HUJ WANTED tXMALg. X A D 1 E S A BS GLUT EL Y OLR LAST DAY We can conscientiously say we have naade a fw homi happy during our visit. A telephone menap? will secure yon a , les son this day. Don't mi It (Mori. day. Alfred rroaker Daughters, Almira Ainrtmenis. 475 Salmon. HuME-S wanted; $70 month; Government jot. Write immediately. list positions row obtainable. Franklin Institute, dept. 103 A, Rochester. N. Y. BUSINESS COLLEGE. All poi- lions when competent. SVl - W. xia bldg. AMBITIOUS. enerKetic woman over 25. for position with Jo-l firm; permanent; es p - r n l e unnecessary. E 5 7 , Oreconlan. WANTED Refined. capable woman for re eponsible positions. VIkvI Company, 4 i Plttock blofk. a-s Washington. m A COMPETENT girl tor poking and gen eral housework, - in family. b5 NorOt -it to 1'arn beauty culture; day and .eu:n class. Geoeweve Keilly, 14 Ab- mgi Jn pic 5. RELIABLE rlii ir S-neial lioue vorK. jmall family: must understand cooking. M p-r month. Tabor 0t'0. if HI. living at h'-ne to assist witd light lofwork. mornings and evenii.g. lam Uv -f 2. l' Bretr.or Apt a. gm-y 2 Vain street, opposite Com i-i.ou?-. ' A 717... Main 2i,3. KL ( I'-uru to tnke orders on telephone fr trars'er rmrany; small wages. A or Main :i55. 211 Taylor it. VANTEU Girl for second work; no cook ing; was I-"- tnia morning, imme dii:eiv. 711 Everett t. HISS M TT1N' ;LY Bi'HOuL shorthand, ty pewrtttng. 2K 1 4 1 h . nr. J e if . M n . ay GIRL to h-?Ip with housework; small wage. JSCO E. eth N. JrlvE girls to learn beauty culture. 411 Dkim oldg. Sanitary Parlors. BC-OiCKEEPEKS. stenographers and dicta phone operators. Sfj N. W. riank bldg. MKI.P WANTKU MISC EM.ANEQ18. 0.'E;N BAKBEK COLLEGE wanis men and women t learn tlie baruor trade In ! v-ks: positions guaranteed: tools free; paid wltti 1. -axil in;; scalp and face mas J-3KU h ilty , inodf ru method teuci- mK us-J; tuition reduced Madison t. ilul.Kf: BAKiiKR COLLK-.;e waw men Ait1 woinu to learn th trade in J weeks; titan work; percentage, paid while iearn-n.e- iviH ire-; wulp and face masae a -.v.'-ia'f .: p-nd for tre) catalogue. 4 N. J IvAjLUAV mail .:lrks. V. u. clerks, car-il'.-is, e:;aiu. soon; parcel ost demands ntau'v more clrk; act at on-a. iiuc ;.-iTe ifi-Ml- McKay btdg.. cu. I.STEKNATIUNAI. t ixn li typewriter; tuw; -nO uthcts; VcKv Mil-. rrcspoudence c!iools with free catalogue. -u. CE.VTKAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGL, Titoroufh, Pravtical. Keliable. -A posilion for esery graduate. Central liidg.. 1'th and Alder. ?vAn:s t.f mt-Ti waittin? to bo railway mail titrkf: 7." month, i'ortlaii'l esaminatious mini;. AV 4oo, Oregottian. HiNSDAl.E'f BUSINESS Si.'HOOU 3f,2 i-::npr.- bid g. Personal lustructioa; po-.'ti.-ns vhen competent. J.lTi; PftlVATE BPS t NESS COLLEGE. 101 fctnimonweilvh blug. Marshall 4.a. VITIATIONS WANTKI MALE. Itook krejer and t lerhs. COM pp.TENT J oung man stenosiapher, with t jtperlcncc, any salary. Mr. bmlth. Mam UOOKKEEPEK and sienoa iapn-r. J'J years' ciprience. Al references. G lo. oro gc hin. " .Mi-M-rHaii cou. y IKaT-CLASci Japanese baker, guod experi fii.:e ptry. wanta position. L oao, Oie-g-fiiiitn. 'VuI'.m; man wuiua work of any kina; cupi-bl-- of doing mo-i. any kind of work. Last 4ti u, L Just the man ou want; carpentry, j-miili rough or finish, odd repairing; rion:ihle. Mu:;i M27. JAPAN Es experts-need cook wants a posi tion private laially; good reference. K itfJ, O r tgonian. i i;X PEIilENCED Chinese cook wants poaf iioi.. hotel or boardlng-houoe. L U4, ore s' niau. , GENERAL mechanic, ov er 12 J ears ex perience, wants work In apartment hous. UK "', Or-ffoniu. CAKPENTE it foreman wantd work, day r .Hlnrl i B lounK. til)14 4'Jlh St. S. PAV in maul- vl-iTt:tV Alt. K1U.-J l)F T SE i LEANlNG. MA 1 N 77. want; job Glitrin. fore an .! JAPANESE, fine private family. wanis position In V'l N. I'.th. i t ' N G man witiits work, nny kind, chauf feur, mechutii'. V ilua. room 6'J. MTL A1IONS W A XI lvl K KMA1.E. Bookkeeper and ateDographera. O. K. atenogrnrlier. b. k. and dictaphone operator warns permanent or substitute work. M 017. fc TEN m;k aI'HEH w ishes work afteruuoua Paft ;.7H4. . Dreniakt' . LM't.iUENCEU dressmaking, tailoring, al leraiions by dav reasonable; work guar- lit, d . T abor I4ij. i 1 its l-CLASS dresf maker desires day en SitKeineuu; retoreuces. Mrs. Parsons. Mn 1'I.L AKlNO t- m uay; a.l workgua- irci. M:tr?r!Hll 1'4.V. ant MAKING, all ktnde of sewing; prices liiiao.e; wuik gaarantceU. Ma.n n a FASJl tONA BLK dressniaki-'ii; roasonablu; Iioimc or day. 1'mJ liiit: st. Main 1'oio. .-MAKING at home or by day; work .uutetu. M-ia -SS. biia Nu !. 11:1 ATE maiTiilty home, private baton, large rooms, phvsician refrrences. Mrs. M. I . .- iiu usou. l'boutt East ooUii. 64 1 East 11 - orr: lN'VLIDri home, trained uurse. home cora- forts, sloping porches, private rooms. Ta- tor s 1 J. tKAUl'ATK nur.-e .w on lu vas.c:nt'Hts. maternity Marshall -71. like a few more cases a specialty. WILLIAMS VATEKMTY HUME, .".Ja Ea.-t Mill L- Las. Oilti. I AISLE lady u a Hume. wiiLs care of child in her LHMiiawn llt4S. L 1 lEIiti li.-VOL ATE lurse WilioS case Phone seilwood 1444. 117J Gladstone ave. PRACTICAL NPHSE wants permanent po Siliou to take caro of children. East 47au. " Mousekeepera. WIDOW, at;ed oi'.. wishes position as house keeper hotel or rooming-house. 10 years' ftxpvricucc. Main 40-,'i,. room 207. CAPABLE woman wants to manage cities apartment : reieronces exchanged. by F ail urtgoniiP. IV ANTED Position as housekeeper city preferred. Address Mane Mitchell. "u Cla. room 4. . j;X I'ERl ENCl'D wmiiaa work, room ing or Woudluwn iilidu. 114 1 .Pt st. Iouetii-s. N E T voung lady wants position, gvneraJ houHcwurk itd care of children, siuali Mitary. E. (iTl. COLORED womn wants general house wot k vr cooking. Main tjttijo. 1 'INNISH girl wnnts general housework. 4-t I "ih t.. near Hull t. M icrlutneou. WAN TED Hy capable, experienced busi ness woman, position in rooming-house or hotel as inula or in any capacity; neat, rii-riein- and understands her busiuess. Yalior -Tt. t.Vi'Al'l.E oui is w 0111a n with va Uiable i uuu- t xperience. wishes position as i!Hi,u-r. auditor or will travel, si 574, I'niiiH' 1. in. GIRL, t'-iiplojed," wants to work f.-r room a ril b.ard in private family. Marshall ! "'. M 1 1HH.E-AOED woman wisl.ea cooking in pt ivaie lam i!y ; first-casa referencea W00J lawn i S 77. yiUSr-CLASS COOK, colored, would like a place, or would do chamber wor. M a i h a M 4035. .ACE C1RTA1N.S hand launderel. All work guaraatecd. Sell wood 01 or Marsnall WANT position as nurse girL Scotch. Kef- c rerices. Tabor 645. ; PIANO PLAYER for moving plcures; com- petenl. East 41 7. GERMAN laundress wants day work. Call Tabor 4T.. curtaiua raperi.s. llnus baud laun--rd. U-""" tip. HwPPd luti. UiNNEKS. ta. parties planned, prepared s-'rvfJ . ral:s furnfhed. SeHwood ltln. ViRiT-CLASri laundress wants day work; cleaning. E. V.3:. room 11. IMY work wanted by good working somaa. Tator J7-S, Home P UK. vl-at experienced girl deetres housework, ey references. A 7175, Main W A NT day work for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Mala 7a40- Ask for Mary. WA Tt'D TOBEJfT Roomi With Board. UtNTLKMAN wishes room and board with urlvate family of Iowa people on East Side. Give phone number. AC 501, Ore goulan. VOlNJ man. attending trade school, wil do any kind of work for board and room Mar. 40. GENTLEMAN' desires board nd room in rrivat family, close in. on East Side. Give phone number. F 5S. Oregonian. FOR KENT. FOR KENT Desk room, large, light office, free phone, heat and light. Koom Orpheum Theater bldg. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL. ROWLAND. 207 H ST. ft") ROOMS. Modem brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hut and cold water; rate 6to 75o and $1 per day; $3 per week and up. HOTEL BLACK. STONE. Corner Utu and stark; $i week and up; -levator, tot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extia charge Icr two in a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL. OCKLSY, Momsoa et.. at 10th Central location; REDUCED BATiS, 50c per day up; week ly 2.5o up; nest rooms, running water, free phone and bathe; steam heat. HOTEL RAINIER. Two blocks irom Union Depot. Modern, cleau ucd homelike; the house that treats you rl flic; 6'jo up per day; sii up per mo.; tourist trade sollcHed. M. 8418. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington sl at 13th; otxj day up; week ly tx.ZH up. sunning water, phones, steam heat, fireproof buIding, ground-floor lob by, all night service. Business ia good. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington Family hotel; hot and - .1 u n.i nhmia in ftvarv room: rooms without bath 10 up; wttb bath! $15 up. STANDISH HOTEL. 4SVi WASHINGTON ST., OFF 1STH. Front rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath, d week. a per month up. HOTEL Buckingham. 20th. Washington its. Daily, wkiy.. monthly rates 2.5D wk. up. Nw fireproof brick; every modern con venience; clean, quiet, weljjieateuoutside. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms S10 month, $20 up with pri vate batn. large, pleasant lebby, cafe in connection. Phone East 33. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast corner Stark and 11th. Modem outride rooms 3 weeKly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. l gc.lET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. , HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison st.. near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort. o per week up. HOTEL CORDOVA, 28 11th st. Stnctiy modern; private baths eu suite; rooms $3 up. Main 947-. A 47SX l:UOMS for young 111 in Y M. C. A.; fire uuui T!i-.n.r buiidinu. f hov. er baths, ii aned ; club fa ilities' modern price?. 1IOTEL NORRTS. ; f-ide rooms. - pe Alder; week up. modern out- Furnished Kchidm in Private lamiHew. CLEAN, well-furnished front room. 1 single room, modern conveniences; reasonable; walking distance; 1 H. K room. 43 Co lumbia, near 11th. 47.". MOIf.RISi.cV Larprt- front room, uouble closets, running water, conveniences, sin gle room. ELEGANTLY . furnished rooms In swell pri vate home; all modern conveniences, close iu. 71 Trinity place. PEER rent to the loth, beautifully furnished room, furnaco or stove heat, electricity , hot water. PJ'J N. -od. r SUITE c sleeping single porch. running water, t st. Mar. -47." 3. Mi.'Ki-V furni?! leasotiablf. -t'2 ed room in private family, E. N. Kl'HNISHED rooms, ly West Park Ft. $1.00 a week and up. $2 WEEK; 0iiiU, neat, 12th sc front room. 2ti$ NICE room In modern flat, close in. NI-'E. warm. sR-eping-roum. 547 Tarn nit I. I'liftirnifchcd Rooms. LARGE, unfurnished room suitable for 3 or 4 very reasonaole; modern home, ad youn- people, use of piano. Woodlawn 36-!. Kooms With Hoard. MORE HOMELIKE THAN HOTEL LIKE. THE HILL, Washington at 23d St. A -liar n. lug family and transient hotel of the highest orti-r; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables; extiemely reasonable rates, worth investigating. phone Main 754. ALEXANDRA COV TIT, -.-.3 ELLA STREET. An American i:an R'jsidence Hotel. Suites. FIngie Rooms. Excellent Table. 621 1 Main 4011. BACHELOR APTS. 1 & blocks City Hall; nice rooms, hot and cold water; home cooking ; comfortable, quiet; rcajsouaule. 3-1 Jcferson, Main tai. TH VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Phono Main :2SS. A 6028. THE WEAVER. 21st and Washington; at tractive residential hotel ; special rates ior transients, home cooking, private bath In each rtom. A GOOD PLACE TO LI V E. The Whitehall, 2."3 6th st., has tine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor; a real home; reasonable ratea BUSINESS w oman and students will find pood board arfd room, $4 and S4.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. 7 N. loTIl convenieuees; distance fron Room and board; price reasonable ; business. modern walking iiS HAZEL, 3S5 3d at. Modern rooms. w:ta or without board; special rate. ROOM and ferson et. board at Casa Rosa, 300 Jef- TliE CALVARD. 4. or without board i Morrison Rooms with special rates. Koom With Board in Private Famine. LARGE, attractive rooms; s:eum heat, hot and coid running water: suitable for two t r more ; twin beds; separate dressers, every modern convenience; excellent board; also large ro"ru with alcove and porch. Main t;3sl. ."tJ Harrison st., near 14th. ROOMS, with 2 good meals a day. prices less if 2 in room; every convenience, pri vate family; walking distance, oil Mor rison st., bet. lGih and loth. Phone Main 2722. ROOM and board, o."i2 10th sc. walking dis tance; steam heat, hot and cold water and home comforts. Main 0i'7!. A 205. WANTED To care for child; a good home; mother's care, reasonable. 108tf E. 11th at, N., Aiberta car. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; good board iiim 63.L Ot'i Harrison sl, near 14th u ROOM and board in nice home of young peo ple; use oi whole house, walking distance. Main 7720. Ni- iiLY furnished room for gentlemen, with or without board. lti N. 2-d st. Mar shall "?J7. . WANTED One or 2 young men to live in private home, finest table board, walking distance. Phone Mr. in o.t!3. ATTRACTIVE room In beautifully fur nished home. 2 meals, plenty of hot water, walking distance. Main 7J5. 3 -So 11th. BOARD and room witii sleeping porch for girls; reasonable price, iuu Columbia St., near Broadway. ' itOOfS WITH BOARD. HJ TAVLOR ST. ROOM and board, moaera home, special rft?"3 for two. o; E. Ook. East 2407. ROOM and board in private family. 2S0i 10; h sc Mar. 5305. ROOM and month. i oard, private ::it ISth sr. family. $3 I'urnUIicd Apartment. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everelt, 2 rooms, newly furnished, hardwood floors, walking distance. - -Li- Main l4a. DRICKSTON, 44S 11th Klgh-ciaas. modern 2 and 3-rvom apartments; low rent, walk-Tn- distauce. Marshall 67, A 540S. VAIRMOUNT APTS.. 2MS 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, S22.:u up; cloe In. "'-lain 22bti. T the Glen Court, cor. i'ark and Tiior. S rooms, outside, elegantly turnisneo, oest service, "reasonable. 