Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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CUT THIS OUT "and tend your name and S2.00 to ARCHEfV K HUNTINCTONi, Treasurer.
Room 122. The Vtnderbilt Hotel New York City, and cknowledgemenl will be tent
Food and Clothing Valued at
$2C0,CCO to Be Taken On
Here for Belgians.
mdens Cat Is Aboard Relief Ship
When German Opens Fire In Port
of Penang Flashes of Guns
Slakes Impressive Scene.
Coming direct from scenes of war
4n an errand of mercy, the Britisn
steamer Cranley. Captain Alex Hender-
eon. Lieutenant Royal Naval Reserves,
reached port yesterday to load supplies
for Belgian relief. She is the first
craft that has been under fire in the
war to enter Portland harbor.
The relief ship is at the North Ta
clfic Lumber Company's dork, being
lined to receive her cargo. Foodstuffs
and clothing to the value of $200,000
will be loaded at Municipal Dock No.
1 and then the craft will sail for Pan
Francisco to complete her cargo, tak
ing on board a quantity of supplies at
Astoria en route. She will probably
be dispatched from this port by the
end of the week. Her destination is
" Rotterdam.
The Cranley was under fire in the
harbor of Penang. an Island off the
Malay Peninsula, early on the morning
of October 28. A graphic account of
the engagement during which the
.Cranley served as a target for the
suns of the German cruiser Emden,
commanded by Captain von Muller. and
also was struck by eh ells fired from
the Russian cruiser Zhemchug. was
' jriven yesterday by First Officer C
Hann and Second Officer D. Kilbee.
Estdea I-ooka Like Yarmouth. ,
' "We were lying at anchor when the
Kmden came into the harbor," said Mr.
Kilbee. "with a false fourth funnel
and canvas built up at her bow to re
semble In appearance tiw British
cruiser Yarmouth, then due at Penang.
..She steamed in Vlth lights burning,
Juet as an ordinary ship would enter
the port, and passed close under the
stern of the Zhemchug. She was chal
lenged by the sentry on that craft, and
the answer was shouted from the
bridge of the Emden: Yarmouth com
ing In to anchor.'
"Directly she poured a broadside
Into the Russian at close quarters. The
Zhemchug. although of heavier arma
ment than the Emden. was taken en
tirely unawares, and her compressed
air machinery wa3 ashore at the time,
being overhauled.
Torpedo Sinks Bosnian.
-The Russian sailors got to their sta
tions as quickly as possible and re
" turned the fire, while the Emden kept
working her four-inch guns, and
turned around, going out the same way
she came In. Finally she fired a tor
pedo that blew up the Zhemchug. Dur
ing the engagements shells from the
. Kussian that missed the Emden struck
the Cranley, doing considerable dam-
age. Second Engineer I. Lawrence
was severely wounded and was sent
ashore to the Penang hospital, where
- operations were necessary to remove
pieces of shell from his arm and left
.-side. He was not able to join his ship
" before we sailed. i
"On her way out of the harbor the
"Emden fired upon and sank the French
torpedo-boat Idosquet.
"Just a fortnight from the time we
were struck by the Kmden's shots she
was piled up on Cocos Island by the
Australian cruiser Sidney and com-
' pletely wrecked. At the time of the
' engagement the Cranley was on trans
' port duty, carrying supplies for the al
' lied fleets, and was lying In Penang
' for admiralty orders. After the Era
; den was destroyed we were ordered to
I Hongkong, where permanent repairs
: were made, temporary work having
; been done at Penang.
Injured Sailors Rescued.
"After the Emden was well away
; that morning our men launched the re-
mainine lifeboats .and picked up 48
Kussian sailors from the Zhemchug.
Some were badly wounded and one died
before he could reach a hospital. The
llussians were in their bunks asleep
when the action commenced and 140
men were lost, while 120 were wounded.
"The battle was a great sight to
watch while it lasted. The flashes of
the guns In the darkness lighted up
the scene and the Emden was plainly
visible to us. The fourth funnel was
a good Imitation that might easily have
deceived anyone.
