TTr: " I -dm trr. rT?T7r.oxr pmnAV. JANUARY 8. 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. 1,1 V. NO. 16.837. J WXL 1 " ' MASSED GERMANS BEGIN NEW MOVE Year Is Ushered In by Violent Attack. WARSAW IS OBJECTIVE STILI Advance Is Along Bzura and Rawka From Vistula. SUCCESS IS QUESTIONED Battle Turning -Night Into Day Is Watched by Newspaper Corre spondent, Who Carries Away Shrapnel Wound as Trophy. BT JOH! V. BASS. fpeeisl co-respondent t.'hirago Dall News. Mr. Btn is tne corresponani wo . , , . 1 . . wniindtd l.v th rinloston of i hrsonrl shell that fell near aim while h was engared In tits work as a newspaper man on the Eastern front.) ZTRODOW. Jan. S. by courier to Pctrograd. Jan. 7. The recent lull lu the activity of tha German forces teemed to Indicate preparation for renewed attempt to pierce the Rut nan lines before Warsaw, and the fighting of the last few days shows that this attempt is belns made on the lines from tha Vistula south along; the . Biura and Rawka rivers to a point rant of the town of Rawka, which is In German hands. These attacks are reported thus far to have resulted In little Bain for the German and crest losses of men to tiiclr fighting units. Klahllaar la lsrrail. The center of the fighting is west o i'iujow, on the road from Zyrodow to wics. Here the Germans have con c-ntrated their best troops and have Increased the amount of their artillery, which now consists of ail varieties of suns save those of the biggest caliber. The fighting has been most Intense, continuing: night and- day without lu- terruptlon. The renewed attack began west of Gusow on New Year's day. The tier man trenches are east of the Rawka r.lver and the Russian trenches crown a rise of the ground in a winding line above the marshy course of tho river. The distance between the trenches Is 30 to 200 yards and the center of the line la cut by a broad highway running straight across the fields and bordered by bare trees. Attack lakers v Year's. Behind the Russian line lie a few deserted villages and a big factory, the tall chimney of which remains Intact Here and there single houses wlt"j per forated roofs dot the flat landscape. In the gray light of a cold and cheer less New Year's day the Germans once more began a desperate fight and while the daylight lasted they maintained shell fire, searching every point which might screen a Russian battery or af ford shelter to the movement of troops or of supply trains. This was the usual preliminary of assault. We watched it from the regi mental headquarters of the Bielozerski regiment, which held the trench In the center of the battle line. It was impos sible to approach the trench during the day. as the open field was swept with bullets and the Germans were shooting with shrapnel at transport wagons or even at single figures. Klrat Line Trench Reached. Soon after dark we were able to reach the trenches of the first line. 1'rince Volkonskl. great grandson of the founder of this regiment, who was Field Marshal of the Russian forces which reached Faris In 1814, accom panied us part of the way. For the last half. mile of the Journey was a deep dllcb, where bullets struck and raised dust on cither edge. Ger man star rockets rose and fell slowly to light the country for miles around. The trench was the center of tha Gu xow position running north and south of the highway, where is situated a small hamlet. The breastworks of the trenches are six feet high. The officers. In small underground bombproof, gave us a hospitable welcome. The men had cut tmall recesses in the front wall of the trench, where they were comfortably housed in straw with bagging in front to keep out the cold. The trenches were in good condition and clean for war time. Dead Keaaala la Treach. In th,. loopholes rifles lay ready for nring. One man in every foar watched, while the other three slept. As we walked through the trenches w e stepped over the dead bodies of men who liad recently fallen. Since the war began this regiment, the usual strength of which is 4000. has lost 550 men. with 12 officers killed, and 52 wounded. When the light swelled into day the German artillery began shelling the trenches. Black clouds of smoke rose from the spots where tiic shells struck. On our trench they used shrapnel, which burst for the most part beyond us in white pan's. The German infan try continued a heavy fusillade, but our machine gun tire, which seemed to sweep the dust from the top of the German trench, caused their rifle flrt go high and the bullets hissed over head. Two German aeroplanes swept down the line above the Russian trenches, but retired when chased by a Russisn biplane. In the distance a German ob- DAY-OLD BREAD IS URGED AS ECONOMY CHICAGOAXS PLAN TO FORE- STALL RISE I" PRICES. Bakers Say Abolishing Wasteful In sistence on lYesh Loaves Would Be Practical Benefit. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Wheat, flying higher and higher on Its war wings had a grotesque consequence today in nL.n ft nnhifc Advocacy of the formation of "state bread clubs" throughout the city. To forestall at i.mnti to raise the Drlce of bread a cent a loaf, making the retail cost 6 cents Instead of 6. was the purpose which it was said the proposed club would effect. -Members of the "state bread clubs. It waa expected, would simply pledge th.mutvM htiv bread one day old and not insist on the article hot from the oven- Superior health values were asserted for day-old bread by its ad vocates, who declared that what the matured loaf lacked in flavor was more than offset by ease of digestion. Paul Schulze. an authority in the baker trade, said the practical result of this plan would be to abolish the r,ra fiv.lpm. bv which bakers have been compelled by custom to remove from their shelves every loar mat was .. mr.1,1 tha rfav before. When this wasteful system was done away with. it waa promised, an economy -would De reached which would enable bakers to continue the sale at S cents a loaf, un- th war nrice of flour went sky ward to an extent that had not yet been looked for. ROSEBURG MAN INDORSED J. W. Perkins Backed for Mate Sen- - ate From Douglas County. i?rvirRiTi?r: rr Jan. 7. iSoeclal.) At a mass meeting of voters held here tonight J. W. Perkins, a local capital ist, was indorsed for State Senator from Dnuirlaa County to Oil the va cancy caused by the resignation of George Kcuner. Mr. perains is wen known throughout the state and served .fiat vnl.r. nf Jiirkiuin l!ountv in the Iloiiso during the legislative session of tan? n a ha. lived In Roseburg for six vears and owns considerable busi ness property here Other candidates for State Senator from Douglas County are Miss Kathryn Clark, of Glendale, and George Glynn, of Sutherlin. Miss Clark recently was annointed State Senator from Douglas County by Governor West, but ber appointmen tst.r wax revoked. Tho special elec tion will be held here on January 20 and the newly elected Senator should reach Salem by January 25. 3 ABERDEEN MILLS RESUME Improvement in Lumber Business Marked in Shingle Branch. ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan. 7. (Special.) Improvement In the lumber business, especially In the shingle branch of the trade, was shown here this week, when three shingle mills which have been closed for from two to three months reopened. The mills resuming this week were the Wilcox Shingle Mill, South Aber deen; the Iteming Shingle Miy, at Markham. and the Ftearnsville Lumber Shingle Company, at Ftearnsville, These mills will give employment to about 100 men who have been idle tem porarily. The dry kiln of W Ilcox Mill was de- troyed this afternoon In a fire which lasted for seven hours. The damage Is estimated at I2O0O. NATIVE OF SALEM PASSES Uncss of Several Months Fatal to Mrs. Addle Plamondon Pape. SALEM. Or, Jan. 7. (Special.) Mrs. Addie Plamondon Pape, one of the best known women of the city, died today after an illness of several months. She was the wife of Henry Tape, an em ploye of the state printing department. Mrs. Tape was a daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Plamondon, now living in Portland, and a sister of Dr. J. D. Pla mondon. of Athena. Or. She was born in this city August 22. 