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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1915)
1(? THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY S. lOlu. '. - i I - ... . t ,i,.w,ti aitie. 1 ROOMIX.i-HOlSfcS. I ' ALtU . .1 -.--.. 1 I V I ,1K I I .PKRIEXCEl housekeeper, good cook, wishes tiuatitn in snti?niin- homo in -ity: board ami room for iIf and trown daughter sufficient salary; city references. fhuPi Marsha! 5". 55. liX PEJtlEXCED bouseketpL-r, understand Vooklr.g. wiiliea situation in Kcnt.eaian a home; references ; ami oujj. n 4 7:. TWO reliable women ant coom hous-ke-ping. club, camp or ranch. Boom a. Talor apts.. First and Taylor. "WOMN S. RoKi rwk. health and temper, wants work; ref-rencw. J 55, Orenonian. Domestic. UN PEUIKXCED girl w arns general house work or care f children; willing lo go tr country. A.I r-, Oregonian. 1L PKRI EN'CED na: Swedish cook, wants place where second maid is kept. Phone EXPERIENCED woman cook, hotel, boarding-house, institution, good reference. A 7175. Main 202?. XjANISH girl wants position aa laundress oh rhambermaid : experienced. Phone Mar shall 1611. 3034 Sovler at. EXPERIENCED German woman wants washing, ironing. cleaning; reference. Main 4502. WANTED Waiting table or housework; -,ir Main ft 6 ft. nNNISH girl wants housework. 248 N. 17th -t. Main 5141. , EXPERIENCED girl want housework and rooHini;. ruui;o uuui" - - L.VDY, co-jk: ;9. wishes general housework; good references. Main 2301, room 51. NEAT, experienced references. A 717 girl, housework; city Main uj. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work. Call Tabor 57S. Miscellaneous, COM PETKNT music teacher will give loa son to beginners at homes, 50c per hour. Miss Jones. Marshall 53:u "WOMAN" thoroughly experienced in kitchen and laundry work; will take low wages to be noma nights. R .2. Main 3t0. WuMAN need work; will work by hour or day; nursing preferred. Phone Marshall 133. WANTED Ironing, mending. sewing by day, hour; neat, experienced hand. East 3181. 1311 BUICK 40 h. p., thoroughly over hauled, rebuilt; cost $1775. Price $-25. A. E. Faull. 5til Hawthorne ave. WOMAN wants day work for Wednesday, Thursdav. Friday, Saturday; references. Tabor .34. JACE curtains, draperies, linens hand laun. dereJ. 2.'c up- Sell wood 1RH6. WOMAN wishes work by the hour or day. Phone A 179. - J EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes posi tion. M 532. Oregonlan. JNEAT competent lady, work by day or hour. East 33 7 v. ' "J UliXG woman, a place to work for board and room, small salary. East ii'3u. DAY work wanted by good working woman; need work. Phone lauor ' . WANTED Work by day or hour. TeL East ti, ri tu.tu. .irg. narnwii. TO UNO lady wants work as helper in hotel in or out of city. Columbia -46. THOROrORIYY experienced woman wants work by the hour. Phone Main ol9?. DINNERS, teas, parties planned, prepared or served, cakes furnished. tiellwoid 1690. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WE ARE In direct touch with over 20 fam ilies who would move bffore the 3."th. i-ould u-e find them a good house to rent; our lists are now limited to only a ! houses; we inspect and do not list but th very" best modern houses in restricted dis tricts. If you have b ood 'house or bungalow to rent, on "S est or East Side, sivc us particulars at once; we will in- ' ect and If natistactcry. Hot Die tame: no charge to you unless we rent; this Is jour opportunity, iiiake iis of li today, i I.ARlv RENTAT. SERVICE. Title & Trust bldg. Main M2:;, A 7617. WANT rent 6 to S-room hnus. modern, fur nished or unfurnished, by adults; must e reasonable. AJ M 7, Orcgoman. Tt'ILL lease for 3 years, a i-rootn house with privilege to buy; give locatun. pru e aud terms. No agents. AG olg. uregonlan. WANTED Small, furnished house, i.y man nnd wife, near 3'st M. Nortli. .;9 :;ist N. FOB REM. Furnished Boom. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. between Mormon and Yamhill. A vtr de;ralie location ; new. clean rooms, with every modern con enience ; woll h-ated; rates for two. per w rtk, SI p r day; no extras. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison Sts. At mmlest prices. Centrally located; large, attractive rcom, sinIe or en stiitt;, with aad withojt pri a at bath. Main fcl 7 1. HOTEL ROWLAND. C 9 7 4 Til ST. I'M ROOMS. Modern brick buildup, centrally located, wire, cl-au rooms; hot and cold water; rates ,.uc, 7-"c und $1 ptr oay ; 4 per w'k and up. 1 1 OT E L JLA : KSTON E, Corner Iltii and tnrk; week and up; f levator, hot a:id cold water, sttam heat, t iephone connei't ton In each room ; no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath $ I day; transient solicited. HOTEL O C K L E Y, Morrison tn at loth t:entral location; RKIHTED RATES, Sue per day up; week ly, up; neat rooms, running water, free- phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL RAINIER. Two biocks from Union Depot. -Mod rn, elean Hurt homelike; the house that treats yon riht ; fen; up per day; 1-" u; per mo.; tourist tradfl solicited. M. :41S. HOTEL K R A N K L 1 N. WashiTigton st. at I.Hh; Siic day up; wrefc Iv S,-.r-t up. running water. piones, steam licat. fireproof bin Ming, ground-floor lob by, all night service. Hustntss is good. HOTEL FORD. 730 Washington Famiiy hotel; hot Hnd told water and rhi-u.- in every mum; r...n,5 without, bdth $10 up; with bath $ 1 a UP. HOTEL EDWARDS, tiiand ar. and E. lel motit Rooms $10 month. f.'J up with pri- IKate bath. Jurs-?. pleasant lobby, ca fo in connrctlon. Phone East 3i'0. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast cormr Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms S3 w e-k!y and up. Liffie round -fioof lob'oy. sfTxDlSH- HOTEL. 54S. WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1STH. Front rooms. Ft -am h at. free phones ani hath, i 1 week. " per month up. HOTEL Buckingham. L'Oth, Washington sts. Daily, wkiy., monthly rates $2.o J wk. up. New tireproof brick; every modern con venience; clean, quiet, well heated, outsiue. Ol TSIDE t'OKNER ROOM $2.7.": other outside rooms tn- side room. $ t.7Ci w eek (r-'e phone anl bath. h'-icU. sttam heat; fc.S MARCO HOTEL, lltli and Wasiiinston. Strlcilv modern atttacuve rooiiih. $10 mo. up; qiiiel. rspectalfle place. Come and see. HOTEL CORDOVA, ?6P 1 Uh sr. Strictly modem: private baths en euite; rooms la nr. Mam 84 72. A TS-I. JROOM fr joung men In Y. M. C. A.; fire proof building, slinwer baths, vacuum cleaned ; club facilities; moderate prices. iYoTEL NORRIP. 33S Alder Modern out side rooms. ?2 pry week up. Furu it bed Kins la Private Families. h JOHNSON ST.. cor. 16 th. nicely fur nihed rooms, also H. K.; furnace, heau hot ami celd water, phone, and rent rea- eoiubie. 