Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 23, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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TTie Golden Sands of Economy Are Running Fast in This Greatest of All
Ours is not exactly a mail-order "system"; it is, rather, a systematized shopping service, which gives the personal attention of a trained shopper to evei y order.
Your order is studied and promptly filled with as much "intelligent interest" as if you were here yourself.. Should you come in person we will be glad, upon request, to
have one of our experienced shoppers assist and conduct you to any or all of the 75 different departments. There is no charge.
4 Coat3 Ahcvz and 196 Others Involved in This Sale of
15.00 to 27.50 $
Fine Coats at
"A remarkable offering of all good, stylish Coats just bought
From a Prominent New York Coat Maker
at an exceptionally low price. The coats arrived here only last Thursday!
We can't use the maker's name but we can hint: he is the largest inanufac
tuier of high-grade coats every woman knows to be the best.
In the lot are pebbles, zibeline. chinchilla, boucle. diagonal, broadcloth, Per
sians, tweeds and mixtures. Iirg, short or three-quarter lengths, and the full
Jlalmacaan style, with side, back or full belts. Unlined, half lined or fully
lined. Many have fur collars. A splendid array of colors and combinations.
All women's and misses' sizes to 42 bust.
The unusual demand for coats of this character for. Spring and cool Summer
evening wear and the astonishingly low price combined has prompted us in
arranging this event and the values offered ore beyond doubt the greatest
coat offering yet held in Portland.
Coats at less than cost of fabrle. Fourth Floor, SIxth-St. Bldff.
1SS7 ' V " ' 1913
Tm& QmalitV Stoke of Portland
r"iftl. SixXN. "Morrison, Aider 3ta. .
Extra! 720 Pairs of Women s
"Reynier" Suede Gloves
Regu- -fj (Th Regu
larly larly
11 ofisa
Fine quality, real French suede in browns, mode, navy, tans,
beaver and black, 2-pearl clasp style, with fancy embroidered backs,
pique sewn. Every pair perfect. Pair, $.1.25.
Women' S1.S3 Mocha and Gaunt
let (stoves, real Alocha -in grays,
browns and black, and Gauntlet
Women's 2 Perrln's Cape Suede
(.loves, in biacK, tans. Drowns
and grays. Two pearl clasps,
with nlnlr, Rtitrhed rr amearnolnt
backs. Pique sewn. All 4 Ati
sizes. Reduced to, the I . 3
pair ...
Gloves, with strap at wrist, in
white, tans and black. f
Good range of sizes. If VI C
The pair J xJ
First Floor, Mith-St. Bids.
Women's Neckwear 57c
Hand-embroidered on batiste and fine organdies. Many effective
styles, including vestees with military , collar, and separate collars
in many extremely new models, also pleated collars with hand
embroidered reveres. Regularly 75c, at 2 pieces $1 each 5TJ.
First Floor, SIxth-St. Bids.
Toilet & Drug Specials
Karyptlnn Face Powder .35
I'ompeftan Massage Cream...29(t
Sentpre Glovlne
Pebeco Tooth Paste S8
Jergen's Rose or Violet Tal-
eum, one pound., .,. . lOc
Genuine Orange Sticks 5?
Uakflecu' Camelllne -33
Pears Cnwcented Soap llc
PalmoMve Shampoo 39?
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery 6S5
Orangelne. 10c wise for
Robinson's Patent Barley,
's-pound slxe. X5i
2Ic-35r Tooth Brushes, pure
bristles, assorted X9&
Hair Brushes, pure
bristles K e n a 1 n e ebony
' and rosewood backs 9S
Fountain Syringe, maroon
rubber, two-quart slxe,
guaranteed 69
First Floor. Slxth-St. Bldx.
That Were $5 and $6
The Shirts offered in today's sale are up to our usual standard. They're
broken lines of sizes and styles left from our phenomenal holiday selling.
All styles, all colors and all sizes included. Materials and workmanship defy
criticism, f or, the reason that they're THE BEST. The Earlier You Can
Shop the Better We Can Serve You! Today Silk Shirts $1.98!
