Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 09, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. LIT. NO. 1C8S8.
Warning to Democrats
Gravely Issued.
President Says He Knows
Temper of Americans.
Nation Advised to Get Own Affairs
In Order So as to Be or Service
In Final Settlement Plea
for Mexico Made.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 8. President
Wilson voiced today what a crowd of
more than 4000 assembled here to hear
him make a Jackson day speech Inter
preted as a hint that he might be a
candidate for the Presidency again In
11. The people leaped to their feet
and cheered until the President him
elf raised his hand and called for
The President had been discussing
the Mexican question and referred tol Continnin
his belief that he knew the tempera
ment and principles of the American
people, adding that he would not be
fit to stay where he was If he did
not understand.
Tisse May Coaar," lllata President.
"There may come a time," he went
en. "when the American people will
have to Judge whether I know what
1 am talking about or not."
There was a slight pause, and then
the crowd, which included the mem
bers of the Indiana Legislature.
Jumped up and began shouting and
Figure lowest of Any District In
United States Sign Is Encour
ing, Says Portland Banker.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. The San
Francisco reserve bank today secured
the approval of the Federal Reserve
Board to the lowest rediscount rate
yet named by any of the 12 bank;
4 per cent on maturities up to 30 days.
Money apparently is plenty all over
the country and the board is Inclined
to approve low rates In order that the
banks may be able to do some redis-
counting to make expenses.
Other rates approved today were:
San Francisco. S per cent on maturities
up to CO days; 6 hi per cent on 60-90
days and 6 per cent on longer maturi
Minneapolis, iVz per cent on up to 30
days 5 per cent on 30 90 days and
per cent for longer.
"Reduction of the discount rate Is
an encouraging sign." said A. L. Mills,
president of the Portland Clearing
House Association and also ' of the
First National Bank, last night. "It
shows plainly that the banks In the
Pacific Coast district are not in need
of assistance from the Federal Re
serve Banks and that the banks of our
district are in an excellent condition.
I do not know of a bank in the North
west that has asked for any aid from
the reserve banks. The decision to
lower the rates should result in creat
ing much more business for the re
serve banks."
Tan n en be rgS u rpassedl F"oS
in Number of De?.
The Weather.
TODATS Unsettled, probably occasional
rain; southwesterly winds.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum 'temperature.
17.2 degrees; minimum, 40. 0 degrees.
War .
Scores of Cs"
mans . V
Von Hindenberg Admits Foe Is
Still Formidable.
Held Marshal, Hero of Germany,
Attributes Disaster of Samsonoff
to Inactivity of Rennenkampf
at ' Critical Juncture.
Contract Basis Is
vldcd by Committee.
cheering. Realizing the construction I has Informed the committee that II,-
that had been put on hit. words, the I 350,000 will be ample to carry on work
I 'resident held up his hand tor silence I on the north jetty during the coming
and said:
"I did not mean to stir up anything.
That was merely preparatory to saying
that for at least two more years I am
free to think I know the American
Deeaaeratle Victory Aswerted.
Previously the President had at
tacked the Republican party, defended
the record of his Administration on
the Mexican policy and the tariff and
currency questions and declared that
a careful examination of the returns
from the elections last November
showed that if It had been a Presi
dentlal year a Democrat would have
bad a majority of about 80 in the
Electoral College.
Posen, Dec. 19 (delayed In transmission.
via London, Jan. 8.) "Even the occu
pation of Warsaw and of the Vistula
line would by no means signify the end
of the campaign. The Russians, with
their immense territories, can fail back
indefinitely. Defeated at Warsaw, they
can fall back "on Kiev, from Kiev on
Moscow and eventually even 'on Vladi-
vlstok. Of course, we cannot follow
that far."
Thus spoke Germany's popular hero,
Field Marsha! von Hindenburg, to the
Associated Press correspondent in the
course of a four-hour conversation to
day. He explained how the mid
winter Poland campaign, in which the
Russian advance was checked and
rolled back, had involved frightful
Losses of Rnsslaas Enormous.
