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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1914)
TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 31, 1914. The Year s Last The The Red Cross Appeals To you. Contributions, no matter bow small, axe ac ceptable. Also old linens are very much needed. Official Red Croaa atatlon. Fourth Day of Special Opportunities in Tine Wlhdte Sale of Lingerie A perfect avalanche of white has swept over the undermuslin section. New merchandise, fresh and crisp, has been coming in so fast as to make these days of special opportunity a veritable White Sale within a White Sale. Easy enough to quote prices not so easy to tell of quality. You will find it here, however in every single garment. Quality, style and workmanship are very unusual. Real "bargains" these: Offering the Entire Stock of French and American Made Undermuslins ONE-FIFTH TO ONE-HALF. REGULAR PRICES For instance the French hand-made chemises range from 84c to $7.50 and were $1.25 to $15.00; American-made chemise are 49c to $2.19, were 65c to $2.75. - - French gowns were $2.50 to $62.50. now $1.67 to $31.25; American-made gowns sold regularly at $1.00 to $1 7.50. are now 79c to $11. 98. French combination suits were $2.35 to $63.50, are now $1.57 to $31.75. Those of American make were $1.00 to $17.50. special now 79c to $11.98. And so on down the entire list of undergarments, you will find the reductions equally as attractive on Princess slips, corset covers, skirts and drawers. Fourth Floor ALLIES REPEL FOES, Perceptible Advance in Cham pagne Reported, Territory Won Near Nieuport. ARTILLERY DUELS GO ON Germans Bornbard St. Georges Vig orously in Effort to Recover Ixst Ground Now Being: Put in State of New Defense. PARIS, Dec. SO. The following: off! cial communication was Issued by the War Office tonight: "There are no important incidents to report except bombardments in the region of Arras and on the heights of the Meuse and progress In Champagne, which seems to have been quite pro nounced. "The bad weather persists along the greater part of the front. Gains Made Near Nieuport. The earlier official report says slight gains were made near Nieuport. This communication also recites other points along the line where German attacks have been driven back. There has been heavy bombarding at St. Georges, in the Alsne region, and on the heights of the Meuse. The text of the communication follows: "In Belgium we have won a little territory In the region of Nieuport, op posite Polders, and to the north of Lorn baertzyde. The enemy subjected St. Georges to a violent bombardment. This is the position we are putting in a etate of defense. German Point of Support Taken. "We. have captured a German point of support located to the southeast of bonneoeke on the road between Bece laere and Paschendaele. "From the Ly3 to the Oise there is nothing to report. "In the Valley of the Aisne and In Champagne the enemy has manifested another burst of activity, which has taken the form particularly of a violent artillery fire, to which our heavy ar tillery replied effectively. "In the Argonne we have made slight progress in the region of Four-de-Parls. German Howitzers Silenced. "Between the Argonne and the Mo selle there has been cannonading along all the front, but particularly severe along the heights of the Meuse. "In the Vosges the enemy delivered an attack against our positions at La Tete-de-Faux; this was repulsed. "In Upper Alsace we have been con solldating our positions. Our heavy artillery reduced to silence the German howitzers which were bombarding Upper Aspacn." FARMS ECLIPSE RECORDS fContlnued From First Pape.) of all items is to be regarded as an Index number, or from a relative rather than from an absolute point of view.1 Sales Pr Farm Are 9892. The sales of crops last year were estimated at $2,928,000,000; sales of live MAKING SOME GAINS Store Is cMerckandis White Sale of Lace Curtains Catching the spirit of the month, the great Upholstery Gallery blooms forth in garlands of white, culled from" the very choice collection of lace curtains gathered for this White Sale. Net Curtains $1.29 and $1.49 Pair Selling Regularly at $2.50 to $4.00 the Pair Curtains made of fine quality net in white and ecru. Finished with braid trim ming applied in straight or novelty effects, some with deep hems held in place with braid. 