Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Offensive Is Attempted During
Wight in Champagne and
v Argonhe Regions.
In Vicinity of SoUsons Allies Also
Repulse Many Assault, While
. Artillery Duels Continue
From Sea to Aisnc.
PARIS. Jan. 10. The following oftt
clal communication was Issued, by the
Wr Office tonight: "
"Last night In the Champagne region
two counter attacks by the Oerman
one to the north of Perthes, the other
to the north of Beausejour were re
veiled. In the Argonne two minor at
tacka by the enemy have failed at
Fontaine Madame and at St. Hubert.
There waa a lively fusillade in the dl
rection of Hill 263. weat-of Boureuilles
and on Leruisseau dea Nourissons, but
no attacks.
"The night waa calm on the rest o:
the front.
The War Office earlier In the day is
' sued the following: .
Artillery la DaeL
"From the sea to the Oise there have
been artillery duels. On the Alane, In
the region of Soissons. the enemy.
spite of many attacks, has not been
able to recapture the trenches which he
had lout. At the end of the day he
inln bombarded Soissons.
"In the country from Khelms to the
Argonnt our artillery has ahelled the
German trenches effectively at several
nolnts. driving away bodies of sappers.
"The positions which we have gained
at Perthes and around that village
have been organised. A counter attack
r th anrniv to the weat of Perthes has
been repulsed. In the neighborhood of
Ia FVrte te Beausejour we have made
two-fold progress by gaining ground
to the west and by taking; possession of
field fort to the north.
Blockhoase la Destroyed.
"In the Argonne the enemy has bom
barded the region of Four-de-Paris; we
have reolled and destroyed a German
blockhouse. '
"The enemy's efforts have been con
tinued on Hill 363.
"Between the Argonne and the Mease
othinr noteworthy occurred.
"On the heights of the Meuse, In the
forest of Apremont. one of the enemy's
attacks has been checked by the ore of
our artillery.
"In the Vosges to the northwest of
Watwiller (In the region of Thann) we
have also repulsed an attack.
Berlin Says French Attack Have
Failed, AVlth Heavy toss.
BERLIN. Jan. 10, by wireless to ton
don. The War Office gave out today
the following statement:
"The bad weather lasted through
yesterday In the western theater of the
war. The Lya has in certain places
flooded the country to a width of 800
"The enemy's attempts to eject ns
from our positions in the dunes of
KieuDort failed.
"Northeast of Soissons the French
repeated their attacks. They were all
repulsed yesterday, with great losses
to the enemy. We captured more than
100 prisoners. The battle at Soissons
Itself recommenced today. Ilia irencn
have again fiercely attacked. Their
attacks broke down, with heavy losses
to them. We took several prisoners.
"In the Argonne we have gained fur
ther ground. In this district and also
in the neighborhood of Apremont, north
of TouL the battles continue.
"On the evening of January 8 the
French again tried to take the village
of Burnhaupt oy a nigm ana wnn-u
filled completely. Our troops took 2S0
more French prisoners and one machine
run. so that the war booty taken at
RurnhauDt is increased to two officers.
430 men and one machine gun. The
French apparently suffered heavy
losses on this occasion also, aa great
numbers of killed and wounded are
lying before our front and in the neigh
boring woods.
"Only trivial engagements took place
vesterday in Upper Alsace. At about
midnight our troopa repelled a French
attack at Lower Aspach."
Many Veterans of l alted States Are In
Party Jost Seat Fill Vacan
cies aa Battle Front.
VICTORIA. B. C Jan. 10. One hun
dred and twenty-nine picked officers
and men sailed from Victoria today to
reinforce the Princess Patricia regi
ment, which is the first Canadian corps
to aee actual fighting. This draft was
carefully chosen from 1100 men now
training here. Practically every man
has bad previous experience. Some
were through the Boer war. others
'fought in the Spanish-American war or
Jn the Philippines, while not a few have
been engaged as Northwest mounted
They will be Joined by a similar de
tachment and the plan is to send them
straight to the base of the British army
la the field to wait their turn in the
trenches in support of the Princess Pa.
tricias. Captain C A. Moorhead. wno
was through -'the Zulu rebellion In
South Africa. Is In command.
