10 TFTE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. 1915. YEON 15 RENAMED Unanimous Appointment and Full Powers Are Given. WEED OF BONDS ASSERTED Election for Proposed 91,000,000 I-ne Jlay lie Asked for Feb ruary to Enable Crews to Start in Dry Weather. John H. Twn, Multnomah County's voluntary roadmauster, unanimously wae reappointed by the Board of Commis sioners yesterday morning, to servo the term ending December 31. IMi. Motion for the reappointment of Air. Teon was made by Chairman W. L. Uehtner and van carried without discussion. The appointment is made -without reservation, and Is In accord with the minority report of the budget advisory committee. The majority report of this crammltteo favored Mr. Yeon'a appoint ment with powers limited to the com pletion of the Columbia iiishway. Following the divided report of the budget committee, a ahower of letters of recommendation from civic, improve ment and commercial bodies and from many private sources was sent to the board. Serrieea Offered Freely. Mr. Yeon volunteered his services as County Koadmaster. and has served without pay. His independent fortune and his reputation as a pood roads en thusiast qualified him for tho volun tary position, in the opinion of the commissioners. "Our present ambition. said Mr. Teon after he had learned of his re appointment yesterday. "Is the hard purfacing of about Hi miles of county roads as recommended in my report. We want to show the taxpayers throueh this bond issue the merit of having all rounty roads paved. "We had flKured to put the $1,000,000 lnl iiie before the voters at the time of the city election In June, but I think It advisablo now to vote on it in Feb ruary. If it is postponed until June, the bonds cannot be ready until July, and It will be August before we aetu ally can set to work ion the roads. That will give us too little time to complete the work before Winter, and the hard rurfa:e Is much better if laid during dry weather. Mao-fWe Mllra t ravins; Wasted. "The extra expense of the bond elec tion will be flight, and will be com-p-nsated for fully by the savins In pet ting to work on the roads earlier in the jcar." Th roads which Mr. Teon recom mended to be hard-surfaced cover 6JVi mil-. The proposed bond Issue of $1. liotf.O'.'u for this purpose, he says, would m;in i-hsrce to eah property owner assessed at Jlii of $3 on the principal of the lu.'iul. and 15 cents for interest. The stretches of roads to be paved are Sandy road from the cliy limits to the Sandy Kiver. Columbia Highway from Sandy River to the county line. l:ase Line road from the city limits to the Troutdala crossroad. Powell Val ley road from the city limits to t;resh am. Foster road from the city limits to the county line. Canyon road from tha city limits to the county line, and 1-lnnton road from the city limits to Llanton. DIVORCEE ALLEGES BREACH Marrird C4 Years Woman Sues for $25,000 for 'allure to Kemarry. Although she was married to J. VT JloXeMar for nearly 14 years. Jlrs. Ks t-ll McN'eMar Is now suInK him for J2 j.uOO for breach of promise. Tho ault was filed in County Clerk Cotfey'B office yesterday. The complaint states that the couple a.i married In ll at Olnejr. III. Mc NcMar was granted a divorce In Wah- Viakum County. Washington. In 1913 and the divorced wife removed to Port laU'i. yhe declares McNe.Mar came here and visited her, and that he promised to marry her again. I-ater h left aitaiti and refused to make Rood his promise, according: to the complaint. STREET EXTENSION-NEARER Opposition of I'roperty Owners on Kat MorrLsin lajr Ho Overruled. If recommendations to be made hy City Commissioner Dieck are adopted by the City Council, opposition of prop erty o-wrners to the proposed extension of East Morrison street from Hast Twentieth to Kast Twenty-sixth street will be overruled and the improvement will be made.. The opposition is reported to be without reasonable S rounds. Krlti XiUlas, who presented the re monstrance to the Council, has sent in a letter informing the Council that the signatures were secured throtiKh a mis understanding. It was the opinion of the remonstrators that the extension iuvolved also the paving of the street. MOVIES BETTER, IS REPORT Itoartl of Censor-. Lives rljrures on Work llurins; IIiwuiNt. Marked Improvement in the quality of motion pictures exhibited at Port land theaters is reported by the Mu nicipal Hoard of Motion Picture Cen sors. At a meetlns of the board yes terday nuures were compiled showins that in December only li reels out of TiO viewed by the board members were ebl.'ctiouable. IT tne 15 which were not passed by t!ie board two were condemned in their entirety. Id were passed after minor eliminations were made and three were lajs.J after many eliminations had be.