Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 15, 1915, Image 1

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""i : i i r
NUMBER 20,000
More Than Half of Dead
Are Killed Outright.
Town With Population of 20,
OOO Reported Almost En
, tirely Destroyed.
Only 800 Survive and Majority
of These Are Injured.
Many Cities Stricken.
ROME, Jan. 14. (Special.) The
disastrous nature of yesterday's se-
ismic upheaval is becoming painfully
clearer every hour in the territorial
divisions of Latium, Campania and
the Bruzzi.
II Secolo estimates the number of
victims at 20,000, despite fears earlier
in the day that it would reach, if not
exceed, 50,000. More than half the
victims were killed outright.
Sora Has Second Quake.
Sora, 60 miles southeast of Rome,
In the province of Caserta, suffered
another shock today. The town,
which had a population of 20,000, was
almost entirely destroyed. Two
thirds of the houses collapsed under
the shock and others which were
cracked went down later.
Rossi Palace fell in, burying 20 la
borers at work in the courtyard.
Other victims include many of the
town authorities and persons of note
in the district.
At least 500 are dead altogether,
450 bodies having been recovered.
Only 800 Survive in Avezzano.
It is now confirmed that in Avez
zano out of a population of 11.297
there are only 800 survivors, a major
ity of whom are injured. Signor Cer
ri, an cx-member of the Chamber of
Deputies, was among the victims, as
were the Sub-Prefect and his fam
ily, all the members of his staff, all
the members of the municipal service
and 95 members of a company of the
Thirteenth Infantry.
Thus far 200 bodies have been re
covered and 160 injured taken from
the rains..
King Superintends Rescue.
King Victor Emmanuel, who went
to Avezzano direct from Rome, was
making his rounds of the town when
he reached a spot where the rescue
of a child' buried in debris was being
attempted. He mounted a pile of
wreckage and superintended the work
until success crowned it.
Official reports from Ajelli, Cosen
za province, say that about 1000 are
entombed there. Several smaller
towns report about 200 each en
tombed. There is not a house in
Aquila Ciiy that has not been
wrecked or damaged, while Cappa
docia and Balsorano, midway between
Avezzano and Sora, shared a similar
famous Abbey Suffers Heavily.
Immense damage waa done at Mag
liano and Cappelle. Caserta prov
ince, in Campania, likewise suffered
heavily. There are 10 dead and 150
injured at Siola del Lirls and many
otaers it Cassinu. The famous Ben
edictine Abbey at Monte Casino suf
fered heavily. The Cecano cathedral,
in the Province of Rome, crumbled to
dust, while those at Subiago, Atri and
Teramo all suffered.
At Monte Roduni, where the Duke
and Duchess of Aosta have gone to
render aid. the 10th-century tower of
the town hall crashed down, killing
a professor and two collegians. The
domes of the principal churches of
Zagarolo and Fagliano, in the Alban
Hills, have fatten.
Ovid's Birthplace Damaged.
Forty bodies have been recovered
at Tagliacozzo, several hundreds hav
ing been injured. The railroads,
bridge and a large number of houses
Burglar Found Rilling Room at 229
.North Twenty-Third Street Gets
Casli and Jewelry.
A burglar early last night robbed
the home of Miss Eva Borglund, pro
prietor of a restaurant at 229 North
Twentr-third street, obtained 27 In
cash and several pieces of Jewelry ana
made his escape after firing- two shots
at a pursuer.
The man entered Miss Borglund's
room, which Is in the second story at
the rear of the restaurant, by climbing
on a railing. Men In the restaurant
below heard him rifling the dresser
and started upslatra to investigate.
The burglar leaped from the window
as they entered the room and Harry
Hill, a dishwasher in the restaurant,
jumped after him.
The two sprawled together on the
ground, but the burglar regained his
feet first and fled down the Btreet
Hill followed him for more than a
block. Suddenly the robber turnea ana
fired two shots, both of which struck
near Hill. Hill then"gave up the chase.
The burglar, a tall man. was dresseo
in a dark suit
Monopoly, Long 1W4 by Company,
Rroken in Granting License.
noSEBLRG. Or, Jan. 14. (Special.)
-After having Its saloon business mo
nopolized for several years, the Suther-
lin City Council last night aeciaeo. .o
grant a liquor license to J. K. reu.
formerly with the Oakland Wine Com
pany at Oakland.
The action of the Council was taken
upon the receipt of an opinion of the
Roseburg City Attorney to the effect
that it would not be violation of the
agreement existing between the Suth
erlin Wine Company and the city to
grant another liquor license.
