnt Main, near Nartilla paweitt-.iv. .. . &-ROOM bungalow, neati.v iunii, umai l.aurclhurst Park. Marshall 2241. WEST SIDE. 8-room, attractively furnished house vvi ftvitmtai ov, i-m vvvv. FOR RENT. Store. OWNER has splendid store for rent, 25x75 feet In size, right in the heart of the busl. nesa district: light, heat and water ln- CIUUOU ill iviiiaii w'' - - a wide-awake merchant. L 570. Oregonian. 2 DESIRABLE stores, cor. East Buruside and East Stn sts. ; good location; moderate rent. Page Investment Co., 120 Front st. Phone Main 80SO. STORE, 275 Hawthorne ave., 17x40, near bridge: line light, good basement. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. $125 2 floors and basement. 22$ Morrison st.: thoroughly renovated. Marshall 4440. Offices. DESK room. Including telephone, type writer and girl to take phone calls, very reasonable; also few vacant offices. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and deBk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303Swctland bldg. WELL furnished private office, also desk room. $6 and 97. 72$ Chamber of Com- FOR RENT Large rooms, suitable for of fices or musical studio. Sherman, Clay A Co. DESK room in large, light office in Morgan bldg. Apply manager, 818-21 Morgan bldg. DESK room, with use of phone; well-lighted office. AV 015, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HAVE you a good city lot or acreage that you would like to make the means of bringing lu an income".' Will give man able to devote a part of his time to the busi ness a controlling interest in an attrac tive mouey-muking auto specialty busi ness in exchange for unincumbered real estate. Describe property In lirst letter. C 045, Oregonian. $470 STARTS YOU" IN BUSINESS. Fur $470 cash, with easy payments, we will sell you a new Federal truck; have good paying contract for the year with Portland business houses. Call and get our books on Federalized transportation. GEKLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. 0S4 Washlnston, cor. King. IN Astoria, a business chance- of exceptional value, requires an investment of $3500; wili accept $2000 cash, balance on in stallments; Just the thing for two young men with wives; will furnish employment for at least four people, if lnteresteQ, don't delay, write VAN DUSEN Sc. CO., Astoria, Or. FOR SALE Up-to-date plumbing shop. In good, live town, everything new and com plete, stock and fixtures inventory $800; a splendid opportunity. Adjustment Bu reau of the Portland Ass'n ot Credit Men, 6UO-605 Com'l bloek CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 533 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE have a business requiring additional capital and help; will stand the strictest investigation. Tnis is an opportunity sel dom had to engage in a legitimate money paying business. Call room 3 Orpheuin Theater bldg., opp. imperial Hotel. DO YOU want business of own that should pay at least $7500 annually 011 invest ment l'rcm $35o to $750? Wo have such opportunity for man who can open office, manage salesmen. Manutacturcr, 1121 Manhattan bldg., Chicago. PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi ness; owner is alone and can't depend on hired help; each partner should clear $4 to $5 day; only $3O0 required, which will be fully secured. