5 in . i iixa i t r.tr tt -XT I aa-ia. T I Furnished Houses. HOTEL KOWUSD, 2". is 4TH'ST. Modem brick bui.dmg. centrally locm.ed. lcL clean rooms; but and col .water, rate, m" lio and (1 Pr day; per tteeK latt up- " r - i cTnv W. Corner m and stark; 3 k and up. elevator, bol and cold water, .team hear, telephone connection in each room; no iatra ci.arBes lor two in 'n,droom una ba.h tl day: transient solicited. jluTi.1 CORDOVA. 2t HtU t. Strictly moocrn; private 'hWm up. Main y4iA4ioi Fornlabed Rooms in Private Famine. d p. . - I 11' J - i.i. - - - Brishi cheertul. sunny, front room. aa: Joining bath. lo for "J',!';" ".J i for i'o. aood home-cooked meals if ?rrd Var. 4X7 6J1 Montgomery st. iiKNf tree to Uarca i Beau... u., .- n-sr,-,d room. fac.n south : plenty of hot water, furnace he.., electricity, slocpins-p-T-h. laundry, tel. phone. 12.1 '1 u WE or two nice rwonu in a beautiful homo. cKly furnl.hed: beat, bain and phone: very desirable location ; '"w-ih-,,ig distance. 48i Jcrfer.on at- off of 14th. 7cELY furnished room. heat, light, bath and phone: neatly furnished housekeep ing rio.n. lent reasonable. SS 11th, walk ing distance. THRES" nicely furnished roomi lc' CSSKbS. W J:-.bS5S car. . - CI.KAX nicely furnished rooms, vacuum VVsinVd. n moOrn home, furnace heat, n. , of piano If del. ed very reasonable. r. ' " i ' i '- 1. EACT1FVLLY furnished room In ''nePr' vate family, modern, pretty home, piano "me comfort.. Nob Hill; reference. Main T4. LAROB double room suitable for 8 jo"? men: excellent board; awell private home. 71 Trinity Place. M.-Bi-Y furnished room In modern flat. ., . I,: vm reasonable. Main 240- CHBBKKUU light, airy rf".?r.8u"tnr;2' 112. A lboi. 54 Lucretia. Vasu.. pr.-.oO. M.EEl'ING-I'Ol'.Cl it It larjte room; hot Hoyt. Marshall 453. .-ol.l maier. i HKSIRABLE front rooms 2 up; heat, bath. phon.walkinr distance. S- "to. KFAT1.T furnished bedroom, walklm dls- i- l RMSHBU room In modern house, heat. hath, pnone. no - Sl.EEFINO PORCH and room;. entral; very reasonable, r lionejiai MrKLV furnished. we'.l-I.eat.d room, with bslh. 7. A -7.1M. onH . 1TKNISHED room with alcove suitable Xor gentlemen. Hawthorjlve. W RI.T.-FU KNIKUEU room JS mo. ai-! Main street. . I'nfornlshed no J VPSTAIRS rooms and batb. beat and phone. JIH; modrrn house; walking d"- N. llih Room W Itli Board. num. ir - u L.1...... THAN IOT-----l.ll-.r. THE llli-J-s Toashinslon at -3d M. rharmiiiK family and translrnt ote! of tb.. hli:(ien ord-r; excellent cu amc sep arate tables; extremely reasonable .rates, north Investigating. Phone Main .-S. . . . . r- i . 11. . - T IT T IL'i; Al.EX A NDR A rpLKT, 53 f.l.l.A Mi"ii An American I'ian Krsidence llotc Buttca single l:oom. . Excellent ablc. THE VIRGINIA II1L.U An excellent"rc.lUcntial hot.:l: '"jt7 rstes to transient or permanent gutsts. I'nuiie Main 9-3. A :S. fiFwEWt :1st and Washington At tracme residential hotel; special rates for transients; homo cooking; privalo bath In encn room. - ... ...... t. . tTi v l. The" VfehsU. ,S UH ii" 1. ; tlle board. nnim rooni sun parior. a tp I noniP. n-usMiu.o ; J1SIXESS women and student n1 ao.d board and room, M ami 4..n wees. f.?,..r wnmen-a lnl"n. ilo Klandria. Srif" NORTON, residential hotel, 12th and T Morrison: excellent cuinc; reasonable rates. Main Sll. TliF.iT.KI., V. id m. Modern r.Kims. T'inh or w "hout board: Kpe,ial rales. lOOMS WITH W.IAUU. THK CA1.VAKU.T':.: Mo'rriaon Kooma ltli tir without tnjara. ..--'". ltV''r. noar.1 In lTivale Fan.illeiv. t ini-,K attractive rooms: steam heat, hot and cold rumiing water: suitable for two or more: twin beds: separate dMsirs e.ery modern convenience; excellent board. Vim lance room Willi alcove and porch. "iVln "il.llla'rV-oust..nearllUi JTpRO'iPKCT fRIVI?r Portland Heights-- 1 ARCii handsomely furnished, atcant-lieated J.-Afw,u iiaiiu- i iarae balcony, front room, with fireplace, Je o UceMent meals, homo privileges, a . con genial home: v est r-idc. easy alKii'R IIMsnee. V ery moderate rates. Mar. -4-. ATTKAfTIVB room ill beautifully f u r T.lshe'd home, 2 me... pl.nty of hot water. wa'klng distance. Main iJiv. 3- i l.K.-ANT rooms, good board, walking dia-lane-, rates rcaxonabie; congenial. i North lTth. t-.-h.m i.u BOVKU lth, st.; walking -dtan: .l.r . b. hot and cold-water and borne 'f ' TXICE front room with K.,,01 S"Ie comlorta and privileges. Call i-ast JSsJ. Aduresa l. mmiim p-. VNTEU one or two young men to live in fcrivata borne: ilrrst table board, walking thnne Main ..ul'J ItoOM and two meals, every comfort private home, walking distance, reasonuble. ... Johnson, near 2-d. rVtll.l. rent rooms w Uh boaid. .jO per levk: also houaekeeping-rooioo. 192 r.rnnd ave. tuvuEXUL youiu man wishes roommate; good board. Main :U iOl Harrison su. near 14tn at FONT" room, with, board, for 2 S-'lemen: mwo k r.eie rvor... ... " " - KXCELLENT board and room. &I Trinity Place, -uain eio. I;oOM or rim and board, prlv ate family r.m F . l-'th. FeilooU 41- ONB or two children to rare for In my horn. ; gooa t""'"1-"- - - virsT-CLASS room and board In private T -1st t. North. Main 4.-0. BOARD and room at SS E. Hth N for two .-n' emcn - i T T-,.- fti h miti Haw J' ih!-5.nd- VroompV-TVlvebajhs and phone: also .m.io . . n7.he.i- 1!..V up. Phone hast Si.-' sjllANUESTA. East btark ajid r"diH. Nllv furnlsbe-l three-room apts.. private ; pVoVe and l-ath: walking .llslance; price. mrxl.r.!.-. t-non &-v M Ani.ON TARK A P ri.. Medern 8 and 4-room furnished Prt- ments: close In; by wee ..r ...o... THE Palace Apartments. East tl.th ami U.eiT.i- 2 and 4 rooms, furnished; pri- nhone and bath, steam heal, THE OHETOPA. lSUi. Zanders; 2 and J J" room partmenls. furnished or unfur lushed; references renu.red. URICKSTON. 44S 1 It h High-class, modern 1 and 3-room apartments; low rent, want ing untance. Marshall 37. A 54US. " ' V riia.lNGTON-ANNEX. 15th and Everett 2 rooms. newly furnished. hardwood fl.iors. walking distance. $22.30. Main 1.4-j. TViLL sub-lease beautifully furnished o-r-oom modern apartment with piano cheap. Hanover Apta. No. 5. or Main 4i"6. THE DEZENDORF. " " "08 16th St.. near Taylor: exceptionally fine 8-room unfum. apt. Marshall 2324. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 2M1 11TH. Modern furnished tao-room apartments, ' .Mi im: close In. Main 22S6. AT the Glen Court, cor. Park and Taylor, 3 rooms, outside, elegantly furnished, best service, reasonable. TrtRFi-: an. I four-room furnished or unfur nished. The Bjaiand, A ls7, Main 1S67, A 1S73. . ' TII'I WINSTON APARTMENTS. S41 14i!i st.. at Market New 2 and 5 rooms, furnished; reasonable. Main liJH. KICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping suite at 244'- K lllingsworth avo. : low rent. Phone Wocllawn CbO. C 137. " BANNER APTii. Modern two-room furnished apartments, lose in. West Side;. $15 up. 4S Clay. A V A LON. Three and four-room furnished strictlr modern. Phone Ep.st 3172 apts. $18 MONTH, modern steam-heated, fur n'sii.d apt.. Harrison Court, ith and Har rison. t .V MAR 7'l l.oveioy Modern brick bulldr ng": 2.' 