THE" MORXIXG OREGOXIAZV, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1915. 1 PITTATNON! WANTED MALE. MIceIaoeoa. WANTED By married man. ready po sition witn a lumber company. Can iace complete charge of mill; have Handled up to o.ovo-capactty mill from log i - m-.u lr nvtliin Wlttt -hn.t nrlr Iltl Detlt 14 VearS ll u..k.n. ...n. in d.ivi addreos telegraph to 2U Wheeler st- Santa Rosa, Cal- or Box ":oi NaoAvme, Wasn, there after. Reference. ALL-KuLNb TINNER desires work in out of town; 19 years' experience; 1 ork at anvthinz- in also experienced hardware work: reference. Main 05 A-1517. lunimr rrhm:.n (if fireman, but IS will irg ta'd- any kind of work; need refer ences. Main 7051, A-117. t'lVV rmurni. l.nv nf 17. BtfOnZ a Iltl wiliin worker, desires position, odd Jo or Of rmanent: references. Main o. A-1MT. . l.-I-VP. UnanfM bOV Wilhf S . DGSition In nrlvat Jamilv. CUV or COUUtTV. M 49 oreg-m ian. YOUNG man wan l work la automobile i-o; KabM and small wares: Swede na tionality. Call Main 4017. 251 Burnside st. vnrw. mirrifri man wants work of an kind; urgent; understands hotel clerk Ing: references. Main tVoi. A-i-i. HoNEST Japanese couple wants position to oo cooking and housework city country. K. T., 11 Broadway. N. i vDruT BKA.mUUu ithi iBtilovmeDt: if :rman dorfnt and has family; will do sny thine. Main 7051. A-1517. WANTED By a single man. position as Janitor: handy witn tools; give city reier. ence. East -ijoi. JAPAN KSR schoolboy tnU position. AG 4om, Oregonlan. MAN wunts Janitor work. Call Main G212. Mr. Me v e. MA Kill ED MAX Position driving auto; can do repairs; references. AO 407, Oregonlan. FAKMUANO wants work, good ail around. Box 24L Route 2. Hillsdale. JAPANESE boy wants general housework experience washing. At Wi. jregoniii. lOl'NQ man wants farm work; experienced. Address AO DW, uregonian. 20-YEAR old Japanese boy wishes situation as a schooiDoy. AO -ma. ureguuun. YOUNG man haa $100 to invest with serv Ice. AR 6vW, uregonian. WANTED Paper to hang at 16 eta. per bolL pnone Main e j v. YOUNG man wishes position on ranch or in city Immediately. Main 43 U. SITUATION! WASTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers sad Stenographers. 2 EAT appearing girl, 20, experienced stenog rnhr ami t.ooKkrebr. willing to do an ofn e work, desires position; A-l refer nces. Main 751. A-1517. COMPETENT stenographer and all-round office cirl wishes position. Will do cash lrlng; references. Main 40O6. ft f i u'T f v t inuraDher dictaphone op- rritnr and B. K. Main 2S17 or M. 8&. COMPETENT stenographer desires work by piece or hour. Main iz or iaoor w.. INTELLIGENT stenographer wants kind of office work. Main 9130. Drew makers. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work, day or home; saturation guarantee-. ars aau i i? ji-k'io rtrexflniAklnr- work cuaran ttA Phone Marshall 477N. Brown Apt., F. IRESSMAKING and ladles tailoring by the rtny; experienced. Tabor 4-i. F ASH ION ABLE drrssmaklng, home or by day. ISO Lane st. reasonable. Main 9.13. ALL kinds of sewing, reasonable, work guar an teed. .MM Everett. Apt. 4. Main 1 --- COMPETENT dressmaker, prices reasonable. Tabor 231H. bTYLlSH 1 -piece dreKe9 mad at home. $S. Guaranteed. East 7011. DRESSMAKING, all kinds of sewing, prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Main KEAT. quirk dress and suit making $2 day references. Marshall 1547. RESPECTABLE, healthy woman in need of work wants plate wet nursing; in or out of tiwn, AM 401. Oregonlan. Nl'RSE desires more engagements; mater nity or chronic cases preferred. Marshall MATKKNITY home, all necessary furniture; rrM.)natle prices. K. 4.t.n. -- Aim su GOOD reliable nurse, any kind of nursing; maternity cases a specialty. Aiam v. EXPERIENCED nurse wants position to csre for children. East 4732. H ousekrepera. R KKIX EI. educated woman would like po sition housekeeper widower, bachelor or lmtel; out of town preferred; object. home. AL 49?. Oregonlan. RRt'i'Kit mother and daughter would take charge of widower's home In exchange for room and board; no trlfler. AL 407, Ore- icon ian. REFINED, capable woman wants position as housekeeper to widower. Xi 400, ure gonian. Toi"N; w lilow. unincumbered, wiphs posl tlon housekeeper or office work; will leave town. AK 4in. Oregoniana. MIIDI-E-Ar,ED widow wants housekeeping for widower or bachelor. IC -kv'J, Ore gonlan. WANTED Position as housekeeper In wid owers home, inquire 3M oth st. Dome tics. WANTED 4"ooklng by experienced, mlddle ared German lady In family of adults; bst references) given. Telephone Woodlawn YOUNG Japanese girl wants situation in good f.inilly ; no experience; no wages. Main So;. A 3199. Tor.VO lady would assist with light house work In return for board and room. M mh Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED girl wants position cooking and llRht houpework; references; wages -. Phone woodlawn S4V GOOD competent cook, with references, wishes portion where second girl is kept. lft."i lth st. EXPERIENCED grl wants housework or cooking. Woodlawn 13S3. Cail between 10 A. M. and 1 P. St. JAP.UVKSIC girl wants work In private fam ily; wilt do everything. K 40. Oregonlan. COLORED woman wants work as cook, or housework. Main THREE girls want general housework. Main ;iJoi. 11XPEK1ENOEP girl wishes position general housework. Phone C 24l. WANTED Housework or housekeeping; strictly reliable. Tel. 1477. NEAT experienced girl, housework. A Vain l'Ja, M 1 srel laneou. EAPEitlENOED colored woman, S3, desires work as chambermaid, waitress or cook, where she can go home nights; refer ences Main 7KS1. A-1.M7. Cion stout woman wants work t-y the day 2V. washlnc. Ironing, houecleanlng; experienced, reference; Wed., Thurs Frt,, Sar. Marshal! ilX PER I ENVEP . young woman wants dauber work where she can go horns nixhts; wages 91 per day. Main 7vCL A-1M7. EXrERITNi'ED cook. Pwetlish, wants as cook or iTTienl housework In small fnmllv. Marshal! Itt-V between 9 and 11. COMPETENT woman, flrst-etas laundry and r sarins. Monday and Tuesday. AM 4i'S. f 'rejonlan. MIL'DLE-A'iED WOM VN. Mperlneel day worker, desires work erry Monday or Tnerrtar: references. Main 70" t. A-1. 17. WANTED bv cajiiMf Japanese girl, posi tion as cook in smsM family: cood rtf erpnee. A - - 7 or Marshal! C7i Mi lII.E-At;ED :Iy to do work In hotel f r hubitnd's arrt slTs hoard and room. Vhoer.lx Hotel. P21 fa Tier. