Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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gallon AdTlsed to Get Own Affair
In Order So as to Be or Serrice
in Final" Settlement Ple
for Mexico Made.
President Warns Democrats
He Knows Temper of His
'fonttnoed Trom First Pans.!
not yet complete. Whenever the coun
try really wanted something besides
talk, he added, it turned to the Demo
cratic party.
The President advocated the estab
lishment of a (Treat Federal employ
ment bureau. He said some means
should be formed for Quickening; and
hapenlng the process of the courts,
and. spoke of the necessity of passing
the Administration conservation bills.
Immediately after bis speech the
President went to the home of Mayor
II. Joseph E. Bell, of Indianapolis, who
was confined to his bed by sickness, ami
later attended a reception given by the
Indiana Democratic Club, which lasted
for an hour and a half. Later he took
a rWe about Indianapolis In the auto
mobile of Thomas Taggart and. at S:45
departed for Washington.
IJfe In Washington Lonely.
"Governor Ralston. ladies and gentle
men You have given me a most royal
welcome, for which I thank you from
the bottom of my heart. It is rather
lonely living in Washington. I have
been confined for two years at hard
labor, and even now I feel that I am
" aimply out on parole. Tou notice that
one of the most distinguished members
of the United States Senate is here to
see that I go back. And yet, with sin
cere apologies to the Senate and House
of Representatives. I want to say that
I draw more inspiration from you than
-They, like myself, are only servants
of the people of the United States. Our
el news consist in your sympathy and
support and our renewal comes from
contact with you and with the strong
movements of public opinion In this
country. That is the reason why I, for
one, would prefer that our thoughts
should not too often cross the ocean,
but sbould center themselves upon the
policies and duties of the United States.
Jf we think of the United States when
the time comes, we shall know how
this country can serve the world. I
will borrow an interesting phrase from
a distinguished gentleman of my ac
quaintance and beg tbat you will keep
jrour moral powder dry.
Hat-las Mild Aboat Jackson.
"But I have come here on Jackson
day. If there are Republicans present
1 hope they feel the compelling in
fluences of such a day. There was
nothing mild about Andrew Jackson;
that is the reason I spoke of the 'com
pelling influences of the day.' Andrew
Jackson was a forthright man who be
lieved everything be did believe in
fighting in earnest. And really, ladies
and gentlemen. In public life that is the
only sort of man worth thinking about
for a moment. t
"If 1 were not ready to fight for
everything I believe in I would think
It my duty to go back and take a back
seat. I like, therefore, to breathe the
air of Jackson day. I like to be re
minded of the old militant hosts of
Democracy, which I believe have come
to life again in our time.
-The United States had almost for
gotten that It must keep its fighting
ardor In behalf of mankind when An
drew Jackson became President: and
you will notice that whenever the
United States forgets its ardor for
mankind, a Democrat Is elected Presi
'.deut The trouble with the Republi
can party Is that it has not had a new
Idea for 3U years.
Searrh Made for Ideas.
i am nnt KDAAkine as a politician
I am Breaking as a historian. I have
I am speaking as a historian. I have
looked for new Ideas in the recoros
and I have not found any proceeding
from the Republican ranks. They have
"had leaders from time to time, who
suggested new ideas, but they never
.. , . . i t
aid anytning ;o carry tuem wuu i
suppose there was no harm in their
. L . 1 .i ...i h n,. nni i nnt fin I
talkintr. Drovlded they rould not do
anything. Therefore, when It was
necesivary to say we have talked about
things long enough which it was nec
essary to do, and the time. had come
to"do them, it was indispensable that a
Democrat should be elected President.
"I would not speak with disrespect
of the Republican party. I always
speak with great respect of the past.
The past was necessary to the pres
ent: and was a sure prediction of the
future. The Republican party is still
a covert refuge for those who are
afraid, for those who want to consult
their grandfathers about everything.
You will notice that most of the ad
vice taken by the Republican party Is
taken from gentlemen old enough to be
grandfathers; and that when they
claim that a reaction has taken place,
they react to the re-election of the Old
est members of their party. They will
not trust the youngsters. They are
afraid the youngsters may have some
thing up their sleeves.
Sarins: Sweet Things Wearisome.
-You will see. therefore, that I have
come to you in the spirit of Jackson
day. I got very tired staying in
Washington and Saving sweet things.
X wanted to coma out and get in con
tact with you once more and.-say what
I really thought.
"My friends, what I particularly want
you to observe is this: That politics in
this country does not depend any longer
upon the regular members of either
party. There are not enough regular
Republicans In this country to take and
hold National power; and I must imme
diately add there are not enough regu
lar Democrats in this country to do it
either. This country Is guided and its
policy is determined by the independent
voter: and I have come to ask you how
we can best prove to the independent
voter that the instrument he needs Is
the Democratic party, and that it would
be hopeless for him to attempt to use
the Republican party. I do not have to
prove it: I admit it.
