11 FEBRUARY 1915. imp imuvivn nnTinnxiAX HFXF WANTED MATK. OTICE. utomob.l. " feur mechanic." Employment Dept. M 40S0. Pacific Auto Schools. J8O-200 litn. Help Wanted Agent.. AOENTS-s to Slo a day selling IMS Spe cial. San Dyke Studio. 404 Wash. HELP WASTED FEMALE. WHY FAY a labuloua price to learn fancy W Suit candy making, when you ; can get ..- celpta and full instructions for II. are delighted with their j'? Sea display In Aronsons Jewe.ry wmi.ow. Vrite or call Lira. B. Bernard. ut Jef ferson St.. city. WANTED Experienced housekeeper tor rooming-house. Housekeeping su to fur nished. Slate full particulars in first letter and wages desned. 1". O. vox Jn, city. GIhKome"Tm 'f-mi'l?; "unable can" go ho-? mghV wouYd consider scolgiri small wages. . Lougsvlew ave.. Hussell- 7. 77. l.. shaver car. 1-JiOGRESSIVE BUSINESS COULEI.E A.1 modern business courses JS per mo. Posi tions when competent. SKI N. Vv. Bank bldg. Government now .brabirErankliu Institute, dept. 70S A, Rochester. A. I. YOUNG lady to model coats and u.ts. lo or 3d size. Call in person Monday 10 .JO ti 2. Room 1X0 Hotel Oregon. I'osiUvely no phone calls answered. KSKT. "refined girl over 20 for upstairs work and care for small boy; state ex perience, age and reference if any. O o-ii. Oregonian. W ANTED Experienced operators on ladies straw hats. Write to Washington Lauies Hat Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. HOUSEWORK. $15 to $35. St. Louis Ladle' Agency, 2s- Main street, opposite Court house. A T175, Main 2030. "WANTED Middle-aged woman to cook for four; housework light; pleasant home; pay szu; tare paiu. -'ui & i KEFINED. reliable girl for general house work; references; treated as memDer of family. Box 73, Cascade Locks. Or. -n . x,tc-t-v n.mnnuriiinrL reSidental WOrK; fl per day and up. Call 5U5 Columbia bldg. TWO bright, energetic, mature women with I business experience preferred; position permanent. AC 561", Oregonlan. Y A N I K I: Experienced girl for general housework and cooking. Apply i38 n.ear- MISS MATTINGLY-S PRIVATE SCHOOL SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main 8398- WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible positions Viavi Company. 423 flttOC DIOCa, oe """' WOMEN in The Maurine School or beauty Culture special rate of tuition until hi tu a rv 1 61 Ablnt,ton bldg. GOOD German or Swedish girl for general h o usework. Apply at once, K4.. fc,. .s.th st. THREE ladiea to canvass for quick, seller, ood money, Bieady. SOl Dekum bldg. FIVE girls to learn beauty cuuura. Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors UOOKKEEPERS. stenographers ana dicta phone oyeratorg. 301 X. W. Bank bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE WANTED Man and wife for place just outside city limits. 5-cent carfare, two In family; man expected to take care of two cows work In garun and make himsli generally useful; woman to do cooking and general housework; house small; statu age experience and references; steady po sitions to right parties. AG 547, Oreo nian. PA RENTS, Attention I Would you protect your crippled boy or girl by enabling them to earn $W and up weekly by learning the Turkish cigarette trade free of charge : Call any time, even Sunday. Mr. Ooid berg, Marshall TV NT fcID Four good solicitors for the Fall River Cleaning. Pressing A Dressmaking Parlor, 412 East BurnsiUe st. Good propo sition. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE teach electrical, gas aud steam engi neering with commercial machinery in operation, building and repairing gas en gines, automobiles, dynamos, motors and steam engines is part of instruction given students in our 3 months practical courses. Send for particulars. Seattle Engineering School, llv West Roy st.. Seattle. OREGON KARttER COLLEGE wants men and women to ienrn the barber trade In a weekl; positions guaranteed: tools free; paid while learning, scalp and face mas sage a specialty, modern method teach ing used; tuition reduced. Madison st. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the tiade in 8 weeki; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools free; scaip ana lace massage a specialty; send for tree catalogue. 4 N. 2d. KAIL-WAY mail clerks. P. O. clerks, car riers, vixam. soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Paiiic State Schools. McKay bldg.. city. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools furnish typewriter with commercial courses. 285 others. Free catalogue. IMZ McKay bldg. Is AMES of men wanting to be railway mail clerks; $70 month. Portland examinations coirar.g. AV 400. Oitgonlan MRS HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, 5t'2 Enupress bldg. Personal instruction; po sitions when competent. KLITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, 401 Commonwealth bldg. Marshall 420&. fcHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. r PER MO. 269 14TH ST. M. 3SH3. EXP. INSTRUC'N. SITUATION'S WAITED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 10 years' experience, Al references. U 684, Orego p.an. BOOKS kept or audited. G. Ridouu Mar shall 266 12th St. WANTED Position as hotel clerk. N 672, Oregonian. COM PETi;NT stenographer. Main so:. G. Smith. any salary. Miellaneous. WOULD LIKE the management of a picture house. Ms. a, wife and daughter; man, an experienced showman; daughter, good pianist. Will make any house pay that can be made to pay. B. E. Waring. i4 ISth st. N. Phone Marshall 3814. YOrSti A merit an wishes working interest in store or farm with a lady who needs a Tollable partner; 1 was reared on th farm and have worked five jears in coun try stores; will go anywhere; give par ticulars. Address AV 440. Oregonian. SINGLE man wishes position as clerk in r tail store in the country or small town; live years experience in country stores; can give bond if required; will go any where; please give particulars. Address AV 4C.7, Oregonian POSITION as foreman by sausagemaker, 34 rears of age, life experience extending ola countrv and Amerna. f years experience as foreman. AV 42S, Oregonlan. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman,, near, rapid tracer; practical builder; good education; operates typewriter; wages no object. P. O. Box 370. CARPENTER foreman, capable, reliable, good draft-man and plan reader; strictly temperate; will go anywhere. P. O. Box 37a, city. . CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. middle - aged, would like clerical position of trust or re sponsibility; accept small salary. R 60, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent chauffeur and mechanic desires position with business house or private family; good references. X 53. Oregoniaiu 1 Ol ND Just the man you want; carpentry, small jobs, roush or finish, odd repairing; reasonable! Main M27. CH IN ESE boy wishes to work for money ; want sto attend public school. Address 6- GH?an. CHRISTIAN young man, 16 to 19, light work An farm: small til wages, gooa norae. -si Market, after 3. Mr. Clark. GROCERY and delicatessen salesman wishes position ; best references. Linquist Apts. AL oi7, Ortgonian. MAN and wife want position to take cere of small farm; capable and familiar with farm work and stock. BD 650. Oregonian. GERMAN couple, woman good cook, man handy, wants work. BD &4S, Orega niaiv CARPENTER foreman wants work, day or contract. Address 6014 9th st. a. IS. BARBER wants steady job, s-intan. AO 651. Ore- YOUXG man wiiWi work of any kind. B S444. K. 4062. pt. No. 7. WANTED Paper to hang at 15c per bolt. Phone Main 9806. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. KXPERIKNCKDr stenojrrapher desires posi tion; references. Phone Marshall 200O. 5I-RLIC STENOGRAPHER: hourly rate saves you money. DOS Cham, of com bldg. Main S404. O. K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone operator wants permanent or suosutute work. M. SS1T. 1 6TKNOGPAPHER wLhes work afternoons. East B784. " - I - I FOR RENT. Bookkeepers and Stenographers DICTAPHONE and stenographic dictating until 11 o'clock P. M.. 1031 Chamber of Commerce bids. We will be glad to serve you, night or cay. Main -4 HO. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer and dictaphone operator desires position. Main 1715. Dressmakers. MODISTE, recently frtm San Francisco, using French styles without patterns, will make suits, gowns, dresses, capea, .etc. . j Ea3t Broadway. Apt. 214. Call East Bool- CUTTING, fitting and designing by day or hour. Shop ,M.in ;ou. ;?pe.,. .o -r ary any gown $10. Work guaranteed. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reaaonab.e; home or by day. 150 Ls,ne St. Main 0513. FASHIONABLE dressmaking; and tailoring, satisfaction guaranteed; prices reasonable. Mrs. Meyer. Marshall HISS. A 801S. DRESSMAKING children's sewing done. Phone Main Soli!. Call 53 North ISth, Apt. 1. : TAILORED suits and evening gowns at your home or In shop: prices reasonable; work guaranteed. 202 Fllcdner bldg. Main o'bJ. FTRPT-CLASfrdressmaklng. tailoring, alter ations, work guaranteed; experienced. Ta bor 1406. LADY wishes to do sewing at home. Phone Main 60O0. DRESSMAKING at home or oy "j . -guaranteed. Main 3fe30. DRESSMAKING, ail kinds of sewing; price reasonable; work guaranteed. Main, 9312. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by the day. Tabor 4750. DRESSMAKING and tailoring. Woodlawn moil. , DRESSMAKING and alterations; reasonable, l'hone East 2743. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes work; best of references. Rhone Columbia GOOD practical nurse; doctor's references. Main O'Mi CARE trained nurse; home comforts; pri vate home for invalids. Tabor i.li. UNDER-GRADUATB nurse wishes cases, any kind. B 564, Oregonlan. ' Housekeepers. WANTED In widower's home where there are children, situation as housekeeper, by retlned and competent lady. Phone A looi, or address v no a, ureamnau. EXPERIENCED lady housekeeper wishes position In hotel or rooming-house as housekeeper or manager. F bib, Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes enure cnarg of widower's home and family. aiaisutu EXPERIENCED, quick young woman ant8 any kino ot noueowu.K. oy . w Slain aiHo. CAPABLE woman wants to manage hign claaa apartment ; references excuaned, BE a5S, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as housekeeper. Address E. C. Robinson. Cadillac HoieL GIRL wants general housework; wages $35. Alar. zys. DANISH girl wishes position as housekeeper or geneial nouseorK; pivixov i-o. Kirkuatrick st., Kenton. w a MTKD Housework by lady with baby or any kind of work. Marahail Al91. NET experienced girl, housework; references. A 7175, Mam city COOK first-class. German-American, wants position in family. BD 34.. Oregonlan. GIRL will work for small pay in place with afternoons off. AN 046, Qregoman. Miscellaneous. LADY with son 19 years of age would like to take charge of rooming-house; will go to any nearby town. Address AV 4oV, Ore gonlan. WANTED at the new hand laundry, plain washing. Phone East 7081, from 6 to U mornings, " to 7 evenings. ' EXPERIENCED telephone operator desires position In private exchange. Phone Mar shall 260. Apt. 28. COMPETENT music teacher will give les sons to beginners at homes, 5Uc- per hour. Miss Jones. Marshall OoSll ---t KSL PERI ENCED laundress is taking In wash ing; reasonable prices; will call lor It and deliver it; Mrs. Martin,28 E. Stii St. COLORED" WOMAN"v.ants work half day each day, some light work, can give city reference. Marshall 4036. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants steady work; woman wants day or hour- work. Phone Main 4i03. POSITION as assistant to dentist; experi ence desired; salary no otJect. Phone n 1003. , COLORED woman wants cookins or day work. Main Otitis. .ulbiO teaciier, T ibor 4144. competent and experienced. TRUSTWORTHY woman wants work by day or hour. Wooulawn IIllM. COMPETENT woman Woodlawn 3S3. wants day work. LACE curtains hand laundered, all work guaranteed, ellwood bOl or Marshall obott. FIRST-CLASS laundress wonts day work, also cleaning. East 6030. room 13. .'-ACE curtains, draperies, linens hand laun. dere:J. 2c i:p. Sellwood l"i6. FINNISH girl Main !574. wants general housework. IOOD girl wants housework, plain cooking. Woodlawn 43. GOOD, capable l'hone Tabor : ivnraan. must have r.'3. IIme D 1116. WOMAN w Uh.es work by the hour Phone A 1709. or day. YOUNG Japanese girl wants position with small family. AG "45, Oregonian. DINNERS, teas, parties planned, prepared or served, cakes furnished. Sellwood 1603. WANTED TO RENT. Ilooseti. WILL lease for 3 years, a 7-room house with privilege to buy; give location, price and terms No agents. AG 518, Oregonian. Kooiu With Board. WANTED Private plate to board 4-year-old isirl. East 4.".21. FOR RENT. I'urnifhed Rooms. HOTEL ARTHUR. ltth, between iorrison and Yamhill. A very cesirauio location; new. clean rooms, with every modern convenience, well heat-d; rates for two, J4 and 5 per week. $1 per day; no extras. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 4TH ST. 1jO itOOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms; hot and cold water; ratej ,0c, 7i.c and $1 per day; $'4 per week and up. HOTEL BLACSSTONE, Corner llih and Stark; f3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room ; no extra charges for two in a room; room and bath i day; transient solicited. HOTEL OC-LfiT, Morrison st., at 10th Central location; RiiDLCED KATES. 6uc per day up; week ly, $2. cO up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL RAINIER. Two blocks from Union Depot. Modern, ciean and homelike; the house that treats you right; 60c up per day; S12 up per mo. ; tourist trade solicited. M. 8413. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington st. at 13th; 50c day up; week ly. 2.50 up; running water, phones, steam heat, fireproof building, ground-floor lobby, ail nisht service. Business Is good. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms without bath 110 up; with bath $15 up. HOTEu EDWARDS, Urand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $10 montn, $0 up with pri vate bath, iarge, pleasant lobuy. cafe in connection. Phone Est 323. HOTEL Buckingham. Oth. Washington sts. Daily, wkly.. monthly rates a.6u wk. up. New fireproof brick; every modern con venience; clean, quiet, well heated, outside. HOTEL TREVESL Northeast corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms 3 weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. STA.ND1SH HOTEL. 6454 WASHINGTON JaT.. OFF 1STH- Front rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath. - week. $& per month up. liOiVi. CORDOVA, 2vi 11th st. Strictly modern: private baths n suite; rooms J,i.i0 up. Main D172. A 47S3. ROOMS for young men a 7. E C. A.; fire proof 'building. ower baths, vacuum cleaned; club lacUities; moderate prices. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 ht Alder Modern out side rooms, ti per week up, urnished Rooms in Private Families. BEAUT if L'LLY furnished room In refined nriwte family, mooern, pretty home. piano, home comforts. Nob Hill; reier entire. Main 874a NEATLY" furnished front bedroom, walking distance. Phon. 1.5t per week. 42D fi:h st. SLEEPING porch, large room, running water, good location. 745 Hoyt, Marshall CHEERFUL, clean, furnished rooms, ali modem conveniences. 412 Main et. NICE, warn, modern room. 547 YamhlU. Booma With Basra. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single Rooms. Excellent Table. A 621L Main 4811. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sta. An excellent residential hotel: attractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Phone Main H2Sa. a . nnnn PI.Af-fi". Tfl LIVE. The Whitehall. 253 6th St., has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor home; reasonable rates. a real ROBERTA. 141 Lownsdale. corner Alder st. Rooms and board; home cooking, including heat, bath, phone; fb.il and up. . BUSINESS woman and students w ill find good board ana room, u i.u Portland Women's Union, M0 Flanders. THE HAZEL, SSO Sd st. Modern rooms, with or without board; special rates. WH Y not room and board at Place? Main 67S.L i,7 Trinity Rooms With Board in Private Families. LARGE, attractive rooms; stt-am neat, noi and cold running water; sunao.e u ir more; twin beds; separate dressers, every modern convenience; excellent boara; also large room with alcovti and porch. Main 3S1. 301 Harrison St., near 14th. 4J4 JEFFERSON, two ciean front rooms, modern conveniences, private entrance; close In. CLEAN, well furnished front room. j. wuc mvaern. icnaunaDic, , ard. 427 Columbia, near 11th. ICE clean room anu " iunr.aB nH rrtmforta of tome. Phone or call." Phone Main StfT3. i'66 Harrison. Dxdy room, with board, only young peo ple in family, use of whole house, walking distance. Alain 7720. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate ; good board. Main 6381. 501 Harrison at., near 34th St. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen, with or without board. 16- N. -2d St. Mar shall 3S57. ATTRACTIVE room for 2 young men very reasonable. singU beds. Main 6.26. -W 13th st. - ROOM and board, modern home, special rates for two. 5S8 E. Oak. Phone East ROOM and board. 332 10th St.. walking dis tance; steam heat, hot and coid water and home comforts. Main 6a7. A 2S65. LARGE front room, close in; modern con veniences; suitable for one or two, with or without board. Mar. 4410. 474 Salmon. MAN or lady Good room and board tn private family; no other boarders. Phone C 177t. So. 23 UP; good board; walking distance; all con venienL-es: congenial. 3 Nort h 17th. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private home. 166 21st st. North. Main 4220. BOARD and room, 654 Johnson. Walking d i s t a ace. Mai n J 6 S 9. . FRONT room, with board, for 2 gentlemen; olso single room. E. 3152. tfe E. Broadway. FRONT room, with board, for 2 gentlemen; also single room. E. 6152.68 E.Broadway. SINGLE-room with board, home privileges, 920 per month. 434 Salmon. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 3(y TAYLOR ST. Furnished Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX (Apartment Hotel Tenth and Salmon streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. lith and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furmsned complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. ISO Vista ave., Kingsbury Apartments, near Wash ington st. New and attractively fur nished 3-room apartment; never been oc cupied; a disappearing beds, balcony; very complete; inudt be seen to be appreciated, reasonable. STELWYN APTS. HIGH C LASS- Beautiful it -room front apartments, mod ern. and sleeping-porch; also smaller ones lor bachelor; best reference required. iuo St. Clair, cor. Washington. Marshall 2S'6iK 1 HE DENVER 2 and 3-room apartments; outsld rooms, eomtortably furnl3becl; also ' unfurnished; orivato batii, phone, steam ht at rent reasonable ; references. 2 - :t Nortiu Take "W" car. Mar. 380. MONTGOMERY APTS., cor. d and Mont gomery Building new and strictly mod ern; furnished 2-room apts., private bath, phone and automatic elevator; close walk ing distance; l?o to Main U400. Washington grand -room furnished apts., $12 per mo. up; Just rebuilt, modern, clean- very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath Xurnlshed. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 444U, WESTFAL, 410 5th 3 and 4-r. apts.. turn, and unfurn., week or mo.; concrete bldg., elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric cieaner free; steam heated ; $22 up; best in town for money; easy walking distance. TH ffi CROMWELL. Resident Filth and Columbia Transient (f-mlnute walk to poriotitce. Furnished 2 and 3-ruom apartments. Marshall 5118. References. A 3-ttt NEW HART Automatic eievator. phones, cooking gas, steam, lights, linen ireo; If mis., batii, 1 rin.; disappearing gas plate, $:t.5'J to 7 wk. 170 Va ikl. nr. Mor.. 4th fir. SAN MARCO. Bast 8th and Couch Sts. 3-room apts., new furnishings, 20 and $24.00. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 3 and 3-room apartments, furnished, first class; reasonable rates. Main 7:t37. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 189 23d, cor. Kearney Modern 3 and 4 room apartments; private bath; complete ly furnished; $20 up. Marshal 24o. Hi&LOP HALL, corner East ttth aad Haw thorne 2 and 8-room apts.; private batns and nhone; also single rooms well tur- nlshed. si-.Q'J up, Phone- East bU2. GRANDESTA, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely furmsnea inree-room api. , pii. phone and bath; walking distauce; prices moderate. Phone East 08. MADISON PARK APTS., .Park St., at Madison. Modem 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; close In; by week or month. CAMBRIAN, 12th and Columbia Sts. Large 2 and 3-room up-to-date furnished pts., close in, reasonable. Mar. 25i'3. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS, i4rh at., at Market New 2 and 3 rooms", furnished ; reasonable. Main 1 73J. AT the Glen Court, cor. ar ana iiyiw, 8 roams, outsiae. eiet.ij iuiuwubu, service, reasonable. HADDON HALL. 414 11TH ST. Furnished four-room front corner; our nriees are right, our service is the best. DKICKSTON, 448 11th High-class, modern 2 and 3-room aparuuoms; ow "' In distance. Marsnall 57, A 54oB. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3-room apart ments modern. Rosenfield Apartments, 575 East Stark. ; Furnished modern steam heated apartments. Harrison Court, 5th and Har rison. PARKHURST and 20th. cor. Northrup 1 3 and 1 4-rra. mod. furnished apartments; private balcony; referencas. Main 117S. AVALON. Three and four-room furnished apts., strictlv modern, phece East 8172. "ViTRVOT'NT APTS.. 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, S22?50 up; close in. Main 22Stf. VERY attractive 3 ana 4-room apis., newiy no children. Call Woodlawn 194o. rTiMPLETELY furnished apartments in con crete block. S12. 1162 Union ave. North. ARDM-Y TERRACE. 395 12th st. Large a. apartment Mrs. John Cran. V4r. ,-auaR. 704 Lovejoy jioaern one oui.a- g- 2, 3-raum ,.. v v w- " .. tb- FLANDERS Nicely furnished lower apartment. $-2.50 month, HEHMENIA. corner 10th and Hall; 2-room aparta., reasonable; one $18 apartment. Lnfur-lslied Apartmeata. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway South, .ft blocks to business center; splendid r " . ., n nutaide. southern and eastern exposure. Main 2BC6. klE FRIEND, corner Broadway ana jci frson Elegant unfurnished apartments; ftrat-class service; private pnom THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall s. new unfurnished apartments; most elaboraae mthe city. Main 42fls, A 406e. " THE DEZENDORF. 20S 16th SU, near Tayior; exceptionally fine 5-room unfurn. apt Marshall 2324. LUC RET I A COURT, 4 Lucretla sL Finest unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts.; references. Mer Mar. 1513; janitor. Mar. 1500. IeELER APTS- 14TH AND CLAY STS. S and 4-room suites, unfurnished; refer ences. KINO-DAVIS APTS.. 54 King st-S and 4 ht-h-class: references. Mam -tj. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room P. v7.9r.et" sonabIe12Wa-h.. opp. 22d. M. 14. THE" ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart menu to58 Flanders; Nob Hill, Main S-ol. Ciiiornifted Apartments, THE MOR DAUNT. February 1 we will haye one of our choice apartments, unfnrnlshed ; four rooms and reception ball, all outside large and sunny, hardwood floors and phone; reference required. Cor. ISth and Everett, opposite Christian Science Church. KING HILL APT3. 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, nigh-class 4, & and 6-room un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent service; walking distance; reasonable rent. - THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders G and 6 rooms; larg and ijonelikei more service and conven ience for the price than you will find in the city. Phone Main 7516. A '876. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson High-grade $, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate set-vices; prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 33S0 or A 2676. TWO 3 -room apartment for rent, steam heat, everything modern; price reasonable. Apply 2S5 Montgomery Weet, room B; also store room. STEVENS APARTMENTS 6 rooms, front and back porcnes, heat, hot water, tele phone; all light outside rooms. yi North, rup, near 24th st. - ELM WOOD APTS. 10th A KALL. Lobby, social hall, modern new 3-room unfurnished apartments, reasonable, walk ing distance. -KOUM Duplex apartmems, 4 bedrooms 3 baths ; in fireproof building. Apply 03 Davis st, Furmhshed or CnfumLo5 Apartments. MORGAN.-FLIEU;;ER BOTNB, 913-81 Morgan Bids'. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations size and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 3016. 01S. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In 2 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick, elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds. h..ittiTi huffts and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cieaner Ires- Phons Marshall 236i. KINQSBURi. 1S8 Vista ave., off Washington st. j onri 4 rooms, with private balconies unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh borhood; best of service; reasonable rates by montn. WELLESLEY COURT, QUIET. CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STS. V-I.-H- mipm Eieam heat, nrivate baths, laundry; save carfare; 10 minutes from business center; references; 1 and 2-room or.Brti,.nts; Dricei moderate. Carious court. Everett and 17th. - BONNIE BRAE. xfPTir invpiiv corner aDt.. 3 rooms, sleep ing-porch, dressing-room and bath. Phone and heat. In - Irvington: TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONifi. 49-t? TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 or 4 beautiful rooms, furnished or not- Cor. K. lita and Yam hill. TWO and three-room apartments, furnished or uniurnished: very cheap for working people. -4U E. 3Gth st. Phone TaborlO. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, 2, 3 room apartment-, furnished or unfur nished; jots, heat, hot water. Hats. IRVINGTON. We have a vacancy In the finest flat In Portland; five rooms, sleeping porch, tiie bath, hardwood floors; located at East ltitU and Hancock sts. one block trom either Broadway or lrvingum oar if. E. Bowman & Co., Commeinal Club bldg. Main 3U2S. A 1-5L ' . AND (i rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new modern, excellent residence location. Wj E. Mh. between Hawtnorue and Mad ison. East 4fct5. Siij . 5-KOOlI fiat two blocks ea.it end Broadway bridge, water, garbage, two weeks' rent free, very desirable. J.ey .i-O Crosby. E. 1415. 0-ROOM modern upper with linoleum, gaa , h aiiiir heater. 1st mo. free to r i ght party. Call In person. b04fe Front st. ONE 0-roora uo-to-date corner flat, mod ern, ail outside rooms : rent reasonable. OH.-. E. Madison. East 2:4. iS MODERN 6-room upper and sleeping porch, newly tinted; furnace, fireplace, etc. East ittth and Davis. East SIM.. S-ROOM upper flat, modern. 6la Everett, near lst; fireplace, furnace, convenient; good cundition, au. Phone East b. wi i i. a m v.ttk heights, beautifu.lv situ aLed, 6-room resiifence flat, nothiug like it in the city, t'ti &avi"r st. I.