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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1915)
14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 20, 1915. ! , - f - LOST A IWND. I KtAM I l- . . T M v-iriVil W A VTvIl ..KIIAI.I1-. I W US. A 1 " " ------ -- I MiM-ellaneouft. -l WOM N wal work. Good cook aud hot-1 woman; middle age. Also woman Miau renins by the any. 1 and car far. Woud.awn Sol. Naxarene Army or America. v. PEKI bi.VCbU itlilreM wlshc poailioo In or out of town; camp preferred. Wood lawn 1 1 l.i - l'i t.i-I. young iad ', rr.K;' children. 4. hour iuc. aud carfare. Tabor CAPABLE woman work today, cleaning, sweeping, a.o line ironing. Alar- WASHLNt.;. ironing or c.ea.iiig wanle.d by experienced worker Dy hour or day. Last ivyft. room lb. or A J517. yuL'Mi lady aanls day work, Call niorniiits and evening. Keep number. Marshall iooo. HASUD IOMSI llOUae. UK.NISHED S-nom bungalow in Row Cltj park: reference. AK Oregoaian. A pan ment a. lUK.VbHCU bachelor quartern, 3 student. West Side, electric lignt. $Hi-$2u. Ak tola. ' on la n. Boom With Board. i'ATHEK wishes board and room for him self and two boys. and 11 years, respect , ively: prefer tatnily where there is no children; atate price and location. U bis, tjreitonian, . i.ADV. want room and board, private fam ily, close in. AC 018. Urrgoman. fOR KENT. Furnished Rooma. HOTEL HOW LAND. 207 '.j 4.TU iST. lOO KuUMi. Modern brick builuiug. centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; rate. Sue. lie and l lc "ay; $3 per week and up. HOTEL 1.LACKSTONE. Corner lltli and ilark; 3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam beat, telephone conue.-tlon in each rowm; uo extra cl.argca lor two in a room; room and bath 1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL EATU.N, West l'ark and Aiurrisou SU. At inouest prices. Centrally located; Urg.. attractive rooms, single or en suite, with, and witn out private bath. Main feliu. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St.. at loth Central location; P.EDL'CED KATES. 0c per day up; week ly. ti.i0 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington t. at 13th; ioc day up; week ly 4.l up; running water, phones, steam liea;. fireproof building, ground-floor lob by, all night service; business i good. HOTEL FORD. 7Ja Washington. Jfamlly hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooma without bath, IIO up; with bath, sill up. 11 7 WEEK up: absolutely cleanest rooma in town; outside, comfortable, well fur nished; nice, quiet place; bath free. Ho- ;el Cadillac 3d. near Jefferaon HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms 1D month. $30 up with private bath; largo pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 333 HOT EL TREVES, Northeast Corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside room, 'i weekly and up. La r;; o g round-floor lobby. HOTEL CORDOVA. 'M 11th Strictly moucrn: private baths en suite; room y.l up. Mam 4T2, A 47S:i. 1 QC1CT PLACE FOR QL'lbT PEOPLE. " HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. Near Grand Ave. Cleanliness and comfort. S3 per week up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. :th. Wash. st. Daily, weekly, mommy rates -.-o a. uv, new fireproof brick; every modern con venience; clean, quiet, well heated, outside. STANUISH HOTEL. .-.nil WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1STII. Front rooms, steam heat, free phones nd bath. ?1 week. S per month up. ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C. A-; fire proof building, shower baths, vacuum cleaned: club facilities, modern prices. WEI.L-FUKNJSH ED room for lent, walking .tiMinre: evenlns Ulnner ll uesircu. o-i Kst Morrison. Last H'.VI. B X.iV.i. v.vvkii. li ALL. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Furniahed rooms and apt.. Bieam heal. hot and cold water. 107 14lh st. HOTEL. NORK1S, .'.33',i Alder; modem out side rooms $3 per week up Fnrnlsbed Hoomn in I'rivatf FuinlHf. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. yi..v., -.H-i-rni sunnv tront room, ad Joining i.ath. lo" for one person or 13 ior two. K oJ home-cooked meals it ue Mred. Mar. 4:;-7 L-'J Montgomery st. l-OIl KENT Newly furnished, heated room, in private family, at reasonable price; 1--inlniim nlk to West Side; two blocks lrom carline. C-3j E. Couch St., corner 13th. tE.WTl FL'l.LY furnished room In fine prl-i-,, tmiiv modern, nreltv home, piano, homo comforts. Nob Hill; reference. Main 3.4'J. . 1 VI-, 11.- .w.rnoe room. hIsO Sinall SleCllinC "room, nlentv heal auu iiot water, tisl ;rli-an. . iti.: I T1 l--"l.l .V furnished rooms in good home; references; Nob Hill. 73S Johnson -ir.-et- i-vv.i ei-v il.-siruble front rooms: heal. phone and balh: ! and ! a month. 400 INrk St. Ihone Marshall ;;3-2. DESIRABLE front rooms f)S up: heat, bain, phone, na'ktni; dtytHnce. ., t i.ui. Vl-EAX lichl rooms, moderato rales, heat, phone and bath. JJl l;!lh. k I'RNISHED room in modern house, heat, taih. phone. 707 Vauslin st. NICEl.V fumishcil room In modern fiat, r,oe m; very reasonable. Main -440. lllHEKKl'L Hghl, airy room for gentlemen. 1-. A I!-"'- ."-4 l.ucreliu. Wash., nr. "3d. NEATLY furnished hedniom, walking tn--, 1."o l-er week. 4U1 ti'h St. fr INGLE room for rent. '1 per month. tiT N. 14th ft.. Davis to Everett FLRNISHED rooms within walking distance reasonable. 437 Columbia, near lltli. TWO pleasant furnished front rooms, rea sonable. Phone Mar. S'.iGo. W-3 oth st. Rooms With Board. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. TUB HILL. Washington at 33d St. A charming family and transient hotel ef the highest order: excellent cuisine, sep arate tables: extremely reasonable tatea; worthlnv,Citigating. Phono Main 7384. 5 ALEXANDRA COURT. 01 ELLA STREET. An American X'lan Residence Hotel. Suites. Sittglu Rooms, lixcellent Table. A S3I1. Main 4611. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sla. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permuuent guests. Pnone Main 933. A 6 6 -s. THE WEAVER, :1st and Washington -At tractive residential hotel; special rates lor transients: home cookins; private oatn la t-ach room. rili "ELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, reasonable. 2 meals daily. e!5 a month. Main :'-7S7 : la minutes- walk. 6S1 Hovt. or cell Journal bids. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 233 Sth st., has fine taDle board, modern rooms, sua parlor, a real home; rtasonable rates. HI SlNESS women and students will find good board and room. $4 and $4.o week. Portland Women" Union, 610 Flanders. 711 E NORTON, residential hotel. 