Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 12, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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Plans and Specifications Are
Adopted,and Bids Will Be
Opened February 23.
Slight Change Requested by Asso
ciation of lumbermen Granted
So as to Permit Use or Wood
Blocks for Flooring.
By the middle of March. Jt is now
nmctlcally assured. the interstate
brlds-e. the biggest structure of Its kind
In the world, will be actually In course
of construction. Yesterday plans ano
rHnstions for the bridjre. submit
ted by E. E. Howard, of the firm of
rons-ultlng engineers, were adopted by
the Bridge Commission ana aavemse
mrnts for birds were ordered.
Beyond this, the Commission went on
record as favoring home products to an
extent that the plans and specification
will be amended to make bids for
wooden block pavlDg possible. This
action was taken at the instance of a
large delegation from the West Coast
Lumber Manufacturers' Association.
which attended the meeting- of the
rnrnmUxinn vesterdar.
Governor West, who under the law is
a member of the Commission, tele
f?ranhei his reerets that he could not
b present, and urged that the Com
mission favor wooaen diock pavemeui
for the bridge.
Governor l're ITse f Wood.
His telea-ram was as follows:
"Owinr to the convening of the Leg
islature tomorrow. It will be Impossible
for me to attend the bridge meeting,
Irt me urge, however. Inasmuch as we
are endeavoring to encourage home
products, that the specifications favor a
wood block pavement lor me roa.
Led by W. B. Mackay. president of
tho Went Coast Lumber Manuracturers
Association, and accompanied by E. C
Oillner. secretary of the Chamber of
Commerce, a delegation from the Lum
ber Manufacturers Association was
present when the meeting opened. The
delegation consisted of H. II. KtrK, o.
f m fins. O. M. Clark. George M.
Cornwall. F. H. Kansom and F. B.
Reals. Kach member made a short talk
on tho advantages of wooden block
Paving, objecting to the fact that the
Plans for the bridge, as printed, made
such requirements mat diocks cuuio
tint h used.
Engineer Howard said that. If au
thorized by the Commission, ne woum
Issue a supplementary letter to the
plan, setting forth other data which
would permit of the use of wooden
blocks. This was agreed to.
Mlcbt t'tante Xeeessary.
The original plans called for a five-
Inch concrete base to hold tne streetcar
roiia nri a two-inch wearing surface
on top. Two Inches is said to be too
thin fnr wooden blocks. If tbls Is in
pressed, the height of the rails must
be increased In proportion, air. now
ard said he would make provision for
Advertisements for bids will be printed
Immediately. This will take 30 days.
Itlds will be opened on February 13 at
S o'clock P. M.. and tne contract win
be awarded. Allowing a little time to
..- material on hand. Mr. Howard esti
mates that construction should be under
way by the middle or Alarcn.
From nnd to end the bridge will be
17.000 feet long. The actual steel por
tion of this, crossing the Columbia
ltlver. Oregon Slough and Columbia
Slough, will occupy 5000 feet, and there
will be 12.00 feet of embankment.
Across the Columbia Klver will be 14
spans. 11 will cross Oregon Slough and
four will cross Columbia Slough.
The Commission made no decision on
the style of draw span to be Installed.
Elds are asked on both the draw and
swing spans, and engineers' drawlnga
of the bridge show both styles. At the
request of the War Department one of
the spans crossing Columbia Slough
will be fitted so that with the least pos
sible labor it can be converted into a
draw to let ships pass.
Steel Only Foreign Troduet Needed.
"We have shown In the specifica
tions." said Mr. Howard, "that the mem
bers of tho Commission prefer the use
of home products to the greatest pos
sible extent. In making their bids en
gineers will take this Into considera
tion. 1 know of nothing that cannot
he secured here expect the steeL There
are no rolling mills on the Pacific
It Is estimated that 9500 tons of steel,
l.nnO.000 cubic yards of embankment
and 19.000 cubic yards of concrete must
be used In building the bridge.