"A curious thing about it is that we
. had the Emden's black cat aboard at
. the time she fired upon us. The Greek
- collier Pontporus. which had been used
; as a collier by the Emden. was cap
tured and brought into the harbor,
anchoring astern of us, and the Em
den's cat. which was on board, came
.. aboard the Cranley. The cat later went
- ashore at Hongkong and left us."
Officer Palata Battle.
A highly-prized souvenir on the
Cranley is a ragged piece of shrapnel
casing that went through half an inch
of iron and half buried itself in a piece
'.. of wood.
An oil painting of the battle at Pe
nang has been made by Second Officer
Kilbee and he has also painted a pic
. ture of the destruction of the Emden
at Cocos Island, which he made from
descriptions received of the engage
. ment.
The Cranley served as a transport
during the Italian campaign in Tripoli
in 1911 and was in that service for
eight months. When the last big battle
was fought she was 14 miles away and
distinctly heard the artillery firing.
!he carried provisions and other sup
Plies to Tripoli. Her home, port is
Ixmdon and her cargo capacity is 7000
New York-Portland Liner Worked
at Night to Hasten Dispatch.
.: As the American-Hawaiian liner
Hawaiian, which arrived here yester
day noon, was to have sailed from
Portland Monday, according to sched
ule, longshoremen were employed last
nie-ht that the 750 tons of inbound
' freight could be hurried ashore and 400
' tons of cargo for Charleston, Boston
and New York stowed .below her
hatches, so she can sail tonight for
Puget Sound. This is the first trip of
the steamer here, though she is not of
the new fleet, being a sister ship of
the Oregonian, Calit'ornlan and Amerl-
Vog in the river detained the vessel
somewhat, but she had a fair run up
the coast from the Golden Gate. In tho
cargo she will be cleared with are
' prunes, canned goods, flour, wool, hops,
seed, dry hides and miscellaneous ship
British Tramp l'rankdale at Ham-
T burg and Master nt Berlin.
Captain J.' E. Roop. of the British
tramp Frankdale. a carrier known
;. ' if;.-- '"': v-'-fj .liMrti--vj
; -K5rjr . j3
If JJ If .
I-1' - is '! j!
I 111' h-Jj wr. h
. 1 yjySJ
- T f , v-
V--'-- ( . ,-
"Peace Founded on the Sancllty of Contract between Nallatu"
This winter on the Aisne, along k battle line extending a hundred
miles, in trenches of frozen earth, the men of France and her Allies,
covered with ice and driven by hail and sleet are fighting for the ideals
of Democracy. It is not only shells that kill, but there is the suffering
from cold and exposure. Will yog help to relieve that suffering?
When in die snows of Valley Forge your ancestors struggled to create
mis Republic the strangers who came to their aid were La Fayette and
the people of France. Letus now manifest our sympathy by efforts to
relieve the suffering of her Soldiers.
Mm Jk Jmk Aim
Kn. wlllUa Ar Ckulcr
Hra. Jhs 17 Chii
Hra. Arcker U. Haolisr
Utm JKt SauMtr
lit. H. Ont vtlna
Mrs. Hrarj tUfw Wiaisi(
MU Kmiljr IImii.
kin. f Cnptr Hnttt
Mr. Jmmm . Dak
Mr, Wis. aircrlj Kn)
kfr. Bokcrt L. Bra
Mr. yndario R. Crfc
Mr. S. 7d Cule
Mr. Chart II. WtHj
Mr. (irkr Bt-lf Dtt
Mr. Arrkw M. MU(i
Mr. rnm w. tlwinn
Mr. Fklll M. I.TJlf
Mr. M O. Mllbua
Mr. w. rta Mnta
Mr. 0vrar Mrrls
Mr. lpk 4. rrrn
to be devoted to the immediate relief of the unavoidable suffering of the men in the trenches
Two Dollars provides, and by arrangement with the French authorities dispatches to the trenches, a kit of
AMERICAN MADE GOODS. - The whole of each contribution goes to the soldiers in the field
Fleece Lined Shirt Fleece Lined Drawers 2 Pair Woolen Socks I Pair Woolen Cloves
Abdominal Bell with Six Safety Pins Dark Heavy Muffler
Colored Handkerchief Small Cake Soap
along the Coast, as she has been under
charter in the Pacific trade, is a pris
oner of tho Germans at Berlin and his
vessel is held at Hamburg, where she
was seised at the outbreak of the war.