Never in the days of the battle of
Tanneberg and the retreat' of the Rus
sian General Rennenkampf's army from
the Mazurian Lakes did the Russians
lose so heavily as In the sanguinary
fighting around Wlocawek, Kutno,
Lodz and Lowicz, the Field Marshal
He added that at least 140,000 Rus
sians had been killed or wounded since
November 13 and that 110,000 other
Russians had been made trisoners. The
contest, according to Von Hindenburg,
had been proceeding everywhere fa
vorably to the Germans and Austrians
since the fall of Lodz and the com
MAN ATTACKED IS SILENT Field Marshal von Hindenburg declared
that not all the fight had been taken
priests murdered by Gar-
. teigians. rags .
. tells of Infantry ad.
' perlor work by artillery.
- nffAaif t TN. ." tt-atrial
v.fl llson warns opposing remocrats that ha
. I "raalaln of team" at nresent Paae 1.
Britain's preliminary reply to American
note is Inconclusive. Page 1.
Witnesses for engineers say railroads are
well able to pay increase demanded, out
of savings by increased efficiency. Page o.
Steam schooner. Eureka goes on rocks near
San Francisco. Page o.
Rediscount rate reduced by Pacific Coast
reserve bank because money is so plenu.
Xul. Page x.
Coveleskie. star pitcher for Spokane last
year, added to Beaver staff. Page 12.
Six Coast athletes chosen for all-American
team. Page 12.
Portland hockey stars prevented from acting
as officials at Vancouver game. Page 1.
Cowier once down and out. but not so now.
Page 12.
Pacific Northwest. '
Clarke County Sheriff arrests 17 saloon
mea to test dry law. Page 5.
Commercial and Marine.
Marked strength of coarse grains In local
market. Page lo.
Wheat climbs at Chicago on excited war
buying. Page 10.
Stocks and bonds continue forward move
ment. Page 15.
Santa Catatina may be rebuilt earlier than
contract requires. Paga 11.
rortland and Vicinity.
Beamer S. Pague dies, following operation.
page i.
Pender's mother yet holds trust in Justice
to prove son not guilty, page lo.
Bakers expect no Immediate rise rn bread
prices, page 10.
Hosarlans put Portland to fore as one of
most progressive cities on coast, says
w, J. Hofmann. Page 8.
One mill slate tax likely to be only plea of
Irrigation Congress. Page 1.
At least two bills to be Introduced to re
vise taxpaying laws. Page 10.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 15.
Ington, Jan. 8. It is understood the
Senate commerce committee, of which
Senator Chamberlain is a member, has
informally agreed to report an amend'
ment to the river and harbor bill placing
the Columbia River north jetty project
on the continuing contract basis- When
the committee reports the bill to the
Senate, it is expected this amendment
will be incorporated. In view of the
fact that the Acting Chief of Engineers
fiscal year, it will bev difficult to se
cure the full appropriation of J 1,750,.
000 originally recommended by the
Chief Engineer.
Senator Chamberlain today proposed
an amendment to the river and harbor
bill, authorizing a survey of the Ump
qua River.
Albany Laborer Found on Street
Badly Cut by Policeman.
ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.)
Found on the street this morning with
cut in his neck from which he was
. . , ... bleeding profusely, Neal Harrigan, a
'" r'l,'"a "epuuI":" laborer on the Corvallis & Eastern
Railroad bridge crew, steadfastly re
fuses to tell who inflicted the wound.
He says there is a woman In the case.
At St. Mary's Hospital Dr. Wallace
took 10 stitches to close the wound.
Harrigan recovered rapidly and Is
much Improved tonight. Had th
weapon penetrated a trifle further the
jugular vein would have been severed.
