Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 31, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Entered at Portland. Oron, Fostofflcs as
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unday and Weekly, one year -
(By Carrier.)
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Hew to Remit Bend Fostoftice money or.
ner, axpreaui order or pergonal check .on your
local bank, Stamps, coin or currency are at
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Poetise Kates 18 to 16 pases. 1 cent; 18
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tents; 78 to 62 paces. 6 centa. Foreign poat-
double rates.
Eastern Business Office Verree Conk
Jin, Mew York. Brunswick bulldinc; Cnl
csee. tunj.r buildin.
6n anclsco Office- R. J. Bldwell Com
Dsuy. 742 Market street.
: rORTLAM, THXRSDAY, DEC. 81, 1914.
While Franklin T. Griffith is pres-
- ident of the greatest hydro-electric
: company in Oregon, hla criticisms of
the Ferris power-site leasing bill show
the Interests of power companies to be
generally Identical with those of the
state. Oregon's interest demands that
- -water power be developed, but it can
: not be developed without the employ
; ment of large blocks of capital. Any
" Jaw which prevents the employment
or mis. capital or renders tne opera
tions or its owners unnecessarily ex-
; pensive is injurious not only to the
, Investors but to the state and to all of
, Its people. We need feel no alarm as
to the size of any investment in one
,- or several allied enterprises, for the
state has ample power to regulate the
operations of electric companies and
has demonstrated its readiness to ex
ercise that power with regard to the
greatest corporations.
In the face of this evidence of the
- state 3 paramount Interest in water
j power development and of this demon
stration or tne state s readiness to con-
, trol corporations in the public inter
est, the Ferris bill proposes to lay
j 'down the conditions under which the
uuveiupmeiit anai oe nmue ana unaer
wmcn the business shall be conducted.
" It concedes the state control of rates
V only as to power sold within its bor
ders ana oniy wnen mat state nas a
-.regulative body. The Secretary of the
. Interior is made a judge of the effi-
- ciency of state regulation and by his
. ,ah mid jvv:uiiieni, (ii.y tosu xaio ;uii
trol. Any electric current that crosses
on terms dictated by him. The Na
tion assumes supreme power and
grudgingly yields a very limited power
to the state, which it treats not as a
sovereign with powers limited only by
the National Constitution, but as a
province of a centralized government,
whence flows all governmental au
thority. This broad assumption of power is
based on the fact that the Government
owns me tana adjacent to water power
and some of the land across which
electric current is to be transmitted.
' The state owns the water in non-navigable
streams; the Federal courts
have so decided. The state has made
a code of laws governing the disposal
; of water and administers it efficiently.
The state has provided machinery to
regulate the operation of power com
panles. The state has done all that lg
: humanly possible to guard the public
; Interest, yet Congress steps in, lnso
i Jently assumes the state to be corrupt
; or incompetent and attempts to take
all authority to itself. This broad as
sumption of authority is based on the
' incidental fact that the Government
- owns the little patch of land on which
- a. power plant must be built and some
ef the land across which wires must
! be stretched. The action of Congress
I may be compared to the attempt to
balance an inverted pyramid on its
' apex.
The Government should, in Justice,
have no more voice in making Water
i power laws than any private owner of
power sites. Such laws are made pri
marily to govern the disposal of the
"water, which is the state's and is sub
ject only to state Jurisdiction. The
power site is a mere adjunct to the
;. water and derives its value only there
: from. Even as to interstate power
transmission the Federal constitution
would sanction a treaty between the
states concerned, subject only to the
.' approval of Congress. No room re-
nains for Federal authority except to
decide on terms for use of power sites
.-' and of right of way for transmission
, lines. Mr. Griffith well Illustrates the
I exrent of the Government's usurpation
when he says:
Ninety-nine per cent of the land neees.
t. earlly used in the making; of a water-power
development. Including; rights of way for
irwnBrajssion lines, mignt pe on privately
owned land, but if 1 per cent of the land
; so used Is in the nubile domain, then the
; control or the Federal Government would
attach to the entire development.
i Did Congress propose to use wisely
the authority which it thus attempts
; to usurp, the West might protest less
vigorously, but it does not. The spon
; or for the bill comes from Oklahoma,
.' a granger state not noted for Its water
, power, and he seems to have fallen
.' tinder the influence of those doctrjn
' aires who are obsessed with a morbid
creaa or monopoly. Tne Ferris bill
frowns on coupling up of plants,
- though the entire lower "Willamette
Valley enjoys the benefits of that prac
tice in an unfailing supply. The bill
would permit the Government, on the
expiration of a lease, to wrench one
plant apart from the system of which
it forms a part, and thus to disorgan
ize the whole system. The bill forbids
sale to a single customer of more than
60 per cent of the output of a certain
power plant, though it is conceivable
that a single great industry, of great
public benefit, might consume the en
tire output. The bill forbids sale by a
generating to a distributing company,
though circumstances might make
that practice beneficial to the public.