"What seems to me perfectly evident
is this: That if you made a rough reck
oning you would have to adnrx that
only about one-third of the Republican
party is progressive: and you would
also have to admit that about two
thirds of the Democratic party Is pro
trresslve. Therefore the independent
progressive voters find a great deal
more company in the Democratic ranks
than In the Republican ranks.
DtMnata, Ttxa, llald Hark.
-I y a great deal more, because
there are Democrats who are sitting on
the breeching straps; mere are urao- i
. . . i . i i. ..... ...
emit wno are iiuiuiuk uata. xiicia a.. i
Democrats who are nervous. I dare say
they were born with that temperament,
And I respect the conservative temper,
. . ... . i .. I
1 claim to DO an inimaini ninstniui-
. ., I
myself. Because. I'-mi M. i
, , . . ni.
mMU. WWaw, .. 1 1. a ,wureyaua .
t tn tnai. a man n7,t nnlvlthat thev ar attempting. I
1 . 1, I - Ka.. , V. a 1C
Mnn hut who a c that in order to or.
serve you dare not stand still, but must
move zorwara. ror lua virtue ox Amer
ica is not statical; it is dynamic All
forces of America are forces in action
nn .1.. thaw ara fnrpA. of InAT-tla
"What I want to point out to you
ana i oeiieve inai mis is wnii me
knl. .. , , . 1 Katsrlnnlncr n .in .... i .. A
la this, that there is a larger body o
men in the regular ranks of the Demo
. I ....... .hi. annva.a
tiKiiu ymi "ii" ii- iil . v. in u . i r. - i '
sive policies of our day and mean to see
them carried forward and perpetuated
publican party.
1 1 1 i, w viuei n IDS, BCUUU
men? The Democratic party, and only
lit- xeiniicriaiic party, lias uarneu uu
ple of the country have desired. There
ara-A fnwraBa whinh V. n.nt h... f a f
rieal out in obedience to the DUblic
opinion di aiikhiu, aaiiu (.lie iiuunt
opinion of America Is not going to per
mit any ouujr ui iucd iu ,i ,,m.v n. aiiao
wim regara to uieH Krwtt maiiere.
Credit DeeUred Knanelpated.
'T-aat ma fn.tanra a alnsrlA thine
want to ask the business men here
present 11 tnis is not me iirsi January
In their recollection that did not bring
.tVinranpv fn. aha tima Kavinl?
because of the necessity of paying out
great sums oi money vy way 01 oiyi
lixndK and the other settlements which
rnma - at tha first of the year? I have
asked the bankers if that happened
this year and they say, "No, it did not
happen; it could, not Happen unuer me
HI-. h-..a. an.nnlmtan thai l-I-Aflit. fit
this country. Ana, lr mere is anyooay
here who will doubt that, the other
i . .. t - ih.i hav, aivn sriiarantee to
this country that there will be free
competition are policies which this
country will never allow to be reversed.
... -L-n a inner time ladies and
gentlemen, to select the Federal Trade
Commission. Decause i wanicu m
1 . cur. that T had Ch-OSSn
111VI1. aalll a1, a-m -
men. who would be really serviceable
to- the business men of this country,
great as well as small, the rank and
the file. These things have been done
and will never be' undone. They were
talked about and talked about with
futility until a Democratic Congress
attempted and achieved them.
Democrat Still on Trlat.
"But the Democratic party is not to
suppose that it is done with the busi
ness. The Democratic party Is still on
trial. The Democratic party has to
prove to the voters of this country
not only that It believes in these
things, but that it will continue to
work along these lines and that it will
not allow any enemy of these things
to break Us ranks. This country is
not going to use any party that can
not da continuous and consistent team
"If any group of men should dare to
break the solidarity of the Democratic
team for any purpose or from any mo
tive theirs will be a most unenviable
notoriety and a responsibility which
ill 1 1 hltlarnafll to them The
will Li i ina. uccu ......--
only party that is serviceable to a na
tion is a party that can hold abso-
lutely together and march with the
ion is & utiriy -
ili.flnlim. and with the xest Ol a COU-
UiaLl IUC w v - -
quering host.
-1 am not saying these things be-
cause I doubt that the Democratic
Iromise' 'Si co!lnt?y thatt witl do
promise the country tnat it will oo
ana meir purpusG, nuu . i
they have tne same emouon, tne same
high emotion of public service, that I
hope I have.