2 Yz yards long and 36 to 40 inches wide. Finest Scrim and Net Curtains In this assortment we offer some of our very finest lace curtains in handsome real lace patterns insertions of lace and edgings to match, heavily braided effects cluny laces and filet lace designs. In white and ecru. 2J4 yards long and from 40 to 50 inches wide. $4.00 to $3.00 Curtains, $2.89 $6.00 to $6.50 Curtains, $3.85 $55.00 to $60.00 Wilton Rugs $43.50 Here are Bigelow and other standard qualities of superior Wilton rugs, shown in an unusually large variety of patterns and beautiful colorings. Rugs such as these are suitable for living-rooms, dining-rooms and bedrooms. In size 9x12 feet. Fifth Floor stock, $2,919,000,000. a total of 85,837, -000,000. The estimated value of total sales per farm was $892 and sales per capita, of rural population (excluding towns) S139. The value of the principal farm crops this year was:" Corn, 11,702,599,000; wheat, $878,680,- 000; hay, $779,068,000; cotton, $519,616, 000; oats, $499,413,000; potatoes, $198,- 609,000; barley, $105,903,000; tobacco, $101,411,000; sweet potatoes, $41,294,- 000; rye,, $37,018,000; sugar beets, $27,- 950,000; rice, $21,849,000; flaxseed, $19, 540,000. and buckwheat, $12,892,000. In the production of the foregoing 14 principal crops, this year's average was about 10 per cent larger than in 1913, and 6 per cent smaller than 1912, which year stands as one of the great est aggregate productions in the United States. -This year two important crops exceeded previous records wheat, with 891,000,000 bushels, following the 1913 record of 763,000,000 bushels, and cot ton, with 15,966,000 bales (preliminary estimate), the previous record being 15,693,000 bales in 1911. The value per acre of all enumerated THE OREGONIAN ANNUAL IN GREEN WRAPPERS. .. The Oregonian Annual will he on sale Friday morning, Jan nary 1. Copies desired for mail ing will be rolled in neat green wrappers, with necessary post age. Supplies of The Annual will be available at various prominent street corners, as well as at The Oregonian office, where addresses may be left. Copies all ready for mailing will be sent anywhere in the United States and its possessions, Can ada and Mexico for 10 cents. The price for single copies un stamped is 5 cents each. Be sure to send copies of The An nual, Oregon's greatest advertis ing medium, to your friends in other states. Look for the green wrappers. crops averaged about $16.44 this year, compared with $16.52 in 1913 and $16.15 in 1912. 2 MORE CARGOES HELD UP Great Britain Seizes American Cop per Bound for Sweden. "WASHINGTON, Dec 80. Detention by British authorities of the Swedish steamer New Sweden, carrying 730 tons of American copper for Stockholm, at Newcastle, and of tne Norwegian steam er Sorland, carrying 600 tons for the same port, at Lelth, December 28, was reported today to the State Department by the American Smelting & Refining Company. The company, has advised the State Department it has been unable to get advices of the disposal of the ship ments. The department has made in quiries of Great Britain. The New Sweden sailed from New York December 16 for Gothenburg via Klrkwell, and the Sorland sailed from New York on November 27 for the same place. War Insurance Kates Reduced. LONDON. Dec. 80. The government rate on insurance of cargo against war risks will be reduced, it was announced today, from one and one-half guineas to one guinea per cent. The new rate takes effect December 31. Shopping Opportunity, and the rilliant of cJ Merit Only" $7.00 to $8.00 Curtains, $4.95 $11 to $12 Curtains , . . .