Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 09, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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i , . .
County Commissioners Would
Pay $3600 Monthly Instead
of Present Rate of $3700.
Bid Will Be Submitted to President
Farrell, or Railroad Company,
In Meantime Toll Rates
Fixed as Requested.
When the County Commissioners ad
Journed at 5 o'clock last night tbey
wtr still ntrotiatln for terms tor th
lease of the upper deck of the Harrl
man bridge and a 10-day extension of
the leas now held by the city was
arranged for.
As a matter of formality the Board,
before it adjourned, fixed toll rates
on the bridge as requested in the petl
lion of the O.-W. R. Sc N. and the
Southern Paciflo companies. Under
the contract by which the upper deck
of the bridge was constructed. It I
Incumbent on the Commissioners to fix
toils on request of the railroad com
After a discussion lasting mora than
two hours, the Commissioners retired
for a conference and soon reappeared
with an offer of 13600 a month for
the rental of the bridge. This was
ubmltted to Arthur C Spencer, who
represented the railroad companies.
Mr. Spencer aaid he would have to
communicate the offer to rreeiaen
Farrell. of the O.-W. R. & N. Com
tiinv. who Is absent from the city.
The arrangement under which the
county will pay the present rental for
10 days was then agreed to.
Hid Received With Protest.
The original offer of the railroad
companies was 132.000 a year. The
first offer made yesterday Dy ine
Commissioners was X42.000 a year on
the same conditions. Mr. Spencer said
be would communicate the offer to
Mr. Farrell if the Board desired. But
he protested strongly against the re
ductlon of S10.000 in the companies'
estimate of what the upper deck of
the bridles Is worth.
Chairman Lla-htner said the privilege
of crossing the river at this point was
worth something to the railroads, sir.
Ppencer declared this privilege could
not legally be charged for.
The city's lease was for 144,400 a
year, or S1700 a montn. ine nnai
proposition submitted by the county
was 1100 a month less than this. Un
der this proposal the city Is to retain
the privilege of contracting for toll
rates with the streetcar company
The Income from this source amounts
to about 111.100. The city also would
pay for the current maintenance of
Ine bridge, esumaiea at
L( Lease Illegal.
The railroad proposal of 151.000 left
tha streetcar Income and tne main
-tenants expense In the bands of the
bridge owners.
The Board cannot legally accept the
nroDosal made by the railroad com
panies, declared District Attorney
Kvana, He said the Board was not
empowered to make the lease for more
than and vear. whereas the railroad
company wanted the term of the lease
set at So years tne esuinuicu mo
the bridge.
The law. Mr. Evans declared, does
not allow a county to contract a debt
in excess of 15000. Tne present, t-om
i,,u.un.r therefore, could not con
tract a debt which would be passed
on to future Boards.
Th riiv's lease exuired at midnight
last night. After that hour the bridge
would have been a ton Driuge, m
for the extension arranged by the
Toll Are Fixed.
The toll rates fixed by the Board
yesterday are those suggested in a
table submitted oy ine rauruau ,...-nanias-
Hhould no lease exist at any
time, the railroad companies can put
officers at each end oi me onusj iv
collect fares from every Doay o
rpAMM the brides.
The Board is determined that this
will not coma to pass, out io sansiy
the petition, rates were tlxed whereby
pedestrians must pay a toll of 1 cent.
bicycles and motorcycles a
..v.u.. mnA trucks & cents, dray i
cents, two-horse vehicles 3 cents ani
one-horse vehicles 1 cenis.
Jitter Bring Suggestions for Adver
tising Portland.
More than SO slogans for the 191S
Rose Festival and city beautiful cam
paign were received at Festival head-
. - i. V.,r,,K-..trn Itank
qusricra ' ... - -
building yesterday. Every mall is
bringing from lu i i ioin o r
January 15. when the contest closes. It
is believed the board of directors will
have rqore than BOO slogans from which
to choose the winner.
Portland and the rose predominate In
most of the slogans so far received.
With tourist travel heavy this year on
acocunt of the two California exposi
tions. Rose Festival directors may se
lect a slogan that contains some men
tion of Portland in connection with th
trip westward.
As soon as the slogan Is selected it
will be given widespread publicity, to
call attention to Portland, the city
beautiful, and th Rose Festival dates.