Withdrawal of their objection to the
lift type of span was contained in a
letter to the Commission from the
Northwest Steel Company. In this let
ter the company says It has changed
lis Tlews with regard to the lift span.
which It believed would discourage the
trafnc of sailing ships.
The completion or the Panama Canal,
it adds, has shortened the distance by
water to the Pacific Coast to such an
extent that sailing vessels no longer
offer the advantages of cheap transpor
tation. Rufus C. Holman presided at yester
day's meeting.
at Dallas, is registered at the Mult
nomah. H. S. Hagan. of San Francisco. Is
staying- at the Multnomah.
J. C. Scott, a grain man of Walla
Walla, is at the Multnomah.
J. R. Good, of Colfax, Wash., arrived
at the Multnomah yesterday.
Howard W. Tuner, editor of the Mad
ras Pioneer, Is at the Perkins.
M. B. O'Leary, a merchant of Ridge
field. Wash.. Is at the Carlton.
Charles Starr, of Gold Beach, regis
tered at the Carlton yesterday.
A. McRae, a realty operator of Gold-
endale. Wash., is at the Perkins.
K. C. McDougall. a Seattle contractor.
arrived at the Seward yesterday.
A. P. Fletcher and wife, of McMlnn-
ville. are registered at the Eaton.
Mrs. Ben Olcott, wife of the Secretary
of State of Salem, is at the Seward
Dr. Bertha S. Stuart, of the Univer
sity of Oregon, Eugene, is at the Imperial.
L. M. Sovey. a lumberman of San
Francisco, arrived at the Oregon yesterday.
Amar Goldberg, of the Great Western
Smelting Company, of Seattle, is at the
Mrs. Fred Zadoch and daughter. Miss
Agnes Zadoch, of Tillamook, are at the
Judge John Fulton, accompanied by
his wife, registered at the Seward from
Wasco yesterday.
D. B. Thomas and wife, of Newberg,
are staying at the Eaton while on a
brief visit in Portland.
CHICAGO, Jan. 11. (Special.) Mrs.
Slgmund Frank and M. Lloyd Frank, of
Portland, -are registered at the Congress.
mm i
Lower Interest, Change of Denomlna-
tlsa a ad Seml-Annaal Payments
Desired la Bancroft Act.
Bond-buyers and representatives of
bonding companies will meet with the
City Council at the City Hall at 3
o'clock today to consider a measure
which the Council proposes to submit
to the State Legislature making im
portant changes in the Bancroft bond-
ng act. under the provisions of which
the city does all its public Improve
ment work. The views of the bond-
buyers will be heard on the subject,
after which the measure will be taken
to Salem by City Attorney La Roche.
The Council proposes to change the
act so that the interests of property
wners will be better protected and so
that the system will be simpler for the
city. Under this act property owners
grant liens to the city on their prop-
rty, on the strength or whicn liens tne
lty issues bonds to provide money to
pay contractors. The bonds are issued
or the payment of street paving, sewer
construction, grading of streets, laying
of sidewalks and extension of streets.
The law at present requires the is
suance of the bonds in the denomina
tion of 500. The Council wants this
hanged so that the bonds may be is
sued in the denomination of 31000. This
is to save printing bills on large issues.
At present property owners have only
10'days in which to file application tor
bonding after the completion of a con
tract. The Council wants to extend the
time to 20 days.
The law now requires the issuance
of bonds bearing S per cent interest.
The Council wants to change this to
permit lowering the rate of interest.
The most Important change is in the
time for the payment of interest on the
bonds. Interest now is paid the city
annually by the property owners, and
has to be paid semi-annually by the
city to the purchasers of the bonds. As
result the city has to carry out or its
general fund an amount sufficient to
pay six months interest tor tne prop
erty owner, and this money does not all
come back until 10 years after the
issuance of the bonds.
1 ',.,!:
Ward Slaters Feature Act W'ltk Mt-
rhaaleal Doll Pair, Full of Fun,
an Bills of Note.
PnMlinn Likely to He Created To
morrow Wlll Pay I50 Monthly.