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. CHANCE TO MAKE EASY MONEY. We have wood and coal business that keeps 2 trucks busy; dandy location and list or customers; invoices over price $1500; terms. Sue agent at 618 Ycon bldg. C927. x mil SPECIAL. Have two picture shows in town of 7000; doing good business; will sell one and half of other; good reasons. All de tails at 61 s xeon Plug, tun. nivnv nRtvn AVE. GROCERY. Well equipped and having a good trade and low rent; will take some cash and a clear house and lot. Get details at 618 Yeon bldg. C942. BARGAIN If taken today; Vi Interest in manufacturing buslnese maaing tre mendous profits, having more orders on hand than one man can handle. Call 519 Lumber Exchange. AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants a re liable -partner to help him; dutiea are easily learned and owner will guarantes good pay to energetic man. Call room 329 Morgan oiog. SINGLE man with means, age about nr rt anv aoout same with sume means, to write me. 1 want to start 111 business and want laoy panuei. w Oregonian. vnn cat.i-- ffn'a clothing, shoes and fur nlshinir stock, in one of Washington's bast cities: cash only will be considered; agents need not apply. J. L. Galper 14 3d dt. pnone Maui ip. LAD 1" conducting dandy little business wants man as partner. Experience not necessary, but must be a willing wor Small investment required. Call 93'. Ch; worker. am- her of Commerce biug. nuivTEn ssifknesa comnels mo to sac rifice naif interest in good going weekly newspaper, having reputation of being one of the best on the entire Pacific Coast. J. W. Grant, tuiiano vyiuvo. w.. HAVE fine proposition to offer party who thoroughly unuersiauus iiauw -""i ----ness: proper parly with equipment wh-y can command some trade. pnone uiii 1876. A 4:t21. , , i r'LMi'TT'k'ii: nurtnr wanted for solid business, will pay $25 weekly and profits: money Invested goes to enlarge business. Call 317 p.anway Mciiansc LACK of capital necessitates sale or half Interest in mig. piant mu " tZiZk petition on this Coast; if you have $2000 r . i v. ; -. -o 1 i-i- Mian tO lnvrSl IQUK uh UM- - -., w.-b ,.- uiifi t-iat.t.: rnoii ciuar and to bacco traae in a m i"-a.n- -". bousht right, as the owner has other business, call 01 t Knvi..v j.ti...h . FOR SAL.E A complete boarding outfit fur .. 1., ,,a. r-u rlinhp.s. fnrik- lng utensils, etc'. Call Main 8140 or 26 N, 4th st. Ask for Mr. P. Aie.N. STAGE LINE; partner wanted 111 tins solid business; owner nan otne. uum tund to and the money you Invest la fully seeurca. ian 01 ivn,-j ....-..e.-. MILLINERY business In Eastern Oregon; . 1.... .. aVirtw rrr-PlnU of line opportunity , 1-" -'- -r past season. Call Davis & Co.. Broadway building. ROOMING APARTMENT-HOUSES. It you are in the market wo have some good buys ranging from J550 to $jjO0. call oli Hallway Exchange rOUR chance; very small Investment se cure old-established cash business; sat isfactory reasons lor selling. 414 Lum ber Exchange, WE have party with $200 and services to invest in any legitimate uu-m .w. - Orpheum -neater oms. I HAVE $300 and services to Invest; am a good salesman ana wmt-w ..-, c.lpals only reply. P. O. box Sip. EITHER man or woman understanding home hakerv and delicatessen can make money bv renting. 301 E. Morrison WANTED Partner to buy Iniereat In well-stocked lu-acrc rainu. .. no agents. AV 5'.. Oregon inn. RESTAURANT clearing $175 month, very , . .. ... f A- owner has Other business. ian 011 nan--j- .v.--,. MOVING-PlCTUrtt. i-coiiou. . . , , . .... Investigate this. spienaia luiuic. --- - r OOP, CASH grocery and delicatessen In new public ..T..t.. iHn- .nod haraain: will sell or trade. B o4-. rnwmBu. GE 1NT S turniwnings, uuut,, tnu, ......... ing- location live corner: low rent; money Tiaker. Apply 13;i',s Grand ave. . . 