-n made. This is reported by the board members to be an exceptional s!nin for a month. GOULD MEN PROMOTED V. S. Mitchell and I'd ward B. lnrfjr, Portland Aijrnts, Win Rlsi. tV. S. Mitchell, commercial freijrht aent in Portland for the Denver & Kio Urande. Western Pacific and other ;ould lines, baa been appointed general agent for the same roads at Seattle to succeed the late J. M. Norton. He will take up his new duties at once. Edward B. Duffy, who has been con nected w-ith the Gould lines' Portland ofhee for many years as traveling freight agent and in other capacities, has been promoted to the cfnce of com mercial freight agent to succeed Mr. illtchell. MRS. CLARK SUES AGAIN I'rtlUon Made o Have PlTorce Ret Aside and (300 Monthly Asked. Salt to annnl tha rlacrea of 45!orr I ant4 her huabaail Uat July and aH- I lug an allowance of 1 300 a month far the rest of her life waa started by Mrs. ilarcella Clark against A. E. Clark yesterday. Thomas McCusker brought tne suit as Mrs. Clark's attorney. Tie iivorce granted A. E. Clark, who Is a prominent attorney, followed Mrs. Clark's detention for Insanity. This charse was dismissed on the re Doru of Drs. S. E. Josephi and William House. Numerous slander and libel suits started by Mrs. Clark grew out of the divorce proceedings. Most oi these are pending. Mr. Clark agreed to pay his former wife alimony of $150 a month. In the suit filed yesterday she asks twice that amount, a deed to the Clark home at 81$ Johnson street and a further di vision of Mr. Clark's property. title alleges in the complaint that she was coerced Into signing the answer to Mr. Clark s divorce complaint. The statement is made that Mr. Clark told her that her refusal to sign the answer and submit to the . divorce would seriously Impair his hopes to become United States (senator. This, she says, was during the period from June 26 to July 11, when she was held on the in sanity charge. ALL LINES ARE STEADY LltillT BIN OF STOCK AT WORTH r OUTLAW D YARDS. Uogu A train Sell at 7.10, and Choice Lambs Bring- $7.50 Cattle Move ment IJffht. All lines held steady at the stockyards yesterday. The run was a small one. T.ne best boss scam sold at S7.10, but only few loads were available. A single full load of steers was on the market .and brought 7.25 and a load of cows was moved at tf.40. Choice lambs were taken t Stf.'J. Iter-ipts were 75 cattle. & calves, 237 hogs ami loS hfeo. SblDDcrs were: With cuttle J. I Mcuary, vision. Idaho. 1 car. With mixed loads W. w. fcraitn. corvaiiis, car hou and sheep; H. J. Harris, Ued- mond. 2 cars cattle, calves and hous; True moto Nonwood. Harrisourg, 1 car cattle. calves, hoes and sheep; O. W. Genfr drove In T.u head of cattle and ;.' neaa oi snep. The day's tales were as follows: Wt. Price! Wt. Price, 3 cows . 1 strr. . lor0 llMi 7.5" J tt.O r..'rv 46 hogs. . . 1 hop. . . . Z hogs. .. 1 hog. . . . JS4 $7.10 J74 6.50 1 calf. .. 1 bull. . . Co" eier!t. 1 bull. ... "0 rows . . I cow . . . 5 cows. . . 1 cow. . . J COWS.. J cows. . 'J rows. . 1 bull... 1 caif 1 ho. . . SI hogs. .. jn hnrs. . . 124 ti IM0 .50 24 -j 7.10 76 5.00 Jo 1 7.10 notes. . . l'.ir ri..u,'J5 mixed. . -W hojrs. .. . v hoes. .. . n. ro 4'M .."0 131 7.10 4i:t r. no . 4.3 r.i 3H3 6..0 S40 3.00 ir.o 4.00 12fO 7.00 740 4.00 lOOO 3.50 KiMJ G.lMt' 1 hoc. . . . 6 botes. ... 3 calves. . 4 calves. -8 cows 1 cow. . . . 1 cow. . . . 2 steers. . 1 ste-pr. . . 1 bull 3070 Q.-J. 9' "J) K.uO 7:;." .."r0t 1, S.00I 240 7 10 14 7.1M 113 6.401 10 lambs. . 7.00 The distribution of the livestock sold at lh Portland Union Stockyards last monin was as follows: Cattlr. Calves. Hoes. Shwp. t'nlon Mat Co. ...l.v. 31 .::iv i-TS S. & O. C.n 1'J . . 4t3 F. 1. Smith 5 J UHI Company ... K1 .. .... 11 Ailams Bros 1 It. F.iirchild 1 14 -. t. Howitt ' H-"' t'.'.O M f.ir J'ort!and .. 1 4t 11 3'H .V S Mi.r.' Oregon H'S 'Jl tK.'. heders. Oregon .. 1!H .... Cartns Co IMS 7 17-t 767 Kryt 'o .".4 .. 3i.:: .lames Henry . .. J.".- . - 4- 3-"" Taroma Mat Co. IS 1 143 !. Barton "o 4S .. Ml 44", Misc. Wai"hincton -0 '-' 115 3-3 Keeders, Wash... 176 13 Totals 3601 3OS40 12-.-.19 Current prices of the various classes of stock at tne yards follow: I'rlme ateera 17.50 ri.ot) t.Sd)u '.oo 6.256 6.60 s oon 6. Si S.00 0 00 6.O0 0 6.50 ..... .ooSa.eo .... 1.5004.75 ..... 4.50S.OO . .... r..Ro7.io Choice steers Medium su-era I'h'ilC COWS Medium cows . Heifers I Calves Bulls Stags ......... I logs l.ignt Heavy 4.0 J (,!. 25 bheep w.ih.r. .26tt.50 Ewea 4.25I815.S0 Uiubl .25e!.j0 timnha Uvesloek 3Iarket. SOITH OMAHA. Neb.. Jan. 7. Hogs Receipts. i:i.iMNi; market, steady. Heavy. $7.0."(7.15; licht, trt tSJO 7.10; pigs. .80Jff i .lo; pigs. 5.5oti 6.75; bulk of sales. $7 0 7.15. Cattln Receipts. 3000: market, steady. Na tive steers, sTiiH: native cows and helf-ia. 5.50"a 7.50: Western steers. $S.40: Texas steers. S-VSOiiJ 7-30; Texas cows and heifers, J5.25 0 7.2S; calves, J7.25S8.75. Sti.t.n Receipts. 12.000; market, higher. Tearllngs. rt.75 7.50; wether 8'9''.'15; lambs. (.75njS.vi. hlf ago Uvrstoek Market. I'M ICACO. Jan. 7. Hogs Receipts. 4S.000; market, sleailv at yesterdays average. Bulk of sales. I7."15 7.3"; light, f4.D5w7.32ts: mixed, f 7.05U 7.::5: heavy. f7i7.35; rough, f7-7.IO; plKs. $5.5tS7.23. attle Receipts. tiMl; market, steady. Native steers. fi50My.0: Western steers, 4. ' 7..",l'; cows and heifers, fz.55'd7.tf'0; calves, f 7.75r 10.50. Shep Revipts. 