Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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The next Republican National con
vention will more nearly approach a
true representation of the Republican
voters than any convention of recent
years. The over-representation of the
Democratic South will be reduced to
a degree which will materially in
crease the representation of the Re
publican North, not by an increase in
the number of Northern delegates but
by an Increase in the proportion of
Northern to Southern delegates.
While in former conventions the
South has had 33 per cent of the
total number of delegates, on the
new basis it will have only 16 per
cent, calculating according to the vote
cf 1908.
A comparison of the new apportion
ment with the vote cast for Repre
sentatives in the South in 1914 will
show that that section will still have
a higher ratio of delegates to Repub
lican votes than the North. Regard
less of the number of Republican
votes cast, each Southern state, like
each Northern state, will have four
delegates at large, two delegates for
each Representative-at-large and one
delegate for each Congressional dis
trict. This would give fourteen dele
gates to Alabama, which cast only 10,
538 Republican votes in 1914; eleven
to Arkansas, which cast only 4087
Republican votes; nine to Florida, six
teen to Georgia, twelve to Louisiana
and twelve to Mississippi, although no
Republican votes were cast in any of
these states in 1914. Northern dis
tricts do not begin to acquire addi
tional' delegates to offset this repre
sentation of no votes or this over
representation of a few votes until
they have 7500 or more votes to show,
and then they get only one additional,
though the Republicans may be three,
four or five times 7500.
The remnant of Republicans in the
black belt of the South has no cause
to complain of the new basis of rep
resentation, for the National Commit
tee and the state conventions which
approved its action have erred mi the
side of generosity to them. For many
years the South has been grossly over
represented sis an encouragement to
build up the party in the South. In
stead of building it up, the few hand
ful!" of Southern Republicans have
maintained a mere skeleton of an or
ganization as a pretext for securing
the Federal offices whenever the
Northern Republicans won a National
victory. Southern delegates have been
a fruitful suurce of corruption, scan
dal and discord in National conven
tions and were one of the main causes
or the split in 1912. Until they begin
to represent a real, live, aggressive
party, the fewer of them we have in
Nutional conventions the better for
the Republican party.
By recognizing state laws providing
for direct primaries and for election
of all of a state's ilelegntes-at-large.
the party has deprived California and
other states of any excuse for bolting.
Except as to its generous treatment
of the South, the party is now on a
genuine representative basis. The
platform which it adopts in 1916 will
embody the principles to which the
great majority of Republicans adhere
and the ticket then nominated will be
the undisputed choice of the party.
The cause for division among Repub
licans has been removed, and every
day furnishes new evidence that the
schism is healing so completely that
soon little trace of it will remain.
A commendable step in the "safety
first" campaign is the movement of
Jho Railway Business Association to
reduce the enormous mortality due to
trespassing on railroads. "What a ter
rible toll of human life is thus taken
Is shown by the fact that from 1901
to 1910 the number of persons killed
from this cause in the United States
was 50,0-3 and tho number injured
53.4-7. This contrasts with 4434
killed and 1315 injured by tho same
cause in the United Kingdom.
The discrepancy is due to the fact
that in Great Britain and other" coun
tries there ate laws against trespass
on railroads, and that they are en
forced. Thirty-five of our states have
no laws specifically forbidding per
sons to walk on railroads, and those
which have such laws are lenient in
enforcing thein. as local officials dis
like to feed and lodge prisoners for
slight offenses. How effective is strict
law enforcement can be judged from
the fact that in one year the number
of trespassers killed on the Wabash
road in the United States was 94,
while the number killed on the part
of the same road which runs through
Canada was only three. Canada im
poses fines up to $50 and imprison
ment up to two months.
The habit of walking on the track
is a survival of the time when popu
lation was sparse, trains were few and
public roads were bad. if not impas
sable. Although trains row pass fre
quently and roads are being improved,
people" refuse to change fTieir habits.
Tramps and criminals travel on rail
road tracks in order to seize an oppor
tunity of stealing a ride, robbing cars,
burning buildings and robbing farm
ers, country stores and banks. Neglect
to enforce the law against trespass
adds to the activities of criminals.
The bulletin speaks truly when it
says: "It would probably cost te
states and municipalities less to en
force a law against trespassing than it
does to pick up and bury the dead and
care for the rripples."
Dean Calvin's resignation from the
Agricultural College to accept a Gov
ernment position emphasizes a diffi
culty which has been felt both at Cor
vallis and Reed College. The faculties
are constantly being depleted by the
promotion of members to other insti
tutions. Presidents Kerr and Foster
make the mistake of selecting teach
ers who are too competent. A few
mossback -fossils would solve the sit
uation amazinglj". ,
The Oregonian notes with moderate
interest that the Pendleton East Ore
gonian is all stirred up over the pro
posed amendment of the Presidential
primary law, embodied in the bill in
troduced by Senator Smith, of Coos
and Curry. It is fiercely described as
a "reactionary measure" because it
will eliminate the provisions that the
state shall pay the actual expenses
e-inn -t Vi i rF thu riatpimtps to
all National conventions of legally or
ganized political parties.
rrv,a iVomiiiian foela Indifferent as
to the fate of this particular clause.