1 . ..V H -l,.l- I A I . an, Mil Mvratment. fully secure'i. jii -. . . . , .i fiu to live CR SAJltlll locawott ,;'"' j V-n transfer corner, gonu wnu"--" - . prospects Apply 367 E. Morrison St. THE right man with $100. Thl business chance. AF 634. Oreg This Is your onian. rp.TO.DVTE meat market for sale or trade. l'lu,r:. .. n nil .lav Wnndlawn woouiawn tvj. . 2556 evening. MILLINERY STORE Established a years. for sale cneuu. m o. ...... . Address AO 634, Oregonlan. a ..a ,inr for sain cheaD: good pay. Room oa SARBER shop, nicely equipped, 2 chairs. living rooms, jP. utn an- muonq FOR SALE Furniture store. rr. sigeiow. Moiaua. or. lARD-ROOM. G tables. lobaccos con I eci loner y w,im c-..- - --- REPAIR shop wants reliable partner; good - ft f ft Vlnpoa n hi 1! pay. rum in o-j mui'i ""n- STORE for sale cheap; takes in ?4D day, Room 329 Morean bldg. FOR S. ALE Pantorium Dyeworks. Apply C. -atn-M T-Hnnonrlono fV- Jacobson BARBER shop for sale cheap; owner going IRQ 4th. 4-CHAIR barber shop; swell Koken fix tures: best location; $2S0. 38 N. Second. BCSrXESS OPPORTUMTIES WANTED. WANTED Staple, established small busi ness, where my services and a few hun dred dollars will net me good wages. See Meyers. 519 Lumber bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ... .... . .. BOOMING-MOUPKS- ROOMING-HOUSE OWNERS. Wo can seil your place if you are will ing to put the right price on It for us to work on. Call us up. address us, or, best of all, tall at our office. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 81S Yenn Bldg. Main 451. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-hous Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected, Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 608-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. $75 DOWN, balance $250 If taken this week; fine furniture 11 rooms, best location, tine vard, rent reasonable; am celled away on account of sickness; must sell. Owner, l3 North 20th. Main 5!."i0. MRS. M. !?. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buver and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Aaenry In City. .lOS-tt N W. Bank lildtf., 6th and Morrison. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. Owner going to California; will sac rifice best furnished 1." room. Nob Hill district, rent only 30; clears $70. Par ticulars 6 IS Yeon bldg. H637. 12 ROOMS FOR ONLY $300. This place is modern and bound to sell; making good money; central West Side. Particulars 61S Yeon bldg. H65I. FURNISHINGS 10-room houKe, flrl-clas condition. West Sldo; rent reasonable; rooms full; cheap for cash; owner. Phone Main 92i7. BIG BARGAIN. 32-rootn hotel, brick, new and modern; will sell to the rtrst party with $1000 cash; worth $3000. M 64:i. Oregonlan. o niiovis for h. k.. rent $25: near 6th an Clay; must sell ut once: best offer taken; account sickness. Address F 642, Orego nian. FURNITURE of 9-room rooming-house for sa c or irade al a bargain, cioso in, t'5. !A)Sr AND FOUND. Tim following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Hallway, Light 4t Power Co., and owner thereof may claim eame at the First and Aider-street station: March 1, 1915 Marshall ouu. -v 11.1. 1 ooz. eicgs. 1 01. . - ---- stovepipe. 3 package, .. umbrellas. 1 roll papers. 1 pcnkulie, 1 key, 1 basket with package attached. 1 book. 1 lunchbox. -gloves 1 broom. 1 part bouk school ticket. 1 shovel. 