13th and Morrison: excellent cuisine; reasonable rates. vMain 41. Illy. H.t.El, -S3 3d st Modern rooms. with or without board: special rates. IllK CALVARD, 452 Morrison Rooms with or without board; special rate. Rooms With Board In Private Familiee. WANTED 1 or 2 gentlemen to room and board, prlvato family; every convenience. Phone, bath, furnace hcut. Mar. 278. HOOM AND BOARD 332 10th at.; waikin distance; steam heat, hot and cold water and home comfort. Main 78, A 1863. "TWO nicely furnished rooms In modern home; excellent meals; tw-o nice, refined voting people. East 4616. WANTED One or two young men to live in private borne; finest table board, walking distance. Phone Main 5513 LAKGhj double room suitable for 2 young men: excellent board; swell private home. 71 Trlnltv Place. CONGENIAL young man wis-he roommate; good board. Main 61SL t01 Harrison su. near 14th eL PLEASANT rooms, good board, walking dis tance, rates reasonable; congenial. 33 North 17th. B4NDT room and board, only young people t family. Walking distance. Main 772Q. FRONT room, with board, for 2 gentlemen; also single room. E. 5163. 6S E. Broadway. HXCELLENT board and room. 57 Trinity Place. Main 6781. KOOM or room and board, private family. .". E. 12th. Sellwood 42. t ONE or two children to care for la my 'home: good reference. 13ZO E. 6th North. FURNISHED rooms, with board. 320 11th, Phone A 1636. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private home. 16 21t st- North. Main 4220. NICELY furnished rooms, board. 363 6th. Special rate tor two, 820 and up. Hoonu With Board in Private Families, La K i , i .. attractive rooma; ateam heat, hot end cold running water; suitable tor two or more; twin beds; aeparate dreasera; -svery modern convenience: excellent board; also large room with alcove aud porch. Main tiSSl. 6(1 Harriaon at., near 14th. LAKGE, handsomely furnished, steam-beated front room, with fireplace, large balcony, excellent rneala home privileges; a con genial home; Veat Side, easy -walking distance. Very moderate rates. Mar. 24.JH. Furnished Apartment. THE WHEBLDOS ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel). Tenth ana tialmon street a APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rales day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furuishea complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. . Reference. CUMBERLAND, West Park aud Columbia Very choice 2 and I-room completely im nished apartments; all modern Cornell itneee. beautiful location, facing the parks. Ci minute walk from business center we always maintain our reputation for first class, clean apartments; reference re quired. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, corner d and Montgomery. 4-alory modern brick building, private bath, phone and auto matic elevator; all outside, furnished two room apta. ; best Janitor service; lu min utes' walk to business center; 20 to -o. Including electric lights. Main . THE DENVER M and a-room apartments, outside rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished, private bath. Phone, steam heat; rent reasonable; references. 2.4 -1st st. North. Take "W" car. Marshall du. WESTKAL. -110 3th 3 and 4-r. apt., turn, and unfuru.; week or mo.; concrete blue., elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric i ....... - r,.a. tam-heated : S-2 up; beat ',n.,Mi - sv walking distance. ' TW1-: i-ltDUU'l'LL Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient 6-mlnute walk to Poslolfiee. Fumisned - anu 3-room apartments. Mars'iaii olwS. Keterences. A ti.i-B. "L'AilLuTTA CuLRT," Kverett and l'th New modern, sleani neat, private o""'--laundry; completely furnished 2 and -i-room apts. ; lu miu. from business center; save carlare; rales moderate; references. ! WASHINGTON GRAND i-room furnished ants. l:J per mo. up; just reouiu. moue..i. tiean; very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnislieu. Guild ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 444a. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 11th and Columbia. 2 and 3-rooni apartments, furnisned. first class; reusonuble rates. Main 7.''37. THE LET A High -clans, 0 largo rooms, fur nished beaulituily, -piano, sleeping porch, balcony, private entrance, walking dis tance. Mar. JJli". 4" Broadway. BGZANTA APARTMENTS. 3S9 23d, cor. Kearney Modern ;i and 4 room apartments; priate bath; complete ly furnished; J-0 up. Marshall .,it4.'i. HISLOP HALL, cor. East Uth and Haw thorne '1 and 3-room apts.; private baths and phone; also single rooms; well fur nished: IJ.. up. Phone East o2. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nlcelv furnished three-room apts.. private phone and bath: walking distance; prices moderate. Plione Kast -08. MADISON PARK API'S., Park St., at Madison. Modern 11 and 4-room furnished apart ments: close in; by week or month. N'KW" HART, 1-; rooms, bulh, cooking gas. phones, lights, heat, linen free; i'i.M to 7 wek. 17u-- 2d, near Morrison, 4th lloor. THE Palace Apartments. East o7th and Market; 2 and 4 rooms, furnished; pri vate phone and bath, steam heat, etc. WELLINGTON ANNEX, loth and Everett '2 rooms. newly turnisnea, naruwoou floors, walking distance. $33.oO. Main 124o. FAIRMOUNT APIS.. 386 UTH. Modem furnished two-room apartments, $12. r0 up: close in. .Main 22S0. AT iho Glen Court, cor. Park and Taylor. 3 rooms, uutsidc. elegantly furnished, best service, reasonable THREE and four-room furnished or unfur nished. The lijellaud, A Iso7, Main ltti7 A 1675. TI1K WINSTON APARTMENTS. 3-Tl l4tli St.. at Market Now 2 and 3 rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main 1731. BANNER APTS. Modern two-room furnished apartments, close in. West Side; flS up. 4M Clay. AVALON. Three and four-room furnished apts.: strictly modem. Phone East 1172. S!t MONTH, modern steam-lieated, fur nished apt.. Harrison Court. 5th and Har rison. DR1CKSTO.V, 448 lltli. modern 2 and 3-rooni npts., excellent service, walking; distance. Marshall u6. A 6408. CA M A It. i"c; 2, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick, build-n-room apis., ?1 to JllO. Mar. 2017. THE ELM S, 1U1 14th Jt., 2 and 11 ollUlde :ooms. 516 up; walking distance. CUMI'l-ETtSI-V furnished apartments in con. cret-; block. Ilb3 cnlon ave. no. BIRMINGHAM. 3!0 12tli St., 2. 3-room fur nished, most elaborate In ciiy. Mar. 464. PAllTIES leaving city wish to rent their 2 rooin furnished apHrtment. Marshall 1513. SMALL furnished apartment at 70o Davis. Verv ntlraetive. Vnfurmslied Apartment. KINO HILL APTS., 171 King street, near Washington, Modern, high-class, 4, 3 and li-roora un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent service; walking distance; reasonablo rent. THE AMERICAN. 3 1st and .Tohnscn High-grade 3, 4 and & rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service; price reasonable, phone Marshall 3360 or A 2676. THE MARLBOROUGH. 