Under a city ordinance, adopted by
the Sutherlin Council several years ago,
the number of liquor licenses were
limited to two. In order to maintain
a monopoly of the business the Suther-
flin Wine Company took out 'he two
licenses. It is understood that .more
saloon licenses will be issued at Suth
erlin soon.
Washington Association Protests
Against Proposed Game Law.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Jan. 14.
(Special.) Thd Washington Wool
growers' Association today re-elected
Goorge Prior, of this city, as its presi
dent for another year: Thomas Drum-
heller, of Walla Walla, was re-elected
vice-president, and H. Stanley Coffin,
of North Yakima, was elected secretary
and treasurer.
The association adopted a resolution
protesting 'against the measure pro-
nnard br the sDortsmen of the state
legalizing game shooting on the high
ways and giving hunters right of way
over a strip ten feet wide on each side
of a highway. Members of the as
sociation, with other stockmen who
have been In conference with forest
supervisors for the past two days, were
guests at a banquet tonight.
Individual Wheat Buyers Also Are
.More Numerous Than Ever.
CHICAGO. Jan. 14. Five govern
ments of Europe were reported today
to be actively engaged in the wheat
market on this side of the Atlantic In
addition to a larger number of Individ
ual buyers from foreign fields than
....... wrnr known. The result was
figured to be exportation at the rate
of S.OiiO.000 to 10.000.000 bushels a week.
While the wheat market here was
in a blaze of exclment, the minority of
farmers who still own wheat were said
to be in many cases hanging on for $2
a bushel. Just twice the general ideal
under normals conditions. Approxi
mately IS pmr cent of the 1914 crop is
estimated by experts to be still In the
hands of farmers.
Hnyncs Inlet Man Contracts Pneu
monia After Sprint In Rain.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Jan. 14. (Spe
cial.) Brushing aside his friends ana
running out into the rain In his under
clothing following a bath to cure a
cold. Arthur Johnson contracted pneu
monia last night and died this morning
In an isolated section of the Haynes
Inlet country, six miles from the near
est town.
Johnson's friends left. the city this
morning to bring the corpse to Marsh
field. They will have to carry the body
three miles over a rough mountain
trail. The news of Johnson s death was
sert to town by a friend who walked
four miles to reach a telephone.
Kclatlr of Officer Complimented by
Kaiser Arrested in Canada.
VANCOUVER. B. C Jan. 14. Carl
Mackensen. a nephew of a famous Ger
man General who recently was compli
mented by the Kaiser for his prowess
in Poland, was arrested today by the
police, acting on military instructions.
Mackensen. who was seized on his
farm at Langley. mill be kept a pris
oner of war until the present struggle
Is over. Dr. Redlieh, a German lawyer
v.nmiivMr was arrested at the same
time, and both are prisoners in New I J
Exiled Mexican Reveals
Sensational Escape.
Six Hundred Miles Traveled
Afoot and on Horse. '
Official Forced to Flee to Avoid Ar
rest After Aiding ' Americans
and Other Foreigners For
tune of Millions Is Lost.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. Eduardo
Iturblde, once member of the Mexican
Senate and later commander of the
Federal district, revealed here tonight
the story of his sensational escape from
death In Mexico, the circumstances of
wflich for a time threatened to cause a
serious breach between General Gutl
errez and Generals Villa and Palafox.
He said he rode nearly 600 miles
through deserts and over mountains to
the American border, after leaving t
train south of Chihuahua to avoid ar
rest The United States Government took
an active part in negotiations for
Iturblde's safety in appreciation of his
efforts on behalf of Americans and
other foreigners during the turbulent
days In the Mexican capital following
the abdication of Huerta. The efforts
of American Consul Silllman and Leon
Canova, special agent of the State De
nartment. In his behalf aroused the
anger of General Villa and Zapata
Wife and Sister Are Safe.
Although Iturblde has been in the
United States a week he withheld the
rf.toiia of his adventures until he
learned tonight that his wife and sister-in-law
also were safe across the
American border.
The exile, who is ft great-grandson
of Agustin Iturblde. who proclaimed
himself Emperor of Mexico in 1821 and
subsequently was executed, is about 36
years old, an athlete, a crack revolver
shot and polo player. He was a favorite
with members of the foreign colony In
Mexico City and had many oppor
tunities to leave, together with other
federal officers. Remaining as head
of the district government, however,
even after the departure of Carbajal,
Huerta's star, he transferred thexecu
tive power In person to General Car
ranza. Later he was paroled by Car
ranza. with the understanding that he
would be tried at some future date by
the courts.
