TIIEv MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 38, 1015. 17 FOR RENT. 1 1 out-. .FOLLOWINO la a list of liouse upuu which, the rent has beta .greatly reduced and upon which one month's rent will be given a renter: 768 Savior St., rooms. 771 Savicr at., 6 rooms. 253 13th SU, 6 rooms. 14th St., 6 rooms. ' 7S1 Water at., i room. 35 E. th St., 6 rooms. 3M Bast to St.. & rooms. 1M Market et., 5 rooms. 38 Harrison St.. 5 rooms. 2Z Madison st.. 5 rooms. 4.S lwti st., 7 rooms. -5 Alder at., S rooms. 4'.l Alder t., 5 room. 612 Front St., i rooms. 7J E. Ankeny St.. room a Hi Columbia st., rooms. 47'1 Hovt st., S rooms. 4 .V ZJd st., 8 rooms. 1H I Shaver sL, 6 rooms. ZiM Mill st., 7 rooms. 243 Mill st.. rooms. 869 Tliurman St.. 5 rooms. 1'pehur St., rooma 171 Kast Sd st. X., 8 rooms. 17" N. lTtli st 8 rooms. S Kast 31st N., & rooms. -S71 'nrb.-tt st.t 5 rooms. Xh'. Mea.Jc st., S rooms. fAHKIH. WATKIXS CO., 10G Second St. Bt-Sl-NESS OrPORTV"lTIES. I'WF.E RENT IXTIL YOL' BUILD. If au have a lew hundred dollars I will bu'ld you a cosy i or 6-room bungalow in Laiireih-urjit at actual cost, to suit, balance l.ke rent; will f unmet, bouse near by for your occupancy while your bungalow is being constructed; rent free. See me about this. J. W Crosaley, IITO'A Stark flU Main I..'.:;, a iia. LAUBLH UBST HOUSES f FOR ANT. We have some new. strictly mooera houses for rent or or sale; If they no not suit, we will bulid Just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurel hurst Co Stark st Main 1503, A lolS. 7 .ROOMS. K. 41st St.. $:;.. 11 rooms. OI mat cad 1'ark, $0. 7 rooms, Hoyt St., ISO. t It rooms, K. 13th. ;... ' 8 roomM, K. 8th, $30. ) i room. Jackson st., l-i. 210 stock Exchange. Marshall lSfiS. . (-KOQM bungalow-style house, furnace, fire place, now occupied; vacaul Feb. 20; &u per mouth. fiSl K. 0ib St.. Rose flty Park, one block from car. Phone Kast 3i.Vj or li ask for Ebert. tl'",HT-f5UOM detached li'-uw. 343 near CIJea; in Rood condition, dry ana warm, first-class hot-air furnace, rent -. I Apply nrnrum Glass, ib" Broadway. I hone ) Mam ll.'.s. A I I KAL I l V fc. x oriiMiiu ncignu bu&gs.ow-nai. xia-ruwuvu iwt, sleeping, porch, maid s reoiu; closa in. Marshall 2624. ( ji; N. 18X11 ST., fine residential district, ' easy walking- distance business center, roomsL furnace, s.f.au. xt-. j'iu' -Apta. 1Mb and Couch. Main ;0l&- V. t;T HlUlw ulc 7-rooru house with gar- a i i iMi ft m t.. rar. 10th. 30. With- oat' aarsae. Key next door. Phone Mam 4E., Jtarsnau joa m SBOUUITY DEVELOI'MKM CO.. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Comer of 4th and Pine t-ts. MOVING PICTURE SHOW. - Onlv S.M) handles the liveliest little show house in the downtown district of Portland; snap for couple; will teach you tne business if vou are non-experiencea. gnoa CIGAR STORK. Here is a dandy business for any single man; win make s to 6 per aay; uanay stock: no fixtures to buy. BI'YS MEAT MARKET. Iolna $3000 per month and only 1 credit; would accept f.liO cash and give time on balance: rent t a month. GARAGE BARGAIN. Fully equipped garage and repair shop, including a car torHiw, or sauu who,- out car. - - gr.O FTE GROCERY. One of the, new transfer corners on East Side: a money-maker and double sales by adding confectionery just the thing for man and wife. Man or woman can handle the Tust- ne; caters to the large department stores aim is well established; nwu nanaxea it. l.AniKM flPPORTIMTY. $."00 buys combination beauty parlor and millinery business, situated on the best street in Portland; cheap rent and good busi new. PVcr.I'StVR CT VPKPTinVERY gl.'.tttt handles tn only confectionery and cigar More in a town of about iuuu pop. 7fi mile from Portland; a little beauty See photo at office. HAIR STORE. Beat location in Portland; rent $60 per month; price $6j0; sales run from i.v w S.85 per month; store is a neat-looking place and has first-class equipment. Bl'HINKSS CHANCE DEPT. SECCRITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Corner of 4th and Pine Sts. rm;vTRV store. We have a dandy good store for sale In a dairy country doing $1500 a month business- general stock in good condi tion; might take some Portland property for part or give time to responsible party. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. Oregonlan Bldg. JITNEY Bl'S BARGAINS. ONE 10-PASSENGER BUS, T5.0. ONE 12-PASSEXGER. BUS. sou.ot. ONE 14-PASSENGER BUS, 8550. of. All these buses are "Pay-as-you-enter, rm iniH U..H iMtriR Hvhted These bar gains will not last, so come- early and avoid the runh. GEK LINGER MOTOR CAR CO. Washington St., cor. King. $12.7-0 NEWLY painted and papered o-rioii coiiuii cict ii iu uh" . -- l.anement. water paid. 2i Jugen East ray.. a m n. m o.atnrv H-rooni. eXCel' lent condition and location, nice yard, near car. paved street. 80. Woodlawq 4-6. vrm nr.T Modern li-room buuitaiow. tire. place, furnace, new, clean; price -l Phone Main 070. S-KOOM modern house for rent on -4 in and Overton sts., with or without xarag. ty Feb. L Phone A or Mam a.. I FOR RENT 8 -room house, modern, fur- nihed or unfurnished; Portland Heights 1 reasonable, btf Title A Trust Plug. 7 1IOUEHN ;-room house, furnace, built-in ronveulences: '12 E 4(ith. near 2sO. 1 N. KAbT 72l ST., i-room cottage, ' full lot: will renovate to suit tenant; $12.50; key ueitdoor. Marshall 2U5, A4144 I viiR ni.'-T KoKfl Cttv Park, tt-room house. ! hardwood floors and" fireplace, ail for $21 i per momh. lnulru 51 Worcester bldg. I MODERN HOUSES. i CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE A TRUST BLDG.. Main 542V 1 Hdl'SK i rooms, electricity, gas. fnrnace, ) two fireplaces, walking distance, $2& In- 1 quire w04 Morgan pmg. ' IIODKILS 4-room cottage, in business die' trict: can be used fur Inquire o4 North th si. small business. THIS is a dandy modern C-rooua bouse fur 10 a month. SMITH A HOCCK, SOl Henry Bldg. WHY pay carfare? 6-room modern, house. 54 Main, near Chapman, $1:1. Mce Wood- ard. Hl d- 4-ltOOM modern bungalow, $13.."0. 882 Clinton st. . Uifhniond or Woodstock car. Sellwood i.vl. XES1RABLE bouses and flats, all parts of city, stout investment to. Main 6128. FOR RENT 473 Main SL, Phone Main 4809. 9-room house. $ housea, 7 rma. each,, cor. Broadway iad Ross, 2 Diocas ua y. oriuye , sio, XI. MODERN 5-room house, Kast 0th and Clay. Phono V oodutwn 10!. 1CE ft-room cottage, .1IJ West Park near Cluy. inquire aiuinmnnrij. 6-HOCM modern house, Irvington. i lacKamus si. xaoor -ui. 4 ROOM houses, 5-rooin cottages, first-class fondinon. Inquire u. k.. MaiK st. CLS AX, 7-room house, Kearney near 21st; gus. electricity, furnace, fireplace. E. 427, -UOOM HOUSE, 7 hot water heat. W Hoyt t;t.. Main 5724. bathrooms. tt-UOOM bouse, -83 Larrabee. 7762. Phone Main &-rooni cottage near park st., oneap rent. Mam l?53. 0 ItiTH N , near Everett. S-roora house. furnace, tvey or owner. -o. as. ilUlEKN ti-room huusa, 4S4 East Everett between ll n nu iviu. riioiie ji iiu. $J0 EIGHT-ROOM house, HC1 Hawthorne, corner .U.u. rvey in autre nwi auur. -KOOM house. quire lt) Vth. l'J Love in Main 12 near -2d. In- J OUTSIDE rooms, nut funnelled, arranged Tor roomers; rneap. La ano .lonrgomery. B-ftOOM modern cottage, HOI Northrup. cor. 19th. Inquire 571 Lovejoy. Furnished Houses. 