So far as it now recalls, tne oniy aeie-
-Vi i V. nom fnrtiinate PnOUh.
in 1912. to come within the benign
reach of the state s Dounty were icm-
flrotu an4 PonilhMrnnH. The PrOhl-
bitionists, the Socialists, and those pa
triotic souls who later met at Arma
geddon and nominated Mr. Roosevelt
paid their own way. They had not
cast twenty-five per cent of the total
Presidential vote in 1908, and they
were not political parties within the
definition of the law.
In 1913 the Progressives, imbued
with the notion that as a political
party they had a great and growing
future, caused the Oregon law to be
amended by a reduction from twenty
five to twenty per cent, so as to let
them in as a political party. There
fore, if the Progressives are still alive
in 1916 and hold a National conven
tion, Dr. Henry Waldo Coe and nine
other kindred spirits will be there, on
the front seat, all expenses paid. But
the Socialists and Prohibitionists may
stay at home, so far as the state cares.
The really important provision of
the Smith bill is that it provides a
sane method of electing Presidential
delegates at the primary. Each citi
zen may vote for two from his Con
gressional district and for delegates
at large, besides. The Legislature
ought by all means to correct the re
strictive anomaly in the present law
and adopt the Smith plan.
fh Portland Commercial Club has
made a specific reply to the Mayor's
general inquiry as to how tne motor
(jitney) 'bus should be regulated. The
club by resolution recommends that
the City Commission grant a fran
chise, or franchises, to any auto-'bus
assnciflti-m or corporation, or several
of them, which will undertake city-
wide service as a common carrier on
terms approximately equivalent to the
conditions imposed upon the present
streetcar corporation. The fairness
and the apparent feasibility of the
proposal cannot be disputed.
The Jitney car as a competitor of
the streetcar the public appears to
regard as something of a joke upon
tlfc established public-service corpo
ration. But it is not a joke. It is a
factor in the traffic situation that
must be recognized and controlled.
There is an element of gross un
fairness in unregulated competition of
this kind that ought not to be tol
xrato.4 bv the Citv Commission. It
cannot be tolerated without ruinous
consequences in the end: and the pub
lic will be the chief sufferer.
It is not so well known in this coun.
try as it should be that the discoverer
of the Antarctic continent was an
American, Lieutenant Charles Wilkes,
of the United States Navy. There is
so much interest taken in that remote
and desolate region of late years that
Wilkes' achievement deserves to be
recalled and proper credit accorded to
him for it. His discovery was made
under a law passed by Congress in
1836. He sailed by way of Australia
and at Sydney, very strangely, he left
his scientific men, proceeding south
ward without them. A more modern
explorer would leave anything else
behind him rather than his trained
observers. No doubt the oblivion that
has overtaken Wilkes- achievement
may be in part accounted for by the
want of scientific witnesses. The story
that he had actually discovered a new
continent was not believed by the
Washington authorities and Wilkes
himself was courtmartialed for some
trivial offensp against routine when he
returned. Hi's (reward hardly measured
up to his merits.
Two famous British explorers who
are interested in the Antarctic conti
nent. Sir Ernest .Shackteton and Sir
Douglas Mawson, have recently res
cued Wilkes' name from its unde
served neglect and given the scien
tific world an account of his discov
eries. He actually reached the Ant
arctic continent and sailed for some
distance along its shores, noting
among other unmistakable features
the ice barrier which all his success
ors have commented upon. His ex
pedition was very poorly equipped and
he made matters worse by leaving his
men of science behind at Sydney, but
from one point of view this only in
creases his merit With an adequate
outfit he might have accomplished
more, but the wonder is that he did
anything at all in the circumstances.
Wilkes Is remembered by Oregon
ians for his pioneer visit to the Wil
lamette Valley and his description of
the country in his official report. This
visit was made In the course of the
same voyage as the discovery of the
Antarctic continent. It lasted five
years in all and extended to almost
every point of interest in the Pacific
and its surroundings.
In our opinion W. P. Gray has the
best of reasons for remembering the
hard Winter of '61 and '62. A bath
In the Willamette through the ice with
the weather so cold that his clothes
froze to his body as he skated home
ward is an experience not to be for
gotten. We recall hardly anything
quite so tragic unless It be Mr. Pick
wick adventure at Old Warden's
Christmas'party. But that was in Eng
land, where the mid-Winter weather
is rather expected to be icy. Here in
Oregon Mr. Gray does not believe we
have had so muoh hard cold of late
years as thero was in pioneer times.