4 t'i'IiVk and four-mom, furnished or ur.fur nihp't The Bjeiiand. A 1M7. Main lh07. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS, 841 14 th St.. at Market New '2 and rooms.' furnished ; reasonable. Mam 173 AVALON. Threo and lour-room furnished netly modern. Phone East 3172. COMPLETELY furrlshert apartments In con crete block, $12. llo-' Union ave. North. 5 HIGH-CLASS sir.b'le lurnished apart mrUt. phone Marshall .'7. 602 FLANDERS Nicely furnished apartment, J22 SO month. low ei HFRMENIA, corner 10th and Hall; 2-room aparts. reasonable, one apartment. BlUM'NGHAM, 3D0 l2:ii sc., 2, 3-room fcr riihbU most e;abor;o in city. Marshall 464 TITE -MORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1915. 13 I . I ZZTTZ 1 BISrSESS OPPOBTTX1TIE8 WANTED. I KIXAM 1AL. IlirniKhed Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, (Aparunent Hotel) Tentk and Salmon btreeta. APARTMENTS OR 'ROOMS. Rates day. week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, lth and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. Reference. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. J6q Vista ave., Kingsbury Apartments, near Wash ington st. New and attractively fur nished 3-room apartment; never been oc cupied; 2 disappearing beds, balcony; very complete; must be seen to be appreciated; reasonably THE DENVER 2 and 3-room apartments; outside rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished; private batH, phone, steam heat, rent reasonable; references. 274 Ulst North. Take "W" car. Mar. H60. WESTEAL, 410 3th 3 and 4-r. apts.. furn, and unfurn., week or mo.; concrete Hdg.. elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric clea.ier free; steam heated; J-J2 up; best in town for money; easy walking distance. VARLOTTA COURT," Everett and 17th. New, modern, steam heal, private baths, lMimdrv. completely furnished 2 and 3- room apts., 10 mtn. from business center. Save carfare; rates moderate ; referencea THK CROMft'ELL Resident Fifth and Col umbla Transient 6-nil nute walk to postomce. Furnished 2 and a-room apartments. Marshall 51li. References. A a"6. WASHINGTON GRAND 3-room furnished apts., il'J per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, clean; very aesivaoie; noi uuu cuiu wlb, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Pbone East 4449. AT the Glen Court, cor. Park and Taylor, 2 sunny outside --room apt. ven iumiaueu, Reasonable. FINELY furnished i and 3-room apartments, modern iu every way. hot water and free phones in each apartment; also heat and eas. rent Slu and il- per mouili; best of car service. 11 3k Albina ave. 1 NICE, homelike apts.. all outside rooms. light and eunny, heat, ugnc, oam arm Dhone free: close in. '232 lath. Weutworth Apts. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, first class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. T.-trA APARTMENTS Brand new. brick "building, all modern conveniences, and 3 outside rooms. Fine view, beet of service. 41".) Harrison St. n i; .op ?i . orner East tilh aud Ilaw thorue '2 and S-room apts; priate batus and phone, also single rooms; weu liiphed. ?1.50 up. Phone East 8S2. BOZANTA APAitT!.' E NTS, 180 2"id, cor. Kearney Modern 3 and 4 room apartments; private bath; complete ly ft:rnijfied; $0 u;. Marsliall THE LET A Hlpli-class, lare rooms, iike a private h walking distance, sleop inc porch balcony, piano. Marsnall i-i rrad wa y. OHANiiEU'A, East Siark and Grand ave. Nicely furnished ihree-room aptt, private pnone and bath; walking distance; prices moderate. Phone East 20 MADISON PARK APTS., Park St., at Madison. Modern S and 4-room furnished apart mcnts; close in; by week or moth. BANNER APT-. Modern 2-rocm furnished apartments, close in. West Side; $10 P- Mar. M74. ti-j i' 1 .i 1 1 s! 7U4 Ilovt st.. modern 2 and room apartments, nicely lurnished; refer ences. Marshall uji i CAMAK, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick '-'Uild- ing; 2, 3-room apis, ia 10 -o. i . Parkhumt, 20th, cor, Northrup; modern fur. apts., private balcony, homelike. M. ilj- Unfurnished Apartments. BONNIE P.RAE If you want a most de sitaole find select. 3-room apartment, with evry modern convenience, including free private phone, located in an exclusive res idence s-ecllon of Irvington. call on us, '.jr. Ea.-;t 1 lih and Hancock sta. Price, $27.1)0 and up. KING HILL APTS.. 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, hUh-class 4, 0 and 0-ioom un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent scrxice; walking distance; reasonable rent. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; hie n -class tenants who appreciate service; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3300 or A 2070. THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and landera i and tt rooms, large and h"ntfclike; more service and conven ience lor t ne price than you will Und in the city. Phone Main 7Mtt, A 2076. SHEFFIEiJU Al'TS., 27t) L'roadway South, 6 blocks to business center; splendid tur rooiu apartments, all outside, southern and easten exposure ; $'2. GO. Main 1'OOtJ. STEVENS APARTMENTS bix rooms, front and ba-k porches; neat, hot water, tele phone; ail light outside rooms. 71)1 Nurtii rup. near 24th st. 7-KOOM Duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; in nreproof building. Apply 700 Davis st. " ROSE Pit I END, coruer Broaa way and Jof feisou Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service; private phoney ref. LLCRETIA COURT, 4V Lucietla sL Finest unfurnished 2 to 5-ronm apts.; reference-. Mgr.. Mar. 1513; janitor. Mar. 15UO. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st. New unfurnished apartments; most e.aborate in the city. Main 42bt. A 40o0. KING-DA ViS APTS.. rooms; high class; 54 Kin st, 3 and 4 references. Main 2"oS. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. '2'2t. Main 7134. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY 1 and 4 -room unf u rn lh ed; referencea. MODERN steam-heated apartment, 5 rooms. 55 7 Main. Furniiied or I) "furnished Apartments, MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCB. 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnfehed and unfurnished apartments in ell parts of the city; great variety of locations, sixe and price. Our free auto- mobi.e at your service ia visiting any of our apartments. Main 20 13. A 2015 THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Iiving FuriUined and unfurnished apartments In 2 3 aud 4 rooms, four-snry brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, t'ullt-m buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room ; vacuum cleaner iree. I'hone Marshall 2361. KINGSBURY. 