A section of field ambulance corps
accompanied the line troopa There
were 81 in the force, and they will dis
embark at Winnipeg. Man., to unite
with two other similar sections from
the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatch
ewan prior to being ordered to the
front. Five chauffeur's volunteers for
transport service also went.
There were two native Belgians In
the party.
The parting soldiers were escorted to
the boat by nearly 2000 civilians and
four bands.
Attack or lodtseMlon Compels Htm
to Forego Trip to San Francisco.
W. D. Scott, general manager of the
Oregon Electric Company, was taken
off a train at Eugene yesterday ana
brought back to Portland, owing to
a sudden attack of indigestion.
Mr.. Scott had been en route to Pan
Francisco. He Is now at his residence.
S Maltnda street. Mrs. Scott said
last night that Mr. Scott was not se
riously ill and would be out in a Xew
daya, . ,
trZ7?Z- i&FJ JZ r t f I - ?
. . ' . '.- -
Photos by Bain News Service.
Good Spirits Restored When
Shots Can Be Returned.
as U
Benumbed Artillerymen Sit
Paralyzed Cnder Bombardment
Vntll Order to Reply Moves
- Them to Brave Deeds.
MUNICH. Dec. 21. (Correspondence
of the Associated press.) Life in an
artillery emplacement Is exciting. Men
so stationed are subjected to gunfire
which never before has reached such
an average of accuracy, and at times
must protect themselves against the
attacks of the enemy's aviators.
In a letter just published here tms is
well illustrated. After dwelling on the
comforts of the bomb-proof cave in
which the men of the battery aweu
In which they have even tames, cnairs.
lockers and a stove the writer con-
nues as follows, the shitting tenses
being his: 5
"A tremendous, Black column or eann
ses from me Jtmuna as vuo
trlke near uslThe clock in our cave
trikea aa if scared out of it wits, and
thon .tnn Kvervthlng trembles ana
shakes. The dry earth on the sides of
he bomb-proof peels on ana ians.
3Ien Sit as It Paralysed.
fw. nulntlv waiting for the shell
that win hnrv us. One after anotner
fu close bv. but the one we wait for
does not come. The enemy's battery
h flroH five shots and now stops.
"An hour later the Domoarumeui.
tartad again. We sat there like para.
yzedT On the table a cigar burned a
hole into a glove. Nobody had sense or
ambition enough to prevent it.
ivhn the. bombardment was over
.rvlindv felt a peculiar sort of la-
tin-ue. All conversation ceased. On of
the men left his seat and wearily threw
himself upon the straw bed. Before he
went to sleep he turned over and whispered:
" -can me.-
"The worst of It was that we were
t n.rmitted to return the fire. No
.,ht tha. division staff had Its good
reasons for that Things would b dif
ferent had we been able to return anoi
for shot. We would have been of the
best spirits in that case. But to sit
there, like dumb brutes, and wait for
orders under such a fire waa a bad ex
Eaesay Finds Posltloa.
Th div nassed in this manner. The
enemy's tire ceased at T in the evening,
and after a meal of bacon, bread and
coffee made of cereals we felt better.
partridge pie which my mower una
nt me helped to cheer us up.
"Next morning at 5 the order: 'Ready
for fire!' came by telephone. 'Man tne
guns distance 2100 yards sholl Ore.
said the voice at the other end of the
wire. Though it was still aarn. we
heard from the distance the thrashing
Infantry fire.
Our shells shriek and whistle across
the plain. 'Shot well placed battery
salvos every ten seconds one distance
ow !200 yards,' telepnonea me ooser-
vation officer.
"The fun commeneea it la naro wora.
