DEALERS UPBRAID 'MAILORDER TRADE Retailers Say System of Win ning Patronage Is Grasp ing Like Octopus. PARCEL POST CRITICISED Oregon Merchants' Association Is Addressed by Many Members In Behalf of Business Better ment Feast Tonight. After the severe grilling the members of the Oregon State Retail Merchants' Association gave the trading stamp and other gift schemes in their annual con vention at the Multnomah Hotel on Monday, they turned the fires of their wrath yesterday upon the mail-order houses. The trading stamp was de clared to be a "menace." while the mail-order merchant was described yesterday as an "octopus." At this morning's session, the last to be devoted to business, the store keepers will "view with alarm" both the mail-order method of doing busi ness and the gift scheme, trading stamp and otherwise, by the adoption of reso lutions on both these subjects. Other things that threaten the prosperity of the merchant will be touched upon and various recommendations made when the resolutions committee reports to day. Astoria May Be Readesvoos. Astoria seems certain of being chosen as the place of holding the next an nual convention, as delegates from that t ity are working hard for It and they have no determined opposition. Dele gates seem eager to re-elect President J. I Stockton, of Salem, recognizing his ability as a presiding officer, and his candidacy probably will be accept able generally, it is thought. Elec tion of officers will "be held this morn ing. The big moment of yesterday's ses sions came in the afternoon when a telegram was read from Dan Kellaher. at Salem, advising the merchants that the bill, in which the association is much interested, abolishing the trading stamp and similar trade plans, had passed the House. The delegates greeted the message with cheers and .1. C. Mann at once offered a resolu tion commending the work of Senator Kellaher and Representative Thomas Brown In behalf of the bill and ex pressing a vote of thanks to them and to all others In the House who worked and voted for the measure. Mall-Order Hoase Asaallnl. The merchants pitched right into the mail-order house when yesterday af ternoon's session was called to order. They called it an evil andmany other bad things. The parcel post was re ferred to as far from being an un mixed blessing in that the people of the" country are called upon, retail merchants among them, it was said, to make up the deficit of the parcel post In carrying mail-order" goods. "In spite of the business depression, the mail-order houses show big divi dends." said George Hyatt, of Enter prise, in discussing "The Mail-Order Kvil." "Wholesalers are often unable to furnish goods at prices quoted by the mail-order concerns, and the secret of their success appears to be In their buying." He urged co-operative buying by merchants to offset the advantages of their distant competitors. Jebn Day Orator Inquires. "Every house in our section of the country is stocked with mall-order catalogues." said Ira D. Boyce, of John Pay. who developed into the genial philosopher of the convention when he told of his adventures on a recent trip East, during which he carried a suf fragette banner in a Washington par ade and later sit in a Nebraska cellar while a, cyclone passed over his head. He said one object of his trip was to find out how it was possible for the mall-order houses to sell direct to con fumers certain classes of goods, not ably women's wear, at lower prices than the merchants can buy from the manufacturers. L-A .. r ...ttitic nut the ladies' stuff." .awl "nroDt something we can' self - ' them that they don't know anything about, because if you tell them the truth they think you are lying to them. I mar be an alarmist, but I think the time is coming when the Jobber is bound to develop Into nothing but a mail-order house." Tax Evaatoa la otrd. I. D. Nicklin. of Eugene, also directed an attack upon the mail-order houses. He said there are 1000 such establish ments In the country, doing an annual business of $1,000,000,000,000 a year. He pointed out that they are exempt from taxation save at points where they hive warehouses and this, he held, was an injustice lo the retail mer chants, as well as to other people. He referred to a law mat has been intro duced Into Congress and urged that the measure be Indorsed by the resolutions committee It was reported that the resolution? committee will deal with this subject in an adequate manner. B. K. Knapp, manager of the Port land Credit Men's Association, gave an address on "Steering a Straight Course and dealt with the most common causes of business failure and the obstacles to be avoided. Credits Hccmcd Foundation. 