71 BROADWAY, near Madison st., - ele gancy furnished 5-rooia apartment; oak and Circassian walnut furniture, uphol stered in Spanish leather; all conveniences, arranged to sublet 1 or 2 . apartments; rent $u. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. Nicely furnished 8 -room moaern house en corner lot, good garage, plenty of fruit trees, nice lawn; a real home; $3S month ly. Fred V. GerinanCo.. 814 Chain, of Com. FOR RENT White Hous Cafe, furnished, 8 rooms, $15 monthly for first 2 months, then $20 ; near carbarns. Inquire lt33 h 13th st. Sellwood 140. $49 TAYLOR at., near 17th, 4-room hne.y furnished apartment; ail conveniences; Kts, also wood range, water included, rent $25. J'l'RNISHLD 7-room modern home for rent; fireplace, piano, low rent, to responsible parties. Hawthorne Park: walking dis tance. Phone E. 0276. FINE bungalow home, modern, hardwood finished, desirable location, Cast Side, to adult for year or longer. Main 51U. i V E- ROOM furnished cottas. walking distance. West Side; furniture for sale. Main 1-HoOM furnished house, fireplace, piano, garage, nice yard. Main 83!s. 6-KOOM furnished cotUige, walking distance. H',7 East Ash, near Mh. Main t424. W K LI. -FURNISH ED ti-room modern home; rl.ii-e iCMaiiou. East t4 1 1 for appointment. 1OWNTOVN flore. reasonable, orrison. Cat: Marshall 4440. Office. 1ESK room, including phoue and type writer, reasonable to ncht party; also a fiirnitflicd otfnx-, incimling roller top desk, chairs, etc.. 812 ier month. Agent, Stock K.iange. 3d and Yamhill. WANT live young man take charge busi ness chance department at nome on ice Portland ; we give htm one-hall income; we guarantee $100 monthly and we pay ail expenses; very small investment re quired; money-maker. Answer quick. Al berta Land company, -ws rtttoca oiug. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS Jo matter where located. Send description. No exclusive contract asked. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. WILL pay $25 for best story (Scenario) for - motion pictures using scenes and incidents during tne tsio ttose resuvw iur , teriai; the shortest stories given first con sideration. jNortnwesi eeaiy, rurnwu, Or. fTAITTIOX. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest in eataoiuinea reat estate ousinw advice of Portland Reaity Board, F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 832 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. fiixin nnonlnr take rhartc of Daylnt busi ness at Boise, Idaho, salary $125 per month and expenses, ;t5U investment re-nnird- salarv and investment guaran teed: references exchanged. Permanent position. D 55ti, Oregonlan. HARDWARE and Implement store located ii ti.a wiiiitnietfa Vullev. w ill inventory fixtures and merchandise $10,0u0, will give a bargain if taken soon. AV 43i, Ore-gonian. soi.m HT7S1NESS Partner wanted to tend office and wait on customers, etc.; pay $25 w.et-k Mlnrv besides share of nrofits. te quires small investment. Calf room 32U Morgan bldg. WILL you be satisfied to earn $25 per week? Short hours, no competition; staple manu facturing plant: ieiiuires $:50 for in terest ; money secured.. M 46o, Orego niau. WELL-ESTABLISHED grocery; desirable location, with good patronage, clean stock and fixtures; Invoice about $25uu; owing to other interests will give liberal discount. ;tlft Lumber Exchange. AUTOMOBILE business: young man as partner rare chance -or this business is growing rapidly and Is profitable: duties keep accounts, tend phone, etc.; J.5U re quired. Room 317 Railway Exchange. SOLID safe wood yard clearing $200 month. price S1250, includes teams, saw, elevator, wood, etc.. good rent and location. Call room 317 Railway Exchange. CASH grocery; Ideal location in new con crete o'dg. : 2 lurntsnea rooms; siock, na tures, furniture invoice about $1000. lilO Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONS, cigars, magazines; ideal lo cation, on busy uariine street; low rent: tine business and bargain for $oo0. 319 Lumber Exchange. $000 BUYS line little cash grooery In ideal locution, Bpiirniiciu-iiuueo uiau in, iuw rent, line equipment and excellent for man and wife. 31i) Lumber Exchange. $1500' PUTS you into the best paying res taurant in city; aany sates t a to sou; established over 10 years; busy street. West Side. 03 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, tobacco store; no competition; tine fixtures, good stock; rent xio; invoice $oo; price f-too. 24S stars; etreet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. - WE exnect to bea-in o Deration the latter part of next month; we need good, sober furniture men, machine men, camne-i-makens and helpers and do not - care to import them; we want 10 men to invest $1000 each. 10 men to invest $500 each and 10 men to invest $250 each ; ail invest ments are secured and our business will be conducted on the profit-sharing pi an, ' and all Investors will aet permanent posi tions and good salaries. Our plant, when compieiea, wm oe one ot tne xmei. of tha Mississippi River and the only one of Its kind on the Coast. Call at our of fice at once and let us prove to your en tire satisfaction that our proposition is all we claim for it. Pacific Furniture Special ties Mfg. Co., Inc., 418-41$ Lumber" Kx change bldg. OWN Kit RETIRING. Will sacrifice one of Portland's most fashionable family hotels of 50 rooms, elegantly furnished, all outside, modern, easy walking distance, well established business, low rent, good income: under present management 15 yrs., and first time on market; some cash, baL good city or country property. Address owner, L 540, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. f-Nmo TO invest by Eastern man, with serv. ices, in going, legitimate business that will bear closest investigation; might con sider partnership. Call at once. C. D. Strow, l-5 Stock Exchange bldg. MERCHANDISE STOCK WANTED Will give $7500, A-l trade, and balance casu up to $10,000. G 562, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Ground Floor. M uitnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. 20 ROOMS, DOWNTOWN. $500 handles this dandy little house, lo cated rignt in the heart of Portland, good corner brick building, steam heat and fair furniture. v 32 ROOMS. WILL TRADE. for confectionery or crocerv of same value. or sell on a payment of $500 cash, balance mommy. 40 ROOMS TRANSIENT. Strictly modern brick building, in fine location; clears $250 per month; price $20, part cash, 75-ROOM HOTEL. Rent only $4 per room; elegant corner brick building renovated throughout; has running water and steam heat in an rooms; will sacrifice for $4500 y take $150o cash, balance time or good property. House la makiug money and it's th best buy lu ir-ortiana. SI-ROOM APT.-HOUSH. 2S suites, modern In everv respect: eood furniture. West Side location, clears from $250 to $300 per month; price $4350, terms on part; win taae some exenange. BUSINESS CHANCE DEPT., SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. 4th and Pine Sts. SPECIAL NOTICES. Micellan eons. MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both. Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Aaencv in City. 508-9 N W. Bank bid., 6th and Morrison. 13TH AND TAYLOR $275. p rooms, first-class furniture; cost owner $500; fireplace, furnace; everything In fine snape; rent $3U. 470 Taylor su rea w German Co,. 914 -Chamber of Commerce. 14 ROOMS, all H. K., running water In all suites; clean ana new mrniture; rent oniy S27.&Q month; good west tilde location; nere is a snap for someone, call o lutn, near Stark. lO ROOMS ginO DOWN. Balance small monthly payments; swell locatea: good zurmture; a snap. CALL 88 10th, near Stark. FURNITURE of 42-room apartment-house on Grand ave. ; 1 and 2-room suites, only vacant: $SOO, half cash. Goddard & Wiedrirk. 24a Stark st. WANTED Rooming-house; h. k. preferred; nave &-room bouse, price xzuuv, my equuy i I'uu ana Sioo casn. u oa. uregoman. i-ROOM roomlnar-house. close in. Rood fur niture. Rood location: rent $20; snap. See Mr. MUIershtp, 807 Spalding bldg. THE Lincoln Hotel for sale; 11th and Mor rison. Call Main 3633. WANTED to sell or trade A good paying boarding-house. V 500, uregonian. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clears $50; $200 buys everything, owner, aua aiain sc. SNAP Boardiug house, grand location. 34 Park st. carpets and lace curtains. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars oi tne fortiana nanway, jikui Power Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station. Marshall vilOO. A til.'U. 1 suitcase, 1 ax, ti packages. 2 keys, 2 gloves, 1 pair gloves, 1 drawing board, 1 hooks, l nhotoarauh. 1 pin. 1 nail tile, 1 purse. 1 lunch box, 1 umbrella, T hatrhet, 1 tie pin, 3 pair spectacles. WILL pay reward for confidential informa tion leading to recovery or vioun stoien from Jefferson High School and saxaphune from Washington High Schol la De cember. BC 525. Oregonlan, WILL pay reward for return of lady s gold watcn, monogram m. -t. m., anu iauy gold Elgin watch, initial G. L.; all infor mation confidential. AL 537, Oregonlan. LOST On Vancouver car. Wed. noon, 2 packages containing ary gooas. rinaer notify W. R. Dunn, Rt. 2, Vancouver, Wash. Reward. LOST -Silver brooch, valued as keepsake ; on E. 37th and Sunnyside. Finder please call Tabor 1810. Reward. LOST Swiss watch, between Mack's Milli nery store on Union ave. and wniiama ave. at Knott via Russell st. 542 Union, ave. Reward. LOST A black velvet hat with black feath ers, between E. Broadway and Lents, re turn 402 Phoenix bldg. Reward. SOLID STORE: Sales $50 to $75 day and can be increaseu. owner wants a partner he can depend on: good pay and only $750 required, rtoom 32U Morgan Diag. WANTED Steady man to work in a grow ing cash business as partner; must be sat isfied with $18 to $23 week; $225 re quired. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. WEST SIDE grocery at inventory; fine lo cation; owner nas . been in same place 2o years. Goddard A Wiedrick, 243 Stark street. $1000 BUYS manufacturing plant worth ssooc: no competition on coast and wash ington; stands investigation. E. F. Cleary, R. 2. V ancouver. FOR SALE H interest in good paying bakery; must be baker with at least SluOu; will bear closest Investigation. Address AV 4 28, uregonian. INTEREST in well-paying job office In 'town of 15,000; invoice $2S(H; want $1500 for u interest: old estabiisnea business. 13:lvOlive st., Eugene. Or. WILL. seP one-half interest in good-paying cmar sinn a to goou. irusiwonny man lowest rent in downtown district, long lease; no other expenses. J Oregonlan, STATE HOTEL, 30x100 feet. Pendleton, Or. Fries, $io,ow. J ne rent pays over iu per cent. h. u. arg eatner. juiiwauaie, or. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. A SMALL investment puts you into inside worn paying rar oetier tnan wages ana your own boss at that. Call 303 Lumber Exchange, GROCERY business on Williams avenue at Inventory: on standdoing good business. Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark street. HERE Is opportunity li elear $3uO per mo. on ?i2o investment; sounu, certain. inone .varsnan zhw. rtoom .ii. $300 WILL buy cigar stand on West Side, in hotel, uoaaara & wiedrittc, 243 stark street. PRESSING and dye works ants partner; pays $1S week while learning; $125 re quired, call i-umber fxchunge. RESTALRANT doiiiir $! day steady trade. invoice 2-u, win sen tor sioo if tanen ai once. ittom hit Kan way r;xcnange. $S5 BUYS complete cleaning and pressing parior; location urst ciass: win clear $20 per ween. in mmogr txenange. WELL-FITINISHED private off loe, also desk room, $ aud $7. 72$ Chamber of Com men' e. FOR RENT Large rooma, suitable for of fices or musical eiudlo. Saerman, Clay A Co. OFFICES $10 up: furnished offices and desk room, free phone: very reasonable; Port ittDd's busiest corner. 80S Swetlan d b J g. DV1SK room in large, light office in Morgan hlutf. Apply manager, 818-81 Morgan bldg. TO RENT Officv space and half of b ise raem. 429 Alder st. Phone Main 3037. MOOSE HALL for rent Tuesday. Thursday end Seturaay evemn&s. Marshs'I 2350. aretaouaea. OPEN storage 40xS5O) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections all reads, i'enrral Hawthorne Dot k to. East 20a. M IsceUJUi eous. ENTIRE or part two floors, basement; rent moderate. 2d end Montgomery. Tabor 201$ tUMNE&S OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Best it mall business in South eastern Washington, equipment fine. Ad dre?i Cleveland Preygery. Dayton. Wash. CIGAR STOR7, $S00 38f Alder St. BAKBER fhop, 3 r hairs, modem; make viler; I mean business. 2&i Alder, BAKERY and light grocery; portable oven; no rent: fine location; terms. Owner, fttia Sandy blyd. Al'TOMOBtLE repair shop wants a partner; good pay and only $150 is-required. Room ;;2 Mrgan bldg. MOTION picture buyers, we have at present the best 2 snaps in the city. 414 Lumber Exchange. LIGHT grocery and confectionery, 3 living rooms, fine for man and wife; rent $10; prre $:.5it. 248Ht Stark st. POOLROOM. 4 good tables, good location, good business; established 4 years; rent $15; price $025. 248 V Stark St. GROCERY, bakery, confec., 3 living rooms furnished, in apt. -house district; rent $25 pHev $000. 24! Stark st. PARTNER for factory running full blat: owner will teah you the business; $225 required. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. MEAT market, takes in $10 day and $200 on Saturdays: all cash trade; will sell for $45". Room 32t Morgan bldg. CASH grocery: price cut in half for cash. Inventoried $l2a0; $625 takes IL N 675, Oregonlan. MOVING - PICTURE THEATER. WEST SIDE. GOOD LOCATION; BARGAIN, til BROADWAY. PAY ING restaurant $:50, mnt leave once for California. 21; Morrfyon st. " HAVE client with $5 to invest in business. Millership. 8"7 Spalding bldg. THREE pool tables-cheap for cash. Ad dress 315 Washington st., Vancouver. FOR SALE Tailor chop, reasonable. Morrison at. LOST Black Persian kitten from 090 Weid- ler st. Reward. LOST Gold monogram fob, F. A, turn 32S Glisan; reward. EASTERN star pin engraved Dora E. Asa. Reward. Main moi. LOST AIREDALE dog, ' C. Mann, East 5175. 