Assurance haiini: been given by the
majority of the members of the City
Council that the ordinance Introduced
recently by Mayor Albee. creating the
position of public defender for the Mu
nicipal Court, will be passed at tomor
row's council meeting, the list of ap
plicants for the position is rapldly
trrowing. There are now IS applicants.
The position, which is to be estab
lished for the benefit of persons unable
to pay for legal aid. will carry a sal
ary of I1S0 a month, according to pres
ent piano. Applicants are doing all
kinds of wire-pulling.
C. S. Prouty, of North Bend. Is at the
U. C. Ward, of Goldendale, Wash, is
at the Eaton.
Dr. and Mrs. Tyler Smith, of Sheridan,
are at the Imperial.
O. K. Gurensey and wife, of Spokane,
are at the Nortonia.
Mrs. J. F. Reddy. of Medford. is reg
istered at the Oregon.
J. S. McElroy. of Salem, registered at
the Nortonia yesterday.
Charles Smith, a Eugene business
man. is at the Nortonia.
Clyde Roberts Is registered at the
Perkins from Willamina.
W. Pollak. an Albany merchant, is
registered at the Oregon.
C. M. Speck, a Medford orchardlat, la
registered at the Imperial.
Mrs. Henry Serr, proprietor of a hotel
James Grady, an old-time -favorite
nd character actor of ability, in "The
Toll Bridge." by Jimmie Barry, carries
away all headline honors at the i.m
ress this week. Mr. Grady appears as
grouchy, old tollgate keeper, whose
better self la discovered by a tiny watr,
Cherrie. ployed by Madeline Clarke,
ho is a charming, delightful bit or
femininity, brimming with personality.
The plot Is Interestingly and cleverly
advanced by a company that makes the
act a real treat.
One of the Ward sisters, in an act ot
note. Is a mechanical doll, easily lifted
from the floor at one moment and, at
the next, not to be budded by the
troncest man. The delightful two mix
with the audience in no end of merri
Mabel Douglas makes her bow to her
many Portland friends. With her is
Lacey Sampson to assist in their
original fun and foolishness. Lacey's
best song Is "Tip Top Tipperary Mary."
Hoot mon! In comes Ed Cleve. all
done up In kilties and playing Scotch
airs and many of the latest popular
tunes on an xylophone. He is a rapid
Itre fellow, who nearly turns Inside
out as he whirls ofT the music at the
rate of a mile a minute.
A musical offering, with Jokes
aplenty, is given by Russel's Minstrel
Comedians. This good old-fashioned
minstrel number is full of up-to-date
Quaint Spaniards are the two acro
bats. Les Casados, who do some sen
sational and comical tumbling.
January 1 clearance
The- Quality Stofe of Portland
rtttl, iixtrv "Morrison, Alder Sts.
Demonstration Sale
Aluminum Ware
Every day tfcis week by Miss Emily Horgan, the noted
authority on "Wear-Ever" brand Aluminum Ware. To
day, cakes will be cooked on griddle without grease.
Third Klpor, Temporary Aanex
Entire Stock of Men's, Women's
Knit Underwear to Clear at Once
-IE T7-, rf- and Children, brands of Munsing,
t Or W Omen Harvard Mills, Athena, Swan, Vi-
T7rf-v- TVr-M and Boys, brands of Munsing, Vassar, Globe,
A1 Ox lVien cooper's, Wright's, Stuttgarter, Winstead,
Gantner & Mattern, Schlichten Ramie Fiber (pure linen),
Boot's Tivoli, Narragansett, Duoiold and flieoucott.
ola. Sterling, Hall and Kayser brands. All standard makes of
the best quality. Big values every one or tnem.