-. .i T.--t.-x-T xr,-r!rT. 4-ronm flat, eood con dition. " 12. St! E YamhlU st. Tabor lWil. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern: choicest loca- Cion. West Side. Inquire 175 16th SL MODERN 4-room upper flat. linoleum, gas range, porch, furnace. E. 413b. FUR RENT Flat. Call 433 Larrabee. l'hone East 63o4. . FOR RENT Modern & and 6-room flats. In- quire 46 i bth. COSY 4-roora modern flats. 394 Benton, near Broadway; walking distance. C 2021. MODERN 6-room flat, Portland Heights, all light rooms. 527 Vista ave. MODERN 4-room upper at, linoleum, gas ranire, porch, furnace. E. 411t. j-KOOM Hat. 2 Si) Caruthers St., $18, West Side. Marshall 11)00. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278 4-ROOM modern flat. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main 3SS3, A MODERN 5 -room lower flat. East Burnside, cor. 1-th. East. 2301. Furnished flats. FOUR large rooms, nicely furnished flat, main floor, clean and Jight, gas. bath, everything nice; 2 car lines; only 1S. 72 E. Taylor st. E 52150. ;; Sew modern 4-room furnished fiat; porch; utock from "IJ-Chapmau" car. 5a Maixeu FIVE rooms, new, strictly modern, completely furnished, sleeping porch ana sewing machine. 572 -till. Main tH4i. gis 4 rooms, clean, completely furnished, phone, lights, water; walking distance. East 3310. MODERN 5 or fl-room furnished flat. 12th N. Marshall 7U7, A 7131, 4-ROOM modern flat, nicely furnished. SS3 Boss t.. 2 blocks Broadway bridge. FT KNl S Yl E l54 -r? om flat, electric light and bath. Inquire 273 '2 Broadway. NICELY furnished four-room flat; wate phonr. tath; reasojwble230ja.btji. DESIRABLE furnished ana uniurnisneu flats. 210 tjtock Ex. Mar. Iti8. 1 Housekeeping-Rooms. 11 50 TO 52.75 week; clean, furnished houas kenlnK i-ootns. suitable for 3 or 4; fre heau "aundry. bath. yard. Phone East 603. ins Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "L car. 101 EAST MOKRISON Furnished one and two-room nousev'" h - onable. OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished hou?c keeping -rooms cheap, $1.50 week up. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg 3d, cor. Morrison. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Morrison; single housekeeping roowa, v. " HouHekeepinK Kooms in rrlvato Family 13TH St. 4 rooms, completely -lurnisneu, entire first floor, modern; also 2 upper roms. Main 3672. McFarland. 309 Yeon bldg. tVO or three completely furnished house keeping rooms In private family, outside, light and airy; 1 per month; walking distance. 501 East Oak St.. corner 10th. TWO' large, front, completely furnished H. K rooms first floor, clean curtains, bed ding, good carpet, linoleum; child taken. 152 i. -JQ, cor, xtwmin. in i r-'R month up, H. K. rooms, nicely fur- "ifheSl Main sao. 03 North 20th. near Wash. fS5"EB furnished housekeeping rooms pri vate entrance, near school. 10 mo. o.j E. wnrsFKEEPKO rooms; most reasonable tei aoiv. Water. Cor. Columbia. Com- pietely furnisheq THREE rooms, nicely furnished lor nous KeeuTnE- rent reasoaable. Phone Mam Keeping, r v :-orilanJ Helghu. TWO nicely furnished II. K. rooms, bath, gai, phone, light, hot and cold water. E. Ankeny. 3?1".5Q. 2 and 3-room; clean cosy. 6TO Everett. Marshall STo. FURNISHED new 2-room front siilte c,ose in: 12.oU month; free phone. .0 14th. HOUSEKEEPING suite, running water, pri vate entrance, f!4. 1-th St. , POUK well-furnished housekeeping rootua, m modern. Phone East bsl. HOfSEKEEPiNG and furnished rooms: r-Vsonable rent, close in. J51 Broadway. i-i WKEiC Large furnished 'nouseKeepmg Mlectric. bath, phone. 6ol E-Morri'n. TWO nic. warm h. k. room reasonable. 781 Kearney, airw' (, OSE IN Cheap and cozy, suite lurnisnea ft K. room,. 3S1 Kosa. East 3010. in WEEK Front parlor housekeeping room; Ji.ee cooking gas. uiO Davis. lloasekeepintE-itooms in private Tamtly. $12.50 THREE neatly f armsnea T .... . 1 uinl ftiFl lih IA B.UU Keeping roum, kiwi - horaelike; close in; gas range, pboue, pri vate bath, etc.; entire second yours. 5o4tJ. 12ti E. lyth, near wohwu. - S4 MONTH and up, H. K. ana 4 rooms, paDae, uutu, ADVICE TO PROSPECTIVE HOME- SKEKtCKS. A Secure your home In the lareeat ana mosi proBressive traou Auceriain 11 Is ownud by prominent respoiiaible mon. who cao ana will .pond ;u"'clcn',"?.ny to mako and keep tne addiuoo attractive, and who would be aure to treat jou Luhrtr addition of beautiful homes, represents an investment of four million dollars, has 28 miles ot Pve serpentine drives, surrounds a beautllul 31 acre City 1'ark. Is owned by eonie of the most responsible financial men in tn. Northwest, and is the very hlghtest Un proved close-in res;rlcted residence para 'nYourtcandW a .iehtly lot here at an extremely close figure, upon easy terms, second mortsace privilege, and II desire we will build and finance your home for you and see that It 1 built right, at the lowest possible cost. We also have some houses for rent. Auto service. Paul C. ilurphy. Sales Ascnt. Mam Office 270H Stark St., Main loOJ A lolS. Tract Office In Laurelhurst. t. 3Uth ana Glisan sts., pfl HOUSES. 104 rooms at 413 4ath ave. S. 0VW rooms? electrrc"lTghtfc bath at 4S12 71t St. S. E.. ilt. Scott car to Fir- Iajl6 s rooms, modern, furnace. 8U7 Commercial St., near Blandena. IS 4 rooms, 467 Market st.. near 13th. $17.50 7 rooms, fireplace, ibtf 1. Asa near ji.. .n.i. o(t a rrtoms. lGtb. 5 rooms, uveiwu u, -... . - - t jfl PattvEIVlVA St. 30 8 room's, modern. 2 baths, 770 H$a 0--7 rooms, modern, hot water heat, at 1305 Mai lory at. H P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main txto9. A 2653. FOR RENT. FREE RENT UNTIL YOU BLlLD. If you have a few hundred dollars I will build you a cony 6 or 6-room bungalow In Laurelhurnt at actual coit, to suit, balance like rent; will furnish house near by lor your occupancy while your bungalow is Delng constructed; rent free. See me about this J. W CroHley. J70V Stark su Main la03, A 1615. MODERN residence on Portland Heights, 5&8 Elisabeth street, corner Chapman Has 7 rooms and sleeping porch. AH modern improvements, including steam heating plant. Overlooks city with beau tiful view. Rent Call nous e to see through it. Parrish. Watklns &. Co.. 106 Second tot, FOR RENT Large 8-room house. w"th bath, gas and electricity; cloe to school and carline, cheap rent to good tenant, also 0-room house in same neighborhood. J F Gasklll. ir.l 4th st. Phone Main ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights -room bungalow-flat. Hardwood floors, fireplace, sieepmg porch, maid's room; close la. Marshall zt2. S-ROOM modern house for rent, on .4tn and Overton sts.; with or without sarage fashionable neiehborhood. Phone A or Main 2474. IS N 18TH BT., fins residential district, easy walking distance business center, i rooms, furnace, $27.60. K.ey. Janitor Ionian Apts.. 3Sth and Couch. Main 201o. 612 ju NEWLY painteu ana 0-room cottage, electric lights, gaa, bath, basement, water paid. 1 Eugene it. East 23U5. COH. HALL AND 14TH STS. Walking distance- lino location; beautltul view. 1 rooms, strictly modern, every convenience. $:U. unnKRX HOt:SES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE 4l TRUST BLDG.. Main !. ROSE CITY PARK -room houe, hard wood fioor and fireplace, per montn. Ianuire 519 Worcester bldg. HOUSE for rent. West Slue, walking dis tance, 495 Clay St.. rooms, $20. Key a 4t5 Jefferson st. , i . . .i - L- i. .