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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1915)
J" REAL ESTATE. For bale -Hoi BARGAIN "d DOWN ROSE CITT PARK FIVE K'MS-ALU HARDWOOD FLOOKo Mt.10 ft. lot, full t-ment basement, furnace and laundry tray, white nam r" kitchen and every room tinted, fire place and china closet, screened roar porch, kitchen and bathroom maple floor", all other rooma oak floors, good, wlndow shad.s and fixtures; price 33o0. easy monthly payments. A. H. Hickman, 4 chamber of Commerce bld. KOBE CITT PARK HOMES. Heal direct nh the owner, the orig ins! platters of this beautiful part of Port land, fall on our Realty Department, cor. 4th and Stark. . HARTMAN THOMPSON THAT VACANT DOT. . WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FVItMsU THE MONK V, RU1LD APARTMENT;. K1'- WE AKE RESPONSIBLE; .vj.EKNOW HOff; TALK WITH OIK CM r NTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL UIVE BONDS. UR. RA! LEY CO. CONTRACTING ARCHI- TF'Ty. 324 AB1NGTON BLPG. HOME FOR TH OLD FOLKS, j300. A beautiful 1-acre tract with -" modern bungalow, full concrete o"J lion and basement, fireplace, bath and toilet, convenient to lliterurban "."" place la worth laW but owing J5""? la family owner has reduced same to 230: 100 cash, balance to sulL rrea W. German" Co.. 1 Cham, of Com. f 1 IS ALL ou need to moe out of that stuffy apartment Into this beautiful five m bunga ow. with a:l the latest of the late improvements, such as arch lights, cement veranda, window set flower boxes besides hardwood floors, beam ceiling. I,itch kitchen, etc.. all for $--1oO '-;. per month; In Hawthorne district. Auto will call for you if phone Main !. P.arsoa WHloughby. ! Morgan bldg. 32'H Small cash payment. easy terms, for a strictly modern Ove-room 50tlage. full cement basement. ox40; hot "at0' beating plant, electr.c tures the very latest, etc.; situated on desirable corner - ail C'tr Improvements, pavement, sewer. e ' a ' in and paid for; this price In clude; sb.oIuteIy rythl. For further particulars phone owner. Tabor 4S09. No lommlulan to anyone at this price. Tr7oI louse, modern, with A-l full cement basement. In ;" wa:king distance. West side bargain. I47oo 10"0 down, balance to suit, 6 per sent.' Auk for Mr. Beamer HUTCHINS-THERKELSEN CO.. 3od Spalumg Blue. Main 7a'.'2. A 33fS. TUsl FARTHER YOUR DOLLAR MWi -QO" THE SURER YOU .MIST BUY THIS. , I -will prove to you that I have a real bargain la a Laurelhuret bungalow located a a high, sightly Jot. J. DELAHLNTY. Main 1503. A 151n TWENTY DOLLARS A MONTH, which Includes Interest, for a o-room Bun galow in good restricted district; built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, wash trays anal all modern convenience. large Poshes treets CTaded and pavements in and paid for. Call Tabor 3ls3. : EQUITY in new room bouse, two lots, and cash to exchange for grocery or business of any kind. AC 5... Oregonlan. IHV1NGTON. 5" East 11th North. rooms, modem, for sale reasonable. Suburban Home Property. ulBau.i bait -o.-.- . Good aoll. city water; close to carllne. easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1'.". or Sellwood 4. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. tftxao.. 2-room house. 60; fine garden land la cultivation. A. a Marsters. 201 Wilcox . . . . . . - , ... . , i - d i? u bldg.. evenings. Tabor me. VOR SALE by owner: U acre at. Pkro"tf all cleared and close to car; terms. BF 679. Oregonian. lor sale Business Property. k. BIG sacrifice If sold this week 20 000 arfuare feet factory or warehouse site, ".tnh and Nicolai streets. W 5.0, Orego Tiian. nr bale Acreage. FIVE ACRES FOR S230 10 down and 5 per month buys r. acres good logged-orl land one mile from main line of railroad and town of 10U0 population, with cannery, cream ery between Portland and Astoria; land from J35 to IiiO per acre on these terms; many o-ecre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 31S Railway Exchange bldg. B-t. 3d and 4th sis., on Stark. CHICKEN". FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: Gresham district. f SsHXE V ALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS mile electric station, S.S to 150 per aire- easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms For Sale All sizes. FRANK MFARLA-ND REALTY CO.. .-.'I. T Oil l'HI6" Do vou want a home near the I nlversity of Oregon? Trad for sale mile from city l'-nlt of Eugene: no cash payment rc-ojlred- cut Ha) cords of wood on other laud a's first payment: other work juir-ant.-ed: trade 5 to acres. 2lo Ablng lon bldg. BY OWNER 1 acre Inside city limits of Gresham. lies High and sishtly. with young ornamental and fruit trees; also small fir grove; will sacrifice some for quick sale. F.. tl. Kardelt, Mansanlta. Or. rti; SALE lo acres for i;;(": some trade. V. rl H.tmey. urfyuii ' "... roll SALE bv owner, five acres. Improved, nose in. Phone l abor 3TU4. For Sale Farms. " "RKS I milen from warehouse on railroad! down-hl'.l pull, good road to the same; (rOo acres In cultiva tion, part of It In Fall grain, bal ance is in pasture land, some of it could be plowed; GO acres bottom la:id ronn to alfalfa. Irrigated; ..O . acres more could bo irrlxaled and put in alfalfa easily: good Improve ments consist of house, barn and other outbuildings valued at oyer tjtKu': go-.d well of water ami spring at the house; price 1.1 per acre. carch, balance at 6 per cent Interest pavable In .' yearly payments; no trades connldertd. S. N. Steele fc Co.. -133 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. WELL l-OCATED FARM WITH STOCK ! acres. I1-- mile from station, on gravel roa!l, mall and milk routes, well settled district, fine part of Willamette Valley. i acres land newly cleared, bal-an-e has iiMxy worth oak wood and is tillable when cleared: all woven wire fenc I: rood soil free from rock or gravel; an 8-rooni house with bath, barn ICtW, well and running waier; team. J eo.vs. 2 heifers, sow, S shoats. 1 h'ns, 1-J turkevs, cream separator, waaon, har ness, el-!: plenty of feed: SV.iKi; terms. l. MCI nejs-iej. hup 4.1 ACRES, finest of soil, located on M -lamettn River, near :nby: ::0 acres cul tivated, balance brush, portion easily cleared- 4 acres orchard; line brook on place-: all fenced and new buildings; land level and about 5-horse power available from brook fall: would make beautiful Summer home, as Is on river and near Pacific Highway: will trade for Portland residence or sell on good terms; price 10.M. Further Information call on M. - J. j.ce- Canny. Or. S0 ACRES of land. 40 under cultivation, relsnce cssllv cleared; all good tillable land three miles Irora Lle, Wash. Owner must sell to realize some cash, therefore vo., ran buv tills tract very cheap It t.ken at once. See C. W. Renard. 6W Plait building 0 acres unimproved on the bank or tne Willamette, opposite Junction City. 140 per acre. 1400 cash, balance when you ims This Is one of the richest pieces o' isn'd in the state. Fred W. German. Chamber or commerce. FOR SALK A beautiful 7-acxe home, creek, fine new bungalow; ::.'