He remembers, as he wrote to The
pjegonian a day or so ago, when it
was common for the Columbia to be
frozen over between Portland and As
toria. That phenomenon is certainly
rare now. People who have lived in
Oregon for the last 20 years scarcely
recall seeing ice in the Willamette. In
'61, by Mr. Gray's account, it was
frozen hard enough for laden wagons
to cross in two places at least. He
also speaks feelingly of the extreme
cold at Pasco in the Winter of 1888,
when half a mile, of railroad track
was laid on the ice to relieve a coal
It is hazardous, of course, to say
that events of this sort will never be
seen again In the Oregon country.
They may recur, though it is not like
ly. We read of far more severe
weather in Medieval Europe than is
ever seen nowadays. Famines resulted
from frosty Summers in England and
the January cold was Arctic. Noth
ing of the kind is witnessed by our
contemporaries. It is commonly re
marked that the early settlers in Kan
sas suffered far more from drouth
than their children do. Many believe
that the breaking up of the soil
brings increased rainfall, while the
deforestation of timbered regions
ameliorates the Winter temperature.
It almost seems as if man softened
the rigors of nature by the improve
ments he makes on the surface of the
earth. It is well known that delicate
plants will thrive in city gardens
which can not be reared in the coun
try. The houses act as windbreaks,
for one thing, but that is not the
whole story. The fires in dwellings
and manufactories actually raise the
average Winter temperature outdoors.
Everybody who has cultivated- flow
ers and shrubs knows how much ben
efit the slightest protection affords. A
little bush that turns the force of the
wind will often cause a plant to thrive
which would otherwise pine away.
Trees have their friendships and en
mities. An apple tree usually does
better near a walnut than standing
alone. The cedar is hospitable to al
most every flower and shrub.' They
all dwell pleasantly under Its kindly
boughs. The birch is also a good neigh
bor to other garden inhabitants, but
some t-cees kill everything near them.
This is true of the oak, whose habits
are predatory in the extreme. ' Nature
teems with secret likes and dislikes.
The world is full of mysteries whose
causes we can only glimpse until sci
ence has investigated them. Perhaps
the greatest mystery of all is the
The State of Washington has 5000
acres of bog suitable for cranberry
culture. It has also some 275,000
acres planted to apples. Good author
ities tell us that were all the bog
utilized for cranberry growing it
would produce a greater net revenue
than the apple orchards, though its
area is only one-flfty-fifth as large;
which illustrates the beauty of a
monopoly. There are no more than
20,000 acres of cranberry soil in the
United States, according to R. L. Dil
lon, Washington's Horticultural In
spector. This scant area must be de
pended upon to supply 100,000,000
people iwith the delicious berry. Nat
urally the demand will always out
run the supply and prices must re
main comfortably expansive. Wash
ington, it is said, can consume all the
cranberries her marshes will ever
raise. Oregon demanded 44,000 bar
rels this season and could only obtain
14,000. Think of the turkeys that
went uncranberried because the fruit
to complete their gustatory harmonies
simply did not exist.
New England has always been the
prime source of our National cran
berry supply, and is still. Washing
ton has only about 1000 acres of bog
in a productive condition, but more
is being prepared. Four years are re
quired to bring the vines into bear
ing, and they then go on yielding their
annual crop for thirty years or more.
Washington is better adapted to cran
berry culture than New England, on
account of its mild Winters, which
make protective flooding unnecessary.
Moreover, it is free from deleterious
insects and noxious weeds, but this
Is obviously nothing but a temporary
advantage. It costs a round thousand
dollars to plant and care for an acre
of cranberries up to the productive
stage, but once that is reached the
profits are most agreeable. Even the
culls can be made into a sort- of cat
sup which is worth $22 a barrel. Ore
gon has some of the sphagnum bog
land which is suitable for cranberries,
but little seems to have been done
with it as yet. No doubt we shall
hear more about it by and by.
There is no argument in support of
state aid to the employers in the pay
ment of their industrial accident in
surance premiums that appeals to The
Oregonian as taund. But that policy
was adopted by the state in the enact
ment of the original law. It is con
tinued in the amendments adopted by
the House yesterday. For the current
vear the estimate of the state's con
tribution is about $110,000. The
amendments udopted are .designed,
among other things, to make the act
more popular among, employers and
employes. If the amendments have
that effect the state's contribution,
which comes from the general tax
payers, increase, for the state
pays an amount equivalent to one
seventh of the premiums contributed
by employers and employes
It has been suggested that it is
equitable for the state at large to pay
the sum taxed against it because that
policy promotes industrial peace. Yet
the fact remains that other states are
obtaining a better and more general
quality of industrial peace without
such a tax. If industrial peace could
be obtained in no other way than by
taxing the public it would be wise to
apply that levy. But it can be.
The situation in regard to state con
tributions to compensate industrial ac
cident"? draws a distinct line of de
markation between economy and
needless expenditures. There is no
justification for the state to pay out
$100,000 or more a year to maintain
a compensation law. Just as good a
law can be maintained at a cost of
$20,000 by adopting a form of state
supervision which eliminates the state
from the field as a monopolistic in
surance company. To continue what
other states have demonstrated to be
a needless expense docs not square
well with the pledge of economy to
which nearly every member of the
Legislature has subscribed.