- . .. -m .ml t.a i h M:icad st : low rental. Inquire Mrs. Tuiik, i Market st- MODERN 8-room residence, place, gas, electricity; E. near 2 2d ; 125 per month. furnace, fire Burnsido st. Tabor 11j3. 7-KOOM house, fireplace, furnace, attic, va.rrl: close in. cheap. 722 E. Main. 3-KOOM modern cottage, iortnrup. cut. HHh. Inquire 571 Lovejoy. j-i.oOM house, 57 Ella el.: fib. Key Ella. phone Marshall 4;3, A ao,0. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnace, gas. nica yard, near school and car. Woodlawn 186. FOR RENT 473 Main St., l'hone Main 4ij05. 9 -room house. DESIRABLE bouses and flats, all parts of City. StOUt 11 .UMUUOiH y- mx a in i. 8 houses, 7 rms. each., cor. Broadway rad Rosa, S blocks sawy. priage; i, aa. unDEKX" 5-room house. East th and Clay Phong Woodlawn lu. "vi ( n i ern 7-room house at 75 East loth North. Inquire 73 East loth North. MODERN 6-room house, rent reasonable walking distance. 668 East Morrison at. MODERN ti-room house, close cheap rent. Tabor 4sl8. b-KOOai house, quire 130 Bth. 12 Lovejoy, near ld. Mala b-73. 7 o'"TSIDE rooms, not furnished, arrangea for roomers; cheap. 2d ana Montgomery. 5-ROOM house, 609 East Ash, $13 a month fine yaru. w.j .. .uv.i -. t-f .u- a m 7.rnfnn houso : Kearney, near 21st gas. electricity, furnace, fireplace. E. 4-37 DESIRABLE houses in all parts of city. Stock Ex. Main lo6S. NICE 0-room house, close In. East 130S, tf asoiiable. fu.r-isUed HooRe. 271 BROADWAY, near Madison St.. ele gantly furnished 6-room apartment; oak and Circassian walnut iurniture, upnoi stered in Spanish itather; all conveniences: arranged to suhiet 1 or a iparuueu rent $40. - 11 T"r "IT k Sit UT IlTC Nicely furnished 8-room modern house on corner lot. goou rse. pibui v. i.a trees, nice lawn; a real nome; js n iuuui lv. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of uoa. 10 COMPLETELY" furnished two-room house. 1400 Kerby St., one block north of ciia Purii tnkA K"-nton car to Port- lnnH .if.ulnva.rd: after Sunday kcr at 1401 Kerby. MODERN 10-room house, furniahed or un fnnii i,A.l hhH tar.iare- irround 100x100; J ir..ijire a lfiil ii f-norrh. 2 bathrooms, hot-air furnace: will give lease. Phone East VIVO. 549 TAYLOR at., near 17th, 4-room finely furnished apartment; all conveniences gas. also wood range, water included piano; rent $2. . , i , t-u -v- -..mnm hnuse furnished, fire place and furnace, beautiful yard, fruit ana t lowers. v oouian u FINE bunt-low home, modern, hardwood finished, desirable location. East Md. aduiis for year or longer. Main 5110. NICELY furnished five-room cottag-e. partly modern, t'hone Mam iui. oiai.viBt- Portland Height-. FIVE rooms gas, electric lights, B. 4oth, near Belmont St., $18. Key at 14tt E. 47th street. G-ROOM bungalow Bath, electric Uvht, gas. close in; good furniture; 11 East 8th South. Phone East 5235. IRVINGTON FurnlBhed B-room bun galow, fireplace, furnace, sleeping- porch, piano. 787 Multnomah. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, walking . distance. West tilde; furnilur. for mlm. Idain 887. NICELY furnished 6-room house; has phone, gas, garage: lty blocks Woodstock car. Marshall 42'J. Sellwood 2420. -ROOM bungalow neatly furnished, Sunny eide, near Laurelhurst Park; 2U. Mar shal! 2241. SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, close In, ast Side. B 213; 17. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage, on Mason St.; must have references. Main S815. 5-ROOM. well furnished flat, modern, yard, basement. 593 West "Main, near Nartllla. 6-ROOM house, furnished for two families, near Broadway bridge. S3 E. 1st otN. WILL rent my home to couple who will board owner. 328 Park st. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalow cheap. Mar. 120. 626 East 2Mb st. 3-ROOM furnished modern bouse cheap. Phone Marshall 120. FOR LEA6E, bulldins at 31 N. Front street; desirable for wholesale or storage; ele vator Inquire 2C couch st. FOR LEArE Store, No. 22c. Second and 30t3 First. Owner at 448 Sheriovk bldg. Halls. KENTON" clubhouse for rent; dances, card parties, etc.; modern, convenient, reason- - able: dates, terms, phone S. M. Stro hecker, Woodlawn144, 2073- Wsrahoutea. OPEN storage (S0xS50) on dock with us. of hoisting engine, rail connections all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co. East 2088 Miscellaneous. ENTIRE or part two floor, basement: rent moderate. 2d and Montgomery. Tabor I1H. FOB BENT. OttlcM. DESK room, lncludlne phon. and type writer, reasonable to right party; aso furnished offire, including roller top desk, chairs, etc., 1 per month. Agent. Stock Exchange, Id and TamhllL WELL-FURNISHED private of floe, also desk room. 6 nd 7. J2I Chamber ot com merce. . FOH RENT Large rooms, suitable tor of fice or musical ,ludio. Saerman. clar Co. TOR RENT Desk room, large light office, free phone, heat and light. Roam Orpheum- Theater bldg. OFFICES 10 up: furnished offices M4 a room, free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. SOJ Swotland JI- DESK room in large, light office In MoriM blag. Apply manager. " ' DESiv ROOM, desk, chair and telephone service; $10. Hacon, 3oS Morgan bug. BUSINESS OrrORTLNITlES. i. Tue-iff- t'iiu (v KAKTH in the band of a gowd. active business man who want to connect himself with one 01 i-w manufircturlng enterprises tn ttie state i Investment carries personal employment A rare opportunity for the right party. X ".'.-. Oresonian. CAUTION. BUTTERS. Befors closing deal lor lo-called interest In established real estate business get adv.ee of Portland Realty Board. F I PURSE, Secretary. 632 Chamber of Commerce JldsT. 2 SALOONS. "1400 and iewt; 1 first -clnas laundry. J'hhi ; i huiuuu w -----Stt.-.o; in good towns in Northern - Call at National Citfar Store, cor. y . Park and Stark or address Box as Yreka, Cal. fad s-.l.M OR TRADE. ,,itV tmrk with two-story vnii.i'inr two -torerooms below, 1 - furnished rooms above; in bn-tness section. Box 65. Klamath Falls. Oregon t.- i i7 v- Hn f f rail ODPU muuflrn rw x.-. ,-..:- v.n-v for meat marKeis in -" ' . - rent in the city of Stocktn; present own ers having retired; for particulars ad draw w ur-nrmifk Comnanv. Stockton, tau u um,- we -eou DDfd metier ,.u. ... mooA city. motion pictures; will lease ciicu. owner, AB 574. Orejjonii . ... . . li r.Mi iiw. rnt. Psndieton, Or. lAi V. " . ..