Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. LI V. NO. 1C,88!.
Great Britain Points
Out Difficulties.
Redress Promised If Fleet Un
intentionally Exceeds Law.
Increased Shipments to Certain Neu
trals Declared to Show Germany
and Austria nave Been He
' ceivlnjr Contraband.
WASHINGTON". Jan. 10. Great Brit
ain's preliminary reply to the note
from the United States Uovernment. re
questing Improvement in the treatment
f American commerce by the British
fleet, was made public "lere ana ln Lon
don today by mutual agreement be
tween tho State Department and the
British foreign Office.
The British communication concurs
ln the view of the United States that
commerce between tho neutral nations
should bo interfered with only when
Imperatively necessary and officials of
the Washington Government construed
1t as ronrrjinc that the principles ex
pressed bv the American note were
Just and upheld by the previously ac
cepted usages cf international law.
Bryan Postponed Comment.
The only formal comment made to
night was contained in a brief state
ment Issued by Secretary Bryan, who
"This answer, beln preliminary, and
not being Intended as a complete reply,
we will postpone comment until the
full answer Is received."
Briefly, the British note, while con
ceding the principles of the American
Government's contentions, points out
difficulties in actual practice, refers to
alleged fraudulent practices by ship
pers and cites statistics showing an in
crease, rather than decrease, in certain
neutral commerce, ln support of Great
Britain's suspicions that Germany ml
Austrian Imvo been indirectly obtain
In contraband through neutral coun
tries. The note promises. howl
that Great Britain "will make red es
whenever the action of the British flee
"may unintentionally exceed" the
limits of international law.
N'ote la Carefully Considered.
The text of the British communica
tion is as follows:
"The British Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs to the Amrrcan Am
bassador, Foreign Office, January
1915. Your Excellency: I have the
honor to acknowledge receipt of your
note of the 28th of December.
"It is being carefully examined and
the points raised in it are receiving
consideration, ns the result of which
a reply shall be addressed to your Ex
cellency, dealing ln detail with the
issues raised and the points to which
tho United States Government has
drawn attention. This consideration
and the preparation of the reply will
necessarily require soma time, and
therefore desire to send, without fur-
tiler delay, some preliminary obscrva
tions which will, 1 trust, help to clear
fie ground and remove some nilscon
ccptions that seem to exist.
"lot nie say at once that we entirely
rccognlzo the moat friendly spirit re
ferred to by your Excellency and that
we desire to reply in tho same spirit
and in tlie beliof that, as your excel
lrney states, frankness will best serve
the continuance of cordial relations
between the two countries.
lrlnelple Is Conceded.
"His Majesty's government cordially
concurs in the principle enunciated by
the Government of the United States,
that a belligerent Is dealing with trade
between neutrals should not Interfere,
unless such Interference is necessary
to protect the belligerent's national
safety, and then only to the extent to
which this is necessary. We shall en
deavor to keep our action within the
limits of this principle on the under
standing that it admits our right to
Interfere when such interference is not
wiht 'bona fide trade between the
United States and another neutral
country, but with trade in contraband
dniined for the enemy's country, aud
we are ready, whenever our action may
minieutunially exceed this principle.
l. make redress.
"We t'.iir.k that much misconception
rxiMs as to the extent to which we
l ave. In practice, interfered with trade.
Your Kxcllency's note seems to hold
His Majesi"& government responsible
for the present condition of trade with
neutral countries, and it is stated that,
through the action of His Majesty's
government, ti-.e products of the great
Industries of the United States have
been denied long established markets
in European markets, which, though
neutral, are contiguous to the seat of
Trade lajury Would Be Regretted.
"Such a result is far from being the
Intention of His Majesty's government,
and they would exceedingly regret that
it should be due to their action. I have
been unable to obtain complete or con
clusive figures showing what the state
of trade with these neutral countries
has been recently, and I can, therefore,
only ask that some further considera
tion should be given to the question
whether United States trade with these
Voullirul Visitor to Be Christened
Lucy Webb Hayes ln Honor
of Illustrious Ancestor.