Aside from their neglect to con
sider the economy phase of the com
pensation law , the members of the
House seem to have placed tindue
weight to the wishes of this or that
employer and to the recommendations
of the existing Industrial Accident
Commission. Furthermore, they have
paid little or no attention to the need
for provisions in the law which would
prevent accidents. The flat, fixed
schedule applying, even when classi
fied according to hazard, must, no
matter how carefully estimated, im
pose an unnecessary cost upon the in
dividual employer who has Installed
every known safeguard against acci
dents. The careful employer must help
pay for the accidents of the careless
employer in his own classification.
It is quite natural for each em
ployer to desire the cheapest insur
ance he can obtain. The state's con
tribution and the unjust burden
placed upon the factory which is
thoroughly equipped with safety de
vices gives the-indifferent employer a
lower rate than he is entitled to. Of
course he favors the present law. Of
course the employer who can see
where his own initiative in preventing
accidents will save him money under
some other system opposes the pres
ent law and the proposed amend
ments. Of course the members of the
Industrial Accident Commission de
sire to save their jobs.
The main thing for the Legislature
to consider in revising the compensa
tion law is exact justice. It is not
exact justice that one employer be
made to assume the hazard of an
other. It is not exact justice to tax
the general public to pay for the in
herent and ineradicable hazard of any
employment industry itself should
nay for it. It is not exact Justice to
adopt any law which will not place. a
greater burden upon the man wno Dy
indifference invokes possible accident
and misery upon his employes or their
In entering upon or continuing a
monopoly of compensation insurance
the , state is undertaking work for
which it is not equipped. It is a
costly paternalism for which labor
will ultimately pay in lives and limbs
and the public pay in hard-earned
dollars if it be continued.
It may be said in justification of the
House action that if the existing pol
icy of conducting a monopoly in com
pensation insurance is to be "main
tained the law now in force must be
amended. It Is vitally defective. The
amendments adopted in some respects
trend toward improvement. At least
they lessen the prospect of a financial
deficit It is to the maintenance of a
state monopoly with its attendant cost
and its failure to attain the ideal of
accident prevention, when a satisfac
tory substitute at less expense is avail
able, that The Oregonian objects.
The great migration to Oregon from
(v,a TvricLiccinni Vnllev between 1840
and 1850 was stimulated by the lack
of markets. Farmers in Missouri and
Illinois produced heavy crops which
they could not sell. It was supposed
that Oree-on produce might find an
outlet to China. Facts have only par-
tia'.ly justified this expectation. Ore
gon now cries for markets as pathet
ically as Missouri did seventy years
The Commercial Club has under
consideration a project which may de
velop into a system of, rural credits.
It is inchoate as yet, but a convention
will be held soon, we understand, to
bring it into shape and set it working.
Farming even on a small scale re
quires capital and the profits of the
business do not allow high interest
When 70 per cent of the graduates
from the lower grades pass on into
the high school there is cause for con
gratulation. Portland, where this has
happened, may Indulge in some justi
fiable pride over it. There is much
complaint in other cities that pupils
leave school forever when tney tinisn
the grades.
The diseruntled attorney who
makes charges in open court against
the integrity of policemen must be
nrpTifl red to nrove them or stand con
victed of being a common liar. The
spirit of pride in the corps possessed
by the police force will keep members
in the path of personal and official
Much is expected from the meeting
of the by-products board to be held
in Portland next Saturday. No doubt
the future of fruit-growing in Oregon
depends largely upon the profitable
disposal of by-products. The board
will probably throw light upon this
difficult subject.
At last Great Britain has declared
contraband food shipped to neutral
ports with ultimate destination doubt
ful. Mr. J. Bull fails to realize that
Uncle Sam is keeping store and doing
some advertising.
Although very "cocky" as to her
richts. Canada knows when she is
against a hard proposition and will
pay liberally for the shooting of
Americans at Fort Erie by rattled
A houitrv or pet stock show should
run on its merits and not be given
state aid. Those things are embraced
in the laws to promote county fairs,
and that is where they belong.
Tho Japanese military programme
is said to nave every assumii u
dorsement by the people. v here
would a military programme get off
before' the American people?
The attempt to blow up a bridge on
"blue nose" railway undoubtedly
was the work of an overzealous Ger
man and not part of the Teutonic
scheme of war.
The billboard bill has passed both
houses and will soon be law. How,
then, will the man who never reads
the papers know where to buy clothes
and tobacco?
Graduates to the number of 970 are
leaving the grammar schools and the
boys mostly will seek Jobs, while the
girls mostly will go to high school.
-R. ij 1 t n-ntttn, CIlMbPI-DTIOll n MA
J2jlig LcLUU Ja 6CLLi6 ui. l. . . .... . ...