Bo far as It does recognize the state's
right to regulation, its effect is bad,
for it subjects power developers to
.dual control, and its two rulers might
work at cross purposes. The restric
tions, regulations and rentals provided
by the bill would place companies op
erating under the bill at a disadvan
tage as compared with companies al
ready in the field, which absolutely
own their power sites and right of way
tlon. These existing companies com
, (3ose what the ultra-conservationists
, call the trust. If they do, their in
terest lies in welcoming such obstacles
to competition as the Ferris bill in-
, way for more development.
Secretary Lane, confident In his own
knowledge of the West, In his sympa-
V-fiy W1L1I J LJ C... UIWVH Oa.U .1, Alia UU
doubte&iy good intentions, bad a hand
In framing the Ferris bill and has en
dorsed it as it came from the House.
It reposes wide discretion in the Sec
retary of the Interior, making him
practically dictator of the power In
dustry. Power Interests might be will
ing to accept the dictatorship of Mr.
Lane, but through the fifty-year term
of a lease there would be a long suc
cession of secretaries of varying
views, moods and prejudices.'
The time to secure radical amend
ment of the bill is now, nvhile it is be
fore the Senate, and it is incumbent on
the water-power states to act vigor
ously in defense of their rights. The
Oregon Legislature should take the
lead in calling a conference of official
delegates from these states to seek
amendment of the bill and, in case of
failure, to unite on a policy for defense
of the rights of the states.
cocstbv Axr city.
The Portland members of the lower house
of the State Legislature have selected Ben
Selling; as their candidate for Speaker. Tb
delegates from that city are holding weekly
meetings to coaaider legislative questions
and outline plans for action when the Legis
lature meets at Salem. By thus laying their
plans end working together the Senators
and Representatives from that city will ac
complish a great deal more and have more
Influence In shaping the course of legisla
tion than would the same men should they
attempt to work without organizing their
forcea. rlorence (Or.) West.
Here is a true and candid statement
of the legislative situation, so far as
it concerns the Multnomah delegation.
The twelve members of the House and
the seven members of the Senate have
already begun systematic considera
tion of the large problems to be met
during the Legislature. They .seek
above all to ascertain the facts on any
given subject so that they may be
thoroughly equipped to devise a rem
edy at Salem. They confer for mutual
lnftfrmation.and for the state's benefit.
They will be ready to meet with in
formed minds the suggestions, or pro
posals, of other members, when the
time comes.
Tet we discover that there is al
ready talk of a "Portland ma
chine." It comes from sources
which have their own personal ends
to subserve, and which find the dele
gation from Multnomah County an ob
stacle in their way. They have had
the extraordinary temerity to seek to
array- the "country" members against
the "city" members. It is a wholly
false issue- The politician or the
newspaper which seeks to raise it de
serves, and will get, widespread repro
bation. This is no time for small sec
tional disputes or little envies.
The Multnomah delegation is fortu
nate in having within its membership
a number of important citizens, ex
perienced in legislative matters, who
are seeking to serve the state. They
are in thorough earnest about their
duties, and they will have at Salem
the influence they are entitled to have.
Is it possible that any person any
where in Oregon, or any member of
the Legislature, would have preferred
that Multnomah elect a delegation less
Let us suppose, mainly for the sake
of mental diversion, that President
"Wilson should press our present griev
ance against Great Britain and that
the British should show no inclination
to accept our point of view. Let us
then suppose, that Mr. Wilson should
Insist upon a satisfactory settlement
for outrages on American shipping.
This, we take it, is not at all likely to
happen, for the reason that the Admin
istration has never shown any stability
In diplomatic matters and the present
demands doubtless are merely the
basis of presenting claims for damages
at a much later date.
But, once more, supposing that the
limits of diplomacy reaches
without our point being recognized.
What would we do about it? What
could we do about it?
While Great Britain Js row fully
absorbed in a deadly struggle with
European forces, yet 6he could with
ease detach several squadrons for
other service should the issue be
forced. These would suffice to keep
our main fleet on the alert in the At
lantic. And then how about the Pa
cific, where Great Britain's powerful
ally, Japan, stands ready to aid her
friend, particularly in a struggle of
mutual interests. With such a situa
tion confronting us we could not send
our whole fleet to the Pacific, nor
could we maintain it in the Atlantic,
What would we do with It? Divided,
it would fall reatly prey to one force
or the other. United, it could not be
in two places at once, nor could It pur
sue an elusive enemy to that enemy's
base and thus meet the enemy's ar
madas in detail. As to the possibili
ties of military operations, it is un
profitable even to consider them, for
the reason that we have no army nor
any present means of raising one.