1871. She and Mr. Pape were married 14 years ago. Mrs. Pape was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The funeral will be there at 2:30 Saturday, the Rev. Mr. Gill metaling. TALY ASSURED BY AUSTRIA icportcd Holding of Rome Subjects as Hostages Is Investigated. ROME (via Havre). Jan. "7. (Spe cial.) The Austrian government has otified the Italian Foreign Office that she is striving to ascertain whether four Italian subjects were taken as ostages after the capture of Belgrade, as has been widely reported In Italy. The Austrian Foreign Office has given notice to the Italian Foreign Of fice that she is prepared to remedy the mistake, it one was made, and will of fer reparation. $700 USED AS FOOTBALL Disreputable Ixioking Package Kicked About Springfield Streets. SPRINGFIELD, Or.. Jan. 7. (Spe- ial.) A package done up in soiled cloth and bound with two garters and shoestring kicked about the street in front of the City Hall for half a day nd then lay for two days among waste papers on the Recorder's desk until it as clamied yesterday by Jules Roseau. Opening the package, he displayed 230 in currency and certificates of de posit for 14S0 more and handed the - . , I . . l t i i RELAXES COMMERCE BAN ON Trade With Italy and Holland to Resume. SHIPS NOT TO BE MOLESTED Complaints of United States Remedied in Part. FURTHER RELIEF EXPECTED Even Contraband Not to Be Held Up if Consigned to Netherlands Mo nopoly Other Neutrals May Share Benefits Later. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Arrange mcnts between Ureat Britain, Italy and The Netherlands have been completed whereby commerce to the latter two countries from the United States is ex pected to undergo a minimum of moles tatlon. The steps taken by Great Britain and announced In statements from both the British embassy and State Department remedy some of the complaints made by the United States in its recent note to Great Britain and the plans encour aged Administration officials In the hope that commerce with the Scandi navian countries and other neutral na tions would be improved. Delays Will Be Prevented. The statement indicated that so far as Italy and Holland are concerned the British government now believes the danger of getting contraband articles through those countries to Germany and Austria has practically ' been re moved. Should effective measures be agreed on between the allies and other neutrals of Europe, American com merce, it Is thought by British offi cials, will not be subject to the delays and ' interference complained of in the American note. - American Minister Van Dyke at The Hague cabled today that thp British, French and Russian Ministers bad giv en formal assurances that merchan dise even of a contraband character would not be molested on the high seas If consigned to the recently established Netherlands monopoly. Naval Mores Outfook Better. Secretary Bryan received a personal note from Sir Cecil Sprlng-Rlce, the British Ambassador, saying that In asmuch as the re-exportation of roBin and turpentine, known as "naval stores," probably would be prohibited by Italy and Holland, arrangements would soon be completed whereby these products could be shipped without dif ficulty to those countries from the United States. The British Ambassador also issued the following statement: . Shipments for Italy in Italian (Concluded on Pago 2.) BRITAIN i Lfr ' 1 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 43 degrees; minimum, 39 degrees. TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds. War. Massed Germans begin new move against Warsaw. Pace 1. . i Chance to drive wedge through German rap lost by Britons. Page S. Bryan promises German Ambassador to try to stop exports or dumaums IE evidence is rurnisnea. rase . Germans violently assault French positions in Argonno. .Page 2. Formidable captain rejects aid when tor pedoed, advising British vessels to seek satety. rage a. Russian Christmas is being observed. Page 1 Belgian promises pay to Americans. Page 8. Mexico. Villa to attack towns on border, saying be will expose Americans to tire tor only - few hours. ' Page J. National. Britain relaxes restrictions on American com merce with Italy and Holland, page . Senator Burton opens fight on ship purchase bill. Page 6. House's insistence on "pork" Items again Imperils river and harbor bill. Page o. Domestic. Federal Court holds Arizona anti-alien law void. Page 5. Chlcagoans organizing to eat day-old bread as move to xorestall price increase. Page 1. Sports. Aggie basketball team, is in need o( good center. Page 14. Salt Lake City club seeks eight major league players, page 14. - - Coast League magnates plan eight-club circuit in 1916. Page 14. Corbett strong in his