'The prosperity of every individual testa upon the stability of the business community," he said, "and commercial lability rests ou credit. The object of our association la to improve credits and to advance business. Just as these are the motives behind your organiza tion. Ninety per cent ef the business of the country is done on credit." Imperfect Inventories. Illusive book keeping, defective fire Insurance, the wrong figuring of prices In relation to costs these were said to be the most common causes of business disaster. He recommended the safeguarding of mer chandising by legislation, as banking Is now regulated. He said this would make it Impossible for the professional bankrupt to engage In business again and again, and he said he believed the losses that would be saved the various communities would more than make up $ working indoors,. whether in office or factory or store, often weakens even a strong jconstitution as shown in nervous symptoms, languor or repeated colds. SCOTTS EMULSION is helping thousands every day; its rare oil-food en riches the blood and aids the throat and lungs. It is a strength sustaining tonic, free from alcohol or any harmful drugs. nb70 wtn:i.nia.iw;.n for the apparent difficulties of the plan. In this way, be said, the large bad-debt loss annually will be avoided. Home Goods Pat to Fore. ' F. L. Shull. manager of the Portland Flouring Mills Company, talked on "Buying at Home or Abroad," urging the use of Oregon-made goods. "Not every man who wears a booster .button is a good citizen." he said. "He may think he is advertising Oregon with his white suit, but, as a matter of JPAESE TOXSl'I, SPEAKS TO PORTLANDS TOl'JiO BUSI NESS ME.V TOMOR ROW. Ik Ik Iv. Kumasakl. "Trade Possibilities Between Portland and Japan" is the im portant topic chosen by the Jap anese Consul here K. Kumaaaki, who will speak tomorrow noon at the luncheon of the Progres sive Business Men's Club in the Multnomah Hotel. William W'heelwright. president of the Pacific Export Lumber Company, will be the chairman of the day. and Messrs. Warren A. Erwin and Stuart McGuire. two of Port land's noted vocalists, will en tertain with popular- selections. fact, his every-day suit may have been i . I .. .mm Thft tinrrnh hoV illttu C in nnuun i E - is usually intent on advertising himself first and his state incidentally. "Are you, as retailers, giving prefer ence to Oregon-made goods? Are you keeping your money here or are you sending' it abroad? I' know it is not possible now to buy everything neeaea your stock at nome, out it is mc duty of the Oregon retailer to Duy everything possible here at home. The buy-in-Oregon movement means more to you than to any otner class oi peu i. t At its holipvA in Orpcnn and in Oregon resources. For the coming year let us Slop tne mgni oi uitsu u.... and buy at home." '. " , Closer Watch Urged. II A T.'.lonil froHit" WAS the Sub ject dealt with by A. L. Jamieson, of McMinnvtlle. lie urgea greater care in giving credits and a careful Inquiry into the financial ability of the one de siring credit. The paper of H. W. Meyer, of saiem, who was unable to attend the conven tion, was read. Its subject was "Stand ardization of; Merchandise." The writer urged tnac me ijovenimenL pui no stamp upon merchandise and bring it up to a high grade. The afternoon session was enlivened by piano solos by Dr. Emil Enna and W.. -n i . a-Aat i n- Avhihitintl ft TY1 f IT! - ory tests' by Professor David Roth, of ory tests by Professor David Roth, of Portland. Roth features of entertain- . ... i ih ,..,i!iv mont werA anDlauded heartily President Kingsley and Secretary Simmons, of the Washington Retail Merchants' Association, were intro duced and extended greetings to the Oregon association. President Kings ley read a paper on "Correcting the Ciift Scheme' Menace." Professor I Heard.' Professor IT. G. Dubach. instructor of political tclen-e at the Oregon Agri cultural College, spoke to the mer chants yesterday morning on "Practical Co-operation Among the Merchants." He gave ideas along this line ana tola V. ... Ka inari.ViaTil I wrmillt het h C n P(i by working closely with the farmers to advance their interests. 1 1 t a i.i..u; uwroinrv f the Hard ware and Implement Dealers' Associa tion, made a fraternal address, rteporta were made by various local' organiza- tons or morcnants uirougnoui state, which are closely allied with the O. R. M. A., showing good business con ditions prevail and that the work being done by tlio various units is nanus good results.- ' Trip Over City Arranged. DeletrHtes will gather at the Com- .-..I.. 1 rl.iK thi nftfrjinfin at 2:30 o'clock for an auto ride about the city and tonight they .will be guests of the Oregon Manufacturers' Association at a banquet at the Commercial Cluo. Last night they attended the hockey match at the Hippodrome. This morning's programme follows: Discussion. "How to G't Ttei-iilts Through Advertising." led by J. E. Mr Williams, ad vertising manager Meier & Frank: address. "The Siuns of the Times." t;. C. Colt, presi dent L'nlon Meat Company: address. "Re lation of the t Consumer to the Retailer. Judze W. N. Gatens; discussion, "Relation of the. Kmployer to the Employe." led by . . - . . WiWflMrd -Clarke Drue Company: address. "Legal Phases of the'fJIft Scheme Problem," (.eorge Brown. Attorney-General: question box, conducted by II C. Garneti. Medford; reports of com mittees oij resolutions and