Perspiration rolls off us ilKe tne rain.
hlch has just commeneea 10
But th enemy s motor oanerjr
tarts again. The first shell ana near
our position. The second one nita tne
bomb-proof we naa oeen inraieo.
veritable sea of explosions surrounds
no iishtnlns detonations. crashes.
shrieks.- smoke and powder stench give
ur environment the appearance or me
rater of a volcano. We are coverea
ith mud which the enemy s sneus
row up and which descends on us liKe
Gunner Don -ot neve.
" Twenty-one seventy-five.' I shouted
the gunner. But he aia noi move.
' 'Fischer!' was my next shout. At
moment the body of the gunner
lipped between the seat and the sight,
n a- mechanism I noticed that a frag
ment of a ehell had entered his fora-
head. - ...
"Gently w placed the nooy to one-
side and another gunner took the seat.
We continued our fire calmly steadi
ly in our minds saw the destruction
wrought by our shells in the lines of
the enemy's Infantry.
"So it continued for some time. Then
came from the observation station the
command: 'Cease fire for a while.'
"In the afternoon another shell hit
our position, and another man had to
be laid aside. He was a lovable old
fellow. Later we buried the two.
"Rain fell throughout the night and
next day. By noon our bomb-proof was
tilled with water. We waded around in
that up to our waists. Later in the
day the bombproof caved in and we
saved nothing but the telephone instru
ment, our carbines and coats. We then
spend some time in the cellar of a near
by farmhouse and tomorrow we go back
for a rest. Our place will be taken'by a
reserve regiment with wonderfully
clean uniforms and brand-new brown
boots. Our uniforms have all the col
ors of the rainbow on a mud-yellow
Thrilling Story Told of De
stroyer's Attack on Emden.
Welshman Stricken Dumb by Bursting
Shell at Front Speaks on Seeins
Hla Mother Prostrated.
CARDIFF, Wales, Dec. 25. (Cor
respondence of the Associated Press.)
In ,the belief that the shock of the
pretended accident would restore
speech to her wounded son, a Cardiff
woman threw herself downstairs, and
was rewarded for her bruises, by the
cry of "Oh, mother!" Now, for the
first time. Corporal Tucker is able to
explain how he came to be struck
dumb and how the shock of bis
mother's fall gave him command of
his tongue.
"At xpres, says Tucker, 'I was
buried alive by three 'Jack Johnsons.'
At first I did not know what hap
pened. It was all so quiet and dark.
Then I felt a great weight on my
body and found I could not move a
finger. Then the fioys dug me out,
but my nerves were so shaken I could
not speak a word. They sent me to
England. I was able to walk, but
nervous and unable to use my tongue.
When my wife met me I could not say
a word.
"Aa I had not seen my mother for
a long time, I went to pay her a visit.
She was much upset over my dumb
ness. The other night, after coming
home from the moving pictures, I was
itting in the kitchen, much down
hearted, when I heard something fall
ing downstairs. I rushed there and
found my mother, who was groan
ing. I called out, 'Oh, mother!' and
fainted. .
"When I recovered I found my
mother, cool and smiling, holding my
head, while I was crying. In my weak
and nervous condition, the shock was
too much. I then learned she had de
liberately fallen and bruised herself
badly in doing so.
"My nerves are still in bad shape,
but when they are well I hope to re
turn to duty again at theyfront."
(Continued From First Page.)
official communication was Issued today:
"The general situation is without
change. South of the A istula the Rus
sians yesterday bombarded our posi
tions but without result. They di
rected the fire particularly to our po
sitions on the heights to the northeast
of Zakllczyn (Galicla).
"North of the Vistula at some points,
there have been heavy artillery battles.
An attempt by the enemy to cross the
Nida with weak forces failed.
"The situation in the Carpathians is
quiet. Two reconnoitering detachments
of the enemy In Bukowina were de
stroyed by machine gun fire.