3-room apts.. $18 to $:iQ. Mar. 2PI7. In ' K OS EN FIELD Furnished or unfurnished 3 ana 4-room ",Jurl"- " - -- TlTf: ELMS. 1SI lih St.. 2 and 3 outside rooms. .-1 up: walking distance. fuuPLFTEtiT furnished apartmenls in con . Crr-e block. $12. 1162V, Union ave. No. KlKSIlNorlAM. .IPO 12th St., 2. 3-room fur oished. most elaborat la city. -.- .84. f. I --- f FOR MOI. lirnibuCU U' mjcmo. I THE WHEBLDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel). Tenth and Salmon Street. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, taonth or year. V1UA ST. CLAKA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast: furnished complete. Hoof garuen in c-uu.-.-- Walking distance. References. CUMBERLAND, West Park and Cohmbla Very choice a ana -room v"'"" "'-.;. nlslied apartments; all 7hf "''J, iences. beautiful location, facing the PrM. 5 minute,.' walk from business center We always malnLain our reputaUon for ( !rs t class, clean apartments rttferencea re imreu. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, corner and Montgomery, 4-atory modert o,Vto building, private bath, phone d uto ma fc elevator; all oulde, room apta.; best Janitor f "lcSl,1?. utes- walk to business center, tit to -. including electric iigoi- outniao rooms, t-u.-..-v, steam unfurnished, private bath, phone, ' Fas? ws..?. v- si- T3 U A W. In Irvlngton.' "one lovely new corner " 3 rooms. ' .leeplng porch and bath. , heat and phone, every convenience. ltn WESTFAU 4.0 5lh-3 and ana umurn. , -iv . - ictrio elevator; thoroughly reno yated . ele ctrio cleaner free: steam-heated: t. Jl . ...n mnnev: easy walking distance. 5TKUIMAN APTS.. M 24th . Sffi hi."' .nc.ude. 'he.tr water. . tele Phone.' .-J-!' rcfcr ences. 3iein THE CltOMWELU T.esld en t Filth and Columbia Transient 6-mlnute malk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments ., ,-..ii r.liR. References. A -o. CABLOTTA CUl.BT." Everett and l'n New., nu-dcrn. steam he. , Prtv'-?". jaunary , romiiieieij - - - . room apis.; lO mln. front ""'""Yr.rtnces' save carfare; rates moderate; references. WASHINGTON G HAND 2-room '"J'j?'0 apts.. per mo. uj.. j-n - ,--, . clean; very desirable: hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Orand. ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East HEINZ ATARTMENT-v -5 and S-roora apartments, furnished, flrart class: reasonable rates. Main 73K. THE LETA High-class, c large rooms, fur- nlsnea beauiiiuity, o.t,.... balcony, private entrance, walking ais lance. Mar. .".-JOT. 40 Broadway. Unfurnished Apartment. V 1 .N 1 tllLLl -VI 1 Ill King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class. 4. 6 and 6-room un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood: excellent service; walking distance; reasonable r-in I It n. AH bllll.il.'. Jtst and .Tohnscn Hlgli-grudc a. 4 and ft looms. v.Kh porches; high-elasa tenants v ho appreciate service: prlcea reasonable. Vti.int Marshall 8r,6Q or A Gi. THK MI(bBUftVL.Oo, -1st and Flanders i and rooms, large and homelike: more service and conveni ence for the price than you will find In tne city, rn-nn .-.am - - - - fcjH EFF1EID APTS.. :iO Broadway South. 6 . . .. i i .. m - anlntirlld TOUr- DtOCKS lO DU.llir.l. i....t. . -i --- -- room apartments, all outside, southern and -..Kt.-m exnosure: S27.50. Marn -..Oft. STEVENS APAUTMENTS Six rooms, front ana oaca porciie, ni.-i, ..- "ni Phone: all light outside rooms. il Nortn- r.up. near 1! 4 1 li st. THOOM Duplex npartments. 4 bedrooms. 3 hatha; lu fireproof building. Apply o liavis st. THE ORMONDE Nl.-e front 4-rooni apart ment, also dun.Iy i-room furnished. koS Plunders: Nob Hill. Main iiJl ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef fersonElegant unfurnished apattments, first-class service. Private phone. Her. PORTVOMAH Rent bsrgains. hardwood floors, sleeping poi-ches. walking distance. LITCltETJA COURT. 49 Lucretla St. Finest unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts.; references. M g r Mar. 1513 3 a nnor. n a . THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall Hi. New unfurnished apartments: most elaborate m the city. Main wo. KING-DAVIS APTS., bt King St. . and 4 moms: high-class: references. Main 20o8. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room Pl8-. v,,rv .r.'.j" sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 2-'d. Maui .184. KF.ELKR APTS.. 1 4TH AND CLA1 4 -room unfurnished: references. Kami-tied or tnf urnlstied Apartmenls. MORGAN. FLIKDNEU & BOYCE, 813-S21 Jlorgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartrnenbs In all parts of tho city: great variety of ocatloiis. sizes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. ,r -v.oln -.Tir. A zot. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Trvlng Furnished and unfurnished apar ments in Z 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick, elec tric automatic elevator. Wf?' built-in buffets and writing dks plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall zai. 186 Vista ave., off Washington st. S and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished cr furnished: high-class neigh borhood, best of service; reasonable ratea by month LjAHDnUVU . 1 - and 3 -rooms, steam heat, electric Ilel'it nrivate Fhoiies. brick building, clean, comfortable, desirable; under management It owner. East 4062. B 3401. E. .tu and Yam hilL STELWTN APTS. High-class, elegantly furnished apt., including piano modern, "ceping porch; will unfurnish ; also bach elor's apt. 16 SL Clair, cor. Washington. Marshall .sao. THF Bl'ENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern. Ideal location, from two to me apts.. only one 5-room left, walking distance; reter-mces. "TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOlNK 'r x'.r., 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONK MARSHALL llftl. WELLES LEY COlRT OI'IET CLEAN AND CLOi-E IN. ?-RN18I ED AND UNFURNISHED. EaSt 15TH AND BELMONT STS. thf WINDSOR 2, S and 4 beautiful rooms, T1,urnished or not. Corner Last 14th and Yamhill Mi.HEON APTS.. King and Washington and 4-rooin furnished and unfurnished apartments: walking distance. Main 1082. Flats. VICE PLACE TO LIVE IN SUNNYSIDE. 