grievance; nus oellanMu business, election of officers, se lection of next convention city, adjourn menl. . ... Additional delegates registered yes terday as follows: r T,..nKup Pftrll.nrl: W. A. Flenton. Salem: U I. Pierce. II . K. Pierce. Eusene; J. O. Price. Rickreall: Willis Bimonton. ual i.... Ron I'merr. Portland: . Alien Clark. ,t v. - h a Murnhv. Albanv: P. H. Drexler. Independence: P. D. Kettlemeler, H M. Austin, Woodburn; A. A. Scharfer, Mnnnt Aniicl: Ira G. Boyce. George N. .i,r Woodburn: G. T. Morrison. Astoria w n rturcrolf. Astoria: G. W. Griffin. Eu gene: William Rauppt Astoria; Walter C Griesel. P. A. Finseth. Dallas: Dean H Haves. Eugene: Herman W. Barr. E. S " ,,. . ' i. I ) .. . TT L' R,. namiiiou. i" i ... . u. , . lem: W. L. Young. Dallas: Charles C. Good ale. Woodburn; Y. X. Beck. J. S. Miller, The Dalles: F. W. Haskell. Woodburn: Dr. An drew Kershnw. Willamina: William H. Mc Jerry. Portland; J. F. Kcelhammer, Wood.- t yf I A. t " THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1915. PORTLAND .ipn t fvv i a v - - . PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. ffiOR WAL WILSON Waltz, hesitation Pacific Title Trust Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. one-step, fox trot. e(C, morning, afternoon pacific line a- iru.t o.. ud e'enir,g: lessons 2ic; guarantee to irrnnnmv PL,ETINO. " teach anyone who walks how to dance; 4 ACCORDION imiliKu.. private lessons and classes, 2; classes ACCORDION, knife and box pleating picot- Thursday and Saturday evening, 7 to spy ing, hemstitching, braiding, embroiderinis. g51i beu stark and Oak. Main Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., bo om u rtvcix- si'HOOL Lessons Mall orders promptly attended to.' HEATH SFrldenlngs, 8 to 10. K. SIEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, Joy ad su beu Vaslungton and Stark. accord, side pleat, fcuttons covered, good. Lensons i5c. sponged, mall orders. :S3 Alder. M. aJ- DENTISTS. ASSAVER8 AND ANALYSTS. DR A W KEENE," Majestic Theater bldg.. MONTANA 'ASSAY OFFICE. U1M id. Gold, 351 H Washington SLMarsjiaU 3205; silver and platinum bought. KYK, EAR, NOSEApTIIROAT; ATTOKNKYS. Treatment by specialists; glJf fltJ?di tJ"- 10"J""- y y. casseday, 617 Uekum bldg.. 3d Sc V n. i S? VSirT'SSS,0a' EIECTBICMOTOBg; LAWYER: consultation free. Main .m. Ws OTOB -Idj Rented Selling bldg. an5. binding; aU WOrH. guaranteed. CARPET WEAVPO. JjJll K..ES.?CKsrtB8g S phoS: - POLNDKY AND MACH1NK " PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d aod Haw- CELLCLOID BUTTONS. BADGES. thorne. General machine and foundry work. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. KODAKS. BI 5th st. Phone Main 812 and A 1154. KODAKS and SUPPLIES; developing. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. g.V.'ii!' & MAitK- OKO. RIDOUT Marshall 2S05. 266 12th st. MACHINERY'. MOd'rate Ch"Se'- Engines, boilers. ZnuTMt. ffld and CHIROPODISTS. e'ehangeo. The J. E.Martia Co.. Portland William Estelle and William. Jr., Deveny. MESSEXGERSERV ICE. the only scientific chiropodists in .the city HASTy MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg , S. W. corner UAfcix Main 63. A 2153; 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. ylG-piCTES. SaT' S'Was'hlngronstV S yiLMS, mkchines. supplies, ga, outtiu. Macleay bldg. rented and sold. 2iil -d st. DR ETHEL A. SACKY. painless chiropodist, jMl'SICAI- 506 Panama bldg. Phone Main DOttfe. PROFESSOR GRIFFIN, vocal Instructor. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. w:il take tew more pupils. Call 11 to 6:30. Hill Office Flledner bids. Main 347.1. 408 Kllers bldg. . CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. Ema jg'KtfjAX&S DrirntP WF' Oth'e'rs "fe'"? nTtTSoTRACTIC PHYSICIANS. treatments. PHILLIPS. specialist in paralysis, nerv- CLEANING AND PRESSING. pus, chronic diseases. JL04Ojregonianbldg. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit - PHILLIPS. specialist In Para''?is- ""'- each week for J1.00 per month oUl chronic diseases. 604 Oregonlan bldg. ' 309 S,.U.eIAMh0,nd06.h-.M..n 514. . QPrlcllXv9l ; " " . " A FIGHT on high prices. COLLECTION AGENCY. "iwf Why pay to,10 for WAGES RENTS AND CLAIMS of any de- f 3 fcC J glasses when I can fit ecrlptlon collected on percentage any- S your eyes with flrst-qual- where. Highest class references. 1M lty lenses, gold-filled frames, as low as JLoOT Harden Mercantile Agency, room 4-' ' sin Morrison, near bridge Mail Henry tUg. oer" promptly filled. Write for particulars. AWph- .tirT WHOLESALE ANDjjANUFAC AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. wrmMS R CO.. 69-75 Fourth st. PUBRILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. .100 2d t- . . "HATS AND CAPS. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLU-a. THtVHAUSER HAT CO.. &3-6S FrontlL BALLOO & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak 8-S. HIDES PELTS. WOOL AND FURS BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. KAtiX BROS.. 181 Frontst. . Fagftage omnlbuo 1 ranatcr. Park Davis. JitON WORKS. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES 'R&l&OMaSsr PA1.LQU A WRIGHT, Jlh and Oak sts. STRUCTURAL. STEEL PLANT. nKEto ii.tii.i... . Roy. I Bakery & Conf.. Incl th and Everett . vn in ITT I V. RS HENRT WEI.n'haRD. 13ihandBurnBlde. rSCARA BARK AND OKAIU KAH.N BltoSlSlt rontst f'EME.NT. LIME ASI TLASTER, j T i-ROWE si CO.. 45 tourtn St. FLE1SCHNER. MArER&COj. 207 Ash st. .,-r. W lull's I ' PPI.1 ES. Stubbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine at. burn: Charles B. brnut.. .;. . """';" Adkins. Woodburn, --- VoodburnV McMinnv.He; S G Endres. Ashland; W. T. Foster J. C. Per?y. aalem! A. c. Deticurjng Dayton: : C. M Eppley. H. S. KoDert. oaie ... , "rtl'ana: B. O. Gaddi. . Medford M l. ft"". Sa.emrEmi. Rasmus. As toria. COUNTY DIRECTORS MEET Schoolmasters' Club Joins In Discus sion of Agriculturist at Wapato. WAPATO, Wash., Feb. 16. (Special.) The combined meeting of the School masters' Club and directors of school districts of the county in this city Saturday was attended largely. At v,o i wan served in. the noon a luiicntsuii - " , High School cafeteria by the aAool The question of a county agricul turist was discussed. Professor Henry of the State College, addressed the gathering on the subject and arrange ments were completed for a two weeks' engagement for him to speak at various- places throughout the county early in April. WILD HOUND BITES STOCK Posses of Farmers Pursue Animal Along McKay Creek Forks. PILOT ROCK. Or.. Teb. 16 (Spe cial.) Mounted posses of farmers, .. . . . -, v, rTri o wide area. called ny ""i""""- ' - ,f.cted jointed in a hunt of "bi"fl,Iire"ed D..aai.n stac hound that had spea through the country aruuuu " '! ... -,u nrl left behind him dozens of head of maddened stock Farmers, rainea Dy vvuimn. ..f--. e.ii,.- -nrrounded him on the South Fork of McKay Creek. Stock losses were reported on the ranches of Rich ard Rush. Levi Eldridge. Ralph Shafer wiiiiam Rhodes. The hound made one run of 10 miles in an hour. Handcuif 3fan Cashes Old Check. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Feb. 16. iiv hk- for S2b. carriea with him through all his wanderings, for two years, has been cashed and Babina Nodata. the "handcuff man." . j ,A..iv.i th o tnonev. The yesteruay tv.-v. check was given Nodata in Harney County. Oregon, tor iaoor iv ago and was found when he was picked un at Pendleton. Nodata' a hands are still swollen badly from the effects of wearing handcutfs tor aoout o iiiu.m.o. Oregon City Woman Dies in East, nnunnv riTV Or.. Feb. 16. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Teter Mclntyre, for many vears a resident ot Oregon i-ny, uieu last Suturdav at her home in Peoria. 111. Her funeral will take place at Peoria on Tuesday. She Is survived by one dauehter. Mfta Mary Mclntyre. Quickly Relieves Without Distress The congestion of waste and ri-ntri thi Rtnmanh. fer refuse menting in the bowels, generates pOlSOnOUSI saBCO niftfc v.o.oiviA distress i ana invito scnuun iu Health and comfort de- ness. mand that this congestion be speedily relieved" and the foul o o Avrfnlled. The. well-founded objection most people have to the violence of cathartic and purgative agents Is overcome by using the combi nation of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that, is sold in drug stores under the name of- Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A dose at night brings relief next morn ing without discomfort or incon venience. A free trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 452 Washington street, Monticello, III. BUSINESS DIRECTORY i.KATHEK AM) SHOE TRADE SUPFUES. Cms I.. MASTICK. & CO.. . nJ,. '' er of evcrv description: taps, mfg. findings. "lliX'S ANI WOMEN'S SKt'K)VKAB. Columb ia Neckwear Mfg. Cg..8o "tn Bl- MERCHANTS WALES AND ORDER BOOKI!. Pacific C'st salesb'k Co.. Bd Trade. M.8o6g hi r ivPRV ppinsiTAW BROS- Morrison mdjth . . - TrtV A XJ AVI RR. M and Columbia. Mrs. Mclntyre le Oreg-on City for the East to reside aDout S" Her husband was killed while working in the woolen mills, and her son. James Mclntyre, had a sitokb oi and died about two years ago. trie news of her death reached Oregon City today in a telegram to John W. Loder. Mrs. Mclntyre was a member of tne Baptist Church. AT STOMACH MISERY AND INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" Makes Sick, Sour, uassy Kstoiuavua Feel Fine. Do some foods you eat hit back- taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps " o-i, atomacn r INOW. . Mrs.' Dyspeptic! Jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everytruae, nothing to sour and upset you. Ihere never was anything so safely quick so certainly effective. No difference how badly your atomacn m uu.u., ... . v.nnv AiiAf In five minutes. win bci. uo-vvj . i but what pleases you most is that' It strengthens ana reBumra ach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. ... . Most remedies give you rnci ou.u times they are slow, but not sure. "Pape's Diapepsin" is quick, positive and puts your stomach In a healthy condition so the misery, won't come back. You feel different as