"In some of the advanced positions
in the southern theater, from -a point
east of TreblnJl (Herzegovina) to the
frontier, there was a brief artillery
French Head Straight for Overpow
ering Enemy In Hope of Get
ting 'Torpedo Home Before
Sinking, but It Is Not to Be.
TOKIO. Dec. 20. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Stirring details
of the engagement between the French
destroyer Mousquet and the German
cruiser Emden when the Emden was
fleeing from Penang after having sunk
the Russian cruiser Jemtchug, October
28, appear in the Straits Settlement
Lieutenant Carlssan, the second In
command of the Mousquet, who now
lies In a grave at Sabang. told the
story of the fight just before his
When those on the Mosquet heard
the cannonade at Penang they steamed
straight in, only to find they were op
posed to the Emden. It was like a pup
endeavoring to fight a bull terrier, but
nevertheless they headed straignt ior
their enemy in the hope of getting
home a torpedo before they themselves
were disabled. But it was not to be.
Destroyer Keeps on Course.
They were met with a hail of shells;
men fell right and left. Homan, the
bugler, went down and the vessel it
self seemed to crumble like paper. Still
they rushed forward. A shell burst on
the bridge deck, between Lieutenant
Carlssan and his commander, Captain
Theroinne. Carissan's left leg was
shattered in three places and when he
was able to look around he found his
Captain lying in a' pool of blood, his
legs practically blown away.
The Mousquet by this time was sink
ing and men rushed forward to help
their commander before the end came.
He would not be moved. Ordering the
men to continue their fire, he had him
self lashed to the deck, where he
watched the last seconds of the fight.
So died Captain Theroinne, his little
vessel fighting until the water closed
over the decks.
Few Survivors Unwonnded.
The Emden picked up 86 survivors of
the Mousquet's crew. Five were terri
bly wounded and of the remainder only
18 escaped serious hurts. The tmaen
transshipped the survivors to the Brit
ish steamer Netburn and then escaped
to meet her doom later from the
Australian warship Sydney.
The commander of the Emden ana nls
men had nothing but admiration for
their opponents. Everything was done
for those who were picked up In the
way of surgical attention and the pro
vision of such comforts as were avail
able. Lieutenant Carissan's leg was
amputated, "but from the beginning it
was realized that his case was hope
less, and, although conscious all the
time he was on the Newburn, h suf
fered terrible agony .and knew only too
well that he had come to the end of
his career. He died smiling and with
the words: "We did the best we could.
Importer of Jfcrei'gn Woolens
Portland, Oregon, January 5, 1915.
To My Friends and Patrons:
Dull Winter months are upon us. January and
February are btween seasons. Merchant tailors have
little or nothing to do.
I must, with the co-operation ,ot you, keep my
tailors at work, so they can earn enough to feed their
To stimulate business and induce immediate buying,
I will not only sacrifice profits on all my woolens,
including my new Spring arrivals, but will also give you
absolutely free of charge enough English Blue Serge
Qloth to make a suit for your wife, mother or sister
$35 Suits to order $25.00
$4o Suits or Overcoats to order $27.50
$45 Suits or Overcoats to order $30.00
You can pick your choice from my immense stock, in
cluding my celebrated' English Blue Serge. This is a
splendid OPPORTUNITY to secure your Spring Suit at ONE
THIRD OFF regular prices. With such strong inducements
we expect to take enough orders to keep our men at work
during the remainder of January and February the
dullest months on the calendar for tailors.
I only use the highest grade of linings.
MY GUARANTEE : I have been established in the
tailoring business over 20 years and the thousands of
suits I have made testify to my ability and integrity.
All garments are cut by me personally and all are made
under my personal supervision.
Very truly yours,
246 Washington Street,
Between Second and Third.
Germans Organize Armed Mo
tor Fleet in Belgium.
Shoplifting Is Charge Placed
Against Each by Police.