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants pcwition at prlmte exchange. N 495. Ore gon ian. LXlTKIK.NVEp washer and lronr wants work by the day; references. Main 7UL A-1M7. WOMAN with sick husband work, washing and cleaning. must F.ast have 33S4. EXPEKIENCED launtiress and housc'eaner wishes work, day or hour. Main 4217. THOKOU'IHLY experienced woman wants work br the hour. Phone Main 51?. M I DPI.K-AGED lady rook wants work in cun t ry hot! or camp. Phone Main T7-V KIUST-CLASS "laundress will do ladles wamhtnc reaonab!v. Woid!tH e.M. W A N T E D Post t ion as ai trees In coffee tuf. phone Mars S94. PAY WOPK w antd Tu-!ay and Frlda fine laundres; MMin 4-"4?. GOOD g'rl wants work In doctor" Phone before noon Milwsakie 23 W. YOUXO Tsrfy wants position In mlKinry stor. oms experience- AP 4f9. Oregon ian. WANTED TO KENT. flou MOPKHV. compltrl; and well furnished A or 6-room huM IH take fn-ellrnt rare nf same; murt -Ioee in and reasonnle rent, best references. Phons Main 3103. WANTED TO KENT House. BL'NGLOV in Rose C'itv Park or Rossmere by couple. Phone Main 40 between 9 and. "i. Koornt With Board. WANTED Room and board in refined, pri vate family, where servant are kept; would .'ike sleeping porch ; Portland Heights, Willamette or Irving Heights. R. D. Stone. A a 0 . Vol NG (jentUman wants room with or with out b'i.rd in private home. West Side, walking distance; references, p 4Wi Ore goniana. BOARD and room wanted In private or widow's home; give particulars. AK 4a, Ore-jonian. YOUNG MAN attending trade school desires j.iac w nt-re ne can wora iur uuixi u room. AJ A'Ji. Oregonian. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL. ROWLAND, 207 4TH ST. 100 ROOMS. Modern brick buiiuing. centrally located, nice clean room; hot and cold water; rates SoOc, 7c and 1 per day; $i per week and up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner 11th and Stark; $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charges for two in a room; room and bath tl day; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. Between Morrison and Yamhill. A very dcsuraole location; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience; 'well heateu; rates for two 4 and, a per week, SI per day; no extras. VAN GORDER HOTEL, 105 12th, between Washington and Stark Fireproof, modern, moderate and clean, rooms single or en suite; under personal management of Firs. Van Gorder. Marshall 2780. " HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington st. at 13th; Sue day up; week ly -.5u up; running water, phones, steam heat, fireproof bldg.. ground floor lobby, all night service. Business is good. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Washing ton sts. ; new, iireprool Drica, clean, wen heated outside rooms, running hot and cold water, public or private bath; same rate one or two persons; tii.50 week up. HOTEL FORD, T36 Washington Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room rooms without bath 10 up; with bath Sla up. 1 HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St., at 10th Central location REDUCED RATES, fcuc per day up; week Jy, S2.50 up; neat rooms, running water. free phones and baths; steam neat. HOTEL TREVES. Northeast Corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms S3 weekly and up. Large grounu-iioor loooy. HOTEL RAINIER. Two Blocks From Union Depot. Moderu. clean and homelike; the house that treats you right; 6uc up per day; 12 up per mo.; tourist traae soucitea. ait. OITTSTDK CORNER ROOM. Richt for two: Sj. brick, sttam hea free phono and bath; other outside rooms SJ.Oo week. -So 13th st. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mom Kouina ill montn. .u up witn nn vate bath; large, pieasant luboy. cafe in connection. Phone .ast HOTEL SAVON, 131 11th st, New, modern brick DUiluing, steam neaiea, private baths, hot and cold water, comiurtaoiv lurnishea; transients soucitea. PERM ANUS HOTEL. 98 Knott St., block from Aiissusippi-ave car; nice. ciean rooms. 7oc to Sl.oo per week; tree lights. bath and pnone. ; STANDISH HOTEL. &4S XL WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 18TH, Front roum. steam heat, free phones and bath, S2 week, t er month up. LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 Larraoee st, If you want an exceptionally clean notneiiae room below regular price, phone n.ast 6j. HOTEL CORDOVA, 2flJ 11th st. Strictly modern: private natns en suite; rooms S3.50 up. Main 9472, A 47e3. :G1 BROADWAY, 2 blocks south iieuig Theater New ly furnisnea sieeping-rooiua. very cheap. phone Mar. IBM. iOOMS for young men in Y. M. C. A.; fire proof builuliiK. snower oains, acuuui cleaned; club lacilities. moderate price. BEAUTIFUL front room; double closets. running water, electricity, au conveni ences; also sing's room ; board optional reasonable. 4 1 Morrison. IF YoU want beautiiul furnished room, all modern conveniences, clieap rent anu pa for your moving, call l'i N. .Jii. ' BEAUTIFUL front room, f urnlshedire place, bath, phone, walking uis Lance, ie 11 wood llu. o LET Front bedroom; modern conveni ences; private family. ai(o Aiapie si. Ladd's Addition. East 2S10. si.kkpix; roKCH. larso rooin, double clos eu, ruunmg water. 4u tioyi. jkiaxsuaii 47.i 3. HOTEL NORRIS. o33 Aider- -Modern out siae rooms, 2 per week up. Furnished Koomt in 1'ri vale Fani Uies. LARGE front room with kitchenette, private entrance. 340 Market. LARGE front room, smull adjoining room, tireplace. furnace, use piano, -i om. NEATLY furnished bedroom; phone, walk- ins distance, 1.0 per week. 4ul tttn su LARGE pleasant room, large alcove. conveniences. Main ail-. ati iuia. Room With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sis. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 2t3, A tfb2o. PARKVIEW HOTEL. JJS6 Montgomery St,, at West Park. Moaern conveniences, room, w ith or with out bath; excellent table service; reason able rates for regular or transient guests. A i;oOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall. 2."3 oth st., has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor; a real home; reasonaaiej sates. IS IN ESS woman., and students will fin a good boara ana rooui; anu s.ou wee. Portland women s union, oio riauuws. HE WEAVER, 2uth and Washington, tine reitleutial hotel, goou rates ior transienks, home cooking, new management. horehta. 141 Lownsdale. cor. Alder. Large, sunny room, first floor, suitable for married couple ana ooara. HE HAZEL, 3S5 Sd st. Modern rooms. with or wmiout noaru; special rates. ROOM and board, home cooking. 47 mon. Al.iriuall 4-J. Rooms With Board tn private Families. TEAM -HEAT ED front room, nicely fur- nmhed. suitable for two young lauies, ifoul! hoard and all home privileges, in refined, nomeuae pi ace. esi oiue, ej w H.klns distance, S22.oO per montn. aiar. LAivGE, attractive rooms; steam heat, hot and cold running water; suuauie ior iwu or mort' twm beds: separate 'uressers. every modern convenience: excellent board; also large room wtin ajcove unu purcu. Main t.M. jOI Harrison St., near mn. 1 W. PARK Two large connecting rooms, separate or together; fireplace, running water, furnace heat, suitable lor family 3 or 4 adults. Home comtorts; also room wtlh fine sleeping-porch. Main ujd FLR RENT Nicely furnished room, w fit a h.iArii. Rose i:itv I'urit an mouern con veniences; private home; 2 carlinea. Phone Taiior S .!:. ROOM and board, 332 10th st., walking dis tance; steam hi at, hot anu com water anu home comforts. First-class meals at El ton Court, Mam ts.s, A 2&oa. ICELY furnished front room, close in. modern couemences, uitahie for witn or without board. 