5-roora flat in two-family flat bul d Ing UoT water heat and Janitor service 1 urnUlied. five closets, gas range and lino leum, porch and yard. Phone Tabor 61S8 or call at l-o c. " sat FVFRKTT ST.. near 21st. S-rooni upper flat, newly tinted throughout; fireplace, furnace gas raV and hot water heater. Phone caste. t. itiinvt fiat In Irvlngton; lower flat In two faYm?v buiimng" ooVitcd at East lJth and a'.Mii .' biock from "roadway or irvingun car. Phone East 13 .0 or t 1q38. tl-2 A MONTH Modern 4-room " 17,h .olendid location. Ogden. IOl Shaver street. Woodlawn 20a. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern ; choicest loca tion, west MQf. jiim"" ' flat of S rooms and bath 733 l4ovt at. Phone Main S278. Inquire 13Q J'J Htm nn.-'iiiip. T 4-ROOM apartment, both phones; pric East 1T1. am v -PPER 6-ro.om Hat, W0 Johnson .11 light rooms, will urn, to "mi w v 1 1 J.AME TE HEIGHTS, beitifully situ- ated. 6-room Tesiaei.co n-- MODERN five-room lower flat. East Burn- l,l. cor. lztn. caat .-ROOM, new. 1 month free. Marahall ! . ,v, ,i. -jot Farto st. Phone E. 1 i- j. -a Furnished Flats. We have a vacancy in the finest flat In Poland; five rooms, keeping ,!.; bath hardwood floors; located at East 16111 and Hancock sts. one block from either Broadway or Irvlngton car F. fc. Bowmen Co'. Commercial Club bldg. Main 326, A 12ol. NF. ATLY furnished coay flat for ' to: J'v-Ing-room. kitchenette; private bath sleep in, porch, front balcony; all conveniences, $H East 5043. ; LOWER floor. 5 rooms, very pleasant nelgh borhood. bright, sunny roonis, gas tele h.,n. free: only $1. 42 21st St. N. 4-room flat. porch, phone's, walking distance, half block from t h apman. .lerferson car. 668 Market. MiiPERN 4 rooms, walking distance. 26S - Ross St.; $20. Phone Wood'.awn l?.a, -liOOM j:at. with pantry, kitchen, bath. phone. E-it 66 niwaaii. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, x;3 5 ROOMS, strictly modern, completely furnished, sleeping porch, sewing machine; seeing means routing, oiiift Mill. Main Housekeeping Rooms. t WEt-K Completely furnished nouseaeep lng suites, absolutely cleanest in town. llAts, baths, hot water, linen washed, ev-ery convenience, free; also alngle house-keenlng-rooms, 1- up; save carfare, a vfX quiet place. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jen-irson. when yon can rent all outside rooms at Tie per week each? Suites of two. gas plate furmshed. Belmont Apts.. S. E. corner E. tun anu pe.i-ioo . 1 5U TO l-i-75 week; cl'ean. furnished house- keeping rooms, suitable 6039 heat, laundry, bath, yard, phone East 603 J. Im v.nr. -XI3 Stanton. "U" car. THE KELliO APTS., 3S2i Hawthorne, cor "nlonf housekeeping rooms very reasonable find convenient, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge plug., -a. coi. 1 AND 2-room aP"L' --5.9, n1d.li 'lght' heat, phone ana -ui. ui. -- GI1-MAN HOTEU 1st Alder lrnished housekeeping rooms - - Housekeeping Rooms in Private family. TWO large, comfortably furnished, clean housekeeping room, on best carll " g walking distance, beat, gaa, electricity Trfd phone, adjoining bath, rent reasonable. t;s. i-;ast aw-. THKEiJ nicely furnished 2-room housekeep ing suites. 1st ana -u u-i, v. reasonable; adults. 5U4 Everet t St.. -blocks off Washington. Main -31)0. . LARGE front room, with alcove, gas range, electric light 1. 1U5 20th, cor. Han dera. 1 AND 2 large front room houseneeping suite, siricuy '"v, .T-r. V- iQti, t nished and very reasonable. 250 N. lgtli st. LARGE lower front roone, J3.25 per wlt: wararooa. .''" -'X5a "aTh eiectricity. pnone mm -.p.... SUITE of large, sunny, houseeeplng jrooms. mwly furnished, clean and raoaern, no Signs. W. Jii. corner jnm -.m k NICE LIT furnished h. k. rooms, only 12 month: close In. 431 S. 5th St. THREE well furnished "housekeeping rooms . i . a -ft AO it a mt 1 t h IS on nrst iioor. xj o -- -- a H. K. SUITES one single room, dealrable. ( 090 Ti iiurnsiuesu HOUSEKEEPING rooms everything lur nlshed. 12 and S16. 228 12th St. NICELY furnished front room, choice loca lion; H. K. if desired. 265 13th st. DESIKABLE apt., heat, bath, phone, rent reasonable. 325 12tlu j I ; 2-room front suite; gas range, closet; reasonable; hatn. pnone. .m ui, 354 PAI.MON Housekeeping rooms, en suite and single. 3 NICELY furnlslieu H. tv. rooms, i.o. eluding wood. 312 Main St. House. ADVICE TO PROSPECTIVE HOME SF.EK.EHS. Securo your homes in the largest and most progressive tract. Ascertain it it Is owned by prominent responsible men, who can and will spend sufficient money to make and keep trus addition attractive and who would be sure to treat you fairly in every way. . Laurelhurst. the addition of beaut'ful homes, represents an Investment of four million- dollars, has 26 miles of Paved serpentine drives, surrounds a beautliui 31-acre City Park, is owned by some or the most responsible financial men In the Northwest, and ia the very highest Im proved cl0f.c-in restricted residence park in Portland. . . You can buy a sightly lot here at an extremely close figure, upon easy terms, second mortgage privilege, and If ou deire we will build and finance your home for you and se that It Is built right, at tho lowest possible cost. We also nave some houses for rent. Auto service. Paul C. Murphy, Sales Agent, Main Office 270 1 Stark st. Main 1503, A 1US. Tract Office In Laurelhural, E. 39th anu GUsun 5ts., open datly MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL ND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th Floor, Temporary Anne. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments anil bungalows in the citv. Make use of this service when vou desire. This does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find lis ready and willing at all times to help vou In locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoc cupied apartmenls, flats and bouses at 1.'. . S.i I.-.. Denial HlirMll. jvieier si riano -- NEAT. 4-room bungalow, nearly new with more than 2 lots for garden, sonic shrub bery fruit, etc; one block west of bell wood car service. 12S7 E. 15th st near Tolman ave. $14 per mo. J. W. Ogllbee. room 11. 14i'j J.t st. GOOD S-roo:n house In splendid location suitable for rooming purposes; rent very reasonable; will -put house in first-class repair to suit tenant. For information call at the office of Parrish, Watklns & Co., 10(1 Second st. NEAR S. P. CARSHOPS Vi rooms $15, 2 rooms more besides in basement: can be easily subdivided for three or four families. Fred W. German Co.. M14 Chambi.-r of Commerce. . MODERN 10-room bowse, corner Park and Montgomery, with a large attic and tine floor, suitable for a ballroom; fine lo cation: will rent to responsible party at a moderate rent. Inquire 370 Park, after 1:30 P. M. " FOR LEASE to a responsible party, a very pretty bungalow home, 5 rooms; fireplace, hardwood floors, tiled bathroom; every thing the finest; good neighborhood: walk ing distance: rent S27.50. East 263o. 17 N 1STH ST., tine residential district, easV walking distance business center, 6 rooms furnace. $27.50. Key janitor Ionian Apts., ' 18th and Couch. Main 201 B. FOR KENT Modem 8-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floor3, Dutch kitchen, garage, $27.50. Main 2tl70. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE, TITLE & TRUST BLDG.. MAIN 5423. FOR RENT, March 1, new, modern 0-roorn bungalow. luriiace, a Caruthers st. Phone B 281j, 8-ROOM modern house on ll'th and Mar shall St.. for rent by March 1. Phone A or Main 2474. MODERN 6-room house; ail built-in conve niences, sleeping porch and furnace. 2-42 E. 461 h. near Main. East 500. CLEAN "-room house. Kearney near 21tt; gas. electricity, furnace and- fireplace. E. 4237. FOR RENT Modern six-room, two-story house: hard-surfaced street, 1 block car; rent $16. Call. at till Cleveland ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS modern T-room house, beautiful place, reasonable. Mar. 217. SIGHTLY, beautiful, new, modern bunga low; 9 TOOiiia, v. . v ...... - 2037. - CLOSE-IN 6-room house, bath, yard, cheap rent. Tauor -oio W W CAR, new o-rooin nungaiow; gas, electricity. Main iqvj. 1 s-ROOM cottage. 10th St., near HalL bath and gas. 427 blX-ROOM modern house, furnace and tlr- Place, SQ. Ol? l.inLniiiai.. jam 5-ROOM cottage, good condition. C70 Tag gert, $11.60. W. W. car. Marshall 4317. dk-iIHABLB houses and flats, all parts of 3 HOUSES. 7 rin. each, cor. Broadway and h. blocks Bdwy. bridge. $15. $17. 19. vitinf house. 713 Lovejoy, near 324. In- (Uire 130 0th. .viain ot. F1VE-KOOM cottage easy walking distance. West side, nice yard and flowers. Main S67. 7-ROOM house. 770 Hoyt st two bath rooms, best location. amni IRV1NGTON 7-room house, modern. Phone Marshall SSi. A 4i. 617 OVERTON St., 6-room house, $12. Key next door. Phone Marshall 205. A 4144. MODERN 6-room house; reduced rent to good tenant. 687 Pettygrove St. fill MODERN 6-room house, East Side, near S. P. shops, phone Sellwood 1Q5. EXTRA clean o-roora house, 226 Gibbs St., corner 1st. FINE 7-room modern house, fireplace, fur nace, yard, close In. 722 East Main. Furnished Houses. 10 FURNISHED 2-room house, 1400 Kerby st take Kenton car to Portland boule vard Woodluwn 2226. Key at 1403 Kerby. WELL furnished modern 6-room house for year $25; fruit trees; garden spot; best of references. Tabor upb. COMPLETELY furnished, new, clean, mod ern 7-room house, xurnace, nawinornc ave. Tahor 4679. - m.vim cottace. thoroughly clean, neatly furnished: references exchanged. 366 Knott st. S-ROOM house, furnished throughout an tique maUOgany, luiaioii . ub. dva.it ln.i. A 6211 r,-,MPi etki.t furnished new 7-room bouse Portland -Height, piano, furnace, $35. Main adults preferred); references. B 6iS, Orego nlan. 5-ROOM, well furnished flat, modern, yard basement. oi" "i ........ WF.bT SIDE, K-rooruj attractively furnished house. 4 Jiorthjup at. .. .. ; " ..-e f lAIST AND roi su. COMPLBTELr furnished 3-room apartment with private bath. In private home, phone, gas. electricity and heat furnished, rea sonable Christian Science people pre ferred; close in. 61 North loth, cor. Fianders. west fciae. o-ivi-.yi not, .7. - jv.t--. - P3d and Sherman, player piano and all flno furniture, one block from Hawthorne car, everything complete for $35. Main 1354. Tabor f224. COMPLETE!-! furnished modern seven loom home, Irvlugton; piano, lawn and roses: one block from Broadway car. cau tw cnn)i-r si. r-wg x-no ill Broadway, near Madison, B-room, apart ment: finely furnished. Circassian walnut and fumed oak furniture: arranged to sug let part If desired; sleeping porch; rent 3o. 649 TAYLOR St.. near 17th 4-room nicely furnished apartment; fumed oak furniture upholstered In Spanish leather; walking 7 ROOMr. nicely furnished, walking "ls- tance. strictly modern, c. eoi "r " JB COSi' 4-room flat. 4.'.0 Kodney; waik- i , ..-- 1BM1 Stores. STORES FOR KENT. . "Will leaae part of store on busiest sec tion of Washington street, for men's haber dashery. About finest store front on Washington. Steam heat, basement, low rental: oeautiful fixtures Included. -n-ixrt vv a ranMPSON CO. 287 ',i Washington St.. Main 3IS44. OWNER has splendid store for rent. iox75 feet In alae. right in the heart of the busi ness district; light, heat and water In cluded In-rental; splendid opportunity for a wide-awake merchant. L 57Q. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Two stores. 12x50. corner 13th and Washington eta. Also stores on IJtu st. New one-story brick builaing; rent rensonaple. E. J. Daly. 221 Falling bldg. ONLY 1o montll, a ' . O.V. and . ... ttz - iti, a. i vin rooms ana nam. upoiairo, ... T matllla ave., Scllwood. Main -7iS. STORE. 275 Hawthorne ave, 17x40, near oriuae, line "-.. n - - 22S MORRiaors. near c"". '"""IVY,; .ear -econd, two-story building, tnorougniy repanei-. OtTIcett. Nit. 1SL.Y lurnisnea pi-ivaio """.o -v Bide entrance and use of reception-room, nl-o services of ntenosiapher and teio phone to anv business except real estate. .llllin (i)-.'. Oi'V iuvi." rj WELL furnished private olTice. also desk room. $6 and S7. 723 Chamber of com- erc FOR ilE.M L.arse rooms, buh"k a". fices or musical studio. Sherman, Clay of- i.o OFFICES J10 up; furnished offices and desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port- . i ; . h 9 (VI t In nrl li 111 ST. iano s dueivsi ,j DESK room in large, light office in Morgan bldg. Apply manager, B18-21 Morgan bldg. Miscellaneous. VOCAL TEACHER will share studio with male piano teacher. Call 11 to o:o0. -400 Fliers bldg. " BUStNKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Town 7ii00. seating 660, S20O a week business In 6 days, expenses $24 a day; will sell one. and one-half Interest in an other. Paniculars61S Yeon bldg. c-l J. MANUFACTURING partner wanted for a solid business; will pay salary ?2.". weekly v and share of profits; money invested goes to enlarge the business. 317 Railway Li- cnau . WOOD AND COAX. YARD. "VyltJ;. '',?"tZJrt'S fiS Wltll good, steauy uaue u. a week, clearing good money, reasonably , , .:tl -Vo.in 1,1,1s- C-027. priceu. imi"" a ",J o- AUTOMOBILE business, partner wanted to tend office and keep plain accounts; In vestment fully secured. Call 317 Railway POOLROOM and cigar stand, good location very low rent; 3 tables and atock; $.i.ii GENERAL A1C.14V- liA.MJior, In good town close to this city, clean stock of about $lt00 to invoice. Inquire at nits l eon oiu. v-ivo. BUSINESS man with $15,000: highest refer- ences given anu expecieo. iiiveouucm amply secured by real estate. AO 5US, t,iregoniaii FOR SALE Small grocery with Ilvlng- nViuon r.ni- nn en 1 1 f 1 1 1 n nlace auit- chie 'for woman': clearing about $101) month above expenses. W 580, Oregonian. OPENING for doctor In smafl town; slu .an nrfprrol. Write for particulars. stating experience of. practice, AV 546, FOR SALE Pool room, one pool, one bil liard table, lease, cueap rem; omy v. in town. For particulars address Win. F. STATE rtoiiui-,, ,'OXlou leet, rmmeion, .i., 1-Vio r.nl n.v. over 10 DCr cent. H.' G. Starkweather, lilwaukie, Or. T'hone Oak Grove 1-X. JBEAI'MONT oil created wealth for many. Twenty rigs In this now Tenino oil field. 