1 I.- I .11.
well as sUDmanne shocks.- jt.ii etw m
quake there is a novelty that cannot
oe cnargeu to me ucimati
A bounty of $3 on coyotes will not
stimulate the industry of raising
them. It merely gives the Jackrabblt
opportunity to thrive.
At S:10. while taking his after-
dinner nap. the groundhog missed
seeing his shadow. Begin garden
preparations at once. '
Another revolution escaped from
Pandora's box in Mexico this week.
Anything for a change in the news.
Commissioner Daly would dispense
with efficiency trimmings and get a
day's work for a days pay.
Ttpiv seems to be preparing to get
into the fight Thoughts of-lost prov
inces rankle.
Hornibrook's investment in mud
last Summer produced a profit.
t th'ntr will be "Jim Crow" Jit
's for particular people.
Household Triple-Entente.
A. man WHU una x wud aim iv
daughters understands the meaning of
triple emenLc, i ifa" -
j Half a Century Ago. J
From The Oregonian of February 3, 1S65.
Dr. R. Glisan. late of San Francisco
and formerlv with the United States
Army, has offices located on Front be
tween Washington and Alder streets.
Dr. Glisan has taken up a residence on
North Fourth street between B and C
There is steadily working in the
South a disntegratng element that
bodes ruin tc the Confederate cause.
The question is being asked. Why did
we commence the war? The time for
sober second thought has arrived.
Southern men and women reason by
the light of experience. Mournfully
.1 iVia nnYff ill. ViaDDV
days of Union as they grieve by new
made graves, and -lament over homes
that are desolate and impoverished,
and a land that groans under the rav
ages of destroying war. The New
York World, in reviewing the situa
tion, foresees the extirpation of slav
ery and sagely admits the Democratic
party will have to seek and find new
materials with which to construct
Democratic platforms. The world
moves, and the Democrate press must
move a trifle out of its present course
or it will be found advocating rebel
lion when rebellion has ceased to ex
ist: and be clamoring still for slavery
when all the civilized world has
shouted .hosannas because it has
ceased to be.
The man who brings the British
peace address to the president is Rev.
Joseph Barker, formerly notorious In
this country as a preacher of infidel
ity and anti-slavery. He became dis
gusted at his poor success, returned
to England, renounced infidelity and
became a clergyman. Lately he has
been traveling in England as an
agent of the rebels.
Louisville. James Speed has been
summoned to Washington by Presi
dent Lincoln to assume the position of
Attorney-General of the United States.
A fecent number of the New York
Day Book reads the World out of the
Democratic party because it abandons
the Democratic creed "the restoration
of the Union with slavery."
A. Bushwiler. an old citizen well
known to most of the financial and
commercial men of Portland and once
a reporter for The Oregonian. will
leave for the East on the steamship
Pacific soon.
W. W. Parker, of Astoria, reported,
on arrival in Portland yesterday, that
Captain Ketchum has succeeded In
getting his schooner off the point
where she had been driven. The hull
was bit sllght'.y damaged.
General Lee is described by a North
ern Army correspondent rather glow
ingly. He says of the distinguished
rebel: "Lee himself is worn and anx
ious, but as cheerful to the eye and as
Indomitable as ever. I assure you Lee
is more than ever a sight for gods
and men. The same tranquil modesty,
utter absence of vanity, egotism or
self-seeking, and determination to
spend and be spent in the discharge
of his duty. He is certainly one of
the most beautiful characters I ever
read of c ertainly the most beautiful
ever encountered."
Dean Ramsey Of fern Substitute for
Debate on Bible Ixaue.
PORTLAND, Jan. 31. (To the Edi
tor.) I have read the challenge of
H. C. Uthoff to the clergymen of Port
land with a troubled mind. It is a
great pity that no one arises to answer
this Goliath. But it is a rule in mak
ing a confession that one acknowledge
his own sins and not the weaknesses
... D.lnv in cnmA Ktlfifi. - 'A
OL OINCIS. i-cnif., ii.
clergyman of Portland. 1 must make an
apology tor my silence, i nc num
I have not debated since I finished my
second year in college, when I lost my
confidence in the usefulness of the
kind of controversy which the Ration
alist Society proposes. Mr. Uthoff has
succeeded in preserving the youthful
mind. i
The biography of John Henry rew
man has a story which may indicate
to the clergymen of the city a way out
of the deep ignominy into which Mr.
TTi,,.ff' nancu-crari rhnllen&fe has pre
cipitated them. Some loquacious per
son asKed tne carainai tu buiuo iu"io
tion by debate. Newman replied that
i. 1lnu-iiiine- tn ieooardize his
cause by accepting the method of com
bat proposed, tor ne consiuoreu uuiuc"
a poor speaker. He said, however, that
his friends thought him a good hand
with the fiddle and that he would sug
gest that the matter in controversy be
determined by the use of the violin.
It may be that, in the versatile ranks
of Portland clergymen, there is some
one who could fiddle this matter out
with Mr. Uthoff.