Henry Rothschild, manager of Brown
& McCabe, stevedores, received a postal
i rAm i. BI.-initfr vfterriav. but
all he wrote was his name, there being
a Christmas ana wew. irara greenus,
nrintrH on It. His address was given
as Barracks No. 8. .Berlin.
1 nO . 1 rail KUill ) v tics lunuou 1 "
I I V I I tl 111 1 III'. ("n I i 'I i
; .1 ....... 1 1. whn i i v to
do with ships. The vessel left Tampa
June 25 and proceeded by way of Pen-
sacola ana JNorioiK ior iiamuuit, -rivms
at the German harbor'July 22,
1.. Ka .ni.oJ .nnn aa WA I WAS
declared, and the last report of her.
dated October 28, was tnai sne re
mained there.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Jan. 19. Arrived Steamers
uawallan, irom .ew iur, -vit "hj jju. l .
Cisco; 1'araiso, from San Francisco, via coo
llay; Jiriusn steamer utiiiic, .uu.
kone. Sailed Steamers Breakwater, foi
Coos Bay; Thos. 1 Wand, for San Fran
cisco; .Norwegian bark Cambusdoon, for
Astoria, Jan. l.rArrived at midnight ana
left UD at 1 A. 11, Steamer Hawaiian, from
and lett 'up af S A. St. Steamer Mult-
and left up at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Paraiso,
from San Frcnciioo, via Coos Bay. Arrived
at 1U-.15 and left up at 10:30 A. M. Steamer
San Kamon, from San Francisco. Arrived at
10:15 A. it. and left up at 1:30 P. M.
Steamer Johan - Poulseii. : from San Fran
cleco. , . . , . .
San Franctsco, Jan. iv. ,
M Steamer Daisy Putnam, rrom pornano,
via Coos Bay. Arrived at 9 A. M. steamer
Klamath, from Portland. Sailed at 10 A. M.
Meamer wuw, -
Sailed at 5 P. M. Steamer Yosemite. for
Portland. , . ,
Seattle. Jan. 19. Arrived at 1 P. M
British steamer Glenroy, from London, for
l'0VicSrd:a. Jan. IS.-Sailed at S P." M.
British steamer Hermtston.-for Portland:
Coos Bay, Jan. W. Arrived at S A. M.
Ktmer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland, for
K Mejiliones, Dec. :0. Sailed British ship
Castleton. for Portland. ... ,.
San Pedro. Jan. iv. ahhdu--o""
KoanoKe, irum - . 7
Geo. V. Fenwick, from Columbia K'ver.
Astoria. Jan. is. ahic" "
uu at 6 A. 11. Steamer Willamette from
Kan Francisco. Arrived down at S:4C I and
sailed at 7 P. M. Steamer ueo. . hub,
for Eureka ana coo ., .
Neir Voik. Jan. 19. Sailed Steamer
Iowan. tor San Francisco. ,
M.rieilles. Jan. 11. Arrived lornebow.
from Tacoma. .jq. m..
Yokohama, Jan. 1.0. .i..
"TSvZTjSi ll-Arrived-Duc. d'Aosta.
tT?Z Janfc IS-Arrlved-KIng EdBar,
'TJn i.a J-aT -Ard-Steam-eri
Peter H Crowell. from Grays Harbor;
I- S. S Iroquois. S. S. K-3. U. K . "
from Bremerton; Matsonla, from IIouolulu;
fLw"y PuVnam. fron. Coos Buy, i :da.
17? AnSnlFran. Han.fy " j trom
Norfolk Sailed- ,teamers 1 aeon vmh ,.
for sauna crvi. .eii.v. .--"i.
ber. lor Seattle; Ventura, lur
trails. . .,....
san Pedro, jan. ai'eu 1
Mavfalr frum Port Angeles; Damara, from
Si York; 3. W. Fenwick. from Portland.
Eureka7 Cal.. Jan. !. Arrived Steamer
African Tranport (British), from Singapore.
Co Ba Jan. l9.-Arrived Steamer Geo.
W. Klder. from Portland. ... , g
an Dieico Jan. 19. Arrived v. o.