3 ;EAi:Tl FULLY furnished room In refined private family, modern, pretty home, piano, home comforts. Nob Mill; refer ences. Main (o MORRISON New, clean, convenient Meeptrig or housekeeping-rooms; execp Tlonalty Bvod ; rtasora tde. J.AKtiE rom. modern homo West Side, w a Iking distance. t o cariines. near hos pitals and Ice Hippodrome. Main ol'lti. TOUNG lady with beautifully furnished 4-room apt. desires to runt large bedroom; nurse preferred. Apt. 4S, St. Francis. 3iEAL'Ti:'L'I.I.Y furnished room in good home; references; Nob Hill. 73S John son st- LARGE room, running water, good location; s.eepir.g porch. 74i Hoyt. Marshall 47oS. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance. 24S 2dth St. N. gj WEEK, very neat little room. 268 12th st NEATLY furnished front reiroom. waHCng distane. phone. $l.-" per week, i.'-i tfth. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COI T.T. M ELLA STREET. An American Plan Resluence Hotel. Suites, single Rooms. Eseelient TaMe. A tv'll. Main 4011. Jil S1NESS woman and students will find rood board and room. $4 and $4.."o week. Portland Women a L tlion. r lanuera. VII K WEAVER, "U Wash., attractive resi dentlal hotel; special rates for transients. THE HAZZL S55 Sd St. Modern rooma with or wit n out ooaru ; gpcviai r.r jiOOM end board at Casa Rosa, 3t0 Jef ferson at. , -r T? ,, u.,nr(i Unfurnished Apartments. Houses. THE VIRGINIA KILL. Urh un.l lslTprsr.n StH An excellent residential hotel; attractive rate lo transient or permanent -.-, Phono Main i2Si. A tW-. The White-bail. 25J- OHi St., has tine table l.rtrl nioJern rooms, sun parlor; a r-ai Koom Wilh Coard in Private Families. 1 HAVE a large house and small family. 1 nice boys. 1 set a good tabic ini Jersey cow, good milk and lots of cream Best kind of home for boys far Iron nome. i am noi liukj -"- -- I have a piano and everything to make nome cjiinurmuie. LARGE, attractive rooms; steam heat, . ... uuif tiilnhlt for hot two - i 1. .Lnot-ra rtressera r more; iui --rue, Z every modern convenience; excellent boara. a:so iarK rwiu uu .vu-a u i,th .nam o.ij. iiyj n a . n iTkn Business eouoie or single board ers to room and board in fine new home with all modern conveniences. price reasonable, jy am. ur"'""- MARRIED lady, owns her own home, wants lady tor companion; cveryining .r ex cept provisions, share alike. M 557, Ore gonian. 424 JEFFERSON, two clean front rooms, modern conveniences, private entrance; cjfjse in. DANDY room, with board, only young peo ple in family, use of whole house, walking distance. Main 7720. . dimhi ?!?: 1nth at., walkinir dis. tance; steiim heat, hot and cold water and home comtorts. Aiam tj.uif, a bo-j. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; good board. Main 6381. C01 Harrison st., near lth st. convenient; all home privileges; good home ATTRACTIVE room in beautifully fur nished home. meals, plenty or noi aiw, walkir.3 distance. Jiain i .'Do, m-it. NICELY furnished room, also smaller room, with or without board; walking distance; fine bath, furnace heat. Main 3280. PARTIES wishing room and board in a good family, will be well pleased at tw E. 12th North. NiCELY furnished room for gentlemen, with or without board. 102 N. 22d st. Mar shall ;;s.".7. $-.25 Ul; good board; walking distance: all conveniences: congenial. Z'l North 17th. LA ROE front room, suitable for 1 or 2; good home cooKing. Phone East iiS'Jrt. ROOM and board in private family 522.63. ROOM and board In private family, bath, walking; ?-l week. East 42-1U. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private home. lbti -1st st. jsortn. .iain LARGE, clean, dry basement room, cement floor, for rent. 3-l I3th. Main 171. ROOM and board, r.iodt ra home, special ratea ior two. o?; r. u'iiv. rat - -" FRONT room, with board, for 2 gentlemen; olso single room. E. 512. E. Broadway. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 3Si TAYLOR HI. Furnished Apartments. THE WHEEL DON ANNEX, (Apartment Hotel) Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, lth and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coa&t; furnished complete. Itoof garden ia connection. Walking distance. References. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 18G icta ave., Kingsbury Apartments, near Wash ington st. New and attractively lur iiind U-room apartment ; never been oc cupied ; disappearing beds, balcony ; very compiete; must be seen to be appreciated; reasonable. STELWYN APTd. HIGH CLASS. Beautiful 5-room front apartments, mod ern and sleeping porch ; also sum tier ones for bachelor; best reference required. St. "air. cor. Washington. Marshall 283'.'. TO HUH-1.E1 by private party, a-room aiartment with dressing-room end batn. c'tir.pit telv furmshtd, linn and silver in cluded; rent $25. Apply apartment 4ti ilaicolin Apartments, -3d and sandy bivu. M . i u o3 1 e. . THE DENVER 2 and 3-room apartments; outside root tip. comfortably furnished : also unfurnished; private bath, phone, steam heat, rent rcasonatie; references. 274 21st North. Tiik " car. Mar. 3S0. WASHINGTON GRAND 2-room ftiriiifned apts., $12 icr mo. up; just rebuilt, modern, clean; verv desirable; hot and cold water beet. light. i furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington n. Phone East 444'.. 1IARUIMAN APTS.. Iti4 24th st. N. : one all iiKnierii, licht and airy 4-rooin apt., fur-nislo-d; (his inel'Kie heat, water, tele phone, gurbace and janitor servi c; rcfer-en--es. Mnin or Marshall ::St. WESTKAL. 410 Sih and I-r. apts., furn. ami unfurn.. week or mo.; concrete bldg.. fVvaior; thormighiy renovated ; electric cleaner free: st am "heated: S22 up; test in t.iwn lor money; easy walking distance. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient ti-minule walk to postuiTtcc. Furn If hed 2 and 3-roo:n apartments. M:rshaM 51!S. Ilefer.-nces. A 3-26. iUC k -H A UT KO P. D A FT.--., J07 N. 21st St. o and 1 rooms, furni-ul-ed or unfurnished, sic ping porches, walking distance, ele vator. AVALUN. Threo and foar-room furniFhed apts., stri-tiy modern. Phone East 3172. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14!h and Columbia. - ai'd S-rocm :artments, furnished, first r-lsts; reasotiOTiie rates. Main 7::7. H J SLOP i I A !.!., i'orP'-r l-:ast 0th and Jfa w Liorne 2 and 3-room apts; private bains and pliop" : also sing! rooms; well fur n:heu. $12. "0 up. I' Fawt SS2. M O A NT A A PARTM E N T S, ::d. cnr. Kearney Modern 3 and 4 room Kpartnienf. private fiath; complete-fu-ni-hed: $Ji up. Marshall 2i'4.".. GRANDESTA. Kast Stark and UranU ave. Nicely furnished three -room apts, private phone and bath ; walking distance; prices ir.odcrate. phone East 20S. MADISON PARK APTS., Park Si., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments: clor in; by week or month. AM BR TAX. Il'th and Columbia Sts. T.are 2 and i'P-to-d:tc fL-rrished a pis., close in, reasonable. Mar. 25S3. N EW H ART A otomatic elevator, phones, cooking gas. ft earn, lihtr, linen free; 2 mis., bath. 1 rrn. ; disappearing gas plate, to $7 wk. J7rt,s 2d. nr. Mor.. 4th fir. Nl' 'E f umii-hed " and 4-room h oueekeeping siiit.a iit2iJtt KiiHngsworth ave., low rent. Phone Woodlawn tfSO, C 1 "87. DHICKSTON. 