"I want, at this juncture, to pay my
tribute of respe-t and of affectionate
admiration for the two great Demo
cratic Senators from the State of In
diana. I have never had to lie awake
nights wondering what they were go
ing to do. And the country is not go
ing to trouble Itself, ladies and gentle
men, to lie awake nights and wonder
nimi iiii-. . . v. f. D .
have to do that they will choose other
. - . I
men. ana inai is an mere is to tne
business. Team work all the time la
what they are going to demand of us,
and that Is our individual as well as our
collective responsibility. That is what
Jackson stood for. If a man will not
play In the team, then he does not be-
lnnw n tha. tttam Vll.l aAA T tlAVA ATlPnt
a large part of my life In college and
h Know rvnar a team means wnen x b
h know what a team means when I see
t. and I know what the captain cl a
ta.m mtlat h a V A if 1A f afnlnlT tO Win.
So It In no idle figure with me.
Democratic Conaresn Praloed.
Vow what "Is their dutv? You sav:
"Hasn't' this Congress carried out a
great programme? Yes. it has car
ried out a great programme, it oaa
had the moat remarkable record that
any Congress since the Civil War has
had: ana 1 say since me t-ivn
had; and I say since tne uivu ar
because 1 nava-pua. uau inna. a.
about those betrfre the Civil War. But
we are living 'at an extraordinary
moment. The world has never been
in the condition that it is in now,
J .. Uair thai wnrlil In nn firp
in menus. . "
Only America among the great powers
1 ha. urnriri la free to govern her own
life; and all the world is looking to
America to serve its economic neea,
and while this is happening, what is
going on?
"Do you know, gentlemen, that the
ocean freight rates have gone up, in
some instances, to 10 times their
ordinary figure, and that the farmers
of the United States, those who raise
grain and those who raise cotton
these things that are absolutely neces
sary to the world, as well as to our
selves cannot .get any profit out of
the great prices that they are willing
to pay for these things on the other
side of the sea, because the whole
profit is eaten up by the extortionate
rates for ocean carriage? In the midst
of this, the Democrats propose a tem
porary measure of relief in a shipping
Country Mnet Have Ships.
"The merchants and the farmers of
this country must have ships to carry
their goods, and just at the present
moment there is no other way of get
ting them than through the instrumen
tality thai is suggested in the ship
ping bill, and I hear it said in Wash
ington on all bands that the Republi
cans In the United States Senate mean
to talk enough to make the passage of
that bill Impossible.
"These self-styled friends of busi
ness, these men who say the Demo
cratic party does not know what to do
for business, are saying that the Demo-
-.t. .hall rin nnthins for business. I
challenge them to show their right to
stand in the way oi me release oi
American products to the rest .of the
world. Who commissioned them? A
minority, a lessening minority! For
they will be In a greater minority In
the next Senate than in tnis. You
know it is the peculiarity of that great
body that it has rules of procedure
which make it possible for a minority
to defy the Nation, and these gentle-
... nn? aAAkin&r to defv the Na
tion and prevent the release of Ameri
can products to tne sunering woriu,
which needs them more than it ever
i .. tham hafnra Their credentials
as friends of business and friends of
America will be badly ciscreaiiea u
they succeed.
Prayer Preferred to Advice.
"If I were speaking from a selflsh.
partisan point of view. I could wish
nothing .better than that they could
show their true colors as partisans and
succeed. But I am not quite so
malevolent as that. Some of them are
misguided; some, of them are blind;
a.n.t nf them are Ignorant I would
most it - .
M,haa ... fnr them than advise them.
i . . - j a . , V. ,
But the great people of America ought
to make tnem unoersiano.
are said to be attempting now I nave
. . - anM tn ha attemDtinff; De-
iu j - - , .,
. ihav h n tint mme and tell me
m-a ------- .," , j -t
.hat tht are attempting. I do not
UWIl rn.XS.ll iUAi nil 10 j. am .unm
- ' A VI,
. J. IMch . :
' ; a $ - S WV; ;
.aw l.w T -nrmilil ATnlA, tTtV Ontnlon
l I1U VV II V jl nuuiu ja.av,vwU
of them in parliamentary language,
but I would express it, I hope, no less
plainly because couched in. the terms
of courtesy. This country is bursting
i it tacKeL ana mey i bcoius .w
tnat tne jacket Is not only kept tight,
I k,. viuctrf wit
put 1-3 IMC ICU o-. -
A II O icmuvi
how to serve business in this country
and it, future P-- -
"V"-- ,:;,;.,-",.
economic control which was intolerable
w.i, w hiva emanci-
nefr mUSt d
Conservation Programme Defended.
