'X THE SIORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1915. BtPOUGEMEN ARE Let go with fines Dismissal From Force and 35 Hours in Jail Considered Sufficient Penalty. GIRLS' STORIES BELIEVED J. Jl. Murphy Endeavors to Defend Himself at Expense of Younjr Woman but Her Version Sub stantiated by E. Jj. Kellosg. Found guilty of unbecoming conduct on the testimony of the girls with whom they were arrested and their own unconvincing assertions, J. P. Murphy and E. L. Kellogg, former patrolmen, were fined $20 each by Municipal Judge Stevenson yesterday. The court considered that, as the men had been In Jail 35 hours and had been dismissed from the police force as a result of their acts. Jhey had been punished sufficiently, and the small fine was levied to prevent the waste of Judicial procedure that an appeal would have entailed. Fully 00 people cdowded the Mu nicipal courtroom, drawn by the sensa tional features of the exposure. So dense was the pathering that court of ficials could not pass to their desks without following- a circuitous route through a side passage. None of the people gathered, however, had an op portunity to witness the trial, which was held in the small adjoining court soom. where all cases involving moral questions are tried, and from which all persons not directly concerned are excluded. Aequalnfaace of Iconic Msuadfnsr. Kellogg first became acquainted with IS-year-oId Julia Atkinson, to whom lie introduced Murphy last week, when he was detailed, more than two years ncro. bv the Women's Protective Divi- I sion of the Tepartment of Public Safety, to find the girl, who was being sought by a former husband, according to Miss Atkinson s testimony yesterday and Kellogg's own admissions. KellOKg was on special duty at that time, be ing detailed to make the arrests de sired by the women's division in charge of Mrs. J,o!a . Baldwin. (Virgie Le Page, aged 1?, who posed as Miss Atkinson's Bister, was intro duced to Kellogg through her friend and roommate at the Gayosa Hotel, last week. Neither of the girls was held by the court yesterday. Julia Atkinson said on the stand: "I first met Mr. Kellogg about two years and a half ao. He took me to police headquarters. A few days later he came over to see me again, but until lately I had not seen him for a long while. "About nine days ago Kellogg met me on the street and a.ked me to come to his room in the Flledner building. I was there only a short time. He did not make any Improper suggestion to me at the time. "Last Saturday he telephoned and asked us both to come to his rooms that night. "We met Kellogg at the entrance to the Flledner building at 12:20 A. M. and went to his rooms. About 20 min utes later Murphy came in. "We all talked and joked for a while and Kellogg and Murphy took four or five drinks of whisky. We did not drink. About 2:30 Murphy went into his rooms and called me. I went in and he turned out the light. The door was locked from the other side. "When the officers came the door was unlocked and Vlrgle came to where I was and we waited until the officers told us to come out." Virgie La Page corroborated the tes timony of the other glrL When Mur phy and Julia Atkinson went into Murphy's room, she son on the bed with Kellogg in his room. She admitted that he kissed her several times and that she slapped him once for some remark he had made, but said that they were cittlng there quietly when the officers knocked. Murphy denied that he had Invited the girl to come into his room, but that she followed him In there. He said the light was not turned out and that he had made no Improper ad vances. "When the officers came both girls came into my room and I locked the door and turned out the light," he testified. "Why did you turn out the Hshtr asked Deputy City Attorney Stacker. "Why, I ah, I don't know1 Just why I did. replied Murphy. "You were scared, weren't you?" "No. I was not scared. I had done nothing to be frightened of. I do not know why I locked the door and turned out the light." Kellocrsr Not Crou-Eia mined. Kellogg: who was next cross-ex amined. practically substantiated the frtory of the girls though protesting that there was nothing out of the way in his Invitation to them. - He contra dieted Murphy in several details. Inviting girls to his room at mid night was not an unusual thing with Kellogg, he admitted. "I have girls there whenever I want to whenever 1 feel like calling them up," he said. A statutory charge had been filed against Murphy, but merely one of dis orderly conduct against Kellogg. Captain Inskeep, Police Lieutenant I farms and W. H. Warren, secretary to Mayor Albee. who made the arrest at 3 o'clock Sunday morning, were not called upon to testify. FAIR WORK WARNING GIVEN Investigators Estimate Applicants for Each Job In California at 100. The California branch of the Associa tion of Collegiate Alumnae and the Cali fornia Commission on Immigration and Housing, after making thorough inves tigations of conditions in San Francisco and the Bay cities have issued a warn ing to women against going to Califor nia with the expectation of getting work. In all lines of work there now are about 100 applicants for every job. Clerical positions are as scarce as any. say the