Yorktown. ?rom Mexico. Sailed Steamers
vu.oHa tMcxic.n). for Ensenada; Colon
for Salloa Crui; Greenwood, tor i
Island. . . a, nTn.
Seatlle. Jan. 11. rV-,r ii
vcWrkTwnm. t
SLr'iSi S Japanese), for
er Frank's. Buck, for Monterey.
Tide at Astoria Wednesday.
iri-u LOW.
i ll M .10 f-et lO:S7 A. M I.l feet
1 nrec euif's i.nio..t . -- -----
yesterday, the Fierre Antonine. Celtic
Glen ana ciacKmamiini"ic-
. , , .Aa.n in t nw nf tlie steam-
er Ocklahama. The Kanno shifts to
day from the aryaocK 10 me
Bank docK 10 ue?in ivj.niin "
1 - nnnnintment
1 1 u : 1 1 4 - -rr-- -----
as Inspector of the Seventeenth Light
house District is expected to be con
firmed in a few days. left yesterday
for Fusret fiound o iu4;v.v
navigation. - . . ...
1 British Slf.rr. ( rnley Approaching PorUand Dock "
Third Officer A. Black. Second Officer D. Kilbee. First Ottleer V. '
T Captain Alex Henderson. Lieutenant B. X. It- 4 Piece of Shrapnel From
. Cruiser Emden That Struck the Cranley.- - '
CARGO WORTH $200,000
' - ' -
Theodore's; Wilcox Buys $160,000 In
Supplies to Be Added to -Clfta
Made by People of State.
l lie uceuuici i ii 1 1 1 y ... . J
1 : . 1 : .. . ..I ..... nf th V9.1U6
of $200,000 from Oregon and a few
points in Washington and Idaho. Prob
ably a like amount win oe loaueu
. ITVnn'i.nn on. It Id nntlhllfll With
anil 4- x aii ibi " "i , . " - r .
the steamer whether she calls at San
Pedro for provisions that may oe sup
plied by Los Angeles.
U A fAa ttfFa in Yta Inflflpt here
V-'i. HID AVUUDt,uua vw w
this week, supplies worth approximate
ly J4U,uuO are coninouieu, tmcnj
V. 1 - data Thfl rftTtiain-
iiits ucujic
der, or supplies worth $160,000, will
te purcnasea oy ineouoro a. iw ,
member of the International Commis
sion for Belgian Relief, from a fund
of $600,000 that has heen sent to him
from the London headquarters of the
"I have more money than I neeo,
... -Mr. wlliiT. vdsteiMlav.- "It has
been intimated to me that another ship
will be sent, but the difficulty now is
to get tonnare. If this can be ar
ranged, it is likely there will be an
other relief ship later m mc ii.
"T-l. .nmmlaainn haS asked 1116 tO
TMiKli.-l,- ita thanks to the
people of Oregon. Washineton and
Idaho, for the guts in me tarsuca i
the Cranley and the Washington. The
commission is exceedingly grateful for
the great work Bf America In this
direction. - . . "
"Donations and purchases already de
livered and arranged for, which In
clude the cargoes of the Washington
and Cranley. together with freight
costs, now total approximately 4,000,
000 pounds, or almost $20,000,000."
Thirty-nve snips nave eiiner
j .I--!- n.n-nM nf Rotterdam or
crcu in'-" .... . - - . ; .
have been obtained to transport relief
Marino A'otes.
a r,n. h.uinir in laid un here since
she ended her charter on the Portland-
Alaska route, the steamer i nomas .
iir.j o Lifted Monday to begin load
ing lumber for San PVancisco and was
cleared with a cargo measuring 64a,-
000 feet, sailing lasi msnu -
TTniiaii sifltnH Tnsnectors of Steam
Vessels Edwards and Fuller yesterday
dismissed proceedings in a case in
volving the drowning of Max Schwalbe,
. ..nnri.j a o Mn Swabbe. fire
man aboard the steamer R. Miler, of
Astoria, who was- raisseo. aooui .i
o'clock the night of January 9 while
. i. , nAnmAV nnrler ffav. It was
shown at an investigation yesterday
that none of tne crew anew
movements after 9 o'clock that night.
when he was seen in me ureruum.
n?-ir r i-naTiAritlnfir the tutr StlmSOn
having been finished yesterday. United
States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller
. i 3 .hat V. etnnmr ( i Tv.
nave oiuercu . - - -
Wentworth be inspected today. ...