These suppositions, of course, are
quite far fetched almost as much so
as the possibility of a world war as
viewed from the standpoint of a year
ago. It does not strike The Oregoniart
as at all probable that we shall have
trouble with Great Britain or Japan or
both of them. But it might not be ac
all unprofitable for Americans to
check up their limitations and note
just what predicament wi would be
in if some of the dire possibilities of
international estrangement should ever
be realteed.
the cosrarxiaTY bxxg.
The community sing at the armory
was an unqualified success. The as
sembly was pleasingly large and the
singing was by no means confined to
a few. Voices welled up from all parts
of the house. It was astonishing to
discover that so many mature men and
women remember the good old tunes
that were popular a generation ago.
Some of them will be popular forever,
but others will naturally drop out be
fore new favorites like Tlpperary,
As far as enthusiasm went, "Tlp
perary" was more liked than any other
song. The people could not sing it
often enough and the charming chorus
of schoolchildren rendered it with
more of a will than any other selec
tion. Was it because the profound
melancholy of the piece harmonizes
with our current pessimism? The big
congregation sang "Dixie Land" better
than anything else because they at
tacked it crisply and carried the tune
through with vim and precision.
All congregational Blnging is made
difficult by the Ineradicable tendency
to drag the notes. Unless the people
are constantly prodded they will seize
the notes and turn them into long
drawn howls of woe, making the mer
riest piece a sample of Scotch psalm
ody at its worst. At the next commu
nity sing It may be a good plan to let
the band lead the tunes. If the play
ers set a merry pace and keep it up
as they should the assembly will be
forced to step lively. The pianos did
their best to hold the voices up to the
mark, but of course they were drowned
by the multitude. The band could not
be thus overwhelmed. There Is no
reason why we should not hear the
same keen beauty and agility of at
tack at the community sings as in the
Catholic choirs. The chorus of school
children actually achieved this at the
armory. The whole assembly can do
the same with sufficiently vigorous
prodding from the band.
Apple growers are vitally interested
in the meeting of the By-Products
committee which is to be held at
Seattle, January 22. It Is commonly
agreed that the profitable disposal of
by-products is the key to the prosper
ity of the apple business in this part
of the country. How to accomplish
this important task is the question be
fore the committee. Of course more
can be done if there is complete co
operation among the orchardists in all
parts of the Northwest, As long as
some pull one way and some another
there is little hope of reaching the re
sults desired.
In order to bring about more unity
of effort the by-products committee
has issued a call for an apple growers'
convention to meet January 22 in Seat
tle. The committee will meet the next
day and will thus enjoy the benefit of
the growers' deliberations. Each or
chard district is invited to send ten
delegates to this convention. No com
munity which is alive to its own inter
ests will neglect to accept the invita
tion. The apple growers of the North
west are confronted by a real crisis
in their business and unless they be
come thoroughly awake to the situa
tion the future does not look bright
for them. The Oregonian publishes in
another place the call for the meeting
of the by-products committee signed
by the chairman, W. H. Paulhamus, a
gentleman who thoroughly under
stands the problem of marketing fruit
and has done as much as anybody to
help solve it.
The comment of Eastern newspa
pers on the vote of the House on Na
tional prohibition, a synopsis of which
is published in another column, recog
nizes the growing strength of the mor
al sentiment against the liquor traffic,
but is almost universally hostile to
prohibition as the best remedy. Na
tional prohibition, is attacked from
every point of view as a remedy for
intemperance which has been proved
inefficacious, as a violation of state
rights, as an Invasion of personal lib
erty, as a National confession that we
Americans lack self-control, and as it
self intemperate.
The liquor traffic not only has its
strongest hold in the East, but that
section has in its population a larger
proportion than the West of foreign
born people to whom restriction of
their personal habits is repugnant. The
West and South have a larger propor
tion of native-born people and of ag
riculturists, who more readily take up
the moral argument for prohibition.
Western people have a broader horizon
and look at public affairs from a Na
tional viewpoint. They refuse to be
hampered by state Jlnes in viewing
questions of general moment, such as
prohibition is becoming. In the South
liquor is Involved with the race ques
tion. In his desire to "keep liquor
away from the nigger" the Southerner
forgets his beloved state rights and is
willing to limit his personal freedom.
The Oregonian can indorse the sen
timent of the New York Evening Sun
that "the clashing of these contend
ing armies serves to make us all think,
to make us all study the subject, to
prepare the way for a calmer and more
thoughtful solution of it than is pos
sible in the heat of such a struggle."
Many influences other than the law
are at work and are actually promot
ing temperance and placing a stigma
on Intemperance. These influences
may become so potent that they may
convince the majority that prohibition
Is unnecessary or they may make it a
mere ratification of an almost com
pletely accomplished fact.
When China was declared a repub
lic missionaries and other Westerners
fondly believed that a total change had
taken place In the national spirit.
Among other welcome transformations
was that' of the old religious spirit.