investigators, and vacancies in tores are unheard of. Charlotte Anita Whitney, prominent In Civic Center Collegiate Alumnae and club work, is chairman of the commit tee that has been looking into the prob lems of employment. MODJESKI SUIT DELAYED Illne.es of Witnesses Cause Post ponement or Divorce Action. Because of the illness of important witnesses, attorneys for Ralph Mod Jeski yesterday asked Circuit Judge -Morrow to postpone the hearing of the Modjeskl divorce case. Before grant ing the postponement the Judge in structed attorneys for both sl?ss te agree on tha payment of Mrs. ilod- Jeski's expenses In coming to this city from Chicago. The trial of the case was originally set .for last Friday and is still to the fore on Judge Morrow's docket. In a conference with Mr. Modjeski's at torneys Judge Morrow declared that Mrs. Modjeski's expenses must be paid mefntrfhetheiItriainsent to a poatpone" BREWSTER TO RUN AGAIN Commissioner Announces Himself Candidate for Re-election. The opening gun in the campaign which is to precede the regular city election June 7 was fired yesterday when Commissioner Brewster an nounced that he will be a candidate to succeed himself. His is the first an nouncement of candidacy to be made. At the election the voters will select officials to take the places of Com missioners Bigelow and Brewster and City Auditor Barbur. It is practically certain that Commissioner Bigelow will be a candidate and that there will be a long list of other candidates for the two positions. Auditor Barbur may not have any opposition, no prospective candidates having entered the field as yet. CHARITIES GROCERIES LOW ta ., , SrnM.- Tr.nrt - uuuiivi.u ...-v u - mcnt for lid of Needy. The Associated Chanties is issuing call for donations to Its grocery oepari- ment. wnicn nas oecomo ureitu ously since the abatement of the season of Christmas giving. 1 he aemanas upon it have shown practically no aecrease. The gift of 70 quarts of milk a day bv Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell and the donations of bread from the Log Cabin uakery. ine commercial aim "iu8' Clubs are the only donations that have been continued since the Christmas sea son. There is a steady demand for other staple groceries. The grocery bill of the Charities aver ages $25 a day, according to Secretary V. R. Manning. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. KamA From Date. Rear .Los Angeles, ... ..In port Yucatan Jsan Diego ..-,1a port Breakwater Coos Bay In port Heaver ....Los Angeles. .... .dar. c.eo.W Elder Eureka Mar. , Uunnka San Diego Alar. 7 Kou Citr -..Los Angeles Alar. e DUE TO Uc-rAni. Nam. Bear Yucatan ....... Willamette. ... Oetllo Harvard Breakwater.... Santa Barbara. Yale For Date. ...Los Angeles.. -rau Diego. .. .San DIpko. . . , . fan Diego. . F. to L. A.. . .. Coos Hay. . . . . . . .sail Diego. . . . .. S. F. to L. A.., ...Los Angeles. . , ..Ml . Mar. . .Mar. . Mar. . . Maf. . Mar. . Mar. ...Mar. , .Mar. ..Mar. . .Mar. , . Mar. . Mar. ..Mar. . .Mar. . .Mar. Northland. . . Iran Ramon. ... ....San Francisco. Beaver Los Angeles. .. Geo. W. Elder Eureka Itoanoka fan Diego. ... Rose City.. ....... Xos Angeles. .. Yosemlte San Diego..... Klamath Fan Diego. M ultnorrmh .Kan Diego. . . . co j EUROPEAN AND ORIHNTAL SERVICE. Name. From Date. Glengyle. ......... London. Mar. 8 Ulenlochy London April K&m. For Date. Glengyle... London.. Mar. 13 Glenlochy London ....April 10 Moveinents of Vessels. PORTLAND, March 1. Soiled Steamers Atlas, for San Francisco: Olson & Mahony, for Willana. Harbor: Daisy Freeman, for San Francisco; Oleum, for Port San Luis. Arrived oteamer boiano. irom ban ran ebjen. Astoria- March J. Arrived at 1 :3f A. M. nil left nn nt llllO A. M- -Steamer Solnno. . , . , . . ... . I rrom ban r rancisco. Arrivea at j- uiui left up at ii-:w 1 . ai . steamer ftania Bar bara, from San Fmnclsco. Arrived down at 2 P. M. Steamer Daley Freeman. Sailed at 2:30 1 M. Russian bark Prompt, for rnited Kingdom. sailed at 3:J5 P. M. Steamer Oleum, for Port San Luis. At 4:-J0 P. M. Steamer Daisy Freeman, for Willapa Harbor. San Francisco. March 1. sailed at 1 Sf. M. Steamer Beaver, for Portland. San Pedro. March 1. Arrived Steamer Roanoke, from Portland, for San Diego. Falmouth. Feb. 'Zt. Arrived Norwegian shin Xordhar. from Portland. joos Bay, Marci . Arriveo. at w jv. ai. and sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland for Eureka. Kureka, March 1. Sailed Dredge Col. Mlchte. for Columbia River. an francisco. atarcn 1 oanea nteam- ..... rnu.1a ran. iKr llahl fnv KvrtnAVI Beaver, lor Portland. Seattle. March 1. Arrived Steamers Ad. miral Schley. Hllonian, Wilmington. Pres ident, from San Francisco. Sailed Steam- s -bnoknne, for Southeastern Alaska. Isle of Wight. March 1. Passed Steam er Merionethshire, Irom Portland. Or., lor London. Colombia River Bar. NuittH HKAti, war. j. condition or tneijir Hoadley was formerly superin bar at & P. M. &ca smooth wind north- west, H miles. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. Low, 1:22 A. M 8.4 feet!7:33 A. M 1.2 feet 1:21 P. M 8.7 feet;7:51 P. M 0.2 feet DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Mar. 1. Maximum tempera ture. C-3.8 derrees; minimum. 39.0 degrees. River reading, S A. M., 4.3 feet; change in last 24 hours. 