"Th a.a trrBat bills pending in the
United states senate jubi uu-
have been passed by the House of Rep
resentatives which are intended as
constructive measures in behalf or
business one great measure which will
make available the enormous- water
powers of this country for the industry
of It; another bill which will unlock
the resources of the public domain,
which the Republicans desired to have
locked up so tnat nuuuuy tumu
Tka axaoonn T A V thf ReDUbllCSnS
h.vo ,r.t hnH a new idea in 30 years is
that they nave not known how to do
anything except sit on the lid. Now,
lt u can reiease the steam so that it
will drive great industries, it is not
necessary to sit on the lid. What we
are trying to do in the great conserva
tion bill is to carry out, ior trie m
ttme in the history of the United States,
L Bystem by which the great resources
of this country can be used instead of
being set aside so that no man can get
at them. I shall watch with a great
deal of interest what the self-styled
friends of business try to do to those
Many Xack Guides and Helpers.
n nnt misiiTwiAt-Rtand me. There
are some men on that side of the cham
ber who understand the value or inese
things and are standing valiantly by
.ham hut thav ni-A A am!lll IT1 i IlOri t'.
The majority that is standing by them
is on our siae oi me cnamuer, aim my
are the friends of America.
"But there are other things which
we have to do. Sometimes, when 1
look abroad, my friends, and see the
great mass of struggling, humanity on
that continent, it goes very much to my
heart to see how many men are at a
disadvantage and are without guides
and helpers. Don't you think it would
v. .. a. t crnnH idan fnr thA Demo
cratic party to undertake a systematic
It is rather lonely living in Washington. I have been confined for
two years at hard labor and even now feel that I am simply out
n W.thlesincere apologies to the Senate and House of Representa
tives, I want to say that I draw more inspiration from you than I
do Jonlwnnot ready t0 fiKht for everything I believe in, I would
think It my duty to go back and take a back seat I 1'ke to be re
minded of the old militant hosts of Democracy, which I believe have
come to life again in our time. -,.
I got very tired staying, in Washington and saying sweet things.
I wanted to come out and get in contact with you once more and
say what I really thought. -
I respect the conservative temper. I claim to be an animated con
servative myself; because, being a conservative, I understand to mean
a man not only who preserves what is best in the Nation, but who
sees that in order to preserve you dare not stand still, but must
move forward. For the virtue of America is not statical; it is
d nTheDemocratIc party Is not to suppose that it Is done with the
business. The Democratic party is still on trial. ... If any
group of men should dare to break the solidarity of the Democratic
team for any purpose or from anyjnotive, theirs will be a most un
enviable notoriety and a responsibility which will bring deep bitter
ness to them. . . , . , , ,. .
If a man will not play in the team, then he does not belong to the
team. You see, I have spent a large part of my life in college and I
' know what a team means when I see It; and I know what the cap
tain of a team must have if he is going to win. So it is no idle
figure with me. ... . . .
We have cleared the decks.- We have laid the lines now on which
business that was to do the country harm shall be stopped and an
economic control which was intolerable shall be broken up. We have
emancipated America, but America must do something with her
freesometimes. when I look abroad, ray friends, and see the
great mass of struggling humanity on that ' continent, it goes very
much to my heart to see how many men are at a disadvantage and
are without guides and helpers.
I am not one of those who doubt either the industry or the learning
or the integrity of the courts of the United States, but I do know that
they have a very antiquated way of doing business.
Until the end of the Diax regime, 80 per cent of the people of
Mexico never had a "look in" in determining who should be their gov
ernors or what their government should be. It is none of my business,
and it is none of your business how long they take in determining it.
The country is theirs. The government is theirs. The liberty, if they
can get it and God speed them in getting it is theirs. And so far
as my influence goes, while I am President, nobody shall interfere
with them.
When some great dailies not very far from where I am temporarily
residing tltundered with rising scorn at watchful waiting, Woodrow
sat back in his chair and chuckled, knowing that he laughs best who
laughs last . ' ' . .
There may come a time when the American people will have to
Judge whether I know what I am talking about or not .But at least for
two years more I am free to think that I do. with a great comfort in
- humanity in the time-being. " .
method of helping the working men
Ima.lna? Thatfl is ft sinlDle W&T
arhlah thav fan hpllt the W D r k i Tl BT man
If you were simply to establish a reat
lTixriAi-sil emolovment bureau it would
do a vast deal; by the Federal agencies
...v. . ,.v. i. . . . o 1 1 nun- thin rnuntrv men
could be directed to those parts of the
.. . tr. HiftaaiimlArtkinefi. tn those
tasks where they could find profitable
employment, ine laoor 01 huh cuuimy
naaa tn ho frlliripfl fmm ODDOrtUnitY tO
We provea it tne uuici
"We were told that in two states
the Union 30,000 men were needed
, , .1. .. .. .Ua. nrer Wa nil t-e-ARtpn1 in
n. ... i w, .j-. ' .