The first and only great-grandchild
of Rutherford B. Hayes. 19th Presi
dent of the United States, was born ln
Portland Saturday night at 9:Sfl o'clock.
She Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman O. Hayes, of tne Kingsbury
Apartments, and this seven and a half
pounds of Presidential lineage has been
named Lucy Webb Kayes, after and in
memory of the eminent, who as first
ady of the land" between 1876 and
1880, made the White House supremely
The young Lucy Webb Hayes arrived
at the Portland Maternity Hospital
with Dr. Rand and Nurse Gavin in at
Mrs. Hayes, who was Beatrice Baker,
of Corvallis. already is planning for
photograph of their firstborn to be sent
to Toledo, O.. where Birchard Hayes,
the grandfather and first son of tho
late President, lives.
The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man O. Hayes, about three years ago,
was a society anair or note in luc
Newport beach season. Mr. Hayes is
Cornell man, and met Mrs. Hayes
when he came West on a sightseeing
trip. Mrs. Hayes is the daughter of
R. F. Baker and a sister of Charles
Baker, of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs.
Hayes have made Portland their home
for about a year.
Breslau and Hamidiefi
Engaged by Russians.
Black Sea Raids by Czar's
Navy Results in Destruction.
Belgian Kins Deeply Touched by
Message of Sympathy.
COPENHAGEN", Jan. 10. via London.
Tho Politiken prints today the fol
lowing message from King Albert of
"I am deeply touched by receiving
your telegram in which you express the
heartiest feelings of sympathy for Bel
gium. The Scandinavian people have
contributed greatly toward mitigating
the sufferings of my people, who had
faith in treaties and devoted them
selves to the defense of their honor.
"1 appreciate especially the great
sympathy shown by the Scandinavian
nations. The Scandinavians' glorious
history demonstrates the high spirit of
Independence which animates the Scan
dinavian peoples.
Please give my best thanks to all
noble-minded and generous donors in
Food Vessels and Numerous Barges
Carrying Cargo Are Bombarded
and Mine Layer Limps Into
SI ore Disabled by Shot.
"Several Semesters' 'Worth" Mined
in Interests of Education.
BERKELEY, Cal., Jan. 10. Three stu
dents of the mining department of the
University of California have discov
ercd a new and pleasant method of
financing a college education.
They have been spending, their
Christmas holidays prospecting in Fla
cer County and a letter received by th
recorder of the university today set
forth that they had stumbled on a rich
quartz vein and had begun to take ou
numerous semesters' worth of gold.
They had employed a force of men to
mine the claim and were preparing to
return to tho uulversity.
The trio are E. J. And and Henry
Young, of Long Beach, and E. J. Power,
of Berkeley.
King of Saxony Orders Use, Kxclu
Mvcly in His Court.
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 11, via London.
The Berliner Tageblatt says that th
King of Saxony has ordered that wa
bread shall be used exclusively in the
Dresden court.
The Vorwaerts of Berlin says tha
public meetings, which previonsly were
permitted to be held In Saxony with
out hindrance, now must have the sanc
tion of the military. Herr Stuecklen,
socialist member of the Reichstag, or
anixed a meeting of his constituents
at which he was to deliver an address
on the subject of the world war and
the task of the working classes. This
meeting, however, was prohibited by
tho military authorities, who gave no
reason for their action.
Francis Joseph Says Efforts Direct'
ed to Kmliiig War Early.
ROME. Jan. 10. (Special.) Dis
patches from Vienna telling of an audi
ence given yesterday to members of the
Galician nobility by Emperor Francis
Joseph say that the Emperor's reply to
Questions asked on that occasion re
garding peace are considered most sig'
ln speaking of an honorable and
long-lasting peace, compensation for
present sacrifices, he said that his ef
forts were being directed to ending
the war at the earliest moment possible.