1 n f nrni allon at 101T A at., Tacuma, Wash. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery; fine modern, living-rooms in connection, opposite large school and on carline. Sol CASH STORE Have opening for energetic money will be secured. Call Room 32 Morgan biug CASH grocery, good business St., East Side, ,n 1 .. htcVi alim,! r.nl 20 with llvlnz-rooins: price reduced to $750. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. FIRST-CLASS grocery. In fine location, car- Iine corner, uu.us -v . and fixtures invoice J2000; liberal terms . ,1. TiimKi. tTvoVmncp on iaii. m,.m. e,. ADVERTISING man, with guide experience, an TYiairA .vntfonallv eood deal If taken et once. $123 cash, that's ail. BC 576, Oregonlan CASH grocery, nroueru iiviua .uvuib, -.,,niin rtltrlct. verv low rent: ideal man niiu wnu . - , !. nnnA.i.fnn fnr jt.-i.-.n Sl!l ljUilloer uAtu.6c FINE suburban picture show, away from .!.,.. .1 Amiinmant l.iniTA fir City coinpetiLion, --v, ,r . vaudeville): a bargain at $lo00. 319 Lum- oer ixciiaiisc. BUSY bakery, splendid West Side location. slay awhile for Investigation,, and $350 i, 1 1 q T. nmher Exchanae. CONFECTIONS, cigars, fruits, etc., live carline location, big ice cream trade in season; price will advance March 1. 3iy l.umocr r,jn-ni. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, soft drinks, etc.. u runt sir.- t-ood fixtures: a snap at $450. 503 Lumber Exchange. WASHINGTON ST. ?? traae; i'.'" 1 " 48 Mr StarKsu GUKATKST bargain in poolroom finely Jo . i . trurip i-rifirl Ipas,".. SauD. give some lerma. tan -to-g ' CJGAR. conrectionery and news stand, fine cnancp, " " u.ai s - t oiur GROCERY store, ail cash trade, no delivery. trtt -' rV-.Ck . ' ta. a resnons ble young maTas pa'rtn.r: Call 2 4 8 . tarkst. . : i 7 tniaraur in Hva man U GOOD investm.. - ..."-" -- rf fac.turing T rh only jiw. vaii " : -.'.v WANT a partner willing to wo , a s?7? eauired. Room 32 Morgan blag. WANTED Man for old established office " 1 - . . , j.v- ran clear S2o position; s houid ";':"- ' per week. tiiLuiniraj; PARTNER for wholesale business making 1A"'- ei. thu wi stand lnvcstt- 1W per ceu.p - gation. in i.m.w. - uS small grocery for sale, only $250. Anotner goou wo ber Exnnange WE have.sever.lgood openings tor u. men Wltn n niiio """:.." see us. CI 9 Lumper cxcnas PARTNER wanted with jH to $.000 in a very iom i oreironian. tier; qtnK rr-i-w'.." - J m i i w of fireproof stable, room for 1.1 to " M 'horses: low rent. Phone East 1200 after p M, or oeioreo "lg andndye works rtneorporated. BC 578. Oregonian. ; , PARTNK wanted for a. sm ail repair ,?; ,AP.?0 month now." Calf Room' 329 Mor, gan Diog. WI RS,nPcerr VewTng" Machine Store; no capital require C at" nvoiceT Call Room 329 Morgan - . . r.i Tii:i Iti S4U aav: win bldg. vinpTcture : wj- did location; avi.w OreRODtan. TIgoFdVcet onor" saTe" cheThonV 2Si P. 7- it ain Oregonian. Vancouver. i-. , tTftaURANT; good furniture, good trade. RLBIAUKA.'. i . ,fl .or auick sale. 01 RUQU iulovi.1.1 6th St., near atarn V,tl-t i-l.AUNO restaurant; free rent for w . l... - ..T-oa i- vn n 7ir,7. R1 days. rno.ie r.aoi. " l SNAP Good restaurant. S8 6th at.; tu res cost 4:". eu i"r ?OR SALE A good suburban poolroom, $600, Answer a.i i"- TfATlT" barber shop;" best locaUon; vei-y T-,.-,, r- cunw fin eauioment, $173. -13 pi H 1 i rE4 ' ' ' "' BARBED FHOP; good stand for ladies. AC S9$ 6rconIan -' 1915. MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE healed bM will be received by the undersigned for the sale of the machine shoo formerll operated by the Gas Power & Supply Co at 1 Front at., this city. The sale win fncludein of thi machinery, tvne. rn- terlals and stock In or pertaining to ll le above mentioned machine shop as "on by the inventory. Inventory may be seen on the premises and the property lu- tpi1" will be opened at our office on Monday .February 22. at IS o'clock noon. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer fified check for 10 per cent of the amoun of the bid. We reserve the right to reject tWent tii? KlKILANO ASS N OF UK''-D'1niM,.- Wjt-oo. commercial - MONTANA GENERAL STORE WB U. $23,000 dry goods, groceries, men s tur nl'hlngs hardware, hay, grain, shoes, con. Sret. building. dear of Inoiimb.. . for land In the vallev or will take clt proper?? up to 512.U00. List your land and buflness with us. , , BUSH - M' CLE LLA 14 REALT LO.. WANTED Immediately, younj? mau with few hundred dollara to iuveet In a manu- i i t tiiat (s nuLvintr more than the average: this l a snap: mora, work now on hand than one man can handle; this won't last long, so torn, eanj if you Want something that is really good. tail i)U um-c, . c SOLID J-..1-Mii30 ' - h.inln depend on to -help im In my,h n Should pay each of ua S2ia month. 1 requires a small Investment, which be fully secured, but 1 will let ou tho business before you buy. tec cau ess. :ms win try my agent. Room S21, Morgan oiug. Secretary-treasurer wanted in one Fonlanu Dig manuivu. mh ---renuired. absolutely guaranteed and pro tected Lut you must act Qulrk.- "".I Maurice, at ASSOCIATED INVESTMEN: CO.. 61S-619 Y'eon bldg. 300 T.i.r. , r i.- R.ltt. hoslness. Wltn i ong lUSd 1nA- nutomoDlie ueileij. .nd" i- trade, wen cai.it --- - In Oregon; dally receipts run about oJ ivvll will saerltice tor - . til compels me to leave. 54 J, Oregonlan ALL fixtures Ol liimwi. ... - " - .i. i nA... mndv for Immcdla at te on. am "'.. tahl lies. suit 'and waist forms, coat racks, mirrors. vacuum cleaner, wtuim. iau, other store fixtures too numerous lu men tion at very -tow prica. AN UNUSUAL CHANCE for all active bus ness mu to connect mmn -started manufacturing enterprise, ?o position and splendid returns from ill ves inent; must have at least $1000; gl phone number for appointment. J J oregonian "TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF AN x K1A11 a.i".i"m, Business Chanco Dept. ... SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. oi 4th and Pine Sts. HERE IT IS. Restaurant and dairy lunch, good bus nes and location, established nearly vears; havo other business and must se tiee this and investigate. The price right. 