June . 10. 11.
Offk-rr of National Guards Trans
ferred to Arizona Command.
Having served Vis time in Oregon as
a Colonel in the Third Regiment of the
Oregon National Guard. Charles H.
Martin. IT. A., has received notice of
transfer to h'.s regiment In Naco, Aria,
In accordance with the terms of the
"Manchu" law paaoed by Congress two
rtn ago. He will leave Portland on
February 1 for his new command.
Colonel Martin has been on detached
srrvir In Portland sine July 1. 1S13.
t'nder tha provisions of the "Manchu"
law. United States Army officers shall
serve at least two years In every six
with regular Army troops. This law
has necessitated his returning to his
regiment, the Eighteenth Infantry. In
which he is a Major. It is not known
yet whether he will have a successor
In Oregon or not.
East Side Business Men Oppose Pay
ing Sam Railroad Asks.
Th East Kid Business Men's Club
went on record at U ntoeUP( Thurs
day night as opposed to the county
paying the price the railroad company
Is asking for the lease of th upper
deck of the xiarriman cringe, wnicn
was declared to be too high. It was
the sense of the meeting that the coun
ty snould pay a fair rental for the
bridge, but should lease the bridge for
longer than one year. Secretary C. C.
Hall was instructed to fila the protest
of the club with tha County Commis
sioners. A committee was" appointed to co
operate with the Alhina Business Men's
Club in an effort to have the Russell
Shaver streetcar service restored. A
delegation was present from tha Albina
Club and pointed out that the substi
tution of the "Bridge Transfer" cars
for the Russell-Shaver line was work
ing a serious hardship on hundreds of
workingmen on the East. Side, who
must make several transfers in order
to reach their homes. The committee
appointed Jointly with other club com
mittees will take up th matter with
President Griffith.
H. A. Calef reported that the pub
licltv campaign had been a success,
and that enough funds to carry out the
plans had been subscribed. He said
that tha AlDtna business men win co
Beraard Goldstein aad Phil Rosenthal!
Rehearsing Under Corbett (or Pro
danism of "The Knockout."
In order to avoid congesting the
lobby at the Baker Theater. Sixth and
Morrison streets, where tickets ior ine
Ad Club's "1915 Satire" will be placed
on sale Monday morning, the following
B. Oeldatela. as "Battling Ginsberg," la
"Tbe Kierk Oat." One of
Stnata W ale Will Be Foisted at the
Coming Jinks.
named committee has been appointed
to place iicKeis, which mmr
cnansrea later ior reservea
Ilk. ; 1 T ntk.ll tlinrT MAttffSr
k k k Ik VOCIl J o
Moses Mosessohn. A. C. Merrill, F. N.
Gill. Osman Royal, J. E. MUer, Jimmy
Dunn and Harvey u uryan. ioejr ..
..I. at T .tmnn'l
ii... , en,, ,iil h a1H In the
high Jinks, the seating capacity of
kk ih..t., at Rloventh and Morrison
streets, where tne -satire- win uc
... .. irhiipadav nia-ht
oknftm . j -0
Tommy Tracey ana James j. v-oruon.
yesterday were engaged to rehearse
Bernard Goldstein and Phil Rosenthall,
will D.n.u. iknortlvelv as "Bat
tling Ginsburgh" and "Young Feather
weight" in the skit causa xne
-ivn.V. k. ...ii! AFnfktv nf m n of
their nationality strongly in evidence.
It has been impossioie ior oiuge
.. niiHort n irn thesa antagonists
within bounds. Tracey and Corbett
will teach them how to "mix It" with
out losing their tempers.
Of the seven big satires to be given
mnA whlfh Ur. ST I V T1 B. 1 nCRl aDDliCStiOn
In each instance It is probable that
"The Battle or unuo win r.w
attracting the most attention. inn
. , I,- k Taxlr VMtlnt with
lliunii ai kkiiii..k. , k. j " -
original songs by Dean Collins and
Mr. Keating, will lntrouuce me j.u
Club's famous quartet and Tom Keat
ing In the principal roles.
I- . . Tk,ii-no ,r AVAfvlinriv will llA
sinking "Old Daddy Eagle. IT. S. A.,"
and Portland will be mighty proud that
it originated rignt nero, utuwcu
President Charles F. Berg.
