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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1915)
I TITE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIA MONDAY, FEBRUARY !.-, 1915. 12 PORTLAND BUSINESS A BST RACTS OF TITLE. lKUJi pT S KKV ICE at reasoua ble prices Pacific Title A Trust Co.. T Ch. of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING; CCORDION, knife and box pleating picot " ing. hemstitching, braiding. embroiderml. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. eo h oltx su Mail orders promptly attended to. K- riTEPHAX Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, ctde pleat, buttons covered. Kp" oontcd. mail orders. 33 Aiaer. M. -J3. ASSAY EKS AM ANALYSTS. MONTANA A!AY OFFICE, 14. sliver and platinum bought. is 2d. Gold, ATTORNEYS. 11 ALL 4 FLIEDNER, lawyers, consultations free. Pi-S Hiwner pmg. LAwytR: consultation free. Main 4113. 0 helling b:dg. CAKI'F.T W K A VINO. v.ii.TuivrT pr'fi t'Ct Rues from old car- t": rat: rus. Is Ea.t Mh. Both phones. KLi.ixoii buttons. Aior THE IKWlN-IHD.ON COMPANY. ? 5th t. Phone Main 312 and A 12.(4. ( KKTIKIKI) PIBIJC AC ( Ot NTANTS. GEO. RIDOUT Marshall M derate charge. 2 GO 1 2th t. MIIKOPOIHTS. William. Estelle and William. Jr. Deven 3. ttie only sclentlfl- chiropodists ,lhe clt Partors 3"2 Oerllnger bldg.. S. W. corner I'd and Alder, phone Ma.n 13vl. HtKODODtsr. pedl-urlsl. manicurist. Now York GraO. Wa-hiiigtun St. 2U4 Mac Imv bilg. OK. ETHEL A. SACKY. pi 7. Panamn bide. Poo iir.I-s chiropodist. 19 Main CMIKOI'OKV II ill. offh and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. F.iedner bldg. Mam 34.3. H1K01K(TIC 1HYH'IAXS. Or McMahon -nrpri- all. Chronic cases, 111 treatments, f 1 others less. 121 4th St. CLEANING ANI 1'KKSr.LX-. LRLi-S SI "ITS t'i rent. We press one su.t cava e-k f.r pr month. IMQI E TAlIUtlNO CO.. :: Siark Pi.. iet. 5th and Cth. Main Of. I. ACTION ACiKXCY. U ACES It E. NTS AND LA UH of any de-f-ription c;ied on percentage any w hre. Hish-s: !;. references. The ar'!n t en a utile A genoy. room 42 H-nry Id: ,ri)Ur,iSl n-'t jnd;i-.ieuts colleffd. -Adopt Miort Mete'." Short Adjustment . -! N. W. Haptc t.ldg. phone Main 14. "FTH t o. iorcftr bldg. Main 17! No coilfrtio i. r- charge. lCatabllsiied liHtQ. ARC'HITI" Tl RAI. WIRE T'jr-.:antl : Iron VU-. t IRON- WORKS. 21 and Columbia. A I TO AM BKiiV TOW. Ht nP.II.l.r; Bl'liHV TOi' ' P.. -00 " Al TOMOIill.E S PI'MES. VTXt.l.OK A: WKHiU'l". lh and oak atj. n.U,(..ll.C t'llECKIIt AT HOME. ::.u I ra.'i.'ii'r, i bi u " . . HK'M'I-KX MOTOIM V I.KS A sriTl.lES. ;xi.I.ti- a- WKIGur, 7tii a-d Oak sta. KREAIt BAKERY. nnyal Bak.ry i fonf.. Inc.. 1 Uli anj Everett. BKK EKS ANU BOTTLERS. ITEXRY Vt:iXH.HL. l"th and liurnslde. CASI'ARA BARK AND iKAPK ROOT. KAHX liKOd.. Ml Fiont SZ. OEM EXT. I.1MB AXI PLASTER. P. T. L'HOVVE & CO.. Ah Fourth st. DRY GOODS. FI.EISCHXER. MAYER4 CO.. 107 Ash 1 ELECTRICAL SI PI'I.IES. Stubbs Electrical Co.. th and Fine sts. BKA ERTOX BOARD OF TRADE HAS SICCESSFFL GATHERING. w. (scr, President, I'w.iden aid C. i:. Kindt Ucllvr Address of ! romt P. S. Bates Speaks. ELAVKRTOX. Or, Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) The banquet and get-to-gether meeting given by tho Beaverton Board of Trade in Cady Hall last night was one of the most harmonious and eiv thii.lnatl,' Catherines ever held ln Bea- verton. Two hundred and ten plates were laid, and these were not enough to accommodate the people present. vhi, h included not only town people, but farmers and their wives from the surroundinir country. The Beaverton Board of Trade was organized last Kail with about 20 mem hrs. and this Catherine was an out crowth of its earnest efforts since that time in the way of better roads, better streets and a Keneral civic improve ment. Two score new members was the result of the banquet. K. V. Cady. president, was chairman of the meeting, and the programme consisted of music by the orchestra, instrumental, solos, duets, songs by the Girls- Glee Club, addresses, serv ing refreshments and dancing. Judge C K. Kindt, of Kinton. a niem hcr of the Board of Tra.le. delivered the address of welcome, outlining the purposes of the organization, what It has accomplished and inviting co-operation In all matters pertaining to a larcer. cleaner and better Beaverton. The principal address of the evening was delivered by I'hllip S. Bates, of Cortland. his subject being "Civic Pride." Tfr II. Mulchey. a Beaverton resident and assistant freight agent for the Southern Faclfic. cave an Interesting talk on the possibilities of the town. predicting a population of 10.000 with in a few years. ALLEN JAY AGAIN CAPTURED Ftijritlvo l-Tom Asylum Surprised lijr Deputy Ilarl. of Ijine County. ITGKXE. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Allen Jay. desperado, was recaptured to day for the fourth time during the past two years. He submitted without a fight when surprised by H. II. Earl, Deputy Sheriff, shortly after midnight Jay escaped from the State Asylum two weeks ago and made his way with in two weeks to his old haunts at HIatchly. in the Coast Mountains, near Triangle Lake, west of Eugene. Since he has been back this time he has been terrorizing the residents in the vicinity, who fear him from his former actions. The officers have been handicapped In catching him in that the neighbors have so feared his vengeance that they refused to take part. JUDGE'S SONJJNDER KNIFE Ttoriert Bean Operated On at Eugene for Appendicitis. CXIVERSTTY OF OREGON". Eugene. Feb. 14 (Special.) Robert Bean, a student at the universtty and son of Judge Bean, of Portland, was operated on successfully at the Mercy Hospital Saturday for appendicitis. "The operation was a success from all standpoints and though the incision made was rather complicated, the patient should be well enough to resume his class work in the course of ten days." declared Dr. Kerron. Robert Bean is a junior In college and ft member of the Sigma Xu fra ternity. His mother has been with him since the attack developed. Larger Stock Yards Sought. CENTRAL! A. WbsIi, Feb. 14. (Sne eial.) The newly organized "Winlock Builders' and Boosters' Club has set March 10 as the date for a general cleanup of the town. The club has als appointed a committee to take up with BANQUET DANCING. PKuF. WAL WILSON Waltz, hesitation, one-step, fox trot, etc., morning, afternoon and eveninc- lessons liic: guarantee leach anyone who walks how to dance; 4 private lesson and classes. Si': classes Thursday and Saturday evening, 7 to s;3u. SS 5th, bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7S37. HEATHS DANCING SCHOOL Lessons daily; class Tues., Friday evenings, 8 to 1U. loi rd sc., bet. Washington and Stark. Lessons il.c. DENTISTS. OR. A. W. KEEXE, Majestic Theater bldg.. 251 Washington at. Marsnau j.ruo. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekum bldg., 3d & Wn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, venerators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rf winding: all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First st. North. Phone Main 2l0. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorne. Genera! machine and foundry work. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE & MARK HAM CO.. 343 Washington st. MACHINERY". Engines, boilers. sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. M ESjiENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENOER CO. Motorcycles and bicycle. Phone Main 53. A 213$. ' MOVING PICTt'RES. FILMS, machines, supplies, gas outfit. rented and sold. 1'26 I'd st. Ml SICAU PK "Fi:OIJ. GRIFFIN, vocal instructor, wll! take few more pupils. Call 11 to fi:30. 4tiS Eilers bldg. Em'I Thielhorn, violin teacher: pupil Sevick. 2UT Filedner bldg. A 4160, Marshall 1629. NAT! ROPR.VCTIC PHY'SICIANP. DR PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic disease. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIANS. mm a riUlii on nign I M IrK, J glasses when I can fit vour eves with first-qual ity lenses, gold-filled frames, as low as SI. 507 ordera promptly filled. Write for particulars. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. OK. It. B. XORTHRt'P, 3S Morgan bldg.. cor lroadsy and Washington etreet. Of fice phone. Main 349; residence. East 1023. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GRAIN MERCHANTS. Ab(rs Bros. Milltnc Co., Front and Marshall. tiROCERIES. WADHAMS & tx., 69-75 Fourth HATS AM) CAPS. THASH.MVHR HAT CO..53-;.i Front St HIDES. PELTS. WOOL A'D"Ft'RS. KAHX HKOS-. 191 Front St. IRON WORKS. PVriFIC IRO.V WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON". STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CM AS. L. MASTIOK & CO.. 74 Front; leath er of every detfTipti'n : taps, mfg. findings. MKVS AM WOMEN'S NECKWLAU. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Fifth St. MERCHANTS SALES AND ORDER BOOKS. Pacific C'st SaUsb'k Co.. Bd Trade. M.8.S MILLINERY. BrfADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portiand Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d and Coliimbla. the railroads operating through the town the tiuestion of building new and larger stockyards. $2999 ASKED FOR DEATH Engineer Blamed in Suit for South ern Paeitic Trestle Accident. OREGON' CITT. Or.. Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) The Southern Facitic was made defendant Saturday in a suit for J2999, filed by Edward Summerfield, adminis trator for the estate of Alma Summer lieid. who was killed January 7. 1914. when she was struck by a passenger train on the trestle across the Aioiaii i:iv.r hetween Canbv and Barlow. In the complaint the entire burden fni- the death of the girl is placed on the shoulders of E. L. Kenney. engineer of the train. Edward Sutnmertieia al leges that the trainman was 60 years old at the time of tne acciaent, uu ror evesight and was not a lit person to have charge of the running of the train. Alma Summerfield was crossing the bridge early in the evening of January 7, 1914, with her sister and Melvin Ho gan. when the Shasta limited, south bound, struck them, killing Alma Sum merfield and young Hogan. Doomed Bill Withdrawn. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. 14. Representative Oscar YV". Home, of Portland, "put one over" on the House this afternoon. las bill to require reg istration of musio teachers with the State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion came up for third reading and in stantly brought on a storm of opposi tion. So vigorous were the protesfs that defeat of the measure was inevitable, but instead of permitting It to be slaughtered on rollcaJl Mr. Horne ob tained consent to withdraw it. Anto Vpsets; 1 Dead, 1 Hurt. BOISE, Idaho. Feb. 14. Joseph Guay. a well-known timber cruiser, was In stantly killed and Dr. J. B. Lewis se verely Injured Saturday night when an automobile driven by Lewis turned turtle near Meridian. AMI-REMENT8. Mala 6. Broadway, at Stark. A lOSt V A LERI K I E RG E RE . In "The I .ocL h at Panama." and Kav SaiuurW. Ms-hVllo and her Ballet of 8, C'retghtou Brother and Bel mont Minstrel, Loughlin'rt Comedy Canine. .Mijarr. ine onuerruj. neurr, me Ewentric. Mntinee Every Iay. (fjANTAGES HATIKEE DAIEf 230 The Whitney-Mclntyre Co. present "THE WRONG BIRD New York's latest musical success. 6 OTHER BIG-KEATI'RE ACTS 6 Bor and firnt row balcony scat reserved by phone. Main 4M6, A 2.: 38. Matinee S:1S P.M. Night 3 Shows 7:30, 8:19 LEW SHANK. Ex-Mayor of Indianapolis. 3 OTHKK BlU-TlMfi ACTS S Choice Seat, for Flrat-Xisnt Show Reserved DPirtv ) Afternoon. inc. I5e rfUlCO (Night. lie, 24c Monday Musical Club Artists Chorus Assisted by MRS. JAXE BURNS ALBERT MRS. DELPHINE MARX MR. DOM J. ZAN W. If. BOYER, Director. Multnomah Hotel Ball Room Tuesday Evening, Feb. 16 8:15 Tickets 50 Cents For sale at Eilers Music House. DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. it. c. v," RIGHT H sears practice. U. S. and foreign patents. MH Dekum bldg. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 2a North 6th st. PIPE. t'OKTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near :nth arid York ets. Mam dsn. RC'BBKR STAMPS, SEALS, BKAif 'SIGNS. PiriPii' nlAjJT STAMP WORKS ?m Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED In 10. minutes while you wait, 45c New York Shoe Repair Co., 4o'i Aider si. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ruhTU NI Van Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney fits. Just compietea. new fireproof warehouse for household effects, pianjs und automobiles: contains separate fire and verniln-iroof rooms, steam-heated piano-uom. trucks and rug vaults; track .. n. I .. H .M.,mBnia vans for mOV lug. reduced freight rates for household iroods to and from East in tnrouga ci. Main oHO. all oepartnients. C. O PICK Tfansfer & Storage Co. Oftice and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 5i. A TH.OV-ROR TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouses with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reauceu r-itAa lntn vnnfi nmi teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse. Join anu Hovt .-ta. Main fl47, A OREOC)N TRANSFRR CO.. 474 Glisan st.. cor. HVth. Telephone Main o9 or A llt8. warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In city. MANNING WAREHOUSE & Tr.AXsFLK New location, wtn anu noyi m. Moving, pneking. shipping, storage. Main 7fr:. A 2214. MAOISON-ST. !X"K and WAREHOUSE Office 1S1 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7titl. LiL E EN and dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan ama Fuol Co., Main 57JO. A S-SOff. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Uavls. PAINTS. OIL ANI GLASS. RASJIUSSEX & CO.. 2d and Taylor t. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. 1 KLINE. Sl-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLlNli. &4-SG Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. BALTKS & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDIXG & FAKRELL, 110 Front st. ROl'E AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Xorthrup. 8ANI AXD GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS ANU GLASS. W P. FULLER A CO.. lth and Iavis. Portland Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. WALL PATER. MORAX WALL PAPERJJSO Sd 6L WHOLESALE JEWELERS & OPTICIANS. BUTTERF1ELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDU. AMTSEMENTS. 1 HEILIG Broadnay. at Taylor Main 1, A 1123 nr-ATVTT-- IJTO. t Ef ALL THIS WEEK BAHUAIN-l'RICE Mat. Wed. 2:15 SL00-"5-50-:t5-23 The Sensational Success A Irati Dramatic Indictment of Deplorable Conditions of Today. Evenings.' lower floor, $1.30, $1.00; Bal cony. $1.00. 7uc, T.Oc; Gallery, 50c. SEATS NOW PEELING. BAKER THEATER Main 2. A 5360, Ceo. I. .Baker, Mar. Home ct the Famous Baker Flayers. Tonight, bargain night, all seats 2oc (ex cept box). All week. Mats. Wed., Sat. Great est of all detective plays, "SHERLOCK HOLMES," Dramatized by William Gillette from the world-famous stories of Conan Doyle. A play of thrills, mystery and fascination, Rvenlnes: ::Sc. ."iOc. 7.rc. Box SI. Sat. Mat. 2."c iX'c. Box 75c. Wed. Bargain Mat., all seats (except box) J5c. Next week "Secret Service." CLASSIFIED AD. Bally and Sunday RATES Per Line One time le Same ad two consecutive times 23c Same ad three connective time 30c bame ad six or aeren consecutive tltaea. . Mo Tne above rates apply to advertiMciuenta under "Jew Juay" ana au oiuer uutbuica. lion except the lullowinjr; bituatioQH Wanted Male. Miuitiuna Wanted J-einale. or Hent, KooniM, private i'amiltea. Board and Koom, Private iamilie. Houftekeeping-Koomtt. 1'rlvate amide. Kate on tlie above claitillvatiou la 1 cent a each Innert ion. On "ctmrge" advet tlsementn charge will be bael on tue number of line appeariua; in tne paier, resaruierxt o( tne number of word in eatu Luc. Mlnimiuu enlarge, two llnea. Tbe Orcsonian will accept claMillcd ad renafmeutt over tue telephone, provided tue advertiser b uow;rlber to either piiane. No prices will be quoted over tne phone, but bill wilt be rendered the follow I iMC liar. bet her ubrequrnt advertisements will be accepted o er the pnone depends upon tbe promptness of pa uient of iele pione advertisement. Situations Wanted aud Personal advertisements will not be ac cepted over tbe telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for 'furni ture for Sale,' "Buhinens Opportunities," Boomin;-ltoue" aud "Wanted to K;nt." Tbe Oregonian will not guarantee atM'. racy or wwjme responsibility for errors occurring in telephoned advertisements. Advertisements to receive prompt ehusl Qcatiou must be in The Orefroniao office be fore b o'clock at nhrbt, except Saturday. Closinc hour for The Sunday Orefronian will be 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock 1. M., as usual, and all ads received too late for proper classification will le run under tbe beading Too Late to "laify." Tbe Oregon lan will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any ad vertisement offered for more than one time. Telephone Main 7070. A 6005. AUCTION SALES TODAY. y Ford Auction Mouse. 211 1st. Furniture. carpets, eta ale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at in a m furniture. 166-8 First st. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. AXD A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) eve at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the E. A. ucrree. Visiting brethren wel- c u'ne. W. M. DE LIN, Sec SELLWOOD lODGE, NO. 131, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) even ing. 7:30 o'clock. Sellwood Ma sonic Hall. Work M. M. degree. Visitor, welcome. By order W. at JiLTL&K, Sec. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. IS. R. A. il. Called convocation this (Monday) evening. East Mn and Burnside t., at 7:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P ROY QUACKENBUSH. Sec. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2 A. F. AND A. II. Special com munication this rtlondav) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Work ln M. M. degree. Visiting fcrethren wel come. W. S. WEEKS. Sec CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. -27, O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. Social. By or der of W. M. MAKIETTE ROBINSON, Sec. DEED. BRONNER In this city, Feb. 14, Mabel Bronner, aged 10 years. The remains will be forwarded this- (Monday) morning. Feb. 15th, by J. P. Flnley & Son, to Tigard, Oregon. Notice of funeral hereafter. FCNERAL NOTICES. VAN PAINE The funeral service of Mrs. Bertha Van Paine, aged 44 years, widow of the late Isaac Van Paine, will be heid today Monday. February 1.". at 2 P. M., from A. R. Zeller Co."s parlors, 5H4 Wil liams ave. Friends are invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. ADAMS The funeral service of the late Caroline Adams will be conducted to day (Monday), at 2:30 P. M-. in the Lents Friends- Church. S2d at. S. E. Friend invited- Interment Mt. Scott Park Ceme tery. Remains' are at the parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., of Lents. SEDGWICK In this city, February 18. Al bera Louise, aged 2 years, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sedgwick. Funeral ecervices Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Monday). Interment Riverview Cemetery. BELLINGR At the residence of her mother. Mrs. M. O. Moore, Mrs. Stella O. Bellinger, wife of Louis N. Bellinger. Funeral from 1S0S East 10th St. at li o'clock, Tuesday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Tli uno ii;..uEat.ii unuui.IU4 establish ment in wilu private critswy. Main y. A lo)it. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Montgomery at Klfth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AX, the leading funeral director. 220 Third strtet, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A lill. Mala 5ui. F. S. DUNNING. INC, Bast Side Funerul Direr: tors, 411 Alder etreet. East 5. B i.15. A. K. ZibLLER CO.. ZVZ WILLIAMS East loS6, C luub. 1-ady attnUaat. Day and nigiit service. DUNNING . M'ENTEii., t Unocal directors, 7th and piue. Phone Main 46V, A 4o6. i-aOj aitendant- BltKEZE- WKiGHT CO., 10-JO Belmont, Sunnyside. luueral Ulrectori, B Tan. K. T. BYRNES, Williams ave. and KnotL East lllo. C 1U43. Lady attendant. P. L- LERCH, at 11th and Clay strecu. L-ady assistant. East 7S1. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3j and Clay. Maiu A lady attendant. FLORISTS, MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. S47 Wash- liigion. Main 2t. a izoV. blowers xor au occasions arristicahy arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators; freh cut flowers, great variety. Juorriaon, between 4th and 5th. Main or A l&Ob. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. Zd aud Aider. Designs ana sprays, jaarsnaa ttz. MAX M SMITH. Main ?21d, A 212L Selling b dg. A. C. F BURKHARDT. 120 N. 23d Funerai designs ana cut fiower. uain idsv. a OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GKAMJ AVEL, N. Between Devi und Klverett. Fhonea Kait 1-IZ1S, B 2515. Open Day and MKbt Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate with uj HEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on residences, business property and improved farms at lowest rates. See us firsL Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortgage Co. til Third St.. C it a ruber of Commerce Building. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quicKiM closed, aiort gagres bought. Call toaay. A. H. BIRRELL CO. :i-J9 Northwestern Ilsnlc Bulldins. Blnrahall 4114. A 41 IS. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Mouey available within 24 hoars after receipt or abstract, u ana per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING 207 -S NorUirctern Hank BidK. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. HO Fourth St.. Hoard of Trade Bid. CITY AND, FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Hale JOHN E. CKONAN, 002 Spalding Hldg. Pert land. Or. CITY AND FARM LOANS On Improved Properties in Any Amount at Current Kates. L ART MAN V TUO.UPOAi, 1IAAKERS, Corner Kourtb and Star. Streets. REAL ESTATE PF.Af.F.RS. PALMER-JONES CO., B, Wilcox bldg. P., '404-40i-40l BECK William G., 315-316 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS., 8S0 Hawthorne ave. BARRETT BROS., 302 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE. l or bale Lots. PROSPECTIVE HOME BUILDERS. If you are thinking o building a little later on, write me. I have six sightly Laurelburst lots which I will sell at an extremely close figure. Make your choice and I will hold tne lot for a few months until you are ready to build, and will as sist you financially. Am not a builder so you can secure your own contractor and plans. AM 572, Oregonian. ROSE CITT PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call oa our Realty Department, cor. 4th and Stark. HARTMAN & THOMPSON- BIGGEST SNAP EVER. Call Main HMi3 and ask about the big gest snap ever offered in a Laurelhurst quarter block; if you ever expect to buy a homesite, don't miss this opportunity. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I handle most of tbe property for sale in this district, and all the bargains. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. $1500 LOT 50x113, beautiful residential dis- TXICC. -VI a.1 S l ll-G "sat iiiwiuu. Fell. 442. ALAMEDA PARK sacrifice, $800. choice lot, near car. cwner, pna. $1600 CHOICE lot on Broadway for sale or traae. m '""' -mmeiec. For sale House. TWO 'ots and 5-room house, i block from station, at Oak Grove, $1SOO. H. G. Stark weather, Mllwaukie, Or. - e;5o 6 -ROOM bungalow, new and In good shape; $550 will handle; a bargain. Owner, N p. Gribble, 14 N. 6th L $1GOO 5-ROOM. Just completed, up to date, sickness in family, cut down to this price; also have 6-room new house. C 2642. 4-ROOM modern house, every convenience, $1500. Will sell you on easy terms like rent. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. 