474 Salmon St. Mar. 4410. ROOM and board, $i; congenial gentleman who can be associated witn tna iamuy clrrle. A 271o. 3u Mill st. LARGE unfurnished rooms, close In. rent llu. Inquire 4-1 Kul ETeretC Phone East 11S5. ou are looking for a nice large warm room with food board and all home com forts, i-none taat of;.. LOVELY front room, excellent board, walk ing distance ; pleasant surrounuinfts, aiu jmilliT room, use of piano. Main 32SO. o.MIL.N'iAi. young man Wishes roommate; good board. Mam fcL &oa hirrtion su Iieif 14th. K ELY furnished rooms w ith board, -0 aud up; splendid rates tor two. ruont jftam 3L74. 303 Bin - ROOM and two meal In beautifully fur nished home; plenty of hot water; close 33 nth st. Jdam -. HOICE of rooms, with board, near Wash ington High School. Last 240. or.39. uuMS and board, nice large room, twe ung men. 4.. w. Taylor, c-tr. nih. ICELY furnished room with board for two nilcmen In modern home. 44 taimon st. Nv'ELLENT accommodations for two or throe young men ; reasonable. East 46 i 8. TWO men Hh N. I o room and board. 700 East one C 2-"0. Fnrniwhed Apartments. WASHINGTON GRAND 2-room furnish"! apra., $12 per mo. up; just reDuiit, moaern. cifsn, ery desirabie; hot and cold water, heat. UphU l-ath furnished. . Craud ave. and E. Washington st, l'hone East 4440. WESTFAL. 410; 3 and 4-r. apts furn. and unfurn.. week or mo.: concrete bldg.. elvstor. thoroughly renovated. electric cleaner free, steam ht-ated, Sr up; best in town for money; walking distance. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th. and Taylor. Most modern apartment on tho Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Reof garden in connection. -Walking distance. References, THE WHEELDON ANNEX (Apartment Hotel), Tenth and salmon Streets.. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates by the day, week, month or year. THE EVERETT, 644 EVERETT, BETWEEN 20TH AND ELLA STS. . Furnished S-rooin apts., all outside rooms with or wilt-out sleeping porch, strictly moaern, located in one of the choicest res ilience districts. Phone Mar. W. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnisned 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private pLone and bath ; sleepmg-porca ; nearest the Union Depot of East side apartments. S5 Ross st. Phone East THE DENVER 2 and 8-room apartments, outside rooms, comfortably furnished, also uniuruished; private bath, pnone, steam heat reut reasonable: reierences. -74 North 21dt at. Take W" car. Mar. 3b0, thp. rnnMWELL. Resident Fiftn and Columbia Transient. 0-minutd walk to Post off ice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall 519S. References A 33: NEW Hart, automatic elevator, phone, cook- inir eaji steam heat, lights free; 2 and 3 roumfl, 1 room, disappearing plate; 4 to $6.50 week. 17UH 2d, nr. Morrison, 4th floor mt Pl.FTELY furnished 2-room steam heated apartments; easy walking distance; Sis per mo., inciuuing iignis, uam, iuoue, janitor service. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway; 3 and 4-room apts., lignt, pieasani ruomo,. onable rent, eay walking distance. Main SAN MARCO, East feth and Couch Sts. 3-room apts., every convenience, new furnishings. S22 and up. East 207. LUCILLE COURT 2 and 3-room furnished or unlurnisneu apartments, pnmie line park, telephone, steam heat, 20th ana ljOVejoy. flioiie .vitii .wi, 3-ROOM apartment. East Diae, completely furnished; outsiae rooms; private oata sua phone; $20. phone B 103o, Marshall 4114. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 189 N. 23d. Nob Hill district; modern 3 room apartment, private bath, phone, com plete lyfurnishetlcheapA MADISON PARK APTS., Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart -meuis. close in, by week or month. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two nd 3-room apts,, furnished, 'irst class. reasonable rates. Main T387. H1SLOP HALL, corner East 6th and Haw thorne 2 and 3-room apts.; private bath and phone; also single rooms; well fur nished; $12.50 up. Phone East oS2. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicely f-.'ruished three-room apts.; private phone r.nd bath; walking distarce; priced moderate, phone East 08. 1 ELMVVOOD APTS., 10TH AN'J HALL. Lobby, social hall, modern, new 2-room furnished apts., reasonable. D R I C KS T O N, 448 1 1 T H High-class mod ern 2 and 3-room apartments; low rent; walking distance. Marshall 5 7, A 6408. CAM Alt, 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build ing. anu ruoxu up lb., io eou. juar. 2U17. FA1RMOUNT APIS.. 2S6 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, $22.50 up; close in. Alain z&tt. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. TUB WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th st., at Market New 2 and 8 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Alain 1739. HERM1NIA APARTMENTS, 400 Hall St., cur. loth st, All ngni ana large two ana three-room apartments, $0 to $35. H ADDON HALL. 414 11th at., 3 and 4-room furnished a p a rtments; prices are rifiht. THE ELMS, 14th, near Yamhill Two aud 3-room, cosy, watKing uit-iance; its up. COMPLETELY furnished apartments in con crete biocK, si. iiu. - i, ii ion ave. is. ARDMAY TERRACE, 393 12th st. Large !-room apartment, airs, jonn ciau. mgr. 4-ROOMED. nicely furnished, modern, heated apt., yarn, porcnes, iaoor oj.. TWO line Ilrst-lloor apartments, best resi dence district. 3-0 Montgomery st. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall St., most modern in city, -U up. jiain a iujo. $10 2-ROOM furnished apartment, at 22$ tast zuin. Unfurnifbed Apartments. LUC RETT A COURT APTS., LucreUa st. near Washington anu icsu sts. nigiiesi-ciasM apartments, all outside, airy, large rooms with ail modern conveniences; prices rea sonable; references required. Apply Mgr., Marshall 1513 ; Janitor, Marshall 1500. KINGSBURY. 1S6 Vista ave.. oft Washington st, 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies unfurnished or furnished: hiKh-class neigh- borhood; best of service; reasonable rates by month. KING HILL APT3. 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class 4, 5 and 6-room un furnished apartments; choice neighbor hood; excellent service; walking distance; reasonable rent, WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms, all outside; plenty of heat and hot water; good service; everything modern. East 547, O 1008. THE MARLBORO UGH. 21et and Flanders 3 and ti rooms; large and homelike; more service and conven ience for the price than you will fiud in the city. Phone Main 751b, A 2070. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate services; prices reasonable. Phono Marshall 33tfo or A I'tiiti. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway; S and 4-room apts, iibul, yiewwwit t?" onable rent, easy walking distance. Main 25U0, STEVENS APARTMENTS 0 rooms, front and back porcnes. neat, nut ier, .ei phone; all light outside rooms. 791 North rup, near 24th st. 7 -ROOM duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms pains ; in in eiiiwwi u uiiuiub. j w Davis st. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson liegant umurnisneu. apariuieuus, first-class service; private phone; ref. MAYO APARTMENTS, 603H Union ave. North, near Broadway New, strictly mod. 3-rm. apts., reasonable. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. 3 and 4-room suites, uniurnisueu; reiex ences. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st. 3 and 4 rOOIUS; nign Ciasa. reiCiciiLen. am -wo. SIX sunny, outside rooms, sleeping porcn. hardwood floors, references, jiarenaii nuo. PORTNOMAH; rent bargains; walking dis tance. 200 E. istn. Furnished or I nfurnlfhed Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE, b!3-82l Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of lo cations. Bite and price. Our free automo bile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 3015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and uniurnisnea apanmcuw m 2, 3 and 4 rooms, iour-story one., viet tfic automatic elevator, disappearing beds, buiit-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room ; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2!61 HARRIMAN APTS. 164 24th at. N.; one all modern, ugnt ana airy -ruoui upl., fi nished or unfurnished; this includes heat, water, telephone, garbage and janitor service; references. Main 350 or Marshall 3889. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. . 22D AND GLISAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. In city; iurnisned or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3221. THE IRIS APTS.. 3d and Mill sts.. are now completed; rents irom i up; o anu room ; all modern improvements; the largest heating plant In the Crty; furnished or unfurnished; no charge gas for cooking. NEW, modern, steam heat, private baths. laundry; save carfare; 10 minutes from business center; references; 1 and 2-room apartments; prices moderate. Carlotta Court. Everett and 17th. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 43-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. Flats, CIRCULATING HOT-WATER HEAT FREE. Don't that sound good tnese com nays.' No dust, no dirt. Fine 4-room hat, sleep ing porch. Inclosed;- also front and back porch; rooms light and airy, wall bed, gas range, large kitchen, large bathroom; fine location. Colonial Heights. Hawthorne car 2Jst au: heat and water free. Only $25 per month. Tabor 19. SIX ROOMS, lower, modern; choicest 'oca. tion. West Side. Inquire 175 16th st.' FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt su Inquire 13Q 6th st. l'hone Mam eis. -ROOM modem flat, 179 Green ave., near 234 and Washington. Main 4b3J, a fe. FOB BENT. Flats. 5-ROOM FLAT. Well-arranged rooms, bath, hot and cola water; East Ankeny, near East 8th, walk ing distance. Nicholas, 454 East Burn side. Phone East 200. MODERN 4 -room flat, large porches. Royal furnace, light and clean. 271 E. 6tn su North. Irvington car. MODERN 6-room lower flat, 15th and Davis sts.. West Side; gas range, aier neater, linoleum. East Stiti until 2 and after 5- NEW modern 4-room flat, porch, wood, gas range in kitchen, walking distance. at9 Market. Maia 4079. MODERN 5-room flat; has porch, fireplace, furnace light rooms; rent 27. 50 month. Call 441 11th st. FOR RENT Portland Heights, modern six room flat. Inquire 027 Vista ave. furnished Flats. S3. SO PER week, absolutely cleanest house keeping suites in town; hot water, baths, lights, linen washed; every convenience free; save carfare; also single H, K.. rooms. S2 up. Hotel Cadillac, 3d st., near Jeffer son. FURNISHED or unfurnished 6-room flat, hardwood floors, tile bath sleeping porch, rent reasonai-le to the right people. 3oM Glenn ave. Hawthorne car. Marshall 53tt. 4-ROOM . furnished Phone East 1230. flat, complete, $20. COZY 4-room modern flat, furnished, near Steel bridge: $2). Woodlawn 1S59. MODERN 3-rm. fur. flat, S E. 12ah N. Max. 7I7 or A 713L 3-ROOM fiat, furnished if desired, close In, very reasonable. East 3211. NICELY' furnished 4-room flat; water, phone, bath, reasonable. 230 N. 18th. Housekeeping Rooms. $1.60 to $2.75 week; clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4;. free heat, laundry, bath, yard. Phone East 603s 4 06 Vancouver, 203 Stanton, "U" car. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 V4 KilUngsworth ave. Low rent, Wood lawn 680. 461 EAST MORRISON, furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments rea sonable, " FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. C am b rid g e bldg., 3d, corner Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. $15 LIVING-ROOM, bedroom, kitchen, pan try, furnished for housekeeping; clean, newly tinted, linoleum, gas, wood range; child fatten. 182 E. 23d, corner Yamhill 13 TH ST., close In, West Side i rooms. entire first floor, completely luramueu, modern: also 2 pleasant rooms. Main 3072. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg. NICE 2-room suite, furnished, light, water and wood luciuaed, iu a monuu. auu uar field ave. Main 8095. Sti NICE large basement room; modern conveniences; lights, phone, bath. Seiiwood 1109. TWO verv clean, oleasant tround-floor rms. pantry and basement. Good neighborhood, desirabie. i layior. n.. o.ou. FURNISHED new 2 -room front suite, $12.50 month. Also 4-room suite, water and bath, $14. Free phone. 350 14th. thrf.v, or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. use of player piano, zs; jn. lotn, near Washington. TWO rooms, furnished for housekeeping, furnace heat; no children. 2&to J-th st, $10 AND $12 suites, phone, gas, wood and coal ranges, beiiwoou nua. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms 425 E. Ash. Phone last Z2U. $3 AND $12. furnished II. K rooms, elec tricity, uatn. o.j. Hi. moirwuu. TWO H. K. rooms, heat, light and bath, E. Sth st. N. East 1330. TWO strictly modern H. K. rooms, 1st floor. $13 a month. 429 Main. LARGE front room with heat and bath, w alking distance. 402 Clay St. ONE newly furnished housekeeping room w ith kitchenette ana patn Jta" 8L; TWO very cosy furnished H. K. rooms, con nected, $io. ouu n,. 5 urn si a e. REFINED home, gas and electricity, heat. always hot water. xzu istn at. N. NICE H. K. rooms, both floors; very neat 2-room basement, close In. 309 Clay. RENT FREE FOR LIFE. I have a choice lot In the most desir able restricted residence district in Port land, .on which I will furnish the money to build Just the home you want. Small payment down and balance like rent. No agents. J. W. Croseiey, 270 Is Stark bU Main 1503; A 3.5 J. o. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME FOR. RENT. New 1 1 -room Swiss chalet, located on choice double corner in very heart of most . exclusive district, one block to car. Owner fnrAd to ipave! to responsible party. The sale price of this property is $13,500. PAUL C AlLKl'Ill, -1 0 fz Stars: tree u Main 15U3. A lolo. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurel hurst Co., 270 hi Stark st. Main 1;03, A 151a. FOR RENT BEAUMONT. 6-room house, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, gas. electric light, furnace, fire place; nrst-ciass order; 91a. ROOM 308 LEWIS BLDG., OR Phone Marshall 5505 509 JOHNSON ST., near ISth 8 rooms and sleeping-porch; S71 iveiiy su, near iames, 7 rooms' 00a isr, near Bneriuaii, 1 iwuia Phone Seiiwood 1040. 172 N. 18th ST., fine residential district, easy walking distance business center, b rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key, janitor Ionian Apts., 18th and couch. Main zoio. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room bungalow-fiat; hardwood floors, fireplace, sieeping porch. Maid's room; close in. Marshall 2624. 6-KOOM house, furnace, fireplace, sleeping- norch. cas electricity. large garaen, chicken-house, fruit and roses; rent $1U. Inquire H73 E. Couch. Phone East QOoO. THREE houses on 10th and Beacon sts. near Brooklyn School, near two carlines, at $10 $11 and 13 eacn: ti. vv uiis, 004 .cast eta su Phone Seiiwood 878. WEST SIDE, nice 7-room house with gar- hep. 3i4 Clifton st cor. 10th. 530. Witn- out garage, $25. Key next door. Phone Main 4892, Marshall 20j or A 4144. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage; 6ul Nort hrup st corner 19th. inquire 0 1 1 su MODERN 8-room residence, fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricity, is. Burnside, near 22d. $25 per month. Tabor 1903. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $15; 1 block from Mt. bcott car. an. iieaner oe Boyce. 813-21 Morgan bldg. Main 2015. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG., Main 5428. FOR RENT S-room modern house on Borth- wick Bt,, near Monroe, rnone wooaiawn 22ii0 or call at 149 Monroe. FOR RENT 5-room, modern, $7.50. 5-room, modern, 4 lots, $y.aO. 4-room, modern, $0.50. Tabor 2546. PORTLAND HEIGHTS modern 7-room house, beautiiul place; reasonable. Par ticulars Marshall 217. 5- ROOM modern bungalow Gladstone ave nue, on W. W. carline, $20. Wood. 48. 6- ROOM modern house. Rose City Park. 612 East 54th st. North. 9( N. 16TH, near Everett S-room house, furnace; key of owner. s-ROOM house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. In quire 150 6th. Main 6278. 6-ROOM modern house, 4 lots, beautiful home; 2 blocks cars. Tabor 1609. E. ALDEK Modern 6-room house. Main 6960. ' 6-ROOM, modern, S20; good car service. 7"i East Davis. Main 3170. TWO nouses in Nob Hill district, hot water , heat and electricity. Phone Main 9160. 7-ROOM house. 7"0 Hoyt st.; rent $2T. Main 5724. 2 bathrooms; BEAUTIFUL modern cottage, very cheap. J. D. Morris. Main 6076, A 4361. DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts of city. Stout Investment Co. Main 5129. 5-ROOM house, 7 Ella su, $15; key 63 Elia Tel Mar. 4338. A 8576 MODERN 6-roora house on carline, walking distance. Phone East 1308. 63 E. 21ST. 5 rooms, new, clean, modern, furnace, garage. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room modern bunga low, $18 month. 702 E. 04th North. FOR RENT Cottage at 669 Glisan. wilh furnace. Phone Woodlawn 1390. Furnished House. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. Nicely furnished 8-room modern house on corner lot. good garage, plenty, of fruit trees, nice lawn; a real home; $33 month, ly. Fred W. German Co.. $14 Cham, of Com. lo-ROOM house, 6th and Jefferson, half furnisned. chairs, carpets, stoves, kitchen utensils, beds and bedding. Don't apply without good bank reference. $50. Uni versity Club. WILL rent 4 large furnished rooms of a 6 room house or will eell furniture complete. Rent reasonable. & blocks from Post of ue.'kilais morning till 11. evening, after 6. I F,,uxSfBiT hoaB at llos BeImontJ fice. 4wa saimoD. n uiuo u 11 ua ouujj , FOR RENT. Furnished Booses. LEASE my 10-room nouse, fully furnished, Portland Heights, $15'j; six bedrooms, 2 sleeping-porcues; artistic grouuus, owu f ul view city and mountains. AF 4Stf, Oregoniam ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, completely furnished; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; strict refer ences, $30. Tabor 4949 or 503 E. 53d N. COMPLETELY furnished modern 6-room house, piano, fine location. Tabor 3803 or call 885 East Yamhill st, between 10 A- M. and 4 P.M.; afterward phone East 2550. IRVINGTON Nicely furnished 5-room bun galow, modern throughout, furnace, fire place. Sleeping porch, piano. 767 Mult nomah su, ELEGANTLY furnished t, 5 and 6-room cot tages, new and modern, E. 2oth and Glad stone. $17 to $20. East 3225. mornings ox evenings. NEW S-ROOM HOUSE IN IRVINGTON, WELL FURNISHED. $30 PER MONTH. 672 E. 12TH NORTH. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, modern con veniences, on East Flanders st. Phone East 149S. HAWTHORNE district, near 37th; 5-room bungalow, completely furnished, $20. Ta bor 2037. LALRELHURST 7-room furnished house, 150 Mirimar Place. Phone Tabor 2585, between 11 A. M. and 5P. M. MODERN 5-room furnished cottage, adults, $23. phone East I960. 514 E. Ankeny, cor. 11th. NICELY furnished 6-room house, strictly modern. loo8 E- 31st st, N. Rent reason able. Alberta car. 9 ROOMS WEST SIDE, $40. 13th and Taylor, nufced. Fred W. Ger man Co., 914 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY PARK, furnished bungalow, ref erences. Tabor ai-it. FOR RENT 5-room cottage furnished. Main 3J15. Stores. STOREROOM in basement, 6th and Oak sts. Dry and well neatea, reasonaoie rent, a, H. Birrell Co.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. FOR RENT 2-story building, 22S Morrison. Mars nail 4440. Offices. NICELY furnished office in Morgan oldg.. mahogany furniture, reception-roora wku private entrance, telephone and stenog rapher service. Any business except real estate. Phone Main 7525. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room, $6 ana 4. cnamoer oi vow merce. FOR RENT Large rooms, suitable for of fices or musical studio. Sherman, Clay & Co. OFFICES, $10 up; furnished offices and desk room, free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. SUITE of 3 offices, well arranged for two agreeable tenants, cheap renL Agent Stock Exchange bldg. DESK ROOM In large, light office In Mor gan bldg. Apply manager, 818-21 Morgan bldg. . Warehouses. 