. Also 60 acrs fine timber. Iilf-m:le to electric; sio p.-r acrt Also 10-acre farm. 3S cult.; iirar R. K and electric: 10 acres hops; of soil. C. M. Crittenden. HulibarU, .irei:on. $:;7.". vwitu biiihlmgs. :; acres; jr,w) cash or small montlily payments: will gi lon lime; tine location, good running water, some ilm!er, some partly cleared, very fine tor poultry, garden or dairy; li. from Canby. Ask for M. J. Lee, f'Hnby. Or. TliE NEW WAY. THE MODERM WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Ara ou inlorsted? if so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., 303 Pho lan bWi,'.. Sin Francisco. c. M wooster. Pree. CJ M'RES, ."O acres in cultiv., good soil, fair bl(l3 for Tortland income. O. P. Hulse, ' HARTMAN THOMPSON" fCo- 4th and Stark.! csii- ('l:ti wheat farm for Portland Income, SNAP. O. P. Hulse. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON i Cor. 4th and Stark. -im-aCRK wheat farm, fully equipped, for "income property. O. P. Hulse. at HARTMAN THOMPSON (for. 4th anil Stark. i , ikvl' .rvjin i.i close-ln acreaa-e; grain ari.1 sock farms in different parts of the state. If yen want a square deal, come lo : Stock Kxcnanco oros. j v owner ."0 acres, dairy ranch, buildings. some stock, running water, main road. .oa. terms. Box route 4. Oregon City. FORCED SACRIFICE Willamette 0; some Improvements. $:). Owner. Chauncey rtarney. uregori vilj. FINE tarm with stock and Implements: terms. Swank. S01 Northwest bldg.; bargain. RE AX ESTATK. For Hale Farms. "CANADIAN FARM LANDS." OVER :S FARMS WHICH ARB IN THE HANDS OF VARIOUS TRUST COM PANIES AND ADMINISTRATORS HAVE BEEN TURNED OVER TO THE UNDER SIGNED FOR THH PURPOSE OF RE CEIVING APPLICATIONS TO PUR CHASE. THE MAJORITY OF THEsE FARMS ARE IMPROVED AND ARE CLOSE TO SHIPPING POINTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE OF AL BERT AND is SOME CASES OVER fflO ACRES OF SUMMER FALLOW ABE REP&SRANG:PFR0M .7 PER ACRE UPWARDS ON TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT ALL PURCHASERS. BEING FROM A QUARTER TO ONE-TENTH CASH. AND THE BALANCE SPREAD OVER A 0fcSbR 0C PER ACRE ACCORDING TO PRICE OF LAND) IS REQUIRED WITH EACH APPLICATION, WHICH IS APPLIED ON FIRST PAY MENT WHEN APPLICATION IS AC CEPTED AND IF FOR ANY REASON A PPLfcATWN CANNOT BE. ACCEPTED IJEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED SAMUEL E. VVH1TING, GENERAL COL ONIZATION AGENT, DEPARTMENT OF SoRlCuLfURE. GOVERNMENT OF AL BERTA. S0 CENTRE STRLET. CAL GARY. ALBERTA. CANADA. ACRES In good wheat section of Morror County. . miles of "re house, on railroad, cown-hlll haul and a good road. 1095 acres In cultl vatloi,Bpartly In Fall heat balance pasture lund. some of which can be plowed, all fenced: 62 acres bottom land in alfalfa and Irrigated; 40 JJrSs mere can easily be irrigated; improvements consist of house and barn, sheds and other outbuildings to the value of over J.-.OO0; good well of witer good orchard, all kinds of fruit; price Sir, per acre U ash. balance to run at o per cent Intereat, pavable In five yearly payments: no trxdes considered. S. N. Steele A Co.. 4."2 Chamber of Commerce, Port land, Or. FOR SAT.K Combination grain and stock farm, three hundred :t0O acres. 4 mllo from good town; all fencfd ; jOo ) acres In cultivation. 4" acres good tlmbar, bal ance good pasture; .."0 acres in tall gram. 7-, acres ready lor Spring crop; small or chard. Two fair houses, 4 barns. 4 chicken-houses, machine shed; water piped from city main to house and barn; tele phone in house. If taken at once will throw In 40 head of stock, n"d',,n! cattle, horses and goats Th s l the best ho, and cattle farm in a Iley Price $76 per acse; 5o cash, balance In four years. For particulars write or call. J M. L. VEATCH. Care Sheridan Timber Co., Sheridan. Or. UTTLE FARMS. A Poor Man Proposition. Nothing to be paid for 2 years; no in terest charged first year. Five years time at 6 per cent. This Is dyked or reclaimed land, on Columbia below Portland! $250 per acre in 5 and 10-acre tracts. Richer than beaver dam: nothing of more wonderful fertility will pay K0 or more net per acre, it is too high for the man who will not work, but absolutely worth $1000 per acre to the man who will. . CEO. E. WAGGONER. 05 Yeon Bldg. RANCH BY OWNER Good stock or dairy ranch, 100 acres. In Tillamook County. 8Jy miles from beach and 3 miles from P. O. and school. 12 to 15 acres In part In creek bottom and rest In brush; land about the same In rest of creek bot tom In brush that could be easily cleared, and there la also quite a lot of bench land that would be easily cleared; cabin, but no barn, creek running right through from to 8 feet wide plenty of trout and salmon In Fall; good wagon road, some cedar that will make shingles: timber Is all dead. My price Is I1IHK): no trades, but will give terms. Jos. S. Clark, McMinn vllle. Or. Route 1. Box 55. 900 ACRES IN WHEAT. YOU CAN'T LOSE. 18S0-acre. well fenced wheat ranch, 00 acres Fall-sown wheat, 1-3 of 1915 crop goes with place, 1600 plow land, good buildings, plenty of water, piped Into house and barn: price 40 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance 1-3 of crop each year until place Is paid for WE have several choice farms for sale near Portland, avoi-aemg "i - un with or without improvements; some all under cultivation. others partly cleared. These farms are offered at a very low price and on easy payments. Call or write for description. LAURITZEN LAND CO. 300-02 Henry Bldg Main 139Q. !,-.00-ACRE stock farm: Improvements new: 6.-0 head cattle at market price. 100 heael horses market price, all Implements for farming: crops now In for 1915. See Mr. Hackeney. ' HUTCHINS-THERKELSEN CO.. 30 Spalding Bldg. . Main A JKSoS. MIeelbneous. RIVERFRONT, orchard, four-room cabin and chicken-house, one acre: $2000. H. G. Starkweather, near Rlsley Station. Phone Oak Grive 1-X. WANTED REAL KfrTATE. WANTED. I will take timber, logs, lumber or wood for vacant lots well located, and If you have something that suits me will pay some rue i. j o , , o ...... WANT li or 7-room modern bungalow or C - Mnriin.. will irlve vitoant lot or income business 'property as tirst pay ment: give particulars. AL 6o, Ore- 1 WNT a modern home, gooa lommj. about 3;'-00, for hardware business in val ley give full particulars first letter; no Inflated values. AV 629, Oregonlan. 