Indications are he was struck with
broken bottle. After taking Harri
gan to the hospital Officer Marshall
found the room of a woman covered
with blood and filled with broken bot
tles. Whether the woman wielded the
weapon or some men were mixed ud
tn tne affair is not known.
enators opposing the Government ship
purchase bill, whom he characterizes
as "self-styled friends of business.'
He said the Republican party had not
had a new idea In 30 years, and that
"the Republicans do not know how to
do anything but sit on the fid." He
added that the country wanted the
hip purchase bill enacted Into law.
and "will have It."
Democrats Seriously Warsfd
A warning to Democrats not to break
up the solidity of the party was given
gravely by Mr. Wilson. He declared
that any such men will gain an unenvl
able position for themselves,' and men-
Vr.l"mlr' e ln.dJ!i f PERSIA SENDS ULTIMATUM
to He awake nights thinking about
He continued that "if a man won't play
on a team he must get off the team,
and later spoke of himself as "the cap
tain of the Democratic team for the
The President spoke briefly of Mex
loo. He said that the people there are
entitled to liberty, "no matter how
long they take in determining It.
Sneaking slowly and carefully, he de
clared that "so far as my influence
goes, while I
shall Interfere with them." Ha said
that until the revolt against Diaz 80
out of the Russians.
Field Marshal Forgets Care.
So large of frame is the Field Mar
shal that he seemed under Instead of
over the average height. He has a
large head and rugged shoulders and
wears a heavy, sweeping muistache,
less aggressive in curve than the Em
peror's but equally characteristic.
The correspondent dined with Von
Hindenburg and during the meal the
conversation was informal, the cares
of the army leader seemingly having
(Concluded on Page 4.
Notice Follows Investigation of New
York Subway Accident.
NEW YORK, Jan. 8. The Public-
Service Commission today sent virtual
notification to the Interborough Rapid
Transit Company that wooden cars
must be withdrawn from the subway.
The Commission asked how soon all-
steel cars can be substituted for the
478 composite cars now in, use.
The action of the Commission fol
lows an investigation into safety con
ditions in the subway in connection
with the accident last Wednesday, when
200 persons were injured and one killed
in a panic. . .
Portsmouth Fourth Under Rale of
Separating Activities.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Secretary
Daniels today designated Naval Con
structor L. S. Adams as industrial man
ager of the Portsmouth, N. H., navy
yard. The Portsmouth yard is the
fourth naval plant to be reorganized
under the new system whereby the
commandant, a naval line officer, com
mands the station and directs all mili
tary features, while tne purely in
dustrial administration is' under the
direction of a naval constructor or an
engineer officer.
The other yards already reorganized
are those at New York, Norfolk and
New Orleans.
BRIT! REPLIES TO Friday's War Moves
Preliminary Missive
Some of Points Raised Call for
Additional Light.
nn HE Winter storms and floods, while
X they have put an end to any mil
itary operations on a large scale, have
not been able to prevent the armies
in the east and west from pursuing the
offensive at isolated points along the
two extended fronts.
In the snow-covered hills of the Cau
casus the hardy Siberians ar search
ing out the routed Turks.who are re
ported to be surrendering by thou
sands, while In Flanders, which is vir
tually all under water, the allies assert
that they have found It possible to
make some headway.
Only in Poland, where Field Marshal
Von Hlndenburgs offensive Is held up
on the banks on the rivers which flow
between him and Warsaw, and In Ga
licia, where the Russians have been
compelled to call a halt in their ad
vance, does there seem to be an almost
entire lull In the fighting.
The Russians continue their forward
movement In the Carpathians and In
Bukowina, while In France Infantry at
tacks have been made at many points.
followed by artillery engagements and
sapping and mining operations. The
French have advanced a few yards in
Emphasis Placed on Necessity of I the vicinity of Rhelms, but were com
polled to give ground in the Argon n
as a result of the Germans havlu
Approval of Irrigation
Delegates Apparent.