16 Vista Ave., off Washington St. P, and 4 rooms, with private balconies; uniurnished or furnished; high-class neigh, bo-iooa- b-ist o service; reasonable rates by month. WELLESLET COURT. QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSS IN. FURNISH ED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 10TH AND BELMONT STS. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 4i-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders, 2 and S rooms, furnished or uuf urnisaed apts. ; bes: of service. THE DEZENDORF. JOS 16th st., near Taylor; exceptionally fine 3-room unfurn. apt. Marshall 2324. THE ROSEN FIELD APT. .! furr.isheii or unfurnished rooms; mod ern. ."'7." East Sirk. MORTON APTS., King and Washington its., l-room furnished and unfurnished apt. ; private bath, phone, reasonable. Main 1082. THE WINDSOR 2. 3 or 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or eoj. Cor. Bast 14th and Yamhill. .lata. $ MODERN 0-room upper and sleeping porch, newly tinted; lurnuca, fireplace, etc East P.'th and D.Ws. East 3-47. RENT bargain; fine S-room upper flat, 23d near Johnson. $20. C. 11. Korell, 204 Rail way Exchange bidg- -ROOM modern upper with hnoieum, gas stov t and water heater, let mo. free to right party. Call la person. S04 Front B- W1LLAMETTE HEIGHTS, beautifully situ ated, -0-room residence flat, nothing like it in the city, own Savkr gt. 5-ROOM lower modern, reasonable. 67ft Salmon, opposite Multnomah Club. Main -I? . MODERN 3 or 6-room flat. Inquire 426 titli st. - Si. ROOMS. Jower. modern; choicest loca tion. West Side. Inquire 175 16th at. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Koyt sL Inquire ISO sth st. Phone Main 627. iTnOOM modern flat. 1T9 Green ave., near and Washington. Main 3331, A g76. FOR RENT Modern 4-roo.n flat, good con dition, 1-LlEarnnitL TKl'or MODERNfive-room lower flat, Eat Burn-sic--; cor. 12th. East 2:;0L -ROOM upper flat with yard. 7S0 Johnson. Main 10";. S-ROOM modern flat, yard. Nob Hill. Tabor J !!. -ROOM-fiat 2J Caruth Si'e- Marshall 1000. U. West Flats. IRVINGTON. We have a vacancy in the finest flat in Portland; five rooms, sleeping porch, tlie bath, hardwood floors; located at East loth and Hancock sts., one block fro 1 either Broadway or Irvington oar. F. hi. Bowman & Co.. Commercial Club bldg. Main 3026, A J25L g-ROOM lower, furnished or unfurnished; fireplace, hardwood floors and every latest Improvement, excellent residence loca tion. E, 20 th, near Hawtaorna. East 4ti3. 69- EVERETT ST., near 21st, 8-room upper flat, newiy tinted throughout ; fireplace, furnace, gaa range aud hot water beater. Phone East S. S24 j-KOOil bungalow, saa range, electric lights, fireplace, furnace. t 51st St., near Hawthorne, North. Phone Main 7U0. i ROOMS, eutire upper flat; gas. baths. Sl J. 4s Clay at., West Side. No chil ren. Furnished Flats. LISTEN If you see it you'll take it: Flat, 4 large rooms, very pleasant, nicely fur nished, clean, hrst-class neighborhood; gas. bath, water paid. Ouly $17. 772 E. Tavlor. EftSt 52011. HANDSOME 5-room flat, rent cheap to right parties. 310 Glenn ave. Marshall 6366. F.LAT for rent, furniture for sale, nicely furnished 6-room flat, walking distance; reasonable. Inquire 208 N. 32d. MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance. 2tW Ross st.; $2Q. Phone Woodlawn 1850. MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat, 8 K 12tn N. Marshall 797. A 7131. NICELY furnished four-room flat; water, phone, bath; reasonable. 230 N. ISth. NEW modem 4-room furnished flat, walk ing distance'. 50 Market st. Main 4079. Housekeeping Booms. 14 WEEK Completely furnished housekeep ing suite, bay window, large light rooms, absolutely cleanest in town ; hot water, baths, lights, linen washed free; save car fare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. 31.50 TO 32.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, aultaole for 8 or 4; f re heat, laundry, bath, yard. Phone East 6039. 4 OS Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "U" car. 46T EAST MORRISON Furnished one aud two-room housekeeping apartments, reas onable. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d, cor. Morrison. OILMAN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. L&0 week up. I AND 2-room apart. $3.60 and 4; light, heat, phone and bath. Jefferson. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO elegantly furnished front housekeep ing rooms, sink, hot water, telephone in r Kims, furnace heat, electricity, laundry, gas range, two closets, sewlug machine. N. 23d. TWO eb'ganly furnished front housekeep ing rooms, sink, hot water, telephone in rooms, furnace heat, electricity, laundry, gas Tange, two closets, sewing machine. 123 N. 23d. 13TH ST. 2 pleasant sunny rooms, com pletely furnished, also others. Main 3072. Tabor liyft. McFarland, 0M Yeon bldg. DESIRABLE room. completely furnished for light housekeeping, fine location, no ehlMren. '201 12th. $10 for 2 or J4 for 3 clean furnished housekeeping-rooms; electric, water, phone in cluded. 127 E. 10th, bet. Morrison. Alder. $13 PER month, 2-room apt., also 1 H. K. room S3 per month; nicely furnished. fi3 N. .0-th. Main 8950. ?1 WEEK and up, housekeeping and sleeping-rooms, phone, bath, walking distance. 44s Columbia. 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, phone, gas, bath, light, hot and cold water. 623 E. AnKeny; TWO nice warm h. k. rooms reasonable. 7S1 K earn ey. M ;.rh all 43::7. NICE, clean, housekeeping rooms; rent rea sonable; close In. 519 Everett at. FURNISHED new 2-room front suite, close 1 -.'.itO montn; tree pnone. aou mo. NitSs, cosy, warm housekeeping suite. 347 Yamhill " FINE housekeeping rooms, close in, at tow figure. Marshall o043. 103 10th St. $ h. K. ROOM, electric light, gas plaio, SUllHDie OI.e p--t J"". '' J roi'R furnished rooms, upper flat, use of player piano. US V N. 10th, near Wash. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $l.uU per week up. 3')3 Main st.. near otn. louses. ADVIC1S TO I'ROSPECTIVE HOME SEEKERS. Secure your home in the largest and most progressive tract. Ascertain if it is owned by prominent responsible men, who can and will spend sufficient money to mak3 aud keep the addition attractive, and who would be sure to treat you fairly in every way, Laurelhurst. the addition of beautiful homes, represents an Investment of four million dollars, has 28 miles of paved serpentine drives, surrounds a beautiful 31-aL're City Park, la owned by some of the most responsible financial men in tha Northwest, and Is the very highest Im proved close-in restricted residence park in Portland. You can buy a sightly lot here at an extremely close figure, upon easy terms, second mortgage privilege, and If you desire we will build and finance your home for you and see that it la built right, at the lowest poEsible cost. We also have some houses for rent. Auto service. Paul C. Murphy. Sales Agent, Main Office 27U. Stark St., Main 1503, A 131V Tract Office In Laurelhurst, IS. 30th and