soon as Pape s Diapepsin" comes in contact with the . ... -i -lust vAnishes vour stomacn uioi'u . -, . stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing no eructations oi uuuicttcu xuuu, your head clears and you feel fine. tio now. make the best investment you ever made, by getting alarge fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize In five min utes how needless It Is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach uisorder. Adv. CLASSIFIED AD. Dally and Sunday RATES rer Line . ... ise if One time taame ad ht. conH-utlye time frame ad three conwullve "'r, ;rli 800 unter -. Tooay" a..o sll otuer ias-ltca. uuus except the lollowin: MtDativDB Wanted Male. situttlons wantedr 1 eniale. lor Kent, Kooms, Private I am U lea. l.tarl and Hoomo, Privalo tamUlea- u..uekevoioE-ioomi, Private lamillee. KitTon tu" aboVi TciassUliattona 1. 1 tents a Hue each insertion. On -cnarire" advertisements charge wlU bo b.ri on the number of line, appearloa; In the paper, regardless of the number 1 nU iVT SrTh line. Minimum charge, two lines, ""le Oreionian will accept classified ad vertieementa over the telephone, provided IS? advertiser l -uoMrluer lo daw ne. No price. wUl be quoted over tha a n. but bill wUl be rendered Ihe lollow uai. Whether .ubsequent advertisements .will be accepted over the pbone depends upon the promptness of payment of tele paone advertisement. Situat one anted and Personal advertiseinenta jvUI not bo ac cepted over the telephone. Order, for on m.ertion onlv wiU be accepted for ")iroi- for tSaJe," "Business Opportunities fcKoomtag-Houae." and "Wanted to Hnt." Xhe oregonlan will not guarantee mcc racy or a-sjme responsibility for errors ocenrring In telephoned advertisements. Advertisements to receive prompt claiwt atatlon must bo la The Oregonlan uoleo be fore "clock at night, except baturday. I losing hour for The Sunday Oregonlan will be o'clock Saturday night. The ofllco will be Topen until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual. Snd all ads received too late for proper JlassiUcatlon will be run under the beadlns "Too Late to Classify." ... Tbo Oregonlan will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any ad. wertlaement offered for more than one time. . . -II j, a AilOK 't 1 tl lllin .iiiim ' ONCE! STOPS AUCTION SALES TODAY. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Salo at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M, furniture. 166-8 First st. ,' - . . ( PAINTING AND KALSOMUNING WE Jtaisomine rooms 4t 2.B0 and paint houses at your price, t-ast 3.6j. PATENT ATTORNEYS K. C. WRIGHT 22 J ears' practice. U. S. and foreign patents. KH Dekum bldg. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 26 North 6th st. riFE. PORTLAND WOOD TIPE 0-XtH nfflce near 24th and York sts. Maln 34tf. RUBBER ST A.M PS. MiALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACfVlC COAST STAMP WORKS 231 Wash. St. Phone Main ilO and A im. SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED. in 10 minutes while you wait, the New York Shoo Repair Co., 243 j Alder st. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage i-o., cor. 15th and Kearney sts. Just completed, new fireproof warehouse lor household effect, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-Vroof rooms, steam-healed piano-room, trucks and rug vaults; track age for carload shipments, vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates lor household goods to and from East In through cars. Main DOW. aU UtUMIiJumL C. O PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story brick warehouse separate iron room and ""'Proot vulU tor valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and Peked for shipment, special rates made on goods in our throush cars to all domestic and forcicn Dorts. Main ;.!. A !. New fireproof warehouses with separate roim. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced fates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents Free trackage. Office and warehouse, loth and Hoyt sts. Main 547, A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan st . cor. i:;th. Telephone Main C.9 or A llb9. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In olty MANNING V.-AREHOCSE & TRANS) I ER CO. New location. th and Hoyt sts. Moving, packing, shipping, storage. Main 703. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK and' WAREHOUSE Office IS'.) Madison. General merclutndlse and forwarding agents. Phone Main ib.H. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan ami viiel ro.. Main 5i20. A 3Sig. TAINTS AND WALL PAPER. P FULLER & CO.. lth and' lals W. , r mi in ri:f..SS. R ASM L'SSEN & CO.. -'d and laylor sts. PIl'E. P1PK FITTINGS AND VALVES. M 1 KL1.C. riuui. PLCMBING Tvn STEAM SCITLIES. M. L. KUNS, 84-86 Front St. ...... v-i, V rnl.lMHK KS. V. W. BALTK3 & CO..lst and Jaksts. ' PRODI CE COMMISSION .MERCHANTS. rnrn: Rr FARRELL, 14U Front St. rortland VrdageCo..14thand Northrop. T r. . , . t ir 1 1 VI .'i . i ' ...... . ..... COLUMBIA DIGUER CO., foot of Ankeny SASH, DOORS AND OLASS. W P FULLER & CO.. 12th od Davis Portland Iron Works, 14th and forthrup. MORGAN WALL PAPERC2S0Sdt S.