rnhinAt maatian- thnt th Denaxtme
of Labor should have printed lnforma
tlnn I. .... , , h ) ci in 1 1 r h Inrm thnt 1
could be posted up in the postolfices
all over the United States;, and that the
rmn.ptmant nf l.nhnr nnnillfl aTPr lu
touch with the labor departments of
atnton nn that notice could KO OUt from
them. What was the result? Those
30,000 men were found artd were sen
to the places where they got profitable
"I do not know any one thing that
Has nappenea in my Aaminiinjatmu
that made me feel happier than that
tha. 4nh nn- tha mATl had been brought
together. It will not cost a great deal
of money ana it win ao & great ueai
of service if the United States were to
nnnarlaiia tn A n ttimh thinfi-s SVStemati-
cally and all the year round; and I, for
my part, nope tnat it win ao mat. it t
were writing an additional plank for a
Democratic platform I would put
that in.
Wan of Courts Antiquated.
"There is another thing that needs
m.h tn ha Hone. T am not one of
those who doubt either the industry or
tha loam. nn- or the integrity of the
ennrtn of the United States, but I do
t-.w tint thnv have a verv antiauated
wav of doing business. I do know that
the United staes, in us juaiciai yiuteu
,.ra in nuinv decades behind every
... v. .. . onvArnmAnt in the
world; and I say that it is an imme
diate and an imperative can upon u
to rectify that, because the speediness
l.Hi.a tha 1 n venesS Of jus
tice, the ready access of justice, is the
greater part or justice usen. 11 juu
have to be rich to get Justice, because
tha .not nt thA VPrV IirOCeSS itSelf.
then there is no justice at all. So I say
there Is another direction in wnicu we
..V,t tn ha uarv ntllflr to 866 the SlghS
of the times and to help those who need
to be helped.
Then thata in something else. The
Democrats have heard the Republicans
t.iiri.n ahnnt thn scientific way in
which to handle a tariff, though the
Republicans have never given any ex
hibition of a knowledge of how to han
dle it scientifically. If it is scientific
to put additional profits into the hands
of those who are already getting the
greater part of the profits, then the
have been exceedingly scientific. It has
been the science of selfishness; it has
been the science of privilege.
' Scientific Tariff Promised.
"That kind of J science I do not care
to Know anytning aoout except enougn
to stop it But if by scientific treat
ment of the tariff they mean adjust
ment to the actual trade conditions of
America and the world, then I am with
them and I want to call their attention,
for though they voted for it they appar
ently have not noticed it to the fact
that the bill which creates the hew
trade commission does that very thing.
We are at pains to see that it was put,
in there.
"That commission is authorized and
empowered to inquire into and report
V.VI1BI COD, UO. Vlll UfUU L11 LllV . I' 11
Altinn. n ... Ha in this nnnntw hi.
upon the conditions of trade, the cost
of manufacture, the cost of transporta
tionall the things that enter into the
question of tariff In foreign countries
as well as in tne uniteu otatec anu
into all those questions of foreign com
binations which affect international
trade between Europe and the United
will guide Congress in the scientific
treatment oi questions 01 international
Rnl a nf Schoolmaster Aaaiuned.
"Being by profession a schoolmaster
I am glad to point mat ui to me ciass
of uninstructed Republicans, though I
have not always taught in tie primary
"At every turn the things that the
Progressive Republicans have proposed
that were practicable the Democrats
have either done or are Immediately
proposing to do. If that is not our
bill of particulars to satisfy the inde
pendent voters of the country I would
like to have one produced. There are
things that the Progressive platform
contained wnich we. being constitu
tional lawyers, happened to know can
not be done by the Congress of the
United States. This Is a detail which
they seem to have overlooked. I, for
one, speaking for one Democrat am
heartily in favor of their being done;
because Democrats do not congregate
merely in Washington; they congre
gate also in the state capitals and they
congregate there in a very influential
number, and with very influential or
ganizations. Victory Claimed for Democrats.
"Just before I cnme away from
Washington I was going over some of
the figures of the last elections the
elections of November last The of
ficial returns have not all come in yet
I do not know why they are so slow in
getting to us, but so far as they have
come In they have given me this use
full information, that taking the states
where Senators were elected and where
Senators were not elected taking the
returns for the State Legislatures or
for the Congressional delegates, the
Democrats, reckoning state by state,
would, if it had been a Presidential
year, had a majority of about 80 in
the electoral college.