2Tst and Flanders J and rooms, large and homelike; more service Biid conveni ence for the price than you will find in tho city. Phune Main 5316, A 2676. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway Soulh, 6 blocks to ouslneas center; spicnaiu lour room apartments, all outside, southern and eastern exposure; $27.30. Main 21106. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six rooms, front and back porcnee; neat, not w-aicr, tele phone; all light outside rooms. 791 Norta rtip. near 2tth St. 7-ROOM Duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; in urcprool ouuaiug. tppiy iw Davis st. THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart ment aiso danciy a-room iurnisneu. 049 Flanders; Nob Hill. Main 82S1. ROSE FRIEND, comer Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant uuiurnisueu apartments, first-class service. Private phone. Ref. THE DEZENDORF. 208 IGth L, near Taylor: exceptionally tine 5-room unfurn. apt. Marshall 224. LLCRETIA COURT, 49 l.ucretia St. Finest unfurnished 2 to 3-rooui apis.; reference. Mgr , Mar. 1S13: janitor. -Mar. luOO. THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. New unfurnished apartments; most elaborate in the city. Main 4259. A 4066 KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. 3 and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2038. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. KEELER APTS., UTH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room unfurnished; references. Furnished Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN. FL1EDNER ft BOYCE, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartment In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service lu visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21t and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In 2. 3 and 4 room, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing deks. plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. KINGSBURY. 1S6 Vista ave., off Washington st. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh borhood, best of service; reasonable rate by month. WELLESLEY COURT. QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15T1I AND BELMONT STS, HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 23D AND GI.ISAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. in city: fuFTiished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3321. LAM BROOK APARTMENTS, 1. '2 aud 3 rooms, steam heat, electric llgbt, private phones, brick building, clean, comfortable, desirable; under management of owner. Hast. 4062, B 3401. K. 7th and YamhilL TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS! THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. MORTON APTS., King and Washington 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments: walking distance. Main H82. THE WINDSOR !, and 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not. Corner East 14th and Yamhill, Furnished or Unfurnished Apartmenf , STELWYX APTS. High-class, elegantly furnished apt., including piano, modern, sleeping porch; will unfurnleh; alao bach elors apt. lit --r, Uiair, cor. waaningiuu. Marshall 2880. Flat. tiya EVERETT ST., near 21t. S-room upper nat, newly tinted throughout; nrepiace, xurnace. gas range ana not water neater, fhone fc-ast h. SWELL FLAT. Finest Hawthorne district. G rooms, nice yard, modest rent. Clenn ave. B 2164. $12 A MONTH Modern -4-room flat, newly tinted, splendid Juration, usaeo, xvt shaver street. Wooolawn 20S5. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern; choicest loca tion, west side, inquire Jib lbin t- FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 733 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 6th at. Phone Main 62?. -ROOM modern flat. 179 Green ave.. near ilfd and Washington. Main 3833, A 1676. v iLLAMEi'TE HEIGHTS, beautifully situ eted, G-rooiu residence flat. 006 Savler st. tk-KOOM flat for rent and furniture for sale; cheap. Call afternoon. SOo Park st, TWO modern 4-room flats, upper and lower, gas range, linoleum, furnace. -ast n. 5-HOOM. new, 1 month free, alarsnall 11 I Furntnhed Flat. xkati.v furnished cozy flat for two; liV' ing-rooro, kitchenette; private bath, sleep ing porcu, iront balcony; an conveniences o. iast itwia. LOWER floor. 0 rooms, very pleasant neign borhood. bright, sunny rooms, gas, tele phone free; only tie. 42 gist st. N. $lt MONTH Modern four-room furnished lilt; electricity, water, obiu, pnoue. voo7a Alhina ave.. cor. Ulflpuena. L car. xiiJi NEW, modern. 4-room flat, porch, phones, walking aistance. iiait diock iiuui tnapman. jenerson car. oo JiAiaci. MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance. 2HH Hoss St.; Phone woooiawn Jftotf. NEWLY furnished 4 rooms, corner flat, lino leum, furnace, well lighted, ii.. ill. llouekeeping Room. ( kkek liP Slncle housekeeplnc-rooms 1 ahnnliifnlv HpflnMll I A town: lichtS. hatllS. hot water, every convenience, tree; sav carfare. Hotel Cadillac, Jd, near Jeffer- son. el. .10 Tt i S- 7r. week: clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 3 or 4; free heat, laundry, bain, yara. r"none E-ast wav. 4'io Vancouver, ifd Maniou. u car. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bltlg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. 1 AND 2-rooin apart.. S'l.oO and S4; light. heat, phone and bath. 410 Jenerson. GI LM AN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap, si.ou week up, ROYCliKST. 12th and Yamhill Largo, airy firt-floor suites; conveniences. Housekeeping lipoma In Private Famtly. TWO large, comfortably furnished, clean housekeeping room on beat carline in city, walking distance, heat, gas, electricity and phone, adjoining bath, rent reasonaoie. n.i; r.ast iMornson. i-none .asL tto. NEWLY furnished :l-room housekeeping aDartmenu reasonable: a so beautiful lur aJslied room; conveniences. 700 Flanders, Main 501D. THREE nicely furnished 2-room houeekecp ing suites. 1st and 2d floor; running water. reasonable; adults. 1,94 hivereit si., blocks off Washington. Main 3306. NICE housekeeping and sleeping rooms. ll.uO and up; fre bath, phone, heat. us lito. Call Main 7r3. a l.i. or lower floor 3 larea rooms, on cor ner: liirht. nhon'e. bath, basement, 054 lvon. cor, E. loth. THft E v. rooms, eas ranee, sink, bathroom. eleetrle lleht. heat, phone. cheap. 413 Mill st. Main SI031. i.ii;ht eieun 4-room suite, water and bath, $14 a month: also 2-room front suite. S12 a month. ;oO 14ih st. 200 N. 10TH 1 to 2-room housekeeping suites; all conveniences; walking distance, very reasonable. Mar. 43fti. TH K E E -ROOM furnished apartment in pri vate home, entire upper floor; bath, gas range, sink, phone, lights, 'labor t04. a NICE, Ihifc front housekeeping-rooms; modern conveniences. Main 7530. 