praise of Cowlor. Page 14. Pacific Northwest. Farnum In third trial at Roseburg calls attorney "liar. Page 6. Edward C. Cooper. Tacoma's "man of mys' tcry." baffles physicians. Pago tt. ' Commercial and Marine. - , Extreme prices bid for club wheat in coun try rnarKets. age ltf. Big advance in wheat at Chicago on heavy foreign buying. Page 10. Sterling exchange rates touch lowest point in eight years. Page IV. Stranger's master disproves charges of in toxication. Page 10. Portland and "vicinity. Columbia prosecutor does net believe Klerks' confession, but other -awyers say it is true. Page 1J. Democrat announces that 'of will . attack "blue sky" law. Page S. John it. Yeon unanimously ch.sen roadmas. ter tor ear. Page Itf. Twenty may enter race for County Comrois. sionerMims. Page S. Irrigation congress vill ask for state and National aid. Page 1. Ben Selling proposes changes in legislative rules. Page 9. Proposed ordinance sets S3 daily for labor ers' wage. Page 8. School Board's debate over Superintendent's selection ol teacher ncated. Page lt. School Board offers :.0,XtO for East Side site. Page lo. ABSINTHE BAN MAY STAY French Cabinet Approves Bill to Make Prohibitum Permanent. PARIS, Jan. 7. The Cabinet has ap proved a measure for submission to Parliament, making permanent the prohibition on the sale of absinthe and other similar liquors. The government finds that the military decree forbid ding absinthe has benefited the pop ulation. The Cabinet has also approved a bill which provides that no licenses shall be issued to new establishments for the sale of ' spirituous liquors unless aocessory to a restaurant Ohio Roads Ask Higher Pares. Tni.nno. O- Jan. 7. Heads of pas senger departments of leading railroads tha statA nf Ohio met here today and decided to ask the Legislature to amend the 2-cent law 'so that the maximum legal rate will be at least 2V4 cents a mile. GOING UP! VILLA TO ATTACK TOWNS 01 D5. na" "S.el Force of 8000 Men Is Moving North. BRIEF BATTLE IS PROMISED Americans to Be Exposed to Firing Only Few Hours. PLAN CALLED "FRIENDLY" Solution of Boundary Problem De- clared to Lie in Kcmoving Pri mary Cause by Routing Carranza Garrisons. EL PASO. Tex., Jan. 7. General Villa plans to attack the Mexican border towns opposite Naco and Douglas, Ariz.. with the 8000 troops that accompany him north. Half this force passed through Juarea today en route to Cabas Grandes. whence the troops win move overland into Sonora. General Villa explained his plans. which he seemed to regard as friendly to the American Government, in a com munication telegraphed to General Scott, chief of staff or mo umiou States Army, who has been waiting here to confer with the Mexican cu.c regarding the cessation of fighting on the border. Short Ungagement Promised. General Villa believed that by driv ing out the last Carranza garrisons on the western border lie ivouia ob ,r,, tho cause of the controversy . i int.miHnnal over snooting across me inn. Ill his message General Villa said he would exDOse tho resmenis ..01 ." American towns to fire for only eight hours or less, in which time he declare! h -t.-niid dnivo the Carranza forces over the line. ' It was at s "great sacrifice to nis campaign against uarraii ih. .ntcm seaboard that ne came north. Villa said, in order to settle the Arizona board difficulty. Scott Receives Message. The communication was received by ncneral Scott shortly after nis epar ture from Naco for El Paso, where he arrived three days ago. General Villa spent today at Chihua hua City. LAREDO, Tex., Jan. 7. In a battle tr.Aav nuar Victoria, capital of the state of Tamaulipas. Villa forces were put to flight, leaving many dead and wounded on tne iieia, accumiiis stitutionalist advices in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. No details as to casualties were given. Some prisoners, horses and ammunition were said to have been captured by the Carranza force.. Villa forces, according to the report, (Concluded on Page 2.) Thursday s War Moves 2f, "MPLETE change in the situation in the Near East may be brought about by the Russian victory over the Turks in the Caucasus. If the Turkish defeat is as sweeping as has been offi cially reported the virtual destruction of two Turkish army corps and the re pulse of a third the Turkish menace against