"Fortunately or unfortunately this is
not a Presidential year, but the thing
is significant to me, for this reason:
"A great many people hav been
speaking of the Democratic parly as a
minority party. Well, if it is, it is
not so much of a minority party as the
Republican and as between minorities
I think we can claim to belong .to the
larger minority. The moral of that is
merely what I have already been point
ing out to you that neither party in
its regular membership has a majority.
I do not want to make the independent
voter too proud of himself, but I have
got to admit that he is our boss, and
I am bound to admit that the things
that he wants are, so far as I have
seen them mentioned, things that I
PMainaaf at Indenendent voter.
"I am not an dependent voter, but
I hope I can claim to Dfl a,a th u u.
person, and I. w,ant ' nairv aIf;
longer than it continues to serve tne
immediate and pressing needs of Af""-
lllllllCUiaio O.UU f . "
t T haan hred in the DemO
cratlc party;- I love the Democratic
party; but I love America a great deal
more than I love the Democratic party,
cratlc party;- I love the Democratic
a. .
ocratic party,
party thinks
f. then I rise
means to an
onH whan tha Democratic
that it is an end in itself,
up and dissent It is a means to an i ,.j beiieve i always have believed
end. and Its power depends, and ought that Amerjcan business men were abso.
. . J unnn Ita nhnwItlET that it. ... . i .. . 1, .. i .. Knt man Im.
knows what America needs and is ready
to give it what it needs. That is the
reason I say to the independent, voter,
to .ueyoiii, ufw. - ' -
!,.. tt-h.t America needs and is ready
'You have got us in the palm of your
i i t n nnt hannan to be One Of
your" number, but I recognize your
supremacy, because I read the election
. a r i - . v. .. amhltinn tnvl
because I reaa tne election
returns,' and I have this ambition, my
Democratic friends I can avow it on
jacKSOU uaj. . .
"I want to maKe every muoireuumn
voter in this country a Democrat It
- mi,. 1,1 ann lnnAlv Out where
IS a 1 1L1.1C i"ii " " - -' "
he is because, thougn ne noma tno im'
u. 1 1 1 Vi ..... , . - . , .
and I want him to come in where it is
warm. I want him to come In where
there is a lot of good society, good
companionship, where there are -great
na ...i-iit- ma in. not tne niajuniy
emotions, xnat is wnat a -
13 uMlaan nattV thAV do TlOt Seem tO
have any. great emotion. They seem
to think a lot of things, oia iumikb, out
thAv do not seem to nave any entiiuai-
asm about anytning.
atii,,nA Tanari Mexico Kxplnlned.
"Now, there is one thing I ltave got
-. Anthi.aiaam nVAl. T TT1 i IT tl t fil-
most say a reckless enthusiasm, and
that is human liberty. The .iovernor
has Just now spoken about watchful
..... it in Tayco. I want to say a
a V. . . tTarinn nt Tint AO milch
about Mexico as about our attitude to-
3 a-viAn T hnld 1t an a fiinria.- a. a.-.-
mental principle, and so do you, that
every people nas majngni iu ucicimmo
its own form of government and until
. 1 1 -.irnlntlnn 1n MATlCO. Until
tma icv". .... ... .
the end of the Dias reign, 80 per cent
of the people oi Mexico never uai
look in' in determining who should be
il.:. nniiamar, ni what ttlAif aAVarn-
ment should be. Now I am for the 80
per cent It is none of my business,
and it is none of your business, how
long they take in determining it It
is none of my business and none of
yours how they go about the business.
The country is theirs. -The govern-
. i. thaita ThA lihertv. if thev
weui w .... . - . - --
can get it and God speed them in get
ting it is me.ra.
"So far as my miiuence goes, wnne
am President nobody shall Interfere
with them. ,
That is what I mean Dy a great
emotion, the great emotion of sym
pathy. Do you suppose that the Amer
lean people are ever gums w tuui
small amount of material benefit and
. , - nannla H ni n a- hualness in
auvamaso k " i--
Mexico against the liberties and the
permanent nappiness oi me
. . - Ti.tia nnt Fi, riinan n nations
people i io.T ' - - ,
. i iAno. an thev wanted and BDllt
taaeu - . - .
as much blood as they pleased in set
tling their a.n-airs, ana enau we
that to Mexico because she is weak?
t I T am nrnilll tn helonaT tO a
.jq A Boji a. ..." f a
strong Nation that says: 'This country
hich We COUia crusn enau uave j uo.
s much freedom in her own affairs as
we have. . m
"If I am strong. I am ashamed to
bully the weak. 'In proportion to my
. nrirlA In withholding
sirengm to . -
that strength from the oppression of
another people, and I know when I
peak these tnings mui mcicij
the generous response with wnicn mejr
have just met from you. but from my
i - tima knowledge of the American
nave juat met i w... j . -
long time knowledge of the American
people) that this is the sentiment of
the American people.