44S 11th- High-c!a: modern 2 and u-rroin apartments; trig distance. Marshall .".7 low rent, walk- A M0S. FAIRMOL'NT APTS., 28ti 31TIT. Modern furnished two-room apartments, S J2. ' up; c'ose in. Main 2-6. i.T the Glen Court, cor. Park end Taylor. 3 rooms, outside, elegantly furnished, best service. r(asonr biP. . ..r. !.... tt I 1 tit 11T1I T Vnrn:ied four-room front corner; our prices h-c right, our service Is the 'jest. P 4 RK H T'RST APTS., 20th. ror. Northrup 1 3 aid I 4-rm. mod. furnished apartments; private balcony: references. Main U.S. m .-. , t- T V- i v- 1 o PTMPVTS S4t 14th at.! at Market New 2 and R rooms. Tlirnisneo ; rruimuir. Jiai'i " uVK-KOOM H. K. including heat, bath, phone, etc.. J!:i per mo.: easy walking dis tance. INi Lil'l. IMVti I J""""- COMPLKH ELY furnished apartments In con- ,, ... iA it 0 I - I 'tilnn at-a Vnrl h crete qiock.. -. " - ARDMVY TERRACE. 805 12th St. Large ...,ment Mil .Tohfl i'TS !1. Msr. i' a I n 704 Love joy Modern brick build ing:"! ."-room apts., S-jrt to $r,o. Mar. 293 T. 17,-, higH-CLASS single fiirnished apart- tiieul. rnone 6uJ FLANDERS Nicely furnished lower H I KM ENI A. corner- I0lh and Hall ; --room' anart" reasor.ablc; otic STS apartment. I nfnrnihetl Anrtrofol" SHEFFIELD A PTfi., 270 Broadway South. 6 blocks to business center: splendid four room apartments, all outside, southern and eastern exposure; $27.... Main 2.V;fi. ROSE FRT END. corner Broadway and .lef -ersc,n Elegant unfurnished apartments; t'Mst-cl service: private phone; ref. ?0S 16th sL, near Taylor: exceptionally .i-ti ant fjtrshali 2S24. Ll'CRETt A COURT. 49 Lucretla st. Finest unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts.; references -Mgr.. .viar. i.m; jf-umjt. ww- THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart ment, also dandy 3-room furnished. 60S Flanders: Nob Hill. Main SJ-'l. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 34 Kinir St. 3 and 4 rooms; h'gh class; rererences. aam j'js- sonante. i u v aim., oj-v- - i. KEELKR APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY 3 and 4-room unfurnished; references. One choice apartment, unfurnished ; 4 rooms and reception hall; ail outside, large and sunny; hardwood floors and phone; references required. Cor. 18th and Everett, opposite Christian Science Church. KING HILL APTS., 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class 4, 5 and 0-room un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent service; walking distance; reasonable rent. THE? MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conven ience for the price than you will find in the citv. Phone Main 7516.-A 2076. THE AMERICAN. , 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service; pnces rauuuiv. Phone y.arsnaii or -oiu. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six rooms, front and back porches; heat, hot water, telephone- all light outside rooms. 7ul North rup. near -1 lit a: 7-KOOM Duplex apartments. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; in fireproof building. Apply TOO Davis st. , Furnished or Cnfiirulshed Apartments. MORGAN, FLTEDNER & BOYCB. 813-S21 Morgan Bldg. and ttnfumlshod aDartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, eiae anu price uui mooiio t your service in visiting any of our apartments. . Main 2tl.i. A -01a. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 2 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. KINGSBURY. 1S Vista Ave., off Washington St. 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh borhood; best of service; reasonable rates by month. WELLES LEY COURT. QUIET, CLEAN AND CLOSE t IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TU AND BELMONT STS. NEW, modern; steam heat, private baths, lauudrv; save carfare; 10 -minutes from business center; reference: 1 and 2-room apartments; prices moderate. Carlotte Court, Everett and 17th. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THIS HOUSE OF TONE, S 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. New unfurnisheiT' apartments; most elaborate in the city. Main 4-',.. a -uoo. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3-room apart ment, modern. The Rosenfield Apart ments. 575 E. Stark. . THE WINDSOR -. 3 or 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or ECt. Cor. East 14th and Y a mailt. " Flats. IRVINGTON. We have a vacancy in the finest flat In Portland; five rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath hardwood floors; located at East 10th and Hr.ifcock sts., one block from either Broadway or lrvington car F Bowman & Co.. Commercial Club biag. Main S026. A 1251. AND 6 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new inod-r:i, excellent residence location. 2d E. 25th, between Haw thorne and Mad ison. East 8U5. UPPER 5-room flat, hand wood floors, tiled batn, sleeping porch. line location. Call from 1 to 5. 31" xh Glenn ave. Hawthorne 6-ROOM modern upper with linoleum, gas . , ... o t or- hoatur lot mn free to right party. Call in person. 804 Front st. $iS MODERN 6-room upper and sleeping porch, newly tinted; furnace, fireplace, etc. East 19th and Davis. East 3247. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, beautifu.iy situ ated, 6-roora residence flat, nothing like it in the cU. ti Savior st. FOR PENT Modtrn 4-room flat, good con dition. $12. ob4 ',s E Yamhill st. Tabor PJUl. .. COSY 4-room modern fiats. 3U Benton, near Broaaway; wujivmy uismuc. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern; choicest loca tion, West Side. Inquire 175 16th St. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 7S3 Hoyt st, In-iulre 12U 6th st. Phone Main 627s 4-ROOM moc'ern fiat. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main A 2676. Furnished Flats. FoUR larTe ror?nis. nicely furnished flat, .. ri,-.. ..i-i.. an A H --hi. itms. hath. everything nice; 2 car lines; only 1S. 772 E. Tfcj lor st. E .".L'OO. Sjd .ew modern 4-room furnished flat; porch; ',i biock from -iJ-Chapman" car 50a Market. 54 FIVE rooms, new, strictly moaern. completely iui nwnt'i. eirmb wtn sewing maciiine. 57- Mill, -da in 044 . 1& i rooms, clean, completely furnished, phone, lights, water; walking distance. East 3310. MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance. H0 Ross St. ; I 'none yy oou ia w n i ."nf FURNISHED 4-ronm flat, electric light aad bath. Inquire 273 ',4 Broadway. MODE RN 4-room uppar Hat; linoleum, gas ranse. porcn, lurnuce. t. inn. MODERN 5 or ti-room furnished flat, S E. TJth N. Marshall 7:7. A 7J31. ' I'liOOM furnishetf flat and bath. E. Stark, cor. Rhone Tabor H'17. NICELY furnished ftur-room flat; water. phone, tatn ; re;iaoiitfme. - ?m if DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished flats. 210 StocK Aiar. la'io Hinekerptng-Koom. fl.50 TO $2.73 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms. DUiwoic iui ' h-at. laundry, bath, yard.. Phone East 6039. 