Immense Price Economies for Those Who Come Today
Men's $3 and 83.50 Shirts and
Drawers CJantner & Mattern
brand; silk lisle in fancy color
combinations blue with white
stripes, white with no
lavender, pink with I elO
white X
Wool and Silk Silk Lisle Cot
ton Light, Medium and Heavy
S3 grades now SI. 65
Rl grades now S2.59
SI icrades now 3.39
grades now $4.29
6 grades bow
Men's SI Union Suits Heavy
fleeced cotton, in sil- nsl.
ver gray and ecru. All r sl
sizes JJ
Men's S Union Sults Gantner
& Mattern 1' a n c y
silk lisle effects. Re
duced to
Men'a Shirts and Drawers Fine
Egvptian cotton, medium heavy
weight. Well finished; -m
form fitting. EitrKK
special, garment J KJr
Boys' 91 Union Suits Worsted,
in medium weight, n fx
Sizes 6 to 14 U'
years JF
M e n's 93.50 Union Salt
Wright's worsted; n QQ
light, medium and J
heavy weights nt
Entire stock of Union, Suits,
Shirts and Drawers.
Regularly 11.50, now 81.15
Regularly 2.00. now $1.S!
Regularly $3, now 82
Regularly J3.50, now $2.49
Regularly' 4.50, now 83.29
Regularly 6.50. now 84.49
92 grade, worsted, medium and
heavy weights, 81.65.
12.50 grade, worsted, light
weiglits, 81.98
S3 grade, fancy worsted, medi
um weight. 82.59 ,
$4 grade, heavy, all wool. 82.9S
53 o0 grade, silkoline and wool,
82 T9
54 grade, silkoline and- wool,
Men's and Boys'
First Floor, Temporary Annex
Boys' 50e Union Suits Fleece-
lined cotton, in silver r gi
gray and cream. Sizes KM
6 to 16 years J J
Boys' SOc Shirts and Drawn
x leece-iinea c o 1 1 o ,
ribbed style, gray and
ecru. Garment.
Entire stocks Manning Union
Suits far men and boys re
duced. Entire' storks Duofold U n I e a
Suits reduced.
All "Gotham Underwear for
men reduced.
Lewis' Underwear broken as
sortments mostly drawers
First Floor, Temporary Annex
Women's 50c Vests and Pants
Extra heavy fleece - lined cot
ton, in cream and white. Vests
high neck, long sieves; pants
ankle length. Regu- f
lar sizes. Gar- J 1
ment mmJ
Women's 91 "Viola" Union Sulta
Jersey ribbed, fleeced cotton,
in white: high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length. g
Extra sizes 7, 8 and faU
9 only J J
Women's 9t.5 "Mumln" Pants
and Vests Wool and cotton
mixed; natural and white; high-oeck-long-sleeve
vests, f
ankle-length, pants. U WC
extra sixes, garment 91.25
Women's 92.25 and 92.50 "Swan"
Brand Underwear Imported
Swiss ribbed lisle in medium
weight. Very elastic; soft fin
ished Assortment of Off
styles. All regular I i03
sizes. Garment JL
Women's 91.25 "Harvard Mills'
Union Suits w nite cotton,
medium weight, tuck stitched;
high neck, long sleeves, mtm -ankle
length. Regu- Vf V
lar sizes f J
91.50 extra sizes, garment PSe
75c extra slses, garment, 4Ue
Women's 50e "Harvard Mills"
Vests and Pants White cotton,
medium weight; high - neck
long -sleeved vests; r) A-ankle-length
pants. t
Regular sizes; garment KJ J
Infants' 91-20 "Rubens" Vests
Silk and lisle in a medl- fast f
nm waiflrhtL Made with
no buttons. All Sizes
ana snort
ints. 1 05
int.. X
Women's 92 "Athena" Union
Sr.lts Wool and cotton mixed.
Long and short sleeves, high
necKs. i-erieci mting
tailored under wear.
Regular sizes
925 extra sixes, garment. 91.00
Women's 91.25 "Athena" Vests
and Pants Kine mercerized
cloth. Vests with Dutch and
high necks, long and short
sleeves. Knee - ai
ankle- length pai
Reg. sizes. Garment
91.50 extra sixes, sarmeat, 910
Misses' 91."5 "Munsing" Union
Suits Heavy fleeced cotton;
high neck, 1 n K Q
sleeves, drop seat-
All sizes KJ
Boys' and Girls' 85c Union Suits
-Fleece - lined cotton in soft
finish; high neck. Ions fSp
sleeves, ankle length. "J
All sizes J
Women's and Children's
Second Floor. Mxtb-St. Bids.