41)2 Washington . . -rr x- tIT I." tl Before closing deal for so-called Interesl In established reul estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. r. Is- lur.c, . 532 Chamber of Commerce Bide. FINE cigar and firsl-rlusa confcctioiier: business in cveums . , , . ,,.. heart of moving picture district, furtur cost $2700; trade them complete foi Ml' autoiuobilo and Invoke stock; fine projTo i Eillloil. - CTITKING firm wants young hmWdTe - agman to take charge of . tiltlon. can aiaiu oo. Middle-aged man to take charge of stale agency with office In Portland. $1.0 re tiulred to carry stock, etc Company J ,'ncorporated arid wil -'and the sti .ctcst investigation. " JITNEY streetcar line; best """"'"S..,.1!! ortnwost to conii.i good main lino railroad bastern Oregon town For further particulars fee II. l Hover, imperial Hotel, evenings between . and f 50-ROOM Commercial Ho tel flourlsinng can "7 diair- o'oiTbo besViblble W I. California. """'ro- xv " "- . . . a .1.., V e ri I. n .t Si(lt 6 pool tables, 1 billiard, cigars, tobacco " r au r h.vn other business and want to muko a quick deal, will sc for S140O cash, l'hone Tabor 41.-. wTnTED Partner with f'-'OO for stncil legitimate business that will net from $' to $100 per week. Tills Is a rare oppor timitv and will stand Investigation, cal room 3. l'-'7 Broadway W ANTED A business man with from $60ou " . rf. .i... .iih.ruiiiil interest In well-established, high-class, profitable and i. ;-in n ! rafli'lSUU. growing retan "uniuo-. .s. OWNKH mut sacrifice well cs,(aD"snri health, splendid, opportunity fo e right limn, wul sr.ana etuv-v ... FOR RENT On of fineat equipped modern mai r: , r," nt -.. iSZ&r FarHicilar. addr. M. M-t-ormicK v'"t'p".'. CANDY FRCP No competition ; renter ot yt. Johns. si-. PER MONTH salary and traveliu cx- rpnien when on road; $7. will Kvo V one-half interest in this line or nuHjnj-. which is growing jronian. TWO JflUTU'xtCs iUU A ., .1,. i -nn i-iiir nfiaa b : c i 1,111'C Tnivn 7 I'M I II- IflaL lug capacity oo. - b v- -,;,-.h. sel'l one and half interest in other. Da toils 618 Yeon bldg. C 810. JITNEY' BUSINESS I wont a reliable part qlre $309; 'energer" man should clear ?o a ay. oe hj ..v., an bldt? PARTNER for cash business, paying: $100 a muniii to enun Ma"tri you have $1'26 to invest and go to worK. ChM S03 I-umoer r.xcnani,-c. " . . . i .-... thoular nrii'A SSaO YtKl central yn.iu"j L1 -"-v" ' . " , ' some terms; $10 day business. Particulars 246 atara si. BUSINESS OrrOBTTJXITlES WANTED. .T 1 r...rui hinsp nnd bun galows. rented to good tenants, also some food real estate contracts to trade foi a fcuou ico u,..!!, mivth na from gooii un. - " ,r,i ,lier. .,0v" to 5-U,vuo; siuvtij . a chandise preferred- n,-H nf Trade Bldg. Main i4o- WB" have buyers for a cigar stand not to exceed STuo; also for a pool hall up to .$1200? one for a small Brocery or Interest l enme. i-aii at vii-:, - - change. . ' A ini-Btlnn for HAVE fixtures; nai" , -u meat market. D. B. Richardson. 1.8 Kll- natrlck st. pnone jiain li'oOD business tor land .Send particulars. M bT Signs. Walla Wslla, Wash. ROOM IXU-HOCSKS. HOTEL and buildings on half block for sale or exchange. Vhe leading hotel in Ktern Oregon, on main line, built three veaia strictly modern, blpgcst business in Country, paying big profit Will trade for unincumoereu ucm farm Value of buildings and furnishings Orexonian. w - T. . 1 J fi.al .a E IttCtX' ILL sell .o-room uwi iu 'Vi 7.7 tiou on West siue, rt - h; n',:n modern dtich. ', , j - - are ail fowa.a ..;... makinff money, jjne - -- Si or will take part In good property. Ad tires. A iOi .-r-T T?TT." AT fiVOR. Nice roomiag-uou-. 7- rent , i riinm 111 modern- brica ouuun.s. r,.Y7so i indies rfr mouth: income J-'iOJioo nanuies 6.P5Lj?l0SI.!.:fnrt Address AO 6S0. Ore- It; leaviiis . r gonian. MRS. M. E. LLNT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Aget" Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest ReliaDie Asei"'J , B0r"e I N W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison, nlSreT'ciose Vacwe 6au recom- $200 BUY8 furniture of 8 room liou.e. itroaaway .v.. ..r. . 7nr, to bottom. worm tou. r-e wniiams. U2Vi First st. 10 best location, ii". LOST AND FOUND. t n;T Feb lu, cnamois " nui;.. tainine bar pin. four-stone Tiffany soli l rea and smalller soTltalre-rings; earring It,-. ....a ,11 diamond settings. Liberal ' revtard. Mrs. Josef Tannler, Sherwood Or., Route rfn ti -rt Leweltvn setter. with 113 ramaa dog license on collar; reward. S"B2l3. 933 K. Burn side at. Call be- fore v a. ai- 01 " 1 -:T- February Huruu- --v (lhams Second Addition: reward, l'hone : i . . 1-. -. Kiir a - .,00 -7R TTfiat StRrtr. . ... " 7. t-u...i .r, I Wncrlinh bulldotr DUIl Hnrtv crav' feet. Woodlawn 174, Reward ,st Orange and wblr ftter doir. Ki 7- Wiltshire. 1727 Division st. riRTV taking baby's muff from park beach FEBRUARY l itriis iiri'iin i Lui . 1'' - ., 7T1 i-i Tiiund on tile iL lollOWing .nun-. "C,T. 1 i. ,i JS. cars of the Portland Railway. ''", Power Company, and owners th're"! : nia claim same at the First and Alder street "'"'ebruary 15-Marsh.ll MOO A 01 St- baskels. 1 package of plants. 1 toy "0".' 2 pairs shoes. 1 box. 1 c,n "J;.,,1, package clolliing. 1 wood P'"c. 3 ps ages 1 pair gloves, 1 pin. 1 cap, 1 "o'etles, 1 ins wine. 1 child . rockin,;- cnair 01-D inouosratii watch fob. black rlbbou reward. Main SI'EClAt, NOTIC1-S. Nolle is hereby given that the co partnerlill. of Hallowell Mr;J',. .' offices at 01S-61K Veon bldg.. is this day disiolved. W. F. Hallowell retiring and C P Haerle continuing tho business un der Mmo mint and at same address. Hated February 18, 1MB Proposals Invited. vnTin,' NOTICE IS HKKEiiV CIV LN That School District No. 4. Marlon Couniy. Ore gon, will receive bids and proposals for the erection of one two-story brick High School Building, and basement, contain ing fifteen rooms, said building to be constructed in all re.pects in accordance with the plans and- specifications bereto fore adopted thelefor and on file n li office of the Clerk of said School District at Sllverton. Oregon. All bids and proposals for the construc tion of said building shall bo In the hands of tho undersigned on or l-e'oro l o'clock In the afternoon of the .jtn u ot February, l!Uo. Each bid shall be ac companied by a certified check upon foni. responsible bank in a sum not lei-a tl an ten per cent of tho mount of the bid accompanying same, such check to be made payable to the Clerk of school Dis trict No. 4. Marlon, County, Oregon, and to . . .. l ...... II. ml,!..!...! dm- ue lorieiteu it. i'A"i .." -" . . , . aaese in ease the person making the bin which Is accepted and depositing check shall fail for ten days after being notllieci oi me ,ii.v nHiMi-i. . ,u i i ter r lino a uiuuni. --. ch.