1,000; niarket. Ann. Sheep, f5.soni.7.: yearlings. yi.0t lops at Sew York. NEW TO UK. Jan. 7. Hops Quiet. EXPERT CANNER HIRED Fred Raster lo Direct riant for (ircs-liani XVnlt Growers. The Gresham Fruit Growers' Associ ation has obtained the services of Fred Kaster. of the Brownsville Cannery, as the process man for the present season at the Gre.-hum Cannery. Mr. Kaster has had wide expreience In that line. His work will start when the cannery opens for this year and will have chare of the canning operations. The association also entered into a contract with the A. Rupert Brokerage Agency, of Portland, to handle the packed and canned goods turned out by tho plant. The annual meeting of stockholders of the association will be held next Monday, when the plans and policies will be decided on. On account of the war tax law 10 cent stamps must be placed on all proxies used at the meeting. A lunch eon will be served. The meeting will start at 10 A. M. in the Gresham Grange hall. RAYMOND MILL RESUMES Willupa Lnniber Company Begins Operations After Shutdown. RAYMOND. Wash., Jan. 7. (Spe cial.) The Willapa Lumber Company, one of the largest mills in this city. employing 2S9 men. has resumed oper ations after a shutdown of six weeks or more. The Raymond Lumber company. which closed down at Christinas time for the usual annual repairs, will re sume operations aooui January -o. u it Is reported that tne two largest veneer plants located here will begin manufacturing again the first of Feb ruary. About one-half of the mills in this city are now in operation. Kltopia Wheat Buyers Offer $1.16. r.LTOPIA. Wash.. Jan. 7. (Special.) Local wheat buyers are onerins il.l for fife wheat. There are a num ber of ranchers who are holding their 11 4 crop. The majority oi larmus sold and realised a dollar or better. Only a few contracted at the early market before the Jump. Bandon Youth Held for Forgery. MARSHFTELD. Or Jan. 1. (Special.) Koland Kdmunds, youns man of Bandon. waa arreatea last msni or ii.ni.iv RheritT Oago on a warrant ,h..rlnr hltn with forsrery. Mr. Gaeo saya tho prlaoner la wanted In Douclaa County on iinuiar caaroa. HIGH BID FOR GRAIN Offers of $1.40 Basis Made for Club in Interior. LOCAL MARKET IS STRONG Wheat Sales on Exchange Are at AdTances or 1 to 2 1-2 Cents. Export and California , De mand Coarse Grains Jump. Offers to buy club -wheat In the interior i tba basis of L4U here indicate that the . t .. V. .1 n r country niaraets are aeepiut, l'oriland in the matter of advancing prices. There was a maller amount of business on the Merchants- Exchange yesteruay. gsregating 40.000 bushels, equally mviaeu between milling and feed varieties. i prices paid represented gains of 1 to 2!4 certs. The sales In aetau were. Bushels. R OOO March bluestem l-.r. 5,000 February forty-fold S.000 February forty-fold 5.000 March forty-fold . . :o.ouo March Russian .... 1.42 ... 1.424 ... 1.44 . .. 1.37 Tons. ... . M 10O February oats M 100 prompt teed barley 00 February feed , barley - f 200 March feed barley "i-vu The flurry at Chicago, where prices Jumpca nearly 2i4 cents on the renewal oi Tnitvin on an enormous scale, added , .. K.iui.iin.mi .of local traaers. xncc demand, not only for export. h. rullfornia. and although bids were raised all around, sellers held bacK. wun me result that the trading was tne iignicoi i any day this week. March bluestem. on tne above sale, was 1 cent higher than on Tf.rfn.d.i. rhniarv forty-fold was - w 4 . . . . ... . . i .i , .-H .n,. i ohr ana uarcn lonj-ium .. Kussion each gained 2 cents. Bids for prompt delivery were 2 to 34 cents nigner than those of Wednesday. ni md barley were exceedingly strong. r.hriurr nits sola at an euvanco m v and there was tho same gain in the bids for .i j.n,..H ::t beiim offered for May ..n.r. ..iilni S3T.su. Snot barley soluT SI higher. There was a rise of 75 cents on .h. v-.hr.mrv delivery and March barley nirf si 75 over the nrevlous price. No change was, made In tne local market, although some of the mills nave pui t i higher list. Mill feed prices were also unchanged. Cereal manufacturers announce a 25-cent per barrel advance In the price of rolled oats and are quoting nigner prii.e uu rr.httm nnd whole Wheat flOUr. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by th Me'rch&nts' Exchange as follows: wheat Barley Flour uais tiay Portland . . .'. 54 r,. 4 5 10 Tear ago Seas'u to date.HSOo Year ago 1:', Tacoma. Wed. 211 is it t e liss 14117 l:S49 1723 8 340 1542 1174 1 1673 eas'n to date. ot 2101 Seattle, Tues.. 1" Seas' n to date. K50i 5 1324 a 813 2958 nSW CIlANtifcS IS COMMODITY 1-R1CKS Majority of Alterations at Opening 9 Year Are in Upward Direction. Tit. v.