woodrow sitaa- a.-c
With all due respect to
s-reat newspapers, I have to say to mem
fha? I never take my opinion of the
American peopfo irom their editorials.
thaf when some great dailies, not
far from- where I am temporarily re-l
V. a. fstaOffio
Walter Baker
Established 1780
siding, thundered with rising scorn at
watchful waiting, wooaruw eat ua.n
in his chair and chuckled, knowing that
hA imichn hant vhn luirha last: know
ing, in short what were the temper
and principles of the American people
... 1 haaaniA T WOUld not
WUU1U ciuiaiai, . - -.
be satisfied to stay where I am. Thero
may come a lime wnen tno Annnt-au
people will have to Judge whether J
know what I am talking about or not
Hut nt iA:i.nt for two vears more I am
free to think that I do, with a great
comfort in humanity In the time oeing.
"And it is, by tne way, a comiort
ing thought that' the next Congress of
the United States is going to be safely
T. tirt anil that thatafora WS
can altogether feel as much confidence
as Jackson dlo tnat we Know wnat wu
are about. You know Jackson used
... ahlnlr that AVai-vhnnV tA-hn nlnnaTTAed
with him was an enemy of the coun
try. 1 have never got quite tnat iai m
my thought but I have ventured to
(hl.b thnt thav alin nnt ItnnW what
they were talking about knowing that
my rellow uemocrats etpetiw mo w
live up to the full stature of Jack
sonian Democracy.
"liny It Now" Good Maxim.
Kn T feal m v friends. In a very con
fident mood today. I feel confidence
that we do know the spirit of the
American people, that we do know the
programme of betterment which it will
be necessary for us to undertake; that
we do have a very reasonable confi
dence in the support of the American
1 1 T Kn.'a hatan talVintr With tlllnlnAHS
men recently about the present state
nf mind or American ousmess. men
" - f m,nd, . .
-.nthino. thA mattap with American
I derstand that your Chamber ol
merce here in Indianapolis Is working
. buy u nQW . That ,s a per.
fectly safe maxim to act on. It is Just " . v. - ....
h It nnitf an it AVAr Will be
anJ u Btart the buying there will
be nQ end to ,t an(J .ou win be a Beller
we ag a Duyer. t am Just as BUre
at) phi ii i-i j ' .
be no end to it and you win oe a seuer
n ag a buyer. t am Just as BUre
of tnat Rs j can be because I have
taken coun8el with the men who know,
..- beiieVA I always have believed
ten counsel with the men wno know,
I believe I always have believed
. . .i... v. .... i ...... man VAtl nhnn-
. i . . . . . . nAn ln.
mersed in business do a lot of things
tnat opportunity offers to do which in
other circumstances they would not
iiuteiy buuhu a. " ' -
.,.j . hiininann An a lot of thing!
do, and I have thought all along tha
ail that wan, necessary to no was t
call their attention sharply to the kin
of reforms in" business which wer
J .!.., 1 .J annlllaBta an.
of reforms in business wnicn were
necessary and they would acquiesce, and
j beiieVe they have neartuy acquiesces.
111U1 13 1 " .. .... .. . -
aa. that trrAAt And small, we should
l nei e la " ... - - .
ha 'confident in the future. And what
a future it is, my friends.
World Abroad la Troubled.
t ahrnaH unnn the troubled
world ! Only America at peace among
all the great powers or me worm.
"Think of the deep wrought destruc
tion of economic resources, of life and
.a i that la tn lr I nsr nlare In BOtI16
OL lllipi". . 1 " . . '
parts of the world, and think of the
reservoir of hope, the reservoir of
energy the reservoir of sustenance,
A - l .. in thin irraat land of
mat lucid o i - - , -
plenty! May we not look forward to
the time when we snau taucu
blessed among the nations, because we
succored the nations of the world In
their time of distress and of dismay?
"I for one pray God that that solemn
hour may come, and I fcnow the solidity
of character and I know the exalta
tion of hope, I know the high prin
ciple with which the American people
hii mnnond to the call of the world
for this service, and I thank God that
those who believe in America, w no tij
to serve her people, are likely to be
. .i..a America, herself from the
aiSO 'wnat . -
first Intended to be the servant of
Annual Report for Supreme Bench
Is Filed by Clerk.
QAT.imf or.: Jan. 8. (Special.) Ac
cording to the annual report of J. C.
Moreland, clerk of the Supreme Court
filed today. 308 cases were pending be
- .v.. -ih,,nai riAnAtnbAr 21. There
lore tnat
were 1-a cases docketed but not ready
for hearing and 113 cases docketed anu
ready for hearing.