1 purso (2ICI. LOST Between Feb. l'. and leb. 24. black velvet muff with s.alfkin trimmings on each end. lined with black satin, home a. l.,ivn nt tiitsonian otiice and receive liberal rewnriL LuST One monogram fob, "It. P. B-.'' rC of P. emblem on reverse. Kindly leave at Chicago Clotning to. rtewmu L03T Gold band wedding ring, engraved on Inside H. H. V. to F. E. B. Reward. ti4a Umatilla ave. LUST Brooch, crescent rhlnesloni-s, set In platinum. Phone Marsnau jnr. LOST Gold brooch, Moiuly In shopping district; reward. Phone labor 4auJ. LOST Locket and piece of chain Tuesday A. M. Return 12 1st. ncwaru. SPECIAL NOT1CKS. Propoaal Invited. 1.-1, I'Ni il'li.SAI-S will he received the office of the undersigned. 401 Court house, until 5 P. Wednesday Marcn If lylo for finishing hardware for now (.'ouch school. Bids will be opened at 1- M Thursdav, arcil Ih. Ill room 104 Courthouse. Pians and specifications may l,., ..l.tained at the oltico ol lr. A. Nara- inore. superintendent of properties, Jim Courthouse. . . sealed proposals will be received until ft P. M. Wednesday, March 111. lor finish ing hardware lor new shattuck School. iin h.-iH sneclticat ions may be obtained Monday, Marcn fi. Hlds will be opened at 4 P. M. Thursday, April 1. Ill room U4 Courthouse. . , . Deposit of $5 for each set of plans and specifications is required. Certified check for lu per cent of the amount of the pro posal, payable to It. II. Thomas, school ,...rk must uccouioany each proposal. Hoard of directors reserves the right to reject any anil all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Mar-I 1. IwlO. WILL receie staled bids at my office, 7lu Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock noon of inursoay, oiarcn , ito, i .,. f merchandise, consisting princi pally of guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, athletic goods, etc.. of luveutoiy valua tion of SS79.31. together with fixtures of ttii.iO. located at Roseburg, Or. Terms cash. Cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid Right Is reserved to reject any and ail bids Inventory may be seen at my office stock llispecLe- at. jw . . Dated. Portland. Or., b-.. "J SBALtu i-r-ti ... - the office of R. H. Thomas school clerk, until i. r. cuiiv;-u,' , ... -. , on coal for the school y.-ar 1.M.Vl',Utt. Uiils will be opened al 4 P. M. April 1, in room 301 Courthouse CertifU-d clu-ck fr Thomas, m hool clerk, must uccornpany ea.h L-roposal. Ppccificatlon may be ob- tallica at " . .,..-- The board of directors reserves the rik'ht tn rt-lect any and all bid. R. H. Thomas, .. , .i t ii:ii l Portland. Ore ton. .Marcn u . i l tn i rii ! I. -a I a n. Ill hrt lu ceived by the Quartei mastcr-oenei al or th Armv. v uBiii" b . ....... ISfi-i f M.. Eastern time. March 11. lull fof furnishing stationery, desk, type, writing, office and difting supplies and School D0OKS, ii t-al year 11- at de)iol of Hie Quarter master Corps listed In schedule. Schedule furnished upon application lo wuai'tmmas-ter-Cieneral, i:. W. Army, Washington, D. C. or by the Quartermaster, l'ortland, Ore gon. SEALED PROPOSALS In triplicate win ot -....aiLu.t I.V ine UJttllCllliaOlDl-MOM' l"( , the Army. Washington, D. C until 2 o'clock P. M., Eastern time. April 1. llllu, rn,Mh1n hardware and tools for de livery durins the fiscal year lDltf at depots oi the Quartermaster Curps listed In schedule. Jsciieautea luniwuru uuii -f-nlitatlon to Quartermaster-General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. or by Quarter- niastor, fortianu, ort-g. RtiXUS