Braziliun Officials Now Think lie-
port From Kio de Janeiro Fntrue,
tConciuded on i'age
RIO DE JANEIRO. Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) The Minister of Marine. Admiral
Alencar. said today that the rumor of
a naval combat off Rio Grande del
Norte, rrobably originated in the de
parture of the Invincible from Recife
(Pernambuco), which coincided with
the passing of the Argentine dread
nought Rivadacia. three miles off shore.
Naval officers discredited the rumor
of the battle.
PETROGRAD. Jan. 10. The follow
ing semi-official statement was given
out here today regarding the recent
naval activity in the Black Sea:
"On Christmas eve (January 6. mod
ern calendar) our warships in the
Black Sea engaged the enemy's cruiserd
Breslau and Hamidieh, inflicting on
them considerable damage. On the day
after Christmas our ships exploring the
Bay of Synope fired on several Turkish
craft loaded with cargo. The same
night Russian torpedo-boats bombarded
two of the enemy's sailing ships carry
ing flour and took 18 men prisoners.
Harbors Are Explored.
"On the third day after Christmas
our shins exolorea ine naroora ui
Trebizocf and Platana, where they
discover aothing to arouse suspicion.
In the harbor of Surmeneh they burned
a large number of Turkish barks loaded
with cargo. East of Surrteneh our
ships destroyed four of the enemy's
merchant vessels and 11 sailing ships
lii the harbor of Rizeh. They bom
barded the port of Khopa.
"According to information received
here the Turkish minelayer Felk-l-Shefket,
on January 2, entered the har.
bor of Steniak in the Bosphorus, assist
ed by steam lifeboats. The Peik-I-Shefket
had been badly damaged along
the water line and in the bow, where a
cannon had. been disabled.. v .
.- --Minelayer fcioea Ashore."
"The minelayer ran ashore, immedi
ately began to leak badly, and perhaps
can be considered out of service for a
long time." ,
An official communication issued at
Constantinople January 6 said that
two Turkish cruisers had been engaged
by a Russian squadron of 17 units, but
that the Turkish warships were not
The Breslau, a cruiser of 4478 tons
displacement, is one of the two German
warships which were turned over to
Turkey early in the war. The Hami
dieh is a small Turkish cruiser of 3830
tons displacement and carrying a crew
of 362 men.
Artillery Battles Heavy.
VIENNA, Jan. 10, via Amsterdam and
via London, Jan 11. The following
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 4T.4
degrees: minimum temperature, o.s ae-g-rees.
TODAY'S Occasional rain; southeast winds.
Thrilling story told of tiny French war
ships futile attack on Emden. Page 2-
Germans forming Inland navy of motorboats
to police Belgian waterways. Page 2.
War trvinc. to artillerymen under orders
not to return fire. Page 2.
Turkish cruiser Breslau and Hamidieh dam
aged by Russian fleet. Page 1.
Germans evacuate Lille, British controlling
city, page 2.
British editors support Earl drey. Page S.
Gigantic philanthropies to be probed by
Federal commission. Page 3.
Salmon by-product plants advised by Gov
ernment. Page 3.
Great Britain admits basic contention of
United States is correct; points out prac
tical difficulties; promises reparation if
navy exceeds lav. Page 1.
' Domestic.
Oregon's building? at San Francisco declared
to surpass all others. . rage ii.
Senate wants to retain patronage: Is not
impressed by Mr. Bourne's plan to elect
local Federal officers, rage .
Washington will not concede Britain's right
to take cargoes tnto port for examma
tion. Page o.
Signs of reviving industry multiply. Page 1.
Vernon may not take Coast League team
back. Page 8.
Albinl football team wins lightweight title,
and Westover Juniors beat South port
land. Page 3.
Several Portland League basketball teams
to be strengthened. Page 8.
Pacifio Northwest.
Idaho Legislature provides for salaries, then
takes It easy. Page IU.
Legislature convenes at, 10 o'clock today.
rage l.
Legislators on eve of session reiterate econ
omy pledges. - Page 4.
Washington Bull Moose look longingly al
Kepubllean fold. Page 9.