Under a republic they expected that
Confucius and all his works would be
relegated to oblivion. But Jt has not
turned out as they hoped. The Con
fucian ceremonial has now been re
stored in its fullness. The President
of the Chinese republic sacrificed to
Heaven at the Christmas season this
year and he will repeat the rite at the
Summer solstice as the ancient faith
requires. In addition to that, each
minor official must perform similar
rites as circumstances permit in the
local sanctuaries.
The ceremonies are all prescribed
by law. They are in fact an integral
part of the Chinese constitution. The
President's performance of them in
dicates to his people that he Is firmly
established in power and ready to suc
ceed the deposed dynasty in its religi
ous offices. Confucius thus regains his
hold on the Chinese and hoary tradi
tion resumes that sway over them
which seemed for a time to have
been dispelled forevef. "
The resumption of the Confucian
ceremonial presents some pretty prob
lems to Chinese Christians, if there
are such creatures. In order to hold
even a petty office in the republic
they must consent to make sacrifice
to heaven and pay the proper tribute
to Confucius. This some of them will
probably, not be willing to flo. It
would amount to nothing more serious,
we may suppose than the habitual dis
obedience to the precepts of our re
ligion which we practice at home.
Christians, for example, are expressly
forbidden to take an oath, but they
disregard the prohibition with un
troubled consciences. Chinese con
verts may learn in time to offer the
legal sacrifices with similar serenity of
soul. These things are often a matter
of habit rather than of doctrine. One
may believe a number of things with
out any particular effect upon his con.
duct if he discreetly schools his con
President Hadleys article on Treit
schke in the Yale Review demon
strates one fact pretty clearly. He
knows a good deal more about rail
roads than he does about philosophy.
His remark that Treitschke had no
intellectual kinship with Nietzsche
shows how little he understood either
of them. The two philosophers were
twin brothers as far as doctrine was
concerned. This has been perceived
recently by almost every writer except
President Hadley. He naturally takes
the view that everybody else is mis
taken, but tipsy men are in the habit
of seeing the room whirl round while
they alone are stable.
Take one point for an example
of many. President Hadley says
Treitschke is the opposite of Nietschke
because he taught the doctrine of sac
rifice, while Nietzsche upheld the ut
terly selfish superman. On the sur
face this is so, but only on the surface.
Nietschke taught sacrifice, too. In his
theory everybody not a superman must
bow down to the blond beast, live and
work for him. If this Is not sacrifice
full and complete what is it? To be
sure, it Is not always voluntary, but
neither is the sacrifice that Treitschke
His theory Is the exact parallel of
NIetschke's, as we immediately under
stand when for "superman" we write
"almighty state." Treitschke put the
all-dominant state where Nietzsche
put the blond beast, but one Is as
much a beast as the other, just as
ruthless. Just as exacting. Just as con
scienceless. The monstrous vision that
appeared to Nietzsche as an overgrown
man showed itself to Treitschke as an
overgrown governing class.
In practice what is the difference?
The individual is completely sacrificed
In both cases. According to Nietzsche
the superman makes his own rules of
right and wrong n the light of his
own lusts. According to Treitschke
the almighty state does the same
thing. Neither philosopher admits
any such entities as eternal principles
of right and wrong. It is all a matter
of self-interest. Neither one of them
has a spark of originality in his Infer
nal teaching. It all runs back to the
Greek sophists, some of whom taught
the same things. All that the mod
erns have done is to veneer the old
fallacies with a thin coat of up-to-date
A scientist of the Geological Sur
vey deduces this world is one hundred
million years old, and another affirms
man's ascent from the ape. As these
learned men would strike from the
records the incidents of Moses in the
bulrushes, Jonah in the whale and
David and Goliath in the ring, with a
lot of other interesting matter, those
who desire can believe them, but the
great majority will not.
One section of our countrymen is
enraged at England for stopping con
traband shipments. Another section
wants all contraband shipments
stopped by Congress, at least such as
go to the allies. Between the two we
dare say commerce will pursue its way
about as it has been doing. It is not
the business of this country to cut its
own nose off to stop the war.
"Safety first" as a principle of ac
tion, has apparently not penetrated yet
as far as Echo. The woman who
crawled under a train at that place
to cross the track could hardly have
expected to emerge alive. She cared
more for saving a few minutes' time
than for her safety. Now time does
not exist for her and safety is a mat
ter of indifference.
The legislators who think music is of
small consequence as a school study
need to revise their estimates of rela
tive values. The man who has no mu
sic in his soul, as we are taught by a
great authority, "is fit for treasons,
stratagems and spoils." Do we want
the dear little children to grow up
The five million dollars' worth of
American meat seized during the past
six weeks must be released. Calling
the Chicago product "conditional" con
traband Is merely fitting the act to
British coast towns want an Investi
gation of national unpreparedness to
prevent German naval raids. Rather
late to Investigate the lack of locks on
the barn door after the mare has been
A news dispatch says fifty Ameri
cans repelled a mob of 150 Mexicans
in a Texas town Tuesday night, which,
has an incredible sound. Why so
many Texans in a waste of endeavor?