In the exciting dajrs following the
evacuation by -the Carranza troops Itur-
( Concluded on Fas 0.)
I .
' The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
degrees; minimum. - 42 degrees.
TODAY'S Unsettled ; probably occasional
rain; -westerly winds. .
" Earthquake.
Number of dead as result of qua
lleved to exceed zu.uou. rs .
i it Av.-.ann'. notables ' killed, rase '
- Legislatures.
Special election next Fall for amendment
considered Dy a.csisi.ui o
Patre J.
Democrats at Olympia fall to grab liquor
ax nartv Issue. Page 7.
Kellaher-s plan lor divided session of Senate.
is voted down ana bumuiuio w, w
idered in fortnight. Page 4.
House liquor committee Is strongly In favor
of dry measure miroouceo. ms,
Di.. ... t. -. - Ki,r Treasurer handle fish
and game license money to be center of
hlltrr fteht- Pare 4.
8enate Judiciary committee approves bill to
abolish office or urego
jLvmil Pace 5.
No favoritism shown by Speaker Selling in
committee appointments, rage o.
r , - w,Md around Soissons
French compelled to give way on part of
line. Pssa 6.
s,.t kv state DeDartment to make
exceptiou of Daeia's cotton cargo, without
settling principle oi regieuj. -.
Air scout says it Is harder to find enemy
than to -fciil him. Page S.
German economists urge people to frustrate
enemy's plan to starve them out by con
serving fooa." rage
Persians Join In march on Russia, rage 3.
Ex-Oovernor Iturblde reveal bis sensational
escape from Mexico, rage l,
. National.
Santo Domingo used by Brian as political
spoils. Page 1.
Governor Blease resigns with only few more
days to serve, rage :.
n...frr- .irhlh executive of Mexico In
single presidential term that
years still to run. Page 3.
has two
Pafirin Coast FTorkev League renews war
and world series Is called off. Pag 14,
Basketball season opens at Eugene tonight
with Wlllimette-tlregun game. ras
-Rvr final nracilcb series to be with
Chicago Colored Giants, .
Page 14.
Pacific Northwest.
Marcus Loew in tour of Empress Theater
circuit announces plans for, general
shake-uD. Page 15.
Port of Seattle Commission discharges traf
fic manager alter . n
Pure 15.
rjlrl .loner In Tacoma defies father In
Rainier. Or. Page 13.
Commercial and Marine.
Pacific Coast wheat at high price In English
markets. page la.
Wheat prices at Chicago dime higher than
on Monday. Page 10.
Stocks close firm after Irregular fluctuations.
Page 18..-
Tow merger at mouth of Columbia is
possibility. Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
New shows at movlng-plcturs houses are
most amusing. Page 8.
Brightened penny owned by Hugh O P-eu
causes charge oi couDienciuMs . u
filed. Page b. -4-"
John Barrett. In speech before Progressive
Business Men a hud. preuicis
Evolution. Page 20.
Second-story robber leaps through window,
fires two shots at pursuer and escapes,
Page 1.
Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B., lectures on
Christian Science. Page Id.
Hapsburgs, Aristocracy and Finan
ciers Deposit Money With Swiss.
GENEVA (via Paris), Jan. 14. Swiss
banks are receiving large sums or
money and scrip from members of the
Hapsburg family, members of the Aus
trian aristocracy and Vienna financiers.
as deposits and also large orders to buy
American securities.
Recently one Austrian Archduke sold
for cash a large estate in the Tyrol at
virtually half its value.
1JAN15 .
BRA r.,,rt Bid
Supreme Court
".Santo Domingo Used
to Reward Friends.
"Workers" Valuable, Suitable
Places Not Easy to Find.
Witness Tells How Secretary Was
Influenced by Banco Xaclonal
and How Partisans Fattened
on Island Republic.
NEW TORK. Jan. 14. Testimony In
which it was asserted that changes
made by the present Washington Ad
ministration In the personnel of this
Government's official colony In the Do
mlnican Republic were due to the In
fluence of Interests seeking to exploit
the finances of the country, was heard
today at the inquiry conducted by Sen
ator-elect Phelan, of California, to de
termine whether James M. Sullivan,
American Minister to the republic. Is
fit to hold his position.
Bank Coterie Influences Bryan.
Secretary Bryan was accused of lend
ing ear in appointing Sullivan to the
Samuel M. Jarvls coterie of New Tork
financiers, who controlled the Banco
Nacional at Santo Domingo, alleged to
have been an institution without stand
lng on the Island, and which sought to
obtain for its coffers the deposit of the
customs duties, whose collection Is ad-
mistered by - the United States, and
other Government funds.