At About Half Price
The assortment includes gowns,
chemise, drawers, . combinations and
skirts. Beautifully executed designs, all
hand-worked. Also many of the gar
ments all hand-made.
$2 French Gowns 91.
$5 French Gowns 92.VM
S8.50 French Gowns 94.88
12.50 French Gowns 9U.23
1 6.50 French Gowns 9S.9S
SI French Drawers 7Sc
$1.47 French Drawers 7c
S3 French Drawers S1.H1)
$5 French Drawers :.
10 French Drawers 83.08
S1.B9 French Covers OSc
S2 French Covers 91.4T
S3 French Covers 9I.B
14.50 French Covers 92.25
S5.98 French Covers 93.08
$1 French Chemise TSc
(1.47 French Chemise 97c
2.25 FrenchChemise 91.40
3.50 French Chemise 92.25
$5 French Chemise now 92.08
S3. So French Petticoats now 91.60
$3 and $5 French Petticoats now 91.08
S7.50 French Petticoats now 94.59
SI 5 French Petticoats now 97.88.
S3 French Combinations now !.!
S5 French Combinations now 92.08
fi.50 French Combinations now 93.08
Si 0.75 French Combinations now 5.S
S12 50 French Combinations now 9U.08
S10 to $18.50 French Princess Slips broken
sizes now 93.88
Second Floor. Slxth-St. BldK.
Sensational Reductions on
chiidreesand Gloves & Mittens
Mail Orders
Filled From
This Ad
Ours is not exactly a mail
order "system"; it is, rather, a
systematized shopping serv
ice, which gives the personal
attention of a trained shopper
to every order.
Tour order is studied and
promptly filled with as much
"intelligent interest" as if you
were here yourself.
Should you come in person
we will be glad, upon request,
to ' have one of our experi
enced shoppers assist and con
duct you to ally or all of the
75 different departments.
There is no charge.
Many Below Cost!
Infants' Mittens and Wristlet
All wool, in white, OlacK, mm
brown, navy and red. w
The pair KJ
Misses' Mittens Also Women's
and Children's Golf Gloves and
Mittens. Broken lines some all
wool. Regular 25c, 35c and oOo
qualities, z pairs Zor. 4 f.
Clearance Price, the I
pair. X J
Infants' and Children's 91 Kid
Mittens and Gloves Fur tops,
fleece lined; brownrj
and tan shades. The VI l
pair J
Women's B5c to 85c Cashmere
Gloves Silk and suede lined;
also Silk Golf Gloves, in m
black. Good range of ZLvl"
sizes. Pair 1LJ
Women's 25e and 85c Cashmerette Gloves In short
length; also some t.isie Gloves. tuacK ana
colors. Sizes 56 to S'A but not every size
in each color, fair
Women's SOc Sllk-I.lned Cashmere Gloves In
black; also broken lines of Lisle and Chamois-
ette Gloves. Pair
W o m e n's 91 Duplex Reindeer Wnshable
Gloves Natural shade and a few sizes In
white. Two-pearl-clasp style. Pair.
Dent's and Baemo Make Winter Gloves for Women
SI Fur-Top. Fleece-Lined Gloves and Mittens, pr, 75
f 1.25 Fur-Top, Fleece-Lined Gloves & Mittens, pr.. Hoc
S1.50 Fleece-Lined Gloves, pair, 81.19
Women's -Sl.50-2.50 Fleece-Lined Kid Gloves, 81.39
S3.50 Dent's Fur-Lined Gloves, pair 82.75
$5 and S8 Dent's Squirrel-Lined Gloves, pair. 83.
