THE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1913. 15 FOB RENT. I "u ml "bed Room. HOTEL ARTHUR. 31th. between Morrison and Yamhill. A very desirable location ; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience heated; rates for two, $4 and $5 p r ween, yi per day; do extras. HOTEL ROWLAND, 2'7fc 4TH ST. 1M ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms: hot and cold water; rate ,-.'), 75c and $1 per day; $3 per w--k and up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner 1 1 in and Stark: S3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat. telephone connection in each room; no extra charges for two in a, room ; room and bath $l day; transient soitcltea. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington t. at ISth; 50c day up; week Jr. $2.50 up; running water, phones, steam heat, nreproor buuaing, grouna-rioor ioddjt. an nigm service. Business is gooo. HOTKI. RLCKINGHAM. 20th and Washing ton sts.; new. fireproof brick, clean, well heated outside rooms, running hot and cold water, public or private bath; same rate one or two persona; $2.50 week up. HOTEL FORD. 73 Washington Family hotel; hot and cola water and phone in every room, rooms without bath $10 up; with bath J up. HOTEL CiC.KT.KY. Morrison st., at 10th Central location; REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; weea ly. 2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL RAINIER. Vt hlivki trnm lininn DftDOt- Modern, clean and homelike; the house that treats you right; 50c up per flay; is up per mo.; tourist trade solicited, ml. 4ii. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel- mnni Hnnnm X 1 It mfinth. I JO UD With prt' rate bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe In connection. rnone cast q-q- HOTEL saVOX, 131 llth at. New. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold- water, comfortably furnished; transients solicited. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast corner Stark and llth. Modern outside rooms $3 weekly and up. Large ground-rioor loppy. GERMANY'S HOTEL, 98 Knott St., block from Mississippi ave. car; nice, clean rooms. Tic to $L50 per week; free lights, hath and phone. . Unfurnished Boom. 424 JEFFERSON, two clean, front rooms, modem conveniences, private entrance, close in. , Furnluel Rooms in Private Families. BKAL'TIFI'L. warm, front room, modern horn', sleeping porch if desired. West Park. " Mar. 4'-' 13, forenoons. ATTRACTIVE room Hi beautifully fur nished home, -z meats, picnu . ' walking distance. Main 7265. 335 litn. LADY in apt. would give room and board in voune business gin; an wi- forts. Marshall 1869. Fit EE RENT to the 1st, Beautiful furnisnea room, well heated, all hot water you wan cheap rent. l,o N. isa. 12 WEEK tilngle room, water In room. every convenience, front ROOM, private phone, one block from Hotel Campbell. 742 Irving at. fnmuiied front bedroom, walkini distance, pnone, ai.ov p-r "n. lm Dviuvn nwinii rlpan heat, modern. cheap rent, close In. 144J Broadway. LARGE, desirable room, suitable for 2; use piano. 327 fitn st. Rooms With Board. ' THE VIRGINIA HILL, An xceilent residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent Phone Main zujw, a po-a. PARKVIEW HOTEL, ca rA-tr.m-i-v r at West Park. Modern conveniences, room, with or with ..t hath: excellent table service: reason able rates for regular or transient guests. .. noon PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 203 6th St., has fine table hoard modern rooms, sun. ptu , home; reasonable rates. BUS! NESS woman and students will find good board and room, $4 and $4.50 week. 1'ortiana umcu q .mu. v- - . THE WEAVER. 20th and Washington, fine residential hotel, gooa rates ior uwueuw home COOKing, new management. THE HAZEL, 3S5 3d st. M odern rooms, with or without board ; special rates. Booms With Board in Private Families. LARGE, attractive rooms; steam heat, hot and cold running water; suitable for two or more ; twin peas ; wwnmm i every modern convenience; excellent board; tleo large room with alcove and porch. Main tfShl. 501 Harrison st.. near i4tn. HOARD and room, use of piano, parlor. haiu. in orivate lamuy; gooa c,uw young lady preferred. $23 month. 22 d nd Irving. Call Main 2334. WANTED Young man as roommate; board and room, wuu sleeping uorcn, --';-. bath, in private family. $25 montn. and Irving. Main 15!u. iiEAL'TIFUL furnished room in a refined private family; modern, steam beat, very pretty homo, piano and home privileges. clothe m; reieronces. rnone w.-. LARGE front room, close In; modern con veniences: suitable for one or two, with or without board. Mar. 4410. 474 tjalmon. GOOD room, new house, near Multnomah club: meals optional; reasonable. Main 2-'H. i iwivf ..! Knaril :t.12 lUth St.. WalklUZ dl. tance; uteam heat, hot and cold water and home comforts. Main SM, A W0. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; KOOd board. -Alain Oooa. oml xxarrisun eu, near 14th st. NICELY furnished rooms, with Joard. $0 and up: splendid rates for two. phone ilatn P.274. 33 6th ft. -o U P WaVklng distance ; good board all conveniences; congenial. 33 17th N. FRONT room for 2 gentlemen, way. East BIS'-. 69 E. Broad- NICE large rooms, also sleeping porch, good tiome-eooKing. tast FIRST-CLASS room and board in private home. ltfS ist st. isortn. amj..1 . GOOD board, warm room, every conveni ence. So per week, sill I3tn, Mam EXCELLENT accommodations for 2 young men. reasonable. B, 4MB. ROOM anu board, bath and phone and use of piano. 4:tt Yamhill st. BOA !: t and room, "lisranre. Main 7 54 Johnson. 30. "room a:nl board for two, private family. 73 Hoyt Main 7106. Fiirnlbcd Apartments. KOZAXTA APARTMENTS. 1S9 23d. st. NorLh, cor. Kearney Modern 3 and 4 -room apartments; private Data completely furnished: $20 month up. I1EINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, first eta1: rens-natie rates. At am ooi. llisi-i (i HAI.L corner East 6th and Haw ihorne 2 nd 3-room apts.: private baths and phone ; also single rooms; well fur- niched, up. rnone r.ast a?.. (jiu.voesTA. East Stark and Grand ave. Ntijcly furnished three-room apts.; private phone and bath; walking distance; prices moderate, rnone j-.asi 1.1CILLE COURT 2 and 3-room furnished it unfurnished apartments; private bath, ttne nark, telephone, steam heat; 20th and Loveioy. Phone Marshall 2031. SHEFFIELD, 270 Broadway South 3 and 4-room apts., lurnisnea ana unruraimeu, lisht. pleasant rooms; reasonable rent; fa.v walking distance. Main 250tf. x 2IDISON PARK APTS., Piric St.. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart- rncupr; rloee in; by week or momn AT the Glen Court, cor. Park and Taylor, 3 rojms. outside, elegantly furnished, best -vrvice, reasonable. DK1CKSTON, 448 llth High-class modern - and 3-room apartments; low rent, walk ng d'stanre. Marshall 57. A 6408. S-ROOM furnished apt. at Glenn Court, cor. Park and Taylor; all outside, well fur nished rooms. -VVALON. Throe and Iour-r.Kim furnished apts., Mrictty modern. Phone East 3172. MtOOM apartment. East SIJ. completely furnished; outile rooms; private bath and phone: $"'0. I'hone B H3. Marshall 4114. FAIRMOCNT APTS.. Sti J1TH. M'idcrn ftirntshed two-room apartments, 50 up ; rloe In. Main 22s6. PARKHVRST Twentieth, corner Northrup. one modem 3-room apartment, balcony. Main 117. THE WINSTON A PAKTM IiNTS, 314 Mth st.. at Market New 2 and S reums. furnished: reasonable. Main 173'J. M Y 4-room furnished apartment at Lucre tta Court for rent, well furnished. Turkish ius. Phone Marshall l."13. COMPLETELY furnished apartments iu coa crete block. $12. Ilti2 I'nlon ave. North. AUPMAY TERRACE. 3i5 12th st. Large 2-rO'm apartment. Mr. John Cran. Mgr. THE ELMS, 14ih. near Yamhill 2 and 3 rvom, outside, walking distant; $13 up. 11 KR M EM A. 400 Hall St.. cor. 10 th, 3 and 3-njom apartment reasonable. CAMAK. H Loveioy Modern brick build--n: 2. ?-room apt?.. $22 to 130. Mar. 2i17. J FLAN DEKS Nicely furnished lower apartment. $-2.rQ mntli. TH E DEZENDORF. 20 iett iu near Tailur Marshail 324. FOB BKNT. Furnished Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Apartment Hotel Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR -ROOMS. Rates day, week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment ob the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE ALTAMONT, Fifth and Colleaa. Clean, cozy, three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelor anartmenta. Heat, water, phone and janitor service mciuaeo. THE DENVER 2 and 3 -room anartmenta outside rooms, comfortably furnished; also unfurnished; private bath, phone, steam neat; rent reasonable; references. 23 st North. Take "W" car. Mar. 380. WASHINGTON GRAND 2-roora furnished a pts., $12 per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern, clean: very desirable; hot and cold water. heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone East 444V. WESTFAL, 410- 5th 3 and 4-r. apts., furn. and uniurn., week or mo.; concrete biag., elevator; thoroughly renovated; electric cleaner free; steam heated; $22 up; best in town tor money; easy warning instance, TUB! PDnuUTT I. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient 6-minute walk to Portofflce. Furnished 2 and 3 -room apartments. Marshall C198. References. A S226. THE MORTON APTS.. Kin and Washing iuh unusBea a ana i-roora apartments. aiso 3-room basement, lurnisnea, and un furnished apartment. SIS a month; walk mg aistance. MONTGOMERY APTS., cor. 3d and Mont- lumBry BuiM nf new ana strictly mou- ern; furnished 2-room apts. ; private bath, pnone ana automatic elevator; ciose wais. ing oistance; $20 to $2ti. Mam vw. Unfurnished Apartments. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 6 rooms; large ana no.neiiae : more service ana conven ience for the price than you will find in tne city, .pnone Main Tola, A -oe. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 6 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants wno appreciate services; prices reasonaoie. rnone tarsnan aaw or a oit. SHEFFIELD, 270 Broadway South 3 and 4 -room apts.. lurnisnea ana unrurmsnea light, pleasant rooms ; reasonable rent, easy walking distance. Main 2a0e. STEVENS APARTMENTS 6 rooms, front and back porches, heat, hot water, tele phone; all light outside rooms, 7U1 North- rup, near ain u . 7-ROOM Duplex apartments. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths; in fireproof building. Apply 700 uavis st. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments first-class service; private phone; ref. LUCRETIA COURT, 40 Lucretia st. Finest unfurntshed 2 to 5-room apts.; references. Mgr. Mar. lots: janitor. Alar. looo. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room suites, unfurnished ; refer ences. KING-DAVIS APTS., rooms ; high-class ; 54 King st, 3 and 4 reierences. aiain .uoo. MODERN 'stt-am-heaieti apartment, 5 rooms. DS7 isast Main. , Fnrniwhed or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYNE, 813-821 Morgan Bid. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of tne city; great variety oi locations, size and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 3, 9 ana rooms, zour-story otick; elec tric automatic ele-ator. disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 22D AND G LI SAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. in city; furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3221. KINGSBURY. 186 Vista ave., off Washington at. 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or furnished y high-class neigh borhood; best of service; reasonable rates by month. WELLE SLEY COURT, QUIET, CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STS. NEW. modern, steam heat, private baths. laundry; save cariare; iu minutes iroin business center; references; 1 and 2-room apartments; prices moderate. Carlotte Court. Everett and 17th. . TRINITY" PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. TH E CH ETOPA. 1 Sth and Flanders 2, 3 and 4-room zumisnea ana unturnisnea apartments. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 or 4 beautiful rooms. furnished or not. Cor. E. 14th and Yam hill. XTats. CIRCULATING HOT-WATER HEAT FREE. Don't that sound good these cold days.' No dust, no dirt. Fine 4-room flat, sleep ing porch. Inclosed; also front and back porch; rooms light and airy, wall bed, gas range, largo kitchen, large bathroom; fine location. Colonial Heights, Hawthorne car 31st au Heat and water free. Only $2 per month. Tabor SIX rooms. Johnson street, $30. 5 rooms, E. i.jtn, near Beimont, szi.ou, 6 rooms, Wasco St., $20. 6 rooms, Portland Heights, $40. 5 rooms, E. Ankeny, $20. 5 rooms, Hancock st.. $21. 210 Stock Exchange. Mar. 1S68. $7 Hot water heated, 2 rooms; fine location mr aressma&er. U. S. MORTGAGE A INVESTMENT CO. uwi-607 Yeon Bldg. a ROOMS LarKe. liKht. airy, two toilets all modern, cnotce location, easy wanting distance, beautuui surroundings; rent fu. Key at 3S3Vs Mill. Main 5583. $18 Modern 6-room upper and steeping- porcn. newiy tin tea; lumace, nrepiace, etc. East l!Uh and Davis. East 3i'47. MODERN 5-room lower flat, reasonable. 570 Salmon st., opposite Muitnoman ciuo. Phone Main 2179. 6-ROOM lower, furnished or unfurnished. new, modern, iirst ciass. ou .at jtn, near Hawthorne. East 4S65. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern; choicest loca tion, west Side, inquire !; Abtn st. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 733 Hoyt st. inquire izv etn st. rnone juain 4-ROOM modern flat, 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main 3833, A 2676. RENT visible typewriters three months for S4. -44 .starK st. Mam ktio. MODERN flats in all parts of the city. bioca r-x. arsnau istts. COSY 4-room modern flats. 