Men's 2.50 to 10.00 "Mushroom"
Pleated Shirts, All of Them Co at
In a vast variety of patterns and materials. The 'mushroom" effect In ob
tained by a series of tiny turks run very cloe together forming the bosom.
Stripes running up and down and across, in many nleaKin-r deniana. ("tSothmu"
Hr-mnri 'nil"'ir-H Tfmnnnrv A nnpi, First Floor.
i- 4
111!- lit tl ill
7.00 for 3.50
17 Ftimless Gold-Filled Spectacles,
with adjustable bridges and cable
temples, special ut 93.50.
First Floor, SUth-St. Bide.
Ribbons 19c
Pure silk hairbow ribbons. 10.000
yards In the lot. Included are
plain silk taffeta and moire rib
bons In 20 different colors: light
and dark fancy silk ribbons In
50 different patterns. Widths 64
to 6 inches. lat Fl, Oth-at. Bids.
Boys' Clothing
VT-fO to l a mpeek"
jiolto aod vrr-ojitw $5.85 to IS - Sampevk "
Silti and Ovriroin $9.85
B o r ' -i o F u 1 1
l.eaartli Overeoata, alsca
to l inn S3.S5
Tf Ti.or.rj Aanei, Second Floor.
CottxiKe Hams, snear cured,
well aniolced. nearly bone-
leMM weight about four
pounds earn, the pound. .
Oranffeft avel thin nkJnned
SOO Mlxe, vaae $1.95. do. .15
Butter. Jersey brand roll.. 59
Kenton Bacon, angrar-cured
backs, whole or halt atripn.
the pound 19H
Coffee, Victor brand. Ib 29
Iork NauNaare. small link.
freithly made, the pound. .17d
Cbcerte, Tillamook make. Ib. .20
Queen Olives, quart Mason
Jars 39d
Sardine;, imported. Ao. xi
key-opentnx cans 25(
Tomatoes, solid, latest
pack. No. -V cans, dosen
$1.15; the can lOd
Butler. Royal Banquet brand.
the roll 65d
Hams. Kusrar eared, well
smoked and trimmed, Ib. lTVitJ
Pecan utN medium nIkc. ib..loC
l'eat. -Apex brand, dosen
1.40; the ran 12!d
Pore Food Grocery.
Basement, Mxth-St. Bids
Children's 50c Un
der Waists, Each 29c
Children's 5.00 to 7.95
Coats at 2.98
The balance of our stocks of corduroys, zibelines,.
cheviots and serges. All made in the Winter's best
styles, with many original touches. ' Sizes 1 to 14.
Serge and Cnal
lle Dreoesr
made of splen
did materials. In
a d i v e r sity of
shades and pat
ternst. All styl
ish little models,
extremely serv
iceable and
p r a c t ical, 2 to
3 4-year O Crt
sizes. Ji7v
N o r e I ty Wool
r.nd Plain Serarc
Presses, in a va
riety of colors
and effect?.
Made in long
w a i 8 t ed ptyle,
w ith peplums or
pretty combina
tion styles. Very
suitable for
school wear.
Sizes 6 to QQ
14 years... IOC
Fifth Floor,
i ixth-st. Bldff.
Children's 1.50
Rompers at 98c
White poplin, crepe or gingham in plain colors
and striped patterns. High or low neck styles, all
nicely trimmed in various effects. 6 mo. to 5 years.
92 to 84 malt
ham Dreimefl,
81.69 i'in
ef t quality
ginghim, In
pinks, blues
and tanf. Some
plain, others in
pretty striped
patterns. A va
riety of styles,
including- the
p o p u 1 ar and
bloomer dress,
with separate
bloomers, tiizes
4 & 1 fiQ
5 years A wf
ft'.n and S
All - Wool
White Flannrl
SklrtM. 1, . .1,
4 trim. fS.
t..'.e to f2JX STrratm, 98 Good heavy-weiKht
wool, in oxford, tan, navy, Copenhagen, red and white:
flat or hand-knit Weaves: hirh military, turn-back
collar, buttoning closely at the neck. Sizes 1,QQ
2 and 3 years JOC
Children's Hosiery
C hildren. S.'c Ribbed Khinore, in a medium weight, pray
heels and toes, sizes 6 toOO.