If the worst comes to the worst, I
feel in duty bound to say that, since
t.. n-iir v-nnth T WAR A fairlV KOOd
walker, I will, when the roads are
good, settle this matter oi cioie reau-
1 . K .-. niihllo erhnnlfi OTICA Allll for
all by walking Mr. Uthoff to the top
of Mount ttooa. oesi two in iiuee. imo
offer Is made solely on the supposition
v,o- thin XTr ITthnff is the same Mr.
Uthoff who, in the course of a learned
communication to your columns, spoke
so delightfully of the Hebrew version
of the Old Testament.
'1'. M. JrtAlUB.X.
343 Thirteenth street.
Your Coming, Sprina;.
Your coming. Spring, makes glad my
heart, and light.
When birds are singing under skies of
The sap runs free when sun is warm
and bright
And things burst into leafy green anew.
I love to dig the ground all moist with
That gently falls upon it night by
And in the upturned mold the seedlings
Your coming. Spring, makes glad my
heart and light.
There in your earthy bed, with dark
ness dight.
You'll sleep awhile, then thrust your
green heads through;
And I will watch you with a Keen de
light. When birds arf singing under skies
of blue.
One of the greatest' joys I ever knew.
Was watching that your branches
grew aright '
And of Dame Nature's methods learn
a few;
The sap runs free when sun is warm
and bright
And when you budded, bloomed; O,
beauteous sight
And round about your sweetest es
sence threw.
The whole sweet world with color was
alight ,
When things burst into leafy green
I weave the laurel wreath, sweet
Spring, for you,
And place it on your brow so fair
and white.
And my allegiance I will pledge you
And patiently await through Win
ter's blight,
Your coming. Spring.
January 27, 1915.
Boas of HU Honneliolfl.
f Exchange.
The man who is boss of his house
hold is a bachelor who does his own
Taxpayer Seen Poaatble Manipulation of
Politics In Plan.
PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 2. (To the
Editor.) The Oregonian conveys to Its
many readers the glad tidings that
"city employes are to have unrestrict
ed freedom in the joining of labor
unions, ir the City Council adopts a
report completed yesterday by City
Commissioners Daly and Brewster."
We are further informed that this is a
result of "a campaign to organize em
ployes In all branches of the city serv
ice Into a civil service union to be
affiliated with the American Federa
tion of Labor"; that this "campaign
has been conducted secretly for some
time." and that "an expression of pol
icy was asked by the Central Labor
Council and the request referred by
the City Council to Messrs. Brewster
and Daly as a committee."
By all means, let our grand army of
city employes be duly permitted to
Join the labor unions, and thereby be
better enabled to live on the taxpay
ers, and. Incidentally, help to manipu
late politics In the Interest of the tax
eaters, provided it la all done on a
non-partisan basis.
It is a wonderful thing to give freely
to our army of office holders the right
to stay forever in their places, regard
less of what returns the community
might receive from them in exchange
for the salaries these employes receive;
to authorize their Joining of labor
unions for "mutual Improvement" and
incidentally regularly and systemati
cally,, to raise their salaries; to be free
from any actual discipline it obligation
to do and perform an actual day's
work the same as common folks have
to do, and to be In perpetual employ
ment under elective officials who hold
their office only temporarily (for two
or four years) and who because of that
are powerless to exercise real author
ity over the patriotic army who hold
their places until Gabriel blows his
Hence the well-organized efforts or
our noble and patriotic army of civil
service employes forever to fasten
themselves on the careless taxpayers,
now therefore propose to get behind
the "Impregnable defenses" of organ
ized labor. Accordingly, we now have
the report of the aforesaid City Com
missioners, who so generously pro
claim therein: "The attitude of the city
toward all these (religious and frater
nal) organizations is one of tolera
tion, and in their efforts to better man
kind or improve conditions, social, eco
nomic or moral, it Is one of sympathy
and encouragement, and under no cir
cumstances the reverse. The rule or
unrestricted freedom is the policy of
the city." , , ,
Let us therefore all unite In prais
ing the great source from whence all
these wonderful blessings bo bountiful
ly flow; tho grept generosity of the
voters and the astounding carelessness
of the taxpa ers. who in great humility
wor-hip at the shrine of civil service.
Christina Hermann Uphold Right of
Petition "Chanera" to Work.
PORTLAND, Feb. 2. (To the Editor.)
The proposed legislation to deny the
right of citizens to circulate either for
pay or fee. an initiative, referendum or
recall petition is entirely wrong, both
In the letter and spirit of democratic
Petition "chasers" or "shovcrs" Is a
term erroneous in its interpretation of
the meaning of the work and the ob
ject of the workers. Most of the cir
culators have been life-long workers
for people's legislation: for laws for
the betterment of society, and the fact
that they are being paid enables them
to give more of their time to the meas
ures they are trying to promote than
they could otherwise afford to give. Il
ls pioneer work, and, like all initial
work it receives the buffetings and the
insults inflicted on all who try to
change the old order of society. So
slow is the average citizen and voter
to realize his or her responsibility, and
j,in.,t ro thev uoon their daily
application to their regular occupation,
that scarcely couia ssuiki i"""""
filed by and for the working people
without paying for the work.