4U t Vancouver, jwo oimuuu, to.. 40l EAST MORRISON Furnished one and t wo-room iiuuBnttyius " . - - on.ioie BURNISH ED housekeeplr.g rooms, cheap. Cam priu go piug., on. "'ti"' GIL MAN HOTEL, 1st and Aldtr Furnished li o use Keep in g- roomy em-p. .v " v- Housekeeping Koomft lu Privatn Family. KUU... vei tin"'. i clean: big hs range, running water, elec. trie ngni, iuhwl . and vord; all private; 20 per month, lio N. 15th. Main 61 SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, heat, lights, . . n..n..rtnv Inno Finn u-allrlrif- fiiR- not wain, pi'i'11 i..ui.v..t t tance, W ear from Union Depot, f 2. ?o and ?4 week; rates by month. 575 Couch, lo Two large, trout, roinpleteiy furnished tains, ueuuiiifc, - ' . -. ...y, child taken. 1 S2 East 2"d. cor, -vamhill. ate ruuttui v coucn. S4 MONTH and up! IL K. and sleeping- T i k .. . U n .illrlnn liolQTlfp AAA I OOraS, pilOatJ,, aini,Itt - -- ( oiumoia THREE nice large rooms; wouM suit small family; wiui pnorie. iisnis. unm ""'i S.L4 montn. liupmin ..ioi. FURNISHED new 2-room front suite, close in; montn; tree yuon. oov x-jlh. HOUSEKEEPING suite. running water, pri- FOUR well-furnished houseKeeplng rooms, Lose in, monern. i nunc 1 FOUR housekeeping rooms, gas and electric light, at XiQ Mallory ave.Voodlawn3510. 20 EAST 15th N. 2 connecting rooms, elec- tri'5 lights, pas, pnone. riy i rxn..0.- . 154 SALMON, housekeeping rooms, en suite or single. . FOUR large, clean, well-furnished rooms. piano, lower, cneap rent, uji j it.i r-L. T'0 nice warm h. k. rooms reasonable, 781 Kearney. Marshall 4."-.7. J2 WEEK I-argo furnished house Keeping rooms, electric, uoni, yuue. 2 LARGE newly furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, nam. :-x y 7-ROOM modern bouse. 524 East 12th st. North. J- omci, - East AnKeny S-KOOM house. Rose City Park. 405 E. 45th J 1 1-1 - A oingiou ojug. MODERN r.-rooni house, built-in conven iences, iirepiacc. '' vut DFIR A.BLE houses and flats, all parte of 3 houses. 7 rms. each. cor. Broadway ana ROSS. 2 MOCKS CUJ. "nugr, m. fx., y - MODERN ij-room house, cloeo in, yard. Cheap rem. S-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. n- quire 13" 0th. Main G27S. 7 OUTSIDE rooms, not furnished, arranged for roomers ; -J " - - 7-ROC'M house, fireplace, furnace, attic. vara: Close in, viit;.u. i -"" FORTLAND Heights, modern 7-room house. oeautuui piace, rcauuaiT-. FOR RENT 473 Main sU 9-room house. Phone Main vo. MODERN 7-room house at 75 East 10th Nort fa. inquire ia mv.u mw. 5-ROOM house. 600 East Ash. $18 a month: fine yard. Appiy oo voueu CLEAN 7-room house; Kearney, near 21st; gas, eiectricity, luxucve. iuejiiw. ADVICE TO PROSPECTIVE HOME SEEKERS, Secure your home iu the largest and most progressive tract. Ascertain if it is owned by prominent responsible men, who can and will spend sufficient money to niaki and keep the addition attractive, and who would be. sure to treat you fairly in every way. Laurelhurst. the addition of beautiful homes, represents an investment of four million dollars, has 26 miles of paved serpentine drives, surrounds a beautiful 3 1 -acre City Park. Is owned by some of the most responsible financial men in the Northwest, and is the very highest Im proved elose-in restricted residence park in Portland. You can buy a sightly lot here at an extremely close figure, upon easy terms, second mortgage privilege, and if you desire we will build and finance your home for you and see that it la built right, at the lowest possible cost. We also have some houses for rent. Auto service. Paul C. M urphy. Sales Agent, Main Office 270 ii Stark St., Main 1503, A 1515. Tract Office in Laurelhurst, E. 39th and Glisan sts.. open daily. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city. Make uee of this service when you desire. This does" not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will flnu us ready and willing at all times to help you In locating. Newcomers In Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoc cupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's Free Rental Bureau. MODERN residence on Portland Heights. 558 Elizabeth st., corner Chapman. Has 7 rooms and eleepln porch. All modern improvements, including steam heating plant. Overlooks city with beautiful view. Call at house to see through it. Parrishi Watkins & Co., lOtt 2d st. NEAR S. P. CARSHOPS. 12 rooms $15, 2 rooms more besides in basement; can be easily subdivided for three or four families. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. 172 N. 18TH ST., fine residential district, easy walking distance business center, " rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key, janitor Ionian Apts.. isth and Couch. Main 2015. HOUSE for rent. West Side, walking dis tance. 405 Clay at., 0 rooms, $20. Key at 4t5o J e nerson et. HOUSE, ii rooms and bath, S51 Macadam st.; low rental. Inquire Mrs. TiAik, 2tii Market st- NEW six-room house for rent. $12.50 per month; 2 blocks from car. Call 103 East 74th st. North. NEW, modern 5-room bungalow; $15 per month. 4t9 Beech st., near Union ave. Phono Wood lawn S7S3 MODERN 8-room residence, furnace, fire place, gas. electricity; E. Burnside St., near 22d; $25 per month. Tabor 1003. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG., Main 5423. 6-ROOM modern house, cor. Cleveland and Skidmore. Fine car service; reasonable rent. Call Main 213, A 2131. ATTRACTIVE, modern, C-room, excellent condition and location, nice yard, near car; $20. 7SO Williams ave. Woodlawp 426. S-ROOM modern bungalow,. E. Slst and Clinton, $20 ; no children, if possible hot over one. Phone Tabor 14C9. 6ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, $26. 848 Clackamas su Tabor 2044. DESIRABLE houses in all parts of city. 210 tock Ex. Marshall iats. FIVE-ROOM cottage. walking distance, ll'.i UMa Vuln VU7 MODERN 5-room bungalow, gas and elec v- "WW" cnr. Phone Sellwood 96J. S17 OVERTON St.. 5-room house, $12. Key next poor, jr nunc -w, n - 5-ROOM modern cottage. tJOl Northrup, cor. liith. Inquire 571 lovejoy. TWO 6-room colonial house, East 15th and frearicii.; rent io. rumic .j . . Furnished House. 271 BROADWAY, near Madison at., ele gantly furnished 5-room apartment; oak and Circassian walnut furniture, uphol stered In Spanish leather; all conveniences; arranged to sublet 1 or 2 apartments; rent MODERN 10-room house, furnished or un furnished, and garage; ground 100x100; 3 fireplaces, sleeping -porch. 2 bathrooms, hot-air furnace; will give leaje. Phone 553 TAYLOR ST. Elegantly furnished b- room apartment. tircttsemu fumed oak furniture, upnolstered in Span ish leather, 2 separate bedrooms, piano; rent Nicely furnished 8-room modern house on corner lot, good Barage, plenty of fruit . i a T-sa 1 n nm - 1 mnn thly. Fred" W. German Co., M4 Cham of Com. 54f TAYLOR St., near 17th, 4-room finely furnished apartment; all conveniences; gas, also wood range, witor included; piano; rent $25. . "i "1-! !m ODE R N 5-room bungalow, furnished; desirabie location. East Side, to desiraMe adults for vear or more. Take Irvingtcaij ar. 1)5.'