394 Benton. near Broadway; walking distance. C 202 L. $16 5-room flat, E Eerett and 2 Sth, first ciass condition, raoor Farniehed Flats. $16 AND $20. desirable and neatly furnished 2 ana 4-room iiats; private natn anu steep ing porch to responsible tenants. 671 14 Belmont. FURNISHED and unfurnished houses and flats in all parts of the city. 210 Stock Exchange. Marshall ISttS. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room flat; electric light. Inquire 2 . 3 j Broadway. NICELY" furnished four-room flat; water. pnone. oatn: reasonaoie. -suii itn. COSY 4-room modern flat, fumlshed, near steei oriage; -o. voouiawn ias. MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat. 12th N. Marshsll 797, A 713L Housekeepingr Rooms. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitante for 3 or 4; tree heat. laundry, bath, yard. Phone East 6039. 4Q6 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. FURNISH ED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at r4 Vtt Kiiungsworta ave. Low rent, Wood lawn 6S0. 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two - room nouseaeeping apartments, reasonable. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. cam oriage oiag., u, cor. asornson. ONE and 3-room apts., $2.50 and $4 week; light, neat, patn. jp irerson. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. Hot water, im in.oa ave. Heanekeeplng Booms in Private Family. NICE suite front furnished housekeeping- rooms. $3 weeic. b ivnoti, near Wil liams. ' THREE connecting H. K. rooms, modern. walking distance, zxz C ist si. rorth. TWO nice furnished housekeeping-rooms. cheap. vWl Ross, tnone .aat soi". FURNISHED new 2-room front suite, ciose In; $12.50 month; free phone. 3o0 14th. VERY large, strictly modern h. k. rooms, first floor. 392 Columbia. TWO strictly modern front h, k. rooms, $16 FOB KET. Housekeeping Rooms in private Family. SUITE of 2 or S rooms and kitchenette, clean, well furnished, comfortable and de sirable, gas, bath, hot or cold water; no other roomers T72 E, Taylor. East SJtfO- Rent reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and cn suite, bath and phone, rates $10 per month and op. N. 20th, near Wash, Main 6150. TWO or three nice rooms for housekeeping, phone, light, bath and wood, walking dis tance, $15. per month. 253 Chapman, .r- 2 DOWNSTAIRS connecting rooms; electric lights, gas, phone; reasonable. 29 East loth st. North. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern, electric ugnt, neat ana pnone iree. jam, cor ner litn st. THREE large, clean, nicely furnished h. k. rooms, 15 minutes from business district. ;5ti E. Alder st. 1 H. K. ROOM and kitchenette, gas and light, phone and bath free. 313 Columbia. .rnone Mar. un. 2 N EAT housekeeping rooms : teas, bath, electricity, sink; block to W-R car. Phone Sell wood I23. 3 AND 3 rooms, nicely furnished, a snap. Phone, heat and light, phone Mar. 2S76. iirvereti st. 13TH, ST. 4 rodms, entire first floor; com. pletely furnished, close In; also 2 rooms. Main 3072. McFarland. So9 Yeon bldg. TWO and three nice, sunny, front house keeping rooms, with all conveniences. 214 13th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas near Davis. LARGS front room with kitchen for h. k., not water neat, ltn st. WHY LIVE AN INFERIOR LIFE T In llvins: in an anartment or renter? house you are missing one-half of the reai pleasures in me. i nave some very desirable close-in restricted property on which I will build to suit for responsible parties at actual cost price, tomau pay ment down and balance Ilka rent. Shall be glad to talk it over with you. J. W. urossiey. ztofe stars: street, siain loua, 1515. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest oi terms, jutureinurst oo., z i u ift stars: st. Mam ii03, A laio. TWO 6 -room cottages. 769-771 Savier street, wui rent for sy eacn. Tnis is a snap tor someone as these houses have never been otfered at such low rental before. Parish Watkins & Co., 10$ 2d sL $22.50 PER month for 6-room modern house, osi ivearney su, corner vist.; newiy tin tea throughout; this house has rented for $35. Telephone Main 1002. Inquire 102& Yeon DiQg. HIGH-CLASS Irvington home, partly fur nished or unrurmsnea, choice neignbor hood; prefer adults. Phone Woodlawn 14tf. SEVEN-ROOM, modern, .up-to-date- house In mod huj district; rent oniy su. a or par ticuiars and Key call at tne oilico oi Parrish, Watkins & Co., 106 2d st. 596 JOHNSON ST., near ISth, 8 rooms and sleeping porcn; an ivejiy su, near, uainea, 7 rooms; 56H 1st, near Sherman, 7 rooms. rnone oeiiwooa i.u. WEST SIDE, nice 7-room house with ear- age, 394 Clifton st., cor. lutn, $30. with out garage, $2u. Key next door. Phone Main .4 3 9 J, Marshall -03 or A 4144. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room buniralow-flat. Hardwood floors, fireplace, i sleeping porch, maid's room; close in. Marshall Z6Z4. 5-ROOM modern cottaee. fireplace an d sleeping porch, in Preston; rent cheap to responsible party; kitcnen range ana some viiickus iur suit:. lauur ou. FOR RENT Fine little country place, near Portland, walking aistance or canine snap for right party. Owner, A 53S, Ore gonian. $1!) CORNER bungalow, 5 rooms, furnace, travs. woo a rioors. iireniace. new jin. oleum, very desirable. 1301 East Morri son, corner of 45th. 1V2 N. ISTH ST., fine residential district, easy walking distance business center, h rooms, furnace. $7.&U. Key, janitor Ionian Apts., jsiq, ana uoucn. am zvxo. $12 MONTH 6-room house, 2 fine lots, gar den ana iruii. -ast aioe, ciose in. j. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. modern 7-room house, nice place, reasonable. Phone Mar shall 117. MODERN 8-room residence, fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricity. i. iurnsiae, near 2d; $L'5 per month. Tabor 1993 MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG.. Main 5423. MODERN 6-room bungalow: furnace, fire place, hardwood noors. uutcn Kitcnen; clean snd new. Main 2070. NO. 1 N. EAST 72D ST., 5-room cottage, full lot; will renovate to suit tenant,; $12.50; key next door. Marshall 205. A 4144 617 OVERTON St., 6-room house, $12. Key next door. Phone Mars nan ua, a up. MODERN 6-room house, 484 East Everett, between 9th ana lutn. rnone & su. CLKAX, 7-room house, Kearney near 21st; gas, electricity, furnace, fireplace E. 4237. ROOM house, 712 Love joy, near 32d. In quire 130 6th. Main 6278. DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of city. Stout investment lo. main en. houses, 7 rnifi. each., cor. Broadway and Ross, 2 blocks Bdwy. bridge; $15, 17.118 ' 16TH- N., near Everett, 8-room house) furnace. Key of owner. No. SS. ROOM cottage, near Park St., cheap rent to good tenant. Main 1955. wjom cottage, bath, gas, nice yard. 427 10th, near Hall. 5-ROOM modern cottage 601 Northrup st cor. 19th. Inquire 5T3yLoveJoy: $l'o LAURELHURST house, 6 rooms strict ly modern, former rent $40. Main bill. HOUSES for rent on the West Side, M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. . Furnished Houses. BEAUTIFUL HOME, ten rooms, six bed rooms, two sleeping porches, handsomely furnished, now and thoroughly modern, fine view, West Side; make appointment to see the most desirable home in the city for lease by phoning O. W. Bryan, Main Vjtt3, A 1227. 