5 months old. J, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan mag., xor a si oca. or merchan dise, consisting principally of men's fur nishings and dry goods, inventory valuation $1172.44, together with fixtures Inventory valuation $161.50; located at 748 Union ave North, Portland, Or., up to 13 o'clock noon of Monday, Feb. 1, 115. Terms cash. Certified check or cash deposit of 10 per cent or amount oixerea must ac company each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock may be inspected on application. R. L, SARIN. "Dated, Portland, Or., January 26, 191o. I WILL receive sealed bids far a stock of merchandise and fixtures Invoicing about $ltiOO, consisting principally oi groceries, the same being located at 540 East Oak st., on the corner of 12th st. Stock and fixtures all new; stock subject to inspec tion at the above address. Bids will be received up to 12 o'clock noon January 3U, lUla. I reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Certified check of 10 per cent must accompany each bid. J. A. COBB. 223 Henry Bldg. !. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 321 Custom House, Portland. Oregon. Jan. 25, 1015. Sealed proposals for construction of wooden hull sternwheel steamboat WOODLAND will be received at this office untill 11 A. M., Feb. 25, 1015, and then publicly opened. Information on application. Amos A. Fries. Major, Engineer. Miscellaneous. PROCLAMATION. Whereas. The Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon, as required by Sec tion B717. Title XLIV. of Lord's Oregon Laws, did, on the 4th day of January. asU5, report to me, as the Governor of the State of Oregon, a list of all of the cor porations organised under the laws of . the State of Oregon, for gain, which, for two consecutive years or more next pre- . ceding the said 4th day of January, 1915, have failed, neglected or refused to fur nish him, the said Corporation Commis sioner, any statement required to be fur nished tinder any law of this state, or to pay any license fee required to be paid under any luw of this state; and. Whereas, said report of the Corporation Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, con tains the names of the following corpora tions, which for tr.o consecutive years or more next preceding the date of the re port have failed, neglected or refused to furnish any such statements or to Bay any such license fee. to-wit: Acheson ciocr ft suit go. Adamant Company, The Adams Contracting Co. Agate Mining Company. Albany Hardware Company. Alhlna Amusement Company. Allied- Dental Company, The j Alton Mining Company. American Bank and Trust Companj of Portland. Oregon. 16305 American & British Building ft Land Company. American Cone Machine Company. American Contracting Company. American Dry Milk Company. American Lifeograph Company American Nebulixer Manufacturing Company. 15967 American Pruning Implement Com pany. Ames Mercantile Agency, The Anthony Wayne Fruit Company. The Anderson Fuel Co, Anna Creek Ditch Company. Angle-Lake Light A Power Co. Arctic Cooler Company. Armstrong Hotel Company. A rrow T ruck Com pa n y. Ashland Nursery Company. Asniana mpsiti ta unary. 7662 Ash wood Gold & Silver Mining Com-nanv. Associates Saving Company. Automatic Calendar Clock Company, The Au&plund Drug Co., The Auto Reconstruction Co., The Auto Truck Company. Auto Truck & Contracting Company. "Barretts." B Jk B. Guaranteed Damper Com pany Bay City Lumber Company Barter Concrete Tray Company. Barker Investment Company. Bartley Manufacturing Co. Baker City Iron A Supply Company. Baker City Mutual Irrigation Com pany. Ban don Iron Works. Bandon Wine & Liquor Co. Bank of Umatilla. Bend Brick & Lumber Company. Beall Building Company, John S. Beam an Irrigation Company. Beaver Motor Truck Company. Benevolent St. Protective League of Health. Best Tire ft Supply Company. The Blackwell Hills Mining Company. Bleacher Publishing Co.. The -Blue River Smelting company. Bonanza creamery co. Boyd Taxlcab Co. Bradley Co.. C. O. ' -Bryon & Company, D. Parker Bross Construction Company. Brooks Fruitgrowers' Association, The xn-ldge Point Ditch Company. Bright Realty Company, Inc. Burdic Co.. R. L. Bullv Irrigation ft Power Company, The Builders Lumber Company. Burgan Springer Hat Company. Builders Supply Co., The Carmichael Company, The Canal Construction Company, The Carlton Hotel Company. Canbv-Molalla Railway Company. -Carbon Mountain Coal Co. , Cartercar -Sales Company. rntml Market. 17228 Central Oregon Ice ft Cold Storage Company. 16542 Central Oregon Power & Irrigation Comnanv. Chauffeurs' Club. The Changeable Dial Register Company. Chehalem Mountain Orchards of Port land, Oregon. Chewaucari State Bank, fitv Construction Company. City Horseshoeing Company. Citv Investing ft Loan Company. Consolidated Auto Truck Company. ('orboU Bldg. Turkish Baths. Coron-Booth Hardware Company. Connell & Co. Copenhagen Creamery. Colonial Construction Company. Commercial Cream Company, Ltd. Cow Creek Lumber Company. Coleman's Night Watch Service. Inc. Commonwealth Realty Company. Co-operative Sanitary Laundry Com pany Co-operative Trust Company. Cornelius Tribune Publishing Com pany. Columbia Bakery Company. Columbia Development Company. Columbia Farms Co., The Columbia Iron ft Steel Company. Columbia Novelty Advertising Co. Columbia River ft Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Coos Bay Brick & Stone Company. Corvallis Fruit Growers Association. Crouch Investment Company. Crystal Publishing Company, The Dalles Fruit Company, ine Detsch Company. A. J. Descamps A Marco, Inc. Delaware-Oregon Gold Mining Com pany. , Tinnt Tni-Cab Jfc Transfer Company. Deschutes Investment Company, The Diamond Sana CO. Dressed Beef & Produce Company, The TtcaAi UoiraTiM1n On.. .W. Dunnavant Construction Company of Portland. Oregon, xne Dufur Land ft Development Company. Eastman Timber Co. Eagle Valley Construction Company. Eagle Valley Distillery Company. East Side Coal Company. Eastern Oregon Oil ft Gas Company. Economy' Wet Wash Company, The Electric Vehicle Company of Port land, Multnomah Co., Oregon. Empire Land Company. Equitabln Bond & Trust Company. Eugene Belt Line ft Interurban Rail way Company. Eureka Fire Clay. Brick ft Tile Com pany, The Farmers' Co-operative Land Co. "Fellows Grocery Company. 1507 Federal Liquor Company. 11292 First state nana oi rnuomain, im Fidelity Oil company. Fidelity Securities Company. Fleke. Trullinger ft Giles. Forsstrom Brothers Mercantile Com pany. Foellinger Fruit Company, The Fremont Construction Company. Fulton Lumber Company. 'Grays.' " . Garibaldi Beach Company. The Gate City Printing Company, r.nrrlpn T.anri Comnanv. Gageweigh Scale Truck Company. nBrmnn Renitv Trust Comoanv. Gllman Auction & Commission Com pany. Gibson Grocery Company, The Girard's Spanish Grill. Glendale Investment Company. Gnu Trustee Company finmnTi-Morfl Comnanv. Gold Bar Mining ft Milling Com pany. The Gold Coin Mines Company, The rsntrt "Rnv Granite Comnanv. Granite City Hospital Training School for Nurses. Gravity Mineral Leasing ft Mining company, ita. rimnts Pass Ore Ramnline Works. ir372 - Greater Portland Steam Dye Works. 17140 Graphic Publishing Co. 17105 Guarantee Advertising Company. 