Portland and Vicinity.
First great-grandchild of Rutherford B.
Hayes born In Portland. Page J.
Movie theaters draw capacity houses with
exceptional films. Page 7.
Officer 666" scores 4ig hit at Baker. Page
Sunday's War Moves
Legislators Will Try to
Finish Work Quickly.
British reply to the American
t5V occupies Che attention of the
..nnnrtnnt now from thA hftttle.
weius. ana uermaii ana j roncu v" -cial
reports of the most recent fighting
in the western field are almost a repe
tition of those issued on preceding
Senate Democrats Join in Re
publican Conference.
Nearly 4000 hear Evangelist Bulgln at each
or two meetings, page 16.
Captain of British ship seek aid for peo
ple on Pitcairn island. Page 9. , f
Legislative sesslcn to be noted by passage
ot lewer laws than usual. Page -4.
Rev. J. K. Snyder announces acceptance of
Pendleton call. Page 10.
Dr. Frank !. Loveland makes editors and
newspapers theme for sermon. Page 16.
Superintendent TAwson. of penitentiary, and
party traverse part of route described
by Klerks in murder confession. Page 16.
Food Is Given After Crowd Breaks
Windows in Marclnelle Hall.
AMSTERDAM", Jan. 11, via London.
A dispatch to the Telegraaf from Brus-
els says:
'A bread riot has occurred at Jtar-
cinolle, - Province "of Hainaut. Belgium.
A crowd collected around the Town Hall
and smashed its windows. The police
restored order with some difficulty and
later bread was supplied to tho popu-
The German army is usffering con
siderably from typhus and pneumonia."
Governor's Inaugural and Recep
tion Set for Tuesday Crowds
of Candidates, Newspaper Alien
and Others Flock to Salem.
(Concluded on Page 2.)
All Best Ships Arc Massed to Salty
Forth and 3Ieet Britons.
COPENHAGEX.jan. 10. (Special.)
The entire German high seas fleet is
masse d at "Wilhelmshaven and (Jux
haven, ready to sally forth to meet the
British dreadnoughts.
The Port of Kiel has not a single
first-class ship, only a few obsolete
vessels remaining.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)
People of Salem began to realize to
night that their city ' in reality is
the capital of Oregon.
Every train and electric car arriving
this fifternoon and tonight brought in
its burden of state officials, members
of the Legislature, candidates for
office, lobbyists, newspaper corres
pondents and sightseers in anticipation
of the opening of the 28th legislative
session tomorrow.
Preliminary preparations for the
formal organizations are complete.
Both the Senate and the House will
convene at 10 o'clock and efforts will
be made to complete the permanent
organizations at the morning session.
Ceremony Stops Canvass.
In, an effort to expedite the business
of the session, members of both the
houses tried today to proceed with the
canvass of the vote ior vrovernur so
that Dr. James Withycombe might be
inaugurated tomorrow. But when th
leaders of this movement arrived 1
Salem tonight, they learned that th
people of this city had made all thei
plans for the inauguration or tn
Governor on Tuesday, so that formal
itv win not take place until then.
The Beople or t-orvams, wnere xjt.
Withycombe for so long has been con
nected with the Agricultural College,
are coming over in a special train to
do him honor.
The Supreme Court will adjourn fo
the day, so that its members can De
Iteceotlon Planned by City.
Meanwhile, the Senate andthe House
will nroceed with their business, so
that all the preliminaries may be out
of the way for the inaugural. The
ceremony will take place in the House
chamber. The people of Salem, under
the auspices of the Republican Club,
have planned a reception for the new
Governor and the other newly-inaugU'
rated state officials to take place in
the Capitol Tuesday night
At a conference of Senators tonight it
was arranged that Dr. W. D. Wood, of
Hillsboro, one of the holdover members,
formally will call that body to order.