3-ROOM house with 2 lots. L. B. 1099 E. 26th N. Iftewis, REAL ESTATE. UOSE CITT PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owner, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Port land. Call on our Realty Department, cor. 4th and Stark. HARTMAN & THOMPSON THAT VAi'ANT LOT. WHY NOT TL'RN A lil'RDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THh. MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. AB1NGTON BLDG. $320U Small cash payment. easy term, tor a strictly modern live-room cottage; full cement basement, tx40; hot water heating plant, electric lixturas the very latest, etc; situated on desirable corner; ail city improvements, pavement, sewer, etc.. all in and paid for; this price in cludes absolutely everything. "or further particulars phone owner. Tabor 4e0. No commission to. anyone at this price. LAURELHCRT SACRIFICE. This ideal modern home, built and sold for $65O0. to be sacruiced tor $.1000 it taken before Thursday noon; C rooms, finished Ln mahogany and white enamei throughout; on carline. at No. ll E. Glisan sL. Elmer S. thank. Tabor 4411. Main 2113. MODERN 7-room bungalow. ThU property cost $5700; will sell for $1000 less than cost. Street improvements all in and paid. Located at 1043 Rodney ave., 2 blocks from Williams ave., 3 blocks from Union-ave. car. Phone Woodlawn 3210 for any fur ther information, or call and see prop- erty- agenta. THH FARTHER YOUR DOLLAR MUriT "GO" THK SURER YOU MUST BUY THIS. I will prove to you that I have a reai bargain ln a Laurelhurst bungalow located on a iiifih, sightly lot. J. DELAHUNTV, Main 1503. A 1513. FOR SALE -Rose City Park home; 6 rooms; trunk room, laundry trays, furnace; lawn, fruit trees, flowers; sewer In; lot 50x100; one block from car; will sell ray equity of $740 tor J400; balance. SSS, payable $24.05 per month, including InteresL J. ryj. Oregonian. IDEAL location for physician's residence, or for home studio; 9-room house, on one of the most commanding corner lots In Irv ingtou district; all Improvements. BAR GAIN PRICE. Will consider part trade. Address owner, A O'JT, Oregonian. $-i.".u0 VALUE at an absolute sacrifice: lo cated in Rose City Park, b block .from carline; all modern throughout, hardwood flojrs, elegant fireplace, bookcases, built in buf ft, beam ceiling, paneled walls, good furnace, etc. ." 7 1. tioth st. N. FOR SALE Only $7600. iioicest location in Irvington district; 8 ricnis, large re ception hall, maid's room on third floor; full concrete basement. No. East 21st st. North. Go and see it and then write me. Earle S. S. Smith, Eugene, Or. MODERN o-room cottage, fireplace, built-in conveniences, on choice sightly lot 2 blocks from Multnomah station, wmcn we musi sell immediately. Owner leaving city. Can give you easy terms ana me riuni yriue. Call iiaii Diag. i.kt i s bi;:i.d you a home On your 'lot or ours: by your own plena or our$; pay U3 l:ke rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, IS 30 Northwestern Bunk bldg. $25 PER MONTH Which Includes Interest; modern, o rooms. ie.-iiiR-p ", s tin firenlace. built-in conveniences, ce ment sidewalk in and paid, restricted dis trict. Woodlawn v-. SACRIFICE at 3000, $50 cash and easy nnvme.ntft. room modern bouse and lots, on carline. 41st st. Elmer S. Shank, 302 Ry. Exch. Phones Tab. 4411, Main Zliii. FOR SALE Four-room house, with porches and new toilet, woodshed. 20 bearing fruit rpM nil kinds, near Alt. Tabor car. lot 100x100, S2000. part cash, rest like rent, owner 3i Clay st., room At. SPLENDID HOUSE East Irvmgton; cost Sir.00: will take much less for auick sale; hardwood floors. East 273. W. H. Jlerd- man. SL'sriC TERMS 5-room new bungalow, ail mm crn. iiuim-m cunt ciucueca . musi seen to be appreciated. If you are looking for a home, see owner, 4lt cnam. or com $2i DOWN, fiiO month, which Include In terest; 9-room, bath, fireplace, buffet, fix tures, shades, cement sidewalk; restricted district. Woouiawn buburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall or Sellwood 47o. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. GARDEN HOME. Choico one acre building sites, 10 per cent cash ana ?ju per rnontn. &. iv Oilman, Garden Home. Main S4S0. tGx2O0. 2 -room house. 650: fine garden land in cultivation. A. C. Mars t era, 202 Wilcox bldg., evenings. Tabor 17 iQ. 1'or Sale Acreage. CH I C KEN. FRUIT. G A R D EN R AN CHES, Ne;ir Portland: Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS y, mile electric station, $75 to $150 per acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms For Sale All Sizes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 3u! Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. QUARTER and half-acre tracts with small second growth fir and dogwood trees and shruhs. rive ceni carrare. suu Jtun wa ter. electric lights and telephones. Beau tilul boulevard driveway. Prices as low as $450. 410 a month on balance. See me for particulars 512 Piatt bldg. T0 and one-half acres within 5-mile cir cle. Bull Run water, electric lights, tele phones, fine macadam boulevard, city school district, will sell for jJioi) on easy terms. Call 512 Piatt, bldg. 3-ROOM house, acre of ground, close to Multnomah, on easy terms at jow iigure. Call 512 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE 5 acres residence property, close in, fine view. R 683, Oregonian. $700 WILL buy best located acre at Metxgei station. Terms; no ayent. J 575, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, 5 acrea, Improved, close in. Phone Tabor 8704. FOR SALE by owner, five acres, improved. close in. Phone laoor ao4. For Sale Farms. "CANADIAN FARM LANDS " OVER 250 FARMS WHICH ARE IN THE HANDS OF VARIOUS TRUST COM PANIES AND ADMINISTRATORS HAVE BEEN TURNED OVfcJK iU llil c:sjJ.rt SIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF RE CEIVING APPLICATIONS TO PUR CHASE. THE MAJORITY OF THESE FARMS ARE IMPROVED AND ARE CLOSE TO SHIPPING POINTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE O' Ab BERTA, AND IN SOME CASES OVER 100 ACRES OF SUMMER FALLOW ARE READY FOR CROP. PRICES RANGE FROM $7 PER ACRE UPWARDS ON TERMS ARRANGED JTO SUIT ALL PURCHASERS, BEING- FROM A QUARTER TO ONE-TENTH CASH. AND THE BALANCE SPREAD OVER A NUMBER OF YEARS. A DEPOSIT OF L'oC OR 50C PER ACRE (ACCORDING TO PRICE OF LAND) 13 REQUIRED WITH EACH APPLICATION, WHICH IS APPLIED ON FIRST PAY MENT WHEN APPLICATION 13 AC CEPTED, AND IF FOR ANY REASON APPLICATION CANNOT