Champ Clark announces he will not
be a candidate in 1916, but you do not
hear anything from crosser of gold
and crowner of thorns on the subject.
He is so deep he is dumb.
The French are concentrating for a
forward movement in Alsace. With
proper concentration and initiative
they may make a gain of half a dozen
Frequent changing of women's styles
is blamed for much unemployment
Also explains why many of us have
our noses so close to the grindstone.
Commissioner Brewster has old
fashioned ideas about making a city
employe work on a holiday as if any
thing would be done.
The Senate is lining up for a fight
with Mr. Wilson over patronage. Why
can't Mr. Bryan ring in the A. B. C.
Lloyds now quotes the United States
as a war risk. Ah, stop making the
chills run down our spine!
Great Britain having received our
note in an amicable manner, no doubt
Mr. Bryan will be able to sleep of
Berlin now admits that the Aus
trian army is inferior. Which makes
the opinion unanimous outside of Austria-
Only half a century has passed since
Great Britain was selling to the Cone
federate Government.
Study the new transfer system and
do not growl at the conductor. He
has other troubles.
The moon will be full tomorrow.
Bad start for the !new year, so to
La France walked right out and
turned around and walked right in
Petrograd denies wanting peace. Or
at least of having confessed to that
Begin the new year with.At least one
good resolution and stand by it.
According to one expert, football is
safe if the unfit are kept out. But
aren't they?
This is the customary day for part
ing company with old Satan.
Many" of us will not go to bed again
this year.
Many will ride a h'owl car tonight.
Learned to write it 1916 yet?
Stars and Starmaker
Billie Burke is chronicled In the press
as exceedingly proud of her vegetarian
dog, which eats nothing but lentils and
beans and stewed prunes and mattress
like breakfast foods and whatnots in
the hay line. Now that's exactly
what Td call leading a real dog's life.
David Warfield says the thing he
abominates most in the world of the
atricals is curtain speeches. Curtain
calls are nice enough but speeches. "I
abominate them," he says. "For a mu
sical show or with a comic actor, a
speech is all a part of the performance,
a sort of little monologue that can be
made as interesting as the actor
pleases, but for a dignified actor, what
's there to do but step out of his role,
smirk, smile and tell the audience how
much he appreciates its being an audi
ence, and that he thanks them from
the depths of the box office, etc. If
an actor has registered in a role there
is an end of it. The actor who goes
in strong for curtain speeches is the
one who goes later' to the restaurant
for his second round of applause from
the after-theater suppers who watch
him eat." Mr. Warfield calls these
actors the show offers. He talked at
great length on theatrical conditions
and attributes the standing still of
attractions other than the "Auctioneer"
partly to the movies. "A chap can
take his girl to the motion pictures
for 10 cents apiece, where seats at a
theater would eost $2. And you can
get so much for your 10 cents and
it calls for no extras. Theater seats
demand a supper afterward, but the
movies call for only a nice saunter
home in the moonlight or the rain,"
he added.
Pearl Gilman, sister to Maybelle Gil
man Corey, wife of the steel magnate,
has taken another lap in her pictur
esque career and. is cabaretting in the
Indian Grill of the Alexander Hotel In
Los Angeles.
Mary Edgett Baker says she heard
somewhere that the name of Santa
Claus' wife is Mary Xmas.
Ferris Hartman. the comedian, will
make another Pacific Coast tour. He is
organizing in San Francisco what he
says is the best company he ever had
and carries the good wishes of thou
sands of friends in' his enterprise.
Mrs. Leslie Morosco, of the "Watch
Your Step" company. Is suing her hus
band, brother of Oliver Morosco, for
divorce in New York.
Lorena M. Grover. of Pasadena, is
preparing to go into vaudeville with a
partner, featuring the ukelele and voice.
She is a Westfield, N. Y., young wom
an, who has spent five years in Cali
fornia and has assiduously studied, in
addition to appearing In straight dra
matic roles. Like several other Call
fornian young women, she Is a protege
of Ellen Beach Yaw, who has been the
Lady Bountiful for many an aspiring
William Crane Is coming to the
Heilig late this season. He opened his
second season In "The New Henrietta"
at Indianapolis yesterday. Next he
moves into Chicago for an indefinite
run, after which he comes to this Coast.
Associated with Mr. Crane are Thomas
W, Ross, Mavclyn Arbuckle. Amelia
Bingham and Edith Taliaferro.
e e
A company of actors has organized
Itself in England for the purpose of
diverting the British soldiers at the
The plan no doubt aims at cheering
the soldiers with that present preva
lent species of playlet depicting the
horrors of war in such a manner as to
be readily grasped by spectators.