Charged with the theft from a de
partment store of a It bracelet, which
she is allegod to have returned to the
credit manager, receiving payment for
it, Lucia Lebenzon was arrestea naay
niiht Tha srlrl further Is accused of
stealing laces and other articles valued
at $50.
Gheralla Bercovich, a dressmaker,
was arrested at the same time on a
charge of stealing a lace cap. Both
girls were allowed to stay at their
homes last night.
a comprehensive plan for improving- lis tele- The farms of this country "PPf"
srsDtJ and telephone systems whlca will 1 000,000 farm workers. They feed 1U0.000,
CDtCT IQWB L 1UU1 J V . w " .
Captain of Boat Usually Is Owner
and. Crew Is Composed of Slten
Who Pass , Much of Summers
In Berlin Bowing Clubs.
TtRTTss-ciT.! Ttpc 22. (Correspond-
n- of the Associated Press.) The
Germans have just mobilized a sort of
inland navy of motorboats, which lor
axrved pleasure purposes on the
lakes around Berlin, but which now
cruise up and down the Belgian rivers
and canals as if organized for the
work. .
The boats are for tne greater pan
ai 1.. fr,.l . n:l 1 1 n H (" r 1 Jl k P a SOrt
ea.uecsuiu&Jj' xa.oL
of dispatch, police and reconnaissance
service. They are painted gray, carry
machine guns and, in some cases, small
wireless outlits. However, the oddest
part about them is possibly the crew,
.i . , .Ti-nntlnn the captain
of the boat is the owner and the crew
is usually formed Dy men wno
mh nf the Summer in the sheila of
. v. x?...ii nwiniT- clubs. They are all
volunteers, and before they could be
sent to the iront naa to oe nam
the use of the rifle. Many of the captain-owners
are elderly, well-to-do men.
Allies Give Warm Reception.
-The first of the boats were met with
. .i. nraWm .Mntinn hv the French.
Kno-iiah and Belgians near Rathevalle
about two weeks ago. Rathevalle is
less than a miie irom iiitjuj"-
, . L. t,AAn oont thprA tO SUODOrt
uuai-B iitti ' i
some infantry movements with machine
gun Are. They had been seen by the
French artillery, however, and before
they got into action shells wereliitting
the water fore and aft.
The canal cruiser commanders might
have changed their course, but even to
them "ordera is orders." Discovering
i . .mild nnl riH("h their ObleC-
mcj wwu.u ..... ' -
tivo point as they had intended, they
began to explore the body of water
they were on. mis strveu no iiujyuoo.
. i mnrpnvpr had
ineir c.iwv...
brought them to the attention of some
English troops, ana men it ocean 10
rain bullets. Nevertheless, the fleet
held Its ground, braving every variety
of projectile of the allies. Many of the
boats were anally pressea into me com
bat train service. For almost seven
. v. ...r DunnllAd nm A German ad-
QKjrp tuw
vance Infantry posts with ammunition
and food.
Speediest Boats Carry Dispatches.
inf disnatches is one of the
missions of the fleet. For this the
speediest hoats are used. Other boats
police the Belgian rivers and canals.
In a recent search of the houses along
the Brugge and Ostend canals two of
the boats collected 226 rifles which had
been hidden. -
Making war on aircraft is also the
business of these boats. Recently an
English aviator dropped two bombs
near, one that had molested him with
machine gun fire. The bombs fell wide,
however, though close enough to have
the explosion smash every port in the
boat. Fishing for mines is not the least
lCI, n J-'''.' '- : '-I. -j
DUDLEY 2i inchee
NORMAN 2yi inches
2 lor 28 eta. Quit, TetWr a Co., Uc
of the tasks of the canal cruisers. Mines
fastened to pieces of ground have been
found, and now cruisers approach every
floating timber with caution. One boat
captured 5,000,000 pounds of tobacco
and 600,000 pounds of cotton.
H. B. Miller, of Portland, Heads As
sociation "for Another Year.