4-STORY brick building, containing about O.oou sq. fu, kuown as 44 and 46 East 6th at. North, well located for wholesale purposes; attractive lease to responsible tenant. Prigmore & Younger, 849 Morgan bldg. Main 7525 OPEN storage (60x350) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co. East 2063. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. JEWELER with two stores desires to sell or trade one or both for city property or good ranch land. One has been estab lished 14 months, with stock and fixtures of about 52000, in good railroad town of 3000 population, near Seattle, Wash. The oher established 12 years ago, is in good town of iiooo population, near beattie, Wash. Stock and fixtures about $0000. Would prefer at least part cash, balance good real estate, unincumbered. Look this np. Have other business that takes all mv time. Address AV 345, Oregonlan. L A UN D It Y $ 1 5 00 LA U NDRY including building, ground rent $1 a mo, with good lease, established 2 years, lo cated in a cood country town; fully equipped in every particular. Fine place for man and wife. Full particulars 018 Yeon Bldg. (2 884. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business get au vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary, 532 Chamber of Commerce, Bldg. PARTNER wanted in established and pay ing cleaning works in livest city in East ern Oregon; must be an expert cleaner and spotter fend have a few hundred dol lars to Invesu Reply at once. A V 338, Oregonlan. SACRIFICE old-established real estate and niture, like new, city, county and state maps, also block book. Owner leaving city. Call 414 Corbett bldg., Sth and Morrison. Phone Mar, 92. CASH, grocery with restaurant and confec tionery, across street rrora uig scuoui, doing good business in all lines; will give best of reasons for selling; price $1400. Col. 189. " OPPORTUNITY for energetic man In a solid store; sales are j0 to $7o oay and can be increased with energetic partner; re quires small investment. Call room 32a, Morgan bldg. CONFECTIONERY and delicatessen in wait ing-room; owner going East; cash receipts $30 per day; $400 buys it. 420 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WOOD, COAL, etc Have opening for en ergetic man in a solid ousiness; pays goou profits and your money will be secured. Call room 329, Morgan bldg. LIGHT MANUFACTURING Partner want ed for a growing business; requires oniy $30o and can clear $3 to $4 day. Call room 329, Morgan bldg. TRANSFER business, 4 teams, 6 wagons. etc.; want partner with small amount or money; terms to right man. Call 420 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d end Stark sts. $300 BUYS H of office business; will clear energetic man lJ per montn; reierences exchanged. Call 420 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. . RESTAURANT Owner wants a steady part ner to help mm; gooa pay and oniy ou required; experience is not necessary. Call room 3-0, Aiorgan piag. ' PARTNER wanted In first class office bus; ness: this don t require much money- It's the man. Particulars Room 317, Railway Exchange. SAFE auto repair and sales business part ner wanted ; only $4ft0 required. Room 317, Railway Exchange. SOLID confectionery and light grocery store ior saie; owner win snow you a great bargain. Room Railway Exchange. BAKERY and delicatessen, good trade, $000 delicatessen ana iisnt groceries. S4uu: deal with owner; no triflers. N. 485, Oregonian. FOR RENT Large bakery room with built- in oven, inquire between 1 and a P. M. 1329 Hawthorne Ave. BARBER shop, pool hall and cigar store for sale or traae; pest town in state. R 4SS, Oregonlan. PICTURE THEATER for sale: laree place. long lease, low rent. For particulars call room uaamoer 01 commerce. OWNER Is sick, has to zo to hosnital place must oe soiu or ciosea; aeucatessen and grocery. 112 i. ist su Main i;e FANCY grocery, best location, on East Side; lull particulars, write care ait ore- gonian. Don't You Want to Rent an Office or a House? If you want to rent a house or an office there is no need of wearing vour heels off and wasting time huntina one. Just turn to the Classified Advertising section of this paper and vou will probably find advertised there just the office or house you want. If not in today's issue certainly within the next two or three days, but look TODAY. There are splendid opportunities con stantly cropping up. You will always and them in our Classified Advertising section. Use "TlieWantAdWay BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WE expect to begin operations the latter part of next month; we need good, sober furniture men. machine men, cabinet makers and helpers and do not care to import them; we want 10 men to mw $1000 each, 10 men to invest $5o0 each and 10 men to invest $250 each; all invest ments are secured and our business will be conducted on the protit-sharing plan and all investors will get permanent posi tions and good salaries. Our piant. when completed, will be one of the finest west of the Mississippi River and the only one of Its kind on the Coast. Call at our of fices at once and let us prove to your en tire satisfaction that our proposition i all we claim for it. Pacific Furniture Specialties Mir. Co., Inc., 418-419 Lumber Exchange bldg. . FOR SALE Old established restaurant and rooming-house, also saloon in the City of Stockton. AU in the same location lor 30 years, and owned by the same party. Reason for selling, owner wished to retire from ousiness. Will sell all or separate. One of the best paying places in block ton; ' long 'ease. luyuire of li. Lovy, -0 S. California st btockton, Cal. ' GROCERY $1500 GROCER T. Located on one of the best corners la Portland, on West SMe. net rent only $1, doing a good business, living-rooms, es tablished 3 years, never before offered for sale; reasons for selling, party wants to leave state; this is a cash proposition. tllS Yeon bldg. o880( A RARE OPPORTUNITY for the man with from $5O0 to $25u0 who wants to become connected with one of the best manufacturing enterprises in the state; object is to have ouiy interested parties In the active departments; those meaning business will receive frank consideration. BD 4S0, Oregonlan. . NOVELTY VAUDEVILLE ACT. Wanted single man to travel on circuit, machines with $500, act is making; you get $15 wk. salary, divide balance witn owner; requires $:iu0 cash; good for 0 wk. 414 Lumber Exchange b.dg., d ami Stark. ' . WATER POWER SITE $15 000: sufficient flow and fall at low water to develop 5oi0 horse-power; lo cated 4 miles from Columbia River, 9v miles from Portland. Address H. F. JENSE N . Goldendale. V ash. FOR SALE One of the best-paying family liquor stores (no bar) in Oakland, tal. ; excellent location, long lease, reasonable rent; licenses are limited. Apply A. S Kaul. 488 th St., Oakland, Cat $150 SECURES interest in estabiisneu business; will clear you $1S per week, experience not necessary; must be active ud willing to work. Call 420 Lumber Exchange pldg.d and Stark sts. CREAMERY. The best money-making proposition you can get for $15u0; old established busi ness; going East; sell this week. Answer quick. AV 3u2, Oregoman! FINE groc. East Side, living - room-, $20; good location, price ooo; class confec. and cigar store on Wash, st., rrnt $25- Price $450. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. GENTLEMAN wishes to hear from lady or epntleman rolnff to California to open business on fair grounds. L 403, Ore NEW electric sig". state rights to respon- -it.i .,rt v -in h 11 investment reauired Spalding, 840 Chamber or Commerce, U-10 A. M. oniy. dim it .11 a T.i :t croid nool tables, clftars. tob. confec, centrally located. West Side, rent $25; $;t0 casn rcqmreu. o FOR PALE Drug store, established v years, clean stock, or will trade. X 47L Orego r.isn. $425 BUYS restaurant in tirst-class location; on account of sickness; investigate; a snap. 508 Abington bldg. 3-CHA1R barber shop, good chairs and mir rors, very cneap. v 111 give at once. 27 Vfc N. 3d st. COFFEE-HOUSE, splendid location for short order; sell cheap. 20 N. 2d sL FBI IT, cigar stand, doing good business. Price cheap. 314 Burnside st. DANDY 4-chalr barber shop; best location; very cheap. 36 2d st. North. . BARBER shop, 3 chairs, white, splendid lo cation; sickness; will sacrifice. 12 N. 3d st. nrSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. YOUNG man with $350 to invest, with services, where money is " secured; no agents. K 500. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR RENT Hotel Western, unfurnished; will lease for a term of years; 24 rooms, hot and cold water; electric lights; only lirst-clsss hotel in town; possession given immediately. J. H. Woif or John F. Reece, N yssa, Oregon. , MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel- Apart mt-nt-house Agent, Botii Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 508-0 N. W. Bank Bldg., Oth and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale at a bargain. Inquire owner, 421, N. 6th st. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light Si Power Co. and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: January 2 Marshall 5UH, A U131 9 umbrellas, 1 pr. mittens, 1 overcoat. 1 basket, 1 key, 1 watch, 1 hairpin, 1 glove, 1 suitcase, 1 hoe, 1 traveler's is, 1 bas ket and contents, 1 tliermo lunch box, 1 pr. overshoes, 1 pr. gloves, 1 key, 1 pin, 2 packages. January 3 4 purses, 1 rod. 8 umbrellas, 1 grip, 1 book, 3 packages, 1 jar pickles. 1 ukir. ciotning. 1 iur muit. 1 ciock flashlight, 1 child's mitten, 1 pr. gloves. LOST Sunday, between 1 and 2, one auto tire cover with steel rivets, r inaer pleas 3 return to Kaessel & Frey, 040 1st st., or phone Main IQtO ana receive reward. UJST Monday. 0 A. M-, Jan. 4, Union Depot, a cameo brooch with pearl sets on either slue; prize as a gut. a none at", wood 1324. Reward. LOST Friday, small, brown purse contain in- :i -nine small chanee and a key; re ward. Return to Oregonlan office or call East 2420. LOST Gold watch bracelet. 42d between Taylor and Belmont. Reward. Su Stepneus School. LOST Gold culf links inunogrammaa D. H." VERY liberal reward ior return. Phone Main 7i30 or leave ill 1 eon omg. i.(iT Frnm 5407 44th st. Southeast, long haired brown tabby cau pnone Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited I WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740-47 Morgan bldg.. Portland, Oregon, for a stock of merchandise consisting of -hoe, rubbers, etc., of the Inventoried value of $5333.10, together with fixtures pertain ing to the same of the Inventoried value " of $o.bO, locatea in. low nwm i"iu"!t occupied by Evans Shoe Co- at 224 Mor rison street, Portland. Oregon, up to aud until 1 o'clock noon on Saturday. January 9, 1015. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject auy and all bids. "Inventory may be seen at my office and the property inspected upon a ppo in iiucii i v. u i Dated December 30, 1914! aiptkr this date will not be responsible pay any debts for my wife, Mrs. at. F. peters. a. i . reiw FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO SO 4th St., Board of Trade Bidg. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delajs; principals only, Robertson & Ewing, North western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis A Co., 4 Lewis bldg. FM ft ST and second mortgages, also sellers' Interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. li. E. Nobie, .umuermens Diag. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson & -.wing, uf-e rm. vv. cunx Diag. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN on Portland city real estate. Farm loans at lowest current rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second st., near Washington. 6 TO 7 MTG. LOANS. Amounts $1000 to $15,000. Prompt, re liable service. It pays to see us for loans. A. K. II ILL, 41 Henry Bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. 11 A -M Al U . -UiiiUAU- LUJirrt-i x , 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. (500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays. no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. TO LOAN" $40,000 OR LESS. FARRiNGTON, SO 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. I WILL loan $500 to $7000 on city or farm property. AK 430, Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 PTARK ST. HONEY TO LOAN OX REAL ESTATE. A. H. HAKUllNU, au -o. pi -um. ALL amounts at low rates of Intercut. Yeon bidg. Ore. Bd. A Mfg. Co. Mar. 411 338. $200 $350 $600, $900, $1200. $1800. (ierman Co., 914 Chamber of C d v. German Co., 914 om merce. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate mortgages. Hatfield. 105 4th st. $3000 OR any part on improved properly. T 500 TO a00 to loan on city or farm prop- rty. Tabor 530, or B 462, Oregonian. I FINANCIAL, Money Co Loan Real Ktate. MOUTH AG K LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly clos Attractive reiayment pi iwifitvs. A. 11. PlliUEL-L CO.. 217 Northwestern Lank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 IS. M O N E V T O LO A N ON IMPKuV ED HEAL 1 T-TG KOll Bl. ILDl.V PL KPOS.ES. V EKY FLEX IBLE CONTK ACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIKE ; TRUST CO., 910 SPALDING P4.DU. ON 1M I'KOYED PROPERTY OH Ki-K BUILDING pLRPOMs, LIKKKAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGE; MONEY AD VANCED AS l.l 1LDING lltOi.llESSKS THE EWl'i TABLE SA 1NGS St LOAN ASSOCIATION, 20 STAR K. f. TO LOAN. Lowest Rae Money on tulnes property, apartments, dweilius and latm. R. H. Blossom, 31u Chamber Comiaer-e. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY A MOl NT. OREGON INV. st MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stork Exchange bid... 3d s:id lamuul. SEE us today for louns ou imtToted cuy property, 0 to 8 per cnt ; and up. Ceitais-Jurton Co.. h.'j Yeon h flg, TEN or twelve thousand doiism to loan ou pood Improved ill) property, l lioim iimtu $20O. (O0 TO LOAN In sums lng liians; lowest tales, W 3is Km in g bidg. to suit; bul'd G. Leca, t5- Mc it rGACIi loans; 11 1.1AM L. 1 OD, 00 llt-nry Blig. MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban leal estate at 7 and 8 per ca-iU W. 1L Nuun. 4-IS Sherlock b;l. MONEY TO UiAN. WAKK11K1.D. FRIES at CO.. 5 fourth streeL $lo00 TO LOAN on good real sxtate security. See attorney, 512 Phitt bldg. MoNEY loaned 011 real e!te; contracts s d MitKS bought. H. MLe.v-04G "."'rh,'.U; ' MON KV loaned on real ial"; fit si inert hSkos only. 210 Sto k khange. MONEY, any amount. to s pr cenu If. Seiti at to., a 10 palumg piuk. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. FRED C. YS ILLIAMS, 12 Hist Bt. STATE FUNDS, RT cent, W. K. Thomas, at cut MiHtnoinRn .oniuy. n. " ' MORTGAGE LOAN'S, any Hiiiount. no d..y. Henry C. i'rutlhoinmv, .-2 5.11 Mot gan b d. L. J. LAMK. Mortgage lonn. uregum .ti Md. M. 1 Mune y to Los n haltela an d halsri. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JI.WULRY AT EASIERN II AT 8. Ws hive one of lite finest n'Ull Jewslrf itoni in the city. A loau deapitment conducted in connection with ame. mak ing business bllUcTLY t O.N Ki U I. N'T i A U absolutely no sign d"iuuiiK i"n busi ness ditlaed Id trout of our stors. Ail men hai.die phutt d h--M lor peiiod of soveu month, whetlu-r or not hiit-rett Is paid wneu due. We ate lirend and liaQ been established slme 1M. .No con nection with any other loa establishment lu 1 his city. . . A 4ft M. DELOY AGE, JEWELER. o24 Washington M. LOANS $10 TO $IU0 Q.lCfvLI. STATE. fcECl RiTY CO., LICENSE.. LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN POK1 LAND. CALL AND LEI US EAI'LAIN. Ol It EASY PAYMENT PLAN. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON Fl DENTIAU STATE SECURITY CO., 300 FAILING BLDG. LOANS IN 0 HOl US' TIME, at 3 per cent on diamonds, autos, pianos, household goods aud livestock. PORTLAND LOAN CO., Eb'utnttd b mute. 05 Ivoltuhild l ldg. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, w atcins, mnncitl Instrument . SEPARATE DEl'T. FOR LADiES, ELBY COMPANY (Licensed), 3-0 Lumber Exchatia Hog, Second and Mark Streets. WE LOAN money ou diamonds and Jrweuy at half the rates charged by broksia. M arx ffc Hluch, 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and Jo welr ; st tKiiy confidential. 141 Vs 3d st., near Ahla. MONEY LOANED ou diamonds and J w-uj, S. W. King, room 45 Washington bUlg. LOANS on real vsiate. diamonds and Jew clry. Wm. Hull, room 8 Wawinngton bidg. FOR lowest rules 011 pianos mul phone Geo. Harvey, Last 1172. nd f ui nllura Lows W anled. LOAN WANTED. Value of property $; city; want $4T)4ju at 7 per cent first mortgage; Income $IU0 mo. now. 414 Lumber Exchang bldg. Archer WA N tT; D O N A-l Security $2tt0 on $S4oO value farm. J.i.ttiO on $12,000 value farm. 210 Stork Exchange. Mar. lNfiH. $40O0, 8 PER CENT; $4oo, 8 PEK CENT. Close iu Went Side double flat, v a.ued by owner st $10,500. Fred W. Gerinaa Co it 14 Ch timber of Commerce. $500, g PER CENT; $500. PER CENT, 75x100 and mat S-room coti-gs, penln sula district. Fred W. Carmau Co., W4 L'h timber uf Com merce. $700 ON Vj-ACRE HOME. H PER CENT. 7-room house, nice location, valuation $1900. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham ber of Commerce. WILL give $15 fur u of $1 5U for I wo vv soiuitty worth $lovO for , On KoiiUn. in on t lis ana gi same. A J 4ii piiiu U'.ii. also ?.;35o in fui in loan, p r 7 per cent. Haiti $A $4 5oo Hi A N nl tt pr cMit Iroporiy. AG 4M7. ( (re icon 1m n. WANTED $2;ioo, prlaie iiinm y, threv years, good socnriiy. bs E. 3Tth st. So. PERSONAL. llAWt-H All-11 A lit-HA 111. 26-inch con en l hair sw m h "S 0-inch coiivt-iit hair swiuhes. gry.. 4.' llHiraressing Face mussatte -' Shampoo Manicure, 25c; 5 ior 1 .on 12 scuip treutmt-nls 5 l Superfluous liuir reiitoved by tltdria needle; gu-rahltej l.ot to irturn. Cut hair. In any bal ; swinnes, ny Iriifcin; piit-e hiil. s.iiuiiy Puriois. 40 4 1 2 Dfkum tilif.. .'"J mid N whtnion. A U CREDIT ASSOCIATION. Will furnish tivoit to n- s, well-to-do ami all woriliy hon.-st popi at J depHrtlliitil. whuls;ii. ilollnliJi Mini otfif-r dotes, ut CASH PKiCI-;s. E.isy pnunts. 3(4 Concord bitlg , 2d and etai k. Tel. 7nM Mhiii. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MAM--CHE. Long experleiue, t..-sl i ffrfiici ; (rent mollis for rheuiiiulisin and Imiiio.ii, eu , niakHg and baths, Imiy hjsishi.u 4.. Salmon. Cutuur LUlu Sluish-.l Ope Sundays, i FEHVET A II AN Eli UT. Leading wig and loupe him krrs; linnet totk hair goous. swiu At from up; hHirdiensiiig.inanuudiig, f.n und a l eattneiit, ouitungs mail up lo omi r. 3 47 Li onilway. Aloi rison. Main 5H BALD epots tivsted, ec-ma currd. free trestment with etry pur.liae of toni. RMdiant inaiiii uie, .-. U neva km. Reilly. f'l Abington b.-ig. M. 12t Lf.MBKELLAS All colors nd Mylrt, Imi'nl sioik, re-coTeriiiK. new humioits put ut. Alpredli h's, tf-'i Waslniigton st. MADE OF YOLK (,'ti.MMIMiS. Switclu'S 95c. cutis and puns. Lc; tai y Beauiy i'arion. 4Q Dekum. MISS ETHER HEUG, uiani. urln. h-tr:i 'tieatiuents. 412-413 Northwwst bidg. Hours 10 to 8. aPiitlTUALISM Rev. ilary A. Price. 'licls Tues -i V etl. anu niu.. i . ftva-mga aaiiy. 003 5th st. Marshall SJOu, mTsS EUSlfSItLOCK. msnirurlng and Slee trlc trf.tmciiis. 322 FlJedusr b.tlg. Hours 10 to 8. SCIENTIFIC tna-'usp, genuine tub baths, alcoholic and magiit tie treatment a chi ropody, manicuring. iw4 Macieay bldg. BEAUTY parlors, facl:il an.i s n tp tt-i - in Is a epct'iu ny. ituuin .mu vi jioc-t, 2 U and Yamhill. KLECTR10 vihrator for rheumatism, neural gia, facial anu u ip im iuiui , ri-asou- a tile. l'hone Marshall 2". SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental und spiritual hi- en 1 1st, fat (ut mu wai'T. ahmix hi rig. CjtifcMtlons Wed.. t P. M. M;itn . MKS & I E V K N.i, i yfara roriliii re- palmistry Made Kny." 201 H .Morrison U COMPKTKNT music teacher will gUs plane leHSOIlS in u-auiu-i m lii'lfi'-, pi hour. Miff Jours. Marfhail 5.("Q. Div'OKCE Lawyer of 25 yrs' cxperlnua; reliable auvico given iree. u ivoiiicniiu bldg., 2 Washington. THE FUlt SIKH'. New orders and remodeling; brt work; lowest pr:c.-a; trimming. 717 f-wtianr hid. MOLES, sup'-rf Iijoik hair removt-d. Mia. U D. Hill, 4-i Mieuner mug. ftiain MISS MAUI- JOHN.1" N. C 1 1 1 ro po nisni'uring panots 4ou .a st. A i.v BAl.M OF Fl'IS compound I loyal Touts Tan lots 0M i.'avis st. I'none .i.iin KSiSON'S tu phr.nology a 235 Oih st. Phone Main id i. wd rdiuga 7 5 1 H. MASEI'SE Finnish gradual: face nnl clp speciiiity .N. j ii n. i i Bl'ST. arms and neck developing. tit Urn a d w a y D i n g. CH IR. He : m baths M. 0. MaU.ay bidg. H I RopK ACT1C: W trtaim.nia Ho;