-ml District for tho construction c i.t...i.n., ....,i,.u... nllh said building. The right is reserved to reject any an all bids. . By order of the School Board. S. E. RICHARDSON. District Clerk. Bllverton. Oregon. IN THE DISTRICT , CO Hi u " United Stales lor tne iq of Washington, Southern l-lylslon. In the matter of S. K. Markham. bank rupt Hequesls for bids. I will receive sealed bids for tho lol lowlng properly, situated at Camas. Wash ington, in the storeroom formerly occu pied by tho above named .bankrupt, up to and until 12:00 o'clock noon on 1 hurs dav. February 20, 11)15. at the office of the Merchants' Protective Association. 740 Morgan building. Portland. Oregon: Stock of general merchandise. 0"iiistliig principally of dry goods, men and women . furnishings, notions, clothing, shoes, rub bers, mlillnerv, etc., of the lnventorl-d value of $KI25.'.l; fixtures pertaining to the urne ul the Inventoried value of $12!). 50. Certified check or cash of 10 per cent of tho amount offered must accompany ea.-h bid. Terms cash. Sale subject to the approval of the "inventory of the property may bo seen at the office of the Merchants' Protective Association, 740 Morgan building, lurt land Oregon, and alsu upon the prem ises ' formerly occupied by the luinkrupt st Camas. Washington, where the prop erly may be inspected. Duled this loth day of February. 'Ol-s L. A. PARKER. Trustee. -EALr.O 111;h Will oe rn.Ti.ru a. of auto accessories of tlio Inventory .slue of $727.n. nnd shop equipment amount ing to $IOS7.."iO. together with lot and garage building valued at 15oo, located at Condon, Oregon, up to 12. o'clock noon of saturdav. February 20. IBIS. T-rnis. cash. Certified check for lu per rent of the amount oirere.i urns. aci...iin,ii . jiinuut oirere.i must aci...iin,ii Itleht is reserved to reject uny and D1U all hl.t Kctmt-ate bids will be received for the stock, sioi k egulpment and real property, and -should the separate bids total morn than the highest bid for the whole, the same will be accepted In ac cordance with tho above. Inventory may be seen at our office, ftO,"", i'riuimercli.1 b!o. k and stock may be Inspected at Condon. Adjustment H ireuil of the Port land Association of Credit -Men. 60.". Coin, mercial block. Dated Portland. Oregon, February 10, IPift. MACHINE SHOP FOli SA1.K Scaled bids will be received by tho iitidcrjlgned for the sale of the machine shop formerly operated bv the lias power A Supply Co., at 16 From st.. I ritsr city. The sale will Include nil of the machinery, future, inu. terials nnd stock In or pertaining to the abo.o mentioned machine shop as shown bv the inventory. Inventory may be se-u oil the premises and the property In spected. Bids will be opened at our offlca "n Monday. February 22, at 12 o cliv k noon. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer lirled clic k for 10 p.-r cent of the amount of the hid. We re.ervo the right to r jert anv anrl all bids. THE AD.H STMKNT RUHriAU Of TH1-. PORTLAND ASS'N OF CREDIT MEN. HAo.c.o.s Coirnnercial block, Portland, or. PROBATL. B S. PAGUE ESTATE Notice Is here by given that the undersigned has beenap pointed executor pi m. r.iio .--Paxue. deceased, by the County Court of .. ... . . n ... ll.iltnnm. h the r-iaie oi .iv.i-u .... ty and has Quallned. All persons hiving cl.'.iins a gal run said .state are hereby un titled lo present the nam. to tne at M' Oreuoiil.-in bldg.. Portland. Oreson. with proper vouchers and duly vei-HW. within six months from the date hereof i ated and first published Jan. 10, 11)15. DONALD M. PAGUE, Ex-icutur. C. R. MELON IS Y. Attorney I WILL receive scaled bids for a slock of merchandise of the inventoried valuation of $rT tOKetiier witli fmtine amount. lng to slis.-o, locatcu at ciunuo, .uiiiii., tin to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, Feb . -T i . I . -i crni. ,-aj.n. . criiiie.. 'i'crins Clieca lor lu ivi v.". v. fered must accoiiipany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any aim u in ventory may be seen at my office, .40 Morgan building, and stuck may be In spected at Oroiinu. Idaho. . Dated at Portland. Or. FcbruaryH. r"- . . tt , v. v-.n-i.-E.- .u Sll.l.: i....' '..-.....r.u-np.t as admlnutratrU r the estate of A. U IK-xter. deceased, will receive offers for the sale ct the fur nLshliitts furniture and utensils contained In apartment six. No. tl.14 Flanders .treet. CltV Of Portland, creg..i,. . --.ma ... cash, and otters will be received for the whole or ac i" Said property can be seen at said addreas cacll aay oror-ii -- LiLLIr- lli-.Aif.i., uiiiiiii.ui.ui. VllLli 1.110 - .n..rr-ii;. nriis- of the Inventory value of TTT.. . ,.u a. li frtp a nlm U lit .-.-,.. .1.1 ...pptlir with fixtures of $121M.00 locatcu a. .uiivm.ti., noon of Wcdnes.iav. Feb. 21. 191... leriiis cash anu a cwm.i---i ...'..i-, -- .- of the amount oftere.l must accompan ...h i, id: right is reserved to reject any .n.i .,11 bids: Inventory may be seen at my ami stock may be Inspected at Mitchell. R. L. Subln. 740 .Morgan bldg., Portland. Or. Mahtern' Nolle. Neither the captain nor the undersigned . :11 1.. ...nnn.iliU tltf MtlV conslgne win oc -- debts Incurred by any member of the ere of the Br. U'. Batsford. KHRH, C1FFOKD V COMPANY. FIXANCIAU LOANS on improved lns.de property; pl.nty of money; low rates; no delays: principals oily! Robertson & Ewlng. 2U7-20S Norta western Bank bldg.. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (nrst and sucon.lt. equities pur chased. F. H. Lewu A Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. WE buy mortgages, bono, and notes. western oona a. .iii.. ---. (ttl 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest lu lontracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. K. Noble. Lwnbcrniens bldg. WE-buy note, bonds and morlgagea Rob ertson & Kwlng. 7-8 N. W. Bank bldg. Money to I-oan on ileal Kstate. 'RTVVrE 1-cNDS ON HAND TO LOAM $10,000 at 7 p-r cent; $:i:.OV at i per cent; , u,l 7 per cent; $-'ueo at 7 per cent; "h at S per rent; $".oo at h per cent. M KEN.IE 4 CO.. Kir. nerllniter bid. Phone Main 2S01 BEE us today for loins on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent. $-'00 aud uj. Cellars-.uurion q-. - - tiUOO TO LOAN ''f0,rJ!?n,?"l.,,tal' HAMMO.N D Jiomun -. -. 42J-424 Chamber of Commerce. aOKTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MOKTGAGE CO INC. K....-k Exchange bid,-;.. 3d and ainhlll. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount: no delay. Heury C. Prutlhommo. 52S-iil Morgan bldg. ES ". . .. .-jiA in ."o nnn ti. x. Freedman. attorney. 