Senator Day, of Portland, will be named
"The British eye witness, who ha
been the official historian of events a
the front, lays stress on the important
part played by the artillery and. high
explosives in modern warfare, and
claims superiority for the allies ln ar
tillery, which is being used to its fu
From the coast to the River Oise,
where the country is under water, an
the juvers are flooded, the big guns
have been engaged continuously, but
the water and mud prevent the infantry
from coming into action. Along the
Aisne Valley, however, and through th
Champagne district, as far as Western
Argonne, the French are pushing the!
offensive and organizing tha groun
which they have gained. These gains
have been, made at heavy cost.
In the Western Argonne, the Ger
mans also say they have made gains
and to have repulsed an attempt by
the French to carry their trenches 1
the Woevre and in Alsace.
The only news from the east is th
German report that the Russian often
slve toward Mlawa has met with
success, their force having been driven
In the Caucasus, the Turks hav
made a stand on the frontier near
Kara-Urgan, and are fiercely attacking
the Russian lines.
(Cone! urted on Page 4.)
' ;
Seemingly the Russians believe the
report that th Turkish, cruiser Goeben,
formerly of the German navy has been
damaged, for their Black Sea fleet.
which is 'superior to the Turkish fleet
without the Goeben, has been attack
ing Turkish ports and destroying their
There is no development in the near
east, beyond the report from Sofia that
M. Guenadieff.the former Bulgarian
Minister of Foreign Affairs, is leaving
for Rome on a semi-official mission,
the object of which is to ascertain
the attitude of Italy toward the pos
sible future co-ordination of Italo
Bulgarian interests In the European
General Then Tells Court Kaiser
AVilhelm Is Rascal.
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 10, via London
Jan. 11. A dispatch to the Telegraaf
from Brussels say a court-martial at
Liege has sentenced the retired Belgian
General, Gustave Fife, and Lieutenant
Gille to life imprisonment on a charge
of assisting 350 young Belgians to
reach Holland and join the Belgian
army in France.
"The General at the trial," the corre
spondent adds, "asked for a death sen
tence, saying he disliked imprisonment,
He told the court that Emperor William
was a rascal. The General was sent
to Glatz, Prussia, to the same prison
where Burgomaster Max, of Brussels, Is
Several Persons In Switzerland Per
' ish in Avalanches.
BERNE,' Switzerland, Jan. 10, via
Paris, Jan. 11 Several persons have
perished in the avalanches following
the heavy snowfall during the past few
days. Twenty-two students who were
skiing near Navoss were overwhelmed
and three were killed.
A gang of workmen who were clear
ing the snow from a blocked road near
Sammaun and Engadine were surprised
by a huge avalanche and four killed,
while a young woman Alpinist, Lydla
Afoflter, perished in a slide near St.
Legislator Proposes They Should
Get Equal Sums With Men,
ALBANY, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)
Oregon school boards will be required
hereafter to pay women teachers
much as men If a bill to be Introduced
n the Legislature by D. H. Allen, Rep
resentative from Marlon County
Under the present system it is assert
ed where men and women teachers are
doing exactly the same class of work
he women receive from 15 to 23 less
each month than the men. Women
teachers insist this is not fair.
Railroads Large Buy
ers of Equipment.
Bond Offerings Indicate Pro
gramme of Construction.
Lumber and Cotton Prospect Begin
to Look Vp West Gets Big Im
port Order, South Solves
Own Financial Troblem.
Violation of 8-Hour Law Alleged in
Christmas Feast for Poor.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., Jan. 10.
(Special.) Lucia A- Crangle, of Olym-
pia, Assistant State Labor Commis
sioner, last night filed a complaint
charging Mrs. Henshaw, proprietor of
the Michigan Cafe, with violating the
eight-hour law for women, in iConnec
tion with the serving of a Christmas
dinner to poor children Christmas day.
A patron of the hotel paid for the
Thirty Bombs Are Dropped by Ger.
mans on Dunkirk.
PARIS, Jan. 10. A dispatch to the
Havas Agency from Dunkirk says that
a dozen German aeroplanes bombarded
Dunkirk and environs Sunday.