First Kloor, gixth-M. Bids.
it 1J
House Dresses
Women's 92-25 to 93.75 House Dresses
Odd assortment from our regular
stocks. Including niany styles. AH
p erf eot garments a few m AQ
mussed slightly from luin- I
dling. All sizes. Clearance X
Fifth Floor, Mxlh-M. Bids.
HhIi flem-o
L'hes. Com
bination of gray and while f CC
K-ith colored borders. Clear- I
ince Sale price X
92.25 Stitched Comforters r I I I e a
with pure white downy cotton: nt
tractlvely covered with good iunlitv
silkoline In Ilorai patterns
and Oriental designs. Clear
ance Sale Price.
92 Bed Blankets Of KukIIhIi fletn-n
cotton. Full nixe izxsu mcne. i-'
Temporary Annex
All standard Sets OMK-THIOO Ol'l'.
All Bibles now OXK-KOt It'll! Oil'.
91 Cook Books at '.tUf.
Webster's Imperial Illctlonary 83.
Horn' Own Book. flM ed., 75C.
"l-.tlquette for All Occasions" 3ftr,
Children's Paint Hooks One-Hslf I'rl.-e
Book Dept., th Floor. Iltli-st. Illtln.
Peas Can 10c
The Well-Known "Victor" Brand.
Four-sievo variety, medium sU.
Taste like f renlily-pickeil pear.
Kegular 12',ic value. Dozen $1.12,
can 10c.
Victor Sliced Pineapple, latest Ha
waiian park, JVo. 2 raas. dos. 9I.-V.1
can 12c4.
Red Nalinon, Ko. 1 tall vans, doaen
91.45i ran 124r.
New Holland llrrrlna ll mllrbera.
Standard ' kra 81.129.
California Dried A prleots rich, gold
en fruit. Pound 15c.
Saaar- Cored Hams well trimmed
and smoked. Pound lS'.
Butternut Butter satisfactory brand.
Roll t7f.
Tomato Catsup Kalaht make, lint
bottles J St4.
(six pounds. Petite Prunes Oreaon
cured, small hlnck variety. IC&f.
Five-pound tsrk Small Whit. Ilrsns
White Mlehlaan pea besn. l!lr.
50c Japan Tea Victor. !Sew crop,
basket fired. Pound .19.
Three paekaaes Mincemeat Morrts
A Co. Supreme brand, rea. lOe,
Pure Food tirocery.
Basrmrnl. Mxth-Sl. Bids.
In Every Section of the Store The Biggest
Values of the Year! follow the Crowds!
February "Delineator"
Now Ready Price 15c
This issue contains a very intimsle
mother and babe story by Dorothy
Canfieid. Read the Delineator for
most authentic fachlon predictions.
Pattern Department, 3rd Floor, (la
st. Buildlna.
An All-Week
Stationery Sale
91 to 91.25 Crane's Fanry Gold F.dae
Stationery and Correspondence
Cards, white and colors, box 71C.
T5i M. A F. Speelsl Stationery. !M
sheets psper, 24 cards. 75 envelopes,
box 530.
35e Irish Lawn Stationery, S sheets
paper. 50 envelopes, box 2ti4.
25e Crane's Ststlonery, 24 sneeta pa
per. 24 envelopes, box 16.
25e Coles Phillips' Stationery. 14
sheets paper, 24 envelope, box 1 Of
S0c-5c Initial Stationery and Corre
spondence cards, white and tints,
box 31c. . ,
Moussellne de Paris, pound paper. M
sheets to ponnd. poos 19r,
Envelopes to match above paper,
package 7t. . . .,
15c Crane's Kara I.lnea Tnbleta, la all
slses. each !.
15c Kara F.nvelopes to match tablets,
two pseksaes 15rl psvksxe tie.
S5e Hlabland Linen correspondence
Cards, new tints, box !27f. - .
50c -old K.dae Batiste Correspondence
Cards, box 39. ...
Business Knvelopea 250 to box M
and i slse. box 33f. . . . .