15635 Hammer Company, W. P. 17163 Harms Company, J. D. 124H2 Hazelwood Cream Company. JHavaen improvement luiiiHany, Pflincq Mercantile Comoanv. Harvard Nebulizer Manufacturing Company. Hamblln Real Estate Company, The Haliai Restaurant oo. Hartman-Thompson Bank. "Hammond Tractor Company. Harney Valley Light ft Power Com pany. Herbl Manufacturing Company. Hercules Steel Company. Hermiaton Telephone ft Electric Com pany. Hickok Company, C. C. Hinkle Ditch Company, The Home Builders ft Investment Cosn nanv. 170S0 Houston Flooring ft Lumber Company. 15518 Hood River District i-ana company, - The J6T2B Hood River Mineral Springs Co. 16774 Hudson Ice Machine Company. 1722S Hunter Manufacturing Company, 17265 Hultquist ft fichobel Co. 2513 Hyde Park Land Company. 1G772 Hygiene Woolen Chemical Company. 15B43 Iceless Utility Syndicate. 16700 Imperial Restaurant ft Trading Com nanv. The Imperial Townslte Company. lnnes-CIarke Lumber ft Box Com pany. Individual Ice Machine Company. Independent Laundry Company. Indiana Oregon Fruit Company, The Ingham Vinegar Company. Independent Western Film Exchange. International Amusement Company. International Barber School Company. Iroquois Coal Company. Jensen Brick Company. Johnson Realty Company. Kallister Land Co. Kane Manufacturing Co., The Keasey, Humason & Jeffrey. Klamath County Agricultural Asso ciation, The, Klamath Lake Hunting Association. Klamsth Lumber Company. La Grande Manufacturing Company. Lane end Benton County Land Com pany. T.anire ft Bullock. Inc. 12HS6 Lane County Asset Company, The. 161m Lakeport rtaroor xana company. 15107 Lakeview Realty Associatiea. 18731 Lakeview Brick ft Tile Company. I 1007 Leader Grocery Company. I 11605 Lee Lumber Company, L. P. i 16469 Lewis Spotlight Gun Company. i lfiti4 Leet union co., me i::2l6 Liberty Amusement Company. 16376 Lfvermore Brown Bread Company. 14650 Lincoln County Telephone and Tele- aranh comoanv. Lightbume Manufacturing Co. LincoJn Outfitting Company. Linnton Road Lumber Company. ' Loewenberg ana Going Company. Long Lake Lumber Company. Lostine Light Company. Lone Pine Ditch Company The Lone Star Kootenay Mining Company. 13.169 17229 13560 167oS ltiao.T- 16657 14440 1720O 145S2 16036 15827 15221 Ht6i7 51S0 in.14 i:;666 1699ft 14858 16518 13027 16221 16613 16642 80." 0 164 1G550 11604 i;Si2 3 6567 147R9 15916 11S44 6026 17294 16S9S 16149 149S9 ims7 1:ttl8 16093 3 21 as 16:452 16996 U1776 ' 1S308 16749 16575 12886 -16628 16S06 1H222 16411 3 7225 3 6.197 3 5929 13238 34623 36.i37 16481 10.; 7 6 1176 15209 16508 17268 16011 16677 1 S5 1 5052 16S16 16646 13770 1133 12115 16169 15S47 16S09 9467 16660 16932 13709 16750 14999 8282 10332 12730 14618 3 5701 11882 36959 16247 3A482 13269 36461 16421 3 6290 3 6384 16534 16167 1K931 9934 12451 16431 16544 16433 16219 16438 1 6916 15480 11862 16328 16103 16S31 1667T 2263 15702 14007 14344 15172 1313 16444 10899 14033 17047 143G4 1653 16828 9283 10278 233T 16793 10729 16346 16579 14978 15434 16335 13032 9089 16553 SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. 16054 14349 16580 10852 15382 9295 14288 36854 16538 17242 17322 15600 10492 17184 15047 8529 16853 14S87 14219 16139 13S57 12759 16391 15ti7 7792 13508 16716 16132 10W7 16545 1 6295 10373 12 167S0 5954 15181 16412 73 11640 15:0 5 16S20 10404 16213 14015 16443 Astoria Dentists Co. 16990 163;9 16317 6479 11215 15135 15986 1ft719 16136 Los Angeles Tlmeteat Company l Tlclf l.unauo xn vestment i.umpaiij. 14261 Malheur County Agricultural Asso ciation. 17101 Mann Investment Company. 12688, Madras Oil ft Gas Company. 1230 Maumee Orchard Company, The 168.12 Malheur Publishing company. 17131 McMinnville Mercantile Company. 16900 Merit Company. 15311 Merlin Heights Orchard Co. 1 61S6 Medtord Produce Company. S 16347 Miller Amusement Company, The Frank 14946 Mineral Extraction Company. 16757 Milwaukie Hotel Company. 14151 Miocene Oil and Gas Company. . 12461 Monroe Cannerv Association. 17159 Morttz Manufacturing Company, The 15755 Monarch Transportation Company. 31777 Mountain Treasure Mining Company. 167S4 Mt. Hood Falrfields Orchards Com pany. 11281 Mount Hood Railway and Power company. 17309 Multnomah Bus ft Automobile Com pany. 1167 Multnomah Mill A Construction Co. 17232 Multnomah Sand ft Brick Company. 1660ft Murray Co., Leslie W. 16802 Murdock Stock ft Fruit Lands Co. J1071 Mvers ft Co., Inc.. A- W. 14SS1 Rational Map and Publishing Com pany. 17012 National Rubber Substitute Company. 7971 Nehalem Coal Company, The 15838 New County Club, Racing and Exhi bition Association. The 161 59 New England Improvement Co. 14559 Newberg Packing Company. 17477 New Vork Investment Company. 16JS1 Nob Hill Amusement Company 12100 Noon Lumber Co.. W. C 107-17 Noslo Mining Company. 17007 North American Hospital Association. Northern Pacific State Hospital As sociation. Northern Trust Company. Northwest Amusement Company. Northwest Ideal Package Co., The Northwest Mining Bureau, The Northwest Refrigerating Machine Company." Northwestern Financial Company. Northwestern Gageweigh Scale-Truck Company. Nulac Company. Nunan, Taylor Company. Njusa Oil ft Gas Company. Oakland Poultry Products Company. Olympia Bottling Company, The Old Settlers Irrigation Company, The u .Neu urotncra company. Ontario Independent Telephone Com pany. Ontario Orchards Land Company, Ophir Company. Orpheus Club. Orient Hop Company. - Oregon Abstract Company. Oregon Auto Repair Company. Oreeon Beach Hotel Company. 16291i Oregon Central Telephone Company, The Oreeon Citv Fruit and Produce Union. Oregon Double Power Truck Com pany. Oregon Farms Security Corporation. Oregon Fruit ft Development Com pany. 17121 Oregon Homeaeekers Investment Com. nanv. Oregon Land Co. Oregon Land and Water Company. Oregon Lumber Agency. Oreaon Mausoleum Company. Oregon Medical Institute. Oregon Reed and Willow Manufactur ing Company. Oregon Sanatorium. Oregon Sprinkler ft Irrigator Com pany. Oregon State Investment Company. The Oregon, Washington ft Idaho Finance Co. Oregon-Washington Produce Co. Oregon and Washington Trust Com pany. Oswego, Dallas ft Roseburg Railway Company. Overland Transfer Company. Parker Coach Paint & Varnish Ce. Parvin Company, The Palmer Creek Gold Mines, Inc. Patterson Fuel Co. Paga Mining Company. Parish Mining Company. Panama Restaurant Company. Pacific Auto Mfg. Co. Pacific Blow Pipe ft Heating Co. ' Pacific Candy Machine Company. Pacific Coast Corn Flake Company. Pacifio Coast Door Company. Pacific Coast Fish Co. Pacific Coast Line Railway Company. Pacific Coast Resilient Wheel Com pany. Pacific Electric Engineering Com pany. Pacific Gageweigh Scale Company. Pacific Great Western Railway Com pany, The Pacific Hospital. Pacific Monthly Company, The Pacific Mutual Property Exchange. Pacific National Lumber Company. Pacific Northwest Development Co. Pacific Realty. Oil. Gas ft Coal Co. Pacific State Bank. Pacific States Securities Co. Pennsylvania Black Sand Mining Company, The Peninsula Hospital. Peninsula Laundry ft Cleaning Com pany. People's Protective Association. , Peoples Restaurant. i Peoples Store Company. Philomath creamery company. Pine Timber Company. Pleasant View Water Company. Power Plant Equipment Company. Portland Adverarach Company. Portland Auto Schoj) ft Garage Com pany. Portland BaKery Companj. Portland Blower ft Pipe Cj., Inc. Portland Bottling Works, The Portland Builders' Supply Company. Portland Cement Company. Portland Cement Securities Company. Portland Door and Mill Company. Portland Fair and Live Stock Ex position. 