The eight-hour law for women was
filed by the expenditure of but $L'D0.
and was the most popular measure for
signatures ever promoted. If the peti
tion circulators were not paid, solicit
ors and campaigners would of neces
sity be paid, and the annoyance of the
circulator would in no way bo miti
gated. Large corporations have or
ganization, agents and employes who
could be induced to work for their
measures, and would bo able to grant
favors and compensate them In many
ways. The amendment proposed by
Senator Day is entirely opposed to peo
ple's power, and should be deprecated
by every liberty-loving citizen. In the
free use of the initiative petition lies
the safety of this nati.i.
Reader of The Oregonian In Maryland
Interested In Infidelity" Debate.
HAOEBSTOWN. Md.. Jan. 25. (To
the Editor.) As stated in your colmns
some time ago, the Portland Rational
ist Society invited Rev. L. P. Law to
discuss with one of its representatives
his recent assertion that "Infidelity has
done nothing to advance and make the
world better, and has founded no
schools of learning, no hospitals or In
stitutions for the betterment of the hu
man race, while Christianity has done
all these things."
We are informed that the society of
fered to give $50 to any charity llev.
Mr. Law might name. If he would main
tain the affirmative of this proposition
In said debate, but it is reported that
he has not even shown them the "char
ity" to reply to their proposition.
This is indeed recrettable. as we.
even thousands of miles away, felt in
terested in the discussion, and surely
those near enough to attend It would
have been proportionately more Inter
ested therein.
Is Rev. Mr. Law doing his duty to
himself, his religion and his favorite
charity by neglecting so great an op
portunity to enlighten his opponents?
Can it be possible that he fears discus
sion? Does he not owe us all an ex
planation? D. WEBSTER G KOH.
Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 25.
Private Wlrrleaa Telephone.
PORTLAND, Feb. 1. (To the Editor.)
Will you kindly inform me If It s al
lowable for individuals to own and use
a wireless telephone. SUBSCRIBER.
There is no law that would prohibit
the owning or operation of a private
wireless telephone in Its present stage
of development The Government now
maintains supervision and regulation
over private wireless telegraph sta
tions. Pay of Canadian Private.
VICTORIA, B. C, Jan. 31. (To the
Editor.) With reference to the pay of
a private soldier in the Canadian army.
The answer tiven the Vancouver.
Wash., inquirer was hardly complete
enough. The pay given a Canadian sol
dier is $1.10 a day, which is the lowest
paid to any man in our contingents
which have already gone to England
and, some of them, to France. X.
Rocka for Seeker After Truth.
Occasionally there is a seeker for
truth, but most people prefer to listen
to their wishes or their prejudices.
Time to Pay One'a Bill".
Atchison Globe.
A man who has the money but who
hasn't time to pay his bills is lazy, and
that's all there is to it
Twenty-Fiv Year Ago.
Frem The Ortgonl&n of February S, lwo.
Washington. Speaker Heed last
night unburdened his mind to the re
porters, explaining why he ruled e he
did on the question of quorums, stout
ly defending his stand. Mr. Reed also
went into detail on how filibustering
is done, explaining how robust Con
gressmen draw $13 a day to sit Idly
in their seats and retard the progress
of legislation.
San Francisco. It is announced hero
that Professor Jim Corbett will meet
Jake Kilraln in New Orleans during
the Mardi liras.
Washington. Senator and Mrs.
Dolph, of Orfffon, gave an olaborata
dinner party last night to Vlce-Prenl-dent
and Mrs. Morton. Postmaster
General and Mrs. Wanamakcr. Sir Ju
lian ami Lady Pauncefote, Piron da
Struve. the Russian Minister: Mrs. Ila
zen, Mrs. Wllmerdtng. General Beale.
Senor and Madame Romero, Senator
and Mrs. McPherson an.1 Mr. and Mrs.
Edwards. Mrs. Dolph will give a sc
ries of dinners before l'nt begins.
Rain continue to full throughout the
Willamette Valley and all streams are
rising. The Columbia is rapidly swell
ing and ice ts beKintitng to come down
from The Dalles. The greatest local
loss so far has been suffered at WeWI
ler's mill, where J.OOO.000 to 6.0O.CO
feet of loirs, valued at I2...000 to $30,000.
have been taken. Hoathonsos hava
been washed away, scows unturned and
warehouses are beinc flooded. Every
creek feeding the Willamette Is a rag
ing torrent.
Readers of the New York Journal
voted recently on the most popular
man in New York. More than 1.000.000
votes were cast. The favorite wil
Mayor Huch H. Grant, with Fsther Mi
Glynn srrond. Chauncey M. Depewr
was third and other leaders In order
were: lienrv Clews, Grover Cleve
land, David B. Hill, Henry Genraa,
Thomas A. Edli-on. P. T. Barnum.