BE ACCEPTED DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED. SAMUEL E. WHITING. GENERAL COL ONIZATION AGENT, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, GOVERNMENT OF AL BERTA S09 CENTRE STREET, CAL GARY, ALBERTA, CANADA. RANCH BY OWNER Good stock or dairy ranch, 160 acres, -ln Tillamook County, 3Vi miles from beach and 2' miles from P. O. and school, 12 to 15 acres In grass, part in creek bottom and rest in brush; land bout the same In rest of creek bot tom in brush that could be easily cleared, and there is also quite a lot of bench land that would be easily cleared; cabin, but no barn, creek running right through from 6 to S feet wide, plenty of trout and salmon in Fall; good wugon road, some cedar that will make shingles; timber is all dead. My price Is $1000; no trades, bui will give terms. Jos. S. Clark, McMinn ville, Or. Route 1, Box 55. WE have several choice farms for sale near Portland averaging in size irom iw up with or without Improvements; some all under cultivation. others partly cleared. These farms are offered at a very low price end on easy payments. Call or write for description. LAURITZEN LAND CO., 300-02 Henry Bldg Main 1590. THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY, THE ByUAKh. u&A-L. wax oi ouying land. Are you Interested? If so. write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., 303 phe lan bldg., San Francisco. C. M WOOSTER, Free. FOR SALE Ten-acre prune orchard, on graveled oad. nine miles from Vancouver, Wash. Ideal home place. Jennie B. Rath bone Eridgefield, Wash, R. 2, box 87. BY owner. 50 acres, dairy ranch, buildings, some stock, running water, main road, $30O. terms, p.o-t 24, route 4. Oregon City. FORCED SACRIFICE Willamette 80; some Improvements. $2000. Owner, Chauncey Barney. Oregon City. Miscellaneous. RIVE CFRONT, orchard, four-room cabin and chicken-house, one acre; $2000. H. Q. Starkweather, near Risley Station. Phone Oak Grive 1-X. FOB RENT FARMS. 80 ACRES Good soil ; large barn, small bouse and orchard; Mt. Scott, just outside city limits of Portland ; rent $400 per ' year; suitable for terminal, farming or truck gardening. Call Tabor 1108. FOR BEST FARMS. FOR KENT Ten acres with 8-room house and barn ; good spring water piped to house; $4U per year. Address C. P. Fish, Gaston. Or. & ACRES, under cultivation, 6 -room Tur mshed house, S young cows. J5 hens, fruit and berries, West Side, 3 month. Tabor bs&Ou FOR SALK TIMHF.K UNDU 20U0 ACRES timber lands, eastci a Oregon, liinA and Tamarack or larch, railrudtl throueb center of hutf of It. four miles to flume, plenty other timber m O f'.0, Oregonian. Vi h ft Al.K cheaiv SO acred o ei'oni growth fir timber from 1 to 10 inches tnrougn, in a qua tut or nine ui Andrew Hansen. Crawford. Wash. TIMHER LANIKS BOL'OHT AND OL. C. J. M'CRACKEN. :iij M'KAY Bl.DO. FOR SALE liW) acres timber land. 1 La miles from Glendale; price 1m0 net. Ad. dress S. Birks, Facfflc Grove, Cal. FARMS WANTED. WANTED To rent or least- Ihi dairy ranch in Oregon with at loam :ui :ud dalrv cows, close to town or city, within 0 or G miles, with all Implement, or otner ranch outside fruit ranch. 1 urn cxperl enced Middle-West rancher; will pay caitli or on shares. If anyone bus such, let me know at once. My address: Frank Red. 1112 E". 2'2U st.. Los Angles. Cat. WANTED TO REST FAKM. FIVE to -0 acres, by responsible parly, beat care : must have good buildings, rent reasonable. BC 5M. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE. 7-room home In 1'oitiand; S-roora horn in Oregon City, Or.; 6-acre tract with 4 room house, 2 miles of Oregon City; all clear of debt; price for all, 700t; want home in walking distance of center of Portland; will assume J1h0. Particulars, addres owner. 74 Jackson su. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE or exchange SO acres, fine for cattle ranch, known as the Shoemaker place; 7 miles from Woodland, Wash.; 40 acres fenced and 15 acres cleared and seeded with clover and timothy; large new barn and new house; 4 living springs of good water the year around. Add res J. W. Happy, Woodland. Wash., owner. NEW modern house, seven rroms. sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, laundry and dust chutes, etc., high class restricted district; trade lots or house and lot, piedmont. K 0W, orego nian. WILL, trade 5 acres land in Clatsop to., 13 miles from Astoria. 2 miles from Knappa for used automobile, small 4 or 5-pass. Call 112 Union ave. N. 1'hone c 32111. INCOME property paying S per cent, in Val ley town of 2000 inhabitants, to exchange for farm In Willamette Valley, 60 to li'5 acres; will pay difference in cash. AV o3s, Oregonian WILL trade Colorado Springs residence for Portland or Coast property; six rooms; value $2500. H. P. Madsen, Colorado Springs. GOING EAST. What have you for Portland home, fur nished, and lend; Michigan or Eastern property wanted. Tabor 5t)45. FOR SALE or exchange, two lots in Flr iori m and one-half blocks from sta tion Mt. Scott line; for small ranch or acreage. Owner. 2S3 Holladay ave. 160 ACRES in Benton County. Washington, 2 miles from depot; price $loou: for va cant property In Portland. Elmer S. Shank, 3H2 Ry. Exchange. Main 21 13. IMPROVED 80, substantial improvements. $6000. Want residence. Owner, Chaun cey Barney, Oregon City. NEW, modern 4-room house in Boise, value $lS0v. for sale on easy terms or exchange for Portland property. phone Main ot.7. WILL trade farm or city property for small home. Piedmont or Walnut Park. Woodl. 1 29. . FOR TRADE 1 store blcig., 0 living-rooms, barn and 2i lots, equity $J0o0, tor 3 ton anto. Call Tabor 41M). WANTED by owner, one or more lots as flr3t payment on modern 7-roorn house. AG 55, Oregon tan. fclSOO EQUITY In 10 acres for equity in 6 room bungalow. Main 270. 5-ROOM house, corner lot, for 40uu. or $.VKio first mortgage. AF SKH. Oregonian. IRV1NGTON home for exchange. Lombard, 250 3d. Main .'.OHJ. A B. M. SH2. NICE little home In good condition for gro. eery store. Owner, h5 E. 72d N. I OR SALE. Hordes, chicles, Harneww. Etc. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and barn.! at Colum bia stables. 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 I. M. We B'.ll on a coiuuwslon basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer aud seller. If you want to sell, bring our horses to our auction. If you waut to buy, attend this Kale. SPAN of black Percheron mares, 4 aud 0 yrs. old, well mateu anu exira sty nan looking team. Bound and true, weighing 2UM0 lbs.. $240; also span of blacks, mare and gelding, each 4 years old, weighing 2500 lbs., sound and free of blemishes; guaranteed to be good workers. At 3ul Davis st. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables In the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse Mule Co., 240 East &th St. East 0315. FOR SALE 110-0-lb. farm or delivery horse, harness and spring wagon; $75 takes out fit. $S5 takea Jr.O-lb ranch mare. Rood worker, will foal ln April. 1007 K. Stark st. Trial allowed. SPAN of young mares, weighing 2400 lbs., sound aad free of blemishes, true workers, with foal to imported horse, $n& At m Davis st. - FOR SALE A handsome driving horse, weight about 1150. 6 yean old, sound and well bred; one buggy, one wagon and two sets of harness. Phone Sell. 1136, B 125s. GOOD team of horses, weighs about 2200; good names ana -in. iarm wbou. i iie horses are good workers; whole outfit for $125. 4t?6 E. Market st. 2900-POUND team of grays, heavy harness and zvt-lncn turm wagon, an in a-i con dition. 2;i N. 14th. CAPITAL STABLE, 287 FRONT ST. Just received fresh carload of horses and mares, 1100 to 1400 pounds. 1400 HORSE, good worker, 135. 151 North $75 2100 team maras ana harness; sell sep. arate. no p. mm. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Cohen, 3S1 water SI. wain "j. mam q-jiw. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn zu. ronmnq itenaenng co. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 East t. Nortn. GOOD single delivery horse for sale cheap. Phone Main vn. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or mgnt. laoor .uo. Pianos, Organs and Muwiral Instruments. $200 UPRIGHT piano only $80 and S8-note player $55; must be sold at once. 594 4th. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A UOOU uuu. Li A DDI A. -N t, L!."5, r. i a l a la, WANTED A good collie pup. East .'102. Furniture for Sale. NEW furniture of S rooms. 5 rooms rented ; sell cheap. bringing m over rem 4u2Va Clay. Poultry. THOMPSON RINGLET Barred Rocks, stock and eggs lor sale, pnone in nor i-m. Automobiles. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILE3. Large stock. Prices $20o to $75W. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg. C omer Chapman and Alder Sti. FOR HIRE. $1.50 PER HOUR 5-pas.inger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5859. AUTOMOBILES and motorcycles overhauled. repaired ; gooa w ora maiu i p. prices reas onable. P. J. Farrelly, 1072, E. 2th st. Uorth. Woodlawn 1 0-'U. 6-PASSENGER auto for sale. ISIS mod-1. nrst-Ciess conamon, uiiwi pricn ..wu; will Sll for $S0O. Phone East luS8 or C 10S8. C02 Williams ave. ' OVERLAND 1914, 5-passenger, nearly new, $750 cash; no trade. Inquire 5ui Burnside street SEE us for good used cars. Expert repair ing overhauling and storage. Acme Ga rage & Repair Shop. 531 Alder. Main 8775. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and . metals; highest cash market price paid j Leve, 188 Columbia. Main 51t . FOR SALE! 1914 6-passenger Ford; run only 200 miles. C. A. Haulenbeck, 15 Henry bldg. $475 BUICK. 25 H. P.. roadster, fully equipped, late model, best cash offer by Tuesday. Phone East 907. AN automobile for hire st 7.V in hour. Phone Woodlawn 270 or C 1967. FEDERAL truck for ssie cheap. Woodlawn 501. FOR HIRE. $1-25 per hour, 6-paaaenger 1914 Ford. phone Woodlawn 140. MODEL 17 Bulck 40, Just overhauled, $32j. A. E, Gauid. frttl Hawthorne ave. r OR RALK. Automobile. PORTABLE CAlUuU. T.ike-uown k-,n-s. t'ui.l t Hi bet mofn-is. .:r:iM c t.-inm. It'x.U. ui. erected coii.p.t ie. if. k si i k . ln- inedae ibi.w;- n p.ri.' Louses. TAKi: N MKi CO.. Foot i,i IUt r.-..ii m, A.a.u litil. IMPROVED riKTHIK TAKEDOWN i;.i;.'ii. 10x10. bft niu-iiiii und i k rn.umh ; P. erected oil oiir m pi-'U' Mo, i Mt i-Xi- attle, :;s, order m.e -.iii"rr.' lt .l.-n. H. T. AIImi. 1 T I K. i"wliiiw. U Puttie about 0 P. M. iaiuir lit. STol iDAHO-DA "ION d .i i k. m.r o ft l.uuiv J, witl niak tu:- .. j.tnf ; Ijii) Gilbert Al iirf.-vtr m k me. 1-.' iu. tank with i-ou.... t.u-a; i"i . a 1 t tn.i 1 and 1 A. il. Motion Ma. D.e -'-'th d " koi:ds. Two Is te modfl r oi us. In eircptloti:.y fine t one i lion ; s ioi of eir: i uiohi. i. u Will qut-te .M'U a yUf lor vt-ik NOKTjIW b.t Al iO i U.. BroudMa.v iid Co-cii fciirft. CHALMERS SO. reA.-nable pri 4. 614 A befit .ilster. good condition, at van t! it bi'i'n sua ovc BMii 4 .1 C .Hi. 2 AUToMolilt.LS to: l.n i i.iiil one le for J i i.t-yf Autowuu.le SDteU. TO TRADE for ton capacity. 2 Une in. fie.ire bind, light nut huiii trurKn I nun 1 ai.ICS I'l.ilrtP Culilltv Ir'Tltt. it, i.lMI I -II H. t.- iilM'Klt.'l luVI ..U lit.". I'lUf Will tiki. Ml WlM loll) !.. ..iKouvcr, Wufli. WANTED Ford runuloul; ihupI be In n i order and c heap, vwll p. $.iil d n, -' per iiiuiuli: pi tee; rcpjiiibio jx i .mjii K 5H'.t, UU'Kiii:iu. W ILL ex. iim cash 'or i auto. X i liKe tlllil t Milt' oi.'.i lot an.i t 4 or 5-wci CASH X model. r potiit.vk pei l ec l c :Mir, Ul boa. 42 n.laioii. p. O. Tj perlien i. WE save you from "0 to 7A per cent on l makes cf t pe w rurrs ; p nn for our i.iis trated lolJt-r. Ittai I uepai uni-i HOLa. SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 3-i Wash, su TIT'EWRITERS lor rei.t ; 3 months for 1 and up, 0 monthfr' rnt siplleil on pur chase price. Keuiinitlon T pew rlter Com pany, fttf Droaown, lortlKiid, Or. TY PE WRITERS, all makes, $10 to $Ui. Ts North est Ti pe A Titer Co., 262 Mark SL. Main 5;.J8. RENT visible three months for H. 244 Stark st. Main fl-'t3j t NEW. rehuilt second-hand rents! at cat rates. 