-nivai.F JEWELERS A OPTICIANS. BUTTERFIELD BRO&-. MOHAWK BLDQ. .MEETING NOTICES. GRAND LODGE A, F. AND A M OF UKr.uu.v .. si'onal Grand Lodge will be con vened at the Masonic Temple. 3SS Yamhill street. Wednesday purple . of " attending the funeral services of w. m. r. u. - funer al M. rites at tne ' .rr," Crind I odce '"officers are hereby requested to be nrV.lnt. Bv order of the grand master present, cy ROBINSON. Grand Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46, A. F. AND A. communication this (Weanesaay evening. 7:0, fcast Lighth and M.' M. degree Don t G.t your tickets tonight from the Visitors 'i-ICHMOSD, gee. HARMON LODGE. NO. l- A F AND A. M. Members an earnestly requested to attend th. funeral of late Brother M. W. F ..i ik MnPrnkPn faei'V if.'., to be conducted under the Bnice of the M. W: grand lodge touaj Wednelay. Feb. 17. at l.M r. der of the W. m Dp. LIN Secr3tary. .vn -n , I ' T I." 17 VI) :i. Tt k. M. A stated, convocation of Portland Chapter No. 3, will be held In their .nan. .-viasviiiv. plo. Portland. Or., this (ednes- at s o'clock, 'visiting companions will be welcome. Py order fc.H 21 T. TABOR LODGE. NO. -. vt i , A Ai itMcinl com' m'uni'ca'tion "this' (Wednesday) evening, West Side Temple I o'clock. M. M. degree. isitlng K-,.thrn invited to attend, liy order the Worshipful Maator. .... oit'am T.nnc,E. no. 2. I. O. O. F. .ifljinj.i ia'.Hnplavl even "A8"'" ?r"i'. T o. O F. Temple. First IJU IiH.r streets. Initiation. Visitors al- welcome. Zry RliGULAP. MEETING THIS (Wednesday) evening. East 6th and Alder sts. Visitors cordially Invited. W. W. TERR V. Secretary. DIED, t n..iQ rillnois. Mrs. Peter ' u'l'lnivrr. February 14. ll."i. Interment at Peoria, Illinois. February 1. 1 !.". FUNERAL NOTICES. T.Aimr-HE In this city. Feb. 1. at the family residence, 7SS East Pine St.. Waller P. LaRoche. Jr., aced 21 j ejirs 8 months and -3 days, betoveil son of lr. and Mrs. Walter P. LaKoche. and brother of Georce LaRoche, Mrs. C. II. Weston, Miss uncuti0 Kline. Dorothea. Nan ana ImiIs lAttoche. The funeral services will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, ror ncr East 17th and Broadway today (Wednesday), at : P. M. The remains will be st the conservatory chapel ol r . 5 Dunning. Inc. East Side Funeral Di rectors 111 East Alder St. corner East stli at. until 13 o'clock. HOFFMAN In this city, Feb. 1.1, Andrew F. Hoffman, aseil 03 years 1 month and days husband of Amelia Hoffman, and father of Mrs. F. H. Rnlley. of Panama; H. H. and F. B. Hoffman, of Seattle; Benjamin P. Hoffman, of Japan; Slaiir. H. F. and R. W. Hoffman, of Kent, Wash. Tlio funeral services will be held at the Conservatory Chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc Bast Ride Funeral Directors. 41 East Alder St.; corner East th St.. at 10 A. M. today (Wednesday). Frlouds In vited. MAGINNIS Robert Stanley MaKlnnls. Feb ruary 15, aged 12 years, beloved son of Mr and Mrs. John L.- Muglnnls. Funeral will take place from Dunning McEntee s chapel today (Wednesday) at :: A. M. Services -at the Cathedral, corner and Davis sts..' :4."i A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. FISHER The funeral services of the late Captain James N. Fisher, who passed away In this city Feb. 15, will be held to day (Wednesday), at 2 P. M.. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co.. cor 3d and Clay. Friends kindly Invited to attend. Interment Itiverview Cemetery. M'CRAKEN In this city. February 15. John McCraken. aged J8 years 7 months 4 days. Services ot Trinity church Wednesday, February 17, at i o'clock P. M. Conclud ing services at the Portland Crematorium. Remains at Holman's undertaking parlors. 1IEWETT At the family residence, ' Green Hills (Mt. Zionj. Feb.. 16. Henry Hewett, aged 8 yea,rs. Friends Invited to attend funeral at the above residence at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday). Feb. 17. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. DCPCY Alonzo Dupuy, February 15. aged 48 years, beloved husband of Caroline Dupuy. Funeral services will be held at Dunning 6 McEntee's chapel Wednesday. February 17. at - P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. OAKES The funeral services of the lata Harry H. Oakes will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Wednes day). Friends Invited. Interment Mult nomah Cemetery. - urday. S. W. AMUSEMENTS. Iur-.TV I Broadway, at Taylor I111.ILJJ Mala 1, A 1122 TONIGHT8: 1 SM VvIL'k BARGAIN -PRICE Mat. Today 2:15 $1, J3c. 50c, 35c. 23c. The Sencational tucrs A llianlic. llnimatii' iuilH-tin.'ni ol Deplorable Conditions of Today. Evenincs, lower floor, Jl. .'. $1.00; Bal cony, fl.00. 70c, fiOc; Gallery. 00c. SEATS NOW BELLING. 7 Next Sunday BARGAIN PRICE MAT. WEDNESDAY. SPECIAL PRICK MAT. SATURDAY. The Stupendous Musical Comedy HIGH JINKS With STELLA MAY HEW. 70 COMPANY EXCELLENT CAST. AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA.. Evenings Lower floor. 11 rows T rows tl. Balcony, 1. 