18758 Portland Hydro-Carbon Burner and Stove Comsanv. Portland Motor Transportation Co. Portland Plastering Company, The Portland Stevedoring Company. Portland Tool Works. Prine villa Creamery Company. 15347 Propeller Promotion Company, The 14755 Purltv Cream Co. Purchasers Discount Association, xne Purdln wanson, in-o, Ray Cheese Company. Rainier Electric Co. Rainier Hospital Association. Rau-Mohr Company. 16210 Reynolds Business Building Company, W. A. Redman Hall Association. Red Jacket Mining Company. Reimann Manufacturing Company. Rhodes Planing Mill Company. Rita-Carlton Hotel Company. Ricolite Company. The Richardson Construction Company. Rinehart Orchard Company, The Richlands Trust Company. Rohrbacher Automatic Air Pump company. Rowley Automatic Stock Releaser Co. Roy Mercantile Association, The Roseburg Pharmacy, Incorporated. Rogue River Coal Company. Rogue River Pottery Company. 14421 -'Rogue River Valley Nursery Company. 15889 Kuoy creea aiming company, xne S. H. Yaquma co. Sampson Company. Limited. Sacramento Deep Gold Mining Com pany. San Marco Investment Company. Santlum Mining and Milling Com pany, The Saginaw Orchard ft Timber Company. Sanders and Sanders Co. St. Helens Transfer Company, Tne Scroll-Cross Land a d Livestock Comnanv. The 12479 School and Home Publishing Com nanv. The Seaton Construction Co. Sea view Land & Trust Company. Seaboard Lumber ft Timber Co. Segno-Tomek Gold Mining and Mill ing Company Shade Automatic and Differential Air Brake Company. Sheep Creek Ditch ft Reservoir Com pany, The Sherwood Placer Mining Company. Sherman Realty Company, The W. B. Shade Resilient Wheel Company. Sichel Company, E. Silkworth-Ftoslid Machinery Com pany, The Siskiyou Hydraulic Mining Company. Slauson-Cralg Company. Smith-Everett Auto Co. i Smith Furniture and Hardware Com pany, The , Society Circus Association. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau. Southern Oregon Poultry Association. Southern Oregon Supply Company. South Vincent Irrigation Company, Sparkwell Battery ft Carbon Co Spanton Co.. The Sphinx Plaster Company, The Stillmanks Co., The J. C. Steward-George Hardware Co., Inc. Stark Mine Company. Strickler ft Murdock. Incorporated. Stockwell System Company. Standard Fender Company. Standard Motor Car Co. Standard Securities Company. Star Engineering and Construction Company. Star Securities Company. Sunset EJectrio Light ft Power Company. 14170 ' Sumpter Timber and Lumber Com pany. Sun Trust Company. Sylvanlte Mining Company. Tatum ft Bowen Company. Tangent Vetch Growers' Union, The Telluride Gold Mining Company, Tebault Real Estate Co. Thorp Manufacturing Company, The T. J. Thompson Mercantile Company. ThnmaR Tnmt Comnanv. , Tillamook Power Company, The Tim Cnmnanv The - Toggery Company. The (Klamath Falls.) . . , Toledo and Stleti Railroad ft Naviga tion Company. Toledo Water ft BJlectrlc Light Com 14900 Troutdale Land Company, The 12270 Trail Lumber Company. 13710 Trow Realty Company, The 16306 Traders Trust Company of Oregon, 16958 Tuxedo Holding Company. IT 183 Twin Tanks Company. 16766 T'lrey Fruit ft Land Company. 15531 Union Brick and Tile Company. 156.14 Union Dental Company. 16610 Union Hospital Association. 15876 Union Security Company. 10395 Union Trust and Trao.;cra Company. 14537 Union Woolen Mills. 16961 United Construction Company. 3 3250 United Electric Garment Company. 15505 United Medical ft Hospital Service. Inc. 11035 United placer Mines Company. 13545 United Trust Company. 3 7199 Universal Refrigerating Company. 11934 Van Horn Transfer Company. 16543 Vale Oregon Land Company. 13334 Valley Electric Railway Company. 1RSS8 Vallev Oil Company. 16379 Vegetarian Lunch Co. 9945 W. O. W. Hall Association (Mt Tabor.) 16331 Walter and Born. 17245 Wasco Orchards. 153K0 Wavne Oregon Fruit Company, The 13808 Wrstfall Commercial Company. 16343 Wells Realty Company, The C P. 13173 Wenaha Springs Company, The 14170 West Coast (jontractlng Company. 16474 West Coast Sales Co. 1(5886 Western Carbolite Co. 163412 Western Fuel ft Lumber Company. 16748 Western Furniture Co. 15704 Western Irrigation, Power and Lum ber Company. 16249 Western Miner Company. The 1 1527 Western Mining Company. 163S3 Western Neckwear Manufacturing Company. 17215 Western Oregon Mining Company. 16937 Western Sign Mfg. Co. 15624 White Dairy Lunch. 16-175 Whoeler Light and Water Company. 1524.1 Western Lime ft Plaster Company. 13822 White Motor Car Co. 14408 Whitwood Quarry and Contract Com pany. 1O590 White Rock Gold and Copper Min ing Co. 16551 14259 16485 17S10 16494 17321 7823 A6J9 15766 9285 14046 16445 16267 Sill 13430 13S1S 17282 15532 15749 14.110 15306 irR4 10927 15385 1635$ 16428 16K 2 6 7408 7990 12160 16623 13846 163S5 16338 16471 16031 11019 17147 1050;) 162S2 12030 16742 16610 16322 16925 11079 1 6059 1655S 16SS7 36715 36K11 16737 3 0338 16K61 16378 17256 7832 16134 15528 1M7 12645 16392 14796 15079 15912 16957 10547 16424 14942 16590 16822 17120 16910 12957 17069 3 5907 15617 14313 17049 14821 14737 1(1595 10458 13392 13684 16K45 11931 16SS9 15595 16367 11345 37117 15612 12190 11745 17250 14424 16050 7811 15752 15497 16407 15791 15971 14569 15792 14121 16347 17051 12820 16744 16614 17066 14972 9926 14867 16304 15570 12312 16606 14834 16021 15832 1666T 15362 16810 17238 16313 12069 17257 12S16 14319 16497 17210 15527 16209 14608 ' 16260 15S67 10101 17220 16280 12301 17151 16261 16709 17216 15110 15300 13628 14221 16960 15111 16756 15714 16775 16225 14628 17 253 12613 14882 11029 15675 17234 16025 16356 15677 16350 8689 PttlAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. 15711 17023 1430U 15923 lti6 131 92 11251 124U7 16296 15235 White Sewing Machine Agency. Suit Wiesner Building Company. W." , I L- ,.-T jfc 4-n XV Km Wilson Contracting Company. Withrow's Employment Agency. Willumbia Hail Association. Wilcox I-umber Company. Woodburn Canning Association. Wooglin Investment Company. Worrell Sample Cloak and Company, The 12449 Woodville Water Company. 16359 Wyatt & Co.. T. W. rO-OPKHATIV" ASSOCIATIONSL 16439 Cement Employes' Co-operative As sociation, 16275 Co-operative Benefit Association. The im.'.u Fraternal Association. 17284 Metoltua Irrigating ft Power Com- NOW THKRE F0 It E. I. OSWALD WEST, as Governor of the State of Oregon, by vir tue of the authority conferred upon me by Section 6717, Title XLIV.. of Lord's Oregon Laws, and under and pursuant to thu terms aud provisions thereof, do hureby declare each and all of the foregoing and above named corporations dissoiven, ana ineir r tiie. .nf in.