Rer. E. - J. Bulgin to prepare ior
Special Services Tomorrow.
Ker. E. J. Bulgin, evangelist, closed
,- frm wflc of the union meetings In
the tabernacle at East Eleventh and
East Morrison streets yesterday. He
.livAred a lecture In tha afternoon to
hurph members and ministers, and a
-rmnn int nis-ht to a general congre
gation. George I Rose, musical director.
id Mrs. Rose, planlBt, rendered soios.
Thr win be no services In the tah-
irnacle today, but Sunday will be made
big day. At :S0 P. M. a popular meet
ing will be held. Rev. Mr. BUigin win
speak on "Feast of Belshaxzar the
Phantom of the Hidden Hand."
Sunday night Mr. Bulgin will speaa
. kf k, T nltav tha RlblA." Cnn ET B.
gatlons from East Sid churches will
unite In these meetings.
German Red Cross Auxiliary Aids
Kaiser's Army In Field
The women's auxiliary of the Ger
man Red Cross Society met in the Turn
Verein yesterday and with needles fly
ing prepared various articles of com
fort for the German army. Many boxes
of supplies already have been sent and
the women are working , hard to get
more ready to send soon.
Hospital supplies have not been over
looked by the women and many ban
dages, hospital shirts and other acces
sories have been mad recently.
Mrs. Theresa Abendrotn Is president
of tha society. This meeting Is one of
the many that will be held through
out the season at the Deutsches Haus.
Bacteriologist to Make Diagnosis of
Coyote Disease.
TtK-terlologist J. S. Saurman. of the
State Board of Health, nas lert roruana
tor Burns to investigate tne epiaemie
mong the eeyotes or eastern uregon.
hallaved ta be rabies.
Examinations of the heads or coyotes
In Harney and Malheur counties win
ba made. These counties nave appealed
to th state board for help. Th
eeyotes have been creating navoc
mong the stock, biting many animals,
nd even becoming ferocious enough
Jo chase humans. The animals bitten
lmost Invariably die, presumably from
rabies. .
jC Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on AU Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month
Delightful Luncheon Served in Our Beautiful Tea Room, 4th Floor, 11:30 to 2:30 Daily-Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor
Hurd's 50c Stationery at 25c
Put Up jn Neat Box
Main Ploor Hurd's Fine Stationery in
tints. One-quire boxes of cards or O tZg
paper. Standard 50c quality. Box-''
50c Fancy Boxed Holiday Stationery, 29
60c Grades. Clearance Sale, vficed at 49
Found Faper Special, at this Sale, lb. 15
OldSmW ortman Sc King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231
250 Envelopes for 50c
Regular Price $1.00
Main Floor Excellent quality linen en
velopes, plain white, C:!i or C1 size.
Regular price $1.00 box of 200. CSHr
at this Clearance Sale priced at J
Same quality, size 5, per 10 pkgs., 2 5c
75c Holland linen, sUe 5, 10 pkgs., 35
Out 37th Annual Clearance Sale
Offering Rare Savings on Dependable Merchandise of All Kinds
AnnualClearanceSale of
Men's Clothing
Men's Store, Main Floor Our entire stock of
Men's and Young Men's Suits, Balmacaans
and Raincoats now offered at prices far be
low regular. Blues and blacks are also in
eluded. World-famous makes in very latest
models and fabrics and our showing of smart
natterns and colorings is pot equaled elsewhere.
Men's $15 Suits and C T 1
Balmacaans now at P
25c Cashmere Hose 19c
Men's $20 Suits and
Balmacaans now at
Men's $25 Suits and
Balmacaans now at
Men's $30 Suits and
Balmacaans now at
Men's $35 Suits and
Balmacaans now at
lain Floor AH men should take advantage
jf this sale. Splendid quality black Cash
mere Hose in all sizes. bale J
uiicc, ki' v. v (y -'I wkj I
Clearance Speci'ls for Saturday
Men's $1.50 Fancy CapsQC
in five .styles
Soft Hats, odd lines
Men's $2 and $3 4T 1 Ckfl
p JL ) W
Men's $5-$7.50 U Pf
Velour Hats at f
&1.50 ' ' Stuttgarter " CI 1Q
Shirts and Drawers, P J
$3.00 "Stuttgarter" fi f QC
Shirts and Drawers PJ
$5 and $6 "Stutt-3Q
srarter" Union Suits
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Ask for Them!