FOR SALE. The Citv of Seashie, Oregon, will re- calve sealed bids fur t4.i.uuu municipal bonds up to March 30. ll-li. bonds to be serial from 6 to 25 years. Interest at ner cent, payable semi-annually. Certified check for u per cent of bid must accom pany bid. Address "Vas and Means Committee," Seaside. Oregon. Mtacellsueoua. tr if hi left mv bed anil board: I will not be responsible for any billa she may contract, it. r. -cuuiia. -hj iii city. IIN'ANJ LOANS on improved Inside property; plenty of nionev; low rates; no delays; principals only. Hohcnson St Ewllig, 2ur-2cli North western Bank bldg. MOKTGACE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages tilrst and second), equities pur chased. I-'. H. I-wls Co.. 4 Ll bldg. WE BUY mom-ages, bonds and notes. Wester n Bond & Mortgage 'o ftO 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' Interest in i-onuitcn yuiLu-vu, Wash. H. E. Noble. Lmiibt-rmens bldg. WE buy notes, b.inds and mortgages. Rob ertson Ewlng. 2U7-B N. W. Pnuk bldg. Monev to Ixian on Keal Kwiate. SlOuO AND 11500 to loan, 8 per cent, no com mission; must be A I security. Taylor Dlro- mick. 317 Board of 1 raaeJ TO LOAN 5000 oil close-in Eajit or West Side- property at pet t-vu. . 4 1 7 cfhamber of Commerce. TO LOAN Jln.i'iKl Oil LESS. -.ARRI.NOTON. RO 4TH ST.. UOAItU OF TRADE Rt.Dl. SEE us today for loans on unproved city property, o to o Cellars-Murton Co.. W25 eon bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban re, estate at 7 and 8 per cauL W. II. Nun real a. 4 is Sherlock bldg. MORTti A 3 E LOANS IN ANi AMU - . OREUON irv. c -io"i,J-ua , ,r Stock Exchange piug.. WILL lend tlUOO at 7 per cent on wll- lmprove- city prupoitj. ."-v loaerintlon. E 608. Oregonlan. tOout) TO LOAN on lneido real estate. AO eguin . S4U0U I'RIVATE MONEY to loan. (ii, M. T .. , ,-14 UIMnlr hlrt- nee, I WILL loan jJ to 7tK)0 on city ur farm property. Alv 4J. ui-egomau. MORTGAGE LOANS, ti and 7 FLlt CENf. LOUIS i-AiAOIti.l ---- - .Mfc r. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry c. r-ruuiiotiiitte, MONEV TO LOAN ON lt-4L W.A1 A. II. HARDING. :tl3 Ch. of t'om. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS AT 7?i. PR ED S. WILLIAMS, Wlhi P'rst St. i -00 3."i0, 000. $300. $1200, JISUO. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber ot Commerce. CITY and farm loans, lowest rales. C. D. Simonas, LOtiieiimui. MONEY, any amount. 6 to e per cent. 1L Seits CO., ,-i'J j-pai-'tig ti-a. MONEY loaned on real estate; contractsand htgS. POUgnt. II. rtttie.y, t.ctuMat -ma. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent aiuiiiioittan t.ouutj. t--o v.n. "t v t,. tiO.OuO. SUMS TO SI IT, AC SS7. OREGONIAN. tOOUO TO tlo.UOU PKlVAiE MONEY. B iH2 yregouau, . , . IL.t.V(ltl. .Moiirv to Loan en Real I "lat. MOltlGAGE LOAN!-. Any ainoui. I, low rates, .i..tni Ily Closed. Altructive leiiay liient pru lit n . A. II. lilKKLl.l. CO. 217 Northwestern Hunk l:d. Marshall 4 114. A 411V $0wOu AT 7 p r cut to 1-ian on liupi d West Mde properly. $2.VH at 7 pvr .-nt on guod larm. No red tuie ull-1 quirk results, lliartlca, 2 per icnt and ex pi'it.--. Will iam G. Seckendorf, 315-10 Slock Exchange bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED ItKAL E.-TATE I OK m njjiNG pLKi'osi.s. i:hv fi.kx- 1BLE CONTRACTS, NO COMMISSIONS). COLU.MHIA LIFE TKlsr CO., 910 Sl'ALDlN'J lil.l'L. ON IMPROVED 1-Kul'ERTV OR Foil BUILDING PURPOf-tS; L1HERAL PAY MENT pkiviu:gi:s; money ad vanced AS BUILDING PKOl.RE.SJ.LH. THE EUl'TAULE SAVINGS In. LOAN ASSOCIATION, HO STA UK f I'. 