554 Johnson st. HOUSEKEEPING suites, one single room desirable. i!Hj East Burnslde St. Stil TAYLOR Suites and slnsle liousckeep ins rooms, close in, reasonable. ADVICE TO PROSPECTIVE HOME sEV.k'KRR. . Secure your homes in the largest and most progressive tract. Ascertain If it is 'owned by prominent responsiole men. w-lio can and will spend suincreni money to make and keeD iho addition attractive. and who would be sure to treat you fairlv In everv wnv. Laurelhurst, the addition of beaul'iful homes, reoresents an investment of four million dollars, ha 26 miles of pavoa K(,rtit'ntiTiA rlriven hiirrnnniiK a. beautiful :;i-acre City Park. Is owned by some of l he most responsible financial men in me Northwest, and ia the very highest Im proved cloEc-in lestricted residence park in Portland. You can buy a nightly lot here at an extremely clos-j figure, upon easy term, second mortgage privilege, and if you dejuro we will build and finance your home for you and se that it is built right, at the lowest possible cost. We also have some hnuvx for rent AHtft service. Paul c. Murphy. Sales Agent, Main Orfire 270Vi Stark at. Main 1d03. A 151a. Tract Office In Laurelhurst, E. 30lh and M'isaii sis., open daily. WE own eomrt fine, modern, up-to-date 4 room bungalows with hardwood floors, built-in beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats and coolers; also self-lightlug gas raiieiea and water heaters: linoleum in baih and kitchen: dressing-room, full attic with electric lights; large porches, lawns, nieelv fenced, on Surauer and E. 13th, 1 block N. of Alberta car. Phone Sunday C 12S7. Blunchard & Ciemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. SPRING'S ALMOST HERE. Get out of that stuffy apartment; I have a fine lot In high-class restricted dis tract: if you have a few- hundred dollars I will finance the building of your home; let me show you. J. W. r-rossley, HOht Stark st. Main 1503. A 1511 GOOD 8-rooiu house In splendid location suitable for rooming purposes; rent very reasonable; will put houso in first-class repair to suit tenant. For Information call at the office of parrish, Watkina Ai Co., 100 Second st, A MODERN lo-rooin nouse, corner Park mid Montgomery, with a large attic and lino floor, suitable for a ballroom; hue lo cation; will rent to responsible party at a moderato rent. Inquire 370 Park, after 1:30 P. M. 001 E SALMON" st.. fine corner, furnace, fireplace, oak trim, oak floors, 6 rooms; will make attractive rent to responsible partv. John 1". Weston Co.. 630 Northwest ern Hank bldg. Main 3l)02. APARTMENT No. I". at C64 Flanders at, for rent, furniture and carpets for sale. Ap ply between 1A ur.d 12 A. M., or later plione Main 2003. Lilli-Hexter. "admin istratrix. 172 N 1NTH ST., fine residential district, easy' walking distance business center, 6 mom." furnace. J27.50. Key Janitor Ionian Apis..' lsth and Couch. Main 2015. S3 Neat two-room house. i acre fine soli, Ilvan Place: pay rent by improving place. Phono Tabor 1210. &-ROOM cottage, good view point, large veranda, garage space if wanted. JS4 1st st. Marshall 4431. CLEAN, modern, six rooms; newly tinted: f urn ice. cement basement: nice yard; near ear: 22. 7si Williams ave. Woodlawn 420. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK HENTAI. SERVICE, TITLE &- TRUST BLDG.. MAIN S423. 6-ROOM bungalow, thotoughly renovated, $11. Phone Sellwod '024 or Inquire e24 Morgan bldg. FOR RENT, March 1, new, modern 5-room bungalow, furnace; ?20 per month. 1042 Caruthers gt. Phone IS 281 !i. CLjr-AN 7-room house, Kearney near 21st: gas electricity, furnace and fireplace. E. 4237. ; PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern 7-room house, beautiful place, reasonable. Mar. C17. - sjo ;,-UOOM cottase. bath and gas. 10th st.. near Hall. 427 5-ROOM cottage, good condition, 670 Tag gert, yil.60. W. W. car. Marshall 4317. 771 E DAVIS, near 24th: 6-roora. modern, rood condition. Main 3176. - DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of City. stout Investment Co. Main 6129. 8-ROOM house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. In- qillro 130 0th. Main 6278. NICE modern 6-room cottage cheap. J. D. MorrUf. Main 6976, A 4361, IKV1NGTON 7-room house, modern. Phone Marshall 8U8. A 4701. MODERN 6-room house; reduced rent to good tenant. 087 Pettygrove at. BEAUTIFUL, new. modern bungalow, niue rooms. 30. tHlsan (48th . Tabor 2037. CLOSE-IN S-room bouse, bath, yard, cheap rent. Tabor 4818. FINE 7-room modern house, fireplace, fur nace, yard, close In. 722 East Main. 5-KOOM cottage, rent . Phone mornings. Marshall 12.V4. NEW 6 and 6-room houses for rent, fire place, modern, cheap. Main &112, Mar. 646. Furnished House. WELL furnished, modern house for rent, close in. $32. o91 E. Carulhcrs at. 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings i3 the closing hour for accepting v Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOR KENT. Furnished House. HANDSOMELY furnished 7-room house. Laurelhurst, on carline; piano, fireplace, lawn, roses. Phone Main 9285. COMPLETELY' furnished moaern seven- room home. Irvington; piano, lawn ana rores: one block from Broadway car. Call R0 Schuyler st. Phone East 25o9. 271 Rroadwav. near Madison. 5-room apart- ment: finely furnished. Circassian wamui and fumed oa rurniture; arrangea to Bug let part If desired; sleeping porch; rent 3o. CLEAN, nicely furnished suite, with private bath, in modern nome, an conveniences, close to business district: save carfare. !H North 16th sr., corner t -lanaers. FOR RENT March 1, eight rooms, nicely lumlsned, piano: large porco. mw u, .sum mer kitchen and garage. Sellwood 2024, -V1 East 29th St. rjq TivT.rtR t. near 17th 4-room nicely furnished apartment; fumea oas. lurnnure upholstered in spanisu learner; waiaiua distance; rent sin n:RK!SHED two-room house, includ ins 1 irm anu watei. atuv ivuiuj st. , Kenton car to Portland boulevard. Wood lawn 2226. T.-n rkvt Coinoletelv furnished cozy five room house, fine sleeping porcu. 111 aasv 29th, corner Belmont; rent 3o. 17-Tvrt.i mmiih on K. Htn. near nawmoine cbean: can e. v. a E. 5051. after 4:30. ONLY $20 month, 6-room modern corner house. 700 c-asi iisv si-. ,.,v.c.j nished, piano; on Brooklyn canine. ARTISTICALLY furnished bungalow; sleep ing-porch; lawn, roses; ureyiacc, ui 10 date. Phone Tabor 2400. $16 PER month for completely furnished i-motn bungalow: possession March 1. Geo. A. Klggs. 1102 Spalding bldg. i-nnnu house, furnished throughout an tique mabogany. xuraisu ruga. m A 621J. CO.YJPLF-TE. newly furnished homo for rent. HKS3 facltlj, I auor ao. 6-ROOM. well furnished flat, modern, yard, basement, o3 west mam, WEST SIDE, 8-room, attractively furnished house. 694 Nortnrup st, N.-UM.M.V furnished 6-room house. 