Gliban sts.. open daiiy. WE own some fine, modern, up-to-date 4 room bungalows with hardwood floors, built-in beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats and coolers; also self-lighting gas ranges and water heaters. Linoleum in batli and . kitchens; dressing-room, full attic with eloctrio lights; large porches, lawns, nicely fenced, on Webster and Sum ner sts., near 13th, 1 block N. of Alberta car. Phone Sunday G 12&7. Blauchard & - Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. -ROOM residence, Portland Heights, strict ly modern in every respect, 3oS Elizabeth and Chapman sts. Call at housa to see it. PARRJSH-WAT KINS & CO.. 106 2d St. Pnone Main 1044. MODERN 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT; FIRE PLACE, FURNACE, GAS PTOVt;, uv DOW SHADES AND ELECTRIC FIX TURES, BEST NEIGHBORHOOD; RENT REASONABLE. APPLY 771 EVERETT ST.. NEAR 3-D, OR CALL MAIN if.' S. 172 N. 18TH ST., fine residential district. dav walking mstunce business center, v rooms, furnace. $27.30. Key, janitor Ionian Apts.. lyth and Couch. Main 20 lu. 9-ROOM house, on corner East ialmon aud loth urnace. ail moaern conveniences, reasonable; will lease if desired. Phones East 1301. B 3228: FOR RENT Sunnyaide, 5-room house, com pletely furnished; truit, roses, garuen; chm car service city; $16 month. A 1263 East Taylor st. MODERN HOUSES. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. MAIN S423. CORNER, 8 rooms, walking distance, close to High School; rent a uargaia. aii yo 11th from 2 to 6. . ATTRACTIVE.' modern. 6-room, excellent condition and location, nice yard, near car; $20. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 42. FOR RENT 3-room mofern bungalow, fire place, bookcases, basement; rent $13. Phone E. 923 6-ROOM modern house, corner Cleveland and bKluUlOre. r in- etw en ..uh.u.v rent. Call Main 213, A 2131. MODERN 9-room house in Laurelhurst, beau. tilul location, xor rent at -o per mourn. R .,S1, oregonian 9-ROOM house for rent, $20; v est Side, walking distance. 493 Clay st. Key at 4tii Jefferson SL MODERN 3-room cottage, just cleaned, 15 minutes walk business district, "West Side. 5i9 Marshall St. $12 7-ROOM modern cottage. Mci'anana, ou. iei- m-a- 8 ROOMS, mortem, 173 East 23d st.. $25. Phone East auu, a zip. MODERN 6-room house, 23d nar Kearney, 525. C. Korell, -o-i nanway ,xcn. xiiug. 3-ROOM house. 3t Ella st. $15. 76. - Key 63 Ella st. .viarsnan - IRVINGTON 7-room house, modern. Phone Marshall 90S. Apartment 204. DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of City. Stout invennwm v, m. 3 houses. 7 rms. eacn, cor. uroaaway ana ROSS. DlOCKS nun;. 3-ROOM bungalow, ,-!-' Kcnilworth ave., Kellwood H83. K 1 3. " ; Iticnmopq cai -ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. outre 330 6th. Main 6278. 7 OUTSIDE rooms, notfurnlshed. arranged for roomer-; yway- i.emiicM j-. PORTLAND Heights, modern 7-rooin house, beautiful place, reasonable. Marshall 217. 3-ROOM house. G01 fcast Asn, 13 a mouth; fine yara. api"' "-J-' c"- 5-ROOM liouse, 609 East Ash, $13 a month; line S ai u. - " 5-ROOM modern cottage, 601 Northrup, cor. 19th. inquire ui juov-jj. , FIVE-ROOM cottage, easy walking distance. West ine. ? ' " :tun owi. mVlNGTON modern 8-room houae; hard wood floors. No! 411 East loth st. North. 6-ROOM modern house, furnace, fireplace; MODERN 7-room house, nrepiace. xuraace. j aid, close . Furnished House. COMPLETELY furnished clean five-room t . . a K.lrnnm -a.s. eas. electricity, heat, phone and bath; reas son- Sci aoie to peri.ciii. nuuuo, .... no n-nnlp nreferred : close in. W4 N iorth 10th st., corner Flanders, West Side. qti Rprun w a V Madison st elegant iv rtiT i-hAt 5-rnnm Aoartment: oak and Circassian walnut furniture, upholstered in Spanish leather; all conveniences; ar ranged to sublet 1 or 2 apartmeu-ta ; rant $40. also 4-room apt.. o. .ma t a v l,f)H ST. Eleerantlv furnished 5 room apartment, Circassian walnut and fumed oak furniture, upholstered in Span icTn iwtthr. 1 seoarate bedrooms, piano: rent $35. Also 4-room apartment. $23. c-RCMtvr rnrnlHhed house, on E. 14th St., Irvington, fine condition, rent months v or one year, $35 pr month. Epton, 43i Chamber oi commerce. RKAT7TI FULLY" furnished Irvington bunga low. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern, piano; $43, If taken at once. East 3998. -ROOM furnished house, nice lot. with some fruit; good location, 2 blka. car. Key 840 East Ankeny, cor. 27th. , MODERN 5-room house, completely fur nished, fireplace, furnace, large yard, 93 Jr., lUtn St. is. wootnawn "0 -oiTR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, including piano; nice large yard. SI'S . ttll IU I HUUO .Bb pitrvishrD two-room house. 1400 Kerby; take Kenton car to Portland boule vary. Woodlawn 2226. Key at 1403 Kerby. 5-ROOM bungalow, neatly furnished. Sunny side, near Baurelhurst Park. 30. Mar shall 224L FINE bungalow home, modern, hardwood finished, desirable location, East Side, to adults for year or longer. Main 5110. i-'M ht oi r TtrT.v furnished new. clean, mod era T-room house; furnace; Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4C79. NICELY furnished 6-room house, yard; Rose C ity JfarK. a oq, urcemuu. 6-ROOM modern, fireplace, sleeping porch, lawn and roses. Main 0.'j6 or Kellwood 1H7", Jl 4-ROOM furnished house, yard. 33a 8 Join, co- Jo" six-room furnished cottage, $17; near Grand and Hawthorne aves. B 2103. WEST 8IDE, 8-room, attractively furnished S7TH and Belmont. 6-room cottage, $1S. -v. 1 1 ATtT 6-ROOM, well furnished flat, modern, yard. oa seme nr. i .m, nr,t i i,'tT a rt.ishv:d corner. beautiful store room, line cement basement, everything modern, good district, dandy opportunity for grocery, drugs or confectionery; cheap rent will give lease. Phone Wdln 663a, or call on S. L. Jones, C 2 Alberta et. nwvRR ha BDlendd store for rent, 25x7 feet in size, right In the heart of the busl ii m- rfifttrirt: llaht. heat and water in cluded In rental; splendid opportunity lor a wid'i-iwaKe merciuuj l-"' U,V: AV ILABLE SI arch 1 st, storeroom and basement, 25o. on Morrison sr., in Eaton Hotol bid- Inquire A. B. StelnbacU tit Co., 015 Corbett bldg. STORE FOR RENT With 4 living and bathroom upstairs; corner Umatilla ave. ant". E. 0th st., Sellwood; rent $13. Main 2778. HALF of store- for rent at 47 3d au Mult nomah Hotel bldg. Offices. FOR RENT A suite of 4 rooms on 2d floor, r,At.unva? Temnle. 1st and Alder sts. Hplendidly arranged for dental rooms, and which have been occupied by an estab lished dentist ior about 18 years; rent reasonable. Inauire of Janitor on the premises. WELL-FURNISHED private-office, also desK room. o aim - i.c - in e ice. ffm Ti PVT T.nrsrn rooms. SUltablw foi of' ficea or musical studio. Sherman. Cla & Co. OX-'FICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room, iree pnone; veij rBuuui, 1, . land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. DESK room iu large, light office in Morgan bldg. Apply manager, 819-21 Morgan bldg. Warehouses. OPEN storage (60x350) on doc with use of hoisting engin-s. ran connection an i"-.""