Wlnthrop Ames i has completed the
cast of the American prize play, "Chil
dren of Earth," shortly to be produced.
It includes Effie Shannon, Herbert Kel-
cey, A. E. Anson, Olive Wyndham, Cecil
Yapp, Gilda Varesl, Reginald Barlow,
Mrs. Kate Jepson and Theodore von
Origin of 9iame? Oregon.
SOLDIERS' HOME. Cal., Dec. 28
(To the Editor.) Jor the information
of my old friend, J. C. Moreland, and
others interested I will state that the
name Oregon is derived from Juan De
Fuca's account of his voyage. In which
alluding to the Puget Sound country his
men, after an excursion ashore, brought
off a shrub which they thought was
wild Marjoram, perhaps the same as
that we call wild sage, and De Fuca
mentioned the locality as "Terra Ore
ganum," land of wild Marjoram. From
Oregon to Oreganum is a short cut.
You will find the word Oreganum, as
describing a herbaceous plant in the
Spanish dictionary. Got my information
16 years ago from a Castlllian in Mexico
One Too.
PORTLAND. Dec. 29. (To the Edi
tor.) Please tell me if the following is
correct: There are three too s in the
English language, to, too and two.
Grammatically the sentence is correct,
but as a. statement of fact it is not
correct. There are three words having
the sound of "too," but only one "too."
Opportunity for Living; Genius.
PORTLAND. Dec. 29. (To the Edi
tor.) Apropos the discussion on Eng
lish going on in The Oregonian, it
would be very interesting if some of
your contributing authorities would
parse through your columns the re
curring "living" In the following sen
tence: 'io living man living at Plum
ville cares sufficiently for living to
dig for a living." H. B. P.B.
"la" Is Correct.
FOREST GROVE, Dec. 11. (To th
Editor.) Will you please answer which
is correct, 6 times 7 are 42, or 6 times
7 is 42. Give the reason why it is "are"
or "Is." C L. LARGE.
The .phrase "6 times V Is a common
noun in the singular number. Hence
"is" should follow it.
Rules for Dominoes.
PORTLAND, Dec 29. To the Edi
tor.) Kindly publish rules for game of
dominoes. J. WILSON.
There are several varieties of the
game. Rules for the most common may
be found in any encyclopedia at the
Public Library.
Calling: On a Hermit.
A hermit lacks modern conven
iences, but comparatively little com
pany Invades his sylvan retreat.
Parents) Are Taken to Task.
Atchison Globe.
In the interest of peace in the fam
ily, parents should be more obedient
to their children.
Comment on Iasne as National Qneatlon
in Press of Country.
New York Globe.
Men not at all interested in preserv
ing the business or in using its prod
uct differ as to the Dracticability or
advisability of Imposing rules of per
sonal hygience and sanity upon a na
tion of nearly 100,000.000 people. These
differences may be dissolved. We be
lieve that if a rsation-wide vote upon
the manufacture and sale of liquor
were permitted, the Nation would pro
hibit it. Men who drink would vote
for prohibition not all who drink, but
many who drink. What would happen
thereafter, we do not pretend to know.
It is observable and conceded that
the drift of the Nation is toward re
striction, if not extinction, of the liquor
business. Nation-wide prohibition with
in 10 years? It may be.
Two Tendencies Shown.
Indianapolis News.
There was no dodging. The vote. It
seems to us, shows two things the
strength of the opposition to the liquor
traffic and the tendency away from the
idea of centralization in government
The fortunately growing opposition to
the liquor traffic Is making Itself felt
lr an effective way, and temperance is
today almost a necessary qualification
for service in many departments of
business. We have in the last 25 years
made enormous progress.
So there is no reason for discourage
ment. The movement will go on. Prob
ably we shall In the future think some
what more of self-restraint than we
have been accustomed of late to do,
and less restraint from Washington. As
it is, there is nothing in the vote from
Which the liquor people can derive
much encouragement.
Russianizing: the Rr-oubllc.
New York World.
Of the 16 states commonly referred to
as Southern. 11 voted either unanimous
ly or by a majority in favor of Nation
wide prohibition.
Of members representing the states
that seceded in 1860-61. about 80 per
cent voted, in favor of Nation-wide pro
hibition. In the face of such a showing as this
it will not be advisable for the Demo
cratic party to rest too many hopes
uopn the dissensions past and present
of its opponents. A point that will have
to be considered soon is whether the
organization which at the South styles
itself the Democratic party is Demo
cratic in anything but name.
It is going to be necessary pretty
soon for men and states that would
Russianize this republic to operate un
der true colors. The thing cannot be
done In the name of Democracy.
Temperance Is Not Prohibition.
Boston Transcript.