104 -E. ISth st. Take &uniiysiu ci. MODERN 6-room house. largo lot, close to ar. s:;o. r:eiiwoou jm. jivj.OO 27S MILL, 7-roora nouse, purwy on- nisueu, yuuu v,.iv,. , NEW o-room house, artistically luiuisueu In Ros- cuy rarn. -n.i. .,,v: .-r-nnm till ll t'ft lO VV. niCCIV 1 Store. OWNER has splendid store for rent. feet In sixe, rigni in iuo ucn. i, 1,,-at Mud water In Iiess ujauna, ----- . eluded in rental; splendid' opportunity fur v merchant. I. o.o. oregonian i ,ifsm A RLE stores, cor. Kast Hurnslcle and East bLh sts.; good location ;nioderale rent. i'ug& inveSvincuL v,o.. Phono Main M.e-0. , tTfiwt- -T.-. Ilawthorno ave. ixu. near bridge, tine ngnt, gooa oabowcuw. Hawthorne Dock Co. .,. vioi'i-KOv: near Steeonu. LWU-sioij hnlld lilt, thorougniy repaireu. ji... Olfices. WELL furnished private office, also desli room, so anu c . - inerce. OR RENT Largo rooms, suitable for ot- r or musical stuuio. ouuhi.-, Co. OFFICES 10 up: furnished ottii es aud desk ,,- r. i.hone: verv reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Svwtland bldg. DESK room In large, light office In Morgan lildg. Apply manager, oia--i v Miscellaneous. ,ii-at 0-171-111,-1? win snare stuuio wim ma i, .mo teacner. v,aii a i Ellers bldg. BUSINESS OPPORT UNITIES. FOR SALE Small grocery witn rooms; cheap rem, no iiious, . ki. V... uinmin: clearing about ilCO month above expenses. W 680. Oregonlan. BEST corner location, modern I rick b"11"" ing. 1U prosperous uviiiiiiu- - renter for a general merchandise store. H. A. Brandt, Westos. Or. BEAUMONT oil crealed wealth for many. "Oil City Will eviuiii Twenty rigs in this new Tenino oil field. TofoPmalion at 1017 A st.. Tacoma. Wash. OR SALE hisil maiivei, oo...b f,v-. - ness: only one in ion. .. other business. Address Fay Harrington, Htllsboro. Or. SECURE exclusive selling rights in your town for high-quality products; sell rearl- ilv everywhere at one moi. , .'-- s'., box 1. Station A. Spokane. Wash. t'"F-stT-RANT. doing 40 daily, very central, l,l,M.i i.n i- ,. ,. hs oilier business tra nsier uoiin. - - - - - ,. .. attend to. -oo; Call 31. Railway Exchange. MOVING picture theater: finest proposition Oregon; sacrifice; must sell; terms. Main 2St. , FRUIT cigar and confectionery, opposite Union Depot; first-class location; ainleav- jng city; will sacritico mi v,.,. j SHOE STORE Will racriflco Al stock and machinery; Invoice about 2200; on ac ?ont of other business, ii CIS. Oregonlan. WE have interest In live manufacturing plant for S130; a good proposition. Call AUTOMOBILE B I." SI NESS Partner wanted. Agood pay and the duties are easily learned. Call room c.- & -o- . -,v - . T T V Kla illl4rfSt in smHll rash v you $'2..j0 nUr4r nsvs it will pay you "2.oO to S3 a day. Call room Morgan pmp. i400 EQUITY In new 7-room nouae, two IoU. and cash to exchange for grocery or of any kind. AC 577. Oreuonian. HAVE opening in small country town for a combination pool hall and barber shop. 40:i Lumbermen' bldg. Tv YOU have small amount to avst and . wliiine to work b hours day for vk., call 303 Lumber bxenange. a -CHAIR barber hop. cheap rent, paid to March 1. easy terms if taken beJore the first. 20' N. 6th st. tnoi ROOM in good East Side location, has POOLROOM. 1. u p amount cah. bal- fSS monthly Call ,48H Stark st. . ,. r-11 nt tin TElriS. V. ilh a little money. ir"n stei Into a very profitable business; . cpntral locaticr.. B 617, Oreponian. PAYIXQ DAIRY. Vullv equipped wasons. bottles, etr.; with lease, $ftuO. &0 fommerclal block. VTTf "BUSINESS Have opening for ener KtJc man; pay $150 to $J00 month. Call room W Morgan bldg. w nTFL CLARNO restaurant; free rent for ttodays. Phone East jr-2! or Main T17. 4 -CHAIR barber shop; best location; very cheap, oo ' Hf iCKRV ,-ood locattlon and cash trade, 4TiO. W 551. Oregoniair irrvTl SALE Hmall confectionery, s'ii aus ill st. Phone E. 31123. Sunday only. . MEAT stall, Washington Public Market. D. ii. Richardson, Main Oltti. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE. For sale; lots l.'iuxlOO, facing main street: main barn 60x100. vehicle barn 30x 40: 4 horses and harness, 4 buggies, 4 harks. 1 hearse. 1 3 14 freight wagon, whiija. robfs. etc - mail contract and pas senger service line goes with sale; no other Hi very In town ; lorated in good valley town; all goes for $."goo if taken at once; lots and buildings alone worth more than price asked for all; $1500 cash will handle it. Ad-fress AV sci, oregonlan. K LACK SMITH SUOr. For sale, one-haif interest in well equipped general blacksmith and horse siioeing shop; tot ;OxJoo, on main street; new shop building. ;t0x"0 ; good cleau stock, tools and equipment; no uther shop In town; located in good valley farming town of 00 inhabitants; no iiicunibrb,nce on lot. building, stock Or tools T a one half interest to the right party for J1LT0, $..o0 cash, terms on balance. For particu lars address AV ;t.., Oregonlan. FREK county rights oa a wonderful now invention to men or women of ability; every homo can use one; users enthus iastic; a $10 wash machine that beats the world ; no labor; generate own power; tiwed anywhere; only those need apply who can finance themsedves fr 1 machines to hold territory; investigate. Address AL 4517, Oregonian. CIIAXCE OF A LIFETIME. "Wanted. 3 reaponsiblo parties to engage in the jitney business; must have money; to such parties we will put in a position to secure contract. For further particulars call GERUXGEn MOTOR CAR COMPANY. fi&4 Washington St., Cor. King. PARTY with $"00 to equip and operate new brick hotel, built by business men of Xez I'erce, Idaho. See I. N. Swift at Imperial Hotel between 5 and 6 F. M. S7o0 BLACKSMITH SHUl'-fTW. For sale, shop building and lt tlOxTS, on main street In good thickly settled farming town of sevural hundred Inhabi tants; lot and building $7."o; $i'.".o cash, pood terms on balanc; a splendid .open ing for gone, blacksmith and horscshoer. Address AV ."i6ti, Orgoninn. FOH SALE -Milk route, consisting Ht pat rons, crater, bott ler, team, harness, two wagons. also small creamery, fully equipped, to lease cheap to party buying the above route; milk delivered daily to crcamerv door; monthly income about $!ouo. phone Main ,M0. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND A .VYWHEIiE, SEB Business Chance ljpt. SECURITY' DEVELOPMENT COM PAN T, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Cor. of 4th and ftne Sts. CAUTION". P.UYKKS. Before closing deal for so-callea Interest In established real estate hnsmcss get au vice of Portland Realty Board. F. 1 rUIlsl'-, Secretary. 