Boulders and gravel are Deing re
moved from in front of Montgomery
.j nrkA.f. th. Hreisre Titan began
lIULn. .. n . .
an attack on the cement gravel forma
tion Monday. Sufficient depth of water
will be provided there for all vessels.
In respect to the memory of captain
1CJ velarfliT hnr nllnt. Who
urorBO . uvu. . .. . . - .--
died at Astoria Monday of pneumonia,
vessels of the Port of Portland fleet
ii i -.. th.i. flnfrM nt hsjfmast vester-
day and will remain so until after the
funeral. Captain wood naa oeen in ine
service of the port most of -the time
since 1903 until January 11, when he
was taken ill. He was a. bar pilot, and
in 1911 was in command of the bar
tug Oneonta for a time and. served in
the same capacity later for short
Los Angeles is the destination of the
McCormick steamer Willamette, w men
was cleared yesterday from Portland
with 250,000 feet of lumber and works
more on the lower fiver.
Bound here to load grain for the
United Kingdom - under -charter to
Kerr, GifTord & Company, the British
steamer Hermiston sailed from Vic
toria, B. C, Monday. The vessel
steamed across 'the Pacific from Shang
hai and was given her orders . at the
British Columbia port. ,
Merchants Exchange advices yester
day included a message that the Brit
ish ship Castleton, one of the fleet un
der charter to transport wheat from
Portland to the United Kingdom, put
to -sea from Mejillones December 30,
news of her- departure having been
m. nnW nlmals left alive in the Ant
werp xoo are the elephants, which are now
being useq ror miin.i.y nai-i""!
Though Sick and Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
V E. Pinkham's Vegeta- .
ble Compound.
Eichmond, Pa. " When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
tompouna i was in a
dreadfully rundown
state of heal th,
had internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had given in to my
feelings I would
have been in bed.
As it was I had
hardly strength at
times to be on mv
feet and what I did do was by a great
effort. I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
and had a steady headache.
'After taking the second bottle I no
ticed that the headache was not so bad,
I rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
can hardly realize that I am able to do
so much as I do. - Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank
Clark, 3146 N. Tulip St., Eichmond,Pa.
. Women Hare Been Telling Women
for forty years how Lydia E.Pinkham'8
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ilia.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink
ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.; -.
Authority Is Given to Build
Sternwheeler Woodland.-
New Boat Will Aid Dredge Montl-
ccllo In Work on Clatskanle, Cow
litz and . Lewis Kivcr Cham
pocg Finishes in Willamette. '
Woodland will be , the . name of a
sternwheeler to be contracted for by
Colonel MeKinstry, Corps of Engineers,
United States Army, to serve as a
tender for the suction dredge Monti
cello, which the Willamette Iron &
Steel Works will build. That firm was
awarded the work the latter part of the
year and the boat is to be finished in
six months.
Authority for the construction of the
Woodland came from Washington yes
terday in the form of an approval of
the specifications, an -appropriation
for the vessel having been made more
than a year ago. She is to be 97 feet
long, with a beam of 20 feet and depth
of hold of four feet. The boat is de
signed especially for service in com
paratively shallow water, as the Monti
cello will operate on the Clatskanie,
Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers, replacing
the dredge Cowlitz, which is tied up
at the Government moorings. '
Boat to Take City's Name.
As bids for the new vessel must be
advertised for 30 days, that require
ment will aate irom ja.iniK.iy . mi.
thereafter plans and specifications will
be on file at Colonel McKinstry's of
fice for the edification of prospective,
bidders. It is estimated that the award
can be timed so that there will be no
question of the completion of the ten
der by the time the Montlcello is turned
over to the Government.
The Woodland is to be christened
after the city of that name on Lewis
River, and the Montlcello 1b named
after a point at the mouth of the Cow
litz -Biver, where emigrants crossed in
pioneer days. Both are to be wooden
vessels and will represent the first
complete plant for improving the chan
nels of the three rivers yet assembled.
The Cowlitz was refitted a' tew years
ago with an auxiliary suction and
while capable of good work, her ca
pacity was not regarded sufficient for
the demands of those projects.