75c, SOc. Gal. 5c. Wednesday Mat. tl. "5c. 50c, HSc, ioc Saturday Mat. Jl.uO, 1, 73c. Oc. SEAT SALE TOMORROW. BAKER THEATER Main 2. A IClCft. (.ro. L.Bnker. Mgr. - . ., n.u.r players. T..1.1.1 in week Mats. Wed., SaL Great est ot all detective plays. 'SHERLOCK HOI.J1W Dramatized by William Gillette from the world-famous stories of Conan Doyle. A play of thrills, mystery a,,.. seats (except box) luc. ext eek "Secret Service. , Mala 6 n 6. Broadnay. at Slark. A 10. .ERIE BERGERE. in "The ll mi m," and Ray Samuels. Ma-Belle aitrt Ballet of 8, Crrighton Brothers and Bel li Minstrels. I.oughlin s Comedy tanlnra. .,. ih. Wonderful. Weber, the , Matinee ifjj Shows LEW SIIAXU, iT.Mivnr of Indianapolis. . n-uL D Rlil.TlilK ACTS. 5 n,.l K.t for Hn.t-Nlabt Show Keserved DDirCC ) Afternoons IC 'c F Kit t3 ight. 13c. 26C MATSNIEIAHY 230 The Whltney-Mclntyre Co. present "THE WRONO BIRD." New York's latest musical success. ' . .- . ,'l "II ,.' A T A Boxes and tirt row balcony ..eats reserrra by phone. Main 4. A !ij:!6. FUNKKAf. NOTICES. FR ASK R Ch;i rles A I bert Fr.iser, Feh. IS, et !-! urecicy si., - 17 days beloved husband of Allle Nette Eraser .ind father of Jumcs F. Eraser nn.l Mrs Nellie Leaonette. of Portland. Fu neral services will be held at R. T. Byrnes funeral parlors, Williams eve and M".lt St.. Thursday. Feb. 1S, t - P. M. lnier ment at itiverview Cemetery. I riends in vlH WHYTE Louis Whyte, February 13. aged years, oeiorcu wn.3 ... . Whvte. Funeral will take place from Dun ning & McEntee'. chapel Thursday. tol ruary IS. at 8:.t0 A. M. ?"v'c' " Lawrence Church, corner .Id and Sherman sts., 9 o'clock. Friends Invited. Inter ment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. . FUNERAL DIRECTORS. The only if.ldence undertaking l -ent In Pottland with private driveway. m Maui 'J, A 1 .'.'III. .1. P. F1NLEY & SON. .Montgoimry at Fifth. MR EDWARD HOLM AN, Ihe leading funeral director. '-'IMI Third J'"'J Salmon. Lady assiianu A loll. Main oU,. F. S. DINNING. INC.. East Side Funeral Directors. 411 Last Alder street. East OJ. B A R ZELLER "O.. V I t.l.i a.m 3 East ihbX. C li)S. Lady attoudaiit. Duy and night service. DIWXING i MEN TEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine. 1 liunc Main I3U. A 4i-s. Laiiy attcntlant HKEEZH-WRIGI1T CO.. funeral directors, Belmont. Stiiinyridc. H 1-'-. lab. 1- '". H T BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott. Ea.l 1115. C i;4:i. Latly attendant. P. L LKRCH. East llth and Clay streoti a?slstant. East 781. and . lay. Main 41.-.J. A IBtai Lady attendant. FI.ORINTK. MA It TIN & roRHKri CO.. flotisls. 317 h; Instnn Mnin 21:. A l-'. Flower, for all u-i'Hsionr. artistically arranged. Ci A KK E lITtCiS.. tieiiKncrs and de.'ot ators, fresh rill flowers, great variety. Al"i rnotl, between 4th and .'.til. Main "r A PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. I'd and Alder. DesiKliil snd sprays. Marshall Ma. MAX M. SMITH, Main 71S, A 2121. Selling building. ' A C F Bl'HKHAKDT. 120 N. 2.1d Funeral designs and cut flowers. Main 1HM, A 7H31. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND AVE, N. Retneen Davla and Kverett. Phone. Kaat 142:1. B 2.'. 15. Ope. Day and Meat. Kepert all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment'a notice. Anyone doairlni; a pet may communicate with us NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved vity and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Mort tTaeea bought. Call today. A. H. BIRRELL CO. Sl'.-21 IVorthnestera Ban Bulldlas;. Mnr.bnll 4114. A 4 US. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITV PnOPERIV. Money available wttfcla 14 hours after receipt of abstract, l 7 per ceafc ROBERTSON & EWING 20 7 -S Nortbweatera Bank Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rate. JOHN . CBONAN. toa apaldlna; Bldg. rartlaaa. Of. MONEY TO LEND For both city and farm propertle.. KO. H. THIIMt", 207 Oak M. Hoom - Aln.wortk Hid. NEW TODAY. FARM LOANS Ure are loaning Eastern Life Insur ance money nd will make choice Wil lamette Valley farm loans at the low- est rates ever quoted in Oregon. rHE DEVEBEAUX MORTGAGE CO. C07 Concord Building, Second and Stark Streets. Portland. Ortgom Apartment- House Buyers! Mere la thu best bargain In rorllaml. nhowing blsr ri-liirns on your Invest ment; will take 00 to handle: i- trade under any circumstances,. Ir "'' want jomethlnfr different n nio anil Khow me that you have the ci-ri i handle it and 1 will fhow you a mone maker. w m. i. skck i:noitK. jnr. Moek Kachooae ItiillillnK. MORTGAGE LOANS on rosldencca. bualneaa property ana Improved farma at loweat raloa. See us first . Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortsaje Co UuUaUaB. WE WILL BLILD AXD FIXANCH Homes Flata and apartment In any part of too nty costing from tjuoo to l.'O.ouo: pay ment like rent. '. Call and aa. Boom Umswfelal Club BulHlas;. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. 1AKM AI tir LOA.NB. 0 Feoria M.. UoarU uf IrmU. Ill.lg. IITV AD FARM I.OAX9 On i jniprovea x . ui-.' ' Amount at Current "-tos. aRI.UA l0.1ir0.i. iJAMtt-IIS. Corner Kourta and btai atresia. in,,.rovxi . I'rouerllea In Any La It E I. KSTATE DK.AI.KR.S. PALM EU-JONES CO.. 11. 