-ar has onencd with commodity prices again tending upward. Price move ments In the past week were few In number, but for the first time in a considerable pe riod, advances exceeded declines, there be ing 41 alterations In the 318 quotations re ceived by Uun's Review, of which 25 were gains, as against 16 reductions. The strength of the grain markets was again the mos; notable feature, wheat, oats and rya movine; to a slightly higher level, while there was a substantial improvement in corn and Increased prices-were asked on most grades of flour. Some shortage in sup plies, together witn a ratner Detier cbii, caused a hardening tendency in. the better selections of butter and eggs, but there was little or no change in cheese. Live meats and provisions were very steady, and white there was not much alteration In values from the preceding week, such movements as oc curred wete in the nature of improvement. Hides and leather were quiet, but the strength of ptaclically all varieties was fully maintained. A considerably more confident feeling has developed in the markets for Iron and steel, and though actual business as yet has not Increased to any great extent, the improved sentiment ia reflected in much firmer quota tions and an almost entire absence of con cessions. Aside from an easing off in spelter, minor metals were steady. Theie was an upward trend to quotations on cotton, burlap. Jute, cottonseed oil and sugar, which was in part offset by moderata declines in naval stores, hops and rubber. COUNTRY- CUBE BUTTER ACCUMULATES Lack of Shipping Outlet Responsible for Lower Prices. The butter market is again weakening under an accumulation of country cream ery butter, for which there Is no outside shipping outlet. Country cubes sold yes terday at 25 to 27 cents. City creameries announce no change In the price of prints, but the market is unsettled. Eggs were quoted at S5 cents candled, but the market was barely steady and prlcea one or two cents lower may be put out today. Two cars of Chinese eggs, the first of this season's shipment, have reached Portland. One lot was received by a retailer and the other was delivered on Front street. Not enough poultry Is coming In to sup ply the demand, and the market is very firm at the current quotations, meats are inclined to be easier. Dressed UNSOLD HOP SUPPLY 12,500 BALES Growers Are Holding Firmly Latest Sales Reported. According to a list prepared by Portland and Salem hop dealers there are now 12.500 balea of nops unsold In Oregon. Choice lots are firmly held by growers and there la no pressure to sell any kind. The Frank S. Johnson Company bought 9 bales from George Murray, of Wllsoa- vllle, at 11 cents; also 45 bales from Rich ard Herbert, of Eugene; 56 bales from Peter Uontnes. of Sllverton. and a carload from dealers at prices ranging from 10 to 11 centa California advices reported the sale by D. Genatti of 132 bales of Sonoma to Uhlman at 9 cents. Offers of SH cents were made for l13s with no sellers. Bids of 11 cents were out for one to three-year California contracts APPLES MOVI-Vti IN UKCEB WAY With Ample Stocks, Prices Are Not Likely to Advance. Retailers are taking hold of apples In a larger way and are giving Jnoip attention to the better grades. There .la also an In creased Inquiry from Valley and other near by out-of-town points. Prlcea are holding steady, and with ample auppllea no advance is looked for. Ripe bananas are very scarce. Four cars were received yesterday, all of them green. Vegetable receipts Included a car of fancy head lettuce and half a car of Lo Angeles cauliflower. Tomatoes are in small supply and the best are eelllng at fl.Z& a crate. Bank Clearings, Bank clearings of the Northweetern cities yesterday were a. 'ollows: B...nl!M. Portland Seattle Tacoma .... Spokane .... PORTLAND . .l.S07,O64 V 111.78 S46.V06 24.4lf 730.904 Ui,m MARKET QUOTATION1! Grain. Floor, reed. Etc. Merchants Exchange, noon session: Pr.rnpd.Uvery: Bid. Ask. Ulueiltm ...uxuui--t t FortyfoW Club Red Russian F.ed fifa Oats Xo. l white feed.... Barley Xo. 1 feed Brewing .... .... Bran Shorts Futures February bluestem . March bujestem .... May bluestem February fortyfold . 1.S9 1.42 l.SS 1.40 1.32 S 1.33 1.33. 1.33 33.00 33.23 28.75 30.00 2K.0O . 81.00 2S.00 ' 29.00 2S.50 30.00 1.42 1.44 1.44 Vi 1-454 1.45 1.4 1.42 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.42 (i 1.334 1-M 1.3tji 1.37 i. 1.37 1.30 1.30 1.40 S4.00 34.50 35.00 35.50 .17.00 S7.30 20.30 30.00 30.50 31.35 2S-5J 2S.0O February club - March club February red Russian March red Russian ... February red fife . . . . February oata ........ M arch oats May oats February feed barley March feed barley February bran ....... MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran, f2S2S.50 per ton: shorts, f30330.50; rolled barley. f29.50&30.50. pt.niTR Patents. S6.40 a barrel: straights. f5.40;, whole wheat, Jti.-'u; granam, o. cracked, 427 HAT Eastern Oregon timothy, fl5 13.50- Valley timothy. $13 13.50; grain nay, flO.jO≪ alfalfa, fl3gi 13.50. Fruits and Vegetables. tpal Inhhinv nuntations: twopioat. phi.'ITS Oranges, navels. f 1.7502.25 per box: Japanese, per box. 00c )l; Lemons, f3.504.50 per box; bananas. 4&5e per pound; grapefruit, f 3.25 &4; pineapples, ic per pounu. VEGETABbc-i uicumoera, nuiuu. fl.752 dozen; eggplant, e 10c pouna, peppers, yfiuc per pounu. uii;uu.c sr.,. n,r dnzen: tomatoes, xirail.o per crate. cabbage, l'i&'l'c per pound; beans, 12c per pound: celery, $2.50 per crate; cauli flower J2.2S per crate: sprouts, 6c per h.BA lettuce. fl.85fl2 per crate mimnkins. lc per pound; squash, lc box; casabas, fl.os per crate; pears, 1.50; grapes. f3.503.75 per barrel; cran berries, fU per barrel. POTATOES Oregon, SI per saca; m.-, 11.10; Yakima, fll.lo; sweei poiaio . 2"c per pound. ONIONS Oregon, buying price, f 1.25 . o. b. shlppAg point- .'-, SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, fl.2o per sack: beets, 1.25 per sack; parsnips, Il-5 per sack. Dairy and Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: KOGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, 32&33C: candled. 35c; storage, 252Bc- POULTRY Hens, large, 15c; mixed, 13"a 4S14c; Sprincs. 3213c; turkeys, dressed, 20c: live, 17c; ducks, 12lic; geese, BUTTER Creamery, prints, extras, 32o per pound In case lots: Vic moro In less than case lots; cubes, 27(&20c. CHSESB Oregon triplets. Jobbers buying price, 15c per pound, f. o. b dock, Portland; Young Americas, lc per pound. VE.U, Fancy, 12W13c per pound. POHK Block, OyjiBlOc per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: nj SALMON Columbia River one - pound talis 2.30 per dozen; half-pound flats, H.50; one-pound flats, $2.50; Alaska pink. on-'-P'nind talis, $1.05. HONEY Choice, $3.25 per case. Nt;Tsi Walnuts, 15W24C per pound . Bra zil nuts. 15c; filberts. 1524c; almonds 2.1 B24c; peanuts. 64c: cocoanuts. fLOO per dozen: pecans. 16 20c; chestnuts, UK bloc- MF.ixs Small white. 4c; large wh te. 5.15c; Lima. ec; pink, 44c; Mexican, bvc; bCOFFEB-Roasted, in drums. IS',4 33J,c, SCGAB Fruit and berry. f.7u; beet, $.1.55; "extra C, $5.25; powdered, In barrels, SALT- Granulated, $13.50 per ton; half ground. 100s. $10.75 per ton; 50s, fll.oO per t0R:icoume?Srhe0rd. 6Vi8!ic; broken. 4e per pound. m,nd: PRIED KKUUB ni'Vitt, ul- 7," , apricots. 13iBluc: peacnes. ee. P'". inns. StoOc: raisins, loose Muscatels. 8c un bleached Sultanas. 7?4c; seeded. 8 c: dates Persian. 7 7 lac per pound; fard, $1.40 per box; currants, 0 t 12c. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1914 crop. 10 13c; 1013 crop. nominal. . . .... HIDES Saltea niara, 10c; salted calf. lc; eaueu nil", i. -" hides, 124c: green bulls. 8Hc; Breen calf 18c; green kip. He; dry hides. 25c; dry calf. 27c. ,. , WOOL, alley, itffist, v.-o , 1320c notnlD.l. - MOHAIR 1H cup. iwu i" CASCARA BARK Old and new, 4f4Ac PepKLTSLonE wool dry pelts. 11c; short wool dry pelts, Sc; dry sheep shearing 10 el. v, - .nit oheen shearings. lii2jc each; dry goat skins, long hair. 1212j4c; sheep pelts, November, 75ig80c each. Provisions. HAMS Ten to 12 pounds. I8l!e; 14 to 18 pounds. liw; picnic, i-t. , . . now cati PTTRED Sbort clear backs. 13iil6c; exports. 1415c; pates. 11 13c. LARD Tlerca basis: Pure, 12Uc, compound, 8c. Oils. KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels or tank wagons, loc; special arums or ui rels. lSc: cases, 17 V4 20;tc. UASOL.INE Bulk, 13c; cases. 20c; engine distillate, drums, 7c; cases, 14!4c; naptna, drums. 12c; cases, 19c. cases. 0c; bouea. Darrein. wu, , cases, 68c. TURPENTINE. in lanM, ww, m 67c; 10-case lots, lc less. UA1LY METEOROMIGICAI, REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. 7. Maximum tempera- tr. 4:t degrees: minimum, ou uticco. River reading at 8 A. 76.. 3.3 feet: change in last 24 hours, 0.2 loot tan. louu ru.un-" (3 P. M. to 6 P. M.). .30 incnes; total rain fall since September 1, 1814. 14.80 Incnes; normal rninfall since September 1, 21.01 ... ri.r(..np nr rainfall since Septem ber 1, 1014. 6.41 Inches. Total sunshine Janu ary 7, none; pOSHlDlB nuitamuT-, t, minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level at 5 P. M.. 20.82 inches. THE WEATHER. Wind State of Weather STATIONS. Baker 3:o.OOjJ4SE 'Cloudy 3WO.0O 4NW Cloudy C2;o,68 10W Clear 4010.00 4.N W Pt. cloudy Soo.ooiojw Cloudy 3810.001 4 W Clear Boise Boston ... Calgary Chicago Denver Des Moines 2.O.O0 8 NWlCloudy I4j0.08 4!V Clear 500. 3820.SE Rain 52 O.OOi 8;SE Clear 40O.00il4 SW Cloudy 7410.00) 4iN Clear 42 0. 00,10, N Clear C2 0.001 4 SW Cloudy 44 0.64 6 SW iHaln 4t;i'o.0S 2tUSE Rain 20 0.00 14 NWiClear 44 0.10,3SiSW Cloudy 54 0.001 4:NWiClear 54:0.24i24'NW!CIear 45 0.42j24SE (Rain 30,0.00,. .-. . .. Cloudy 62,0.00 4ISW Clear 3s o.oi io;sw JCloudy 43 O.06 2 NE jRain 50 0.12 4 SE Rain 54 0.00 6 SE ICloudy 440.00 8 W Clear 34 0.00 4SE Cloudy 56,0.00 biS Cloudy 4810.28 4;SE Rain 80 0.06 4 NE (Pt. cloudy Duluth Eureka ....... Galveston Helena Jacksonville .. Kansas City... Los Angelea... Marshfleld . Meuford Minneapolis ... Montreal New Orleans... New York North Head North Yakima Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg ....... Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake San Francisco Seattle Spokane '- Tacoma Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla.... Washington Winnipeg 400. 34i 4N Rain 60lO.24:36!S Rain 40 0.001 4 NW Cloudy Clear Clear 58 0.74 4'NW 100.0114.S WEATHER CONDITIONS. A severe etorm Is central over Southeast ern Alaska which Is moving rapidly south eastward. Warnings for this disturbance were Issued to Coast stations only at 6.40 p M Rain has fallen In Washington, West ern Oregon, Northern California and In the Middle Atlantic and New England States. Snow generally light, has fallen In Minne sota and in the nearby portions of the ad joining states. it IS oecioeuiy comer ... the Oliio valley. Lower Lakes Region, Mid dle and soutn auuc The conditions are favorable for ram In this district Friday, with a strong southerly gale along the coast, FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Rain ; southerly ,,. .nd "Washington Rain; southerly winds reaching gale force along the coast. Idaho Increasing cloudiness, followed by EDWARD1"!! BEALS. District Forecaater. The last alege of Vienna was made by . . . v. .