30O Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. Nicely furnished S-room modern house on corner lot, good garage, plenty of fruit trees nice lawn; a real home; $38 month ly Fred W. German Co.; 914 Cham, of Com. is'lCELY furnished Irvington home, situate 4S0 East 17th st. N., including garage for $40 per month. . Apply on premises after 1 P. M. 369 B BROADWAY st.. near Madison, nicely furnished 4-room flat, new oak and Cir cassian walnut furniture, 3 beds, marble bath ; rent $25 SIX-ROOM modern bungalow, with garage, completely furnished. For particulars call at thn office of Parrish, Watkins Ac Co., 1Q6 2d st. i THREE rooms, furnished complete. gas range, electric lights, near Union and Al berta, $12.75. 411 Sumner st. Woodlawn 627. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, walking distance. West Side; furniture for sale. Main S67. ONLY $22.50 month 6-room modern corner house, nicelv furnished, piano, on cailine. Fied C. King. 314 Spalding bldg. HAWTHORNE district, near 37th; 5-room bungalow, completely furnished $20. llli FU RNISH ED 0-room house, ou Hancock, near Williams ave., $2. Inquire J. J. M c Ca r t h y . A bington bldg. IRVINGTON Modern home, completely and well furnished. East Broadway, near 22d; $45. EastlUiO. NEW (i-room modern house, completely fur nished, 2s East 23d st., near Hawthorne. Phono East 2410. ELEGANT fumi-hed home, rent reanonable strlctlv modern, piano, phone. Sellwood 1030 after 12 o'clock $10 A MONTH, furnished 5-room house. Ta bor f74. NICELY funii-hed Phone C 1209- modern home. $20. $17.50 Niceiy furnished 5-room modern cottage; SS carl in e. Phone B 1503. 5-ROOM modern, partly furnished, garden. 54 E. 3 1 st. near Stark 12. $-, NEWLY furnished, ti rooms, with piano. 683 E-SLark. WoosUawn 1-9. 6-ROOM modern furnished house, fireplace, $20. E. 273S. ISO Morris st. Store. FOR RENT Good basement 25x40 at 6th and Oak sts.; fine for painter or carpen ter; entrance from sidewalk; reasonable rent. A. H. Blrrell Co., 217 Northwestern Hank bldg. FOR RENT Good storerooms, centrally lo cated on main business street, reasonable rentals. In Eugene, Ore. Cherry Bros.. Eugene, Or. LOCATION for automobile supplies, etc ; filling station will pay rent; N. W. cor. Front and Yamhill. Apply W. Buckley, 7-?7 E. Ankeny st. TeL B 370 c-1 art An Whlnftni fit.. hp.tWMtl Broadway and Park sts.. for shoe repair shop. Inquire 349Washlngton st. I LARGE store on 1st St.; will lease for term I 01 years, av rv wtuon viua., j FOB RENT. Stores. DOUBLE store room in modern hot-water heated building: Sandy boulevard corner; very low rent on year lease; fine location iot secona-nana store. U. & MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO 6O6-607 Yeon Bldg. Offices. AUTO PARKING privilege with modem suite of three bright offices, $45; smaller or i ices, si a. stock ixenange, it a ana ) amhill sts. WELL-FURNISHED private off ice, also desk room, t ana iZ tntmoer oi com merce. FOR RENT Large rooms, suitable for of fices or musical siucuo. bnerman, ciay s L. O. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room, free phone: yery reasonable; Port- iana s ousiest corner. 3us we nana oiag. DESK room in large, light office in Morgan mag. Appiy manager, sia-i Morgan oiag. DESK ROOM, including new desk and chair, $10 per month. 353 Morgan bldg. PART office $10; will look after your busi ness during absence, uarsnau x. Warehouses. 4-STORY brick building, containing- about 20.000 sa. ft., known as 44 and 46 East 6th st. North; well located for wholesale tenant. Prigmore & Younger, 849 Morgan Plug. Main 7545. OPEN storage (60x350) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co. East 2063. Miscellaneous. ENTIRE or part two floors, basement; rent moderate. 2d and Montgomery. Tabor 3018. TO LEASE. FOR RENT or lease, dock, with about 30.000 square feet of storage space and 8M-foot waterfront in city. AG 529. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CANDY SHOP. Manufacturing, wholesaling and retail ing confectionery, a splendid opportunity for a hustler to make good money. De tails 618 Yeon bldg. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT which Is now paying $400 net per month. Open to the closest investigation. Requires $5500 cash. See us if interested. 408 GERLINGER BLK. WE have a number of live business propo sitions from $350 to $1000, grocery and confectionery stores, etc. Call 301-2 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SOLID store business, partner wanted; can draw $100 month salary and profits; mod erate investment required. Room 317 Railway Exchan ge. RESTAURANT clearing $250 month now for sale account owner has other business; part cash will handle. 317 Railway Ex change. BIG paying wood and coal business, fully equipped; terms, . wood, etc.; clears $150 up month; a bargain. Particulars room 317 Railway Exchange. t PARTNER wanted in busy garage and re pair Dusmess; you can oraw salary ana profits; your money secured; investigate. Room 317 Railway Exchange. SNAP for quick sale, grocery and confec tionery store; live business; De quick ix you want this. Call 301-2 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark. SMALL investment secures half interest In established business requiring service 01 man with salesman ability; fullest investi gation. 319 Lumber Exchange. SNAP Good paying livery stable, well equipped, active town, lor sale; owner. Clears $::00u year; $4oO0 will handle busi ness. 409 Morrison. LITTLE cash grocery with living-rooms, rent but $18, includes neat ana water; xirst class equipment; ideal location; $600 bar gain. 319 Lumber Exchange. HALF Interest in best paying picture show in suburoan Portland ; seats uu; laeat con ditions; some cash and liberal terms. 319 Lumber Exchange. WELL established dental business, one of best corners in Portland; several years in same location; more work tnan 1 rn do. Am leaving town. Y 533. Oregonian. LIGHT manufacturing: have openine for en ergetic man; win guarantee gooa salary, oe- sides snare ox proms, uau room ou juor gan bldg. MARKET man of experience and a little money. I have a line proposition to orrer you. Nothing to sell. Just an excellent opening. Call 512 Piatt bldg. $100 WILL buy Portland end of manu- lacturmg uusiness tnat pays juu per ceui. and work can an be done at noma. a. j. Good, Vancouver, Wash. STATE HOTEL, 50x100 feet. Pendleton, Or. Price, $15,000. The rent pays over iu per cent. II. G. Starkweather, Miiwaukie, Or. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. POOLROOM.3 pool tables, cigars, tobacco. confectionery, soaa tountain, gooa loca tion; rent $30; lease; price $900. $350 cash. 248 Stark St. POOL. 4 tables, confectionery, cigars, etc.; double store; man ana wue clears net $150 month; only $1000. 