The attitude of the New England
members was significant and we be
lieve sound. A few months ago a vig
orous crusade was carried on all over
Massachusetts in favor of National pro
hibition. Yet every member of the del
egatlon from this commonwealth, with
one not very important exception, voted
against the resolution. Connecticut,
Rhode Island and New Hampshire
stood solidly against it, while Maine
and Vermont broke even. We have lit
tle reason to doubt that this vote was
fairly representative of popular sent!
ment. Yet there is no section of the
country where peace and order are bet
ter maintained, or one in wnicn tne
moral standards are higher. Temper
ance and prohibition are by' no means
synonymous. In fact they have fre
quently been proved antagonistic, and
even were the record of the latter more
effective than it has ever been it would
not be the best way to advance the
former. National prohibition would be
Invasion of a right that belongs ex
clusivelv to the states if anything does,
The resolution is dead, for the present
at least, and it should have no resur
New York Evening; Sun.
Unfortunately "the liquor question,"
as it is called. Is rarely, we might al
most say never, discussed calmly and
falriv. Tt stirs ud hot blood and bad
feeling as soon as it i3 broached, and
nroduces a state of mind that is ais
tlnctly unfavorable to, if not wholly
inconsistent with, a reasonaDie conciu
sion. The conflict Is an Irrepressible and
inevitable one a conflict between intel
lectual and moral Puritanism and the
moral and intellectual hostility to metn-
ods suggestive of tyranny. Under such
conditions the truth is bound to sutler.
The time will come when the coun
try will consider the question of prohi
bition, state or National, solely on it3
merits as an economic and govern
mental question, wholly apart from the
hostile philosophy of the opposing
schools of ethics. The prohibitionists
damage their cause by intemperance
and intolerance. The real force of the
license argument is lost in the bitter.
ness and passion with which it is pre
sented. But the clashing of the con
tending armies does this much good
that it serves to maice us an tninK. to
make us all study the subject, to pre
pare the way for a calmer and more
thoughtful solution of it than is pos
sible in the heat of such a strugglj as
this. .
Do We Confeasi Lack of Self -Con trol
New YorK Sun.
We must take the figures as repre
senting a very decided, if mistaken,
opinion espoused by millions of man
and women, a serious moral conviction
of the sort Americans have been fond
of, and which even the melodramatic
Captain Sobson, a mistletoe on legs,
cannot make ridiculous.
From Sagamore Hill the astute old
champion player of the game of politics
sees the movement, a glowing and pas
sionate reform. Like enough he will
yank it away from Brother Bryan
whom he has stripped naked of so many
other notions.
The combination of factors against
alcohol was never so potent as it is at
present. Moreover, the resistance of
tnose wno like the Sun believe in tem
perance or volunteer, and not law-
made, conscript teetotalism. is weak.
Are the American people going to
confess that they lack the self-control
to use alcohol properly? Are they go
ing to confess that they are In this re
spect lamentably inferior to the French
and the Germans, those wise and sober
enjoyers of life? We don't believe it.
we don't see these United States as
continental alcoholic ward.
Prohibition Not Democratic.
New York World.
When we had a true Democratic
party, such a thing as National Pro
hibition would have received no more
attention at its hands than a proposi
tion to repeal the Declaration of Inde
pendence. There were three excel
lent reasons. ,
Democrats did not believe in making
men rignteous Dy law. Democrats be
lieved in personal liberty. Democrats
finally had a deep-seated conviction
that in all matters personal, domestic
and social, regulation should be locaL
Those who hope to effect Prohibition
by constitutional law will not stop
there. They are bound to be resisted.
They are bound to persist. We have
two constitutional amendments already
that local self-government has reduced
to blank 'paper. We shall then have
another; or if zeal shall outrun dis
cretion, we shall have an imperialistic
movement for the subversion of the po
lice power of the states. We shall never
have a true solution of the liquor ques.
tlon, until extremists recognize the fact
that men may oppose Prohibition and
still be sober, honest and respectable.
The question is broader than appetite
or habit. Most men are In agreement
as to the evils properly attributable
to the misuse of liquor. There is a wide
field for disagreement as to the best
method of remedying those evils.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
From The Oregonian, December 30, 1SS9.
Oporto, Dec 29 The light has gone
from the life of kind old Dom Pedro.
Beside the bed of his dead wife the ex
Emperor of Brazil weeps, and he him
self is not expected to live long.
Among telegrams of condolence was
one from Queen Victoria. The last
words of thdex-Empress were: "Alas,
Brazil! Brazil! that beautiful country!
I can never return there." The burial
of the ex-Empress will be in the Pan
theon. Countess D'Eu, when notified
of her mother's death at Madrid, col
lapsed. London, Dec. 28. Galdstone, the
eminent statesman celebrated his SOth
birthday anniversary today.
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 29. Mrs.
Robert Tyler died this morning, aged
74. She was the daughter of the
tragedian Thomas Cooper and Mary
Fairlie, a celebrated belle of New
York. In 1840 she married the son of
President Tyler and, owing to the con
tinued illness of the President's wife,
young Mrs. Tyler, at the President's
request, presided as the "Lady of the
White House" during the first three
years of the President's term.