-Central Hawthorne Dock Co. East Jotki. Mlwelianeout. ENTIRfi or part two floors, basement; rent moderate. 2d and Montgomery. Tabor 3016. TO USA SB. FOR RENT or lease, dock, with about 30,000 square feet of storage space and S50-foot waterfront in city, aw urtsuiuttu. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PRINTING PLANT CHEAP. 1 paper hand press. 1 Chandler & Price 30x13, job press, 1 23-lncb Reliance payer cutter, $000 worth of type, cabinet, stands, racks, motor, everything complete for newspaper business, ail lu fine condition; price $730. E. C. Boardman, 203 Morrison st., Portland. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. C32 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SALOON First-class place, itrst-class trade, located in heart of business and growing section of Oakland, with the ex poet t ion trado to draw from; a few steps from Broadway; lease for four years; not forced to sell; only those who mean business need apply Lock Box Wo, OaklandCal; EXPERT CAMERA MEN EARN BIG MONEY. Will teach every branch pertaining to the manufacture and exhibiting of motion pictures in a short time at reasonable rate,. NORTHWEST WEEKLY. Portland. Or. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, tobacco, ice cream parlor and periodical store; good mayazino trade; East Side transfer point; ' this place wiJ.i stand Investigation; for raie by owner, account of poor health. B 371. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE business, out of town, in cluding machine shop, supplies, agency for 4 makes of cars. Can show profit of $3200 for past year. Price approximately $S0vU; terms to right party. AV 487, Ore gonian. 73-ROOM rooming-house, strictly modern, brick bldg., down town, good lease; price $0000. $0()0 cazh, time on balance to suit you. For particulars see Mr. Robin son, at 305 Corbeit bldg. FOR RENT One of finest equipped modern meat markets in San Joaquin Valley lor rent lu the city of Stockton; present own ers having retired; for particulars address M'. McCormick Company, Stockton, Cai. ONE of the best billiard parlors with cigar store in county seat town, iOOO people, la Southern Oregon; reasonable rent, leaae, steady trade; cash, bal. out of business. 615 jsortn otn St., urauw --, v. FOR SALE Moving-picture theater tn As toria, ur.; seam t V responsible parties. Particulars, D. A. Welch, Hotel Cornelius, 1 to 3 P. M. Mon day, itiesuay, men aaiuon. POOLROOM country town; one billiard, Z pool tables; barber shop; tobacco and con fectionery; half cash, balance on time; fixtures all new; population 1600. AV 4ti4, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, delicatessen and lunch room doing A-l business; good lease and location; reasonable rent. This is a money maker; owner leaving city; $1500. AH 507, Oregonian. HARNESS shop in growing town of 600, terminal of R. R. ; clean stock, good repair trade- no competition. Write Willamlna State ' Bank, Wiilamtna, Or. FOR SALE -Mercantile business, cleared 1 9 000 last year; best town in Willamette Valley. See me at room 715, Hotel Ben so n , until Mond ay evening. BARGAIN Restaurant outfit for sale, store for rent, very low rent, $150 cash, balance time to suit you. See .Mr. Robinson, 60o , Corbett bldg.. FOR SALE State right of Oregon, best 4 reel feature on the market. Cheap for cash on account of sickness. Address room 4 0 J, Blackstone Hotel. STATE HOTEL, 50x100 feet, Pendleton, Or. price $15,000. The rent pays over 10 per e-nt H- G. Starkweather, Milwaukle, Or. Phone Oak Prove 1-X. CIGAR, confectionery and light grocery .store, brick bldg., 2 furnished living rooms rent $12.50; will Invoice $600; price today for all, --o. meters. j; in. otn st. LAUN DRY" for sale, good condition, good trade; very reasonable price. See owner. 737 savier et. FOR SALE Poolroom, five pool tables and one billiard table. Tabor 5002. POOLROOM. $ tables, card tables, etc- by owner. C. P. Leonard. Jacksonville, Or. MOTION" PICTURE camera for sale. North west Weekly, Portland. Or. GROCERY, doing good business, and cheap rent, living-rooms. Phor.e Woodlawn 843. FOR SALE Fine hot springs, good location. Partloulars. address AH 6GS, Oregonian. ' BUSINESS OPPOBTTyiTIES WANTED. IF your bills are due and you cannot pay them drop me a line. I have some money and will loan it to any worthy business man who is temporarily short. P. O. Box 4:;0. Portland, Or. 4u ACRES Irrigated land, ben udr culti vation two yeara, ' , invest In some business. Give particulars, p, O. box 43W, Portlaud, Or. I AM experienced moving picture show man; have some money and will buy an interest or whole business. P. O. box 535 ROOMING-HOUSES. 38-ROOM hoomlng-houso on Broadway, nea; Wash. st , rent $3 per room, furnace heat running water all rooms, lease, every room full and turning people away; i" nished, has never sold for less than S-oW. on account of leaving city, will sacrifice for $1300, terms. Peters, 15 N. th st. 18-room rooming-house, close to Wash, st.. rent $40; large lawn, fruit trees; two suites pay the rent; has throe private baths, strictly modern, well worth $.'0O; price today for all, $3V3, easy terms. Peters, 35 N. 5th st. MRS. M. E. LEN1, Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected, Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 508-0 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrlfoa. HOTEL, 62 rooms, modern, centrally lo cated well patronized ; must be sold for cash within next three day-; bargain. For particulars pbone Main 2301 between 1 and 4 P.M. FOR SALE CHEAP, board and rooming house, 14 rooms, nicely furnished; always full; Nob Hill district. Phone Marshall 105. . BOARDING-HOURS for sale; nine rooms, new furniture, swell location, always fuii. 29 S. Broadway. Main 7121. 1XST AND FOUND. LOST Saturday, between 4 and o P. Mj in Hawthorno jitney or between 32th i and Hawthorne and 6o5 Mulberry, small sterl ing silver meeh baa. engraved an back, Mrs. H. J. Steinmesch. Call East 1120. Rev;ard, LIBER VL reward, no questions aakod. Lost, on East Wator St.. between K Morrison and Belmont, a largo diamond gents ring; information or finder, commuulcaio with Tabor 35 or Mam vi LIBERAL reward for return 'l?ord uto license 977, taken from i-orn- Stark and Park Saturday evening. Address Ac 6d. Ore gon 1 a n. LOST Brown fox muff, February o. at Lin coln High School or on street. Return to Oregonian office. Reward. LOST Brindle Boston terrier, bat-earert. long tail, six months old. Phone Marshall 5147. Reward. LOST Great Dane brindle, male. Phone East 3204. 793 E. Main, between 24th and 23th. off Hawthorne. LOST SahU and whit colllo pup, for re- i . .. r .. I n r.01 LOST Black wallet. Please notiTy K. L. Penning. 