303 Lumber Ex. VviDOvV wants partner for grocery and deli catessen; miiiii ajj 110.1 nnuiitu, Marshall 1303. CIGAR, tobacco, confectionery store, cen trally located, gooa ousmesa, cneap rem ; price today $182. Call at 248 & Stark st. LIGHT grocery and confectionery, 3 liv ing rooms, rme ror man ana wiie, rent $10; price $3r.O. 248 Stark St. RESTAURANT, good money-maker, old es- tablisneu. cneap rent; aouv. a. a-i, wrr gonian. WANTED Partner with $200 for auto 'bus business; have tne car, neea arner. aii 4!2, Oregonian. SMALL grocery and confectionery store; living rooms ior man anu wiie; cneap. 824 Williams ave. BARBER shop; must sell quick; good lo cation; easy terms, dxj. ora at., aiciuu ville. Or. FOR SALE Best old-established cleanlns. dyeing and taiior snop; aoing gooa worn. Call Main 440. BARBER shor. 3 chairs, modem; must sell, any reasonaoie amount taken. Alder. MUST sell on account of other business good paying reai ebiuiu uuitc, . oiuc, ai 1141. WANTED To buy few shares of coin ma chine stock; state price. W 537, Oregonian. LUNCH counter, good location; sick; $S5 if sold by r riaay. zv -u st. POOLROOM, 3 tables, card tables, etc., by owner. C. P. Leonard, Jacksonville. Or, HALF Interest in busy saloon; little money needed, auo jjumoer .xenange. GROCERY, 3 living rooms, rent isj flho location ; price $ti0P. 303 Lumber Exch. FURNISHED tailor shop with steeping room. close-In location, low rent. ii oth st. WE have sevoral good M. F. G. propositions. Particulars at 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner, cleaning und pressing shop ; $ 1 0 ; will teac n miriness. :s 1 tt h. FOR SALE Restaurant, good business. best reasons. is. utn si. BARBERS 3-chair white shsp, good loca tion, cheap ren t ; sacrifice. N. 3d. FOR SALE Picture show, good location price $-00. 433 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Restaurant, good business, best reasons, no -J. bui St. POOLROOM, confectionery and restaurant at half price. 7'itn and w. misan. Did You Ever Invent Anything? Have you ever patented an inven tion? If yon have, have you ever converted the patent into "cash? It has been estimated that 96 of all patents never reach a market, simply because the inventor fails to find the man who can manufacture and sell his article. If yours is fan invention of merit, a little Want Ad run in our Classified Advertising section will probably find a buyer for you or a promoter who will market your inven tion. Try a Want Ad. They are little wonder workers. Learn to Use "TheWantAdWay'.' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, WE expect to begin operations the latter part of next month; we need good, sober furniture men, machine men, cabinet makers and helpers and do not care to import them: we want 10 men to invest siuuu each, 1U men to invest oo eacn ana 10 men to invest S250 each : all invest ments are secured and our business will be conducted on the profit-sharing plan, and all Investors will get permanent posi tions and good salaries. Our plant, when comnleted. will be one of the finest west of the Mississippi River and the only one oi :ts kind on tne coast, can at our of fice at once and let us prove to your en tire satisfaction that our proposition Is all we claim for it. Pacific Furnitare Special ties Mfg. Co., Inc., 418-419 Lumber Kx- cnange blag. . WTTPV vrTT ARM! WILL NOT ONLY SELL YOU A $27O0 MOTOR BUS. ." PAsSEiNUKKp. K -U-TRIG IJGHTED; SELF-STARTED AND HEATED FOR 9CO AND CARRY YUt A YEAR FttR BALANCE IN MONTHLY payments; but will, prove to you it is a great money-maker and show you a run where it can be done. realize on this opportunity before? best runs ARE ALL COVERED, W. UK GONEAN. FOR SALE a bargain : stock of eeneral mer- cnanaise, stare buuaing, aweiung. new out buildings. 10 lots 50x100, orchard, small fruit of all kinds. Situated at Wells. Or., lO miles north of CorvaUis, on S P. R. R. Prosperous farming community; good, clean stock, good trade, p. O. in connec tion, will Invoice with fixtures about $2500, cash; no trade or time proposition considered. Price $55O0. J. A. carter. Wells. Or. TANIS Jan. 19. Lillian Tanis, beloved wife or jonn lj. lams, or oil lenino ave., mother of E. J. Ware and Mrs. Mamie Knutson, both of this city. The funeral services will be held from the seliwooa M. E. Church, corner of 15th street and Tacoma ave., toiay (Thursday), Jan. 21, at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment aiuwaukie Cemetery. SOME TERMS IF DESIRED. I now have my old position offered me. and I offer for sale what I think to be one of the best close-in modern cash gro ceries in the city; invoice around $1100. Call at 223 Henry bldg. Phone Marshal; 9o. POOL ROOM, centrally located. West Side; tames; clears $120 montn; terms. Creamery at Jefferson, Or. ; clears $125 montn; sen at cost or trade ror iota. HARDY, 402 Rothchlld Bldg. BILLARD HALL and cigar store In county seat town or suuu, in boutnern uregon ; good location, cheap rent; lease: steady traae; win nanaie. LOCK BOX 656. Grants Pass, Oregon. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closine deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business get aavice or .rortiana Keaity Joaro. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, No matter where located, send description. No exclusive contract asked. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. STEADY man as partner who can Invest $175; duties listing stores, attending to phone; some outside work; can pay $125 month to each partner ;i references ex changed. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. ELECTRICAL fixture, wiring and supply business; neat, well established In busi ness district, for less than invoice; an op portunity for small capital. AH 529, Ore- gonian. MODERN brick building in live city of East ern Washington. In good location; has 2o rooms, well furnished; store below; a fine chance for right party; price $22,000; terms. AL 533, Oregonian. FOR SALE Washington County seat news paper proposition, clearing $5000 annually; no competition; 17000 to $10.0oO cash re quired; best proposition In entire West. AV 405, oregonian. FOR SALE Tinning and plumbing busi ness with stock and tools; excellent lo cation. Also small shop In a neighboring town. Address W. C. Gaddes estate, Rose burg, Oi AUTOMOBILE passenger line wants a re liable partner able to run the car or to be conductor and collect tne tares; pay s month salary at start; $300 required. Call room 32U Morgan oiag. SOLID business, partner wanted to tend of fice and do some outside work; pay $100 month salary, besides share ot proms: re quires email investment. Cal room 329 Morgan oiag. .... GROCERY, admirable location, no close com netition. invoice $2600: clean stock, Al fix turesr will discount fixtures 30 per cent, stock 10 per cent; Investigation invited. 