50ill0 LOT, second mortgage prlv-llese. Hawthorne district; quick. AC 67S, Ore conlan. WANTED 7 or 8-room modern house. West Side preferred; must be rare bargain; own ers onlv. RD 57S. Oregonlan. FOB BENT FARMS. BEAUTIFUL 5-acie tract, all In cultivation; new 6-room bungalow. Get In country, where living la cheap, with chickens, cow, etc: onlv iO minutes on S. P. electric. Take train 4th and Yamhill sts.. net off Newton station, walk mile south, in quire Mr. Bradley's. Rent cheap for 1 year, or will lease . year. IS ACRES on north bank Columbia; good house and barn, some fruit trees: ideal location In Summer: splendid farming pos sibilities and all Improved. A. A. Randall, Route 1. Vancouver. Wash. FOR KAf.K TtUBKK LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J M-CRACKEN. .!h4 M KAY BLDG. FOR SALE 160 acres timber land, 1H miles from Glendale: price glSOO net. Ad- areas a. Xnn. r ' i FARMS WANTED. WANTED To rent or lease large lalrJ ranch In Oregon wnu ai iea-i o dairy cows, close to town or city, within : or S miles, with all implements, or other ranch outside fruit ranch. I am experi enced Middle-West rancher; will pay cash or on shares. If anyone, has such, let me know at once. My address: Frank. Reh. 1112 F- -2d St., I ,os 'Angeles, Cal. WANTED A dairy ranch from 40 to 70 acres. Wlllumetto Valley, from owner; no agents. Give full particulars in first let ter. Box AV R5:t. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. -lo ACRES, unimproved, on Kstacada line, rAur iravte itmIi ruuii soil, timber, water, worth Ju.voo; want house clear Incum brance. Woodlawn 40 or :u4 Lombard. 1040 ACRES. 30U acres in wheat, ."00 acres , - .ii;,l- Iflnil Prlff XliO.. tioo Will consider city property. Epton, 4::2 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES fruit land, now In wheat, fine soil, no Incumbrance; price fl.ita); will take cltv lot or auto to ?0O0 first pay ment. Phone C 1411. Ask for Austin. EXCEPTIONALLY choice close-in and well Improved 12 acres to exchange for farm of from 40 to 80 acres. Samuel Doak, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. AUCTION SNAPS, n acreace tracts. 00, 40. 1 each. In cumbered ; best offer this week accepted. A E .IIT, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE usa of modern, well-f urnWihed, "country home for use of furnished house in good residence district. Long or short term Owner. AJ 404. Oregonlan. GOING EAST, xvhat have you for Portland -home, fur nished, and land; Michigan- or .Eastern property wanted, -j aoor oo-o. IMPROVED 80. substantial lmprovementa $6000. Want residence. Owner, Chaun cev Barney. Oregon City. TAKE good auto on P-room house, 70x100 , corner or take motorcycle or tailoring on acre on Powell Valley road. Tabor 4S14. 1RVINCTON home for exchange. B. II. Lombard. Z5QVi 3d. Main sr.fl", A ISM. NICK little home in good condition for gro. eery store. Owner. 85 E. 72d N. ACRES at electric depot for Funnyslde or Hawthorne lot. 11S1 East Taylor. FRKE and clear lots for equities. Main 12.4. o-O Henry mag. WHEAT ranches to trade or sell. M. maurioa, Cooaoa, Or. FU- TO EXCHANCB REAL KSTATE. LEWIS RIVER FARM. Meet Owner at Our Office Today 107-acre farm, only 3 hours from Port land by boat, which lands you right at owners very door; Is a beautiful Pic turesqnc farm, having 40 acres under Plow. 37 open pasture, bal. house, barn, orchard. 1 ml e to BJa town, on milk route. Ideal place for dairying and amatl farming. Owner move to city. Will trade for city I rope J; ty or close-in acreage. Price "iJML mtg. 14700. Pearson & WIllougTiby, S-s -vi organ uiag. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, Any or all ol tne iuuo,u- 320-acrcs. fine timber, a large resi dence and four lots In good town. Two nice lots in Francis Addition. A fine 5-acre tract near Aurora. A first mortgage lor S1200. drawing i per cent; might take good auto. Woo l trade for business or Portland property that would rent. Address C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard, uregon ALBERTA farm, well Improved, close to town, price 12.0W; trade for Oregon or Wasnlngton property. 1 . 1320 acres ot very fine unm proved wheat land, 150 miles from Tortland, ls per acre; consider payment in property, bal. crop payments. Two tracts of wheat land amounting to JS.i.OOO; consider other good property to JSo.OOO. MOORE. siT Eora. of Trade, LOGGED-OFF LAND OR EASTERN PROPERTY WANTED. I have 80 acre: located IS miles from I.a Grande and 5 miles from lmblei -. Or. 32 acres. In 12-year-old cmme"i'"' orchard Good well of water. Price 5Sooa60. Mortgage jr.8O0.p0. 6 V"?' g per cent. Sec Mr. Brooks, owner. 1& Gerllnger bldg. 650-ACKE ranch 8 miles from Roseburg, 200 acres In cultivation; well improved; no in cumbrance. Price S0 per acre. Want Portland residence properties for rental purposes; will pay some cash if suited, t mean business. Submit your proposition In writing. HI) Pol. -i.)regonio JStiO-ACRE wheat ranch; 220 acres in crop, will consider trade for Portland property up to S12,O00; price 127,000. face Mr. Tur- ner'HUTCHlNS-THERKELSEN CO., 30tt Spalding Bldg. Main 75H2. A 33fc FOR SALE. , 16o acres, near White salmon. Skamania County. Wash. New tt-room house barn, woodhouse and S compartment c'fk liouse, artesian well. 5 acres "nder cultiva tion This Drouerty Is In an estate and must be sold. 627 Corbett bldg. 3ti acres, all in cuittvatlon, house, barn! etc., 1 acre bearing orchard, on elec tric line east of Portland, $3500; exchange for city home. - Id floor Chamber ot Commerce. l"?.1' " "HC?r rtn?end bk1 from7 Tirx isai'va anfg for vacant lot, or smaller place. 205 Stock Exchange Bldg. NEW. modern house seven rms, sleep- ing porcn, naxwoou ' - , , place, laundry and dust chutes etc.. high c ass restricted district; trade lots or hoe and lot. piedmont. K 392, Orego- nian .... . , -LI TPi'TKT. wntiHl n'iv ,T 1500 to iOOO acres In Eastern Oregon or Washington; will trade Portland houses ind oil up to 45.tKM). Ask Mr. Pickaru. GRUSSI 4t BOLDS, 5 rjnnrd of Trade Bldg. Main 742. 20 ACRES, in cultivation, no Incumbrance; good buildings; running stream; -o "- From Portland; all kinds fruit; for - unin cumbered Portland property. Owner, At OlD, urrgoiiwii WILL trade 5 acres laud In Clatsop Co, Knanpa, for used automobile, small 4 or fT-pasi Call 142 Union ave. X. Phone L 8212. INCOME property paying 8 per cent. In Val ley town of 2000 inhabitants, to exchange for farm In Willamette Valley, $0 to 125 acres; will pay difference In cash. AV 63, uregoniau. TO EXCHANGE 5-room bungalow; large sieeping-porcu u - --- . Wasco: want larger house in good dis trict; pay all or part cash for difference. Address A F Qio, iregoMian. I HAVE a home, modern throughout, e . : ,l.u lau-n roses. rooms ana uwuiii-ii', "r li!.V,nie etc. AH conveniences. -yVlll exchangt. for smaller place and some cash. AL 4b, Oregonlan. HAVE some nice lots at Mctolius in Central Oregon, free of Incumbrance; will con sider Portland property in exchange. might assume. AO umuuim. SToDEBAKEK delivery car, vfluo 100. earning 12r, per month: will trade for logged-ott land. Owner leaving town. Room 3, 107 Broadway , Iii ACRES, all in cultivation, 4-room house, well located. Price 12000. Will consider lot or lots. Epton, 432 Cham, of com. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness. Etc. SPAN GELDINGS, dapple gray and bay. 7 and S. weigh SO0. are good prompt walk ers, with their heavy breeching harness complete with collars for low price I-" Chestnut mare and black Bel"nK., and 8. weigh 27i:u, are sound, true pullers, sin gle and double, with heavy breeching har ness, complete. 