0.2 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P.M. to 5 P.M.), none; total rainfall since September I. 114. 21. SO inches: nor mal rainfall since September L 31.77 Inches; deficiency or rainiau since beptember 1. 1 11 4. 9.17 laches. Total Sunshine. .'; hOUri OA iiiiuum, iws.iuia buubu j ins, 11 uuurs minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), 5 P. M.. 29.93 Inches. THE WEATHER. t Wind si j 2. -2 e - n VW 6TATION3. State of Baker Boise ......... Boston ....... 40 0.02 10 NW;Clear iu'O.UO J2.NW;CIoudy 4O 0.0U14 NW'fClear 2S0.00, S SB Clear 42 O.Olt WSW Clear 400. Oui a-NWjPt. cloudy 3UO.W 4 SW .Cloudy ;12 0.V0 10 W Clear 2,0.22 24 N Clear r.n 0.1. v t.'. rinnriv Calirary ....... Chicago ....... Denver ....... Les Molnea .... Duluth Eureka Oalvestoa .. ... Helena ........ 3iio.oOiS N if't. cloudy 1 Jacksonville. ... GOU.Ol. 4fNWiC10Udy 44i.of, BiSW Pt. cloudy fS;0.1s fc-SW Pt. cloudy 320. OS 10 NW'Clear 4!0.t; 9 SW K'loudy HSO.OO 10 NW Cloudy 22O.00i2tNWPL cloudy 30 0.00; 4W 'pt. cloudy 3X0.00 2S NWjflear 4OO.0O 14 NW Clear Kansas City ... l.os Angeles ... Marsh field Medtord Minneapolis ... Montreal New Orleans . . New York North Head ... North Yakima . Phoenix ao o.oz. aw clear ooo.oo lo.sw Pt. cloudy I Pocatello Portland Roseburg ...... 4S 0.O0; 4 SE Cloudy So-0.00. 0,N Pt. cloudy Sacramento .... su.ou .NW,ciear St. Louis Salt I.ake San Francisco . 4SO.O0 4 SW Clear 50O.0O20IE sso.oo iotw 6O0.02i I N 54 O. Oof 4 4S 0.02i 4 N 60 0.00- &NW 44 0.04'. 4ri 4OO.00: 4 .V 220.00 14 INW Cloudy Clear Clear Seattle ........ Spokane Tacoma Pt, cloudy Cloudy Tatoosh Island Walla Walla .. Washington . . . Winnipeg PL cloudy PL cloudy clear Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate disturbance Is central over the Basin Slates and covers the Pacific Slope and Rocky Mountain States. The pressure is also low over the Northeast. High pressure obtains over the central portion ol the United States and Canada. Precipitation has occurred in portions of Washington, In Nevada. L:lah. Southern California and Florida. Fair weather has obtained In other sections. The weather Is lO degrees or more cooler In Southwestern Utah, New Mexico, Iowa. Southwestern Montana and Central Canada; it Is 2S degrees colder at Winni peg. Manitoba. It is 10- degrees or more warmer In Central Washington and North eastern Oregon. The conditions are Tavorabie lor occas ional rain Tuesday In Washington, Eastern Oregon and Idaho and for generally fair weather In western Oregon, winds win be mostly westerly. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably fair; northwest wind Oregon Fair west, probably occasional rain east portion: northwest winds. Washington and Idaho Probably occas ional rain; northwest winds. THEODORE P.PRAKB, . Acting District Forecaster. CANAL LUMBER AID Elimination of Tolls on Deck- loads Helos Trade. SANTA C ATA LIN A IS NEXT At Eastern & AVestern Mill 3,000, 000 Feet Will Be Loaded to Grace Liner When She Is Turned Over by Repair Firm. Impetus has been given the ship ment of lumber via the Panama Canal in Pacific Coast types of carriers through the elimination of tolls on deckloads and three cargoes will be on their way within the next 10 days nhnflpil til n etoi ti urn fnntnifl flilH Ol sn & Mahony. chartered by the Ameri- lau-iia w anaii line, aiiu me o icamti P - rlche - ine -ison K ivianony saueu frnm hsr lnt nio-hr after rt scharir. I Inward cargo and loads on Willapa narDor, wniie tne uncKer. nas Deen rlpfirAtl fnr nnlllnD'ham Ttifl TVfnntal-J i ,,,.1 Tt Hmmii The next to go wH, bQ the Grace liner Santa Catalina. She is to start I ner iumDer cargo. of about 3.000,000 Ieet at the" Eastern & Western mill, and on Deln turned over to the Grace I nf ..- c,fllrH., v,v ih Willamette I T- A s,-i wet. -unit h Tr..,! for th9 reCeption of cargo. Toward the ast of the month the steamer St. Helens is due from New York to take on a return cargo of lumber that will be shipped by the Charles It. McCor- mlck Lumber Company, and measuring 1.500.000 feet. The Grace ships have carried parcel lots of lumber underdeck in spite of the early delay of the Government In not adjusting tolls covering deckloads, and that business no doubt will be in creased in the future, while the American-Hawaiian, which is building two special lumber carriers in the Bast, has taken Coast steamers on three month periods to handle lumber through the Canal. More of an order for 25,000,000 feet of lumber, placed by Toronto. Canada, with British Columbia mills, will go through the Canal on the steamer Robert Dollar, which left Hong Kong Kebruary 9 for San Francisco. Since her last visit to the Coast she has been brought under the American flag. The steamer ha.. a lumber capacity of about 4.000.000 feet and transported one cargo of the Toronto order last year. Preparations are being made for the future that promise vastly to Increase the Canal lumber business. Two big steamers under way at the plant of the Union Iron Yorks. at San Fran Cisco, one for Hind. Rolph & Company, ana tne other on the builder s account, are believed to be intended primarily for the lumber trade. The two steam ers to be turned out for the American Hawaiian will have a