'IO LOAN. Lowest Hats Money on business proprty, apartments, dwellings and tarns. K. II. lUossom, 316 Chaiubsr ol Cummerce. 11W0 TO LOAN ON IMl'UOVLD PRO PL It TV I will give you quick erlre at l pi p.nse. call 512 plait building for par ticulars. MONEY TO LOAN On Portland city real estate; farm ioana al lowest current rates. MALL VON ilORSTKL. 104 Second St., n-ar U .-iMilngl"!!. PRIVATE ON HAND-fb I.oTvN. tliMl al 7 per cent. f.rf'OO at 7 pi i" cent, lioou at 7 pt-r IvtO al S I" I et ui. 70. at S per in. ,tii -t h i'tr iii. M'KKNZIK IV CO.. .Mi G. rllng. r II . Ig. FARM loans, ltiui a.ud up. 7 P' r r. i city at current raits. lloMuliur t son. 7J.i Clutii, of Coin. . alJ Midcr- MORTGAGE loans, tlty or farm, prompt service. N. L. Coleman, 2H Mk ba- change. . SlUOli lo I.OA.N nn Port, and M-sl i-siale. HAMMOND M OHTG AG 10 ti'MI'AM, 42i Chamber of Cumintne. W ANT .-MALL MuRTGAGi; liAN. tlOU to :i.Ml. or Hill buy small inorl Smitii-V .igonrr Co.. si-'t k Efc- hwngw. Huui) TO l."i.tki 'on good real estate sciuniy at current rutej. It. I-. Itrvau, .'UVi I lium. nf Com. Jjou.uwo TO LOAN In sums lo suit, build ing; lowest rates. W. G. iKck. JU- :ns railing ring. IMMEDIATE farm loans, any amount, 7 per cent, P. Dubola, i2.l Ch-inibir Com iniTce. i:,il. tluot ni upward on inii'ioted nl estate; iavorablo ttrmi; no uriaia; no brokerage. Jt'Rll l'.aln. ..07 Spa 10 1 1 It Md-. Money to Limn Iml tela anil falarlea. ' irLDiAi Loans ON DIAMONDS AND JKULLIIY AT EARlEKN KAU.K. We hate one of the flne.i i. lall J. welry sttr.- In the ell). A loan dtpaltmlit l loiiuut-ul lit coii'icellon with atif. niak log busmosa fcTIUClLY l U.M'1 1 L M I A I, sb oluleiy nn si. ii d.-.lgiilliil loan bu.l uisplaed In from ft our store. All merchandise pledl e.l IS held lor period ol seven months, onelhir or nol Interest paid wiiuu due. tt are In nsed and have been eilaol.shed suite 1K. No con. n.ciioii wiiii any othr loan .tabiihmni lunula D1,,,OVA,1 JEWELERU, 24 V anliingion sc LOANS IU to tltaj yUlClvLll. ai'A'i SI-'IMii tu, LIC1.NS1. D. LOANS O.N rAI.AillliS OSLV. HI S I' PROPOSITION N P"KTllND. CALL AND LET IS EXPLAIN uLil LAsV-l'Al MLNT PLAN. LUSINL.-'S Si llh TI.Y l t 'NKI - N H AU STATE .-Kl'I'HII V o., W:i l-'AII.INti ItLDG. LOANS IN HOI US- . al It gal fans on dlauiitus, ailltia, pianos, houst liuld ftoods and llvcslo, k. poll I LAND LOAN CO., Lltutnttd b stale, '.t'a R-.ihchnd inug. MONEY AT uM'li. Diamonds, vtatcn-s, mun al Inslru'naiita. aEi'AKATE t'l-l'T. i-ult I. Aim: EI.HY COMPANY tilcna, vtl Luuil-t-r EMtriit.o OltU-rtt-cond and f-taik Mrc-ls. WE loan money ott diamond and ymltt at halt the ran- .hai.itl by biokeib Mar tv HiiB-h, 74 :lil hi. LOAVS on diamonds and Jewelry; sulci, J f.mlldeiitlal. Ill'i 't near Alder. MONKY LOANED on illamoiitla and Jfoelry. . IVlllg. IO,, 111 t.l ,, n...,.,.. LOANS on real estate, diamond and Jf elry. Win. llt'M. loom Washingion hi'lu. Loans Wanlrd. WANTED" ON A 1 KKlTIIlTV. tio.titm at per tenl. value t-'U. oou .i.Imiu al tt pi r tt lll. aiu JI2."". i.uwl at a pi-r ti nt, alue 12. i uoll at H Ut r cent, value ...immi .0i)O al U per tint, vtilue 4o.oti. tl-or 4 to o month on'y.i 1..MH) at S Per cent, value i.uOII. i'ikio in 7 per cent, vaiue li.oou. M'MNZIi; CO., .-.1.-. G.Tling-r lilU ClltHCIC MUUiGAGL LOAN' AII'l.lA- TIONS Ursl-viasa security, i r" ORKGON 1NV. MORTGAGE O . 