1240. Come and hitch le.tms and be satisfied. Star Sand Co. Barn 3. th and E. Flandera. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and names'! at Colum bia stables. 303 Front, every Thursday at P M We soli on a coniraiision basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyor and seller If you want to sell, bring your hordes to our auction. If yoa want to buy, attend this sale. SPAN of sorrels weighing 205O; sound and free of blemishes; true workers; very . styllsh-looklns: ?22.,i. Also bay German coach mare weighing 1200, o years old; sound and a good one, 1100. B. O. 1. Co Stables, 9th and Davis. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday uid Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables In the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co., 240 East 8th st. East to315. BAY MARE S years old. works single and double, weighs 1235, extra fast walker, with good heavy single harness, complete, t'.rf). Star Sand Co. Barn 3, 9th and East FOR SALE HOO-lb. farm or delivery horse, harness and spring wagon; 175 lakes out fit 1S3 takes 13;.0-lb ranch mare, good worker, will foal in April. 1W7 E. Stark sr. Trial allowed. SPAN of black Percheron mares 4 and 6 years old. well mated end etra styllah iooklng lesm- sou'id and true; weighing 2000 lbs.; 1240. S31 Davis. - GOOD team of horses, weighs about 2200: good harnes and 3-in. farm wagon. These horcea are good workers; whole outfit for 1125. 4S8 E. Market st. 2900-POUND team of gras, heavy harness and 2W-lnch f irm wagon, all in A-l con dition. 233 N. 14tn. . . . t . T ! T I, T tr IDT TPTJnTCT SIT Just received fresh carload of horses and mares, 1100 to Itw pounaa. ONE -year-old horse weighing 1300 lbs., one team of young mares weighing S-000 lbs. 226 Russell at. AT vour own price: must sell today good, serviceable farm team. 1029 E. Yamhill street FOR SALE 4 fine young mares weighing between 1400 and 1604) lbs.; all are young and sound. ?2 Russell. WAGONS and horses by day, 11.25. I. Cohen, ESI Water St. giani DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. W oodlawn 20. Port land Rendering Co. GOOD work team, 3000; sell cheap. 787 E. 2Stn SI. v rv umL. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 8 East 7th st. North. DFAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. WANTED A small cheap horse. X 670, Ore gonlan pianos. Organ and Musical Instruments. 27 PIANOS Uprights and player pianos will be put on sale tomorrow, rangiug in price 10 and up. Splendid buys, practically new, standard makes, 1145. Latest models player pianos, regular values, tomorrow 1(286. 1900 grand pianos, tomorrow $600. Several organs. 115 to 130. . number of slightly used uprights, reg ular 39tf values. tHo whole lot will be sold at 185 each. . t ... This is your opportunity to buy a first class piano or player piauo at practically your own price and terms. Como early and make your selection, as they will go fast. Sale becins at 0 A. M. PLAYER PIANO HOUSE. 333 MORRISON STREET. NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. PIANO BARGAIN. A 11200 Weber grand piano, used only a short time. Jnst like new, must be sold before the 20th to close an estate. A bargain for any lodge or music teacher. Call A 1957 SELL the Heatloas Trouser Presser, 160 per cent profit. Sample and agent's sup plies prepaid, TBc. Bllllngs-Doan Co., Ta coma, Wash. CELLO for sale: a good, slroug tone; In o'eady use for two years; goed condi tion, pnone cast avii GOING away; will sacrifice my high-grade pianoi make, your own price and terma B 50, oregonian. i'LNO fo- sale or trade on Ford car. Phone Mala Wka. Antomoblles. TTSED AT.'TO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Investigate Our Free Service Proposition on Used Cars. 1911 Paige, 5-pass.. nearly new, electric starter and lights, 1875. 1913 Reo, 5-pass.. electric starter and lights, 1800. 1910 Cole, 5-pass., t50: 1911 Interstate, 4-pass., 1173. 1913 Michigan, 5-pass., $373. 1913 Lozier, 7-pass., demonstrator, 11750. A number of others to select from. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch st. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artistic designs. 10x16, 136 up, erected complete, with lock and key: Im mediate delivery; also portable houses. Foot of Harrison St. Main 116i, IMPROVED PORTABLE TAKE-DOWN GARAGE. 10x16, best materials and workmanship, erected on your lot complete 40; non-portable. 138. Order one tomorrow it's done. B. T Allvn. 1101 E. Salmon sL Phone about B P. M. 'tabor lit. STODDARD-DATTON delivery truck, newly overhauled will make first-class Jitney; also Gilbert & Barker 12-gauge. 125-gai. gas tank with pump, cheap for cash. Call between 9 and 12 A. M. Mission Marble Works. 29th and Nlcolal. FORDS. Two late model Fords. In exceptionally fine condition; a lot of extra equipment. Will quote you a low price for quick saie. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadaay and Couch Street. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices 20O to 1750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg. C o rn er Chapman and Alder Sts. 6-PASSENGBR auto for saie. 1S13 modal, flrst-clsss condition; original price 12u00; will ll for SaOO. Phono East 1068 or C 10S8. 5fc2 Williams ave. 1918 40 HORSEPOWER CAR, electric lights, all new tires, room for jack-seats; looks like new. Cheap for rash this week. National Garage, 37th and Hawthorne. FOR SALE 191.1 Bulck auto truck, In best of condition. Inclosed body; an unusual bargain. Royal Bakery Co., Vancouver, Wash. AUTOMOBILES and motorcycles overhauled, repaired; good workmanship, prices reas onable. P. J. Farrelly, 1072 E. 29th st. Uorth. Woodlawn 1020. FOR HIRE. 1.50 PER HOUR, 5-passenger 1014 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5839. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J . Love. coiumpia. jiatn oi:j. FOR fc SALE 1914 5-passenger Ford; run only 200 miles. C. A. Haulenbeck, 15 Henry bldg. CHALMERS 30. roadster, good condition, at reasonable price; can see It between 2 and 4. 616 Alberta St. Woodlawn 4031. C 2441. ROOMY 5-pass. Everett 30 auto, perfect mechanical condition, cost new 11650; price ?375. 20 4 Ablngton bldg. 2 AUTOMOBILES for sale cheap, one Frank lin six and one Pierce-Arrow six: both suitable for jitneys. Phone Mar. 18S1. 6-CYL1NDER Pierce Arrow, a dandy car for stage line; sale or trade; terms. L 577, Oregonian. MT. TABOR lot equity of J300 for 5-pas-slmger auto. Riggs. 1102 .Spalding bldg. FEDERAL truck for sale cheap. Call Woodlawn 601. FOR HIRE. 11.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1914 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. 5-PASSENGER auto. Just overhauled, $330; do for Jitney business. 43 VI N. 6th St. MODEL 17 Bulck 40, Just overhauled, $323. A. E. Gauld. 561 Hawthorne ave. Automobiles Wanted. TO .TRADE for auto trucks from 1 to 3 ton capacity. 