capacity each of uuu.uou reeL two steamers, each of 9500 tons dead weight, building bv the New York Shipbuilding Company for the Coastwise Transportation Company, of Boston, are for the Canal trade, and, like others planned for that serv ice, will be equipped to handle general cargo westbound and load back with lumber. r Tj-i -l-TT T'i- i - n, - -- . . . . . . . - . uiunxmtorj x 11.1,1 or MiiH ."H.AUli, Milo Hoadley Conies From. Ketchi kan to Seventeenth District. Mllo Hoadley. superintendent of the Sixteenth Lighthouse District head quarters at Ketchikan. Alaska, has been transferred to the Seventeenth Lighthouse District, headquarters at fortland. tie win proceed here as soon as he closes his affairs In the north Robert TVarrack. inspector of the Seventeenth District, was arjorlsed of the transfer yesterday. Since Mr. War- rack was advanced to the position of Inspector, February 1, that position has been officialy vacant, though he con tinued to look after the responsibilities' as well as his new ones. Mr. Warrack was made assistant engineer of the lighthouse branch in 1900 and when ItiA rporfirn-nixatinn took nlnrft In 1111 wa -iven the title of superintendent. tendent of the Eighteenth Lighthouse District, headquarters at San Francis co, and went to Ketchikan when that district was separated from the Sev enteenth. FEDERAL. WAR RISKS CHANGE Government Announces Certain Lists of Ports in Europe Owing to exceptional hazards in volved the Bureau of War Risk Insur ance at Washington. D. C. has notified rAllnfnr nf nn.tnm. RnrVa nf thA inm. pilatlon of a special list of ports that will be considered. They include all ports in the United Kingdom and on the continent of Europe north of Bordeaux and south of Christiania; also ports on the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters, likewise ports on the Adriatic Sea, Black Sea or Bosphorus and the Port of Smyrna. The notification does not set forth whether risks will continue to be ac cepted to the West Coast of South America, the Phillipines, China and Japan, as in the past. It is assumed that all Pacific voyages will be covered when made by American ships. In surance has been carried by Portland firms on cargo -moving to South Amer ica, but of course all freight moving to the united Kingdom is covered with foreign policies. SEXJU 3tiVRU BRIXGS CARGO Kenkon Mara Due to Take On Cnited Kingdom Shipments. Oriental cargo brought by the Japa- . ot,. t.. nnotna ,1BB" , A, "D"J" C.7 w" . j to Mitsui & Co., and which was routed from Japan via San Francisco, as the vessel discharged part of her load there and took on hay for Manila, is valued at $36,279. On that the Ameri can Government obtains only $284.60 as duty. The ship is discharging U.930 baers of sulphur at the St. Johns city dock and then proceeds to AiDers docK to unload 11.111 bags of Manchurian corn. The rest of her load, consisting of 50 barrels of bean oil, 600 bags of peanuts. 1000 bags of wheat middlings and five bags of bean cake, is to be landed on Albina dock. The vessel takes on 3000 tons of flour and considerable lumber. The Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru is daily looked for in the river to load for the United Kingdom under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. She will work mostly flour and wheat, with con signments of canned goods and general freight. ' ALASKA AGEXCV IS SECURED Pacific Coast and Alaska Lines Rep resented at Portland. Reservations can be made at Port land now for any port on the usual Alaska routes and for all sailings. Frank Bollam, who has been commis sioned to act for some timo in behalf of the Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany In Belling tickets to Ketchikan, Severe Blood Troubles Vanish With Magic Effect, Great Rem. edy Makes Disease Disappear. At almost any drug store you may eb- tam B. S. S., the famous blood purifier, and you then have' the veritable wizard that makes all blood troubles vanish. Your stomach takes kindly to S. S. S., It rushes into your blood, is a purifying wave, makes the liver, kidneys, bladder and skin work in harmony; Btops accumulations that have caused rheumatism, catarrh, swollen glands, sore throat and skin eruptions. Just as food makes blood, so does S. S. S. follow the process of digestion to stimu late natural secretions to protect us against the ravages of disease germs. We are well aware of the fact that these germs ar apt to be latent within us to break forth in violent eruptions of the skin whenever the system is in a low state of resistance. And it Is to both prevent these eruptions or to get rid of them that Nature gave us such an ally as S. S. S. It is purely vegetable, contains no mercury, and yet it overcomes those serious troubles for which mercury has been employed for ages. In every community are people who know this to be true. They owe to S. S. S. their recovery. Get a bottle today. Refuse all substitutes. Read the folder around the bottle that tells of the wonderful work being done by the medical department in assisting users of S. S. S. For a special book on blood troubles address The Swift Specific Co., SI Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Rrnntftrll8l TROCHE? vV- Make a cough easy by .Vfri preventing the lrnta- Ii,i5sC tion that induces N cousrhiner. .lA Free from opiates. 