. v enion h 1R V INGTON Furnished 5-room bungalow. fireplace, rurnace, steeping vuiwi, 77 Multnomah. FIN E bungalow home, modern, hardwood finished, desirable location. East Side, to adults for vear or longer. Main 51 10. FOR RENT FurnLshed 8-room modern house, close in, Bwy. car; will lease for year. Apply lilu x. nn in. $11 FURNISHED two-room house, 1400 Jserny. I aKe nt-iimii ei w i , ard. Woodlawn 2226. Key at 14tij Kerby. $li;.50 t-ROOM furnished cottage, 2 blocks jrvington car, eieen icuj, .- W'agoner Co., Stock Kxchange. COM PLETELY furnished new, clean, mod ern j-ruoni jiouac, uicm-&, ave. labor -jom. MODERN 5-room house, furnished, fire place and furnace, beautiful yard, irult and flowers. vv oomawn o--t. MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished com fimt-claNs. East Side Phone Mar y einaii "V. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage, on Mason . . m.,t iiave references. Main 331n. WILL rent my homo to couple who will hoara owner. -o rai 1S COSY 5-room cottage, 4 blocks Broad- : .t Vnu Main 7.1 4 way urmsc -ti j 3-ROOM. well furnished flat, modern, yard. rasemcni. ov- .- . WKM furnished 6-rooni modern house, choice location. E. 6411 for appointment. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnished. 10S8 Stark; $L'0. Call ! to 4. Store. FOR LKASE, Luildlnr at 31 N. Front street; desirable for wholesale or sturate; ele vator, inquire -vo mm-o COP.N'ER store, brick building Central East Sulu; very low rent. Call A or Main 2131. FOR LEASE Store, No. 22S Second and S06 First. Owner at 448 Sherlock bldg- DESK room. Including ' phone and type writer, reasonable to right partj : also a furnished office. Including roller top desK, chairs etc., $12 per month: Ageut, fetock Tv'Ebl.-FL'RNISHED private-office, also desk room. $6 and 7. T23 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT Large rooms, suitable for of fices or musical studio. Sherman, Cla & Co. FOR RENT Desk- room, large light office, free phone, heat ond light. Room . Orpheum Theater bldg. OFFICES $10 uj; furnished offices and desk room, free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest curner. 303 Swetland bldg. DESK room In large, light office in Morgan bldg. Apply manager, bio-i morgan uu DESK ROOM, desk, chair and telephone service; Slt Bacon. 303 Morgan bldg. Warehouses. OPEN storage (60x3.0) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connection all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co. East 2U63. Miscellaneous. ENTIRE or part two floors, basement; rent moderate. 2d and Montgomery. Tabor 3U18. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED Man With some capital to take interest and employment in established firm, inc. AF 546, Oregonlaa. UJvrbDVTE little store business, can make SI 8 week, very little money required. Call 248 H Stark st. LAUNDRY for sale, good condition, good trade; very reasonable. -price, see owner. 737 Savler rt FOR SALE Sanitarium, clearing f2M per month; will stand investigation. J iiO, Oresonlan. MAN wanted who will be willing to work 8 hours day; can make $15 wk.; $90 re quired. 4-13 cnamper or commerce. A (JOOD chance; young couple wanted as partners in a nice $5000 East Side store; part traqe to rignt party, o'c. MK. TAILOR Two suits of clothes and $M installments buy BOllOO view lot In As toria, or. M 547. Oregonlan. MY CONFECTIONERY store for sale at $1850; will guarantee a profit of $100 per month. East 1354. Bit; bargain in picture, only $165. See ownei at 3u3 Lumber Exchange. County seat town of MWt population, in the heart of Willamette Valley; estab lished 3 year.: rent $15 per month; price, including 4 cars, $-5U0. PICTURE SHOW. Downtown West Side location: clears $175 per month net; $(n handles It. HAIR STORE. In one of Vortlana s best locations; sales run from $4uo lo Srtou per month up to date; shop and stock for $60. $350 HANDLES MEAT MARKET ... Sales arts $300u per month; located In lrvington; exceptional opportunity; hurry If you want a snap. GROCERY STORE. $S.".0 buys one of the bet stores on the ast Side, doing good business and sales can be doubled by adding confectionery. JEWELRY STORE. Cleared $5'JU net last year; will sell or exchange for nice bungalow clear; stock in all clean, sellable goods; will run about $3000. RESTAURANT. Extraordinary proposition in A-l loca tion, doing big business; price $1.00, part time or exchange. BUSINESS CHANCE DEPT. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor, of 4lii and Pine Sts. Doing good business; owner wishes to retire; you can buy on invoice, with terms. EAST SIDE GROCERY. Located In very best residence district, fine business; partners can t agree; spleu- 6id S-MARKET, EAST SIDE. Established 7 years, doing p per month; rent only $17.50; owner will sac rifice account other business. ROOMINO-tlOESE WES T SIDE 11 rooms, tine location, 6 minutes' walk to p. O.: price $475. Restaurant, close to Chamber of Com merce; old stand; doing 750 per montn; PrlCGROCERY AND RESTAURANT. "Wholesale and factory district; making money; low price. Call and see our list of business oppor- tUnitJeGODDARD & WIEDRICK, !Mi Stark Street. SEATTLE HOTEL. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Modern, 27 rooms, well furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water, located in best retail business district and excellent transient trade; have a good lease and rent is low; excellent opportunity for ex perienced woman or for man and wife. Price 55000; easy terms to right party. Give phone number for appointment. Ab IS THERE S2O0O ON EARTH in the hand of a good, active business man who wants to connect himself with one of the best manufacturing enterprises in the state. Investment carries personal employment A rare opportunity lor the right party. X 552, Oregonian. . WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, No matter where located. Send Description. No exclusive contract asked. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. MOVING-PICTURE film exchange. owner wants a partner ne can uevuu ience Is not necessary; will pay J25 week salary, also share of the profits, which are large ; requires a small investment, which will be fully secured. Call room S-, Morgan bldg Ab 1U BLhi.xcna rji. .-Mr,. Jitney buses have, made the used car business lively: $10,001) worth of autos in stock; t3tK will handle; live .omer, go ing business; owner going into new car business and will co-operate with buyer. "WANTED Partner with $500 for bus busi ness in city have truck and need money for passenger body; expect to run truck 2 shifts; will teh you how to run truck if not experienced; this Is an opportunely fir the right sort of man. Address J o.2, Oregonian. CAUTION, JSUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest in established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce bldg. RARE OPPORTUNITY. 