21 acres Clarke County land, close in. cleared, also 120 acres. Klickitat land, light improvements. Prices will be right. O. W. Weeks, 814 West 13th st, Vancouver, Wash. THE BEST used, fully equipped fi-pass. automobile that $500 cash will buy. What have you? H. B., 215 Morris st. Wood lawn 476. . $700 EQUITY 6-room house, 60x100 lot, Cleveland ave., near Prescott; paved street, price $2800, for good car. 204 Ablngton bldg. CASH for positive bargain, roadster, late model, perfect condition. P. O. box 42. Furniture for Sale. DO YOU know of unbdy who would like to own their own furniture and complete housekeeping outfit, already installed, in a modern 3-room collage, with nice lawn and garden, with cheap rent, on first class carllne:' including "jitneys" and easy walking distance? I,ess than one-half ac tual value takes It, on easy terms, in cluding garden tools, lawn mower and everything ready to move rijrlit in. Call 422 Henry bldg.. or phone Main 5954. GOING East; will sacrifice new furniture for & rooms. Call 217 Cherry St.. corner of Benton and Cherry. WILL sacrifice almost new furniture of 3 room apartment. Including pimio. 401 Hadden Hall Apts. Marshall 1182. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. Poultry. TRADE or sell 6 choice S. C. White Leg horn pullets. Woodlawn 3389. Livestock. 1 AM offering for sale 40 head of fine cows; 20 fresh, 20 Springers, to be fresh soon; tested, giving 4 to 3 gallons; loo to $100 per head. 'lake Woodstock car to 60th ave., 4 blocks west. Sellwood 2071. DAIRY COWS WANTED. Am in the market for 200 head; must be tuberculin tested: give age, number and lowest cash price. Address or call .1. L. Napton, room 236 Oregon Hotel, Portland. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow and her calf. H. G. Bostwlck, houseboat, moulh of Johnson Creek, Milwaukie, Or. Typewriters. WE save you from T-0 to 75 per cent on all makes cf typewriters: send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 3-i Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 mouths for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 86 Broadway. Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. Th Northwest. Typewriter Co., 262 Stark at. Main 6528. RENT visible typewriters three months for $4. 244 Stark St. Main 6278. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark St. Main 140V. CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange. 361 Vs Washington St. Miscellaneous. CRESCENT ELECTRIC WORKS, 866 STARK ST. MAIN 654. Vibrators, hair dryers, electric Irons, heating appliances, motors, storage bat tery charging sets, bought, sold, rented, repaired. Electric wiring of all descrip tions promptly taken care of. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewini Machine Emporium, 300 3d, near Taylor. FUR SALE Home-canned fruit. Jellies of all kinds, chow enow and pickles: also Haviland china and hand-paluted dishes. 424 East 8th. Phone H. 1120. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks. Anastlg mat lenses and view cameras bought, sold . arid exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed. Hochfcld's Camera Exchange. 85 3d St. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balhe-Collender Co.. 40-4S 5th. FINE piano, asst. furniture, bedding, ranges, Haviland dishes, silverware, cutlery, pic - tures, etc.; very cheap. Geo. Harvey, 661 East Davis. NEW gas range, perfect beauty, never been used, elevated baking and broiling ovens, four burners, sanitary base; cost J33; sell for $20; terms if desired. Main 5916. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made In Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100. FOR SALE Fixtures, glass case, mirror, un called for suit, also Tuxedo suit size 39, cheap. 4."1 Washington et. LEARN TYPEWRITING at home; no charge for Instruction. 244 Stark su Phone Main 6273. FOR SALE 3 6-foot wall cases, 1 8-foot floor case 1 75. I. Holsman, jeweler, 315 wasnington su BLODGKTT oven, 5-sheIf, scale, range, showcases, et- Y 57".- Oregonlan. 1006 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00 Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis co.y zia o sv. main mi. SAFES New and second-hand bargains. 'I lift MOffier cam . o. , - FOR SALE 25-40-h. p., 4-cyele marine en. gine. Phone factory, Woodlawn 31. SAFES New and second-hand bargalna The Mosler Safe Co.. '264 Stark St. USE Bassetl's Native Herbs for rheumatism; fjOtubl.ts for 26c, AH druggists. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy M sell household goods or anything 1; l hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main WO. 2. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOJMlJNu. BICYCLES AND EVERYTHING; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN OfiO. GLOBS biuret;. 2QO rnvo FURNITURE WANTED W E PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION; ALSO FOR MUisri. r.ABi nun. e van- .. . ,,ri.-T.r.r-E3 n- fT."- WiVTED. Don't give It away. Get our I'l""" first, tetanaara r ur. ,o., in. LET me hear from you at once; ready to pay highest price for all kinds of second-hand goods. Phone MAIN 2055. DON'T sell your furniture, clothing or other merchandise before seeingme- I need it: highest prices, iwain ,iu DO NOT stll or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 194 2d St. Marshall 4783. WANT to buv leather traveling bag or suitcase; must be cheap. AC 5i9, Ore gon Ian. WANTED To buy 15 first-class milch cows before February 25. 5230 82d St. S. L. Call Tanor 01 i5. WANTED Mechanical drawing set for high senooi sruaeni. i-in-au. m oig. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Heauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. C.SH for good second-hand furniture. Main 3332, A 2567. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT T. M. C A. Record 1914: Calls for men from employers Posltions filled .'lt The servloe of this Department Is free to all members of the Association. to non-members a special Employment Mem bership is issued, costing 5 per annum giving the service of the Department for a year two months' full privileges and a ' refund' of the membership fee if satis factory employment is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical Technical or Commercial lines or deslrinar counsel or advice ar cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and Employ ment Secretary. AUTOMOBILE STUDENTS, NOTICE. We aosolulely guarantee that students learn more In our school in SIX, Whb,n than students In other schools learn In SIX MONTHS. Be convinced by a iHbH TRIAL. Night class now forming PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, 266-20S 11th and Jefferson sts. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND. SAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile In struction. Including machine shop work, oy expert Instructora T.. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take ML Tabor or "SS" car to 23a t. CH AUFFEUP.S AND REPA1P.MEN are .n demand; we want Sober. Reliable men whom we can recommend for positions to take om-Vourse in Automobile Kepa ring and Driving. PRACTICE BEATS I HEU RY and our Course of Instruction is PRACTICAL ALL THE WAY THROUGH. L & M Auto Repair Co.. 3ti9 Hawthorne. WE HAVE several openings for establish ment of independent mall order business, energy, good habits, sound Judgment more important, than capitat; spare particulars free, upportulilties Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. W ANT Experienced advertising solicitors for popular foreign language weekly news paper published here: we pay liberal com missions. Call from 12 to 1 o'clock only. 403 .jtuck Exchange bldg. PRINTER Working partner in weekly newspaper and job plant. Musi be expe rienced in country shop: good character and habits: $300 required. Permanent. Address A v ;o2, uresomoi". TWO young men, 18-22, outside work; good opportunity for travel; advancement as sured to workers; do not apply unless ready for work; S:30 A. M. 613 Gerllnger bldg. GOOD solicitor wanted for steady position, city and country towns; fine chance for dependable young muii. Call room Mo tel canton iioin -q - - ; NOTICE, automobile owners, wo can at all times supply you with competent chauf feurs, mechanics. Employment Dept. Mar. 4rt. pacinc um -?' MEN WANTED To prepare for firemen brakeniVn $ 100-$1 20 ; - positions obtained free; Send age. postage Railway Assocla- tion. care v.B"""- WANTED Engineer" and fireman; must be familiar with burning oil and repair of elevators and machinery; must have ref- erences. Address O 576. Oregonlan. WANTED Active men to represent -hshed firm; must be live wires and con vincing talkers; oPPorfumty for advan. e- nient. Appiy io '- - ON account of death will se 1 small stock of groceries and fixtures cheap; no rea sonable olt'er refused. Maryland ave.. cor. Shaver, w ooumwu WANTED A Chinese or Japanese school boy fo housework. Apply 463 Durham between 7 and 8 P. M. Take Wood lawn car. , CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; exceUent terri tory; hustlers make money. Waahlngton Nursery Co.. rjppei", " POP.TLAND BARBER COLLEGE Lxpert instructor to teach you the barber trade In 8 weeks: tools free; positions guaranteed. paid while learuu.g. -o- -". MAN wanted who Is willing to work 8 hours Say: can make $15 week: $SO re quired. 4rf,l l.l'Hl"'1 ' WANTED At once, man to learn auto re prlnTTnd driving Call at Hawthorn. uarage. 40 -.... ... . ,-.t.- i-. T.-..o,-,.i ic single young man to travel and learn good paying business Coll IO to 2 I-. . 145 PER CENT to live house-to-house men: article needed by everyone; Investigate tlllS. I . U. POX ' I WANT a steady, sober man with 15.; can shov you how you can make ?-. week. 133 ' -n.tmoer 01 ....m....t, v -. young" man musically inclined wanted for trip to Sati Francisco; references. AC rS0, Oregonian. AUTO REPAIRING Man to learn this ' usl. ncss. fjeimoni i.amm-. .-.a.-... ....... MAN wash dishes, general work, hotel; ' .. . , ,i h.iai-ji r.ln N 21st. small was'-, loop. " CHANCR for two men to learn moving pic ture Ulffiaum BIG CONTRACT', money getter. The Moore SturUo. Elka hldg. WANTED First-class tailor to make ladies' coats Norman Bros., N. W. bids. WANTED Th'-ic min to cut shingle bolts. 6112 oucn iii'ifi. Ileda Wauted Agents. SOLICITING salesmen: big money for ac ceptable parties; new invention Mfrs agent, 01. Swetiano uiok-. " ' " ".- AGENTS $S to $10 a day selling 1915 Spe cial. Van Dyke Studio. 404 Wash, at. Help Wanted Salesmen. WE have an opening for a sp .-laity sales who is capable of making $.,000 or more yearly; a man possessed of an en gaging personality and energy. To such we can -offer a permanent position, pre sent nn great possibilities. Write, giving rare and references. National Fn graving Company, 134 Nassau street. New York city. W vNTBD 2 first-class salesmen lor n. by manufacturing company; must have good references and small deposit for samples. See Mr. Dunnlgan, 2. a Pine st. Apply from a to v- SALESMEN, now employed, covering coun tty territory, who have had advertising experience, can connect with a good si(-e line by calling 323 Lumber Exchange blilg. WANTED Salesman, lady or gentleman, who thoroughly understands the milk business; references required. BF a. 3. Ore gonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 411 UeKUtn D1UK. 3 JTPTATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. ROOM and board for girl willing to assist .i.l evenings. East 2.iS2. WANTED Stenographer for a few days wort- moderate pay. AK 577. Oregonlan. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS t OlJ.fcGa.. 401 Commonweauu qiqk. " YOUNG man would lika to meet young lady to KO In vaudeville. 1. Orenonian. WANTED Chambermaid. $15 month, board V A . L. 1 Cull "19li ,r and room, wmpqh. COMPETENT foreign girl, not over for rht nOUSPWOifv. ... COMPETENT Kill for general housework. 096 Clackamas. i"""""i' EXPERIENCED girl for general housework 'and cooking. "92 Lovejoy. WANTED Girl for light housework. Phone Sellwood 4bj, YOUNG GIRL wanted Immediately for cof fee house. 293 North 141 h St. WANTED Woman to do housework. Call Tabor 1404. LADY to asalst in light housewoiit In plain fKiniiy. 101 w"" GIRL for housework and care of children Se.lwood 34 1 e. WANTED Girl to serye soft drinks. .71 Coucn st, GERMAN Or oweuisu - j.. ",., i help other lady cook; only good cook need apply; come and see place and make ar rangements for wage. C.arkanias Health Resort, Oregon City, route No. J, boa. !. M rs. cricKson. pi of. WANTED Stenographer in law office, ex peVienced preferred give full PJJJJc"'-'' and salary expected. B. A. Kl k". Mv Minnville. Ur. At Imperial Hotel 101-. hpiw..,i :t::;ii and o P. i. W ANTED- Experienced, competent glr. for general housework; must bo good cook and well recommended; good position for right girl; no phone calls considered. Ap ply 654 living st. WANTED Lady for plain bookkeeping and to manage office; partnership It desired In desirable business; German speaker preferred. S oil'. Oregonian WOMEN Become Government clerks $;0 month. Portland examinations April ... sample ouestlona free Franklin Institute, nmi 70a K. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Good woman cook, country ho tel; muit, he clean and U'.lng to help generally while business Is quieL Addre-s MOiei ri'M-ioi. ..-i-t, WANTUL' Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Company. 4.J l'lttock block, 385 Washington. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; day and evening classes. Genevieve Rellly. l Ab lngton Diag. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLfci.K. All modern business courses $0 mo 1 o.mons when competent. 801 N. W. Hank bldg. MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist with housework for room and hoard, good home to right person. Call Tahor "h. YOUNG lady to assist with light house work and to assist with caro of child, small wages. Tabor 2411'. . MUSIC, lessons exchanged for assistance daily In housework or sewing. G 6i, Ore go 11 i a n FOUR saleswomen, s'wlng machine per- ators preferred. ov rti.v.; . bldg. COOK. $.15; housework. 