141 E- 34th at. .phone Tabor In r-rEC LAL JiOTfCKfl. Proposals Invited. t- Tin,- TUMTiiifT i vii"H L" of ih Unltl States for the District of Oregon lu the nistter of O. W. Elliott, bankrupt Re quest for bid. I will receive sealed bid fur the following property of tha above. named tanKrupt. wnicn prupeuj -uated In tho storeroom formerly occupied hv aM hmikruut at Oregon Cltj, Ore- -nn no to and until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, February 37. 1913. at the of lice of the undersigned; tr.v t wares and merchandlS" consisting of hats, caps, men's furnlfh incs, clothing, drygood-. no. ions, women's suits, shoes, rubbers, etc., of the Inven toried vnlue of $13,346.44. Fixtures per taining to the same oC the inventoried i.. -i i :-ta Cert Hied check fr 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany eacn nio atil irt tn tho approval of the court Inventory of the property may b seen u nun the premises at urcKon ".ny, uiuu, whe.-e tho property may bo p'ted. J. W. M1NTO. Trustee. t are Sldnf Tcir, Attorm-y. 74M-747 Morgan Bid., rortlar.rt. or. RECEIVEiTS SALE. I will receive sealed bids for the Louis Krull Company stock of merchandise and fixtures, consisting principally of dry goods, ladles suits and coats, inventory valuation $337.30. together with nitures. inventory valuation $13ft.65; located at 7u !" .t vt looulm. Wash., up to 5 o'clock p M. Monday. February 15, 1915. Terms cash. Certified check or cali deposit "f 30 Pr cent of the amount otic pad mut ac ,imuaiiv each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Sale to b mil suuject to approval and confirmation of court. inventory my -i mj i- lice and stock may be inspected on appd cation. R L. DA WD Y, Hoo,uiam, Washington. Roceiver. viITtck Bids for the purchase of the stock of cruss, druggists' supplies - ana sundries of the Joce Pharmacy, situated at the corner of East 4'.th and Belmont ntmpti. Portland. Or., will be received by the administratrix at the ortloe of Moser & McC.ue, attorneys, x eon niug., PArt'.nnil fr. uo to and incl uslve of Mod- tlMv. Februarv 15, 115, all bids to be subject to the approval of the County Court for Multnomah County, Or. In formation concerning the business to b had at the store. MOSER A MTf-. Attorney s for Ad minis train. I "WILL iecMve sealed bids for a rock of nierehanaise cou.'-. : ng principally of groceries, hats am .anishnKB, shoes, etc.. of the inventor? ..luation of fl4M.0, to gether wth list. -res $58.'7, located at War i eiuialc. Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, February 31, 11115; terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid ; right is reserved to reject any and all bids; inventory may be .en at my office, 740 Morgan bldg.. and stock inspected at War re nUale. Dated Portland, Or., February 4. 1 R. L. SA BI X. I WILL receive sealed bids for a tok of merchandise of the inventory valuation of $77:tS.4o together with fixtures amounting lo S-s37, located at Independence, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday, February 1, 1915. Teims cash. Certified check for 30 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office. 740 Morgan bu! icing, and stock may be Inspected at Independ ence. R. L. s A BIN. Dated: Portland, Or., Feb. 2, 1013. U. S. EN i JR. OFFICE, 602 Burke bids., Se attle, Wash., Jan. 11. lWi.r Sealed pro posals for rurnlslung and ii-liverlng stone fur jetty construction at Lone Tree, Wash., will be received at this of lice until 12 M., Feb. 30, 3013. and then publicly opened. Information on application. J. B. Cavun augh, Maj. Eugrs Master's Notice. NORWEGIAN BARK "MORN'A," Captain Laraen, from Arlca, Chile Neither captain nor undersigned consignees will be respon sible for any debts that may be contracted for by crew. Taylor, Young A Co., agents. Mlfcellaneouii. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given mac my wite, nosa j. ',oiu berg, has left my bed and board and 1, Joseph Goldberg, residing at 275 Ti Clay st. will not be responslDle for any in debtedness contracted hy Rosa J. Gold berg after the date of this publication. (Signed) JOS. GOLDBERG. FINANCIAL. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money: low rates- no delays; principals only. Robertson Ewing. 2U7-206 Norlh westera Bunk bidg. WE buy mortgages, bonds, and rotes. West ern tsona Murtgage vo., ov m ib dui u of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mori gages (lirst and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bidg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Luinhermena bid. WE buy notes, bonus and mortgages. Ruo ertson & Ewinff. 2U7-8 N. W. Ban b.dg. Money to Loon oa Hcmi Ivwlate. WILiTbUY MONTHLY PAYMENTS, Sellers contract or iruga on clear prop erty. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. SEE us t day for loans on improved city property. 6 to I per cent, $2 no and up. Cellars-Murton Co., 82a Yeon bldg. $1000 TO loan on good city property, 3 yeans at 1 or 8 per cent. Call 1-6 Board of Trade bldg. Main 742. . $.00, $1000 AND upward on improved real "State; ivurauie iciuii, uu u-ij, nu brok-rage. John Bain. .07 Spaltimg blag. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOL'Xt! OREGON 1NV. t MORTGAGE Co., INC. Stock Exchange blug., 4d and Yamhill. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS AT 7. FRED S. WlLLlAMS.i First SL MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. IL WILL "loan $500 to $9000 on Improved prop erty. AM ii I, wejuuiau. ALL amounts at low rates oi interest. 414 Yeon liog- oru. qm. - .v. -r. o.q. MONEY loaned on re:l estate; contracts and mtgS. QQUg'lt- Si. ucimum uiuj. liONBT TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com, STATE FUNDS. C per cent. XV. K. Thomaa, agent ... - wv.u. Ijoir $S..O, $CC9. $9O0, $1200, $3O0. Fred W. irtimimj-'' -"-- - MORTQAOS LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALMON CO.. ZJ STARE. ST. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhoinme, 5-8-531 Morgan bid. I WILL loan $500 to $7000 on city or tarrn property, v v-" - ESTATE money, $500 lo $20,oou, l'Toedman. attorney. tf30 Cham, c n. y. 10 0OO FOR Immediate loani prefer ouo loan. Main 1106 or B 402, Oregonian. MONEY TO UAX easy tertim, mortsai?s bought- L'uked Realty. 2)0 Gerliugcr bldg. Mouey to 1 nan on Real F.t4a. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bote. Maishall 4114. A 411P. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED HEAL lT ATE FOU BC1LDIN- PURPOSES VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. .NO CO'tlMlSMuNs. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRl I' CO.. 910 SPALDING BLD J. ON lMPROED PRol-KTY OK KuR BUILDING PURPOi-S. LIBERAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES' MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSED. THE EUU1TAB1K SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION. 2At STARK ST; MONEY TO LOAN On Portland city real estate. Farm loans at lowest eurreut ratea MALL, & VON BOUSTEU 104 S e c o d St.. near V au 1 1 K ton. 