52-room apartment: furnished in first rlass stvie; every apartment rented present lime; brings !n good money; nothing i beat it In Portland today; some cash and liberal terms. Lumber Exch. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Bv owner vai iety stock, with two-story frame building, two storerooms below Iti furnished rooms above; in business uection. Box t5. Klamath Falls. Oregon. FOR RENT One of finest equipped modern meat markets In San Joaquin Valley for rent In the city of Stockton; present own ers having retired"; for particulars address M McCormick Company, Stockton. Cal. YOUNG LADY conducting nice little busi ness needs gentleman partner who Is will ing to Invest small amount of money; ex perience not ne;essary. Particulars b-2 . ham her or uommeree. AUTOMOBILE business; rare chance for a young man as partner; this business is growing rapidly cud is proiitable; duties keep accounts, tend phone. Call 17 Rail. FOR RENT Store, No. 3G9 Front St.; gooa , fnr- pnffnfl ho IIS : ffub of Jolt working men net door. 446 Sherlock bldg. WOOD and coal business in fine location, has big trade, cleaving J2'.t month; $M0o; includes teams and full equipment. Call room ::17 Railway KJccnange $250 CASH will purchase a business that win pay you -oo is the opportunity of a lifetime. J o4-, Oregonian. GROCERY store, brick bldg., rent $U.50, including two furnished living-rooms, slock and fixtures: will invoice $G5i; price t-jday for ail. J250. Peters, 35 N.- 6th st. Ideal location, low rent, absolutely best buy in Portland; sacrifice lor $u5u, lil'J L,umDer rjcn FINE suburban picture-house, away from city compeiiiiou, eicnr m. siage. .dressing-rooms, etc.). real bargain lor uu. tUii uitioot a1-" SOLID STORE Sales $00 day and can be increased: owner iili on;.. to help him. Requhes small investment Koom -' mors an uiub CIGAR store on busy street, invoice $5u. bargain; price $:50 for quick sale. call "45 M: wtarK si. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted aide lo keep plain accounts, tuu. . salary, also share of profits; Call room o-t MorKan bldg. BARBER shop" for sale. S chairst good lo cation, own. , , good business, rent paid for 4, days. iN. tjin si. STATE HOTEL, f.OxlOO feet, Pendleton, Or. ... , im. .i r- i- i t..j i-a iiunr 11) nor cent. H. G. Starkweather, Milwaukle, Or. rnone uan noc j---. FINE little cash grocery. modern living- rooms, low lem. " . splerdid propcsitlon in apartment-house uistrict. $550. Sl! Lumber Exch. AUTOMOBILE business wants a partner to tenu or i ice. en . . - j- profits; requires small investment, call room ji-ji t, jm it'n. HALF interest in established business, show. in excellent proiiTR; neeri uve wne -talesman ability, $300. MQ Lumber h.x ehange. DO YOU want a picture show ? If so; come ' spa us; wo have a live wire to show yon. 435 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY. In choice location, has living rooms. $30 day trade; will Invoice at a Dargam. -q -zi nti1' MAN wanted to look after office and hire aeetiH: can maKe io wk, iou i""111' . 77.. i i'r,- .narT WANTED Reliable man to work In a torft business as pa.rn.f-i, t- 7'" required. Room 32'J Morgan bldg. ESTABLISHED billiards and cigar store. 6 tables, cigar and wall cases; low rent; S1SO0; terms. J 544. Oregonian. PRESSING and dye works wants partner; pays $17 week while learning; $m0 re quired. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. W . NT ED Man ta promote a new inven tion new and most used article on the market. Address M 573, Oregonian. PARTNER for mfg.. who can invest small amount and go to work: good pay. call S03 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. RESTAURANT, good location, cheap rent; $5(0. AN on-1, uregonian. PICTURE show In live town of S"00; 5'0n; terms. Address AV 463, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. HAVE from $250 to $2500 to invest In any legitimate business or enterprise; prin cipals only. Room 3, Orpheum bldg. ROOMIN'G-HOCSKS IS-room rooming-house, 1 block Wash. t rent $40; 3 private baths, large lawn, furnace heat, price for all, $400; cash. PETERS. 15 N. oth SL .l r j. m. i. - l-. , Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. ClOeSI Jt- lla"'C y- 1. 1 IV J a., .-.ij. 508-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morn eon. FOR SALE New furniture of six rooms, lo cated in new modern house, close in. cheap rent, 3 rooms rented pays rent; $lt5 down; snan for young couple. S H57. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP, board and rooming house, 14 rooms, nicely furnished: always full Nob Hill district. Phone Marshall lOaft. WANT small apartment-house. H. K. rooms, dolns good business. 431 Salmon, room 1. FOUR SPECIAL BARGAINS. 3d ROOMS. DO v. . I U v . $500 handles tins dandy little house. lo cated right In thtj heart of Portland; good corner brick building; steam heal und fair furniture. . 411 ROOMS, TRANSIENT. - Strictly modern brick building. In fine location; clears $250 per month; price $2VU. part cash. 75-ROOM HOTEL Rent only $4 per room; elegant corner brick building, renovated throughout; has running water and steam heat, in all rooms- w ill saci ilu e for $4500; Uike $I.VK cash, balance time or good property: house is making money and it's the best buy in Portland. M ROOMS. APT. -HOUSE. 25 suites, moaern in every respect ; good furniture. West Side locution; e.r.irs from $2o0 to $3m per month; price 4J5u; terms on pari; will take tome exchange. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. 38 ROOMS, cu Washington St.. running water, all room- :eam heat, rent J3 room, alt full and turns people away; will guar antee this worth $;;.0; prico today for all Sl.uQ. halt cash, r-etera, 10 qui w. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms Cieurint: $M month: $150 buys everything. Owner, 30s Main st. BOARDING-HOUSE for sale; nine rooms, new furniture, swell location, always full. ".21t S. Bropdway. Main 71-1 1 3-ROOM modern houso. - alklng distance, reasonable, l'hone C- 126:t. LOST AND FOt'ND. TH B follow ing articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station; , Feoruary 2. 1915 Marshall S100, A 0131 IS umbrellas, t; packages, 1 pin, 4 rsira gloves, 2 baskets, 1 lunch box. 1 bundle boxes 1 glove, 1 roll magazines, 1 note book," 1 bundle, 1 purse, l cape, 1 single glove. 1 hatpin, 1 shovel. LOST On Chapman st.. bet. Mam and Wash.. Monduy afternoon, lady's blue alik bag containing pair kid gloves and small black purse. Please notify cashier, Port land Gaa Co. L.OST Between Ot h and Washington and ::0th and E:it Salmon, lady's Elgin watch, with black silk fob; reward. Tabor 2171. LOST Opera glasses and long white silk gloves in silk plaid bag. Phone Eaat t8- and receive reward. LOST--Watch fob, gold monogram "D. W. S." Return to 404 Phoenix bldg.. or phone Main 1 23-'I . Re ward. L.OST Dark mammoth Ivory pin. Return to popcorn wason. 