113 to $33. Si Louis' Ladles' Agency, 2S8 Main St. A 7175. Main 2039. YOUNG MN wishes piano lessons; teacher who will be interested In the lessons de sire!. AC .".,. Oregonlan. NEAT, willing girl for housework, family of 2- lovely homo; small wanes, labor 4990 BOOKKEEPERS, stenograupliers and dicta phone operators, sol N. W. Bank bldg. HELP WANTED MISCE1XANEOI M. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, driv ing on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil en gineering, surveying; methods most practical- room .and board while learning: many positions secured; satisfaction guar anteed; catalogue free. National school of Engineering. 2110 W. 7th, LoAngejos OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the baroer trude In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning; scalp and face mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching used; tuition reduced.233 Madison st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wanla men and women to learn the trade In ' clean work; percentage paid while learn ing: tools free; scalp and face musaage a specialty; send furjreejiaaiogue. 4s N. -d RAILWAY mall c'lerks. P. O. dorks, car riers, exam, soon: parcel post demands manv more clerks: act at once. Pacitlc State Schools, McKay bldg.. city. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools ' furnish typewriter with n, merc 1.1 courses; IS5 others; free catalogue, -f-McKay bldg. pTTrItIaND Government clerk examinations Apr "" J?0 month: common education sufficient; sample questions free. Apply Uu- mediateiy. -vv - """"; MP.S HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, bdi Empress bldg Personal instruction; po- sitions wnen compevnn tflTUATlONS UAXTKP-MAIK. ixprvii' YOi:NG man uii -- - ,m Eas seek" connection with large oe where ability, painstaking conscientious work w .11 count : a l.le to cope with dlflicult problems ami ccu. r .od results; understands nicr.-handlMi k. felling office work thoroughly; can take chafe of department and handle men efficiently advancement before lar sal ary nieferred. L 576. OregonianJ YOl'NG married man. ihorouKhiy compe tent stenographer and assistant book keeper Tl yea's- office experience In lum ber and other lines, wants position with firm where there i. a chance for nient: moderate wages 10 stsrt. will go anywhero: bejt of reference. AV j... Oresonlan crBLE and willing young man with lo ""vrs- experience, desll '-I'l'"'; i unity to show his ability as ;,.k,k,0'lf''r; acrouiitant. salesman 01 In ""'' ofr'rr work; will consider small salary 10 s ail for the pnportunii. iv " . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and collector wants position with firm w hero " her. Is chance for advancement; age 3; modcralc wages lo start; best of references. J 67i. Oregonlan. COMPETENT bookkeeper w ho has al wul made good; age 30. A 4744. Marshal, :41 BOOKKEEPER aud .lenographer. 10 ears experience, A-l references. AD 60O. Ore gonian BOOKS kept or audited. G. P.idouu Mir shall 2Mi,-.. 20''. 12th St. Miseel I anemia. WANTED About Marcji J, work on ranch. American. 3x; competent and e lifo-tlme experience. wheat. stock and general farming. Will go anywhere. AV 551. Oregotuain WANTED .lob oil farm by experienced cow milking man. willing to do anj lliln ; do not talk ery much English. Address t. 1-nion ave. Jim Tonis. YOUNG married mnn. experienced In gro cery line, wishes position; willing to de river. Phone Marshall iS-'- HD .80. Ore gonian. - ' I 1 ' PIPEFITTER wishes enipht"tieiit; have city references: resident of Portland: steady. c-.11, IVushtriKton St. Main -1. WORK on riitich, single loung man. clenii ami best of habits. ir.'ii Easy St.. I 111 ver'silv Park. Portland, or. . EXPERIENCED mail and wife would like position on farm or dairy. 411 L. Alder su Phono K 3142. TENOR SOLOIST wishes . hurcli !'"" ijn where lie '"' direct chorus, (.all 11 to ;0. 40H Ktlersimig. WANTED Position on farm for young mar ried man; experienced ut farmlns and h ecp herding. Jiainiro 1 ' "J' FIRST-CLASS Japan's, baker good -l'cii-rnce on pastry, wants position. M 6 K Oregonlan GEM-: HAL all-around handy man warns work clly or country; best references, ronn. and hoard. N r.7. oregonlan. . LAN DSC APH gardener wants position of bWv kind; belt of references. G WIS. Ore- gonian. COLLECTING By niMdle-ug'd man; relia ble: snUry no object. Phone Marshall 59S2 forenoons. AIJ--ROUND blacksmith wants work at ctlrce: age 30; references. Address Box 64. Riddle, or, BAKER wants poelllon; long cipmm.. . . "city or country, hotel or camp. BC 57, Oregonian. DRAFTING and designing, mechanical and Vtr.i.'tuiil, open afternoons. 37 Lewis bldg JAPANESE boy wants position as house worker or school boy in family. AR 6.8. Oregonian. YOUNG Chinese school boy wants .lob before . ..1 fier school. I 577. oregonlan. WANTED Employment on a chicken ranch, references. T 57T. Oregonlan. HE ITERS relined $1.35. heavy stock; saves vour stove; satisfactory service. Main 812 WANTKD -- Inside work of a.,y kind by strong man. .U oi, tiregonian. LAY WORK WANTED: ALL..KJNDS OF uoTTSie CLEANING. MAIN 7 2.. FNPFRIKVCED chauffeur wants driving ....Itlon of any kind. J f.7. Oregonlan. JAPANESE. firM-class . cook, wants po'i""" in rood family. -i..-h. -. EXPERT watchmaker and engraver wants position. K 593, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMU.K. Bookkeepers and Stepugrapherw. WANTED By thoroughly experienced sten ographer and assistant bookkeeper, posi tion at once; Al references; will go out of city. K 59.". Oregonian. FNPFRT bookkeper and stenographer, ex perience with wholesale hardware. Union Meat Co.. hotel; city references furnished. J 77o. 1 iregoniao. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thorough ly exptrlenred and competent, desires po sition. Sellwood 20". O K stenographer, b. k. aud dictaphone operator wants permsnenl or substitute work. M. 21". COMPETENT stenographer, willing to do any kind of work, wants position. Wood . lawn 132. Dressmakers. PLAIN sowing, hand-made underwear, house Presses, day or week. Fart 1"0. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable, borne or day. 150 Lane su Main Villi. LADllCS- tailored suits and evening laa st horn, or In shop, prices taaoaat.e. 4 eiieuner 0101. aam ' UKES.,I A KING Suite, dresses and iiowns. Jtlstaciloii gusrantced; piles nasonabls. Room 31" Kamai'n HoteL Main B'W'I. i7lv"KSS M A K I N t ; . work giiar.njeod. Brown, spt. 1. i'hone Mts-iai mi. UKESsMAKlNG. all kinds or "r . prl' t reasoii.tile; work g tiara 11 1 eed. Main .I3. DH ESSii a K ING at home or by day, wotk giinrau-tced. Main 3s.0. MILI lM-riiY inak.oi.r b,.i. piliv reaon at'lo. Phone Msrshall .'-lMI-' Nur Nl USE ih-sirea a few moie i-omt'in'-iiti; malf-rnlly cases a aprciail). Ma'sn-'! ta.'l. EXI'ERl KN'i'KIl in act I. -a I Innse. n't fer sick; do light heiiMWtuk Jsli-T .1 7."T. M I iihl.r.-At!Kl !ao. pra, thl liulse aud housekeeper. 1'hi.lli- Tabor 1I?. VV ll.i.. AM.