8.10 Cham, of Com. wu.L loan $100 to $7I0 on city or farm Drooarty. .viv -mow. x.-. ... MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CF.NT. MOt.l.-.jr. MTAHhT I.T .UCIli f.i..J-M.-. ' $10 000 FOR Immediate man; preier on. loan. Main 1160 or a "-. $ iaj OR $2000 loan on city property. I nlted Realty. "'""" t-' ,u 3od. ow, ;.v... Lierman Co.. D14 Chamber of Commerce. "CITY MORTGACE LOANS AT 71. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 112 first ct. MONEY, any amount, tl to 8 per cent. IL Selts - Co., UIO Spalding bldg. iiO S"Y loaned on real esiale: contracts and " bought. H. Mil'-y. 204 Gerllnger blcg MONBY T LOAN ON P.F.AL LtT Ala.. A. U. UXaVlHQ, 13 Cit. oX Com. Money l!e"J1'!,,fl- $.,ooo AT S PElt cfNT. JIV'U .t Pv'; ?,a7.d"v;,uV. Vnd ..... n.y .In,, ."d yours. I'lurii. 2 per cut comml..l" and expenses. ..... WM. 1 HKi'KICSlX'lil', Vo;. St.Kk tnti.nff H'1-' MOKTliAdE LOANS Any atnouiil. ! rai. I romplly cir.s a. AUiactU rep.juirnt n ijt-se i. A. 11. MliliLI.L O . Ill Notin. i. in iisi'h l'l"g. Mairoall 4111. A 411V . l' . 1 V 1 ' ' -OA N ON IMPRONKK IlK.tl. l.-TATB r"""' HIILDINi) Pl.HPorlf. I.UY rl-L' IUL& CO.NTHAt T.-; NO I'liMM-frlOsn. tuU MUIA I.H-K Till M CO.. UIO M'Al.PlMi Kl.l, ON IMI'HOVKD I'iiorLliT'l OR J liriLDl.NO PL Hl'iisa,.-; I.I14KHAI. r MK.NT 1IIH 11.I.O-:-. 'V.-V' J, A -' vANcn as iHu.fiN'i i V:0':111-,5.,. T41K KQCITAUl.tS SWlN.l-l a. tOA.i As;'l. I'lON. 21" Sl'MIK fj K'tslUtMB -UA-N',. i. ,.! I can get quick action b cloee-ia ree deiic. loin. Horn $10... is at ceut interest, tall today. C. D. MHuJDS. .17 Corbett UI0 rUl: Immediate l"an: $H'U al ,nr Ijouu at I TT cent. clt I rut. t per cent. clt ; -'"0 Tr 1 N. E. .OLLMAN. u,,L. TU LOAN Oil rortlaiol .y 1.-1 lu,, at loaest current rsl. MALI. VO.N l".ir!?Tr int ,.-.m.l M., nnar tv.shliigtan. to Loan. Lowest Rate M,,n.v on l iiilw rrop". apartm.nt. dw.lllBge and a-tis h n. ii,oaMiiu -ie cbambur o 1 'omioerce. ----- MORT.iAiiK loan, on city '"''"i.",.! esiale at 7 aud ! per cent. V. H. Nuun. 44H Hh.-rlo.k M.i- , . T . , v : i . .1.,.. -r.l .it. Improved real estate, lavoiablc tetuis. uo .i'. '" brokers! aj 1 'jf P i ' ' WILL-BUY AIO.NIIU.V 1A1MK.N1S. Seller', contract or int. on ' : r V ertv. ismlth-v aconr - - - $2mt.0tl TO WAN In .uui. lo su It; . b ul jd- Ing lo.nis. luwi-Ai i ... . ;ilA Falling biug. ,1,,' MORTGAGE LOAN-i- nll.UA.i iw " SOU Henry I..c JaUNLY TO I.OA.. WAKLFU'.I.D. KUIK.l m CO., ha fourth eir.ni. TO LOAN-$IO."0 Oil LES.-n JCARHINGTON. go 4TH ST., LOAKU OF I'ltADI-l rtl.D't. Jt.tc FUNDS. P'-r .em. V. L. 1 tomaa. a illt Muitnoinall Coumy. " Ch. of . om. Money to l.oan 4Ja.eU and salarlr- ON DIAMOND.- AM' Jr.u LLHY i LVMEILN HAI'i:.-. 'oe-ed-in-fri:;;:-:-1 'Vi''ni-:i')VAm;. ji:wllkr. V. W HPum.i- 10SS $l lO KMWC1' STATE SIC "ITI V-'O.. Lie NSD. U)ANS t).N .- AlUiil-S ONLY. BE-T PROPOSITION IN I'OIULAND -US l!'n,!i V .NMDLNT.AU T V T F. m:.1 KITi o.. ""LOANS IN 6 lloUHii' llMla .1 bgal talcs on ..lainoiid.. aulo. i-iu. li . u hold go ..Is and llveslok. l OH I I.A.vD I.OA.N . O.. Licenced b Slate, 2... i;ni in i.n-i Biug. MU.NLY AT ON' al ,l., iv.iL-ii... n. ..... . I InMromral. " pu.ati: Di-.'-r FOIt I.ADI-. 11 111 COMPANY tiiCiiiwd). 3,0 1. umber t'.cnani H.".. S... uii.l aii'i 1"' " '- WI-; loan 1 lit half M a ri n.y mi dl.itiiiitioi. tits . ti.rs.i-d !l Sd si. i, a jr. -li ny blukvll and Jaadt J . f.riclly .1.. near Alilat. i,NS on "ilaiiion t-oHbletnUI I"' MOM-Y I.OA.NKD J' w , li IllL fint'll li..' ul. and Ji.aeli. i j .i . ..n bi-la- VT.uTr. a I'd I' U'A NS Cll. ,.11 -i-.l t.lMf. .US1" Win. Iloll. room U i cliliiKio'. bios. I. nana Mauled. MiTli li T o M ' Mi 1 i.i-;nI'i:s: I.Mllnuua'lt taxes n'h.il.r .-oiililv. Or-xot'. tho Htni'tnit ot .I.-....... ' vering tho 1" l'.' l'"1. for sal1- Li.tl, ineluive. . r c.rtUI-al- oi , n,,i .... Ml l.i per cent ileein.' j .. . .,ri,..e.rv is i-'ii'ii... ..-'. r ...i.tifu-airs ..lien It' puiciia.'i" -, drrm.d provided b. ',. , 1 .,f M'i"'i " dir. FoMi-ll. Of .rTNTFD ON A-1 SL.'IIOIY. l-...il at : ;. v.l. :, ma. a 7'-. v.iii i-.i,,IM 4'.,. at v.. value 1V-V"! I... I at S'i. !" -..) at value t' " ' 1 -,ial at h';. al" 4 --.,o at value M'KKN'.IP. ' MT. GerllliKir2'' " - WAnTT. ..r V.'r.Uv'";'"' m'.'.'. w.,s.-Vb.-K..vr'::"uv foiiiun. . CTIOU-K MOItTGAG lil I.OA.N All'1.1; IIONS Fti.t-cla.. ..cuiity. I and a p.r ffiJCOV INV. MORTGAGE CO. INC chRldg.. Id and Yamhill n.. lariiil -"-', A 4 i WANT Kle--;U:..Mrt.71"uV'. tlT".- t'v WA.i'' ej- 71 rf. VII- r .. .-..11...- firm and 1 1 til lr r ur near raUroail. M. I h'CKOt ui oy; r.V inlny 'n,r. ...o... uuua Inti'p'lt, a ' W INI' l."-"0 I'll l-'lil v, or ill Mar. l""" l)W vou 3 years, 10 prr cni. M- K.y lld(f- - - - I'tHMO.NAI.. - t ii 1 1 ii inn: 'Jti-iiiih ..41 1(1 Si 4H-.i.j- -- Km.' Msnicura G..U,.n'u"d C i t I.J.r an, .bade. S. il. h. . .nv Tona-lb 1'rl.c. bar. t.nnaiy ll...lv rrloian''4oo-412 D.-ku,u bid... Sd and Warhilik'ton. Malshall li".. -" FEtlVKT llANr.lllJT. 1 ...Una wl and toupe makera. flnr.l aloelt fcumiii t.a.r ood.; .wu.n.i from .. ir. l a rdr.vss.ng. inaiiuu. mil. faco and . .. SS ,, .on.bl. m.d- up ... oi.ic. 1 47 UrodwajiarMor. ! ".,1.. r'riVI-llALL apron (ic p.iiiald; M hi L.i.fc. C nh. da7k. percale, cinirhani. chc.a. and itrlll:. ' aprons -re not . ulirely ... '.- ?.-ctor". w w.ll refund ..ur money. ....... all Anrnn Co.. V. o. '; ,....,.v tralui uur.e and luaa.ua bt-aul ball. T auS nia...se lor rheum.!...... fumb"." .tc. 4.-.J talmon coru.r L.G.. iiL"3.ci.hi.i.i - -- Ke,c?rrT,.,;:"!r'!rVp:,J'.:: SlH :"Ma. lvay bid.. SS.li liiKlon at " i.i iilTf AL.L-M Rev. ilary A. I To . l.ir. le " Tu.iay ssd. and sun. s r. M.; r.ad- -iifetJJt Marahall rrrz SPfi-VF.NS. 21 year, l-oitland'a !- e.e. j clairvoyant, auibnr of fTirf.irt M.d. l-a-y." -'..I . Mo,ri-on . ..m.n.1,1 ii v f fr r i ii. . mini ui-U. l-.lf- OI,I- M",n rtli" for aM CoKWilAN trains nur NrV blank-- :7J"'"yi ml mtii-'U' . Imufn 2 . M. ES .",,..A tar rheuiii&tlm, ( all) ticulmi nl. ......aide. Ihon Maruliall 0. r.mTiFI I. AS All colo.s and ny,.,.. .lock; recov.nn,; B.w band put en. ler'.'llh''- H-".l SV....lntu.. .1. TaijT-". of voi: ft comiii.n tarr lle.u'y I'ariora. r .. li..elnr. lttl ftflftirft h (1 rTTCTjIlCEs -1-awyer of 2 cl. cli-rlenr.. rillabie advl. Kiv. n Ire.. 4U4 llollicbbd Bide. . Wa.lilnlon. ...Pint 11 l If. ni.nl. 1 and nviriiu.,1 ..leuil.t. olS-19 Alliy b d. VIU..UO.I me-1 ' ' " - - - - - rcnl (0111 n A.NV ...,.. l.l.l-. Vitliltii- ULt" i.t.' Mum l4;:t n. HHI. r (-""- -- .; blropV- v l. 1 tn-tiH urine A Ji'.'. Tl LAM -tha and n.ar. j'4 llf-lmi in Pavla n. V ona Mam rr.iu. LEONH In phrm.ioirv an I ci4 r.dn,.. MIS KTll1l.llU.Ki irtuK nta. Sl M N miKilmr" K. iCCLI I'i iri tttrM bdf. CHlliOl'i: V " It" chfomc ilr. ml (rat-