Clearance of Men's Shirts
$1.50 Grades $1,15
$2.50 Grades $1.85
Main Floor Our entire stock of Men's
Shirts in the Annual Clearance at 'no
table savings (White Shirts alone ex
cepted). Complete showing of all the
widely advertised makes in plain or
plaited bosoms, with soft or stiff cuffs.
Thrifty men will lay in a good supply.
$1.50 Shirts Now at $1.15
$2.00 Shirts Now at $1.35
$2.50 Shirts Now at $1.85
Clearance Boys9 Clothing
Bom $5 Right-Posture Suits at $3.95
Boys $15 Right-Posture Suits $11.25
Main Floor All Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats greatly re
duced for Clearance. Of special importance is our first Annual Sale
of the celebrated "Kight-Posture" Health Suits for Boys. Shown
T - . .I, i n i . . jk i a l ta i?
in handsome jnohoiks ana iancy pians, ior uuvs u iu w jcais w age
85.00 Bight-Postnre Suits at $3.95
$7.50 Right-Postnre Suits at $5.65
$8.60 Right-Posturo Suits at $6.35
Tin FTtaT with everv "Rieht-Posture" Boy's Suit sold
we will rive absolutely FREE a pair of Indian Clubs.
$10.00 Right-Postnre Suits $ 7.45
$12.50 Right-Postnre Suits $ 9.35
$15.00 Right-Postnre Suits $11.25
Women's $8.50 Dress Skirts at $3.98
Women's $10.00 Skirts at $6.49
LOT N0,1 Women's Dress Skirts in
latest models, including yoke and tunic
effects, also plaited styles. Beautiful mix
tures, plaids, checks, etc., in all colors and
black. Attractively trim-, Q QQ
LOT KO. 2 Women's high-grade Skirts
in hip yoke, full flare, plaited and many
other effective styles. Broadcloth, serges,
poplins, mixtures, etc. Beautifully tail
ored and very newest trim- sP?
mings. Skirts worth to $10 VW
braids, etc. Worth to $8.50
Women's $12.50 Dress Skirts at $7.49
Women's $16.50 Dress Skirts $9.98
LOT NO. 3 This assortment comprises
the season's most-favored models in yoke
and circular effects, in all wanted ma
terials and colors. Also black. Skirts
priced heretofore up t(l C7 40
$12.50. Clearance Sale price V
LOT NO. 4 Women's Dress Skirts in
smart, new plaited styles, or with grace
ful flare tunics. Shown in plain ma
terials and combinations of satin, velvets,
broadcloth, serge, etc. Wjorth CPQ QQ
$12.50. Clearance Sale price V I up to $lu.5U. - Clearance at v -
Women's $25 Coats, Clearance $12.98
Department, Second Floor For quick Clearance we have selected a number of Worn-
en's and .Misses' coats irom our regular much, mm wu , r .: r.
Latest Winter models in a variety oi sman "'"""V'.VrAX ri Wei Oarmsnt Cent
effects in and lengths. Coats selling heretofore up to $25 00. $12,98 snd Floor
You may choose today, while any remain, at the low price of only H J..msu Second floor.
Dainty Lingerie Waists at $1.19
$4.50 SUk Petticoats at $2.59
Center Circle, First Floor Clear- Center Circle, First Floor Excel-
ance of 300 Lingerie Waists at lent quality Silk Messahne Petti-
very low price. Crepes, Marqui- coats also all-silk jersey, with
settes and mercerized materials, messaline flounce and Petticoats of
Low necks, long and short sleeves, all jersey. Plain and plaited
Trimmed with laces, embroidery, flounces. Fitted and tape bands,
tucks, etc. Some have j TO AU colors. Worth flj O Q .
fancy collars. Special P to $4.50. Clearance V'
, i
Clearance of Girls9 Coats
Saturday at 2 Price
Second Floor Special lot of Girls' Cape Coats and.
Balmacaans in plaids and plain materials. Ages
10, 12 and 14 year?. Also Infants' and Children's
Coats in white and dainty colors slightly soiled
and only one or two of a kind. Sizes to 6 years.