25c, 50c feif and $1,00. Sample Free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Msm. Skasway, Juneau and ports in mat district, yesterday receivea appoini tnent as a representative of the Alaska Steamship Company, so can route pa- a Into Seward, uoroova miu through that region as well as on mc Bkarrway route. Mr. Bollam paid. yesterday mat ui" -e many traveit2i iJiciiainn, . , ., ! 1 1-. !' n north from Oregron cities and a lew in thn intprlor. while pome reservations h. k.m msiHa In behalf of Easterners who came here by rail, assuming- that the vessels of the Portland tjteamsinp Pnmnnnv hart onerated through the wint.r Thoiieh selling via Puget Sound Mr Bollam holds that It will work to the benefit of Portland In a lit! " 1 ' . 1 way until steamship connections . again are formed Detween ima -n.j il.ekan tfrritorV. TT-ArRTR CVRGO GOES FRIDAY c.vivw Onc Comnany to i'loal y.iosc i" 8,000,000 IVct During Week. That the Japanese steamer nuju Maru will take on 3,800,000 feet of lum ber, exceeding the nrsi esumaio 3,500.000 feet, was lorecasteu ycoi-c.uu. ecu, i " I and it is fully expected mat wm uii' will be on her way to sea Friday night. S ,Sh.ri,.i a her ultimate destina- tlon. The Japanese steamer Bankoku Maru, arriving last weeK loaas tu 4 000 000 feet, and is to get away uuuxi. a week from tomorrow, her destination hir.,1h same Chinese city. . s- A- Tlvnort Lumber I . ,t,int. a Hisnatchine: the ves- t,ouiai j, m.u -.-r-- - els, will have tne tannunu " i . . rn onntnpr loaa. uuk uu lu i vosterdav had made no additional en (ragements. It is said Japanese tonnage " " , , Vo 'a or. vessels of other flags are la ai-n ri-e And not available for the trade, also that while it was found desirable to arrange for three cargoes here to be moved dur- rt -mwt nrna. ing tne nrsi nan i ent trade in China coes noi heavy shipments peing commucu Marine Notes. Carrying 55 tons of cargo the gasoline schooner Mirene was cleared yesterday for Waldport, Newport and Toledo. Captain E. H. Works, assistant to "Captain" Budd. of the O.-W. R. & N. water lines, is on his way home from the Snake River district, where he went a few days ago and relieved Captain J. E. Aikins, of the steamer Spokane, who was given a brief respite ashore. W. W. McCully has been signed as master of the steamer Undine, which went on the Portland-Astoria route yes terday in place of the Lurline. The lat ter went to Supple's yard for an over hauling In advance of the Summer sea son. The Jessie Harkins was returned to the Portland-Washougal route after being off over a week, and her place had been taken by the Undine. To take on the last of her -lumber cargo, the Japanese steamer Koju Maru shifted yesterday from the Eastern & Western mill to the plant of Clark & Wilson. Her repairs being finished the Bel gian bark Katanga was towed from the nubile drvdock to Irving dock yester day, and there loads wheat for the United Kingdom. Her grain cargo being aboard the Russian, bark Port Stanley shifted to the stream yesterday from North Bank dock. The Gezina also completed loaa- Ine- at Montgomery dock and nauiea into the stream last evening. The Bay of Biscay moves today to Montgomery dock from Balfour, Gutnrie sc. t-o. s ai bina dock. Assistant United States Inspectors Meany and Weldon. left yesterday for the Oregon Coast country overland, their mission being to inspect the steamer Restless at Mapleton, on the Siuslaw, and proceed to Coos Bay and the Coquille to inspect several other vessels, returning nere sunaay aooara the steamer Breakwater. Renorts to the-Merchants' Exchange yesterday included the departure of the Government dredge Col. P. H. Michie from Eureka to Portland, to undergo repairs and overhauling. Captain E. S. Edwards, United States Inspector of Hulls; E. R. Budd. super intendent of the O.-w. ti. t in. river fleet, and W. D. Wells, Portland agent of the "Big Three" fleet, returned yes terday from Seattle, where they at tended the funeral, Sunday, of Marcus Talbot, late manager of the Port of Portland. Captain Edwards and Mr. Budd accompanied the body from here Saturday afternoon. That the Norwegian bark Nordhav ar rived out at Falmouth Saturday was news received yesterday at the Mer chants' Exchange. The vessel was cleared from Portland September 11 with a grain cargo, and because of hav ing snrung a leak put into Montevideo December 15 and sailed December 31. There will be a number of passengers aboard the steamer Bear when she gets under way this afternoon for California. The vessel has a full cargo of Oregon products. The Beaver la due here to- PORTLAND BUSINESS ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title it Trust Co.. 7 Ch. ol Com. accobjhon pleating. ACCOKDION, knife and box pleating, plcot- mg, Hemstitching, braining, emDroiuoriuu. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., &ft bin. st. Mail orders promptly attended to. K. STSPUAN flenistltchlna- and scalloping, accord, sldo pleat, button covered, goous sponged, mall orders. Aiaer. -n. pjij- ASSAYEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY. OFFICE. Xi2 ft Sd. Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. LAWYER; consultation tree. Main a3. 