Further Aid From State
Will Be Asked Now.
Careful Search of Suspicions
Cargoes Previous Posi
tion Is Reiterated.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 Secretary
Bryan announced today receipt of the
note from Great Britain replying to
the American communication or De
cember 28, respecting American commerce.
The note, which is of about the same
length as the American communication,
will be made public Sunday by mutual
agreement between the State Depart
ment and the British Foreign Office.
Note Regarded as Inconclusive.
Officials of the State Department
read the note carefully, but agreed to
make no comment on it whatsoever in
advance of the publication of the text.
Secretary Bryan will discuss It with
President Wilson on the latter's return
That the British communication is in
conclusive In many respects and will
lead to a further exchange of notes was
learned from authoritative quarters. Al
though many concessions of neutral
commerce have been made by England
through embargoes on re-exportation
recently completed with Italy and Hol
land, some of the points raised in the
American note, such as probf at the
time of detention of ships and length of
time required for examination, will
necessitate further argument between
the State Department and the British
mined some of their first line trenches.
With the reports of progress by th
French in Alsace, where they are being
strenuously opposed by the Germans,
the names of some German places are
beginning to appear in the official
communications, which would Indicate
that the advance although slow is be
ing continued.
Viscount Haldane, the British Lord
High Chancellor in the House of Lord
today made the interesting announce
ment that British experts were busy
producing a satisfactory equivalent to
the German 42-centimeter gun, which
did such execution against the Belgian
fortresses at the beginning of the war,
and that recruiting was so satisfactory
that the necessity had not arisen for
conscription. The chancellor would not
disclose the strength of the British
army, but military experts estimate
that it cannot be less than 3,000,000
men, counting the regulars, reservists,
the territorials and Lord Kitchener'
new army.
The reported arrest of Cardinal
Mercier, Primate of Belgium, continues
to attract widespread attention. The
Germans explain that he was not ar
rested, but that he was requested to
refrain from Inciting the populace of
Belgium. The Dutch newspaper which
first published the report of the cardl
nal's arrest Insists, however, on the
correctness of its correspondent's
statement and says that even now
Foreign Office before a deflhlts under- CarJlna, Mercler is not permitted to
standing is reached.
Second Reply to Follow.
The British note is preliminary, in the
sense that It is confined to a general
statement of the situation In answer to
the American document, and will be fol
lowed later by a more detailed state
ment on specific cases. '
While the communication points out
the peculiar necessities of belligerents
in the momentous struggle in Europe,
it is phrased in a spirit of frankness
and friendliness.
Much emphasis is placed by the Brit
ish government on the necessity for
careful search of all cargoes which ap
pear suspicious. In this respect Great
Britain has reiterated her position with
an amplification of Drevious statements.
Great Britain appreciates that the
leave Mallnes.
From Paris comes ' a report that
Roumania and Italy have reached an
agreement to enter the "war slmul
Reports of Contemplated Rise
Cost Interests 'Washington.
(Concluded on Page 4.)
Minister Says Oountrj- Is Overrun by
Kurds and Turks.
ROME. Jan. 8 The Glornale d'ltalla
has published an interview with the I
Persian Minister'to Rome. In the course I
of which the diplomat said Persia de
sired to remain neutral throughout the I
war. but that its territory was being
Invaded by Kurds and Turks.
Persia had sent an ultimatum to
am President, nobody I Constantinople, the Ministry said, the
result of which was unknown as yet. I
The telegraph is interrupted . and it!
per cent of the Mexicans never had a takes seven weeks for a letter to travel I
look-in as to who should be their gov
Mexico lias K rape's aZxasaple.
"Have not European nations taken as
Jons as they wanted and spilled as
much blood as they pleased to settle
their own affairs?" he continued. "And
hall we deny the same right to Mex
ico? No, I say.
from Teheran to Rome.
Price for Sacked Product Highest iu
More Than 1 7 Years.