-v. ..u-r ia nr r H. O. Starkweat tier Mllwaukle. Or. phone Oak prove i-a, FOR RENT Store. No 8 Front St.; good location for coffee house; l' . u tw-, tr mn next door. 44& bherrotK working men next bldg. JTRNITURE Store In one of the best towns in 'Oregon, splendid opportunity for any H 1 . 1 11 0 a hi 1 nPU UI Ulll nillia. a .... ortce is right. Aiarcw v STEADY man as partner aho can invest 1W nd work 8 hours day for fl-.i nionili (no Sunday work). Call 3v'3-4 Lumoer Be chance. -Cl nn mrn i.- t i.- Tu.'ft hmroer cnairs. in t rors ana nxture, ti- , nlv G. Chutter, 626 commercial St., As toria, Or. CONFECTIONERY and cigar tore. 1 on good transfer points; will sell ch-tp If taken at once; owner; it musi w- Union sve. N. s-riR SALE First-class restaurant, central. located, doing good business; will aerifies. SoA Sd North, room 4. WANTED Man with some capital to k Inlaravl II U "IllUlU. IHCll L -. -..-. firm. inc. AF 5-WJ. Oregon!: PARTNE F. wanted for jitney bu; I hav th9 trucks, lakes 500 at least. Phone 1 1 bor -506. Z m a t i . KKW ST CK Spring miilluery for sle, cheap, or trade RESTAURANT, good Iocs i ion. cheap rent g.'.UO. AN fn'.2. Oregonian. R-T-how In live town of 0u0; ISOOO terms. Address AV 468. pregonian W A-STK1 Lai'y partner, vr-st ie.it e. Llarcatn. H! l-ltimt. In ..4 4. "regontHn. Lli; bargain In picture nuw . ' . . ....I., tIK.-i See OWIUT. " I.UIHOl-r cal " 'a' . B US1NESS QPPORTVNlTIKSXJlKjK vi.ifHT hot.l woman. best references. 'wishes furnished hotel. , front 40 1 to rooms, dining-room preferred. AU o Or-:Konisn. - 500 TO INVEST in stand investigation. O business that will 56t. Oregonin. ROO.MINU-IlOtSES. MRS. M. K. LENT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-housa Agent. Hotii Luyer and Seller Protected, rxi.'soi RoHnhle AireiiCY in City. 50S-9 N W. Sank bid.. 6th and Morrison. i ST IT AND TAYLOR 1275. n -noma, tirst-cias furniture; cost owner ,... ,i..,,t.. fiir.i.n. : everVLhtus in tin !nBn;- rent silo. 470 Taylor st. Fred W German Co.. uU Chamber of Commerce. mill! r.i vfi-ii(ji:SE for sale; nine rooms. n.w furniture, a v. ell location, always ful. ;.2 S. Broadway. Main tl21. LOST s - - OCXU. i. ikt iinirf war h and fob. with nugge buckle. Mar. 2l8, apt. 21j. Reward. OST Airedale pup in boulevard Sunday. Reward. Call East oli'.t. PKCIAL NOTICEA. PropuKals Invited. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, In the matter Of C. J. AitOU, DS11KI -pi. 1 .u bids on the following property of tn . k.,.,o hnnUt-uot no to and includln -..nn Tupsdav. February 2. If 15: 1 On i .me ui piuri-M a miw tour in a car wit iir-rtiin hod'v. number 65U1. 2 On i-iik model Pierce Arrow touring car, number U-"22. 3 one HilO Franklin tour, ii.r. mr number 125. Bids will be re ceived on the above stock numbered ..-.l aonarp tolv or Whole. Z,.. i. a ,'mnsTiiofl hv cert if If ,. i i, o. ..hid UI urtr rnt of th m.i fi-rp.i. Tne ascreitate amount of fered for the three cars must exceed th amount of secureu ciaimn bkuiubi ,...! -hi,.), u in tiie sum of S7U0. Sale 1 ..v.i' ... h flimrnval of the court. Au tomobiles mav be examined at the oraham Mntrtr i ar tomDaiiy. i;,tli anrd Washing ton streets. D. A. Morton, trustee, room siu Y'eon bldg. SEALED bids will be received by the Board of Countv Commissioners, oom fAiiwhftii.!. Tfrt1nnl. Orccon. until 11 ii l-. i -. i in r. 1,ir nn i;t Han i..V- iHino lhine. with unllmltei Bolit. electric motor 'and semi-high back. ..ichin Miia Kn:ii'hii: carriatre. No proponalft will he considered unless accomoaniea py a ciifu inoiimi; Hoard of County Commirtsioneis of Mul ..n--.u ii cnimtv cprtlfifd bv a rcsponsll bunk, tor an amount equal to lt per cent Af u irsvrss ltx t m nrnuoKH.1. The right Is expressly resprved to ac n.. s-oi-fi- n ii v ir it 1 1 bids. i i.i tort Port hind. tr.. February 1. 1915. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, W. L. LiRhtner, Chairman, Philo Hoibroi'k. Commissioner. Rutus C. Holman. Jouimiiloner MlccliJifH. ViViirc CiV OlSSOLL'TION. Notice is hereby given that the firm of AlDer'a ra-Ji Grocery ts hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Th. business will b conducted by 'W. M. Herrn, who will coi' lect all accounts and pay ali ouia. Dated at Portland. Or., thu Jan. !S, HI AI.HERTA CASH GKOCttRT. Rv Carl O. Peterson, by W. M. Herrraa. 65! Alberta St.. Portland. Or ivin;CM as I nuv my wife. Iva M. Whl "lrg a liberal monthly allowaure, on j tt... n.t. I will not he reSD-in H,t. contracted bv her. Ken'y 1, lll SANFOKD WH1T1X1 VS'ILL not be responsible for any debt, con tractso by my wtie, ..ui. this date. Jan. 81. ll10. . (iignedi WALTER ARNDT. t'LMAMCIAL. LOANS on Improved Inside property; p.enr , i r..t... nn dl.va: orlnrlD. only. Robertson Ewing. 207-20. Nona western Bankb.d. tic Cl.'7mnrtffAireL bonds, and notes. West ern Bond st Mortgage Co.. eO th at. Board of Trade blog. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased. F H. Lewis st Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash H. E. Nol'.e, Lumhermens l.l.iy. WE buy notes, bonus and mortgages, ltob eitson 4t Ewing. 207-8 N. W. Hank bl.lg. Money to Loan onKeeil 1 -state. 8&00 TO 810,000, reasonable ratss; no de lay. H. Y. Freeuman, U30 Chamber of Commerce. BEE us today for loan, on improved oity property. 8 to 8 per cent. 8200 and up. " Cellara-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bid. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and m'tgs. bought. H. lilley. 204 Qerlinger bldg ' r-iTY MORTGAGE LOANS AT 7. " FRED S. WILLIAMS. 821, FlrstSt. MONEY, any amount. 8 to 8 per cent. H. Seltl & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount: no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 528-531 Morgan bid. PwlLL loan 8500 to 87000 on ci property. AK 426. Oregonian. ty or farm WILL, loan 8iO0 to 89OO0 on Improved prop erty. AM CJreso.,,., a I r. amounts at low rates of Interest. 414 Yeon bielg. Or Bd. 4k Mtg. Co. M.r.33g FINANCIAL- Money to Io. ol He rtto. MORTGAGE LOAN. Any amount, low rate., prompt! elos.4. Attractive r.piyiii'-iH privis.s. A. H UJKKEl.L CO . 217 Northwestern liank llldg. Mmshall 4111. A 41 IS. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPKOVKP RKAL I STATK Tn ML'lLDl.NO PLKPOSh.8 VtHV FUIX llit.E CONTRACTS . NO Cl .M MIKMONa. COLC.MHIA LIFE A TRVST CO. 10 SPALU1NO BLDli. ON IUI'KOEU plUJISlti i OK r MKNT 1-KIVll.KliKK; !OX AD VANCED AS Ul ll.LUNO PHOliRBSSKS TUP. Kyi 1TABI.K SAV1XUS LOAN ASSOCIATION. Ju FTARK tT. MONEY TO LOAN On Port'and city real estate. Tarm loans at lowest current rates. MALL VON BOnsTEU 104 second St.. near Wellington, TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Monty ftii business .rop.rlif, apartments. dwelluiKs ami f.rm. R. H. Itloftsoiu. gift Chamber of Commerce. 