$7.75 ER HONORS DEAD FOES Burial of Frenchmen Fatally Wounded in Battle Is With Military Rites. CAPTIVES WELL TREATED Details of Sinking: of Destroyer Mousquet October'J,26 Off Penang Just Made Known War Ves sel Surprised and Attacked. PARIS, France, Dec. 30. (Special.) A new example of the magnanimity of Captain von Muller, of the German cruiser Emden, has come to light through the columns of a newspaper published in Saigon, the capital of French Indo-China. Perhaps naval ethics are superior to those of the army, or perhaps fighting a long dis tance from home makes men less sav age, but certainly the following story of courteous warfare and respect and honor paid by the conqueror to the conquered shines brilliantly among so many dark pictures of relentless war fare. The , world knows that on October 26 the German cruiser Kmden sunk the French destroyer Mousquet of Penang, one of the islands of the Straits Set tlements, but the details have only now become known in France. The com mandant of the Mousquet mistook the Emden for a British cruiser and let it approach to within a distance of two miles and a half, when it hoisted the German flag and opened fire. The commandant, named Theroinne, prepared to give battle, but before the men were at their posts the Emden fired and killed or wounded many French sailors, among whom were the pilot, Pege, and the wireless operators, Albertlnl and Pietri. From this time on the Mousquet was without a chance of escape. One by one the crew were struck and - soon a shell crashed through the side of the French vessel and entered the boiler. The little de stroyer began to go down by the head. The Emden ceased firing. Command ant Theroinne. for the first time, de scended from the bridge and began dis tributing life preservers, buoys and hatch gratings. He himself was wound, ed, two thin streams of blood flowing down his face. In a moment most of the crew who were able to do so had leaped into the sea. The Kmden fired again and the commandant ran for ward to give aid to two wounded sol diers. He was in the act of throwing life buoys when the Mousquet disap peared. M. Theroinne succeeded in finding support for some time on a floating box. but owing to an accident, he was again thrown into the water and never reappeared. Ensign Carissan was saved and assumed the commander's place. The Emden lowered two boats and res cued the survivors, beginning with those farthest from the vessel. One, Annamit, preferred trusting to a floating barrel to being rescued. Then a siren whistle from the Emden recalled the rescue parties, as French torpedo boats had been sighted. Those not wounded were given quarters on the Emden's deck and the wounded were installed in the Infirmary, .Ger EH! COMMAND With Intensely Gripping Sales Order By Mail This Great Sale of Linens Is Every Housewife's Opportunity Hundreds of Dollars' Worth of FINE LINENS from a superb banquet cloth down to the smallest doily Have Been Marked at Deep Reductions Baement A Very Special Sale Shoes for Misses and Children Patent colt button shoes in black, with cloth tops, 4 foxed, with tip of same, sen sible shapes for growing feet Also dull calf button shoes for everyday wear, with plump soles, foxed, also sensible shapes. Sizes 6 to 8, special $1.50 Sizes 8 to 11, special $2.00 Sizes HVz to 2, sp'l $2.25 Sizes 2V2 to 2, sp I $2.75 These shoes come in a style as shown in the illus tration. - Basement man sailors gave clothing to the French prisoners. . On the night of October 28-29 two of the latter. Barbaroux and Stephan. died of their wounds. The German crew. Including the Prince of Hohenzollern, a nephew of the Kaiser, buried the dead Frenchmen, who were wrapped in the trl-colors with all mili tary honors. The Emden's captain recited prayers for the dead and made a speech in Ger man, closing with the words in French: "We pray for these brave men who died from wounds received in glorious combat." Eventually the French survivors were placed aboard the English freighter Newbern and landed at Sabank, a port in the Dutch feast Indies. Courtesy and charity toward his enemies char acterized all the actions of the Emden's captain, who deserves to be remem bered equally for his qualities of mercy and his splendid naval achievements. OREGON FOLKS ARE FIRST Continued From First Page.) in her colonization and development work, and pointed to the Portland Com mercial Club as the model of every other city on the Coast. C. C Moore, president of the exposi tion, was surprised at the close of the dedication ceremonies by initiation into membership in the Royal Rosarians. J. E. Werlein. representing the Mayor of Portland, and acting as prime min ister of the Rosarians, conferred the degree on Mr. Moore and Mrs. J. F. Logan as Grand Duchess of Rosaria, bestowed on him the jewel of the order. In his