-.iri.ftmiimi revi.knd and reocaied. and all powers conferred by law upon such corporations are aereny ueciwivu "vhi tive and void. . . i v wit v i-fl WTiKTtEOF. I have here unto set my hand and caused the Seal of State to be hereunto affixed at the City of Salem, State of Oregon, this 9th day of J an uary, in the year of our Lord uue Thou sand Nine Hundred aua riiieen. OSWALD WEST, By the Governor: Governor. BEN W. OLCOTT, Keoretnrv (if SLata. r; (State Seal) r o rvr'i .lUiT roNJ Whereas. The Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon., as required by Chap, ter 50, Laws of Oregon l'Jll. did on the 4th day of January, ivi repon iu i Governor of the Stato of. Ores on a list of all foreigu corporal ions w hli h for two consecutive years or more next preceding ihi mni 4 tli dav of January. 1915. have failed, neglected or refused to furnish him, tne said orporanoo uiuibimiuuoi, any annual statement require a to vv iut niht ii ruler unv law of the state; and. Whereas, said report of the Corporation Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, con tains the names of the following foreign corporations which for two consecutive years or more next preceding the date of the report have failed, neglected or refused to turiusn any suun iitiemoui, lv nit. F-613 Bohrnstedt Orchard Company, The A. C. West Virginia. F-299 Buckeye Mining and Smelting Com nan v. A riaotia. F-314 Campbell's Automatic Safety Gas Burner Company. Arixona. F-271 California Northeastern .Railway Cnnmn.nv. California. F-785 Chicaao-Rogue River Company, The, Arizona. F-786 Columbia Bridge Company. Wash ington. F-579 Conner Land Company. South Da kuta. F-354 Cornucopia Mines Company of Ore gon, The. Maine. F-56S Crab Creek Lumber Company. Wash Inirtnn. F-784 Doctor Lindsay, Incorporated. Wash ington, F- 37 Eastern Oretron Mining Company, ' The. New Jersey. F-633 Eastern Oregon Irrigation Company. laano. F-703 Eleven-EIchty Orchard Tract Com pany. Washington. T--K94 KMer Mlninif Company. Arizona. F-391 FiId -Carter Company, incorporated. Washington. F-596 Fidelity Trut Company. Wisconsin F-607 Grind Ronde Orchard Company, Washlnaton. w F-820 Green & Co.. Inc. Jaa. A. Maine. F-HV7 Hlllcrest Orchard Company, Wash ington. F-200 Hurd Lumber and Navigation Corn- pan v. California. F-349 Iron Dyke Copper Company. Penn sylvania. F-862 Jahn Contracting Company. Wash ington. F-S65 Klamath Manufacturing Company, California. F-429 Lane Lumber Company, Louisiana. F-885 MacArthur Perks ft Company, Lim ited, canaua. F-625 Mhrion Irrigation Company, Wash incton. F-Sll Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Comnanv. The. Kansas. F-S13 Mountaiu Meadow Fruit Company. south jjaKOta, F-509 Modoc Northern Railway Company. California. P-S79 National Pole Company. Michigan. F-735 Norman Hotels, Limited, The. Wash- inerton. F-767 Northwest Municipal Construction Company, w ashington. F-789 Oregon Hydraulic Mining Company. Arizona. F- 48 Oregon & Pacific Railroad Construc tion Company. California. F-637 Penn-Oregon Orchards Company. Arizona. F-75S Puget Sound Realty Company. Wash- F-484 Red River Gold Minfng and Milling Company. Arusona. F-228 Riverton Coal and Development Com pany, caiirornia. F-675 Roebling Construction Company, The. New Jersey. F-747 Santiam Land & Timber Company. Michigan F-825 Sound Construction & Engineering Co. Washington. F-394 Taber Fraction Mines Company. Art son a. F-W4 Tri-State Terminal-Warehouse Com pany. Washington. F-624 Tualatin Irrigation Company. Wash ington. F-479 United Wireless' Telegraph Company of New York. .New York. F-120 W & O Mining Company, Washing ton. F-766 Waldo Consolidated Gold Mining Company of Oregon. Delaware. F-793 Waldo Hills Orchard Company. West Virginia. F-715 Warren ton Townilte Company. Washington. F-570 Western Laundry Machinery com pany. iwBiiiorom. F-542 Willett ft Burr. California. F-116 Wilson Investment Company, The. wasnington. Now therefore, I, James Wlthycombe, as Governor of (tie State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by Chap ter 50, of the Laws of Oregon for 1911, and under and pursuant to the terms and pro visions thereof, do hereby declare the right of each and all of the foregoing and above named corporations to transact business In uA ci.o nf Oreiron revoked and renealed. and all power conferred by law upon such corporations are hereby declared inoperative , and void. ' t niinMi wh exeof . I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Stale to be hereunto affixed at the City of Salem, State of Oregon, tnis z:a aay oi lu.uumiy, in in year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hun dred and Fifteen. an JAMES WITHYC0MBE. (State Seal) Governor. By the Governor. BEN W. OLCOTT. Secretary of State. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan en Keat Kstate. S, 1, City Rldence Luans. W can make a number of good real estate loans this week on mty modern residents property ia amounts ranging from Sluoo to . S40OU. Wo beilec you will liko our method of handling loans. Come in and talk It or. Call for Mr. Curtis. THE BRONG CO.. INC. 27 Ouk totrewU MORTGAGE LOAN 8. Any aniuunt, low ratts, promptly closed. Attractive rt-pametit privileges. A. H. iilRRKl.L CO., 217 Northw ustei u bunk ltldg. Marshall 4114, A 4 1 IS. MONEY TO LOAN. ON lllPKUVliO KKAL I.TM'N FOR BUILDING J'LUPOoLS. VKUY 1LKX 1BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE THlsV CO., SU SPALDING 11 LUG. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OK FvR BIMLD1NG PURPOSES; LlMEKtL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING l'KOUKKl(.r Til K EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION, 2tf STARK XT. MONEY TO LOAN On Port laud city rel estate. Farm loans at lowest current rales. M ALL VON HOKSTEU 104 Second St., nrsr Washington. WE PURCHASE iiiorifKM, contrail- snl equities st right figures, ruhmit aU luatist by mall. No photio Inf n rnwttoo. OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE U'Y, TNO. Hiocfc Kxrh. Bldg.. liJ and YsinhLI Sts. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Money on business property. apartment a dwellings mid fi m-. It. H. Blossom Sis Chambur of Commerce. MONEY to loan; mortgages purchased: ( slder desireble building loans, fire Insur ance, Henry C. 1'rudhouiiue. financial agent, Morgan bldg; . t k mortgage loans-i WILLIAM U BOYD, i Henry Bldg. $000. HOW) AND upward on iniproed rrl estate; favorable term-; no tie!)'!, n brokers1. John Ruin, ."n7 SpNhilug hidi;. MORTGAGE loans, city and Willamette V-l-Jey, It-w rate"; cuuiteous treatment; prompt artlon. E. A. Cun t. I'd 4 O.ik M. T AND 7 per cttit mouey to loan on Im proved property. Dunne A Kuuold, Chamber vl Commerce, S;0uQ TO LOAN on Port Uud r-l elie HAMMOND MORTGAGE COVI'ANi. 4JJ-424 Chiimbrr vt Commerce. MO RTO A G E I .OA NS IN ANY AMOl'N T. OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stock Exchange bldg., 8.1 and Ysmhlll. (00.000 TO LOAN In sum- to suit; build ing mans: lowest rates, W. G. Btik Sli 31S Falling blrtg. TO LOAN 4y,(H0 OR LESti. FARR1NGT0N. 10 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLPG. bEE us todsy for Iohiis on Improved my property, 0 to 8 por cent ; -'"o aud up. Cellara-Murtoii Co.. t" Yeon bWt $34 (K TO LOAN on good real estate security. will Dreaa tnis amount tor iwu ou. Full particulars, 012 Platt bldg. bTATB FUNDS, tf per cent. W. E. Thorn, asf-nt Multnomah County. 