3d and Washing ton ata., and receive reward. LOST Blue 1 welly n "etter, with 1813 Camas dog license on collar; reward. PhoneB 2253. LOST Friday evening, order book In b-ather rase finder call Marshall 6967; reward. LOST Keys on ring; lost last week; two door, several others. East 4710. LOST Chunkv Airedale dog, since Friday; license 7L'9; reward. Tabor 64? evenings. FOUND A small purse on Vancouver car. .i..t. -r. J. A. Troeh. Vancouver. Waftl. LOST Ladv's gold-filled, open-faced watch; initials M. P. on back. Main tlWt. SPECIAL, NOTICES. WE WILL receive sealed bids at our office, t;0i-0O5 CommerctuI bldg.. 2d ant. Wash ington streets. Portland, Or., up to Mon day, February 8. at 12 o'clock noon, Itflo. for the stock and fixtures of CI ark' Pharmacy, located at Toppenish. Wash. The stock Inventories $4477 and the fix tures $3000. Bids for the stock and hx lurcs mubt be separata and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid. V e re serve the right lo reject any or all bids. The Inventorv may be seen at our office, or at the store where the property may be inspected. ..... THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU OF THE PORTLAND ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN, Proposals Invited. SEALED bids will be received by the Board of County Corrjnlssioners, Room 2O0, Courthouse. Portland. Oregon, until 11 A. M.. February 15. 1915. tor one 13 Bank Duplex Adding Machine, with unlimited split, electric motor and seml-hlgh back, variable line sparing carriage. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the Board of County Commissioners of Mn It itomih County, certified by a responsible bank, ior an amount equal to 10 per cent of aggregate proposal. The right is expressly reserved to ac cept or refet any or all bids. Datd Portland, Or., February 1, 1913. BOARD (iK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. W. I-. Llghtner, Chairman, I'htlo Holbrook, Commissioner, Rulus O. Holman. Commissioner. I WILT., t'ceive sealed bhls for a slock of merchar.ilisc nf the inventory valuation of $77f.4 together with fixtures amounting to $S57. located at Independence, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday. February 12. 1015. Teims cash. Certifier! check for 10 per cent of amount offered must ac company ench bid. Right is reserved to reject any und all bids. Inventory liviy be seen at mv office. 7 40 Morgan building, and stock may be inspected at Tndepend e!1 v R. U SAB1N. 1aled: Portland. Or.. FMi. 2, 1015. SE LED bills will be received at the oftk-e of tivr undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 1- M. February 17. Till 5, for wood for various fhoois in School District No. 1. for the W inter of HO 5-lit IK. Copy of specifications may be obtnlne.l at the of fice of the underslcned. Board of Direct ors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . , R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated Portland, or.. Kehruary l, iim.i U S ENG I:. OP KICK, )2 Burke B!dg.. "Seattle. Wash.. Feb. ::, If 1 5. Sealed pro posals for pumping plant for Lake Wash ington canal locks will be received at this office unltl 1 noon Mnrch 15. IP 15. and tiien puhliclv opened. Information on ap plication to U. S. JCngr. Office. Seattle, Wash., Chicago. III., or New York, N. Y. J. B. cnviinnugh. Maj. Engrw. Mtsre'llaneotlh. NOTICE TO LUMBERMEN. To those persons who are negotiating for a tract of timber land In Humboldt Count v. Calif orn tli rough a party in Mcdford, Or. : You are advised that op tions have born secured on about 600(1 acres n! M-.50 per acre; the exactions of third parties ore una ccept able, t herefore iv e wish to do business with the actual buvers and arc prepared to deliver these lande at the quoted price, after examina tion by the supposed buyers. D. -I. GIRARD. Eureka. Calitornln. .XXANC1AL. LOANS on Improved Inside property; plenty nV irwmev: iotv rates: no de.-ys; principal ni.'.i-i(nn X- liwinit. U7-20S North - .' J u n L- hirt- WE buy mortgages, bond", and notes. West ern Bond & llorlgage Co., 60 4lh aU Board of Trade bldg. MoRTGAG E loans, notes, contract, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased. F H. Lcwia & Co., 4 Lewis bldg FIRST rnd second mortgages, also eiiers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Waeh, li. r-. rsooic. tunmermeiiB nwig WfE huv notes, bonns and mortgHKes. lioo ertsoii & Ewing. 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. Mocki and Bond". WILL pav cash for Union Pacific Life Ins Co. stock. Address particulars as to No. of shares and lowt-st cash price to Francis Kt'phan P o. Box Portland. Oregon. Money lo loan on Keal Fwtaie. I NEVER advertise that I have money to loan iust for the purpoF of getting your application. Whenever you see my ad that I hae money to loan othcapeople a money) 1 have the niouev on hand and 1 vou can gft it Immediately if your se curity Is k tisfaeiory to my .client a. 1 ciiarce 2 per cent com m Iwton and ex penses. Hnd I give you wervlce. I hava now $14.4H on hand In amounts to ault tit 7 and n per cent. WM. G. SECKENIMIRF. 21 15 Stck Kxchanit bldg. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. SlOMt'O at 7 P'T cent; at 7 per cent; s-'.vm a. 7 per cent; $2im) at 7 per rent; $1500 at 7 per cent: $ 5u.) at S per cent. M KENZ1E CO., 55 Gerllncr l.hic. Phone Main 2S"L TO loan at 7 per cent on city property: $3500, $00O. . $50OO. $10,000. For farm loan at $ per rent $2300. $4000. $8000. Make Anplicatlon to GOODSELI:r:33VorcesterBMi i.-OR IM M E D I A T E D I S B U R S EM E NT, Have several sums of from $1'0d to $7jtfl to place on Improved city property or Willamette. Valley terms, st 7 p-r cent, 7i; per cent nr.d R pr cent. See Mr. Curtis. The Brong Co.. Inc., 2'-7tj t-ak at. PBTVE parte makes loan, any amount, in per" cent ; no commission. P 541. Orego nian. S5o0 TO $10 OOO. reasonable rates; no de lay. H. Y. Freeaman, 530 Chamber of Commerce. SEE us today for loan on improved city propertv. J to 8 per cent. $200 and up. Cellars-Murton Co.. 826 Yeon bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts anil m tgs. PQUgnt. r. jnne?. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. ' A. rl . riAivui.ivi. .no ''-' STATE FUNDS. R per cenc W. F. Thomas. agent Muunomwn mwuu. - - -- $500 TO JT.0OO to loan on city or farm prop erty. 1 a do r zr.u olD."iv' tloT"$Y5oT"00.-6. $1200. J1SO0 Fred W German Co., 9H Chamber of Commerce. Money to loan on Krai 1 Msie. ilOKI'GAGK LOANS. Any amount, iow rate, promptly cload. Attiactie r. pay in lit privilege. A. 11 BlltWEl.L CO.. 217 Northwestern aiik J ilg. M.;; 4114. A ill. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL. 1 ST kTK rU Bt 1LDINU I'l Ml'Ub Vh-KV FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO ' MISU.N. COLUMBIA l.ll-i: - Till 't CO- 10 SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OK Ft ft BUILDING PUHPoM-; l.IHKRAL PAY MK.NT PRIVlLUGhS; Jti'.NKY AD VANCED AS ItriLDlNO PUOGHKSLS THE ECJU1TA Bl .E SAVING? LOAN ASSOCIATION. 