Coats ranging in price from $4.25 fYICC
up to $27.50. Priced for Clearance 2
Girls' $11.50 Coats at $5.98
ment of colors odd lines and only a few of a kind.
. - . . it Tm saasr -w aT
Sizes from V to li years, coats wonu
to $11.50. Clearance Sale price, only P
Children's Dresses at lb Price
Second Floor Odd lines Children's Wash Dresses
in three or four of a size. Good range of colors.
Ages 2 to 14 years. Regular J Py1CP.
$1.00 to $8.25 Dresses on sale at 3
Child's 65o Rompers, ages 6 months to 6 years, 39
Child's $1 Rompers, ages 4 to 6 years, special, 59f
Girls' $6.25 Bathrobes, double-face materials, Clearance P"ce. S3.48
Candy SaieClearance 2000 of Yards Fine Ribbons
Todau 38c Grades 25c 35c Grades 25c 38c Grades 25c
Main Floor Fine quality Satin Main Floor 6-inch Taffeta Rib- j Main Floor 5-inch Warp-Printed
At hp Baro-ain Circle Taffeta Ribbon good heavy grade, bon in light blue, Copenhagen, Taffetas, .white grounds with col
tne JMrndlil Full 6 inches wide and standard pink, white and black. Good heavy ored satin edges. Beautiful pat
On Main Floor. 38e quality. On special O Cn grade, selling formerly at Off fi terns. Regular price 38c
Vn 1SLalU JU,U1' sale for todayj theryardi5pC 35c. Clearance price, yard4''' Clearance Sale price, yard
Delicious, fresh Candies of pop- 1 i -
dueed prices for Saturday.
40c Marshmallows, pound, 25
40c Chocolate Caramels at 27d
30c Nnt Cream Fudge, lb., 25t
40c Bon Bons, Chocolates, 27
40c Cream Almonds, lb., 25d
50c Honey Comb Choc- lbn 35t
25c Broken Peanut, lb., 20
60c Milk Chocolate Marshmal
lows, special, the pound, 45
30c Peanut Toaaties, lb., 20
50c OWK Bitter Sweets 40e
40c Butterscotch Cara"27C
mels, special at, pound "
$1.95 Girdles
Main Floor Latest styles in
Bayadere stripes, Ombre moire
and satins and brocaded silks.
Girdles selling here- g O IZ
tofore at $1.95, nowV-- WJ
65c Fancy Guimpes
At 48c
Main Floor Many dainty stj'les
in nets, organdies and voiles.
High and Dutch peck, i Qg
Regular 65c Guimpes ati'
Women's $5 Shoes $2.95
$4.50 to $6 Shoes $3.85
Main Floor Several broken lines Main Floor Women ' smart, new
women's high-grade Shoes in all Footwear in patent, gunmetal calf,
wanted leathers and toppings. But- suede, satin and vici kid. All style
ton qr lace styles. Standard $4.00 heels and toes. Standard $4.50,
and $5.00 grades. CO $5 and $6 Shoes. C9 Off
Special today only spWCr-F Clearance price, pair -
Standard Lines Men's $5 Shoes $3.85
Women's $4.50 and $5 Slippers $3.59
Main Floor Dainty Evening Slip- Main Floor Men's Shoes of pat-
pers in Colonials, Pumps and ent, dull calf, vici kid and tan
"Countess" strap effects. $4.50 leathers. Big range of styles,
and $5.00 grades. CO ffQ Standard $5 Shoes. CQ CC
Clearance price,. pair V"Jr Clearance price, pair
Annual Clearance Sale of Cut Glass and Silverware
Third Floor
$1.50 Cut Glass Olive Dishes $1.00
$1.50 Cut Glass Spoon Trays S1.00
$3.00 Sugars and Creamers $2.25
$3.50 Sugars and Creamers S2.63
$2:75 Celery Trays on sale at $2.10
$3.50 Celery Trays on sale at $2.50
$3.90 Celery Trays on sale at $2.75
S9. no Vinegar Jnes. sneciaL S1.45
$2.60 Vinegar Jugs, special $1.98
u no Vinegar Jnes. snecial $2.99
V $3.00 Berry and Salad Bowls, eight-
$5.00 Berry and Salad Bowls, eight
inch, on special sale now at $3.60
$6.09 Berry and Salad Bowls, eight
inch, on special sale now at $3.95
$4.50 Footed Jelly Stands, six-inch,
on special sale Saturday at jtj.jd
$5.00 Footed Jelly Stands, six-inch,
on special sale Saturday at $3.50
$11.00 Footed Fruit Bowls, eight;
inch, on special sale now at $5.85
$3.50 Water Pitchers now at $2.65
$6.00 Water Pitchers now at $3.95
$7.00-Set of 6 Tumblers for $4.38
$9.00 Set of 6 Tumblers for $6.25
$6.75 Vase, 12-inch size, now $5.00
$1.65 Vaae, 6-inch size, now $1.25
$3.35 Mayonnaise Bowl and Plate on
special sale Saturday, only $2.45
All Cut Glass Jewel, Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes one-half price
Wm Ropers' Guaranteed Silverware
at Clearance Prices. Fancy pat
terns. Beautiful French gray finish.