6 ! MORTOAUK LOANS T. WILLIAM U BOVD. tot Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE loans, city and Wllleniett Val- ley. low rat; courl.ous ireaim.in. promn action, t. A. Curtis. J7 v, MOKTISAGU loans on city and suburban real estate at 7 and s per cent. vt. ii. .-nuuo. ,48 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD. KRlktl 4b CO. 85 Fourth tr.et. luou TO loan on Portland real estate, quu-k Mrvlc. and low cost to borrower. Be. at torney. 11! Piatt bldg. ,,00, fllHIO AND upward on unproved tal estat.- ravoraote irrin., in, un..., hv brokerage. Jolin Ilaln. .d' paldiug blug. Si0..ouo TO LOAN In sums to suit: build ing loans, lop.t i i . . - - 318 Ksilltig Mdg. TO LOAN $40,000 OH LLSS. KARKINOTON. SO 4TH ST.. BOAKD OF TRADB BLDG. WILL BLY MONTHLY PAYMKXT. Feller, contract or mlga on ctear prop erty. Smllli- agon.r Co.. Block Lachati... MoRTC.AGB LOANS IN ANT AMOl'NT. OREGON 1NV. 4k auaiUAOS v v., SlockEschang. bldg,. Id and Yamhill. FARM LOANS from J.".oo uiwail at . per cent, on iiin,r,,ru propvrij. nnti i. Kelly to.. 7.1 ItitocK Mo. k. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL F.-TATs. ST ATE Fl'NDS, 8 per cent. w. K. Thomas, agent Multnoman t ouiny. iw v n. m onm. S500 TO $5iKx to loan on city or farm prop erty, iaoor ...v vi A .... wit. ..,.. uob, 3.o. 800. ao. it;oo. iin rred w. German t-o,! vi v o.twwr, . v MOKTGAC.K LOANS. and J TER CRN I. LOlia BALOMUN t .... I A r. a, . Money to I.n t battel. ..d r-.l.rh-s. IUV 1.1'IATK I.tiANK ON DIAMOM'X AND JtWELRT AT KASTEK.N KATkK. W. hav. on.' of the fliiesi letall Jewelry stores in the city. A h n rtei srtm.nt is conducted In conn.'tmn with s.nje, mak ing bunines gTIUCTLV l o N FU'I . N Tl A U atisilutely no "tun dosigitatiiig loan busi ness disrlad In ftont of our si.. re. A.I mer:hn.Mhe pleclfed l h.ld f.r p. nod of se.en months, whether or nol lnt.teat Is paid when due. ar. Ilceii...! and have been eslHUIIshed sin . Issi'. N t on. noetlon with an oilier loan est. Ml. Ii men! lu this city. A 4 M DEI.OVAGK. JK-WKLERS. 2 Was.nngl-n ". LOANS 810 1 lll'U glKKUl. oTATki SE TI1T CO.. iji i;n.-ki. loans on s ala k i eh only. tiKT n,or.iuo in imii and CAI.I. ANIi I.KT rs KXI'I.AIS OL'll EASY PAYMENT PLAN. IU-INl .TKIfVl.i ...NFIDkNTIAU tTATK SEl 1111TY Co.. :i.. FAILING H 1.1 ML LOANS IN IK'l US' T1MK at legal rates nil 0'amuhd. antes, Di.nos houRPhold and llveiiotk. POi.TLAND IAJAN Co.. l.Kensrt by State, 2o;, Rothchiiil i:dg. MONEY AT UNI K. Diamonds watch. s, inurii'.l Inalromenls. bE 1' A I: ATE UF.rT Foil l.AMKS. EL.HY COMPANY 1 I .Icet.sed I. 320 LumbT Kxchsns. B.dg. Se.-ond and Stark streets. U M loan money on diamonds and Jowelry st half the rales chargtd l.y Lrokers. .tai-i k IUoch. 74 d st. LOANS on diumot.di confidential. 14 1 and Jewelty. strictly 3d si., near Alder. MONEY l.OANKlion dumomls ai d J...r'. g VV. King, room 4.'. Wasl.lnttton Pi1'. LOANS on real eslate. dlaiuoniis and J eiry. Wm. Iloll, room S Wwhlnston Mdg. Loan anted. T)EKH IsrLAND FARM LOAN, !" . w.nltMl A yars. i. aores. fair u.,..nount Hvn on niace. va en. lv r:."."r Fred VV. G.ruian Co, U14 -Iism. "f Com. SIT, TABOR CORNER, 811'"'. "T. Vine coiner, loxlou, In fin. pan of this snlenilid dutrl.t. Ini provcnieiit all paid but IR.1 altio 100J. Fred W. German Co.. OM i nam. To borrow IIO.OOO to H.'.ooO on C.nira la property, from thre. to ll. yars. vs ucd foo.uoo; deal direct. Address AV 44.. Oie gonian. . WANT t.'.ooo at 7 per cent direct without commission. Security Income ".'T'-VJ Ruse Line, close in. valu. 830.OO0. AD joo. Oiegoulsn Elli COl.lMBIA r.VRK. U2o, i ,,-room house, modern, full lot, " 2;(Hi this Is a choice little lon. red VV. Germun ' o.. 1114 Cniun. ofoiij SOt.O FIRST murtgag. on city prouerty, . cmint lo tier cent. Call 1UI 4Ui i st. v' ANTED To borrow 820OW on l'lO acres itmbor land. lu.nuu.Oou or mor. leet. Clatsop County, or. AV 4MI, Oregonlan ginoo AT 7 p-r cent on property that sold lor 830.4)00. Main C0t-u. PERSONAL. HAlH-HAIR-HAlllHAlll. 2B-lnch convent hair switches 4. 20-IIKll convonl hslr s.lnlies, gia.. . Hair ortnlnt. i-"'c; shampoo luc. massj.. K.'.c; mauicui. .... 12 stalp treatments :. Suptulluous hsir removed l.y . . . &.OO Lett la needle, guaranteed, not Itt return, cut ii""- m 'd-i :"?',::,' l.,h- ..nc. half, sanitary parioia. 40U- 412 Dekum bid 3d Hfol VVShln FEHMiT 4. HANLUL Leading wig and :i.MKors; tltiest stock human hsir goods. s It .-he. from .. up. Iialruieslt.g. manicuring. Inc. .lid .. aij treatment, combings nisu. up 1" or.l.l. 147 ilroadwav. n.sr Morrison, Mslll Jli. vt i V tmloed 1111. snd ne.i baths and maiuu.ii.for rhe luml.a.o. etc. 4:. a Salmon, U! Khail ."a.."..'!. Open MII'Oi 1 ii.t lta .CIENTIFIO ma.s.os'i. geauin. tub bsths, alcoholc blanket treatmenla. chl-p..dy. m.nVcurlst. 2v4 Maol.ay b.dg.. S-K VV.sn. Ington. T-Ti'tii KI.I.AS- All colors and .Dies, largest lock, covering, new 1. .11.11.. pu Mereolth a. .. ...k- ,.k vni it ruMlliNhb. c .., nn. car, a and luIIi ,,,c Panl- t.Ty n.uuty Parlors, 4oo pea urn Milg. Mi'l lilTl A Lib, VI Ivev. Mary A. Price, clicl. Tuesday Wt and bun. a P. M : r.. Sis. daMyT o Bth st. M.rsh.ll .KWl. U1VORCK Ls.y.r of I.V ears' ..perler.ee ; UreUMe sdvu. given fr... 404 liolhchlld l,i-!K., 2s7 S VV.sriington. SOPHIE B. SKIP, mental and ..lenhst SIC 1. AU.ky tlus Hireling Wedn.-s.la, P. M. S,rlt ual V4U'Stlv.a . j iTHVt.VS. 21 . l'..i t land s re- noivned paluust and csir pslmistiy ln.lr Lftuj. c s nt, a..t e of 1't 1 M ..1 rts n. SVV EDISH move to Institute. Dr. Klirenstrom, will latger tiuatters Feh. 1. 'VV s glow l.eause results. Aider, corner KIKCrKiC V 1 IAIOII l.r rn-....... ..... SLM. 1 ni'; . , .r.1n trealiueuts; teuia sia, i. . .... ahle l'hone Msrshsll .' laiii'Ai'K ii.ss,ru.e g.ves 11 . ttm.nl s daily. ' Nor"'- "r VVCSlillU- .,., " Phone Msia H'A'01. Tile: Model Prosimakllig is. lor., euii. 2,v7Vs VVashingun Dresses ga up. Main POM. . VIA N1CC RING Lad leg 2oe, genllein.n llic. 7othejilldb;dg. 2-T', VVa.1,1... I "n tTTT; FlHliL llCHK. msnleutlns, eleclrl. I??a imer.ta 412-41. Sortnwest bid l. fc. ., .ur.Tt.:iot,N h.lr removed. Iln V. HI II 4- Flledner 1,1.1. . M..n .-.4T8. riMUol'KAtTIC, chronic eases. 81 treat """s", omen le.. ;tnr..,.n... la.. TJTT A NECHYUA. .123 Flledner blag. M s 1 11 V 1 .5. Hours HI to K 7i.,oNS in phrenolosr and r.i nth st. yrht.r,M.In7r.t. rerd readings. - (TANT MCS.iA'.K for F.:ion I., ll.ilser. VVrl'tV l'-n lloler, .,t)erVllle. W.sh. R.Vl.M t T,i lil-tr u' PUIS conil-oiira lli')ii joniu -(.4 favls St. Phone Mwtn 2"ii,l. alp cured room 214. In one frestment. 3 s Morr.r TiFkT developing; lady specialist; ouua re Ml ts gu'rr 1 nteed . SI -Qlrod w ay M d g. llt.S M A RIJ6 Jt ill .-,.".. f"". msnleiirlns parlor. 400 2rl st. MFUICAL. LSI" rar,ett s Nnllv. Herl s for rh.uinalUsr ; 'to tal.l.ta for 25c, All druggists.