William E. Pulllam, receiver-general
of the customs at Santo Domingo dur
ing the Taft Administration, testified
that F. J. R. Mitchell, president of the
Banco Nacional, had caused to be pub
lished" in a Dominican newspaper that
W. T.' S. Doyle, head of the department
of Latin-American affairs In the State
Department, had been removed on com
plaint of Mitchell and that Mitchell had
subsequently said to him: "I told you
so. There'll be several other changes
and they'll extend to Santo Domingo."
Next Minister rredlcted.
In June, 1913, Mitchell went to Santo
Domingo and told him that Russell,
American Minister under Taft, was re
turning. "He told me," the witness testified,
that I was a good guesser, he'd tell
me the name of the next Minister. It
ends with an 'N.' he said."
That Secretary Bryan at that time
had a high opinion of Mr. Sullivan was
evidenced by a letter placed on record
while Pulliam was testifying by Walker
W. Vick, who succeeded Pulliam as re-ceiver-generai
and who after his re-
(Concluded on Page 5.)
Thursday s War Moves
X REVERSE of the allies along the
x River Aisne In the neighborhood
of Soissons is admitted in the latest
French official statement, although the
possible effect of the German advance
is officially minimized.
After continuous engagements, which
lasted nearly two days, the Germans
forced the French to yield in front of
Vregny, to the east of Crouy. It is ex
plained by the French war office that
the flooding of the River Aisne de
stroyed several of the bridges and thus
rendered precarious the communica
tions of the troops operating on the
right bank. These troops were with
drawn, as it was thought Impossible to
send reinforcements to their support
"The success is a partial one for our
adversaries," . says the French state
ment, "but will have no Influence on
the operations as a whole."
Emperor William himself was present
at these operations, which resulted In
the capture of several thousand French
prisoners and were continued through
out January 12 and 13.
Petrograd says the Russian troops
have progressed on the right bank of
the Lower Vistula, where the German
cavalry was repulsed. On the other
front the fighting is mado up largely
of skirmishes and artillery duels.
The general staff of the Caucasus
army devotes a statement to the opera
tions In Azerbaijan, where, it is ox-
plained. It became expedleut to re
group the Russian forces, necessitating
the evacuation of certain places pre
viously occupied. No important action
took place, only an engagement by the
Russian advance guard.
British aviators early in the week
dropped bombs on the German positions
in Antwerp, according to a Netherlands
newspaper dispatch. The oamage done
by the bombs has not been ascertained.
Eighteen Russian Generals have been
discharged from important positions.
according to the Hamburg Fremdem
Geneva reports that numbers of the
Austrian nobility and aristocracy and
Viennese financiers are depositing large
sums of money in Switzerland and are
giving orders for the purchase of quan
titles of American securities.
Secretary of State Bryan has ac
knowledged in a friendly spirit the re
ceipt of the preliminary reply of the
British government to the American
note protesting against the treatment
accorded neutral commerce by British
warships. No comment is made by the
Secretary in view of the fact that It is
Great Britain's intention to reply later
In detail.
French Senator Advises Body to Be
Quiet While France Is Invaded.
PARIS, Jan. 14. "Speeches must give
way to the voice of cannon. The coun
try is not with you; there Is nothing
for Parliament to do but to keep still
when Franco is Invaded."
With these words M. Delahaye in the
Senate today demanded the postpone
ment of all discussion of the war. His
speech caused a great stir and pro
tests on the part of several members.
Premier Vlvianl expressed regret
such language had to be used, but some
of M. Deiahaye's colleagues upheld
After a brief but lively debate the
motion for a postponement was de
Douglas Farmers in Institute Urge
Action in Message to Wilson.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 14. (Special.)
"We have .waited for 40 years for
the bankers to help us. The tail has
vvagged the dog long enough; let the
dog wag his own tail and give us the
farmers' banking bill," was the sub
stance of a telegram sent to Presi
dent Woodrow Wilson today by the
Grangers in attendance at the annual
Farmers' Institute held in this city.
The farmers of Douglas County are
heartily in favor of the . proposed
measure and have asked their Repre
sentatives in Congress to lend their
support In bringing about its ma
Curry District Attorney Announces
Departure for Missouri.