53'- Chamb:r of Commeree Bldg. BJLLIAriD and jiuol parlir. including soda OUIliaiM. Clai UMU I.OUUC "0-", III ' Ulllli. scat. fiiMMt people, in T:ogue itivcr Vnlle fine ci ntpmoii t. reasonable rent ; prico S."urO; sl.Mn) ca,sh, b:il. to suit, oij North titli, r;r,mts Pas?, Or. IF YOU can make uw week 011 an in vestment of --o. would you be n tinned I f so. wn' will show vou whTe to do it f ill rP Lumber Exchange bltlg.. "d and Stark. You can try I bis before pure has lug POOLJJALL. with cigars and tol'ac 1 11 lino location; can be. bought at th right price $ loot) cash, bnlane terms; this is a rar chance. Cull ail ulmnge. Railway bx- TH E oppori unity you'ro look in g for; tsiab iiMheo. mtg. ousiuess. OHtiiornia: sanu1 bu.siness produced H)0.Oou during T.Hi!! fair. Seattle; FatTru juanufactunT owner. ATT yi6. Oregoniaii. FOR RENT One of finest equipped modern meat markets Iti San joau. um V alley for rent In tho city or mock ton; proscut own era having retired. For particulars address M. Met ormtek ompany, Stockton, cat. SlL'.i I'KH MONTH i-alary and 1 raveling ex penses wnen on roao ; -o tnju give you one-half interest in 1 his line of business, which Is g row i n g f a s t. A O 05o. Ore gon ian. AUTOMOBILE garapo and repair business active ninn w anted as partn r to a I tend office and keep plain accounts and the monev vou invest i fully secured. Call :;i 7 Ilnilwny Fvebanpe. LA UN DRY FOIt SALE. Tn a manufacturing city of r.".00 popula tion; a ba rca 111 if taken at om:o. Address 1. w. Baker, boutn ijJ central ave.. Raymond, asn. WANT man to nssisL in rvpuh- bustnciv as partner; this will stjnd inveptmation if, can invest 'J."W. Call -1S. Stark st. WOOI PI "SLNESS tHd-csiabIi.hed jard for only J1U0; have plenty ood. Call ;3 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. AVORKINO niHii w ishes to invest $."i00 to l' with irtMPU. reliable firm where gonn security can bo had and good, steady work for a man of good habits, o til., orego ninn. WANT OUOCKUV. 11avi S40ii cash and hO acres of acces siblu timber, cruising million feet of good timber; value J12U0. Owner. BD "-o9, Oregoman. WILL buy from owner, small confectionery and procery ir priced j ignt. j:oom -J, Pi 1:. Orand ave. WANTED Small stock of ceneral nide.. good looat ion; must bo cheap; owners only. P bit. Oregonlan. KOOMlMi-HOUSKS. HOTEL and buildings on half block for buildings pale or exenange. me leaning noiei tn Eastern Oregon, on main line, built three years, strictly modern, biggest businetj In country, paying big rrofit. Will trade TOT Ullli" Uiilui'C" . ianu u farm Value of buildings and furnishing $175,000. For particulars apply A V 646, Oregonlan. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 50JV9 N. "W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. $20t Bl'YS furniture of 8-room house, .';." Jroadway. West: everything complete from top to bottom: worth fii-jO. Fred S. Williams. 1st st. HAVE some real bargains In apartments and rooming-houses. 1219 Northwestern bank bl!g. 10 HOUSEKEEPING room, rent only $20, best location. $125. Owner, 308 Main st. LOST AXD FOUND. L.O&T .iold ilraon watuh jin. set with diamonds anil small Elsln wateh: kindly return to Miss "Barndt, Hotel Carlton, and riiCfive liberal reward; tio questions asked. IjQ.SX Thursday evening, i-liild's brownish fur neckpiece, on Fremont st. or Wil liams ave. Kinder please phone Wonii lawt 2S:4 or call 7"Mi Kerhy st. Reward. LADY'S Hamilton gold watr-h, name t'har lotto Annie Davis. Keward of J." for re turn of same to Campbell Hotel. t LOST Dog. blai k and while Lewellvn set ter Finder will be liberally rewarded. Phone M. M!W. A 11S1. Dr. C. B. Brown. LOST On Wednesday, an old-fashioned brooch with cameo setting Reward. Call Mar. li5U, ' . The taHowinz articles were found in th cars of tho Portland Railway, Light tc Power Co.. and owners thereof may claim same at the First aud Alder street sia tion Murshall MOO. A 61312 umbre,laS. 4 packages, 1 string beada. 2 grips, 1 book 1 package of bulter. 1 Pair gloves, 1 smai suit case. 1 suit box. 1 shovel. '2 pin 1 bundle extension. 1 pair gymnasium shoes. 1 can varnish. LOST Thursday, bunch of 13 or 20 kevs, on a ring, in business district; leave with clerk Imperial Hotel, and receive re ward. LOST In North Portlund. g.ild watch and chain, monogram A. II. M. on outside case. Return to Columbia Steel Co., lOtn and Johnson, nnd receive reward, LOST Rimless glasses, on Macadam road, near Fullon. Call Cora Fish. Main 5120. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proiiosals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Tllh. United States fur the Western of Washington, Southern Division. In the matter of S. K. Markhaiu, bank rupt Requests for bids. 1 will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing property, situated at Camas, Wash ington, in the storeroom formerly occu pied by the above named bankrupt, up to and unsl l-;00 o'clock noon on Thurs day, February 2ot VJlo. at the office of the Merchants Protective Association, 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon: Stock of general merchandise, consisting principally of dry goods, men and women furnishings, notions, clothing, shoes, rub bers, millinery, etc., of the inventoried value of Jiy0.30; fixture pertaining to the same of the inventoried value ot 129.50. Certified check or cash of 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Terms cash. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the properly may be seen at the office of the Merchants' Protective Association. 740 Morgan building. Port land. Oregon, and also upon the prem ises ' formerly occupied by the bankrupt at Camas, Washington, hero the prop erty may be inspected. Dated this loth day of February. 3 IMS. L. A. PARKEK, Trustee. NOTlCii. Sale of Hotel Klysiuin, Vancouver, B. C. (By order of the Court.) Pursuant to an order ot" the Honorable the Chief J us t ice of British Columbia, tenlers :ire Invited for the of the six -story hntel and premises known us the Hotel F.i.viium, situate at 1142 Pender street. Vancouver. B. C. as a going con cern. Tho property, including land, build ings and furniture, is reputed to have cost 4ibout .:HKM0, and t specially adapted fur tourint trattic. The tenders should state the amount ofTred for (a) the real estate (including build ings) ; b) the l'urnttnrtv furnishings, fixtures and good-will, and, 0 tho liquor license. The real estate is Mibjert to a first mortgage for 1100,000. carrying interest at T -is per cent, payahl" quari erly. This mortgage Is to be atsumed by tiic put chaser. AH tenders mun be In on or be fore the Hd day of March next. The lowest or any tender not neceBmrtly ac cepted. Particulars and conditions of nal may be obtained on application to any j of the newspaper oft'ictn wherein thi ad vertisement appears. Tenders phould bo : wddressed to Fdwin P. Kosc. Itoffrrn huiM- j ing. Vancouver, B. C. solicitor for the Plaintiff. I IN THE District Court of the I'niNd Stutes for the District or orejton: in the matter of the Coast Cabinet Manufacturing Com pany, bankrupt. I will rer,'jve bids on the f olio win t; property of the above-named bankrupt up 10 ana inciiiuinK 1- o ciock noon, "Wednesday. Kehruarv 24. 