SHERIDAN. Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
At the annual meeting of the Sheri
dan Fruitgrowers' Association yester
day H. B. Miller, of Portland, waa re-
ripctAri resident. The other officers
are H. G. Funk, secretary, and R. U
Eskridge, treasurer. A. J. Bewley was
ioot1 to nil the vacancy in the board
of directors left by Gustav Frlewald.
Fifteen per cent of the BtocK or tne
association was voted to be paid in at
once to defray current expenses.
Twenty-five per cent of the total stock
has previously been paid in. The
Sheridan fruitgrowers have completed
the first unit of their series ot can
ning buildings and the second unit will
be erected this coming Summer.
St. Johns Residents to Fetltion tor
Removal of Committee.
ST. JOHNS, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)
An effort is being made to Induce the
Council to repeal the ordinance estab
lishing a board of censors for St. Johns,
adopted some time ago and put into ef
fect last week. A petition is being
circulated to repeal the ordinance and
will bo"submitted Tuesday night.
More than 200 have signed the peti
tion and few have refused to sign. It
is urged that the pictures shown here
have been approved by the National
board of censors and also by the Port
land board.
Stranger Commits Suicide.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) A
man whose name is believed to have
been Crawford committed suicide on
a county road near Gervais last Slight
by cutting his throat. The man had
$S5. A parcel post receipt given in
Mill City, this county, and dated Jan.
2, which was found in one of his
poekets, may lead to his identifica
tion. J
British Doctrine Said 1o Meaa British
Empire Begins at Three-Mil. Limit
of All Other Territory.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10 The sea Is the
common property of all the world and
If its freedom is maintained it will
mean the cessation of war, asserted
Dr. Bernhard Dernburg, ex-Colonlal
Secretary of the German Umpire, In an
address Saturday before the Republican
Club. The present struggle, he de
clared, was the fight "on the on. sliie
for an absolute dominion of the seven
seas and on the other for a free sea"
"The English have time and again
asserted," he said, "that Britannia must
rule the waves as a mutter of safety.
The British doctrine leads further, of
necessity, to the claim that the British
Umpire begins at the three-mile limit
of all other territory a claim thart has
no foundation, either in the law of na
tions in the higher sense or in the feel
ing of the civilised world.
"The sea Is free to all. Any domina
tion exorcised beyond that line Is a
breach and Infringement on the rights
of others. We must establish a free
tea, to be piled exclusively by the mer
chant marine of all nations. Men-of-war
of any nation whatsoever must b
forbidden upon high sees. When that
Is done tho world, as it is divided now.
will come to a permanent peace."
Asitant PoHtniaMor Quit.
ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 10. (Special
Lyman D. MacKee, assistant post
master at Ashland, has reslKtied. lie
has been connected with the local
postal service about 10 years.
Dayton Club to Federate.
rnvTUN Wash.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
The Draper Club, an ornnnlzatlon for
self culture, whlcn nas neen mwnni,
regularly In Dayton for the past year
nnrf hnlf. will fedorate In th. Spring
and send delegates to the annual con
vention of tho t ederauun oi union
mm A ruld la On. l.y.
Urumdsts rufund iivouty If It fain to cr.
W. (JHUVK ti mgntm i .. .
B pTof.p,J For independence in your old age.
6 JrrepirCU or for your wid0w' protection. The
New England MutualLife Insurance Co.
Has Been Prepared for Over Seventy Yean
to Provide the Superior Protection You Need.
HORACE MECKLEM. General Atfcnt
Northwestern Bank Building. Portland, Uregon.
Living beyond one's income is the fault
of the age. The parent who brings the
son or daughter to meet the officers of a
good, sound bank, and open there, in the
child's name, a savings account to be
maintained out of its allowance, will find
in the happy home of ten or twenty years
hence ample repayment for present
forethought '
Capital 1.000.000
Surplus and Undivided Profits. .$l',250,000
Third and Oak Streers
Portland, Or.