7US faeuing Plug. HALL & KUEDNER, lawyers; consultations tree. Flledner blug. aaar. oout. CARPET -HEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car- peta. rag rugs. 1SS East am. Hum pnone. CELLULOID BUTTON'S. BADGES. THE IRVVIN-HODSOJS COMPANY. 92 5th st. Phone Main 312 and A la5i. CERTIFIED PCBL1C ACCOUNTANTS. GEO. KIUOU1 Marshall Ziiii. 2tio lth at. Moderate charges. CHIROPODISTS. William. Kotello and William, Jr., Deveny, tne only scientltic chiropodists in tne city. Parlors 302 Gerlinyer bldg., S. W, corner Ud and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST, pedicunst, manicurist; New York grad. Zott wasmugtoa at. iv Macleay bldg. 1)11, ETHEL, A. SACRY. painless chiropodist. oM Panama bids. Phone main hum. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Flledner bldg. Main ana. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. McMahon surprises all. Chronic cases, ol treatments, sio. utners less. i -lu u CHI-KO-PRACTIC PHYSICIAN. Dr. Poulson, specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 350 Pittock block. Main 641-1. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit each week for St. 50 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 309 StarJv St., bet. oth and 6th. Main 614. COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected, "Adopt Sh rt Methods."' Short Adjustment CO., 826 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 874. LADY collector, honest methods, money re mitted day received, fsormwesiern cieiir anue Co., 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8,"5. NETH & CO., "Wcrcester bldg. Main 17U6 ISO collection no cnarge. jstaoirsnea iwa AUTO AND BUGGY TOrS. DUBRILLB BOGGY TOP CO. 200 2d st. K;li(iK CHECKED AT HOME. BaKgage & Omnibus Transfer, Park & Oavis. HKRtll HAKKKV. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett. RRG-wE-Ma Avn BOTTLERS. HENRY WLINliARO. 13th and Burnslde. ( ASCAItA BARK AND GRAPE BOOT. KAUN BROS., 191 Front St. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER, P. T. CROWE & CO., 45 Fourth St. DRV liOODS. FiEiseHNER, MAYER & CO., 207 Ash at. - ki.kctrhal slpplieS Etubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sts. I - CR1IV M K.RXHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and MarshalL H. M. HOl'SER. Board of Trade bldg. morrow with a fair list and normal amount of freight. It Is reported from San Francisco that the Grace liner Santa Cecilia loaded 2000 tons of cargo there Thursday night , , I .-, -NT.,r V . U Uor r. " 'h;" 9,X 0- To begin loading a full lumber cargo for Japan the British schooner David Kvana i3 to leave up from Astoria this ifternoon. and will berth at Inman- Poulsen's. Xens From Oregon Ports. COOS BAY, Or., March 1. (Special.) -The Adeline Smith sailed for San Francisco last night at 12 with the i k- , naUaTiH imrrla nf the .u.ui i. j Smith Company. The steamship Geo. W. Elder, arrived before daylight this morning from ' "'6:;,iTfZi, 1Ur uu!j uj at 12:0 P. M The steam schooner Yellowstone is due from San Francisco on Tuesday. The steamer Nairn Smith arrived to . , TL-lrh frpltrbt uj nun. ; anu. uaaiiciiscia at .ow ASTORIA, Or, March 1 (Special.) The tank steamer Oleum sailed today nn, :, rtor rlischartrinir fuel oil at Portland. The Russian bark Prompt, with cargo from Portland for South Africa, went to sea this afternoon. The Br)tisU Bhip Castleton grain - ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Age(able Preparation&rAs similatiiig tteFootf aiuIRegula ting (Jie StoBiarJis aiuLDowelsuf i3 Vi df3 II i 1 1 H ,4 mI Promotes DigestfonOieerud-nessandRest-Contalnsntitber Opiuni.Morpiune nor Mural Not Narcotic BmpetftadtesmiELninm jtbcSenm last Sad fipptrminf- . trrrmbefd- unr. BTiorfprt Rpmedv foTConsRps SniirSmmarh.Dlarrtal liuaiwvu. ww - . , Worms .CoiWulsionsjeveriMr rtfssawaossorsuxK locSinuIe Signature oT (The Centauk CompaSX; 30-fy fcrofi': eS Exact Copy of Wrapper. ! AUCTION SAT.KS TODAY. At -Raker's Auction House. 168-168 Park st. Fine mahogany furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. . MEETING NOTICES. WAEHIXGTOX COMMAN DKRY DRILL CORPS Regr alar drill this (Tuesday) evening, 7:30. All Sir Knights eourteously Invited to attend. OR. SARD WEIST, Captain. I 111 " " " -n i l 1 1 i " 3 COLLECTION AGENTS. CLAflS of any description collected on percentage anywhere. Hlgliest class refer ences. The Harden .-1ercam11e 42tJ Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4 Ml. DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON Waltz, hesitation, one-step, fox trot, etc., morning, afternoon and evening; lessona 2jc; guarantee to teach anyone who walks bow to dance; 4 private lessons and classes, 2; classes Thursday and Saturday evening, 7 to S:3i. 83 oth, bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7&7. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily; classes) Tues., Friday evenings, 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. bet. Washington and Stark. Lessons 8oc EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses ntted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 017 Dekum bldg.. 3d & wn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. Jl H. Electric Co., 31 First st. Nortu. phone Main U219. 