Dredge Champoes Finishes tr.
mi .1 J .KmnnAO- 11 B ml nn thO
X llta uicuQ .u.iuiii.m '
Willamette above Portland, finished
her labors at Meldrum s car yesiwu.j.
. . i. ii,hum. hna hum ordered
down from Harrisburg. she will lake
. . .1 . 1. Vi
the Champoeg in low. bo i
should be at the Government moorings
tomorrow night For the present,
channel work on the Willamette above
n . i . 1 1 - 1. 1 H water hav-
Inp Interfered to an extent. The road
to Corvallls is aeciarea in goou ."
dition. There is ono steamer operat
ing over the route at present, the
Grahamona, and she even made Teoria
Sunday, so there is plenty of water
available. When the locks and canal at
Oregon City are taken over by the
Government, which is expected to- be
soon,' two and possibly three steamers
will be run Dy me i enuw i-- ..
Steamer Schedule.
n.-. From Kte-
RossCltV .t-s Antteles Inasri.
Yuclt an.... .......Pan Dl.go In port
Geo. W. Elder !?? .77
Hralcater Coos Bay Jan. -
Bear Los Ansel.. ;. -
Beaver ma rtiismi.
ro "rne
a::::." " ... j. ;
Beaver 1-" Angeles Jan.
Willamette ,g.n Dies o . . ..... - Jan. 21
yosemite Sn gleso. . . . . ..Ijn-
San Kamon -Sn FranclsJo. .. . Jsn.
Multnomah .n I ranclsco. . .Jan.
Geo W. Elder Kureka. Jan. -
?:.:: V'-. b.5"" .. . j.n s
Hreaawaier. ...... ""V.; i.n 7
Roanoke San Diego. Jan. .7
Northland San Francisco. ..Jan. -J
Klamath. San Diego Jan. SO
Bear Loa Angelea Jan. Jl
Name. From ,u"-i-i
T.nndnn ...... ..Jan. '
KioPasig... Manila F.b.
Glengyle Ijndon Feb. 10
Clenlochy London Mar 10
Name. . For Da ta.
Glenroy London Jan. J
Klo i'asig jvwkj . ;
Glengyle London J eb. .
Gleenlochy I.onoon
Captain Macgenn. of the steamer
Breakwater, Btowed away nis sou wes
ter, oilskins and sea boots yesterday
and packed his sea bag with boiled
shirts and fancy neckwear, departing
in the evening for Washington to work
with others representing Coos Buy In
I I M I sr4 I
r5 AND
W!--.'- ,5t
(riV" . . - j
i. -- ii ..i. tnH n. Ki.t ii riias. January U1H .
Long Beach ...
Arrowhead ...
Los Angeles ..
Santa Barbara ill I ' i oico".
.70 O 64 San Digo .
3 89 ' Ocean Park
6' 47 65 Hollywood ..
""(H 89 52 Paso Robles
Max. Mln. Mean.
...HI 4S M
7(1 40 4
...: 48 fiH
. ..5U 3D 4U
&riu.i a a. s
iSnc beach cal
"Close 'to the rhythmic surf."
Most Superbly Situated Hotel In the
Location, Elegance and Refinement hava
given Hotel Virginia a world famous repu
tation. Absolutely fireproof. When in Cal
ifornia be sure to visit this magnificent
beach resort Golfing. Tennis. Surf Bath
ing Yachting. Fishing. Motoring and other
diversions. Only 20 miles Irom Los Ange
lea The center of social activities. No ad
vance In tariff during 115. Write for rates
and booklet. , t t ,
Arrowhead HotSprings
untiPit and most curative
baths known. Radio-activ.
Di-Sodium Ai-senate Nat
ural Steam Cave Baths.
Positive cure for countless
. . r,n fest h I fh-
XOUr irBnyiinftu,Ju
n.ilo-l,rfiil hpnlf h
rt recreation resort, it or
folder. Arrowhead P. O..
U ties.
Enropeaa Flasi 9USO m Day Vv
Aaverlcsna Plaa S3 m Day t-
260 ROOMS WITH 300 3ATH3. ;
Every comfort and convenience,
Jn the center of thetwieT and retail
district. On carlines transferrins to
mil parts of city. Omnibus meats alt
iraiar and steamer.
all With Private Bath.