Tea Spoons, set of six, only 60
Dessert Spoons, set of six, Sl.OO
Table Spoons, set of six, at $1.20
Soup Spoons, round bowl, set of six,
on special sale Saturday at $1.35
Berry Spoons on sale at, each; 60
Dessert Forks, set of six, at $1.00
Table Forks, set of six, for $1.20
Oyster Forks, set of six, for 95
Individual Salad Forks, ea., $1.35
Long Handle Pickle Forks at 32
Cold Meat Forks on sale at -40
.Cream Ladles, special, each, 32
Toilet Articles
and Drugs
Standard Linos Under
priced for Saturday.
Plan your shopping tour for to
morrow so a.s to include this
sale, for here are economics
of the most unusual sort
5 bars Ivory Sonp, "J Q(
1 bar Lurline Soap -
Limit, six burs to a riihtomor.
Xo deliveries except with
other purchiises mudu in the
Drug Department. Buy now.
15c Pear's Unncented Soup 12!'
15c 4711 White Rose Soup 120
$1.00 Imported Bocabelln l 's
tile Soap, special, the bar, G5?
50c size lleddeti's I old I ream
on special sale Saturday at 2S
25o Imperial Talcum t On
Powder on sale at
10c Monkey Scouring Sohp 5
15c Williams' Tal. Powder lOf
2'm: Massatla Tal, Powder 110
23c Jereen's Rice Powder IOC
50c Dora Bourgois Powder 3UC
2")C Pctro, one-pound jar, lOtf
25c bot. Witch Har.el, OIm
lG-ounce tize, now at w
25c Antiphlogistine now 100
2oc Denver Mini, vpcsiul, 150
50o Denver Mud, special, JOc
$1 Denver Mud, special, 600
Eusom Salts, the pound, 50
50c Fitch's Hair Tonic si 350
50c Hair Brushes in OQa
assorted styles, now-''''
25c Colgate's Tooth PaMo 200
Hedden s standard .c loilrt
Water on sale Saturday 500
25 lbs. Epsom Suits only 850
50c Household Rubber (ilovrt in
all sixes, special, the puir, 390
Xic Dressing Comb in variety
of styles, special Saturday, 250
25c Dr. Lyon ' Tooth ff
Powder on sale at
50c bottle of Bay Kum nt 350
35c Tooth Bra-lies now 190
25c Tooth Brushes, in treat
variety of stylps, special, 150
Rubber-Lined Traveling Cases,
worth up to $1, special, 500
50o Pebeeo Tooth OQn
Paste on sale now at wO
Maur ine Toilet Goods
Free Treatment
Second Floor
Afniirine Toilet Preparations -are.
absolutely free from poisonous
substances of all kinds and are
highly recommended by all who
have used them. Read below :
Maurine Satin Cream 60c, $1.00
Beauty Lotion at 60c and 91.00
Maurine Rosebud Rouge at 60c
Safety First
If 'ic "".jl
Listerine safeguards
your health. Used
night and morning as
a gargle, it prevents
sore throat and ton
silitis. As tooth
wash it cleanses be
tween the teeth,
sweetens the brsath
and retards decay.
All cuts, wounds and burns
should be immediately cleansed
and dressed with Libtcrine. It
prevents infection.
Listenne has been used and
indorsed by leading physicians
and dentists 30 years.
Regular 25o Size for 19c
Regular 50c Size for 35c
Regular $1.00 Size for 65c