1'OLNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL, SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE & MARK HAM CO.. 343 Washington at. MACHINERY. Engines, boiler, sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. MOVING 1'ICTIRES. FILMS, machines, rented and sold. supplies, gas 220 2d st. MLSICAL. PROFESSOR GRIFFIN, vocal Instructor, will take few more pupils. Call 11 to &;30. 40s Eilers bldg THE OREGON MARCH ON SALI2 AT EILERS AND GRAVES MUSIC DEPART MENTS. Emil Thielhorn, violin teacher; pupil Scvcik. 207 Flledner bldg. A 41U0. Marshall IB2H. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIANS. A FIGHT on high prices. ''hy pay SS to $10 for asses when I - can lit your eyes with llrst-quul- Ity lenses, gold-filled frames, as low asfl.OO? Goodman, 20H Morrison, near bridge. Mall orders promptly nnea. write tor particulars. OSTEOPATHIC I'll YS1CIANS. cor. Broadway anu ttBiiiuDiuii eireei. flee phone. Main 349; reaidence, Kast WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERS. WADHAMS si CO., UU-iu Fourth St. HATS .MiU CAP8. THAN HA USER HAT CO., f,a-55 Front rt. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND llllls. KAH.N BROS., 1'Jl Front st. IRON WORKS. TACll'lC IRON WORKS. I'OHTLANO, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL, PLANT. FOUNDRY. Portland Iron Vorks, 14th and Northrup. I.K.V1IIKR AND SHOE TRADE MPI'LIKS. C1IAS. L. MASTIC A: CO., 74 Front; leath er of every description; taps. mfg. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NEI'KWKAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., t3 Fifth st. .MILLINER V. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison ORNAMKNTAL IKON -NI WIRE. Portland "Wire & Iron Wks.. ?d and Columbia. laden from Portland Tor the Unite Kingdom, will go to sea tomorrow morning. The steam schooner Daisy Freeman sailed this afternoon for Grays Harbor, where she will load lumber for Cali fornia. The steamer Santa Barbara arrived this afternoon from San Francisco and went to St. Helens to load lumber. Captain E. Splcer, of Grays Harbor, has arrived to take command of the. British schooner David Evans, that is under charter to load lumber at Port land for Japan. The schooner will probably be taken up the river tomor row evening. The steam schooner Siskiyou shifted during the night from Portland to Knappton to finish loading lumber for San Pedro. She will go to sea tonignt. The steam schooner Solano arrived early today from San Francisco, and went to Linnton to load lumber. The quartermaster's department steamer Captain James Fornance is out of commission for a couple of days to wash boilers, and as the steamer Guy Howard is also laid up there will bo no steamer running to the forts before about Wednesday. The Howard is to be inspected by a special board, and there is a possibility he will bo con demned and ordered sold. While the formal orders have not yet been issued, it is understood the crew from the How ard will be shifted to the Fornance, and that vessel will run on double time until a new vessel is secured to sup plant the Howard. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years THE CSMTSUII COMPANY, NEW VO CITV. MMfilf UIS.1S1 UEETINO NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 97, O. E. S. Staled communication this (Tuesday) evening. C."4 Runsell st. Official visit of the worthy Kiaiid matron. By order of the V. M. ANNA L. DLULEY, .Sec. HASSALO LODGE. NO. IT., t. O. O. P. Members are requested to meet al the hall of Alberta I-odwe, I. O. O. K. lliis (Tues day) evcnlnjr at S o'clock to vay them a fraternal visit. J. I". CO.XE.V, N. U. y. COiSENS. R"C. Sec In DIRECTORY PATENT ATTOKNET. R. C. WRIGHT years' practice. U. S. an foreign patelits. 600 Dckum bldg. AIMING AND KALMMINTNG. WE kslsomine rooms at :.10 ami paint houses at our pru-e. East .'v., B si, 4. PAWNBROKERS. STK1VS LOA.V OFFICE. 26 .Norm 6th bU Kubv CO.. eparaie department lor ladlsa. 3J0 Lumber iuxchangc, und stark at. PORTLAND WOOD I'll1 12 CO. Factory Mil otiiue nt-ar ItLli and York aim, ilaiu !. Kt'BB hit bX A M lS.VjLK AHblUK9m FAClPTc COAaT ST A UP WOUad, JS1 Wwli. L, i'iiwna Aleilu U and A S7i. bllOK KlrAlKIMi. bUuL-S HALK hOLt&D lu U ui.uuta wltiia yuu wa.C New York Shoo Itcpair Ca Zito Alder su MUIUOU AND lUANMfcH. FUKTLAM) Van it a lor age Co.. cor. 1MH and ivdrney ta Jui completed, na lntproot KureliuuM tor bouKiiotU affacta, piano and aiiLoinob.lt.-a; cuuiaiua atprai lire and veruiiu-prouf room a. aicaiu-uvaiad, piauio-iooui, irui-k Hod rug vnuJUi track & Mif lor car loud auipiucuts. vana for mov in. rauua iiuim'ii. iui uuumuuiw gauda to aaid irom a&L in Wiroutfd car. Mum ibu, all dcpartmeuta. U O. 1'iClv Tiaiialcr & Sioraga Co. Ofdc and couunodioua 4-atory buck waratiouaa, jprat iron room and fireproof auil4 lor valuable. i. W. cor. 2S and Ptna aia. I'.auoa and ui tilt ure moved and pacaad for ampiuciit, apodal mica made on jooui In our tmouifh cars tu ail aomeauo aad lorein porta. Main S9, A lHa. OLSON-KUK l'KANcii''liH CO. iew ilivproof w m onouaea with aeparata room a. V a mote and pack, houacttold Booda and piaiioa aud aiilp at reduced, laica. Auto vana and tcuiiui for muviug, yorwardinis and distributing agenta. rv trackatse. Oliice und warciiouae, luta