1"-. block Exch. Hhlg.. d and . bi- Marsuau . t 12.ii'0 WANTED ""in plHalo pari on well Improve- IV ft. t nttjti it at II per cent; usm-r highly ptniil" l1., rt IhiiiI bu-tines iiihii. A i.l.l, iMiKoiilan. WANTKD II2i for J years, 7 per Cent, on good house and corner lot, rl. In. oil i.. iialn st.; principals only. Call a: Uoaid of Trade. M alii 71,'tJ. . . 1 WKI.L secured Tirft llioitu ,I lor .t,.. improvea ct.y ii"iiij, , hlgh-clasa neighborhood. P "-. Oieo- utaii. REPETAliLK lumbei man wants I.H'O loan for UU day. A-i st-t-urny ..ii'. t Interest, in. i"'""'""- WANT ;iuut bulltllim loan on liiiptovtd Mly property IIOIll pn.atu v-j uregonlan. PROM privale parly, loan of I17O0, at 7 per cent, on west oias piu.-nj. Marshall WANTKD tJOliO mortgage l"u u on dwell ing, no oioaeis. , w.,.,, i v - WANT $1 -Oil" on Soulh Portland rcMilciice. Jlo St.l. k Ku nailKf. .Mar. i",.- ISoO LOAN want.-d on lib house In Ruse City Park. U l. oroniii. PMIiON tl ..... I. II A I it. IIAIK. "S-ln. li real f Irn-qua lit y nitclna J 0 Inch real I Irst-uuailt y gray... 4a HltlNil THIS. AD Good for fro on pace massage. Ililpou Manicure '";'" ,'",'J',,: superfluous hair removed b eli-irj. ' . n.rjl . .,t.....l. cut hair, any shade, bwticl-i u..t. I.nelh. ITIi-e half. SNiiliary Ilea larloia. 400-41-' Dekllin hlda.. Jd and tlialilnll'iti. Marshall I7n2j lifcRMAN TRAINED NLllsL AND MASSEISE. Long e.perlen. r; b. t refrrrnc,; tr'at. menu for rheumatism and lumlagi, et' ; niassige and baths; lady att-idnut. Salmon, cor. lotli. Marshall iu Opn Sundays. PEW VET llANEIHT Leading wig and toupe maker, finest sine liuman hnlr good; from tip. hairdressllig. nianlcullng. Ict and aip Iriatmeut, fomltli'gs mnils up ! '' 147 llroatlway. near ,Mrrlnn. Main ,.4il M lis. EVELYN lill.ltr..i oi r.,..,n deraonl. wira ot rttiur -i - , band died Dec -" 1M. Money u-e.d for burial; nothing left you. c. . -n.-vxivttT maskeuse. gennlna lub u.-nn. alctiliollc. en'tri icalim nta. cluiot.-tips', manicurist. -t4 Ington t- Macleay bldg. 2 VVash- ,, iiiiL- v i x sitiir u ihi ml nl- inetita naiiy. latin u.,i-. - -.- polritini iiCJ-jNlontgom J21''-1 N'ORtX'EGIAN tialned tiuiwc and tuaas.ii-. electric iititiisti t,,-i- - - - to s::tn P. M. -os 3 '-d at. Rooms 2 and 3. SI'IUITI ALISM - lit v. Mary A. Price. Orel Till s lay 2. Wed and Sun. H P. VI ; ri.-id- Inis. dally. "' "" ' Aia.sii.iti o MANICI.RING AND II.LeTRlt: Tlll.rl- Miss Ethel Hurk". ::i:t-:nt Northwest ll .la. MRS. STEVENS, -l years i- nmt nnl tiainnsi ami t-i.i it , it n t, ,in..-t PalmUttry Mntle Easy." '.;il i M .rri.n. tMHRELLAS All colors and styles; lup'l stork; rrci'i' ii'1, --. Meredith s S.'W Washington t. MADE OK YOI'R CoMHINGM. Slt'hes O.'.c. curls and puns Sani tary Heruity Parlor. 4il lisktnn bldg ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for rheumatism. neuralgt . laciai ami s.aip umuu-i... rasoi'iibii 1-hoiie Marshall DIVORCES Lawyer of 2.1 years' n rltMu-e; reliable atlvice gtv-n in-o. st- .tut ttct. t,-. bldg. 217 Washington SOPHIE II. HKIP. Mental and spiritual .cll-ntlst, 318-ilia Alisay siili. tiut.imn neetlng Wednesday. P. M. MoLl.S. superfluous hair remov M. lln, D. Hill, 4- rneoner ping, win BALM OF FIGS t timpouuil. Royal 1 ' Tablets, out I'aviw St. rimnr 1 LESSONS In phrenology and card readings, 2J.V th ST. i-rtpim ftiwiti t. CHIROPRACTIC, ihronlc casea. si Inal- meuts Ilo. omrn tew. .in rt.oin. i,i -i-i. GRADUATE iniisaoujie gives treatment da I v. till 20th st.. near vt asningion. iwain ;t.t'i. USW Basaett's Native Herha for ro-uinaLlsm. l,Q 1IPII-1I t'T . II -I - GKNTt.K M i:N - Gel II in;tlilt ur. f.,r ,t Rotncuim oivlt., .si naimugiuu si.