25c Carter's Fountain Pen Ink, bot
tle 21e. .
lDr Carter's Koal Black and Fluid
Ink, bottle 7. . .
91 Carter's Indelible fMnmplna; Ink,
bottle 63C.
5e Itrsk Blotters, buff, yellow and
red. two for 5t.
25c Hesk Flllna Cabinets, ea. 2 It
SOc Plain Glass Ink stands, es. -Mr.
First Floor, Mxlh-M. Bids.
10 i
H,.,.,, .nil
iu,. ,U
Merchants National Bank Voices
Views on Conditions.
Optimism for the new year Is voiced
in the general letter on trade condi
tions. Just issued by the Merchants' Na
tional Bank. Increases in advertising
campaigns by bouses doing a Nation
wide business is considered on indi
cation of approaching good times.
Money is reported plentiful for domes
tic trade needs, more than one-half of
the emergency currency issued under
the Aldrich-Vreeland act having been
An increase in lumbering activities
in tho Pacific Northwest and the ex
port of grain is anticipated. The sale
of horses for war purposes and the
heavy charter of ocean carriers from
Portland and Puget Sound to urope
are noted.
The oDeninjr of the New York and
London stock exchanges without ad
verse conditions arising has given con
fidence to the commercial world. It is
said, and has paved the way for offer
ing new securities. The letter says
that the S per cent increase in rail
road rates, granted by the Interstate
Commerce Commission overshadowed
all other constructive elements for the
last month.
, K. Feia-ht Rescues Family In Early
Moraine Blase Wnlch Does
Damage of 91000.
The cool head and steady nerves of
rather saved the lives of his four
hildren in an early morning fire in
Woodlawn yesterday, which partially
destroyed the dwelling of Mr. ana airs.
F. h, Feight, 622 Buffalo street. A
knotted rope, quickly fashioned from
bed coverings, was the means of the
frightened youngsters reaching safety
with the aid of their father.
The blaze, believed to have started
from defective wiring, was not dis
covered until 3 A. M., when Mrs.
Feight. who slept lightly because of
the Illness of a 2-year-old son, who
had the croup, was wakened by smoke
in the bedroom. She roused her hus
band, who carried the youngster out
of the house. The four other chil
dren were asleep on the second floor
of the building.
Mr. Feight then rushe back into the
burning building and reached the up
per floor. Smoke and flames by this
time blocked the stairway, cutting off
retreat in that direction. Seizing the
blankets from the children's beds," Mr.
Feight knotted them together and tied
one end about the bed post. He let
the other end out over the roof.
Calling to his eldest daughter. El
eanor, aged 12. he helped her along
the roof and to the. end of the impro
vised rope from which there was a
drop of about eight feet. In the same
manner the other children were res
rued, Eleanor assisting In breaking
the falls by catching them as they
jumped. Feight was the last to use
the rope, getting to the ground just
before flames .. burned through - the
rope. . :
The three other children rescued in;
this fashion were Evelyn, aged 10
Clarice, aged 8. and Alice, aged 6. The
fire damage was about $1000. the sec
ond floor being gutted. Company 29,
Captain Neal. responded to the alarm.
club dines; evangelist
East Side Business Men Hosts to
Itcv. E. 3. Bulgin.
Rev. E. J. Bulgin, Professor George
L. Rose and Mrs. Rose and George M.
Link, of the evangelistic meetings,
were the guests of the East Side Busi
ness Men's Club yesterday at the Ho
tel Edwards. .Rev. Bulgin gave a talk
on "The City Beautiful." in connection
with his tooic. "A City Four Square.
He pointed out that physical, mental,
moral and EDiritual are the four sides
of all creat cities.
Talks were given by Professor and
Mrs. Rose and Mr. Link. The luncheon
was marked by good humor and the
talks by Evangelist Bulgin were en
livened with amusing Illustrations ana
incidents from his experience as an
Representatives of 'Presbyterian
Christian Endeavorers Gather.