-i a1 vm This In l94S. wherT durinjr the Hnng-arian revolution. tnn 11 hands or tne insur- i J""Ja, 'were dislodged only after two .iBarfmeiU. SLUMP IN EXCHANGE Rates Touch Lowest Point Since October, 1907. SPECIAL STOCKS STRONG Market CJoses Witi Broad Demand and General Gains Ranging Vp to Three Points Bonds Are Irregular. 'EW YORK. Jan. 7. Such animation as wu manifested at times by today's stock market waa mainly in the special class of securities. ThLs embraced Bethlehem Steel, which rose to a new high price to the ac companiment of dividend 1 resumption ru mors; American Can, whiose' earnings are said to be very large; Westinghouse Elec tric. International Harvester although there was an abrupt decline to Its minimum by the stock of the foreign corporation ) and several of the ' newly-listed automobile shares. Favorite railway stocks -were under pres eure for tho greater part of the session, like wise United States Steel. In the final hour, however, and to the accompaniment of more activity than has recently been shown, the whole list broadened and advanced, with numerous net gains of 1 to over 3 points. By far the most interesting development of the day was the decline of exchange on London, bringing the quotation down to $4.83. the lowest -price since October of 19-A7 Hankers reard the further aeciioa in exchange as additional proof of the grad ual wlDine out of ..this country's foreign obligations, which at the outbreak of the war were estimated at not iesa man -ov, ooo.ooo. Km all dftaJInfra continued in the Iondon market, but hish-grflde issues were steady. Payment of a large mstallment of the new war loan was made witnout monetary siruiu The Bank of England lost slightly more than $3,000,000 gold during the wee anj its liahilitv reserve showed some reauctiiui The local market for bond was irregular with wide, fluctuations in many issues, do tal sales, par value, were si.syo.uuv. -uov-ernment bonds were unchanged on call. Cloflng High. Low. Bid. 27 20 tit 20 .M , 52 ?. 544 3 7j 33 33 4 2 I." 211 't 5S 57Vi 5SH OHHj 103 4 11714 ll'Vi 11?H 21S 20 li 2 26 04 14 :. 4 04 00 68 ? 60 83-4 So S.'. 16'; 1.-04 lo.-iVi 10 39 38 H 4114 10j 87U S7 87V4 I:.'.'? 334 23 ii 23 23!, ::::: ' 6i 6Vi ' 7 . . . 10 22tt 21 li ' 22 140 11 5U 11494 115 27 27V3 2764 404 45V 404 107 r.i TM'.k r.OH 18 174 174 I4 04 02 14 22 21 54 21 132 132 1S3 . 113 . . f r3 174 7 6 T 110 -44 12 124 124 87 4 S R7'4 54 52 T4 r.3 09 104 101 101 li Ill 25 105 ios 154 1 53 ii 3 S3 16U 15'4 16 146 145A 14!li 20 20 . 20 : 2 83 834 83 14'4 .14 14 32 32 32 V, 133 133 135 1184 1'4 m 70 '4 79 78 '4 5114 . 50 Vi 51 T4 ion io.". 105 50 4S 49 1 ! 1 59 5S "4 59 71 70 71 Sales. 1.K0O 12,200 1.200 2,20 200 Alaska Gold . .. Amal Copper . . Am Beet Sugar. American Can... Am Smel & Ref do preferred. . Am Sugar Ref. Am Tel & Tel.. Am Tobacco . .. Anaconda Min. 200 00 3 :i,o 500 300 1.200 Atchison Bait & Ohio . Brook R Tran.. Cal Petroleum.. Canadian Pac... Central Leather 2.000 Ches & Ohio . . . . Chi Gt West . . . C. M St Paul Chicago & N W . Chino Copper .. . Col Fuel & Jron Col & Southern. . D & R Grande.. . do preferred.. 800 200 400 ' V.OOO ' i',ici6 no 600 'lion 2,400 200 300 1,200 Distillers Secur Erie General Klec . . Gt North pf ... Gt North Ore. . Guggenheim Kx Illinois Central. Iuterbor Met . .. Inspiration Cop. Inter Harvester. K C Southern. . Lehigh Valley... Louis & Nash . . Mpx Petroleum. Miami Oopper. . Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit ... National Lead .. Nevada Copper. N Y Central . .. N Y. N H & H. Norfolk West Northern Pac .. Pacific Mall ... Pac Tel & Tel. . Pennsylvania ... Tull Pal Car .. Hay Con Copper Reading Ren I & S 2,000 r,oo soo 2.100 "flOO 2,100 200 600 9..MI0 SOO 200 Rock Island Co do preferred.. St I. & S P 2 pf . Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . . Tenn Copper . .. 300 006 2O0 ()0 300 3.300 Texas Company Union Paciflcp . . do preferred. . 200 U S Steel 12,100 do preferred... 800 Utah Copper .. 3.6O0 Wabash pf 1.400 Western Union. 000 tl'..Hnir Rlec . . 600 Total sales lor tne aay, a,wv BONDS. U S Ref 2s. res. 0S4'N Y C G 3s, b 79 do coupon.... 9T INor Pac 3s 62 U s 3s. reg 100HI do 4s 89 do coupon lOOHlt'nlon Pac 4s... 94 U S N 4s. rcg..loo I Wis Cent 4s, bid 0ji do coupon. . . .10041 8AJJ I'RANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prlcea Quoted at the Bay City on Fruits, Vegetables. Etc SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Fruits Lemons Fancy. 2.2592.50; choice, 31.7532; standards. $1.501.75; bananas. Hawaiian, $1.251.75; pineapples, Hawaiian. 4Sc per pound; apples. California stock, Wlnesaps, G573c; Bellelleurs (cold storage). 5075c, Oregon stock, Spltzenbergs. $1 a 1-40; New town Pippins. 83c?1.23; Winesaps 11.23. Vegetables Cucumbers, $2.5092.75; beans, 5(B'10c; peppers, 2?gi4c; tomatoea 30 50a Bsgs Fancy ranch. 30c; pullets, 2Sc; storage. 