'r AND 7 7c MORTGAGE LOVNS. $1000 lo $5o.00. Good ral estate se curity only. Prompt sorvite, f.ur treat ment. A. K. HILL. 41 Henry HMg. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Monu on business proprt. apartments, dwellings and fruis R. 1 L Biosao in. It 1 6 C larabir t Commerce. C V MORTGAGE LOAN3 WlLLlAM L. BOYD. U9 Hsnry Blug. I. MORTGAGE kans on city and suburban rl estate at 1 and S per cent. W, H. Nuao, 4 in &lierlock bldg. , . . MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD. FRlks CO tt Fourth street. $ou,t)l0 TO LOAN In sums to suit; bund ing loaus. lowest ratea W. U. Beck. Jl- 1 filing bidg. $1000 TO 1m .11 tu Poiltod !! elMte, quo k service aud at low vott to I'ui toi r, RtTonnT. 51 riatt bldg. $1UUM TO LOAN on Port and mM rilin HAMMOND MO ft TO A G K COMIANi. 4.'.;-l21 t;bamt'r of lniiiii i e. TO LOAi4$"OR LkS. PARKING ! ON. 10 4T H ST.. BOARD uF TRADE BI.tKl. Money lo Luaii haunts ami .saianee. Tm m t: D 1 A i E LO A n y ON DIAilU.NUfi AND JlAVULR. AT EASTERN RAILS. We h.-ve one if the iiiil j.irr stores in the city. A loan iirtmcrtt is conducted in connection with muk', mak ing business STRICTLY CON FlDi :.N Tl A U al-sjlutelv no sign de-ignating loan bui liens displayed in front oi our siori. A I merchandise pladgM held for vru4 of seven month, whether or not Iniereet is paid when due. V aie lirnd ai4 have been rstaulUhed siuce lsi. No cun nect'.mi with any oihcr loan esiablisiiutQC in this cit. A. 31. URI.nVAOK, JEWELKRS, 32 Wahiiifctin St. LOANS $10 lo lm ulli KLT. STAIE bECI 'R1T CO 11 L E NSKD, LOANS ON fcALAHlES ONLY, pi;-!' lULPoSITiON IN PuKILAMD. 0 IX AND LET US EXPLAIN OU EASV PAYMENT 1 LAN. BL'I.LS4 MRHti.V i . . F-Dfc..TlA STATE SECURITY C .'iofl 1" Ai LI NG BI DO. LOAN. TN IU'l'lifJ' TIME i legal ratee on diamonds, autoa, i l. :ios hou-f-olo. Moola i.d livestock. PORTLAND .a) A N CO., I, Reused hy Siate. t ':.' Rxthrhild Bdg. MONEY A 1 ONt ai. ) giir.ii' rt t- H. in iii' l i n T ronton I J.EPAKATK Dn.PT rUH LaDJUS. E.B COMPANY i Lice ; sed i. v-i Luiiit'r txrhsne B ;! S"Coi d and i-tail MteMf. W E lon nmncy tin i tm. nus and joe rlrv Bt I :ilf the rsi en en hi kid. t - rokei . Mwrr A P"ch. W 31 rl LoA NH on ui.iiTT'ptl t-enrt Ihu'.IhI. I !l . Mtui J-w-iT . hi icuy ,1 t.. m ar A'rter. AU.NKY LONK!-Hi da Jalry, S W Ktiiis, r.-o,, V . ingu-n 'M. LtANS real -ia clrv. Win. Holt i n m 9 V t l.o;in Wiinied, P;i vnM sTnt.iitiim.i My hm i rirulHr us t-loi krtoik, whi-tlnr ttmta are good or ld. l is-.l on 1 1 ft I moriK ia " hiUI -liu- lrilib, evry n- cult f .illy nsiii nie.i and title gnat .i nt-t !. Tic leanest. s.:ffst, up-lo-dato wi.y of Invfctin- your suruius. B.'ttei in t'Viiy v:.y than a mortgage oil ail iudi . :d:- I I'Miii or city hoUSt-. Ill U.IK'UlllH of l oo m.d .".o niol riultiplfs tLoieof. Let ni- t.ll Ju ubouL tliih. Johu Hai tug. -00 Sti k. uv;ar 4i li. WANTED From private party. $suu. 1 year. S per cutt; impruwu Uiui as security. Also $1300. 3 years, Portland property: will pay 8 per cent, no commission. Cham tier of Commerce Bdg MONK YW A NT ED -A 'p I tea lions ti hand l r d!f-able losna ati'i v.m1 fit -i rnoi i - , guides for sao ; $ $3't. 12t-o. l J700, $3i0 at.d to'; p:itn.ipMis inl. p.'iiiv C. I'rii.lliomni'', M'TRm ii Hilt. i63o7ssT It'l a -res. ni.ii r M'l' r Ot . vslue-1 st fSJOti. Fred W. (o-nuau Co., fl4 Cliamber of Commerce bldg. IN CoLT M B I A l" A RK. $ -i. ' i-room mod-;-ii liouse, &f . lo o. , block to car, nice dit rlett value -:00. Fred W. German Co.. DM Cham, of Com. WANT to borrow $:i.".uo lor 3 r.; ample security; principles only. X 5M, Oioho nlan. WANTED To l-orr. $25o0 irom prlto Iarty on Irvington iioiue; no commission. A E 5'J!i. oregonian. . WANT to borrow $2t'U0 n good t lear lot; vuiuo sO'luo; all usesint ut J aid ; h ill gie fli-bt mor'gage, N 340. Orfgonian. .-Mii Us Tauielhuist hoii.e, ivsponsliile party. 7 per cent, no commission. AO 54, Oregon la n. . WANT $j5oo, sfcuiny lli0..c. iiioitnatj on outside property, valued l.lo.Ouo. fceliod .321. WANTED Loan flrn mortg-ge, on Portland real etaLc. worth $..uou. AS 34j. Oiegoulan. WANT EI) To l.urt-uw direct frnri privata party $27no ou mouern home; will Oot p-lf a to'mmif-sion. AU 57", Orewonian. rtKSOVAL v-l KK1.I, HAIR. HAIR. HAIR. 2S-iuch firsi quality swiiehee $4.ii ati-lnch teat first quality gia 4.k BR1NO THIS Al good for 30 on Facti massage. . ..2-k: Shimtoo I'-'-n Mbuii urM J.h' M a i r-h 2-mi Superfluous liair removed by le'li icil. Guaranteed. Cat hair uny shalf. Switches, any length. Pii IimiT. suimary H.aul parlors. 4t.O-4 1 2 Dt-Ruiii b.d., and Washington. Marslia.t lt:. pErlVLi c BAAElTi'l.. Leading wig and l'Ui oia !,:; Iinft lock, tmtn.n hair li'KMir. n il - bes 1 rim .a up . lialrtiieafclui;. niancui ing. lce and ep treatment , cooUniiis mn.le up to oi dr. 117 Uruadv.ay. iit-nr Morns. n. Main 34H. EKM AN trained nuiie and innvBum. MteaiU bStns SOU masa-g- mr ro--n.ii-i.i. luiilLaico. M-i sh;l ' 33. Ot ' S Linda) s SCI EN TI PIC HHi'u, g'-TiUltn tuh lm t b, alcoholic, electric 1 1 1 at men t, chirop.,iKt, manlcurlnt. '24 Macleuy bldg.. ash lUKtn WILL Vera Gertruoe Foster, born In Seat tle Wash., aae nearly li care. coiumuni- cake witu Ma. C L. Tlnuagsr, of Altia, B. C.T MAiUE NEVlNtf gives irt-iiinictiti dally, lo tiiuti for appolntineut. elecirle Laths wiu leUius out. Maui bPiltiTL ALiSM Lev Mai y A. Piue. Circle Tuesuay 2, VS and sun, t P. M . reU hi,; tiaily. .i3 3H: Mt. .Marshall MLS. STTvKNS. 21 y. are Portland re nuwued palmiKt autl c;ulivoent. author -f -rul::iiti-v .vaue tJa?: ." "."l 't M-orisoa. L vBHELLAh All Colo stork; tecoveiing. i Meredith's, '2 -2 9 W as. s and st.. tfs; largest cw liatidlea put on ingtou st- NOKvi'EGIAN tiem-d nuiao and niaBu', ' electric blanket treatment; hours i P. M. to 4 20 P. M. i'OS l'i li. Rooms 2 and J. JCL.ECTKIC VI II It AT" Ml fur rnun:Biimn, n.-uraig.a, i- - r ' MADE OF YuL'H CO-HlMii. Switch's ic. t url und puir i-v Sani tary Btauty fat tors. Dekum UMg. INiji KN h'Trbal b-tl.'t. poor tri ateU frte ef chars. Ave. lii-rbrtl Sanitarium. cOl'Hli B. i:H', "tut niu pi n t a I stlon mettmK Wedr.-mle; . s P. M O.n. A. HPHAGUK; pie; write lo iiuiu- POT iJ oUO, vnw"'-- LrBBaVsett s Native Hrbe for rheumatism i,,, tao.eta for nc. AH oruggisia TflUU liaii reuu'Vfd. y.m M. li 1-1 ill. 42 r 1 ifu in 1 010 ktuiu J4;j, jjTss MARIE J0HNS'N. chiropod v iiiaiiteuring P' 1 r. 4oo "d st. ;o. GRADUATE ir.aeseuae gii ttatinnu dan. B xth iu N.. near Washington. Mala si-'" DH ,li'A N K "li V BA. J'2 FieUur b.Us iiaiu Mm. Hours 10 to g. 1 F-oNS in phrenology end rerd readings. :,5 Mih n. Hlioi.e Maln73H. lili'Uit'i'AN'i M i'?Aii C f r Kiton L. p'oiser. Write H-n Hoi t rii'trvillf, Wuh. MISS ETH EL HI K K. manicuring, elect rlo treatinen s. 412-413 Northwest bMf. HALM OF FIG--' Tablet. M'4 Dai I(. To., e l-i.. 1 M.-ln M NHI K1NC l.iidlt-e 7U7 Rolln-hlld bi.lii. 2: V "t ani.lrigt'Mi. CHlROHK ACTIC, crron!c cee-s. 1 tieat meut $1. others leee, e rouma til 4t)t. - i