the Russians in Trans-Caucasia has been removed. . The loss of so many of their best-trained oSlcers and men. it is believed here, will compel the Turks to give up any ambition they had of invading their enemy's territories and force them to concentrate on the defense of their own country. Military men, however, are taking even greater interest in the Russian In vasion of Hungary through Uzsok Pasa in the Carpathians and their rapid ad vance on Transylvania through Buko wina, simultaneously with their move ment toward Cracow. These combined operations are the most gigantic under taken in the war. In the meantime the Russians are held by tho Austro-Germans in West ern Gallcla. Field Marshal von Hlu denburg, the German commander In Northern Poland, can move but slowly, because of the mud. in his offensive operations against Warsaw. A dispatch from Pctrograd says that aviators have observed German artil lery at the frontier railway stations, which cannot be moved on account of the softness of the roads. It has been suggested that the Germans Intended to use the Vistula for the transport of their guns, but with the Russians In possession of the northern bank this obviously would be impossible. Although the fighting has been in tense at many points on the western front, there is little or no change in Flanders, where the llelds and roads are under several feet of water. In that territory only artillery has been able to work, but in Northern France, between Lille and Arras, there has been some hard fighting in which trenches have changed hands more than once. Hard fighting continues also in Al sace, where the French say they have advanced a little toward Altkirch. They apparently have got no farther along the Cernay road from Stelnbach. The British Admiralty now is con vinced that the battleship Formidable was destroyed by a German submarine. In making this announcement in the House of Lords the Earl of Crewe divulged the information that the Spar tan rule which the Admiralty promul gated after the loss of the cruisers Abouklr, Cressy and Hogue, that no ship, should go. to the assistance of an other for fear that she, too, might be torpedoed, has been carried out. The captain oC the Formidable, although he knew his ship was doomed, signalled the other ships not to stand by. PHONE PREFIX CASE LOST Seattle Aristocrats of Piilnuej Ave nue Vet Known as "Ballard" Folk. OLTMPIA, Wash., Jan. 7. (Special.) Residents of the aristocratic Phinney avenue section of Seattle must continue to be listed in the telephone directory under the Ballard exchange designa tion, through action .taken by the Pub lic Service Commission yesterday. The "Ballard prefix" case, which has been pending some months, has excited the liveliest interest. Ballard, a humble, but busy, mill suburb of Seattle, and the higher-toned Phinney avenue are in the same vicinity and are served by the same exchange, the prefix "Ballard' having been- chosen by the telephone company. Phinney avenue residents protested to the commission. DEATH IS LAID TO GRIEF John Wagner, of Ccntraliu, Passe Away Within Week of Wile. CENTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 7. (Spe cial.) John Wagner, an aged resident of Centralia, died yesterday, within a week of his wife's death. Mrs. Wagner was found dead in her home in the north end last week and it is believed that grieving over the loss hastened the death of the husband. . All of Wagner's relatives live In Ger many, from whence he and his wife came to Centralia seven years ago. He owned much property, the greater part of which he leaves to a brother in the old country. Alfred Wilson, of Oakvllle. is named executor. PROSPERITY DINNER GIVEN Foreign Field Offers Much to Amer ica, Says Steel Magnate. BUFFALO, Jan. 7. The presidents and vice-presidents of railroad sys tems and a number of high officials of steel companies were the guests at a "prosperity dinner" given by the Cham ber of Commerce here tonight. James A. Farrell, president of th United States Steel Corporation, said the opportunity for development of for eign trade offered the best field at this tune for increasing the country's pros perity, but this could be secured only by a united and aggressive policy on the part of business interests. PEACE CELEBRATION IS ON New' Orleans Observes Anniversary of Triumph Over Britons. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 7. A three-day celebration of the 100th anniversary of peace between English-speaking na tions will begin here tomorrow on the site of the last armed conflict between the United States and Great Britain. The ceremonies will be opened with the firing of a 21-gun salute, so timed that the last gun will boom at :20! A. Si.. 1" years to tbe minute, accord ing to historians, after General Jack son finally triumphed over the British on the. field of Chalmette. AID BY STATE AND NATION IS DESIRED Irrigation Men Will Re commend No Project. REVOLVING FUND ADVOCATED One-Mill Tax Proposed to Pro cure Federal Co-operation. SAME OFFICERS PROBABLE Needs and Itesourcrs of Various Districts Described and Dele gates Arc Guests of i.omincr- s cinl Club at Banquet. PROGRAMME KOR ORKtiOV IR. RIUATIOX f'O.CiRI'.SS TODAY. 9:30 A. M. Address, Y. H. Peters, Dominion Commissioner of Irrigation, Dominion of Can ada. Address, Norman R. Rankin. secretary. Western Canada Irri- gatlon Association. 3:00 P. M. Leglslatlvo work of Irrigation Congress. Discus sion led by J. T. Hlnkle, chair man, Irrigation commltteo 1913 general assembly, former secre tary Oregon Irrigation Congress. Delegates are invited to par ticipate in this discussion. Continuation of 10-lnlnuto talks by appointed representatives of delegations with regard to locsl conditions und needs of their re spective sections. Counties will be called in tho following order: Harney, Lake, Klumuth, Crook, Jefferson. Farewell remarks Duncan Marshall. 8:00 P. M. Address by Abel Ady, president Klumath Water Users Association. Address, C. L. Smith, agricul turist. O.-W. R. & N. Company. Address, "Whut the Oregon Ag flu- and f Ir- rloultural College Is Doing Can Do to Assist Settlers on rlgatton Projects," by W. L. Powers, director of Irrigation. : 4 It Is apparent that tho Irrigation Congress now In session here will rec ommend no particular appropriation from cither tho state or Federal Gov ernment for any specific Irrigation dis trict. ' Tho almost universal sentiment -pressed at tho scries of meetings yes terday favored action toward general state-wide Irrigation development In stead of development for any particular district. While delegates from Central East ern and Northern Oregon told of the superior qualifications of their respec tive districts their utterances In these particulars found no responsive thurds among the main body of dclcgatts. Recommendations to He l ablaaed. This docs not mean that there is no appreciation among the representative of one district of the Irrigation needs of the other districts, but that the con gress us a whole does not proposo to center its affections upon any. one county or section of tho state. It Is probable that the congress will adopt resolutions asking for both state nd Federal aid for irrigation pur poses, and that tne claims or an dis tricts represented at the meeting will be pointed out but no recommendation of localities will be made. Karly Actloa Desired. Assuming that the Federal Congress appropriates $460,000 In accordance with th recent recommendations Of Secretary Lane that tho National Gov eminent should match the expendi tures made by the state on th Tumalo project, Itlsprobablo that th meetings will urg tbe importance of an early apportionment of th money by the Federal authorities. Although the I-aldlaw delegate and others in the vicinity of th Tumalo project are Insisting that tho congre recommend that the Federal Govern ment's appropriation be applied to tht (.onoluilrl on I'aae 7.) RKOPK.SIWG Of t M1IM.LK MILLS I TANOIBI.K KVI DK.MK OF PROGRESS. After being closed down for two months, the thre shingle mills operated by the L. B. Mcne fee Lumber'Company In th Co lumbia River district, will start up January IS, according to n announcement made by th com pany yesterday. On of the plants Is located at Milwaukle, one on Peninsula near University and th other at Kalama, Wash. Th daily capacity of the combined plants is about l.riO.OOO shingle. Resumption of operation at these plunts will provide steady employment for 150 men. Whllo market conditions have not Im proved materially, official of the company bellev that a change for tha better I due soon. tCoaclodtd en Page 2.) flader J25,