319 LumDer n,xcnange. OLJD store wants reliable partner to drive delivery risr. etc. : must bo satisned make $18 to $25 week; $225 required. Call room u Morgan mag. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. STRANGER will pay cash for half interest or entire restaurant:, in gooa location, state location, price, dally income and expense first letter; no agents, al Oregonian. - HAVE buyers waiting; small grocery and confectionery stores irom $zou to iov. 248 stars: st. Ma ran a it .715. IS your business on its last legs? I can fur nish additional capitaL V 525, Orego nian. WILL invest in going concerns requiring additional casn. A o7. oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent, Both Buyer anu Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Anrv In City. 508-9 N. W. Bank Bldg., flth and Morrison. 13TH AND TAYLOR $276. 9 rooms, first-class furniture; cost owner $500; fireplace, furnace; everything in fins shape; rent Sou. u layior be. r reu w. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. 12 ROOMS, always full, sacrifice account of sickness. Mxrstiall isxn, 4U latn. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clears $50 month; S2UO buys everything. 30S Main st. LEAVING, $50 down, balance easy, for fur nishings of 11 roomy. Main LADY wants small hotel or good rooming- house. W 517. oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars oi the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station. Marshall 5100. A 0131. t pair shoes, 1 handbag. 2 purges, 2 packages. 1 glovf. 2 umbrellas, l mitten, 1 package- laundry. 1 package dishes. 1 nalr -Deutacles. 1 book. 1 hand satchel. 1 can of stain, 1 book meal tickets, 1 roll bl uepri nts. STOLEN From Grand Ave. Stable Co.. one bay driving horse, white spot on fore head and weight about 1000 pounds; also a rubber-tired toy buggy, side spring and dark red running gear. If seen, notify AV. J. Sullivan, 20 Grand ave., ror re ward. WILL pay reward for confidential informa tion lending to recovery of violin stolen from Jefferson High School and saxaphone from Washington High Schol In De cember. BC 025, Oregonian. WILL pay reward for return of lady's gold watch, monogram M. B. M., and latly's gold Elgin watch. Initial G. L.; all Infor mation confidential. AL 537, Oregonian. LOST In Majestic Theater, Monday after noon, silver mesh bag, containing gold thimble, krv and money; reward. Return to 1102 Wilcox bldg LOST A lady's silver coin purse, initial B on bak and face, in Roberts Bros.' - store. Marshall 16. Reward. LOST January 15, one red mooley cow, hpavv with calf, on Sandy Road. Reward. Harry Wolfe. Woodlawn 322. LortT Red Irish setter dog 8 months old. Reward. Phone bnst A4 , or return xi. Sleight, 5M E. 21st st. N. LOST Arts and cnafts gold pin, oval with coral setting. Finder please return to 505 K. J 5th st. N . and receive reward. . LOST Monday eve, on Grand ave. and Hawthorne, roll of loose accounts and fig fires, phone Sellwood 1030. Reward. LOST Lady's cameo brooch down town, Tuesday evening, between 7 and 0 o'clock. Main 503. Reward. LOST Red Irish setter dog 8 months old; reward. Phone Kast liu or return to oei E. 21st st. R. Sleight. LOST Package of papers on 4th St.; valu able oniy to owner, rmaer can jaarsnau WILL party who took coat atid hat from w ooamen s iiaii, nasi eiue, juuiiua), uou ly call East 5556, LOST Black wooly pup. Phone East 5489. LOST Tuesday afternoon, large rameo breastpin. Reward. r'none r-ast t4j. LOST Gold locket. initials M. B. Marshall 2i'3'- Kewara. LOST Brown English buldog, license No. 670. fiione owner, zzvo. WILL party who found small beaver muff at Majesiic piease pnone aiain ow-te. LOST Rins. 3 diamonds set In platinum ; reward, congress uoiei. FOUND Little gray horse. Phone Main 405. LOST Silver Persian kitten. 4 months old; reward. rione reiiwooa un. LOST Gold ring, monogram V. UX& d 23 V IU Jtowardft SPECIAL NOTICES. IK the District Court of the United States for the district or Ore iron, in the matter of M. Johuson, bankrupt; Request for bids I will receive seated Dids tor tne following property, formerly belonging to M. Johnson, bankrupt, situated in the store room formerly occupied by said bankrupt at McMiunvfJi, Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock oon on Friday, Jan uary 22, 1915, at my on ice. 740-4 7 Mor gan building, Portland. Oregon: Stock of goods, wares ana merchandise consisting of gents' furnishings, hats, caps, suitcases, clothing, etc, of the in ventoried value of $3bul.88. Fixtures pertaining to tiie same of the inventoried value of $-64.50. Certltled check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale- subject to the approval of tne court. inventory of the property may be seen at my office and also at McMtnnvllle, Oregon, at the latter of which p. aces ths p roper t j may be Inspected. R, L. SARIN, Trustee. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, In the matter of C. J. llton, bankrupt. I will receive bids on the following property of the above named bankrupt up to and including 11 o'clock A. M. on Saturday. January 2-t, 1915: 1 One 19U8 model Pierce Arrow touring car with limousine body, number 6"91. 2 One 190fi model Pierce Arrow touring car, number 0522, 3 One lulo Franklin touring car, number 12233. Bids will be received on the above stock num bered 1 2 and 3 separately or as a w hole. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check In the sum of ten per cent of the bid offered. The aggregate amount offered for the three cars must exceed the amount of secured claims iigKinst said cars, which is in the sum of $4to. Sale is subject to the approval of the court. Au tomobiles may he examined at the Graham Motor Car Company, 15th and Washing ton streets. D. A. Morton, Trustee, room 8 IP Yeon bldg. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Myer A Son, bankrupts: request fur bids. I will receive sealed bid for the following property, formerly belonlx. t3 Myer & Son, bankrupts, situated in 1 h storeroom formerly occupied by said bankrupts at Hebo, Oregon, up to and until 13 o'clock noon on Thursday, Janu ary 28, 1915, 740-47 Morgan building. Portland, Oregon: Stock of goods, wares and merchandise consisting of dry goods, notions, groceries, shoes, rubbers, hats and caps, hardware, queensware. drugs, etc., of the Inventoried value of $:VJ-7.M; fix tures pertaining to the same of the In , ventoried value of $357.10. Certified check for lo per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to tne approval or tne court, inventory 01 the property may be seen at my office. and also at Hebo, Oregon, at the latter of wnich places the property may be m spected. R. L. SAB IN. Trustee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THJ UNITED STATES FOR TUK DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of Karl L Worrell, doing business under the name of Katlona) Sample Cloak ft Suit Co.. bank rupt. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for a stock of merchandise consisting principally of ladles' dresses, la dies' suits, coats, waists and petticoats, of tne invoice value 01, togctner with futures of the Inventory value of -223.94. un to 12 o clock noon, rriday, January 22, 1915. Inventory is on flie st room all Fenton building, and tne prop erty may be Inspected at the premises, 381 Aider street. Terms, cash, and a cash deposit or certified check of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each offex submitted. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids submitted. Dated at Portland, Or., this 16th day of Jan uary, 1915. U. W, Satou, Temporary Re ceiver. Proposals invited. U- S. F.NGR. OFFICE. ti02 Burke bid.. Seat tie, wash., Jan. la. iuio. aeaiea proposals for Axoavatloii. removal of sections of an existing cofferdam, and construction of a new coneruam at me rugai ouuuu-iii Washington lock site, Seattle, Wash., will be received at tins omce until ix noon, Feb. 17, 1915. and then publicly opened. Information on application. J. B. Cavaa a u g h. Major. E n grs. Mlsceiianeo us. NOTICE OF SALE of unclaimed baggage and freight on rnursaay, January i, iui. The BaaKaae & Omnibus Transfer Com pany and the Portland Hotel Company will sell at public auction at the Buggge & Omnibus Transfer building, corner of North ParK and oavis streets, tne luiiow ing described unclaimed baggage and freight, which for more than three months prior hereto has been and now is iu pos session and subject to lien of said com panies: The Baggage & Omnibus Trans fer Company 50 trunks, 9 chests, 1$ suit cases, 3 telescopes, 2 valises, u bundles, 1 bundle poles, 1 camp stove, 1 bundle stove pipe, 20 boxes, 1 uarrel, 1 hand sewing machine, 284-, packages household goods; trunks for baggage checks lt(ss;4, 151&;o, 103302, !Hi477, 741 15, 170J;4. 170no:t. 44-SO, 62120, 62127. 594e41, lOTSOO; suitcase for check 4434S: boxes for checks 107574, Itibiai, 1S703; barrel for check 1702&i; sack for check 02130; valiso for check 70u07; bundles for checks 1020bl, 5205. The Portland Hotel Company 11 suitcases, 7 sample cases, 1 box, 7 telescopes, 4 paper packages, 2 valises, 1 overcoat, 1 saddle. To satisfy the lien and charges thereon of the companies above named for keep, board and lodging, care, storage and at tention by them bestowed thereto, which lien and charges have neither been satis fied nor paid by the owner wlthiu the (line specified by law. The Baggage A Omnibus Transfer Co., the Portland Hotid Co. No tice posted Dec. 1, 1014. J. T. Wilson, auc tioneer. TO WHOM IT MANY CONCERN. I have this day bought the complete stock of mdse. of J. Rosencrants, lt7 Front bL All bills are to be paid by huu before Jan. Is. HARRY NUSBAUM. NOTICE J. W. Dietrich not responsible for any debts of his wife, Dora Dietrich. Master's Notice. VANDUARA, NORWEGIAN BARIC, CAPTAIN SMITH. FROM CALLAO. Neither the master, the consignees or agents of the Norwegian bark Vanduara will De responsioie iur u-ul w tracted by the crew. CAPTAIN SMITH. Master. Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees will be 1 wvonsihle tor any rip-hts incurred by aiiy'.,Mie'"uer of the crew of the Nor. bark Vaudma. KERR. GIFFORD & COMPANY. Neither the captain unr the undersigned consignees will bo responsible for any rinbts incurred by any member of the crew of the Nor. bark Cambukenncth. KERR. GIFFORD COMPANY, FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES V7BSTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., SO 4th St., Hoard of Trade Bldg. SEVERAL FIRST MORTGAGES for sals. amounts ?o0 to impro.u i property, lienry v. rruunomuw, gan bldg. i,iv j iiTit.i-i.vcd ini(ie itroDertv: plenty nf monpv: ,ow rttica. u un.j , v only. Robertson A Ewltig. 2ul-2ub Noitn western Bank bidg. . CASH Good first mortgage for $10o0, 6 per cent. Koom tniuiucr wi luuhuhw Phone Main 4b. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort- guges ttl'SL anu secojiu , 1111 ' - chased. F. II. Lewis & Co- 4 Lewis bldg. vipkt onH KM-ontl murtanei. also sellers' interest in contracts purvucu, wic:iUu Wash. H. E. NOQi''. iunmermfn mui. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgagee. Rob ertson at .wum, t -o y j..-. Money to Loan on Real Estate, SEE us today for loans on improved city property, O IO O per win, vu nu Celiars-Alurton Co., 875 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE loans, city and Willamette Val ley, low rates, couneuua muuwii, prompt action. E. A. Curtis, 2.y Oak st. Tii t.i a N' :tntfO ou improved city property at 7 per cent iU, l. ueiser, 91 i vuamuer of ( omtnerce. rnone aiain o-ov. $1000 TO LOAN -011 Portland real estate. 4U3-424 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO., i5 Fourth sttfet. MO-tTGAGK LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON JNV, flt .iiuiviuAVie. v.. Stock Exchange bldg.. d and Yamhill. $lmk,0oo TO LOAN iu sums to suit; build ing loans, lowOTi t . . 31S Failing bldg $uo $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terni; no delays; no bro k era ge. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. $500 TO 500y to loan on city or farm prop erty. Tabor 2520. or B 462, Oregonian. L. J. LAMB. Mortgage loans. Oregonian bldg. M. 3083. WILL loan 500 to $9090 on improved prop er ty.AM$270regonUn. S00 S50, $600, $9u0. $12oO. $1S00. ; German Co.. 814 Chamber of Co Fred W. mmerce. ALL amounts at low rates of interest. 414 Yeon bldg. Q.e Bd. & Mtg. Co. Mar. 33a. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. L. Thomas, agent Multnomah County, 40p Ch. of Com MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts ana rntgs bought. H. Mlley. 204 Gerllnger bldg m ON E Y. any amount, 6 to 8 per H. Settx A Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme. 529-531 Mornan bid. $15u0 OR $-0(0 to loau on city property. 51S Henry bid g FWILL loan $50o to $700o 011 city or zarm property. AK 4::6. Oregonian. MoNE- TO LOAN ON REAL U STATU. A U. JAR-)INa SIS Ch. ot Con. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan K- K state. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any mount, low rate, promptly closed Attractive repayment privfiorea, A. II. B1RRELL CO 917 Northwestern Hunk Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED HEAL fcCTATE TOft B I ' 1 UDI Nil PI' K POSES V ITK T F UK V IBL.E CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO, iHtl SPALDING Bl.DG. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR itUILDlNG '1'K10MS, UHEKAU PAY M K X T PR IV 1 L .i: 1; MONEY AD VANCED AS HI I LD 1 N G F H OG R B S KS TH S EQUITABLE SAVINGS 4k LUA.V ASSOCIATION. 110 hTARK ST. life'. 7. 