31c. Onions Yellow, f1. Cheese Young America, l2V4W13c: new, 10-oil2Ac; Oregon. 1414c; Young America, Butter Fancy creamery, 2414c; seconds, "Potatoes Delta Burbanks, per sack. $1 S110; sweets. J1.658 1-73 per sack; Salinas Burbanks, 1.501.7O; Oregon Burbanks, S1.25tj1.40; Idaho, $11.25. Receipts Flour, 2076 quarters: barley, 3840 centals; potatoes, 0105 sacks; hay, 420 tons. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Jan. 1. Mercantile paper, 4S?4xi per cent. Sterling exchange, steadier after early decline; 00-day bills, J.4.8150; for cables, $4.8425; for demand, $4.b360. Bur silver, 4S&c. Mexican dollars. 3714c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, '"Tfmaioans. easy; 60 days. S14 per cent; 90 days, 314 3 per cent; six months. 3 fi4 per cent. Call money, steady: high, 214 per cent; low 214; ruling rate, 21i; last loan, 214; closing bid, 21i: offered at 214. LONDON, Jan. 1. Bar silver, 22d per ounce. Money, 1 per cent. Rate of discount for short bills, 2 per cent; do, three months bills, 2 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7. Silver bars 1874c Drafta Sight lc. telegraph 5c. Sterling exchange Demand, $4.84; cable, $4.84. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Raw sugar, firm; molasses sugar, 3.28c; centrifugal, 4.04c Refined eteady. Sugar futures steady and 1 to I points higher at noon. Sales, 1450 tons. Late sales of 12,800 bags of centrifugal sugar were made on the basis of 4.11 cents. Molaases sugar waa quoted at 3.34 cents. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. An advance of 4 cents was announced in notable prints. Cot ton goods were in better demand. Mackinaws were being bought freely for Fall, some ad vances on them reaching 1714 cents. Raw silk was 10 cents higher. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Butter, lower. Cream ery, 24c to 32 iiS 33c. Eggs Receipts, 3402 cases; niarket un- changed. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Copper firm. Elec trolytic. 13.50c; casting. 13.2513.37c Lead quiet at 3.75-g 3.65c Dnlntb Unseed Market. DULUTH, Jan. 7. Linseed Cash, $1.7014 ; May. $1.71. Cotton Market, - , . ...ia NEW '-SK. HOM upaaa . . The First National Bank FIFTH AND MORRISON STREETS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $3,500,000 Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets -CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 3100,000 LADD & TILTON BANK Eatabllahe. 1NM. Capita! and Surplus Commercial and EUROPE BIG BUYER Heavy Purchases by France and Italy Send Wheat Up. DAY'S GAIN IS 23-8 CENTS Humors That War Zone May Be Extended Accompany Swift Ad vance In Prices Domestic Millers Are Eager Buyers. CH rCA GO. J an. 7. Whea t advanced x citedly in the last hour today. European huyinfc. that had again brcanw rampart, wm the force under tho market. There was a stronjr close at 1 cents to 2- cents above last night. Corn rose jrj cnt to -Vi cent net, and oats & .cent to 1 & m cent. In provisions, the finish varied from 6 cents decline to an upturn of 1! Va S f cents. Unconfirmed rumors of an uneipected spread of' the war zone accompanied the swift ascent of wheat. Attention, however, chiefly centered on the fact that export sales had suddenly expanded, reaching total of nearly 2,000, Otto bushels since yes terday. This circumstance alone was said to justify the flurry, which before being checked tossed quotations to $1.SS 'or May, figures surpassing; by a full cent a bushel the crest attained on the astonishing upward whirl. Italy and Roumanla wer the countries mentioned as likely soon to be included In tho war, and it could not be denied thut much of the wheat bought today waa sched uled for shipment to Italy. Duluth reported a sale of durum wheat to Italy at -J Vs. delivered across the sea. Domestic millers were said to be eagerly after cash wheat in all directions. Export demand" lifted corn and oats as well as wheat. Foreign sales here Included ."00,000 bushels of corn and ),Goo,tM0 bushels of oats. The European buying, however, did not manifest itself until corn had been depressed as a result of the- Mr stocks and liberal receipts here, and until oats bad dropped In sympathy. Provisions averaged lower under pressure of selling led by a Milwaukee packer. His efforts were Interfered "with by the grain bulge. The Ieadins futures ranged as follows; WHEAT. Open. ..1.35 .. i.2i a Hlith. 1.2-J5. Low. l-SIll .74 V4 .75 flos. 1.3SH May July CORN". .7.-1 .75 Ti .7 OATS. .r4i .m .6si .5ST. MESS PORK. July .76'., Mav .55 -4 .a July .5a Jan. moo 1U.47 May 19.50 111.25 lard: m.k.v '' ' 10 62 10.W5 "if' 10.87 Jan. . .10.63 . .10.80 10.62 10.U3 May SHORT RIBS. Jan 10.10 JO. ill May 10.47 iu.ou ju.iu iv.ii Cash prices were : Wheat No. 2 red, f l.m01.3 : No. 2 hard, fl.32ikjl.S4k. Corn No. 2 yellow, GU '.i f i oc ; Jo. s yel low, tiS hk a 6'J e. Rye io. 'Z. JM.ia. Barley 6 77c. Timothy 6.110 (ii-7.50. Clover $12.50(1 lo.U". Primary reeeiDts Wheat. S33.0OO vs. 574 000 bushels; corn. 1.415,000 vs. 1.06S.O0O bushels; oats, r.71.0-00 vs. 710. noo bushels. Shipments Wheat. SS9.U0U vs. 4t,ouo bneheln: corn. 912.000 vs. 732.000 bushels; oats, M7.000 vs. .'';. 