aad, Iloyt at. Main u47, A OKEOON Tll.VNSKtiK CO.. 47 Cillaan at., cor. JJth. TclcpUono Mam bl or A We own and operate two laiga claaa "A warehouses on tcnninal tracka. ioaa itiburanco rales tn cily. MANNING W AKIiHOUrit: & TKANSFliR CO. Ntiw lucuiioii, Utu and llot "la. Movlntf. pHckiiitf, atnpplitK. atora. Main 70S. A 22 14. MAUISON-ST. 1JOC1C and WAllb.HOUSB Office 1S9 Madison. General merohandtaa and forwarding amenta. Phona Maiq al. WOOD. U'-GRKKN and dry aiaowuou, unn ama Fuel Co. Main t7ii0, A abafl. J'AINTS AND WALL PAPER, W". r. Fl l.l.Ull Ac CO., Uih and Uavls. PAINTS, OILS AND GI.ASH. RASMISSKN A: CO., -'d aud Tajlor 1'IPE. PH-E 1-ITTlNliS AND V.VLVfca. M. I.. KLINE. M- Front St. I'Ll'MIUNU AND STKA.U tiLllLLbS. I.. KLINK, (41-Sti Front st. l'KINTI.RS AN D 1'L UL1SII l-HS. W. B.vl.Tl-S & CO., 1st aud Cak sl. PRODI K t)MMl!-MON .MCKI'll.tMs. KVKRIMNO FAIiiiliLL. 14U Front St. 1 ROPE AND I1IM1IM. TWIN K. Portland CordaK-e Co.. 14tli snd Northrup. SASII, DOORS AND .LASS. I'l I.I.Kit it O., I Jtll anil DkvIs, WAI.I. PAPER. MOHC7AN WALL PAPKU CO.. WHOLESALE J1A KI.1.R.S it orTK IVNS. Hl'TTHUFIKI. f hill is.. M O I IAWK BLD'l. MEETING XOTICE3. SPKCI A 1. ro MI-NUTATION. IMl'KRIAl. I.D.;K. NO. K'1. A. 1'. ANl A. M. This iTll'Krtayl evenlliR. 7:T.i oVlnrlt, Majinnin Trill pie. Vest Klili-. AVork III I-', c uprrc. II v order U. V. HOYDEN, V. M. ANDrtKWS. -tary. IlAWTHOItNK LOrtflH. NO. 111. A. 1 AMI A. M. Rial. '! enm-muiilratl'-n this (Tuem1ai cn inir al 7:."0, Mmonlc T-nulo. A recrntlon will bo Klveli lu th i-hsru'r members. Touts anil bsvs a (rood time, llereshincufs. Vlslllnir brethren welcome. il. H. MlL.l.t:K, hsu, A. A.N II A. S. RITE Oregon l.oiUe of rerluolloh. No. 1 lleKular meetlnir lu Memorial mil. Scottish ItHo hsiirsl. Hits evening, at o'clock. Hy 0'dCr YEN. MASTER. I'OM K oiid en.1"Y yourself Tuesday v t M ir L' Ueor;:e Wur llln I -ill I'smp. . O. . Teronle. Il'S lltn si. and iane. carils S-.:to. liiiui-inR lo. Adinilon 10 cents. IlNER.il. NOTIIK8. FIN'KE Tn this eltv. Kebruary st M late residence, 1(1 Knsl Sily-si colid street, losepli Fluke, ursd 01 S'jis. father ot Julius I-:.. Itobert and Bernard Flnke, Mrs Charles T. Stelnlelti und Mrs. w. W. ll.ile. The funeral services will h held W-ilned:iy. Mnrrll ::. al 1 o'clock l . St the. r.-shlenco e-.t ;i hi ish ment of .1. P. l-'lnlcy & Son, Mmiu cry and Fifth streets. l-'rleli.ls invlled. luler lneut Ulvervluw CemuUry. SIAXWlil.I, At Hie fanil'y residence, '21 KltiKS Court, Fehmary Albert K Mss wcll, aK d ye:"''. months mid 11 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will bo held lit Urn Fust I'rwby teriiin Church. Twelfth snd Alder streets, at 2 I. JI. today iTuen1:iy. March i". In leriuent Ulverview Cemetery, KAPPKR l-eh. 27, Lillian Knwrter, ng4 viars. beloved wiro of Flank Kasper. Funeral will take place from minnlng A Mcl-:nlee's chapel Vednes.lsy. March 3. at S -;ti A M. Services nt SI. Howe's Church, ltose City Fark. o'clock. Fneiius luvlled. Interment Rose City Cemetery. JASPER In tills city. Februnry IS. st his Into residence. il4 Thirteenth street. Hen ry Jasper, aged KJ years. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 P. M. from the a-bove residence. IMesse, omit flow ers, service. at grave private. M VXWEI.L The funeral services of ATbert L Slaxw-cll will b held at the First Presbyterian Church al 1! P. M. todsy. Friends invited to attend services t the church. Services at the grave private. I'leasa omit flowers. VBIISTEEH Tli" funeral or Mrs. Elliapejn ! Versteeg will be held nt Ler. h s I n dertaking I'arlors. Fast 11th and Clav Mb., at P. -M. Tuesday, March -. Friends Ir.vlled. OsrtORNE Feb. I. at Amity, Or.. Ida Monto Osborne, beloved wife of William Osborno and dauKhter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kirkhatn, of Portland. Or. Funnsl will be held in Amity Tuesday, 11 A. M. TV N K K A I, rIRKCTOR3 4i Ktia-h.nsi- The only reslucnca unuetiaaing esiaoun ment lu Portland wllli private arivsaay. alaiu . A lOua- J. P. FINLE SOX. Monf.toinery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leadtnir funeral clrectur, 2;o Third street, corner Salinun. Lady usslsiant. A lull, ilala buj. F. 8. DUNNING. INC., East Side Funeral Directors, 111 East Al der street. East o2. B Zy2i. A. K. ZtLLfH CO.. CUS WILLIAMS AVE. East 1USS, C Lady atleudanU Usy and nlglit service. DUNNING & M'ENTEE, funeral directors, UroadAay anu Pine. I'lloce Malu 4'M, A 4a8. Lady attendant, 11HEEZE, hearse. llCN sunnxslde Kuneral Parlors. Aula Belmont St. Tabor 1'eS. H ln.vj. It. T. ill'lINKS, Wlillums ave. anil Kuutt. Kast 111.1, C 1!H:. Ijidy attendant. P. L. LEHCil, Lady assiHlant. East lltli and Clay street. East 7S1. SKICWES UND!-'.! IT A KINO COMPANT. .d and Clay. Main lli2. A liliJi. Lsuy attendant. J XOUISTS. MARVIN At FOKHES CO.. riorlsts, a7 Wastt In.ton. Main Sirti. A ll'iill. Flowers for all c .iaiions aitlstiially arranged. .AKKE blloS, dcMsneia fi.-sh cut flowers, great between 4th nd olh. Mi and decoratore; sriety. alorrlsoO, in or A IN. 15. Pt-OI l-E'S 1-lAjHAI. S.I10I'. I'd snd Alder. l.-icns nnil .pias. Marshall MirJ. MAX M I. .ill. ill .-Mllll. Main ":U. A bellias; A. J. I". BCIiKHAItDT, ISO N. Hid Funeral d. fc.l.ns tad. t ut llowtrs. Main lUoD, A W. I'.