4ot Ch. of Coin Money to Loau Chattels and, Malarias, IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of tha finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. A loau department is conducted in connection with same, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL absolutely no sign deslgost ng lu.'i busi ness displsyed in front of ur f:. All merchandise pledged is bull for fetlod of seven months, whether or not iiurst Is psld when due. We are licensed and have been established since 1&&1- No con nection with auy other loan establishment lu this city. A. St M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 34 Washington St. LOANS 1 TO $100 QUICKLY. STATE SECURITY CO., LICENSED. LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONF1DEMIAU STATE SECURITY CO S0 FAILING BLDG. LOANS IN 6 HOURS T1M1C at legal rates on. diamonds, autos, pianos, household goods aud livestock, v PORTLAND LOAN CO., Licensed by Stale. 205 Rothchlld Bldg. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, watches, musical instrument SEPARATE I iK I'T. FOR LADIES. ELB1" COMPANY Licnsed, 3JU Lumber Exthsiiye Biug Sew nd a no atara on -.i- WE LOAN" money ou diamonds aud Jeweirs at half the ratis cnaigvu Marx fc Bloch. 74 3d st. LOANS on diamond and Jewelry ; strictly confldentiai. I4i aj" !";MTV MONEY LOANED ou dianionus sou j-'ri. 8. W. King, roem 4& wasmngiun uuH. LOANS on real MiaU. - ! T bid. elry. win. hum, . " . CLOCK IX. n-runm provemtnt UUi MiUllrd. ai.hinaT vw. ci;vr huusr, lot I paid. luo f'ttix. Fred I., !tH t'hMin. tt WANTED To borrow .;.im lor i jc.r. from prlVHie pnri . m... 'J ,llH ,r winmnilMiU ''.."MI", '" . r-j -z. , o, " ..;: Hflinu o-iiniii i curtly. U -r. O Mil. or.oiimn. WIHH to borrow from prlvalu yxrr al rf in.ble rat. n ' ! bu"" so property. 1 ' S MO. OreKonlun. Kio KIHST MuliTiJAiiK Id pi.r crnt. I'iiII ll 4lh ti oiu pi"inMi; t. Mllh (IlKl-Olllll J.-.00 on lo acrii tlmher luna.l. or more leei, i.iih ' .)r.Konlan. . lH.OItO.Ot'O AV "xTvrinB OH1 DISSOLUTION. Notice l hereby given that the firm of Alberta Ca':h Urocery n nceoy aiisoivea by mutual consent. The bueinese will b. conducted by W. M. Herren, who will col lect all accounts ana pa- an dim.. Dated at Portland, Or.. thi Jan. 2r. 1915. ALBKUTA CASH UKOCERY. By Carl O. Peterson, by V. M. Herrren. ' u2 Alberta St., Portland, Or. FINANCIAL WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delays; principals only Robertson & Ewing. ilui-l'ua Moith v.estern Bank bldg. HOKTOAGK loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (llrst and second), equities pur chased. F H. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. FIRST and seooritl mortgages, also sailers interest In contracts purctiaaed ; Oregon or Wash H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg. WE buy notes. -bonda and uiortguges. Rob ertson & Ewing. N. W. Bank bldg. Money to Vomn Heal Kataf . lino iTiOuTTiituO-TO loan on city real es tate; favorable terma H. N. Scott, bit Worcester bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban real eatate at 7 and 8 per cent. W. H. Nuno, 448 Sherloqk bld. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO, 85 Fourth Street. WILL BUY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Seller's contract or mlgs. on clear prop erty. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. WISH to loan o00 or less on good Polk or Yamhill yountv farm. Address AB 675, Oregonlan. WILL give loan of f'-' Mar. .Hal I Ml1.. nil WANTED Is'H1: u-room 'omsr- A IoiHon, y ioio v, WILL Ilw best of collateral loan of !?'. Marshall 1m. it. ecurlty for I1S00 WANTED on nioi.ei n , striated diftrl.t Main ll'.B. tioioe m rt" WANT Jlll.CHIU on cloe-lll Improved rornri. D Tt-tlf. (irPK'inini.. 1'KltHONAi- 4 . HAlK-HA'lK-llAIR-lIAlR. -rt-lnch cnvent hair stt'hs oil-Inch convent hair switches, gray Hair tiresnliiK, ""; nanipia Face m.nauae. nianlrui. 12 scalp treatments . . . Superfluous hlr removed by ele.nrlo needle, guaranteed rot lo return. cut hilr In any switch... .rv lenath; price half. Sanlterv Parlors. 400 Dekiim bldg.. 3d and Washington. FEBVET it HANE1I1T. Leading wig and toupe ik-: finest stock human hair kooos; swltc.ies from n .... no- halrdresslng, manlcurlnr. f"'. Hid scalp -treatment, oomlilngs ma.le uji to or. er. 147 Broadwa:-. near Murri.n. JMaln .. . and masseuse. j. . w . v iMlnd nurse Steam bathe and massage for rheumatism. lumbaKO. etc. 452 Salmon, corner 15lh. Marshal; SOU. Open Bundaya. - TMl-- MOUI.'I. dres'iliuklng puiloia. Wa.h St., room 7oC. Party .IreKsrs. filioy uaials and remodeling; prices most reason. bin EI Ft TItIC VIBRATOR for rheum s Ism. neuralgia. facial "n .t-ulp treatments; reaaonable. Phone Marshall !. pMBRKLLAH All colors atol al Ut-, largent 1 stock, recovering, new h.ntlle, put on. Meredith's. --!) Washlfg'QB '. " MADE OF VOIR t'Oill '.INtiB. !wltrhea or,e. curls and J.uffs ie. Sani tary B' auty Parlors, 4 on Dcmim. KC1FNT1FIC niassctiae. gt.uine tub baths, alcoholic and magnetic treatments chi- mnnlciirlng. '-'0 Vacl'.iy hl.1g. ;pi f'ITt 'AM KM Rev. vary A. Price. r;r. le Tii.'a " Werl and tnn.. P. V Readings ,tu" rit-t Mh st. Marshall X!a. ti.00 TO t.1000 to loan on cily or farm mop. erty. laoor .iv ui d tv.. v. am....... I'l.O. fJr.O, li00. 100. fU'OO, IISOO. Kred w. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE 7tit0 to loan at 7 per cent otj 1m proved property only. J o.'.x. Oregonlan. IAVE gutiu on hand for loan ou improved property. AM Mo. Oregonlat.. MONEY loaned on real estate; contrscta and m tgs. bought. H. Miley, 204 Oerllnger bldg $300 TO LOAN on uity or J to S years. Main 1955. or suburban raalty. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS AT T. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 2A Flrgt St. MONEY any amount, 8 W 8 per cent. H. Seitx & Co.. :a Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme. Morgan bid. I WILL loan $o00 to 17000 on city or farm property. AK M. Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDINO. 31.1. Ch. ot Coin. WILL loan $iui to 19000 on Improved prop- erty. AM 3-'. uregoinan. hlvORi'K Lawyer of L'S years- experience; Veil. bit , artvlce given free. 404 Rolhchlld blng.. 'JS7U. Washington. MHS S'fKVtXS. 'Jl ear Portlands re nowned nalmia. nnd eliilrvot ant. author of "Palmistry Made E.ts. .'; Jill Morri.on at r-R tnl'ATF. masaeuse glee treatments dally M North 20th St.. near Washing toivMalnSf MIS ETHEL Hl'RK, nianleurlne. eleolrlc iriatmepla. !'.'-4l:l Northwest hide. MOLES. t.ieiliioiis hir removed. m d" HIM '.-! l'lledner hlrlg Main 347H M CH IRt H'l: CTI chroi Ic in.e., HI treat- menu H; others less; 30 rooms. Wash nu OLC NKt'HYBV. U'.' Flledntr tld. Main 91 W. Hours 1" to LESSONS In r L';ir, eth st. r heenology and catd readlnga hone Main mi. IMPORTANT VKSIAfle" for Fltc'.' I. l.uly "Write Ben T1olsr. Centervllle. . Hull. MORTGAGE LOANS. S and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. lit STARK ST. AM. amounts at low rates of Interest. 414 Yeon bids;. Ore. Bd. & Mtfi. Co. Mar. 838. M VNIf'l ItlN'".. 7"7 Rothchlld I.MK IsJ' Wah. St. T.adles 3,-. geetlennw it.te. BAI.M OF FIT compound sl T"tih' Tablets. 504 p', 1 rhon. Main 281 l BI'STde eloping: lad- .i-eelaTlsl; quirk re sulla guaranteed. 31 Broadway bldg lTtli MtniE .tlHOV. chliopoclv u.i.i manicuring parlor. 400 ild st.