000 bushels. Clearances wneat. A.za&.ui'v ousnexs; corn, l4,0OO busnels; oais, uuu ousuois; tlour, iuoa barrels. Kuropean (jraln Mivkets. LONDON, Jan. 7. Cargoes on passage quiet. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 7. Corn January. 71 id: February. 7s Ra. Spot wheat opened unchanged to Id lower; lutures nominal. PARIS, Jan. 7. Wheat 114d lower. Tlour Id lower. BUENOS ATRES. Jan. 7. Wheat opened ftd higher; corn, itd higher; oats, id higher. Minneapolis Grain Market. hitwkapoi.IS. Jan. 7. Wheat May closed 1.34 bid; July, fl.34i 1.34 1 asked; ISO. L naru, x.o,73, x w 1.37: No. 2 Northern, $1.29& 1.35. Barley 00 fa uc. Flax, jl.Wb&l.H'i. Pagret Sound Grain Market. SEATTLE, Jan. 7. Wheat Bluestem, $1.38; Turkey red. f1.32; fortytold, club. 1.35; fife, 1.3a; red Russian, 11.30. Barley - per wu. YeBterday's car receipts Wheut 13, oats 13, barley 4, hay 8, flour 8. TMTiMA. Jan. 7. Wheat Bluestem J1.S5; fortyfold, !1.34; club, 11.33: fife, $1.30. Car receipts n nuftt w, u"cj o, v. , hay . . San TrYanclsco Grain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7. Spot quotas Hons: Wulla Walla, $1,.20'2.25; red Rus sian. S-.17 3 P2.22 'a : Turkey red, $2.25 j "30; bluestem. $2.30fe2.35; feed barley, $1 42K (1.4.": white oats, $1.57 tt t 1.(10; bran. $20 4. 29.50; middlings. $31f(f32; shorts, $o0rt7'31. Call board: Barley December, $1.4B Told. $1.50 asked; May, $1.55; January, $1.424 bid. ; Kaxtera Grain Markets. rAlLUTH, Jan. 7. Macaroni wheat sold today to Italy at 1.9A. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 7. Wheat to lc higher. Corn unchanged to lc lower. Oats unchanged. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 7. Red wheat, to IJXc higher. Hard wheat unchanged to c higher. Corn. Vi to As lower. Oats, Vio higher. " Coffee Future. NEW TORE. Jan. 7. The coffee market showed continued firmness today on Wall street and trade buying, part of which was believed to bo for foreign trade through houses wltll cotton exchange connections. Yesterday's bullish visible supply statement and the continued steadiness In bulne,4 seemed the factor In Ilia advanoo. In con nection with talk et iu Itnurovsd flam and $2,000,000 Saving Deposits from domestio roasters after tha friii period of Inactivity. Futures open-ftd steartr at an advanc of to 1 points, and r1o-s"t at a net advance of 7 to 11 points. Kales. St.7Rft 'ikw. January, t.rfce: February, i . March. 6.c; April, t hiol May, Mc; June. .5Sc; July, 7. An rum, 7ijc; Scptemh-'. 7. On: October, 7.c; November, 7. 3o; lm oember, 7. flic Hpot cofree ateadr- Rio Nw 7, THc; 8n toa No. 4. c, ' lrl4 Fruit at New York. NETT YORK, Jun. 7. Evaporated ap ples quiet; prunes, firm; peachaa quiet but tcsdv. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Commercial l.rOrra of Crrdlt lianefl. BxrhanfT ok London, ttnglaad, nought aad kold. PORTLAND BRANCH. Corner Second and Stark Sts. F. 0. MALFAS, Manager. We Make MORTGAGE LOANS Promptly, in Large Amounts, on Improved Realty Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Corner Fifth and Stark TBAVEr.ERS OrTHK. CroMirqftha Line Onaoftho most itrtl nt. In to. l" Australia la croiing the ogoator It Is f reaueatl mad th ubieotof Bkuofa asaaalac osremimy. Yoo can Tnftke tho trip to Sydney ia ! iars. Every oomfort and laxary oa board tho 10,000 ton palatial Aaaaricaa stoaman wt ISO SYDNEY SHORT LINE "Sonoma," "Sierra" or "Ventura" (olfaswl 100 al IJotcU) RounJ trip Sydney. $337.80 first eabi Hess, lulu. $110. Grand tnar of Boatb Bea. IncliiHIag Honolulu. Samoa, Aostralia aaa Tahiti, Writ for illottrated foMerswllh colored mapsaf tho lalaada of the rariAo. OCEANIC S. S. CO. 673 Market St. San Francisco, CaL KAII.1NGS Hnnnhilu Jan. 1 J, Feb. 2, 18, Of.. Sydney Jau. It, I vb. to. ato. COOS BAY AND KI IlUtA S. S. ELDER SA11.H M JiDAV, A?f. 10. I A. M. AMI KVKKV htNDAV THtKBAiTEE NORTH I'ACIJrlO BTKAMSHIP CO. Ticket Office 1 Krelaht Office 128 A id lt. I Fool N'-rthrup Ht. MAIN 1314. A 1314. I Main 5203. A 542J. IVinflT BOAT FOR T1IK1UU.EJ Str. State of Washington leaves Taylor-st. dock Moo., Wod., KrU dav, at 11 I. M. lor 'rh I'kIIok, Lylo, Hood Klvcr. White tinlmon. i ndurwood. ("arson, Steveiixon. Ueturnlnti, loaves The lJiillea Sunday. Wed.. Krl 7 A. M. Tel. Miiln 613. t are $1, including: burin on niKlit trip. . STEAMSHIP Halla IHrect tor SAN FEANCISC0 LOS AM.tLKS AMI HAM ItlKC.O. Today, Jan. 8th, 2:30 P. M. BAN FWANCIWCO, l-OKTI.ANH LOS AM.KLKH NTKAMMIII CO. IK.t.Mi VUUAU, Agent. 124 Third bt. , A ... Main . American -Hawaiian Steamship Co. Tlie Panama Canal Line." K-iPHES) KltKltiHT HKIIVKK Between I'orllaad, New York. Iloalen. fhlladrlphla and Charleston. For Information as to Hntoa, ISalllnna. Klc Call on or Address C. I. htXJtUV, A . 270 Stark Slrrrl, 1'erllaed. Or. M H. BEAK SAILS S P. M., Jt i. I- SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES fis:ndtsti r,rT.?u.Bb.!V;: "o-. lei. Mi.nli.ll 46O0. A tul. COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BREAK WATKH en. Alnswerth dock. Portland, t 9. M every Tueoay Frelrht and ticket off.ee, lower A.nsworth .iock, I A B K. 8 Lias. I. H Keatlnr. AKent Ph'.nea Main t0. A ZS3S. City Ticket OITICO, W Klslh H. O. W Stinger, Agent, i'honea Marshail MX. A tul 1