1113: All of the stock and fixture, inrludtng unfinished cabinets and machinery lo cated at Kast WinchoU and Rodney streets, Portland. Oregon, as per Inventory, which may be seen at my office at No. tlOu-O Commercial block. All bids munt be accompanied by certified cheek In the sum of 10 per cent of the bd offered. Bids must exceed the sum of 3.VM to cover possible secured liens. Sale is subject to iho approval of the court. B. K. KNAI'P. Trustee. (.00 Commercinl Hlock. tsKAI.i-:D BIDS will be rreeivru for a sto k of auto accessories of the inventory value of $727.Pti. and sliop equipment amount ins to $10S7.."0. together with lot and garage bulldint? valued at $15uo, lorated nt Condon. Oregon, up to 13 o'clock noon of Saturday. February Ln, Hi,. Terms, cash. Certified check for 10 per eetit of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Hlght is reserved to reject any and all bids. Separate bids will be recclvrd for Hie stock, stock equipment nnd real property, and should tho separate b) Is total nioro than the highest bid for the whole, tho saiiio will be accepted In ac cordance with the above, Invenlory may be seen at our office, 05 Commercinl block, and stock may be lnpectrl nt Condon. Adjustment HiircBU of ttie Port land Association of Credit Men. 6".s Coin- inercial block. Dated Portland, Oregon, herniary 10, PUS. 1 WILL receive aealed blda for a tock of mercliaiidlso of the Inventoried -aluatlon of 77o3 L'8. together wit. I fixture amount ing to $118.25, located at Orortno, Idaho, up to 1 J o'clock noon on t-aturdny. Feb ruary 27, 1915. Term cash. Certified chock for 10 per cent of the amount of fered moet accompany each bid. llight Is leaerved to reject any and all bids. In ventory may be seen at my ofuc-', 740 Morgan building, and stock, may be In spected al Orofino, Idaho, Dated at Portland, or.. J'Ybruary til, 1915. K. L. SARIN. SlCtl.Hh blda III be received until 4 P. M Thursday, March 1 1, 11.. at the office of the Fort of Portland. Court hoiiM-, Port land, Or., for supplying water-tube hitih rs and centrifugal circulating pump Willi tur bine. Specifications may bo procured up on application and deposit f ecrttficl check for $J."i for boiler specif leal .ons, which check will be refunded when spec ification!! are returned. The light to reject any or bids In reserved. .1. P. IMJYLK, Assistant Secretary. I "WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise of the inventory aluc of Jtl.s3.a4, together wttli fixtures of $lj9.i'n, located at Mitchell, Or., up to o'clock noon of Wednesday. Feb. 24. 19I-V Terms casli and a certified check for In per pent of the amount offered must accompany each bid: right is rmcrvcrl to reject any and all bids; inventory may be seen at my office and stuck may bo Inspected at Mitchell. II. L. .Sabill, 740 Morgan bldg.. Portland, Or. DEPOT Quartermaster's l if lice, lusil North Point st , San Francisco- Cal.. Feb. 1. IMF. Proposals will bo receled here un til 10 A M., March li. HH5. for furnish ing at either tho Boston. New York. Phila delphia Chicago. St. Louis or San Fran-ci-co l'ei-ois ot" tho Quartermaster Corps, rubber toots, bluo denim, Jean drawer, shirting flannel, cotton gloves, leggins. woolen stockings and cotton nndcrshlri. Information on application. W. H. Hart. Depot Quartermaster. Miscellaneous. MY wife. Mrs. Ethel Hansen, having left mv bed and board, I will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by her afler this date. RICHARD HANSEN. Mast era Notice. NOTICE. Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees will bo responsible for any .i.-ht.s Incurred by any member of the crew of the P.. ship Hav of Biscay. Ki:l!K. lilFFOKD AV COMPANY. 1 INAXrlAL. LOANS on Improved Inside property; plenty ' of monev: low rates; no dela: principals only. Kobertson Ewing, auj-2113 North western Balfk blrig MOKTtJAllE loans, notes, conlracls. 111. .rt-L-ni?.-s t 'first and seconds. cquili'S pur chased H. Lewis Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. WE buv mortgages, bonds and nous. Western Bond Mortgage "o., SO 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. FJ KST and second mortgages, uiso peneis- imeresl in contracts puniine-.i; ..-.,, 1.1 Wash. II. F. Nobl, laimberniens bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Kob ertson t: r.wing, -vi-o ... Money to laian on Ken I Karate. TO LOAN, Lowest Rate Muney on business property. apartment, dwellings and Tarnis. U. H. Blossom, 31ti Chamber of Commerce. ; MOltTtJAtiE loans on city and suburban real estate at 1 ana per vein. it. ... .tunn, 4 IS Sherlock bldg. MOltTtiACE LOANS IN AM AMOUNT, Stock Exchange bldg.. .Id and lanihlll. $:.K1. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; lavoraoiu iru..., u-. ...... brokerage. .lohn Bain, 50i Spalding bldg. $ "iki 000 TO LOAN In sums to suit: build ing loans, lowest rates. W. a. Beck, m5- 318 Falling bldg SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, 0 to -S per cent. $.n Ccllars-.Murtnn Co.. b2u eon 111 9-"o HIIU Ul. lg. ESTATE money. S..110 to j.u.oiiil. it. , 1. Freaitnian. aliorne.-. e,.p - in,.... ... v oin. 1 WILL loan $"" to $701111 on cliy or farm 1 Jill tlrrnnjun properly. -v - . IKillTllAlli: LOANS. ami 1 Cr.l. Lilt IS S A 1 .1 '.n ' v''. --" ' $ln00 OR $2000 loan on city property. United Kenlty. -no l.nnis. . $200. $000. $!jl. $12IXI.$I.NOO. Fred W. liernian v o., "11 . ..q - . . $;.IK.I $10.0110 tilt Slo.'.n.u. u per cf.111. .laiu I 1 tin or 1 -. CITY nii'l farm loans, lowest rat.-. Plmonds, coroen nun;. LOAN $10"0, private party; no agents. M. oregonlan. MONEY, nny amount. " to e p.:r cent. tieit & to., wiu ipaiuinK uiui.. .Mutiry to l.uan on I . MoKTilAt.K LOAN. Any itniount. low rti', pn.TiTptly clesed. AtU JctUo 1 1' i u; tin-nt ITHIli i; . A. M. KIIIIU.I.I, i S17 Not i hwewt. rn Ji.ifik N d?. M iduil 4111, A 4IT Mi'N'KV TO LOAN OX !MPKuKI !1i:AI. J.-TAT1 mu iii'immni; pi r.fosi-.s: vkhv i kn- 1U1.K CONTU W TS ; .NO C'V M S Ui'. coll; miu a i.iVK a- ?uii v o., mo si-w.i'iv; .ti.i'-;. ON lMl'i;oVlli I'lUM'KllTY oli Knt HT'ii.iL; vrni-.tMS, iikkum. V.w mk.nt pki n.::;i :. Mni: ai vanckh as it i n.i i vi i'i;u:ur-i Tlil-i IJvJIT.MU.i: .A vin;s V i.iv ASSOC) TlO.N. -t0 S I' A liK M. mu.i:y TO l.i AN On Portland - it real .l Farm lsn at low e.