acceptance of the initiation Mr. Moore spoke again flatteringly of Portland as the first city that had been able to perfect and put Into ef fective work an organization for furthering The city's fame and in terests such as the Rosarians. "After we decided that it was im CORSETS $2.50, $3.00 AND $3.50 W. B. NUFORM CORSETS Special $1.95 Pair Four distinct models of W. B. corsets, fashioned with the low or medium bust and very long over the abdomen, hips and back. Web supporters attached to the front and sides. These models are suitable for the slender, average and full figures, some having insets of rubber gussets. Made of plain coutil, fancy broche; trimmed with embroidery and lace. W. B. and Nadia Corsets $1.48 Pair Selling Regularly to $2.00 These models are made of excellent quality coutil, trimmed with em broidery bands. Suitable for the average figure. With low bust and extreme length over the hips, abdomen and back. Three pairs of hose supporters attached. Sizes 19 to 30. $5.00 W. B. Reduso Corsets $3.50 These corsets are made of the finest quality coutil, having medium bust and extreme length over the hips and back. Broad front steels to give support and straight lines over the abdomen. Deep bust gores to support the front, also rubber gussets to give ease when sitting. Heavy webbing supporters attached. $1.00 and $1.25 Brassieres 79c These brassieres are made of excellent quality of cambric, cut with round neck and finished with embroidery edges and insertions and many have the seams joined with fine veining. In cross back and hook front styles, also rein forced under the arms. In sizes 34 to 46. -Fourth Floor. i!SMendbsnoWro' Merit OnSf LOW PRICES PREVAIL THROUGHOUT ENTIRE STORE OF WOMEN'S APPAREL The greatest money-saving opportunities of the season, affording the public an opportunity of choosing from the latest Fall and Winter-fashions in coats, dresses, waists, skirts, furs and suits at reductions that have no equal. (In fact every garment is reduced.) Today we specially call your attention to the following extra specials : Continuing Our Great Sale of Women's Silk, Velvet and Serge Dresses At $11.95 SELLING REGULARLY UP TO $35.00 An assemblage of handsome dresses which portray all that is new in Fall and Winter one-piece models. This is one of the finest collections of high-class dresses we have offered in a special sale. Every popular color, such as black, navy, green, brown and evening shades. In solid cloth or combinations of satin and serge. $32.50 Newest Tailored Suits for $23.85 In these suits are featured the newest 26, 27 and 28-inch length jackets, and in styles that will be favored for Spring garments. They are made of serge and gabar dine in black, navy, blue and Copenhagen, having skirts fashioned in the new flare styles with' plain or yoke top. Every Novelty Dress Smart skirts of finest quality English and French serges in black plaited, flare and yoke-top effects. Some with deep yokes of satin, others trimmed with girdles and sashes. Perfectly made and tailored. Every Dress Skirt Selling at $6.00 and $7.00, Now $3.95 " Skirts of fine all-wool serge in black and navy blue. Plain and plaited tunic styles and yoke-top models. Some with accordion-plaited under part, others with underskirts of self material. Also some plain and Roman striped effects. Third Floor Laces and Embroideries An Important Sale 50e to 75c Embroideries, 22c VOILE AND CREPE FLOUNCINGS N 75c to $1.00 Embroideries, 29c 45 inches wide, in Venise and Irish effects. Selling 4 to 15-inch embroideries of Swiss, nainsook and to $5.00 yard. Special, $1.33. cambric, with fast, firm edges, in deep and small seal- NARROW FLOUNCINGS lops. In floral and conventional designs. Dainty ruffled and hemstitched effects of lawn and EMBROIDERY INSERTIONS nainsook, in floral and conventional designs. Nainsook, cambric and Swiss" embroidery insertions in $1.50 to $1.95 for 98c blind and eyelet designs. Half to one and a half inches 85c to 95c Flouncings 59c wide. $1.25 Flouncings 79c 18c to 20c Insertions 12c Regular 65c to $30.00 Yard 25c Insertions 15c NQ VELTY LACES, HALF PRICE SPANGLED ALLOVERS AND LACES Regular $2.00 to $10.00 Yard , H?L PHSV- v FLOWERED CHIFFONS, HALF PRICE Regular $3.50 to $8.95 Yard i-irt t ioor possible here in San