Ward McAllister. Inspector Byrnes. Su.
perintendent Murray, John W. Maikay,
Jav Gould. General Sherman. John L
Sullivan, Judge Duffy. Robert G. In
gersoll. Coroner V. I.OVV. August P.
W'agem-r. W. K. Vanderhllt, .1. J.
O'Donohue. Marshal Wilder, Harry
Howard, Dennian Thompson. Henry K.
Dixie. Ned Harrigan. Abe Hummel and
Robert Bonner.
State Ofrirlnla Lax In Duly In Alio" In
"Perjury" la Contention.
AMITY. Or., Jan. 31. (To the Editor.)
Attain 1 would like to be heaid. to
nnfraft an Mrriinpnuii I 111 O rmS to n HlW
of your readers ml lit have alined from
your comments upon my article in ina
Oregonian January 13.
I will admit that the Lealslntnre l
a law-making body, and can mnke new
laws or repeal those of former senrlons:
but that is Just the point I wish to
make, in the case of clerk hire they
have not done so.
We are governed by the laws they
exist upon the statute hooka, and until
they are amended or repealed we have
to abide by them (1 say we do, but ap
parently the Oregon Legislature la en
empt), and they cannot override a
statute by a resolution. Tn order to
amend or repeal a former law a bill to
that effect has to be Introduced in one
of the houses, be read three tlniei, re
ceive a majority of tho votes of that
House, slttncd by the presiding officer,
go to the other House and aitaln ma
throush the same proceedings and then
be signed hy the Governor.
Tlieir manner of unlawfully employ
Ing these extra clerks and stntios raph
ers is this: Some one Introduces a res
olution In una House to hire them and
everybody "fulls all over themselves"
to vote yea and then rush Inlo the Sec
retary of State's office to swear in their
wives, diHiiihters. or friends as expert
stenographers. The poor woman per
haps never struck the key of a type
writer in her life, hut she Is helping to
plav the game and Is willing to per jura
herself to get that r "per." 1 will say
that In mjnv canes she Is Innocent of
wrong Intent, for she doos not know
what she Is doing, but for her benefit
1 would like to refer her to sections
Nos. :0i6-J7 which refers lo perjury,
and to section No. itio.l, which lefers to
her being competent to fill the position.
This game has been played there fir
years and granting that we have elect
ed men of averaeo Intelligence to such
offices as Governor, Secretary of State,
Attorney-General and Stato Treasurer,
they cannot hrlp but know It, when it
is going on right under their hoses and
Is a matter of common knowledge.
For their edification I would like to
refer them to statute No. 104 L. . 1.
and to save them the trouble of looking
It up I will quote It verbatim: "No of
ficer of cl"rk shall be elected or paid
bv either House, other than those pro
vided for In this chapter." which refers
to statute Nos. LTiHR-MU. Sim-e the Leg
islature ilois not see fit to abide by the
law. It looks lo me like some one
should make them, nnd that some one
has an office In tho statehouse. Now If
any lawyer member of the legislature
or any nno else for that matter, tlilnka
he can Justify the employment of
these extra clerks, 1 would he glad to
hear from him.
RooHevrltlaa Phraar.
EUGENE, Or.. Feb. 1. (To the Edi
tor.) Has en-President Roosevelt
coined any words In the English lan
giume, and what are they? Has he
cojned any phrases? C. o. RL'SSEI.L.
For his effective linking of wolds
Mr. Roosevelt has been called a phrase
maker. He has done nothing notable
In coining words. Among some of hla
popular phrases or terms are: "Male
factors of great wealth" "Undeslrahla
citizens": "Beaten to a framlo"; "Hull
Mooso"; "I stand at Armageddon." It
Is probable that "Tho Ananias Club"
was suggested by Mr. Rooaevrll's pro
lific uso of the term "Ananias" lo thoe
who deviated from the truth as Mr.
Roosevelt recognized It. "The short
and ugly word" and "the strenuous
life" also belong In the category of
Roosoveltlnn phrase.
j. II. louii and C R. (.ray.
PORTLAND. Feb. I. (To the Editor.)
Will yon please give me the addressee
of J. H. Young and Carl R. Gray, for
merlv with too illll railroad linea In
.1. It. Young, president, Norfolk
Southern Railway. Norfolk. V. Carl
R. Gray, president. Western Maryland
Railway, Baltimore. Mil.
nrldglng n Japanese Mralt.
London Tit-Bits.
Japan is considering a plan to bridge
the Shlmonosekh Strait, at a coat ex
Failure I ImpoMiblc
An advertising expert who l a
large user of newspapers waa
asked this question:
"In your judgment what are th4
chances of success for an ordinary
newspaper advertising campaign.'"
Note the emphasis of hla
"If the article heat Proper
trihiitlnn. leo prr rent quality ana
character, ana the right ropy la
u-d In the riant arwapapera It
cannot fall.
"In my Judgment there la no
guess work about It and I speak
from a varied experience."