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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1914)
16 THE MORNING OREGONTAN, THURSDAY. DECE3IBER 31, 1914. y el Year 13 f cord Clearance eier ran Determined to Clear Away Vast Quantities Wanted Merchandise-Drastic Price-Cutting Indulged in Here! Da 1U1UAI ILastt ESS Sales at -.M BUY Today Store Closed Friday New Years Day Sale Women Swisses' and Children s SHOES AT CLEARANCE PRICES FAMOUS J. & T. COUSINS AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN MAKES Women's $5.00 Shoes, Pair $3.85 A great quantity, including blac! kan garoo ooze Button Shoes, with black crav enette tops, and tan .Russia Calf Shoes in lace and button styles, with cloth or leather tops. J. & T. Cousins and other favored makes. Regularly. $5. Clearance, pair, $3.85 Misses' and Children's $2 and $2.50 Shoes Misses Sizes 11 Vi to 2, Pair $1.79 Children's Sizes 8V2 to 11, Pair $1.59 SCHOOL AND DRESS MODELS Strong, sturdy gunmetal Calfskin Shoes for school wear, with heavy soles and low broad heels. Patent leather Dress Shoes, cloth or dull leather tops, broad toes and low heels. Also Jockey Boots, with dull calf tofs and patent leather cuffs around. the top. 8 inches high. Women's $1.25 Felt Juliets Fur-trimmed or plain style, QQ Special, the pair ,.i 07 L Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. HIGH-GRADE ' r "- w 1 b m w m m 1 11 1 k "III - W rw.-v & - 1. A III Al VIAA' " yVS UM' FORMER PRICES NOT CON A SIDERED CLEARANCE IMPERATIVE ON LOTS j TO BE CLOSED OUT ALL REYNIER SUEDE AND GLACE FINE FRENCH KID GLOVES REDUCED All $1.50 Short Reynier Gloves, Pair '.$1.25 All $1.75 Short Reynier Gloves, Pair $1.39 All $2.00 Short Reynier Gloves, Pair $1.59 All $2.25 Short Reynier Gloves, Pair $1.75 All $3.50 Long Reynier Gloves, Pair c..$2.65 All $4.25 Long Reynier Gloves, Pair $2.85 $1 AND $1.25 WASHABLE DOESKIN GLOVES, PAIR, 69 Two Pairs, $1.30 White and natural. One clasp, in all sizes. All regular stock. $1.50 AND $1.75 IMPORTED KID GLOVES, PAIR, $1.15 Two Pairs, $2.25 Fine quality short Kid Gloves, with two pearl clasps. Pique sewn, heavily embroidered back. Black, white, tan, mode and slate. $4 TREFOUSSE LONG FRENCH KID GLOVES, PAIR, $2.25 Full elbow length. White only, with Cleopatra buttons. First quality real French kid skins. PERRIN'S $1.25 FRENCH GLOVES. M. & F., $1.50 Qft FRENCH GLOVES. SPECIAL, PAIR . In black, white, tan and gray. Broken lines of sizes and colors. Two styles overseam and pique sewn 1 and 2 clasps plain or embroidered backs. $1.25 REYNIER FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES, PAIR, 75c Black, gray, tan, brown and mode shades. " Overseam sewn. Fine quality French Suede Gloves. Three-clasp style. $3;50 LONG WHITE KID GLOVES, PAIR, $1.98 Real French kid, 12-button length, with three buttons at wrist. Overseam sewn, in all sizes. $2.50 LONG WHITE KID GLOVES, PAIR, $1.39 1600 pairs to be disposed of. Splendid quality imported Gloves, 12 and 16-button length, three-clasp style. All overseam sewn. Come in every size. Kir.t Floor, sixth-st. Bids. Women's Imported Neckwear I III I L. V. H Worth $25 Clearance Price . . . . . . . . 75 c 5c 1200 pieces in the group which includes Plauen and St. Gall Lace Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets, Coat Reveres, Guimpes, Vestees and novelties. Also a great and varied assortment of Organdie and Pique Novelties. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Ribbon Remnants Enter JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. For Remnants Worth 30c, 50c and 65c Basket after basket of Remnants of beautiful Ribbons left from our great Christmas selling have just been gotten into shape tor sale during Clearance. Every style, all lengths and every color yon may wish. Great bunches of narrow Rib bons sold as Remnants. Every Remnant, each 15. No Remnants Exchanged. No Telephone Orders Filled. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids;. Sheets and Bed Spreads at Clearance Prices EXTRA HEAVY QUALITY SHEETS Full Bleached Muslin Torn Before Hemming. Size 214x2 yards, only 59 Size 2V4x2 yards, only 65t Size 2x3 yards, only 70 SOFT FINISHED MUSLIN SHEETS 49c Good, heavy quality. Size 76x90 inches. Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Charge Purchases Made Today Go on Jan uary Accounts, Payable February 1st, 1915 Clearance All Womens Apparel OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THRIFTY BUYING! Tailored Suits for Women and Misses RADICALLY UNDERPRICED! Fashionably made in the newest Fall and "Winter models.' Serges, cheviots, gabar dine, worsteds and velvet in all the newest and most favored shades. $12.50 to $17.50 Suits reduced to. $ 6.85 $18.50 to $20.00 Suits reduced to $ 9.15 $20.00 to $22.50 Suits reduced to $12.45 $25.00 to $27.50 Suits reduced to. .$14.65 $27.50 to $30.00 Suits reduced to $16.45 $32.50 to $45.00 Suits reduced to $22.50 Coats for Women and Misses FINAL REDUCTIONS FOR CLEARANCE The Winter Coats must be cleared awaj". Note these reductions on new models, three-quarter and full length, lined, half lined or unlined. Fashionable materials and styles. $ 8.50 to $10.00 Coats reduced to $ ' 5.90 $10.00 to $12.50 Coats reduced to ... $ 7.65 $12.50 to $17.50 Coats reduced to $ 9.45 $17.50 to $20.00 Coats reduced to $12.55 $20.00 to $30.00 Coats reduced to $14.85 $30.00 to $37.50 Coats reduced to $18.65 Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. IIIIiSIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIXIIIIIIIIlIElIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIZIIIIIIIIIIXIIlIIIIIIllIlIIIIIIlllIIIlniIIIIIIIIIIISIlII13I2t IIIIIIIIIII11IIIIII11I11I1II2 I Attend This Clearance Sale of I MILLINERY I $9.75 LOT 1 Group of Imported Hats, regularly priced $20 to $3o. Clearance price LOT 2 All Untrimmed Shapes $5 to $7 qualities, a great variety to tf0 Cf choose from. Clearance price tpS.O 3 LOT 3 Untrimmed Shapes All $3 to $5 E qualities, large assortment, rf I CS Clearance price. p J. 2 LOT 4 Fancy Feathers HALF PRICE ALL FANCY FLOWERS, OFF LOT 5 Children's Hats, Less & y2 Price E Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. SilllfllllUSflllEllllIIllIlllIIIinillllllllllim UIIIIfllllllllllllllllflllltlllllElIlIIIIf lEUIIIIIIIIIIIUllld IIIItlllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllRS Clearance Men s urnishings Entire Stock of "Gotham" Shirts Now Un tier priced for Clearance! FULL DRESS E.&W RICE TIES 1 10) SHIRTS Z All Fancy 4-in-Hands PRIfP 50c and Better Grades at f dL ii iiiiiLfl Handkerchiefs by the box at : Clearance Prices Perrin's Gloves for men, Clearance, pair $1.29 Dent's Gloves for men, Clearance, pair 1.35 Flrt Floor, Temporary Ann o 1 f The- Quality" Stor& of Portland FiftK., 3ix.