Francisco," he said. "It remained for Portland to prove that it could be done and for that reason I deem it an exceptional honor to be made a member of the Rosarians." P. H. D'Arcy, of Salem, delivered the address in benalf of the Oregon So ciety. The invocation was by William Ford Nichols, Episcopal bishop. Following the dedication, a rose was planted in front of the Oregon build ing and christened in honor of Mrs. O. M. Clark, wife of the chairman of the Oregon Commission. J. E. Werlein and George Hyland conducted this cere mony and W. J. Hofmann planted ths rose bush, with the assistance of Ed ward Boyce and Master Edward Merges. The shovel used was the one with which the live oak was planted in Portland by the Royal Oaks, of Oak land, two years, ago, and this shovel will be formally given to the Oakland Commercial Club tomorrow night. Miss Mabel Riggs as Princess of Rosaria christened the rose. The enthusiasm which culminated in San Francisco today began to be ap parent when the party reached Sacra mento this morning and was welcomed there by representatives of the Com mercial Club and the Governor. Roy O. Yates was chairman for the Ro sarians at this city and Dr. Henry Waldo Coe was the speaker. Three boxes of Oregon apples were bestowed on the representative of the Governor with the compliments of Oregon. The committee on reception in Sac ramento consisted of D. W. Carmlchael, president of the Commercial Club; S. Glen Andrus, secretary; John S. Cham bers, representing Governor Johnson, who was not in the city; Harry Knopp, Jack Skelton, Steven Hopkins, J. C. Carley, Stephen Day and F. B. Mc Xevitt. The committee in charge of recep tion at San Francisco comprised L. W. Skirt Selling at $10 Buckley, D. O. Lively, G. L. Hutchin. A.. A. .Schel, C. C. Craig and Eugene Shelby. Fred Reed, J. C. Kane and I. Rich ardson, of Oakland, met the Rosarians at the ferry at Benicia and announced $5.00 TO $8.00 BOYS' SUITS, $3.98 All-wool suits of fancy mixtures in Norfolk and sack styles, some of the larger sizes with two pairs of pants. Corduroy suits in brown and mouse color, in fancy Norfolk style, some with patch pockets and sewed-down belts. Sizes 6 to 18 years. NAVY BLUE SERGE AND CHEVIOT $10.00 TO $13.50 BOYS' SUITS, $4.95 Extra fine all-wool navy blue serge and cheviot sack suits of the best quality, fit and finish, in sizes 11 to 18 years only. Suits of fancy all-wool mixtures in Norfolk and sack styles, with patch pockets, sewed-down belts and regulation styles, sizes 6 to 18 years. $9.50 TO $13.50 NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS, $7.95 All our all-wool navy serge suits are included in this sale suits of character, fit and finish seldom shown for boys. In fancy models and plain Norfolks, with patch pockets. Best quality linings. Sizes 6 to 18 years. $9.50 TO $16.50 BOYS' SUITS, $7.95 The finest all-wool mixtures, tweeds and homespuns, in a great variety of snappy models, English cuts, showing patch pockets, sewed-down belts, in fancy checks, stripes in brown, tan, gray and black and white. All made in knickerbocker style. $8.50 TO $12.50 SUITS FOR STOUT BOYS, $4.95 These suits are made for boys that cannot be fitted in regulation sizes. Made of fancy all-wool mixtures and navy blue serges in brown, gray and blue. Ages 14 to 17 years. BOYS' SEPARATE PANTS Sizes 5 to 16 Years 75c to 85c Pants 49c $1.00 Pants 77c $1.50 Pants 98c Our entire stock of boys' fancy wool mixture pants in diagonals, checks and stripes, in brown, tan, gray and black and white. All made in knickerbocker style with taped seams. BOYS' OVERCOATS, HALF PRICE $10.00 Overcoats $5.00 $11.50 Overcoats $5.75 $12.50 Overcoats $6.25 $16.50 Overcoats $8.25 All-wool overcoats, made in box style, with convertible col lar and belted back, half or full lined. Of fancy mixtures, diagonals, and checks. Also some in navy blue. Sizes 8 to 1 7 years. Fourth Floor rightest to $12, Now $7.65 and navy blue. Novelty styles in that the Oakland people, were prepar ing to outdo themselves in the enter tainment of the Oregon party tomor row. Many of the Oakland men will join the party and go to Pasadena and San Diego. Today! For New Year's A SALE OF Boys' Suits and Boys' Coats That Positively Is the Most Important Ever Held in This City f