The total cash receipts of the court
last year were J16.268.68. the library
fiind being $3350 and the general fund
112,918.68. Ot opinions 39 were ren
dered on the merits ot me cases, i u
motions and nine were dissents.
Following are the annual receipts oi
the court since 1907: 19U(. jaa-i.oo,
908 16263.45; 1909, J77-!.4U; lsiu,
735; 1911, 111,362.34; 1912, liz.ezi.".
1913, J17.886.03. and 1914. 116.263.68.
Red Men Citizens Can't Go Contrary
to Liquor Statutes.
OLYMFIA. Wash.. Jan. 8. (Special.)
i Tne fourteenth amendment -to tne
constitution of the United States does
,...,. to Indians, even though
they be citizens, the right to purchase
.. . . an arilfl IaWH. t fl B
Washington Supreme Court decided to-
vvasn. "',-? two vears' Im-
Zn . sever, a pun-
priaounii..v -
Ishm.nt for sale of liquor Jo Indians
Both points were raised ".appeal
by George Kenney. convicted in Lin-
coin County
er's Cocoa
Jill Three
It is absolutely pure,
it is of high quality,
and its flavor is de
licious. '
Guard against imita
tions: the genuine
has the trade-mark
on the package and is
& Co. Limited
Four Hundred Belgian Tots Are
Also Found in Convent.
Mother Superior and 65 MMrrs Are
In Tatters AVIien American Itelirf
Delegate AVIth Food Supply
Finally Reaches Them.
LONDON. Jan. 8. Herbert Clark
Hoover, chairman of the American com
mission for relief In llelglum, today re
ceived from the commission's repre
sentative in the llelgian province of
Brabant a pathetic account of tho re
lief from imminent starvation of the
llllllcvioa . ,nu "
Oblates, near Louvaln. comprising i
nuns and 4UU nomeiess rimuri-u.
Kor weeks the sinters had sheltered
and fed the children and It was nut
until the supplies of the convent wtra
almost exhausted that they sent an ap
peal to the commission ior neip.
t .. i nt nf thn ramnH t fnr nld food
was dispatched Immediately to the con
vent The aeiea-aie wno act-unnmin-na
the food was received by the mother
t .. 1 .. , hahlt 'Tha niltia
HUn- 1111 ill aa lulu ......... ... .
greeted the American flag with tears
in their eyes.
"Children in rags and with bare legs
crowded about, asking If it were true
that food was coming." the report says.
crowueu auuui, -
that food was coming." the report says,
"Many of the larger children, with pale
and aged faces, showed plainly the
terrible experiences through which they
and aged laces, snoweo piuimy m
I terrible experiences through which they
I ha. ....nul "
I . .!..!....... - a lnnvlntr thA
mother superior suld:
"Thank God, one
na8 peace and can s
aniintrf nt least
has peace and can so nobly show her
sympathy tor mose at war.
After providing an adequate supply
of food for the convent, the commission
dispatched clothing for the nuns and
children from the central dciKit at
BrUntl.n. '
6f I 2n-rTS.--a'
Siioo!3 at Sixty
Age and ripe experience
mean happiness and useful
ness when mental and bodily
powers are preserved oy keep
ing rich blood in the veins.
Nature's great strength-sustaining
nourishment in Scott 'a
Emulsion creates rich blood
while it warms the body and
alleviates rheumatic ten
dencies. Its oiJ-food im
parts strength to both
body and brain.
It it Nearia-sa-tast AlnkoL
.aj. xw-iMda mi- '
Bat Miss Arres Get 'Belfl Ces
leilon' at Coat f 0lf 8-00-
Nov. 23. 1914: "All my life my face
was covered completely with a mass of
pimples, blackheads and blotches. I
spent a lot of money on numerous
.-AiriAriiea and treatments without suc
cess and no relief at all. I trld so
many things that I was arrald my case
ii n. ha, nnrarf Uaainnl Ointment
and Reslnol Hoap seamed to do me good
right from the first I used two Jars
of Kesinol Ointment and some Koslnol
of Kesinol uinimani ana eoma ,.-....
-i.t.. ia withmit a hi aim i ah and I am
kin la without a blemish and I am
the possessor of a beautiful complex-
on. ' (Signed) aiabell Ayres, oiu
Mountain, Va.
t...,.- anlla TtefllnOl POSD
and Reslnol Ointment. For trial, free,
write to Iept a-R, Heslnol. Haltlmore.
Boys' $2.50 Rubber Boot, pair SO
Itoys' Shoes, pair i'JIi
Mens Choaa. pair....... ..!'.'
Men's .Nettleton $6.50 hhoes. pair
'slSCU.M) AU WASlllSittTOX,
:"' i j.1.1-, :','-vv