1. 4u4-4Ui-4n. Win on bldg. ;il.',-:ii( I ' a 1 1 1 1 1 a bldg. TTen k 1 i. r duos-JUlfS!.' " HA KKI'I'T HltO.-i., :.o. Hoard of REAL EST AfK lor h.le Lola. PHOSl-ECTIVK HUUIl LUILDKIia. II are lliUiklu ol building a lit!;. Inter Oil. writ " KuTelhurst lots which I will sell plans AM .'il 2. nOSE CITT r ARK LOT3. Deal direct with th. owners. Ih. orig inal plane.. c tin. bMutllul Prt of 1'orllaiiil. call oo our lUsity Dep.rim.ii. "r' !i1,AKliAikA THOMPSON- - I-Oltl'LANO IIEI.JIITH KXCLI'SIVlLLr 1 handle m l of me '" In tin. district. ."! sll tbs b.rgalns. Mar;l.all 4-27. HIKM'hl.. A s IK M Til Tl. view home sit.'. .'t M.le. ouiy 1 IS minute.' car rl.l.i. .'..; Isrr t.e.l s ue in l'l' " LOT In hcKl I'M 1 1 sale. I :; m i : i In. have rafii: n ' u( luli'i;!- quli-k .y 1.,-mi i. i.i ; mil'l ir. grtntsn CANNt'N HE.Vi'H lots. nionihlv. 'no iiiimihui, I ha III ber ol I'lllllllici r.y JltiUO CllOlPE lot "'I 1 i.r tra.l. 4 111 I.' .. tac i-.ilwMy f'T nf I onunerce. I.XMUU lot ,.,,.! title. iin H' '.ahI Everett, ; Mm In MIH'. BEST rctdetue l"l in L.Jd Addition. 0u er. S.'llwoiil Ji'-'t- For bale -lloi HI Nil A LOW SAi'l: FK'K. Swell new S-rooin tiiiiiii.lii". fui-naie. f ll enlui'''. "K fl II biii.l-ln eflicls. ' bnl rooms and ilee ami a fine home'! i I I ltd). E. oJd St.. ping niir.-li. il-iublr Dun' ost (I ! bulid; price m ar Clinton, 'j bioi I. W t'"'''SSt ItOLt'H. il.t.I .,f Trade Hlila. M.m 74' Fl KN I 11 V I ' H i N i 1 . i W biinsaio". veuience, room, nlc uoud buy. Ilrepiare. .n.i .i..i ...... Iv furtilHhrrt. If i.'U want a closo to tin car sml In " ' stricted iltrli llrrr. 1 l' N re me .1 ullce. v . .i llauli bldg. W. i.r ,,itirnl 11110 l oai nil i ' r. ',,., .,.. .... : . 1 .- sleeiiing porch, t ! Hels. Ilei. K..l,borh..!..l : property .,.-t ...; pr.c s:..mi half rash. Main . . , t ,-in i'ii Iriinitoil home: must sm.ll .mount . al.. I men that I. m going t- II this at u lof.. P. Ilurke. .t llAHTMAN TIIOVPSuN 4 1 1. Htin r-tsr. . . i -,ini V ALl E at a" ani-olut. sacrifice; le 'csted In ll-e 'l,y Pari.. H Work from elegant fireplace, p. (, biil! psneleil wall '.'ill! .t. N. In buff'', beam ceijim poo.l futn.'-e. etc. I'.ii i:. MODERN n-room cottage, flrepl.oe. built-in conveniences, on choice sightly lot 3 bloc., from Multnomah Mallon. which w. must sell lm.nedi.tely. Own.r les.lng rtt, . ... give you easy term, and th. right prlc. rail M'J Plait bldg. C1C)SE IN ON EAST flUK S rooms and sleeping porch. thToiighlv modern, very sightly lot. .11 "P'"'; menis in. 2 blocks from thp c.r; will ..c riflee .".in for a quick s.lo. L. M. Oerr. 1i N. W. Hank hldg. IilKECT FKOM OWNEIt. New. L5 room, and l...h lot -.2 be sold. .t once; one block to Itose ' ' I-ark car; price IIKOO. Will accept -" J.",. ..niinee tlO mo. If can mak. ssie q ii lekly. owner. T.h.'l .'.47 OU people In apartment. I vour chance l get nil fl.ts thu Twim, niooern lsr your i.n bungalow, where you can rl i iiauihiimi. nr line. Will screpi .'. in.i"th: nothing down. Thonc onet Tuber 47'-7. . UOOM bungalow nP In Itose City alkf.o See Mr. Fte.mer todsy. HUTCH1NS-THEKM'.I.-EN CO., Jufi Spalding Iililc. M.ln A :v. Ml'K. VhVlot f7r a few-montn. uSlll you re.dy to build, and will -t yl Ilnanclally. Am not a but.uer M ou can securo ) own contractor n4 aoETII 1'lilt TI.AND II401", No INItlllt". 60 ,300 .low... I2..W) monthly buy. ; ho us. snd.. mall lot Jn ho '""j street lii.provcment. In and paid, you 'aura net lour money 'a worth on this dsl. Fred W 5(erman Co.. 814 of Com. 4-KOOM buliKalow. complete Dutch". a larce bedrooms. larFO lot, close to in. ear' glSHo con. I terms; 1M sell furnished s If d-lrel. l . M. Kerr. 11W N. w. bldg. . . ket i s m;ii.r vou a iiiim r On our l"t or ours; bv your own pl.m or o'.rrs; pav h like rent. THE OHKlii'N HOME Pl'ILrKftP, i:;r,i) Nortli.stern Hank bMg. PEIl MONTH Which Includes Interest ; modern. ." rooms. l"plng-toreh. Isrg. at tic hullt-ln convenience., em inent sidewalk In and paid, restricted dli trlet Woodl.wn 8712. bl'I.ENDin HOITSR East Irvmgton; Co.; stl.-.on: will take much le-s for q.itek ..lie; hardwood floor.. Last 273. W. 11. HerU- man. IJS.'.O. TERMS n-room new bung. low, ..l "modern, built-in convenience.; must b. seen to b. .pprecl.led. ir on ar. looking for a borne, see ouner. 416 f'li.m. of con.. WI'"ST hll'B snnp. good rt-room house, lot 42xllf. on Hamilton ve.; prle. IIV"'; onlv $1.10 rush require. E. .1. OF.IflKK. 417 Chamber of I'emnier. e. 2.". In iVN. $!'! month, which include, in terest; S-rnnm, b.lh, flrepim. bufei. Hi; tures, .hadtN, cement reetrlcloi district. Woodl.wn .1712. WHV pav rent when you .an buv . 4hre room house on the West Klde fr 4.v .K down, 10 per month: city w.tar. M. L. Lee, P.O." Corhctt bldg. Aiirt .VROOM. Just completed, up to d.le, strkn... In f.tnlly, cut down to lhl price, also n.v. g-room new house. C 242. FOR SA I.R or Hfhnr. good I room ynm. well located, in aneo.iver, B. C. Oehl.1 & Orant, 40T Teoti bldg. 1 I I-