40 STAHK 8T, MONEY TO LOAN On Port'and city real tie. Parm leans at loweat current rates. MALL VON BORSTAL. 104 Second st.. n ea r WMPhiligten TO LOAN. Low est Rate Mne on hualnesa propert ?. a part men t a. fl well rigs and I m R. 1L Blossom. 31- Chsinbr of Commerce. - Ci-MUUTuAU. LOANS i. WILLIAM L. BOVD. O0 lltnry Baig. MORTGAGE loana. city and Willamette Val ley! low ratea; courteous treatment; prompt action. E. A. Curtis, 27 osK st. MORTGAGE loai.s on city and auburba:i real eiate at 7 and I per cent. W. li. Nunn. 4S Sherlock bidg. MONEY TO LOAN. WAK.LK1ELD. IRlfc-S CO., hfi Fourth Street. U'0O TO loan on Portland real ett. quirk service and low cat ta borrowtr. free at torney. I12 Piatt bidg; $00. $1000 AND upwaid on improved real eatate; favorable icima, no din; no brokerage. John Bain. i-1 Spalding bldg. $i-0,HO TO LOAN In sums to suit; budd ing loana. lowest ratea. W. U. Beck. 31 l aillrg bldg. TO LOAN Ho.OhO OH Ut, FARH1NGTON. $0 4TH ST. BOARD OK TRADE) B1.TC. WILL, HLY MONTHLY PAY H ENTH Sellers contract or nilga on cear prop el ly. Smltit- VV agoner Co.. Stock Eschar. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANT AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE Co., INC. Stock Exchange bid.. Id and Yamhill. t'ARM Loans rtom $';o up-aid at 7 imt cent on Improved prop -rty. H liltmer Kelly o.. 711 Plltoek hloik. Mo KTGAE LOANS, any amount; no 9:sy. Henry C. Prudhomm. 62-Ml Morgan h d. I WILL loan $50 to $70t0 on city or fr property. A K. 4S4, Ongonlan. mortgage loans, and 7 per cknt. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. :.t STAItK K7. CITY HUltrOAGK LOANS AT 7. FRED S. WILLIAMS. S 'rat 81. MONEY, any amount. to per cent. IL Seits A Co.. S10 Spalding bldg. WILL losn $ .00 to 'immpo oa Improretf prop erty AM 127. oregonian ALL amount at low tulea of interest. 14 Yeon butg. Ora. Bd. A tgCo. Mar M 4 Money to l oan -4 haiteU and hular!. IMMEDIATE t.UA NS ON DIAMONDS AND JJ.UELRT AT KASTEKN RATES. W'fl'have one of the finest re tall JewelrT atore in the city. A loan department Is conducted In connection with ti.e. mak ing buiine-a STRICTLY CONF.DLNT1AU l.i"lute!y no ttn designating l"n busi ness displayed In front of our etor. AH mer'handip pledged la held for prrlod ef seven months, whether or not tntrt ! j. aid hen due. V e are l!cnsrd and have be-n et-lUhed alnce lsi. .No con nection witii muy other luau establishment In thla city. A. & M DET.nVAOK, JEWELERS. 324 Washington Ht. LOANS $10 TO $100 LTCKLT. STATE HECUltTTY CO- lu i:nski. loans on salaries only. best proposition in poktiand call and i.kt i'm rxh.a1n OUR EASY PAVMJfiNT PLAN. BUSINESS STRR'TLV " 'NKIl'LN TIAl STATE SECURITY CO S9 FAILING BLDG. LOANS IN 0 HOLRS TlMli at legal ratea on diamond", autos, pianos household good and Itveatock. PORTLAND 1AJA N CO., Lice nsed by Stale. '"5 Rothchilrt B'dr. MONEY AT ONi K Dia-nond w a'.clic", nmic.. 1 instrument. SEPARATE DEPT. FU LAD1K.4. ELB Y COM IM N Y I I .icensed ), o Luntbcr Eehanie Bldg., Second and Miih M reels. WE loan inony on Utntnond and Jewlr at half t he rstes charged by I rokeis. Mar- Blnch. 74 3d t. LOA NS en diamonds and J-vlry ; strict 1 1 confMen-.UI. 141 3d st., rear Alder. M')NEY 1-OANKDon dumnnns and J'i g W. Kins, room 45 Washington bhig. LOANS 'i real estate, riiam.ihds and J--eirv. Wm. Roll, room t W afh ttis t .m bid. Ioan V anted.' WANTED ON A-l bLVI RITY. .t 1 5,ono at 7 per cent, value $:.. noo $ Rn nt S per cent, vnluo S 4.o.(M Ht s per i'''nl, vnluo Iti. "''. $ .T.' t 7 per cent, value 7."0 $ 5 .Hoy t 8 per cent, valuo $12.uut, Wc Side. M'KENZIK Co, 515 Gerllncer bldg. pwm Mut,, CHOICE MORTGAGE UAN APPLICA TIONS I lr-t-clMs security. 7 and S pf cent. . . , OR EGO V INV MORTGAGE fiy. INC. Stock Ech. Bide, ::d snd Yamhill lit Marshall 2'5. A 4144. $15.H'0 WANTED on downtown brt I rulM -I tig, $ I Mf -U a month Income; principal onlv. M 53. Or-fgonlun $500 WANTED on flret-clus- sales (oniracis ;ood Interest. BC 570. Oregoiilan. LOA N wanted of contracts. BC I $50t0 on gill edge sales 71, iresonltin. WANT to borrow $Km0 on scr on ne house. BE 5o, Or' id mortgage (onlau. 31 ftlt0.lL HAlR-HAIR-HAIi; II AIR. 2G-lnch convent hair awltclies 2'1-inch consent hair swttihea, gray, linir dressing, 25c; shainp"-' Pace massage. 25c; tnaiucurk l - m i m treiments . . . elect i la Sunerriuous ha'r rrniord by needle, guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade: -itche any length- prlca half, bantiarv Prloia. 4ni 412 De'kum bldg.. 2d and wash ingt on FEB VET & HANLBLT. Leading wig and ttnipe m-kers; f)net atock human hair goo.Js; sw ilhe from t.n Up; hairdtes"lng. niank-urlng, fucc and a alp treatment; eoinbini made up to oirtei 17 Mradva. i.-ar Momnn. Main 5lH ..i i:viv timed nur and niMSfii'. bteaiu baths aud maaaagoror rheumatism, 1umlago, etc. 4 52 balm on, corner 1-th. M hall r. ;.;t. Open Sundaa WILL V-ra Georud Foster. bi in Seat tle Wash., ase nearly 14 years, communi cate with Mr. C. L- Tintuuir, o At. In, H. . bCi LNTll-'lC niasaeusc, geuuine alcoho.ic blanket tteattu itta. manicuiibt. -04 Macicay bdg., Ingion. , tub C 1 1 1 1 hai hs, niMi, Vak)- L M iGtCiLLAa Al. coiui a and IM. la'g'-t stuck. rei-ovTlng : new hand lea put oa. Vei edith a, ;(-.) Wat'ilngti st. N rt WKGl AN t-alnei nui" and mni cdectrlo hlanket treatment; hours P. ? t. 1 M. 2'S at. Romis 2 and MAItlE NKV1NS gif rlf-tile laths a-'-l tr. Mttneiit daii. to ladn a hi!j. Mam f'i npp.ontment. . M AUK OF Yol R (MIGN(.. Bwitcnes a;.c. vurla s"d i.uK 7-m Han.. tr Beauty pwrbtrw. 4"o 1 " um ty'd. bi'l.Ull "ALleiM Rev M.t A. Trt.e, circle Tueaduy Wei. Mtwi bun. s P. M . icaU dally. u-rt fii h st. Marst u ljit. SnVHUi B. bElP. iiieutal and spiritual 'icntist. 3-SI Alisky to-K. Vucauou rn e-1 1 n ,iVfdti.sds. H P. M . fT-VK.N'S, 21 years I .irtiaiid s re nowned palmist ttiid c ,ltVM ant. a ii'.-'f f t - a Imistry M' I K-1 " ' t ' ri " -JLLEi TRIG VlI'dlATuK ior rh uinaliam, neuralgia. Icl.l ami ar-ip tr.aiments; rMttiii.l". Phone Marshall -o. M A N I' 'I R 1 NG L d h a '.." 707 R ot In -h I'd hid g.. 2 . $ htitirn 55c. a ! hi r. on. .inn in In k. electl IS III --t I i 1 K MISS ETHEL lit UK, treatn.eius. 412-41 r MOLLS. auiMTfhioi, h-tr reuoj lt i M. 4.". Kl'edru r b;'g.M Mrs W. - . i. i .1 v 1" maei)sr RI v e t im I men t m d I ! . '.I'th c N.. near Wwdm ni"n. V on. ValM it-.'). 1'lKUI.i'l Li; :LG V Ni- ti i "a. ... Main Ul "' Hours lo lo K LL---O.NS in phr'-i.oloii v and rmU readings. ;:5 ith f. phone Main 75iy LUr'UTANT Vr1ie Ben At: K Tor Elton 1 .. C nlt-rvil!. VV r NTED Ail'lr- H- .lames Hill, f.-rnif-riy pr Mist. Oregon. Reward. AT. 'uim. Tonii i 2:tM.:. face and itching a.'P cuiM tn one tr-atm-nt. ;f. . V..rris..Ti, roomM BUST developing; b dy specialist ; quick re sultH guaranteed. aiHJiroudway bldg. CiriTtTH''lLvfTlV-. el7rnTlic case. 5l raal menPi $! '. t h e ra I ea ;3 r o m a.l i 4 1 1 1 . MiS MAuTk JOHNSON, i hiropo-ly and manicuring VtuoT. 40 JM aL A MI'DICAL. LK Ucaftt a NnGvo Ilerl-s for fbfunutUBi 60 taLlets (or 25c. AU drugglita.