Steel and Concrete Absolutely Ftreproot
Halt block from. Central Park. Convenleai
to all stores, theaters and amusements.
F. M. 1JIMMICK, Lessee..
Hill St.. btaea 4tlt and Otb. Los Ang.ea
DelltihtfuUy Bituated la tli J001
DeaUtUUl pr, u
midway between city and aea. bplen
dld accommodations with every con
venience. Flna table Writ Oeo. ti.
fs8ltuated in tha beautlfnl Mission
I City. A cnarming place m mim,.
Completely modern. Licellent cui
sine For folder, write li P. Dunn.
securing greater appropriations for
hiu-bor work. He says that before re
turning to salt water he will have
called on Colonel "Toddy" ltoosevrlt
and endeavor to spur tho former Pres
ident to greater deeds in the Interest
of the Hull Mooso" adherents.
Tha annual cut of Brlilh Columbia timber
Is approximately "0 f.--t. Thcra
ri- 4-.M nillln ard " r'"l" ln
Tape's Diapepsin" Makes Sick,
Sour, Gassy Stomachs
Feel Fine.
Do some foods you eat hit back
taste good, but work badly; ferment
into stubborn lumps and cause a sick,
sour, srassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic. Jot this down: rape s
Diapepsin digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour and upset you. There
never was anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your stomach Is disordered, you
will get bappy relief In five minutes,
but what pleases you most is that It
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorite foods
without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some
times they are slow, but not sure.
"I'apo's Diapepsin" Is quick, positive
and puts your stomach in a healthy
condition so tho misery won't come
You feel different as soon as 1 ape
Diapepsin" comes in contact with the
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no mc, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head clears and you feci fine.
Clo now, make the best Investment
you ever made, by getting a largo fifty
cent case of Pspe's Dlnpepsln from any
drug store. You realize In five min
utes how needless It is to suffer from
Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach
uisordur Adv.
Use Grandma's Sage Tea ar.d
Sulphur Recipe and Nobody
Will Know.
The use of Sage snd 8iilTnur for
restoring faded, gray hnlr to Its nat
ural color dates back to granilmotlier'g
time. Pho used it to keen tier hair
beautifully dark, clossy utid abundant.
Whenever her hair fell out or took
on that altill. faded or mreakrd ap
pearance, this simple mixture was ap
plied with wonderful effect.
But brewlnar at home Is musny and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at
any drugstore for a 60-cent bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,"
you will get this fumous old recipe
which can be depended upon to ro
store natural color and beauty to tho
hair and Is splendid for dandruff, dry,
feverish, itchy scalp and falling hair.
A well-known downtown drugalst
says It darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tdl It has
been applied. You simply dampen a
spongo or soft brush with It and draw
this through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears, and after an
other application or two It becomes
beautifully dark, glossy and abundant.
How Short, Thin Hair
Can Be Made Long and
Luxuriant in 30 Days.
If you have dandruff and fulling hair,
you can bo sure that the hulr roots are
too weak to draw from the blood the
nei-essury oils that promote healthy
hair growth. Consequently the hairs
gradually die and drop off and finally
your head will become bald, but
ecienco has at last found a product
known as Lavon.i de Coinposeo, which
is Instantly abnorld by even the
weakest hair roots and so perfectly re--i
.u- ... r-1 ,.11 that It ortati
makes the hair grow long and luxuriant
In only aays nine, in i i1" " l " l
t u. - t i--n.nn-AA la mo powerful
that it Is generally recommended to
nix I ounces with & drain of menthel
. .. i - i . A. f hav ruin.
ITJBIWD V vu... . ' - .
These Ingredients can be mixed by any
druggist or me lotion -I.-,
up at home. If your hair la dry and
withered, thin, short, scraggy, miles
or falling, If it contains dandruff, and
. i. i .. ...... In lilUl'fl. VOI1 Will lltl
astonished at the quick results from
the dally use of this ai"ipi uirmivu
and Inoxpennlve prescription. Those
who u It should be careful not to -t
ii .,n tho face or where hair U not il-
sired. Adv.
H: 106.0