-t current r.i tew. MAI. I, V VON IUT:TrT 104 Seronii ft., n ar WHi-fiin' $1(H"'0 To LOAN on Portland r. a I HAM MOM) Mi-KTCA'iK i'OM PAN V. 4.';i-4i4 Chanibrr t-f i 'onunrrcn. WANT SMALL MoltlOAiK Ia A N. ft loo to S.I..O, or will buy mil. inert, gages. Smith - Wn noiu r Co., htf - X. " Vi V M I T i ; A M E LOANS 5 WU'LIAM U MO U, t(oy lltury Pidtf. MuN V. V TO LOAN. WAKtrii-.un. FIMES A Ho Fourth htrrrt CO.. TO LOAN 440.000 Oil LL.sS, FAKUiNli l'i N. SO 4TH ST., HOAKU TKAPK P1.P. MuKTdAUK LOANS, uuy amount; ito dt.. Hemy C. 1'ruuhoiiiiiie, OJS-Oul Moi su bldg. , MONEY lnd 1111 fM:il'i ontrsrts nd inlRn. houKhf. M. Mtley. n4 ;rllng"r bio M A I E Fi:N lS. 0 r r cent. V. I-;. Tlionw' agent, V"'"H. 4i'i n of Cum ""MTcVirY t r rTv .-r .r i c k a l t. 1 a j A. II. IIAKIUNU. ll). ol Lwin. CITY MOKTO AOK LOANS A V T m. FKKl) S. WILLI AMf, S Firm iU .Money lo Lisn V natleU mhiI Nalrle. I. MM Ki'l A IT-; lO V S OS DiAAiONlS ANI .ikvi:lut AT KAM'lillN liATK-S We have one of thu lit. it retail -ir stores In the crt y. A Iojoi department is conducted ill oin.ecilon with t-nie, tnlv mg l.uslnes SsrKlCTI. 1 N I '1 i 1 ! NT I A 1 , absolutely n hik n uiMiii.aunit I""" 1um iiffis diila cd in ft out of uur utore. AM iuerchani:e. pluJtfL-d i b-id for p. r.,I of seven month!, w in i'ier to not lntrr t s puid w iif-n due. t a; ln itsd. anil have been established since 1 1. No run. nectlon with any oilier loun eiMUUmni In tins city. A. & M. I)EU1VA(ii:, .1 IIWELlCrta, s af lunutoii St. LOANS J10 TO VjCU'KLY. STATU S:CT!:ITY CO., LK t;.SMi.D. LOANS ON AI-AiilC ONLY. ItKM' I'Ct I'oS1Tm N IN POKILAND CALL AND l-CT IS KM'I.AIN I'l l! KASV PVYMKNT I'l.AN. UVS1NLSS SVKI'TI.Y 1 AM I UL.NTlA U &I ATK l KIT CO.. ;;o:i l- A I I.1NO U1.IM. LOANS IN Ol US' 1TMJC at 1 1 uu on .inniuiids. niiio. 1 10s. h'un-h.dd ;o id und Mvetteck. POlt 11. A N D I A A N t'UH Ucentd ! Mtit Co.". :oi nh ild I'.iilB- mh.v 1 a v '.' K lHjmon is. ;,nt niu- .! Hi.t-un.nie tii:Y VI. A I I. I'l.lT I vnt I.AIl.;.i. ULBV ('Ml VNV icifedt, 3u l.ii'i'l-er i;c;Hiii.e I'Iok;., ti r tit 1 1 o I 'hik St reet. Wi; loan at half up i. it tit.. nil-. Mild J.lrv J I I iok.ll. Mary ii l;l.n, jl'lJ. LOANS on .;ianion ami Jcw.lrj; .irirtly e.iTindenll.-il I"'.- " '"""r A 'tier. Mo.NI.Y l.oA.NI 1 on .lu'ii-'ii-l. and s! V. KlIiU. i'..nn l.i V i -'' 11' tt h'd. Lc'ANa on .Ir.'. Win. t M I --. lIlHMMMItl. rtl'rf I' louill -lnns'n Iild. Ifan. "Vented. !; 'I'M MUNKV l.t.M'b'l-1 MUNKV Delinquent t,ie In hen r i mini) Orcioii. In the amctwt 1 ' fr fur -ale, tovi-rini the cai 1;- to IIM.I. both lin-lll-lve. C.-rtllb Mh-n Pf d( lln.nirn. V 1W llilef- r.-t nt 1.. .T cent per ei.ii.ini '""ll,r'i. il..em. d. and tin" IT" rlv ! loifeiie,! t. i uiclias- rh nf i rntn an lien iml i'- l i-lioid Ui 't"VI-:ed l,v lnw. ln'iulie of Oscar Kelts'. T Col'.ei (or. l Or WANT t'i'Mi tot 1 car on real " ...... -in will iiiv 1 1 . per !"' ' ... mon hill no I 'Irii .t. T I. li. p'r .'HI I'' I hrrcfor I Wll'lf to pay big Inteie-L 1. 63. or"- goiilan. 1 WWT a lean of i '-''"0 ell lll'-e r!' , sn le el er.'.L-n li.inlv to l'i- My Mini In eiil- tlvntl.ui. xnlue ? : I eill I'ay P'r cent and no hi i u . i a.-r 1 1 - rh 'I'll!. AM' $e""' '-' ' l"n" ' Per f.'oi.n anil $.'.'."il nt I p i " '' Inline on tn.ditn ri-nS'" 'i""M. I urll-. 2iiT ' "'. d I . em ml tl '"C 1VASTKII- I .""ii -I !'- I'" in real eta'.", ri immi'i: f iii tntcr! p.-r ni'.nth. ): '7'. ' " W WTlfll- '.".. i nc i. I ' ') furnish reiiahlc homleni " n. I' ''1 rinlihm W V NT e 1 .'.."I'll ..r :; i" principals l'i" . .-. urllv imptu. . v , n t ; Irvliiilion h- I i.l ' A-l sdh'Mi iii'i'"'"-'" liimit hl and lii'-f " ; MO--I. En Mar. I S. ,!.!.. . . i on HI . -ll libera if:aio wan i i; 1 . fi S-.llHi. i I V i WANT $ls"'l buil'lliiK in in. da Park Add. Al $l.".o AT H I" .ne rtllin. I'l ll-ON M- VF M l. I. A I II. II W II. II V I I- II 1 II. .:. I. r...,l firm oiialll v mill, lo s. . . t s "C-tlieh fust illllllHV RISV 4 rf IIIIINU THIS All-1 1 l"r "c on Face massage. 2.'.: Mnimpon f .Mm I" Handles ...e supei riuous hail rem.iw .l l.v elretrl. Iiy. Oliai.llllecd. Clll III ll liny shade. slleh n nv lllgtll. I'rl.cs half Culinary H.iiutv I'.i'rlnrs. tiMI-412 Di kino hldg.. ad nd a s h I n g I . ov vlr"JjiJJ J'-' NLfVI'ltlN'. Ci i M S, Sl-llb AND lilt E.-SI.S. Thrlftv nonien I. .Iks villi slmu lier be fore biivlng: ail new niei ihandise. COATS-K,'.". !". tlJ.7"' "P lo '' . sri rs - sil.v.. fi '. .: in I" '-. DKEbal - -17.7 . $1 I...1. 1.1 up lo . VliAMv's" New More. I 1 I lirondvv jv. (inc. half of Hudson llnv Fur Co. Mere OEUM'aN TKAINEI) MllE A.M MAS.-I'.I SH. I n si.erl. nee: Inst reference.- treat- minis for rhuuuia t tun sn.l lumbal, ri. ; massage and ha i lie: .adv allen.lai.l. 4... e-almon. cor Siinda a. Mill. Muialiail ua FEBVI-.T A 1IAM.ISLT. la-adlng ww and toup. in.l..r. Ilnrst stork leamau bur (O...L-; .lt.l,. I rum v.e . Jialrdr-esina. u.a i.l.-.ll int. I' end ' ' tr.ali.icnt. .01. ,1,11. s. made UP 10 0.0.... 147 Broadway, near Mornin. Main 4, SCI I'NlTT'Tc" "ii'uiTscllse. genuine, lull b.i'.n, alcoholic elecirl.- Meatmen-. r' lr..p.l I-1. ma ill. in .'it. i't't Ma.leay bids. 111. - Ingt. sl'l ItlTI AI.IS M It'V. Marv A. Pn. e. In'." bl llvll i ' 1 k 1. M . reau- Tile Klav '-u. ,1,,-. . -. . - logs iHily, .n:: Ft. ,.i-i sua sT EVENS. SI Jen- lort'ai.ds re. lowned palmist and . lalrvoNa.u. MU'lmr of " a ,,7st,y Made I ." .!, M.rr..o.i, Ki.i:"Ti:i.; v I mt a i . n: ( .i... I i I .-1 1 nil. I s I ,M IIUI.lllMII, 1 1 v Mlniotiln, reasonable. Phone .Marsh .! 20. UM HltEL.LAS--All 1 stoes; recovrrttiK : Mir, dllli'e. 2'"' W iloia and st ' 11. a liat.'l U a hlngtan st. rifT. im piN' , large.-. put on. madi; rn' 1 Switches !I."'C. tnry B'-aulv l'-1 rill Is and puffs rl.ii r 4 im 1 D. sum b'djr TiTvoltCi;.--- I -' r "f "' '"' "l.eri.n.e rell I ibie advice give,, free. VI llotl.chl.d bldg. 2s7's WisbliiBton. kTTihTf li SKM1. no ntal and .rlrlln .l scientist nis-lil'.l Alkv bl.lg. Que.ilon m ee 1 1-' g W . dnesd iv. IV M. MAItlii NKVIN.s. electric bail. ami lieat ,,',", dml), l-idl-s only. Vain lpa for HP polnliiient. 2s.. Montgoni. rv si, fi.t . Vi llt '"1 . 1 N trained liurso and inn.-.m. .ie.-tric bhinket t-eatiiient; 11.11111 ! ''-I' :u P. M. MANIC! lilN'i Laulrs. '.'; 7117 U.,lhrhi;d bid!!.. 2S, r ; g. lil l.'in 11, lie'', i, Wa.'ilnclon e'. MOLl"c. sup-rfliiciis h.'ilr reinow-l. Mrs t. 1). as 1 1 1 . -a ' ' 1 - - STV. VM balhs and n.a.-aii.-. 3:3 I bldg.. l'"h and iisliln' M . BALM OF I'l' IS . "ii.pciii .1. lahlels. VI I'aVI. :. I'l"" M .in LESSONS 2:1.-. nth In phrr Mf.i.o: . s l.d e.r.i I......IIW M I'l. nun Vnl'i ;.''! I WANT b.iby ailopt. under one Tn.tniu ...... Alt tii1, Irevrolilun MlsS KTIIhl, tr. atin-nls. HI l:l, :;i.", .".I I Mi.-s M vim-; .1.' utanl'-iiring par 1 11 1 I'.KI'KACTIC. ;.r..ii.- tneilts !.'.. Oib. rs less. 1 lr--st. I.t 4H. OH MM TK r :l 2(ith at., . 1 r. n I lie near sshliict" Main '' M1HK tL USE llasselt's Nnll-. 00 taulvl lul 10c, Herts, f-.r eh' .imat .m; All 0iui:(:lt.