-' Maieinux Hi inc. nuiscs In- 01 -Jn-sl. I, eno. I - I I , ' 1 1 , 1. 1 , r - ' - Middle-aged woman, u nl n, um herrd, rl undoubted c nal'ilil . desires .,"inoii in a high-class homo of widower; rcllne,, e.l Ucated; m-.inl)l-r Lastira star. At; eiti. oregonlan. CAPABLE educated woman ties, res houee kei piuu position In rerme.l home, iiref.r ably getitienian and son. trfeu nees gives sun r-'lun.-'i. nip v -i , A WIDOW wains position as hour k. - per to Widower, bioiliess. touple. Or elillt men. Aildress Julia O. toniicll, 174 Kllotl M.. Portland, Or. CAI'AIU.E w 0111.11 wants to manage lugh ciass apartment : iclercnces ixIiaus4. 1F 5.". Oregonian. A l i Kit MAN, reunions, iluincnt house w ouia n wislus position. Ii ;.Si. t'iri"nia". IUICSEK EEI'I Nil or did moor 01 k. e-l Johnson st. A . 112. Domestics. VANTt-.I General housework. I ro a nrst plain cook, in it. clean, llu, et, . can glvt.- reference If prrleried. Miss llloi-v. silt lva-' Mh St. North. Got ill plain cook Hunt bread, witling to help w it h liouscw 01 k. by u very active nirdili aced lady alone. 111 or out of city. BF .'1M1. v'reilorlMn. A It 10 1 . 1 A ILK clrl wants 1-osltlon to oe genetal housework; 1-t-rei cut es. Pilous r IU121. c..rLl:ll-;N l:D Get-nu-n ghl wai ts a po sition In a pilvuto family for general h insework. Call at .'ait U. I'li.s st JAPANESE cotiplo w aiitiosll i.os to tsoiili. .good cooks M'ld tioiisi s ee - s . ooly nnn- eri'e wiii;'"i waitied, iMeconisn UKsl'KlTUII.i: Birl wishes ,,..,111, .11 10 do general housework and plain cooking. Call from 0 A. M. I'hioie ltsl 4.;.',7. PLAIN, general housework. kitchen or chamber work; experienced woman. Mailt EPKRIENCKD Swedl.h girl want, position et gent'tal housework 011 Last sn.'-. la bor CAti'i. EX I'Elil l-l.Nt'l'D cook work in an in stitution or boardltifhoiiae. . ;.v, uicko nian. ' WANTED llooin and board for ompaiiy or llcht services. AH ,'.7H. iM-iiionlan. WANTED Job of housework l exper.emed Bill. Phone Tabor .IV. 3 NEAT, cxilerien. ed gill .le-lies linilso work i city references: good waes. Main '.-o;il l iM-ellaneoiis. GENTLEWOMAN. kolng Into livwl fin- lushed home, would Ilk. itaii;. of In valid; good nursing, home coinpiele; e. ccllent references. AM al'l, iliegoiilall M"iDIiLEA(lI,:iwoinn. leflmil siid edu cated, desires position as housekeeper in or out of town: references txchanged. Main 7QM. A lIT. GiJNTLKWOM AN. going Into i.rwii fut ntshed home, woulii liko cliafK- of in valid: good nursing; home cooilort ; 11 collect references. AM ..:. Or. g'Oil.ri DKN I'lS CH us-lslalil. experi. iii-e.l In mliit:itering lit' 1 o-oxlil and og'ii. alo latioralorv work and proplo lapis work, il' sires po.itSoi Mar. -.'IQ'.i L.V I Y wishes ,1. e lo take csie of tins nl ur .-liier'v Iru.v . will do hem tiouse o I k . small w.tie.. A I' :-7''. 1 iiesoMso GIRL wishes position in grocers 01 rolitfc tloiiery store, r xpcricticed. Last Issi. Ad dress lv Morris st llll'.VIi Ta.i to i.-slel Mil !.! I1""'" wor1. Mini to nslsl with isrc of child. small w n,- Tab-r ?' I- STFNOGR A l'lU-:il and bookkeeper ei.' cvpert.o desires position; lefereipes. W oodlaw n 3 72.". EX PER I KM 'Kl I c-hsmhernisid. Willi fefri eiices. wants woik. MtIii . SV ilN N l-.l. . leas ;srie. ,lnnnei. p-. ar.d or served. 1 si rs tin nlsheil. serwood IHl'S CAPAMI.K wonisn. fin. Iroerr hes da work; also fine csleiess. M rihsi I "J La i i-: ci.- :a 11, s. ui apei l-e linens nana lauli- der'.-l. 2..C up. Sel I w rtorttM! Fl liST-i ' I . ss lsmiil-'ss wants lav work, also cleaning. I-:. s.'.i. room 11. EXPFRlUN'CUIl sill eonpetent stems rs plier . desires position Phone 1 a nor 4 " T ' WOMVN wains rlai- w,-i-k, Jo cleanlns. washing Room J . Mllln : Y 1 1 1 N 1 1 woman wants work bv the day In pilvalo fainiii. HH .';:. I irrg.uilsn. t or, i Vui:K in d.n cr hour b reliable -oim woman 'with ref creners. labor '' MIST haie day work; g,nod '' I'hone Tabor .;-J3. J A I' AN USE girl warns hops. -work in ptUs'. house. M-.ln 3"7H. A SKm. rrElTiXl7l.Ewoiiian wauls day work Tsbor .11;'..".. WASTE I TO WENT. Ilmiaem. W IN TED- I'v Iwo adults, small upper, with si. plug-porch, walking lisiat.- pre ferrcd; mus: be modern, lelcr.ncts. A" ;.St. UreKolllatl. WVN'TED -l'v a re-ponlhle e.oipl- . 00 ,hll dr'en. .'. room, modern binigalo , nnr ni. All ,'tSs. i ireeoptan. llooms. IV Rose Cltv I'alk district, by two eld.riv peooln, a Unto of 3 or 4 housekeeping rooma; pruaie family pietorred. pile must be reasonable; stale all pellicula! Ill answer. VV OregOl.iaiK Fl' KN Ili i:l lionsrke. pins- .,iate-s. West Hole, not ovii- 1-.'it. All :". ' eonlnn. Rooms Willi Board. YOUNG geiiilcman of i'u wauls le aid and loom in private home. Willi piano. I hesier Anderson. Hoyt Hotel. W A NT ED- l.l h and tinnier with private famiLv ne-ir Park ami Morrison. Address Jack Hutl.r. lilts Hotel. 1 OR KENT. I tiraisbed Itoom. HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison bta. At modest prlcea Centrally located; large, attractive rooms, tlngio or en suile. wllh and wllhout pri vate bath. Main Kl ill. " HUT E L O C K 1. 1: Y . Morrison at., at luth Central location, REDUCED RATES. We P ",. week ly S2 60 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and bslhi; steam ueaL n.iTLI. IfAlXltCK. Two Blocks From I nlou Depot. Modern, clean and uoiiicliko; Hie nou that treats you right; 30c up per dsy: 12 up per mo.: tourist tisdo soln lied. M.4l. " it , , -c ,- 1 . icH A N t- L 1 N . ihlngtou t. st Lllh; .0c day up; week. 1 2.6o up. running water, iiniies. heat, firepronr bunoiug. ira-n by. all night servlte; business Is good. iTtJTEI. l'OltD. 733 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold waier and phone In every room; rooms without bath. sio up: wnn pain, e'o "e. 1173 WEEK up. . leanest rooms In town, outside. 1 oniforlahle, well fur nlshd; nice, nulet place; 1-1 ha fro. Ho tel Cadillac, 3d. near JefT-rson HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave aud W. mont Rooms lt monlli. 2i up " private bath: large, pleasant lobby, cafe in conncclioii. phone East 323. BTANDISII HOTEL, f.4S, W ASIUNlil oN ST.. OFF 1TH Front rooms, steam htat, ft.e and bslh; .' weejc e per month up. .... 1 l. I 1- l, v. V- L- SI Northeast Corner btsrk and lllh. Modern outslds room. U weekly aad . t - . .,, I . rii.oe lotihv. A UL'ibT PLACE FOR s'lltT -Ul'LJs. HOTEL CLIFFORD. VjAmt Morrison St., Near tirsnd Ave. CleaullneMs and comfort. 3 per week Wv. HOTEL WuTklNGHAM. 20th. Wash llx -llly weekly, monllil rates 12 .0 aa, ; n. w fireproof brick; every insdarn eon venl-nce; clesn. quiet, well bested, outplde. HC'UMS for voimg men In Y. ai. C. A ; fire proof building, shower baths, vs'iraro cleaned; club facilities, modem prlcea, MAJTWF.LL HALL. RESIDENTIAL HOTkl. Furnished rooms and apis, alaaffl beau hot aud culd water. iol lath st SINGLE room H month; heat, phone asvt ham f'7-" E. Stark. lioTF.L tJlt R I sT f'J Alder; modera out side rovuis, per week up. GOOD p'-H'-ucal nurse, ilmlor rfeicnt.ea Main s:: 7. llouaekeepei a.