-trv "MoTrisorj Alder Sta. J Store Closed Friday New Year's Day BUY Today Every House Dress Reduced FOB CLEARANCE INCLUDING FAMOUS "DIX" MAKE! House Dresses at 98c 500 in the lot. House Dresses and Double Service Dresses. Per cales, ginghams and chambrays of excellent quality. Sizes 34 to 44. All $1.35 and $1.50 House Dresses, now Sl.lO All $1.75 and $2.25 House Dresses, now $1.49 All $2.50 and $2.75 House Dresses, now $1.87 All $2.95 to $3.50 House Dresses, now $2.59 All $3.75 and $3.95 House Dresses, now $3.29 All $1.50 to $5.00 House Dresses, now $3.75 SPECIAL LOT "DIX" MAKE DRESSES $1.87 Made of fine lawns, chambrays, linens and ginghams, with every detail of style and workmanship always maintained in "Dix Dresses while any of the lot remain, $1.87. -fifth Kloor, Slxth-St. Bids. AH Women's Bathrobes REDUCED TOR CLEARANCE SALE. $3.50 to $4.50 Robes, $2.48 100 in lot, a broken assortment of styles and 6izes. Great variety in the lot. $4.25 and $4.50 Bathrobes $3.25 $5.95 and $6.75 Bathrobes $4.89 $6.95 and $7.95 Bathrobes.. : $5.85 ' Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. A Great Clearance Sale of Children's and Juniors' Lingerie Dresses WHITE AND DAINTY COLORS. Regularly $10 to $25. For Clearance .... V2 Price Lingerie Dresses made of the finest imported materials, beautifully trimmed with Cluny and filet laces. Made in the most youthful and desirable styles, with long-waisted or tunic effects. Also pique and voile Dresses. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Fifth Floor. Slxth-St Bids. CHILDREN'S MIDDY BLOUSES 50 A General Clearance Now in Effect Small lots of middies all of splendid quality included at this remarkable price for Clearance. White gala tea with blue and red collars, Balkan, coat and regula tion styles. Sizes 8 to 12 years only. "lf th Floor, Sixth-St. Bids. Entire Lines of Fancy Bead Chains At These Wonderful Reductions All $1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Bead Chains, now 69 All $1.50 and $1.75 Fancy Bead Chains, now 89 All $2.00 and $2.25 Fancy Bead Chains, now 97c All $2.50 and $2.75 Fancy Bead Chains, now ; .$1.27 All $3.50 Fancy Bead Chains, now $1.87 All $4.50 fancy Bead Chains, now $2.27 All $6.00 Fancy Bead Chains, now $3.67 All $7.50 and $7.75 Fancy Bead Chains $4.67 All $9.00 and $9.50 Fancy Bead Chains $5.27 All 25c Fancy Bead Chains, now 15c All 35c Fancy Bead Chains, now 21p All 50c and 75c Bead Chains, now 37c All $10.00 Fancy Bead Chains, now. . .$5.87 All $12.00 Fancy Bead Chains, now. ..$7.27 All $13.50 Fancy Bead Chains, now. ..$7.87 First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Steamer and Auto Robes Regularly Selling $7.50, $S.50, 310 For Clearance ... 50 ONLY IN LOT All made of pure wool by the famous Chase and Oregon City Mills and backed by the guarantees of tliese reliable mills. Scottish Clan patterns, the most well-known plaids, included in the 50 offered at this deeply reduced price for Clearance. Larg3 sizes, 60x80 and 66x86. Those who are in a position to know will re alize that THESE RUGS ARE OFFERED, IN SOME INSTANCES, AT LESS THAN REGULAR WHOLESALE QUOTATIONS. While Any of the 50 Remain Priced at $5.75. Fifth Floor, Temporary Annrx 'o. 1 New California Navel Oranges CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. 200-size Navels, dozen 15c case $2.45 176-size Navels, dozen 19c case $2.65 150-size Navels, dozen 2212 case $2.65 126-size Navels, dozen 29c case $2.65 lure Food tirovery. Busvinent. Mxtli-Si. Uld. V