7 AND S'V We have funds on hand for liiunediat loans on improved city property In aiuvunta 10 suit. !S'-' Mr. Curiin. THaJ HRONG CO., INC., 2"i Oak l. TO LOAN AT T PER CENT. $Jl. $l0O. tiOvo. $5000, $$04)0. IIO.OOO, $20,000, Ou Portland improved proptrty. GoodeII Rroincra, 43 01 ccsier Uldf - $1000 AT 7 per ct'iit. fiMHiu at 1 p-r cnt. $j:k at 7 per ceat And smaller annuut. Bold Itcalty Co.. 0J Alder Si. MONEY TO LOAN on Portland city real estate Farta loaos at lowest current ratis. MALL A VON UORSTKU 104 Second St.. near Washington. iu Loan, Lowest Rate Money on business property, apaitinentH. dwellings and farms. It. H. Hiuuoiu, 31 u Cuaniuer Commerce. WS PURCHASE mortgages, contracts ul equities at right tigurua. cuuniit ail luatteis by mail. No phoue inf ormstioo. UKKIjON INV. Ac M"nlUAGK CO, INC. Stock Exch. Bldg.. od and iwmtalll Sts. $34O0 TO loan on good Portlaud rl eatt. will loan this in amounts or fiuw r more. Full particulars 512 Plan bid corner Park and Wasiiiugtou sts. MONEY to loan; mortgages purchased; con sider desirable bulluing loans; turn insur ance, lieniy C. Prudhoiuiu, Xinauvtal agent, Morgan bldg. V A-OAN 40.0VU OR LLbh. FA RUING ION, 0 4TI1 FT.. liOAuO OF THADli BLDG. FOR farm 1-mn $5(N r leita, private niooej. immediately avuilnltf, no cuinmisslwu. v 530, oregonian. MORTGAGE toans ou city and subuibau r'-i estate at 7 und b pur cat. W. 11. Nunu 44. s Sherlock bldg. will buy monthly payments. Seller's contract or tniga, oa clear prop ei'iy. tmilth- W goner Co.. Sto. k t-xi hun. MONEY loaned on real estate, first mort gagis oniy 210 Slock L.change. tonl GAGE LOANS, U and 7 PER 1. KM. LOL'IK SAI-OMON CO., 22H HTAIlK ST. sioney to l.wm t battels aod galrt lMMlbDlATtf LOANS ON Dl AM UN Un AND J-WKLRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one ot the anest rutalt Jewalry stores iu the city. A loan department (a conducted in connection with sm, mak ing business bTRHTL Y CON FlDKNT 1A L, absolutely no sign designating loan busi ness difcplad in (lout of our tote. AH merchaiiuin pledged is held for prio4 of seven mouths, auuther ur not Interest Is puld when due. Wm are licensed aad. havs besn eeiMuiishtd since 10. Mo eoa. n.ctlon with auy ether loan weiabUshmeaf iu this city. A. A Jkl. DELOVAGE. JKWELER3, $ 4 Washing ton C LOANS $lo TO $100 VU1CK.LY. STAIE SECl HIT Co., LICENSED, LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. BUSLNESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL feTATK SECI R1TY CO iioy FAILING ULDG. LOANS IN 0 HOCUS' TIM JB at I gal rates on diamond, autos, pianos, household gooUM und livestock. PORT LA NO LOAN CO., Licensed by stale. Ifoj Rothchlld Bldg. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, waioh1, musical instrument SEPARATE DEPT FOR LADlEd. LI BY COMPANY tLlcenved), w20 LumOvr L change Bldg.. Second and ttark streets. WK LOAN muney on uiauiouds and Jewslry at half the rates cuarged by brvkera. Marx Bloch. 74 3d U LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly conHdontial. 11 1 3d St.. near Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. King, room 40 v asniiinton piag. LOANS on real eittate, dlumohds and Jew elry. Wm. lloll, room a Washington bldg. Loans W anted. r.M10 WANTED FOR 2 YEARS. Hlghiy I in proved valley much of 102 ncn-h, fcucurity and moral rink uuusuaUy good. U. S. MORTGAOi; A- INVESTMENT CO.. OOO-O07 Yeon Itldg. WE have party wanting tu borrow $2500, urtVring good security lor 2 yuan at s per ci&L S. N. STEELE A CO., 433 Cham bcr of Comma res. WANTED si 50 for 2 years at 10 per cent on 2,UO0,OU0 puis claim. AU ui, ore goniuu. WA NT to borrow 50o on IrtO acres g.'ou limber, 3. miles ot tidewater. oil, ow Kopiiin. WANT $1700 on JiO'io value farm; 13.00 oa $12,000 value farm, ziu to tot a exenanga, Marshall IStiS. . $15,000, O pr cent. Income prop erty -.worth $w.0oxj; no agents, R 5. Oregonian. . $25no ON Hope la: tTfK at iiation on carliu $Mt0O. Y 53M, Oregonian. WANT $150. six inoiiths, Portland pioperty. Kpton, 482 Chamber Commerce. PERSONAL. li A I R-HA IR-il A I It - II A 1R. 6-lnch convent hair switches lib-1 mil convent hair switches, gray $(J EatrdieKving Face massua fcliampoo , Manicure, S5c; 0 for 1.0 12 scalp treatments 00 Supcrtluous hair removed by slcctris neeani; guarsntetMi nut to return. Cut hair in any bhado; switches, an Irnjtli ; price halt. Sanitary parlors, 4il 41 Dckutu bldg., 3d und Washington. A B CREDIT ASSOCIATION. Will ftinilsh cr.'dlt to wug-carnui wsil-to-do und all worthy hom-Nt people at si depurtuiutit, whoU-siile, rlotlilng aid other stores, at CASH PRICKS. Easy paymsi ts, 304 Concord bldg., 2d and Staia. TL 70M Main. GLKMAN TRAINLD NUltSL ANls MASSLL'SE. Ivong esperinc ; boit references; treat Hkents for rlicuuiatlam and lumbago, eta., nasagtt and baths, lady alatiiL J Saimoti, coiner LRU. Marshall wOvJ. Open Sundays. FEB VET NANE1U T. Leading a ig and toups mskors; flnnel stock human lialr good; pwltrht-s from K up; hairdiuumnK, municuring.f ece and s alt treatment, couiutnge tuade up to order. 147 Broadnsy. near Moirison. Mala 64a. FREI" ""alp t red t men is this week; manl cure, U5c, child's hstr cutting, J 5c; comb ings mad Into switches, etr., half price. Tne Maurlno Hhop, 514 Ahlnston bltfg. UMBRELLAS All colors and ctylcs, iarg!s stock, re-covt.Tiug, new nannies put v Mereditli e, tt2U Wai-hlngton st. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR lor rheuniatlsm. nutxtlKla, Taviat anu s;aip Linaimcuis; xa sonaoic Phone Marshall 20. MADE OF YOUR COM RINGS. HwlU-lu-s W5-, i urls and purTe 754. Ssal tary Beauty I'arior. 4"Q 1" kum. SPI RITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Frier. Clicle Tues., 2; weu. anu duo., r. m. reaaings dally. 003 flth st. V.irhaM 3!Su. MRS. STEVENS, il ! Portlands re nowned palmist and rtairvn.v anc, tumor c l'ainltry Made fcaay." ' Mnrrtwon Pt. THE MtiDLl. Dn i making Parlors. i0l Rothchlld uiok. :m 'i vtaimugum si. Prlcs ninjit r anon able. bCl ENTI PIC ms-uB';, g nutn tub betita. ilcohoiiu ani maKiieiif innmi'ini, cm opody, tnmii'MiTirg. 2'4 Maleay bldg. DIVORCE Lawyer of 25 years' experience) reliable advice given ireo. u itotucnim bldg.. 2ST k Washington. M1-S KTHIiL BT RK, manicuring, electrla treatments. i--ei u rvr nwtn piof. USE Bassett's Native Herbs fur rheumatism. 511 taiuts ior u-. yvii arumnii. GUADLATIC 41 SbLI SK give- treatments daily. v. N. lum si. aiain i'.7v. NOHWLt; IAN trained nurse aud masse use. a's i-Q St.. room . MoK. uprIlooue hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42: Kli'dner bldg. Main 3478. MASSEUSE Finn iuh gradual; (ace and caiD rpecmuy. -ov v. j.hh. nbi. -.o. LADIES ONLY Electric bnths and 111 a ug. 4 1 Hot ncnuo. oi'in. mm " ' :'v M isS MARIE JOHN.' in. ( hliopudy and m;ini"uring priur. u n. -.. CHIROPRACTIC, chroid.' cases, $1 trat- mcntB (lit; ocner irw, 0-1 rouni". .uwiin. LESSONS in phrnolosy and card readings. 25 Oth st. ruunowain ta. IMPORTANT MUBSAGB for Elton L. RoUer. Write xcn xjoic, giuervuiu, tun. LiR OLGA N KCHlBA, 3.3 Pllednsr bldg. Main Hours 10 to A, BA LM OF Fl'TS com pound Ho? at Ton Is Xablcts, 601 Lavis at, 1'iioca Msia 2-jJ