Representatives of many of . the
Christian Endeavor Societies of the
Presbyterian Churches of the city as
sembled last night m the First Church
for conferences. The meeting- was
held under the auspices of the Portland
Society of ChTrstran Endeavor. Unions
and was attended by . a large number of
ministers, committee chairmen and
presidents of Endeavor societies of
churches of the city. -
Lloyd R. Carrick presided. After a
discussion of the general work and the
scope of opportunity offered among the
young neople. sectional conferences
wr held. Plans were made for re
newed Interest and efforts along ail lines
of work conducted by the i.ndeavorers.
Answer Filed to Word Contest on Eve
of Count Precinct 37 Basis for
Accusations of OfflclaL
Charges that 73 ballots in precinct
37 were tampered with, and the votes
changed from Thomas M. Hurlburt to
Tom M. Word for Sheriff, are made in
the answer to the Word election con
test complaint. The anHwer, which was
niea yesteruay in i.uiuy ibih ut
fey's office, declares that the ballots
wcrrtlirown out by the election Judges.
The counter-charge was filed on the
eve of the beginning of the recount
of the ballots under the supervision of
Circuit Judge Kavanaugh. The recount
is scheduled to begin at 9:30 o'clock this
morning. Judge Kavanaugh will name
at least two assistants to do the count
ing, which will take several weeks.
Attorney Dan Malarkey. for Mr.
Hurlburt Klves in the answer the
names and addresses of 128 voters In
precinct 37 who, he says, voted for Mr.
Hurlburt. He declares he has an affi
davit from each of these, swearing that
their votes were cast for Mr. .Hurlburt-
Only 55 votes were credited to
the present Sheriff in that precinct, 73
ballots ha ing been declared void be
cause of -erasures.
These erasures, declares the cross
complaint, were mades"by a person or
persons to us unknown," who at
tempted, It says, to rub out the cross
opposite the name of Thomas M. Hurl
burt and substitute another cross In
front of the name of Tom M. Word.
Precinct 37 lies between Tenth and
Fifteenth streets, immediately north
of Washington street.
The Word complaint, on which the
m-esent contest is based, is a document
of 79 pages, and charges the Judges and
clerks in each one of the 32 precincts
in the county with erroneous counting.
It alleges a difterent numoer oi sup-
posedly void ballots in each precinct
to have been counted for Mr. Hurlburt.
According to the official returns. Mr.
Hurlburt received 34,290 and Mr. Word
34.119 votes in the election of Novem
ber 3.
Pacific Concern's New Plant to Be
Ready In Two Weeks.
The construction of the new plant of
the Pacific Iron WorkB. on East Flan
ders and East Twenty-ninth streets, on
the north side of Sullivan's Gulch, Is
rapidly nearing completion, and the
concern expects to move out of Its old
plant on East Burnside street, between
East Second and East Third street. Into
Its new home within two weeks.
The site is a Blx-acre tract, valued at
about 125,000. and was formerly owned
by O. E. Heintz, of 3 Vista avenue,
president of the Pacific Iron Company
Works. The buildings, at present two In
number, represent a cost of an sddl
tional J25.000. Two additional build
ings will be erected on the site by the
Pacific Iron Works In the Spring. John
Almeter Is the contractor for the new
Grangcvllle Quintet Is Oft Trip.
(Special.) The all-star basketball
team of this city is taking a week's
trip, playing return games. The sched
ule follows: Monday. Ho; Tuesday and
Wednesday, Lewlton; Thursday. Ka
miah; Friday. Kooskla: Paturds;-,
Stites. R. B. Kadtnr. manager; i.
Eimers. captain; J. Edwards. C. Van
Sine, H. Monroe and S. Kennedy aro
making the trip.
That Noon Luncheon
in the Arcadian Garden from 12
until 2 is patronized by Portland's
prominent shoppers and business
people. It is where successful men
and women congregate.
A delicious menu is served for the reasonable price
of fifty cents. And a charming musical program
a a"V . 1 a J
is rendered by Hellers Augmented irrcnesira nu
'There's a Difference'
Hotel Multnomah