San Francisco Captain T. P. H.
Whitelaw has left for Portland to
make an examination of the sunken
Clan MacKenzIe, rammed by the Ore
gon a few days ago.
Chairman D. P. Thompson, of the
School Board, says he considers four
fifths of the applicants for free tuition
are unworthy.
Possibly no one in the city enjoyed
a happier Christmas than did old Peter
Hart, who recently came from Montana
to have an operation on his eyes. He
was totally blind and Dr. William B.
Watkins, of the hospital staff, gave
as a present to him, the restoration of
his sight, following an operation. Mr.
Hart comes from Missoula and is 64.
For the last six years he had not seen
the light of day.
Plans and specifications for the new
Perkins Hotel, to be elected by R. Per
kins at the northwest corner of Fifth
and Washington streets, have been pre
pared by Justus Krumbein and bids for
the excavation and construction will be
opened today. The plans call for a
building of brick, six stories high with
a tower on the corner.
Frank Dekum, it is well known. Is
opposed to the introduction of electric
motor cars on Washington street,
where ha has extensive property hold
ings, his opposition being based on the
detriment of the polos and wires, etc
He figures electric cars depreciate tbe
value of property 30 to 4 0 per cent,
Dave Campbell, who made an ex
cellent showing against James Cor
bett Saturday evening, announced to
his friends that he would quit the ring
now, having shown his friends and ac
quaintances he could make a showing
against a good man. Corbett. being
one of the cleverest men in the ring,
is not satisfied with the decision, which
was a "draw," although some of the
spectators thought Campbell had the
best of it. Campbell said last night,
however. In answer to Corbett's re
quest to meet him again, he was
through the ring and would go back
to work at Fire House No. 1.
Half a Century Ago
From The Oregonian, December SI, 1S64.
While Charles Kean is certainly an
admirable actor it is still true that at
many times, as evidenced in his recent
performances here, his delivery is so
rapid as to be incoherent. The beauty
of many passages of both Hamlet and
MacBeth were marred by a fast ut
terance that left no chance to compre
hend, much less appreciate the senti
ment. One of the latest sensations of Lon
don life is preaching in the theaters.
There are five houses now thrown
open to preachers every Sunday night.
H. R. Meeker. Auditor and Clerk of
the City of Portland, has issued a notice
to taxpayers that the assessment roll
for 1S64 is open to public inspection
at the offices of the City Recorder
until January 15.
D. W. Williams & Company have a
supply of timothy and wild hay on
hand for sale In bales. Oats straw
by the ball also Is available.
Smith & Davis. 271 Front street, have
been appointed ajrentd for the sale of
New Almaden Quicksilver.
The students of Trinity School. Os
wego, will resume their studies Mon
day, January 2. 1865. No pupils are
received under 10 or over 15 years of
Councilman Bennett dotes on a pair
of fine trotters and delights in a com
fortable and elegant "turn out" gen
erally. He holds the ribbons with
grace and drives with great eclat when
he attempts it. There was a magnifi
cent carriage came for somebody on the
last steamer and yesterday . it was
"navigating" tho Portland streets,
bumping the holes and braving the
elements (meaning mud.) We wondered
who inside dared to fathom mud deeper
than "Holmes Hole" and we discovered
that the carriage contained nine all
either Councllmen or prominent citi
zens. We noticed that the worthy
chairman of our street committee oc
cupied a seat advantageous for tally
ing the bumps and recording the splat
tering of mud and we hope the ex
perience of the party will result in
bringing us mended ways in caring for
our streets.
Mary A. Hawkins, treasurer of the
Latiies' Christian Commission, has is
sued a statement of the proceeds of
the recent fair. The net proceeds were
J1717.25 in coin and $141 in currency
and for membership and" from other
sources $67, making the total $1781.25
in coin and $141 in currency.
Editorials Please
MILWATJKIE, Or., Dec. 29. (To the
Editor.) The editorial page ot The
Oregonian today is a treat worth men
tioning. The writer or academic and
social questions knows whereof he
speaks and articles on these subjects
serve to place The Oregonian in a
class by itself. Let us hope that dur
ing the New Year you will delight your
readers with articles on kindred sub
jects to "A Brave Judge." "Our No
torious Faults" and "Some Hints on
Language." Yours truly,
We enter the New Year with
renewed hope and clearer vision.
North America is finding herself
the sun of prosperity lg peeping
its head above the clouds.
The opportunities the war has
given us are more apparent. The
business difficulties It entailed are
growing less.
We have learned how to help
ourselves and have a surplus to
give to help the stricken across
the sea.
1915 Is going to be a big busi
ness year.
Plan for your share of the pros
perity by planning your advertising
Be aggressive, be alert make
1915 the greatest year in your
business success.