10. The pair
Hojn' and Girl.' -."e f'olton Ho.e,
Wayne Knit brand. Medium
weight cotton, fleece lined. 1 A
Made with seamless ft. Pr. 11 C
Boys' and GlrlM' "Cadet" Hoar,
the hose that gives the best sat
isfaction. Jldo with tiiple-knit-ted
knees, linen heels and toes
and seamless feet. Very elastic.
Box of six pairs, one or as- OC
sorted sizes, 91.35s pnir..C
Infants' Fine Silk and Wool Hoar,
of extra quality. Come in all
colors. Sizes 4 to 6V4. OC-
Three pairs HI: pair Out
InfanlN Mixed Wool and Cotton
Hose, in a fine soft finish, with
mercerized heels and toes.
The pair
First Floor, Slxh-St. Bids;.
Co ff man's floe Butter milk
Thoeolates, the box 49
Cof fraan's .4c Hitter im eet
t'hoeolaten, the hox Z9C
Coffman'n 50c Society Choco
lates, the hox 30e
Gum Drops or Jelly Beans, Ib. 1 ZC
Creamed Almonds, Ib ....... 23
lMnln Mixed Candy, pound.. lO?
( undy Store.
Basement. Mxtb-M. Uldff.
Boys' Shoes
nebular 1'.0 calfskin ncliool
phoes In either lace or button
style. Good, heavy oak tanned
Holes and fenril)le round tor.
Heavy nervloeable shoes thnt wHl
frive fine nervlte to the schoolboy.
Two iirires: Htses 1 to ti. the pair
at S1.98I iv9 10 to 1 Q
13, thn pair at iUO
Third Floor, Slxth-M. HIiIk.
Laces, Etc.
VI to I.!M jthndow Lsre Allnvrn
and Tucked Nets, white OQ.
only. 18-inrh, the yard. . . . vC
7Sr to l.50 4 hirfnnn and .ti,
plain and fan-y chltfona, OQ
36-incli printed net, vd . . . 0C
First Floor, Mxa-M. Ulda.
I t" ' - '-4lfe J-jlUUdlLB IIUI li HBa-aaaaHWMaaawaaiaaBiBaaHBHaMHM " """' L: S 4? izz-
I llpj" -j i.i5Vl. 19 Nobody may ever offer ycu a gold dollar for 50c, but we are doing something which amounts to the same thing. Today we will f "y- .. "-jr V- ''""''"'
I let our customers come into the store and pick out arty Suit or Overcoat in stock at prices a good deal less than their regular set p VlOV
I jjrZtvk (" 'tif rt ' 1 selling prices. We could never do this if we didn't have to clear our stock for each of these garments is worth every penny of its ? rft . Jtf, 'i i flBiiin
1 4v t. disi- original price but we know that, even if our profits are wiped out, you will become a steady customer of this store if you get a bargain 1 ? Il '$ 4 '
Vk l; - like this from us. The "early birds" will, of course, get best selections. TEMPORARY ANNEX, 2D FLOOR jjf J . ' rr
fj r , - ,i $ $Zijy -icu r''yVtlT;rrin.wirairl -e a& -...w 'nm , JaaFgBaaBaHSMBgaaaaaana'ia iiiiih nsmt rti-i.m?ia3ir.w.wiaift:'s-ji-v; vW v jk-jI. I m . i 1 1
a . mMmi!BiciMtojFJuiJ .-I .Ha ffr iS irvSriVi J aiMTiiiMMiilila1alaaOTaauaaaMaaMnirMMai iiiriTiM.aaiaiaaaiiaiiiiii n inaaiaiJ 1 )
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