MARSHFIELD. Or., Jan. 14. (Spe
cial.) District Attorney W. H. Mere
dith, of Gold Beach, announces that he
will depart from Curry County In the
Spring for Poplar Bluff, Mo., his former
home. Mr. Meredith has been a resi
dent of Curry County for the past six
years and has been prominent In pub
licity work and general advancement of
the county's interests.
Mr. Meredith was a candidate for the
Congressional nomination In the first
Oregon district In the 1814 -primaries on
the Democratic ticket but was defeated
by Fred Hollister. of North Bend.
Corvallls Boy and Girl Get Letter
From Secretary of Xavy.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 Secretary
Daniels wrote today to a little boy and
girl of Corvallis. Or, telling them he
was sorry he could not grant their re
quest that the schoolchildren of Ore-
on be permitted to make tho voyage
through the" Panama t,anal on the
famous old battleship bearing their
state's name.
Mr. Daniels s:il that as tho Oregon
was imlit to carry omy r.ien, it
would be impossible for her to lake
care of the 187,000 young people In tne
state's schools.
Several Amendments
Before Assembly,
Day Would Limit Petition Sign
ing to Registered Voters.
CJauM-s In Dry Act Are Pccincil In-coiii-tttutloiial
Legislators Tr)
to Find Way to Alter l l.-rul
Period of Mate.
nv noN.u.D a.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, or.. .Tsn. 14.
(Staff correspondent.) Possibility
that there will be six, or more consti
tutional amendments submitted to tho
voters by the present Legislature Is
giving impetus to the proposal that a
special referendum election be call!
ariln this year in terms somewhat sim
ilar to those? of tho special election bill
of the last session. If the special elec
tion Is called it is likely that the
amendments and bills referred by tho
Legislature will go to vote next Fall
Instead of waiting until November of
tho following year.
Long Ballots Invite "'
All of tho amendments so far pro
posed have merit, but It Is realised that
when put upon a ballot encumbered
with numerous measures that come
from the people every election, the dis
position of the voters is to vote "no."
They become discouraged over the ar
duous task of digesting the laws sub
mitted and good measures receive a
large negative vote, which la nothing
more than a protest against a lengthy
One extremely simple proposal, in
.which there Is undoubted virtue, re
quires the submission of three distinct
amendments. Under the constitution as
It now reads legal voters are qualified
to sign initiative, referendum and re
call petitions.
Only Registered Nay Sign.
To safeguard tho purity of petition
it is proposed that only registered
voters be permitted to sign. Yet In
this connection the words "legal voters"
appear In three sections of the consti
tution. The three amendments neces
sary to bring about Ihe change were
submitted In the Senate by Senator
Day, of Multnomah, today.
Today, also, faenator Butler an
nounced that he would offer a resolu
tion for the submission of a consti
tutional amendment providing for a
divided session of the Legislature simi
lar to that of California.
Governor Wlthycombe 1ms a'Kc-1 for
a constitutions! amendment similar to
one In the New York constitution au
thorising tho Governor to removo of
ficials who are remiss In their duties.
At present they may be removed only
tlirogh the medium of the recall or
upon conviction in criminal irn-u-ings
for Incompetency, corruption,
malfeasance or dollnqulncy In office.
In addition tho amendment providing
for the alncle Item veto is likely lo
come up for consideration. jnus i
six amendments iilready In sight and
It Is not unreasonublo to export that
there l)l be more.
Referendum Meat Probable.
The special election law, adopted two
years ago, left ho holding of an elec
tion contingent upon tho tiling of a
referendum against soy bill adopted
by that Legislature. Tho election may
iCuncluded on Puge 4.)
ST. HELENS, Or Jan. 14.
(Special.) Early in the year, the
first wave of 1914 prosperity lilt
this city when the town of Houl
ton was annexed, thus Increasing
the population 600. This addi
tion now is known as East St.
During the Summer 121,000 was
expended In sewer construction.
A dock landing for smaller boats
was built, also.
A one-story business block was
erected and now is occupied by
confectionery. Jewelry and mer
chandise stores. J. Ramsey con
structed a hall Into a store and
soon filled the apartments above.
W. B. Dillard opened picture show
house. H. Morgus enlarged a
rooming-bouse Into a commercial
The St. Helens Milling Com
pany spent several thousaud dol
lars In the construction of a mod
ern steel wood-buruer. The Mrth
dist Church was rebuilt. Th
School Board provided m school
gymnasium and the firo depart
ment built a large athletic club
The posloffire quarters uero
'doubled. A decision of the Su
preme Court gave t property
owners clear right to valuable
building nnd business property
fronting on the river, known at
tha Strand.
(Caucluic4 oa I'm
Westminster Jail.