1" D. C. 2i 1 Sturk St. Aastn 14uJ. ULI V iR tj p a rlt. r, new. model 7, ooat $l"o. prlie J.'iO, terms, call Main 4V1". MboellMneoua. CRESCENT ELECTRiC WORKS, 3ti6 STARK. ST. MAIN M4. Vibrators, hair dryers, electric Irons, heating eppllaiues, motors, storags bat tery chsrgmg sets, I'outtht, Buld. rented, r.-palred. Kiectrlo wirmtt of a.l desrtp tiuiin promptly taken care of. SEWING MACHINES of all rnak. new and second-bund battiaini, $.i up, with a writ ten sua ran lee to se perlect ly ; mtrjiirft rented and rent appliru on purchase prhe. Phone lor i ates. Main 141. Sowing Machine Emporium, jyu 3-1, near Tslor. FOH SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tallies and bJwIlns nlleva and accessories; cany pa) ment i. The Rrunawic-k-Riilke-Colleiuler Co., 4l-4H 5ih. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; mad In urt'KOB; per sallon, $!... Portland Paint Co.. 2S0 Front st. Mart hall !". LEAKS' TYPEWRITING l borne, no charts for instruction. 244 btark su Plione Mais 027;;. HcX'HFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. Cameras, kodaks and IftiMi I n t. ro4 and exchanged; guiia wanted, ha ..J st. Houseboat ir sale, f ully fur id Med. sale Ver launch Included, ver p ainimi'if. Aia'ts P O. box loi. Kenton Dl A MiiM) ring, Woodlawn 2V. 1 cal ul, i'vi f-cl ton. PLl;MlilNG SUPPLIES at HhoI'als prices, Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main tlT. SAFES New and second-hand bargains. 1 he Mosler hafe Co., Hti4 Stark st. IimiO BUSINESS CARDS. 75c. Ryder Ptg. Co., 8. W. cor. d and Mormon, $7; Fit ;ou Woodlnwn ."r'l burglar -proof Call USE Basxett's Native Ilorhs fur r -.'.0 taolets for --.c. Ail dru;S"tB $S5 FOR $-' safe. Call Woodlawn 5ol. WANTKI M.I.ANr.OI K. FOR a thorouKhly rellsbla lioum to buy -r pell household gooaa or sn I hlng In II. bard w aro line, call t he l.e la 1 ' ' Futnlture Co., 221 Ffouu 1 iiona A 7174, Main W72. WANTED SECOND-HAND CI.UiUlN'i. DHVt LKS AND I: V I : R V Til I N i . Ll.ll KST CASH 1R1CKS PAID. CALL MAIN 2i mi. GLOBE STORK. 2 FIRST M. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PlTlci; I ' it HOUSEHOLD Gtol itV ALL IM.-'CIIII'-TION; ALSO FOR MDSE. KA.fcT 710i. 7 GRAND S. . 2D-11AND FUR.MTl HE. ETC., WANTCD. Don't give It sway. Get our flsut s flrt. Stsndwrtl Fur. Co. 1N2 1st. Main 4jJ LET me "hear from you at onc. ais ready to pay niKiiat pri-e ior a.i am of second-hand go ds phone MAIN DON'T fell your furniture, clothing .r tlMr nierehandlso bcloie seeing me. 1 Heed It; highest prt f!. Main -ta I 7. DO NOT sell or glvs away any of your fur nituie before yuu Citll the Hr!l Auclloa House, 114 2d St. Marshall 4t. CA S H paid for hair eomldrifia. banlisr Beauty Parlors, 4'0 Itekum bldg. CASH for a-ood second-hand lurnltur. Msia 3332. A 2517. HELP WASTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT X. M. C. A. Record U14. Calls for nun troia siupioysrs 17VJ Positions filled The service of this Department Is lra to all members of the Asocistlon. 1 non-members a special Emplnnnt Mem bership is Issued, costing 5 per siinum. giving the service of the Departml for s year, two months' full privileges snd a refund of the membership lee If satis factory tmpio) nieiit la not secured. All young men seeking emplo ment in Clerical. Technical or Commercial Ultra or desiring counsel or adM Sru cordially In vited to consult the Advisory and Employ ment Secretary. ALn'OMoltl F.E STU1 NTS, NOTICE. Wu ubsoluttily gu-iruntee thwt ktulonts learn more In our school ln SIX hLKH than students In other sc hoolp l-ai u I" SIX MONTHS. Be convinced by a FitLli TRIAL. Night class now forming. PACIFIC AUTO At GAS ENGINE M'HOOU 2;I-2U? 11th and Jelferson sts. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAKO, EAST 23D AND SUKBIhON. A complete course uf automobile In struction, including uischins shop work, by expert Instructors LOOK US LP BEFORE ENROLLING ELS E W H b. H E. Take Mt. Tabor or "a ' car to ltd st WANTED Two or three Rood clarinet plwy eis for high-class amateur baud; one li near sal weekly; orKiniz;itlon Will taka trip to Panama pacific; all expenses paid; musicians of good ihn ractr only will be accepted. Auciress A B 5Ub, Ore gon Inn. WE HAVE several openings for amhiish- ment of independent mail order buainem; energy, good hat-Its. sound judgment mors important than capital ; pare tim I'ri ; particulars Irea, upportunitis Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Experience, Imuse-to-houae ran vasser; also good toute men, good opening for producers: quilny gni; premium in ducemeiils; ref-'reiicc-j i ejutieu. Or and Union Tea Co. M K tv x TI".n To i.rei-11 e f h emeu. brakemcn, $100-$IJ"; p (fit Inn obiainrd free; send i'f, poinge. Railway Ao-ia tion. ta re (regon i a EXPERIENCED oung man to w.rk in faintly liquor si ore; must v rW. tuner and IioikI : w ages $to pet moullt. AO fihu. Oregnniiiii. CASH ad 'anerd ou weekly polling my hardy a uaranteed stock ; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppeni-h, sh. NOTICE, automobile owner, we chu at h II tini'-s supply "U wltri 'omielnt ihiuf feyis, inei tiatii Knt ploy men t lh pt, t.-ir. 4o'iO. pit el I tc A'lto Imm.Ih. '.'dH-L-.S 1 ith. PORTLAND ft A RBER Ct tLT.P.GE Expei t inatrut tor to t'- ieh ou t.'ie barb- r ti.iu.- in H weekr.; IkoIs fie'; p'Kifnna Ku:iUtil(; paid while i.iirtm.K- 2 I, ri' .ir il..ln. ENi'EKIi;N Et wa!f Hand Laundry. 0ii 2 1 Ft. Come r-ad y l wniitcd ni the Main WMstiirigion, c oi hct ADVERTISING n. lie Iter , , week i leu, monthlies. 'nut run Clyde Agencj, 2(i7 Stock Exch; rnpf'Xi; c ashed. HOYS wanted lor . and pi .fltwlde w oi k not interfering w uti - ! dutie. feVe or write J. K. Iluvel, -'7u I'h -t. WANTED At ftnee, msn t- I srn sut ra palring and driving. cs!l si Maw-Ovim Garage. 445 H'wthorn ave . cor. 7h, TWO neat young men with "IMiik .p-ii-en re to tra el ; icmmI prprpt ) n for bus tiers. o04 Railway E hiinx" bldg. SOLICITOUS wanted. I". Champion Klertrlc SHo- l.t Ilfll lini nS. pa-i AUTO RF" PAIRING Man to hi ness. Belmont Gsraite. Knt i Ihla bt. orrln'B at. BIG CONTRACT, money getter. Studio. Elka bldg. The Moor CHANTK for Iwo men to Irani moving j q tura operatiug In theater. 229 -u sc. t 5