Thirty bombs were thrown by the
airmen, but owing to the precautions
that had been taken, there were few
victims. The material damage was on
CHICAGO. Jan. 30. (Special.) Ma
terial progress of Industrial activity In
the United States was emphasized lat
week by carrying out of many plans of
expanded operations.
Railroads placed orders 'for rolling
stock, steel rails and track supplies
gregatlng 16,670,000. Inquiry for mora
than $10,000,000 more of these nre-
eltlcs are lending among the larger
Mbirellanrooa Kmploymeat lvra.
Reports from day to day Indies!
that railroad shops, tho stcri and kin
dred lines and a large number of mis
cellaneous industries throughout th
country havo re-employed upward of
40.000 men since the new year began.
The United States Steel Corporation's
increase ot 12,051 tons in unfilled or
ders In December, tho first monthly
gain In business since last Auguat,
shows the favorablo effect of the East
ern freight-rate decision. Orders placed
since January 1 constitute additional
tonnage, so It is fair to assume that the
Increasing volume of steel demai:d will
lead to steady enlargement of mill operations.
tt KaterprUea Resumed.
New projects aggregating between
$5,000,000 and $6,000,000, Involvlnn
plant additions at somo of the l-'.astern
steel mills, mw steamships and the re.
sumption of enterprises retarded by the
war, were ar.nouncrd last week.
Far more than a straw of financial
encouragement Is found In the an
nouncement that tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged to
bring out a $100,000,000 bond Issue In
March. While a largo part of the issue
will be used for refunding purposes.
much of the proceeds will be ulinseii
n meeting physical requirements of tha
system. The St. Paul Kaliroau onering
of $29,141.30? bonds reflects a substan
tial program mo of new construction.
Steel Bnada Find Ready Market.
Pittsburg Steel found no dlfflrlulty
selling $5,000,000 bonds, which is
another Indication of easier finances
and the quirk sale of Iho Argentine ,
nation's $15,000,000 notes is a strong
ndlcation of the receptive character of
the investment market.
These tangible developments of In.
dustrial activity and financial conn-
enco are of greater Importance than
hey have been at any tlmo since th
change in business for tho better be
came evident the latter part of Novem
Lumber and cotton, the two lndus-
ries which suffered severely during tho
depression, alsn have shown maraeu
mproveinent. Sales of lumber for ex
port amounting to more man -.u,vv
ro reported In Kansas City, l.xporis
f cotton are increasing, and the fact
hat the $100,000,000 loan fund has neen
called on to do duty only tne uimouc
nslKnlflcant proportions Indicates thnt
the South is rapidly solving its own
financial problems.
War Supplies la Itrataad.
Exportatlons of grain and other food
stuffs keep up to the recent high levels
and the call for war supplies continues
largo, despite tho fact that many thinks
have been added to the list of contra
band. Industries of tho country ar
now beginning to feel the Influence oe
the wealth that has accrued to th
credit of the United States In recent
The trade baiunce with Kurop Is
growing rapidly In favor of th
United States, all pressing foreign In
debtedness has been liquidated and
gold Is to be had In commercial circles
for the asking. This Is tho offset
against fear of foreign liquidation ot
American securities.
Throughout the West, where farm
ers have derivea nin reiuina inim
bountiful crops and high prices, thei
Is unprecedented cneeriuincss, n'
this sentiment Is beginning to perme
ate the spots where less optimism has
Italy's Kntry Would l.cad Vatican
fo Ask Enemy Diplomats lu Go.
ROME, Jan. 10. (Special.) Informa
tion was obtained her today that In
case of Italy1 Intervention In th war.
the Pope has agreed to recommend that
diplomatic representatives ot enemy
countries accredited to the Holy 8e
leave Home, while the Italian govern
ment, on Its part, undertakes to guar
antee a continuance of the Pope's tele
graphic arid epistolar correspondence
with the entir world.
The agreement Is the result of con
fidential negotiations bctwei n the Vai-
i-an and the government. In which
Cardinal Agllardl. bishop of Albano.
acted as intermediary.