LA GRANDE. Or.. Jan. 8. (Special.)
Much of Mr. Wilsons address Flour prices reached a record today
devoted to the Independent and Pro
cresslve voters. He said that about
one-third of the Republican party Is
progressive and about two-thirds of
the Democratic party was progressive.
"Therefore." he added, "the Demo
cratic party is more progressive than
the Republican.
He declared most of the voters of
the country were independent, but that
it was bis ambition to have them vote
with the Democrats, ne spoke of hlm-
se'f as an "animated conservative.
Referring to the European war. the
President said that the people of the
Vnlted States should not pay too much
attention to it, but should get their
own affairs In such order that they can
be of the greatest assistance to the
countries fighting. He closed his ad
dress with the prayer that the time
might come when the United States
could be instrumental in restoring
Depreaaloa Called "State of Mlad."
Business conditions were 'taken up
briefly. He characterised talk of
busiaess depression as a "state of
mind" and said that the Democratic
party had already done much to free
business and that Its programme was
Concluded va Pass 2.
in this city, when the product of local
mills was boosted to 11.95 a etA. The
price of wheat Is responsible for the
This price is the highest ever paid
for flour in La Grande in more than 17
years. Further increase is expected.
X at Ion to Go to War Even if Italy
Does Xot, Says Writer.
LONDON. Jan. 9. The . Morning
Post's Bucharest correspondent says:
Roumania is mobilizing 750.000 men.
of which number 00,000 form the field I
army. Roumania will strike even
should Italy decide not to enter the I
Northwest Postmasters Nominated.
ington. Jan. 8. The President today I
nominated the following postmasters: I
Oregon Cornelius Buchanan. Florence.!
Washington J. E. Janosky, Connell:
William Rouse, Stanwood; John J. Car-I
ney. Aberdeen: W. ' F. Roberts. Jr.,
Klina. "Idaho James Campbell, Hope;!
Kenneth G. Phelps, Rlchiield.
r '
wl i M ml nil. . rTrTA
all JO TO Jru otowccIT TwA ' : r?1 I i
for . suh w"-' i
I J W -nr- SJJ? I J
.. "r
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Department
of Justice officials expressed Interest
tonight in reports that the price of a
loaf of bread was about to Jump from
5 to 6 cents In New York, Chicago
and possibly other large cities. No
complaints had reached the Depart
ment, however, and no action Is In
mmediate prospect.
Attorney-General Gregory has kept
a close watch on any efforts to in
crease the cost of living through com
binations of producers in any line, and
it is considered certain that a rise in
bread would be looked Into at once.
Concerted action that Involved
bakers in different states would al
low prosecution under the anti-trust
In Snow Storm Man Falls Over 500-
Foot Precipice in Cascades.
EVERETT, Wash., Jan. 8. William
S. Vail, aged 19, fell over a 600-foot
precipice yesterday near Oso in the
Cascade Mountains while hunting
mountain goats and was Instantly
He left his two companions yester
day and did not return to camp at
night This morning his assistants
traced his footsteps to the edge of
the cliff. They then went to the foot
of the precipice and found Vail's man
gled body.
Evidently he had lost his 'way dur
ing a snow storm.
Former Members of Lcglslatore Say
Tumalo Appropriation Was to Ilo
Returned to State Fund and !
This View May De Accepted. '
S.S0 A. M. Continuation of
10-minute talks by appointed
representatives of delegations.
Western Oregon counties; ad
vance report of resolutions com
mittee: state and Federal co
operation, discussion lcii by J.
N. Teal of Oregon's rights and
needs with reference to Federal
reclamation expenditures.
2 P. M. Address, Ira P. Engl
hart. North Yakima, chalrm
Federal Reclamation comm
sion: address, J. CI. Camp, project 4
manager. United Htates Rerlama- f
tlon Klamath Project; Address,
Herbert D. Newell, project man- I
ager. United States Roclama-
tion Umatilla Project; final re-
port resolutions committee; clec-
tlon of officers.
, 4
nan I
ilia- I
A state-wide tax levy of 1 mill doubt
less will be recommended to the Legis
lature by the Oregon Irrigation Con
gress now In session at the Imperial
This action was Indicated yesterday
by the repeated utterances of Irrlgs
tionists from various parts of the slat
and seemed to meet with the audible
approval of the great body of delegates.
The suggestion was formally launched
at the afternoon seaslon by Joseph T.
Hlnkle, of Hermiston, and was seconded
a fewa moments later by Frank Davey,
of Burns.
Backers Are Leclalatora,
The significant fact about the posi
tion of these two men on this subject
Is that both will be members of the next
It is probable, however, that the ree-
mmendations of the congress will and
with the proposed I-mlll levy.
Most of the delegates fert that the
congress should not ask too much from
the state, and declare that It the plan
for the direct levy is approved It will
be all that reasonably can be expected
from the Legislature.
Single Recosssaendatloai I.lkely.
While the urgent necessity of reliev
ing several of the most promising arid
regions will be pointed out by the reso
lutions, no specific appropriations for
ny of these districts will be asked for.
It is probable, too, that th move
ment to turn th ItsO.OOO expended
within the last two years on th Tu
malo project Into a revolving fund will
be abandoned. It may be brought up
at some future seaslon, though.
According to th terms of the Tumalo
ppropriation the first payments from
the farmers will not be due for several
ears and members of th congress feet
that action on th disposition of this
money can be dererred ror a rear or
In spite of the opinion held by many
lrrlgationists that the Tumalo appro-
l.'uncluriVd nn i'sse 11.)
Cotton Ship, Tested by British Con
sul, Sails for Bremen.
GALVESTON. Tex., Jan. 8. After X
ray tests had shown no coniraoana
concealed in her cargo, the American
stRsmer Nebraskan sailed today for
Bremen, carrying a cargo of 10,317
bales of cotton. The tests were made
under the supervision of the British
Consul In order to avoid possible delay
by British warships searching for con
The Nebraskan is the second vessel
to sail from Galveston for Bremen dl
rect since the outbreak of the war.
Austrian Protest Against Occupation
of Avlona Is Answered.
MILAN, via London, Jan. 9. The Se-
colo asserts that Count Leopold von
Berchtold, Austrian Minister of Foreign
Affairs, has sent a note to Italy pro
testing against the Italian occupation
of Avlona, Albania. '
. Baron Sidney Sonnino, Italian Min
ister of Foreign Affairs, has sent a
reply, thepaper adds.
OK P H O R K S .
A deal of importance was con
summated In Portland yesterday
when H. T. Prltchard. of Grants
Pass, and Kd. J. Vanderhoof, of
North riatte. Neb., acquired from
H. C. Mueller, proprietor of the
Lace House Laundry, two pieces
of property, ono at Fourteenth
and Jefferson, facing on Jeffer
son and abutting on the Virginia
Hill Hotel property, and the other
near First and Madison, the con
sideration for the two pieces be
ing In the neighborhood of ItiS.OOO.
Prltchard and Vanderhoof ar
planning to improve both pieces
of property. Within th next 0
days they will begin the con
struction of a concrete building of
two or more stories on the First
street property, and later on, pos
sibly before the end of the year,
they plan to Improve th Jeffsr-son-street
property with a mod
ern brick apartment house.
The deal was made through th
agency of Lueddemanu Company,
with whom L. K. Moor was asso
ciated in the deal. As Dart nay
lent for the property Mr. Muel- J
Ier took tltlo to the well-known
"Consul Orchards" property near
Grants Pass, this property repre
senting a valua of $50,000, and
consisting of (88 acres highly Im
proved, nearly 140 acres being In
fruit and over 90 of this In Bart
lett and Anjou pears.